SEMI-WEERLiT. [VOL. I.] weMPW^«!aa-w'VJAr«JBMaB:!!»iUiarwjjejM FAYl'/n'KVlLl.i:, N. C., TlirilSDAY Al’TERXOOX, Jl'JA' 3, ISol. [XO. 1.] PlllNTKI) HV J. B. XHWHY. ^DWAK!) J. HALE & SOX, EDlTOltS AND I’ROrRIF.TOlltJ. iii'O ior the S^cnu-Weekly ()n?KnVKU *?1 if ].inid ill lulxiince; !? J 50 if |>»ikl (iuiinj; the voar of -ub?cri|'tion; or Sjio after the yeiir lias txpired. For the Weekly Ouskuvkk $2 00 per amiinu, if paiil in iidvance; oO if paid liiring the year of Mil.serijUioii; or 00 after the year has cxj'ircil. ADVKHTISKMKSTS inserted forsi\ty cents jter sijtiare for th? first, and thirty cents for each Buccccding publication. Yearly advertisements by special coiuracts. at reasonable rates. Ad vertisers are requested to state the ni^inber of Jjiitiortlons desired, or they will be continued till Uorbid, and charged accordingly, i Letters t« the Elitors must be post-paid. WANTED, Law part of No. 1 Dev. iS: l>atile's Ke- JL ports, and the List of Cases in 1st Dev s Hquity. The subscribers will pay a ronsimable price f'lr any odd Nos. of ^{eports previous to Iredell's (ith Liiw and Jiil Equity. 'i;. J. lIALi: SON. IlESl’EUlAN HAUI>, iK'ir SiiH/iiii/ JidiiA', jiisf yei'cirrtf. VLS(). Bishop Uasconi's Sermons: The Week, comprising the Last Day of the Week, the I'irst Day of the Week, the W eek Completed. 1'he Lands of the Moslem, a Narrative iif Orien tal Travel. The Path of Life, by Uev. Henry .V. Itowhiiid. Tom Uacquet, and his three Maiden uVunt.'r. Etiquette for Ladies. .Do. for (.»entle- Thc rsiilmist and .Su[iplcment. lUitler's |Iudihr;i)«. riutarch’s Lives. Madam lloland, l)y Abbott, Dictionnry of Quotations, Latin. French, \c. r*is:'si I'l'.'k* Dii tiimary. r.iirn.-'’ prks. I’ootrvof ni»vt-rir. Flora's Intei'prctcv. E. J. jiajj: so.v. May.-,. JS-'jI. F'ire Insurance* fHllIK -ICTN.V Insurance Company of Hart-j .M. ford, havinc paid the tax imjvx^ed by the Kevenuc L:tw of the laie Leirislature, will cuii- tiniie its Apency in Fayetteville, under the nianajrcnvent of the \indersij:!ied, whi is jire- paretl to issue 1‘olicies of Insui-ance on liuihl- ii;;js or Goods, either in this Town or in any J :irt of the .''tate. ou jiroper appliciition, dc- scriiiti' ii of the IVoitorty, \c. The .^n’NA COMPANV has been in o))eraTinn ;.lv;ut -JO years. Its is )i:ti>0,00(>. 'fhe n«in. TliDs. K. IJj-ace was its lirst I’resideiit, :aid i'.e still holds office; aul .•ever;i! of its ^ lirst Direct'irs are still active ami cthciejit wiem- i bers Ilf th»* Muard. It has at all times su>tainrd ™ the hi^rhot rharacter ft>r the jiru«leiice of its in.-in!irement, aiid for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted its l.»scs. 1 E. J. HALE, A-ent. •'r March 10, li‘_’-tf i J.IFi: IXSTRANCi:, ~j P ri^iiE I ndersi^ned has been appointed Aj^ent -BL of the Niirth Carolina Mutual Life liisu- , ranee ( nmpaiiy. fivery member fur life partic- ipates in the protits of the Ciim]iaiiy; and the annual premium f-.r life nu'inberahip. where it UlUountH t-» tir morv, luny hi* nni*-hnlt* in cash, and the other half in a note at VJ mnuths. Debtiirs' lives may be insured by creditors. A mati may insure his own life for tin- exclusive Ijcnclit of his family. The lives of slaves u;uy e insured. 'J’his system is rapidly growinjr into favor, all »>ver the civilized woi’ld. It is one by which a family, tor a small sum annually, ntay b>’ pro- viiled for, after the death of its head, on whose cxertii.iis they may have been de[K'U‘k-nt for a S', suppi.rt. Jt is a good invqstnrjnt of mon«-y. ^«-ven if I'lie should live loufr after tak;:i;.r out a 'j|Life I'olicy. Explanatory pa'iipidet'>, and the ^Jjiffcss.jrv lllank.s. furni.-?l;cd on .iiiplic.itio;!. ” K. H .'.Li;. ^ Fayetteville, .lune IhoO. 7'J ^ Wheeler's History of Xorlli Caroliiiii. * under'ijriied has been ajipointed (iine- ral Agent for Col. H. Wheeler in the ' 7th ('onirressioii.-il District, anl wi.-hes to an- jjoiiit siib-.V"ents in each of the counties of Kobeson. Cohnnbiis, IMadcn, I>runswick, New Itaiiover. .'^inpsoii, Duplin and Onslow, and !isk' that ap])lication be made to him imme- llafe’iy. The Work "oes to press in August, au(l the prii;e will Ije One Dolhtr j'Cr volume, and cousi>ting of two volumes. JOHN .M. r.o.-r,. March IM, 1S.->1. t.l-tf lt\i\K J^TOCK. I WILL be sold on Wednesday, the HOth day of .Inly next, at the Dank in (ireensboro’, l.'iO Shares Dank of the State. , loJJ Shares I’>ank of Cape Fear. ' ,1KD. H. LINDSAY, ) | .lESSE II. LINDSAY, '• Exrs. ! 11. 0. LINDSAY, ) i June 2i. l!^')l. 77-lw | rB^HE subscriber has t.-iken charge of this old -M- anil well known Establishment, and is jur- pared to attend to all orders for Priiitinir l*npor, Mercljants' ami Factory Wrappiiiir, \S:c. The Mill has recently been thoroughly rctitto 1 with new machinery, and the Nubscriber believes he can furnish Paper of as good quality and at as cheap prices as can be purchased any where. North or South. CHAItLEK E. SlIODEll. Salem, .June 7, IS-'il. 77tf j ivocM p(M- StcanuM- and for sale. I'llU.S. ('rushed and Hetined SCCAll, 1 chest fine Hyson Tea, "> casks best London I’orter. pint bot'ls. 4 cases su])crior old I’ort Wine, 1 cask M:ulcira Wine. ■> hhds. Cuba M ilasse^. SAM L W. TILLINCIIAST \ Co. 2'». 