i iff ri .t m i j nUi P B I9HSD AT WILK1IN GTQN. N. C, AT $1.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. 8SSSSSsSSSSSSSSi5 55 5: . j SS38SSSS88SS38S3S : ssssssssssisssii ni I .saaagggSsaggggSaa : gS838S8S8888S8Ssi 8 S 8 8 8 l88S8lHIl8g 8S888SS8888888888 8S88S882S88888888 " - S8S888888S888SS8 ' II ! ' I 1 I a. J f ? p - - ... ..;:; -NlO ' OD 0.0-4 00 meg eg cs the Post Office t Second Ctasi Ma' llmtgton, N. C, at 'er.l SUBSCRIPTION P iCE. subscription price of the We-. Jy Star la at oil in; i Copy 1 year, pottage paid ..11 CO " 0 months " gn 8 months " so THE TRUSTS AND THE PEOPLE There is no question to-day in which the American people, as a whole, are as much concerned as they are in the question of Trusts, not simply because Trusts may con trol the prices of products and the prices of labor, but because there is involved in them the future status oftho American people, whether they are to be the rulers of the country as they once were and to some extent are yet, at least nomi nally, or to become the mere helots of the men who operate Trusts, the threatening, ruling aristocracy. This question comes up with striking force now, when we see the Trusts combining into monster Trusts, con trolled by a few men, and note the drift towards this combination. They are reaching out to control all the leading industries and all the great avenues of trade, the result of which will be that a few men will become absolute monarch s of the' industries of the country. With this centralizing system which began some years ago and has recently been making such colossal strides in development we have entered upon a new era which bodes no good to the masses of the people, but much evil; how much will depend upon the people them selves, whether they .realize the in pending danger and unite to ward it off or quietly submit until the meshes are thrown around them and they become powerless to re sist. In a recent .number of The Investor, a paper devoted to finan ces, stocks &c, there is a thought ful and striking article on the ten dency of the times to consolidation and the monopolizing of trade and the industries in the bands of the few. After discoursing at length on the difference of conditions as thev prevailed before the consolidation era set in and now it says: "Up to a comparatively short time ago every person who started out in life in this country expected to acquire at least a competency before be died. That was tupposed to be 1 he natural result of years of painstaking effort. But that time has gone by never to return. The struggle for existence has become intensified to such an ex tent ia this country that lh mans of thejieoplo recognize tbat if they am keep soul and boay together it is all they can ask. All this jis, of course, easily explaiued on economic grounds. When a country is now, and land is cheap, and the demand for com modi tiea and services largely exceeds the supply, wealth lies scattered on every side, like nuggets, waiting to be picked up. The nuggets, however, have all been pocketed by this time. In 'forty nine' anyone could take a pick and shoyel in certain parts of Cali fornia with a reasonable prospect of acauirine a competency: but to-day a large amount of capital is an indispen sable necessity in cold mining. A generation or so. ago any country youth with a fair amount of brains and muscla could start out in life with the prospect of dying a rich man, but that is not the case now. "Wealth is now for the few. In the past when a young man in this coun try started on his business career he found circumstances largely in his fa vor: in the future he will find them hostile to him. In the pastil required a minimum of skin to attain a com manding position in industrial affairs; in the future it will require a maxi mum of skill Hence the necessity for ' broad views. To succeed in business in the twentieth century one has got to possess something more than mere fa miliarity with the routine of a certain industry. The conditions against which he will hud himself pitted are wt rid wide, requiring for tbeir comprehen sion an intellect cf a very high order These are the days of "Nadoleons of finance" and trade. The industries of ; the world ara rapidly becoming cen Vrahzed in a few hands, and the ques tion witjh every one of us U how to number himself among the few. It may be said incidentally that the present state of affairs is the natural outcome of the lack of broad thinking in the past in connection with the in dustrial situation. If the majority of business men had hitherto possessed broad minds, we should not have reached th is pass so soon. In the long run the question of trade suprem cy is merely a question of the sur vival of the fittest, but where the many who compete , are governed by imyuise ana the few by cold reason, the end is bmi n H in nnm a miilrlv Natural conditions have hitherto been so favorable to hn the United Stales that those who have . wnauciea these enterprises have fail ea to realize the necessity of scientific Principles in business. The sudden ness with which the country has pass ed from ft nerinrl uViirh th. tnnorl. edge of such principles was not essen- tlal to Bllnrifeoo 4a - 1 - i.ua9 bVS U JIOUUU HUDUBUUU Knowledge is indispensable hai taken laKenthe breath away from most of .if' Wltnout our really knowing what the trouble is. After showing how business has -yoiuted, so to speak, from primi - no meinoas,' wnen there was an opening for every one and every one VOL. XXXII. with a reasonable amount of sense and industry might succeed in estab lishing himself and accumulating a competence, and the conditions now when colossal combination has be come the order of the