SaMtA! rJ IQTbe Summer Of life a woman may find herself fading and failing. She doesn't understand it. She goes to doctors, who treat her for this or for that, but she gets no better. She grows frail and pale. She can just "drag about the house," but has no pleasure in life. Man such women have taken advant age5 of Dr. Pierce's offer ol free consult ation by letter, and have been restored by Dr. Pierce's treatment to per fect health. There is no more wonder ful medicine for women than Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Its action upon the womanly organs is ai once apparent in the decrease of pain and the in cfease of strength It cures female weakness and such diseases as take away the strength ana Deauty of women. ,01c women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter free. All corres pondence private. Address fierce. Buna' APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE NAVY. TREASURER POTTER VIGOROUS AT tt; inpittsburo. . i in niM 'xvw frwwi i I .' .1 U I Senator Butler Precipitated Dis cussion of the Armor Plate Question. V - 1 i Aged Bank Official Writes a Long, Gratefal Letter to Proprietors : of Pained Celeiy Componnd 7 Large fire Arnistronf Brothers' Cork Factory tod Otoer BoJMiaf Dertreyed-The Loss ,.; Nearly $50M89-PaHy Insured. A SfcNSATiON IN THE HOUSE. t Representative Browo, Republican, from Ohio,. Coodemoed McKinley's Colo nial Policy Urged Congress to Qive Fillploos Independence Dr. p v erce, Buffalo. N. Y. "Before I commenced to use vour mUrin t four doctors treated me," writes Mrs. BetUe askew, or Gary, burg, Northampton Co., N, C. if ':.f.!?i'ie,??veme the "me me re lief, but It did not last lone. I was some days '""y bed and some days I dragged about the house. I have used five bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and five of the Golden i-.. . d DF?ve,ry.'' nd fw vtals of the ' Pel- IV- I el like a new woman, and I want toe world to know it." - The action of the "Favorite Prescrip tion is assisted by the use of "Pleasant Pellets " when the bowels are irregular. OPEN TBE DOOR OP TOCB HEART - ' HOSES O. SHIRLEY. Open the door of your bear my lad, -To the angels of love and truth, When the world is full of unnumber i ed joys Io the beautiful dawn of youth; Casting aside all the things that mar, Baying to wrong, depart To the voices of hope that are calling you Open the door of your heart. Open the door of your heart, my lass. To the things that shall abide, To the holy thoughts that lift your soul Like the stars at eventide: All of the fadeless flowers that bloom In the realms of song and heart Are yours if you'll only give them room. Open the door of your heart. of your heart, my Open the door friend. Heedless of class or creed, When you hear the cry of a brother's voice. The sob of a child in need : TV U .LJ 1 ... iuu" auiDing neayen that oer bends You need map or chart, But only the love the Master gave. Open the door of your heart Boston Transcript. you . 1 CURRENT COMMENT. ! " "Aunt" Hanna Rivers, the only negro ever allowed to live in Nashville, 111., haKmoyed away taking her permit with er, The way those northern phariseea love a nigger passes all understanding. . , " Tne onl7 wa7 for the admin istration to get around the solemn pledge of the United States to leave Cuba free, is to incite some disorder, as an excuse for prolonging the military occupation of the island. I'hia ia tk. Zi. - . " "jr ib was managed in the Philippines. Philadelphia Times, Dem. John Brown was a "smasher," and Kansas has made a hero of him. Similarly, in voting a gold medal to Mrs. Nation the Kansas Temperance Union makes a heroine of her, and very intemperately puts a premium upon violence. There is too much sentimental tolerance of fanatics who take it upon themselves to run the world. Pniabelphia Record,. Dem. -We hear little about "Cuba libre nowadays and mnfli )nf tk. danger to commercial and other interests in allowing the Cubans to run the island on which they live. Indeed it is quite evident that the administration would much prefer never to see Cuba "libre" at all in ??J JnlLan conplete sense. The Xuba libre" sentiment seems to havebeen used up almost as fast as thelreroes of the Spanish-American war. Macon Telegraph, Dem. SUNDAY SELECTIONS. Br Tftitirr&Dt V tee Mornlntr star Washington, Feb 9. During al most the entire session of to-day the Senate bad under" consideration the Naval Appropriation bill. Practical ly the bill was completed when it was laid aside for the day, all of the com mittee amendments being adopted; but as the measure was about to be placed on its nassaee. 