V V .... ' 1 ll'i ; WILMINGTON, N. C, $L00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE ,88388888888888888 88282888888888882 88888888888883888 ""uw SSa8SSS5S858Sgg3S8 888S88888888883S3 8S8SS3S838388888S 8888888838883888 W SSSSSS8SS888S " 8S8SS832S88383883 88333333S833S8S33 "f a i s Caterer M the PcMt Offica t ilmtgton, N.C, U Second CUn M' tt. 1 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. Th lubKTlpUoo price ol the W'Uy 8Ur U (all " Smooth. - mi TBS TOLL TAX PERIL. A few days ago the Stab called attention to the alarming fact that thousands of the white voters of North Carolina have failed to pay their roll tax. Ia several of the counties the delinquent list runs all the way from 1,000 to 2,000, and no doubt most of the counties have delinquent lists of from 100 to 500. It would be a conservative estimate to say, therefore, that not leas than 25,000 Democratic voters in North Carolina have failed to pay their tax, and it is a serious matter when it is considered that the non-payment of the poll tax will debar just that many from the polls on election day. The above statement of the situa tion as it appears now, with only six more days left in which to pay the poll tax, makes it incumbent upon the Democratic leaders in every county of the State to do some earnest and effective work in procuring the payment of the poll of all delicqent Democrats. Chairman Rollins,6f the Bepubll can State Committee, has been ex ceedingly active in urging Republi cans to pay their polls. By circulars and appeals through the local Re publican leaders, the voters of that ptrty have been thoroughly stirred up on the matter. If it is true that the Republicans are paying the poll tax of voters who do not find it convenient or possible to pay up, the North Carolina Democracy must face the serious consequences which any neglect this week may bring about. The activity of the Republicans in tbree or four of the Congressional districts of North Carolina indicates tht they have strong hopes of electing at least two Republi can Congressmen. Several cir cumstances have tended to alien ate some of the Democratic voters in the western Carolina districts,and unless the Democrats pay their poll taxes, the consequence may be the lo:s of two or more Democratic Con gressmen in this State. This would be a misfortune for several reasons, toe most important one being the imperative necessity of having .a good working majority in the House at Washington in the event of the electiou of Judge Parker or any other Democrat as President. For the same reason that some of the Congressional districts are im perilled to Democratic chances, the election of Democratic members of the General Assembly may be de feated. While we are confident the Democracy will have a good major ity in the General Assembly, it is d eirable that we should have a big majority. At any rate, we must take no chances, so let the Dem ocratic leaders in every county be stir themselves about this poll tax menace from now till next Satur day, the last day upon which the pQlLtax can be paid to qualify an elector to vote in the November election. ' - COMPETING LIHB TO THE WEST I0B, WILMIHOTOH. The Asheville Citizen mentions a matter which 1b exceedingly impor tant for Wilmington, if the state- ment is based upon a probability. It is that the Illinois Central rail road is seeking a connection with Asheville, and that it will combine with the Seaboard Air Line, which proposes to build a thirty-mile con necting link from its western termi nus at Rutherfordton to Asheville. Such a stroke of enterprise would give Wilmington a competing line to ihe meat and grain producing West, and put our city in direct commu nication with the coal fields of Ten lessee. It would, therefore, not ba J)1 of place for the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce to inquire UtO the TJOSsibilitiAa nrntiehiH. ot such a railroad deal as is minted at by our esteemed Asheville contemporary. A Philadnlnhla t i j . r nvuiau t ui c TT a Q1a Of lettnoofn V. cause he refused to pray. Under prQTocation how can she ever ww him to say: "Lettuce raj r vol. xxxy. The business men of Bennetts ville, S. C, are making a sensible move in preventing their growing town from being Isolated as to trans portation. They are going to build railroad to Hunt's Bluff, on the Pee Dee river, to connect with river navigation. This will Insure the town water competition in freight rates. Marion is also contemplating a short railroad connection with the Pee Dee. . The negroes of Richmond, Va., have boycotted the street cars be cause extra seats are provided for them. When the negro gets so he thinks some white folks are not fit to sit down by, he will be content to enjoy the seats where he will be all to himself. The negro needs to cultivate race pride. Who would sit by any man who would not want him as a side partner ? Intelligence in war goes along ways. The stupidity of an ignorant mass against knowledge is like a feather in a whirlwind. Napoleon proved to the . world what this meant and he realised himself what it was when he met his defeat at the hands of superior intelligence at Waterloo. Smart people are in vincible. The Norfolk Landmark tells us that "there is no such