1>‘''1. 77tf .hine the l^'.l. M 1ASII for all Mccounts and notes dut Subsi-ribcr, jwevions to 1st .lanuai. Persons indel)ted to the subscrib* r. a.'- abovo. will miu'h oblige him liy settling the same as larlv as loth Julv. • SAM'L .L HINSDALK. .hine ■_*;!. iSol. 77-tl'i.l TiNXKR \\ AS'l'l'A). ~ A CiM»D .Job Workman will find steady ein- ^ W ]ilovment bv aj>plving immediately to C. W. ANDliKWS. .lune 2M, 1>')1. 77tf Ucr. Prof \fisor )r^(in's i'cmriU Sonina rij, SALISUI KY, N. c. /HAUL'S Collcgi.nte Famil.v Doarding School fV.i- IL y«>ung L-ulies will open for the year on the 7th of .July, a tei-m of I(t months. The entire expenses are front l‘JO to 200 dolls., ot* paid in advance. It is believed that no Semina ry in \'a., N. or S. Caroliiui has combined equ.-d facilities for the greatest imjirovcment of so lim ited a number. [77-lwp sovTH MAF.i: AC A1)1:MV, OltANCE COl NTY, N. C. ilHE sixth Session of this Institution will ■omnu'iice on Tuesday .July I'l, and coii- tin\ic for ti%f months. 'rin- S-tionl still conti nues tuider the management of Uev. .lames A. De:in. M. A., who has hail chai-gc of it froiu its commencement, and ii:is gi\en it a high reputa tion for thoroughness and morality. He w ill l)P assistetl by .Mi-. John Dailey, late Princijial of Leasburg .Vcademy, who comes with high re commendations as :i ti-acher anil a gentleman. The d;sci;iline of the Academy is such that no ■student can continue a course of immorality or even of idleness, .''oatli Lowcu .\cad‘my .sit- uatcd in a remarkalily liealthy section of coun try. thus furnisiiiiig a de,>irable ret-vnt for those wlio wi>h to escape the uuiica'tldness of the lower eoutitr\'. Di-artl in the best familie>. per .'sess'ou. 'i'uition: j;ii;riis!i ')i>. Classi cal on. •'ir: u!ars. giving fu'ler infoimatioii. may be had liy ;4ppl\l'igat the Mli'-e '.f the ••Ob>e!-ver.’' D. C. PAIli;i.''ll, .''ec. Fx. Com. Soiitij^ Lowell, .June D*. 1S'1. 77-;iw T (!OoD liANDS. at i ts. pprday. on the Si)nthcrn P!ank I'oad. Stea ly em|ih\viiient and cash payment v.eekly, if re- (piired. Apply to D. M. lil lF. At the Stisnii Mill, fir to A. A. McKETH.VN. June 2:’., I ''",]. Fayette\i'le. o I'OK SALE. NE SET SAWMILL CEAKINC.. including an excellent Log t’hain and Crank. Apidy to M. V. JONES. April 4, IHol. Otiif DOMivS'riCS. fITTLE Diver )snabcrgs: 7-8 and 4-4 J .'sheetings always on hand, and for sale at Factory prices, bv STAUIl & WILLIAMS. .June 7, If^ol. 7o-t^' tk.mpi:uan('K. A N .\pjioal lo the Protestant Christians of North Caroliini, in belnilf of the Tempe rance lleform. Dy (Jeorge D. Wcimore. Price i't l eiits sin’i!'.', 'lo c?nto lor 4, or >>4 j)cr Did. For sale by E. J. HALE i: SON. June 0. 7u TPi.VW (TT'FEILS, Corn Shellcrs, and a va- rietv of Ploughs and Plough fixtures, for sale by ■ J. & T. W VDDILL. Jan. 4. .'>;Jtf m:w iU)()Ks. fEIC.H HUNT'S AUTOBIOfinAPI'.Y: Toc- A try of tlie Waverly Novels; Harper's .Maga zine, and International ditto, April Nos.; Alton L ’,.e; Lavengro, Putnani'.s ciicap edition; .\i;'.n's- fi'.M s Mexican War, illustrate*), cheap and bound editiiMi>; (Jc'ldes on Plank Uoads; Comj)lete Farmer and CJardener, by Fessenden; Yotnitt iV Miirtin on Cattle; New .Masonic Trestle Hoard; Freemason’s Miinual; Masonic Chart: Freem.'i- son s Monitor; (io’dsmith's Works; .McLellan on the Interpretation of Scriptures; McCosh on Di vine (iovernment; McCiHFy’s Headers, second anl third parts; Davies' Surveying; (Junn's Do mestic Mciliciiie, iic. I'cc. Just received by -\pril 14. E. J, HAI-E et SON. \i:\v iu)()Ks. ■ “ KOIIP.OW’S LAVEN«jno; ('•race Aguilar’s Wonu*n of England; .Mins Strickland’s Lives of the Quecn.s of Scothind; .Vlton Locke; Hints to 4Sportsmen; Nobodj’s Son; David Cop- j)crfield; Scencs in Mississippi; Love and Ambi tion; Irving’s Works, 14 vols.; Modern Britihh Fssuyists, 8 vols.; Builder’s Companion; (,'ole- nian's Letters from Europe; Abbott’s .Malleville; Soiitliey'b Life and Correspondence; Life of Lady Cohpdionn; with a variety of School Books, etc., juts received by E. J. HALE & SON .March 11, lk.')l. SCDWl.X A.'' received another aihiition to his Stock of U'.VTCHE.S .\ND JLWLLPiV, coiuist- ing of Gol'l and Silver AViitclics, (lul 1 Chaitis, SL'al.s and Kovs; Ear Hini's, Breastpins iiii'l Fiiiirer Kinjrs; ('oil's ;ukI Allfii’.s I’evolviiiix I*i>t»ls; .Music IJoxes, i^c. Please call and examine. Watches and Jewelry repaired as usual. May iSoI. ' 71--Jm iMJOrOSAL 1^11" publication fd' a Volume of .'•’ERM (NS, by the liev. Jarvis Barry Buxton, late Hector of St. John’s Church, Fayetteville, N. C. —to be edited by his son, the Uev. .larvis Bux ton, and accompanied with a Portrait, and Notice of his Life. The projiosed vohime will be printed in large clear t.vpe. and contain over ;'>(>) jiages, sub stantially bound in leather. Terms, 'J'wd Dol lars. ]iayable on delivery. The net pi'oceeds, if .any, derived fi-‘'^!!i the sale, will be given to t!ie ;*erntanent Fund for Missionary purposes in th«; Diocese of North Carolina. It is ilesired, (as few if any copies not pre viously ordered will bo pul>lished,) tiiat i>ersons wishing to subscribe would immedi.itely notify the Editor himself, or their ovfn .Minister, vhom ho respectfully repiests to receive Sul)scribers’ names, and to forward them to his .