P B I8HI0 AT '',' WILMINGTON. N. C, . - AT $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. 888888888S8888S88 888888888888S8888 ??88888888SSSS88 88888888888888888 Hoow s 82888S8S282888888 888888S882888888S ".-SSSSi;2SSSSS8SS SS88gSSSSSSSSS8SS I '.o-ioe8ssa i 2222222oooofiibune will be seen to be just, and a I (1 U Ente-ed at the Pott Office at ilmtgton, N. C, a Second Clan Mxr.l SUBS&RIPTION P ICE. The tobfcrlptlon price of the We' -ly Star li , Single Copy 1 year, pottage paid II CO n " 0 monthi " " 60 " 8 month " " 80 THE NEGRO VOTE. Some of the Republican organs North and South, especially in the .North, Beem to be very much exer cised over what they call the "dis franchisement of the negro" in tho South, and the' progress that dis franchisement is making. Assum ing, although they do not say so, that the U. S. Supreme Court sustain the constitutionality of these State laws, as it has done in the case of Mississippi, they pro pose to get even by the enforcement of the 14th amendment, which would deprive the Southern States having qualified suffrage laws of representation in Congress and in the electoral college in proportion to the number of voters disfran chised. But this may lead to some interesting questions before they get through with it, if they under take it. The Philadelphia' Press is one of the recognized organs of the Re publican party, and one that giyes the cue to other organs because it is supposed to voice the sentiments of the Republican party managers. Its editor-in-chief being a member of the Mr. McKinley's administration, its editorial utterances have more than ordinary significance. This makes the following editorial, which we clip from the Press of Thursday interesting and noteworthy: "The time has come to enforce the Fourteenth, Amendment," remarked the Chicago Tribune iu a leading ar ticle last Tuesday. The remark was made in commenting on a long dis patch from Washington to the Tribune rehearsing the steps already taken, or about to be taked, in Southern States for the disfranchisement of the colored voters. Bat this is only one of the ut terances of Republican aud Demo cratic newspapers on this subject, and which show that the dein&ud for the. enforcement or the Fourteenth Amend meut is supported by a large majority of the people of the country. The movement for the disfranchise ment of the colorfd voters is assuming such proportions that it is noi protbl rvinurAss and the nation can loncer ignore it. It is proceeding faster than many are aware. Four States have already adopted new Constitutions or amendments to existing UJiiSlilutions which take the ballot away from the colored voters. Tne Marylaud Legis lature, now in extra session, will un doubtedly pass a law which will dis franchise the colored voters in that State, and there appears to be every trobability that the Arkansas Legis ature will at the present session vote to submit to the people an amendment to the Constitution simialr to the suf frage amendments adopted in North Carolina last year. The Virginia con stitutional convention, to meet June 12th, will disfranchise the colored voters of - that State and a similar work will be done by the Alabama constitutional convention also to meet this year. "This will make eight of the .orig inal sixteen Southern States which will have- very soon disfranchised their colored voters. But the move ment will not stop there. Tennessee is discussing the same question, and disfranchisement propositions have been made in the Georgia and Texas Legislatures, the only thing prevent ing their passage being the belief of the Democrats in those two States that the colored man is already disfran. chised. The remaining Southern States will doubtless move in the same direction until every one of them has taken the ballot away from the colored man, with the possible exception of Delaware and West Vir ginia. And if the Democrats obtain control of the Legislatures aDd Gov ernors in those two States similar ac tion will be taken there also. The South will then present a solid front with the colored man disfranchised in every State . "It must be remembered that this disfranchisement is not done in the interest of an educated vote. It is done in the interest of the Democratic party and against the colored man. Every State which has disfranchised the colored man has added .a proviso admitting every white man, no matter how ignorant he may be. to the ballot box. And a-few days ago the Demo cratic Richmond- Dispatch remarked in its leading editorial article that it did not suppose that any one denied that the Maryland disfranchisement proposition is in the interest of the Democratic party. As for the fear of negro domination it no longer exists even in the imagination of the white men who raised it and used it to ac complish their purposes. They be lieve they have trained power enough and that the moral sense has become dulkd enough for them to discard that cry and put disfranchisement oh the true ground, namely, the benefit it will bring to the Democratic parly. 