..1 V 1 h v I. : ' . ' ' . . !.-. '. - I - .;!....;.. GrtiAcifrmUtpae.. vr ;tiag'ie"opywotijd"wod. with flagt. ' On tba arch oyer the President trere theword, AtlanU, LooioatlIonUln, Savannah, Charles ton, Shiloh, NaabyiUt,, Chattanooga and other Bixats of battle-fields won bjr the Armies of the Teaxxess and Georgia.', p - TUX AEXT f)F THE TEtraMZ.lL Following Sherman cam a Major General Jno. A.Lojan, of the Army of the Tennessee, the successor of General Howard, who has been ap pointed Chief of the yreedmena' Bureau. The right was held by; the Fifteenth Corps, whose badge was a diamond with a cartridge box, with the motto "Forty Rounds" inscribed aboye. ' ' i ' . The dorns was preceded by its Esgineer Bri gade, composed of white and colored troops, armei with axes, picks and spades and the dent Johnson? "rant" "Shcnnaa.? i ton," Howardf.4nd o ther favorites Th en thuslasmf of the citizens and the soldiers was Eioi-.nEnm"- A cruantitv of FILES irnDorted direct Hnbonhdei aad manT Trfll eorawaT'with sore I throat, caused by their rociterxis cceenog ior from English Maniifactories; F osale X.KAYXJTQ WASHWOTOIT ' ' The immense throng at the Capitol, x the greater portion of it, as soon as the reTiew was oyer, started for the railroad depot. All seemed to think they should be accommodated on one ST&Ta ric'cSHf "Sw-- GREEN TURTLE SOUP & VENISON tauon Department . of the roaa W m. Jtrescott jj v. f 0 1 TITTj 0 lrholesale aad retail, at 88 Market Street. Hy25th Smith, Esq.. howerer, brought order out of chaos, and with his t corps of assistants person allj superintended the despatching of the trains. Notwithstanding the immense number of pas- sensers earned over the Wasnmston branch At arme wim . axes, uiv&b au sjjiu auu u i - 9----- ; - .- 7 j i. " 1 .L.i.k.j. Ar k. mm.nd nirnh-rfiinUnMtr I ounne the past week, I have not heard of soy I . , Jceepme a penec. xin, ana a step uko mai 01 1 " " ! " , ' TO-DAY KELLY'sV 18 North Water Street. FnOIiT ST2EET, (Sear Market, Are now receiving ex Sciooxier i Ae assortment of ; the followii GO OB S: Fine Groceries, Flonr ; . ona man. to the music f its bands. Major General F. P. Blair; a brother of Hon. Montgomery Blair, and late a member of Con- fress from Missouri, followed with the: famed eventeenth Corps, wbo were designated b an arrow. Aj, with. the Fifteenth Corps, it was also preceded by an Engineer Corps of white and colored troops, and a regimont of mounted infantry. There is only one Eastern regiment in this corps, the 35th New York. ; The bullet torn nags of the command bore eriden'ee of the labor it had performed. I ARMY OF GEORGIA. -f. Major General ' Eenry jW. Slocnm, who had - ! J " " J . . , made mmseix iambus aunug uis connection wim caused by a returning soldier unfortunately jumping from a train while in motion near the Annapolis Junction. I did not ascertain the extent of bis injuries or his name, but under stood he was remored to the hospital i at that b. a. yiscssr. point. MadJ c. potyoor, CPH0ISTEBK6 AND PAPER C. POLTOGT & CO.i RE prepared to. do all work in their line of xiew guoas expecwu uwi. Siness. Uj 26th Lemons, Cigars, 73-fcf it. Dr. tbe old Array Of the Potomac by his gallantry territory. Dunne 'the recent yellow feyer ti tvn EOAny fields, followed the "Army of the Ten j demio in Bermuda, this Dr. Blackburn took , i : I . f n tt - I t . i --r o . , 1 passage tor tnat island, lie was a oouinerner, formerly, resident in Natchez, Mississippi, Af ter his arrival he attended several yellow feyer patients at . the Hamilton Hotel and at a M's. Slater s, some ot inem aiea unaer n is care. He collected their bed-clothmg including a i - i .. i The Yellow Fever Plot Wo referred several dara aero to the atrocious plot to introduce: the yellow fever into the cities " MY OLD P0ETF01I0.' " .fej or tne iNorta. pe leara trpm tne piew xors: Tribune that. ':" -"' . " ;".'