\dilress at Asheville, N. C. June, 1851. 7> Kncourairc North Carol!/ui. f B’^HE undersigned is manufacturing, in Fay- _SL etteville. Boot and Shoe Polish, far superior to the Blacking purchased in the .Niu-thern cities. He intends devoting his wlwde time to manufacturing and vending this very su perior Polish, and calls ujion all w ho think it to the interest of tiie S«mthern peopie to become independent of Northern nuinufactures, to give him their aid and jiatronage. He is ])rep:ired to show, by ahsoltiO' frurl, to any one who will call upon him, the mitf siipc- rii ritij of his over all other nr bhuhin;/ Tiow sold in North Carolina.! haw your boots and .shoes once eompletely lil.icked ami {'olishcd, :uid.l)e satislied. This artifle is otl'ered at a ]>rice not higher tluin is usually charged for othci- and inferior (jiialities, and a trial is all that is .-is’i.ed to se cure the patron.ige of the public generally. The undersigneil expects to visit eviTv por tion of the State to intro.luce his Polish, and asks now in advaiu e th.-it Merchants anil others visiting FuvcttcviHi; will give him a call. .{. .L W(H>DWA11D. .Iu:ie ‘J1. 1S.")1. 77-'>m ~ WAN'rKl)/ rBlHllEE House Servants, good seamstresses Ji. and washers. Liberal ]irices will be ]i:iid. J. \ T. UADDli.L. .Nlay liO. 7'Uf • ' \VAN'ri':i). ~ A ('tO(ll) Carriage i’.MNTEH will find steiiily employniejit and good wages, by applying inunediate’.y to A. A. .McKETHAN. F.-iyetteville. .\jiril 14. iS.'il. ii:lif Blount’s Creek Factory. 4-1 Sheetings, 7-'' Shirtings, I'bix :ind t'otton Clut'.i. 7-^an•l -1-!. {ur;de of shoe thread.) ('ottor I •sn.iburgs, ('otton .irn. (:ill Nos.' Stocking: \^iri> :ind (';;rpet W.irp. For sale t>y the l)ah‘ or ]iiece. '>v ;i:o. .M.AKli.L. June 1 1. IS.'.I. 7'Mw iO^Ouiiir to the (lentil >t‘ the former Agent of the Henrietta .''team I’oat (.’o.. the Books ami a'-coitnts } revl..u. to 1st .la!u::iry. 1S')1. have bc‘cn pl.iced in ni.v hati !s f^T .sfttle- ment. .Vll jn-rsons having r.nsvttle 1 :i. l o-nits. are reipiesied to come l'orv,.iril an l si t!;-,-, as it becomes necessnry to close up the oM bi oks ;;s as i;ol’.T. JoilN.'-'oN. Fayetteville. June D'.. 1 >•')!. 7i-tiw i'atfi'ticviUi’ *V i'etilre iSodft. IN pursuance of the re of .*i i.und'er of citizens on the line of this pr 'pos,-.! jjoad, a Pulilir Meeting will be held :it McOregors Mills, in Cumberland Coinity, on .''aturdav the 1‘Jth .liily next, wldeh all ]>ers tii-j interested are iti\ited to .-itteu'!; and \yhi'ie Books of .Subscrip- tiim will lio o]ien»'d. Bv tT Icr of the Commissioners. J!. l.ll.lA . Ch:i;rman. .lune I'J, l''-'il. 7'.-lw VAI.l'Alil.i: KI'.M, ES’I'A'IE .\T .\t TI(tN. .N .'sATl'IlD.W tlie l^'dh of .July next, the Sul)scriber will edl at Auction tiie l i'-ge. Comfortable, and plc;isantl.v situated H>i >1), on the corner of Mnmford and (iiilespie streets, ktiowu iis the former rcsidein-c of Mrs. E. ."suKtli. The Lot is large, the Buiidiiig in good repair, and tiie neces.i.iry out-hou-i.s nnusaally conve nient. All per.- ;;is de'iring info;iii;it:on rcl 'tive to this 1 M oiivrtV ’.V ill ap(il V 1 o \v ;!i. 1>. \\ ri'.rht. Lsij. J!>SK p. .>;\||i'H. .1 line J1. 1 '^•’>1. 7'>-ts i''(){i 'ri:x\s!! rnillF .'siiljS'TibiT ofVirs for sale, his entire i ii.terest being one haU'i in the .MILLS fornu'rly owned by Col. .Murchisou, but nun' recenrly by liiiiis- M'and H. \. .McKethan. Tlie above Mili.s are situ.ated ujioti Lowi'r Little I’.iv- er. and h:ive been long :ind most favorably ktiouii to)- their iu sawing, ione saw ac tually rut l.'l I'i feet in one day. | w ith an al most inexhaust.ioje wat--r Conveidi nt to this proj'city is a large and eouifort.ible dwelling hous,-, and all neccssary out h'uises in good laqiair. .\, A('U1>S Ilf jj.-uid, titty acres of which is under cultivation. \ more perfect descriiitioH is deemed unneccss.-irv, as it is well known, and lias never changed iiauds without liaving commanded high prices. Terms favor able, but reserved foi- ]irivate arrangement. Also, AClkllS, situati'd in the ('oiinty of l>iiplin, immdi.-itely upon the Bail K iad, o niile.s aliove Wars.iw, -i.'.O .acres id’ which are uirhr cultivation, th(? bal.-ince finely set Tar]icniine hand, v.ith boxes .already cut. .\]il'lication may be nt.ade to Wm. M. \Vi-ight at Warsaw, or to the .sii’oscritar tlirough Bivcr- sidc P. O., ('undicrland countv, N. C. J.‘ .M. WBiriHT. June7, l«'.l. 7ii-4wpd XOTICE. Subscriber having qualified as Execu- -EL tor to the Estate of Mi's. Henrietta Camp bell, nt M.ireh Term, 18')1. oi' the i'ourt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of ('umberland county, hereby notifies all persons indebted to said Es tate to make immediate payment; and all having claims against the same, to present them within the time prescribed by law, or tliis notice will be pleaded in bar of tiieir recovery. M. V. JONF.S, Kxecutor. -March 10, 18-)1. «i)tf —All AccoHHts due the Merch.ants’ Steamboat Company, for Freights up to the loth inst., be promptly jiaid to the undersigned, as much time cannot be given to the collcctiou of the s.ime. J. & T. W.VDDILL, late .Agents. Fayetteville, Jan. Ii7, ISol. oiitf MALE & fi:mali: school. rH’^Hl'] School of the subscriber, assisted by -hL .Miss Cecilia A. Potter, td' Middlebnry, Vermont, will lie resumed on Tuesday, 1st id' .Inly next. Bo.ird for any number of students, can lie gotten in the village, at -^7 per month. Tuition as heretofore, viz: (incidentals included.) For the I’lidiments. jier Scs.'ion, ^0 -30 Mathematics. English (irammar. Histo ry, I'ic., 8 .