m R2UCH Exercise is as bad as too little for the growing girl. It is very easy for her to overdo, and this is especially dangerous at that critical period of a young girl's life when she crosses the line of woman hood. It is not an SV uncommon thing to j?1 lay the foundation I "h for years of after fm misery by neglect of i mm.t I necessary precau tions at the first "change of life." The use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription not only . establishes regular ity, but it gives heakh to the entire womanly organism. It is the best medi cine for diseases peculiar to women because it cures the causes of disease completely and per manently. Favorite Prescrip tion" contains no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine nor any other narcotic. It cannot disagree with the . most deli cate constitution. "For a numfcer of .1 -r ct 1 1.1. IUUUIUB BUUCICU Willi . female trouble," writes Miss Agnes McOowne, of mm Bank Street, Washington p. C. "I tried various remedies, but none seemed to do me any It SOUTH CAROLINA'S RIVAL SENATORS. Tillman and McLaurin Put Their Resignations in the Hands of the Governor. I ) 1 Jff SENSATIONAL ARRANGEMENT They Are to Go Before People of the State (a Joint Canvass It Tillman is Sus tained McLanrin's Seat Will be Vacant Hot Campaign. permanent rood. The doctors said It wftt tee worst case of internal trouble they ever had. I ed treat-Fevortte wursi cue ui miciuat uuuuk Jl i .1 -.1 . n ..... f,-.r tflr. very encouraging reply and commenced treat ment t once. I had not used vour ' Favorite Prescription' a week before I began to feel better, and, as I continued, my health gradually improved, and is improving every day." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical - Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. MY LOVE AND I. I ' I know, if every restless tide ' That circles life with fall and flow, If all the storms of winter wide, That from the deep; dark heavens blow Between us two should sweep; Still, through the tide and o'er the storm Each should behold a cherished form, And spirit call to spirit warm, And soul with soul should weep. I know, if all that life can hold Of treasured wealth that men esteem, If rank and fame and gild of gold, All vanish like a splendid dream, And thou remain alone; These one and all could I resign. Could I but claSD thv heart to minn. And, strong in that sweet love of thine, Could mock all fate had done. And if the shadow dim and cold That waits upon the shores of Sight, Should come forth silently and bold, And beckon from my longing sight. The friends of former years; Though low in ashes by the dead, I bowed with dust on heart and head, Still, still life's path we two could tread, Mingling our prayers and tears. And when it comes for come it will mat one or us shall he so low, And by a form all cold and still The other Kneel in speechless woe, All mute in lone despair; , Still there, above the voiceless tomb, I feel the soul bewept would come, And kiss the quivering lips so dumb And love be conqueror there. Byron W. King. TWINKLINGS In These Days of Weddings The Mother "She says she'll elope." The Father "Let her do it. It's cheaper. "-Life Just as Easy and Cheaper: "Do you go away this summer?'' "No; , we've taken a smaller house, and we think we can be iust as linnnmfavtaKia at home as we can in a fashionable hotel anywhere." Chicago Record. AHit. Sure! Pennpr? "What-. are you doing now?" Skribb3 "Writ ing songs." Penner "Any of them become popular yet?" Skribbs "No; but I turned out a 'Mother' one yester day that had fifteen grammatical errors in it." 'Ptirlr Much Cleverer "Don't you think a woman is clever enough to do any work that a man can?" inquir ed the lady with a resolute jaw. "Oh she is much cleverer than that," an swered Miss Cayenne. "She is clever enough to make the man do the work and give her the benefit of it." Customer "And is this chair really an antique piece of furniture?" Dealer "Antique, madam! There's no doubt about that. Why. it was so worm eaten when I bought it that I had to have a new back and a new seat and three new legs made for it." TiU Jiita, rSi?.le,rly Sympathy: Gwen wtV"fc How lat? you are dear afternoon?" Iaude-"Helping the Grogsbjs at their 'at home' and mak ing; myself generally fascinating and agreeable I" Gwendolen "Poor thin?l What a hard day's