WILLIAM H. BBBNABD Bdltor and Proprietor. Fkiday, ' October 4, 1901. RECIPROCITY FIGURES. In viW of the fact that the recip rocity question ia now becoming a subject for discussion throughout the country, and will become a sub ject of discussion in Congress, the U. S. Treasury Department has pre pared a brief statement of the treaties entered into with various countries, with tables showing the imports from and exports to some of those countries, for the period . in which the treaties were in operation and for two years before and two fears after, the object being to show as well as practicable the effect of the treaties. The statement shows ; that there hare been three distinct teats 4t re ciprocity as follows: , "(1 ) The reciprocity treaty with Canada, existing from 1854 to 1S66. "(l) The reciprocity treaty with the - Hawaiian government, existing from 1876 lo ihe date of annexation, 1898. (S.) The aeries of treaties framed under the McKinley tariff act of 1890, beeinning with the treaty with Braxil, April 1. 1891; Dominican republic, August 1, 1891; Spain, for Cuba and Porto Rico, September 1. 1891; Ger many. February L 1892; United King dom, for the British West Indies and British Guinea, i February 1. 1898; Nicaraugua, April 15, 1S92; Austria Hungary. May 25, 1892; Honduras, May 25, 1899, and Guatemala, May 30 1S92. "These continued in existence until the passaee of the Wilson tariff act, August 27. 1894." It then takea up the different countries in succession and enumer ates the articles which were placed upon the free list or on which the . duties were materially lowered, em bracing a considerable number in all, -and of course embracing- the chief articles of export from the countries . with which the treaties were made. Some have given James G. Blaine the credit of having been the origi nator of the reciprocity idea, but , this statement shows that it was one r of Mr. Blaine's borrowed ideas, in operation as far back as 1854, and at intervals since then, and at times with a number of countries, and with the .Hawaiian islands nearly fifteen years before Mr. Blaine es sayed to attach it to the McKinley tariff. - . - " . The following tables show the dates of some of the reciprocity treaties, and the volume of the im ports and exports during the period of the operation of the treaty and for two years prior to the existence, and two years subsequent to the re peal or expiration' of the . treaties as follows, with i CA5ADA. (Treaty existed from September 11, 1854, to March 17, 1866, with com merce of two years preceding and fol lowing that period.) Fiscal Imports into Exports from n.- TT n tt o i n - ;c uu.iuuau. u. kj. MJ Vau. 1852 5,469,445 $10,229,608 1853 6,527,659 12,432,597 1854 8,784,412 24,073,408 1855 15,118,289 27,741,308 1856 2L279.614 29.025.349 - 1857 22,108,916 24,138,482 1858 15,784,835 23,604,526 1859 19,287,565 28,109,494 1860 23,572,796 22,695,928 1861 22,724,489 22,676,513 - 1862 18,511,025 20,573,070 1863 17,484,786 27,619.814 864 29,608,736 26,574,624 1865 33,264,430 29,574.402 1866 48,528.628 24,828,880 1867 25,044,005 21,020,302 1868 26,261,379 24,080,777 1869, nine months of year under recip rocity. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. (Treaty existed from 1876 to 1898, with commerce of two years preceding : and following that period.) Fiscal Imports into Exports from year. U. 8. from H. I. U.S.toH.1. 1874 $ 1,016,952 $ 614,628 1875 1,373,681 662,164 1876 1,227,191 779,257 1877 2.250,335 , 1,272,949 1878 2.678,830 .1,736,099 1879 . 3.257,928 2,374,318 1880 4,600,444 2,086,170 1885 8,857,479 2,787,922 1890 12,313,908 4,711,417 1895 7,883,961 3,723,057 1896 11,757,704 3,975.707 1897 13,687,790 4,690,075 1898 17,187,380 5,907,155 1899 17,831,463 9,805,470 1900 20.707.903 -IS Kno 14 OtJBA AND POETO EIOO. (Treaty existed from Sept 1, 1891, to Aug. 27, 1894; with commerce of two years preceding and following that period.) " Fiscal Imports into Exports from years. U. 8. fna C. & U. S. to C. & P.R. P.R. 1889 $55,837,996 $13,916,242 xoiu o.ooo.ziy 1,J81,43 1891 64.878,505 14,380,122 1892 81,179,678 20,809,573 1893 82,715,129 , . 28,165,291 1894 78,813,893 22,845 839 1895 54,377.871 14.641,205 1896 42,314.883 9,632,974 BRITISH WEST INDIES. (Treaty existed from Feb. 1, 1892, to Aug. 27, 1894; with commerce of two years preceding and following vui jeno i.) Fiscal Imports into Exports from U. 8. to B. W. I. $8,288,686 9,779,138 9,038,876 9,006,963 9,440,892 8,585,742 9,658,200 years. 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 U. B. from B. W. I. $14,855,018 16,293,184 12.292,447 16,788,438 13.46L773 10,243.151 11,323,292 - GERMANY. (Treaty existed from February 1892 to August 27, 1894: with commerce for two years preceding -and following that period.) Fiscal Imports into Exports from years. U. S. fm Ger. U. 8. to Ger. 1890 $98,837,683 $ 85,563,812 1891 97.316,883 92,795,456 1892 82,907,553 105.521.658 .1893 96,210,203 83,578,988 jlo oa.str.auo 82,357,163 1895 81,014,065 92,053,753 1896 94,240,833 97,897497 The reciprocity agreements now in existence, framed under the Dingley tariff, were made on the following dates respectively France .May 80, 1898 Portugal June 12, 1900 Germany , July 10, 1900 Italy July 18, 1900 In addition to these there -were treaties fomed under the McKin ley tariff with Brazil, Guatemala?