THE DAILY WILMINQlX) HERALD, TUDAT, OYEMBlffl lTr -fTT - .TnE. WILMLllilV ' sdrrinisto V t I '"TN, ' ' JiVjjs ifleJmoreciearthe r aso.pJejess Ju2 -VJLli XV A TOdWcblliofthe'executiT' interference in . . ; BrftM lift rBOPKUTOftS. Office ZQ Market Street, up Stairs-. Thx Hbsaxd AoJ th largest circulation .of, any i Thb iHraiin Am fte largest artviation of ami newsoaver in North Carolina!: " K : 1 t Thi HkbAiA w ; A official 'organ ' w" 'JVorS Car u.nmar vnisa oiaies aovernmeni rnr tfutrmh- . - - - - ' - --------- yrv mrvTV i t- itauym or. ia uwi d7 eonareMM - . . i c.Thb HjBBi.l!jw the list s of uncalled. ' for Utters , - , - i J." i &M VIMtVHIbV r Ff HlflHKIMITI. WHiC L1E SUAMMJM II B E.fMJ a VhitsdStateg requiting fsuchlisHo be printed in the newtoaver havintf tM lafatit ttradation. '"', ! ft'; Th ' HbbILD- ' w the best advertising , 'medium n a North or Sooth Cardinal : j : " i IWILMINGTQN, N.fX, NOVEMBER tl4. ' niOVlSION At GOVEIlNOIl ! PEBBT'3 MESSAGE AND : TnE PBESIDEflT'S t l1 ' e naesfeageL of ;the . provisional governor of , South Carolina to ; the legislature of . that state is an important document and 'affords some season able information as to &e policy and plans of the s general, government in : regard ; to the southern states. V' We do not like the temper Mrs Provisi sional Governor Perry' displays in the correspW dence he transmits to the legislature, nor does it seem that the president wa altogether satisfied with it," since the correspondence, ' which at first was conducted in afriendly,. otf-handjV unofficial and merely adrisary way by the president in person; is suddenly transferred to the secretary of state, '.whd proceeds to lay dpwn in emphatic language what the government reqwret as a con dition precedent to readmission to the union, and also intimates that "querulous and unreasonable" objections on the part of southern states to any of these requirements will be of; no avail.-. i.Ihus it is clear that the government isJxed in, its pur poses. There wUl be no modification of lits policy. It is exceedinsly anxious that the outh-. ern states ahall conform ,to such a line of policy . ai it has marked out, whereby it- hones to influ- ehce congress to interpose na'obiections ito.' their readmission to the union. But at the aame time the covernment is impreBsed. with the idea that it lias granted these states much mOre liberal term than fh nnniar fni,ftf tli mnnfrr the controliinjz sentiment in confess would crant: ' and that only its influence can effect a . Compromise with that popular voice and that controlling sentiment ! that it has airmail v undpr- taken to' do all that there is anv hone of its ao 1 w x ,1 comphshmg ; and that, therefore. Jt can concede not anoiner jos or nine, i We wish we could make the southern people comprehend that the president is their true friend, and that the national administration is all that interposes between them and the fury of the fa natical extremists of the north. In other words, we, wish the people -would open their eyes to the fact that there is no conservatism anywhere in the country outside of the general government. Would they but grasp this idea and consider it a moment .they would appreciate how great a friend t5 them the president really is: ! Let us look at the matter a moment. Mr. Johnson was not made president by . th Voice of the . people though undoubtedly the people have since learned to respect and love him- but by the providence of God, that reraov ed in so fearful and shocking a manner the good man who preceded him. . Under such circumstan ces, Mr. Johnson can but be ambitious of a popu lar endorsement of his administration, and un doubtedly looks forward to the next presidential election for that endorsement. Those