v . . .. .. . . pic Witdity jSar. rUBUBHXD AT t WILMINGTON, N. C, At tiflO YEAR IN ADVANCE! W W I t-aTJ 1 11 lAJL IOOOOOOQQevBBaBago VOL. XXXV. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY; MARCH 18, 1904. NO. 21 " SSS3SSS3S2S3SSSSS SSSS3SSSS883S3SS3 88888888838388883 .mow g5g58S8g3gS3gg 82888S8828288888S " 3388388828383333 l2le882S88888888 S8S338S3SS3333S33 I a a S U i s Kntercl at the Pott Office at .umtgi Second Clut Matter1 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. tim Mbacriptiaa pric of the Weekly Star U a follows : t month! " " 80 MADE ROME HOWL. Some Republican official at Wash ington thought he was doing some thing awfully smart when the Bristow on the latest phase of post office department crookedness was sent ino the House of Representa tives, evidently with the. motive of exposing some Democrats along with the Republican grafters. The thing has proved to be'a boome rang, for a lot of Republican Con gressmen are "up in arms," as the Washington Post says. Quite a number of Republicans are as mad as a wet hornet, and as our dispatches have previously said, the Democrats are highly indgnant and are bent on having a thorough and sweeping investigation of the Postoffice Department scandals. So mo of the Republican Congress men, heretofore opposing any reso lution looking to a sweeping Investi gation, have been hit so hard by the Bristow omnibus report, in which they have been named, that some of them declare that they will stand by the Democrats in their demand for a sweeping investigation. The following is taken from the Wash ington Post of yesterday: It the present healed condition of tire Congressional mind, many hard thing;! are ssid about executive offi cials. There are Republicans who even blame the President for not knowing that auch inflammable ma terial was being prepared for trans mission to Congress. Others want to make officials of the Postofflce De partment beir all the odium. There Is criticism of Postmaster General Pyne and ot First Assistant Post mitr Heneral Wvnne. as well as M Brlslow. As aoon-s the House has a special committee at work to scrutinize the cases of members, it is declared that several postoffice offi cials will be called to testify, and when all the truth is brought out thr,e officials will be left In anything bu. a good light. Doartment officials, on the other ha.i , say that Chairman Overstreet la .nollv resoonsible for the report. H insisted upon having the informa tion, being goaded on by Democrats of ina Committee on Postoffices and Potroad. Officiale wbo knew what was eiog prepared for uoDgress were reluctant to see It aent there, foresee ing the storm it would create, but thy had no other alternative in view of the committee's action. U will be no surprise If the bitter in vectives that members of the Republi can household are now hurling at each other in nrlvate are soon spoken open ly. Things have come to such a pass with those Congressmen, who think -tbey have personal grievances, that the; are disposed to look out for them- selves and let other Republicans do the lime. The cooler head, however, be litre that Indignation will subside,and that there will be no serious after effects. Toe anxiety of the President has beo aroused by the situation In the Q iuse. and yesterday,before the House ' convened, 8peaker Cannon and Chair man Overstreet. of the Poatoffice and Poitroads Committer, called at the Wbl.e House and had a conference wi h Mr. Roosevelt. It Is not definitely knon that the President urged some sort of a compromise that would allay tb angry passions of members, but soon after the Speaker and Mr. Over street reached the Capitol word went around that there would be a change in ih programme. Later In the day, M'. Roosevelt sent for Mr. Bristow.the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General, - aid it is understood the "report con necting members of Congress with the nottal irregularities was discussed. Wednesday's debate was sufficient to onvicice the House leaders that the could not put through the com mittee programme of laying the Hay resolution on the table, thus officially ending the matter and making It Im possible for members to secure any sort of official vindication. It also convinced them that there was great danger that a sufficient number of Re publicans would vote with the Demo crats to order a general Investigation of the Postofflce Department, some thing the House leaders are especially anxious to avoid. An attempt was made to bring Republican Insurgents Into line, and the crack of the party whip was heard,but the members would not drive. They declared their per sonal honor was of more moment to them than party discipline; and some of them told the leaders In plain lan guage that they proposed to be Demo crats on the subject of investigating the Postofflce Department. The theory of the leaders that time would cool the .anger of themembers has not yet oeen demooftrated to be correct. It ap pears, on the contrary,- that members only grow the more angry as tbey - havelor.ger time to examine there port and to talk with one another about the things It contains. The more comparing of notes there Is the more members become convinced that a (treat Injustice has bsen done the Con gress. Senators also are aroused over the report; and