1 VVILMINGTQN, N. C, ci.flO A YEAb'Tn ADVANCE s ,gggsasS8888888S8 SSSSS888S88SS888S -IV fi rf6G4eOaQOaOiOf0t3eS5ob 83SSSS88S8S88888S SS8888S8828S88888 8S888882S88888888 8888SS888S8S88S88 w ws v ws 04 0 CX I a a " IJ.it : : : tii::; t the Pot Dffic at Vilmtrtoa, N. C, m . Second CUm aUttCT.l SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. I he lubKriptioa price oi the Weekly Star It toil ; SidkI Copy 1 year, potfe paJd ,.,.......,,, .11 wwih en Imoatbf M THE MAN TO BEAT ROOSEVELT. Having assembled at St. Louis on the (th of July, the Democratic National Convention finished np Its work Saturday, after an all night action. At G:40 A. M. Saturday, - ju lgc Alton Bropks Parker, of New t'ork, was nominated on the first ballot. Having admitted the Phil ippine delegates to a seat in the con vention, tho necessary two-thirds vote to nominate was increased from 0;:; tc Ct;7, and on the first ballot Jiiujre Parker received C58 votes. Before tho vote was announced, Idaho changed her C votes to Parker "and West Virginia followed suit with 3 morer making up the CC7 votes neeessuly to nominate. North Caro lina gave the nominee her solid 24 votrs. After the nomination of the New Yorker had been assured the convention made It unanimous. Long before the New York Dem ocratic Democratic State convention met and instructed forjudge Par ker, the Star had picked him out fof a winner. We were first at tact ed to his availability, in that he was a man of lofty character, fine ability, spotless life and clean record, and and wben his State instructed her delegation for him, followed by in structed delegations from other piv otal States, we concluded that it was settled that Judge Parker was tho logical candidate for the De mocracy to name for President. We, therefore, in season and out of soa son, urged North Carolina "to In struct for tho New Yorker, but while it was not done, a Parker del- egtion went to St. Louis and voted solidly for hia nomination, The Democracy has named its strongest candidate, and we confi ded tly believe that the American . people will pick him out as in every particular overtowering Roosevelt in fit , e33 ana safety to be the Chief Magistrate of the American Repub He. The platform upon which, Judge Parker goes before tho people is one upon which the . Democracy of the country ia united- Even Col. Bryan is satisfied, and that the platform is me produce 01 a convention, more than two-thirds of which stood for a return to fundamental Democracy, it is sufficient to say that it speaks oat unequivocally on the Issues which deeply concern and affect the American people at this time. The questions are so plainly laid down that tho voters of the United States can decido for themselves whether or, not they want a revision of the trust -fostering tariff, a safe Presi dent, and a clean government. I ho enduring principles of the Democratic party were sufficient up. o" which to establish the great American Republic and steer It safe Ij and 8urce8sfully in war and peace. The Democratic party had given the world a conspicuous example of na tion building three-quarters of a century before the Republican party came into existence, and the party la ready ngain to restore to the pea pie a ltepublican form of govern ment instead of the White House satrapy into which it has resolved itself under Theodore Roosevelt. lho past success of the Demo cratic party in republic building and statesmen creating entitles it to the conLdence of all true Americans, and with a judicially minded candi date like Parker, learned in the sci ence of government and recognized authority on our Federal constitu A. on -a man of eminent ability, matchless integrity and superb char acter-tho party can appeal to the People of the United States 'with confident expectation of their sup pnri. Tho scriptures toll us. that Lot's who juat had to look back to ob servo how well the fire was cleaning up Sodom, and for disobedience, the story goes, Bhe turned to a pillar of salt. At St. Louis there were about jy men to one woman In the hotels, wmcn were over-running with the "owns attending the Democratic uauonai convention. At the hotel whfim it,, v.jv n n. 3.1 1 vmu i,Ufm Carolina delegates are stonnln. turn.';; a to rnbbftr wtinn a. hatmiital .u jj uuunr wriMii a nannnini woman went forward to put her name on the register. VOL. XXXV. x. JUDGE PABXEB WAHTS TO BE ' f HOTIFIED AT OHCK. ' a : A dispatch from Esopua Vava that "I'S":!.!'''' "!n luuntiua wmcn n&a been traced to Judge Parker; waa rumored around that town on Thursday night. The gossip was that Judge Parker " has expressed a desire to William F. Sheehan that in the event of his nomination the notification shall take place at a Yery early date within a fortnight, if possible. It was wired also that meanwhile he has no intention of breaking hia silence. " Having been from the start the logical, candidate for the Demo cratic nomination, not to mention that Destiny must have whispered something to him, "the ' Sage of Esopus must have been confident from the very beginning that he waa to be the nominee for Presi dent. He has consequently had time to prepare what he had to say in accepting the nomination. We hope, therefore, that 'the notifica tion of his nomination will be made at once, so Judge Parker can say something . that will inspire the Democratic party with an enthu siasm that wilji last from now till election day on the 8th of