a; 'J. x I I l 1 "- :! f ?! i il. ? . - t - il, 1 i 'I 'i s -ft i ' .i.l . fiJinuteo There will be another car. But the man can't wait. He chases the car ana swings on, panting and hot, but satisfied. He keeps this gait up all day. He works that way, he lunches that way. He contin ues this until his stomach "breaks down" and nature compels him to "go slow." Business men who have impaired their digestion by hasty eating will find in Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery a cure for dyspepsia and other diseases of the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition,. It does not give mere temporary relief, but it effects a radical cure. It strengthens the stomach, nour ishes the nerves and purifies the blood. For six long- year I suffered with my liver, kidney, and with Indigestion, which baffled the best doctors in our country," writes K. I Ransell, Esq., of Woolsey, Trince William Co., Va. " I suffered with my stomach nnd back for a. Ions; time, nnd after taking a ' cart-lond ' ol medicine from three doctors, I grew so had I could hardly do a day's work. Would have death-like pains in the side, and blind spells, and thought life was hardly worth living. . I began taking; Dr. Pierce's Colden Medical Dis covery and - Pleasant Pellets,' as advised. Be fore I had taken lialf of the second bottle 1 began to feel relieved. I Rot six bottles and used them, and am happy to say I owe my life to Dr. Pierce and hi) medicines." Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure biliousness. HER LITTLE BOY. "Always a little boy to her." No matter how old he's grown. Her eyea are blind to the strands of Kray, 8he'a deaf to hia manly tone. His voice is the same aa the day he asked "What makes the old cat purr J' . Ever and ever he's just the same A, little boy to her. "Always a little boy to her." 8Le heeds not the lines of care That furrow his face to her it is still As it waa in hia boyhood, fair, nis hopea and jay a are as dear to her As they . were in his small-doy days, He never change; to her he's still "My little boy," she says. "Always a little boy to her." Aud to him she's the mother fair. With the laughing eyes and thecheer- ' log smile Of the boyhood days back there. Buck there, somewhere in the mist of there with the childish j y And to her he is never the nun we see. But always "her little boy." "Always a little boy to her," The ceaseless march of years Otts rapidly by, but its drumbeats die Ere ever they reach her ears. The amile that ahe sees is the smile of youth, ' The wrinkles are dimples of joy, His half with its gray is as sunny as May, He is always "far little bov " -"Pearson's Weekly. . SUNDAY SELECTIONS. . Eternity is pay day with God. , Selfishness is the substance of sirjand sorrow its shadow. "The waste of the world wonld erase the need of the world." Charm strikes the sight, but merit wina the soul. Pope. Why should you care for the opinion of men if you are sure of the favor of God? The three things most difficult to do are to keep a secret, to forget an injury, and to make a good use of leisure. -sThe man who in this world can keep the whiteness of his soul is not likely to lose it in any other. Alex ander Smith. The life of little children is the most blessed and the best of all, for they have no temporal cares have only pure thoughts and joyful speculations. Mart in Luther. r "The preacher who had a great congregation of hungry souls before him, and sepntihe hour in frothy and inconsequential talk, missed an op portunity which an angel might covet." If you desire heaven you must win it; for heaven is a temper, not a place. You must win it by that obedience to God's laws which noth ing but the grace of Christ can enable you to to render. First fill yourselves with the spirit of good deeds. then shed abroad then you must shed abroad the influence of that thing which Is in you, a part of the very life. Much aa we may need to fill the sphere in which we move with what is best and bright est, we more need first to fill ourselves, and then we ahall fill or sphere. Be come sweetness and