- Honduras, British Guinea, -Nicaragua, San Domingo, aomewhat simi lar to those with 1 the West Indies, and with Austria-Hungary, some what similar to that with Germany. Reference to the figures of these tables will show that the results varied, but the effect was to increase both imports and exports, not always in the same proportion, although the increase in exports was large and in some oases consid erably larger than the imports, and' it doesn't seem to have interfered with or retarded the growth of our manufacturing industries. With the majority ,of the countries the treaties provided for the free ad mission of or low duties on articles of which we then produced but little if any, and which consequently were not articles that much interest was taken in protecting, bo whether our trade was materially increased with these countries or not we were material gainers because we got these articles for a less price than we could have gotten them, if we could get them at all, with a high tariff on them. In this respect both countries were gainers by reciproc ity, regardless of the increase of trade and the corresponding benefit conferred upon the traders, so that reciprocity was good for all. Of course the effect it will have on the trade between this country and others will depend upon a num ber of things, the population, pro ducts, progress and development, whether it is a purely agricultural country or both agricultural and manufacturing that we are dealing with. To some we sell cotton goods, meats, agricultural and other ma chinery; to others we sell other things which they need and do not make! for themselves, and so we take from them the commodities that we either cannot or do not produce, or do not produce a suffi ciency of, so that reciprocity will not operate alike in any two cases, but it is better than high tariffs and the next thing to free trade, when free trade is impracticable. TEE APPLE GBOWIVO IN DUSTRY. The apple growing industry of the United States is an immense one, and very profitable to those whose orchards are well located and who give the business the attention it should receive. There are apple growers whose annual income from thia crop is from twenty thousand to fiftv thousand dollars, and they haven't extraordinarily large orchards either, but they raise apples which have a fine reputation, are in demand and command good prices. There are such orchards in Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee and Missouri, and doubtless in other States, the crops of which are eager ly sought by apple dealers who buy them on the trees; pay a high price and do the picking themselves. These are all for use in the large cities of the-North or for export. There is no section of the United States better adapted to the growth of apples, nor one in which a greater variety can be grown, or which pro- uces them in greater perfection, than North Carolina, every part of which from the flat country by the sea to the Western valleys and moun tain sides, producing fruit of rare excellence. And there is probably no State in the Union in which there are more orchards, and in which they receive less attention than in North Carolina, the general im pression seeming toi be that the apple, like the hickory nut, walnut, cmnquepin, persimmon or black berry, needs no attention, but will take care of itself. The very abun dance of the fruit and little trouble in raising it have operated against it, and against its proper appreciation either as a fruit for home use, or for market. Years ago they were grown principally for concerting into cider and brandy, and for home use, the hogs getting what were left or what fell from the trees. Out of the fruit, as fruit, very few growers realized any money. Now, however, more attention is being given to orchards by men who live near railroads, because they have discovered that there is profit in shipping the fruit, but most of them have a good deal to learn about the way to handle and shin so that the apples will reach market in the proper condition, and bring them and the merchant who han dles them satisfactory nri. Judging from the North Carolina apples that come to fchia marlrnt- of least one-half of them are damaged, Viyn Jon,! r.-rA -j. I i. w ugu wiu - opvmou. miner in me picking, packing or on the way, and the result is not only these are spoil- ou um guuu appies with them, and a shipment, which if properly made, would bring good prices, pays little or nothing and thus the shipper is nun ana tne industry too. If ap ples can be shipped from the inter - mi Af Vam Va.1. .I v tit.. xvia wiu reacu Wil mington in good condition, apples 2wu ivium in xiortn (jarouna not two hundred miles distant surely should. . 3 Btati or Ohio, Citt or Tolkdo. I Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he la senior partner of the Arm ot r. J. oiibmkv n? fZ In business In the City ot Toledo. bounty "and Diaie aroreeaia, ana mat lt d firm will nay the am of ONE HUNDBXD DOLLARS for each ana every case of Oatahrii that cannot be cnreS w wuw uwv v r r s waianau s u jut, FEAHK J. OHXNMY swum w uviure me sum du vmcnueq in mv presence, this 6th day ot December, a. D. 1886. Notary PvhHe, Eall'S Catarrh Onra la tatotn intarnallv: inl ?