next No vember. Gov. Hey wood, of South Carolina, In his message to the Genral Assem bly early in the year, spoke strongly against lynching, declaring that he would like to put a stop to it but he was powerless until some measure could bo devised that will be effec tive in suppressing this kind of an archy. A penitentiary big enough to hold all the negroes all the time might be a solution of the Governor troubles. In New Jersey the other day a pretty young lady had a thrilling experience while gathering berries. She was almost squeezed to death by a big rattlesnake which wrapped Itself about her knee. Where was the garter snake that he let the rattler get this scoop on him? juage farter made a narrow escape on Thursday. He goes every morning to- the - river to take a plunge and while in the act of diving, a camera fiend came very nearly getting his picture. The in- ciaent so upset mm that he came n a a very nearly "speaking out" The conspicuous example set by the Republican party is a persistent set of principles that always give assurance of the open door of .hope for monopoly and puts up the "standing room only", sign when competition applies for admittance. Tho St. Louis platform enunciates the trnth of history when it declares that "under the principles of the Democratic faith local self government and national unity and prosperity were alike established." Of course it must be conceded in the face of our files that The Stab waa the original Park But, then, some "rag" will claim that it has been for him all along because it kept "quiet" till the last. The politician who expects to im press the people that he la honest and sincere in everything he does ia in a position to make himself an easy mark for lightning before the cam paign is over. A woman is delighted , with noth ing less than a diamond ring,bnt man is better satisfied with a dollar ringwhen the dollar is coming his way. CURRENT COMMENT. Now it appears that the ant which kills the boll Weevil bites the colored cotton pickers also, so you mav choose whichever norn oi tne dilemma you prefer, Philadelphia Press. . When candidate Fairbanks told his neiehbors that Thomas A. Hendricks had been "chosen by tne American people for the Vlce-P real dency," did he refer to 1876 or 1884 or to both? flew xoric worm. If suicides could hand over to mortals longing to live, and un able, the years of life, be they few or many, whlcn they tnrow away, what a satisfactory arrangement is wonld be all around I New York Press. - The hardest blow the Presi dent has received was delivered by "Lnn" Pavn. who declares that he and the President are in perfect ac cord now, and that the President is j the man who naa cnangea. wasn IngtonPost. When Mr. Root waa .warning Yale students of the perils of the usurpation 6f authority he must have forgotten that he advised the President there was a "construc tive recess" of Congress between 12 noon and 12 noon; New York World. ' . . Ti la estimated that strikes have cost Colorado $23,036,000 du- I rintr ttiA ln.Kt alxtaen weeks. uaoor s ilb vtnfl I wars are more costly than the kind Russia and Japan are waging, ana. -ill i A . . nw v. n w r n am nanii ui be not even a remote prospect of their ending. New York Tribune. RECEIPTS OF GOSTOSI. Foreign Exports for the Past . Fiscal Year Increased Over Four Million Dollars - . OTHER INTERESTING FIGURES. Statistics Show Woaderfnl Development of Wllmlsf toa'a Shlppiaf Withia the -. Past YesrCottoB, Naval Stores aid Lumber thief Items. A few days ago eomparatlve statis tic of the postal receipt at Wilming ton were printed In theae eolamni aa an indication of the continued pros perity and Industrial development of the city. Through the courtesy of Deputy Collector Jno. E. Taylor, a representative of the StIb was yester day permitted to gather from, the offi cial records at the Custom House some tatUtlea regarding the bualnui of the port during the fiscal year ended on July 1st. which, compared with pre vious years, ire otill more gratifying to those Interested in the growth of th city, and the promo tion of Its Interest-. The records at the Custom House show that 375 venels of 90 tons and over entered and cleared at the port during the fiscal year jait ended and that there were 37 entries or merchandise from abroad. One hundred aid six documents were issued, consisting of enrollment and license of vessel, etc. Bat the most gratifying fact gathered from a comparison of the figures ia that the value of exports during the fiscal year was $19,085,318.00, the Increase over the preceding year being over four million dollars. The value of ex ports more than doubles that of Nor folk' and more than quadruples that of Charleston. Borne of the figures of the present year may be interesting, the value of exports being aa follows: Cotton $18,780,288 Rosin.. 