: "' V- ' ' - :'. ".v- '--V-.. THE ATTltACTIVE GIRL Much 1134 hcon written abotit "the Amer ican pirl" and hfir reasons for being pre eminently tnc most attractive mrl in the world. In bringing- up girla f . mowers can't oe "'"is! tureiui w let rnS their datifftitcra ae- Wjp" &ti velop all their nat- fi' L TO utmost. TH -V Zi? i The crucial eooch of a woman's life is the change from maidenhood to womanhood. It involves the whole body and manifests itself in the nerv ous disposition at this time. Nervous or sick women are afforded the opportunity of a lifetime, for the makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now offer $500 reward for women who cannot De cured. nacKea up Dy over a tmrd of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully war ranted in offering to par $500 in legal money of the United States for any case of Ieu 1 corrhea, Female Weakness, Prolapsus, or railing 01 me womo, wmcn tney cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. "I cannot praise your medicine highly enough," writes Mrs. Jennie Hippenhamer, of Huntertown, Indiana. "I begun taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and took it stead ily for i months. I was not once sick at stom ach, never vomited once. Took the ' Favorite Prescription ' three times a day and when in severe pain took sn extra teasnoonfiil of medi cine which checked the pain. I felt pleasant all the time and did not get nervous as I used to. When my baby girl came last August she was healthy. She is now eleven months old. Am thirty-eight years old and never got through so easily in all my life. Why should women suffer when they csn get through so easily? I am able to do quite a washing and ironing which I cuuiu n 00 1 or cigni years oexorc." As a tonic for women who are nervous, sierpiess, worn-out ana run -down, -ti-' voritc Prescription " is unequaled. For constipation, the true, scientific cure is l)r. Fierce ' Pleasant Pellets. Mild, nsrmicss, yet sure, no other put can compare with them. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. At Salisbury on Friday P. E. Sowers, of Spencer, whose son, Carl J. Sowers, was killed In an accident on the Sonthern railroad, affected a settlement by which the railroad paid him 96,000. Alio Aauii vi Anuwn nnu as principal office at Burns ville, Yan cey county, 'with $10,000 authorized capital stock, all paid in, was char tered on Friday at Kaleigh. The Incorporators are: U. Jr. iiyrd, T. F. Roland and others, of Burnsville and Yancey county. Raleigh News and Observer: The Bull of Baahan'a bellow would be lost in the St. Louis convention according to Temporary Chairman John Sharp Williams. The lungs ox a jackass were needed at tureens- boro, was State Chairman SimmonB' sentiment. The man without a Tolce is up against It these days. Taylorsville Scout: Corporal punishment was inflicted upon a man, by two women, up in Sugar Jjoal, some days ago, for the pur- pose of teaching him that it was not right and proper to get on too much moonshine and make the night hid eous with his .vulgar and profane language. A St. Louis special on Thurs day to the Raleigh News and Ob server says: National Committeeman Daniels' box at the convention was occupied today by Mrs. Locke Craig, Mrs. Nathan O'Berry, Miss Estelle O'Berry, Mrs. U. C. Cooper, of Rocky Mount; Miss Evelyn Hender son, of Surry, and Misses Belle and Ethel Bagley. Lieutenant Richmond Pearson Hobson, of Merrimac fame, was a visitor at the box this after noon, where he called for the pur pose of meeting the MIsbcs Bagley, whose lamented brother he knew and admired. Charlotte Chronicle: Senti ment among the North Carolina del egation at St. Louis, Is said to be "strongly in favor of a 'compro mise' platform." The Nortv Caro linians say they "want a platform on which all Democrats can stand." If any State ought to have (rood and ufhclent reasons for being tired of 1 compromises, it is worth Carolina. The compromise act, or the truck ling for votes, the bartering of trin clples for the hope of gain, never did and never will pay. We hope the North Carolina delegation has been misrepresented, but we fear it has not. Charlotte Chronicle, July 6th: People who live on the Salisbury road in this county tell of a curi ous freak of lightning on the farm of Mr. W. F. Alexander, during a thunder storm several days ago. A ow and her young calf were stand ing under a tree during the storm, when lightning struck the tree, passed