8enator Rutin North Carolina, precipiated a dUcus sion of the armor plate question..- In order to enable some others to speak upon the matter, the bill was laid aside until Motidav EuloiriM nnnn the late Representative Alfri-d O Bar- mer, of Pennsylvania, concluded the session. The passage at the beginning of the session or ine oeoaie or a bill granting a pension of $50 a month to Stacy H. Cogswell, Company F, 13ib Indiana Volunteer Ii faotrv. induced Rntn Tillman, South Carolina, to make some forcible; comments upon the Bouse in noi iKtng action upon a bill pro vlding pension for a Mexican war veteran who bad resided in South Carolina during tbe civil war and naturally bad been in sympathy with the Confederacy The bill bad been passed by tbe Senate but the House invalid pension committee was delay ing final action upon it, 8enator Till man urged. He said there was such sensational animosity in the House committee that members refused to permit action upon the bill for the benefit of this old Mexican veteran. ' Is the war over or is it notfrin- I manded Senator Tillman, with vehe mence. "Let us fiiid, out whether it is or not." "I awear by the'Almighty God, that I will not let another pension bill pass this Senate until this old man gets justice!" The resolution offered yesterday by Senator Berry calling upon the Presi- aent ror information as to whether ihe American minister in Coina has joined with the representatives of other powers in d manding the execution of Prince Tuan and other Chinese of flcials, was adopted without debate. While the Naval bill was under consideration Senator Butler, called attention to tbe paragraph in the bill appropriating $4,000,000 to pay for armor plate already contracted for. If the bill has provided the entire sum necessary to pay for armor contract ed for, it would ca'rry.for that purpose he said $16 664 550. He declared the Senate absolutelv was ni-ttrlnnVri considering the matter now because Congress has authorized the Secretary of the Navy to pay for armor what ever the armor trust could bold bim up to. in the course of his sneech. in u . . i ue reviewed me old By Tatecraph to tbe Morning Btar. ' Pittsburg, Pa, Feb. 9-Theflve-atory brick building at 23rd street and Allegheny Valley railroad, decupied' by the Armstrong Brothers, cork fac tory, was completely destroyed by fire to-dav together with the foundry ana machine shop or the Tatten Hogg Iroa and Su-el Foundry Company on 4n street adjoining tbe Armstrongs. The loss wih reach almoat $500,000, witn insurance covering the amount fully The cot 11 tg ration was one of toe most spectacular sean in Pittsburg for a long time. The flames from the main building of the Armstrong fac tory where the hre originated, spread with astonishing rapidity and five alarms were sounded in quick succes sion, calling all the engines ia tbe lower city to the scene. Great ex cuwment prevailed because the em ployes of the cork factory, number ing 1500. were all at work and it was reared that many of tbe girls and boys in tbe building would not be able to escape. Fortunately, the several es capes and tbe firemen's ladders pro viaed ample means for the safety of all. In spite of tbe firemen's good work the flames jumped across tne "reet, ate , tbeir wav Into tbe Totton esc uogg foundry ai.d laid waste the foundry and machine shops before mey couia be checked TU A . ... iUo Armstrong core .factory was me largest plant of the kind in the cuuoirj aoo ine company has offices in most or tne principal cities All of inevaiuaoie machinery was destroy- cu out iu Dooica ;and papers in tbe unices were saved. r K22 llssiBsgma5BssssssssssBagTTS-,iffr j nr't::-.,j;ii.itii'lM:it'ilii4niinnnn;ii)f ii ( .nnnin ef?etablePrcparationfbrAs- similating OicFoodandRcgula ting the Stomachs andJ3owels cf L Promotes Di6esHort,CteerruI- ficss and Kest.contains neitncr Opium, Mprphme nor Mineral. Not Nahc otic. MS) II 11 ! rhicb armor . Butler declared question, Senator mat ov the present arrangement athe Government was makinir a clear Hn nation of $5,000,000 to the armor trust. At the conclusion of 8enator But ler's sneech the Naval hill r.. i... - - iwu aside.