who con tributed to his elevation to -the vice-presidency were of the northern radical school, and are to day allied with thepolitical faction that demands the ballot for the negro, confiscation of the pro perty of. southern people a chary exercise of the , pardoning power, a rigid enforcement of the test oath, the retention of the military power nr the southern States,1' and an indefinite continuance of the, late rebellious states in their present anomUous condition. All this illiberality is exceedingly of fensive to the president: He holds that the states have never been out of the union, but that there governments have been usurped by pretenders. His first acts are to pardon those of their people who asked it with any promise of return to loy alty, and then to require these pardoned ones to reorganize their governments which had been sus pended since the usurpers were cast out And, , in' tnis reorganization which is accomplished despite the protests of the president's own friends in the north he asks the people to conform their establishments to the' governmental .. theories which have triumphed in the war, Thus slavery is to be abolished, secession annulled and virtu ally declared a heresy ; debts contracted in the endeavor to destroy the union repudiated, and the loyalty of the states to the general . govern ment to be unmistakeably reiterated. All this the south has done, and all this it was but rea sonable and proper that the loser in ?so great a war as we have just passed through should do. xnese are mo points oi me war. uuc mere are other acta, as we have intimated, which the pre- the laws of the land during the war, and which now appear as serious obstacles m the 1 way of restoration. These are the confiscation of private property of persons , that have, giv en aid or counsel to ho Southern cause' the requirement of a test oath of those assuming to 61d any pubuVofficjand other similar, sieaa - urea that seemed . reasonable and . proper while the war was in progress; -But the south having surrendered its arniies abandoned its attempt to establish, a government, and manifesting a dispo return to the union, the ; president' does not consider the enforcement of these measures at all reasonable or proper, ' He therefore resists the clamor of his northern friends and holds "out to the south inducements for them to come back, assuming the task himself of bo controling and influencing congress that that body will approTo and ratify his action. Unless he can accomplish this he loses all bis friends in the north,' and iri any event weakens himself in' that, section very materially.' But this he 'does for the good of the. south. As he says in hia communication to Mr, Provisional Governor Perry , " If I know inp own keartiond every passion which enters into itumy 'L T . ,t ii " 'd 'A ' .'" f'' dmreto restore the blessmgs of the unhand tie up ana Mat every pieeduuf ,wvund which has , been causea by this fratricidal war?. For this cause' het would smx us mgn ana nonorapie amnrtion, ana forego Wuffiern electJons; and Tus' "numerous letters of advice and instruction to southern people at the same time we jeejlhat fee is equally exact ing of the northern people. With the one he pleads ; the other he defies. He begs the south to repudiate the rebel debts ; and he defies the popular sentiment of the north to enforce con fiacationV IIe urges the south to drop their old political ieaaers ana iaae up . new men: woo are approved as loyalists ; -andihe intimates to con gress t.hayha hated and -intolerent test oath must be set aside. asks nthe south to remember that they are4 not yet restored to the union ; and shall pass liberal lavref tpe blacks and guarantee there perpetual freedom ;, and he