^C WILMINGTON MIAUL BUSINESS CARDS. WIUMP^jESIS jwne sc Ordered to leave the Country. I In accordance with instructions from^the Secretary of War, Archibald -McFarland, Gporae McFarland, Alexander McFarland, Thomas Cook, Archibald McKay, B. Archi bald and Robert Prindle, were released from the Old Capitol prison this morn : ng upon their parole to leave the United States.— These men, who are aliens, it will be remem bered. were arrested here some time ago and tried by a military commission for engraving the Confederate treasury note plates.— JK^A- ington Stdr,^^ The Bull RUM Monuments not Destroyed. The Washington Chronicle says : The sensation reports relative to the de struction of the monuments erected at Grove ton and Bull Run a.e false in the extreme. We have the authority of the Commanding General of this Department to deny such re ports. We could hardly believe that there were any persons so dead to every instinct of honor and reverence as to commit such an act of vandalism. Letters of Administration on the Estate of the Late President. Letters of administration on the estate of the late President Lincoln were issued on Thurs day by the Probate Court of Sangamon county to Hon. David Davis of Bloomington, Judge of the United States Circuit Court for the Southern District of Illinois. Ron.,J. F. Stuart is surety upon the bond. The esti mated valure of the estate is $75,000. The National Loan. Philadelphia, June 18, 1865. Jay Cooke reports the sales of seven-thir ties yesterday at $2,053,200. There were 1,438 individual subscriptions for S50 and $100, Total subscriptions for the week end ing June, 17, $11,,925,000. A. E. HALL, ■COMMISSION MERCHANT, ^ No. 19 North Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. Consignments solicited. June 22d 96-lm PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DIL lJuORBIN, Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist. so Market. St., (over Willis’ Drug Store.) Artificial Teeth repaired. June 13th. 88-lm MISCELLANEOUS. AT T,OW PRICES JOHN TURTON, Commission Merchant BEABuER IN NAVAE STORES, &c 154 Front Street, New York. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. June 16th 91-6m DIL W. R. LANGDON, OFFERS his professional services to the people of Wilmington and vicinity. Office at his re sidence, Nouth side of Market Street, above Fourth. June 7th 83 AT COM & Ri TTENBEROl * a : arsa ' " MUM IIMJ), An li.lepondo: . I ..hi,,!, Family Newspaper, Published daily and weekly at WW-Ms wa'o.v, iv, c. BY THOMAS BI. COOK & CO. T II E CHAS. SMITH, GEO. S. SMITH, CHAS. E. (HARLES SMITH & CO, Commission Merchants, FOR the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton, Spirits Turpentine, Rosin of -11 kinds, Pitch, Tar, Ac. Agents for Dupont’s Powder. No. 6 Central W harf, Bos ton. June 16th 91-3m NORTH CAROLINA CLOTHING EMPORIUM, N. E. Corner Front and Market Streets, Lippitt’a Old Corner. A large stock of Men’s, Youth's and Children’s Ready-made Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Hats Ol every description and Boots and Shoes c instantly on band, at low prices. June 16—91-lm S. M. SIMPSON. H. H. MUNSON, A . L . SCOTT H. H. MUNSON & CO., D EALERS in Gentlemen’s Glothipg. Furnish ing Goods, Comos, Brushes, Perfumeries ic., &c., Ac, June 15th 8 Market Street, Wilmington, N. C. 90 JOHN A. BAKER, Attorney at Law, CAN be found at his office, over Whitaker’s Book Store, or at his room, situated on Wal nut Street, two doors from the Southeast corner of Front and " alnut Streets, and opposite the 33 MARKET STREET, Consisting of Fancy Dress Goods, Calicoes, 1 ont Street Methodist Church June 15th 90 WILLIAM A. COOK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law 113 13 RO A.DWuA.Y, New York. P RACTICES in all the Courts of the State and of the United States. Will