through it. killed the emit. and cut oil, as with a knife, the four feet of the cow. The cow is not yet dead, but has since been tying in tne place where she was stricken. The storv mav sonnd im. Probable, but lit was first told tn 'Squire D. Q. Maxwell,' who swears oy 11 ana says there is no doubt In ms mind but that it Is true. T 1 t XT. ' a rvi AMueiKu jubwb auu uoserver, July 9th: In another column will be fonnd a renrint from tVio r.nv. poration Commission report of the condition of the banks in-this State, other than National Banks, to-wit r state Hanks, Savings Banks and private banks, separately and com bined. It will be noted that the total resources are $39,416,580.86: that the total deposits, including tnoHe BUDjeci 10 cneck, time cer tificates, , demand - certificates, cashiers checks outstanding, cashier's checks and trust deposits. amount to t21.465.020.52: that the available cash in vaults and due from other banks is about $5,000, 000 or nearly 25 per cent, of inch deposits. This is equal to the re- 4uiremeni wmcn tne national banks a a ' . m a . man meet under the national bank- In tan TVi i.U.1 l O 771,704.65 and the surplus, with undivided profits, is $1,631,548.92, Which Is about 35 oer cent, of the. capital. In other words the average I dook vaiue 01 each ioo share ox stock of tho banks in this State other than national banks Is about $135. The statement indicates that the funds of the banks are kept well employed, and that the banks of North Carolina are in a sound and healthy condition. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Jha Kind You Haia Always Bought Bears the nj? STf--- - '.Signature of CsaX75kX PARKER NOMINATED ON FIRST BALLOT. Unanimous Choice of Democratic National Convention As Its - Candidate for President. AFTER ALL NIGHT SESSION. The Vote la Detail loofralala tor j Tele frame Received aid Read la the Cosvestloi Iron faadldates Hesrit aid Dockery. By Telegraph to the Moraine Btajt. CosvEimos Hall, bt. Louis, Mo. July 9, 6:30 A. M. Judge Alton B Parker, of New York, has been nomi nated for President On the comple tion of the first ballot he reoeived a total of 658 votes. Before, the vote was announced Idaho changed her six rotes, riving him 664 votes, and West Virginia S votes, giving the 667 votes, or two-thirds necessary to a choice. North Carolina voted solidly lor me favorite. The ballot was as follows: AlaKaaaMs PankfSiM 49 A Vtaft Pa. AAatmtuVf mm . fca m , & ker 18; California, Hearst 20; Colo rado, rarker i, uearst b. mc Clellan, 1; Connecticut, Parker 14; Delaware. Qrav 6: Florida. Par ker 6, Hearst 4; Georgia, Parker 26; Idaho, uearat 6; Illinois, uearst at; Indiana. Parker 80: Iowa. Hearst 26: Kansas, ueam 10, rarker 7, Jules 2, Oockrell 1: Kentucky, Parker 26; Louisiana. Parker 18; Massachusetts, Olney 82; Maine, Parker 7, Hearst 1, 01ney4; Maryland, Parker 16; Mich igan, Parker 23; Minnesota, Parker 9, Uearat 9, Oockrell 1, Towne 9, Qray 1; Mississippi, Parker 20; Mliaoarl, Oockrell 86; Montana, Parker 6; Ne braska. Oockrell 4, Hearst 4, Olney 1. Gray 1, Wall 1; Nevads, Hearst 6; New Hampshire, Parker 8: New Jer sey, Parker 24; New York, Parker 78; North Carolina. Parker 24: North Da kota, Williams 8; Ohio, Parker 46. Oregon, Parker 4. Hearst 2. McOlel- Ian 1, OoJer 1; Pennsylvania, Parker 8: Rhode Island. Hearst 6. Parker 2: Bouth Carolina, Parker 18; South Da kota: Hearst 8; Tennessee, Parker 24; Texas: Parker 36: Utah. Parker 6: Vermont, IParker 8; Virginia, Parker 24; Washington: Heant 10; West Vir ginia: Parker 10, Hearst 2, Gorman 2; Wisconsin: Wall 26; Wyoming: Hearst 6; Alaska: Parker 6; Arizona: Hearst 6 ; District of Columbia : Parker 6; Indian Territory: Parker 5, Hearst 1: New Mexico: Hearst 6; Hawaii:. Hearst 6; Oklahoma: Parker 2, Hearst 2, McOlellan L Olney 1; Porto Rico: Parker 2, Hearst 4. The election was afterwards made unanimous. St. Louis, July 9. Chairman Clark resumed the gavel to-dav and at 2:60 o'clock P. M. began his effort to call the convention to order. The rumor of a recess had spread. and every one was anxious to know the procedure. The delay continued, however, waiting for word from the ice presidential conference at the Southern Hotel. The band was util ized for entertainment, and gotrous lng cheer as It struck up "Dixie." Bev. John T, Johnston, pastor of the Delmar Avenue Baptist church, was introduced to pronounce the invo cation. . Governor Dockery was recognized at the conclusion of the prayer