■>0 Latin an>l Greek Languages, 10 ."itj E.X'l'BA. .Music on the Piano, l'> 00 Cse of Instrument, ‘J ,')tl French Language, 10 110 Drawing. Necdle-work. I'tc., o 00 A; D. .MeLEAN, I’rincipal. Suiiimerville, N. C.. .lune 1, IS.')!. 75-l2m T .ITABi: .NOTICE. WILLIAMS have removed fi FISH. BBLS. C.IBBED HEBKING; 40 bbls. Mackerel. For sale bv (iEt). McNElLL. June (), 18.jl. 7*;-4w EDGEWUHTH FEMAJ.E SEMINARY, Greensborougli, N. C. IHE next Session of this Institution will commence on Monday, July 7. On a]iplication to the Principal, circulars will be forwarded, giving all necessary information respecting' the School. IID'HABD STEl’vLlNG. A. M., Princijial. (lov. J. .M. MuKEiiKAD, Proprietor. June 17. 7()-10wpd i A Valuable Farm for Sale. I fBlllF, Subscriber otl'ers his F.MIM for sale, | .1. situated on the east side of P>ig Cidiarie, ! known jis the Major Ollin Mobley place, con-| tiiiiiing l-'* .Veres. The laml is in line condi- | tion for tilling, and brings tiie very best of corn. i Th'i dwelling and out-houses arc all in very tine ! condition, ^he greater part of tliem having been • lately repaired. On the farm there is a s:i>v and grist mill, which atl'ords a handsome income: there is always a ready sale for the lumber, and at « good price; corn sells readily at the highest niarket price, without removing it. 1 will sell the above at a bargain, as 1 am de sirous of making new arrangements in mv ness. OWEN IlABGlKAE. S.'impson Co., .Inne 11, I'^'il. 7ti-om KING and A. McMILLAN have »fnlered • into copartner.ihip in the Distillery of Turpentine, and have erected a Still on tlie est side of the Fayetteville and Western Plani^ Boad, 8 miles from Favetteville. N. KING. Mavf.—71tf A. McMILLAN. IIIIDS New Crop Molasses, just reed, j mitul l)cc;n;if stnm£rcr every mile I rotu- • J j J sliould find njy LusLaud dead ur dying; -April 14. FUFSll TEAS. r;^xTnA fine hyson. Li Do do Imperial, Do do Gunpowder, Do do Oolong, ;ind Young Hyson TE.VS, of superior quality. —A l.SO— Chocclate. Piarley, Salad Oil, Mu.^tanl, Yeast Povv'lcrs, c\c. For sale by SA.^i’L .1. H1N>DAI.E. Apiil 'Jl. l;^tf }-)R SAU:, WM. BOWLAND’S Extra thick .Mill and ('ross-cut S.VW.'s, li jmd feet. D. W. .McLAl BlN. 40tf without hofitution. After upon a group ot' wonn n Nov. r.*, 18-Vh DAVIS’S I'SOB sale by .Vjiril lil. pal\-kilt.]:r, SA.M’L J. HlNSDALi:. f.8tf .)|TST FlX!Sjfi:i). ^^DtllT NI'W Bl'CitjlES. Also, two second hand. For sale by June 2, 18.',1. A. A. .McKLTHAN. 7 1-tf ESOOli!*:.—linvrli i Identified, by liev. W. D. Wilson. D. D.; Manu al (d'Ciiurch Principles, by ilo; Original Thoughts on Scripture, by Cecii: lieavcn's Help to Cate- j chising; .^lcCosll (ui Divine Government: Prayer i Books, plain and line, .lust received. | E. J. HALF \ S(»N. i the .''tarr. o:ie door west of .Messrs. II. Branson \ Si n, wln’ie they have .iust reccivcl additions to the Spi ing purchases of Staple and Fancy 1>BY GOODS. Country nKrchiints are requestcl to examine our stock. •L P.. STABB. J. M. WILLIAMS, .lune 7. IS'.l. 7.‘)-tf T E wish to buy :20.0(m» barrels 'I'urpentine. KlNtJ vV .McMILLAN. ON A!,L Tin: BANKS IN FAYFTTHVILLE. Just Printed and for Sale at this Office. mm iliiloi.MCii (iOiiDS. I S .1 I . J. T. C'OrXC’lI. C’AIX A BE n(iw iTi-eiving a larjie stock of .'^PBINi .. sA A^>D SI.'M>11;B (jO()J)S, coiisistiug in part of— Strij.ed Gro-de-Paris: black and col'd Silks: ciabr.’dered. ja-inted and black Barege and Ba- rege-de-L.aine; P.iris-de-Chine: ('rape-dc-Paris; ricli cmb'.l Tarltaiis: printed French Lawns; em- luoid.cred and printed Swiss Muslins; Hoyle's :iiid jiriiited OrL'andie; .Mourning. ]irinted: Polka and f.;m\v Lav.n; Mourning and other Ginghams: .laconet anil .Swiss Muslins: .'silk and Linen Pop lins: soliil fol d Lawns; Bisho]i and Swiss ditto; • Irass and other Skirts; Linen Cambric Hand- kcri-hie!'^, needle-worked; Collars and Ciifl's; I.ace Cndersleeves; French needle-worked Chem isettes; fancy Mitts ami Kid (doves of all kinds: splendi.l Bonnet .and othei’ BiVibons; Edging and Inserting: French and Englisli Prints; together with a larire supply of other ailicles suitalilc for L.-ldics' wear. Frcnch Cassimeres: ]>hiin Linen and Linen Drill; Ciiei ked Linen: Silk, ,Marsi‘ille ami other Ve.'tinLfs: Cashnieret; L>iabd'Ete; York Nankins: Silk I landkerchiets and t’niv:its; brown and bleached .''hcetiii'.r'' and .shirtings; a good assort ment of cmliroidcred \\'iiidow Curt.iins, (some very line.) ES‘a(3y-ii]a(I«‘ 'iotliiii:;. Coats; Pants; .'satin, .'silk. M.ii .-icillcs and otlicr Vesir-: II lai-e .>ujipl\ ot I’acll. .V lai-ge lot of Cmbrelhis, and tine Silk and S.itiii, ass >1 led Kinds. Be.i\er, Fur. Sill.. L'jr||,,,.i, other Straw II.'.t.