thing as fined English grammar." Then we will be excused if we run amuck in phrasing now and then. Bnt we do not know where the Landmark got its authority. For the sake of error we hope it is right. The Wes"t Virginia State conven tion elected delegates favorable to Gorman for President, with Parker for second choice. Senator Gor man is a big enough man to make us respect the action of the West Virginians The Marion, S. G , Observer goes off at this rate: "We have too many judges. It is coming to be a term synonmous with the Georgia Colo nel and the North Carolina Parson." Considering the war between Russia and Japan, we have come to the conclusion that the average ex pert on strategy is as much of a blacksmith as we are. The Norfolk Landmark asks: "Shall a drunken man kill with im punity?" He can, if he doesn't get drunk enough to kill the wrong man. ' If the Democracy does not win In this campaign they will be in a posi tion four years from now to know why they can't elect a President. Judge Parker has been heard from. He has raised a kick about paying 11.40 a bushel for rye to be sown on his plantation. Some people are continually de manding justice. If most of them got justice they wouldn't be satis fied with the sentence. If yon are not satisfied with your lot in life, you might exchange it for the chances of some fellow who haan't got any lot. CURRENT COMMENT. Kansas Dolltlcians declare that prohibition is in Kansas to stay, and that it would be upheld by either party. Why not f When prohibi tion does not prohibit, wny snouia any one be against it. Kansas City Star. Senator Tillman expresses himself in favor of Parker and says the State delegation will be for him. When former supporters 01 .Bryan like Senator Tillman part company with him, he ought to be able to see the handwriting on the wall. Columbia Record. Whv not refer the constitu tionality of the President's recent service pension order legislation to thft President himself? It would be just as wise and as consistent to al mm . A A 1 I low the resident to construe legis latmn m to &llow him to enact leeia- lrtion. Atlanta Journal. The South has Increased its rtnnnUtian onlv 60 per cent, in the last twenty-threo years, but it has - 3 7 l 1 J3 AM OKA lAwf increased its muuittm u wu and its railroads nearlv 200 per cent. The South is occasionally diimofled to be different, but it seems also to ne, American. jxook- - . a T TL. lyn Eagle. ThA Colorado minis? situa' tlon is still yery complicated, with uttin nroaoect annarently of an early settlement. It is over a year now since the troops were called out, and 3,000 are still at work to keep the triknra onlet. Governor Peabodj calls it an insurrection against the ... 1" "S Ol. State authorities, wniie juage ele vens, of the District Court at Ouray, ati that the Governor Is responsi ble. The tronbla stows 'ont Of a strike of the Western Federation of Miners, who sought to enforce an eight-hour day. The operators com plained bitterly of the destruction of their nronertv bv the strikers, and the Governor, ordered ont the troops a year ago. Since then there Iim heen a rerr unsettled condition of things in the mining regions, and - . in a i T1L1 1 the trouble still continues. rniw TOE LOCAL CAMPAIGN Echoes of Friday Night's Meet ing and the Developments " During Saturday. PRIMARY OFFICERS NAMED. PolIIag Pisces Designated feasty Ticket oa Tapis at Qatherlag Is Coarl Haase, Bat Committee Divided ea Its Propriety Other Notes. Friday night's meeting at the Court House, which came dangerously sear resulting In a fiasco, was a proline source of conversation on the streets Saturday. Many ludicrous Incidents of the meeting; were related, while those who treated the subject serlous- 7, deplored the fact that the real pur-. pose of the gathering as stated in the call was discounted bj the foolish attempt to have the meeting endorse a cut and dried ticket for county and legislative offices. That an attempt was made to have the meeting go so far as to en dorse a county ticket did not become generally known until Saturday when a prominent member of the committee on resolutions was free to say that when he was unexpectedly called to retire for the purpose of drawing up a platform, he was thunderstruck at eee- ng In the committee room a type written copy of a full ticket from eon- stable up and also a resolution com mending; one Democratic newspaper to the faint praise of others who had given encouragement to the move ment. Two members of the commit tee dissented, whereupon the county ticket was stricken from the slate and the resolution in regard to the press was left for other persons In the meet- ng to Introduce Certain fulsome declarations of continued allegiance to "Jeffersonian princ'plea" were also stricken frem the original resolution outlining the platform. The commit tee member said that the eounty ticket embraced the names of W. B. Savage, for constable; Dr. CD. Bel, for coro ner; W. H. Blddle, for register of deeds ;G. F. Quins, for treasurer, and Co'. T. CL Jamer, chairman of the meeting, for sheriff. Upon objection of the members referred to, who took the ground that the committee would overstep its bounds by going so far as to adopt the very "ring methods" which it