' M ISBSMIJLI-ISSES J-JL---, , . U11JIB III. ... II - . I II I ""' ' -- i-iii-i i. n I - -r-qixnri :: k ,,...001 . J . a AJ1-AJ )da 18U3 ( .p wbrt lo ancD t,rt tflT -JtL 1 -.;- JfcriJfc.JI SJ-:.U2JL JLl ,UL Ji si wr w -t.--fw, fl, ..,ov A ujfOHT ' f. K.I -t-j.lt TtVT f'... V U'IT '7'If'J. ,-f !1 tiili lii 1U .JiU Vi 1 .- y " I , - - . ' , - " .- " . . r ' I - - .wvnn a -vir f ;J minea trutttier existence- as a etaw snauia not be t iiiiEviLMixGT0XnERbj in "So y EDITORS aAi , J i -1 ' - ,Y K i i r..r s-mjnjiiiH; Hit' JL DAILY HERALD Is printed every morning (SnndayV excepted.) Terms per yea : w.wr uuiu , - vr jTIIE WEEIkiVab HERALD 1$ printed every iBatarday.'-'TerrdS f 3 5d ifer yeffif ; fi 50 'Bix-'Tabiitlis;' ff '00;'Ior?tnxee. Wdnthif; f,:i $0 50 per month The SuudayMonjli.5 Herald, A mammoth y: toul'lifcraxy newspaper, is .prihled eV'cfy Buriday riifi Pri?e ft AM .pep copy. J OB W O lUi ic ilJ cri X ! Neatly and promptly' executed. mm THREE Arrival of AmhasBadots f . ( i . I . .i "i t I i f. . .1 -i from the f Bey of Tunis. tw Hi'fjtident Jon nson 4 . Arriral ot ah Embassy . ' New Yobk, October 4. An embassy from the .Bey of Tunis. arrived here t&aafon Wk aymsMigteH! j One of the party. bear a' letter of condolence to !Mrs. Lmcoln. and also letters of felicitation to President Jolmsonbn tile restoration of peace. Ix'tmshBshect Mt'thatVbna4Kthastgthe! mfeM-isftialteriandi-iendt theiricctatiiiaoa and udopt uch measures as would restore the state to heT'Cfmstatutionai relations rome ieaewu govem- Ihefebf ' the mimeastrraDie oenents and blessings .V; .Allow rtifl fri consrraTiiatB-von. D-fintJftTnn: .n-nrih' fae-i ay 6ra jcirumsteBces WblcH. 'auif punc( ,jrw4 while engaged in tlfis fmhfkfi-tirj, state- tu jheisformei' and natural position. It is my: flrtt bebef that'the pxlicy of the President in this; respebl, which is as rfcadyaVfibeialdt ai jtftt as the-constitution, itself, will be approved ty th great tssdrof Cptdie,-tS4ta uuu iuai mo penou is not uisuun we vvjs jrp& to ourselves, and properly regardful of the reason-l able expections of our friends in other states;; !Whju3BiaysiBd representatives will resume. 6their8eai in cbngtess, and when our state will i l1 il i - : i enjoy, m common wiin tne omer Hiaieu, tue pru-, tection of just laws under the constitution of our fathers. In the touching language f our'TOost worthy presiding officer, "We are going home. Let painful reflections upon, ou, late separation j and pleasant memo He 64 r'iearly femequickeri our footsteps towards the old mansion, that wa may grasp .hard again.the . hand, of friendship which stands at the Miotw'tuj'cr sTaeltered by th old homestead, which was built upon a rock, and; has weathered the jstort, enjoy together the long bright future whicirafwufrsTis. BY EXPRESS ; :i--;lt of STATE .CONySNTION 'i 'H it 1 .)-. NORTH eUl'J -4 UM. i. f.2 SECOND DAY'S PROCEEDIaGS- The Provisional Governor's Sec. noisv than the balance was arrested, and the 1fcathdr M,tSreJI Onthe) way B &eoll-u they were met by the soldiers, one of the offi cers pistol takenfroxnblm and one of his pris oners alspj.iflg lg$K?.hStt -P3CBsbirAiCaptain TJTl Hunter, formerly) of I trpf-qz all the other papery wdcl akevth .laoif'iprreomflir;-Vf'th explode I UerdcP part andannihilatflF tieilmanagers. .As U ed confederate .states, service, a. crentleman :weu I is. only the little but lively. Zfcr stands up for fjy3.. the Boutbernuntry and i big contemporary - JJut isn't the Herald in a hiffhlv steeme ior" mt'ealiantrT a ad ;abilitr is I meastnestwnsiDle1 fb? the waht'df brolBerhood in.the ceil, they,wereturnmff gentUtan; arrived I between editors T y.'J-' IT"1 -:ari eal , oiuer arrests, vvueu luw y uu w aa uisi;tuju ti m uua wwa jotr etewug vj. uia ouuivueiiwr u, i iue iuwugauvu wiuio wrgviciuw u ickmu ft lVestJie I tain-we are6rmrv&iempl out as'IprediAedJ-1 It'isn-JeP lTt5harges officers and said they should not carry 4him.to I mercantile marine service at an early 4ay - withdrawn' and liew ones are to De'prepared, so that the governor may tome down Mr our city j-vnef oi -uw whole-parjM aC them tear the ity- hotels4- timu. u uicer wins yivcii, uuu prisons and only submitted when forced to do 'so, Peter denied the whole -charge, but acknowledged He was fined $10.' .fUitjrtBamer nail' and' try ' themlnexl Tuesday0 