V J" i WILMINGTON, N. C, tioo a year In advance w - rs8S88S88SSSSSS8 gIHTggS888g82g SS88ggS8SS888SS8 .-csicc4CQaoQQ90toado I gSSSSS8888SS8S8g ggggggggSgggg8ggg ggg888S8SS8S8S8S 8lg8S88lS888 88888 v : e n v m o t meinneo .M O i. 3: sis r : I it the Post Office at Vilmtgton, N. Second Clan Matter.l C, i SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. 1 hr tulncrlptlon pries oi the Weekly Star It a 10 1 trie Copy 1 year, pottage paid DO " tmrntki " " 60 6 month. S month! SO UNCLE JOE AND COUSIN JOHN. In tho Jul; number of Leslie's Monthly Magazine, Adam Bede, the Minnesota Republican Congressman, known as the "Humorist cf the House," contributes a unique sketch of Speaker Joseph G. Cannon and the Hon. .lohn Sharp Williams, Demo cratic floor leador in the House. I'.eile ia a clever humorist and he writes out of a heart full of admira tion for 1 oth Cannon and Williams, even if ho does get funny at 'their expencc. Among other things, he lays of Speaker Cannon; Horn in North Carolina, of Quaker parentage, on the 7th of May, 1836, and bereft of his father when only fourteen years of age, Uncle Joe began browzing around in his youth ami making overtures to the world for a meal ticket, which was never ilenied him. Following the course of Empire and the lines of least resistance, he went early to Indiana, and after a few years in tho Hosier State, trecked oi to Illinois, where his unique per sonality soon attracted the atten tion of his fellows and has slowly grown to the full and rounded meas ure of the nation. A Tar Heel by birth, a Yankee by parentage, and a Westerner by adoption, familiar with farming, banking and public life, he knows an asset from a liability in business or politics, and is an all round American of the gentlest typo the Mm'r.nAnf ikinm flint Vina knnnAfiril uui'jucaii unu bijou uoo uaysucu in his dnjr and generation. He is his own mascot. Humor drips from him, even as oil from Aaron's beard. But let it be, known that bill, i U id UVV Ilk W UV1W V VW M trace of eccentricity. . Ho is a cosmopolitan American WMh no provincial hatred of State, section or nation, for, like the Irish man, he holds that a man ought to love his native land whether he was born there or not, and he loveB New England, while he also has a kindly feeling towards the Southern people, for many of his relatives, scattered throughout Dixie, have ever been identified with the South. He came over the borderland got vaccinated before the war, or ho might have been quarantined on the other side. Like Lincoln, bo came from a South- f 1 1 l T a em state 10 inuiana ana men to Illinois to enter the practice of a lawyer. Like Lincoln, too, he knows not only a vested right but a vested wrong when he sees one, nor Is it a too far cry from Uncle Abo to Uncle Joe. He believes in the people. He is safe. ' - Of Leader Williams, Mr. Bede says, among other things: John is the link between the old and the new. He is a man of books, of travel and of education, but he wears no frills and is one of the plainest members of the House, for though a man of largo family, he "aa bu iub lnsiinciB ana ontwara appearances of a literary Bohemian. ne ia as easy as an old shoe. Every member on both sides of the I Mouse like John Williams. To analyze his popularity is not soenay. but it can be safely said that it ia not his beauty which "first attracts one, for his pulchritude is of tho singed cat variety. Indeed I do not think him so beautiful as Uncle Joe. On this wiint tharn wonld hard ly be enough dissenters in the House w uemand the yeas and nays. " There are many able and somo brll 'lint men on thn Dflmnnrftflft aldfl. but nsno so well qualified in every wy for leadership on the floor as nn wnuams. Then, too, he is wiutiiy reaa ana illumines his re marks with sido-lights that attract the attention of Republicans no less man oi his own side of the House. A ever has a Republican Speaker jessed tho good will of the oppo ltionin the House as Uncle Joe has it to-day, and surely not since Mr. Carlisle's time has a Democratic leader on the floor had the Repub lican good will and admiration be stowed upon John Williams in the present Congress. LeaiW Williams y-f, tUi mn yy umes or good old Carolina stock. His ancestors are Welsh, Scotch and English stock, and some of the wmiiy are yet residents of North and South Carolina, in which two States the Williams have always oeen prominent. Williamsburg i-ouniy, booth Carolina is named for a distinguished member of the , lamliy; uuuurman, oi uornell, says ho man ha8 fl riorht. tnloat a alnrla life." Before ho atai-oIkcs Vn riot. however, ho Bhould fioriRlrlnr that thn 8irl has a right not to be starved to death and dressed so shabbily that ne willmeroly crack open the door lo talk tosomebody who has just "K ine bell. - i it'' ii sia a i i i . i jm ib t. - II ik a t ' fi - r i - m - ; i i i- i v-vvi a VOL. XXXV. NO REGARD FOR THE SOUTH. The Republican party never did have any regard for the South, and in the platform on which Roosevelt is up for President it shows its Rough Rider teeth at us in a hateful way. This cuses ns to suspect that the G. O. - P. was in a hard row of stumps and had to lag in something sectional In order to keep us