was declaring so violently against, the resolution as finally read In open meeting was agreed upon as reported, with the understanding that the remainder of the declarations could come up, if deemed advisable upon Introduction, by any Individual, 80MB DEMOCRATS PROTEST. A large number of leading Demo crats have made complaint to the 8tah of what they consider an inac curacy or omission in Its report of the meeting held In the Court House Fridsy night They suggest that we should have explained that out of about 800 people present, not more than twenty-five voted for the resolu tions , adopted, thus showing con clusively that there was no gen eral sentiment in favor of the resolu tions in the form in which they were presented. These Democrats say they had no objection to a legalised prima ry, nor to the election of County Com missioners and Magistrates by the people. The fact that there was no vote In the negative is thus explained : those who favored that portion of the reso lutions referred to above were strongly opposed to other features of the reso lutions. So they were unwilling I to accept them as a whole and, cpnse- quently, did not vote at all. It is pointed out by many Democrats that the fact that out of 800 persons present, only about twenty-five voted in favor of the resolution calling on the Executive Committee to amend the call for the primary election, Is strong evidence that the Democrats are perfectly satisfied with the action of the Executive Committee. POLLIIfa F LAOS 3 HAXXD. The following placer, registrars and poll holders were officially announced Saturday bv Chairman Geo. I. Pes- ehau, and Secretary W. A. Willson, of the Democratic Executive Commit tee, for the primary to be held May 3rd. The polls will be open In the city precincts from 8 P. M. to 6:30 P. M. and In the country precincts from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. First Ward Polling place, Hose Rael House; registrar, June Liove, nnii.hnlrfvn. J. A. Rimu. J. A. Jonea. Second Ward Polling place, Justice Bornemann's omce; registrar, tr. Belnsberger, Br. ; poll-holders, O. H. Ward, W. S. Huggins. Thfrd Ward Polling nlace. house mith of Glblem lodge: registrar. A. Q. Han kins poll-holders, B. M. Mc- Intyre, w. a., jo. jlocq. Fourth Ward Polling place, OTnrth' fee denot. Dock street: reg istrar, T. G. Pickett; poll-holders, n-iwv u. PartleT and K. T. Draner. Fifth Ward Polling place, old Fifth Ward hook and ladder house, adjoining Fifth Ward market; regis trar, K. M. Jewell; poll-holders, , J. fl Walton and E. J. Taylor. TTamntt Townshin Seven mile post, polling place, township house; registrar, uerrm waixer; pen holders, H. B. Shepard and J. B. Canady. Delgado, polling place, rtwl imArk tnr. rHatnr. J. D. Woody; poll-holders, D. F. Kline and Robert Rtoklev. Masonboro and Federal Point Polling place, J. J. Melton's store; registrar, K J. Fergus; pou-noiaers, Unaries lraig ana wbwpumku. n.M 1Taat-Pollinff nlace. Bios som's store; registrar, W. H. Bhearln ; poll-holders, w"t ana u. w. Bordeaux. The Mormons have few sympa thizers, but among their critics are people who practice what the Mor mons preach. ifliiit WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1904. A. C L. SUIT COMPROMISED. Verdict for the Oefeidast la Aiother Dsnufs esse. Toe $50,000 damage suit brought by Mrs. Susie O. Holmes, of Florida, against the Atlantic Coast Line, was compromised before it came up for trial in Columbus eounty Superior Court at Whlteville last week, coun sel for defendant railroad haying agreed to allow the plaintiff $5,750, which amount haa been paid. It will be remembered that Mrs. Holmes sued for injuries received last year at Don aldsonville, Ga., the same having re sulted from a train running into an open switch upon another train on which the plaintiff was a passenger. The only other civil action of any Interest tried last weeFat Whlteville was that of L. Lock, administratrix. against the Acme Manufacturing Com pany, of this city, in which plaintiff asked $6,000 damages for the killing of her husband at the factory at Cron- y, N. C, in February, 1903. While Lock was engaged in oiling some machinery, his clothing was caught On shaft and he was thrown several times against the ceiling, klll- ng him instantly. The case was on trial all day Wednesday and all of Thursday morning, the jury at 11:80 o'clock bringing In a verdict for the defendant and award ing no damages upon the ground that plaintiff's testator was guilty of con tributing by his own negligence to his n juries. Ex-Judge E. E. Bryan, of Wilmington, Messrs. Schulken & Lewis, and Jackson Grier, of Whlte ville, represented the Acme Manufac turing Company and Messrs. C. O. Lyon & Son represented the plaintiff. THE BANKS OP TUB STATE, Healthy Iscresss fa Besosrces sad Deposits. - Bsptlst Female Uslverslty. Special Star Tetearam. Balxiqh, N. C, April 23 The Corporation Commission issues a statement showing that "at the close of business March 28th, there were 169 State, private and savings banks doing business In the State with $39,691,836 resources, an Increase of $,606,177 over the past year. Deposits amount to $20,888,478, a gain of $3,100,051 for the year. There are 34 savings, seven privato and 138 State banks. It