157,709 99.158 Lumber.. Miscellaneous 26,433 8,870 Shingles Spirits..... - 297 237 Tar .. Total $19,085,315 Of course the figures given above are for exports across the sea and do not refer to the heavy coastwise ship ping of which no record ia kept by the CuatomHouie authorities. To amoats given above should also be added $9,459, being value of 633,000 feet of lumber shipped to Porto Rico during thelfiscal year. The number of bales of cotton was 314,607; rosin, 69,903 barrels; 6,391,000 feet of lumber, and 1,595,000 shingles. The receipts from importation, ton nage lax, etc, increased nearly one hundred per cent, over the previous fiscal year. In fact, the business of the port has been gaining steadily since Wilmington was put on the same footing with New York, Boston, Charleston and other porta of entry ly Congressman John D. Bellamy's bill which passed about two year's ago. Handsome New Buinesr Bnlftlnf. It Is announced that Messrs. Hall & Pearsall, Incorporated.will In the near future erect a handsome, two-story, brick building on their property on the wharf, near the Waterland Depot. Arrangements are already under way for the new storehouse. It Is learned that the firm will move its offices and salesrooms to the new building from Its present quarters on Nutt street.. The change will give Messrs. Hall Jc Pearsall the advantage of being near their extensive warehouse! on the water front as well as providing larger and more adequate storage facilities. Sailors ia Trouble. Two sailors from the New York steamer were before the Mayor yester day at noon charged with drunken ness and disorderly conduct at Front and Orange streets Friday midnight. They were arrested by Policeman J. J. Johnson and each was fined $5 and costs. Martin Nelson, one of the num ber, paid the fine and sailed aboard the steamer yesterday afternoon, but Harry Harrelson, the other, will pro bably have to go to the roads in de fault of payment of the amount taxed against them. For Steallac n Bicycle. .'Herbert Hines, a -colored boy of 12 or 13 years, is held at the police sta tion for satisfactory explanation of how he became owner of a bicjele stolen from Alfred Ltnqulst, a tele graph messenger, about two weeks ago. The boy's mother says she bought the wheel for her sou from a Burgaw negro at Scott's Hill some time ago. She la making an effort to establish that fact with a view of hav ing the boy released. DR. E. A. ALDERMAN Announces That He Accepts the Presi dency of University of Virginia. , , Bv Telegraph to the Horning Star. Richmond, Va.: July 7. Dr. E. A. Alderman, of Tulane University, has accepted the Presidency of the Unl waf tv of Vircinia. Dr. Alderman to-day telegraphed to Daniel Herman, of Charlottesville, a member of the board of visitors of the University of Virginia : - "I accept Iher presidency of the University or Vir ginia, and will give my best labors to it." ; - .r-- - - ' t rr Alderman is In New York, and on account of Mrs. - Alderman's III health he and bis wife will spend aev eral weeks in the .mountains before Dr. Alderman comes to the Univer it nf Vlrrinla on Aneust 15tb. one month before the session opens, to be gin his executive duty. WILMINGTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1904. DROWNED BOY'S BODY RECOVERED. Remains of Forrest Chsdwlck Poind Five ' Miles Above the City Fnnersl. r The body of young Forrest Chad wick, the 12 year-old son of Policeman E. R. Chad wick, who was drowned Friday while ia bathlncr with a com panion sear the Hilton - lumber mill. was discovered floating In the river Saturdsy morning by a colored fish erman near "Rat Island," five miles above Wilmington in the Northeast river. The body of the little fellow, although. In the water comparatively a short time, was rather badly decom posed, making It necessary to conduct the funeral and interment at oncs Upon the discovery of the body the negro came to Wilmington and re ported the find. Mr.' James Chadwlck, an uncle of the boy, went up the river and brought the body to the city at once. " Funeral aervlcei oyer the remains wervbeld at a o'clock In the afternoon from the -family residence by Rev. J. T.- Vipperman and the Interment was in Belleyue cemetery. Eight young companion's of the unfortunate boy acted as pall-bearers. : MR. WILLIAMSON'S FATHER DEAD. Well Known Physician nad Retired Cotton Mill Msnnfactirer of Graham, V. f. A telegram received In the city Sat urday morning announced the death of D. John L. Williamson at hia home In Graham, N. a Dr. Wil liamson waa the father of Mr. J. Walter Williamson, secretary and treasurer of the Dalgado Cotton Mills of this city, and a gentleman highly esteemed by all who knew him. Mr. Walter Williamson left Saturday afternoon for Graham to attend the funeral. Dr. Williamson was about 80 years old and waa twice married, bis second wife being Miss Fannie Holt, daugh ter of the late Edwin M. Holt Before his retirement a 'few years ago on ac count of age Dr. Williamson was a prominent physician and cotton mill manufacturer, and was well known all over North Carolina. He is sur vived by - three daughters and aeven sons, viz: Mrs J. C. Mills, of Relds vllle; Mrs. Tobe Williamson, of Cas well county; Mrs. J. W. Menefee, of Greensboro, and Messrs. Benjamin, George. Edwin H., Lawrence A., J. Walter, Finley U and L. Banks Wil liamson. , MISHAP POR SAIUN0 PARTY. Mr. C. D. MaHHi's Pleasure Launch Cap sized With Party Yesierdsy. A party of young people, nearly all of them guest at the Beashore Hotel, received a "good ducking" yesterday afternoon about 5:30 o'clock as there suit of the capsizing of Mr.O. D. Maf- fill's yacht "Htrt Saver," in which the j were enioying a sail up Moit's channel in the sound, off the Seashore Hotel and about a mile "distant there from. A s'.iff brecza sprang up, sud denly shifted and o?er ihe boat came. precipitating the party in about ten feet of water. They clung to tbe aidea of the boat and remained perfectly cool until Mr. A. B. Skelding and Hiss Randolph came to their rescue In