cleared this memmg at i o?c ibx.Nqwi York,' morning papers ' suggests that : the w: JM. Lucasy-an apparent grand ras-' with a good' freignt: 'The promptness wita wmcn i me goverpor, the accusert and mo1 accusedi- sted in samerow. - HeSfas eharged f she ls-put-to sea is ;dueiqnejtotne agent Mr. i ottghtto1 be' sent Jto state risVin togetherplt m the? soldiers and resisting, arid H. M. Herry ! ; jadds?rslf any'person'snou 2 the police, and beating Mr Eteger- The steamer TPm Clyde, is advertised to cotrntei mtestigaUob into th pastlifeloTheiac taking sail to-day for jthesamepsrt.att q!clock. She ctisericluding the governor, Jwe hare no doubt also carries aT goodf freit oW f ftadley , di that thy would mid sufficient 'cause Ifor their! in4 darcerationv -;rThis refer! :b' ieverah plqiiani facts? IfiThe gpvernor? when' a yoirffi-flraa saidto 1 1 f t i n Cool Wxathss. Another mdication of ap-1 have confiscated tS.OOO of iErastuaCarni-ff'amo, rReporled ErpreBsly for The Wilfciilton Herald. , . . 1 7 l rJpO ! uRiweH) J0ct3n865. The convention was. called 4to order at ten r o'clock, A. M r Prayer b Rev Dr.;Peemsl oi the Mejthodist.Eplscqal Church;- r"t f - tho journal of' yesterday was' rai'an'd', fanen- " def ' -1 - --' - - ; tlio foliow'g Mele'gates, abse'n'an yesterday, aPjeared andiwere nuaufie-'lno".- JNIcDenald, of (Chatham -, Tlufus L.: Patterson? of Caldwell ; W-S-Illerirahan, of Pitt ; Thos. J. Jarvis, -of Cprri tuklj'X' Swan, of Cleaveland-, Hon. Geo. How- ' aril, of Edgecombe Robert X- Ward,. of, Rock ingham T. i: Kennedy, of Wayne (. W.'Dickey, of Cherokee. ' " .rf- u.i' "t. vy.i I In his list --of delegates present on yesterday, thii reporter ohirtted inadvertanjlyjen pf Mr. D. Beam, of Cleaveland county. uThe-'jpjame of Mr. T. :L. Kenneily, of Wayne, was 'also omjt "ted in the list of absentees. ( ' j i' f Mr. Mebane, from , the , committee appointed to prepare ruleV of order, submitted a report whiph, motion of 'Mr.vCaldwell'of Gtulfdrd, was ; adopted. ;.j ,,.,,r.,,,r ': ,, JUJ J L On motion of Mr. Mebarie, it was ordered that1 150 copies, of the "rules' be" pnted . , Mr. C&ldwelL of Burke from the committee ap pointed to wait on his excellency, the' governor reported that his excellency would cQmixnicate, with the convention,! by message at ; 12 ;o elocK, M., to-day. lMr. Ulark. i: wlhich lies over one day under rule ! Resolved, That the president be empowered to -limit. ' rfenorterl.iot; Eedifig iflve' in number, aiMto: aesign;;tiiem: at; hisz-discreti-BUHable, places in the hall. - -;a ".O !' ii On" motibnof Mr.inslon, the-resolution intro duced by him on yesterday, lor Jhe appointment Of a Committed o.fjiit' fcf prepare bpemess for the convention, was taken from the table. I The resblnUon waUaslopted, and at Mr. Tfin eton's j instance," the pommittee asuthorized to ' elect its chairman. - - f The president; pureuant"4ehl testntttion, jap- pointed the. committee asyilpws ; B. F. Moore, of Wake. 1Vm. Eatonrdr.V of Warren, ilea J. M. E. Manlvof Craven'fert A Wm. A. Wright1 of New Hanoveri 3iti.T.a; ftennis D! Kerebee, bf Camden. ' " ' . Sam'l F. Phillips, of Orange, -Patrick H. Winton, Jr., of Franklin. Alfred Dockery, of Richmond. I take-it for granted, -gentlemen, that you w: insert ln,4the constitution a provision forever abolishing -''Slavery or involuntary servitude in North Carolina; and that you will submit the con-i sMtutiqnwhen altered and amended, to the peo "pleiof 'the state at the ballot-box for ratification or rejection. I do not doubt that the constitution; thus altered and amended, will be ratified by an Immense majority of the people. i I send herewith the report of Jonathan W6rth esq., public treasurer, setting forth the state debt, the cowiftien-bf the sinking fund, and also a gen eral view of the state finances both at home and abroad. Also, reports from the banks and. rail road compaxnesshowing their condition; and rei mports from the superintendent of the insane asyf lum and the principal of .the asylum for the deaf and dumb and blmdiontdining statements of the condition of these institutions. I also send herer with a report from the public treasurer in relatipii to state property; to which1; with the other reports referred to, I invite your attention. . It will afford me pleasure gentlemen, to fur nish you with