is announced loat the dedication of the Baptist Female University will take place Tuesday May 17th, it not having been held until now for the reason that the Baptists of the 8tate did not want it dedicated until it was out of debt. All mortgages have been cancelled. The special orator for the occasion will be- Bev. Dr. P. 8. Han son, or Boston, pastor of Tremont Temple. Governor Aycock will de liver the address in recognition of the University on the part of the common wealth; Dr. Unas. Mclver on the part of the other colleges. President Vann will sneak on'The Univeralty.Ita Mis sions and Idesls." AN INCIDENT OP YEARS AGO. Isssse Msa Who Ibot Stronger la Boaltz Hoase Died la Asylam. Mr. W. D. Slier, an attorney of the Chatham county bjar, is in the city looking alter tne estate ox uooeri j. Traak, who died in the Insane hospital at Morganton four or five months ago. Mr. 8iler is accompanied by Mrs. Lizzie Andrews, of Mount Vernon 8pringt, N. Y., who Is administrator of the estate of the late Mr. Traik. It will bs remembered that eight or ten years ago Traak, while a guest at the Bonits House, in this city, became violently insane, and coming through the lobby to the street, shot and in stantly killed the first man whom he met, a travelling man for a crayon portrait house and an entire stranger to the man who shot him. Trask was placed on trial for his life here, but the plea of insanity saved him from the gallows and he was sent to the State asylum, where he remained until his death a short time ago. Trask in herlted an interest in a house on Grace street and it is for the purpose of disposing of that which brings Mr. 8iler and his client to Wilmington now. THE eirilcN'a MILITARY BAND. Pise ffaslcal Orgsaliatloa for Campaign Porposes Open to Eagsgemeats. The Citizens' Military Band has been organized in Wilmington for cam paign purposes jind has already book ed several engagements. Handsome new uniforms have been ordered and will be here in a few days. The man agement is as follow : O. W. Hollow- bush, manager and director; J. A. Fettel, secretary; B. H. Morris, treas urer. The rosier will be about aa follows: C. W. Hollo irbusb, cornet; W. Lee Harvey, cornet; B. E. Knorr, cornet; W. L. Llvington, come'.; E. N. Boms burg, clarinet; Mr. Schnibben, clar inet; Ed Munson, alto; Julius Tay lor, alto; Will Sellers, alto; T. K. Cur tis, baritone; B H. Morris, trombone; Fred Dock, trombone; J. A. Fettel, tuba; B. B. Clowe, tuba; W. L. Burk helmer, drum; Ed. Gounod, drum. HBaassmayssVsVawwwMVBB Negro Broke la Car. Dave Oromartle, a negro from Bosen dale, N. a, was found secreted in a freight car of the mixed train as it was about to leave over the Seaboard Air Line last night. The discovery was made by Conductors O. T. Lear and B. S. Haddock, who had the negro ar rested upon a charge of having broken the car seaL The negro had several bottles of liquor In the car and claimed that he had given a brakeman on the train 75c to let him ride home. He also had a pistol on his person. SPIRITS TURPENTINE The United States Snnrnmo Court has affirmed a judgment for $6,500 in behalf of Mr. Lamta Cat. son, of Gastonla, for the loss of an arm wnue coupling cars on tne ooumern j&auway. - Gastonla Gazette: Governor Aycock If not infrequently men tioned as a suitable candidate for Ylca President. Hla nomination 'would gratify all- who know him best and the campaign he would make could best result in good for nis party and his country. Baleigh News and Observer, April 23rd: Sheriff Page yesterday sent ont a ttflraonal notice to every denutv in the normtv to make an extra effort next week to collect the poll taxes in his precinct, as next ,woes: wm oe tne last jreex . i PIvmonth BeAoon Verllv tha town mnit ho cettlner hAtter when saloon keepers put an over check on profanity. In front of the Eclipse saloon is a placard bearing in bold letters this notice: "No cursing al lowed in this saloon." Favetteville Observer: Mr. D. K. Taylor shot a pheasant on his farm, near Fayetteville, yesterday, weighing to lbs. and 3 ozs., and the ease of a common hen chicken. Mr. Taylor says that he does not know that a wild pheasant has been killed before this side of Surry county. Winston-Salem Sentinel: If it be true that Mr. Andrew Carnegie has offered to give $50,000 to test the constitutionality of the Ken tucky law forbidding the education of white and negro children in the same sohools, he is taking a course to get the Southern darkeys in trouble and not to help their con- uiuon. The farmers around Elizabeth City say of the effects of the 'Pres ent cold snap on the crop of peas and potatoes, that it has been most dam aging. In many cases the cold com pletely killed them, and now if any thing is carried to market new crops will-have to be planted. The dam age to the fruit crop is also very heavy. render Chronicle: If the Ex- Eress Company would only divide lir with truck growers there would be a little more money in the busi ness, we were shown an account salles SJbbls. radishes shipped to Bal timore, out of which the Express Company took $9.00 and the shipper net $2.90 for his share. Now this is simply outrageous, and by such charges they will kill the goose that lays the golden egg for them. A dispatch from