assures the north that in no event shall the southern negros be per mitted to jqte except by Ipohsent of the southern white people. ; ;! ,WithTihe one he has absolute power to enforce his behest ; with the other, he c$n only exercise moral power. Therefore he says to the south, finally, do not tax . me too heavily! j know what can be accomplished, and will 4o all for you that possibly can be'done. But make my task as easy as possible. Manifest on your part a liberal and accommodating spirit and all will ga well. But accept what is given you only, with grumbling .because it is- not more, and be continually asking" 1 greater favors j draw the line as fine as possible, and yield simply and ex acuy what you cannot avoid yielding : manifest a carping, fault-finding disposition, and all is lost You will cripple me so completely that I shall be unable to do any thing for you. . Thus the president and his administration stands as a mediator between the north and the south. While both sections are planting them selves firmly upon their own opinions and no tions, each assuming positions antagonistic to the other, the chief magistrate, animated by patriotic and christian influence, is seeking to effect a corn promise by which harmony may be restored anaong all the states, and each section shall be to the enjoyment of common privileges Wlth &u otherB- m at the same time we are rennded by; the cor: t sppndence transmitted by 1T- rro visional uovemor rerry io me oouin Carolina legislature that the president will riot always plead. His entreaties may ba turned to warnings' and his wannngs to. commands. How muQh Uttx do that which we may not be ex CU8ed from doing, under advice rather than of compulsion " t i.s rr . .v- irtv. nrrr i i a if y0UDge8t Btm of John ttnd Mary E. McCabc, aged one year seven monms ana twelve aays. NEW ADVERTISErEriTS. BOOTS AND SHOES, rpHE balance of stock1 for sale at cost, by JL HORACE M. BARRY, Water street, foot of Chestnut. 218 w Nov. 1, 1 Copartnership Notice. T'HE undersigned, has this day admitted Mr. X EDWIN A. HUBBARD, as partner, and henceforth the business will be conducted under the style and name. of PEIRCE & HUBBARD. WM. H. H. JrElKCE. Nov. 14. 219-lt. Moody I. Smitli, AITORNZY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. S6 Pine street, New York. Nov. 14. 219-lm CI6iLBS!CI6AB$!CISAKS! JUST RECEIVED a large and well selected lot of HAVANA CIGARS: also a few iJoxei An derson's Solace, which will be sold low, at DAY & WRIGHTS Drug and Chemical Store, 71 Market Street. Nov. 13. 21'J-s. Auction Sales. ON TUESDAY AND THURSDAY OF EACH WEEK, AT TUB STOB B OF POALK & ALB.EM. NO. 3 SOUTH WATER-STREET, UP STAIRS, at 104 A. M., to-day, Tuesday 14th, will be sold, a fine assortment of trroceries, Wines, . Sal Soda, Segars, Teas, ' Gent's Under Clothing. Stationary, Canned Meats, ' Lobsters, Ac, &c. J. Shaocelfoiid, Auctioneer. Novi 14. i 210-lt. Mr, WiUiam l&itcMl, (colored), TTORMERLY of Columbia, 8. C, can find his L wife near, Thornton's Cart House, over Boney Bridge, Wilmington, N. C. 219-lt BMSESSSUITS! BIS1SESS SUITS! BUSINESS SUITS! 1 !tJSINES$UITS,;..the largest assortment in 13 Wilmington, and seUing chca, at S. M. SIMPSON'S, S3 and 85 Market street, And H and 4 Front street; N. E. corner. November 14 209- ASMendM StocK rYr OVERCOATS AND BUSINESS SUITS, VS latest style o? our own mute at uue caty Cloth- ins: and FuruishiQir Store of " Nov 7. , BALDWIN, MUJSSON & GO'S. ' : -; .' , , . ; 212 : Bobt and Siioe Store. THE. SUBSCRIBERS hereby give notice that .. they have again resumed business at thtr on Market street, No. 41, and now offer to their l uu wi puuuc eenerauy a iuu assortment Gf Boots, Shoes "and Lelther, all OfMch wS be soia a low t BW-Sh as possible for eash ' ' ;- BvhOe Findings alwavB on hand. he tells e northern people 4 that, he wil protect &d1lefii Hift toutlf. AinlilEs tbi the south 'A M USS f t E NTO j.. & x t-. i ; 1 1 Be-appearance f the WUmington faTorite, mx M MWf ti n 'jt Li ShaKspeare's great play of BOilJE O AH D J PL I E.3T . Juliet.