give personal aid prompt attention to the settlement of claims; ad justment of accounts, and other professional busi ness. Refers to the Editor of The Wilmington Herald. March 17th, 1865. Delaines, Challies, Ginghams, Muslins, Shawls and Mantillas, of the latest styles, Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s DULY WILMIWTOY HERALD Is published every morning, (Sundays except, ed,) nd contains the very latest POLITICAL, AGRICULTUR AL, SCIENTIFIC, FINANCIAL, AND LITERARY 1W2EE3 ^^5^^ Both Foreign and Domestic; employia. «it, production the r j o in TELEGRAPH, MAILS, AND EXPRESSES. _ 1 be design of (he publishers is to make this journal a daily photograph of the condition of the whole country. S HIPPING FOR NEW YORK, Shoes and Slippers, Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Hosiery, Collars and Sleeves, Kid Gloves, Mitts, THE Atlantic Coast Mail Steam Veils, Nets, Ships And other articles too numerous to men- The Alleged Alabama .Assassinator;* The rebel General Maurey, the late rebel governor Moore, of Ala., and a man named Gaylev, charged with having offered a reward of $1,000,009 for the murder of President Line In, arrived at Fortress Monroe from New Orleans on Saturday last under guard. PHENIX INSURANTE COMPANY MARINE INSURANCE OFFICES 1 5°' } 3 2 Broadway, New Tork, (No. 1 Court Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Cash Capital $1,000,000 00 . 316,728 82 CAPTAIN ELRIDGE, DOWISA MOORE tion, which with our previous stock of IN POLITICS, It will be independent of all party or faction studying only the interest of the whole country’ and giving especial attention to the political af fairs of ourown Stale. Il will be at liberty to denounce and expose corruption, malfeasance^ or incapacity in office by whomsoever practiced' to advocate such lines of policy as shall seem to promise the utmost good to the masses of the people; and to encourage and sustain those who seek to promote (he public welfare. While it will ever be conservative in its general sent! ment, and study to harmonize the discordant elements in our midst, it will boldly and faith fully advocate the cause of the MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT Of WILMINGTON, June 26, 1865. Surplus July 1st, 1864 ^rrVk’TT $1,316,728 82 e been appointed Agents of the above 1 V Company, and are prepared to effect in surance on N essels and Carg oes, upon terms as fa vorable as other first class offices. CAPTAIN LESTER, June 13th KIDDER 4 MARTIX. will form a weekly line, sailing every Saturday from this port, for New York. For freight or passage, apply to Straw Goods, Military and citizens’ Clothin" Hats, Boots and Shoes, Gentlemen's Furnishing Good: ARRIVED. June 24th.—Steamer James Christopher, Fort Anderson. Steamer Gen. Howard, Smithville. do J. McB. Davidson, Bar. V. Sj Revenue Hetsel- CLEARED. June 24th.—Steamer James Christopher, Fort Anderson. Steamer Gen. Howard. Smithville. June 25th.—Steamer J. McB. Davidson, Fort Caswell. ’ COMMERCIAL WILMINGTON, June 24. Cotton—Very few transactions were made to day. The market is easy and but few sales report ed at about the former rates. Naval SIokes—No transactions of consequence. A slight advance was noticed in crude Turpentine, and spirits held at the last quotations. Rosins firm at former rates. ALFRED MARTIN, Commission Merchant, A ND Manufacturer of Oils, Naptha, and Pitch, Wilmington, N. C. ’ Jd 3m JAMES L HATHAWAY, ' (Formerly of the firm ofHaihaway & Co., Wil mington, N. C.) C 10MMISS0N MERCHANT, ' , 171 Bead Street, New York. 1 artnutar attention paid to the sale of South ern Produc . ' for g . hca.1 paningthem will be huthtull ,• and promptly exe cuted. ‘ J " ne ist 78.1m no. habbtss, w w. harhiss, a. .t. HOWELL HARRISS & HOWELL, /COMMISSION MERCHANTS, V Wilmington, N. C. June 1st HARRISS & HOWELL. June 7th 83 DRY GOODS, GROCERIES-&C- JUST ARBITER From New York, per Steamship The following Merchandize now charging and for sale by THOMAS LYNCH, Nos. 11 and 12, Water street, dis- New York, June 20. Cotton,—The market was dull, heavy and low er The advices from Washington that the cot ton trade is to be thrown open to the world—that of the Mississippi as well as East.