&aireSLUT on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Bend for testimonials, free. F. J. OHENET A CO., Toledo, O. ?ia by DroziriBt, 76c. Bail's FamU? Pills are the best t IMPORTANT CAPTURE Confessed Assailant of Policeman Chadwick Arrested in Bruns wick Yesterday. THE EVIDENCE IN THE CASE. Prisoner Is White Maa of Alleged Bid Character and Was Brooght to the City Last Night by Serf east' Burnett. After energetic pursuit by the police for four days the man confeseing to bo the assailant of Policeman E. R Chad trick was captured yesterday by Sergeant O. 8. Burnett in Brunswick county. The man captured is John R. Potter, white, who is known more familiarly as "John Reb" Potter, aged about 35 years.and last employed at theDelgado Hills. Chief Furlong received a tele gram . from Sergeant Burnett giving the bare facts of the capture and stat ing that he would arrive in the city last night via the W. O. & A. rail road from Brinkley, which is just across over the Brunswick line in Co lumbus counry. Potter evaded capture since his al leged crime Saturday night in a most mysterious manner but Chief Furlong determined upon his arrest at any cost. After shooting Mr. Chadwick, Potter remained in the city until Sunday morning and then crossed over into Brunrwick county, his native home. Although most diligent search was made for him Saturday night and Sun day morning, there was little clue to his whereabouts. Sergeant Burnett, who has been most active in his ef forts to catch the man ascertained that Potter Or some one had shot into the house of a woman Hying near Fifth and Wright streets. He soon discov ered that the tracks about the street where the shooting occurred, were not those of the negro Fisher, who was at first charged with the offence, and. he followed the tracks to Greenfield mill pond and later discovered that Potter bad made an unsuccessful attempt to get a boat to cross the river further down. Sunday morning about three o'clock he crossed at Hilton bridge and Sergeant Burnett and Policeman Mar cus Gray were detailed by Chief Fur long to follow his trail. Later, Chief Furlong and Policeman E. Skipper went over but returned with Police man Gray, leaving Sergeant Burnett in possession of a' clue which he was instructed to follow. About twelve miles from the city Potter had passed the house of Tom Henry and about four miles further on he had been seen by a relative, Mr. Sam Potter, who gave the officers all information possible. The next place where Potter was located was at the house of a gentleman named Raven, where he had dinner, shaved off his mustache and left by mistake the club which had been wrested from Policeman Chadwick on the night of the shooting. From there track of Potter was lost and Sergeant Burnett associated with him in the search Deputy Sheriff Skipper, of Brunswick. The two officers scoured the country in search of the man, go ing to Cronly, Freeman's Cross Roads and later down to Brinkley. Near Brinkley Deputy Sheriff Reaves, of Columbus, was added to the searching party and in his cart the officers start ed yesterday morning to the home of a relative of ' Potter's in Columbus county. On their way to the place Sergeant Burnett spotted his man, carrying a small black valise along a by-path in Green swamp, about twen ty five miles from Wilmington. Ser geant Burnett was armed' with a re peating shotgun and levelled the same at Potter with instruc tions at a distance of about fifty yards to throw up his hands. He dropped the valise and did as the Ser geant requested. He was taken alto getber by surprise and on his way to Brinkley confessed everything. He was afraid he had killed Policeman Chadwick and inquired anxiously about his condition. He said that he shot because he was drunk and deter mined not to be taken. From Brink ley he was brought in last night on a local freight train, arriving at 11:40 o'clock. In his valise were a number of articles of clothing, $1 in money. but no weapon. The only signs on Potter's body to indicate that he was in the scramble with the officer is a pistol shot flesh wound on his breast. The ball entered the clothing but bare ly penetrated the flesh. The pistol the officer carried was a British bull-dog pattern of very poor quality. Potter is said to have a very un savory reputation in the community at large. Some time ago he is said to have made a murderous attack upon Wess Odam, white, by beating him in the race with a brick. For this offence he was never brought into court and evaded arrest from every source. Other petty offences are charged to him here, and in his native county he is described as a "mortal terror." Many of the citizens fear him and a number of crime are said to be charged to his commission both in Brunswick and Columbus. Potter is a married man, but is said to be separated from his wife. He has two children living on the sound. Policeman Chadwick, who was shot and beaten badly about the face and head with the butt of a pistol and his own club, is doing very well and will likely be able to appear against Pottex in the Mayor's court in a few days. Captured South Carolina Convict. Policeman I. F. Huggins yesterday afternoon .went up to the Powers & Glbbs' factory and arrested Jim Doug lass, a middle-aged colored man, who is wanted at Marion, S. C, as an es caped prisoner from the county con vict camp there. He is thought to be one of the number who escaped with Major Henderson, who was captured here and returned to South Carolina about two weeks ago. Douglass denies that be is wanted in South Carolina. Superintendent J. T. Dozier, of the Marion chain gang, is expected to come for the prisoner to-day. THE MOORE DAMAGE SUIT. Most Celebrated Case In History .of County Still la Hearing at Southport The Witnesses Examined. John H. Gore, Jr., Esq., of counsel for defendant, Mr. Fred. Kidder and a number of other witnesvsa interested in the case of F. M. Moore vs. Navassa Guano