day, the arti cle continues: "What chance then will them h for the average man? The average man will perhaps do verv well in a subordinate sphere, but if he aspires to an independent noaition ha will find that the odds against him have been enormously increased. What then! Will there be.no more xppor tunity for one to rise from poverty to great wealth and influence Such op iwrtuuiues win venaimy exist, DUl It will require far more brains and en ergy to make use of them than were required to attain corresponding re sults in the past. Only a select few will be in a position to compete for the prizes of the future. Even in the most despotic periods of the past shrewd ness and Indomitable .pluck and sometimes luck raised many a man from the most obscure to the most exalted rank, and even to the throne. Similar instances will be witnessed in trade and nuance, but they will be the exception Toe industries of the Uni ted States have in recent years beeu drifting under the control of a few men with fearful rapidity. These men are bufmortal. like the rest of us, and it is necessary for them to make provi sion far the conduct of our material affairs when they are gone. Conse quently opportunities will from time arise for the most highly endowed to rise to wealth and influence. But the opportunities will be so very few, com pared with those of the past, that no one short of a genius 'need anolv ' This is not an agreeable state of affairs for us to contemplate, and most of us systematically ignore the sub ject. When we look back to our Pu ritan ancestors it seems impossible that such a situation as we have described ever should be evolved. We never dreamed that the time would ever come when our economic, social, and consequently moral, conditions would be of a piece with those of the effete nations of the Old World. We will not admit the possibility: but get there we will in time, and perhaps be fore very long. Ia the order of devel opment an aristocracy comes before a proletariat. The race begins with a condition of equality ; then a relatively few begin to display superior strength or intelligence, constituting an aris tocracy; and eventually the masses find themselves in pronounced antago nisin to these few. and in the end sink to a servile condition. As yet, we have not done much more than evolve an aristocracy. ' We have, however, done this with a ven geance. We have not emitted any titles of nobility in this country, but we have in reality a peerage which puts that of the Old World completely iu the shade. What Roman Emperor could spend money with a more lavish hand than some of our lords of finance?. These people live in an en tirely different world fi om the masses. and the masses know it. We doubt if there ever existed a nation in which class hatreds were more bitter than they are likely to be in this country, a a result of the economic conditions which we have evolved. The situation here is bound to be aggravated by the fact that the masses in this country have beeu educated. In the Old World, and in past ages, the masses were s eeut-d in ignorance, and oppression as a rule rendered them insensate. Having, in this country, the capacity to think, they ara quite as likely to be driven into revolution a& into mere acquiescence. .Now this is a contin gency which should ever be kept in mind. We have evolved our aristoc rscy, but we have not yet evolved our proletariat. The masses, however, are alive to the danger that confronts them, and they have not been slow in taking .whatever precautions may have suggested themselves to them. Tneir most pronounced effort has been in the direction- of labor or ganizations; they have hoped in this way to counteract the centralizing t9udtncies of the employers of labor. Wise economists tell us that all this talk about the conflict of labor and cap ital is nonsense, and tbatthe interests of the two are identical. This sounds very well, but so long as we find capital and labor identified, in the concrete, with fallible human beings, we may be quite prepared to find the two flying at each other's throats. The people who control capital are impelled by the hu man nature that is in them to make that capital earn the last farthing.even if it has to be wrung out of the hides of the people who represent labor. And the people who represent labor, by reason of the same human nature, are gointr to anolv to tbeir own use every cent they can possibly extract from the profits of their toil, even if by 60 doing they prevent capital from getting its fair share. Remember that conditions in this world are not made by abstract laws, but by concrete human nature. This is not a very cheering picture for the American people to con template but that's what it is com ing to if the present system of com bining and monopolizing goes on. This aristocracy all countries have, in some legally recognized, in others not. In our country we have it, but it didn't presume to attempt openly to rule. The proletariat we have not had, but the self a8serting aspiring to rule aristocracy and the proletariat are both coming unless the people assert themselves before thev degenerate into the proletariat. With an aristocracy controlling the resources, tne in dustries and the wealth on one side, and the 'impoverished, dependent multitude on the other, this Gov ernment mav still be a Kepublic in form but in form only. "Ill fares tha land, to hastsning ills a prey. Where wealth accumulates and men decay." AN EMPIBE IN ITSELF Texas was a great State, with re sources of practically unlimited pos sibilities, before these immense deposits of petroleum were discover ed. These add inestimably to her importance and,put her