PCBUSHXD AT WILMINGTON, N. C, 1 .00 A TEAR IN ADVANCE. S8S8SS88888888SSS iS3SS88SS8S88g 88888888888888888 88888888888888888 88888888888888888 8288S88828S8888S8 8888858828888888 82888882888888888 n oio v-ooo 4 ot o ie do S8SSS8S888S88888S 3: ; : J? ftterfA at the Post Office at ilmtgtoa, N. C, at Second Clan Mffter.1 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. The subscription price of the "We'-Jy Star la ai Single Copy 1 year, portage paid ,,,$1 80 ? ' d month " " fte " 3 moathi " HE IS DEAD. The dreaded has happened and the life which for eight days lias hung in the balance has gone out ami cast a shadow of gloom over this whole land. The wire which clicked the sad announcement of hi?" death brought sorrow to every household, to the millions who since the , assassin shot was fired prayed that the life of the stricken President might be spared. - The fear and solicitude that fol lowed the shock at the horrid deed gave way to a feeling of hopefulness with the encouraging bulletins sent out from day to day by the attend ant physicians until the belief be came general that he would survive and get well. The gloomy bulletins oi r naay tnereiore came as a terrible shock that brought with it "grief and despair. Throughout all this ordeal he borhimself bo bravely, so calmly, submitted to the inevitable with 3uch masterly self control that no word of impatience, of complaining, or of resentfulness at the perpetra tor or the abettors of the deed that cost his life escaped his lips. He bore it all with the submission of a martyr and was the most resigned to his possible fate of all those who were associated with him officially or otherwise. He was calm and hopeful when they were gloomy, de pressed and despondent. The country had hoped and pray ed that he would recover for its sake and for his, and for the wife of his bosom, to whom thiough their whole wedded life he has been so beauti fully devoted, and when its hopes were blighted and the tragic end came, the great heart xf the people wa3 stricken with grief, and the tears of millions fell with the tears of that loving wife who saw the life go out of the man she loved and whom the American people loved and honored as they have loved and honored few men. They mourn the man whose pri vate life, domestic virtues and amiable qualities endeared him to all who knew him or knew of them ; they lament the passing away, even if it were in the natural course of events and not by the hand of vio lence, of a man who in his exalted position had grown upon them from year to year until all honored him aa a well meaning, broad-minded, liberal-viewed, patriotic President, who lived and labored for his conn try's welfare and for every section of it. - Thia will be the best foundation f or-his fame, and when he lies on his bier, the Bweetest and purest flowers that will rest upon it will come from the Sunny South. As an illustration of what farm machinery has. done in the way of increasing production, and as a stim ulant to Florida farmers to keep up with the procession, the Jackson ville Times- Union calls attention to the fact that while the number' of farm laborers in this country has only doubled sinco 1850, "we pro duce four times as much corn, six times as much wheat, eight times as much cotton, from twenty to a hun dred times as much hay, beef, pork, mutton, butter, chickens and eggs," in all of which machinery figures di rectly or indirectly. There is a movement on foot in Pittsburg to raise a fund to erect a monument to Parker! the Georgia negro who jumped on Czolgosz, floored him and prevented him from shooting a third time at the Presi dent. Parker wouldn't give a flip for a monument. Better take the money and buy him a farm and a snug home in Georgia, where he might pass the rest of his days, live and be joyful. 1 Q5opooooopoopc I f g w :"WTr'TT " 1 MTiOfWBWHWwvwwt-jjTOfi w i mm . A & & I I I , - . 1 - - . - - ; . I -y .Mwaioja la the SOUTH. "I It has frequently been remarked since the lamented President Mc- Kinley was shot by the assassin Czolgosz that snch an .event could not have happened in the South, I S00, honest, industrious and law for there are ho anarchists here. He 1 re8pectinS people, the South is the might, as far as the people of the T most thoroughly American section of South are concerned, have gone ke ion, and being still ' an agri from one one end of it to the other cnltural secfion there are few large without the escort or attendance of I oven one life guard, while he never went anywhere in the North and West without detectives, and on some occasions without mounted bodyguards. While this is no re flection upon the Northern people as a people, it is true, and there are oij guuu reasons ior u. xney are so fully embraced in the following I 1 , , . . I Philadelphia Press, that we give it here entire. Under the heading of "Immigration and Anarchism," it says: - "There is no question that the num ber of advocates of anarchism has largely increased in this country dur ing the past twenty years. Where does this increase come from? No in telligent person will assert that any number of native-born