its re- cord for winning success by stirring np strife. It is to be hoped that the "negro plank" in the Chicago plat form will really result in putting It out of business, v . Says the Philadelphia Record: Reduction in the Bouth'i represent ation In Congress, as hinted by the Republican platform, would not helo the negro, says the Charleston News ana uourter. It "would not drive the white people of the South to further recognition of the negro's alleged po litical rlghU." No; but it would re duce the Democratic strength In the House of Representatives and perpetu ate Republican power. But no action will be taken, oris even contemplated. When it was proposed In connection with the appointment under the last censui, it did not secure the support oi a corporal s guard among the us publlcanr, and the proposition in the platform la merely deilgned to catch the negro vote In the Northern State. In aome of which It holdi the balance of power. So the sectional Republican party is willing to show its enemity to the South in order to get negro votes to elect a President of the Repnblio of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson? The Roosevelt party evidently doesn't ever expect a self- respecting Southerner to become a member of that party. McSinley's policy was about to make the Re publican party - an open port for Southern white men but Roosevelt, the bumptous, strenous and parti san Acting President, floated a negro plank'out and "bottled up" the harbor. That keeps the South solid, for what trne blue Southerner would want to run over a mine like that to get into a party that is not only sectional but Infamous for its corruption and scandals. Says the Augusta dironicle: "Per haps a competitive examination would show that few people in Georgia know what their State Con stitution really is.. If we had a new one, it would soon be tinkered with at Atlanta. But, let the people decide. We want the best Constitution going." ii that lsjvhat you are bound to have, Editor Clark Howell will please forward the Atlanta Con stitution to the Augusta address. Says the Washington Post: "'Pres- ident Roosevelt is wise in refusing to promise not to be a Presidential candidate in 1908; No man can tell that far ahead what good im pulse he might have then." Roose velt is right. He might want two chances like Bryan, believing that the people did not know what they were doing when they elected Par' ker in 1904, A Georgia judge has decided that a wife has a right to deliver enrtain lectures to her husband, on the ground that her well-being is in volved as well as his, matrimony be ing a partnership. The judge is a married man, of course, and he knows he wouldn't get a night key if he didn't decide that way. It has been decided by aome tri bunal that a married woman has the right to regulate the health of her home. She will also continue her privilego of making it "unhealthy" for the old man now and agin, even so as did Eve when she made Adam 8ick bJ glT1D him the aPPle that didn't agree with him. Bandit Raisouli wants to come to America. Let him come. The peo ple will help him to round np several subjects now ripe enough to be kid- nanDed and taken off in a crocus sack. An Ohio man asks the courts to dissolve the Standard Oil Company because it violates the anti-trust law. Somebody is liable to ' get greased if they fool with a thing like that. The negro is bound to have a chance at the Carnegie hero fund. In Indianapolis the other day a negro dropped a watermelon to keep a child from being run over by a trolley car. North Carolina will again send two Kitchins to Congress. If Parker can't boat Roosevelt, North Carolina will furnish the means to cook his goose to a certain extent. The Republican party is 50 years old this year. Here's hoping for its funeral and not a golden jubilee I Amherst College having made Sec retary Moody a LL. D., he may be classed as a double L of a fellow. "Never violate the law," exclaims a moralist orator. Well, then, iei the umpire decide right. "Bobby, won't you kiss me?" "Naw." "Wei!, Bobby, may I kiss you?" "Yes, if you kiss me easy on top oi my nead. (jmcinnau Commercial-Tribune. I W W W WMW W i I i.l j -liA ... osJ,rt II 1 A . I :1V. -JSaleigh Port: They jfc - n n4 : y y -n m ru mi tv : ii:mv m-r.- k ; ; : : ' . ... ... ....... . ? -1 UNBROKEN BY DEFEAT. Major Stedmsn tbe Same is Before the ConventfeK H. E. C. Bryant In the Charlotte Observer: Winstojt-Salem, June 27. Be fore leaving Greensboro, this after noon, I had a conversation with Major Charles Manly Sted man, one of the defeated Democratic candidates for Gov ernor. The major lost out in the race, but he is just as bright and as sprightly as he was twenty years ago. He is a lull-grown,mamy man, wtth the courage of a Hon and the gentleness of a woman. The sus pense is oyer and he will do as he had done for many years, work and do what he can to make those around him happy. He is unselfish and trne that is why his friends are al ways loyal. Long may he live, for his kind are few and far between. He has not uttered a harsh word abont any of his opponents, and will not do it. Some one told me a sweet little story about Major Stedman the other day, and it will do to print. as ne passed along the street going to his home one afternoon a little girl, the daughter of a neighbor, ran out and taking him by .the hand with both of hers, said: "Major Stedman, we little girls love you and we are for you for Governor." The reply was characteristic of the man: "My dear child, the love of such as you, and your friends, is worth more to me than being Gov ernor would be. If I am worthy of such love my life has not been in" vain." That tells the whole story. ' JUST AS WAS EXPE6TEDI State Af ala Discriminates Af alnst WHibts ville in Favor of Morehead City. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C, June SO. General Royiter announces the encampment of the North Carolina National Guard this year to be held at Morehead City, July a;n to i9tb, with Brigadier Gen eral Armfleld In command. The con test was between Wilmington and Morehead, the special military com mittee of investigation reporting In favor of tbe latter place. Only the second and third regiments will par ticipate,' the firat regiment being de tailed for macosuvres at Manassas In September. MV. $. P. COLLIER APPOINTED. Named as Clerk of the United States Court it Wllmioftoa Deputy. Special Star Telegram. Raleigh, N. C. June 30. Judge Purnell has appointed Samuel P. Col lier, clerk of the United States Court at Wilmington to succeed W. H. Shaw, deceased. Mr. Collier has not yet accepted. In tbe event he does Mr. . James K. Collier Is O be made deputy. Lockjaw After Twenty Years. Rebecca Satterfield, a colored woman 48 years of age who lived at Seventh and Red Cross streets, died yesterday evening in the JamesTWalker Memorial Hospital, where she was under treat ment for tetanus, or lockjaw as the disease is known to the layman. Some 20 years ago the woman received an injury of the foot, which resulted In the formation of a fibrous tumor, which was incidental to the death. Recently the protrusion on the foot was injured in some way and tetanus set in. She was taken to the hospital where Drs. Akerman, Bell and Bel lamy attended her. She died within less than 48 hours after being admitted to the institution. Shippinf Dorlnfj June. The report of Capt. Edgar D. Wil liams, harbor master, shows arrivals of 23 vessels of 90 tons and over at the port of Wilmington during the past month, 20 of which were American vessels of 16.826 tons burthen and three foreign craft of 5,183 tons. The total tonnage Is 22,009. The American vessels were nine steamers, 11,570 tons; two barques, 1,088 tons; one barge, 1,740 tons; eight schooners, 2,488 tons. The foreign vessels were two steamers, 4,635 tons, and one barque, 538 tons. The report compares very favorably witn tnai oi same month In preceding years. Negroes Eo8ed la Affray. "Dandy" Johnson, a colored hack driver, and Charles Gaston, also col ored, were arrested by Policeman W. F. English late yesterday afternoon at Fourth and Hanover streets, charged with engaging in an affray. Johnson said he left home to go to the sound, but was unexpectedly called back and found Gaston at his house. Gaston had been forbidden to come there, and Johnson was not disposed to do the "Alohonse" act with him, so they hitched for a ngnt. it was in progress srood fashioned when the omcer ar rived and troubled them to accompany him to the station house. Ran From Hospital Surgeon A negro giving his name as "Mack approached a policeman down town last night and asked to be sent to the hospital for a bad gash between the thnmb and forefinger, which was bleeding profusely. He said he re ceived the gash in a row at Tenth and Market streets, but could give the po lice no information upon which they (nil id act. The ambulance came for the negro and he was taken out to the hospital, but before the wound could be dressed he became frightened and ran away. Judge Oliver H. Allen, of Kinston, who has been the guest of rvfAttda on Wrlehtsville Sound since the adjournment of Superior Court on Rainrdav. came up yesterday after noon and will Jeave this morning for his home. He was accompanied at the aounjl by his little daughter. " ' vyv'; ,- - 'k r.- v..- , I aa he boll weepff WILMINGTON, Cf, A QDIET- "FOURTH'; Celebration at . Wilmington arid Adjacent Resorts Was Qen- eral, But Very Orderly, j REGATTA AT WRIQHTSVILLE. Great Interest and a Fine Race The Automobile Event and Others Day; at f arolioa Beacb, Lake Wso f - camsw and In the City. The fourth of July, celebration at Wilmington and adjacent resorts Monday was elaborate but not over done; patriotic and demonstrative but' not boisterous. The Crowds at the beaches and elsewhere were large but orderly. The transportation people say their records of several years were broken in the number of passengers handled and that people out for a good time were never more quiet. The day dawned clear and bright and the weather all day, though warm, was ideal for a holiday outing at the sea shore, on the water or in the country. The crowds began to move as early as 8 o'clock and kept it up until past midnight Tuesday. Not an arrest wis made on either beach and not an accident of any kind la reported as tho result of the day's adventures. It was the kind of fourth of July that leaves no unpleasant taste