gasoline launches. At no lime was any member of the party in danger of Browning, and none of them appeared to be frightened. Capt Maffitt re mained by his boat and, with assist ance, finally righted her and sailed over to the hotel pier, where he was greeted with vociferous applause. In the party were the Misses Rhyne, Miss Lowe, Mr. Henry Rhyne and Mrs. Brown Wallace, of Mt. Holly, N. C.; Miss Snider, of Concord; Mr. Gilbert Foard, of Wilmington, and Cipt Maffitt. RE4L ESTATE TRANSFERS. Property Which Exchanged Hands Yester dsy by Deeds Filed for Record. Julia A. Worth to George T. and Addle H. Hewlett, for $3,000, property on second, i4 reet aoutn or nun street, 64x83 feet In size, with a perpet ual right of way through alz root al ley adjoining said property. E. Fayson Wiliard and wife to Ue- becca JU. west, for ii,30i, property on east side of Fourth, 99 feet north of Dock street 33x110 feet in size. Elijah Hewlett to Mrs. Lanle Baker uoiton. I or raw, property on uueen, 170t feet north of Sixth street. 38141 feet in sise. Lucv Ann Taylor and Mary Foster to Margaret Hooper, for $10 and other considerations, property on the miton line, near Seventh and Bladen streets, 25x83 feet In size, more or less. D. O'Connor, commissioner, to Mal colm McKenzle, for $3,000, property beffinnlner at the intersection oi Wright street and ths Cape Fear river running to Front street. Meet New S. a. L.. Train, For the accommodation of passen gers to and from the new Beaboard trains, which will be Inaugurated to morrow morning, the Consolidated Railways, Light and Power Company will put on a ear leaving Ninth and Orange streets by way of the belt at 4:80 A. M., leaviog the junction at 4:40 A.M., and arriving at the Sea board depot at 4:50 A. M. A special car will connect with this train upon arrival at Wilmington at 11:30 P. M. First In NewCoort House. In negotiating a real estate transac tion, Jno. D. Bellamy, Jr., Esq., on yesterday had an occasion to cancel for a client the first mortgage record ed In the new Court House some 13 or 13 years ago. Mr. John Haarwas then register of deeds and a note of the registration of the mortgage as the first In the new Court House was made. The mortgage was on real es tate, which has recently changed hands. I Y DEATH SENTENCE COMMUTED. Rslelxh Visif ed by Terrific Storm Yester . dsy Afternoon -Basks of the State. Special iStar TOearanL Raueiqb, N. G, July 8. Governor Ay cock commutes the death .sentence of Archie Llpscombe, colored, of Gran ville county, to life imprisonment. He was convicted of the murder of Oaswell MerritL Ha bus then ia inf. fictent doubt aa to the responsibility of the prisoner to justify the commuta tion. jLipscombe believed Merrmto have conjured his wife so she would die. -- .. .. . ; . . This cltv wis visited this Afternoon by a terriiie storm, which did consid erable damage to property. Two ne gro children In. the northeastern sec tion of the city were killed by light ning. Fire big oaks were blown down In the campus of St. Uary'a school. tub uorporatlon Commission Issues a statement of -the condition-of the State, private and savings banks at the close of business June 9tb, showing Ave private, 15 savings and 151 Btate Daoka to bave 130,110,079. All de posits are subject to check. : Total re sources $29,416,680. ,. REV. N. A. SHELLEY DEAD. Esf sfed la Homo Mission Work in Duplin lonaty Highly Esteemed. Special Star Correspondence. Magnolia, N. a. July 7. Rev. N. A. Shelley died at his home near Halls- vilie, Wednesday, 6tb,-after a short illness, aged about 32 years. He was in the Home of Mission work of the Baptist church In eastern Duplin County and was highly esteemed and lot ed by nls people. LOCAL DOTS. Norwood Everett, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, was fined $10 and costs or given 30 day s on tb roads by Justice of the Peace John J. Furlong yesterday, the case having been transferred from Justice Borne- mann. The following building permits have been Issued : Rogers & Thomas, two story frame dwelline for R. Y. Leonard, on corner of Second and Church streets. William Anderson, three-room frame dwelling on 16lb, bstween Dock and Orange streets. A horso attached to a delivery wagon of Mr. W. A. Vollers ran away on South Front street yesterday morn Ing during rush market hours, causing a lot of excitement. Fortunately no serious damage resulted. Fayetteville Observer: "Col. W. S. Cook Informs us that he has not entered Into any arrangements rilh Columbia people for the transfer of the 'City of Fayette!!!' from the Cape Fear to the Columbia run." Street car No. 25, of the Con solidated Company, ran into a delivery wagon of W. EL Worth 8c Co., heavily loaded with ice, at Third and Princess streets last midnight. No serious dam age resulted. Tne render or tne car waa badly bent but the wagon appear ed to be not damaged and was driven off by the colored driver. HOW PARKER RECEiVED NEWS OF NOMINATION. Was Cllmblsg Out of the Water After His Morning Swim Declined to Mske Any Comment on the Situation. Br Telegraph to tne Horning Btar. Ksopus, N.Y., July 9. The news of Judge Parker's nomination waa given to him at 8:50 A. M. to-day, by the correspondent of the Associated Press, who found him clambering out of the water after his morning swim. 