any information 4 m?'my possession which you may desire; and I beg you to be as sured that I will be" ready at all times to co-ope- rate with you in such measures as may -fee deem ed essential to promote harmony among our Ipeople, and , to . restore- the .state, at the earliest the federal government , :. jf ,,t . ' I have' the' hbhorJ-to be'with'uch1 rpect,1 - . m l ::S&, i j ji IVjK'd.n vProyisional Governor. ! On motion of Mr. Moore, of Wake, the reading of the docruiiefit accompanying the message, was dispensed with. - ' 4- 1 , -j - On motion of MrCaldwell, of Guilford, it was ordered that siiBurg$bies of- the message Ll!SiWi?li,iuw Another. "cal, wks interei threatenin afdajirivate watchman on the dock, misi him for one of the police. He wasgarrestatj drrvmgfa'dray3 yesterday morning about thertyi pWoehler are the agents.- The most important witness erjbejrttn4 rt.otdWlKail the 'case was postponed until to-day, and he lodk-t ed up again. a?'4'7J?o iII imiWrr t &&g ''Tt794 wrw ahidd bJfve Deencoh Special Mairistrate's Court Before, JTiW ter which the weather moderated until ii become fferrlcfc' one1-o Ae ftaocusergi'iJwduld.1 have been aamf ,M?"-" - v iJfi cuite cmlly. lldck' garnie :imtitt&riiWQQbiimitoa aldtfr- Tbe court orned thisormng at, 8 o Thomas McDermott, cnige4 of about ght y.- v - yf 'twvratood outs??Wate niwi iuuuuiS nuu ucau iuuuo ncuijyij 'o" '! v -... -.' ; ' r - ' r m o1111"11 wtnc 'iattcTOei uarrcanouier (ed,gi0reumed. The entire forenoon faj ' '''jt8LM$ffi&ikH&fo 'bf Iffie21 iif Was ' Kgjier! hai'beeft'U'Ccutody practical 'inisee occupied in examining-the witnesses7r Ajtptie' ' 'Vfcfctfle'fir'&e 'tAg-itf-tttk arly hour. genat6r HalpmeVWiother of the lot ia charged sane statement, of testimony as that given ej- Ther Was 'tall moon last flight, ut the fact fit ith 'all sort: of vUe offences.'t Thii- vrill come fore the mayor was presented. TUe proceedings its eclipse not being mentioned in the astrpnomi- out the trial, I 'presume and isn'fcjit a pretty were,, yery tediousH;and;iii warfhalfpase -calc!sns:i4be, ifa advent jatotallj-. ajgn, iet before the gqvernoB ru; . U W ; or two'o'clock before they, were cpncluded.4; nexpcted, Pr.yf if As I close Uiis letter the city W of .rumbrs The . counsel havms de&teTeo'thr-vcaseL oter Muaents 01 una particular prancn oi acience. ,w PAmonn' ,Tt!i mm. ttnA Mniif 1 ... . . .. f '- -a- ) ; ,l. j ii i.: i 1 1 , - j . ; : , , , s:j ?rti : j t to tne justice ne -required Mclermott to - - . ' - , the bonds of the iriali Republic were sent pff in give a bond of one thottiamt pilars 'fo? i 7;' Ht4 hat.4a-:a ftw-.dayg, the. appearance at court, .and in aeauit of wnich fie -;- ' i ' , , Irish RepubUot wfll be fornix. declaredi,alf so, J fljfoMam nave,. tne,, Jeturn oi our manits iori . - - . - . . ... , .. v ' "7 ..." 'Ir T -tt ; will our government, recognize , it, accord iJe- '-J I linran wolifa. ?flf. int. TkrivntAars . fWr 5t. ti nrl nju-iil lUnition and supplies In a word, sh defiition of neutrality be accept- D. Poisson, Esq., were engaged in the" prose1 a . aa a4 f o f M-a V tfm ij iw fbefl9eiiiili of the Protestant jEpiseopai r l t fii xou fioihvnnrLlI fjjilvWH-vj iJCVYOnK AO LD M AR K t "?fi Iscopal Triiiuaal CnV.ntiori. ' '.i Both f nouses? of : the -'Epcbpaf eftteiitl-oi!- i gahUed to-day. 4 hs JEgh08 ftii-raoAsIij'- 4 Texas was the on1ybMhernoies The whole body of the southeW'd&c4ieiwiir te,Tpreslmted!lati , . ... : 0 .. i ... .-259lQO;wl--':T- M,pruierisouuiern ms.nops! appomie.vo. aiis the question" of reunion. ' : 1 1 .pi.a-.: -Ttia NCTVork Gold MAi?ltea.sifT jkObldcdp day4 W 7 fliO-'i was committed to jail. Some outside4 felng was manifested in the .case, and during the Re ception of the testimony the court : room MfaS quite well attended. ..Hon. S. J. Person andE Adam Empie and Julius Wt Wright! Esqs. Thefe was another .case on Tuesday's docket overlooked in the proceedings of the special Cot, that day. Jno. Thomas, mentioned previously as having been a member of a gang of -robbers arid' desperadoes, who robbed a Mr. Kefly of Bladen county of a gold watehIand.'