light, and we give them inevitably. J. F. W. Ware. What is going to be our truth for the New Yeart la it not that the love which has never deserted us shall come closer to us, because it finds us readier to receive it, making us bet ter, stronger, purer, nobler, more manly, more womanly, more fit for lire; not because God loves us any more, but because we, with new open nest, are more radv to receive Him Into our Uvea. Phillips Brooks. TWINKLINGS. "Now my little girl, can you tell me tb quickest wayto get to Mr. Giles' farm I" "To run, sir." TTefronfer Budget. Boy Do you want a good, smart boy, airt Shopkeeper No I I do all the work myself. Boy Wei), that'a just the kind of a job I'd like. Lift. A Post Graduate "Is Jenkins a college mant" "I guess so; he knows more about mixing tobacco and fancy drink than anyone else I know." Town Topics. Don't jon appreciate the op portunity of voting ! Y "I sho'ly does. answered Mr. Erastus Pinkley. "De only trouble is dat de job ain't stlddy enough." Washington Star. Honest Indignation: What, sir: you take me for one who can be bribed! You insult my sense of honor but in case I really were such a man, how much would you give met -Tit-Bits. What He Had Saved: . Mr. Jones "I haven't saved a dollar since I married you." Mrs. Jones "What an Ideal You've saved nearly half of what you had in the bank at that timet" Puck; 3 Basra ths figutue f TC The Kind Yon Haw Always FAUST'S WILD CHARGE. It 'Seat Mairaraerlt Flyinar In Terror From the Stage. . The name of tho hero of this anec dote I shall aot give you, for be bas long since been gathered to bis fathers. Let it suffice that In his heyday be was one of the greatest tenors who ever sang to n breathless and enthusi astic audience. He bad a penchant, however, for the red, red wine, which In the end proved his undoing and ulti mately provided a pathetic ending for an otherwise great career. In his prime bis drinking seemed only to affect his legs, but never bis head or voice. He could always sing and sing true, but at times be bad no more ability to guide bis wandering footsteps rthan has a sufferer In the last stages of locomotor ataxia. At one time, when be was singing Faust to Emma Abbotf a Marguerite, he appeared at the opera house in an apparently hopeless condition. The management was wild, but there was no one o take his place, and so they had to chance it with blm as Faust All went well until they came to that scene where Faust, in leaving Margue rite, crosses the stage and then, giving way to an impulse, rushes back and kisses Marguerite yet once again ere taking his departure. Faust on this occasion got to the oth er side of the stage all right, but trou ble arose when he tried to get back. Marguerite sits in the window of her cottage, and Faust comes back and kisses her through the window. Faust measured the distance with a wabbling eye, but made a start when his cue was given. Then he seemed to lose control of himself. One-quarter way across he was trotting, one-half way the trot was a run, and the remainder of the way it had become a gallop. Up to this point Miss Abbott stood her ground bravely, but that rapidly approaching figure awed her, and with a frightened scream she fled. Faust, poor Faust, charged on. He reached the place he had last seen Marguerite and essayed to clasp the atmosphere la outstretched arms. Then his Impetus carried him through the window, and all that the astounded audience looked upon were his waving legs. Somebody pushed him back, and, absolutely un disturbed, he finished the opera, sing ing In an unusually superb manner. Not so with the unfortunate Margue rite, however, for from then on she was suffering from a case of "rattles," which In simple Justice should have been the property of Faust New York Tribune. PRETTY IRISH GIRLS. Why the Laaaea of the Emerald Iale Are Beatmtifol. The Irish peasant girls have long been famous for their beautiful, clear skins and healthy complexions. They owe much of their loveliness to the moisture of the climate and the sim plicity of their lives. Plain, wholesome fare and rainwater