In the mouth the day after. The Consolidated people estimate that they carried between 3,500 and 4,000 persons to the beach during the day; Capt. Harper took bs twee a twelve'and fifteen hundred to Carolina Beach on the steamer "Wil mington" and a number to Southport; the steamer "Compton" carried a large party to Southport and to sea; the At lantic Coast Line special took batweea four and five hundred to Lake Wacca maw; the steamer "Sanders" carried a fishing excursion to deep-sea waters, wblle hundreds of others left town on the regular trains and In smaller boats. The city was well-nigh depopulated and but for the passing of the thronga, the holiday would have presented more the appearance of Sunday than a great American jubilee occasion. Stores and offices, for the moat part were closed. 'Tis true flags were flying, ships in the harbor were very neatly decorated in National colon, and tbe occasional explosion of a can non cracker was heard, but all told it was very quiet in Wilmington. At Wrlfbtavllie Beach. The Consolidated Company made a name for itself on account of the ease and safety with which it handled the multitudes that flocked to Wrights ville Beacb. Every car and trailer owned by the company was pressed into service, and they moved from 6 A.M." to X o'clock Taeiday morning like clock work. A chartered train 'from the Atlantic Coast Line was run to and from the beach as an emergency measure, hut few chose to ride on it as long as reasonable comfort could be found, as it might for most part of the day, oa the trolley cars and trailers. Hundreds flocked to the Seashore Hotel and the club houses, while thousands went to the Casino pavilion. There was music and dancing there all day and night, the regular orchestra having been supplemented by the Delgado Band. At night there was a fees moving-picture exhibit, a display of fireworks and many other attractions. Beach Policeman Wm. Bheehan was assisted during the day by Officers D. W. Willis, Leon George and others from Wilmington, but their services were little needed except for the moral effect of their presence. The Yacbt Races. Of course, the chief attraction of the dav at Wrightsvllle was the annual regatta of the Carolina Yacht Club. A light east wind prevailed at noon when the race started and all other condition were favorable. The club nier. the sound water front and the board walks were thronged with men, women and children, anxious and enthusiastic. When the last of the white winged fleet had been dls patched and each with its human bal last was striving to gain the ascen Jm cj in the contest, cheer after cheer would co up as this or that favorite gave promise of winning. However, the first to finish tha six mile club course was the sew and handsome craft of Cap4. John VanB. Metts and Mr. E. A. Mettf, while the "Kayem bee," Capt. M.8. Willard, and another. new bat, the "Don Julian," Capt. W. L.Parsley, took second and third prizes rAinectivelv. It was a beautiful race and exclitng. There were eight entries, two of which did not finish the course. They left the club pl-r In the follow ing order, with the handicap named and finished as given: "O. N. K Capt. Richard Bradley; started 12:10:00; (didn't finish). "Yonalee" Cant. f. w. uavis; mtartpA 1 a -.11 :08 1 finished 2:01:40. "Sadie," Capt. o. . uowan; stsnea 19:11:24: fiinished 1:55:46. "Question," Capt. R. A. Parsley; tartAd 12:11:31: finished 2:00:15. "Puzzle," Uapt. Jno. vantt. mens; atartad 12:12:44: finished 1:48:18. "Emma," Capt. U.w. worm; sun d 12.14:16: fdidn't finish). "Kavembee," Capt. M. 8. Willard; tarted 12:14:44: finished 1:53:18. "Don Julian," Capt W. L. Parsley; started 12:16:19; finished 1:54:09. The yachts finished in the following order with the actual running time as given below: "Puzzle" ..............1 :35 :S A 'Kayembee" - 1:38:34 1:37:50 "Don Julian" "Sadie" "n,itlnn" 1-44:22 1 48 1:50:32 "Yonalee"... The committee in charge of the regatta was composed of Capt. Wm. F. Robertson, Mr., George Davis and Mr. John B. Peschau, the last named being selected by the other two mem bers of the committee In the absence of Mr. Burke Bridgers. Capt. Robert FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1904. soa acted as starter; Mr. 8. M. Boat- wrlgirt fired the signals and Mr. E. A. Metts acted as official measurer. ' The committee, upon the conclusion of tho race," figured up the handicap and announced the prizes as stated the firat with the club flag to Captain J. Van B. Metty, of the "Puzzle ;" the second to Capt MV S. Willard, of the Kayembee" and vtbe third to Capt. W. L. Parsley, of the "Don Julian." The prizes were presented at the club house by Dr. W. D. McMillan in a graceful speech, adverting to the fact in presenting the flag to Capt. Metts with the beautiful chafing dish set, complete, that with a single exception it was the oldest and most time-honored flag of Its kind In the world. The second prize was a handsome Imported China tankard, hand painted and deco rated with American beauty roses. The third priza was a year's subscrip tion to the popular yatching magazine. The Rudder. , tbe intomobile Rices. Next of interest in the public mind betides the yacht races, the functions in