1 jr. '4 5 t r m f . 4 ".. j , - em !iiv i'ivi mm 'A v it . f u 1 Ml' Mil WOSIKGTOX, ri. WEBXESDAY HOBXUG, JU.VE 21,-1885; Mice TCJi LTa3; Jf1 Hi r frH TT7! 7T et?T . M fHt ffn -pes H i -rf if! r lit IfF ' J yiylbi .v . it' r i ii .i i . 'i i i ii it i i it I i UE fflUIKGTOX HERALD. wjs. r.Trrj one compiaiaeU of it, but just at the time aooe had energy enough to attempt a remedj. A alight fall of rain would be appre ciaied to cool the atmosphere a little. A. take pace in October, or KoTember. at th JUIf E 21 T . ..1T Of UBSKAU W5.-lBBn! jta)o nonsense, pnnted in Tarions ibe Xew York Jlerald, in relation .infs for treason .gains Lee, Johns! br Hittry leaders of the rebellion. On ' M there are iJnt denunciations of the LjlrttineM nd bd fnith of snch peraecu it is csll. n1 on the other side equally expressions the other way. No one need k disturbed about any such indict mentsl tfe rotten up and engineered simply aa a L of notorjety by small politicians in Vir Ijjfy emanate from men who choose that "id to mak oise lest lhe couulrJr l"ould' L ware of" tLeirjexistence. , When Jbe in stoti h ;ac:oniplisuei this object they k beard of no more. MJUTbe Alabama state archires, re bj ibe rebels to Augusta, Ga., on the of General Wilson's caralry, rere re- Treeorere4 and arrired at Mobile on the B,t on their way to be returned to lb s cap- TnixoH Seej Yk3teriat. portable cott. prers was noticed picking cotton on the wharf opposite Mr. J. dhackieford's establishment yesterday. ' The work wa done rery handsome ly and quickly. The bands engaged in its ope rations say lhat; it is kept quite busy packing the odds and ends in the city, and putting sadly used bales in a marketable condition. A pair of scales waa alo "at workt weigbiog the sla, 1e in one of the alleys between Market and Dick streets. The bales1 seemed to be pitched from an upper story. This is where the stuff will "come from for the market if only time can be giren.', Erery Tessel sailing for the north brings to iignt a new up-story cotton warehouse. In another one of these alleys some fiftj or more bjrre a of turpentine' were rolled out. Now where did they come from ? .1.., Assumption of the Gubernato rial Dalies of (lie State by the Provisional Governor. Part of tlie Acts of the Rebel L,c sisltitnie Declared VicK ' : . ; ,.:s . " - A Convention lo Sleof iti Time to Scud Delexif4 Co Congress (EaWgh Correspondence of the N. T. Herald.) RaUigh, X. C, June 8, 1805. Governor Holden to diy took possession of the Governor's room at t hie Capitol and en tered u on the formal discharge of the duties devolving upon him as the Prorisional Exe cutive of this State. nuruUr of pievrs find placiss th co?a in th bajr. rtde off. Ttte . MXt rooming nr.TT. . nmttnMtitMM-hMuUnynm', profusioitall Uut lb iuaiid. V rememlie that .North CaruKna aecurHe Seme twt hunslred lthou5iUd 2zhr we n: X v J 8Inn? ,h KaTn.ircsfnient in stolen leafing about ono LiinJrcJ and twentv-. ttif nrukeL Thin Stat has ever povsessed a taousand. . With tbb amount ' tr Jnk vCi-j gc a- ded of pnde en the sutject of her in cers joarneyei o Alder, hut trisef wn.; rb n j m gt contrariety to aojie ef Upou reaching AbboiI!ef South Carolau, a hrMS;er Sathetn StatesJ "North Carolina taey ollercd aT rowarl! ,o twenty lb JOand Unk nott-9 werm rnrl! - I i . . 1 1 . r . I ! . r- Tba w us.v-itw mu a wvui mr inn rrf i in I itf1 iiitifi ft v . " r -r r x- ' I . . r ;i . - . ry distant da T. Gorerrmp iTnliAn wb. I n.! caah . i I.. --t'tnmf S e ; his full (hm nt ft.;. .)