for the wash basin tell their own tale. No matter bow homely are the features of the genuine peasant girl, her skin Is almost Invaria bly soft and firm, the arms nicely rounded, the eyes brilliant and express ive. ' There are no eyes finer than those of the healthy daughter of Erin's Isle. Soft and tender one moment, to flash with passion If aroused; dark blue, gray or brown, the Irish eye is pecul iarly lovely and possesses a luster all Its own. Long lashes shadow these be witching orbs lashes that curl upward to sweep the cheek when the face Is betrayed Into blushes. So much time Is spent out of doors that the feet, usually bare, become en larged. The ankle, however. Is usually well shaped and neat, the Instep high and the skin of baby fineness. The Irish girl of bumble station is proud of her shapely feet and believes that walking through the grass before sun rise In summer enhances their beauty, which, of course, it does. - No need to powder that fair skin It owes its peachy bloom to health, happi ness and the freedom of outdoor life; no need to resort to the rouge pot the roses are there bard and fast, nature's own coloring. The hands may be rough by hard work, not diminutive, but shapely; the bah burnished and often luxuriant London Answers. How' to Lie 'When. Sleealmar. The correct posture for sleep Is to lie on the right side with the limbs stretch ed out to their full length and the arms either straight down by the body or in any comfortable position, provided they are not raised above the head. The mouth should be closed, and all the muscles of the body should be relaxed. The lungs work with greater delib eration during the hours of Bleep, and if the arms are raised above the head at this time and for any period the ac tion of the heart drives the blood away from the arms and sends It to the bead, frequently making one very restless when it does not prevent sleep entirely. American Queen. Having; a Purpose In Life. Ambition to achieve bas saved many man and woman from an early grave. From a health point of view a definite purpose in life, . something which the mind Is bent on accomplishing, la a fac tor which Is too rarely considered. The will power which holds one to a set task oftentimes wards off physical weakness and weariness better than the drug or medicine which the physi cian prescribes. "I must accomplish this before I die;' haa been the express ed purpose of more than one of the world's great workers. A. S. Atkinson in Woman's Home Companion. Bard to Please. at aH n t ,Ct n w,th that ynB womtD "What's the trouble r "Oh, she gets mad when 1 say she's mature, and she gets mad when I say he's Immature." Detroit Free Press. How It Waa. Judge You say the defendant turned nnd whistled to the dog. What followed? Intelligent Witness The dog. aor.- Tit-Bits. FIRE AT PETERSBURG. Crate sod Berry Batket Plaat Destroyed. Loii Over $60,000. By Telegraph to the Kerning star. - Petersburg,' .Va., Feb. 1. The large crate and berry basket plant of the Bouthaide Manufacturing Com pany, in this' city, with all the stock, Including 1,500.000 fruit baskets, waa destroyed by fire to-day. Loss between4 $60,000 and $70,000; partially Insured. The company had large business rela tions with all parts of the country. The London Sunday Special's cor respondent In Vienna telegraphs that sensational rumors were current there last night that an attempt had been made upon the life of the Czar, but that no confirmation of the reports was obtainable in official quarters. Rollins Bingham, a member of one of the first families of Missouri, has surrendered to the police at Dallas. Texas, and has asked to be returned to stand trial on the charge of forging deeds to property in . Kansas City twelve years ago. ;. PAIME'S CELERY COM Built up His Tills issfffipi "More Paine's Celery Compound has been sold in the city of Omaha for the last month than all other medicines put together." 