Company, at Southport, came up to the city last night at 10 o'clock on the tug Navassa. At predicted before in these col' umns, the case will consume the bal ance of this week in hearing, and it will likely be late Saturday afternoon be fore the issues are given to the jury. Up to Tuesday noon, thirty of he seventy -five witnesses for the plaintiff had bern examined, and at that state the plaintiff rested. The defendant then began with its witnesses, and those that have thus far been examin ed are Mr. E. Borden, manager of the chemical department of the Virginia Carolina Chemical Company; Mr. H. W. Malloy, president of the Na vassa Guano Company; Mr Peter S. Gilchrist, an expert chemist, of Char lotte ; Mr. W. W. MacRae, super intendent of the acid cham bers at Navassa; Mr. B. G. Worth, who testified as to the rental of the "Hall place" before it passed into the hauds of plaintiff; Mr. T. W. Bixby, an expert from Baltimore, - as to the construction of acid chambers; Messrs.' D. L Gore. S. P. McNair, J. H. Brown, of Wilmington, and S. L. Chinnis, of Brunswick county. Dr. Charles Baskerville, professor of chemistry in the University of North Carolina, went on the stand in the afternoon yesterday and had not con cluded his testimony when court took a recess last night. It is expected that it will require un til to-morrow night to finish with the witnesses and argument will be made by counsel to the jury on Saturday. By agreement the speeches will be limited to one hour each. CRAZY VIRGINIA COLORED MAN. He Will be Taken To-dsy to Emporia In Charge of Deputy. Deputy Sheriff W. H. Cox will leave to-day for Emporia, Va., carry ing with him Joseph McD. Funn, the educated colored man from that State, who was recently adjudged insane by a commission of lunacy in this city. It will be remembered that Funn is the negro who was taken in custody by the police several weeks ago, and imagines that someone is pursuing him for a crime that only has being in his deranged brain. The transfer of Funn to Virginia is in accordance with the laws of North Carolina, and Col. John D. Taylor, Clerk of the Su perior Court, will send with the pris oner all the papers in the case, includ ing two letters' written by Funn while in prison to Chief of Police Furlong. In this letter the delusions of the de ranged man are pretty accurately summed up. HARBOR MASTER'S REPORT. Twentytwo Vessels of 27,443 Tons Ca picity Arrived During September. The report of Capt. Edgar D. Wil liams, harbor master at the port of Wilmington, shows arrival of vessels of 90 tons and over during the month of September as follows : American Eight steam ships, 11,096 tons; one barge, 1,740 tons; three schooners, 703 tons. Total vessels, 12; total tonnage, 13,539. ForeignHrEight steamships. 13.109 tons; one barque, 633 tons one schoon er, 187 tons. Total vessels 10: total tonnage, 13,924. The grand total .number of arrivals is 22 vessels of 27.443 tons. The re- port compares yery favorably with that of the same month last year. Death of Aged Citizen. Mr. Tbos. Mashburn. an aged citi zen of this county, died Sunday after noon about 2 o'clock at his home on Middle Sound. He was 67 years of age and was born and reared on the farm where he died. The funeral was held Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. A. J. Marshall, Esq , of this city, who had occasion to look up some Court House records for the family yester day, discovered that Mr. Mashburn's great grandfather lived on the same place where his son died Sunday. The family was one of the earliest set' tiers in this county and the land has gone from father to son for a period of nearly 200 years. Mr. Mashburn, who died Sunday, was never out of his immediate neighborhood and was one of the few farmers who literally "lived at home" and thai, too, for a period of many years. Valuable Horse Died. A valuable family horse, belonging to Mr. James F. Woolvin, died yester day morning of blind staggers, pro duced, in the opinion of Dr. T. B. Carroll, the veterinary surgeon, by mosquito bites. The horse was famil iary known about town by the name of "Dan." He was 16 years of . age, but was fast on the track and highly valued by his owner. Dr. Carroll says huudred of horses- have died this year along the North- Carolina coast from disease produced by mosquito bites. Another Cotton Cargo, The British steamship Roxby, was cleared yesterday morning by Messrs, Alexander Sprunt & Son with a cargo of 10,586 bales of cotton for Bremen, Germany. Last year on Oct. 3rd, six cargoes had been cleared for foreign export, whereas this year only two cargoes have gone forward. The Brit isn steamship Linwood has cleared for Charleston, 8. C, for a cargo. . Ha Fooled Ilia surareona. All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson. O., after suffering eighteen months from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a costly operation was performed; but he cured himself with five I boxes of Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, thi surest Pile cure on earth, and the best 8alve in the world, 256 a box. Sold by R. R. Bellamy, drug gist. T t KILLED A FINE MULE. Unknown Person Entered Mr. 0. T. Shep ard's Stable and Hacked a flood ' Animal to Death.' One of the most inhuman and das tardly acta ever recorded in the county, perhaps, was perpetrated at Mr. Geo. T Shepard's place on Middle Sound between midnight and day Sunday morning. Some fiend in human form entered the stables between the hours indicated and deliberately