- i u: I . - .it i .i i . L rra t. j T , . t"" ut ui i w uiu aj use aqy estraoroi iarj , suiwimi aoors nave eter been l oi exerted m the cause of North Carolina. He tins originated a plan for at once redeeming precaution U presjrj tbetr pvperty. t Oft AUvAUiat una vecu oii;catcu Kekpixo ' a Dj soRDKBivr Hottse. It is grat ifying to hear that efforts are being made to break up all disorderly houses in this city. On yesterday Louisa Jefferson and Alley Wil liams (negros) were arrested at their house on the corner of 6th and Chestnut streets, said to be keeping a disorderly houtfe.' They are still m custody awaiting a hearing. There are many caes occurring of this, character, and it is pleasing indeed to know that all such will be dealt with &s they IdeserTe. ; This place must rid herseif of such bad characters, evea should it be at some other's expense. i New. Goods. In to-day's paper will be found the advertisement of Colin & Ryttpnberg, which we desire specially to call the ladies' attention to first and every one else afterwards. . Their THB ArPOINTMEXTS. lie has already made the following appoint men's : ' . C. R. Thomas, Sccrefciry of State. Jonathan WbrthvSt vfelVea surer. 1 J. S. Cannon, Aid cle-Ciimp, with the rank of eolonel. f t . 1 ' TIIE TOLICT OP GOVERyolTnOLDEN. Since " his return from AYashington Mr Holden hus been calmly deliberating as to the best way. and means to secure the welfare of his State iq thU the greatest crisis of here'y istence." The unostentatious manner in which he has undertaken to discharge tho guberna lorni t unctions, tne complete absence ot any thing like arbitrarjy determination io act after the dictates of his j own feelings, his submis sion ot his opinions, to the Guidance of the & Montgomery. The stolen archives of the of Mississippi ka( hw been secured, and t the state capital. The late rebel nor Moore, ,eat north under guaid. -Uaion meetings eioz b'eld in different parts of Alabama, utional banks are to be immediately estab i in Mobile and Montgomery. In Mobile U as the oiher southern cities, President ion's amncfv proclamation excited xn'Jclv r?t and discussion. -.. I vO xbib OxE.t Iham G. Harris, the exrebel nor of Tennessee, had a prudent regard to rn interests while promoting rebellion. v the Elate archives has beeii found a re" O i 4 from Browp, Brothers & Co., acknowledg- , receipt of forty three thousand I,UOU ubliahment, corner Princess and Water streets, by the manner in which ho has eschewed 000(15) IV UV JiitA a.v vi waaa J. i, Sbip'y k Co.. London. A $1,000 state m found with the' coupons all cut off. urging the people of his state to the verge ifiication of their property, this immacu- ine crewit of the 2tate andj placing her sc?u r.tie.s i.nce more on the o?d fooling. From facts, in hU p ssession he estimatea the nunn- tity of tottou, turpentine and other property ( of the lUdi'mond nil twlongino: to the State will! net fmm fhL I dv i li nir .1 uvo .million of dollar, which sum w:ll pay off the interest on the State bond issuetl be fore th2 war, as well as leavn a margin for contingent and emergent jexoenses until a yter .of State taxation is adopted. TU willingness to pay the IndbTrdne? s, tMs manifest good faith, will place those lndj at their old valu and it U hope J enable the State 'treasurer to raise Money on the issue ot now bouds.: r I ; 1 rrom ta NV VJ Tliara, 1Mb. J ' w r . i Mr. John Mitcbel, nn' or'tb'e"cIitora oftho . New York Oailv. New and re; ently of ono erst; i; was arrentcu jcsicr- sent to Fortnaa Monroe. FROM MEXICO. stock was well selected, and bought expressly j rnmity. of those who at. first thought that a for this market. An examination will repay more suitable appointment of Goverhor might the trouble." - i; : '- -' havo heen made. I " - - - aiaL'2i. f - ' i ' v i , , As these remarks would indicate, he has so Another place for goods at wholesale and re. far taken and wjll take, "notep w -.ich is iaii on reasonaDie terms is Taos. i.vnch's . ee. nt i;irfolw mt,,r lin ia iori u Tlie Liberals Gaining Gronud Thcrc it not au Imperialist in Some of the States. The New York Post's Vetu Cruz corres pondence of June 1 says the Emperor is st ll on tns pleasure tour throufffi the countrv. loyal Uninniits whom he has invoked in coun j while everything is at a! stand still in the cil about hitn; have made for him earnest I capital awaitins his return.l L friends of those who Were heretofore his polit- I The Liberals have gained more ground ical and social confreres, and paralrzed the I during the last month than thev hve lit during the last year. General Negrete still holds Monterey, Sal tillo, and all tho country between the cities and the coast : . The attack on Matamoras owinz to Persons from the up-couritrv miffht call and see ' 4 , . 