and read a telegram from Benator Oockrell as follows: 'I am sincerely grateful to the De mocracy of Missouri for their unso licited endorsement of me to the nomi nation to the highest office in the gift of American people and to the dele gates appointed by the Joplln conven tion to present my name to the Na tional Democratic Convention. They have done their whole duty faithfully and sincerely; have discharged every trust imposed by the Joplln conven tion and have done all possible to be done. I heartily approve their action. The convention has acted wisely In nominating Judge Parker (cheers) a loyal Democrat who voted for Colonel Bryan (cheers) In 1896 and 1900 and Is an able jurist and a clean man In all relations of life. F. M. Coozbxll." Mr. Hopkins, of Illinois, secured recognition for A. M. Lawrence of that state to read a telegram from the platform. The telegram waa from William B. Hearst The reading was warmly applauded. Mr. Hearst's tele gram was as follows: "A AL Lawrence, BL Louis: "I wish to thank my friends for their unfaltering support. I think I can best express my appreciation of their loyalty by continued devotion to the principles of true Democracy, for which we have fought, and by the loyal support of the man chosen by the convention to lead the Democratic party. "William Randolph Hearst." Mr. Russell, of Alabama moved that a recess be taken until 6:20 o'clock. Criea of "no, no," were beard from all tides, but Chairman Clark put the motion, when protest waa made that there had been no second. "Is the motion seconded!" asked Mr. Clark, and amid another general cry of "no, no." and a vigorous pro test from over the hall he put the question. The vote was overwhelm ingly against the recess, but Mr. Olark declared with a snap and a thump of bis gavel that it was carried and at 3:80 the convention was declar ed la recess for two hours. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE AT CURKT0N. Postoillcr, Printing EsUblishmeat lid Other Balldlsxs Went Up la Ssaoke. . Special Star Telegram. Clabkton. N. 0.. July 7. Fire here to-night destroyed the poetoffiee, with its entire contents: the nrintinsr establishment of B. Meares; also sev eral other buildings, Including the guano warehouse of N. A. Carrie & Bro. : The loss is ab:ut 14,000, with no insurance. The origin of the fire is unknown. Salisbury Sun. Jnlv 7: There waa a -reunion of two Confederates who had not seen other for forty yean at the depot this morning. Mr. James N. Williams, of Roanoke, Va., and W. T. Harper, of Colum bia, 8. C, both of whom served In the same regiment, engaged in con versation en the popular topip of presidential possibility, resulting in the discovery that they were comrades. A conversation, neces sarily relating to old times, followed tne discovery. Cantata Peck, of tha TT n nllfP Mae, with his wife and.: daughter, while out sailing In Tortugas har bor In a small boat, were capsized and all were drowned. Their bodies have been recovered and will be brought to My weak "He writes that I am a cad.' "Tell him you will pull hia nose." "I will where's your telenhone?" Glasgow Times. . I SENSATION SPRUIifi UPON CONVENTION. - .... - . (Continued from 1st page.) sertion that lack of harmony In the oar It could not be laid at nia door.. It wae ten minutes after -midnight when Mr. Bryan concluded and Rep resentative John Sharp wtmami roe. He plunged without preface Into a scathing arraignment of Mr. Bryan. Turning from time to time he faced Ur. Bryan, wno sat witn immoDiie countenance and fanned himself. His voice trembling, Mr. Williams de clared that Mr. Bryan had pre sented the spectacle 01 a man pleading for harmony when in all this great convention nis naa oeen tne only voice of discord. The amend ment to the Parker telegram he characterized as "a lot of foolish ques tions." He spoke sarcastically, with bltins- humor and arreat earaNtneea. In explaining that the telegram from Judge Parker was simply an expres sion of the judge's own Individual ODlnlon. Mr. Williams suddenly wheeled and faced those on the plat form and asked: "Snppote we bad nominated Bryan on that platform." "God forbid," ejaculated Richmond P. Hobson, In a loud voice from jast behind the speaker. In explaining his attitude on the absence of a financial plank In the platform, he remarked of the money question: "If It is a trance, It will awake; but If it la dead, I don't want the corpse in my parlor." Taking up the reply of the