yesterday Benator Pen rose, chairman of the Senate Commit tee on Postoffices and Postroads, call ed on the President and discussed the -matter. Other members of Congress ' cauea on ine same errand. Includ ing senator Elkins and Representative viuanea u. ianais, oi Indiana. What the political effect of tha ra port will be la the absorbing feature of uai perplexing document. Returns are in from a few localities. The men who were poob-poohlng the matter as of no political significance are chang ing their minds. While conservative Republicans still profess no alarm, they are watchingclosely. Representative Burkett, of Nebras ka, one of the most promising of the younger Republicans In the House, with strong prospects of becoming a United States Senator, was refused an endorsement by a gathering of old sol diers the other day, even after those resolutions had been prepared with every assurance apparently of being Indorsed unanimously. Ex-Represen-sentatlve Strode, a fellow-townsman, and a Republican, but a party rival, harangued his old comrades on the strength of the departmental reference, and the resolutions were not adopted. Bnrkett's friends have become alarm ed at the outlook, where last week everything was roseate for him, Benator Clay, of Georgia, a Demo crat of high political ideals, received a newspaper from Georgia, announc ing in one of Its headlines: "Clay Among the Grafters. These are only a few instances, but senators and mem bers are telling each other about them. Little Indignation meetings are held continuously around the capItoL The excitement continues at fever pitch, excelling anything observed In con gressional circles for many years. It Is all the greater brcause the dates for conventtons are near In several States. Many are in a quandary about the political effect of a restricted, as con trasted with an unrestricted investiga tion of postal affairs by Congress. The Republican programme in the House is for an investigation restricted to the cases of members. Not a few of the party, however, think they cannot wisely stop there. The clamor of the Democratic party, first and last, will be for opening everything in the department. It is thought that tha country already sus picious of the administration of the Postoffice Department, will sympathize with the cry. But there would be even more trou ble ahead if a thorough Congressional investigation of the Postoffice Depart ment were ordered. Those familiar with the facta know there ia material within the department with which to keep the country stirred up for several months if skillfully handled by de signing politicians. There are thou sands of letters In the flies of the Post offlce Department which Congressmen would not want made public. Re publicans might be kept constantly on the defensive throughout the cam paign, however honestly the depart ment Is administered. Th Manning (8. 0.) Times and the Charleston News and Courier are having words of commendation for the good record which Con gressman George Legare, of the Charleston district,-is doing in Congress Our contemporaries say that "tha record he has made in his first term virtually assures bis unopposed return." We don't know this George, but if he is like all the other Legares nothing more could be expected of him than that he would give a good account of himself at Washington or anywhere else. DR.. ZACQAKY DEAD. FOUNDLING AT THE DOUR. BLEW SAFES AT KENLY SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Prominent Young Physician. Suc cumbed to Appendicitis in ; Most Acute Form. THE FUNERAL LAST SUNDAY Operation Wednesday FoIIewsd by Com plications Which Msde Death ler tali Popular la Social and Professional Life of City. From the market reports we learn that "there is a good current con sumptive demand for pig lead and the market is firm." We suppose the demand for bullets for "civil ized" men to plug each other with is what Is bulling the prioo of lead. Anyhow, the evidence before the investigating" committee, at Wash ington shows that the many-wived Mormons were in cohoot with the Republican gang. The Republicans are welcome to stand for their old polygamous radical brothers. The members of Congress in the past few days have been calling each other "liars and scoundrels." The liars and scoundrels should come to order, and not take up the time of Congress in bandying nndispnted epithets. The Bristow report will serve a good purpose. It shows us that the Republican"mi8ery loves company," and while it is a tempest in a teapot that will hurt rather than help the hot air administration crowd, it will - According to the sale of one wife for two seines in Currituck county, N. C, President Smith, the head of the Mormon Church, might be worth ten seines, if he could suit the Currituck men who are out for a trade. The wire truBt, the American Steel and Wire Company, has ad vanced the price of wire and wire nails one dollar a ton. However, wire never srets too high for the political wire-pullers. According to a religious newspa per the Czar of Russia Is a composer. MSTa m a Via Via a fn RDBTlcl hlS give the clean Congressmen a chance t.mnow com ln- himself when lor vindication ana put a .cn ft newg romthe 8eat of n . . . 1 . 