—had a depres sing influence. The sales were 960 bales at 40c a 41c for mid-ding. We quote :— Upland Florida . Mobile N 0 & T. Ordinary WORTH & MANTEL, flEXEKaL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Consignments of Cotton, Naval Stores and reduce solicited. Office for the present, up stairs on the corner next Xorth ol I. C. & B. G. Worth’s old stand. June 2.1 79-Smp 50 20 corner of Princess street. Wilmington, N. C. barrels Flour, Good ordinary34 .Middling 41 Good middling47 Middling fair 50 34 41 47 50 3r 41 47 50 S4 41 47 50 Financial. New York. June 20. U S 6’s, 5-20’s 1931Z U S 6’s, 5-20 cou 103U U S 5’s, 10 40 96'1 Tennessee 6’s .’ 72^ Missouri 6’s 73^ Canton 38% Cumberland Coal ; 41^ N.Y. Central 93 Michigan Central .110% Quicksilver 515/ Erie 76% 109^ 1 Reading 96 Bills, Fw 4 CRR 95% Michigan Southern 63% Illinois Central R. R. -..'122% C and Pittsburg 68 Chicago and N Western 24% New York, June 21. Gold opened on the 20th at 139. Sold on the streets for 140, at 4p. m. Closed at 140%. Cotton Ui 18 a, ^ e d ’ groceries a shade lower : flour iv a 20c. Prices have a downward tendency. The Market. [By telegraph.]! p ., . . . ' New York, June 23. woiu to-day is firmer and idling at 142%. Lotton more lively and has advan ced t' ree cents from yesterday. Sales made to- day at 43 cents. Foreign Coinniercial Intelligence. ‘LONDON MONEY MARKET. London, June 9, 1865. ^ U ^ rn, . er ‘ The discount demand J oiz ,°d s bhls in open market are done rate was further reduction in the bank rate w as considered. cS™?' 8 ? losed “1W 3 90% for money; Illinois Stated 75 ^ ; Erie ^ares. 61^ United created wlt Bauk 0f te »sland has in- ALBICAN securities. 7th eDor'« 3 ,fT cu \ ar the evening of the can si ou- iti. h h a ? tr ' lty 111 tlie market for Ameri- Ide b “toonsequeat on the demand from tan Un lhe mwk rt sod very Fries ‘''’O-I'veati s being 67 a C7J4. S^I^ ^ Bare elos bonis ar V'’ e •»" the five twenty land ana 8°h? d ' " a " d ’ *“> th t » r Bol- recently been bn™ 1 10 Ala " :lcan ^ who have L - ers ’ are n ° w sellers. Breadstuff^ O ? V . CR AND provision markets. Coffee St ^y. Sugar steidy.- failow inactive e V l l m { Rice tends downwards, fined. ina6tlve - Petroleum firm at 2s. 5d. for re LIVERPOOL MARKETS. Cotton-The n, > Jane 9,1865. of notion for the UV° rt8 th e sales la 600,0 tpeeidato,;. aud'l'f '"‘■“'Ung fhe market opened dull a,„ ’ , , J “Porters.- quently became active ?‘ 101 ’? >ut 8 “bse- C. B. DIBBLE, Commission Merchant, 188 Pearl Street ^ew Yorli. O FFERS his services to his old friends in North Carolina, and any new ones who.may choose to patronize him. All property consigned to rqy address is covered oy insurance as soon as it is taken on board of ves sel. Liberal advances ma^e op Consignments. Refers to Q r eo. R. French, L. A. Hart, Wil mington. May 24th 71-3m II. DOLL-NEP., G. POTTER, JOHN CAMERDON, DOLIAEB, POTTER & CO., S HIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Dealers in Cotton, Naval Stores, Ac. No. 181 Front Street, New York. All consignment to this address areinsured when onshipboard, with or without advices from the shippers' Usual cash advances made on consign ment. ° June 1st 78-6m THOMAS & HOLMES. COMMISSION MERCHANTS .nd Dealers in Naval Stores,. v j 194 Front Street, New York. I iberal cash advances made on consignments June 3d - 8u . 