killed a fine mule belonging to Mr. Shepard by knocking the animal in the head with an axe or hatchet until it was dead. Mr. Shepard's driver, who had been to the city Saturday with a load of produce, returned about 11 o'clock at night and the mule, in the very best of condition,' was turned into her stable as usual and fed. She com menced eating heartily and Mr. Shep ard retired for the night Upon going to the stable at 6 o'clock Sunday morning he was dumbfounded to find the mule dead and , perfectly stiff. There was no sign of sickness ot wal lowing on the ground as mules usually do when sick. An ugly gash about three or four inches long and one and a half inches deep was found in the animal's forehead and another of like character on the side of the jaw. Mr. Shepard is naturally at a loss to account for the motive that prompted uch a deed. TO DIVIDE THE ASSOCIATION. Plans Being Devised for Division of East era Baptist Organization-Committee. At the recent union meeting of the churches in the Southern division of the Eastern Baptist Association, a committee consisting of Rev. Dr. Cal vin S. Blackwell, Rev. J. C. Walton and Rev. R. H. Hewlett, was appoint ed to ask for letters of dismission from the Eastern Association nd to meet at Burgaw on Thursday following the third Sunday in November for the purpose of forming a new Association to be named, perhaps, the "Wilming ton Association." The Eastern Association now com prises a very large area and there has long been on the part of the churches in the Southern division a desire to withdraw from the old and form a new association. This desire will prob ably be gratified in the formation of the new organization as will be out lined by the committee in charge. Suit About Wharf Property. Before Dr. W. W. Harris, Justice of the Peace, an interesting civil suit was heard yesterday. It was brought by Mr. Thos. F. Bagley against Capt. Charles Wessell and involves a ripa rian right. Mr. Bagley owns wharf property near the foot of Ann street. He claims that the defendant is in debted to him in the sum of $70 for seven months rent of the wharf. Capt Wessell has used the place on differ ent occasions for tieing up bis .boats. Capt Wessell claims that the boats were made secure to. piling in front of the wharf and placed there under in structions from the Harbor Master of the port He contends, therefore, that the piling are not a part of the property. The plaintiff is represent ed by Thomas Evans, Esq., and Wm. J. Bellamy, Esq., appears for the de fendant Dr. Harriss has reserved his decision until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock.' f Married Yesterday Afternoon. Miss S. Ethel Campbell, daughter of Dr. D. B. Campbell, of Loris, 8. C, was married yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock to Mr. J. B. Smith, of this city, the Rev. J. N. Cole, pastor of Grace M. E. Church, officiating. The cere, mony was performed at the residence of Mrs. Thees, No. 313 Chesnut street, where the bride and groom will reside in tbe future. Only a few friends were present. The negro Jim Sanders, who was recently sent from Wilmington to Mullins, S. C, for trial with four others for houserbreaking and bur glary, has been held for the higher court in South Carolina. He broke into a store at Mullins and stole a number of watches, pistols and other articles. Fiihe That I4ve For Centnrie. There seems to be hardly a natural limit to the life of some kinds of fishes. There are in the royal aquarium in Rus sia several carp which are over 60Q year; old according to Professor Suelso, and he believes that tbe ordinary carp lives to at least 500 years if sot interfered with. Ordinarily goldfish have been known to live for 100 years. In the museum in Mannheim, Germany, is preserved the skeleton of a pike which was caught in 1497. It was nine feet long and weighed 850 pounds. In the gills was fixed a ring bearing this inscription in Greek, "I am the fish which was first of all put Into this lake by the governor of the uni verse, Frederick II, the 5th of October, 1280." Ihe pike was therefore at least 267 years old when caught. An Obstacle. She I can only be a sister to you, Penry. Pe (with repressed emotion) How old are you? She (curiously) Twenty, last October. He Well, you can't be a sister to me. I've got a sister at home who vas 20 last August, and you see that sort of re lationship won't work. Try something else. London Tit-Bits. Glorious ftawa Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Washita. I. T, He writes: "Four bot tles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering, for years. Terri ble aores would break out on her head and hands, and the doctors could give no help; but her cure is complete and her health is excellent" This Bhows what thousands have proved that Electric Bitters is the best blood puri fier known. It's the supreme remedy ior eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimu lates liver, kidneys and bowels, ex pels poisons, helps digestion, builds up the strength. Only 60 cents. Sold by R. R BEiiLAHy, druggist Guar anteed, t i o n. i a. . Bean the Signatua of The Kind Yob Have Always THREE VICTIMS OF LYNCH LAW. White Man Hanged by Masked Men for Criminal Assault in Montana. TWO NEGROES IN KENTUCKY. Charged With tbe Murder of a White Man Who WasCraelly Stoned to Death at SbelbyvHIe Both Mobs Took Prisoners From Jails. by Teiegrapn to the Mornhw btar Helena, Mont., Octv 2. James Edward Brady, the man who assaulted Ida Pugsley, five