-'-. Sf " "4 . . - Miss Ida V emon. . -. . - Mr. John Davis. Romeo -v. - v mAtter which, Dance,-.. . . .. . Miss Nelly Proctor. To conclude ''with the tnghableJi?arce of BETSf BARER. BSSEE SMALL BILLS Doors open for securing seats daily from 10, A. M.r nntil 1, P. M. ' '. , r Dbots open at 7 oclock; Performances to com mence at 7f o'clock, precisely. "Ou Willi tbe Dance-Let Joy be Un ".': canfined." THE MOZART HALL IS now ready, and can be obtained for BALLS, PARTIES, and CONCERT,, ENTERTAIN MENTS, by applying to JAS. H. BAILEY, . Bailey's Hotel. November s , ;; 2U-6t Ovens, Spiders, Saucepans. I FRYING PANS, SOD IRONS, AND EVERT description of house, hardware, earthenware, willow ware, blacksmith, coopers, painters, shoe makers, carpenters and tinners tools, agricultural implements, saddlery goods, French and American calf-skins, sole harness, band string and lace leath er. "Powder, shot and caps, cotton andwool cards, paints, window glass, oils, varnishes, putty, &c, &c.. at WILSON'S Hardware and Harness Estab lishment, Market-it., near the whsrf. Nov. 13. j , 218-2t. Sundries at Auction. rS WEDNESDAY NEXT, 15TH INSTANT, KJ at 10 o'clock, A. M., we wiil sell in front of our Sales Room, No. 3, North W&ter-street for ac count of whom it may concern, 160 volumes various works. Literary, Scientific and Religious. 5 doz. Ladies Hats and Trimmings. 17 " Extracts. 4 " Cologne. 2 " Cocoaine. 2 S-12 " Hair Oil. 2 " Pomade. Men s and Children's Shoes. Clocks, pencils, bracelets, razor straps, suspen ders, coflce, mustard, candles, blacldnc:, cinr.ain on, codfish, CLARET WINE AND WHISKEY, AMD 8000 Lbs. BACON. Unlimited articles received until day of sale. CRONLY & MORRIS, Auct'rs. Nov. 13. 218-2t. THE SOUTHERN FREEMAN. T'HE UNDERSIGNED nronoses to tub!ish. JL the town of Wilmington, about the 15th of December, a weekly newspaper, to b called "Ine Southern Freedman." As ita name indicates, this journal will be devoted to the interests of the lour millions of colored freedmen now in the south, and who are without influence, property or knowl edge to avail" themselves advantageously of the boou which , government" has . conferred upon ktheiii. i , i ' ! - From the circumstances in which the close of the rebellion placed the blacks it is not expected that they will be able at present to support successfully a weekly newspaper ;, because they are not yet a reading people. They do not yet understand the true nature of their l'redom, and are therefore ex posed to imposition and deception from designing parties. The undersigned, however, hopes by dis charging his duty as a public journal! t faithfully to the white and black, races, to merit a share of the patronage of all philanthropist and christians both north and south. Lborh;g among the blac ks for a number of years as a minister of Christ, and having had the honor also of being for some time L an agent oi me purcuu oi iveiugeeu, rrecumeii, &c, he hopes to be able to conduct his paper in sucb a manner as-may in the Providence of God conduce to the wcll-beipg of both races. The undersigned: being hinibelf originally from the north, aud holding his ecclesiastical connection with the old school presbyterian church in that section, he is well assured that he can accomplish much in behalf of the true elevation of the black race-. He u aware that he possesses the confidence of the black people of this section, aud as his sole aim has been to do them