- -Hoasc i of Kepreseatstlves. The consideration of the Diplomatic! and Consular Appropriation bill in th3 Bouse to day developed something of a sensation when Representative Brown, of Ohio,- standing in the centre of the Republican side of the chamber, made a speech strongly con- coioniai policy and urgin? tnat (Jongress should at once give assu rance to the Filipinos that it is tbe purpose of the United 8tates to give them independence. His announce ment that he advocated a resolution to that effect was loudly applauded on the Democratic side, and at the close or his speech many of his Republican associates crowded about him and con gratulated bim Representatives Meyers, Indiana, and Dinsmore, Arkansas, also spoke on the Philippines. The consideration of th a Ttmi a - - v . Sjr a aM CS) r M j and Consular bUl went over . at 2 o clock and the rest of tbe day was given to eulogies of the late Represen utives Daly of New Jersey and Wise of Eighty two years old, and free from aches, pains, and feebleness! The last ten years of his life the healthiest be has known. And forty five years a life span f or most people of bard work and re- spot, sioi my as a bank cashier and tr aur-r to look back upon. T71 jj or toe past ten years Mr. Potter oas never Known a day of serious sick ness Previous to that time he suffmd irom nervous prostration that ci to him for six year. inav inu remarkable immunity from weakness and disuse at huch a tim- ln me, ns not happened oy chance no one knows better than ihe ae-d treasurer nimself In Jun isai when Buttering from a number of old chrtnic complaints, Mr Potior 8 inaucea o? relatives to use Paine's ceierv compound f. r tbe first tim The eflVct ws immediately beueficial The uninterrupted good health that hi has since enjoyed dates fiom that time Mr. Putter's grateful letter to the proprietors of Paine's celery com P'Jund ia bised on long personal ex perience and also a full knowledge of what it has done for very many of his friends to whom he has in turn recom mended the great remedy that made him well Mr. Potter's letter is given in its entirety: rntvnirtl1a T T Wells, Richardson & Co , ' ' Gentlemen : I have the. utmost raith in Paine's celery compound, be cause of the great good that it has done m and man v nhr of mv ac quaintance tbt has come under my personal knowledge within the last seven years. In 1865 I had to give up business on account of very poor health. I was suffering from a num ber of old chronic complaints. Among the rest I had complete nervous pros tration from which I suffered for six vears. in June, 1891, I commenced tne use of fame's celery compound a.rter laaing a few bottles I found that the old complaints began to ease upwuicn encouraged me to keep on wiiu tne compound. 1 soon got over ii or tnoae troubles that had clung to mo iur ao long, ano got out and vas more like myself. Since then I ham Ti bottles in the spring ad rail as a tonic, and sometimes a few J-oottles between as a preventive. i am inclined to believe in the old adarge tbat ''Ad ounce of preventions worth more than a . pound of cure," au when there has been prevailing s etc ness in tbe communitv, such as grippe malria fevers, etc , I take tbe com' pound, aod thus far have had none of these ailments, although they have been prevalent all arnilnri ma an lli. I have great faith in Pain e'a pjtlvn compound as a preventive. I hav recommended the comnonnd tn many of my friends, and T h th. Satisfaction of knnwim, tk.t it I don them