work for you." Punch. Good Riddance "Wake up, Henry !" cried the good woman, in the dead of night. "There's a burglar in the house. I just heard him in the dining room." "Good," Henry re plied 8leenilv. "if wa irn ;n..u hlm o mJ he H take away that Ptes8g 0t 70un"PhiladelPhia By Triiti;rapt) to the Morning Htar Columbia, S. C, May 25. To-day at Gaff ney there was a spirited debate between United States Senators B. R. Tillman and John L. - McLaurin, As a denouement, both of them have put their resignations in the-hands of Governor McSweeney. They have resigned with the understanding that they are to go before the people of the State in a joint canvass and the sentiment of the people is to be express ed in the vote in a Democratic pri mary to be held in November. The arrangement is sensational, for Tillman was last Summer elected for six years and McLaurin has yet two jears to serve. The result of the issue means that if Tillman is sustain ed, McLauriu's seat will be vacant; if McLaurin is successful, be will sue caed to Tillman's long term. . McLaurin had been invited to Gaff ney and friends of Tillman asked him to come, too. McLaurin accused Till man of attacking him when Tillman was in a bomb-proof. The latter de clared that he would resign and meet McLaurin on the stump. McLaurin agreed to the proposition. Senator Tillman later submitted a written propofition, which was acceptable to McLaurin, except that the latter wanted the election to be held in Oc tober or November, instead of this Summer. McLaurin stated that this was suggested on account of his poor health. There were several proposals submitted between the two. Senator Mc Laurin wanted the race to be confined toSeoator Tillman and himself. The latter declared that he could not dic tate to the State Democratic Executive Committee when the primary should be held or how many candidates there shnnlH hft - The dual resignation, as finally for warded to Governor McSweeney, was accompanied by no conditions. It reads: as Senators for the State of South Car olina in the United States Senate, to take effect on November 15th next. "Yours, respectfully, etc." Under the election methods in this State the State Democratic Executive Committee will arrange a campaign, and the candidates will speak in each of the forty counties in the State. At the primary election the candidates will be voted for directly. The Gen eral Assembly merely confirms the action of the primary. The campaign will be pitched a year earlier than ex pected, but there are a half dozen can didates in the field. Each must specify for which term he is a candidate. McLaurin's Statement. Atlanta, Ga., May 25.WA special to the Constitution from Gaff ney, 8 C , says: Senator McLaurin, when asked about the resignations, said: "Till man made a bluff and I called him. All I desire is a free race and an open j fight on the issues upon which we j differ. I earnestly hope that all I others will keep out of our race and run for the other senatorship, so that Tillman and I may meet as man to man and fight it out." Tillman Interviewed. Charlotte, N. C , May 25. A spe cial to the Observer from Oaff nov-S C, says: Senator - Tillman was seen at the train, after the resignation had been signed and was asked what would, in a word, be the effect of the resignation. He replied: t "It will mean that we are to have eitner two. Republican Senators or two Democrats." "Well, will you and Senator Mc Laurin enter the primary before the people for re-election?" I am going before the people and there will be a number of candidates. I don't know what McLaurin will do; out 1 presume if his health will per mit, that he will also run." "Will you both run for the term which you have just vacated?" "He can run for either one. There is no restriction about that. The re signation is unconditional, and he might as well run my for seat as his own." "Are you entirely confident of be ing re-elected to the term which you have just given up?" "I see no reason why I should have fear as to the result. I have nothing personally against ' McLaurin. I merely want the people to decide the matter and vindicate me." SUNDAY SELECTIONS. WAIT. j PEOPLE OF THE DAY Bow often to Me still is to be wise, How many times is patience as a ehartiB mcner roan an on moor a Dosuing rarm; How seldom to do less is to do harm. Lo, when thy seeds are