he eMu Stat. WILLIAM H. BBBHAED JBditor uA proprietor. Fmday, NOVKMBEE 1, 1901. K00SEVELT AND THE TRUSTS It is said that Mr. Roosevelt has about completed his message and will have something to say about Trusts. There is more or less spec ulation as to wat he will say or whether he will make any' recom mendations as to the legislation that ought to be enacted, content ing himself with the declaration that there should be restraining legislation and leave the rest to Congress, The probabilities are that he will pursue pretty much the same line that he did in his Minne apolis speech when he declared that it might become necessary to adopt some legislation to restrain trusts which were taking advantage of their combinations to extort frdm the public. He was out in the West then, talking to Western farmers, with whom trusts are not in good odor, and as he was a pros pective candidate for the nomina tion by his party for the Presidency the presumption is that he had politics in view when he was thus remarking on the trusts. But now he is President and the opportunity is not only presented, but it is his province to suggest what in his" opinion should be done to correct an abuse or to remedy a wrong from which the people suffer. It is an embarrassing question when it comes to dealing with trusts, that ?a to deal in anything like an effec tive way. Discoursing on trusts, condemning those that are "organ ized in restraint of trade," is one thing and striking at the trusts that, are organized in restraint of trade is xnUa onthor tVn'nor. Thfl tmufca nil- a i- ,1 lln fivaf onH Hnri'f minrt if ueratauu iuo mo v - as long as the statesmen go no fur ther than deprecating the existence of such combinations, and expatiat ing on the possible necessity of do ing something to bring them to taw. They have been listening to that kind of talk for years, and become so much accustomed to it that they don't mind it any more than they would the cackling of a hen. Ten years ago the Republican statesmen said that if trusts took ad vantage of the protection given by the McKinley tariff they would fa vor depriving them of that protec tion, but they never did it. and never made a move in that direction. To try to make the people believe they meant what they said they passed what is known as the Sherman anti trust law, which was a dead letter from the start, and has to all in tents and purposes been obsolete, for no trust has ever been prosecuted under it. But four attempts have oeen maae, ana au ox tnese were foilnroo In the meantime the trusts have multiplied, grown strong, fat and saucy. It is a more difficult ques tion to deal with now than it would have been even a few years ago, be fore they became as numerous and strong as they are now, and when nearly every productive industry is controlled by them. Their defenders say they are a necessity now, . that the conditions require combinations to do business on a large and economical scale so as to be able to compete with simi lar industries in ether countries. That is the argument that 'will be advanced in defence of these com binations when the movement is made to curb them by legislation. This is foreshadowed by the utter-, ance of such Republicans as Senators Hanna and Depew, and Representa tive Groavenor, all of whom declare that without such combinations and the protective tariff our manufac turers could not compete in foreign markets with the manufacturers of other countries. Knowing the Republican states men as we do, their connection with the trusts and the obligations their party is under to the trusts, we have no idea that any legislation will pass Congress that will give the trusts the slightest concern., .Representa tive Babcock is doubtless in earnest in his movement to remove the pro tective duties from articles that are sold in foreign countries for less money than they are sold for at home. He may have been inspired by political considerations in taking this position, but whether or not he seems to be in earnest and fully de termined to proceed on that line. But he will fail, for they have made up their minds to switch off on the reciprocity .track; and thus dodge tackling the tariff, which none of them want to tackle, because they don't know where they could stop after they had gotten into it. They have hit oh reciprocity' as the way to keepout Of tariff revi sion. The reciprocity scheme will be such as the protected manufac turers suggest, that is a scheme which will not interfere with them much in foreign markets and will keep them in control of the home market, as they are now a recip rocity that will amount to little or nothing, for it will relieve from or lessen the duties on such things only as are not produced or not produced to any considerable ex tent in this country, articles that might very well be admitted free or on low duties, reciprocity or no reciprocity. They may be in earnest about their reciprocity scheme, but they are in earnest because it pre sents them a way of escaping tariff revision, which they do ot want to attempt. This is a troublesome question only because politics is in volved in it, and they are uncertain as to what the political effect of this or that action might be. They are embarrassed