all the good in hi power, in the past as well as the present and future, he now throws his lot with them for weal or for woe. The Southern Freedman will be a religiou a well as a secular paper, and will therefore espouse the religious as well as the secular rights of the race, regardless of denominational lines. In the discharging this duty it reserves to itself the right to discuss all religious and ecclesiastical move ments that may take place in the south or else where, having any besiring upon the rights of the people whose organ it professes to be. It will let no opportunity escape to promote the true inter ests of this people. Avoiding constantly every eutopian and impracticable scheme, it will con fine itself to whatever is practicable, wie and wholesome for the moral, intellectual and social elevation ot the black race. TLe Southern Freedman will be emphatically the black man's paper the negro's own family journal and we hope it may after awhile become read and appreciated by the more cultivated whites. At all events the undersigned believes that it will promote the iuterest of rcvery employer of black men in the south to have'this paper circulated and read among their employes. This paper will be entirely independent of any political party or organization, and also of all re ligious denoniinatioHS, north or south. Its mistion is to the African on this continent regardless of parties or churches. It will, however, give all proper support to the Bureau of Freedmen, and strive to lacilitate in every way within its reach the successful workings of that benevolent and praiseworthy institution among the blacks. At present the paper will be published at the following rates for subscribers Six- months $2.00 Twelve months 3.00 Strictly in advance. No subscription will be re ceived for a less period than six months. At present subscriptions will be received at Whitaker's book store, in the town of Wilming ton. The Boston Recorder, New York Observer, Philactelphia Presbyterian, Presbyterian Banner, and all other religious and secular papers at the north who ar friendly to the cause of African welfare are requested to give theabove prospectus the proper publication at ad early day. The papers of the state arc also respectfully requested to do the same by us, and as usual iu such cases we will return the service in kind at some future day. Rev. JAMES SINCLAIR, Editor and Proprietor. Nov. 13. 218-s GLOVES! GLOVES!! HOSIERY ! HOSIERY!! UNDERWEAR ! UNDERWEAR ! ! ND EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT IN a first class Gent's Furnishing: Establishment -' ? At ; : M. SIMPSON'S, :, S3 and .85 Market street,1 4 f- 4 and 2 and 4 Front st., N. E. corner. Nov. 9. . ... . . , - , .;, ,.. 215-s QLD WEW&PAPJRS,in good order, suitahle .for, wrapping' paper, for Bal by the hundred SPAFERS, in good ord( at THE HERALD OFFICE. Oct. 25. X 202-s el t MISCELLANEOUS.' f r."RIIRRAITnF nUT.TFl? ( To rtlUvt Clerical ;: distress; especially in Southern .Dioceses.) rTTNBER theadvice ofJhgjfcBishops Tablot,At ZJ kinson and Lay. Address contributions -to the Rev. W. . loane iiecretary, Aiartrord, Con necticut. JiiV T it j j! 5 Nov-U. fJ MI '-i -4 118-tf. Southern papers are asked to copy this till for bid. ---- '"" ? , , t . Tr M)ETH0F0I4W v fESTEIiPRISK GREAT GIFT SALE i 4 :v i now thi - NEW YORK AND PROVIDENCE Jewelers' Aociatioii, Capital, - . . .f. .......... . $1,1 Depot, 197 Broadway. AN IMMENSE STOCK of Pianos, Watches, Jewelry, and Fancy Goods, all to be sold for ONE DOLLAR each, without regard to value, and noi xo ie paia ior nu you see wnai jou w iu receive. CERTIFICATES, naming each article and its value,' are placed in sealed envelopes and well mix ed. Oaeof these, envelopes will be seht'by