wedded to the soil And thou hast well done drity and the lot la cast into the lap, consider not How next to make all tspeed by thought aad toil, -But rather wait ; the power of faith Is there Faith that achieves. all conquest, takes all spoil, Faith the great reaper of the crop of prayer. In faith be still, lest unbelieving care, t'y overatriving, aU good efforts foil. M. F. Tnppar. DELILAH. because Sunday School Teacher Who K-iucrcu me noaung atoms out of chaos and combining them formed the great round world and sent it spinning through space? Little Richard J. Pierpont Morgan, but I don't know whether anybody seen him when he wuc it or not. 1 Ar i t A Lonar R" Dnel. fUffi W?en'tl,e British first learned hlnP?n hia &en p a Potion be- iLJ icVff the eDemy whcn a b"et ;r?- J?.0er! Con,ce?led ike himelf 300 tit : r ' aocKe(J 0" "is hat. Boer, convinced In bis turn th? 1 hi- tagonist was dead, rose to his wa was struck in the suouUer hv 7 HS Sampson's buUets, 01 iael panned until each man bel lat hTi0U8- The found hi -2ft their comrades and carried off the Held in a dying condition. HappUy BotharOVered- e Ber was Gea . Mayor Barton, of Helena, Arkansas. SJderff.6!6 DPtment to toiS,rpion' now at Memphis, aeSth.HSienaonhM retura- The request has been granted. Coarse wit is not keen it falls on dull ears. Wise men of ancient times were probably no wiser than other men, but they talked less. It is better to know what is to be done and how to do it, than to know what has been done and who did it. Every man's task is his life preserver. The conviction that his work is to God and cannot be spared defends him. R. W. Emerson. Suffering is an accident. It does not not matter whether you and I suffer. Not enjoyment and not sor row is our life, not sorrow any more than enjoyment, but obedience and auty. If duty brings sorrow, let it bring sorrow. Philips Brooks. Our progress, which is our pe culiar glory, consists in at once losing and learning the past; in gaining fresh wations from which to take a wiser re trospect, and become more deeply aware of the treasure we have nsed. James Martineau. - Every man is rich or poor ac C aB to the deKreft in which he can afford to enjoy the necessaries, con veniences and amusements of human life. What is bought with money or goods is purchased by labor, as much as what we acquire by the toil of our own body. Adam Smith. The first thing to do, if you have not done it, is to fall in love with your work. Don't brood ove the past nor dream of the future; but seize the instant and get your lesson from the hour. Don't wait for extra ordinary opportunities; seiee common occasions and make them great We can only give what we neBvae' of ppi?ess s ayety. d- ness, are, by nature, contagious. Bring your health and your strength to the weak and sickly and so you will Sou0 theuml Give them nt JTnakn"s' but yw energy-ao you will revive and lift them up. Life alone can rekindle life. Aniel So this was her wedding journey. Ami here she sat alone at 10 o'clook in the evening in the dreary hotel parlor, whose bare walls and shabby furniture hud become so detestable. She might have gone with him. Bat no, she would never enter that hall again. She had sworn it Yet she knew her husband's whole repertory by heart, knew the precise bar in his serenade when he would close his eyes, the passage in his scherzo when he would toss back his hair so crnoefnllv. How stndiad and nnnntn-l it all seemed ! She fancied she could see him now, bowing with a faint smile, as thoneh oDoressed bv the aorjlanaa whlnh thundered around him. Oh. how wildlv the audiences here an. nlanded. esneciallv the women. Nnro they were pressing forward to the stage to snaxe nanas with mm. They would wait for him at thn nvit of the, hall tn thank him for the great pleasure he had offered them and throng around him to the very door of the carriage. It was so yesterday, and the dav bo- fore, and everv dav. Mm Andrn wnnt. ed to cry, especially when she thousrhfc of her adventure yesterday, when a crowd of feminine worshipers separated her from her husband, and ha. virlAn ly desiring to escape enthusiasm whioh had become annoying, in the belief that his young wife sat beside him. had driven off without her. There she had stood and was forced to hear these wo men rave about the "eifted man." how handsome he was, the enthralling pow er 