connection therewith and the ball at the Seashore Hotel at night, were the two automobile races. Tuera were only two entries, the buckboard match having been called off for the reason tbat Mr. W. A. McGowan had no competitor. The start was from a point near the Atlantic Yacht Club, uj i be boacn by tne aeasnore liutel and back again over a course of a mile and three-quarters. Mr. McBee Hatch was the starter and the judges were Messrs. J. W. Jackson, Jr., and James Sinclair, of Waj cross, Ga. Ia the first race Mr. Burke Bridgers' 40 H. P. Thomas car, driven bj Mr. Bridgerf, finished in three minutes, forty-nine and a half seconds asralnst 3:441 by Dr. A. H. Harriss' 20 H. P. Cadillac, driven by Mr. John E Piatt. In the second race the Thomas machine was driven by Mr. V. Herbst and finished in 8:33 against tt e Cadillac driven by Dr. Harriss in 4:05. Owing to the condition of tbe b.-acb, the machines had to be run siagly against time. Trie latter part of August there will be nolher meet and several new machines will enter. At Lake Waccamaw, Four hundred tickets were sold for tha Atlantic Coast L'.ne excursion to Ltke Waccamaw Tuesday, the train hnviog left the Front street station well laden with passengers at 8 o'clock in the morning. The party left the Lake at 8 o'clcck last night and got homo shortly after 9 o'clock. The trip is said to have been very pleasant and without untoward incident. The fare for the round trip was only 75c. for adults and 60a. focfhiIdren. A.f ter reaching Waccamaw with the crowd from Wilmington and iclerme diate points the train proceeded to Chadboura and brought down a large party from that end of the line. J'.o?1 , teen . coaches, well laden with people, were unloaded at the Lake 'during the day and everybody seemed to have en j jed the outing greatly. There was music and dancing in two pavilions the livelong day, while In the alter noon a match game of baseball be tween Boardman and Lake Waccamaw was played. The Boardman team. which was said to have been composed chiefly of professionals from South Carolina, won by a score of 9 to 3. Walter and Clyde Council composed the battery for the Lake team, and Hamer and Covington for the visiting club. Oscar Brinkley, of Wllming ton, played with the Waccamaw team, There was very little disorder on the grounds, except the. rather serious cut ting of a negro named Sam Anthony by John Barfoot, a white man of the countv. to whom the negro was inso- nlet. At Carolina Beach. . The celebration at Carolina Beach this year was in charge of tbe patriotic Junior Order of United American Mechanic, who had their third annual txcurslon to that popular resort. The crowd was the largest on record and was handled with "neatness and dis patch" by Capt Harper on five trips of the steamer "Wilmington." There. was not an untoward incident in con nection with the celebration and everybody had a good time. The presence of Constable Savage, Justice Bornemann and several other officers of dignified mien was sufficient to command the peace, should there have been any disposition tbat way but there was none. The Post Ex chance Band of Fort Caswell fur' nlshed music in addition to the regu lar orchestra and there was dancing all day until 11 o'clock in the pavilion At the flan Clab Trsps. A large number of devotees of the sport spent the afternoon at the lodge of the Wilmington Gun Club, where a number of Interesting matches were shot and aome general practice in dulged In. Some very fine scores were made but none of them was official. TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. Three Girls Killed and Poor Others Isjared la a Runaway. By Telegraph to tbe Morning Star. Little Rock. Ark., July 4. A special to the Gazette from Texar- kana says: Misa Svbel Push, aged 15, of LHornbeck, La.; Maud Pillow, aged 14, tterdie Bell billow, aged 4, ooin of Maudville, Ark., were killed and four others imured this afternoon. The party was in a surrey when the horse ran away and overturned tne surrey, dragging it directly In front of a rapidly moving street car which ploughed through it. "I always pay as I go," re- marked the reformer. tlTHiafa .A.UC.W f where your'e foolish," said the prac tical noiltician. "l always get a pass. rmlarteipnia Kecora. 1 i. 1 NEARLY 700 PERSONS LOST THEIR LIVES. By Sinking of the Scandinavian- American Liner Norge Off the Coast of Scotland. EN ROUTE TO NEW YORK. Of the 800 Peoole on Board Only 120 Were Saved The Vessel Smssbed on a Rocky Reef and Sunk in : Twelve Minotes. By Cable to the Hornine Star. LON0N, July 3. Over 700 Danish and Norwegian emigrants bound for New York are believed to have been drowned in the North Atlantic on June 28. Out of nearly 800 souls on board the Danish steamer Norge, which left Copenhagen June 22. only 27 are known to be alive and for the rest no hope Is held out. When last seen the Norge was sink ing where she struck on the Islet of KockalJ, whose isolated peak raises itself from a deadly Atlantic reef, some 290 miles off the West coast or Scotland. Early on the morning of laat Thursday the Norge. which was out of her course in heavy weather. ran onto the Bockall reef The Norge was quickly backed off but the heavy seas poured In