1 . A A i. WI uetterjtnan an, it ougns io stop Congress from "rushing the I When the St. Louis convention growler," so to speak.for every little I meets In July somebody is bound to pap sucker who cries for more pap and wants to get his lip deeper in In on the public teat. It. is to be hoped that it will be a lesson that will teach Congressmen that the people's money in the treasury is not so much free boot that it can be slung around, as that much spoils. Honest Congressman who have made a mistake will learn a lesson. Some of the North Carolina repre sentatives have been . mentioned in the Bristow report, and it is ridicu lous to suppose that they meant anything more than to be loyally looking after the interest of their districts. The whole thing was an infamous piece of campaign littleness on the part of the administration pals, but it is so palpable it ought to hnrt them in the eyes of an intelligent and discriminating American public. It may open the way for a sweeping investigation of the Postoffice De partment debauchery a thing which all honest Americans, whether Dem ocrats or Republicans, would be glad to see and ought to demand. There should be no hesitation because there are letters on file which Congress men would not desire to be made public. The investigation ought to be made and when it is made, "Let the galled jade wince." We say, "Hew to the line, let the chips fall where they may." We don't presume that it is neces sary to call attention to the fact that Roosevelt is manifesting "anxiety" and fixing up a compromise and that the Republican majority is now and always has been blocking any at tempt at inquiry. That ought td damn the Roosevelt aspirations and the Republican pretensions through out the Republic. I The adoption of the McCall reso lution in the House on Jb riday is a miserable makeshift, and be it re membered it is as far as the admin istration wanted to go. The Insur gent Republicans were evidently whipped In. The McCall resolution simply provides for a special com mittee before which Congressmen can go and be either vindicated or whitewashed. It sidetracks any proposition to wade into the whole Infamy of the Postoffice depart ment. This ought to be enough to convince all honest men on the out side that there is "Something rot ten in Denmark 1" be "out of harmony with his quo rum," as the Mormons say. Every time President Smith goes on the witness stand he doesn't fail to tell the committee what he "stands for." ' " Dr. Robert Edgar Zichary, a lead ing young physician, of Wilmington, prominent ia the social and profes sional life of the city, died Saturday evening at 7 o'clock at the James Walker Memorial Hospital, where he underwent an operation Wednesday at noon for appendicitis in Its most acute and advanced "form: The oper ation was performed by DrFrankTH. Rusaell and Dr. Joseph Akerman, sur geon in charge of the Institution, but complications had already set in, and during his illness ana sunenng fol lowing, the young physician had the tenderest care and the advantage of thA Axarcisa of the combined skill of his profession in Wilmington. It was seen from-ihe first, however, that there was little hope for the alck man,, and friends anxiously inquired about his condition from day to day as if they half expected the worst. Dr. Zichary had been subject to recurrent attacks of appendicitis for several months, but lately his prac tice bad grown to large pro portions, and in the enthusiasm of his young manhood and devotion to his profession, he had deferred until too late an operation thaf might have saved him if performed earlier. Dr. Zichary was born in Transylva nia county, near Brevard, N. 0 , and at his death he was in the 29th year of his age. His parents were the late Jonathan Zsohary and Mrs. Eliza Zachary. The father passed away about two years ago at the advanced age of 84. Dr. Z senary was a direct descendant of the late Wy lie Jones, a noted educator of the Stale in his day. The young man was reared on h!a father's farm but entered the State University before he was grown, grad uating from that Institution with dis tinction. Later he attended the medi cal inhool of the University and also graduated with high honors. He was the first in distinction of those who stood the State Board at Morehead City In 1887, winning thereby the anato my prize and the appointment to the Buperlntendency of the City Hos pital in Wilmington, which.later gave way to the magnificent James waiter Memorial Hospital, in which the young physician breathed his last Since 1898 Dr. Zachary had enjoyed a large private practice and was easily in the very front rank of the younger members of his profession In the city. Only last year be took a poai graaaaw lis j Isfant, Asleep la Basket and Supplied : With Laxirles ef Bsbybeod, Lett at Foaitk Street Resldcsce. Fast asleep la an ordinary willow basket, comfortably clothed and sup plied with nursing bottle, a phial of toothing syrup and a box of talcum powder, a tiny male infant, from one to three weeks of agt.waa found Friday night between 10 and 11 o'clock on the porch of Mr. J. B. Elkins' residence, No. 1105 North Fourth street. By whom the basket was left, the police have thus far been unable to discover. The matter was reported to police head quarters by. Mr. Elkins and the child was at once sent to the James Walker Memorial Hospital ; where - it was tenderly eared for until there were developments at 8 o'clock Saturday morning. Acting Captain Burnett got la possession of a clue and he worked it ladustriousluhtil the identity of the mother-as established r also, 4hat ol the person who left the basket on the porch. The officer, however, refused to give names or discuss the way in which the case was worked up. He went out to the hospital and returned the infant to its already repentant mother." Mr. Elkins is employed in the Coast Line car shops and retired rather early. About the hour indicated, he heard a sharp rap on the outside and going to the front door and opening it, ha asked wbo was there.