Wilson on Friday says: The question now is, What will the Atlantic Coast Lane do with Conductor Bennett, in charge of the freight at Lucama, into which the passenger dashed ana-who says ha. was -aieapy, Having been at work continuously for forty eight hours and admits hav ing forgotten the passenger. It no doubt was carelessness on his part, and it would seem that at least some of the flagmen, engineer and train crew would have remembered. Baleigh News and Obsever, April 33: The Baleigh and Pamlico Sound . Bailroad Company is now having' work done close to Baleigh. The convict camp has been moved to within three miles of the city and is now at work just beyond Crabtree creek, Jbeing encamped on the Boylan property. The squad at work, 103 men, are forcing towards Baleigh and the road will be graded to the city limits and then on, so as to connect with or cross the S. A. Lu tracks. This being done the cross ties and rails will be laid and then an engine and cars will be used so as to carry forwad supplies as they are needed. A dispatch from Suffolk, Va., dated April 22nd, says: To-day a movement was started looking to the nomination of General W. P. Boberts, of Gatesville, N. 0., for vice president on the Democratic tioket. It is contended that his nomination would be in harmony with the freauentlv expressed senti ment against the South's policy of self-effacement. General itoberts formerly was auditor of North Car ollna and under Cleveland's second administration was consul to Via toria, B. O. He was the youngest general In the Confederate army, having been commissioned brigadier general at twenty-three years of age. Concord Times: Mr. M. L. La wing yesterday received a letter from his brother-in-law, Mr. J. a. Neal, at Terrell, Texas, in which he says that thousands of acres of cot ton have been killed In Texas by the frost and cold weather. He adds: "Tell the farmers In North Carolina to plant all the cotton they can, for the boll weevil will get the crop here this season and it will be 20 cents a -pound this Fall. Cotton will be late this year, and the weevil will get all the late cotton. The trouble with farmers who got their cotton killed is that they have no more seed. Our people never save any seed, and de pend on buying them. We are now planting seed shipped here from JNorth Carolina." Baleigh News and Observer, April 22nd: Governor Aycock reached the city yesterday afternoon after his trip to the western part of tbo State and to Spartanburg, a. u He was fairly beaming with the good time he has had. But he said they had led him a strenuous life, and he had not had much chance to sleep. The Governor said he was much Im pressed with the friendliness and courtesy of the Governor and his ataff and the entire South Carolina peopje. He also expressed himself as much gratified at the cordial re ception accorded him by everybody, and was particularly pleased with Governor Hey ward, whom he regards as one of the ablest and most conscientious and excellect uover nors in the Union. While In Spar tanburg Gov. Aycock was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. B. P. Pell. Gov. Aycock and Dr. Pell were college mates at the University of North Carolina, and they have been warm friends ever since. on POLITICAL DEBATE IN THE 'HOUSE. Bourke Cockran Defended Him self from Charges Made by Mr. Dalzell of Iowa. HEPBURN AND KITCHIN. Cockrao Bitterly Oeaossced DalzeU's Charge Thst He Had Worked for Hire tsr McKisle's Electloi. lbs Seaate Proceedlors. Br Telacrah to the Homing Star. ' Wasjuhgtoit, April 83. Two of the heavy-weight" speakers of the House of Bepresentatives held sway In that body to day . Incidentally, the bill for a commission to Investigate the ques tion of ship subsidy was passed, 141 to 118. BepretenfaUve Hepburn, of Iowa, first aroused and held Bepublican en thusiasm at a high pitch. After an nour and a naif he yielded tne floor, which was taken possession of by Bourke Cockran, of New York, who brought from his Democratic col- esgues thunderous applause and cheers. Mr. Cockran spoke for two hours. Tne feature of the day. which was clearly of the sensational order, was the charge of Mr. Dalzell against Mr. Cockran that he had worked for hire for the election of Mr. McKlnley. The denouncement of this charge and of the gentleman who made It was In lan guage bitter with resentment and scorn. Mr. Hepburn referred to the criti cism of the President by Mr. Eltehin yesterday. The gentleman, he said, was a member of a co-ordinate branch of the -government, "yet youilstentd to the bitter, yea, criminal denuncia tion of the President." This was a degradation of the nation In the eyes of the world, he declared. Beferrioe to "the alleged quotation from the President," that "there is a strain of barbarism lunning through he people of the Boutn.Mr. Hepburn said the gentleman bad sought to place the responsibility for this bar baric spirit upon tne President or tne United States, placing bim as one wbo was tne advocate of ivncnlng and the jastlfier of th; horrid outrages wnlcn take place in tne section or tne country from which the gentleman comes. That these things did take placeMr. Hepburn said, there was no denial, but the President's statement bad reference to tne