Americans of the second or third generation, or over, have been converted to anarchism. There is no evidence of it. The very freedom of the country is against na tive growth of that heresy. The abun dance ot opportunities, the liberty of action, the many chances to improve one's material condition are all anti dotes to that mental state necessary to the reception of anarchism as a rule of action. "Where does the increase of An archists come from, thenf There is only one reply to this question. The putrid stream of anarchism mast' be fed by immigration. The official fig ures bear out this supposition. The folio wing table shows the changes in the character of immigration from 1882 to 1901, the gain or loss per cent in the number of immigrants from the different countries being given in the last two columns: Immigrants from -1883. 1901. Alt countries. 783,99a 487,918 Austria-Hungary . . . "29,150 113.390 Germany 850.630 81,651 Denmark 11618 3.655 France . 6,004 3.150 Percent of total. 1882. 1901. 8.7 81.7 1.4 0.7 4.0 1.8 3.7 27 8.C 1.3 10.4 9.7 2.4 23.2 4.4 07 0.6 . 87.9 ' 0.5 8.5 17.4 4.7 0.4 8.5 6.2 0.4 Italy, 32.159 135,396 Ketheelands... 9.517 8.849 Norway.. 89,101 12,248 RuSBla 8 1.690 85.257 8weden 64 607 83,831 Switzerland........... 10.844 8,331 England 82,894 12,214 Ireland... 74,432 80,561 Scotland 18,937 8,070 "The lesson this table teaches can be easily drawn. The best' class im migrants this country has ever re ceived have come from England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Sweden and Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands. But the immigration from everv one of these countries shows a marked decline in 1901 as compared with 1882 On the other hand the least desirable class of immi grants this country has come from Europe has come from Austria-Hun gary, Italy and Uussia. It is in the last two of these three countries that anarchism and nihilism have their largest number of advoates and have been preached most persistently. And it is a fcignincant fact that the immi gration from each one ot these coun tries shows a large and rapid increase. It is only reasonable then to con clude that the increase in the number of Anarchists and Nihilists in this country is due to the tnerease in the immigration from those countries where tne adherents of these doctrines are the strongest. This fact can be made plainer by grouping the immi gration from theseXcountries by itself and showing its increase. This is done in the following tables Per Cent. 1883. 1901. 1882. 1901. Italy...... 32,159 135,996 4.0 27.9 Russia.... 2 1,5 90 85.257 2.7 17.4 Totals .r 53,749 221,253 "In the fiscal year ending June 30tb, 1901, the immigration from these two countries was over four times greater than it was in 1882. As the advocates of anarchism iu this country have in creased in about the same proportion in the same time it is only reasonable to assert that the increase has been caused by the growth in the immigra tion from those countries where An archists and Nihilists are most numer ous. These facts should impress Con gress with the need of a change in the immigration laws that will make pro vision for a more rigid sifting of the immigrants seeking this country." We not only permit to enter our ports the indiscriminate herd from the countries which breed anarch ism and1 nihilism and the more harmless socialism, but we admit avowed anarchists and nihilists, permit them to organize their so cieties, hold public meetings, pub lish papers disseminating their doc trines and advocating and defending assassination and eulogizing and making heroes of the assassins. They are under no -restraint or police surveillance and are as free to advocate chaos and murder as the preacher is to preach Christ crnci fied and even freer than some are to preach doctrines that are new and disapproved of for some reason or for no reason. , By this "tolerance and this broad latitude of personal liberty and free dom of speech and of the press they have become emboldened until they defy public sentiment and threaten with assassination any and all who incur their enmity. - " Some cities and districts in the North and West are honeycombed with them, "and there are probably thousands of them in the North to day with the probabilities against their being one in the South. The figures gdven in the editorial which we reproduce from the Press,, explains this, for there has been no immigration of the elements of which anarchism is composed into the South. One might travel from on eendof it to the other without meeting a Russian or a Pole, and with the exception of New Orleans where the Mafia society has existed among the worst element of thfi Ital ians, but few Italians, those gener- ; ' I -..