- tie heard some one run of the porch. Receiving no response, he went back into his room, secured his pistol and again opened the door. The second time he hsd more opportunity for investiga tion and saw the basket on the floor. He called his mother's attention to the And and it soon 'developed that the foundling was resting peacefully under the- cover. It was mads as comfortable as possible by Mr. Elkins' mother and his wife until Acting Captain a 8. Burnett and Tunkey Frank Harper could arrive with the police tranafer and take the Infant to the hospital. The child slept peace fully until it reached the hospital. Little Atlantic Coast Line Town Near Wilson Visited Early Yesterday Morning. $1,600 IN CASH WAS STOLEN. SID DEATH OF YOUNQ CLERK. Chss. P. Baker Passed Awsy si Walthonr ville, Qa. Was Employed Here. Vrienda in the cllv learned Satur day with regret of the death of young Charles F. Baker, a clerk in the Pas senger Department of the Atlantic Coast Line, which occurred at his old home in Walthourvillr, ua , aio:o o'clock Friday evening. Young Baker was an exceptionally bright and clever young man, having just reached his 21st year and although he had resided in Wilmington only a short time ne had drawn to himself many warm per sonal friends. The young man came to Wilmington from Savannah upon the consolidation of .the Plant System . Sure, Mike, we be in the midst of perilous times." The "Perils" seem to be "coming up all the time." with the Coast Line and was later course in one of the New York insti I joined by his mother, brother and sis tutions SHARP TA6TUI BY SEABOARD. It Now Asks far "Permission" to DUcon tlane Wl!mIeton-Ham!et Stations. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, March 18. The nnmnration Commission has named March 23rd as the date for the hearing of the petition by the 8eaboard Air Line that they be allowed to discon tinue flag stations between Wilming ton and Hamlet. This Is the casein which the Commission began some time ago a suit in Wake Superior Court against the Seaboard for unlaw ful discontinuance. No complaint has ever been filed in the suit and it Is tated that the Seaboard proposes now to comply by securing the consent of the Commission for discontinuance of the stations; thereby arresting the suit. Coast Line Extension. . A special to the Raleigh News and Observer from Washington, N. C, w. Jl 1. 3 tk.t tk. At. says: Ills unaersioou u u lantlc Coast Line is about to extend its Washington branch from thia place to Newbern. It is also understood that a corp of engineers are at once to locate a line from Suffolk or Whaley, on the Norfolk division, to Elizabeth City." F. Kirk, a farmer living six miles from Durham, was painfully wounded late Thursday night by his brother. The two brothers were out fishing when their dog treed a 'possum. One brother went to the dog, and Was soon followed by the other brother. In the meantime the first Kirk had gone up the tree, and when the latter arrived he shot him out with a rifle, wniie pain ful, the wound he received is not serious. The brother who used the rifle thought he was shooting some kind of wild animal. As a young man Vt. acnary wm most exemplary In his life and none knew him but to love and respect him. He was unostentatious and rarely spoke of himself, but the peopIeW his adopted home speak of him In words of most enthusiastic praise. He was a member of 81. James' Episcopal church and was upright, honest and faithful in his every walk. Tha fraternal spirit was sironK in his character. He was a member of Wilmington Lodge No. S33 B. P. O. E., Hanover Lodge No. H5, I. O. O. F., and Jeff Davis Coun cil, No. 63 Jr. O. U. A. M. By mem bers of these orders he was held 1n the highest esteem and each of the lodges were officially called to assemble Sun a.w .ft.nrnnn And attend the funeral in a body. The remains were taken Saturday night to Woolvln's undertak ing establishment and prepared for burlaL The services were held from BL James' Episcopal church by the rector, Rev. R. W. Hogue, at 2 o'clock Sunday after noon and the remains were taken on the afternoon SeaboarjLAlr Line train for interment in the Zachary family burjing ground in Transylvania coun ty. Dr. Zichary is survived by his mother, seven brothers and four sis ters, all of whom have the tenderest sympathy of the community in their great bereavement. The brothers are Messrs. Ralph, Wylie and J. M. Zachary, of Transylvania; Messrs. John and W. W. Zachary, of Brevard; Mr. L. J. Zachary, of Saundersville, N. O. ; Capt. Eugene Zschary, a South ern Railway conductor; and Mr. Frank Zachary, of Greenville, S. 0. The sisters are Mm. T. F. Marr, of r-harlatiat Mrs. D. H. Rogers, of Oconee, Gs. ; Mrs. J. T. Gazaway, of Central, 8. 