years old, in Helena yesterday, was this day, about ten o'clock, taken from the jail by a mob and hanged to a telegraph pole in the Haymarket square, about three blocks from the jail. The crowd was order ly, and, after the man was hanged, it quietly dispersed- There were about 200 men engaged in the affair, and they were all masked. They attacked the jail door with a battering ram, and it soon yielded. On gaining admit tance they demanded at the point of a gun the keys of the jail, and threat ened the jailor that if he did not yield the man they would kill him. The jailor then got the man out of his cell and be as given to the mob. When they first took him, Brady asked: "What is it, gentlemen?" The march to the hanging place was quiet. Brady was given a chance to say a word. He declared that they had tbe wrong man, although he had been positively identified by his vic tim and a score of other persons, who had seen him with the child. He also asked thatsome money, that was due him from the Montana Central rail road, be sent to a niece, and then he was pulled up. The end of tbe rope was lied to the pole and the crowd dis persed. Later, Sheriff McConnell cut the body down and placed it in a coffin. There will be an investigation to-day. . Kentucky Lynching Shelbytille. Ky , Oct. 2. Jimbo Fields, aeed 16. acdClarer.ee Garnett, acred 18. both colored, were lynched here early this morning for the al leged murder of Will C. Hart, a prin ter. who was stoned to death on Satur day night, September 21. The boys were taken from the jail and swung from the Chesapeake and Ohio rail road trestle within five hundred yards of tbe jail. The mob went to the jail and de manded the keys from the jailor, but he refused to surrender them. The doors of the jail were then battered down The prisoners were removed almost before they had time to realize wbat was happening. Tbe work was done quietly and the mob dispersed without its members' identity becom ing known. Hart came to Shelby ville from Le banon, Ohio, and at the time of his death was employed as a printer on the 8helby Sentinel. The details of his death are not accurately known, but the evidence was conclusive that Fields and Garnett were his murders era. Hart's body was found in a path leading from the house of the mother of Jimbo Fields. DO COWS CRY? The Grief of an Animal Whose Calf H4 Been KUe4, A correspondent writing to Dumb Animals sa.rs: Dumb animals are said to have a "sign" language of their own by which they make known the emo tions of pleasure or pain and a limited catalogue of wants and sorrows. Re cently I had occasion to dispose of a 5-months-old calf which was taken away about noon and butchered a short distance from my residence. When the cow came home at night she missed her calf, and although an orphan calf was permitted to suck she continued to call it by affectionate mooing and looking." The cow, how ever, only gave about one quart of milk Instead of a gallon or more, as former ly. During the night she lowed -frequently for her calf, and the next morning wheu it did not appear she ex hibited unmistakable signs of grief. The orphan calf was no solace to her. She was driven to the woods with her mate, but came back and continued lowing until noon. She catne Inside the inclosure, but would not eat grass. Just after dinner a great commotion was heard in the direction of where the calf was butchered, made by a number of cattle lowing, having scented the fresh blood. The grief stricken mother cow ran to the closed gate and looked beseechingly toward me, as much as to say, "Please open the gate," which being done she started on a run to where the other cattle were lowing. In a short time she came slowly walking back to the bouse and was again permitted to come Inside the in closure, when she deliberately took up a position at the kitchen door, wistful ly looking In mute despair at each niember of the family as they happen ed to pass her. The tears flowed copi ously from her eyes, and there she stood the balance of the afternoon, weeping incessantly, with the same ap parent grief that a mother would for her dead child. It really caused me to shed tears of sympathy for the poor animal. . TOLD BY THE GROCER. Hit Conversation With n Deaf Wom an Lost Him a Customer. "I'll tell you how I lost a good cus tomer the other day," said the grocery man. "I have one customer who Is ex tremely deaf, and to make ber hear I have to Just yell at her. It takes about half an hour to get her order, and by that time my voice is pitched so high that I can't get It down to earth again. "The other day it happened that aft er she left in came Mr. Oldboy, who Is a perfect crank. Was in the army once and a great stickler for bowing and scraping and ail that sort of thing. Wants a fellow be trades with to sa lute and present arms and do all kinds of things. He came In and said, 'Good morning. I wish you had heard me yell at him. My voice made the win dows rattle. He looked surprised, but went on talking to me, and I kept up answering him in a voice that could be heard a block away. He got madder pud madder, but I never knew what was up until finally he got red in the face and said. 