9 a a - , Jiis stock before making other purchases. utriotwas aecuringat their expense a snug tency atroid in ths event of his having cetbe United State's. - - -4, r - igsed, Tf.e late rebel Governor Allen, of ana, has ihted a farewell address to the ; of that stale, acknowledging the inexo logic of events, the failure- of the rebellion, at be no longer assumes to be their exec and counselling them to submit gracefully' national aathoritiea. A Chanck for thk Fae meb. The attention of firm era is cnlled to the sale at. auction, of horses, mules, &c, advertised io to-day's paper, by Ciipt. II. B.. Blackman, A. Q. M , to take place on the 20th June, (next Monday.) Au opportunity, is now presented to the farming clafs.in particnlar, j to supply themselves wit!) animalsihat'will ans wer their purposes, and will no doubt be sold cheap. The great demand for animals will no doubt attract many ' to the sile on that day. . . ' ? ' ; autocratic powers, ins-nrst act on his arr val was to summon the prominent Union men of the State, and his house bas beeo a Utee of them ever since. He has talked with all lie hasydisrussedp canvassed and investigat ed the' merits of -men and things in every county fcf the Sate, and is tlioroughly posteU on the btj8t interests of all. He bas not been self-opinionated. ( He has welcomed' the ad v ice of all competent to assist him in w hose judgment he could trust. " ; '. ' i J His policy during his adminstration will be a national oi.e. lie will be the thorough friend of the government, and no meisure which does not assimilate the State to the federal Union will meet witn ms approval : una we failed, n bv tl at Brownsvi-le when the Liberals approached dy T.e public were first itifortnod of the fact by two large p acards in frdnt tl the News orfce, . . on which was prjiied. tl)9 announcement that John Mitchtl had be n j arrested by militarjr 1 power and can iwl ss. Naturally amon lit . fricudi this summary proceeViIirg causini ctuif siderablo arpriseid JaciTu alarm T :Nitiier surprise nor alarm wo. ej however, of the least avail.!- Mr. MitcielV career was suJdeo'y ended, and the wyrld mures on. 5 : j j : . i ' i The fa ts conn cu d with the arrest sr ss rr. follows : It h id been iJetermincd week sgo by the Washington auth )ri ties that Mr. Mttc el's arrest shouldj Le apeedtlf made, in I hli journalistic oppor. unities inspuded far the present. For reas.ni ent'Nly satiaUctoiy, tho matter was deferie 1 Until yoaterJay, whtH; Gen l)ix detailed; Lt. Ufm. II. 1 orris, of the cc; Twentieth New York Battery, "and Eaiecti res Elder and Kelso as tho capturing party. Ta king a cirfiag they rot to) the otflfe of ths " ; ' -News.' Ihoy .were shown to ths odco of c ' the proprietor, Mrl Uenjmin Wood, U trLon. they simply remarked tha-thcy desired toics ,t Mr, Mitchcl. This lciii a matter of frequent a occurrence excited no surprise or spprvhen ,m j sion in Mr. Wood's niintj. and he conducts them to the adjoining office, in which sat tho' ' the threatenine position taken bv the nebula iobieotof their visit, busily encaeed in wri- i T 1 . I T -1 . . . rmo I Tmiok!.. It!.. I . L I I m uwg uim wit, iuo auoutar one ox announced his errand, when Mr. Xtatamoras. ; The whole' State 'of" Tamaulipas exception cf Tampico and Alatomoras nan js oi tne idoepws. In the fetata of Michoacan the Count de Portier has been badly beaten by tbs Liberal troops," under "General Regules, and in the State of Tobacco and Chiapas not -a French man nor Imperialist is to be found. The veterun General Alvarez still holdi his'pasi- tion as governor ot. ine btate of (iuerrero. The whole coast south Campeacbv, remains session, of the Juarists. The French despair of pacifying the.oountry unless fifty thousand more J?re.cn troops aro sent there tincr. I ouch in or o- . O the oncers . with the Mitchel desired him fo remove his hsnd, and , oras, is in Lieuti Morri, intcrfcriui, gaid : Take your ;. ' tra.id off, officer ; Mr. Mifchel will with you " ' without any difficult v.M . EnterW of 3Ir. Wood, Mr i Mitcbel said : "I. am tr restnd ;" to which Mr. ood rtDlied that ha ueemea is an ouxraee . 