8o writes the leading wholesale drug house of the West to the proprietors of Paine's Celery Compound. In October last a card from Hon. Frank E. Moores, the mayor of that city, was published in the Omaha Bee, in which he told of the great benefit Paine's Celery Compound had been to him. "I regard it," he said, "the most wonderful iemtdy I have ever tried for building up the system when once run down." . On account of Major Moores' great popularity and well known standing, the publication of his card in the Bee instigated the Omaha News, the Bee'a principal competitor, to make a can vass cf druggists and physicians in that city to find out their experience with this and other remedies. A few days later the News published almost a page of the opinions it had gath ered. The phystciana and druggists interviewed were absolutely unani mous in saying that of all pre pared remedies,, the one ihtt bad EIGHTY-FIVE MINfcRS KILLED. Fearful txplosios la i Cost Mine It is Thought That the Death List Will be Over One Hundred. B Telegraph to the Horning Star. Kansas City," Mo Feby. 1. A special from San Antonio, Texas, says: Advices from Eagle Pass, Texas, htale that a dust explosion bas caused a great loss of life in Mine No. 6 of the Hondo Coal Mining Company in Mexico, eighty-five miles south of Eagle Pass. E ghtj-five bodies have.be9n lkeu out. There were 165 men in the mine at the time of the explosion, and il is feared that many more were lost. Another Report St. Louis, Feb. 1. A special from San Autonio, Texas, says: Eighty-five miners killed and fifty more buried under debris is the fear ful record made by a dust explosion at the Hondo mines in Mexico, the news of which was received here to night. At the time tne explosion occurred there were 160 miners at work in the mine, all of whom were entombed by the shaft being choked up by falling earth and stones tossed by the explosion. Just how many are dead is not at this time known, bat at last accounts received here by wire to-night eighty-five dead bodies had been recovered. It ia thought that the death list will be over one hundred. The Hondo mines are located at Co hilla, at a terminus of a branch of the Mexican International road, about one hundred miles south of Eagle Pass, and are the most important in the State. Details of the list are meagre, no names of the victims being learned here. It is rumored that the deal for all the coal mines in New River by the Pierpont Morgan syndicate is off. The operators refused to take half the price of their holdings in stock. FTJZZXjE WHERE IS THE MAN THE I.' Atlantic National Bank, . VJ. V'. ; FEBRTJABY 1, 1902. . The directors of the Atlantic National Bank having declared the usual dividend of one per cent, lor the month of January, same is now payable. Resident stockholders will please call for theii ' checks.- ; V '. ' "" " r ,--- f feb 1 if iindniihtAdl-v. in their exnerience. ' ac comDliahed more . than all others- in jcuring disease ; was Paine's : Celery uompouna; ana aoout w cases in an were mentioned t where prominent citizens or members of - their : families) had been, cured wj thin : abort , time by thia remedy, of serious ailments resulting . from . . impaired . - nerves. Amone these was the Chief . of . Police of that city,' whose office was in the same building witn tne Mayor. The publication' of many of these examples of what Paine's Celery Compound -bad done for others naturally led those who were sick end in every community there are thousands of people who, having symptoms of nervous break-down, put off the cure in the vain hope that the nerves will resuscitate themselves hundreds of those who were sick were thus informed of the one true remedy for their relief. Unsousrht and unexpected letters be gan to pour into Burlington from peo ple in Omaha, telling of their experi ences. Borne of these letters were pub lished bv Deraaission of the writers. They all told in different ways the same story or new strengtn ana vi tality, sound sleep, better appetite, and the returning health. - No other remedy in the world ever so clearly proved all that was claimea for it as this wonderful discovery of America's ereatest physician . The number of authenticated cases of com plete restoration to health of