'Well, Judge, you've got it," cried the reporter aa the athletic ngure of the judge appeared over the bow of the barcre rrem which he had oaen diving. "Is that sot" replied the judge, bis ruddy face breaking Into a cheery smile, in which satisfaction was undis guised. He asked for details or the final vote, and displayed the liveliest interest in every fact and figure, at the same time refraining from the. slightest comment. . When asked it he would say any thing on the matter of his nomination, he said: "No. I shall say nothing whatever upon the subject until I am formally notmed of my nomination. He climbed up the steep bank to his house, and cordially received the srreetlngs of tbe other newspaper men. who had been waiting there, but again declined to make any comment upon the situation. From 9:45 P. M. until after 6 o'clock this morning, during the hours the convention was In session, Judge Par ker remained In his room, which be left only to go to the river for his usual swim. At the time he knew only that there had been an all night session of the convention and that the balloting had begun. There is little doubt that Judge Far ker has been confident for many days that he would be nominated, and while he would not discuss this aspect of the Question, this morning. It was ulaln that the announcement of the result broutrht him no surprise unless perhaps in some detail of tbe figures involved. Judsre Parker devoted the first lies ure of the morning to reaamg me mornins Dsners. devoting close atten tion to tbe platform. He refused to make any comment whatever upon the Dlatform. Afterwards he started for a ride on horseback. Tbe Ameri can flag was run up on the Bosemont flagstaff to-day and nags ana hunting appear In increasing profusion on all buildings in uiopus. a ceienrauon nlanned for to-night has been post poned until next week. By that time It Is expected the Ulster county dele- cation will have returned from Bt, Louis. Telegrams of congratulation have begun to arrive, Saliaburv Sun. July 6: Mr. Philip Sowers, the largest landowner in Rowan county, finished threshing wheat yesterday and will nave about L00O bushels from his "patch," as Mr. Sowers names it, embracing several acres near his home. The yield was 40 bushels per acre on sev eral acres. SENSATION SPRUNG UPON CONVENTION. Caused by Telegram Received from Judge Parker Concern ing Financial Question. VIEWS ON GOLD STANDARD. Regards It as Firmly and Irrevocably Established Asks to Decline Nomi nation If His View Is UnsBtls fsctory Vice Presidency. , ' Bj Telegraph to um omlM but. Cobvention Hall, St. Louis, July 9. It was 5:37 o'clock when the first sign of opening the session was made. Chairman Clark belabored the table with the heavy gave!,' but said noth ing. A little later he called the con vention to order and directed the dele gates to take their Beats. Representative John Sharo Wil liams, of Mississippi, moved that nomi nation speeches be limited to fifteen minutes and seconding speeches to five minutes. T. EL Ball, of Texas, offered a sub stitute limiting the nominating speeches to ten minutes, leaving the times of the seconding speeches at five minutes and limiting the number to three. Mr. Williams at once withdrew his motion la favor of the substitute, which was adopted without dissent. The roll of Slates waa then called for the presentation of candidates for vice president Even at this time the galleries were leu than half filled and great areas of vacant seats were visible. Alabama was called several times with no response, but finally Mr. Rus sell of that State announced that Ala bama will give way to Illinois. ' Samuel AUcauler. of Illinois, an nounced that Freeman B. Morris would speak for that State. Mr. Mor ris took the platform to name James R. Williams, of Illinois. Cheers greeted the mention of Mr .-Williams' name, but they did not corns In great measure from the delegates. Colorado yielded to Washington. and Chairman Clark recognized Fred erick C. Robertson, of that State, who spoke for ex-Senator George Turner. Connecticut yielded to Indiana and Delegate 8pencer, of that State, sec onded tbe nomination of Williams, of Illinois. By this time a report that a telegram had been received from Judge Parker declaring his position on the financial question had become general. A crowd of delegates hurriedly gathered around Sheehan, of New York, and Tillman, of South Carolina. Little conferences began to occur and the orators did not receive much attention except from the galleries and the small fry who did not know that a probable sensation was ripening all about them. Delaware cave her place in the call to West Virginia and the chair reoog cJxsd John D. Alderson, of that Btate, ho placed in nomination Henry O. Davis-nf West Virelnla. Senator DuBois, of Idaho, seconded the nomination of George Turner, of Washington. David uvermyer. oi Kansas, placed former Senator William A. Harrlsof that State. In nomination. As the unexciting routine of the nominating and seconding speeches proceeded, the storm that seemed in evitable was gathering. Leaders hurried to and fro with anxious faces and the news from Esopus spread rapidly. The floor filled with delegates and in the Parker States men sat with heads close together In hispered consultation. At seven o'clock there were signs to the Initla ted that tbe session was going to be dramatic in the extreme, but the average delegate smiled and listened to the flow of favorite son oratory all unconscious of -the great things that were moving In the party's heart. The roll