1 1. A 1 -1 uuu, wit ub nircmRiT regretted it. Without i further wo rdm anil -.1 roved. The Salisbury Union Banner to ns printed on a full. sheet and other inch improVeii We are pleased to notice dication of the enterprise of our 1 lively orary, and trust that it will meet with a of success that will justify the increased, in greater -expenditure. ' Srccissoa or Judos Catron. Among pokeir of in connection . with the judge ' tbt Bupre,B court, made vacant by the if Judga Catron, is the Hoa..Heraee May It is -hardly probable, however, that any teent will.be made immediately. Bust. It was worth a visit to Water street wharf yesterday, as1 warm as the day was,: to witness the discharging ef freight from the steamer Euterpe, just arrived from New York Her car ?o seemed to be large, and the rattle of dr iy a delivering it j to t he proper owners was music to the business souL Harriss & Howell, the agents, seem to understand getting freight out of the way too. Everything ono ves about them' with the most perfect pystem. know the extent of the power which his ap- . Ur. (iwinn has arranged his Sonora projet. s given It only awaits Maximilian s signature. He The Istpeoved Condition. Fortune seems to be' smiling upon this place. Not a street dis turbance of any kind has been noticed for the two Or three days just parsed. 'Even' the drunk enness at one time so common is not now to be JCAT10-XS J0R PAB.D3X UNDK& THS Ah- PaocLAMATiojr. Over three hundrel apv mi for special pardon of civilians, excep tar the amnesty proclamation, have been b the attorney general since that procla vu iasuad. .: pointment as Provisional Governor has g him. , i--.0. ',. ;i ' j '" 1 1 Among his first'aefs will be an investigation of the various bureaus of the State. He in tends to orgar ize tl!e, Treasury Department without delay, in order that the financial con ditibn of the State and its public institutions may be ascertained in time for the consider-; ation of the convention. : : ' " ' AX IMPORTANT FEATURE ; of Governor Holdrns pIicy will be to sepa rate the acts of the Legislature which met during the progress of the rebellion into two classes those referringto the so-called Con federate government and those referring to State and domestic" matters only, and suggest the action of the Convention of the Legisla ture appointed under it upon the latter class. Many mattem affecting individual interests not at all conn cted with the cause or the ob- Mn it ftll. Thincrs are certainly imnreviner. and. if the city is to be allowed a civil govern- jeets for which tlie rebellion was inaugurated ment! directly, it will be turned over as well A Richmond correspondent states that i ao foundatioa for the report of the disV eat of Mr Botts wit h the policy of Gov. tt. The state archives have been recov- regutated and orderly as any city of its size in the whole country. ! . . ! - AtTEHPT-AT Shooting. J. L. Robins was arrested by order of Gen. Ilawley, on the ojipo site aide of the river on Monday, j and. turned over !to the provost marshal yesterday, charged with -an attempt to shoot a negro. The circum stances of the case have not been brought out. Oovsrnorsj Vance j and Letcher' are yet t at the capitol prison, and have not ap- r pardon, although it is expected tbeyJ ao. ' To ADVERTisKits.