people of all ages, who were sunermg from in somnia, indigestion, rheumatism and other ailments and weaknesses which are the symptoms of a nervous system deranged by neglect or exposure, or over-work, or over-induuences, or worry or other influences the number of. such cases is thousands In every community. TweTansaal Epitaphs. A Charleston churchyard contains the dust of many eminent men and several queer epitaphs. The tombstone of Mary Ann Lnyten is a cedar bedstead that has stood the ravages of 131 years. The epi taph of Charlotte Elford, who died ov May 9, 1817, says that She was In Childhood, Obedient. In Wedlock, Virtuous. In Prosperity, Humble. In Adrereity, Resigned. In Sickness, Patient. In Death, Happy. Another curious one is that of John Singleton, who died Sept 10, 1789: Sacred and solemn To The memory of 1 in 4 and 4 In I. A husband, father, grandfather and tather-In-Uw. Lilacs Are Imported. The common lilac, which is known to botanists as Syrlnga vulgaris, has been in cultivation for over 800 years, and its na tive home Is said to be on the mountain ous regions of central Europe, from. Pied mont to Hungary, whence it was intro duced to cultivation in 1597. Botanists recognize about 12 species of lilacs, found in a wild state, and these are native from southwestern Europe through central Asia and the Himalayas to Mongolia, northern China and Japan. None of the species is a native of the American continent. Jaat la Time. An Irish gentleman getting apon a street car found one place vacant, which he proceeded to occupy. "Sure,", said he, with a twinkle In his eye, "I came Just in the nick of time." "How Is that?" "Arrahl If I was to come now, I shouldn't And a seat in the car!" Ex change. Ton can generally tell when a man Is talking to a woman over the telephone by the tone of voice be assumes. Nash ville Banner. The Norwegian steamship Daggry, loaded with dynamite and railroad iron, before reported ashore near Gull Shoal life saving station. North Caro lina, waa pulled off by tugs and is now on her way to Norfolk. pictueb. BOYS AUK SNOWBALLING? ANDREW M0RELAHD. Cashier. 1 AT THfe TICKET. WINDOW. Wt ticket agents' natmycometoto contact with some very peculiar patrons, 5?t Berrice behind window hM- center of travel cannot fall to olvetop whatever Inclination to atudy hn an nature one may VJZL Tnassenger, the flusteredold lady that U K Erased over the two stand arda r time and the foreigner, with whom the agent sometimes has much hn ITdifficnlty. contrive; to put a strain 5Z his patience that Is not calculated to make him an extremely amiable per- had a rather funny experience with an odd customer the other day," remark "one of theaa much tried men. He was Atypical granger and spoke in a debber lt? drawling way that was somewhat exasperating in view of the fact that there were several . clamorous ticket pnr cnaserT behind blm. He wanted a ticket to a certain town, the name of which has slipped my memory, nmr. .u. and Massachusetts both contain a town of that name, I of course asked him to which place he wanted t&fo. - "Durned ef I khow'was his reply. My brother lives there, an I want tew pay him a vtsiu .... . j . frnnw whether the XUL uuu J v. w " " i i Indiana or Massachusetts lUffU IB " " ,, f Et mout be In Georgy fer au , - .ha rnTr)!ns rpnlv. - "He could glv no description of tne- nlace, having " never oeen mere, iu asked him to retire until the rush was fpi... r innbui nn tha two towns on the railroad maps and tried to fix his des u .i i thmt sit. Rnt it was no use. utuuuu He had no letters with him, and his case was a puzzler. Well, sir. ne nung arouna .li j . .il mnnchlnf neannts and thinking the matter over, occasionally coming to the window and asking if we had made up our mm as wnere io em "At last, losing patience, I was on the point of telling him to go 10 jencno wura he suddenly brightened up and said he would go to the town in Indiana anyway. b gosh, and IT that aian t. nappen i i jj., ni,iia tia vauM Innrnev on the town of the same name in Massachu setts. : And as he bought his acaec he philosophically