'The census will probably place the colored population of the Southern States at nearly, if not fully, 10,000, 000. As the ratio of population to a member of the House of Representa tives, adonted bv Congress last Winter. is 194,175, the 10,000,000 colored people iu the South will ' give that section fifty one Representatives in the House aud the same number of votes in the electoral college. The Republicans have carried the country by large ma jorities m me tnree latest Uongres -sional elections, but in ho one of these elections have they obtained a maior- 2a n mx At 7 VOL. XXXII. tativea. An idea can be gained of the immense power placed in the hands of the South Democrats by disfranchising the colored voter and at the same time retaining repres entation for him in Congress and in the electoral college by supposing that there were 10,000,000 Indians in the Northern States who were not al lowed to vote but from whom the Re publicans demanded representation. . "When the Question is viewed in this liwht ttiA .ttitnHa nt tlim rkiai great 'majority of the fair minded peopie wut agree wun mat newspaper when it says that "the time has come to enforce the Fourteenth Amend ment," and reduce the representation of the Southern States in proportion as they have disfranchised their voters." From a Republican organ's stand point this is a statement of fact. From a disinterested, truthful stand point it is a statement based on as sumption, error and misrepresent ation. It assumes that these laws disfranchise the negro, whereas they do no such thing. There is the assumption based on error while the assertion that the object of these laws is to disfranchise the negro is gross misrepresentation. In not one of the States referred to or in which there is a movement for qualified suffrage has the negro been disfranchised because he is a negro nor will he be in States where qual ified suffrage is under discussion, because he is a negro. In not one of them is the disqualification un conditional or perpetual, and not one of them in which he disfran chised by educational and tax-paying requirements can not become enfranchised again by compliance with these requirements. -Any grown person with sense enough to cast a ballot with anything ; bor dering upon intelligence can learn to read and write in a short while if he care enough for the ballot to ap ply himself to that end. To assert that a law which prescribes a possi ble qualification that any person of ordinary intelligence can comply with in a short time disfranchises the negro is a totally groundless assertion. There is not one of these States where these laws do not apply to the white man as well as the negro, with the exception of Louisiana and North Carolina where, special pro vision is made for white voters un able to read or write who were en titled to cast a vote in 1867, or whose fathers were, and there is not a single one of ' them in which the negro who may be disfranchised can not qualify himself and become a voter by the time the- next con gressional elections come around. It is true that these laws do disfranchise a good many negroes, but that is only temporarily if they desire to fit themselves to vote, but these laws also disqualify and dis franchise a good many white men. In the State of Mississippi the poll taxpaying requirement disfranchises this year about 30,000 white men, who didn't think enough of the ballot to pay their poll tax. In Tennessee there is a poll tax provis ion which applies equally to white and black. In Maryland the law just passed will disfranchise, it is estimated, about 30,000 negroes and about 16,000 white men. Is there any discrimination against the negro there where the law applies to the white man with as much force as it does to him? " How are they going, to apply the 14th amendment in such cases with out also applying it to Massachu setts, Pennsylvania and other North ern States which have taxpaying qualifications? If any negro in any of these States be permenently dis franchised by the suffrage legisla tion it will be his own fault and surely no State ought to be punished by being deprived of representation because some of the voters do not think enough of the ballot to com ply with the laws prescribing the qualifications, in no case difficult to comply with, Bv the time the next election comes around there may not be one tenth the disfranchised voters there are now, provided they care to fit themselves and if they do not it will be their own fault and the organs which are now protesting in their behalf will have no ground for pro test. When they come to discuss this scheme to reduce Southern rep resentation they will find there are two sides to it and that disfranchise ment is not confined to the Sonth. An Illinois bank is in a quandary. It had employed a father and. his son. The young man got away with $25,000 and left an acknowledge ment of that fact. Then the father declared that he was the lifter and now the bank people don't know which to believe. All they are sure of is that they are minus that much money and trusted young man. Some of the scientists tell us that man was originally a four-legged animal. That kind is not extinct, for some men are natural born kickers.. The Late ex-President Harrison left an estate of about $300,000. He didn't leave his son Russell any of it. HE THE MILK TS THE COCOANUT. It never clearly appeared why the United States should have put in a claim for the Isle of Pines. The contention-that it was not to be considered as a part of Cuba in the treaty with Spain, but as a separate island in which Cuba nas no claim now is simply absurd, for it has al ways been regarded as a part and parcel of Cuba, and is. as much a part of that island as Long Island is a part of New