--In order to have their ad . hive come within the scope ot the late t tat e Legislatures ; thus, for instance, the appoint ment ot magistrates who have solemnized numerous marriages during-the war. It the ac?s of these Legislatures are to be declared void, then ths magistrates so appointed have been without proper authority, the marriages so solemnize i have been empty forms, a nu the children born jfiom them are illegitimate. This is but one instance of a number which I miw-ht cite where a total'-disregard of the authority of the reoel S ate Legislatures would be the occasion of much private and individual iniustice. Governor Holden oim- witnout delay, Mr.jMitchel went to the door; entered the carriage witn the nartrj AJ waa of Vera Cruz, except driven to headquartors.j He was there la- ' in the undisputed pas formed as to toe uatu e of . the order receited vjtvu. win n wasi pcremj'tory sad en f ' tire!- without dii,cretioi nry power, and than was taken quietly to the small boat of tho Gen ral's private steamer, the Burden,1 which lay with steam up in the? North Jtiver, wsit-' in for h r s ditary passenger, ln'orxaxllon : of every kiad is denied the press by thsoTf. -ccrs on duty at headquarters. . Whether they trcopj go with him to pro'ect the emigrants nor)ny more about it than we, is a msttt r and fortify the frontier againal the excursion question but tho;r orders are precise, aud of the dreaded Yankees. Br. Gwinn's son is they cannet braeks theur, even to obHire the public - i ..!'. rl 1 he more intimate pojitical friends of Mr.' Mitcbel have been in readiness for this phase in his checkered career, and it is said that a habeas prepared foz the emergency : but -unfortunately for him, long before his friends ' knew of his appreheusioh, he was gonit and the places which knew him before.' knew hja ' no more thereafter. It s believed by many that a letter written byjMr. Mitcbel in yss ierday's News, was tho immediate cause of his arrest. . The letter closes thus: : - "I asked leave of nobody to coma to this ' city snd tp write in the News. Farther, I do not conceive myself to U here, snd going at -" lare, by virtue of the amnesty that some papers ihave mentioned, i Neither.hare I ask ed anyj pardon ; and Intrust the President will not pi ess a pardon upon me ontil t shall have , been first convictod of something ; T V " nt nmt the article" 1 i Unless wo aro greatly ! mistaken, we think it will be fonnd lhat Mr. Mitchcl fa n answer for giving aid And comfort to the ne- a t j At. : . goes as . Director tieneral of Lnngration . to the States of Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango and Tamaulipas. Eight thousand French to get all the railroads of Sonora. Of course no emigrants are to be admitted except picked Confederates, and all Northerners are exclu ded. The French Admiral has gone to per suade Maximilian, to purchase tho Stonewall at Havana, with which he is confident he can defend the coast against the whole American fleet. gAL INTELLIGENCE. .FOURTH OF JULY. 1 vertisements inseitedand to facilitate the pub- prehends the situritioti, and while he will net lication of the paper, advertisers will hand in in the least countenance any enaexmeni wuiuu their favors in the evening , by 5 o'clock.- concerned the rebel government, he Will pru- nen lavurs m mo c g, j v regard th ri-r ts of all, loyal or dis Jt is found almost impossible to attend to orders uch ts are consistenUy and .for tlie next wsue if delayed beyond that hour. . . demanded. ! 7 , j v -: OS of Citizens to .Complete ye- terday, supposedj to be Arrangements. , : ; citiiens of Wilmington, and all others to the appropriate celebration of the king anniversary of the national inde e, are requested to meet at the CITY HALL, - . .