.' ' ' -i ' ' -f The evidence shows clearly enough the main features of the plot, though the main acter in Blackburn, has escaped into "neutral" nessee" with the "Army of Georgia." He was borne down by the numerous bouquets and wreaths of flowers which had been awarded him by his admirers throughout the route. General Gfearr. command'ng the! Second Division, who is wen cnown nere ana in iao western portion m . r-i t - ; 1 J L . ' t f of the State, was recognized by several of our large quantity o woolen clothing which," in one citizens and frequently cheered. . 'First in order case, at least, he had ordered to be pUedopon came the Twentieth Army uorps, Major Ucneral I the patients m order to receive the Infection t . r - I ' i . a a' x i i Jl:: Here Pennsylvania, Connecticut and New York, greeted brethren from ' Minnesota, Wis consin and Iowa, all marching shoulder to shoul der to the music of that Union tljey have shed their blood to cement in closer bonds tjaan ever.!H The appearance was magnificent. Fol. lowins came the fourteenth army . corps , Com - nacked it in trunks, and sent it to. the house of Edward C. Swan, to be kept by him' till' an op portunity offered to send it North. Blackburn himself then left for Halifax. i l It became known to the authorities of Hamil ton that this infected clthine was ia possession of Swan, and they caused his arrest. On tho preliminary examination, the above facts dp- new - JEffKXXS & COPES, C1BISET MAKERS AND UNBEST1EKRS. ! Cheaper than any houae n the cit. A 11 ordera promptly fullfi lad with n$ainei$ and aiipatch. Shops on Front Street between Princesa aad Ghosnut. ; ' May 30th ' - T . ' j- -76 NOTICE. THE Tug "HOBOMOK," (a private boat,) is ready to tow; vessels, flats, &o. For particu lars apply on board. GEO. W. SMALL, West India Goo-i Potatoes, Malt,; Orange?, Fine Cut Tobacco 1 Carpeting, Prorisiens of all kihdi, Draught and Kottled Ales, Bottled Cider,: - Captain. I 77-3 v manded by Brevet Major GeneralJeff. C. Pavis. seared. It was, shown also that the Health . 1 1. . ji ? . i ii i .. .-. The remaricaDie ume maae vy a portion oi xnjs corps on their homeward march to Richmond received the commendation of the Lieutenant ' General.. Well do tbey j deserve praise, fbrno finer body of men ever trod the earth, and their splendid condition yesterday shoired the high state of discipline to whfeh their officer have brought them. j A long line ot wagons, followed, and the re view was ended. j After repeated cheers for the President and our military commanders, - the multitude dis persed, and the President and other distin . guishod gentlemenretird to their bomes. "vttt.t mxr." JfCXB TBAIN. Between the Second and Third Divisions of Officer found these trunks in Swan's possession, crammed full of clothes that had manifestly been used by yellow fever patients. Swan him self testified that Blackburn had delivered these trunks to him. " Another witness swore that Swan had told him he. received the trunks to be sent North, in order to communicate the Yellow fever. Still another witness swore that Blaok burn had told him he had delivered the trunks to Swan for that purpose, and the Wages for the service were variously stated at $500 1 in the whole, and at $150 a month while Swan was engaged in the business. And Blackburn told Swan to call on the officers of the Confederate Government for money. One of the trunks was marked "St. Louis Hotel, Upper town, 100 BALES SOUTHERN HAY, a n n n choice segars. j 1U.UUU For sale by May J3I C II. GANZER,- - 33 Nqrth Wafer Street, Rock Spring Come. 77-6tp tho Twentieth Corps was a large number of Quebec' and again "Clifton Houie, Niagara