York. As the island was apparently unimportant and of little if any value to this country, there was no apparent rea son why the United States should claim it, or resort to tricky ways to secure possession of it, but the fol- owing, which we clip from the Philadelphia Times, may acconnt or it: "The milk in another cocoanut is apparently accounted for- One of the most astonishing things in the admin istration's Cuban policy was the de mand that the Isle of Pines should be considered as not a part of Cuba, but as one or the separate dependencies of 8pain ceded to the United States. There was nothing in either geography or history to justify this view. Even United states official publications of the past year speak of the Isle of Pines as a district of the province of Habana, and it belongs fo Cuba as clearly as the various smaller islands and keys along the coast. Even were this not so. what object could there be in demanding possession of it? "An answer to this question is sug ested in connection with the visit of lenator Proctor to Cuba, a visit os tensibly for information only. Sena tor Proctor is the head of the com pany that owns all the marble quar ries in Vermont, and having obtained practical control of the American sup ply of marble, has lately negotiated the purchase or . lease of Carrara. Now it appears that the Isle of Pines contains valuable marble quarries. which formerly were worked exten sively but at present are undeveloped. rne isle or lanes is included in sena tor Proctor's itinerary. ".Putting this and that together, we begin to see a light. It is not for a naval station or other public purpose that the annexation of the Isle of Pines is desired, but as an additional source of supply for the Marble Trust. Marble brought from a foreign country would be subject to duty; brought from an sland possession of the United States, the charges would be subject to 'ex ecutive order,' and the Vermont Sena tor has weight with the executive. And still we wonder that the Cubans are distrustful of American designs." This looks like a small business for the McKinley administration to become a party to, but it has gotten mixed up in a good many small jobs in connection with our Spanish acquisitions. PLEHTY OF EOOM DOWH THERE. Now that the peace negotiations. between Gen. Kitchener and Gen. Botha have failed interest has re vived in the Boer war, in which Great Britain has still a trying task before her and one that will test her endurance and resonrcs, ' if the Boers can command the war supplies necessary to continue the conflict. It is Baid that they still have about 14,000 men nnder arms, men who would rather bo killed in battle than submit and take the oath of allegiance to the British King. In such a a vast country as that, with which the Afrikanders are familiar, to whose climate they are inured from many of the diseases of which they are immune, an army of that size, under resourceful, able and resolute leadership, is capable of holding out indefinitely against an army ten times its number. The following, which we clip from the Toronto Globe, will give some idea of the territory in which fighting must be done and of the stupend onsness of the task which Great Britain has undertaken: In his dispatches Lord Roberts fur nishes a couple of tables which drives home the often described and seldom realized magnitude of the area over which hostilities have spread in South Africa; ' Square Miles. Cane Colony 277,151 Orange River Colony.. 48,820 Transvaal. ..113,640 Natal... 18,913 Total ..;458,030 Rhodesia 750,000 THE DISTANCES TROOPS BAD TO TRAVEL. By Land. Miles. rijnA Tnorn tn Pretoria .. .1.040 Pretoria to Komatipoort 260 Cape town to Kimberly e Kimberlv to Mafekine 223 Mafekinc to Pretoria 160 Mafekinar to Beira. .'1.125 Durban to Pretoria 511 'From thane tables." the Comman der in Chief observes, "it will be seeo that the army in aoutn Africa naa tn hn riiatrihirtad over an area of creator extent than France and Germany put j it i i .. tk.t lOgetner, inu, li we mciuus iubii yam of Rhodesia with which we had to do, iavrAi than the combined areas of France, Germany ana Austria. " " a If Lord Roberts' foresight was as good as his hindsight he probably o would have omitted that pompous "unconditional surrender" clause, in the reply he made when asked, on thfr fall of Pretoria, what terms of peace would be granted. A Tennessee solon proposes to solve the dog tax problem by allow ing every family one tax-free dog, male or female as preferred, which upon being duly registered, col lared, tagged and numbered, shall be exempt from taxes,; attachment or execution: but all dogs perambu lating without having complied with these requirements may be shot on sight or otherwise dispatched by any one who feels so disposed, and isn't afraid of running up against the dog's proprietor. WE WnMINOTON, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 29, 1901. IMPEACHMENT TRIAL. Justice Walter Clark Testifies As a Witness for the Prosecution. : WAS NOT CROSS-EXAMINED. Other Witnesses. Testify Maior Qnthrie Addressed the Court in Behalf of the Prosecution-Other Raleigh Matters Appointments. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. 