- . . ' ' I aiiy oi a sober, industrious class. who are frying to, earn an honest "ving and are law abiding. With, her small number of foreign "orn citizens, most of whom are Clties Ior tne reckless, incendiary, society-destroying element to gather in and to grow. This fact has i Tbeen recognized and acknowledged by such men as Sen ator Hoar and others on 'visits to the South, and this is one of the causes that gives the South the proud, enviable distinction of not bein2 a congeniaTaection f or anarch lira tvr oougg!n. PRESIDENT E00SEVE On the death of President Mc Kinley, "Theodore Roosevelt became President of the United States1. The' untried pilot goes to the helm to succeed the experienced one who had stood faithfully at the wbieel for nearly five years,- and1 guided "the ship safely through troublous waters. How the new pilot may fill his place, whether well or otherwise, remains to be seen, but there is hope entertained, even by those who have not been favorably impressed by him, that with the-' grave and mighty responsibilities that will de volve upon him, will come thought, sober reflection and a tempering down of that impulsive, impetuous, aggressive disposition that has been such a striking characteristic of the man, and has been no small factor in giving him the, fame, and lifting him to the eminence he has at tained. We are among those that enter tain that hope and believe that while Theodore Roosevelt will never make the well-poised, conservative, self-forgetting President ' that Wil liam McKinley did, he will agree ably disappoint those who had formed these opinions of the man from his aggressive, strenuous utter ances and pen pictures in the pub lic journals of the country, both of his own and other parties. One thing that can be said of him and that is that he is a man of mind,and of individuality enough to give him force of character. He is also a student of history, and while ambitious his ambition has been an honorable one. He seeks the applause-of his countrymen, but at the same time endeavors to de serve it. He is a partisan, an as sertive, aggressive partisan, but he may prove broadminded, liberal and patriotic enough, now that his am bition has in a measure been attain ed to leave much of that partisan ship behind him when he enters up on the Presidential office and realize that to win the plaudits of his countrymen and lasting fame, as his lamented predecessor did, he must prove more of a patriot than partisan. As Governor of New York his administration was creditable and was not marred by any blotches of incompetency or of eccentricity, and if he has the good judgment to surround himself with conservative. broad-viewed counsellors, there is no reason why he should not make a President who will perform the duties of his high office with honor to himself and benefit to his country. That he may, at least let us hope. As for the South it need not be solicitiouslv concerned about the course he mav pursue, for there has been no manifestation by him of unfriendliness to this section, but on the contrary he has always spoken kindly of the South, from which hid mother sprang, Mr. Herman, of what was once Garfield county, in Kansas, lives in the finest house anywhere there abouts, and it didn't cost him a red. The county went out of busi ness as a county, the boom town in which the court house was located busted, he squatted on the quarter section on which' it was built, entered it as a homestead and took nossession of the house and there he has lives ever since with "no one to question his proprietorship. While the Congressmen are away Washington is trying to reform and have things orderly,' therefore a law -has been passed making unlawful in the District of Columbia the pres ence of any ,fiwU parrot or birdj or other feathepdor haired vocalist which by offensively crowing, cack ling, talking or singing or other noise shall disturb the serenity and comfort of any neighborhood. At a recent re-unipn of a family named Chick, m Maine, there were, five sisters, the oldest of whom was eighty-eight years, the- youngest seventy." Their combined ages were 470 years. These were no spring Chick-ens. Senator Mason, of Illinois, asks I "how does a U. S. Senator earn his - 1 salary?" He earnihis by running a wind mill. - WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 20, PEOPLE BEREAVED. Great Sorrow Manifest in Wil mington Over Death of Presi dent Wm. McKinley. V MASS MEETING SATURDAY. Resolutions of Kespet to Dead Chieftain and Many Eloquent, and Personal . Tributes Telegram Sent to. Secretary Cortelyoo. Perhaps in no Southern city was there apparent Saturday more out ward or unmistakable manifestation of the deep gloom that has fallen over the nation in the death of its Presi dent, than in Wilmington. ' Mr. McKinley 's death, was the all- important topic discussed on the streets, in offices and places' of busi ness, and deep and personal; was the regret expressed by every Flags over private and public buildings and over vessels in the harbor were at half mast and there were many other evi dences of the great loss felt by the people, regardless of political creed, class or condition of men. . The Pro-, duce Exchange, while open to mem bers, was the scene of no transac tions in the commercial world and the miniature flags over the desk of the secretary were an- propriately draped. Holiday hours, as far as business would permit, were observed at the United States build ings and officials were alike in ex pressing the