by the fact that two elements are to be consid ered the combines which have the money and contribute campaign funds and the unsophisticated peo ple who have to jbe placated if they have to be humbugged. To placate and humbug them while avoiding alarming or antagonizing the com bines is the job they have before them and that's why they have adopted the reciprocity dodgej the understanding being that the manu facturers will dictate the kind of reciprocity they want, and the msses of the people will be told that reciprocity will open up new markets, for American products and our commerce will expand as it never did before. That is the kind of chaff they propose to throw to the farmers of the West and the South, and the employes in the manufacturing industries, all of whom will be told that they will be great gainers by reciprocity. In the meantime the tariff will remain un disturbed and the trusts will go on as usual perfectly satisfied that nothing will happen to them. It will be interesting to hear what Mr. Roosevelt will have to say or whether he will venture to say any thing with marrow in it. HOW DIAZ FOILED A COMBIHE. This year the crop of corn in Mexico was short, and following the American fashion some sharpers formed a combine, bought up all in sight and ran the price away up. When President Diaz caught on to the scheme he instituted an investi gation quietly and ascertained that while the crop was short there was enough for home consumption and that the increase in price was not on account of the scarcity of corn, but on account of the corner by the combine. : He then and there promptly, with out asking authority to do so, sus pended the tariff duties on corn, which were practically prohibitive, the railroads gave such rates as to encourage the importation from the United States and in a little while the market was full of corn, the Government sold it at cost or less, and it fell ,to about half what the combine was demanding for it. As a result the combine found itself loaded with a big stock of corn that it couldn't get rid of, and also found itself 'largely out of pocket. Having done all this, President Diaz sent a message to Congress stating what he had done and re commending that the duty on corn be suspended until the country was amply supplied with all the corn necessary for its wants. Congress acted upon his recommendation and thus clinched the nails he had driven into the coffin of that corn combine. Thus he not only killed one combine, but gave an impres sive warning to other sharpers who might be tempted to take advan tage of short crops of any kind to squeeze .the people, and feather their own nests. It is a pity that we can't have a ittle salutary proceeding of that kind in this country occasionally when sharpers corner food stuffs. When the wife of Mr. Ormsby, a Chicago burger, presented him quadruplets, the man, who was poor, became hopelessly desperate, and fled to parts unknown. But the mother didn't fly and good luck came to her, for the neighbors con tributed very liberally to her com fort and inside of a week she had signed a contract with a museum man to exhibit herself and infantile combination for $500 a week. When her spouse hears that he will proba bly recover heart anfl. come back. Mint Director Roberts reports the output of gold for the world in 1900 at $257,514,700, which is $49,000.- 000 lesB than the year before, attri buted to the interruption of mining in the Transvaal, which produced in 1899 $73,277,100 worth and only $9,671,000 last year. An 18-year-old boy was sent to the insane asylum at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. He said he was on hia way to Washington to kill Rough Rider Roosevelt, marry his daughter and take his place as President. Mr. Joe Chamberlain who has made such a mess of it in South Africa, wants to gag the Irish. And he may jtir up a racket that might cause John Bull , a good deal of bother. 1 i The best paid woman in the ser vice of the United States is a Miss Norton who holds a position in the postal department at Washington which pays hef$2,500 a year. STATS 0 OHIO, OlTYOl'TOLIDO.t . LUCAS CODKTT ITnivir T Pmn, UT 'I ' mKee oatn mat be la sen and state aforesaid, and that Mia Arm wiirSK the sum of ONK hundred dollaSs for eacS and every caaef Oatakrh that cannot be cured bv the use of hall's CiubpTiw11" 00 curea . FHAUK J. CHENEY presence, this 6th day ot December, aTd. 188ft l!Lf Notary AiMfc, Jtg. directly on the blood and mucous surfaces hvmi vm. WTOllllWIIIWi F. j. Cheney Sc. 0O Toledo, O. eoia Dyurninnflts,75c. HaU'b Family puis are the best TOOK OH. BUT HANDS OFP. One of the most thoughtful, pointed and suggestive deliverances on the Roosevelt-Washington din ing incident was in the address by Governor Aycock at the Colored Fair in Raleigh Tuesday. There was no temper displayed, no hot language, but a cool friendly de claration that whatever might be done in Washington by officials or Others there is a line drawn in the South between the races which neither can or shall cross, and which cannot be crossed without danger and injury to both. In speaking thus he spoke as the ' Governor of a State with white and black citizens. as the well-wisher and friend of the