at the front in possible industrial achievement. There is untold wealth in this oil supply which oil experts pronounce inexhaustible, for liquid fuel is rapid ly taking the place of coal and wood, and it is said that this fuel can be furnished by the oil ' wells of Texas, on account of their proximity IEEE to the Gulf harbors, and the facilities 'or the transportation, at a price that would be equivalent to- coal at 35 cents a ton. On this assumption it is safe to predict that an immense trade will grow up in this oil. which will, to a very large extent, take the place of coal in the man ufactories and on the steamboats and ships of this and other countries to which it can be economically shipped. Its only competitor will be the Eussian wells which now supply the demands for such fuel on the other side of the Atlantic, but it is said that it costs more to deliver the Bussian oil on shipboard than it will to deliver the Texas oil. But whatever part the Bussian wells may hold in this business, it is quite evident that Texas has a bonanza in her oil wells, one that will not only add millions to her resources romthe sale of oil, but one that will lead to the establishment of divers industries that will add mil- ions more. But Texas has outside of her oil unbounded possibilities, some of which are briefly noted in the following, which we clip from he Chattanooga Times: "It is given out by Texas statisti cians, tbat the last cotton crop of the state was 3,600,000 bales. Texas made 803,443 bales of cotton in 1880. or lass than a fourth of her crop of 1900. The south made 3,154,000 bales in 1870, or about 450,000 bales less than Texas produced thirty years later. "If the Texas cotton crop increases in the next two decades, at the same rate it did in the last two. it will pro duce 14,400,000 bales in 1920, or about 3,000,000 more than the largest crop yet marketed. "Meantime we should not forget that Texas is not an all cotton state. by any means. She is one of the great lumber producers. She is the greatest breeder of beef cat tle; and is the second sheep and wool producer. The State's corn crop n 1900 was 120.000.000 bushels; the wheat crop is 10,000,000 bushels and rapidly increasing. Manufactures are being developed rapidly. "In a word. Texas is getting to the front all along the line. Her educa tional provisions are on a stupendous scale. Her political condition gets better as her wealth increases." Texas is but one of the States of the Sunny Southland, many of which are richly although not so richly endowed as she. In resources she is the empire State, not only of the South, but of the continent. SENAT0B SIMMONS PRODS H0LT0N- When Solicitor Holton quashed the proceedings against the indicted registrars, reference to which we have heretofore made, he posed as if he was doing a gracious ana mag nanimous act, in the interest of peace and good feeling, but the fact is he was simply doing the best thing he could do under the circumstances and what every one who had given any thought to this matter - con cluded, in the beginning, be would be compelled to do, or go into court and be whipped. In noting these proceedings Senator Simmons in a published statement in the Baleigh News and Observer thus prods Hol ton: "From the beginning of these prose cutions I have felt sure the defendants could not be convicted for it has been clear to me that the statute under which they were indicted had no application and that these State officers were not amenable to Federal indictment for discharging a duty devolved upon them by the laws of their State. "In nol prosssing these indictments, Mr. Holton has done what I have been satisfied all along he would eventually do, but I regret that he should seek to use the Dower or his omce to gain a his office to petty partisan string to the advantage by tying a order of dismissal and threatening partisan publishing a statement. Of course he has no thought of ever reinstating these eases and bis threatening puouca tion will not intimidate anyone, xet in view of the fact that he claims his action in dismissing these cases was in part intended as a peace offering, it does seem that ordinary good sense would have restrained him from in dUlging in statements and imputa tions offensive and insulting' to those whom he desired to propitiate, "In his published statement (and I sav published, because I am informed it was neither spoken nor read in open court) he says he acted "with the understanding, etc" and then states an understanding which would seem to imply an admission that there had been notification for these prosecu tions. I do not know with he claims to whom have had such an under standing, but I do know that no one an authorized to represent the organiza tion of the Democratic party has had this or anv other understanding with him, nor do I believe the gentlemen ( Democrats ) who may have recom mended to him the dismissal of these cases have agreed to any conditions or entered into any understanding that would imply the guilt of the registrars or impute wrong-doing to tne uemo tratn nartv. "Tr Mr. Holton for any reason did not sne fit to trv these registrars, he ahnnld not in his official statements, even by inuendo, have attempted to cast an imputation upon them, for it was not the case of a defendant who says, 'I am imiltv' or .'I am unable to contend with the Government and. therefore, ! throw mvself on its mercy,' but it was the case of men i oacKea oy a great - - , . i m. nr.in.inal nartv and bv a legislative en actment based on an abiding faith in their blamelessness) stoutly protesting thnir innocence. "Tf Mr. Holton. in dismissing these cases, desired or intended to do what