conven tion to Judge Parker's telegram. Mr. Williams read the first sentence the platform adopted by this convention la silent on the question of the monetary standard. Does any one deny that- even ur. Bryan r naked Mr. wu liamt. "Take the next sentence." he con tin ued, "because it Is not regarded by us as a political issue." "Does any one in this hall deny that I If there Is any one on the floor of this convention who believes the money question Is an Issue In this campaign let him arise in his place." not a delegate arose. "Now let any one on the platform who believes the money Question an luue arise." At he said this Mr. Wil liams turned to Mr. Bryan. But Mr. Bryan kept hia seat. Cries or "question." "question." came so fast that confusion reigned ror some minutes. In- the eonf nslon an effort was made to make an ad journment motion. This waa ruled out of order. Mr. Bryan snrane to his feet and de clared that his delegation wu going to support tho candidate that New York wanted for vice president and If It would conduce to harmony be would withdraw his amendment to the reply. a. roar or applause ronowed the an nouncement. After some debate a roll call was ordered on the question of the adoption of the Williams reply to Judge Parker's message to Mr. 8hee- han. As the roll call proceeded It was evi dent that the motion to send the mes sage to Judge Parker would be carried by an overwhelming majority. The result was announeed to be 774 at es. 181 noes, and the message was ordered sent by the convention. Davis Vice Presides!. The order of business now went back to the point where Governor Vardaman sprung the Parker telegram rumor and the chair directed that the roll should betealled on the nomination of a candidate for the vice presidency. xnennai result or the ballot was un officially: Williams 165; Turner 100; Davis 654; Harris 68. Iowa did not vote. The nomination of Davis waa made unanimous. Delegate John Lamb, of Indiana. moved that the Democratic national committee be authorized to fill any va cancy that might occur on the na tional ticket The motion waa adopted. unairman unamp uiark and tempo rary Chairman John Sharp Williams were made respectively chairmen of the committees to notlfiy Judge . Par ker and ex-8enator Davis of their nomination. . It was also announeed that the new national committee would meet In New York on a date to be fixed by the chairman. presided In the closing momenta of tne convention. At 1:30 o'clock Senator McOreanr adjourned the convention sine die, the band playing "Auld Lang Syne." rWINKLINUS. Stayer: "I am very impulsive; never know when to stop." Mias Weanr: "Oh. ves. von do. The trouble is, you don't know when to go." "Say," queried the beardless youth, "does a woman alwaya mean what she says? "Well," replied the man with the absent hair, "if she's married she always does." Chicago JMews. Kitty "O. Auntie I am so happy I Horrace save there's nobody in all the world like me." Aunt Jane "Nonsense! Yon're not so eccentric as all that although there's no danvlTigr tad r hit odd." Boston Transcript. Mrs. Deendigger You never said a word about our wedding an niversary last Sunday not a word. Prof. Deepdigger My dear, how can youeipect me' to take any In terest in anything se ridiculously recent? Judge. Strict Grandmother folavfullv. as she is leaving after a two weeks' visit): "Of course, yon're real glad, Johnny, that I'm going away." Johnny (with astonishment): "How did you find it ont. grandma?" New York Sun. Raleigh News and Observer: County Treasurer B. P. Williamson yesterday received a check for $6, 250, the share of the school fund in the dispensary profits for the sec ond quar'i operations. In addition to this sum he has on hand 14,000 which was paid m at the end of the first quarter's operations. In addi tion to other moneys on hand these sums make up over 913,000, which is now In the hands of the treasurer to school fund account. From the foregoing it will be seen that the dispensary during the first six months of its existence has been making money at the rate of over 140,000 net per annum, as it must be remembered that, ont of the first quarter's earnings were paid the ex penses of putting the concern into operation. The sum received by the county aggregating $10,250 is just one half the net profits accruing to his date, 1688 state tax and the ex- Senses attending upon starting the Ispensary. With the increased business of the fall and winter