0., March 21. The expectation that Associate Justice, Walter Clark would testify before the; Court of Impeachment this morning as a witness for the. prosecution, caused the galleries and lobbies of the Senate chamber to be literally packed with spectators. However, while Judge Clark did go on the- stand, there was much disappointment as to .the charactsr or his evidence. The strong attacks made upon him by Associate Justice Montgomery, in testifying yes terday, caused many to expect warm counter testimony in his own defence and an "onslaught'' by counsel for the defence on the cross examination. However, Judge Clark simply recited the facts in the office holding cases, especially the White case, there not be ing enough difference between Judge Clark's testimony and that of Justice Montgomery and the two defendant judges to invite cross examination by the defence. There was great disap pointment among the spectators when at the conclusion of Judge Clark's direct testimony there was a confer ence of counsel for the defence and F. L Osborn told him to stand aside. The only notable feature of Judge Clark's testimony was that he did not volun tarily advise State Treasurer Worth against paying the shell-fish commis sion claim, but Mr. Worth came to him for advice. Also, that he told Mr. Worth if the Supreme Court issued a mandamus there would be three vacant seats on the bench when the Legislature meets. Judge Clark said when he offered his f dissenting opinion in the White case Judge Douglas said "Let it go in the obituary, column' and J udge Clark replied, All right, but it won't be my funeral." Implying it would be the funeral of Furches, Douglas and Faircloth who constituted the majority on the opin ion. After Judge Clark's testimony,, four managers of the impeachment on the part of the House of Representatives went on the stand with the view of impairing the testimony of Justice Montgomery yesterday, in that ' his evidence in court was. jmajijjjnnch tuner tran before tne House com mittee. They failed to show that Montgomery was sworn to tell the whole truth" before the committee. the defence contending that the oath before the committee was, to "answer truly all questions touching the con duct of the court," and this he did without opportunity to give full ex pression to or bring out all the facts. The managers introduced were ex Judge W. R. Allen, J. F. Spainhour, ex-Judge Graham and Locke Craige. Raleigh, N. C, March 22. Maj. W. A. Guthrie concluded his opening argument for the prosecution in the impeachment trial of Chief Justiee Furches and Associate Justice Doug las this morning, and was followed by Mr. C. M. Cooke for the defence and Hon. C. M. Busbee for the prose cution. Major Guthrie said, in conclusion, that the prosecution does not want the judges impeached for error in judgment, but for deliberately tear ing the constitution into shreds and violating knowingly and persistent ly violating its plain mandates. He said the prosecution does not attack the Hoke vs. .Henderson doctrine, that office is property, but charges that the present Supreme Court went far beyond its bounds. Mr. Cooke made a strong argument for the defence. He said the rulings of the court were all right in the eyes of those prosecuting when Democratic officeholders were retained in office and given their pay: but when the courts, following the same precedents, had retained a Republican officer, they must be impeached. He argued that the mistake was made by the 1899 Legislature in not so legislating as to the shell fish commission as to effect ually accomplish what they desired, the removsl of Theophilus White from office and the substitution of a Democratic officer in his stead. He cited the case of Gardner, against Worth, where a mandamus was issued by Judge Robinson against the State treasurer, and Judge Clark rendered an opinion in the Supreme Court that such a mandamus could not issue, be cause there was no special fund or appropriation in the treasurer's hands for its payment There was a fund, though, said Mr. Cooke, for the pay ment in the White case, on which this impeachment was instituted. Hon. C. M. Busbee's speech for the prosecution was very strong and clear cut, emphasizing points made by Maj, Guthrie yesterday, and insisting that the accused judges made a flagrant violation of the constitution in issuing the mandamus on the treasury. Raleigh, N. C, March 23. It is the opinion of those most closely con nected with the impeachment trial, that a vote will be reached Wednesday niarht or Thursday morning. Argu ment began last Thursday, and a vote will be taken immediately after the close of the argument for the prosecu tion. This morning J. Lindsay Patterson made an able speech for the defence, and during the afternoon Col. T. F. EKLY Davidson spoke for the prosecution. Hou. Fab. H. Busbee was in the midst of a strong speech for the defence when the court took recess until Mon day. There were no new arguments ad vanced by the speakers to day, though all made able argument. The long drawn out discussion is causing interest somewhat to lag so far as attendance is concerned.Tb.ere were very few visitors to day, and at one time only twenty of the Senators were in their seats. There will be three more speeches for the defence by Hon. B. F. Long, ex Gov. Jarvis and Hon. F. I. Osborne, and as many more for the prosecu tion. The closing speech for the prosecution will be by Hon. C. B. Watson. The Secretary of State to-day char tered the Fayetteville and Wilming ton Steamboat Company, with $250, 000 capital. The objsct is to own and operate a steamboat