call of States proceeded until Maryland was reached without a response. For Maryland. John Prentice Poe seconded the nomination of Davis, of West Virginia. Senator William E. Clark, of Mon tana, seconded the Turner nomina tion. " Nebraska's response was a statement that ahe waited with Interest tho choice of New York. New York re quested to be passed when called on tbe roll. "Uhio has no candidate," was an nounced when the Buckeye State was reached. Tennessee passed the call. The first sign of . the approaching storm was started at just 7 o'clock. Senator South, of Arkansas, broke in on the roll call with a motion, that in view of the rumors that were disturb ing the convention a recess be taken until 8 o'clock. His motion did not prevail. The convention was In such an up roar because of the Parker telegram rumors that the latter part of the roll call for the presentation of candidates for vice president was inaudible. Chairman Clark directed that, the roll be called for announcement of the votes. Senator Culberson, of Texas, se cured recognition and mounting bis chair said: For reasons which are obvious to all the delegates here, It seems to me that we ought not to proceed at this time to nominate a candidate for vice president, and I therefore move that tbe convention" here cries of "Whyf "Why," Interrupted Sena tor Culberson. "I think the delegates understand what I mean," he proceeded. Chairman Clark Interjected "pro ceed." "And I repeat," concluded Senator Culberson, "that In the present ex! gencles which confront the convention It ought not to proceed to ine nomina tion of a vice president." "RlghM" "Right I" greeted this state ment. "We want to know before a candidate for vice president is nomina' ted. who will be the candidate for prest dent." Applause and cries of approval opsin Interrunted tbe Senator: When ha could be beard be made a motion for a recan until 8 :30. The din and excitement increased while the senator was SDeakins and he was cordially in vited both to "keep on" and to "sit down." Hs motion was put by the chairman. The vote was; in the opin ion of most people, lost, but Chairman Clark loudly banged his desk.deolsured it carried and quickly left tbe platform be'ore the convention recovered from Its amazement. Tne eonfnslon. before Senator Cul hereon rose, was Intensified greatly when be aat down after intimating that Judge Parker might possibly vacate the Lead of the ticket. As soon as the NO. 38 recess was announced the delegates in stead of leaving tea hall rushed Into conferences. Ia In instant there was fully twenty groupa In the hall. In the centre of which were two or three violently excited and gesticulating men who discussed the Farker tele gram vehemently.- The police again and again walked along the aisles, en deavoring to clear them, hut the dele gates refused to move and the excite ment- grew rather than' abated. A dense throng, through which it was Impossible to pass, gathered in front of the chairman's desk and strove desperately to learn the exact import oi tne message., xneir euorts were unavailing, however. . The leaders disappeared ' and the session closed wltn an atmosphere of tense expec tancy aa to what would occur when it reconvened at 8:80. Session Reconvened. At 7:10 o'clock Chairman Clark pounded vigorously with hia gavel and asked that the delegates be seated and the aisles cleared. He did not formally call the convention to order, but as 803B as some degree of quiet had been restored Governor Vardaman, of Mis sissippi, without formal recognition by me cnairman, proceeded to address the convention on the subject of the mys terious telegram. - lie aald that rumors wore abroad that a telegram had been received from Judge Parker, and these reports had caused auch excitement and apprehen sion that he would move that the gen- uomsnof tbe Dew York delegation. reported as the recipient of the mes sage, should send it to the clerk's desk to be read. "The confusion of the rabble and Jhe mob has characterized every hour of the convention since its sitting," declared Governor Vardaman. "Let us find out what this rumor Is," he concluded, "that has caused disorder in this ball. Let tbe gentleman from New xork to whom the telegram is addressed read It let It be read. Let the truth be known and then let us proceed to business.' Loud applause followed this decla ration and continued as Governor Var daman took hie seat. Chairman Clark replied; "It ia moved that the New York delegation or the member of that delegation who has the telegram that has been bruited about this city produce It and read it to this convention." George Rslnes. of New York, asked that the motion be deferred until the chairman of his delegation could be heard from. 