months the rate of profit will doubt- ess be -largely Increased. - it . would be safe to estimate the income of the county and city from the dispensary for the first : year's operations at a sum In excess of 150,000. : . ALL OYER" THE HOUSE.' A Charful Ctoorgla KHehsjn That 'Had - L ' ' . - Front Door. . Why Bhould kitchens - be alwaytf built at the back of the house, where the grass is trimmed down and slop . pails accumulate ? . . Why have a back of the house anyway instead of two fronts, equally respected? v ThP writer recalls in Georgia along bricjr house, with three front doora, one of them the kitchen door. Yon could look straight- through the house in pleasant weather, because there were three other doors facing the ones that looked over the bay. The rose that was trained over the drawing room "ran along to the kitchen and peeped in at the dear old mammy who sang there very often. To balance .things, the peach tree that waa trained. trtiK fash ion, on the sunny wail of the kitch en, extended its pliant branches to the dining room fianevtneft. Parsley grew in the" violet bor ders, the cream amelled of roses and the flavor of peach leaves that shamed the druggists' product lin gered in the cake. The mistress could sit is the draringroom and the children coming home from school or guests driving up from either direction, and consequently a fresh handkerchief and collar were always ready.; Dicey, in the kitchen, could always tee them, too. and cake was oil the plate, and Zeke was in his dress coat when the door, knock er rapped. And np one in that house knew the front or back of. It wae a kindly and 0: old Pennsylvania German who built a great sunny kitchen where the company room is generally placed, because, he said, "mother" spent nearly all her time in the kitchen, and she should have the best. He gained praise in his country, but no followers. Cooking School Maga line. A Oust Bag. . If you do not possess a dust mop for wiping dust from floors you wiD find a dust bag a good substitute. Take a piece of outing flannel twenty-three inches long, cut off six inches from the length, fold the remaining piece lengthwise, wmlring two oblongs about fourteen inches wide. Slope these at the sides, hav ing, one end about seven inches wide. Hem this narrow end and run e tape through the hem. Fold and gather the six inch strip so aa to make a double ruffle and insert it between the wide ends. Sew the sloping edges of one side together and hem them on the other aide. Four inches from the wide end and six inches from the narrow end sew tapes at opposite sides. Slip the bag on a broom and tie in position with the tapes. Using Bits of Tapeotry. Thd day when, taneatry W&a only considered fit for wall hangings and drapery has passed. This fabric is now put to so many uses that every scrap ia hoarded, and not even the smallest piece ia permitted to go to waste. In these dare, when it is Juite the fashion for the family sck'of all trades to reupholeter his own furniture and to redecorate his rooms with new hangings, the odds and ends which are left are all saved. An old trunk was made to look like new by pasting panels of tapes try on it and flniahing each one with a gimp and brass headed tacks, lhe waste pieces were used for photograph frames, glove boxes and wall pockets. Washington Star. To Clean BolUd Carpets. An experienced chemist says the following recioe ia warranted to re move soil and spots from the most delicate carpets without injuring them: Make a suds with a good white soap and hot water and add fuller's earth to this until the con sistency of thin cream ia secured. Have plenty of clean drying cloth, a small ecrubbmg brush, a large age and a pail ox xreeh water, at tome of the cleaning mixture in a bowl and dip a brash in it: brush a small piece of the carpet with" this, then wash with the sponge and v cold water. Dry as much as possible with the sponge and finally rub with dry cloths. Continue this tSltfOtt are sure that all the carpet is cfean, then let it dry. Bsslsess VUw Health. "Old fellow, too ought to eat more fruit Ifa cheaper than paying doctor bills.' "Bat X don't hare to pay any doctor bills as It is. I am never sick." "That may be, but if you'd eat more fruit you would be able to draw divi dends on your health." Chicago Trib une. Tvrtaar Tasm o. "My new play la sure to make a hit" said lhe eminent actress. 'It gives me an opportunity to show twenty superb gowns." 