line from Fay etteville to the mouth of the Cape Fear river and coastwise as far as New York. The company is also allowed to construct and operate a street car system, electric lights, etc. The Fayetteville cotton and woollen miils, etc., incorporators are E. W. Cook, New York; W. L. Holt and W. M. Morgan, Fayetteville; R. P. Gray, Guilford county.. Each one of the in corporators takes $25,000 stock. Special Star Ctorfespondence. Raleigh, N. CL, March 21. The Secretary of State issued a charter this morning to the Broadoaks Sanatorium Company, at Morgan ton. The incor porators are Isaac M. Taylor, Felix M. Scroggs and John McCampbell. The capital stock is $5,000. The purpose of the corporation is to establish an invalid's home at or near Morganton. Governor Aycock has appointed Dr. Albert Anderson of Wilson and Dr. W. C. Allen of Ashville majors and assistant surgeons general in the State Guard. Yesterday evening Mr. Walter L. Cohoon, reading clerk in the Senate and the Uourt of Impeachment was presented with a handsome gold-head ed cane by the members of the.Benate. The presentation was by senator Currie of Bladen. Mr. Cohoon is a "very popular young man. He was travelling representative of the Post prior to his election to the clerk ship in the Senate, and will start a daily newspaper in Elizabeth City as soon as the Uourt of Impeachment adjourns. TttE FAYETTEVILLE STEAMBOAT CO. Wilmington Parties Are Thought Inter ested la this or Similar Scheme. The incorporation of the Fayette ville and Wilmington Steamboat Com pany by the Secretary of 8tate yester day is believed to concern very deeply a number of prominent Wilmington business . men, whom, it has . been tacltfjfunderstood, have been working at such a scheme through the agency of the Wilmington Tariff Association for some time. . . Whether interested in the corpora tion hailing from Fayetteville, or not, it is a fact nevertheless that the ques tion of the operation of another line of steamers from Wilmington to New York has been seriously considered by Wilmington business men, and the plan as outlined by them appears to be perfectly feasible. Reference as to the line from Wil mington to New York, in connection with the Fayetteville corporation, is made in the Star's special telegram from Raleigh this morning. DEATH OP MISS JENNIE D. BURBANK. "Thou bast all seasons for thine own. Oh! Death." Regarded from a merely human and worldly standpoint, there is some thing more than inexpressible sadness in the death of a pure, bright and beautiful young girl. It seems to be so unnecessary and cruel a thing that the young life filled with hope and happiness should be cut short and the idol of the home circle should be snatched away. And so it would be if the world still lay in darkness and the Kindly Light had not beamed upon it. What man will say that his dead are forever gone from him? And if he will not, what is bis hope? "Truly mv hope is even in Thee." Yesterday morning the wide circle of relatives and friends of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Burbank received the dreaded information that their daugh ter. Miss Jennie D. Burbank, had passed away after a brief, and ex tremely painful illness, in the 17th year of her age. It was, although not entirely unexpected, a dreadful shock to all who knew this lovely young lady, who was the idol of her fam ily and a great favorite among the young people of the city. She was beautiful and talented. and useful, and the future seemed full of bright promise for her. is it not still more full of all peace, and joy. and rest in the realm to which she has been transferred? May this thought bring balm to the crushed spirits who sit in the shadow of this great amc tion, and to whom the world to-day seems a hopeless desert. To them go out the hearts of all their friends in deepest sympathy, and for them will ascend their earnest prayers. A Friend. LOCAL DOiS. r- Dr. E. Porter, of Rocky Point, was here yesterday. He thinks the strawberry crop will be nearly fifteen days later this season than last. Rev. D. H. Tuttle, of Kinston, will be here April 16th to assist Rev. Jno. H. Hall in a series of revival ser vices at Fifth Street M. E. church. It is expected that the work of remodelling the Cape Fear Club build ing will begin now very soon. The plans are already drawn and are awaiting acceptance. Large shipments of lettnee were made from the vicinity of Wil mington yesterday. Philadelphia prices are $2.25 per basket, and $5 and $6 per barrel for fancy qualities. Star. A REVOLTING CIRCUMSTANCE. Negro's Dead Body Said to Have Re mained Unlnterred for More Thin a Week in the Sound. Shocking news comes from Federal Point township and is to the effect that the dead body of the unknown negro which was found a week ago yesterday !in the sound five miles below Capps' store and over which an in quest wes held by the coroner, is still unburied and is lying near the spot where it was found and is covered by some brush in a badly decomposed con dition. This deplorable state of affairs ap pears to be the result of an evident misunderstanding on the part of some of the county authorities and has been or likely will be attended to to day. It will be remembered that the negro's body was found last Saturday and even At that time it gave evidence of having been dead for several days. The popular theory then, and is now, n the absence of