'How much time do you want?" asked the chairman. "I understand the chairman of the New York delegation is now on his way to the hall." was the reply. "The chair requests the gentleman from Mississippi to withdraw his mo tion for a few moments," said Mr. Clark. Governor Vardaman acquiesced and Judge Richardson, of Alabama, asked that Senator Carmack be interrogated as to whether or not be has received a telegram from Judge Parker, saying that he could not accept the nomina tion unless there was a gold declare' tion In the platform; and which waa published in an evening paper. "Gentlemen." said tbe chairman. "this is the most weightty matter that has come before tbia convention, and we want no information second hand. We want It from the fountain head. I understand that the messsge is now on the way to the ball, and I suggest that we await its arrival." The suggestion was approved with a shout and quiet settled down over the convention pending the arrival of the Important message from the Southern hotel. The conference committee reached the halliat 9:35 and filed slowly along the crowded aisle In the center of the convention floor. Delegates thronged about them, asking: "What shall we do I" "Keep yOur heads and behave," re torted Senator Tillman with emphasis. and be repeated tbe injunction at nu merous intervals. John 8. Williams. Governor Var daman, Senator Tillman and Senator Carmack made thefr way to the plat form with the mysterious message in their possession. A abort conference took place among the four and Chairman Clark, while the delegates who nan lor tne moment nut excitement away from them sang "My Old Kentucky Home." Chairman Ciark pounded for order. with John 8. Williams standing by his side. "I wish to announce in advance," said the chairman, "that on this lm portant matter every man shall have a full and fair hearing. I now Intro duce John Sharp Williams, of Mis sissippi. Mr. Williams spoke as follows: "Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Convention All of us were very much surprised and excited this after noon, to use no stronger words, at what purported to be -copies of tele grams which bad been sent by our nominee to Mr. Carmack and others in this city. I want to tell you that but one telegram has been received. Mr. Carmack not only received no telegram to-day of the character that was published, but never received a telegram from Mr. Parker In all of his life. And nobody received a telegram containing the language in that in famous volunteer production. (Loud cheers and applause.) A telegram has come from Mr. Parker to Mr. Sbeehan, however, which I shall read in a mo ment and it Is so Important that you should know what it Is that, after I have read it, I shall hand It to my friend the governor of my Btate. Mr. Vardaman. and have him read It over again. When you shall have heard it you will note that there is not in It one word about requiring or demand ing. or asking, or requesting, that any thing should be placed In the Demo cratic platform. (Loud applause.) You will also note if there is any error in it at all It is an error of judgment preceding from a too-sensitive spirit of honor (spplause) to.be misunderstood or placed In a false or in a double po sition. I shall now ask Governor Vardaman to read the telegram to you." (Loud cheering and applause.) Mr. Williams then banded tbe mes after rcauestlne absolute quiet, read the telegram as follows: "Eon. W. F. Skeehan,HotelJeffer8on, : St. jLouta: "I re card the sold standard as firm lv and irrevocably established and shall act accordingly if tbe action of tbe convention of to-day shall be rat lfied by the people. Aa ihe platform is silent on the subjecHmy view should be made known to tbe convention, and if it is proved to be aneatiafaotory to the majority, I request you to decline the nomination for me at once, so that another may be nominated before ad j ournmen t. i4 . . (diitned) , "A. B. Pabxbb," A rinsing cheer went around the hall, but it was brief, ao anxious were tbe delecaies-to eee-wnai wouia ioi Inw. Mr. Williams -Mr. Chairman, I think you will bear me out In what I said. This is the first time In tbe bis- way oi ine .united states tnata man already nominated for thegreatest omce on the surface of thisearth has been ao sunersensltlva about a matter of personal rectitudeahd honor as to send a telegranv-to a friend asking him to declne tbe nomination for him, v if, as he seems to have been informed, - were is something in tne piatrorm which is not In accord with his own ' opinion. - , ,j .. .r -v v- My friends,. we purposely'- made this v platform silent because we are all ' agreed that that was not .an issue in this campaign (applause) and we agreed furthermore.- that nothing should be placed in the platfoim which-: was not a campaign issue, and the-. consequence was that, in tbe resohw tions committee, motions, were mate to table, and those motions were ca. . rled, tabling every resolution on botlt sides which tended to bring up as an -issue in this campaign the. question of monetary standard. Now. my friends. Judte Parker ex presses his opinion for fear somebody might think that you did not know it. There was not In all this vast astern-' bly one single, solitary man who did not already know 'that Judge Parker- was a gold standard man. I have - been one of the most consistent, per sistent and perhaps radical free silver ; men In the United Stater, and I knew . that he waa a gold standard man and he never made any attempt to conceal . It from anybody. He had supported our candidate, and had said that al-" Ill though he did not agree with us upon this plank he was suii . a democrat. (Applause)..1.. ' Now. my friends, we had. so far as the question of the monetary standard wasrat t Aaavviaxfi in at rtmvnttmi rvn 'tavniMti 1'f waa to be fought against imperial- 4 W mm wuvissvwi aw vwuiurulu naaawaa l( ism, against executive usurpation, pur- poseiy made a platform upon which W. J. Brvan eonld have atood. or k anybody else who was with us in the pending live campaign Issues could cave stood. (Applause.) v His declaration that