negro, and in so speaking he spoke for the best element of North Caro lina's white citizenship. He spoke in the same kind and sympathetic wav that Gov. Vance spoke when opening the first colored State . fair fifteen years ago when he spoke en couraging words and bade them God speed in their efforts to upbuild their race. In keeping with the spirit of Governor Aycock'a utterances, was the reply of Rev. C. A. King, a colored preacher and editor of Dur ham, who said that the negroes of North Carolina knew their places, and were content to dine in their own homes, to work out their des- ;iny within their own lines, that they knew where their best friends wero and would say to outsiders, 'look on. but hands off." There was a world of sense in that speech culminating with the pithy lnjunc- ,ion to the professed mends of the negroes in the North, "look on, but hands off," which meant, don't meddle where you have no business, but look and see us work out our own problem with the assistance and co-operation of the white peo ple of the South, whom we know and who know us. Whether they look or not let them keep hands off, for the more they meddle in a business they don't understand the more they will com plicate the race problem. STATEMENT BY MR. WESC0TT. Richmond Dispatch Publishes Interview Regarding Receit Marriage. Richmond Dispatch, 29th.' Mr. R. M. Westcott, of Wilming ton, N. C, father of Mrs. H. L. Fow ler, whose marriage occurred here on Monday, the 21st instant, was in the city yesterday. Mr. Wescott, who ap pears to be a very pleasant gentleman. feels that injustice has been done by the report of the marriage which ap peared m the Dispatch. Mr. Wescott, after acquaintance with his son in-law, declares him a perfect gentleman, and feels that his daughter's happiness is quite safe in hia keeping. Ha takes exception to the Dispatch's suggestion of love at first sight," declaring that he knew the acquaintance of the young people had existed over a period of several weeks before the marriage. After the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Fowler went to Petersburg, where tney engaged board with Mrs. Rob ertson, a most estimable lady, at No. 15 West Tabb street, and where they nave since remained. Mr. Wescott declared that the bride was not urged to return home. After learning of the marriage he extended congratulations and invitation to Mr. and Mrs. Fowler to visit the bride's home at Wilmington. After reaching Richmond Mr. Wes cott, who insists that there was no scerecy, and no occasion for secrecy. ooiainea me ionowing ceruncate irom Rev. Mr. Spooner, which the Dispatch, at Mr. Wescott 's request, publishes herewith: "This is to certify that on the 21st day of October, 1901, at my parsonage. 2302 East Broad street, Richmond, va., 1 umtea m marriage Mr. Her bert Jj. fowler and Miss Nessie M. Wescott. under authoritv of a civil license, duly and properly issued by the clerk of the county court at Hen rico, and that the license has been properly endorsed and returned and filed in the records of the court. "Geoege EL Spooner, Pastor Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, 8outh." October 28, 1901. THE RECEIVER DISCHARGED. Judge Waddllfs Action In Case of the Mutual Fidelity Company. A special to the Richmond Dis patch from Norfolk has the following witn reference to -a company which formerly operated In Wilmington 1 "Judge Waddill in the Federal Court to-day sustained the motion of the defence to diamiui thn the Mutual Fidelity Company, known as the "Get Rich-Quick." Hia decision ww Qaaeu on we ground tnat Dotn the plaintiffs, residing in Columbus, Ga.. and the defendant Delaware and Maryland corporation. oeiog non-residents ot Virginia, the court has no jurisdiction. Mr. John G. Tilton. heretnfnrfl annnintnrl re,. ceiver, was discharged and the assets ui me company were accordingly di vided for his fees and the costs of court." Dr. Alderman in North; Carolina. Numerous friends in Wilmington will be interested in the announce ment that Dr. Edwin Anderson Alder man, president of Tulane University. New Orleans, is visiting at the Uni versity of North-Carolina, of which institution he was for some time the popular president. About 600 stu dents gathered in Gerrard Hall at Chapel Hill when he arrived and later escorted him to the hall where he de livered a very pleasing address to an enthusiastic body of his former stu dents. Funeral of Jno. L. Dudley, The funeral of the late John Lon don Dudley was held at 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the late resi dence, No. 105 North Fifth street, the Rev. J. N. Cole, pastor of Grace M. E. church, officiating. The remains were laid to rest in Oakdale cemetery, the following having acted as pall bearers: Messrs. B. .0. Merritt, W. H. Yopp, L. L.. Boon, Win. Niestlie, B. Q. Hall and Sheriff Frank EL Sted man. GREENWOOD REVIVAL Series of Services at First Bap tist Church Attracting Very Large Crowds. MINISTERIAL UNION FORMED. The Meet lor at the Y: M. C. A. Yesteriiav wiornlr-g Productive of That Result. Number of Professions and Con versions Last Night.' Interest grows apace in the series of revival services now in progress at the First Baptist .church by Evangelist Greenwood, directed