through a rent In her bows. The Norge aulcklv besran to eo down by the head. Eight boats-were lowered and into these the women and chil dren were hurriedly put. Six of these boats smashed against the side of the Norge and their helpless Inmates were caught up by the heavy seas. Two boat loads got away safely from the side of the sinking ship and many of the emigrants who were left on board seizing lif bells, threw themselves into the se and were drowned. Capt, Gundel, so say the survivors, stood on the bridge of the doomed "vessel until it could be seen no more. Grimsby, Eng. July 4. A lone pile of granite, risicg sheer out of tbe Atlantic 290 miles from the Scottish mainland is now a monument to al most 700 dead, whose bodies wash against tbe rocks or lie on the ocean bed at its base. Near by, completely bidden in the water, is the Scandinavian-American liner Norge, which was carrying eight hundred Danes. Norwegians, Swedes and Finns to join relatives or friends in America. Of these only about 120 were saved. Three boats it Is known successfully reached the sea. The passengers frantically pulled away from the doomed ship, passing by poor wretches who were still afloat and who vainly begged to be taken on board, while from the ship came along, despairing cries. The women In the boat which reached Grlmaby hid their eves, but tbe men who were facing the Norgo &ay they saw the captain still oa the bridge and the passengers on deck in attitudes of resignation. Wh'le they looked the Norge plunged for ward, her stern shot up In the air and she disappeared. The swimmers In the vicinity of the ahip were drawn into the vortex, around which they swirled like ships in the maelstrom. But twelve minutes elapsed from the time the ship struck until she sunk. A fine Scotch mist which was falling at the time shut out the other survivors from the view of those who were brought to Grimsby. The latter, so soon as their boat was clear of the scene of the wreck, devoted them selves to thoughts of their own safety. A jacket was tied to an oar which was in turn fastened in the bow of the boat and a sailor, a Dane, took charge of the boat. Men and women were put to work keeping the boat afloat, as a hole bad been stove in her bow when it was lowered from the ship. An ex amlnatlon of the water cask showed that it did not contain a drop of water. There were some biscuits, however. and these were eaten by the ship wrecked people. More Survivors. Etoenway. Scotland, July 4. Oae hundred and two survivors of the Danish steamer Nrge have been landed here. The British steamer (Jervonia, from Leitb. July 1. for Montreal, brought In thirty-two shortly before noon. Bhe picked them up from a boat yesterday evening, westward of the Butt of Lewis. They were In a woe ful plight, nearly all of them being naked. One dead child was in the party. Shortly afterwards uerman steamer Engere arrived with seventy persons including Captain Gundel 1 rescued from the Norge's life-boat. They were terribly exhausted. The survivors say that all together, four of the Norge's boats got away. Une boat, therefore, is unaccounted for. The majority of tbe 26 who were landed at Grlmsley have arrived at Liverpool and from there they will sail on the Ounard Line steamer Baxonla which leaves to-morrow for Boston. A Teasels are searching in the vicinity of Rockall for any more survivors. The horrors of tbe wreck itseil grow with each survivor's account. Cap- tain Gundel's statement, which reads like an affidavit from the dead, for be went down with his ship, maintains that the Norge struck on a sunken rock 18 miles south of Rockall. The 102 survivors are spending the night at Storniway, many of them In the hos pital. LYNCHING IN GEORGIA. Negro Assailant oil White Woman Taken from Sberilf aad Riddled With Bul lets by a Mob Near Altoesa. Bv Telegraph to the Morning star. Carters yille, Ga., July 1. John Jones, the negro who was arrested to day and Identified as the assailant of Mrs. Oscar Banister, who lives near Alatona, Ga., was taken away from Sheriff Maxwell by a mob said to number over two hundred late this afternoon. The latest report from the scene of trouble is that the mob had the negro in tow, carrying him toward the scene of bis crime which is near the 41-mile nost an the Western and Atlantic railroad, with the intention of string ing him up. LAsaut John Jones! the negro as sailant of Mrs. Banister, was lynched near the scene of his crime about night f ai i. Jndsre A. W. Flte made a speech in n attempt to restrain the crowd of abuut 200. but It wm useless, xne ne- pro's body was riddled with bullets, more than five hundred shots having been fired. NO. 37 COMMITTED WITHOUT BAIL. Prank William?, Colored, Sent to Jail to Answer Bnrflary Charge In Superior eonrt Preliminary Trial. In the police court yesterday at noon Mayor Springer, after hearing evidence of a number of witnesses, held that there was probable cause In the case of Frank Williams, the negro charged with burglarizing the house of Mrs. O. H. Ganzer, on North Fourth street, early last Sun day night, and defendant was, sent to jail without bond to appear for trial at the next term of Superior Court, which will not be held until