01 ms glance, and, above all, his su perb hair. . Yes. his undeniablv macrninnent Innb-a seemed to nlease these enthnsinata mnm man anytnins else, more even than bin EKiu as an artist. And the notes he recflivad I Rhn hn.A just read one. Of course the writer beta ged for a lock of hair, and he would probably give it to her. xne paper fell from her trembling hands. Her slender fingers - clinched convulsively as with compressed lips she sank back into her chair. Oh thoir flatteries and cajolery would make him a recreant, a recreant to her and to his art ! Richard was still loyal and still loved her. But like every artist, he was vain. Perhaps he was more so than many others because he had more reason to be yes, of course he had, far more reason. She began mentally to enumerate his attractions, xne stern expression of her delicate features softened, a tender light stole into her brown rvas. Then rising hurriedly, she paced up and down tne room several times, and her pretty race assumed a very resolute expression Surely he would come soon, her Richard, her beloved husband. How had she lived so Ions without him? Tt had grown very lata She slipped on an eiegant maize silk tea gown, drew the pins from her hair and let it fall In curling locks around her shnnlHora Then she turned down the lamp, leaned oacK in tne armcnalr and shut her eyes, as 11 asieep, and waited for him. She Boon hoard his step, the door of the room was thrown open, but on the threshold the tall figure paused, and Anare moved lorward on tiptoe. "Richard, is it you?" asked a voioe from the armchair. "Ah, sweetheart are yon still awake? xnat is very kind, in you." He kissed her. It has been such an evening raiy, sucn an evening!" Removing his long cloak, he turned np tne ngnt. The clear glow fell noon his handsome figure. The regularity of ino paie reatures was animated by the sparkle of the dark eyes, now glittering with joyous excitement. But the most remarkable thing about his appearance was cue long, Dlack toair, which fell In soft, waving locks nearly to the shoul ders, giving a striking character to the man s wnoie person. He took his seat at his young wife's 'Ah. if VOU WOnld nnlv nnma Hfh me again, Elly," he said as he lighted a cigarette, me enthusiasm, the ap plause, the flowers I. You know I do not set any undue value on such things, but it ought to make you very proud to see your husband so much applauded. " "But it doesn't," she answered with a somewhat forced laugh. "To tell the truth, it makes me feel as if I were quite too insignificant. Besides, dear est, I love in you less the artist than the husband of my foolish heart and you are more that at home than in the concert hall." " You are right 'Here I am a man, db,- ana tnereiore, you see He gave her a hastv kisn. than niin. ped out of his dress coat into acomfort- uie lounging jacket and threw himself down on the sofa, whjle Elly lighted the lamp under the teakettle. For a time tney cnatted gayly together. Rich ard had stretohed himself out at full length. Elly sat at the table beside mm, and her fingers played at times with his curls. He was speaking of his programme for the next concert "We must continue our journey soon. Ellv. I want to drain the cun of success to the dregs. One more Uke today, and un, on, n.iiy ne suddenly exclaimed rather crossiy, "what are you doing? You have certainly pulled out some of my nair. "Why, my dear husband " That Andrew Caniogie. the great eteel and licii kin;;, is deeply devoted to his faiherland of Scotland goes with out saying. His gifss for libraries and other public instituiioas to various towns in Scotland urt? almost number less. Among his latest beneficences was jjiotM.i.M lor a aew h'ua:;.