frontier. Mr. Ueoburn took the Democrats to task for talking tariff before the money question was settled. . jnrstne aueair it was noiseiueo. "No." shouted Mr. Maddoz, of Georgia. Mr. Hepburn aaid that part of the Democratic platform of 1898 said that too agitation or tariff enanges snouia be made until after the money ques tion wae-eettled -. ,- Sneaking of the Democratic presi dential possibilities, Mr. Hepburn said, Hearst, "that young giant or tne West," was not liked by the leaders. so the friends of Cleveland, Gorman and Olney got together and founa a man wbo bad never uttered a single political sentiment and at once said This is our man." "But when the masses of the Be publican party shall name by acclama tion Theodore uoosevei?, iproiongea Bepublican applause it will be be cause they know him. When Mr. Hepburn concluded, lir. Claude Eltehin expressed surprise at the attack on himself by the gentle men from Ohio and Iowa, (Mr. Gros venor and Mr. Hepburn). He was their friend and only tried to impeach the gentleman who had assaulted them. He agreed with Mr. Grosve nor in his published estimate of Theo dore Boosevelt. If the gentlemen would listen he would show them that he was the best friend they had. He bad quoted the President yesterday that they were politically corrupt. "I said to myseir. i am going to rescue those gentlemen If Theodore Boosevelt expels me from this body by executive order, lljaughter.j What thanks have I got for Itt They have called mo a peanut politician." Mr. Uockran, after discussing the tariff question, said the difference be tween the two parties, which was lndi eated in every Bepublican "song," was that the Democratic party did not know what it wanted and did not know how to get it: the Bepublican party knew what It wanted I laughter J and always knew how to reach out for it. The Democratic party was essen tially one of divisions. "We are going Into the campaign torn with dis traded feelings, many or noiaing ai vergent views. That Is a feature of Democratic procedure. Teat Is why we are going to hold a convention. You are exposed to no such peril. Your proceedings are already ar ranged for you in a public building at the other end of Pennsylvania ave nue." Mr. Cochran humorously referred to a remark said to have been made by President Boosevelt about good and bad trusts. He said that naturally-l bad trusts were those which raised prices, but a great onslaught had been made on one wmcn oia not raise prices, the Northern Securities Company, and it had only been compelled to change its ' dose. The trusts wbicn raised prices were t&oio which were protected by a tariff walL Mr. Cochran continued his argu ment against protection and the pro tective system. Mr. Dalzell. of Pennsylvania, asked Mr. Cochran if he held the same views when he was making Bepublican sneeches in 1896. Mr. Cockran responded that he never made a Bepublican speech In his life; that he supported McKlnley when the people had forced a finan cial plank in the platform which did not meet his (uoenran s) approval. "I will state that I have been in formed that it was profitable to the gentleman from New York to support McKlnley whea he did," remarked Ur. uaizeu, aosia appiause ana iaugn- tar on the ttanubllcan side. That is a statement." replied Mr. Cockran, with vehemence, "which has been made wherever there has been found a mouthful enough to ntter words behind which there was no conscience. Applause on the Democratic aidcj I challenge the gentleman, and all the cohorts of vicr. crime and corruption that are embodied In the Bepublican party, to show that the national committee ever contributed aa much as my rail road fare during all of that cam paign." This was greeted wltn pro longed cheers asd vpplause on the Democratic suds. "I do not suppose the gentleman NO. 27 paid any railroad fare," said Mr. Dal sell. Mr. Cockran said he paid his own expenses wherever he went, and con tinued: l challenge the gentleman now, aa I challenged Mr. Hanna when he was living, and as I now challenge every one on any side, to sho where In the last twenty years I have not been a subscriber to, instead of a recipient from campaign funds. The gentleman attributes to me what he knows to bs the universal custom of every Bepublican politician." This was greeted with prolonged cheers and applause by the Democrats. "I can say as to myself," said Mr. Dalzell, "precsely what the gentle man has said as to himself with re spect to campaigning." "I should not have suspected the gentleman," retorted Mr. Cockran, "bat it has been my experience In life that no man is so a nick to accuse an other of an infamy unless he has be come intimate with it himself." There was more applause and cheering on the Democratic aide. "rne gentleman had better apply that logic to himself right now, and let me say to him what I said I had been nformed " 'By whom, by whom I " shouted Mr. Uockran; "name him.name him." "lir a Democrat." renlied Mr. Dal- zel', and was about to continue. "Name him. name him." again ahouted Mr. Cockran.. "Name him now and here There was a chorus of "Name him, name him," on the Demo cratic side. 