.whichwas found at 'the store of Brown & Anderson hrtms On motion of Mr: leGehee, the convention re considered, the.ypte;jby which it had dispensed with the reading Of the documents, in order that the report of? Ibje'stetk treasurer might :be;reard.' Mr. Logan, introduced the following resolution: " Resolved, ' That until otherwise ordered,' this convention shall iold daily sessions (Sunday's excepted) meeting at 10 A. M., and adjourning at least at 3 P. M,. . ' : . , . ' . I . . Mr. Conigland introduced the following' reso lution : U .,:'!; ft-j.r'i"!-.t . "Resolved, That the governor be requested to communicate to this convention information as to the specie value at the time when issued," bf the bonds and treasury notes issued by , the .state - 1 . J- il lif ; ' 1 n ri j.'- '-il. - i - ' in aju. oi me iaie reuiiion against lue goveru- ment of the United States." Lies over under rule. On motion, -of 3 Mr. Settle, the convfehtion lad- journed until 11 A. M., to-morrow, introduced the following .resolution city, and identified by Mr. Kelly as his property was given a';hearihg. The facts were sufficient to require bail of one thousand dollars, for his ap pearance kt the next term of the court, and- in default of which he was committedyto Jthe jaij. i I,-TT 7T-. ! ' What s is a NAstESince the days of Ar nold's treason, the American" people have univer sally detested the name of Benedict, although the women are partial to the term benedict. Since' the crucifixion, the same may also bfe said of Judas. There is prejudice here as there is in nearly all cases-as fort instance Annie Keamedy is, prejudiced againsf "Being called 4Gentlei Annies" She does not want to - be known by such a utle, because it belongs properly, to . another woman, and was never in this city associated with ahyT thing very becoming - to a lady. This may be, MARINE INTELLIGENCE. TORT OF WILMINGTON, N. C. .:' : Tf-rr'Li'iM W CLEARED. by Bradley & Woehler, ' ; iu.jti .J COMMERCIAL uZl iTIW'Home Market. 4 JViuHGTOTliprdav2 P.jyL,Oct,t5tli186$. Tlieft:li9 peen but jittle doing nj yaterjStreet ttvday. There ar'plDtyf bjiyerjpr S?ejy ihig hat is offered. tfat ifafortnnately the market iftieariy enttrely;J?are bf prodnce ; 80 bbls; Tar were sold at 85 90 an advance 6ft yesterday fignjjWd mSa lot of 'jr).t8.;Torpen inn t f?Rrv i 4 New York 824 Hbl8.;TEosin, 19 bbls. Spirits Terpens tta&,Y&ir'4&'1&&toa Nuts, 8 Hr. Elnk'introdUceaellbwing, whichj lies joVer one' day; under rule :11 A "Resolved, : That the president of the.CQiiferition !be authorized5 to f procure. a i national flag td be htiised rover the capitol durms- the, dehberafions lof the convention. . i ;i At twelfV:1ocTE,-e!Slmessage was te- )ceived:'reft4,.s $otlJx) ; n-ii VRriVrSIOXAL GOVEBSOB'S I MESSAGEi llxEcbtivi Vie Rtisr, NXreAEoikiu,? ' ..,.-,4 ' if :Raleigh,;N. CQctSd Jgfe j $ j a do riot deem itimridutylniiierpa, cirpuiu- ces, to address you a fonnaLapd elaborate mes sage hi relation to puWid1 affairs. Your utie are too r.laln to reouire suffestidns frdnl'iBiei'and I enteriain "ho doubt those duller Will 1?epronSptly?? au4 faitIifuTlyLrformi(t UV iiO i'.'a' 1 f ? J .North Carolina, alteinptod, m May, lobir- separate Jierself from the federal iiniou. Th5s at tempt' involvedwth'othefslavehohbn states, in a pfotratted and disastrous war the. result of 'wlrfclr $ as a Vastr expendiftlr of .'blood and treas- Jurei6n 'h&pf ahd the prlpliftartabelitienuqf f ISslaVeholdiht' itate'and'She , emerged !fr6m it a nonrslavildm fctate. In othei-i respects: so far cf aa ' or nhYmfd she has undergone no chan era. 'i' & DiWIV V m -n iVjrThft nresident of the United States: wisely Aeter- 5 it rm - --r. .1 .TTI . . J 1 xne Douuierii Auress vuiuuiuiv are uauy i . piacmg us vraaer? ouurawaiw uem lor cupieni EncV i 4-i.i:'ijrxjtii '-j. At i.w.! - l o ARIEL'S LETTER. A n " important Arrect &a(f a Dramtlle Sen Bjr-Hamt 'of onalcrfeiter Bosun Treasury Wotea The S'cnlaa-'Mnrcmentrr-J -imFrei.eSyppatIyjfor.rUi4ra':.W,! York Herald and the Managers Curses Come Home to Roost The'l Alhany ' In ..MestttUoi :Flzlf Another to he Held I Jta thlv City- An Incident of Gov. Fen - wnJLjy?eTj?.P.n?.eer0 tne Accu sers More, About he Fenians Dr. Frank j un-s Jfarty-frnefw eatiaer, ace. hope so. -Tit for tat isiairplayr Dtj Franklin's party h bee heard from through. Mr. ; h F- Hall, the artic explorer. , This . is a cool item, put in , because the weather here is so warm. - Mr.