- in luim fr(es. for which' he recently laid the tuiuKisiuue. tsesuics 1:1s piumc works, he has also been expending large sums on nis estate, improving and beautify, lng the Immense grounds which sur round his castle home. . Mr. Carnetrie has nJwnv'a nrided him. self on his knowledge of Scotch litera- A2TDREW CARNEGIE. ture and Scotch geography, but a re cent experience showed him how easy it is to make mistakes In these fields. He was responding to anaddress made to him by the townspeople of Maxwell town, near Dumfries, and in the course of his remarks made reference to Max welltown braes, under the impression that he was in the locality made fa-, mous by "Annie Laurie." Imagine his annoyance on being told by the provost at the conclusion of his remarks that he had made a mistake, as the Max welltown braes of the song are on an estate 1G miles away. Agricultural BictKIm. Never pasture your grassfields. Just Deiore rrost closely mow and rake them clean for winter, advises George M. Clark, the eastern grass specialist. in jountry uentleman. American Agriculturist suggests that wnne it is too early for figures of the ultimate yield the general average Au gust condition of the corn crop applied to the heavy acreage this year, ex ceeding 80,000.000 acres, will warrant an expectation of a crop of at least z,iuu,uuu,uuo bushels of corn. Preliminary returns to tha naiinrt. ment of agriculture Indicate a reduc tion of 5.3 ter cent in the hav Of the 14 states mowing 1,000,000 acres or upward" last year all except Califor nia report a red need ncream 'rha dition of timothy hay is 6.8 n?ina inn-. er tnan at the corresponding dato last year. The new pecch scale, or thn Wasf Tn. man scale, as It is called, which has thoroughly established ltsalf In aotnn of the large Georgia orchards, Is not regaraea as aangerous In the north, ac- coraing to itural New Yorker. The tobaCCO CroD of tha Pnnn vaiiey as it stood eaiiv in AneriRt Iq w . . . - v portea Dy an exchange "the best grown ana tne nnest ever raised in this tniin. co growing region. It is remarkably clear, free from 'calico' and has scarce ly been Injured at all by storm, the leaves Deing free from breaks or per- lurijuoijs. A Hurt nmlliin David Mills. 4;he Canadian minister of justice is not only one of the ablest Dut one of tne most popular men In the Dominion. His knowledcra of affairs in every section of Canada is remark- ame, ana nis friends are always sur prised at the close touch In which he keeps with the people. It is said that he knows lust how nubile sentiment stands on any Question in anv villaee In the Dominion. Sixty-eight years of age,- he is as vigorous as any young man In parliament. His father was a native of New York. and. althouch born In Canada, the son was a student at the University of Michigan. Mr Mills has been In public life since 1S50 and ror 62 years has been a member of parliament. Aside from his narlia- mentary duties, Mr. Mills finds time to edit Tne uauy Advertiser of London unt HIDES CHILL rami:: - (PALATABLE ) Better than Calomel and Quinine. (Contains no ArBenic.) , The Old Keliablo. ' EXCELLENT GENERAL. TONIC as well as A Sure Cure for CHIUS anil FEVER, Malerial Fevers, Swamp Fevers and Bilious Fevers IT NEVER FAILS. Just what you need at this season. Mild Laxative. Nervous Sedative. Splendid Tonic. Guaranteed by your Druggists. Don't take any substitute. Try it. 50c and $1.00 bottles. Prepared by Robloson-Pettet o., (Incorporated), fbl5 6m Louisville, K MORE ARRESTS MADE IN MANILA. Army Officers Charged Trading in Permits Ship Hemp. With to THE PRESIDENTIAL PARTY President and Mrs. McKlnley Left San Francisco for Washington. By Telegraph to the Mormnit star. San Francisco, May 25. President McKinley and party, after a sojourn of nearly two weeks in this city, left for - Washington shortly after 10 nVlrwLr fhie mnrni r- cr Mrs TWATTinlrfst? seemed elated at the prospect of soon being at home. She was conveyed from the Scott residence to th Oak- lanrl TTarrv in a olncAil aiiiaira htr a circuitous route chosen so the invalid might pass only over smoothly paved streets. She was accompanied by the President, Dr. Bixey and a trained nurse. There were no formal ceremonies at thA rianrht f4nnrt Ktpa wapa A-rrhanorpH - c j - - by the President, cabinet member fmri nthnrfi i.f th nurlu with tlio frinnda nrhr Vinrl rrm a tn nricVi Ihem God speed, and the travellers boarded 41 V J -v 1 V . 