verv much onmi I Wa4 CiShier of thn hr ir n a..tu County fOP 29 yea-s, and for tbe last nrteen years was scretarv mrf urer of tbe new savings bank in cou necuon who tbe National Bank My DOsition in tho kn.. last work T am fig ..ij - ' va Most sincerely yours. , J- B. Pottks. For recruiting the strength and spent energies of men and women advanced in years, there can be no substitute for Paine's celery com pound. It is the one preparation con sidered worthy the name of a tm nerve food and blood remedy by phy sicians throughout tbe country. It is prescribed by them in every State in the Union to tone up the system, regulate the nerves, and restore health and strength. Nothing in the past has ever ap pmached it In power of building up weakened nerve tissues and giving strength to tbe tired body. In severe cases of persistent headache, dyspepsia, neuralgia, and sleeplessness, due to nervous feebleness. Fame's celery compound has a -record of rapid and lasting cures that embraces every city a-d town in the wide sweep of tbe United States. lis remarkable power over disease lies in its active replacing of worn out parts by new, healthy ones, and its healing and nurifvinsr action mon tne most minute tissues of the body. The heavy, alarming pain in the back and loins disaonears: the vmw- ing paleness, nervousness, and loss of flesh is stopped, and a bright, buoyant reeling gradually takes the, nla that unending sense of tire and vou8 depression. An improved appetite, sound di gestioo, uninterrupted sleep, and an energetic nervous condition invariably follow the use of Paine's celery com- ATTACKED BY HIGHWAYMAN. moocr uot Away With a Satchel Coatalalog $1,100, But Was Caoght aid the Moaey Recovered. By Telagrapti to tbe Monilni? star rm L a DELPHI A. Pa.. Feb. 9 onortly after leaving the Ninth Na tional Bank to-day with a satchel con taining $1,100 with which he intended Sit ml?. their weekly Yn ,r u. senior member of Peter Woll & Sons, curled hair manufacturers, was attacked by a highwayman The robber at first got aTy Wltn tbe money but was com pelled to drop it by a by stander. u. OU wa fO"owed from the bank by ths man, who finally stooped him at the corner of Norris and How ard streets. The hiffh...m.n ..;J . Better giye me that money." o, l need it," replied Mr. Woll 7 nrst thought the mi joking. At that the highwayman sprang up on Woll, who is 70 years old. knock- A a. . j uuu aown and ran off with satcbeL A I nc jayer at worft nearby wit nB uit and captured tbe uiKuwayman, woo in the struggle r uiuuej, wnicn was Hrvuipiiy recovered by Mr. W .11. He turn onae. nis escape, but was again K-auu ur a p uiC4-man whn h. i attme.tiH --II-V u i . - uo 3 mF "Oil's caUs for help After a chase of two j A policeman caught the foot pau. ne save hu mm. t u " ma wukuu Edwards and said be bad attempted tbe robbery to get sent to the house of vurrrcuoo i t me winter. Mr W.ili was nm 8'if.u'V . -ured fcapg af Old Dr SAMUEL PITCHES ALx.Sertfu Anut Sttd. HitmSted- Ancrfect Remcdv for Conslina- tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea. vVorms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. - facsimile Signature of j - NEW "YORK. inr For Infants and Children The KinrJ You Have Always Bought Bears Signati EXACT C0PVDF WRAPPER. wttfiBttiiawaaavBsaaHaawaMaBBaaaA If the , ire- r a ir in ii use For Over thirty Years 1 inii thb crwTw cwiit, mw tom errv. Just received 20 cases of the celebrated "Battle Axe Shoe 55 FOR MEN. The best Shoe made for the price. Hand Sewed. Goodjear Welt Bangi, g in price from- ' $1.75 to $2.50 the To Repair Broken Arti cles use rs l.,JS2t I If fflajo mar a y Remember MAJOR'S RUBBER CEMENT. MAJOR'S LEATHER CEMENT. THlRD - ' ' --mmmmmmwmm i " .J1 Hriog is worth more than plausible theories. -- When he that is rich in purse bette1?00' la Bpirit'"the world w made I am trvinff to ahnv that the church is not sacred, but that the w.hole earth is.-John RusJcin. ...T SaAie?,e.i8 ballast of the tnmk.V; ' til Keep 11 rrom 'oiling and tumbling in the greatest storm.