-Hall -thinks he will find three-of TrahiimVinen iBvaP i canno't help do'ub'thigiti If iheV were. aEve 'they would' hare8 longsince worked' their way down to the coast and civilisa tion.' However,' ithis" is the', age of miracles," and we never know what is going to ' happen. '' 7 t ff'W " V : ariel: Condition of Business -Raislne the ' Wreck of the l Hermann Lifingston .LIW ana most energetic action on tne part of the r riots in all sections' of , Jtbe cotDatry ' tan save republic. -! Of Jthis-1; am coafldentr but I am; : i.i.J :t v. f.i..:.if. i : . . : .. - : Our New York Correspondence.' 71 ii. .'Our Tfassan Correspondence. .. Nassau: fK. P., Sept. 225,' J865. , Yobk," SepV 30, ;1866. , Business of ail Tuu' since the' collapse of the confederacy, bas been .very dull here.- It has4 In tins city have, occurred sincejmy last! epistle.1! been a long time since' we noticed' an arrival from Some of the most important arrests ever made confederacy, has been very 1 dull here.- It haffl In tins city have, occurred since my last! epistle.1 j been a long time since' we noticed an ai- By aomie. nisapa Jcoth'ia gpflce.d&covered J Wihuington. - Cannot you send us a little lumr that a. couple, ot. men fimied'pydron, . faUier and 4- pitch! br 5 shmgies calsionally 1 in exchange ouu, nwc eugujeu tu ; viuuuc loiung ,gyt?i uiucuu i ior me iruit.mrw rytuug uu cue trees. j .,. money and state bank Sbflls. .They) managed to j The wreckers-here have1 sue hi ' floating sscure the son and he betrayed his father ; so 0ff the reefs the New York steamer HerraahLlvv Ain . --J--: v 'Tthat both are now custody. I am glad to add hnorston.,for which the v recei ted a draft for thirty r "'I. ..tthat ftwt.narlialmum' v I iv' j Vt L,, Vi I and not for the nnbhc. in ativ sefase of the " J - ,-.- fcUUUSWUll. U.(Jli.l UJVe OUU AtU-1 buiu. TO TXIti: i'l i U ii ' - y -n i uiauia.uuauou.biu no w sta ea,iu aiuue ui ui i own as blockade runners m ty-gce aays. ; room on Third avenue quietly working at acoun I will write you occasionally ..when, .there is terieit piate,,wnicn ne naa .engrayea Detter man anything to relate worthy of interest. : the original. - Around him lay his tools, counter- T .' V " Ci feit plates of the fractional currency and of TJni- course snould not be fixed upon her. "Gentle Annie " was known In the song as having a win ning voice, and of course she must have been a winning woman ; however, the title has los favor since that time, and is not so popular how it seems. Everybody liked it once, but now alas ! none-fld poor as tb do it reverence. : The Inquest! There was" an error given in Tuesday's afternoon .edition the. name of the man who died near5 OldnaWsi Mill, and o YMVnnM -fan ssHPsnss asasia si snsia sTss ' '-IV i tea ptates treasury notes, aamiraDiy done ana i frua nnnvrinn ut w iwaa rcwtvori hv th nia- over whose body the incfuestjwas. held: It should have H , . .... -1 . . ... .. been Wm fl; Thomas. 'instead; of -Wm. W; 'John- went tne door, ana uverton, caugnt m tne; very . - ! : I ". ' il . I 1 At -1 stdn.- It has ' since been learned ' that the man I WJ.W ?netnana ? P9uce -'f I havelread wiih great.dnterest the remarks of the, ujsyULBwrMj? 1 and, jie, ,fficrfd. C9nt;erpjng tne long imprisonment ot Mr, Av ji. stenhens. l happen td: be' itieDetiStlmO'n to tte:effofts made by him itfthaltumrf6f a860'td pfetent a abruption Cf - the. unionii Afterr jroading; ibet ven- able, and courageous . speech which he-bad made k uissuaae uie legislature oi v-eorgia irom can ing a convention of the statei"! -wrote to-hmi from 'BosteriJ jvbere il then l resided,' expressing my( sympathy ill js. efforjLs andj ..my-esjre tQ do I everything Jh my power to assist him His an swer I ' 'riow vpuW&i,1 niguhwilting'' lo'ng'ef to keep private a Jettei.r which f does.'- him o so. much credit, althoughj pajnfully jemms.jjf, the yam eieruous , maue in,. me noun ana in uie south' to save ttie'eomtrybni'm;drsaf3 , pared for it by the extremists' of bdth sections. - Yours respectfully; - New York, SepteHabe?'J8. ' BiwTroKDHVtLiE, GaL Nbvember 30, 1860. a tMi, Dbab. SIB-X09J kud and-esteemedtavor P a! Cf J x i T.jCj: ' " ir" , i' -i t Qi!ttne .msim. ejore. mi wa iruiy.