1 me terry ooai uasiana. Sacramento, Cal., May 25. Mrs. McKinley showed no ill effects from her journey at the time Sacramento 1 1 j T" . T-r 1: w reacueu auu ur ivixey oeneves she will be able to stand the trip to Washington without stopping for rest along the route. WARM WIRELETS. Sir Redvers Bailer's Hut. Sir Redvers Buller of the British ar my, at present actively engaged In the boutli African campaign. Is not onlv a strict disciplinarian In military con cerns, but is also very prompt and un compromising in the performance of what he conceives to bo liisdutv in the more peaceful walks of life. This char acteristic is illustrated in a story which comes from London. Not lone airo a certain well known man was present SIB RKDVERS BDLLER. at a dinner at Sir Redvers' house: This gentleman told an anecdote that so "off color" as to greatly displease and distress the ladies. When dinner was over. Sir Redvers rang the bell. "Mr. A.'s carriage." he ordered whon the butler appeared. I do not expect mr broueham so early," said Mr. A., and there waa a gleam of defiance in his eyes. blr Redvers did not renlv. but h took Mr. A. by the arm and led him gently to the hall. "It is tim for vm, to go," he said quietly, and his guest went. The Enm-w Pn.l Lady Arp vnn willing r.. eon. rA t I give you your dinner? lramp Iso. but 111 do the other half. Ladv Tlip nthor holr r .!.. -j - . ..111. l I 1 1 I, ill . Tramn The adn?p. I'll snn nnthin. Chicago News. The steamer Ohin mm TTull at Boston reports a collision at sea with mo Norwegian DarK hiuse from Moss, Anril 1st. for N -w Vni-t in hoiioet ' - w&w u wniiaoiis The bark went down with fourteen men. une sailor was saved. All hope of saving the seventy eight entombed miners at the Uni versal colliery, in Wales, has been abandoned, although the work of res cue continues. America's cup races will begin on September 21st, Sir Thomas Lipton having by cablegram agreed to that date and promised to have a formal request fixing that as the new time sent by the Royal Ulster Yacht Club. The damage caused by heavy rains at various points io the South, occa sioning considerable delay to the mails, has bee repaired and complete resumption of schedules over all branches of the Southern railway is announced. The report circulated that Thomas A. EdisoD, the inventor, had received a letter threatening that his young daughter Madeiine would be stolen if ue uiu not leave a certain sum of money at a place designated in the letter, is denied at Mr. Edison s home in Orange, N J. At the close of a consultation between former Senator Hill retained for the prosecution in the Molineux appeal, and District Attorney Philbin, it was announced that the appeal Would be argued before the New York Court of Appeals during the week of Juae 17th. President Altscheusky, of the Khar koff Chamber rf Pimm mitted suicide Tuesday by allowing a lamuau train 10 run over nim near St. Petersburg, Russia. He was a financier of great influence. His death was due to financial difficulties and win emoarrass many institutions. Ko Need to Crosa. Booker T. Washington told the follow ing story of .1 member of the "po'h white trash" who endeavored to cross a stream by means of a ferry owned by a black man: "Uncle Mose," said the white man, "I want to cross, but I hain't got no money." Uncle Mose scratched his head. "Doan' you got no money 't all?" he queried. "No," said the wayfaring stranger, "I haven't a cent," "But it done cost you but 3 cents," in sisted Uncle Mose, "tor cross de ferry." "I know," said the white man, "but I naven't got the 3 cents." Uncle Mose was in a quandary. "Boss," he said, "I done tole you what. 'Er man what's got no 3 cents am jes' ez well off on dis side er de river as on de odder." Cleveland Leader. 1 WILL BE COURT MARTIALED. Prosecutions Against Carman and Others for Trading With Insurgents aban doned American Troops to be Sent Against Insurgents. By Cable to the Morning Star. Manila,' May 25. The prosecution against D. M. Carman, Senor Car ranza and others accused of trading with the insurgents, has been aban doned. The military authorities con sider that nlthmioh tha mr riclinna nf a number of Manila merchants would be practically certain were the in yes tigations continued their prosecution would be inexpedient, as the con&e quent damages to business would outweigh the good accomplished. frovost tteneral Davis, who has reviewed the testimony in theCar man csss, said to the correspondent of the Associated Press that while Carman could be convicted of trading .van me insurgents, it would be un just to pur is h him when nearly every trader hi 4i am Ja is guilty of similar praclio. Ui !;. Si 1-1 Caillcs eud Malvar surrreuner quickly, GSaiieral Mac Arthur will concentrate a suoug force of American troops and surround them. Cailles is vainly hoping for a guarantee from the American author ities tbat he will not be tried for the murders and atrocities he is alleged