mail to any address on receipt of 25 cents ; nvc tor 1 ; eleven for $3 ; thirty for $5 ; sixty-five for f 10; and one nundrca tor 15. Ou receipt of the certificate you will see what you are going to have, and then it i at your option to pay the dollar and take the article or not. Pur chasers may thus obtaia a Gold Watch, Diamond lung, a riano, Sewing Machine, or any set of Jew elry on our list, for $1 ; and in no case can they get less than One Dollars' worth, as there are no blanks. Agents arc wanted in every town in the country; every person can make $10 a day, selling our cer tificates in the greatest sale of Jewelry ever known oend aoc. for a Certificate, whicn will lnlorra you what you can obtain for SI. At the same time get our circular, containing full list and particu lars ; also, 1 ertns to Agents. Address, JAMES HUTCHINSON & CO., 197 Broadway, N. Y. Nov. 18. 218-2m To the Public. rjHE UNDERSIGNED, WOULD MOST RE- X 8PECTFULLY inform their friends, patrons and the public generally, that Mr. Marcus has iust returned from the North, bringing with him a larie and well .selected iall stock ol Ladies Fancy DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, CLOAKS, and BALMORAL SKIRTS. Also Gents' and Ladies Merino Undershirts ; Gents Furnish ing Goods ; Ladies Shoes &e., to the inspection of which they would invite the public. Give us a trial and you will find that we allow no gnb to undersell us. MARCUS & KEHR. Mclntire & Brown's old stand, Next door to Brown & Anderson's Jewelry store. Nov. 3. 210-ss John 15. Fuller, MANUFACTURER AND . DEALER, Tio. 8 ey Street, r"ew York, HAS IN STORE and ready for immediate ship ment, and is manufacturing to order, PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM EN GINES AND BOILERS,, 2 to 250 horse power: Circular and Upwrhrht Saw Mills of the most approved construction, of all smes, cutting 7W to 15iX teet of lumber per hour : Grist Mill6, Mill Irons, Water Wheels, and every kind of Mill Machinery ; 8urar Mills, Paper and Mining Machinery; Tools, Tanks, &c., for Oil and Salt Works ; Cotton and Woolen Machin ery! &c. Vertical Planers, Irou Planers, Engine Lathes, Drill Lathes, Boring Machines, Slatting Machines, Upright Drills, Steam Pumps, Force Pumps, Lilting Pumps, Suction Pumps, Hydraulic Jacks, Gray & Wood's Planing Machines, Daniels' Planine Ma chines, Moulding Machines, Sash Machines, Tenoning Machines, Power Morticing Ma chines, ; Foot Morticing: Ma chines, B. ring Machines, Screw Jacks, Shafting Pulleys and Hangers, Rubber and Leather Beltings, Leather and Rubber Hose, Plumbing and Gas Fit tings, Blind Slat Tenoning jviacmnes, Circular Saw Benches, Wright's patent Scroll feaws, Patent Belt Scroll Saws, Circular Reserving Mills upngnt reserving Mills notary ana ilining Steam raid Gas Pipes, Pumps, Steam & Water Gauges,,. Woodworth Planinjr Every description of Marhiuerv and Rail Machines, way Supplies COTTON GINS, COTTON GINS, COTTON GINS! lavlor. Eale, lirown. Southern. Craven. Ex celsior and McCarthy Cotton Gins, with engines or horse powers, and everything required for the same, in store, and for sale at the lowest price. Your orders arc respectfully solicited. October 16th. 194-eod-ly. Upholstering, Paper Hanging, BEDDING, FURNITURE, ETC. HAVING secured the services of J. W. ZIM MERMAN, who is well known in this citv as a practical Upholsterer and Paper Hanger, we are now prepared, in connection with our Furniture department, to lurnish Window Curtains, Shades, Hair, Shuck, Mops, Straw and Cotton Mattresses, Feather Beds, Pillows and Bolsters, and Pauer Rooms at short notice. Also fitun Vessels Cabins. Railroad Cars, &c; cut, make and put down Car pets, Oil Cloths, also repair Sofas, Chairs, Lounges, &c. ' D. A. SMITH, Nos. 26 and 28 South Front street. Oct.24. 