7n ; MIJCELLANECUS. WILKINSON & CO'S OFFICE^ Corner Front and Market street, WILL be closed for some Hme. Notice wil given when opened, at place and time. June24ta 98-dt. , EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK J FURNISHED in amounts to suit purchasers*, by JOS. R. BLOSSOM & CO, May 27th 74-lm FOR SALE. 2 TONS of Hoop Iron, 10 bb s. Distillers’ Glue, 222 bales Hay, 600 Dr shels Oats. Now landing ex Euterpe from New York. Applyto HARRISS & HOWE June an NOTHB, A LL persons are forewarned from triding for two notes given by Ji D irby to Samuel J. Beery, which has been lost and payment stop ped. One ofthese notes for $93.7 50 and interest, is dated 10th .September, 1858, payable 3 year# from date, and t le other bears same date, for $037 50 and interest, payable 4 years from date. SOPHIA BEERY, Administratrix. New Orleans.. Mob b> 111c authorized quotations ; Jun ’ 16th Ul-8t ..IS^d other de ¬ Middling, nd 16%d ; 18(1 lu-Kd non o !i tw ‘ “' d ^‘ ‘d^ are estimated at 15,- 001 Des. the ms. kot closing fi tn and unchange’, ™ A U * "" d ,' r Bic Cuba’s news. The st-ok in poi t is estimated at 356,500 bales, of which 42 000 are American. Breadstuff's dull. Wheat tends downward. Provisions inactive. PEAS AID HYE. 70 BUSHELS PEAS, do Rve, 500 do Corn, > es Navy Tobacco, 40 half boxes good chewing Tobacco. Also, Meal, Hominey, Horse and Cow Feed. For sale by June 24 B.-F. MITCHELL. t8-lw 15 20 15. 20. 40 do do do do do do do do do. Molasses, Sugar, crushed, Sugar, brown Old Stock Ale, XX, Bourbon Whiskey, Lard, Linseed Oil, Champagne Cider, Mackerel, 50 kitts Mackerel. 100 cases Ale, 20 do, Scotch Ale, 50 do Claret Wine, 20 firkins Butter, 50 boxes Cheese, 20 boxes Adamantine Candles, 20 boxes Sperm Candles, 25 bags Coffee, 25 boxes Oranges, 20 15 20 20 20 20 do do do do do do 500 lbs. Macoaroni, Hecker s Flbtrr; Ground Pepper, Allspice, Cinnamon,. Mustard, Nutmegs, whole, 10 gross Shoe Mackin 10 20 do Writing Ink, do Smoking Tobacco 10,000 Sfgars, 20 boxes Family Soap. 1,500 yards Musquito Netting,. 5 dozen Fancy Woolen Shirts^ Cotton, Rosin and Turpentii re tc- ceived on consignment or purcha sed at the highest market prices. June 21st. „ FLOUR. 50 BARRELS extra family Flour. Tor sale b J _ THOMAS LYN JCH, June 23d cor. Prin jess st. WRAPPING PAPEIi TyOR sale at THIS OFFICE. WE Ki V “ - C^Notat Comme,M * 1 “ d Ba ak ofWilmng. June 15th WI1 KINTON 4 CO., SO Makes the largest assortment in the State to select from. No pains will be spared to show our goods and satisfy our customers as to quality and prices. P. S. Dealers supplied at the lowest New York wholesale prices. Country Merchants will do well to examine our stock and prices, before purchasing elsewhere. * Remember our place is 33 MAR KET STREET, between Front and Second Street. Our motto—Quick sales and small profits. M. COHN. 1. 0. RYTTENBERG. June 21st 95-8m CUTTER & FRENCH FRONT STREET (Near Market,) Are now receiving ex-Schooner A splendid assortment of the following GOO O S: Fine Groceries, Flour, Ilops, Lemons, Cigars, West India Goods, Potatoes, Malt, Oranges, Fine Cut Tobacco, Carpeting, Provisions of all kinds, Draught and Bottled Ales, Bottled Cider, Claret and other Wines, Liquors, Cordials, Congress Water, Wood and Willow Ware, Crockery and Glass Ware, Housekeeping Utensils, Tin Ware, Fancy Articles, Spring and Summer Goods, Gents’ Furnishing Good, Straw, Fur and Wool Hats, Caps, &e., &c., Boots and Shoes. Also, at our Store, 34 Market street, DRY GOODS, MILLINERY GOODS, Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s BOOTS AND SHOES. Owing .to the return of PEACE and decline in GOLD, the above Goods will be sold at GREATLY REDUCED RATES. GUTTER & FRENCH. Wilmington, May 26th, J865. 