he considered a gracious thing, it is a nitv that he should have done it so lincrranioiislv. "To Judt-e Bovd's statement there can be no objection. It was dignified, in goodtaste, and recognized the deli' cate proprieties of tne situation. I After study and mature delibera tion we have come to the conclusion that Trusts are good things for the fellows who run them. WEEKLY WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 1 9, 1901. NEWS FROM RALEIGH. Clerk Martin's Defalcation Will Not Exceed Twelve Thou sand Dollars. THE STATE PENITENTIARY. Director Says It Will Be Absolutely Necessary to Borrow Money for the Institution Jos. H. McRee's Appointment State Fair. ' i . m Special Star Correspondence. Raleigh, N. C, April 11. Hon. Francis D. Winston said this morning that the special legislative committee of which he is chairman will not pre sent their report of findings as - to Clerk Martin's defalcations in the State treasury to the Governor to day, but that it will probably be forthcom ing to morrow. He said they had not finally estimated the shortage vet. but intimated that it may not after all be more than f 10,000 or $12,000, or it may not quite reach the first named figure. They have only examined the treasury accounts witn tne mate's prison, but they think it hardly possible for Mar tin to have embezzled funds in his ao counts with the other State institu tions. A White blepnant I was talking with one of the most prominent members of the new State's prison board of directors to-day, and he told me that it will be absolutely necessary for the institution to borrow money very soon. The prison now, he says, has very limited assets, the crop of ground peas being the princi pal asset from last year's crop now on hand. Their investigation the past few days has not thrown any liht upon the situation which would im prove the apparent condition of the institution, which, the director says, is a great big . white elephant on the hands of the State.- The board will not make any statement as to the con dition of the prison for some weeks yet, and then only through a completed report to His Excellency Governor Aycock. - The Marks-Andrews Weddipg. The Marks Andrews wedding and reception in this city last night proved to be one of the most brilliant in the history of Baleigh society. There were eight private cars of rail road officials here, and there were distinguished visitors from all parts of the country. The value of the wedding presents is estimated con servatively at $20,000. Mr. and Mrs. Marks left at 1 o clock this morning on a special train for a tour of North ern cities. Thev were accompanied by quite a party of friends The train consisted entirely of private cars. Miss jane Andrews, the bride, is an unusually ' affable and popular young lady, and Mr. Marks, the for tunate groom, is a prosperous cotton broker of Montgomery, Ala. October 21st to 26th has been se lected as the; date for the 1901 State Fair. General Cox, the president of the North Carolina Agricultural So ciety, says the Fair this year will be on a larger scale than ever before. Special Star Telegram. The Superintendent of Public In structiou forwarded Jos. H. McRee, of Wilmington, N. C, the following let ter to-day ; The State Board of Education di rects me to notify you of your election as agent of swamp lands belonging to the Board. I call your attention to section 2524 of the Code." The position to which Capt. McRee is elected pays a thousand a year and expenses, and requires only a portion of his time. I The Board of Directors of the State's prison held another private session to day and agreed upon officers to be elected. It is not given out, but it is understood that Hon. Ben Aycock, of Goldsboro, will be made superintend ent. A report upon the condition of prison affairs is being prepared by Mr. Nathan O'Berry, of the Board, and may be presented to the Governor to morrow. Raleigh, N. C. April 12. Gover nor Aycock to-day commissioned Charles C. Daniels, of Wilson, solici tor for the Fourth district. The Board nf Directors of the peni. tentiary held a business meeting to day, and abolished tne omce of gen eral manager, held by F. B. Arendell; also, that of stenographer, held by Mrs. Col vert, and the positions of mail carrier and clerk to the warden, Capt J. M. Flemming, of Wake, is elected Warden, vice W.W.Green, of Frank lin; Dr J. R. Rogers, prison physi cian, vice Dr. Henry McKee Tucker, of Raleigh. Duties heretofore per formed by the genernl mana ger will be performed for the present by E. L. Travis, of Halifax, chairman of the board of directors. No superintendent has yet been elected. No statement is yet made as to the condition of the prison affairs. Supposed Homocide In Nash. A correspondent of the Stab at Spring Hope, N. C, tells of a supposed homocide in that county this week. Sunday afternoon Joe Taylor, a crip ple, at whose house near Spring Hope a number of men were drinking, threw stone which struck Thad Chambles,' one of the crowd with whom he had an altercation, just above the temple. nhnmhles washed the blood from his wound, was apparently not much in jured and started home. When about a quarter of a mile from Taylors home he fell in the road unconscious. He died Wednesday morning and the coroner's jury is now investigating the case. The Strawberry Crop. The effect of the continued cool weather is to still further delay tne strawberry crop to such an extent that it is said to be provoking serious com merit upon the part of the truckers. nstnaAwaiivn o-rowers sav that the season now can't possibly open before the first of May. and it is likely that no shipments of consequence can be made even so early as that