201-1 m CLOTiiOG ASD BUT GOODS. HA v E now on hand a very large 6tock of clothing, Dry Goods and gents Furnishing Goods, which we are offering to the trade below New York prices. It would be to the advantage of ail wishing to purchase goods 10 give us a call at No. 40 Market Street, under Van Orsdell's pho tograph gallery. WOLF, WRONSKI & CO. 210-lm. Nov. 3d. WHOLtSALE BUYERS t -OF GROCERIES, FOR CASH, yILL FIND OUR STOCK FULL, AND PRICES LOW. We receive large supplies by EVERT STEAMER. ' We buy and sell goods for CASH ONLY. AND CAN OFFER GOODS LOW. SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, FLOUR, CHEESE, BUTTER, LARD, SODA, CANDLES, CRACKERS, PICKLES, PRESERVES, : ' " RAISINS, ' ' SEGARS, ' STARCH, ' ' ' , ; '.' SOAP, : - WOOD AND . WILLOW WARE, LIQUORS IN . . BAURELS & V. r .- -S. ... -,t, t -CA8ES. ' &Cl -.&c.--.'i c, ; S:c AT ' 'I ' ,. GEORGE MYERS, 11 & i3Frbnt si . n ' CHAS. p. MYERS, Agent. Nor. 10th. - 216-s ivAr:Tq.u H TJAStt OOYlLmRSIOH,- , If OTES WHTEIV ttte -wUh to buy a limited amount or tna ooj" YY-Bank -Notepply-4------ nUftlllWAniUi Browns' Wharves. Nov. 13. Wanted". Sd f A MONTH t UgUwaVitekir i tll ltreirtJust oUfciAddrS8 O. 1. liAKlsr, City Building, inaueiora, jttjn. o sept. 13th yD u d i'Viu. 16C-3m AfAf,lee uew anlwbnaerfui SEXNaliACHINJi, the only cheap one licensed. Address .' , Ml Biddelord, Maine" : 166 3m sept 13th efetS MSSC ANEOUS. Tt4 . Y nlT v R. S. W A L D R O N , U Market Street. ONE PRICE STORE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DXALZR 1M FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, wax orra on WEDNESDAY, Nov. 1, FALL AND WINTER GOODI, QON8ISTING in part of Meriaoes, Coburgs, Poplins, Delaines, Bombazines, Alpaccas and a full line of the . most desirable .Fancy -aad Plain Dress Goods'', Black Bilks ! Best Makers.' Hoop Skirts, Balmorals, Corsets, Embroideries, Collars and Sleeves, Hosiery and Gloves La gra&t variety. WHITE GOODS!! A full assortment in the different Styles and Makes. . . m Jon's sdft finish Cambrics, for Skirts. MOURNING GOODS!! in all the different Styles and bast Fabrics. Perfumery, Pancy Goods and Notions. Cloaks, Cloaaincrs, Mantilla and Shawls, In cluding Breakfast and Evening Shawls. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS! HOUSEKEEPING GOODS! White and Colored Blankets, Quilts, Table Cloths, Damasks, Napkins, Towels, Towelling. White and Colored, Plain sstd Twilled Flannels Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings and Shirtings, all grades, and all other goods usually kept in a first class Dry Goods Store. SHOES I SHOES! Ladies', Misses' and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES. A COMPLETE STOCK. Oct. 31. v 207-lm LIME!! BARRELS BEST STONE LIME FROM wharf, by 150 WORTH A DANIEL. Browns' Wharves. Nov. 13. 218-s. BA(M, SALT, BOPS, BAGGING, SUGAR, CALCINED PLASTFB, SUPER PHOS PHATE LIME and Foard's Tertiliaer, EMPTY SPIRITS BBL8. Ac., Ae., For sale by WORTH A DANIEL. Browns' Wharves. 218-s Nov. 13. HOWE S SCALES. A N ASSORTMENT OP SIZES JUST RE CEIVED including Counter Scales. W UK 1 H. A DANIEL. fiale Agents, Novl2. Carriages. THE immense Stock, now , in the three large Warerooms, covering an acre of 15,000 Square Feet. ? , ;- Entrances-450 Broadway and 16 Crosby. St.,. being the largest assortment of Carriages ever of fered in New York, will now be sold at greatly re duced prices. -Harness, Ac. ' An assortment al ways on hand. , . i , , a, - if Cfi WITTY, 450 Broadway. New York, Oct. 28. 205-lm , PUMPS! fMPS! PMPSl Steam, Force, Suction & Ufliog pern's -tv;:,.. OT XVBRT DESCKIPTIOK ; STEAM AND GAS PIPES, , PIPE AND STEAM ;PITTINds, and every description of J Ma, GAS AND STEAM PITTINQ GOODS, , - - POR SALE AT THE LOWEST KATES, -:. JOHN B. FULLER, i if -it..;: ; -8 Dey street,:i'h J' , ' -' -. ; NewYorkr Jov-6. . 