'Name him. or admit that you are " Mr. Cockran said, and paused. adding "what cannot be said in this House." At this there was wild and tumulus ous cheering and applause on the Dem ocratic side. "Why. of course I will not name him." said Mr. Dalzell. "Of course not, of course not, "shout ed a dozen Democrats. "Sir." thundered Mr. Cockran. turn ing to the Speaker, "the man who makes that confession cannot interrupt me here again or come voluntarily within the range of my vision P aa vociferous was the demonstration on the Democratic side that it was some time before-Mr. Cockran could resume. - Describing the long reign and mis takes of the Bepublican party, Mr. Cockran predicted its reign would end and end now. It mattered not whether the man to lead the Democracy to vic tory was the one named by the New York convention. Judge Parker, or whether the leader should be the officer who has suppressed boodle and crime n Missouri. In any event, be hoped the minority leader of the House, Mr. Williams, oflMlsslssippI, would be on the ticket. This reference provoked prolonged applause, which wasfolned in by the Bepublicacs. The House then passed the bill for a ship subsidy commission and ad journed. - I la the Senate. Washihgton. April 23 The Gen eral Deficiency appropriation bill was Sassed by the Senate to-day, leaving ut one of the appropriation bills un acted upon by that body. A large number of amendments were adop'ed, among them one limiting the Chinese exclusion legislation to a re-amrma- tlon of the exclusion law of .1902 and other existing exclusion laws. An amendment, which was accepted, was that excluding Chinese and other aliens coming in as a result of agreements between other countries and steamship companies, having especial reference to a contract between the Uunard Jutne and the government of Hungary, to supply 80.000 Immigrants to the steam ship company. An amendment granting $1,250 to Mrs. Helen D. Lonrstreat, widow of General Longstreet, was agreed to. About two hundred private pension bills were passed during the day. The chair appointed as a committee to attend the opening exercises of the St. Louis Exposition the following senators: Messrs. Burnham, Queries, Clark of Wyoming, Bard, Millard, Fulton, Daniel, McOreary and New lands. WATCHMEN FIGHT THIEVES. Desperate Encounter la Chicago Stock Yards One Maa Killed ssd Two Men Fadly Isjsred. By Telegraph to the Homing star. Chicago, Aril 83. One man was killed, another fatally wounded, and a third severely injured In a fight be tween watchmen and thieves In the stock yards to-night. The fight occurred at the plant of the International Packing Company, at 47th and Packer's avenue. The two watchmen, who were making their first round for the night, discovered two men In a smokehouse stealing hams. The two thieves started to run, and one of them made his escape. Clemons seized Walsh and the latter pressed a revol ver against the watchman's breast and killed him at the first shot. Me Gee ran to the help of Clemons, firing at Walsh as he ran toward him. Walsh fell to the floor, but regained bis feet and shot McGee three times. He then staggered to his feet and attempted to escape, but waa inter cepted by other employes of the place, and held until the police arrived. FIRE AT NEWARK, N. J Three Firemen Killed and Fifteen Others lsred by Falllag Wslls! By Telegraph to the Morning Bur. Newark, N. J., April 23. Two firemen were killed and fifteen others injured to-day at a .fire In a six-story building In Mechanic street, occupied by Wiener fc Oo.jsaddlery hardware manufacturers. While the. fire was at its height a score of firemen were on the roof of the building of the Empire Gear & Top Company, a one story brick structure, adjoining the Wiener building and an explosion oc curred in the Weiner building which blew out the wall of thst building and tbree stories of the side wall of the Weiner structure crashed down on the firemen. The roof on which they were standing was smashed like aa eggshell and the mea were burled under a huge mass of brick and timber. The fire was caused by a naptha explo sion. Mary Rhodes, colored, in Jus tice Fowler's court, yesterday Indicted her husband,' John Bhodes, foraa as sault upon her with a stick.-. The evi dence developed that, Mary had pre viously gone after her husband with a long butcher knife and both were committed to jail In defaolt Of $3 bond each for their appearance in the Superior Court In May. tEQARDmQ COTTON CULTURE. of the British Bosrd of Trade ea Cosditloss la ladls, Egypt, South Africa and the United States. By Cable to the Homing star. . LOVPON, April 23. The Board of Trade has Issued - a report on cotton cultivation In the British Empire and Egypt, especially compiled by Wynd- ham B. Dunstan, director of the Im perial Institute. Ia general terms Mr. Dunstan considers that the cotton lrea of India, especially Burmab, will oo increased, aitnougb as the bulk or Indian cotton is not suitable for tl. v British market, the problem In that country Is the possibility of cultivat ing cotton of a longer staple. He looks to little extension of the produs tlon In Egypt but dilates on the favor able proapects-of the Soudan, where "the area open for planting cotton is ten times as great as in Egypt." ' The report anticipates the gradual . development of cotton cultivation In