0., and Miss Bailie Zachary, a student of Elizabeth Col lege, of Charlotte. Owing to a delay in the transmission of some telegrams, Rev. T. F. Marr, of Charlotte, a brother-in-law, was tho only relative with Dr. Ztchary when he died. tnra In December he contracieu a severe case of pneumonia but tender nursing by loved ones and the atten tion of the best physicians brought him through the attack and a short time ago he went to WalthourviUe to re cuperate. He became worse, and passed away at the hour named. The young man is survived by his mother, who was with him when he died, two sisters and an older brother, who left Satur day afternoon to attend the funeral at WalthourviUe Bunday. His fellow employes at the Coast Line sent an exceedingly beautiful floral tribute to be laid upon the casket. Safe Door Blows Fifteei Feet Awsy Evl deafly Werk of Seml-Profeislosals. Seversl Ssspecta Uiier Arrest. Woman Hssrd the Noise. Safes in two stores in the small town of Kenly, N. 0., on the Atlantic Coast Line, about midway between Wilson and Bmlthfield, were dynamited early Friday . morning, and ., from one $1,600 in cash was stolen. The methods employed by the semi-professionals for as such they appear to have operated were about the same as bave charac terized similar robberies ot late in the Oarolinaav A number of tools were stolen from a cheat In Edgerton's ferti lizer house, near the railroad, and 'still others were procured from the black smith shop of Rufus Pearce, colored. With the Implements thus procured, the burglars proceeded to the store of Mr. Josiah 8tanclll, broke the door open and blew the safe, the door hav ing been found completely off its hinges some fifteen feet away, where it struck against the wall. The $1,600 taken from the safe was in gold and greenbacks and is said to have been the proceeds of the sale of some lands three years ago. The second store en tered was that of Mr. G. L. Morrlss, but fortunately - nothing was taken from the safe as Mr. Morriss had left nothing of value therein. The door of the safe was barely hanging by its hinges. - ' About 2 o'clock in the morning, Mrs. J. L. Uinnant was up with her children and beard an explosion, but upon awakening her husband, they decided it was the report of a gun and paid no more attention. The stores were found open by persons passing about daybreak. Several suspects bave been arrested, but it appears doubtful if evidence sufficient to con vict will be obtained. Four strangers loitered about the town all the after noon previous, visiting nearly all the stores and making small purchaser. Two of the number seemed to confine themselves for the most part to the outskirts of the town. Late in the afternoon W. L. Moore, a railroad section master, saw the four about a mile from town, cooking and eating provisions they had bought from the atore of O. G. Edgerton & Co. Still later they were seen reading papers near the guano house from which a part of the tools were stolen. The supposition is that the burglars went to Selma after the robbery and boarded a through freight. A suspicious-looking character, answering the description of.one of those seen about Kenly the afternoon before the robbery was seen later between two cars of the through freight The train was stopped at Wilson and a search made for the man, but he was nowhere to be found. A previous effort had been made to stop the train at Lucama and the sup position is that the man got "on to the game" and dropped off at Con tentnea creek when the cars slowed up for the trestle. It was reported that bloodhounds had been sent for. Another freight, following the through train, was stopped at Lucama and a white man and two negroes were ar-. rested, but parties who came overfrpm Kenly were unable to identify the white man. It was thought best, how ever, to detain him a while longer. REHEARSALS BEGIN THIS WEEK. HANGING FOR ALL. Delus Upchurch, a negro, was arrested at Durham Friday after noon on the charge of criminally assaulting a negro girl named, Hattle Woods. The girl is reported as being in a serious condition. At Charlotte on Friday papers were filed in a $10,000 damage suit to be brought against the Seaboard Air Line Railway, by W. G. Adams, who for twelve years has been in the employ of the Southern Railway. Mr. Adams was standing on the Southern's Track last December and claims that as the result of a door of one of the Seaboard's car falling upon him he sustained permanent bodily injuries. Raeford Chronicle: To show the progress of our town along the building line, there has been built within the past year 15 dwellings, the most of them nice ones, four stores, a bank, a large school build lng, a Methodist churoh, a cotton gin and a livery stable. Several buildings are under construction now and work will commence on a number .of new buildings as soon as the material can be plaoedon jthe ground. Can any other small town beat this record? Raleigh News and Observer, March 12: The sixteen cent magnet pulled more cotton to Raleigh yes terday and the price kept up. There was no advance of the market here, the price for the various grades ranging from -15 cents till the best grades were looked at and then 16 cents a round was