-giaa to receive' itfarid id' know that; the eneral0ino of policy indicated irir the speecft !made byie before our Legislature met yourr; appro vaLi, f-.Tha times are indeed perilous, rend , jiothing but, Uie. prompt at-the not confident or .even 8anguine;ia my hopes , that even tms can do; i, . Still meettortrsnoulq.b made. South Cafohhar supposed will certainly go out of the Union forth with- just as soon as her convention meets and can. act.'i My apprehension- is that .Cteprgiayj.Aahamay PQridaiolliPP1 go toou, . If South Caioijha would 'wait f to ' see whether' the' offending states north wb'uld change their ixisition' and? resume1 their constitutional o) -UgationSjX have butg Uttle tdpuhfc' thatTQeorgia woud .also.r ;But. when, South Carolina takes . the lead I .haye but little hope of either of the other named' states' holding' ba'bki' ' 'This1 1 assure you may be looked for-. '-: ' . - I What eOTtf of ; ah-adjustment can afterwards be made to restore union, or; effect , reconciliation, I dp not know . I'am certain, however, that noth ihg short4 oj 'what 'was1 radicated ihjmy .spe'ech, to ; which you refer,1can'. ti Should theMseoeding states Ibe let alone, . no force used against thein, . perhaps an i amicable; understanding and settlement; vfhe matters in controversy might be "made at no dis tant day.' But if resort to arms is once had, all prospect of peace and- unionr! in my judgment, will be, gone fore reri, I .write freely and , frankly 1t TTAVll : YV Vl O T OQir J 1 T 1 if A kl f 1' T, ih'i'CaI ,1tT 2 WOIU. be the only to apprise, you of , the real state of things here. . , ?. There are a large number of bur people who will siistam my1 K8ition, but I.feel that the odds , are' against usr 1-We will d all that we f can, arid 8hould.anyjdecided, i demonstration, .be made in J)lassachusetts,;0r other northern., states, on the part of ' any leading "republicans1 ' to-night, ' the wrongs ot 'Whichrour people bo1 -justly- complain, ; would greatly aid us- in our patnotiq, endeavors saythe.cpnstititions, and the. juuon under it. a l my, earnest desire. , Ihanking you again United States: . .. w j ( iior your leuer, ana nopmg tcr-near rrom you Dear- SrauWe. the; tmdersignedr citizens , of 1 again as to tne prospect in- aiassacnusetw, i re- ty ofHAlbemarle nd state of Virginia,' f mam, .-;..-- j fn- , i.:t calculated to deceive" Jbe be'stl judges of money.' ident a few davs since, from a number of citi- i 'nonhflAak' wtrn :f$m'nt3A9'iin-i Wa' ttiitii ffains. zens of Albemarle county. Ya.: '";' ' ' ' i "v L-' v. iiLiUA. iiLWii'M.' -i- ' . CHARi.oTT8vri.iE, Va., SepWl865L ar kto; ir u uu.ue iuiewn, Rxt. ExcOefuy Andreto : Johnson, president of ikfiW Ail at once, wiinoui uie sugniest warning, smasn i .waaamemftCap:. EIallett's company in p - Oterton came to?tma country about nine ing anf im-1 appeal the county and friends of your . admimstration, are prompted ALEXANDER il. OTEpnEXS. u wuuuj.auvui' uiue DT jje idifflcultiea which surround us. in relation I, i ... t Alexander h. te the-conle4erate' -ieicej'he leaves a years ago,! and? since tin govermrieht began Wo thepproachmg-congressional ejlectiohs tql sb x.' CrRTi, ; '4 , - ; .u. B Ueen UOing an llU- tauueiu vvu iui vuuuwi uiu outivc jkj w vui i 7 - mother and other family" relations' r in jbmistohT coantyS physician thathe jv.v TTifinsft business, Thevars doubtless the roarues i F' wmwui .UUu.- 1 t S'wwrtW. -i' v f. - . , , distriTor'examplef three gentJ had beenatibbed by some one W gotmpcounterjeit one .nunarea aouar m the gufiraffea T of the- pebble xn-uus congressional minTf ngxnii' tl it TWIT TirtViTirlr emen are solicit, 1, .VUJVUUII iJAillV, liUJUDuJl I T'hey "were all J- Ji. . r i , . . . . V while he -was sick,of about twelve dollars In cur- treasury bote which is so well executed that the CofiwrvatiTei':menM';-wari opposed tlTE .' W A Y T'Ml 111 ROBBXjalY rpnoV ' Wr wriuidliavehrtTir. secession.-Two of them admit that-lthey coun- WAS COUniTTBD1 ton.eould i uroisha :.. :v: ' -ir?rj!v .;;.: : .i'T8 ' r ; " ' ' ' 4 i tenanced the southern; cause, dunna the war. to areatureso mle as to beguU I the bogus from 'i'J.1 it vv ty ot a criine ' bf -this 1 character uMer'- such cir-4 nt f?6 ffSf d.??"na5on' f ? 9 "T; the oath'which was- prescribedi by ,the congress "V The heaviest rob)ery, so far 1 as me an(ount cumstancesl Btit'such is the fact. ! -u ci of the United States, in 1862"" The third says "ildleif. ii wnmed ahd-thSmosi'darihgan.cir- i?'irf ;.'