Nigeria, Bhodeala and other African protectorates and the ; partial revival Of its production in the West Indies. Mr. Dunstan points out the fact that the British cotton industry is almost entirely denendent on the United I Btates for supplies, largely due to the deterioration of Indian cotton. the replacement of cotton by sugar can growing in - the West Indies and the continuous im provement In the quality and fibre produced la the United States. He considers the shortage of American supplies In this oountry to be perma nent, as the extension of manufacture in the United States will entail a greater home consumption. emphasizing the consequent impor tance of establishing new sources ot supply, Mr. Dunstan declares that the "paramount position of the United Stars in cotton cultivation Is largely due to the operations of the well or ganized and splendidly equipped exper iment stations or tne Department or Agriculture" and considers that the best means of helping the; British colonies to compete with, the United States In the cultivation ot cotton would be to provide them with equally aa good means of scientific experiment and advice. WM. J. BRYAN IN CHICAQ0. Addressed a Large Asdlesce la Desna- clatloa of the New York Pisiform. Dlscassed Measarer, Not Mea. By Telegraph to the Morning Star. Chicago, April 83. Wm. J. Bryan addressed a large audience to-night in the armory of the Second Infantry, at the corner of Curtis street and Wash ington boulevard. The place was tacked to Its utmost capacity, and a srge number of people were unable to get through the doort. The meeting was entirely an affair of Mr. Bryan's, he having rented the armory and paid all the expenses of the meeting. He was particular to have it understood that his address was not in favor of or against any particular aspirant for the Democratic nomination for the presidency. His subject was "The New York Plat- rorm," ana ne repeated several times during the course of his address that be was discussing measures only, and not men. "The New York platform." Mr. Bryan declared, "is a dishonest plat form, fit only .for a dishonest party. No one hut an artful dodger would stand upon it. The submission of such a platform to the voters or a Bute is an insult to their Intelligence, for it Is Intended to deceive them, and a de liberate attempt to deceive espe cially so clumsy an attempt as this platform Is a reflection upon the brains of those to whom it Is submitted." CALIFORNIA AIR SHIP. Iccsad Ascessloa Made by Dr. Qreth at Saa Francisco Travelled Absat Foar Miles. By Ttlegnph to ue jnonlng Btar. San Feahchsco, April 83. Dr. Au- gustGreth.lnventor of an airship which several months ago was steered with fair success, though It finally landed In the bay, made a second ascen sion to-day in his aerial vessel. It was his intention to sail -ever the business portion of the city, bnt In ' this he was not successful. The cigar shaped balloon, with Its mechanical at tachments, rose quickly from its moorings, but apparently made no , progress against the light breeze that was then blowing. It swung -: about in various directions, but drift ed slowly with the wind until it dis appeared in the smoke hanging over South Francisco. After travelling about four miles from bis starting point Dr. Greth made a successful . landing. . . He said that his inability to control the airship was due entirely to the failure of his engine to work. He . will make some necessary alterations and attempt another flight In the near future. - A sneclal dated Asheville. April 20th. savs: Asheville was to-day vis ited by a genuine snowstorm. The I. - . m 11. day broke bieatc and cneeriess, witn. the thermometer registering 32, and then shortly snowflakea began fall ing. The snpw continued to fall until noon, and at times was quite heavy. The ground was covered to a depth of 2 to 3 inches. The snow, sleet and general cold weather haa undoubtedly had the effect of de- , stroying practically the entire iruit r.roTi of this eountv. The sec ond day's programme of the Ashe ville Horse Show Association was not carried out this afternoon, owing to the inclement weather. At thn tima tb avents wara sun nosed to have been pulled off the ground was covered witn snow to a aepin of two inches, and the air was thick with the falling flakes. Three years ago last night one of the heaviest snowfalls of the season oc curred here, and the following morning the snow lav on the ground 1 to a depth of several inches. On I m Am m m n A . a. this occasion the Asnevuie street Bail way Company operated several of its cars all night, in order to keep the tracks clear. At Ralaiffh on Friday Hon. F. A. Woodard, of Wilson, was in con ference with Attorney General ntlmar and tha members of the Cor- E oration Commission regarding the a! ma connection caBe on the docket of Wake Superior court next Mon- i day. it oomes np on appeal oi tne A. fl. Ii. from the Order of the Cor poration Commission requiring them to meet the Southern at Selma. --Many people would be willing : to believe that the bride was beauti ful If tha nnwrnaners did not insist on printing her photograph in the same column. Philadelphia Tele graph. Pi 5 &5 delphla Press.

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