most profound sorrow upon the death of their chief. At the service in the Temple of Israel Saturday morning Rev. Dr. Mendelsohn, the Rabbi, made a most touching reference to the death, eulog izing the life and character of the de ceased ruler. The mass meeting of citizens in the Court House, to take' action in ref erence to the death of the President, was indeed a most representative one. The large court room was full to over flowing with men who entered heart ily and sympathetically into the spirit of the hour. The meeting was held at 10 o'clock and Mr. Hugh MacRae was called to the chair. Rt. Rev. Bishop A. A Watson offered a very fervent prayer and upon motion of Mr. John S. Armstrong the following committee was named to pass upon any resolu tions that might be offered: Messrs. J. C. Stevenson, W. R. Kenan, H. W. Malloy, A. M. Waddell and W. E. Springer. The resolution embraced in the fol lowing telegraphic transmission to Secretary Cortelyou.with a request for conveyance of the sentiment to Mrs. McKinley, was then unanimously adopted: "September 14, 1901. 'At a representative public meeting of the citizens of Wilmington, N. C, held this morning at 10 o'clock, the following resolution was passed unan imously, and this committee was in structed to send the same to Mrs. Mc Kinley. Will you kindly convey the resolution to her? " lEe8olved. That on this day, while we mourn with the whole country for our dead President and listen rever ently to the messages of sympathy which are pouring in from ail tne nations of the earth, we deem it a mournful duty, as a community, to express our sorrow for the sufferings and death of William McKinley, our fellow citizen the soldier, statesman and patriot feeling, as we do, that we have not only experienced a na tional but also a personal affliction. "His lofty character, his calm, wise statesmanBhiD and his excellent diplo macy in handling our foreign affairs during a very trying and exciting period of the world's history nave moved the hearts of the people as the heart of one man is moved and have brought the country to the front line of the ruhnt? world powers. "President of the whole people, ana sustained by the loyalty of all tne States he has "commanded for us the resnect of all foreign potentates. "Wtiilst nis xinaiy personality, nis eminent services, his patience and beautiful fortitude in these last anxious days have endeared him to the hearts nf all cood citizens. "We extend to bis devotea wite ana " .... . i m 1 to his family our respectful sympathy. HUGH MAOrvAK, "H. C. McQueen, "H. W. Malloy, - "Committee. Chairman MacRae, when the reso lution had been feelingly adopted, stated that it was also the purpose of the meeting to hear from those who personally desired to say something in honor of the departed 'President He then called upon Mayor Waddell, who spoke an eloquent tribute, which was listened to attentively. He rei ferred to his acquaintance with Mr. McKinley when he was in Congress and his impression of the man and officer. He was a gentleman with as clean a record as any man in nublic life. His devotion to his wife was remarkable and beau tiful. Although many differed with the late President in politics, none dared to question his political dr per sonal integrity. Mayor Waddell closed a beautiful speech with these words: "Would to God that a large propor tion of the Northern country could realize the feeling in the South. I do not believe any locality is more honest and sincere than this community. God save this country." Hon. John D. Bellamy began a very feeling and eloquent tribute by saying that a great calamity has befallen the country and it is to be deeply deplored. Anarchy, he said, should be stamped out of the country. No man had ever been President of the United States who enjoyed a greater respect of his people than Mr. McKinley. Mr! Bel lamy said he had. a personal acquaint ance with the President. He was easily approached and in his company one felt at perfect ease. He had a fullness of heart and tenderness rare ly found in the public men of to-day. The people should meet the blow that has befallen them and make the best of it. . ;.. : : Rev. Dr. A. D. McClure next spoke tenderly of the dead ruler and the great calamity which has come' upon his people. During the hour of the funeral he suggested that another public meeting be held and that the church bells of the city be tolled dur ing the time. : The suggestion was favorably re ceived, and it was the sense of the meeting that business houses close so that 'all may attend the meeting and show proper reverence. Rev. Dr.' A. G. Voigt next express ed his entire accord with the spirit of the meeting and the eulogies that bad been said. ' Rev. Dr. Calvin S. Black well spoke in exceedingly appropriate and touch ing language of the death of the President and .recited the great anx iety' of a v devoted -people since the newsf tb assassination spread like wildfire a week ago. Each of the three Ptbsidentt whohave fallen at the hands of assassins was noted for his domestic virtues. He closed his very beautiful tribute by saying: "My own heart wears