date. MART,!irE!"N (nunc in ah CArci'icu. Shortage In the Penitentiary Acconnt $16, 832.61 Appointments by the Gov ernor Other Matters. Special Star Correspondence. Baleigh, N. G, April 13. Gov. Aycock, CoL P. M. Pearsall, private secretary, and Hon. Francis D. Win ston will go to Pinehurst this after noon to spend Sunday, the guest of Hon. Root N. Page, of Alabama The hotel at Pinehurst and neigh boring resorts will close for the Win ter season about May 1st The past season has been the most successful ia the history of the iesorts. Several car loads of people, who have been spending the Winter there, passed through Raleigh yesterday en route to their Northern homes. A special committee on the part of the State Board of Education has de cided to require bonds aggregating $23,000 from bidders for the contract to supply the text books to public Echools, under the Aycock school law. The sub commission reports very good progress in their work of ex amining the books offered by differ ent publishers and say they will have their report ready by April 23d. Uapt. J.J. Bernard, of the Kaleich Light Infantry, has received a letter from the Wilson Light Infantry to the effect that they will send a detach ment May 10th to compete for the prize for the best individual drill. Grand Master M W. Jacobi. of Wilmington, has been in the city for the past two days conferring with Grand Secretary Woodell with refer ence to the report to be submitted to the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows when it convenes at Ashe vi lie May 14. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. 0., April 13. The leg islative committee to examine the State treasury accounts and ascertain the shortage of Maj. Martin report the exact shortage of the penitentiary account $16,832.61., I was told yester day by members of the committee that it would not be over $12,000. They had not then drawn a balance. The committee will continue (heinvestiga tion until the accounts of all institu tions are examined. Martin says the other accounts had been short, but he made them up out of the penitentiary account. The Governor has appointed the fol lowing gentlemen delegates to the 28th national conference of Charities and Corrections to be held in Washington May 9th to 15th, inclusive: Dr. P. L. Murphy, Morganton; Hon. Thos. G. Skinner, Hertford; Bev J. B. Boone, Thomas ville; Dr. J. F. Miller, Golds boro; George W. Watts, Durham; Hon. John E. Woodard, Wilson; Dr. John R Woltz, Dobson; J. G. Siler, Franklin; Parks Kilpatrick, Sandifer; Dr. Charles Duffy, Newbern ; Capt. C. B. Denson, Dr. James McKee, Ba leigh. PRESBYTERY AT CLINTON. Interesting Notes of the Session and of the Work Accomplished. I Special Star Correspondence. Clinton, N. C, April 13 Wil mington Presbytery has been in session here since Wednesday, closing Friday night. The opening sermon was preached by the last moderator, Rev. D. P. McGeachy. Rev. E. E. Lane, of Wilmington, was elected moderator by a unanimous vote. Much business of importance was before the body and was discussed enthusiastically. Re ports were made by the committees on Home and Foreign Missions, Educa tion, etc. The body was addressed by Dr. McKelway, of the Standard, by Dr. Harding, of Davidson College, by Dr. Butler, of the Brazilian Mission, and by Rev. E. Gillespie, of the Synod's Home Mission Board. The work of the Presbytery is in most excellent condition, the funds being largely in excess of those of any previous year. New mission points have been opened up and steps taken to reach the destitution of this section both from a religious and an educational point of view. The James Sprunt Institute is making astonishing pro gress and a committee was appointed to arrange for a school for boys. Dr. Wells, of Wilmington, and Rev. L. E. Wells, of Duplin county, were received into the Presbytery and a committee appointed for the installa tion of Dr. Wells as pastor of the Wilmington First church. Rev. K. M. Williams and Mr :u. t. Robinson were chosen deleg ates to the General Assembly of the Presby terian church, which meets in 'Little Rock. Clarkton was chosen as the place for the Fall meeting. Much has been said in praise of the good people of Ulinton by tne members oi tne rres bytery. Steamer's Narrow Escape. The steamboat Buck, Capt. Ward, had a narrow escape last night She left Wilmington at 8 o'clock in the evening tor Liong view witn some twenty passengers and a tow of four flat boats laden with merchandise. Near Navassa, in passing through the draw at the railroad bridge, the Buck came into collision with several timber rafts which were drifting down on the freshet The flats were also caught, and it was only by cutting the lines and setting the flats adrift that Capt Ward was enabled to save his boat and get it clear of the rafts. The flat boats, however, were afterwards picked up, one by one, and made secure; but thelBuck had by this time nearly exhausted her supply of fuel, and was forced to return to the city. She sustained some slight damage in her encounter with the rafts, but will be ready to leave again for Long View early to day. Appetite Qot Her Into Trouble Anna Pollock, colored, was arrested yesterday on the charge of stealing a ham from one of her . neighbors. She was tried before Justice Fowler and bound over to the Criminal Court In default of bond in the sum of $50 she was committed to jail. Star. i SUMMER EXCURSION PROM ATLANTA. Delegation of Gate City Qrocerymea May Come to WrigbtsvIUe In Jnne. Messrs. H. E. Maddox, J. H. John son and L. B. Morgan, prominent business men of Atlanta, composing a delegation from the Grocers' Associa tion of that city, arrived in Wilming ton