paid. -Several bales were sold here yesterday nL these figures, the majority oi the sales being at from 15i cents a pound to 16 cents. A year ago, when cotton was selling at from 9f to 91 cents a pound, twenty five bales of cotton were sold in Raleigh. The town of Spencer, Rowan county, where the shops of -the Southern Railway are located, and which now has a population of about 3.000. is having its first taste of infnftl nnlltlca. and is arranging for its initial election to be held in May foi the election of a mayor and board of aldermen. The town being anew one, the present board was appointed' at the time the charter was secured. Heretofore but little attention has been paid to politics, and it now develops that the place is overwhelmingly Democratic. In fact it is said that there ars perhaps less than a dozen Republican voters within the corporate limits. Nashville Graphic: The train returning from Spring Hope Satur day evening was met at the station by several white men and negroes who were waiting to relieve their Sunday allowance of whiskey which had been sent for. On the train one man was a regular travelling bar room, having in his charge about three gallons of whiskey in jugs and flasks, which were delivered to va- nous persons, ootn wnue auu uui ored. Just how long the town offi cials and those citizens who believe in the enforcement of the law will let this practice continue remains to be seen. Some one is surely going to get into trouble if this violation of the law continues. The body of Joseph J. Ser mons, who disappeared mysteriously from near the town of Bath, Beau fort county, last Sunday night, was found Friday afternoon. ' A posse of over one hundred men naa oeen searching for Sermons for three days, when round ne was sitting between the trunk of two gum trees about 100 yards behind his field. The six hundred dollars that It was alleged disappeared with him was found on his person, being lo cated in his pocket. The surmise is that after Sermons left the house of a Mr. Swindell, on Sunday night, he wandered about, he knew not where, until he became exhausted and then died, 7 PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT j (AND BOOKCR WASHINGTON. y S "saaaaaawaavi - Aa Echo el the ladlaaola Postoffice lass . ' la the SesateSpeclsl Committee ippolsted la the House. BrTalecrapb. to the afondng Star. WABHoroTOir, March 13. There was an echo of the Indlanola, Miss., postoffice case in the Senate today, when Mr. McLturiu rose to a ques tion of personal privilege to explain a newspaper report to the effect tb it the authorities of that town place un der arrest peddlers of pictures t' President Roosevelt and Booker Washington who may chance to go there. The Senate considered but did not dispose of the Fortifications Appro- ' priation bill. A number of bills were passed. One of them has for its purpose the prevention of the desecration of the I American flag by using it for adver tising purposes. - Mr. ucuturln, oi Mississippi, took the floor to make a personal explana tion regarding a newspaper paragraph, saying that authorities of Indlanola, Miss., are engaged in arresting people -for selling photographs of President : Roosevelt and Booker Washington. Ordinarily, said Mr. McLaurln. a story of this character would not be worth attention, but that under the clrcum stances he felt he should refer to it for the purpose of refuting it, as it is en tirely without foundation. Mr. McLaurln said that the para graph had grown out of a statement made in a newspaper letter written by A. G. Paxton, an attorney of Le land, Miss., who told of -the arrest at that point of three men who he said were engaged In selling pictures of the President and Booker Washington .,' seated at table together, and also of -aaobseene character. These pictures" he said appealed strongly to race prejudice. . . . Similar arrests also, Mr. McLaurln said, had been made at Indlanola, and it was found upon the hearing of the case that a Cincinnati firm engaged in Eublishing the pictures in question ad many agents out in the interest or these works. The men were tried and some of them sent out of the country, and Mr. McLaurln expressed surprise that any community should have per mitted them to be tried. He said the penalty Imposed by the law was en tirely too small and expressed the opinion that the death penalty would not be too severe. He added that the arrests were not because the men were selling photographs of , the President or of Washington, but because tbey were selling lewd pictures. Mr. Foraker said that ne never nau heard of the Cincinnati firm mention ed as responsible for the publication of the pictures. . The Senate adjourned until Monday. House ot Representatives. When the House met to-day, Speak er Cannon announced the special com mittee provided for in the McCall res olution adopted by the House yoster day to investigate "the Indictment" report from the Postoffice Department, as follows: McCall, Republican, Mas sachusetts, chairman; Representative Hltt, Republican, Illinois: Burton, Republican, Ohio: Metcal, Republi can. California; MoDermott, Demo crat, New Jersey ; Bartlett, Democrat, Georgia, and Rfcbardson, Democrat, Alabama. .'