--: als ) a good su;o_ily ot' Boys' Hats. U hite Chip. Freneh Ilair-Lace, and other Bonnei.s; Children's tine Pearl Hats, Bonnets and l l.ats: ^Vrc.iths ;ind ‘'lowers. IS»otN K|io4‘s. Fine C.alf sewed Boots; Patent Leather P>ro- gans; Cloth and Buck ('ongrcss Gaiters; Oxford Ties: P.itent Leather ditto; Laities’ black lyid col'd .''ilk Gait‘rs, a line article: different kinds of .^Iisses’ Shoes and ti.ailcrs; Ladies' Slippers and Walking .'shoes; with a large supply of heavy .^hoes, for servants. ."s.iddles. Bridles. Collai's, Padded Harnes.s, and Wagon and Buggy Whips. I LITEBABY NOTICE. 1 ! riniM Tilt; liAi.KKJll {s. c.) KKiiisiKi:. | 77//-: M'ffMLX OF TilK lUlVoH rioX. h,j ' j lii.iz.MiKTn F. . o( l»') rxhutd Xev \ I Yorl,-, Diihi r ,y ScrHunr. j i In dra'\v:n_;i tlie portrait of fcinininj love- I ’ liness it is niiich more dilHcnlt to ju'esent | ! an iiecurate than (jf the bolder and j iiion* proiiiiiieiit i'eatnri'.'^ of the otlu'r t-ex. j Tlie lines are not so .‘Jtronprly drawn, the I shades are more e:isily Mended, atid, while ! theri- is every tliinir to love and ;idnnre, there i>j but littio lo ichite. AVitli this io 000 feet of White Oak Scantling, 'Jl ai.s;,dvantaire, an.l tlie still -mitor dillicul- tta* rlouira ISfMins. .\(Mreb.s * ^ ^ Vo»'ki^ atid fHlllE Subscriber has on liand and is con- .ffl. stantly receiving, on con.signment. a siij^- pl.v of t!ie al»ove articles, which ni.iy be j>ur- chascd ;iJl the lowest market prices ar the Ollice of the Ik-nrietta Steamboat Conipanv. . B. .M. OBBELL. Apiil^, iS-'jO. 1 ttf Linseed Oil and V/hite f.ead. lOB sale bv SA.M'L J. HINSDALE. t.Stf .Vpril '_’l. .V'V'ri:3> i.isns^s)! H. March H.Vidi, Favetteville Fotindrv. >1. ' 1,1 tf' iilti:b^.\mso!iob .iii FEMALE COLLEGE. ty of obtaining authentic information eon- eernins.' women wliose lives were princi- eipally ]^;tssed in the Jirivaey of dtunestie life, Mrs. I'llet lias sueec-eded in making a most intoresting book, and we have iu r» VIE next Session of this Institution will be-Iunpretending volumes perhaps the a };i:, :it ;• o'clock. .V. .M., on tlie last Wed- j ‘'uly memorials rescued Irom oblivion ol uesday tif July. U is extremely dcsirabl ? that | the noble Women of the rcvollttioii—women all the j.upils .shall be pre.sent at the selection ! ^ylio should not Oldy be udmirt d Lut iiui- liiliiiir with I was a.s lirmly !uy presentiment :iud eon- ; viction as any fact of njy life. ^Vheii day lu'oke I sonu' thirty miles from Inune. I krew the genenil route onr little :irmy ! c.xptcted to take, t\nd bad followed them unri.^e T came and (diil'lrcn, standing and sitting by the road sido, etielt one of them showiiig the same anxiety ot mind T felt. Stopping a fow moments, 1 intiiiind if the battle hiid been fought. They knew nothirig.. “Again I v>:is; .skimming ov(>r the ground through a country thinly t-ettled, and very Jioor :ind sv.anipy; but neither my own spirits nor T!iy beautiful nag’s failed in tin- least; we followed the v.ell marked trail of the troop.s. “The sun must l.a\e been well up, sav eight or nine o'clock, when 1 heard a sontnl like thunder, ■\?1iicli 1 knew nni'-'t be- camion. It wa.-> tlie lirst time I ever heard a eannon. I stopped still, wht'n iiresently the Citnnon thunlered again. The batiie, was then lighting. What a fool! ni^’ hnss band could md be dt-ad hist night, and the luiitle only lighting mnv'/ Still, as I ;;m so ne;ir, 1 will go on and see how they ( ome out. So ;.\>ay we went again iastcr than ever; and 1 found by the noise td ^ guns that I \v;is near the fight. Ag;iin f I stopped. I could hei'.r )ut;.skets, I could I hear ritles, and I could he;ir shoutitig. I spoke to my mare and dashed oii in :he , direction tif the liiing. and the slnuit' writ; ' louder than ever, 'i'he bliiul path 1 h:td , been following brought me into the A\ il ■ mington road leading from ^loore's Creek I ]>ridge, a few hundrel yards below the bridge. A few yards from the road, ttndet ; a cluster (d‘ trees, were lying iieihaps twen- j ty men. They were the wimnded. I knew I the spot; the very treoF; and the position ' of the men I. knew ;:s if 1 h:nl seen it :> I thousand times. J had seen it all night; j 1 snw ;;11 at oute; but in an instant my I whole soul w;;s centred in one spot; f(>r I there, wrap»ped iu his bloody guard cloak, I w;is niy husliand’s body! How 1 passed ! the fi V.' yards from the s:iddle to the jdac-e : 1 never knew. 1 renioiiber uncovering I his lu'ad and seeing :i clothed with j gore from a dreadful wound nero?.s tht‘ tcn'.ple. 1 ]iut my br-nd on the bloody i face; ’twas warm; and :in unh itotva voif I begged for water. T Imaight il; poured j some in iiis Juouth; washed his lace; aiid beholdl it was Frank Cogdell. After binding up the wound.s of several siddiers, her liusbard, who had beeti in :iud wo of rooms, and the classification of the scliohirs, , • I -,1.1 1 . .1 , , (;iteu. Vi hue tiiniiir \Mtli aiiiiiuv anu piirst t oi the ouc:i;v, came up, whndi will tiike place at th.-it time. i i i i '• • • • • i - • , • * * - The College will be provided with ii compe-' giving their aid , may imagine his surprise at seeing his tent c'lry).'-of te.