observed: t IT'.'a m Inner Hm unM I A6V bed chanst tew ride on the kyars, an I mout well take fi-ood lonz ride while fm at it. "Detroit Free Press. Sheller Waa m Queer Boy. The poet Percy Bysshe Shelley as a omoll Knv nrna a n eccentric little being. He used to dress his four sisters to repre sent Gends. and, filling a fire stove with some Inflammable uuia ana swung flam a ha trnnld marshal the diabolical procession to the back door. As a boy at Cton he would watch the livelong night for ghosts and consulted his books how to raise one. His diet in after years was meager enough to Drtng mm weira um cies. Bread became his chief sustenance end Vila twlrAta JPPrA well stored with It. A circle upon the carpet, clearly de nned ty an ample verge or crumDs, oneu mnrlr..,! tho nlnoe where ha had lonz sat :-.t his studies, his face nearly in contact with his booK. devouring nreaa ai inier icij amiit hia nrofonnd abstractions. Sometimes he ate raisins with it, and his sweet lootn was immense. A Surprise. "And was my present a surprise to your sister. Johnny? ' I sboald rather think sol She said she uover suspected you'd give her anything so cheap. Exchange. The world, as a rule, hears very little of tbe man who is too much afraid of bis tvifc to smoke in the house. Atchison Globe. The statement of tbe Associated Banks for the week ending yesterday shows: Lioans $889.531 700. increase $19,589,100; deposits $975 297 000. in crease I26.S3U.200; circulation $31,- 365.200. iocrrase (348 700; legal ten ders $77 807 400. increase $949,500; apecie $192 815 200 Increase $6,924, 000; reserves $270,622,600, increase $7,873,500. Judge CantrilJ, at Frankfort, Ky., overruled tbe motion for a new trial in the Jim Howard case and sentenced him to imnrisoriment for life. An order was entered transferring How ard to Georgetown for safe keeping pending an appeal. The Best Seed Fays Largest Profits. VAUGHN'S IMPROVED EARLY OHIO. WHITE, BLISS, EABIiY EOSE, Seed Potatoes, White and Enst Proof Oats. Get in vour orders. Dried and Evaporated Apples and a full line of Groceries and Pro visions. HALL & PEARSALL, (INCORPORATED.) Jan 88 tf Wholesale Grocers. Valentines, Valentines. Boys and Girls Atten tion! A beautiful assortment of Valentines just received. Prices lc. 2c, 3c. 5c, 10c to $1.0 each. C. W. YATES & CO., Market Street. febstt Don't have much use for stoves. A fire in the middle of a snow hnt, with an infinitesimal' hole for a chimney, is good enough for them. - But such an ar rangement wouldn't be con sidered "just the thing" in this latitude. Here people need , stoves and we keep them for sale Parlor Stoves, Kitchen Stoves, Small Bedroom Stoves, and many odd sorts. The prices v are adapted to persons with non-millionairi8h purses, too. We have, too, a complete stock of Hardware, Agricultural Imple ments, Ammunition, &c OBTON BUILDING. Esquimaux dee 6tr ' ' A CmrtoEiiese Custom," " According to the rule-sanctioned by,, centnriee' o : Chinese- observance, no document can have the authority or tbe Imperial throne of China unless it bears a red spot placed there by tbe .sover eign To tbe grand council the tsnng 11-yamen and all other departments of state take their business, and the grand council in Its turn considers all docu ments and attaches to each s piece of red paper on which its own decision is written. Each morningr At daybreak the grand council proceeds to-tbe pal ace to submit the papers to tbeotr elgn, who as each document Is lro duced signifies approval by making a email spot with a brush on the margin of the red paper. With the red . spot upon .lt the paper, is the most sacred thing In the world to a Chinaman; with out t it may be torn to shreds with Im punity. Leslie's Weekly. s He understood all about the sun andJ the moon ana tne stars ana ewmeuiuis about the weather. : Indeed, he was popularly ; supposed ; to . regulate .: this last, and his indication of probabilities wa received as gospel by bis admiring fellow citizens in a certain .southern colony of Australia.. He. went to Eng land for a well earned holiday. . He was shown over a celebrated