yesterday at noon over the Sea board Air Line railroad, and were ac companied by Mr. R. H. Tate, assistant general passenger agent of the S. A. L., and Capt T. D. Meares, general agent of the system at Wilmington. The delegation came to look over thse propriety of the running of an ex cursions by business men and others to Wrightsville Beach about the middle of June and the gentlemen were taken down to the seashore yesterday. Members of the party expect to return to Atlanta this afternoon. If they decide , to make Wrights ville the place of their annual outing this year, it will mean much forWiK mington, as the class of people who will visit the city upon this occasion will be among the very best and most influential men of the Gate City. FIRST STRAWBERRY SHIPMENT. Went Porward Saturday Prom Warsaw to New York Commission House. A correspondent of the Star writing from Warsaw, N. C, says that Mr. J. W. Stokes, of that town, Saturday made a shipment of strawberries to R. L. Brown & Co., a produce commission firm of New York City. The Stab's correspondent says that this is believed to be the first shipment from the entire State. Chicken Thief's Dash Por Preedom. Silas Crawford, a chioken thief, yesterday morning proved him self as clever on his feet as he was in lifting fowls from a roost The negro sent a coop of chickens to Mr. C. E. Collins, who runs a store on Market street between Second and Third, shortly after day light yesterday. Soon after he left a woman came in and identified some of the fowls as belonging to her. When Crawford returned later for his money Mr. Collins arrested him and telephoned to the City Hall for an officer. Officer Barden was sent after him and the thief walked along peace fully with the policeman until he ar rived in front of the City Hall. There he made another break and several policemen took after him but he proved too fleet footed for them and made his escape. Dedicated to Maj Stedmin. Greensboro Telegram 9th.: "The Lily of the Valleys," Miss Sallie Walker Stockard's new book, is out. It is an interpretation of the Songs of Solomon and the work is admirably done. The binding, ' printing and floral ornamentation are exquisite and combine to make a beautiful little volume. The book is dedicated to "Major Charles Manly Stedman. Lawyer, Statesman, Gentleman, Sol dier, Scholar of the Confederacy, Type of Southern Manhood." In all the display and taste which the title volume shows, none is more appropriate than this dedication to a true Southern gentleman of the old school. The preface is by the Rev. Dr. Eugene Daniel of Raleigh. Bad Runaway at Clinton. Parties who arrived in the city last evening from Clinton brought the news of a bad runaway which occur red there late Thursday afternoon, and in which two prominent ladies of the town, Misses Draughon and Ray, re ceived more or less injuries by being thrown violently to a sidewalk. Miss Draughon received a severe gash on her nead and was rendered uncon scious for some time. Miss Ray was badly stunned. Medical assistance was rendered at once and no very serious results were anticipated. Steamboat Inspectors Here. Capt John T. Borden and Capt. F. B. Bice, United States steamboat boiler and hull inspectors,, respectively, on yesterday and the day before made an inspection of the tugs Marion, Blanche and Navassa and the new freight steamboat Charles M. Whitlock, re cently built by Capt. Ellis Sherman for the Long and Town Creek trade. The inspectors will return on Wednesday to inspect the steamer Driver, which is now in port here. The News Prom Port Caswell. It is expected that the 'extensive building improvements at Fort Cas well will be completed this week. A report is also current to the effect that in accordance with the policy of the late Congress to strengthen all the army posts along the coast that another company will be assigned to Caswell soon. DARINQ ATTEMPT To Rob an Express Car on the Pennsyl vania Railroad.' By Telegraph to tne Horning Btar. Washington, April 13. A daring attempt to rob the express car of the second section of a northbound pas senger train on the Pennsylvania rail road, at the Virginia Midland cross ing, four miles southwest of Alexan dria last night was frustrated by prompt action of the express messen ger. As the train approached the crossing shortly before 11 o'clock the messenger in one of the two express cars discovered several men crouching between the two coaches, trying to force onen the door of one of the oars. He quietly gave the signal for the train to stop and as the train slowed down the men jumped off and escaped across the fields. The police who are investigating the case believe there were three men in the gang. NO. 25 SPIRITS TURPENTINE Wilson Times: Last week Mr. Jimmie Lee, pobsibly the oldest man in the State, died. He was 104 years old and had been in comparatively good health. Maxton Scottish Chief: We have interviewed a number of leading farmers and find there is very little, if any, increase in the cotton acreage in tbis section. Planting is the order of the day and the seed will soon be all in the ground. - Lumberton Robesonian: We are informed that Mr. Richard Humphry has bedded 140 bushels of sweet pota toes for tbis year's planting. His suc cess in the potato business for several years past has been marked, and this year he expects to make larger ship ments than ever. Durham Herald: Mr. C. E Egan, of the Interstate Telephone Company, has placed on the market a small instrument of his own inven tion that promises to revolutionize the telegraph business. At least there is no doubt but that the instrument will place the learning of telegraphy within . the reach of every