-iehers, and many improvements and Counsel to soldiei's and stati'smcii, WL* , wifo, wliom lie had but ;i (hcv' before lelt made in tiie ilomestic arrangements. j them ]uirsuiiig with untiring energy , sixty luilc.s distant. She remained during 'I he departiiieiits of the ordinary English ■ their domestic dutii's, the e;ire and iiistruc-j the day rejoicinir with the victor.s and ci'u and m!!:;::" i ^hihlren, and the superintends | unnistoVing*to the wounded, and at tuiU- meiliatc inspection ol' tiie Pre.sideiit, who also ' hii'ge plaut;itions v»i!ile their hits- , mght again mounted her marc and started .ci'es instruction in some id' these brandies, bands Were fighting the batth'S ot tlicir | for home. lu-y Vi ishcd her to stay until He is aided by a Professor and three Ladies. j country. These Were the wives and mo- movuiiiir, and they would send a ];;irtv I he dciiartmeiit ot Music is committed to ‘ yvho, by their exani]ilc :ind sympa-I with her, but she told them no piirty could gl^aI^ui;ccMhatit'wiin.J'n^^^ and : keep up with her; so liast.-ini.-back, she He ifl as3i:?ted by two exi.eiieiiced holies. i untre|uentiV' l‘V tiipir iiigeiiuity aiKi I rctuiiud to lu r home and child, which .she For the .•leijuisitiou of the elegant .•iceont]*l’sIi- iiii nt ol' >il-l’.,iutinpr the CoUeue at present af fords su] erior advantaL'es. There is proba’oly no North C.imlina :i g.illcrv of paint- ings' in bc.-iuty of eveciUioii to that pi'o- . . . - duced liy the ]>upils during the last year, and | intimation of diillger. 1 here' ;.S one iU- exhiljited at Commenci'mcnt. ■ st:incO recorded of a young giil, sixteen 'J'he domestic dep.irtme’.it is under the man- i years of ajre, m:skin^ her way through residiitioi, j.rov.-iitr,! n surprise or favored j roiudied in .sifc ty. an escape. It w:is n.d uucummnu for del-j 'J’hongh 3Iis^ Sl-.cumb cotihl rid. a irate and timid females to rise ;it midnight, j horse, .shoot a pistol, or tak and peiiefnite forests to ri\e their friends agement of Thom.-is Blake. Esq., and his L;iiiy. late of Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. Bl.ake h.ave reared :i family of daughters and have thus larjie recommendations to the confid.ence of the community. The Boanl of Trustee:', wifli a liberality be coming those who have charge of so tlourishing an Institution, iiave detei iiiined to add immedi ately to their present noble edifice, a building which will give such room that more iiuietness j ]iart m many raa.sculme omployme'.its, she was not inat tentive to more feminine duties; slie card ed, ppuii, wove, cut, and made all the ehdhe.s M'i»rn by her husband during r.he S-'Utheru caiiij.aign, and the ni;iteri;il of luiiiufactur.-d bv her I rOi'kn'y. lliiriiWiirt’. I'lltlcry, JlullllW-Wurt*. etdarge ami beautify the grounds and introduce : such a system of e.xercice as will promote the There is no sketch more full id' romatitic and better discipline and instruction be so- ! interest tluin the hist'^irv of Mary Sloeumb, cured. 'I he pnjiils will not be crowded in the | of our own State. Tier maiden name w:is Hooks; she was born in the county of ]}er- tie. North Carolina, in 17iO. She w;is dii-mitories. The Trustees will proceed .also to Bio .and Laguir.a Cofl'ee: Crushed: Clarified, , i Loaf and Brown Sugars; Salt. .Molasses. Iron ; I''’ , , -1 1. • "• 1' II. 1 ■ ( aroliiia oi' \ irj:iiiia th.ii and Nails; Pnnc;pe ( iirars; 1-rench Br.indy; ; . , , - ,i , ! A sale at t'ool \\ ines. Together witli a great variety of Goods id' ne:irly every deseription. .Vll of wdiich tlie.v are determined to sell very low for C.asli, or on very accommodating terms ti> 'punctual customers. We would bo glad that buyers generally would call and c.xamine onr Stock. -Vpril I, IH.jl. (idtf "art union of PIULADELPIIIA, For the Promotion of the Arts of Design in the United States. 3^ VERY .Member, for the year 18’)l, will re- J ceive for each Subscription of Five Dol lars. a print of Huntington’s ‘•(.Tiristiana and her hildren,” engraved by Joseph .Andrews, Boston; and the coniiKinion, a print of Hunting ton's ".Mercy's Dream,'’ engraved by .\. II. Rit chie, New York; or the cluiiee of any two of the following four splendiil ongravings, viz: M. Jolin Knox’s Interview with .Mary (^ueen of Scds, painted bv Leiit/.e, engraved by Sartaiu. U. Biith and, jiainted by Ilothermel, engraved bv Sartaiu. o. Mercy's Dream, painted by Huntington, engraved by Bitchie. 4. Christi- nished. A good Band of Music alw.tys iu at- ana and her (’hildren, )>ainted by Huntington, tend:ince; a jdentiful supply of Ice, and the best engraved l>y .Vndrews; and a copy d* the Phila- hcalthier jilace in North ..... . tli.'in (Jreciisbfiro'. The ;pe ( igars; ]• rencti iSr.indy; ; • i i ■ .i . i i i »• , ,, • I inhabitants lu the town arc reniJirkablc for gen- • ■lu; I ort, .Madcini, Sweet, and Scujipernoiig ; , i - i * i .• ,i i eral morality and industry; the location ot the College surpasses that of any Iiistitiuion which SVAV Ff.oriJ. ’BA (^rALlT\'. made of new Wheat, for 'pring Mills, or bv GEO. M'cNElLii. K-'^At.TIic iiighest j>rice p;iid for Wlicjit. June D’l. I8'»l. 7ii-4w Slid (CO SlMMXiTs, Cuiieity, ."V. TB^HI.S deli'.htfiil Summer retreat is now open £ for the reception of comp.