by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Calvin S. Blackwell. All the meetings yesterday were more argely attended and last night the services began to bear fruit in a num ber of public professions and conver sions. The prayer meeting down town yes terday afternoon between the hours of 12:30 o'clock and 1 o'clock was very hopeful and accomplished well jthe purpose for which it was designed, L e. catching the attention for a a moment of those passing, "on the wing," so to speak. It was noticeable that an entirely new audience, though not large, was present and a very deep nterest manifested. : The afternoon meeting at the church at 3:30 o'clock was more largely at tended than before. Mr. Greenwood spoke with much effect upon the gen eral subject: "The Church, the Bride of Christ." The night service was a very pro found one. The subject of a very powerful discourse by Mr. Green wood was "The Vital Touch to the Life of Christ." A large congrega tion heard the sermon, and an "after meeting" in the main auditorium re sulted' in five public professions and one restoration. For the after ser vice nearly the whole congregation remained, demonstrating the very wide scope of interest. The services to-day will be at the usual hours, and the invitation is urged upon all people, regardless of denomination, to attend the meet- ngs. At the instance of Dr. Blackwell, several of the miniatern of the city met in the Y. M. C. A. building yes terday morning at 11 o'clock for the purpose of converting the meeting into something of a union type. It was deemed inadvisable to make a union meeting of the services in the strictest interpretation of the word. but a goodly number of pastors were present, enjoyed a pleasant confer ence with Mr. Greenwood and prom ised him their personal and sincereat co-operation in his efforts for good. Incidentally the committee, which was appointed upon the occasion of the memorial service some time ago. brought up the matter of organizing an interdenominational Ministerial Association', and so perfect was its harmony with the spirit of the meet- ng that the Union was formed at once by the election of the Rev. Dr. Blackwell as president and the Rev. Dr. A. G. Voigt as secretary. Dr. J. M. Wells. Dr. A. G. Voigt and Rev. J. N. Cole were- appointed a committee to draw up a constitution and by-laws. The committee will make a report at a meeting to be held at 10 o'clock next Monday morning. Those present at the meeting were Rev. J. M. Wells, Ph. D. ; Rev. A. G. Voigt, D. D. ; Rev. C. S. Blackwell, D. D. : Rev. J. N. Cole and Rev. John H. Hall. - FUNERAL OF ROBERT H. M'KOY. Military Honors by Naval Reserves Ser vices From St. James' Cburcu. Yesterday morning at 11 o'clock in Saint James' Episcopal church the or der for the burial of the dead was im pressively said by the Rev. Frederick H. T. Horsfield, the rector, over the remains of the late Robert Hasell Mc Koy, who died early Tuesday morn ing at his residence in this city. The church was well filled with friends and relatives of the deceased gentlemen, among those in attendance having been the Wilmington Divis ion, Naval Reserves, under command of Lieut EL M. Chase. The late Mr. McKoy was until a short time ago, a lieutenant of the division and at Oak- dale cemetery where the interment took place, the company fired three volleys and blew taps out of respect to their deceased comrade. The floral offerings by friends were num erous and very beautiful. A very pret ty one in anchor design was sent by the Naval Reserves The pall bearers were as follows: Honorary. Hon. A- M. WaddelL Hon. Jno. D. Bellamy; Col. George L. Morton, and George Rountree, Esq.; active, Capt H. H. Mcllhenny, Messrs. 8. M. Empie, 8. T. Ashe, R. F. Hammt, J. H. Boatwrjght and H. McL. Green. ' ' - Schooner Ran Amuck. .Yesterday afternoon about 3:30 o'clock, as the lugNavassa was bring ing the schooner Ida C. Schoolcraft down the river from the Powers & Gibbs' factory to the Cape Fear Lum ber Company, the tug broke her wheel rope as she let go the hauser to go alongside, and the schooner went crushing into a hoisting derrick be longing to the Wilmington Compress, upsetting the apparatus generally. It was fortunate that serious damage did not result to the schooner, but prompt work on the part of the crew on both vessels prevented a catastrophe. Friends of Mn Zeb Vance Corbett, of Keith, Nr C, will be glad to know he is improving from a very severe case of typhoid fever. ylane Eruptions Are grand, but 8kin Eruptions rob life of joy. . Bucklen's Arnica Salve, cures them; also Old, Running .and Jfever Bores. Ulcejra. Boils. Felons. Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns. Scalds. Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Beat Pile cure on earth. Drives out , rains and Acnes, uolv ?5ets. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by R. R. Bxr UAMLY, JJrUgglBL. f DEATH AT ROCKY POINT. Mr. Julian 0. Bell Died Suddenly Yester day Afternoon Once a Resident nnd Well Known in WllmiBf ton. ' Relatives in the city .yesterday re ceived news by telegrapftTof the death? of Mr. Julian D. Bell, a prominent citizen and an . extensive strawberry grower, of Rocky Point, N. O. Later upon the arrival of hia brother in the city last evening it was learned that Mr. Bell died rather suddenly about 1:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He had just finished dinner and gone to the railroad station for his mail. Re turning home, - he complained of be ing unwell and retired to his bed. He asked that his brother, Mr. J. Quincy Bell, who 'lived near, be summoned and within half an hour he was dead, death resulting from heart failure. Mr. Bell is very well known in Wilmington and has a host of friends as well as a number of relatives here He resided in Wilmington until a few years ago and was one of the most suc cessful commercial travellers in the city He married Miss Lizzie Fowler.of this city, a sister of ex-Mayor Jno. J. Fow ler, and she with two children, Misses Jennie B. and Katie Estelle Bell, sur vive him. He is also survived by three brothers. Dr. C. D. Bell, of this city; Mr. J. Quincy Bell, of Rocky Point, and Mr. Frank Bell, of Lilliogtou, N. C. All of them have the sincere sym pathy of many friends in their be reavement. Mr. J. Q. Bell arrived in the city last evening and arranged for the funeral to take place from the late residence at two o'clock this after noon. The interment will be in the family burying ground near the home. Among those who will leave this morning to attend the funeral are Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Jno J. Fowler, Mr. R. F. Fowler and Mr. J. Quincy Satchwell, a nephew of the deceased. Other friends will also likely attend. NEWS OP THE SHIPPINQ. American Schooners Northbound at South- port for Harbor Steamship Cleared. The tchooners Adelia Thackara, Port Tampa for New York, Abbie C. Stubbs, Brunswick for New York, and Sylvia C. Hall, Savannah for New York, arrived at Southport yesterday morning for harbor. They encoun tered a stiff northeaster Tuesday night and anchored off the bar for more favorable weather. The British steamship Slingaby, Capt Whalley, cleared yesterday afternoon for Bremen, Germany, with a cargo of 11,183 bales of cotton, con signed by Messrs. Alexander Sprunt & Son. She will sail this morning. The cargo is valued at $462,000. Judge Fuller's Successor. A correspondent in the Raleigh Post advocates the appointment by Presi dent Roosevelt of J. B. Schulken, Esq., of Whiteville, to succeed the late Judge Fuller on the Court of Private Land Claims. A number of other names are also mentioned and in this connection it is not inapropos to say that Senator Simmons has addressed a letter to the President asking him that if it is his purpose to appoint a Demo crat to hold the same in abeyance until the Democratic delegation from this State can be heard. No reply has been received by Senator Simmons but he has sent a letter to every North Carolina Congressman asking them to meet in Washingion to-morrow with a view of making a unanimous recom mendation, Justice James E. Shep herd is among the prominent Demo crats mentioned for the place. A Singular Coincidence. Business has not been brisk in the office of the Register of Deeds for the past week, but yesterday afternoon a queer coincidence took place, which served to relieve the monotony exist ing with the clever deputy register for several days. Two colored men came in almost exactly at the same hour and asked for marriage . licenses Strange to relate, the age of the pros pective groom in each instance was given at 23 years and the same rule applied to the prospective brides, who were each entered up at 18. Thus far seventeen marriage licenses have been issued this month. Sooth Atlantic Lumber Association, Tuesday, November 5th, instead of Monday, November 4th, is the date for the special meeting of the South At lantic Lumber Association at Red Springs, N. C, notice of which has be fore been given in these columns, to gether with a statement of the object of the meeting, which is explained to be a consideration of the alleged short age of railroad cars in the long leaf pine section of the territory embraced by the organization. Indications are that the meeting will be largely at tended. . I Married on Masonboro. At the Masonboro Baptist church Sunday night at 9 o'clock, the Rev. Robert Hewlett officiating, Miss Car rie Pepper was happily married to Mr. John Melton, a merchant of Mason boro township. The bride is a daugh ter of Mr. Joseph Pepper and many friends were present to witness the ceremony. Closed His Restaurant. Mr. J. B. Worsley, who formerly conducted a restaurant and cafe on Princess street, yesterday closed hip place of business and has removed to Southport where he will engage in the hotel business, having rented the Brunswick House. Mr. Worsley left yesterday for Southport and will open his new holstery at once. A Poiwtter mill Explosion Removes everything in sight; so. do drastic mineral pills, but both are mighty dangerous. Don't dynamite the delicate machinery of your body with calomel, croton oil or aloes pills, when Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are gentle as a summer breeze, do the work perfectly. Cures Head ache, Constipation. Only 25 cents at R. R. Bkllamt's Drug Store. t REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Three Deeds Were Recorded at the Court House Yesterday Afternoon. By