a tenderness for the noble and heroic woman whom the man now in death has just nursed to recovery by his love." Mr. J. W. Norwood reciied the events leading up to and the circum stances surrounding the assassination of the three presidents who had died at the hands of diabolical men. The killing of Mr. McKinley was the most unmitigated, reprehensible and cow ardly of all. He said he knew of no more apt parallel in history than the murder of our Blessed Savior, who was betrayed with a kiss by Judas Iscariot. Mr. D. L. Gore spoke in splendid language of the late President and his many virtues and capabilities. "We nonor ourselves in honoring the dead President," said Mr. Gore. Collector of Customs Jno. C. Dancy, the only colored man presant, asked to be pardoned for his interruption dur ing their labor of love. He spoke elo quently of the president and paid one of the most beautiful tributes of the meeting to his memory. Mr. W, M. Cumming next spoke and impressed the people with the idea that President Roosevelt be given the utmost spirit and confidence. Mr. H. C. McQueen concurred in the sediment expressed by Mr. Cum ming in regard to President Roosevelt and upon Mr. McQueen's motion, a verba! resolution extending the sj m pathy of the community to the new President in this great hour thrust upon him, was unanimously adopted. The Stab regrets that space forbids a more complete reference to all the beautiful tributes paid to the Presi dent's memory, but it will suffice to say that each one was sincere and couched in the most appropriate and expressive language. MASS MEETING IN RALEIGH. Resolutions Adopted by the Council of State Upon the Death of President McKinley Gov. Aycock. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C Sept. 14. The North Carolina Council of State met to-Say and adopted resolutions expres sive of profound regret at the death of William McKinley, President of the United States. The following are some features of the resolutions: 'That his high personal character. his domestic virtues, his courage dis played in following convictions of duty, and his neroic struggle to re cover from the effects of the assassin's shot, iu order to give the people of our common country the benefit of his services, and to win their admiration for faithful perfor nance of duty, merit our warmest commendation. "That we view with horror the dastardly act of the assassin who struck down the President of the United States while expressions of Peace on earth and good will to men' had scarcely died away from his lips; and we note with alarm within the borders of our free republic the pres ence of bands of anarchists bound by secret ties of infamy to red handed murder. "That we hereby express our hearty approval of all legislation, both State and national, within the limits oi tne constitution, designed to prevent a recurrence of great crimes similar to the one which we to-day lament, and to suppress and exterminate the spirit of anarchy in all cases by providing swift and adequate punishment." There was a mass meeting of citizens to-night during which brief addresses were made by Governor Aycock, United States Senator F. M. Simmons, ex Senator Marion Butler, Chief Jus tice Furches, and Associate Justice Douglas of the Supreme Court Suit able resolutions were adopted deplor ing the death of the President, de nouncing anarchy and calling upon Congress to provide adequate legisla tion against admitting into this country enemies of law and order. Governor Aycock announced that he desires mayors of cities to notify him who will attend the funeral at Washington, so that he can appoint them as a delegation to represent the State. The Governor, will attend the funeral. Sale of Wharf Property. Forney J. Gooding and wife trans ferred by deed recorded yesterday to W. Taftfor 1 3,000 valuable wharf prop erty between Market and Dock streets. The tract begins in the western line of Water, thirty -three feet north from the intersection of said street with the northern line of Dock street, running thence northwardly along the western line of Water street, seventy-two feet more or less to the centre of Wilkin son's alley, M. J. Corbett's line, thence west along Corbett's' 'line to the chan nel of the Cape Fear river, thence south with the channel of the river to a line extended due west from the point of beginning. 