- . fang at 8 alocit to perfect the necessary meats. i Uavv riTiv.v.KX ! US41 A - ' w - About, eight hupdied negros, be to Charleston and Savannah, and who a loafing about here living as far as pos a loverniaent bounty, were .yesterday lJ tUaleamer D. II. Mount, for their ome. Ij i8 to bft hoped hat nother t shortly disposed of in the same They can be" dispensed with and. no J will be felt from it. Wilmington only Aose.that wm work for their living. A wed men were also on board bound to "I!!! .thf rem somhern-sUtes. AxiLvj WasK-The iat few days xceednglj warm and uncomfortable. u not exactly hot enough to roast an Wad, but it wis warm knough to re- Uaer of what he may expect herd- M h does not reform of his wicked " SftffosED Dks krters. Jno. Cbllins and Jno." Butler were brought up to the provost office deserters from the tt s citomer T.nnn. This vessel is one of j m X . those now on duty in the river , at this place. f Tlie Seveu-Xliirty Ioaii. - V Philadelphia, June 14, 1865, r The subscriptiotis - tc-day to the Seven Thirty loin in all parts of the Union as tel-e-'iaphed to Jay Cooke, subscription agent, amoun'.eu to ,uw,iwu.: j . Philadelphu, June lo, lous. The subscriptions to the seven-thirties to day.famount to $1 703,200. There were one, thousand one hundred and niney-twoJndividu nl euscription fo. sums of fifty and one hu.n died; dollars eachil ;j ' ; f - V ' r j Philadelphia, June 10; ASoo. The subscriptions to day were $2,011,00. the number or individual snbsenbers amount ed to 1,483. ' .:-JT. ''. ; ''. ". ..j-;- 1 - ! ... . . .- t ' Arrival ot General Terry. - ! Major General Terry, the f ditingnished captor of Fori Fiher has arriyrd.' in this city jfr 'm North Carolina. It U stated though not bfficially, that General' Terry will take command of the Department of Virginia, thus reliVying Genera! Hallfck, who has been as signed t the Dpartmnt of lhe Pacific," and General OrdTw hose destination is not stated. General Terry is spoken of in the, highest terms of admiration by all who know Litu. Richmond Republic. ion rjuwered to administer the loyal citizens c zen so subscribing - Maryland wants five hundred thousand Yan kees to emigrat te that State. - THE APPLICATIONS FOB PARDON ! are already quite numerous. ; The recognized influence of Mr. Holden with President Johnson h'is been ! tho cause of the submi; sion of these applications to him for endorse ment."-: ' .''. , r TnE CONVENTION. , One of the nam era rhs of the proclama will embrace either a call or a suggestion. for a S ate convention, to assemble hero as soon after the 1st of September, proximo as possi ble. The manner of electing delegates and qualifying ol voters therefor will be as fol lows : Mr. Holden, by virtue pf his office, -ni nnnoint magistrates for each county, tried and trusty Union men,: wiio wm ucw the ; amnesty oain iu of the county. Lach citi- to the oath will be provi- AWAAm S ..a Xtu a opriP.iitA in that ctfect. ana tne presentation of this certificate on the day of Election will bo ithe onl requisite proof f iht - tr vote.- In addition to this the alio S - . : m , ' magistrates will preserve a list of all citizens entitled to vote. ; i : ' ' '.- The registration: of all the voters and the administering of the oath will occupy, it is uf until tliP 1st of SeDtembcr, so that on-tin tho most enthusiastic and most eager, lor it do not expect the assemblage of the conven tion before the. 15th of Lhat menth. Iudeed i dplvd until the 1st of October. Tf ;a rv durable that the State should.be represeu ed in tke national Congress oext -;n( nd th the attainment of this end the J;.t Tint bft slow in arraniri'iff for an election to choose a regular Governor, State Legislature, and representatives at Washinjrtoa. This election wiU probably Tlie Arrest offjGen. X,ee A. XliU- tary Imbroglii Stnnton Snub bed Agniu-Offer of a Home to Richmond correspondence of the- Peteisburg , . '::':' Daily Newsj A story has been current here for some time, which, as I have never seen it in print, I send for what it is worth, f It is said, that the Secretary of War sent an order to Major General Ord, commanding him to arrest Gen eral Lee. Gen Ord refused, and seated as his reason that he considered