fruit garden there - He was observed to be sniffing about - as .if something , were wrong. They asked him what waa the matter. "Well,", he replied, "these fun ny fellows have trained their peach trees against the south aide of the wall to get the : midday sun - Instead of against the north." London Truth. Am Kdltorlml Error. "Did anybody ever try to stark a newspaper here?" asked the intellectu al looking man with glasses. "Yes,", answered Broncho Bill; "but It failed. The editor wouldn't tend to business." "Was he a dissipated man?" v "No; but he insisted on sitting at his desk with,-bis back to the door when he ought to have been standing with a six shooter in hia hand and bis eye at a knothole." Washington Star. v A Lomsj Mile. The Swedish mile Is the longest mile hi the world. A traveler in Sweden when told that he Is only about a mile from a desired point would better hire a horse, for the distance he will have to walk if be chose in his ignorance to adopt that mode of travel is' exactly 11,700 yards. "Cholly Chalk isn't a bit of use." sneered the girl who danced. "Indeed he is then," said the hostess; "he has been sitting there hiding the tear in the sofa all the evening." Chicago Daily News. 1 George "And if things do not CO well with us tbe first year, darling, I bem prefume your father will not see us suffer!" Birdie (siehine)-"No, dear, poor papa's eye-sight is erowin rapidly worse even now " Tit-Bits. TUB CXKASINO AND HIAUH9 CUBE FOB CATARRH CATARRH w RAl n WIS is Ely's Cream Balm Ea,y and pleasant to 'A use. contains no in 3 or ions arng it is sb- orbed. aivf BoW at once tt Opens and Cleanses tbe Nasal Passage ff1 1 n Ik, U C A T Ailavs Inflammtition UUUI 1 1 knu Heals and Proterts tbe Membrane. Betors tbe Senses of Taste and SmelL Large size, 59 cents Trltl sice, lo cents at Druggists or by St mall. mall. ELY BROTHER8, 58 Warren street. New York, ian 81 tf sate tb REASONABLE GOODS MULLETS, new catch. Best Cream Cheese, Martin's Gilt Edge Butter, Bagging and Ties. SALT. A e&NXBAL LIKE 07 CABS 600D8 DIHAUD AT THIS 8SASOH. Solo agents for ROB ROY FLOUR. MIR & PEARSALL eet We Take Tbis Method . Of thanking the generous public for their past valued favors in dis pensing; patronage at Our Department Stores. . Many lines of 'Goods have been closed out; many others partly so; yet, there remaina Various and Valuable Bargains For th economical householder to ponder over. We are now push . ivg everything preparatory to giv ing the general public tbe Best Possible Footwear Service To be bad at the lowest possible cost. Try us at the Same Old Place. la 5 tf Flour. Jack Frost, Patent Also, the following straight Flours : Lucile, Queen of the Kitchen, Electric Light and Home Comfort. We also carry a full line of Canned Goods, in connection with our Stock of Cakes, Candies, Cheese. Sardines. Starch. Salt. Snulf, Tobacco-Smoking and Chewing. Coffee and Mullets. Which we offer to the trade at living prices. - Williams Bros. filra lEvai Co. C ki r r-? l i The Kind You Have Always - in use for over SO years, and 7V72;, sonal .a a- s r . a i i arm All Counterfeits, Invitations and " Just-as-good 'p,re but .Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Exrerlerice against lixperiment. What is : CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substituOa for Castor Oil Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Wonnu nnd allays Feverishness. It cures .Diarrhoea and Wind -Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GznumE CASTORIA always Bears the The KM You to Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tm etrrws eewMn. tt mukhav rarrr. ncw voi orrr. Four Facts I .b TEST z Wilmington's Big Racket Store IS THE LARGEST AND THE MOST UP-TO-DATE STORE IN THE CITY . It compares favorably with any in the State. It covers 19.200 feet of floor room and has four floors, and has an electric elevator and cash service all over the house, and it is run on a strictly un to date Depirttnant Store plan. second The iJie Uacket rjtore does a large business, both wholesale and retaiL We buy our eoods in jobbers' Quantities, the