packnorses and mules, led by colored soldiers, servants, etc. At other) points of the line a similar feature presented iiself, bnt in this par ticular instance two diminutive white donkeys, mounted by small darkeys, attracted the atten tion of all the multitude pn the route of the procession. The , grotesquenegs of ; their cos tume and the small size of the animals excited the laughter of thousands. The boy? were barefoeted, and : wore extraoruinarily high sleoehed hats, with jackets and pantaloons, which like their. hats, s were dilapidated, and rather the worse for wear. They "beaded the procession of ? ihules, ' several of which , were Fallsi Canada side." - The magistrates of Ber muda, held Swan for trial. , 1 f : Toronto,, C. W.t May 25, 1865. In the case of Blackburn, of yellow fever no toriety, the magistrate to-day said that,! owjrag to the uncertainty of the English , law in such cases of conspiracy, he should not assume jthe responsibility of deciding the case, but would send the prisoner before the J udges at the next Assizes. Bail was accepted in the meantime to the amount of eight tnousand dollars, j T? a.anitrnrtlnii tt "KnrtYl CArnllnn .W. W. Hofclen, editor of the Raleigh, N. C, " mounted by noTel riders such as goats, coons, standarL with a delegation of Unionists of that . squirrels and chickens. oeyerai cows were aiso St te baT0 arrived here upon the invitation of VX uie Uue. xuc wawio prvvauij Vttf ourou by Sherman's , Bummers,t on some of their raids on the property ifthe citizen-guerillas of the Carolinas and Georgia. -- v - -'.-xrvxcr'oi1 the review; 'b ;, 1:, .: The proceedings of the past tvrp fajs will, bo doubt, have a nenenciai . en ecu upon tt ntmos el the representatives oi ino loreign tothe construction of the Old North State has Governments who witnessed it. They, have h determined upon, but it is' probable the oeen enaDiea io 5 plan of reconstruction applied to North Caroli of what has been styled the , Washington Gov: k wiU indicate tte policy to be adopted by th verameat. - tae "xxormern uvTeramem, r etc. the President, to consult in reference to thel re- construetion of the State Government: They had an interview with" the President j to-day. Another delegation, headed by B'. F. Moore, ex- Senator Bedford Brown and ex-Governor Swain, PRIVATE 'BOARD WASTED. A SINGLE GENTLEMA-N desires to eeeure pri vate board for. the Summer, in a small reapec tabic family, with a comfortable lurnisned room, within five minutes walk of the ilarket. Apply, at THIS OFFICE. May 31 I . 77.3t BIG THIN6 ON ICE. Or KEGS LAGER BEER tored tl Gaje's Ice VU House; and for sale by the kegor plasa at the Veranta Saloon, by. , ( - J. H. N. CORKEHtSON. , May 61 77-2t Mim AND PAPER COLLARS 'At ; "'.A ;; ':, ; j ' : ' MUNS0N & jCO'S. NIGHT BLOOMING CERECS. 1 No Lady or Gentleman's toilet is com plete without it. Sold by ; MUNSON & CO. May 13th , - ' f ' - H. H. MCNSON & CO., 'I Manufactures of Gentlemen s. Cloth u V -i a ajSW,w' representing the anti-radical clement, are also an(a BPaiers :n FurniflhlnW Good beneficial effect upon -the vltd. As yet no definite policy in regard ing . ana AJeaiers in Ifurmsmng .ixoods, reaentatives of tho foreign .f,; nf nu -ntk fof h.s v ' Combs, Brushes, Perfumeries, and ne doubt theif despatches to their respec tive Governments will ; inform ; them tnat after four years of ciyil. war, tho Kepablic still ;lives. It will do more goodithan almost any amount ef correspondence from our. State Pepartment. The' eUtterine bayonets that have dazzledl their eyes will have the effect of showing 'them that "na-nfrrflUHr" ihp hnA.sidd character ! that j UVUW VM.vw mw- .w T " harbors pirates , aad - prevents the a " hunting down, that allows the cencocting "of plots to burn peaceful, towns