identification, that the negro fell overboard from some vessel at sea and the body washed ashore. ' Ss Coroner Stokes, with whom a report er talked yebterday afternoon, said that he had performed all the duties of his office in the matter and was at a loss to know why the body, had not been buried. He did not file his death certificate until Tuesday awaitinsr a possible identification from some per son away from the county, but as to why the body had not been buried since that time, be was at a loss to know. The circumstance is revolting in deed, and the Board of County Com - missioners, should see to it that the possible loop of misunderstanding is taken up and if there be one existing it should be remedied to guard against similar occurrences in the future. Violated Postal Laws. Postoffice Inspector Jere Connolly, than whom there is no "finer" in the service, came in yesterday from Max- ton, N. C, where he caused the arrest of Neil Baxley, while, charged with sending a defamatory postal card through the mails to a creditor, whom it appears was somewhat dilatory in settling his accounts. Baxley was given a preliminary hearing before TJ. S. Commissioner B. F. McLean, of Maxton, and gave bond in the sum of $200 for his appearance at the Federal Court in Wilmington. Some Ripe Strawberries. The Star has with the compliments of Mr. J. S. Westbrook, of Faison, N. C, a sample of some fine ripe straw berries picked on Tuesday from the farm -of Messrs. J. S. Westbrook & Sons, at Wallace. These gentlemen are among the pioneers at strawberry culture in this section and are always in the lead. Their crop this season is said to be f specially fine. THE STATE BANKS. Summary of Reports to the North Carolina Corporation Commission. Special Star Correspondence. Raleigh, N. C, March 22. The North Carolina Corporation Commis sion issued this morning a summary of the reports of the condition of 8tate private and savings banks of North Carolina at the close of business Feb. 5th, 1901 The summary shows that there are sixty-four State banks, with $11,937,864.32 resources; $2,317,378.12 capital stock and $7,803,118 63 on de posit. There are twenty-three private banks with $221,084.73 resources; $223,000 capital stock and $1,602,726.71 on deposit. The nine savings banks in the State have segregate resources amounting to $2,133,884 40; capital stock amounting to $170,691 39 and $1,853,925,43 on deposit. PERHAPS FATAL SH00TINQ. One Man Wounded Another In a Fight at Spring Hope, N. C. Special Star Correspondence.' Spring Hope, N. C, March 21. W. D. Strickland and 01 Lewis, two white men living near here, engaged in an altercation last night, in which Strickland shot Lewis and perhaps mortally wounded him. Of the three shots fired by Strickland two took ef feet in the abdomen and thigh of his adversary. Strickland sets up the claim of self defence and will surren der to Sheriff Warren. It is claimed that Lewis knocked Strickland down with an axe and that the shots were fired by the last named while lying on the floor. CUBA'S CONVENTION. It Is Said Now Tbat the Piatt Amendment Will Be Accepted. Bv Telegraph td the Morning Btar. Havana, March 23. Reports from all parts of the island indicate a change from the radical stand taken against the Piatt amendment and the tone of the country press is more liberal. El Diario De La Marina to-day says that judging from all appearances the constitutional convention win accept the amendment, The Discus sion also, instead of continuing its editorials against it, now publishes interviews showing the advisability or accepting the amendment. The output of the Alabama coal mines for the year 1900, according to the State mine inspector, was 9,400,000 tons, an increase of nearly 1,000,000 tons over the previous year, it is es timated that the output for this year mil reach 12,000,000 tons. Mrs. Nathan Townsend. Cass City, Mich., poisoned herself and her two children, a girl aged eight years and a boy aged ten, with laudanum. All a m a V . TH II inreeaieu yesteraay morning, ramuy difficulties are believed to nave im pelled her to administer the poison. NO. 22 SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Goldsboro Argus: The death of Mrs. J. F. Grantham occurred Thursday in Grantham's township. Jonesboro Progress: A great deal of fertilizer is being sold here this spring. On last Saturday 400 sacks of guano was sold by three firms and it was not a good day for selline euano either. Statesville Landmark: Thirty- nine barrels of illicit spirits were Drougnt in Tnursday and stored here. Thirty-five barrels came- from Ad. vance, Davie county, and four barrels from Salsbury. Columbus News: Grif Bright, aged about 80 years, died of L&Grippe last Aionaay nignt at ms borne a few miles west of town, after a short ill ness. He served in the Confederate army and was wounded in the eve from which he went blind. Windsor Ledger: Mr. J. J. Alston, agent at Powellsville for the W. and EL informs us that there had been received at that place, up to March tne otn, ao4U bags of guano, or 36 ear oads, and more is yet to come. ' This. as you cadily see, means more cotton Rocky Mount Advertiser: Since the shortage in our berry crop has been fully realized by both growers and dealers, there has developed a condition relative to the disposition of ine crop, mat indicates (rood returns to the truckers if they use discretion and judgment in their