'Mr. Black, sir, I am not deaf, sir, and I resent your yelling at pie as if I couldn't hear a cannon fired In my ear.' With that out he went "You see, I had been talking to the deaf lady and couldn't get my voice down again. ,Tou try It some time and see if you don't yell at every one you meet Funny, too, but I always yell at blind people and foreigners, and I ak ways whisper when I go In where any one's sick." Indianapolis Sentinel. Prepared For Relatives. Husband (at dinner) My, my! This la a regular banquet worthy of a Del monico. Finest spread I've seen in an age I What's up? Do you expect com pany? ' . Wife No, but I presume the cook does. What to Eat CHINESE COURT TO RETURN TO, PEK1N. PreparlBf to Start On tbe JoaraeyTAr. raigemeats Aloof the Line The Reform Movement. By Cable to the sun uinx star Pkkin, Oct. 2. Dispatches from Sian Fu announce that the Chinese court is preparing to start about Oct. 6ih. The temporary palace there is being dismantled, and all the furnish ings will be carried for use en route. Tte officials and servants will consti tute a caravan numberirg from 3,000 to 5,000 persons, with 1,200 carts and several thousands of horses and mules that have been collected in the Sian Fu district. Two parties have already stned to make preparations along the line. The towns through which the court will pass are engaged in decor ating temporary palaces and collect iutr supplies. The Emperor, or the Empress Dowager, in his name, has issued an edict strictly commanding the officials to pay for all supplies. The native papers report that several eunuchs have been beheaded for prac ticing extortion upon the people. An imperial edict commands Li Hung Chang, as governor of the province of Chi Li, to borrow 700,000 taels from the other provinces to defray the ex penses of the court's journey. 8pe cial local taxes are being levied which the people, already impoverished by bandits, foreign puntitive expeditions and missionary indemnities, are ill able to afford. Li Hung Chang said to-day: "The court will certainly arrive in Pekin within two months." Despite such official statements many foreign officials here believe the Empress Dowager fears the foreign troops are kept to entrap and punish htr, and the theory is that she will pass the Winter in Kai Tuen Fu send ing the Emperor to Pekin. Prince Ohing, conversing with for ei a officials to-day asserted that the Emperor and the Empress Dowager were agreed as to the neeessity of changing the Chinese methods of gov ernment and that steps for; the en forcement of edicts would be taken as soon aa the court returned to Pekin. Unquestionably the . reform move ment is stronger among the upper classes than ever before. Prince Su, who was recently appointed collector of taxes on goods entering Pekin an office heretofore considered worth 100,000 taels per year has . an nounced that he purposes to deposit all the collections in the treasury and to request the Emperor to pay him a fair salary. His subordinates resent this plan and Prince Su has been threatened with assassination. BOERS AND BRITISH Kitchener's Report of Recent Engage meats Many Killed and Wounded. By Cable to the Horning Btar. London, Oct. 2. Lord Kitchener tc-day reports that two officers and thirty-one men have been 'killed in an attack made on Col. Kekewich's camp, at Moedwill. The Boers, who were under commandants De Larey and Kemp, had fourteen officers and 114 men wounded, after two hours night fighting, when the Boers were driven off. The Boer reverse at Moedwill oc curred Sept. 29th. The Boers are report ted to have been one thousand strong. Lord Kitchener, in his dispatch says the British repelled the attack with great vigor. Colonel Kekewich was slightly wounded ia two places. He says that all ranks behaved extremely well. The wounded were taken to Bustenburg, half way between Preto ria and Mafeking. Lord Kitchener confirms the heavy losses of the Boers, about 250 killed and 300 wounded dur ing their attack on Fort Itala and Fort Prospect. He says the guns re cently captured at Vlakfontein have been recovered from the Boers. ' London, Oct. 3. A. telegram from Bloemfontein indicates that the guns Lord Kitchener reports having recov ered were dug up, the Boers havioe buried them, A mixed column, under General Kitchener, (Lord Kitchener's brother) has been sent to relieve, presumably Natal, from Commandant General Botha's forces. It has reached Vry heid. STRIKING MINERS. A Serious Clash With Non-Union Men. Several Were Wounded. By Telezrapn to tne Morning Star. Hopkins ville, Ky., Oct. 2. A srrious clash occurred during the night between non-union employes and supposed striking miners. Cot tages of employes at the Empire mines in North Christian were attacked by about twenty-five men, supposed to be union men from Hopkins county. Over a hundred shots were exchanged. Albert Burton, an Empire employe, was shot through the eye and may die. Guards arrived and the attacking party fled. Monday night non-union men returning from work were fired upon from ambush. Tom Bell was shot through the leg and several had nar row escapes, bullets passing through their clothing, MISS HELEN H. STONE. The Brigands Have Fixed October 8th as the Limit for Payment of Ransom. By Cable to the Morning star. Constantinople. Oct.