1901. COUNTY SCHOOL FOND New Hanover Directors Will Make Demand On City for All Police Fines A CONTROVERSY EXPECTED. About $600 Per Year is Involved Example of Buncombe, Wake and Other Coun ties WiU be Followed Here. Revenue for Six Months.; A controversy over the disposition of fines accruing from the munic ipal court is likely to be launched at any time between the city authorities and the County Board of School Di rectors. About two years ago in Raleigh and in Asheville the county school author ities discovered a hidden law, or rather principle of "ia w, which makes all fines imposed by the State payable to the school fund. In cases of towns and cities conjointly with the State, the law had never been enforced and when a demand was made upon the municipal authorities for these fines, it was promptly resisted. A test case was made up and the Supreme Court decided in favor of the school author ities. In Raleigh, Asheville and a few other cities the decision of the court was complied with and the money paid into the school fund. This year the de mand for this money has been made in several counties of the State, and now it appears to be growing general. The New Hanover School Board took the matter up several weeks ago, and it is now conferring with Mayor Waddell relative to the matter, though there appears to be a difference of opinion as to a construction of the law. Mayor Waddell is willing, so the school authorities have been in formed, to pay into the school fund all fines accruing from violations of the State law, but those coming from a violation of the city ordinances he thinks should properly go into the city treasury. This, it is learned, will be resisted by the school authorities, who think that according to the law all the fines should ' go into the school fund, just as is the custom with magistrates and the Criminal Court. The school authorities also claim, that if they so desire, they can go back as far as the record extends, and de mand all the fines that have been paid during these years It is learned, how ever, that it is not the disposition of the school directors to make such a sweep ing demand, but they, think that the amounts since January 1st, 1901, should be turned over for educational purposes and all fines paid in the future should .be applied in the same manner. The school authorities have been quietly working along this line for some time and hope to have the matter concluded amicably in the near future. From a statement furnished by the city of fines and costs collected in the police court from Jan. 1st, 1901, to Aug. 19th, 1901 a little more than seven months it is seen that the amount received is $489.90, deducting costs of 1186.35, from which is left an aggregate of fines amounting to $303.55. The extent the city would suffer under the new arrangement and the benefit that would accrue to the school fund during the year may be drawn from these figures. COTTON MILLING LONG AGO. Old Wilmington Paper Announces Estab Hshment of Factory at Greensboro. In a copy of the People's Journal and Advertiser, published weekly in Wilmington in the year 1834, by Thomas Loring is the following no tice of the establishment of an "ex tensive" and perhaps the first cotton mill in the State: "Cotton Faotoby. An exten sive Cotton Factory has been estab lished at Greensborough, in this State. Five hundred and twenty-eight spin dles and fifteen looms are in operation and between two and three hundred pounds of thread can be manufactured in a day." , . To those acquainted with the extent of the cotton milling industry now in North Carolina, the above will be of interest. SOUTH CAROLINA CONVICT. Supervisor Dozler, of Marlon, Came for the Negro "Major" Henderson. Supervisor J. T. Dozier, of the Ma rion county, South Carolina, chain gang, arrived in the city yesterday for the negro "Major" Henderson, who was captured as an escaped convict by Policemen Huggins and Bryant Fri day, night. The negro was easily identified and will be returned to South Carolina to-day or to-morrow. Supervisor Dozier says the negro's term had almost expired when last June he made a break from the stock ade and also made a way of escape for three other negroes. He will remain in the city for a day or two endeavor to coop the remainder of his "lost flock." The schooner Mary L. Bradshaw from Philadelphia Sept 7th to Charleston, S. C, put in at Southport at 4 P. M. yesterday for harbor. She is a vessel of S61 tons and is com manded by Capt Davidson. Her agents in Wilmington, Messrs. George Harriss, Son., & Co., were notified of her arrival. As the Stab employs no trav elling agents, bills are sent direct to subscribers.. These bills should re ceive prompt attention. ' SAPB BREAKERS CONVICTED. Sentenced to Ten Years Imprisonment at Hard Labor Appeal Taken. Special Star Telegram. Wadesboro, N. C, September 15. The trial of George Ellsworth and Chas. Traylor, charged with wrecking the safe of M. H. Lowery & Co., was concluded to-day. The jury, . after fifteen minutes' deliberation, returned a verdict of "guilty." Defendants were then sentencd to ten years hard labor in the State penitentiary. They appealed to the Supreme Court. The defendants were given the maximum penalty of the law. The evidence es tablishing their guilt was exceedingly strong. THE A. & M. COLLKQE IS PULL. President Winston Says Thousand Boys Would Come If He Had Room. Special Star Correspondence. ' Raleigh, N. C, Sept., 14. There are now 315 students in the A. & M. College.' This is all the college can accommodate. A few vacancies will be made by students leaving from poverty and other causes and in this way there will be room for a few more students from time to time, but only a few. President Winston says that new students should not come to the college without having previously written to ascertain if there is room for them. He says there is great de mand for