'Gracious, bow many scenes do you appear In J" - "Only lire, but one of them's a scene at the dressmaker's." . . ' . -.. Too Mach For Bias. "They say that after seven re hearsals Charley Bwimmlngton actu ally stumbled through the wedding ceremony." "Overtrained, I suppose." Cleveland Plain Dealer. .fS KH- HUU V UDUt IV., July 9th: The wires say that 192 North Carolinians were at the St. Louli convention yesterday. When kliej gBk WWK J UBS UUSJC Ol crowds riatsrnfnir tn tha fvM . count! they will give. DM Apples, Pia Peacbci, Tabla Peaches, Teinatees. Extra fine Pineapple Chunks. Sardines, 8almon. Quoddy Bay Herring. Crackers and Cheese and Cakes. Potted Ham, Corned Beef. Canned Oysters, fine Pickles. . All grades of Molasses and Syrups All kinds of heaW Granm-I as at oweat cash prices. THE OO. apr 12 H fhere- nginal i CROCODILE TEARS. i" i - -. - - . - - Th Utead That (ht Brat Thesa Orr Its Prjr.---J i There was an old story, to which we find constant reference in Elizabethan writers, that crocodiles wept over their prey. No doubt the legend arose be cause the crocodile possesses largely developed lachrymal glands, but it ap pears in Various amusing forms. " - Ae early, as, the fourteenth century, in "Mandeviile's Travels," we find: "In that contre ben great plentee of Coka drilles. Thelse serpentea alen men, and the! eten hem wepynge." . An odd turn Is given to the tale by the narrator of one of Sir John Haw- kins' voyages. Whether he was a married man or not we do not know. but be writes: "His nature Is ever, when he would have hia prey, to cry and. sob like a Christian body, to pro voke them to come to him, and then he snatched at them I And thereupon came this proverb, that is applied unto wom en when tney wWp, Lachryma) croco- dUi, tne -meaning whereof la that as the crocodile when be crieth goeth them about most to deceive, so doth a woman, most commonly when she weepeth." fn Fuller's "Worthies" there is the added information that "the crocodile's tears are never true save when he is forced where saffron groweth." Shake epeare, Spenser and Dry den allude to this old world fancy. Haw to Msks Rssst Paste. Levigated oxld of tin, prepared putty powder, one ounce; powdered oxalic acid, a quarter ounce; powdered gum, twenty grains. Make into a stiff paste with water and evenly and thinly Spread it over the strop. Haw to Bsks Haekcrel. 'Split .the fish, remove the backbone, lay some veal stuffing on each, roll up and bake in a buttered pan and In a moderate oven fornbout half an hour. Pennsylvania keeps up its "Keystone" reputation. In the Continental. Congress it gave the deciding vote in favor of the decla ration of Independence. At 8t. lxmis the Pennsylvania delegation gave the finishing impetus to the Parker movement which forecasted his nomination. Philadelphia Be cord. OUR STOCK OF Refrigerators Ii composed of the most modern inv provements in that line. All sizes. loo Oream Freezers of every description. "The Twen tieth Century" Freezer is a favorite. Simply pack with salt and ice and let it stand. No churning necee eary. These are days when Wire Screens, Doors and Window Screens are an absolute necessity. We have them all siaes. Special Agents Howe Scales, Peninsular Stoves, Laflin & Band Powder. Loaded Shells, especially adapted for trap shooting. Jruii line of sporting goods, Lrawn Mowers, Uarden Tools, Jvarm im elements. lllfHiiiCo.. apr 1? tf Orton Building. - NEW AND CHEAP EDGING INSERTION -AND AU-OTer Embroidery ii ON SALE- ; Tiirnav nnpiiific " s uhwun mwiiiiiiiwi S. & B. Solomon. jj3tf 60e66606e6o6.666eo660 The U. S. Postofflce AMborltlM hay just installed a "Bob Post Offlos Station" at Fifth and Caatia streets, with James II. Hall&Bro. DRUGGISTS. who will issue and pay money orders register letters, etc We Deliver Stamps to any part or the city where there is a drag purchase accompanying-" order for same. jyatr JUST OPENED -AT The DnMy Corner. THE FINEST MACKEREL KVIB BXXK IK WILMIMQTON. ORDER ONE FOB BREAKFAST 8. W. 8ANDEB0. ' je 18 tf . . You Will Find : Herpiolde, the great Dandruff cure,; Liquizone, Doan's Kidney Pills, Doan's Ointment, Hentz Bit ters, Hyomi-OranUTonio Hair Food, and all the popular patent reme dies at Hardin's Palace Pharmacy, 126 South Front St. P. S. Phone 55 and we will send for your prescriptions at once, my 34 tf . wrsniu rawer ror sale, asyerai turn aand Ola Xewspapers. all Hzes, suitable tor wrapping- paper, aad tost toe thing to pat anderearpsw and stOl be abld at greatly reduced prices. A.ppl7 at tbe btas oestK CLEVELAND GRATIFIED. lafsrsied ef Konlaatloa of Jadg Parker : far Presldeif as Ssoa as He Awoke : Yesierdsy Uorslar. .