-Btg op Hopkins. uJTC.h8tha8 lived aQd he asks liviBg followers. He has died, a living ..IT iL1 th$ human wiadom has ?ve5 been ble to learn for itself is Christ that we can know what He is. f7" ?he We8sinkT of Jeans upon the ths?tchtt.pto, "l Swishes j u tnat 'Jbody may be useful kKw diSl61 iBt?? but thfuland heaven. Coant iu the Ktom of If I see one fond of appearance, ture, fine equipagts, all above his AIM 1 Hazlnr at West Poiat The report of the special congress ional committee which investigated the hazing of cadet Bjoz and tbe gen eral subject of hazing at West Point was submitted to the House by the chairman of the committee. Represen tative Dick, together with a bill mak ing stringent regulations against baz ing. fighting, and all brutal practices. Ihe report ia an exhaustive review of tne practice of hazing in all its forms, and while moderate in tone is never tbeless a stinging arraignment of the many alleged brutal practices enumer ated in it. Tbe report says that such fighting as that at West Point is a felony according tn h .t.n.. many of the 8t-tes, and tbe time has tTlfh 0wuKre must decide whether fights, which are high crimes elsewhere shall continue at West romL The bill submitted contains .V a oc,on against hazing, and provides means for iu detection and punishment. Dismissal is provided for rfi,.,i "rt,in,. MUt or a challenge, directly or indirectly, or for any torm ?L-0,lnrha8'in,f' bracing of dMts-V, C.adeli d,nied are made ineligible to appointment to th OP marine corps Provision U ujmjo iur courts of martials. cluafr vucw, ana oiner means fizing0 8UPiK he practice of Postmsster's Pltht With Poor Masked Men Who Attempted to Rob the Office at Emma. N. C. i inquiry, court association between THE VANDERBILT HEIRS By Telegraph to the Morning star. Asheyille. N. C., Feb. 9 Pour masked men attemntAd t r - w vw tuvj postotDce and store at Emma, tbe first iiion out irom Asheville on the Southern railway, last night, with the u. mat two wnne men and one negro are dangerously shot and one r"lkD "Jau ana a negro escaped in J ( About 10 o'clock 8amuel Alexander assistant t- . . . . T inBkuiiuiusr ana clerk at .U..UUJ wa8 aroused by a knock and a request to get some one's mail Oo oprnmg the door Alexander was covered by a pistol and ordered to uu lock the safe woicli he did. One of the robbers held tbe pistol on Alex ander while the other began to loot the safe. Alexander at an nnnnttn.u moment grabbed the pistol of the robber while the latter was going through the safe, and began firing At the same time the other robber opened fire on him. Two of tbe rob bers were badly wounded, one pos sibly fatally, and Alexander has an ugly wound in the side of the abdomen and back. The police were notified and. this morning all the robbers were safemjsil. Two of the robbers were white and two negroes. The white men are Buss Gate and Dudley John son. The latter is supposed to be a man wanted in Florida for murder The negroes are Ben Foster and Harry Mil Iaw aw a 2 . a av vuuvici ana wen known to the local police. IWIINKLINUS - He (musingly) -"Let me see! When in doubt She rlUln- fully)-aive her a diamond "- " When a man admits a war aHT.l .1 ,ys aad orrows." remark ., , ..- y' uvonta ana rniogs. a siient Statesman. one." Tonker'8 afar, vary dear, for M. .hi.ti. ... n " Franklin. FATAL AFFRAY IN CHARLOTTE. NelMB Hamrlck Shot aad Killed aid Hli Brother PaUJIy Wousded. By Telegraph to the Morning Btar. r i ' ouruary 9. wui tne paying ,, " .T"101' ,oa of- th bief of .tH-H 1 rtened-. The dogate u-iu.-uuj auiea in Dick Bailev'a narlMr ihnn In J.- m , ay I, "he has paid Served With Notices Calllor for Paymeot of the Inheritance Tax. By TaiamDii to tne Mornuuc star. Nkw York, Feb. 9. Heira of rW nelius Vanderbilt haye been served with notices calling upon them to pay into the Bute treasury the amount of tneir inheritance tax. The total tax - .,BWMuie or the million aire, agreed upon between representa tives of the Bute eomntm.).. a. gate Fitzgerald and Vt;;.;'. 