t J have committed. Malvar a hnoK ing that he will be the Jast insurgent to surrender. The attempt of General Hughes to accomplish the surrender of the in surgent leader, Iucban, on the island of Samar, is without result. Battery P. of the Fifth artillerv, formerly commanded by the late Capt. Henry J. Reilly, has arrived here from Captain Michael Speliman, Lieuten ant Delnert R. Jones and Surgeon Dudley W. Welch, of Company G, B'orty third infantry, stationed at Maasiu, Southern Leyte have been arrested on a charge of trading in per mits to ship hemp from closed ports. They will be tried by court martial. It has not been determined whether Manila hemp buyers are directly im plicated. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and yhich has been l" " uwer ow years, nas Dome tne signature of jrjfP and has been made under his per- ClSLTMJf sonal supervision since its infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitationsand ' Just-as-good" ore but .Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Kxperiment. Wh at is CASTO R I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. -It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. .., The Children's PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of S7 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CTNTilUII COMPANV. TT Ml NCW YORK CITT. GAYLORD'S BIG STORE ON FRONT STBEET NORTH OF THE POSTOFFIOE, Is a pleasant place to do V yoar shopping these hot days. euProITmVqmIflts Traatment. consisting ct l&ZZf&iivl, 1 Capanles of Ointment tncltwj P'.ntment- A neTer f aiiin Cure Jor pZ iA5?f 0WTMEKT. ZSi a Bor. m nov 13 IT a. U. BELLAMY. Agent. Nasal CATARRH In all its stages there eIiouM be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balui cleanses, soothes and heals the dUca-ed membrane. Itcnrejiatarrhanddrives &vny a co d in the head qiiick'y Cream ltalm is placed Into the nostrils, spreads over tliti icaibrane and is absorbed. Relief is im mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying does net ir Kkice piipczin Large Size, 60 cents at Drug j;ist r by mail ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. KLY BKOTUEItS, 5o Warren Street, New York. One Fine Horse, One Fine Mule, AT A BARGAIN. Unfit for our heavy work on pave ments, but capable of good service on Farm. HALL & PEARSALL, Our otora is o.nrrt and UnVkt every side you see piles of Dry Goods. ire&s wooas, onoes and Ulothinp. Our stock is now r.nmnlt.A Wt been receiving; goods each day this wteK. uur tables, counters and shelves are oiled with bargains that to sell. Shoes We have just received about 40 esses shoes, all new and up- io aaxe goous. m Uhildren's Bhoes we have all solid leather shoes for 50c a pair. Little gents' Shces and Slip pers from 90c to $1 50. Misses Shoes from 75c to $1.50. A big line of Ladies all solid Shoes for 7Ro OiiK T.oJc oil .ww. aii SOlld UUtO rial ft Shops arifh nim toco genuine Dongola leather, for tl 25. v w are soie agents ior Wm. Knee land's hand sewed RhrA. fnr mn Thev ran from $2 25 lo $5 a pair! High cut sewed rubber bottom shoes ior men and ooys for 40c a pair. Ladies' fine Patent leather slirtnarc for $1.25 and $2 a pair. Ladies' San dais for 75c and $1. We have a nic line of CarDet Slinnftrs hrnnrleri 'TT Wear 'Em" for 38c a pair. A big line oi tstraw bats for men and boys from 10c to $1 each. A bio- linn nf man's sample hats going at actual cost a good Hat cheap. Iu our clothing de parlment we will try to keep you cool. We have a big line of Summer cloth I log, such as Seree suits and Seroa coats and vests We have Alpaca Coats and Vests for fcl.BO each, all Wool. Black Alnnf O.nat fmm 41 Krt to $3 75, all wool. Blue 8erre Coats at $2 50 each. Coals and VadIo at $3.75. Youth's Blue Seree Suits, lon Pants suits at $4 50. Men's Rnito at $5 00 Velore Ribbons. A big line of Velvet Ribbons received this week. No 1 at 18c for ten yard piece; No. H for 25c n piece, No. 2 35c a piece and ou up ii 50c a yard. A nice line of Allover Embroideries, Lace Yokinaa and Nettings received this week. Swiss Embroidery, 40 inches wide, for making waists, from 90c a yard up io $1.55 a yard. Allover Lace Yoking from 25c to $1.00 a yard. A big line of new Embroidery, 4 inches wide, for 5c a yard. A nice line of beautiful Embroidery at 20c and 40c per yard. A nice line of new Bough Straw Short Back Sailors for draping