-iny, the reme dial projiertics id’ the water, and jmre atinos- pheri!, ofFcring great inducements to Invalids, U3 well as those seekhig idcasurc and the jire- servation of health. Among the many improve ments. are two newlv fitted up Bathing Houses. The.Booms ;ind Cabins are neat and well fur- the undersigned has ever visited, and he has seen all those of most note iu the country: and the situation in the central part of the State makes it easy of access. .Vttcntion is jiaid to the manners of the pu- jdls, ami every acconqdishmcnt desirable for a young lady to acquire may be (ditained here. Wliile the ornamental branches .are cultivated. they are not made to constitute the staple of i i .• i , i i , r *1, . . , , , • * . ' —how tar; where and how many td the the education which we ende.-ivor to impart to ; ’ . , , , , our pu]>ils. .V high, intellectual training,—a i I'C'gubif'' tiud tones\ \\ould meet, and thorough discipline of the mind is sought to be j I could not keep my.-^elt troni the study. years ot age, nusain woods, across marshes and creeks, fording a deep river until the water r-ached her ; h;'r own dress was neck, to the Amerie;,n c;'.mp, to give the ’ (iwu hands, a'arm ot an attack, ;ind, v. hile cold ;'nd i Vv’e must c1oj>e our accouiit of uur h roi ‘ wet, .setting about the j.reiiaration.s at once j ancestresses, (hough tlu're are many anec- to provide tood lor fhi“ soldiers who had i (U>tcs which we would like to extract, just returned from a fatiguing excursion Tin: Lf E OF V INEtiAB. '•'Tin iisr tf XhiKjur (ts (I ron(7,'/)ici;f m.'.y be uudcrstfiod fV"!!i ;hf properties of acetic aciu In its coi,centi;ited state this acid acts on living tissues as ;i c.iiisti'-, jjresent at one of the bkiodiest battles of! producing beat, rcdiie.'s, iind raj'id iufam- the revolutioji, where the united regiments nuition of tlio sk’ii. It 'iissolvc.s many of (’ills. J.,illington and (’aswell cncouti- tercd .^Ii-Donald at Moore’s (’reck. We will give a part of the story iu her »nvn wonis: •■The men all left on Sundav morninir. ore than eighty wont tVum this house S()t"niKI{.\ ]l.\f{M().\Y. L'ST KKC'KIVl-: popular liook. fc'cpt. Jp^L'ST KECKIVED, a new supjily of this E. J. HALE & SON. rS^lIE Copartnership of Hall & Hall will ex- H. pire on the 1st of .August next, and in or der to close the concern, we ofi'er our CK)ODS at Pvl'DUCED PBICES. Those wishing to make purchases on very favorable terms, will do well to give us It call, as we arc determined to sell olF our entire Stock. W'c will also sell the Store aud Lot occu{iied by ourselves. Also, the Dwelling and W'arehouse in the rear. Also, one Tenement in the J5rick How, now occujiied by K. D. .McNeill. All or auy part of the above Property will be ofTeroil at private sale until tbe 1st .\ugnst, and if not sold then, will be oft'ered at Auction, and due notice given. Persons desirous of purchasing, can get Biir- gains by calling upon the undersigned. UALL HALL. May 10, 18oL 71U’ lelphi.i .Vrt Fnion Ileporter, a monthly pamjih let, containing a report of the transactions of the Institution, and iiiforimition on the subject of the Fine .Vrts throughout the wdiole world. The ,V)’t rnion of Philadelidiia awards prizes in its own (’ertiticates, with which original A- merican works of .\rt may be purchased in any jiart of the t'nited States, at the option and se lection of the person who may obtain a prize at the annual Distribution, which tjikes place on the evening of the last week-day iu ever}' year. The Executive (Committee of the Art Union, when so requested, select works of .\rt, without efforts to please, at moderate rates of Doard, as follows;— Families per mouth, each person, ()0 Single persons, •* " I’-') 00 Per week, *• 7 00 Per day, '• 1 'Jo ('hildren i;iider and Servants, half jirice. SAMUEL CALVEBT. Juno -r, 1851. 7'i-tlo.V. Dissolution of Copartnership. rWl HE linn of Blocker & Bullard was this day -B- dissolved l\v mutual consent. J. 0. lilock- charge or compensation, from their Free Gallery, er alone is authori/ed to settle the atfaire of the 210 Chestnut Street, for those persons, in the J- f - i>L(^CfvLK. country, who may live remote from Galleries, or . DULLAUD. public exhibitions of the Fine Arts. Harrisonburg, June J, 1851. 74-tt Subscriptions of membership, $o, should be D. S.—G. W. Bullard also withdraws from , made as early as practicable, so as to entitle the firm td' B, Culbreth i& Co. members to early numbers of the “Kcporter,” J. C. Blocker and 1$. Culbreth will continue which will be forwai'ded upon the i'ecfii)t of the the firm under the name and st^ le of 15. (Julbreth money to any part of the country. & t'o., at Cedar Creek. | The Honorary Secretaries*will give m;eipts for subscriptions, or remittances mav be m.tde to OEOKGE W. DEWEY, Corresponding Sec y, 210 Chestnut Strt;et,* Philadelphia. Honorary Sec’y for Fayette'.’ille, N. C., iu. J. HALf; June 6, ISoI. 75- book lUNDKUY. W. H.VRDIE has resumed the I»oc»k liinding Business at the new Store next ! door to Mr. Beasley, Jeweller, where he will re- I ceive and exccutc Wudiiig in any style desired, i August 1 ^ 27tf obtained as of first imjiortance after the cultiva tion of moral aud religious feelings. The Trustees and Faculty make every