7" .u. WARM WIVELETS 1324.960. vanuerouH, amounts to " BMIUI1TB OI inn . nu iln. estate, about the payin of wMk i wroer anop IO day. Hia broth tt TTT ' "iijr anot. The Hamrick boy attempted to smash the ,bff 5f?r of Mra Nation! While Bailey waS ahaving a customer Bailey laid down his razor and nick ing up his pistol used it with the result stated. The Hamricks come of good family. Bailey says he had to shoot them ia tell defence. tor. tbe estate and siduary estate from 1 1 1 .. uoiuaea ine re present taxation. tZwfvAA?Tm Dld yu hear of the bv7 Hide5 th" hPPned to Dan WaJlitm"nto wious that fi"0"1 intimate friends were unable torecognize him." Duddy Terribl "A1. BJJw.y collWonl Fell off 1 Wt lf 1 " y,dy-Worae; he has t lost all fall money Tit Bits! who drafted tbe first platform of the Re publican party died yeaterday at BpriBgfirld, Ohio. Fifty American and t wo 1111 aa TP: Hpino women organized the Women's xreace league in Manila . The league- 5wiii wu auvereigniy.- A. uipioo woman presided. . Ada Gray, the actress, whose name is inseparably connected with "East Lynne," is seriously ill ii, the home for incurables at Ford ham, N Y.! She Is there as a ward of the actor's fund. . Captain John T, Brady died yester day at his home in Norfolk, V... after a short illness. H ... . . Elk, and president of the new Virginia-1 C arolina oaaeoaii league, and Prominent in other organizations. Representative Small, of North Car olina, introduced a bill In the House to Prohibit the sale or manufacture of distilled spirits, fermented liquors or wines, made under the authority of the State, where t& salnS la prohibited by the laws of the Bute. Father -"Do you think I ought to have my daughter's voice ?.Ur"Jald V A-bsent Minded Visitor 1 should think you ouirht to have somethmg dooe for it "Tit-Btts. The Owner "See here! You W,1f,t,lDdie that 'k more care fully ! The Porter "I'll look out for it. sir. I know a man let one fall on his toes last month, an' he ain't out of the hospital yet." Brooklyn Life. "Oh, mamma, mayn't I go to the party the little girl next door is g-ing to give I" "No. my dear it would hardly be the thing, as you are f,:- w,r,rD,Df Un' dear me! I think I d almost rather give up the mourning." Life. Social Rivalry "Has your wife much soci-l ambition?' "Social am- Ortl'uI VV nen aha rA ok.. . t Uurzou s fit-ohant rmrtv in T..Ai -.,.., . - - J - QUO said if she knew where he could rent whalta. ah'd i party." Detroit Free Press "What if I werA Ann A n h . v w UiVOD usbands. mv dear, who oat in the moroiDg and bang things about and kick everything ov r just because Xi&Z&r "xCJ,dl': Johnr-re.naVd "Z" x make it hot for you As her words admitted nt more than: one intemrAtatm.. tw sairt not hing about the coffee Boston wise fU4. . o The 8nPeiintendent of schools r:'""ue. ww.. desirous of testing Ii wmpoBiuoD existing in a class of eight year-old. r.nA that three" sentenma on pur- fln- Tolatoi'a Sense of Ifnnn At one music party at Count Tolstoi's a In v'a dnirlm. .1 : . uispii-aseu ine count s boys, and they adjourned to another room ana made a noise. Their father lust patience and went after them, and vuaraciensnc admonition ensued. are you making a noise Poser" he asked. oviuc ucsuaiion came an awer .in the affirmative. "Y-y-yes." iJoes not her singing please you?" well. no. Why does she howl?" de- viureu one of the boys, with vexation. jou wisn to protest against her singing?" asked Lyeff Nikolaevitch In a criuus tone. 'Tea." Iimi . - xuen go out and say so or stand in the middle of the room and tell every viie present. Tnat would be rude, but uprignt and honest. But you have got wgeiner and are squealing like grass noppers in a corner. I will not endure sncn protests." Newcastle (Bngland) ijjironicie. We Haye Sold Onr Christmas Goods! but we still have a full line of Groceries, Which we will soil aa CHEAP ava avny others. Give as a call and see for your selves. Williams Bros., jantstf Wfl.N.O. .11 pirm n. r i it . rsi. Tisj? - -a fS i iaU? mxfi 1 . t 1 " f"'"v"Trii f rrfliJ As a Special in LADIES' SHOES this week, Wilmington's Big Racket Store, 208-210 North Front Street feb 10 tr ForFBEB SckUrski9 POSITI9NS GUARANTBBD, - undar S3.000 Cash Oepoait. - RJ road Far Paid. opaD all yr to Both Saxa. Vary Chaap Beara. "rpA laoaaa itaaineM OoUage, sap U m w . . r Nasal CATARRH ha Bau 1- " wu uuo or me tnree oees," -ooys" aLd "bear ' "Harry is so South African words. a -- . ... A.uurusiy concocted the follow "fc.'Boys bees bare when they go in swimming," Shame on Him: well posted on this ou jouog airs Kidder: "and ne just loves to discuss it with me jUM: he says, I have such an in telligent conception of it " "I, that of" said her friend. "Yes, and last night he explained in detail how the Bwiss navy, in command of Gen. . Richard Croker paid up his 15,000 income tax , to those British taxers, because he did not want to let then into the secret where his came from. Dick "t-nnwo 1,!- 1 bnsiness, , " uwu In all lta atagea than aboDld be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm cleaves, soothes aad heals the diseased membrane. It cares catarrh and drives away a cold in the head quickly. Cream Balm is placed Into the noatrfJs, spreads over the membrane and Is absorbed! Belief la im mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying does not produce sneering. Large Size, 60 cents at Drug. gist or by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. JELY BfiOTHEBS, 58 Warren Street, New York, sep 16 tf aa to th REASONABLE GOODS. MULLETS, new catch. Best Geam Cheese. Martin's Gilt Edge Butter. sagging and Ties. SALT. DEMAND A.T THIS BSASDH Sole agents for ROB ROY FT.OTTR.. B&Mtaajaeaaasajsaaaaaa HcNAIR & PEARSALL J. W. NOBWOOD. PRHB t " rfc t ANDREW MOEKLANDi CASHIER GORE VICE PRES. Capital Surplus, &c I ATLANTIC lilllUI. saoooi. Deposit your money where it fs raf-st w aDe8t baiiklotr far.nitina 1 mnnnn nn L.. BRIDOER8, J. POWERS. Deposits 3 a vvji finest baKlog acuities la North' CarollnTO AZ&T? DIRBCTOH8t feh WORTH, D. L GORE, H. B. 8H0RT, J. W. 8 P. MCNAJR, W E. 8PRINQER, G A. NORWOOD H L. VOLLER8 t. COKEtt. Do yon rest easy aDont yonr money ? W Z?2T.Dp?8,t 1" the latest aid finl' D Nonh Caro lina, where It ill ber Interest. . . AT KATE OF PER ANNUM, 46- i 1; Uur next quarter begins March l8t THE WILMINGTON Compounded Quarterly, and Is subject to check, without notice, J. w, White Spring and Rust Pioof Oats. Seed Potatoes. Fertilizers, bait, nolasses, &c. HALL & PEAE8ALL. :HOISALB GROCERS re8tr , , ., Wutt toa Mnlberry. L XL. a . Tr ine past tew weeks, not writ. ing advertisements, BUT SELLING GOODS. We have so many good things that we haven't time nor space to tell you of them, but cor dially Invite you to call and see them. Alwavs aomathma- - nrT and everything up to date, at LOWEST POSSIBLE CASH PRICES. We are still moving great numbers r of Douglas and Duttenhoefer SHOES, but have new ones coming every weekC We can always SUIT YOU IN STYLE, FIT AND PRICE. MERCER &JEVAMS COMPANY, Deoartment Stores. nbiott us ana 117 Princess stmt. NOKWOOO, PreaUetu. . T4VLIIH. SAYINGS & TRUST CO. Vic Pr..Unl W r a. l TT "? AfSa k a. . U. WtLTBHs, Jr.. C ashlar. MICHIGAN FLOOR: 366 Ba-rrela Beat Pi oar. 224 H-barrel baa;.. 816 k.ttarrel bar. 3.240 l-8-brrrl bmgu. . 1.690 1.1 e-barrelbatfs. 1.840 Baahela Fed Oats. 460 Bmahl R. P. Oavts. 1.890 BaahlaGe d Corn. 438 Bale. 0. 1 Hay. 8,X0 ."If' EPrtd Apple. (1 pound C (atoms Sna loose ) 1.860 Poonda N. C. Apples (baw and boxes J ' Hot oomlntr during- tae year bat now at VY. B. COOPiR'S, Groaar. 308, alO w Hat street. Do not anllnft a-.- r ... Cnstomara wnvuwsw our Seed Potatoes - land Guanos. SEED 180 BAGS GENUINE POTATOES. Those are Good -Seed Potatoes. 10 000 BAGS FERTILIZERS. Iocladln? Armour A Co s Celebrated Brands. Also, one or the blggwt storks or Groceries In the CaroUnas. GET OUR FIGURES BUXIAG. BEFORE D. L. CORE CO., WHOLESALE i growibj ' , area ad Oklaho Arizona " Califori it ia on ; cotton the othi Tery litt - lave p( ; lan,ds or yields i oomparc which ai : :oial fer mills, ma ing the part of t ; duced ac It wUl pfchia beco some yea ton regio Texas, w '.and snpp become cotton, o ducts, i growers i give thei system an ; into othei When GROCERS, Wilmington, n. c Bb9tt

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