marketing. Favetteville Observer: One of the saddest accidents that has ever oc curred in Cumberland county took place at Godwin, in the northern part of this county, Thursday. Children were practicing in the afternoon for an entertainment to be held that night, when one of the little boys. who was to make believe to shoot one of the Uttla girls (who happened to be nis sis ter), shot and killed her. The pistol was supposed to be empty. The two children mentioned were Rhodes and- Maggie McClelland, twelve and fifteen years old, respectively, children of Mr. C. C. McClelland, ex chairman of the Populist Executive Committee. It was during a rehearsal for the com mencement of Black's school, near Godwin. The little girl died almost instantly, the ball entering her wind pipe. Maxton Scottish Chief: Capt. D. Austin, who travels largely through the beautiful and fertile cot ton section adjacent to McColl, Hasty, Johns, Laurinburg, Laurel Hill, Red Springs, Lumber Bridge, Rennert, Ltumberton and Maxton. says there will be an increase of 20 per cent, in cotton acreage this year. Mr. Matthews, the - watermelon king of this section, is energetically pre paring his farms and will com mence planting in a few days. He U?rill have this year about 1,000 acres in melons. The McQueen home stead three miles from town, the prop erty of Messrs. Ed and Geo. McQueen and sisters of this place, was destroy ed by fire Monday eveniner- The engine on the Devaun tram road that runs near the !old homestead is sup posed to have set the woods on fire, which under the pressure of a strong wind, soon reached the unoccupied residence which was soon in ashes. No insurance. -Monroe Enguirer: Mr. Cul pepper Tarleton, of New Salem town ship, has lost four children within the ast two months with pneumonia. The fourth child died a few days ago. After tne revenue omcers raided the Central hotel and seized a lot of unstamped liquor last Friday they went about six miles south of here. near Goodman's distillery, and found graves in which there were spirits rather than bodies. Four barrels of unstamped liquor were Ifound in the graves. The officers resurrected ''the spirits and the government was made richer by the act. Mr. J. F. Os borne, the organ builder of Stanly county, has built 32 organs within the past four years. Mr. Uscorne says that his organ building was the out growth of a great desire to own an organ, and not being able to purchase one and having a mechanical turn of mind, he set to work and built an organ. His first organ was a very crude affair, but it did what it was built for. It made music. Since then Mr. Osborne has bad many orders for instruments. He makes a good double reed, eleven stop, solid oak case or gan and sells them for thirty-hve dollars each. Those who have tried Mr. Osborne's organs say that they are equal to organs of Northern make which sell for seventy-five dollars. STORM AT PENSACOLA, FLA. Considerable Damage to Shipping In the Harbor Steamers Badly Tangled. One Man Drowned. By Telegraph to the Horning Star. Pensacola, Fla , March 23. A se vere blow from the southeast to day did considerable damage to shipping in this harbor. One sailor is thought to nave been drowned. At the wharves of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company the storm caused its greatest damage to shipping. All the large export steamers tied up there were so badly tangled tbat it is impossible to learn how much they are damaged. The Russian bark Liilto and the Russian ship Loche collided and both were damaged. The schooner Siene was beached. The Italian bark Adele was damaged by the parting of her chains. Lloyd Ward, a sailor, disappeared during the storm and is thought to have been blown overboard. Near St Andrew's Pass the fishing smack Maud Muller was wrecked. It is not known if the crew was rescued. SEABOARD AIR LINE. Another Rnmor Concerning Its Absorption by the L. & N. Railroad. By Telegraph to the Horning Btar. Louisville, Ky., March 23. The Courier-Journal to morrow will say: "Another rumor is current concern ing the absorption of the Seaboard Air Line by the Louisville and Nashville railroad. For the first time since these stories have been afloat there seems to have been some ground for the rumor. A few days ago there was a conference between Milton H. Smith. president of the Louisville and NastrT ville; x. Vandenburg. first vice presi dent of the Louisville and Nashville. and V. E. McBee. superintendent of the Seaboard Air Line. The conference was held at the office of Mr. Smith and while no information concerning- it has been given out, those who know of the conference are inclined to the belief that Mr. McBee was called here to make certain statements regarding ine ousiness oi tne roaa. TO CAPTURE AQUINALDO. A Daring Project Undertaken by Ocneral PouBton In Isabella Province, i, Island of Luzon. By Cable to the Morning Star. Manila, March 23. General ' Funs- ton is now engaged in a daring pro ject which promises to be the greatest and most romantic achievement of his eventful career. In January, from his hiding Place in the . orovince of Isabella, Aguinaldo wrote ietteis anathematizing the sub chiefs who ' had taken the oath of allegiance to the United States. Later, Aguinaldo ordered certain insurgent forces in f Southern Luzon to join him in a ren dezvous in Isabella province. The rebel officer entrusted with these orders secretly