Parker's views were known to every man in the con vention waa received with faint ap-s plause. He asked Senator Tillman to read the message, but there was a, short delay, owing to the difficulty- experienced by the Senator la deci phering the handwriting of Mr. Wil liams, The senator asked for quiet, saying that he had undergone an op eration on his throat and that his voice had lost "that nightingale qual ity that it once possessed." "' ue then proceeded to read, when Mr. Williams Interrupted him with the remark : "Here is a typewritten copy." "For which i thank Almighty God," returned the Senator. He then read the following messsge to Judge Parker: "The plotform adopted by this con vention is silent on the question of the monetary standard, because it is not regarded by us as a possible Issue in this campaign and only campaign Issues were mentioned in the platform. Therefore there Is nothing In the views expressed by you in the telegram just received which would preclude a man entertaining them :i from accepting a nomination onsald I platform." (Applauie.) Mr. Tillman's remarks were follow- ill ed closely by the whole audience. His Tenement declaration a awore wj,i'i, dure to be irineo with," brought xortn n , appiauio auu cucora. a.w oenaiur; Tillman wss endeavoring to answer a question Injected Into the discussion by Senator Pettlgrew.of South Dakota,' as to whether Mr. Bill had not stated in committee' that he did not know Ji, Judge Parker's views on the financial question, Mr. Bryan came Into the hall. Instantly there was an uproar. Calls of "Bryant" "Bryan I" went up. and the galleries cheered. Mr. Bryan 'i' f .:. first went to bis place in the pit, but asU. , tbe cries of the Nebraskan's name.V ' coupled with the words "platform,"! "platform," continued, Mr. uryan;, ; , made his way to the stage. Hia face;:' was chalk white, as be walked rapidly,' up the wide aisle, bis Hps were com-t? . pressed to a thin line and ma brows , drawn straight. He nervously fanned I ' himself and paid no attention to the;! banda that were held out to him as he' t - , passed. . . ;; :; . . jjff After a threat on the chairman's pari)'' V ' to clear the galleries where most of the disturbance came from, the noise? ceased. Benator Tillman continued". by saying that If he understood the present temper of the delegatea th( threats of the chair, with reference tc the galleries would bo carried out. "Lookout out," shouted a voice. "You look out or you will be pn'? out," retorted Mr. Tillman, and In i stantly tbe police seized the offendlhs V spectator and ejected him. When tht j j Benator concluded there was a short! -lived outburst of applause, but It wail? evident that the delegates vrere in nrf V' mood for demonstrations. . . p 4 Bryan then-rose and came tothili", front of the rostrum. As the speake r! ) went on his voice grew stronget? and clearer, and as he narrated lh -p story of bis efforts to secure ' the insertion in the piaironr of a financial .plank the flush of ex, cltement covered his face and his ges ; lures became more irequeni anu mor emnhatic. - His declaration that th sending of the telegram to Juag j Parker was:a declaration on the goU; , standard side, and bis statement ths: If the Democracy was to adopt such ' view it should be honest and say s frankly, waa greeted with o shriek c 1 applause from the galleries, and on 1 , man with a strong voice yelled "That ? right." H Ex-Senator Pettigrew interrupted t know If the Parker telegram did nc declare that the gold standard wi , . firmly and irrevocably fixed, and wi Informal that he was correct. - j - i' Loud applause greeted M , , Bryan's remark that It - was a, man! thing in Judge Farker to express n onlnlon before the convention : a journed, but that It would have bee; ; . a manlier thing nan ne ipoaen oeior, s the convention met, wss agal cheered. He announced that be woul. propose an amendment to the messar and took ' his seat, amid loud crl f of "vote." - i , Senator John W. Daniel, cheirmii, , of the committee on resolutions : w f , then recognized to reply to. Bryan. " ' ; Senator Daniel concluded at 11:15 His speech received hearty applau , from the pit where the delegates we, , seated. . f ' . . Vociferous cries of "question . , "question," followed, but tbe eh 1 recognized Charles & Hamlin, !f Massachusetts, who urged the sendi of the telegram to Judge Parker. ' L Hamlin said tbe American people a mired a brave onau and Judge Park, would be so regarded hereafter by t' American people. s , r As Mr. Hamha Bntahed it was -e":. dent that tbe delegates were hearli sick of listening to speech and rty ' Idly lostog temper over the consist succession of speak era wbo mounl"; tbe platform, and clamored fieroil t , for a vote. ' . t ' : if, The chair recot:z d Mr. Bryaa.Wii presented an amendment to the rei, ;.. to Judge Parker as follows: i- . "Bat as you will, u eitctea, oe ca; ed upon to act upon certain phases j .' : ' tbe money question, we would HkeqA )( know whether you favor reducing If volume of silver dollars; whether y -favor an asset currency and brans , national banks; whether you pre?.. . national bank currency . to uni'. , States notes." . . , . ,f M ! Mr. Bryan then proceeded to -a;'. weraomeof tbe statement made ;v those ho had followed nia first ) dren. Great applause followed his k ' ; (Oontlnoed on Ui pagaj 'it r. " it,- r-SP

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