! mitch'harm' these wb men' have- done the; -people J.that he can consaentiously take it ; and the quesf I tjttmstances Consideredthaf ever occurred in this -vf?1-- E 'iir'SW1?' HiP .'JFy iWi xamaf of .and; he;gdeenJ( cannot the? disturbance between the police and negro ii.a;pi. the)l 'caniibtJ hiittatix i a lfcoV- ' I tib presents itself how -shall we vote ? i t! ; state; trantmred int the. town of-. Concord, Middle TO voivwore. L o AJ AnximtJU.ta a-n-eXmo 1 .i4.J .1.. 1 J e.n A- 1 k. Kllltrj US. U-3 SPA GAa VUD VAllUlUOiKI. fLIIU. DU1UO I X a. I.III1IILV- V ralJ".rilrEV - A WI,W-V.l I I.IIH I I i i I I I M. ill I Ml - -the i State I another: ;ut telnS!honvnidnffirmed atl to I nast, one and two. n. mL 'n'iirmo',"'fh nlisipHrri of soldiers on Tuesday night it is found that there j pfisOnfer life Willdbi1001 vpuiUhm-, whether 'the test6ath will prooaWy be repealed j the cashier, Mi John M. Cheneyf'kt'dmnerV L". i:Ji' -liO -a.' i .--;iLiiwT '-'Wl. A'iivriiV' 'iii. '16'v.a, iw I or modified BOtasf tQ- admitTsouthern members.' t -"iThe. bullalncf Intwhldt thi.bflrilc in ntfM ia on axe iu uui hjclucli nuuuucua ymare nu;inBaai i ;;,iud caviwui. mvu,.wmi, iiiio .uu. 1 - ' j . i .. . . , ' I . . rivntmnesorbasAnierican ; Feniana amuftalldnsr . " "-?r "?Cr:i TT . . ri i 1 -""M.i!-y i.ywpww: . " : a it frnrm ni rk- T.na an niopr. . v"t T! v"irr. wion is rn i thAtmim tht , . 1 f HciiwU iw vu- uuw dmvjwv- t wwhL'aaaw t a io w t. VA-. mp'ytin ai, kAA7 knocked down;.a litUP9r4 feic- j i 1. .i i haustedrwibut a'nj g gTeaf meetmg I gend men to Congresa who w-iU give the mot ef-tmglocated In the secdnd st6r,' the"' Middlesex woundinghermtt Tlwtrawtiflf the bai.to4he street, : w 'n-"-f ' av -.?t , ' . -c; -in--", ,; JJTTWi , De.ynuio4Cat the-eath VlLio8t probably, anat the.:hea4 of ; flight of, stairA'dQor- opena . W. Winiams. She was , a toe animal, and was , head tq h hear Colonel - Roberta i and Hea4centre be msisted?oh, hnd lhatrouro into the room occumed by the bab Here are estamated.by her owner to the amount of two 0MahMeyI speak and td help tt hlndred dollars, currency. , It fel hoped the W nlv new,feature recently developed lis: thai the V10. Wthen w:areisrjpsed wrellnquish tog the ftnida ft thetitntion.a The:fdbers of our maiTiauairermces.cast ottr suaragei I these are; fastied bv.nalentcorabmatiQn , locks. for th':who.are and oa going to dinner, yeslerday the csuluer,-as licemen will get we and the negrohsoldiers LOC AL I NTE ULIC EN CE- is v!iJiKr i -Oli Ilr-Tlhe.cqwjsjail will getweU, j FrenCbJ press aTe'coenchig-4o:rresa' wrtt: uersbe r;arrestedi-;whea5-they:isvmD nsnv .v, nAf-w-ivin -wilt faroelt''afa towjea--) .it u ; ';p '". . etion.0'f the presat fe &e factis very si g- ion that men whose antecedents nave.beeii jconi ttlie1 ay'offliid'toner' 'safe' inside of the'enter door;- :tiitr: ;;;:;? : - fci d0 much sot, the w g gyw butter.- , . . .. ... . - t . .l. .-..-i.,': !.:.; j; '- ; . . . mADllltV -tOl taxe - the Oath, then we mav Vote I Rnth pn(rnr rtnnm.tn tho KonVinrr mr.mo trar. u 3fEKOVATOov--Thecityi oriae8:;nave;VerraI do unxier a different t i. a- -J it.! ii i: k. I . il--... ';ii.T i J s Tl I . . m .i. Ttr . 1 . . . - i I v j i ' .i . . .. V. r- - . ; r..i . .TT ..T.i . - rv Advertisements for The Weekly Herald) t VAjiWit ii5fliviu" wmcn we nave neara-ao inuciuueuuiuvvutt i staie-oi ;uungs. we inuy asa - sincerely oesire m. his return rrom dninerrto hisshrpfize he tM -Pf-V mnt be banded in bv noon to-davl ?- V o ' o wij' nauy ana jesuffaay aauiuuer ot Bull's. COrn ' Xreaa Ontnat, ana ne gets m a. rage v -.vx .j wvw.jyu tiouiiu mevuier cuiraate uoOT epen ana.suspect- tms week mt bnanaea was-not,ri2htr Ihe Massed an stairs; i " TT!:rjrt rTTr'-TT-' l and see no impropriety in complying with our but nothinff apneared to-iustifv his fears on a cur- y beforeC Mayor's Court, Wednesday' missioner Shackelford. f -D1 ' ! JiUx Plff at tne store or Air. nenry jjremer, corner xron&i nuisance. was arrested and lodged in jail for disorderly ,con-i l apaenttiOlhe place jediitgceatly and has1 ; has just wottjthe St Leger and :tor'oMe'nje'' Altbngnne1, of -'the" finest halls ' gUshmen sweak! J"We awaiVwi and 1 that makes En- with impatience'aur request, we would, be greatly obhged(. to you to I sory examination, i The upper furnish1 th4 l.information asked ' for.' ' Our main f locked, as also 'the "door 'of 