and rob unoffending citi zens, that winks at t&e barjboring of1 assassins and legalize bleckade running, ana other ynea ttmVZ doinr. a of that charaCter,;aTe fa game; that others can play at, and that may need repress when opportunity offers. ; - " SCENES ALOICQ THE BOUT. y T All aloBg the rbote 'ef march flowers ;were bountifully lavished upon the officers and men. -At -General -Augur's - headquarters Secretary Seward and'a.number 6f ladies presend bon qnsia to General Sherman and other omcers, and a "vTillard's Hotel some friends of General Blair presented bim with a ' splendid ' banner. Mrs. Sherman, who .stood beside - her husband throughout the review, had a bouquet or wreath for the celor-bearcref every regiment. .Friends and relalrTear whef had journeyed1 manymiles . to greet a long absent sob, husband, brother or fricmd seired them by the hand, and expressed theirjoy-attheir safe return.. - , v.- Frecientlywhen "a temporary break in the processi en . Volald occur, ; between, the passage of thVcTUfejeht hriffabies 'and v4iTisiohs; crowds clcitiieb?, including nnmbtra .of laidics woolJ: wnirr.ixU th- FTace in front of tw r"W .government in regard to all the insurrectionary Merald, May 25th. v : f . 38 Market Street, May 25th Wilmington J &c- at NO. gso. HAaaiss, ' .' w. w. fiAaaxss, a. j. bowsll. . UARRISS & HO WELL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. i j ) f WUtaington N. C. Jane 1st ; :' ' j : , -: TUST received per Schr. " Elizabeth, 27 tabs ff prime Liard, in store and tor sai oy SELECT I0UR CLOTHIXG At May 25th MtJNSOK CO'S, " 38 Market Street. May ,26th J. SHACKELFORD. No. 6, South Water Street. J . : ' i 73-lw EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK BURNISHED in, amounts to suit -purchasers, by Jn 5 r : JOS. R. BLOSSOM A CO Tlay 27th' v,M; .. ' - .- Xi-lm Claret and other Wines, Liquor?, Cordials, Congress Waicr, : Wood and Willow Ware, V - "-.,.: -;.-: -!-;': :' ' ' . Crockery ahd GJass Ware, Housekeeping Utensils. '.''.. !. i , ; Tin Ware, Fancy Articles, i- - ..' ' ! ' : . Snrintr and' Rummer nintVim ' '. Gents Furnishing Goods, Straw, Fur, and Wool Hate, Caps, &e., Boots and Slioes. Also, at our Store,. Market Street, DRY GOODS,- , j . , r MILLINERY GOODS. Ladies' Misses and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES. . Owing, to the return of TJSACE an decline in GOLD, the above Goods wil be sold at GREATLY REDUCE RA'iES. . ! ! .'.: CUTTER & Wilmington, May 2Cth, 1885. FREXOI. 73-tf REGULAR X.INE , TO : NEW r YORK; i. ;i:.,t'F . The first class Steamship I i3 now ready to receive freigh tand will sail with dispatch, j m, CASH ADVANCES made oij Merchandize cohsicried to ARTHUR LEAR Y, New York. SIGHT-DRAFTS on New Y"ork bought and spiel. CITY HOTEL 1 THE Subscriber calls the attention of his rienda and the public generally to his Branch Saloon, at the City Hotel, cornar of Market and.. Second Street, The beat of Wines, Liquors, Ale and Cor dials always on hand. - STEPHEN KELLT. May 26th ,73-1 la READY MADE CLOTHING Adapted to the season, at May 19th MBSON & CO'S. t H; ;i: wanted;.' A VERY large Horse, suitable for a double Koct away." Most' be pentl e and kind in harness Apply to Poet ANDERSON, on Market street, next to General nawley's ofSee : re ( f f T6-t ' Office at. 3Ir. Jos. Bhacktlford'H, former resi dence of Dr.,Thos ."Wright. T - UNDER SHIRTS ' AND DRAWERS : : W H! MUNSON & COS. ; - May 17th ; . ; j, . ; .-, ;;. J- v nun on,, i . . ; Fomade, Cologne, Thompson's Toath. Soap, . Hair, Hat , and : Tooth Brnshes, Drossinff, FiaO and Tuck Comes, Fancy Orders executed for Merch&t- di tze. Apply .to HORACE H. BARRY. On the Wharf, foot of Chestnut St, I- l!or u . , S0Z0B0X1V An invaluable article for dS WVV41 U44v ' V-J CI 7HAPPISG rAPEH, 1