- . ; : " ' . Br raagraoh to the Horsing Star. ' Btjecabd : Bat,' Mass ," Jnly 9 -Former President Groye? Cleveland, wbo ia the guest here of Joaepb Jeffer on, was ad r Ued of the nomination ol Judge Parker for president as aaoo ai be awoke this morning. Later Mr, Cleveland sent the following atate .. n tho Associated Press: luoui m ' - If r. Cleveland declines to see any reporter or representative or tne press k,.i .anii. tha fnllnwlnp word from bii Am tn th Aaaoelated Press: "lam la absolute Ignorance of the action of the St. XjOoIs convention except ia so r. it h.. nnmtnatad Mr. Parker aa presidential candidate. With this re- suit 1 am aounaauMj grauueu auu bope that the -remainder of the work of tbe convention will add to the en couraging prospects . of Democratic success. This is all I can possibly say at this time. I do not know when I shall have an opportunity to read tbe platform adopted or to learn of the en tire proceedings of the convention. In nv sTsnt it fa absolutely certain that no further expression from me may be expected at present. 1 nope 10 oe re lieved of further importunity on this subject." NEW YORK BANKS. Statemeat of Clearing- Heme Averages for tbe Past Week. ey Telegraph to the Morning star. New York, July 9. Tbe alate ment of averages of the clearing; house banks of this city for the week snows Loans, $1,078,294,800; Increase, $3,- 263,300. Deposits, f 1,158,150,31)0; in crease. 15.16 1.500. Circulation, $39, 168,400; decrease, $41,200. Legal ten der. $82,461,600: decrease. $3,519,800. Specie, $343,093,900; Increase, $3,722, 100. Reserve, $324,352,500; increase, $71,300. Reserve required, $269.- 537,575; Increase, $1,290,875. tturpius, $36,017,725; decrease, $87,575. Ex- U. 8. deposits, $41,838,325; decrease, $78,625. Notice This ! We carry a full stock of CORN, HAY, OATS, MEAL, Floor, Sugar, Llolasses, and all kinds of can goods at lowest prices Come and see us or send your orders. S. I McHAlR je 26 tf Wilmington, N. C. CHARACTER. Drug stores have "character. Tnis one has a very high character for "reliability." That is the chief end we have worked for. . Prescriptions are entrusted to ub in such great numbers, no doubt, because of the character which our store enjoys among doctors and the public Fine line of Sick Room Goods. J.Hickn BnntingDrng Go Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Y. M. C. A. Building, jel81m Wilmington, N. C. SOUYEUIR BOOKLETS OF WILMINGTON, - (New Edition) Showing principal streets, publie buildings, harbor, shipping;, aeaslde and trucking; views 25c. noatpald. Tales and Traditions 0 the Lower Cape Fear, by Mr. James BprunL Souvenir .postal Cards and Maps of the city. North Carolina Booklets containing "Battle of Moore's Creek w a. O. W. Yates & Co. Bookseller and BtaMoner, Market 8treet je 19 tf ' SOLE A CENTS - for MERCER 4 EVANS COMPANY, 115 Princess St., SELLl . FINE FOOTWEAR SHOES. on the lowest basis of a living profit. By their Cash- on-Approval system they are en abled to surprise yon with low prices. CALL AMD SEE THEM. Fresh arrivals of Douglas' Low Cuts in all leathers. Also, Ladies' Low Cuts from Krlppendorf-Ditt-man Co.'s. See our White . Canvas Goods. They are beauties. Ilercer & Evans Go. jyatf , - - Atlantic View Hotel How ooen to arneeta. Dermsaent and tran sient. This yery desirable Bummer and Win ter resort Is located oa tbe main land at WrlghtsyUle, tf. C, In mil ylew oX old ocean. BeauUTal grassy park and shady groves. Bait water eatba. Boating and risbing amongttae many amnsementa. For a loll descriptive booklet address - JOHN H. HAJTBT, my at am Owner axd Proprietor. ... '. ' t 'Tl''lV fr ANTVTnn n The Kind Yon Havo Always , . - - - ana nas ieeu maclo uiulor i,js 0 &ffl?