same as any other wholesale merchant does buy direct from the manufacturers. And can sell you Roods aa cheap wholesale as any one can sell them: We sell Dress Groodsand Dcnvatic Grocd, Men and Boys' Clothinc, Hats and Caps, Shoes, Boots and Rubbers. Hosier?. Gloves and Underwear, Corsets aud Ladies' MuslinJ Wear, Ladies' Skirts of all grades. Trunks and Vatises,' Chairs and Tables, CiOak, Gossamers, Mack- intosnes, otationery.and almost every thing you can call-for. Third Wilmineton'a Bie -Backet 3tore is run on an economical basis We pay cash for all our Goods and sa ve all discounts, and pay all our help once a week. Fourth Wilmington's Bit? Backet Store's Millinery D-part men t .i tbe largest or na kind in tbe country. We have our men on the road selling our Millinerv nd other Goods Millinery a specialty. We sell ready trimmed Hats to the merchants, .riving them nice fresh goods and new styles for less money man iney can buy tbem on the Northern markets. The reason we can do thia is because we pay less rent and pay our labor less prices and we have our work done in an up-to-date first class manner. In our Millinery De partment we work from ten to twenty young ladies all the while and our Hats are shipped throughout the United States. Milliners, we want your business, and merchants, we would like to have your trimmed Hat orders. We guarantee satisfaction or tke back the goods and pay the freight GEO. O. GAYLORD'S Big Racket Store, ..- ' 208 and 210 North Front Street. feb 2 tf COAL AND WOOD! WE ARE NOW OFFERING THE BEST QUALITY AND THE CLEANEST COAL ON THE ' MARKET. FIRST CLASS Back Our Wood we Guarantee To be perfectly DRY, regardless of weather. Prices, Weights and Measures Guaranteed. Give ns a trial order and jndge for yourself. The Coal, Cement and Supply Co., 214 South Front Street. BELL 'PHONE 645. INTERSTATE 72. noy 24 tf - TA KE NOTICE I That deposits made on or before Saturday, February 1st, will bear interest from that date, payable at our June 1st quarter. We have a few Safety Deposit Boxes vacant. Price 14 per year. Tbe Wilmington Savings & Trust Company, 108'Princess Street, jr. w. noRWooa, rmMtat. e. waltbrs, vi FrMat. O. & TAILOR. ir.i OaiklM. f n h sit v III 1 !. I I Si .- RrJ n CfJ Bought, aud which has been has borne tlie sifmatnre of. has been made under his per supervision since its infancy. Signature of We have a special thing in Rubber Goods we want to push this week. Rubber Boots of all kinds at $3 50 at d 13 50 a pair. . Rubber Shoes at 15c, 25c, 35c and up to 75o a pair. Mho's and Bov a' Rubber Mackintosh Oats at $1 19, $1 25 and $1 50 each. Lri .' and Mutes' Wool Gossamers for $2 50, 13 00 and 3 60 each Rubber 8b-t-init yard wide at 40c, jard-wice 50c, 6 4 wide 75o and 2 yards wide at $1 00. A big line of Goodyear Rubber O mbs, best made, 7 inches long, 5c Eight Inches long, 8c. Extra heavy nnd strong at 10c. Double thick at 15c. Extra quality Combs, J25c. 8boes We handle about 5,000 pairs. We have Infants' Shoes aa low as 20c. Little soft-sole Infants' 8hoes at 25c. Wolfe Bros.' guaranteed Solid Shoes. 5s to f$s, for 50c. . Misses' and Boyb' Shoes from 75c to $1 25. Ladies' Don gola Shoes, with patent tip, solid soles, for $1.00 a pair. Our special shots, branded "Vicious," every pair war ranted by tbe factory to look, fit and wear well, strictly high grade, quai to any $2 00 shoe in the city, our price SI. 60. Old Ladies' low heel and sort hoes for $1 00 and $1 25. A line of Men's Boots at $1.25 a pair to close out. In Ladies', Men's. Misses' and Chil dren's Hosiery we have a full ard com plete stock. We sell Children's Hose from 5o to 25c a pair; Ladiea' Hose. 5c to 25c. Men's heavy wool hose at 25c; Ladies' wool bose at 25c. In Ladies' Dress 8kirts we hav all styles and all pricts. In our Cloak Department we are selling them at lesa than cost to clear them out. Our $1 25 Child's Reerera are now 88c. 1.000 Felt Hats for. 25c, all new shapes. We are cutting the pries all through on Men's and Boy's Clothing to make room for 8pricg stock. $350 worth of Men's New Pants juat received. mi V f