one, and that too without the aid Of a teacher. The instrument in question is a "tele graph teacher," and by using it the student can learn to receive a message with as much ease as he can learn to send under the old methods. Mount Olive Advertiser: In a few days the Bank of Mount Olive will be ready to transact business. Potatoes are doing as well as could be expected, considering the fact that a colony of bugs was on hand awaiting the appearance of each plant. The plants are being attended to by the bugs. Last Friday evening the plan ing mill of Mr. W. D. Price was de stroyed by fire, originating, it is sup posed, from a spark. The loss will be in the neighborhord of $1,000, with no insurance. This makes several Arts sustained by Mr. Price", by all of which he lost heavily. Goldsboro Argus: There was a heavy frost Friday morning and the strawberry crop between this city and Wilmington suffered considerably. The Weather Bureau, however, was responsible for a great part of the damage. The report sent out Thurs day morning predicting cloudiness and rain caused a great many people to leave their berries uncovered and the frost had free access to the blooms. At several places along the line the farm hands were aroused from their beds at 11 o'clock at night, when it was seen that the frost would come, and worked from then until daylight covering up berries with pine straw. Sanford Express: There was a big freshet in Deep and Cape Fear rivers last week from the heavy rains. Land was badly washed where it had been ploughed. The farmers have been delayed in preparing their lands for planting. It is estimated that there are 460 saw mills in North Caro lina in operation. There are prob ably more saw mills in Moore than in any other county in the State. It is said that Mr. Tufts will add one hundred rooms to the Carolina Hotel at Pinehurst, and it is also said he will build another large hotel there. Pinehurst has become one of the most popular Winter resorts in the South. It has proven a splendid investment for Mr. Tufts. Fayetteville Observer: Deputy Sheriff Moneghan, Special Officer Pow ers and several other deputies had a rough experience with an insane man last night. The man was Mr. John Stewart, ex chief of police of Red Springs, who, while here on a visit to khis sister, Mrs. Rackley, who lives on the outskirts of town, became insane, and on yesterday - attacked Mrs. Rack ley and knocked her down. The sheriff was notified, and it taxed the energy of Mr. Moneghan and his as sistants to get the unfortunate man as far as the guardhouse, though they in tended to carry him to the jail. This morning the man is apparently all right He says he suffers from tem porary insanity, brought on by terri rible pains in bis head. INJUNCTION REFUSED. - Judge Parlance's Decision Regarding Shipment of Mules to South Africa. By Telegraph to tne Morning Star. New Orleans, April 13. Judge Parlange in the United States court to-day handed down a decision dismiss ing the suit for injunction brought by Boer represenatives here with a view to preventing the shipment of mules and horses from New Orleans to the British army in South Africa. Judge Parlange holds that the transactions between citizens of the United States and the British govern ment were conducted under the order of private citizenship, and that the courts had absolutely no jurisdiction to interfere. The horses and mules, the court said, were bought in neu tral territory. Judge Parlange con eludes: "I am clearly of the opinion that this case is not within the cogni zance of this court and for tbat reason the rule must be denied." CASHIER AN EMBEZZLER. Partners' National Bank of Vergennes, Vt, the Sufferer Receiver Appointed. By Telegraph to the Horning Btar. Washington, April 13. The Comp troller of the Currency to-day ap pointed J. T. Sullivan, of his office, a temporary receiver for the Farmers' National Bank of Vergennes. Vt The bank examiner.Frank L. Fish, during an examination of the bank on April 3rd, discovered a shortage in the cash, and a further investigation which has been conducted by Special Examiner John B. Cunningham indicates a total embezzlement by the cashier, D. H. Lewis, of $90,000. After the discovery of the defalcation, the examiner secured the return of $25,000 to the bank. Until a more complete investigation into the acts of the cashier is made, it is impossible to state what loss, if any, will accrue to the depositors. It is not believed, however, that the loss to the depositors will be large. A MOUNTAIN TRAGEDY. Tennessee Pendist Pound Dead Grasping His Rifle. By Telegraph to tne Horning Btar. Knoxvtlle, Tenn., April 13. A special to the Sentinel from Sneedville reports another mountain tragedy. Evan Bledsaw, a feudist, was found dead, sitting upright against a tree, ?:rasping nis rine tignuy. it is do ieved he had been decoyed to the desolate spot in the hope of capturing the man who killed his father several years ago. PRESIDENT McKINLEY'S TOUR TO THE PACIFIC. Will Leave Washington April 29th Trip Will Cover Period of Between Six and Seven Weeks. By Telegraph to toe' Morning Btar. Washington, April 13. The Presi dent, Mrs. McKinley and. party will leave Washington by the Southern railway Monday morning, April 29th, at 10 :30 o'clock for a tour to the Pacific coast and return, covering a period of between six and seven weeks. They will have a train consisting of a private car for the President and Mrs. McKin ley, two Pullman compartment cars, two Pullman sleepers, a dining car and a combination car. Colonel L. 8. Brown, general agent of the Southern railway, will accompany the party from here to New Orleans, and from New Orleans to