the last week in September. City Attorney Bellamy conducted tho prosecution, arid the facts brought out were sub stantially the same as given In these columns yesterday morning In a news i! era regarding the arrest of Wil liams. The property stolen was a lady's gold watcb, belonging to Mrs. Avant, a daughter of Mrs. Gan zer, and 7 in cash. The family was at church at tbe time and en trance was gained by forcing open a blind to one of the windows. It. de veloped at the trial yesterday that one member of the household, who was absent when the others left for church, came home in tho meantime and was seated on the porch awaiting the return of the others, while the burglary was going or. That condi tion raises a nice point of law as to whether the house was occupied ikt the timo and whether the burglary was in the firat degree, punishable by death, or in the second degree, for which the penalty is life Imprison ment. Mrs. Ganzer, Mrs. Avant and another daughter of Mrs. Ganzer were present and testified at the hearing yesterday. The evidence adduced at the hearing showed that Frank Williams, the de fendant pawned, the watch to another negro named Charles Tj son for a small amount. Not feeling safe about the deal Tyson sold the time piece to a negro named McDonald. The latter tried to sell the watch to Mr. Kocb, his employer, who runs a shingle mill. Having seen in the papers that a watch had been stolen from Mrs. Ganzer, Mr. Koch carried the watch to the party who lost It and It was pos itively identified by Mrs. Avant, at Mrs Ganzer'8. Williams Baid that he won the watch from another negro In a crap game In East Wilmington Sun day night. FOURTH OF JULY RIOT. Qeoreia Negroes In a Row One Msn Killed and a Nombsr of Others In jarcd Some Seriously. By Telegraph to the Morning Btar. Augusta, Ga., July 4. A special to the "Chronicle" from Sharon, Ga , says: At 4 o'clock this afternoon at Hill- man, where thousands of negroes as semble every fourth of July, a riot Was beeun.bv two negroes. Ed. Hlllier and nandy Beaies. Marshal Bturde- vant tried to quiet them when several otner negroes interfered, causing a general riot. Guns, pistols, knives and sticks were used freely. Newton Harris was. shot through the stomach and killed outright. His brother, Ned Harris, was cut across the head and seriously Injured. Ed. Hlllier was shot in the arm but not seriously, and an old woman was shot in the face with a shot gun, seriously. Lucius A. Moore, near whose resi dence the row began. Interfered In an effort to quiet the mob. He received some small shot from a gun over the heart, but was not seriously wounded. Bob Howell was shot in the back and face and seriously hurt, lob Moore was seriously cut o i the neck, and several otners received small wounds that are not serious. The negroes fled for their lives in every direction soon afterwards and quiet was established. The woun- ded were brought to Sharon at once where they received medical aid. A COMPROMISE PLATFORM. North Carolina Delegation Want i Plat form on Which All Democrats Can Stand Regardless of the Past. By Telegraph to tne morning Star. St. Louis, July 4 That Senator Carmack, of Tennessee, shall second the nomination of Judge Parker has been decided upon. The Tennessee delegation bai appointed a special campaign committee to work for the nomination of Senator Carmack for the vice presidency. Sentiment among those of the North Carolina delegation who have arrived on the scene is strongly in favor of a "compromise" platform. The North Carolinians say they want a platform on which all Democrats can stand, re gardless of past alignments. The dele gation is not Instructed, but Parker sentiment strongly predominates. xne invitation to senator uarmack to second Judge Parker's nomination came in a letter from William F. Sheehan, of New York, who atated that Connecticut would be asked to yield to Tennessee for this nurnose. J. a. nead. national committeeman from Tennessee, will be asked by the xennesseeans to place Senator uar mack in nomination for the vice presi dency, WREIK ON WABASH ROAD. 8elleved 1 hat Twenty Persons Were Killed and Forty Others Injured. By Telegraph to tne Moraine Star. Sc. Loose. Jnly 4. A special to the St. Louis "Globe-Democrat" from Litchfield 111., says that the Chicago limited on the Wabash rath road, due In St. Louis at 7 P. M., and a half hour late, was wrecked inside the city limits. . The train struck an open switon and was overturned and seven of the nine carB were burned. It is believed that twenty persons perished In the second and third I coaches and that forty were injured. already before ine next full original Gnnn men will Corth Carolina in Texas. P08t: The ' Durham Herald, Independent, rang the bell when It said: "Tho State conven tion refused to do what it consider ed an injustice to tho negro, and it was not playing "for his vote, either." The Taylor 8 ville Scout has dis covered a pig which it says "sur passes any natural curiosity ever 1 1 duced" and puts Alexander "in tee front again." It has a perfect body and head, "without feet, logs or eyes." ' H. G. Ewart and J. M. Gud ger, Republican and Democratic candidates, respectively, for Con gress in 'the Asheville