.: A bill was passed to authorise the Norfolk and Western Railway Com pany to bridge the 'rug Fork ot Big Sandy river where the same forms the boundary line between West Virginia and Kentucky and west Virginia. After passing 264 pension bills, House adjourned until Monday. the QUIET IN SPR1HQFIELD. Militia Still on Doty, Bat No Indications of Trouble. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Eprihgfield, O., March 13. It was. . Bsturday night that was mot feared by the city officlalv, and it has passed without disturbance of any sort. There have been the usual Bsturday night crowds in the streets and there has been constant reference to the rioting, but absolutely no demonstration. The soldiers are still on auty ana will remain over Bunday. There Is no indication of trouble after the soldiers go further than that there have been veiled threats on the part of the negroes, and the people are still easily thrown into a panic. A man In the street dropped a revolver from his pocket and It was discharged. A crowd at once gathered, but it was dispersed by the police. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Press Aiest of W. L. I. Comedy Club Ab nonsces Second Appesrssce Here. "Preparations of a preliminary nature have been in progress for some time by the Wilmington Ligh Infan try for the presentation of another dramatic performance shortly after Easter and a rehearsal will be begun this week. "The Light Infantry presented suc cessfully, the 'early part of Jan uary, "A Modern 8hakespeare," which la so pleasantly remembered by the public, and they received very flatter ing praise for the able manner in wk h tnin nwu Drcaouicu. a. tim Yerdict 6f the Jary la the First Murder esse ef the So-cslled cblcsxo ear Barn Bandits. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Chicago March 13. Hanging for all was the verdict of the jury to-day in the firstiimurder case against the so-called "Oar barn bandits" Harvey Vandloe, Peter Niedermeler and Gus tavo Marx who attained notori ety by a desperate all-day battle that started in a "dug-out" near Ltvernool. Ind . where the trio had taken refuee after a series of re markable crlmes.mciuaing tnemuraer dislch from Newbern on Friday says: U thought at the time that thia would be of empIoyeg 0f the Chicago City Rail- repeated, out u nas ueoa tlucu I Way at one of the company 's earns in to produce sometning new, ana aa our friend, Mr. Jas. EL Cowan, will have charge of this , production, it safe to say, that they will score an other success. The cast, of course, ill ha nraetlcallv the same, and to thote who ssw the former presenta tion, thia is a sufficient guarantee. "The company will bold its regular monthly meeting at the Armory to morrow oigh, at which definite plans and arrangements will be made. The play has of course been selected, but we are not able, just at present to give its name, as this will be. announced later. It is said, however, to be one of the brightest and most amusing come dies that has ever been written. "It is safe to say that anything the W. L. I. boys take hold of they do in proper form, and this entertainment is going to be a "good one." J . .. . i fl this city, ine motive in eaco in stance being robbery. Kmtl Roeskl. who was with the ban dits in the dug-out, and who partici pated in many of their crimes, Is to be tried separately, not having been Implicated directly In the particular murder for which bis associates; were flnt imlnsi. A confession on the part of Marx ld tn thA diicovervof the hiding place of the other bandits. Marx entered a nia nf ffuiltT and begged for mercy, whiuthn nther bandits attempted to brazen out a plea of innocence. Epi lepsy, the result of heredity,- was also pleaded in the case oi vaname. LYN6H13Q IN CALIFORNIA, Both the Senate and House of Representatives of Maryland have passed the bill proposing a consti tutional amendment limiting the franchise in Maryland. The pur pose is to eliminate the negro vote and the bill was passed by a strict nartv vote. " It is up to Governor Warfleld now to sign the bill. Former, Congressman Joseph Pullltzer, owner of the Jfew xorK World and one oi tne greatest news paper men of the country, passed through Charlotte on Friday on the 'Palm Limited," returning from a visit to his winter home on Jekyl Island. Mr. Pullitzer has been blind for six years. A favorable report ontheTawney bill prohibiting the inclusion iu packages of manufactured topaccu ot.r.. Via been ordered Vi wKv--l i w, A to the full uommittee on Means by the sub committee naving that matter in charge. An amend ment to obviate a constitutional question was made in the bill. RHODE ISLAND DEMOiRATS. Suit has been brought at Dur ham, against the board of county commissioners, Dr. N. M. Johnson, county health officer, and J. W. Al len, chairman of the board, by J.W. Coble, who claims that he was sent without amallnox and that by coming in cuniauw wu 1 1""" patients he contracted the disease. Znwne. Customer My husband says cattle are much cheaper now than they used to be. Why do we still have to pay such high prices for steak? Man at the Meat Mar ketThat is a question for the anatomlcla.na. ma'am. How -many MVMW . - . this morning r-www Hesrst Delegates to the St. Louis (oaves tlon Met aod Orfaalztd. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Pbovhehoe, R L. March 18. Six of the eight delegates to the St. Louis convention chosen at the Democratic convention on Thursday formally or t,an',mA tn-diT. Resolutions were adopted supporting Wm. R. Hearst, of New York, for prMldent, andde; claring in favor of the "Unit rule," in voting at St. Louis. Colonel Patrick Henry Qulnn, of Warwick, and Col. Samuel B. Honey, of -Newport, both or wnom were chosen delegates, notwithstanding their-opposition to Mr. Hearst, were not present. Uaknown Negro Takes from Jail by Mob and Killed. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Mojavk. March 12. An unknown nesrro was taken from the local jail by a mob last night and after being Urred mmA fafhiu1 waa ft'hAr shot to death nr killed bv twine struck over the with a. hea.T-r niece of iron. The negro was arresvd yesterday fn an .trociousL Ciime and was con fined in the MOjave jau preparatory aVfii him tn Bftkeraville. The facts concerning the crime be came noticed about the time and before tha nffiMra eonld nlace the man aboard the train a large crowd had. a-athnMd ahont theiall. which is an insignificant affair and unguarded. aim .M iiinM anoTftd some of those in the snob with tbe result that In the midst of the scuffle the negro was killed. A eneral Superintendent and Passenger Agent S. L. Dill, who has been connected with the Atlantic & North Carolina railroad for thirty- five years, was notified on Friday by Receiver McBee that his services were no longer needed by the com pany.. The reason given out for Mr. Dill's removal was that McBee would act In the capacity of general super intendent. The removal oi Mr. urn has caused universal comment, as he has been connected with the road In various capacities and was familiar with the working of every depart ment, and It is thought that he should have been retained for he was a most valuable official. Charlotte Observer, March 10th: Between Charlotte and Salisbury are strewn about 75 negro emigrants, all afoot. The negroes text unariotte on No. 40 on the Southern Monday night, bound for Baltimore, Md. and unipepper, v a. xney naa dbbu got together by a white and a colored agent worsting in conjuueuou. Ac cording to the story of a few of the negroes who happened to have some money and wno returned to tne city yesterday, the white man told them to get on the train and that he would get on at tne juucuou, uvtuuvum v the city, with their transportation. Capt.w. M. Giles was tne conductor in charge of No.40,and when he went into the car to collect fares not a single man could ante up. They said that the agent wno toio mem to get on the train was in the train somewhere with their transporta tion, and Capt. Giles passed Con cord. When near Salisbury the gentleman; had not yet turned up and Capt. Giles ordered the train cleared of the dusky emigrants, and the seventy-five piled out. The dis appointed emigrants boarded some of the southbound trains to return to the city yesterday morning, but they had no money, and they were forced out of the cars, and the greater number started to walk back to Charlotte. A few arrived last nights wearing that they had had enough of emigrant agents and others are still en route and will get in this morning. The whereabouts of the agent remains a mystery. Property Which Exchanged Hasds by Deeds Filed for Record Yesterday. Jno. H. Rehder and wife to Drlnda Hall, for $160, lot on east side of Dick inson, 66 feet south of Miller street, 83x165 feet in rise. n Jno. H. Beery and wife to Hiram H. Merritt and wife, for $S0O, lot at northwest corner of Fifteenth and Market streets, 78x165 feet in size. Bucky Patrick, of Wasblngio-, D. O., to R. G. Grady, for $10 and other considerations, property on east side of Love, 140 feet north of Bwann street, 40x75 feet in size. R. G. Grady, receiver of the Castle Mfg. Co., to Samuel Blossom, five tracts of land in New Hanover and Pefider counties. Susan E. Moore, ex., to Mary Bear Schloss. for $3,040, property on east side of Becond, 66 feet soutn i rrn cess street, 66x165 feet in sice. Susan E. Moore, ex. et al., to Hen rietta Breeland, for $350, property on east side of Eleventh, 99 feet north of Ann street, 83x150 feet in size. ; SH00T1NQ AFFRAY. City Ssoltsry Jospector ef St. Loals Mor tally Wonaded. By Telegrapa so ine Mornlna' Star. ... St. LotJfS, Mo., March 12.-John Klely, sqjn of Chief of Police Klely, to-night shot and ' mor tally wounded City Banitsry Inspec tor John Silence. Klely immediately surrendered to tbe police. It Is stated that Silence was overheard by Klely sharply criticising the efforts of the iattp'a father in the position of chief of police. The altercation that follow- ed resuitea in ouence bduuuuk in the hand. Kiely then .hot Silence in the abdomen. At Philadelphia last nlgbt Jim Jef fords, the California heavy weight, and Gus Ruhlin, tbe Akron wan, boxed a terrible six rouna oout, w which Jeffords had the better of tbe milling. Ruhlin was knocked down twice in the first round, and the last time he was sent to the mat he Was compelled to take the count. Lieutenant Governor Joseph E. Wlllard will formally announce Ms candidacy for governorship of the BUte of Virginia. He bas been in the legl'U ure several terms. Is a Bpanlsn war veteran, and about thirty-eight years of eg He is rated as several times a millionaire. V ?. t

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