Portland, Oregon, Mr. E. O. McCormick, passenger traffic manager of the Southern Pacific lines. The members of the cabinet will ac company the President, with the exception of Secretaries Gage and Root and Attorney General Knox. The train will go by way of Alex andria, Charlottesville, Lynchburg -and Roanoke, Va. ; Huntsville, Deca tur and Tuscumbia, Ala., and Corinth, Miss., arriving at Memphis, Tenn., at 4:30 P. M. on Tuesday, April 30th. A stay of several hours will be made in Memphis, the party leaving there during the night for New Orleans, going by way of Vicksburg and Jack son. Miss., reaching New Orleans at 4:30 P. M. on May 1st and remaining there until 6 P. M. on the following day. The total distance travelled will I j about 10,600 miles, crossing twentv three States and two territories, at d . touching the Gulf of 'Mexico, ttie Pacific ocean and the great laker. Twenty seven railroads i.r embraced in the itinerary. Wherever feasible the State capitals will be visited. Locsl programmes are arranged covering the cities at which extended stops are. made. A feature of the trip will bi the substitution of drives for recep tions, thus more fully accommodate . the people than would be possible at short reception. The reception com miltees will be received at the cit h they represent, the various local coir mittees having cordially co-operau j in this respect, as well as in others, iu an endeavor to make the journey of the President and his partya most en joyable and interesting one. While the President may make short addresses at several of the large cities and at some of the colleges, and uni versities, it is not at all likely that he will make as many speeches as have been delivered in the course of pre vious trips. JEFFERS0NIAN DEMOCRACY. Hon. David B. Hill's Address at theMeet ing of the Jefferson Club In Buffalo, N. Y. Bv Telegraph to the Horning Btar. Buffalo, N. N., April 13. Hon. David D. Hill addressed the members of the Jefferson Club and their guests at the Teck Theatre to-night His theme was "Thomas Jefferson." In introducing Senator Hill to the audience Maurice O. Spratt, president of the club, referred to him as the greatest living exponent of the prin ciples of Jefferson ian Democracy. Senator Hill was given an enthusias tic reeption. Jefferson, he said, would have un questionably viewed with abhorrence the establisbment oi a permanent American colonial system whether ' obtained under military rule or under civil authority appointed by the ceu tral government at Washington. His theory was unquestionably the Demo cratic doctrine of to day that this government has no more authority to create a colonial system than it has the " right to create a king. In conclusion Mr. Hill said: "And now a word to party friends as to the future. We must not be dismayed by recent defeats. The Democratic party was not born to die. It has surNv4vedvv the political vicissitudes of a hundred years disasters which would have destroyed any other political organi -zation that ever existed, but it still lives with its six million three hundred and forty-two thousand voters, unterrifled ' indestructible unpurchasable -conscious of the rightfulness) of its cause and confident of the ultimate supremacy of its principles. . We have a right to be proud of our ancient political lineage. Our party is the great conservative force in the country to-day and absolutely ""-t essary to its welfare. It stands 8 gainst radicalism of every description. j -It is opposed to plutocracy on the one hand and to communism on f the other. It antagonizes monopoly 1 on one side and socialism on the other. ' It is opposed to imperialism in the Philippine islands and to anarchy in Cuba. It respects the vested rights of capital and at the same time sympa thizes with labor oppressed. . It has no alliances with powerful corporate interests, neither is it in league with demagogues who disturb so ciety and agitate for the mere sake of agitation. It does not regard the possession of wealth as a crime nor even a badge of honor; nor does it consider poverty aa either a disgrace or a virtue. It makes no war upon classes, but opposes corrupt and vicious systems and methods wherever they are to be found." COTTON MILLS CLOSED. Over 25,000 Operatives at Lowell and Pall River Idle This Week. By Telegraph to the Morning Btar. Lowell, Mass., April 13. The 2,300 operatives of the Massachusetts cotton mills here were notified to day . not to return to work until April 22d. The entire plant will be closed on ac- count of the dull market The Tre mont and Suffolk cotton mills have . laid off three-fourths of the operatives for an indefinite time. In all, 6,000 operatives will be idle in this city next week. : v.-.- ' .' Fall River, Mass., 3 April 17. About 17,000 employes of the cotton mills in this city were notified to-day that there will be no work next week. The suspension will be most general of any week since the decision to cur tail production was made, and about twenty five corporations, owning some forty mills, nearly the entire number in the syndicate agreement, will atop. This will decrease the production by 200,000 pieces and means a loss in wages to the operatives of about $100,000. , F. E. Emery, formerly of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment station, has been detailed by the Sec retary of Agriculture to visit China, Japan, Philippines and other eastern countries with a view to extending the markets for American dairy pro ducts. At Grand View, Texas, yesterday, W. H. Benson shot his son Frank. He then took noison. dying a few hours later. The trouble was of a family nature. M 1

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