industrial education through out the State, and that the A. & M. College would have a thousand stu dents if it had room for them. Its geatest need now is for more dormi tories and shop room for wood-working and iron-working. It is a pity that boys seeking industrial . educa tion have to be sent back home. The State needs skilled labor in all lines, and it ought to provide ample facili ties at the A. & M. for all who come. DAVIDSON COLLEGE OPENING. About Sixty Students in Freshman Class. ' Many New Campus Buildings. Special Star Correspondence.' Davidson, N. C, Sept. 13. David son College opened with very flat tering prospects, the freshman class numbers nearly sixty, and a very likely looking set of boys they are. The college football team was put promptly in the field, and by October 15th we expect to have our team in good shape to go against the 'picked team of the State. The campus has taken on a new ap pearance this year, some of the older buildings been removed and new ones now having their place. The hospital of the medical department has ,also been completed and has many inmates, who are given the best of attention. Wilmington is represented this year by W. - Taylor iu the medical col lege and Messrs. Patterson, Bagley and Sprunt in the literary department. By this time next year Dr. Monroe expects to have in connection with his medieal college a school of pharmacy. COMPLETION OP BEATT'S BRIDGE." Will be Celebrated by Biz Basket Picnic Saturday, September 27th. Special Star Correspondence. Paekersburo, N. C, Sept. 12. The new steel bridge across Black river at "Beatty," built by Bladen and Pender counties, will be completed by the 27th inst. We regard the build ing of the bridge as a stride forward in the way of progress, it being the first steel draw bridge built in this section of our country. The good peo ple of Pender, Sampson and Bladen Eropose to celebrate its completion by aving a big farmers' dinner at the bridge on September 27th. Dinner will be served in the grove, an address will be delivered by an able speaker and a pleasant day is promised to all good people. Everybody is invited to come and bring "a large basket full.". Yours, respectfully, CP. Parker, Chairman Board of Commissioners, Bladen county. K. F. Powers, Chairman Board of Commissioners, Pender county. UNIVERSITY OPENED AUSPICIOUSLY. AH Classes Are Unusually Large and the - Faculty Will be Increased. Special Star Correspondence. ' Chapel Hill, Sept 13. The Uni versity has opened very favorably, the registration at the . close of Friday being nearly 500. This is hufeely in excess of last year's registration at the same time. The Medical, Law and Pharmacy classes are all unu sually large. The large number of freshman has more than filled the class rooms, and additional teachers will have to be provided. The classes started work Thursday morning and everything is in smooth working order. - Close Shavea Are Bad. In shaving' to make the skin perfectly smooth requires not only the removal of the hair, but also a portion of the cuticle, and a close shave means the removal of a layer of skin all around. The blood vessels thus exposed are not visible to the eye, but under the microscope each little quivering mouth, holding a minute blood drop, protests against such treat ment. The nerve tips are also uncov ered, and the pores are left unprotected, which makes the skin tender and un healthy. This sudden exposure of the inner layer of the skin renders a person liable to have colds, hoarseness and sore throat. London Family Doctor. A Suitable Present. "Mamma," said a Brooklyn girl, "what -would be an - appropriate birthday pres ent to give Albert?" . . . "How long has .he been coming to see you?" asked mammal' "About fonr years." "Then I think you had better give him the sack." Leslie's Weekly.. . - Not Up to Sample. "How' do you buy your apples? By the barrel T' "That's the way I try to buy them, but when I get them home I generally find I have bought them by the top layer." Chicago Tribune.. , .v.-. The "first honor" , men in the school of Christ are those who endure the most for His name. A BIG DAMAGE SUIT. Conductor Asks for $50,000 From Carolina Central Railroad for Injuries. Plaintiff Is J. L. Love and Base of Action Is Accident at Croaly"Last Decern ber Case la New Hanover Superior Court. : Notice of a big damage suit against the Carolina Central Railroad Com pany was filed yesterday with the Clerk of the Superior Court. The suit is brought by Mr. J. L. Love, formerly a freight conductor in the employ of the company, and his attorneys are Herbert McCIammy and Wm. J. Bellamy, Esqs. While no complaint is filed as yet, it is learned that the amount of damages asked will be $50,000, and that the grounds of complaint are that the plaintiff 're ceived permanent injuries in an acci dent to his train at Cronly, N. C, on December 37th last. He claims that he was riding in the caboose of his train, and by the breaking of an al leged defective coupling the ear Was telescoped and he was thrown Vio lently against a hot stove, his face and one hand badly burped and an arm broken.-. He was brought to the City Hospital in Wilmington subsequently and received treatment here. Mr. Love is a young man, and his alleged disability at comparatively an early age is assigned by the attorneys as the reason for the large amount asked. The case will be returnable at the next term of the Superior Court, but will likely not be tried until the fol lowing term. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Kinston Free .Press: Dave Mitchell, the negro shot by an un known white man at the A. & N. C. depot Sunday night, died Fridaynight about 12 o'clock. Wilson Times: Tremendous sales are still the order of the day. All the tobacco men, while tired, are yet jubilant over the immense quan tity the markets will sell this year. . Smithfield Herald: It is aston ishing ;to see how much tobacco is being sold on the -Smithfield market these days. Each day there are big sales at each house and the prices re main high. Fayetteville Observer: John McKinney, alias Jim Lowry, who killed Policeman Jones, at Shelby, N. C, on August 4th, while resisting ar rest near Murphy, Friday morning, was shot and killed in self-defense by ex-Town Marshal W. J. Watson, formerly of Orange county, N. C, one of the posse. The negro had a Winchester drawn pn Watson, who fired too quick for the negro. There is a reward of $500 offered. Fayetteville New Era: Mr. Oader Parker, one of the oldest and most prominent citizens of the county, died at his residence, near Little River Academy, last Friday in the 80th year of his age. About a week ago the little 12-year-old son of Mr. Ed. Smith, of Tar Heel, Bladen county, was placed in the sanitarium in this city under treatment for mental disorder. He was returned to his home Wednes day violently insane. The best treat ment known to the medical profession was administered, but to no beneficial effect Fremont Visitor: We were shown the other day in Goldsboro an instance of the almost human intelli gence of ants. A gentleman found a colony of medium size black ants at work in the hollow of a tree in his -front yard, and, desiring to dislodge them, put tar all around the mouth of the whule. Next morning he went to the tree to note the completeness of his victory, when he found that the ants penned on the inside of the hollow had cut and carried out bits of rotten wood with which they had made a bridge across the tar and the line of march into and out of the hollow was pro ceeding as if no interruption had oc curred. - Sanford Express: We learn that farmers in some sections of thia county are losing their hogs by chol- era. This disease seems to be prevalent among hogs in many other sections of the State. The loss to the farmers is very heavy as it will soon be the fat- -tening season. - We are told that there is a graveyard one mile and a half east of Jonesboro which is oven 100 years of age, the nrst person a child having been buried there dur ing the revolutionary war. This old graveyard is now in the woods. It has been so long neglected that there is no road or path leading to it It is called f "the Dalrymple graveyard." Large trees are now growing over many of the graves. In one section of this old burying ground the graves are marked by headstones while there is nothing to show where hundreds of other per sons have been buried. Charlotte News: "O Lord, let me die." "Boys can't you do some thing for met" These were some of the sad words that fell from the lips of a white man at . the Southern depot Thursday night as he lay on a stretch er in the baggage room dying from an, accident. The man's name was J. E. ' Thompson, of Gastonia. Thompson, it seems, was beating his way on 38, the vestibule, and as the engine began to slow down in the yards he jumped off directly in front of a switch engine" going in the opposite direction. In an instant the engine Knocked the man down and passed over, his body. He was picked up and carried to the bag gage room on a stretcher.. Investiga tion proved that the legs and lower -part of the body had -been mangled and mashed into one inconglomerate mass. Thompson seemed to be con scious notwithstanding the fact that the lower half of his body was practi cally severed from theupper portion. Deceased was a man evidently in the prime of life. His parents live in Gas tonia and the body was removed to that place to-day for burial. STEEL STRILE SETTLED. The Men Will Returi to Work Monday. Agreement Not Made Public. By Telegraph to the Horning Star. New York, September 14. The ' steel strike was settled to-day after a conference of six hours between repre sentatives of the Amalgamated Asso ciation and the Steel Corporation. The men will return to work Monday. The agreement was not made public, but it waa signed by the officials of the Amalgamated Association and thesub I sidiary companies of the United 8tates Dteel uorporation. -The corporations signing were the American Tin Plate Company, the American Steel Hoop , Company and the American Sheet Steel Company, 1 . I The tear-dimmed eyes of love 1 see more of Christ than the keen eyes of criticism. ':.M. -;.". dm .- i; 'V if f5l. ' 4 1 Iff h fi h : m d i r hV Si I! V