deeds filed for record at the Court House yes erday, the' following trans fers of real estate werermade. Robert M. Sanford and wire to E P. H. 8tru nek, house andparcel of land on west side of Seventh between Wooster and Dawson streets, the same being 83x65 feet; consideration, $350. William A. Wright and wife to Jno. A. Everett, Jr., and wife, lot 66x165 feet in size on south side of Prin cess between Fourteenth and Fif teenth streets; consideration, $200. N. B. Rankin to John A. Everett, Jr., and wife, parcel of real estate 66x165 feet in size on north side of Market between Fourteenth and Fif teenth streets: consideration, $400. The Cotton Market. Although there was a further de cline yesterday of about 11 points in the New York cotton future market, there was no change m the local quo tations as posted at the Produce Ex change These are on a basis of 7 cents for middling. The receipts y es terday were 2,411 bales against only 1,623 bales last year. QOOD ROADS CONQRESS Opens Friday st Winston-Salem Sonth ern Railway's Qood Roads Train By Teiegrapn to cna Morning star Raleigh, N. C, Oct SO. A Wins ton 8alem, N. C, special says: The Southern railway's good roads train received a royal welcome upon its arrival here at 6:30 this morning. The cars containing the improved road machinery were placed on a siding near the road to be worked. The day was deyoted to getting every thing in readiness for operating the machinery, wbich will begin to mor-. row morning The train is attracting widespread interest and the town to nigbt has many visitors who came to learn how to make good roads. Re ports coming in indicate that the State good roads congress, which opens on Friday morning with an address by Gov. C. B. Aycock, will be attended by representatives from nearly every county in the 8tate. SIX MEN HURT. Aatomobile In Collision With n Locomo tive On the Long Island Railroad. By Teiegrapn to the Morning Star. New York, Oct. 30. As Henri Fournier, the French chaff eur, was crossing the "tracks of the Long Island railroad, near Westbury, in an auto mobile in which five other men were seated, the machine came into collision with a locomotive and disastrous re suits followed. All six men were hurt badly and the machine was demol ished. Henri Fournier had his foot sprained. Mr. Fournier said to-night that the party was on its way home to New York when the accident occurred, having been out all day in company with Mr. William F. Vanderbilt, Jr., in his machine, looking for a good road on which it was Fournier's inten tion to try for the mile record to-morrow. FAKIRS IN JAIL. Charged With Robbing Wm. Richen, at Winston, of $50. Bv Teiegrapn to the Mornuw Btar Raleigh, N. C, October SO. At Winston-Salem the three men charged with robbing Mr. William Richen of $950 were tried to-day and bound over to court. In default of $500 bond each they are in jail. uring the trial the men, who regis tered from Washington, D. C, claimed that this place was not their home. E. T. Hammond said he was from Columbus, O., but his wife was now at Pittsburg, Pa., the place William Scbade claims as his home. James Buckley is a native of Indiana, but has been operating his "game" busi ness from Washington. The three said they had been travelling for sev eral years, conducting games at fairs. Fayetteville Observer: It is re ported, and currently believed, that Alex Gilmore, the notorious outlaw, who was recently captured in this county and returned to the penitentia ry to serve out a ten year term, has again escaped from the penitentiary and is at large. This, if true, is about the fifth escape Gilmore has made from North and South Carolina pris ons. He openly boasted, before he was taken to Raleigh the last time, that he would not remain there long. J idge McNeill Monday morning rendered his decision in the habeas corpus petition of Mrs. Ellen C. Bon ey for the possession of her child, Charles Vance Boney, which she alleged had been abducted by her husband, Mr. George W. Boney. The judge found a num of facts and awarded the custody and control of the child to Mr. George W. Boney. . He retained the proceedings pending divorce case, so that any necessary orders can be made in the future, r- There was another dis tressing homicide in Cumberland Sun day. Tom Eson shot and killed his brother-in-law, John Parish, at Eason's house, about one mile from Wade. Both were .! young men, the former about 23 years of age, and the . latter only 19. It appears that there has been bad blood between Eason and Parish for some time and when Parish and his .brother went to Eason's house yesterday a quarrel ensued. Eason ran into the house and, securing a shotgun fired through the door at John -Parish, and the latter returned the fire with a pistol. Neither shot took effect, however. The Parish boys then went to the rear of the house and each stood at a corner of the building. Eason, who started out of the back door, was met by his father, Mr. Geo. Eason, who tried to Eersuade him not to go out, and took old of the gun. The young man then jerked loose the weapon and fired it across his arm, sending the contents into the bodjr of John Parish. The latter walked about half way around the house and then dropped dead. Eason, frightened at what he had done, made off and went to the house of Alfred Guy, about five miles away. Here the sheriff found and arrested him. He md0-no attempt to escape. Concord Stmdard : Sandy Hearne and his brother, Charles Hearne, two negroes, bad a difficulty near New London Saturday night, when Sandy shot Charles, who lin gered until Monday night and died. It seems that one Jerry Cornell is im plicated and he was arrested Monday night in Love Town by Deputies Hoke Peek and Caleb Robinson and was taken to Salisbury this (Tuesday) morning. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT TIHMONSVILLE Twenty-three Business Houses in 0 the Heart of the Town De- stroyed Yesterday. THE LOSS PLACED AT $100,000. Ten Brick Stores, Including the Bank of TlmmonsviUe, to the Burned District. W. P. Dennis, of the Firm of Smith & Dennis, Arrested. nv Telegraph to the Morning Star. ; Columbia, .8. C, October SO. Twenty-three business houses, . com posing the heart of Timmonsville, were burned early this morning. There was an explosion in the .store of Smith & Dennis that aroused the town and then the flames burst out. A keg of powder is supposed to have exploded. There was no apparatus for .fighting the fire and the citizens were compelled to witness the destruction of their property without being able to lift a hand to stay the flames. One block of ten brick stores, including the Bank of Timmonsville, is in the burned district - The low is conservatively placed at one hundred thousand dollars with less than one-third insurance. A sensational feature developed late this evening when W. F. Dennis, of the firm of Smith & Dennis, general merchants, was arrested for arson, Smith had left the town when citizens called at his place. Dennia refused to talk. The peculiar manner in which the fire started caused suspicion to rest on these men, and a search of their premises revealed boxes pf goods, shoes, etc., stacked in the houses and barns. These goods were removed from their store before the fire. The sheriff has gone after 8mith with a warrant. Both men have borne excellent reputations. Fire in Chicago Chicago, Oct 30. Seventy-five families lost their homes and $250,000 worth of property was destroyed in a fire to-night that started in Peterson & Company's picture frame factory at Union street and Austin avenue. , Fanned by a strong wind the flames got beyond control and spread to the small packing establishment of Fein berg & Stopp and a long row of resi dences adjoining. Two blocks df dwellings on-Milwaukee avenue weoe wiped put before the fire was subdued. Peterson's factory with its contents valued at $175,000, fully Insured, wan destroyed. The bulk of the remainder of the loss was on residences, fairly Well covered by insurance. There were many rumors of lives lost in the fire, but it is believed that all people living in the burned buildings es caped. FRANK I. OSBORNE APPOINTED To Succeed the Late Thos. C. Poller as Judge of the Court of Private Land Claims By Teiegrapn to the Horning Btar. Wabhinqtow, Oct. 30. The Presi dent to-day appointed Frank I Os borne associate justice of the Court of Private Land Claims, to succeed the late Judge Thomas C. Fuller. Mr. Osborne is like his predecessor, a Democrat. He is a resident . of Char lotte, N, C, and was formerly attor ney general of North Carolina. The President has pardoned M. M. Calloway, convicted in North Carolina in 1896 of unlawfully entering a dis tillery warehouse and sentenced to pay a fine of $500 and to be imprisoned for a term of eighteen months. 'The ground for the pardon are that he had nearly completed his term of impris onment and had been sufficiently punished. MANILA ADVICES. Qeo. Smith Expects to Clear the Island of Samar of Insurgents by Christmas. By Cable to the Horning Btar. Manila, Oct. 30. Advices received here from Catbalogan, capital of the Island of Samar, say Gen. Smith has raliable information regarding the whereabouts of the insurgent leader Lukhan, who is being hard pressed. Small ' skirmishes take place daily. Catbalogan was under fire yesterday. Gen. Smith expects to clear the island of insurgents by Christmas. PROQRESSINQ SATISFACTORILY. Negotiations for Ransom of Miss Ella M. Stone, the Abducted MIsslonsry. Bv Cable to the Morning star. Constantinople, October SO. The negotiations for the ransom of Miss Ella M. Stone, the abducted American missionary, are progressing satisfac torily, it is understood; but beyond this those having them in hand main tain absolute secrecy, as they are con vinced that publicity would be detri mental to Miss 8 tone's interests and safety. The Bad Feature of it. Von Blnmer What's the matter? You look sad. Dimpleton I feel sad. This morning I deceived my wife for the first time. "Oh, is that all? Pooh! Ton'll recover. Don't let that worry you." "But it does, old man. She caught me at t." Detroit Free Press. A. Champion. Miss Pinkerly Don't yon think, Mr. Tutter, that Miss Van Antler Is a beauti ful girl? Young Tutter Yes, Miss Clara; but you were no doubt just as beautiful at her age. Exchange. He Knew It. Dodds (meditatively) Do you believe a man can really love two women at the same time? Nobbs (sadly) Not after one of them finds it out. A Family- Treasure. ,fWas it a valuable watch yon lost, madam?" "Valuabla! All five of my children out their teeth on it." Chicago Record. If men could be soft h the same time hard headed, ottld get along much more St. lionls Star. Liability for service in the New Sea land militia ranges. In the event of n"l from 1? to 55 years. tarCsd and at DO YOU SHOOT? If you do you should send your GUN-CATALOGUE. IT'S FREE. It illustrates and describes all the different Winchester Rifles, Shotguns and Ammunition, and contains much valuable information. Send at once to the Winchester Repeating Arms Co.. New Haven, Conn. A rood Inolrtnv none ana noor lank." Ing harness to tha wont kind of a com- J-T1 Mnatwn. Eureka Harness OilJ horse-look better, but makes ths ifl 0 MtZi: z .11:' '."