-fi sonal supervision sluco its iiiial" All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Just-ns-grrort JUo w experiments that trifle with and endangrev tho lul(h of Infants and ChildrenExperience ' against Exporimeut, What is CASTORIA Castoria is a barmless substitute for Castor Oil, P1Vr& goric Drcps and Soothing' Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine -nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm, and allays Feverislmess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tha Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For tnc ccNTAun oommnv. GEO. O. GAYLORD'8 Tha largest store In the city, Is loaded with new and pretty goods of all classes. We are calling special attention to onr line of Men's Tan Shoa. We sell and handle William Kneelaod'a Fine Hand-Hewed Shoes. Thej are perfect in Shoe-making and wear qnalitj it the best and the leather In fine tan shoes: In this line making special offers to-day to sell Oar 13.25 shoe we are offering Oar $3.50 shoe, in tan only, at Oar $4.00 shoe at The cheapest shoe that Kneeland makes to sell is $3.50 and we are now offering these same shoes at $2.10, a saving to you of $1.40 on a pair of shoes. We also handle a . full line of Snow's shoes for men. The Ameri can shoe for ladies. We sell fine shoes and sell lots of them and will save you from 25c. to $1.00 a pair, if jon will give ns a trial. Umbrellas. We received this week from our factory yery nearly 1,000 Umbrellas and are making some special offers on the following styles: We will sell a lady's 26 inch Um brella, steel rod, Congo handle and twilled top, absolutely fast black, an extra value at 50c, oar price 39c; we have 100 lady's fine Umbrellas, with beantifnl handles, equal in style, finish and quality to any $1 Umbrella sold in the city; onr price 79c We have 200 Umbrellas in ladies' styles, the tops made of cabi net cloth, which is warranted by the factory to be absolutely water proof, positively will not. fade, and will outwear any umbrella at any price. The handles are beauti ful, made of silver, pearl, gold and oxydized. These ' umbrellas - are cheap at $1.25, our price 98c each. We have finer goods of umbrellas in Hem ember the place that saves you money is at Geo. O, Gaylord's Bg S-boz? on ZFaroxL-b St , 208 and 210 North Front Street We pnnch cards with all cash purchases and give von a present free, jy 10 tf 3 FOR SALE ONE FARM We have for sale cheap one good farm cart, first claBS, every thing new. Can be seen at our place of business. Will sell for cash or on approved security. Also, groceries of ever 'desr.rlntlnn. Wo artara ("7n.ll and get our prices. They are all right. 3D- L. Wholesale Grooers TobaccoSpecial. 5,100 Pounds 30c Tobacco, 10 pound boxes, 22c pound, - absolutely sound; 3 1-2 plugs to pound. W. B COOPER, ' Importar and Jobber, jy 9 tf Wilmington, N. C. SALT Cargo now unloading; 100-lb. white striped sacks. We solicit car I' ad orders- for prompt shipment. , HALL & PEAKS ALL, IKOOBkWATlD. leisu V Bought, and wJi ii l.v . m"m'o ft Signature of Over 30 Years. rr switiiaT strict, ntw tors t. aa well aa any shoes made. Tht is of the finest that is sold in the citj we are trying to close out and art at the following reductions: to close ont at $2.10 a pair. S.TS $3.00 " an Bizes ior men and ladieB We. IB m ' . also nave a line of large ginghai umbrellas, sixteen ribs, 32 inches ia size, made for the farmer and tin rain, that we are selling at tleact They are bread winners when jm are caught out In a showor. In pretty Summer dresB goodiit lawns, we have received this week one case of beautiful quality in 10c lawns that we are to day offering it 7c a yard. We also received cue No. 2, a beautiful colored lawn, standard 15c value.that wo are offer ing at 0c a yard. Case No 3, a lot of pink and blue madras, beautiful mercerized goods, worked through with embroidered dots and good that sold the first of tho season for 25c, we are to day offering at lDci yard. They are just about hall their value. Our Millinery Department bai just received a big display of white duck hats, a large shipment of ner ribbons, a nice lino of summer veils.. Ladies' hats we have almost by the thousands. In many cases these goods were bought at less than ball price, which enables ns to sell them at half price. We will have a 25c. sale on hats on Wednesday next, July 13th, and it will last till the hats are gone. We will have on dii play our 50c. and T5c. hats in shapes, flats and mull hats, all for 25o. each. CART. G-OEE CO., and Importers, Wilmington, N. C. Hammocks . . We have an entirely new line which we will as cheap as any on tbe market. Call and see us before you buy. ROBT. 5. DeROSSET, The Stationer, my 29 tf 33 North FrontJ3t For SatorEent. Furnished Cottage North of Mr Ernest William's Cottago on, Wrightsville Beach; 9 rooms, known as Prince's Cottage. Immediate possession given. SAM L BEAR, SR, & SONS, 18 Market Htreet, J n Daw u Wilmington, 0- n 1111 m UWk

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