212-ly Notice. . . ; ; A LL PERSONS' are herebv ;fhipWlflflp . -tA. hnnting, fishing, or In any way trespasain uo vi a, viun jl twi jl inuumvm unaer tne Not 11. BMEM SlWHOf EL, FBONT STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. JAITIE IIIJA5BL.EiriJProprletor. HOU8E'Opea fdr the reception of guests at all hours of the day.and night. t, ? No pains will bc'spared t6 make ihe guests of the house comfortable la every respect The table la supplledjwith, every luxury the mar- tetaffMs.MHtU0f jfl i.' v AH "A first class restaurant is .attached to the house, where the 'public will be furnished with ice cream or ojsteqjitQ. elr seasons, irlncs, choice liquors, etc .:lfl"vHoti-t ':i ' Julylh : ... , . 118 SCHOOLS, i v 1 ;IIming:tbii 'kJLLM AND FEMALE SEMINARY. OORNER of Second and Chesnut streeu. . ' ' G. W. JEWETT, t-. ; ' " 'PrincinaL Oct: 14 1U3-S. MRS. JEWETT ,L resume her place1 in the Wtimlneton MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY on Monday, November IStb. A limited number of younger pupils of either sex will be received at reduced rates. November 10 . ' 215-3t ,n TO 4EW15TT, TTAVlNG returned to Wilmington, will tesume 11, giving instructions on the PIANO FORTE. For particulars inquire of G. W. Jewett, corner gf Second and Cheenut streets. November 10 i 316-6t SHIPPING For Sew York. COMMERCIAL LINE. rpHE A. I. STEAMSHIPS FAIRBANKS, CapL HtrsrTSH, add W. P. CLYDE, Capt. Robbihs. Will form a weekly line between Wilmington, North Carolina , and ,New York, sailiing very THUR8DAY. For freight or paeage, having superior accommo dation for passengers, apply to BRADLEY & WOEHLER, Agents, North Water, between Chesnut and Mulberry sts., Wilmington, N. C. C. H. PI1RSON, Airent. 77 gouth street, New York. Oct. 80. mSm FOR BIO BE JlXEIfiO. CALLING AT ST. THOMAS, PARA, PERNAM- BUCO, AND BAHTA. t THE UNITED STATES AND BRAZIL MAIL Steamship Company, will dispatch regularly, ON THE 28TH OF EVERY MONTH, A new and First Class Steamship, to leave at THKB3 O'CLOOlt, P. M. FROM PIIR 3, NORTH RIVER. ( '.All letters have to paes through the PostofBca. An experienced Surgeon will be In attendance on board. For Freight or Passage, having! splendid accom modations, apply to , THOMAS ASDENCIO fc CO. 17 Broadway New York. October SI. 207-i'm. FOR NEW YORK. Atlantic Coast Mail Steam THE Ships EUTERPE', CAPTAIN ELRIDGE, TlflLIOHT, CAPTAIN SPICER, will form a weeklj line, sailing every Saturday from this port, for New York. For freight, or passage, apply to HARRISS & HOWELL. Jose 7 to 83 FAMILY SUPPLIES. . . i.i: -If : QTJPERTINE TEAS, FINE COFFEE, CUT LOAF, CRUSHED, POWDERED, " " COP FEE AND BROWN SUGARS, PICKLES, JELLIES, - AND PRESERVES, TABLE SALT, FINE TABLE BUTTER, f ; ; ' CHEESE AND LARD. . Everything needed ii i ;y 11 and 13 Front, street, CHAS. D. MYERS, Agt. ICot. 10. DBB68 km CHESnCALS i . - i 'i' ' . . j Wholesale and Retail. i ,',!.. : ! ill.,:. fE, the nniersigned. respectfully announce to ' the citiaens of Wilmlntrton, that we will opemourj n H u - , NEW" DRUG' STORE, 71 Market street, between 2nd and 3rd streets, Monday, November etlr, with a choice selection of pure- drpgshemicals.perfameryi laaey nrtkles, particular' attention given to physician's prescriptions. ' : , The store will be open iaff all hours, day and night, ii r h I Knivi -tii-..: DAY & WRIGHT. . ' ' i9' DrtiggisU & Chemists. Nov. 6th. .H' h - .'.i'.-' a.. 2i2- 'id li his.'- 1 .rift ... J- BLACK AND COLORED SILK SCARFS. e ; i GLOVES, HOSIERY, HATS AND CAPS, All the new styles at' 4 : , 1 . a i -wn BALDWIN, MUNSON CO'S. 21. Sl7-iir Not. 7.

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