- 2. The bri gands who carried off Miss Helen H. Stone, the American missionary and her companion, Madame Tsilka, a Bulgarian i lady, have fixed October 8th as the limit of time for the pay ment of the ran8om, $110,000 demand for Miss Stone's paIadra Th KiHin. place of the brigands has not yet been discovered and tha delay accorded by the abductors is taken to indicate that they consider their retreat auite se- cure. DO YOU SHOOT? If you do you should send your name and address on a postal card fbr a UUN CATALOGUE. IT'S FREE. Itmustrates and describes all the different Winchester Rifles, Shotguns and Ammunition, and contains much valuable information. Send at once to the Winchester Repeating Arms Co., ' New Haven. Conn. ' 1 1 -1J" - 1 ---' - ... itimwiiTrMBM "WEBSTER'S international NEW EDITION JUST ISSUED NEW PLATES THROUGHOUT Now Added 25,000 NEW WORDS; m.. .DICTIONARY Rich Bindings 2364 Pages 5000 Illustrations Prepared under the supervision of W. T. Harris, Ph.Du LL.D., United States Comm..onerofEducat.on,.Mmedbylargecorpsorcom Better Than Ever for Home, School, and Office (J) aiso weDsters inegifteTrtetiarfary with ScottUh Glossary, etc. rirst class id quality, Rain and sweat nave no ettect on harness treated with Eureka Har ness Oil. It re sists the damp. aeept tne leath er soft and pli- aoie. stitcnes do not break. No rough sur- v and cut. The harness not only keeps looking like new. but wears twice as long by the nse of Eureka Harness Oil. Sold . everywhere in cans all sizes. Made by Standard Oil Company IN BEHALF OF CZOUMsz, Two Applications for Commutation of Sentence Made to Gov. Odell New York. By TeiejrrapH-tortiflJrafnine Btar Albany, N. Y., Oct. 2.-Governr,r Odell arrived in this city this after noon from Newburgh and when ho reached the executive chamber he was surprised to find on his desk two let ters requesting him to commute i life imprisonment the sentence w Czolirosz, the murderer of President. McKinley. One letter was sentbv man in Illinois and tbe other by a man in Maine. They were evidently written by cranks, in the opinion f the Governor, and no attention wiii be paid to them. "You may be assured that nothine will be done by me," said Governor Odell, "to prevent the execution of Czolgosz on the day fixed by law." He also received a petition that the, body of the murderer after the elec trocution be buried at sea. The Gov ernor understands that the body must be surrendered to the condemns! man's relatives if they claim it after death that they may have charge of its disposition. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES. Large Amounts Taken in the Mutual Life of New York by Prominent Business Men. 'New York, Oct. 2. The tendency Of business men to protect their estates by policies of life insurance is becom ing as general as to protect their build ings by policies of fire insurance. Since Mr. Geo. W. Vanderbilt, of New York, and Mr. Prank H. Pearv, of Minneapolis, each took policies for ($1,000,000) one million dollars a few years since in the Mutual Life Insu rance Company of New York, thpn has been no equally large sum writ ten on one individual. These reman: the record figures for. the world ; but policies of $50,000 and $1CT,000, and even $20,000, are so frequent as to cause little comment; and eve;, when Mr. Sidney . A. Witherbee, of Detroit, took $30,000 in five per ceni. gold bonds insurance from the Mutuxl Life, early in this year, it passed al most as a matter of course. It is sig nificant that wheu a business man's estate is settled these days, life insur ance is generally found to be a very important part of it ; often all then is of it. Life insurance in one of the great companies yields a good rate of interest, as an investment, apart from the protection it affords. HARROWING DETAILS. Tbe Slaughter of Members of Company C of tbe Nintb V. S. Infantry. By OaDie to tne Morning Btar. Manila, Oct. 2. The latest advices from the island of Samar give harrow ing details of the slaughter of th members of Company C, Ninth U, S. infantry, last Saturday, at Balaneiga. It seems that the presidente of the town, claiming to be friendly, led the assault in person. On "hearing of the slaughter Col. Isaac D. Derussy, of the Eleventh in fantry, started for the scene immedi ately with a battalion. The body of Captain Connell had been tied at tbe heels, saturated with kerosene and partly burned. Forty five bodies had been burned in a trench, leaving seven unaccounted, for. The charred remains of many were recovered. i numerous instances the bodies had been badly mutilated. Three hundred Macababees will also bo-dispatched to the scene of the mas sacre on board the -Legaspi, which is delayed by a typhoon. Kinston Free Press: Mr. Joe Ballard, a tinner, was arrested Tues day morning on a charge of forgery. Tbe case is to be heard before Justice Cox Thursday. Ballard was sent to jail to await the trial in default of a $250 bond. Mr. E. W. HuflVa 'mer chant on Tuckahoe, cashed a check for Ballard made out to John Baxter. The check called for $25.00 and was on the Citizens' Savings . Bank, and contained Judge O. H. Allen's signs ture, Mr. Huff found the check was a forgery and had the warrant issued for Ballard, who claims that Baxter gave him the check. When question-, ed as to. who Baxter was he said he was from Duplin county. Curat) Blood Poison and Cancer. Eating sores, swellings, falling hair, mucous patches, ulcers, scrofula, acb ing bones and joints, itching skin, boils, pimples, etc., by taking Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.), made especial ly to cure malignant blood and skin troubles. B. B. B. heals every sore and makes the blood pure and rich. Over 3,000 cures of worst and most obstinate cases by taking B. B. B. Druggists, $1. Describe trouble and trial, bottle sent free by writing to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. t 111 :STE0g second class in rize." MI A II x mm sw m m m . mm IE II 1 sep 7 D&W 8t V -J

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