Gen. rendered his person sacred from terference. ' 1 . .' ' ! ' . '. The reply was a peremptory order for lhe arrest, to which! Gen. Ord responded by ten dering his resignation. At this juncture Gen. Grant became acquainted time interfered order ot Mr. otanton recaiiea ana tne res.g nation of Gen. Ord refused,, all occasion for it beine now over.!:A-.' '-4w- -l-v'- : : The story 'is so generally told that I sus pect there is troth it. ) ' " The Hon. Thomas Cohnoly, M. P for Don egal, 'Ireland, has tendered to Gen i Lee a home for himself and 1 family, in any part of Great Britain he . may select. The ger erous offer has been declined. - j .4 , rr ir' Tne Oold of the Eiclimoiid Banks Particnlars of t tie Great V Robbery 0200,000 Stolen. V From the Augusta (Ga.). Transcript, June 2. A few days since two of -he officers of the Richmond banks" w hose assets were removed from that city upon: the evacuation in April, reached Washington in this State. , They were empowered by the authnrities to remove thcir'effects, consisting of $32tj,000 in specie, to tne uaDiiai 01 virerinia. A-rocunntr leams and a guard ox twelve , men, tnese gentlemen set out upon their return home, intending to take the railroad at Chester,, South -..Uaro- linaw-;..'-i''i:TH' r.h'l-'. ! L'--"-:: li- At the end ef the first day's journey they encamped on the grounds of Mrs. Moore, fif teen m lea from ' Washington and three from the Savannah- river. - The oCcers retire! and the euard fell asleep. About midnicrht a mies of the United States, uspedallr In ra- 1 Ua ... . . . made his arrest a matted r absolute necessi l7' ' understand that Mr; -Mitchel'a fam ily will reach this city from the South ta-daw The Way to flcTiro Oo at hern The Corni Exchange of litii;mM 1 . . ken a god step towards! reviving trade with. the South. j'Tney "kno that vjroductien Is first necessary to exchange; and to enable the' boutn to nroaoee, tbey have formed a society for furnishing as a loan o Southern farmers ' and agriculturists, . Impjementa, seeds, &c., to enable them to resntae operations. .The farmers must sow before tbey can reap, and a community must have food to live opon be- ' fore it can seek outside .luxuries. ' ' ccmnis : are given of the conditiotjof the people Soutby which 'would indicate ian apprehension of j great sufferings for food, but if. the cotton lands are planted w th corn, as stated, we do not think that tbtf danger ean bo so very im minent in t te future,' however straitened the people may be for the present. In a prod ac tive country- like, the South, there can be no difficulty in raising enough food if there waa - but labor to rUnt it., I here may be diuculty to gather the crops for want of the labor, not because it is not lb be jhad, but because its relations are disturbed, for tne present and there is trouble m rcitoring them on a satis factory basis. The necessities of both parties will eventually settle this difficulty. A sup ply of fat ruing uten-ils ent them at this time, with the improved northern machi icry for gathering the crops safely ani;ecoaomically( will do much towards Jht ping them this point, will ayert the danger of starvstion, and he the me.ma of nuttinc it in the noWer of the South of directing . iU 3abor to the object of party of twenty mounted I men, " who . were evidently aware of "the value of the train, suddenly dashed upon it, and lhe guards sur rendered without tiring a gun or niakiog the slinhUst show of, resistance. Ths fr?eb5ot erslmmedately. went to work, burning open the specie kegs' and helping themselves to the Vlittering cbntents: " One fellow, !t is related had la large leathern haversack, which he filled, but iust as be was mounting his horse 4h atrana rare wav arid the r.Teeion mVtal fell clinking to the ground. He eageyly trade te well as the mee purposes of prestat icraped up the gold and land, rlevwg J iUDsisienco. r.Aw. vm i .1 i

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