? 11,11 con. u 'Iffi . 1 ordinarily v.-onirf. tf STANDARD . -" " . i IK. ! Give ,1 Your Hor'se a Chance! LYNCHING LIKELY AT RUTHERF0RDT0N, Deputy Sheriff, Probably Fatally Shot by a Drunken Negro Poslofflce Robbed of $500 in lash. ' 4, Bv Telegraph to the Horning hur. Raleigh, N. O., Oct. 30.-Late this afternoon, near the show grounds at Rutherfordton, N. &, Deputy Sheriff Butler was probably fatally shot ii, 4he head -by Bud Logan, a drunken negro, who, with a negro companloL had been abusing white men and had knocked down four of them The negroes had out pistols and the deputy attempted to take them when Logan fired. The whites open ed fire and both negroes ran under a hower of bullets. They were soon captured and are in jail. Should Deputy Butler die a lynching is likely unless the negroes are shipped from the jail here. At Rutherfordton this mornine about 3 o'clock professional safe, crackers blew open the safe in the postoffice and secured five hundred dollars in cash. There is no clue though burglar's tools have beeii found. : - ; A BREAD RIOT IN MEXICO. Closed by Speculators Cornering the Sop. ply of Corn Starving People Shot Down Twenty Wounded. ' - By Telegraph to the Morning star. San Antonio, Texas, October 30. News was received here to-day that ai Puruandiro, Micheacan, - Mexico, on October 28th, a bread riot occurred in which twenty persons were woun3ed, many of them fatally. The cause of tbb riot is said to have been speculator!! cornering the supply of corn. A corn famine has existed in thai section of MeiictrTor months and the government recently removed the im port duty on corn1 from the United States as a measure of relief. It a claimed that speculators cornered the shipments to Puruandiro and raised the price one hundred per cent. The starving people, driven to des peration, attacked the warehouses, the women and children leading the as sault. They were shot down by the guards. Those who escaped the but lets, appalled at what had happened, fled. The conditions in that section of the republic south of Mexico, are de picted as terrible. Puruandiro is about fifty miles from the railroad and the last news from there was that the situation was criti cal and that more bloodshed was feared. The government has started troops to the scene. j WOMAN UNDER ARREST, . Charged With the Murder by Poisoning of Poor Persons. By Teiegrapn to the Moraine Btar. ' Bourne, Mass., Oct. 30. Miss Mary Gibbs, for whose alleged murder Miss Jane Toppan is under arrest, was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Davis, of this place, and a sister of Mrs. - Harry Gordon, of Chicago. Both Mr. and Mrs. Davis died last July, and within the next few weeks Mrs. Gordon, who had come from, Chicago to see her mother in her last hours, and Mrs. Gibbs died. Miss Toppan, a professional nurse and a friend oi the Davis family, attended each person. When the fact that the four persons died within one month came to be noted by the neighbors, particularly as the official cause of the deaths was not given out, the matter was called o the attention of the district attorney, who on August 30th gave orders for the bodies to be disinterred for exami nation. It was reported that traces of poison ing were found in- all the bodies. Then the State police began the investiga tion which has Jed to the arrest of Miss Toppan who left here at the close of the 8ummer season. . "THE METHODIST CHURCH. Union of the North and Sooth Divisions to be Considered by the Bishops. By Telegraph to tHe Morning Star. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 30, Sixteen bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church met here to day in their bien nial session which will continue for a week. The union of the Methodists, North and South, will be 'considered. The preliminary steps looking toward this end have been taken in Oklahoma Territory, where the North and South Methodists have united in building a Methodist college. This step was taken by Bishop Hamilton and will come up before the board of bishops for ratification. No Rlsbt to UgHne. The woman who- is lovely in f ace form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attrac tive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretch ed complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It' will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down Invalid. Only (50c at R Bellamy's drug store. "J t name and address on a postal card for a