1 entrance was found thrduterare. On The.curtMCpnyeiieAato thentib Hews from the Irish themselves.'" j-Vj pnrpobeJato pin ,ttot nrse wWch'wffl bebpehnlg'tbe h newjst erthe) tefj toe 'inner r-eoi Freeman: a negro muA''ySu ; "TheewspW world ;tt W mble ferment Jl9 ' jfji aa missing. and Dock streets. aM cbnimkted as a was told to - behave 1 mmseu nereaiter -ana aisr- .i ipjf Other things Tneea. attention, ; aiso, ana wiu i xue jterata. having oeen aousea ,iy lareizea, uu s get it in thenr iurn, which wiUi be but shortly 1 is gwindled m some indirect f manner Barnum, i t Opera and the museum ai The associated acpjeat aiidy's j Hollow," on North Wafer street, on Tuesday night last One of the 0ffi-4 cers arresting Peter . states that he. in company with 6tfe fifteen others, (all in liquor, of course.). were found near Mr. Fay's saloonba a) serena-. them- own. . -II if ..-It II. I Petejjand Te)y pftiers'.were. sub xmt 'to thi:0rdbftthepoiice; decla,redL.Chem-. I SelvesoldieH W 4enHthe?ehre.-fcky;' guard. An aitempt oy ino omw w an cav j, fj? i n consequence, when he nec brick iand"strncfe the officer-on- the headr' The oflScer then! used Inscl'oaJat'J Another of the party, more LSbeiojir.f Jhey.fcad a disturrmcaamong Fs'eivMy morMrWerpu'tit cj . . I 1 CRTS OT mis l!itv. consisuns OI nine iu au, TtiA TolTnwino- i tha nn v mo-r fl.a tWa called., towu narreltii' rnt ! parties, and appointed a committee ti waiVnU Johnson j: iJU jU f .r : and'stat bondsp the prop., .citi It: r-maoo Mr'BenneU 'demand lUhliahl their ' ' wiSSS " f WlW besides, , mi-iai-ntT t 1 advertisements ' He told the managers to aoAalMuWM, John Ctekrmmi other. Charlotte- andtn mir'Ti tW iW VAaft.Zl 0Wi?iuZ L.TO ' J erass andmmTthVir Qaai ..Jj watiz. V j theif tracWTJy takihawi jjjT- J1 1--3-..! ti i i. ?"' -'r': . Vj' 'tl1 Ivii'i.'ri ukhts:: The president has referred to me 5'jjPASTOBAL. We have been requested to an;to the iaame .eflec pTOCthEevWmrJ.Y yrithdl-ewtheir advertisements, andthe JOtrod and I. an divinefsS-vil atlhe lreaifiiLBapt3st Church appears to-day-with-the-BOtkes'of "only a few of: WmeJ . i.i. i. r.s ruirjCii-: tt.2 Al kr ikJLil. Ui nA do in res on nexi saynaui mornni, aw xv i-a o viwa.- - iiiiu9uiuwi..i vi4uiuw,hiimvubh fn stirfy il. hnaiTel: Tho manaraf VdH I . .. . . ? V. wm 1 It ''', f V ---VJn gneakine back: for.. the jfer will nevef suDloit recenuy oiewapanowiui Hiour soiaiers. ao I - " . . . . . of the soldier ed4nex dav: the others were ex-H their dictation;i :;If;they can order .certain : va' cleTgymah suicide on the 21st administration of the government p, n-tt r(; The disappearance of this key confirmed the pre- . yery respectfully your obedient aerTants, . rious suspicions of the cashier, and allhaste was . Wood, ViSottthall,-J- L. Cochrane, P. S; Colesf 'made td get'Its1 dnpllcatelvhich wis k posses JaaC.SouthalL J.JJ Bdwcock. Ira Garnatt riohifcf .M& Berwaiaii nmsldani W B. T1 W.Duke1, George Carr Wm. T. Early, A This- involved somet-dlayihut when- at last it was v - i vjv uwvuicu,uu.mk) Bai,vueneu,iuere was reveateo. . io less a sum man . llari;4in United Stales r ty of tte;banU andkf , money, .was gone. 1 The de. ,a clean job or it, v iher safikkev ."as. be your t fore mmfinnfL and lootlncr . iha Charkttesviller-Va.i -Sept ; il865 i I the door Wnin? intia th ban V ThAJt.' tfmVii r'Jnstriietedby Jnrajjo say 'that he has necessarily lhrnted,' thev'lWoWoly-made- means-of , knowmgwhat-congress ma themselveFfimiliar itli the' cashieFs5 habits, and ird to the oath abnnt wb?b vnn inmn'M. ' Wv'ii,.i . i ... -j. -- r Ti-T v ""i , j wKi-iuus auuucu w mwui iur operations, 1 4Tian: Amw rtfTi comef ItT,, VT . """I ,wiHtnwtweWorkea Qaligept yAThe noise made COIueltbat'lovalaTd trnA num Avhnm t. t v.. i . i.. ' ' ' . I Can DO made. Should 'bo eWx.tA1 MA 0.nrri-oaa '".'tU. AWl t.Iit:'v.V ..'V-4t lfL!?"- Ii., Tins is not anoffldait letter htttra ft not. bA lnn b- pression or. moj via uaj opuuon- aiidi' wish; i. 1 V M f li Wo not understand - that anlna-hn r-n U . , T -23, ...n.v. , r. r-t I . Tarn. .-,..rll t , it-' At t . . . . T: w TV ' " - ... 'r v r ..:.... . .... i iAin la.i fi'iMi. Aim v Avir vioi nai Tin iwinr i ... - - a a& i:ii .. 1 ' - -' . t-. . - . -. . .- 'j t - - : . - . v .-..- - m ! . . -K?vr l .iulLHi

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