district, on Saturday arranged ten appointments for a joint discussion of the Issue i during September. Durham Snn: Prominent Re publicans are viewing with great ap -prehension the general sagging of business and they are terribly afraid that the end of "prosperity" will come before the end of the cam paign does. Salisbury will have another telephone system In opposition to the Bell Company. The latter re cently purchased the system thero and is now preparing to rebuild it. The new company is selling its stock rapidly and expects to begin opera tions soon. The Anti-Saloon League of Elizabeth City has a vigilance com mittee to aid the authorities in de tecting violation of local prohibi tion laws. The committee-reports to the Leagne that several parties have violated the law, and that the names and proof will be furnished. Raleigh Post: It has been al most overlooked, but perhaps those newspapers which persisted in charg-ing,indouble-column space, that Mai. Stedman had prosecuted Democratic registrars in Randolph county, might . be now persuaded to state the facts tell the truth just for the sake of keeping history straight. Sheriff Alspaugh, of Forsyth county, on Saturday received a tele gram from the sheriff of Surry coun ty, stating that Edward Kiger, an old man, had his throat cut by a negro near Stony Ridge Friday morning. The negro was in the act of robbing Kiger when he heard some one coming to the old man's assistance. The negro, whose name was not learned, ran off and escaped. At Winston on Saturday morning Sheriff Alspaugh arrested a negro who comes near filling the descrip tion of the man who assaulted Kiger. He was committed to jail. Me Bays his name Is Hargrave. Discussing the tariff, the New born Journal says: When the Ameri can farmer must pay a higher price ior iarm implements, purchased of the American manufacturer next door to him, than does the South American or the Australian farmer, who competes with him in selling products in the world's markets, it does not merely look like rank in justice to the American consumer and producer, but it places -the Ag ricultural Mannfacturing Trnst as an enemy to this country assisting the foreign farmer at the expense of the American farmer, and receiving a bounty from the government, In the shape of an unnecessary tariff for the treachery. Late Saturday afternoon Scot land county was visited by another severe hail storm, and from what can be learned equally as much damage was done by this as by the storm of some weeks ago. This storm passed through the neighbor hood around and below Gibson and the area covered embraced some of the choicest farming lands in the connty. Where the cotton was knee high before the hail there are only stems from two to three inches high left. Pine trees are completely peeled on the sides exposed to the hail, it is impossible to give an accurate estimate of the damage with present information. Tele phone lines are all down. The hail was accompalned by a severe wind and rain storm. In one instance the hail fell with such force that the occupants of a house did not dis cover that two trees had been blown down on it until after the storm. PARKER MEN ARE CONFIDENT. Looking for a Running Mate tor Theli Candidate and for People Who Have Uninstructed Vole to Deliver. By Telegraph to the Moraine Bta. St. Louis, July 8. New Yorkers, and, of course, New York means Parker, are so confident to-night that their candidate is to be nominated that they are talking over with leaders of delegations from other States the ques tion of a running mate, and to all delegations that have a candidate for the place are giving assurances or their distinguished esteem. Former Senator Hill, William F. Sheehan, former Senator Murphy and Btate Senator MoCarren held a levee all the afternoon and to-night, and are so extremely confident tbat they are not paying any attention to the arrival of the leadera of the Tammany delega tion. Senator McCarren said, signifi cantly, this evening: "We are looking for people who have uninstructed votes to deliver. The Tammany votes will be cast by ex-Senator Murphy, who votes New York State under the unit rule, and he will cast them for Parker, who will be nominated, perhaps, on the first ballot, and surely on the second." Two things were stated definitely at Senator Hill's headquarters to-night: First, -that no platform has been drawn for Judge Parker to stand on and that even a rough draft will not be forthcoming until Wednesday; and, second, that Judge Parker, as a candidate, will readily stand upon any platform that a majority of the convention agrees upon. This last statement is significant, because It is thoroughly well known tbat he would not stand on a radical platform. It Is, therefore, evident that the Parker supporters are already assured that the convention will not agree to even a suggestion of radicalism as suggest ed by Bryan and Hearst supporters; but, Indeed, will strongly tend in an entirely different direction, particu larly on tbe financial and tariff planks. Japanese soldiers carry with them a paper kettle, which costs 2 cents and can be used eight or ten times, in which water bolls in ten minutes. 1H ' V II;.; fi.'' in I ' n