71 Union, the ( institution and the Enforcement of the Laws, against all heresies of secession, nulification or the supreme sovereignty of the States. In fine it will accept the political situation as the war has left it, and labor to build up the social and political structure of our country again to unity prosperity and greatness. ITS CO^IVs ZUeiAL DEPART MENT will be fully organized when the commerce of the country shall be revived, when it will aim to spread daily b fore its readers a faithful re port of the marked of the whole country, taking pains so to repori the operations of our domes tic markets as to render it a reliable guide for the farmer and m 'reliant, the buyer and seller alike. STS FINANCIAL DEPART- MENT will be conducted by gentlemen of experience and ability, who will be above the gambling schemes of dishonest brokers, and will endeavor to spread out in its columns such daily fiinancial intelligence, as 1. ay be of benefit to the whole community, rather than to a select circle of dishonest speculators in money, stocks and other securities. ■ ITS AGRICULTURAL DE- PASTMENT, will be established with the opening of commu nication with the interior, when it will be our aim to give daily a suitable portion of our space to such interesting and valuable matter as will be of benefit to agriculturists generally. SCIENTIFIC AND LITERARY NEWS, will find space in its columns in liberal quanti ties. The domestic circle will not be forgotten, and we shall from time to time enliven our col umns with carefully selected LITERARY REVIEWS, BIOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL SKETCHES, NOTES OF TRAVEL, MORAL TALES, POETRY, ETC., ETC., thus studying to make The Hehald a wel come and valuable visitor at every fireside. Care will be taken to exclude from its columns all mat ter of a corrupting or immoral tendency, so that no parent shall fear to admit it freely to his family. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Single copy, $ 10 By Mail or Carrier, one week, 50 “ “ one month, 1 50 “ “ three months 3 00 “ “ six months, GOO “ “ one year, 10 00 To NEWSDEALER— Per each 100 copies, $5 00 ; per each 1,00(1 copies, $45 00. TERMS OF ADVERTISING; As it is the design of the publishers to make The Herald second to no paper in the South, in general attractiveness and interest and spare no pains to extend its circulation, already flat teringly large, it follows that it is a most excel* 1 lent medium for advertising. In this respectit offers extraordinary inducements at the present lira?, being the only paper in Wilmington, and , having a circulation among all classes of the ' people, including everybody who takes a paper ■ at all. Advertisements arc inserted only at the 1 following rates ; PER SQUARE. One square,(eight lines,) single insertion, $1 00 H Any additional number of insertions less than six, per each insertion, 75 One week and over, each insertion, GO One month and over, each insertion, 50; BUSINESS CARDS. To make one square or less, with no change, per month, 812 0. per year, 1000/ To make two squares, or over one, per month, 20 per year, 1.0 Advertisements of any length less than s squa:- s, will be charged in proportion with f abov ® HALF COLUMN. Half a column, single insertion, $6 OB ' One week and over, per week. 30 Oil One month and over, per month, 75 00f ONE COLUMN. One column, single insertion, 10 00 One week and over, per week, 50 0" • One month and over, per month, 125 W | ■Advertisements to be inserted at intervals will be charged one-third additional jates for the actual number of insertions. All transient advertising must be paid for when ordered. Contract advertisements will be payable weekly. The publishers reserve the right Io exclude from their columns ail quack, indecent or im moral advertisements. A contract for advertising does not includes free copy of the paper. THOMAS M. COOK & CO- Publishers, Wilmington, N. €.

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