at 50c each. Anew lme of child's fine Sailors at 50c. Beautiful White Shirt Waists wiili Lace fronts for 75c each. Beau tiful tuck front Gowns, full size, at 40c each. A nice line or new mercerized Undershirts in black aud colors for 75c. Splendid values in Taffetta Ribbons from 5c a yard up, in all the pretty light shades. In our largo Millinery De artment, we are kept very busy. We trim all Hats free for our customers whetf hat ahd material are bought of us .We are always receiving new goods for this Department. We have trimmed Hats for Ladies fro.m 50c each and up. Our $1 and $1.50 and $2 Hats are trimmtu up in the latest style, out of the best material b&d are beautiful goods and will please any Ladj that will give them a look or send us an order. We -are sellincr lots of Goods and we have lots of them to sell. We are giving away lots of presents and still have more to give. Always have given ticket purchased with every cash purcnase. we give away Chairs, Tables, Writing Desks, Lounges and Crockery. We are agents for lh McCall's Bazaar Patterns at 10c and 15c. We have the June fashion sheets ready for distribution. Give us a call this week. - . ma 15 tf (INCORPORATED.) Nutt and Mulberry GEO. 0. GAYLORD, PROPRIETOR Wilmington's Big Backet Store, Bank of Knglnil Notes. It Is not every one who is aware that a Bank of England note is not of the same thickness all through. The paper is thicker in the left hand corner, to enable it to retain a keener impression of the tiprnette there, and it is also considerably thicker in the dark shadows of the center letters and beneath the fijrnrcs at the ends. Counterfeit notes are invariably pf one thickness only throughout. Lon. Ion Telegraph. Mule for Sale. Also all Goods Usually my 2l5 tf 208 and 210 North Front Street. kept la a Statement of the Con dition of i Tne Atlantic National Bank PUZZLE PICTTJEE. Wholesale Grocery Store D. L. GORE CO. 130, 122 ana 124 North Water Btreet, my 22 tf Wilmington, n. C. NOTICE, At the close of business April 24, 1901. (Organized 1892. RESOURCES TTMU18SI?,d1SC0Unt8 900-030 43 L.n, ' ' 218,900 00 Redemption i snn nn Rsal Estate . io om oa Oa?h on hand and in Banks 257,006 40 TotaI $1,309 736 82 Strong Bank. J. W. NORWOOD, President. my 19 tf LIABILITIES. Capital titock , $126,000 GO Surplus, &C 129,8'U Xti Circulation , 9510000 Deposits 1,039,805 Total .$1,389.73C 8'.' ' Liberal Treatment. ANDREW MORELAND, Cashier. FLOUR, all grades, barrels and tan. SUGAR and COFFEE. CAKES, CRACKERS, CHEESE and SARDINES. TANDY, in Met. andtos. ! uAnmsu iiOODS, sncn as toma toes, PEACHES, CORN, OYSTERS, mullets aiiii mullet roe. THE WILMINGTON SAYINGS & TRUST CO. FEANUTS, Vai N. C, and Spanish. TOBACCOS m and Smoting. For sale low oy Remember June 1st Is IhebeginniDgioX-a new interest quarter of our Bank. Money deposited before that date will receive a full quarter's uteres t on September 1st. I i 8 Prlnceas street. mlZ' rtWWOU' B. WALTERS, VI.. Pr..Wn. WHAT ANIMAL CAUSES THIS WOODMAN TO RUN? Williams Bros. PIC NIC HAMS. WHY SUFFER FROM CHILLs. fevers II riWIfl NIGHT SWEATS LESS. ChillTonic ap 20 D&W 17 Grippe and all other forms of maladies when you can be cured by Roberts' ChillTonic The world does not contain a better remedy. Many wonderful cures made by it. 25 cents a bottle. Money refunded if it fails to do the work. Delight ful to take. R. B. BELLAMY, Wilmington,-N. C. u. 1. wMisuw, somnport, H C. sa tu tb 2,100 14610 12,780 4,990 6,840 2,110 3,600 18,600 M0 1,240 890 my 22 tt Pounds Pic Nlc Hams. Pounds D. S. Plates. Pounds D. S. Bides. Pounds Bacon Plates, Pounds Pure Lard. Pounds Compound Lard. Pounds O. M. Pork. Pounds N. C. Mullet. Bnshels Cow Peaa Bushels Yellow Corn. Bushels While Corn. W. B. COOPER, Wholesale Grocer 308, 810. 812 Nutt street, WHminetoB. N. u. p3 1-2 Steps EiST from the corner of Front, and WE3T from corner second and Princess streets will take you to' BI 4 EVANS CO. DEPARTMENT STORES, Where the public have found; are still unaing ana win continue to find tt5KrT QOODS for the LEAST MON1.Y, any where to be found. A comparison will convince. to Bell 'Phone 661 Our SDGCialtv. j lap 28 tf REASONABLE GOODS MULLETS, new catch. Best Cream Cheese, Martin's Gilt Edge Butter, Bagging and Ties. SALT. A, GBUERAIA 1 It V OK fA.ih iOOT)S IN dbmanl at Tui.-i aAa. Sole agents' fcr ROB ROY FLOUR. HcliAIR Sl PEARSALL sep