negotiated with the Americans. On securing the neces sary i -formation General Funston planned Aguinaldo's capture and, with (General AiacArthur'a authorization proceeded two weeks ago to make the attempt, General Funston, with Surgeon- Major Harris, Captain Newton, of the' Thirty-fourth in fan try; Lieutenant Admir, of the .Twenty -second Infantry; Lieu tenan Mitchell, of the Fortieth in fantry, six veteran scouts, and a company of native scouts,- all picked men, embarked on the gunboat Vickaburg and landed on a remote beach above Baler. It was arranged that Aguinaldo's emissary, with the native scouts, should pass them selves off as insurgent troops who. having captured General Funston and others were taking them as prisoners to Aguinaldo. At the right time. when brought before Aguinaldo. General Funston was to give a signal, when the tables were to be turned and Aguinaldo was to be seized. Six days march in the interior were contemplated. Treachery was consid ered possible but every precaution was taken. The troops in New Vizcaya and New Ecija. and the gunboats Vicksburg and Albany were to co operate with General Funston's force. The Vicksburg is expected here to morrow. Colonel Rosarick with fifty-one men and fifty-six rifles, has surrendered to Colonel Baldwin, of the Fourth in fantry, at San Francisco de Malabon, Cavite province. Liieutenant Dean, of troop (J. Sixth cavalry, has engaged a force of insur gents at Tubig, Lagunda province, killing several of them and capturing seven men and twenty-four rifles. BOERS ATTACK THE BRITISH. Wrecked and Captured a Supply Train. Fought a Convoy, Killing One Man and Wounding Three. By Cable to the Horning Btar. Standeetom, Transvaal Colony, March 22. Four hundred Boers un der the Boer commander Buys have wrecked a supply train north of Via klagate. They overpowered the es-- cort and carried off several wagon loads of provisions. A convoy destined to join General French's column has been attacked between Blood river and Scheepers Nek, Transvaal Colony. The British had one man killed and three wounded. I The bridge at Blood river was burned. London, Match 23. The colonial secretary, Mr. Chamberlain, in the House of (Jomons to day. replyincr to a question, said no specific objections had been made by General Botha to any of the peace terms offered by General Kitchener, and General Botha made no counter proposals. The only information in possession of tne government outside, of tbat pub lished in the papers was contained in a private teleeram from Qeneral Kitchener, saying General Botha had a strong objection to Sir Alfred Mil- ner. STEAMSHIP KOREA. The Largest Vessel Ever Built on This Side of the Atlantic. By Telegraph to the Hernlng Btar. Washington, . March 23 The Korea, which was launched to day at the Newport News Shipbuilding Com pany's works bears the distinction of being up to date the largest steam vessel ever built on this side of: the Atlantic. With a length of 572 feet four inches, and a beam of 63 feet. she will displace 18,600 tons on a draft of twenty-seven feet. Some idea of the size of the Korea may be derived from the fact that from the top to the ' bottom of the bare hull is a distance of forty feet, while the distance around her rail is nearly a quarter of a mile. She is to be fitted with engines of lo.oou borse power, sufficient to pro pel her at a speed of 20 . knots. The Korea will accommodate 1,400 passen gers, of whom 2C0 will be .first class cabin passengers. She is designed for the Pacino Mail steamship Uompany, to ply between San Francisco and Hong Kong. Just as the Korea slipped down the ways. George Bannister, a colored man. among the employes fathered about the vessel, was struck by one of the falling props and received inju ries from which he died to-night. BRITISH COTTON MILLS. Signs of More Trouble Between the Mas ters and the Operatives. By Telegraph to tne Horning star. London, March 23. The Speaker to-day says there are unmistakable signs of more trouble between the. masters and the operatives in the cot ton trade. A period of trade activity has been followed by a reaction, ac celerated by the high prices of raw cotton and other materials, a poor de mand from India and an almost com plete stoppage of buying from China. , Tha T.anaahlrA KriinnAra anil wtinpi nave held out longer than their rivals in the United States or continent, but the rapid closing down of the mills shows their turn is coming, and as the American crop is likely to be insuffi cient even for the reduced consump tion, there is not much prospect of low level quotations for raw cotton to in- viffnratA tha demand for vara and cloth. If some agreement whereby wages may be adjusted according to the state of trade is not soon concluded. declining profits will force the masters to reduce wages. LYNCHING IN ARKANSAS. White Man Taken from Jail and Hanged by a Mob of Masked Men. By Telegraph to the Morning Btar. Little Rock, Ark., March 23. A Gazette special from Pocahontas says that George C. Heveyes, who day before yesterday shot and killed Town Marshal John IN orris, of Pocahontas, while Norris was performing official duty, was taken from jail by a mob of zuu men last nignt ana nangea. xne coroner's jury held Heveyes for mur der, but owing to the feeling against him. tha' trial had heen noatnonmi until next week. The members of ii i j uie uiuu were uiasaou. ny oi nuy in tne House or Hepresen