possi ble elfort to prevent extravagance. The regular College charges iire moderate. The next ses sion will consist of live months. For Board and Tuition in the ordinary English branches, and in Latin or (Jreek, if desired, the charge is !i>00; for Music -S-O; for Oil Painting for Drawing tor French or any other modern languages t^iught, >j!5. * CHARLES F. DEE.MS, President. June H, ISol. 70-4w Works 0X1 Free-Masonry. EW Masonic Trestle-Board, adapted to the Work and Lectures, as pnictised in the Lodges, Chapters, Councils, anl Encampments of Knight Templars in the United States, by Chas. W. Moore. The Free-Mason's Manual, a companion for the initiated through all the degrees of .Masonry, by Rev. K. 1. The True Masonic Chart or Ilieroglyiihic Monitor, by J. L. Cross. The Free-Mason’s Monitor, containing a de lineation of the fundamental principles of Free- .Masoni'y, operative and speculative, as well in a religious as a moral view, by Z. A. Davis. For sale by E. J. II.VLE &. SON. May 31. 74 w7vNTEr\ uOOO ft, .\she Lumber for Wagons, H to 3 inches thick. 3000 it. Seasoned Oak Lumber, 1^ to 3 inches. 10(X) ft. W'hite Oak aiKl Hickory, for Axletrees. lOOO ft. White* Oak for Tongues, Bolsters and Shafts. 100 Post Qak Hubs, for* Carts and Wagons. •JOOO Spo^s. For which tiic highest cash price will bo paid. Apply .soon to E. FULLEE. May 10, I8pl. • • 72-tf ( iganic prodticts, such as camphor, gbifi'ii, gelutiue, guin-i\>iii.-;, icsiu.-, tilirine of th;. blood, white of egg, &c. When properly diluted, as in vinegar, and used in nmdera- ti'-n, it pi'omotca uigc. rion. The projoerty of the acid in di.’solving gilatim; ?nows with mv husband. * * * | the use of vinegar as a coiuliii.i-n’^ with veal, ‘“And 1 sle])t soundly and «(uiotly that | young iiie;it.s, and tish. It al.-o ;i.-;sists the night, and worked hard all the ne.xt day; uigcstii.n of crude vegetables, such as but I kept thinking where they had got to ■'*"lads. Its poweis aie hcighte;'d by having aromatic or puiigeiit sub>tances di.‘- solved iu it, Huch as chillies or t:irrago;i. I’er-on.-^ who use much vinegar, with the view of prrnnfiiii/ corjn'frnfif^ ni:?v lo them.-^elvi's muih injury, and even cni; nder cancer iu the 6m niacli.’’—[,I/7. ‘•Aici.i. I wont to bed at the usual time, but still contini.ed to study. As I lay—whether waking or sleejiing 1 knew not—I had a ^ dream; yet it was not all a dream, (she ' lomhMm VijfUu:n Ji.ii used the Avords unconsciously of a poc't not then iu being.) I s:iw distinctly a body wrapped in iny husband's guard cloak— bhxKly—tlead; and others dead and wound ed on the ground about him. 1 saw them plainly anl distitictly. I uttr red a cry, and sprang to my feet on the Hoor; ami so strong was the imjiression on my mind that I ru.4ied iu the direction the vision ap peared, and came up against the side of the house. The tire in the room gave Jit- fireat pains are retjuisitc in purchasing vinegar, as it is now mi;iiui’;u;tiaxd to a, great extent tlironghont the country.— Much of th:it rccommeudvd for its whitene.-> of color aud geiKTal purity, c'nibined with great acidity, is made l>y adding s;ili,}iuric acid to pure water. This is .-imt tin.i- colored by adding burnt sugar, iu order to confMrri to the apjK'arance of ordinarv cidi i vineg;ir, while t!ie former is sold as wiiiio wine Viii'g;ir. Thi.s deception i-; a very tie light, and 1 gazed in every direction to i important one. ISiilphurie acid i;- an acid catch another glini]».se of the. scene. 1 raised the light; every thing was still aud quiet. My child was sleeping, but my woman wtus awakened by my crying out or jumping on the floor. If -ever I felt fear it was at that moment. Setited on the bed, I reflected a few moments, and said aloud, ‘I must go to him.’ 1 told the woman I could uot .sleep, and would ride down the road. 8he appeared in great alarm; but I merely told her to lock,the door after me and look after the child. 1 weut to the stable, saddled, my mare, as poison, aud corrosive j rcticrtits very different from acetic acid, aud other liro])crtics upon the stomtich aud blood which it is unnecessary hero to nicnlion, hut which m;ike it evident tlint tLc fflet. of this c^imbination, used as an artic]'* of daily food, is highly dfdeterious to hcabh Sulphuric acid h;ws, moreover, an affinity for lime and its compounds, which reudci's it very dcstiuetive the teeth. 1 have before mentioned that, a travelling quack in and about New York is persuad ing the ignorant to allow' him to cleanse fleet aud ea.«y a nag as ever travelledj and j their teeth from tartar, &c., with his piv- iu one minute we were tearing (^own the paration, which is nothing but fulphuilc road at full speed. The cool night seemed a^5d, aiwl certain destiuction to the teeth, after a mile or two’s gallop to bring re-; 1 have not intended to give a thorough Section with it; and I asked myself where ' discus.s5on of this subject, but only to put. I was going, and for what purpose!'' Again people upon their guard i»i rCLpect to and again I was tempted to turn batik; but article upon every body’s table. I was bcou ten mileb from homo, jii'l my •*. A

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