[Vol.. I.] rAYl'.TTF.Vll.I.K, N. C., TIJKSDAV MOUNLNG, .U'l.Y 8, ISol. [NO. -X] -z lapfjwarvjs. jEiTiBriiica. »^A.B^!&LV.«^r«53CHaB5saii5eiBami JTvlNTK!) n\ .»• l^WA 1(1) NKWUV .1. lIALi: & sox. \M* rKOrUIKTOHS. i n-vohiuijr luvip, n;iked anil i xi' i.-;'i!. the ! r(H]is('s (if tlic tit’ti'on lui!i(lr(''i {£:ill;nit Swiss I ".ruririls, >f;i/:c(l -it :is a rliow (ir.rinir a ^vlich' ! tiirciiDun li_v tin' male and iVhiaio j '‘i’ Paris. I In sniin'thitiLT nuTc fiian Iialf aii liour wv jiuirlci! into tlu' IMacc St. .Iaiiics, ami, ItaiisniLT at flit* connT. lia! the >ati.Nf':ictiiti to lu'ar tlu‘ ."uuii ls ot’ lianum-rs luir'ilv ['lif'ti I ujion a il.-uk inas-‘ lisiiii: in the conti^' of I tlif sipiafc; it was tli(' ]'lal}'''rm iijinu wliii h ; to iTcct tl\(‘ irniliotinc. On all siik's ol' t’lr til'.' Si’iiii-Wfi'kly (M!nv.U\k1! 1 TO if 1 i:i ;iih;iiu'«-: •> I •’>it if p.-iiil lui in;r tlio Ji‘,11’ lit .-Niili.' >r > ntur llio vcir lui."' eNpiifi- F*ir t'n' U ooKiv Ui;.>uu\ i.u Oi> ^.ov auiunn. il'j ill ;i‘h:uu-o; Vll ')i* if j.iiiil »l\iriiijr tlio ' "'‘•'^'5"*'" liVisily fn_a.'i''I. tii^’ir ,r I . >.r SCI ()l! ..ft,-,- t1:0 yo:ir ' t'"' inr,> , ,i’ oiK- 'I . , ‘ . who Malki-i! a!)oiu. l.iKtcrn in lian.), i ;;on li.i' ‘ I , ,,,, . . ' '‘-IS was till'('xccntiout r, who. Ii;:lit lu' ariir>l, imic a iX'- ■1‘nil'l.iin f til o\ir "i-.-.'t i)!'arslins of troops. Soon afti'r tiie mnnicit'al jrnan! tlio infantry of the lino '•('pin to arrivo, ajnl wore f"!ini‘i] in a cir- rlo four tlcn oiitsiilo tl(o n:ur.i( ’p-i]'. anil !ii':;r!y as t.ir l :ick :>.s tlii' ho'isrs of tlic I I’laei'. A coiiyidoralilo orowti liail alsocoi- Ic'i ti'd, tliouirli oxtri'nicly orderly and jiood- I nniorc'd; in fact, fo s (* fhop ncral liilari- ty, aJiil li.'If'.i to tin' lmr>ts of l uul lanuli- tor. it would Sci'in to lu* rc_i:;irdcd in tlu* li:^!it of a /J/-'. 'I’in'rc wis c('rt::inlv no ,.\!>\ 1-. 1»T1.’>1]M 1;nT.> til t'l r>:\t_v cents p»sr ' luaii' fur till' ami tliirty ri‘u:> l'*>r vavh sufi t i-'liiijr jmlilii-atii'ii. Yfarlv ai'.vi i tisciiu iii> by r litr:'.*'t.-J. ;it vcmS'ili:il>U‘ ratvs. A'l- verti.i'r-i are n-iUH'stcii to st.ito ttio iiuiiiln'r >t' inscviiiiiis Icsirt'il. m' tin\v will lie ounfiniK''i ti’l forl>iil. ;onl i-Ii.ir,:i(''l :ii-i-i'r liii"ly. ^ J.citcrs fii flte Ivlitiirs must l»t‘ [i".st-jiai'l. wl> th ' to]i. T1 s' on I'V tin' ui.iikaMc r assi^tan,•'; lie was al-o snjijiortod durinjr the )troc('ss of straji]»in^ liini. 11 is laild lu-ad and \cni')ai>]i.‘ aj'poaranco niadi; a favoraldc iniprrssioii u}mhi tiio sju'rtators, and cliciti'd j tlio only c'Xjirt'ssiuns and >yni]>atliy ol.iserv-1 alili' throuirliont tho ('X('cntions. j l'’i('s lii canio last, and was most nn-j lu'rvcd (if tlu’ tlirrc. Ho appeared tlironi;li-! mit in a taintinij conditinn, and liuiig liis \ lioad in a jiitial.lo state of jirostration.— V(‘rv littlo con.sidoration was shown him, | ■lulv 1. UACOX I [AMS. LHS. Wayne county., very ^^p^.■riur. for hiiU' l)v II. r.i;.\NSOX .S: sox. Sta«'o iiiiio to •'I'l n;d ■ I'anc" of svnip;;tliv v.ith tlio crinii-| u' rathor ho was pushod and thrn>t about | Siilisi'vibcrs, Mail ('oiitrnctors frmn _M I'ayettcviilo to Kalciiili, will c)inmeii'«' . I ■ ■ t , ■ !• 1 • 1 I "IK'ratiiiii.s tlii.s il IV. with new ami conifiirtalilf •im inir t no muiiic'.iiai.; .-o niat>'-■ m a wav w in n was ini ocont, it mi.— . i, , , , , • . • , - I 1 , • 1 1 ' • ‘ I -111 1 • ' "“nlios. r'i(i«l horsi's, ainl careful Ihivers.— ally inti;!. red wnh tilt' slmw. tlu' jnojilo : iriistui^r, wiiatovor nii^lit have IrlII hi.s j Tiiey h;m> re.hiceil tlie I':ov fr.u,, to N». on Ijcuaii III oi-cin>y fllL' troo> and i ini|>-| clinU'S. Some little diiruulty oocurred in j The St.-I.ire llimscs are. in Fayetteville, the Kay- tio.'t'. till'jidjaoonf walls, and iho n i'r-of plaoiii'j: his lioad convoniontiv nmlor tho 'Hutel. in italeiuh. the Vari)nn>u;:li axe, from a tv.oilinir motion of‘the nri.om-r. I I’M^^se.^n-rs vil! l.e n.uvpyed to siicli ,, • 1 ' ..1 1 i. 1 ‘ »i 1 "ther Iodises as tliev iiiav select. 'Die liDiirs i>( lie was (trtainlv tiie least brave oi the t'-. till' ; iU'ii:li!‘ ojaot trinir *I!;i i ii!i\ OF FiKsriii. )!OKi:v \M) i’Eri\. t;v\Ti.' \ ' Mism.i.\NV. \liopt i>no o’clock i>n a o>ld winter nit:ht in 1''•!'> a I'.ivty of four ]>erson> wi'ro seated in the c"!i' o room of tln' lintel M iiriee. Sit I’ar;'. If wa> iiil!y. •■'li'l'l'y, mi.-eraiiie w^itl.i-r; half-nielted >ni'\\ mixed with tin* i‘ari' mud, and a liriviuir 'loety rain hi>sed again>r the ill-tittinir windows. 'I'.dk ef tht' e"ld in li’iiid'HiI when wi' liavo onr clul". and our eurtaineil windows, ami car- JtCftpd aU'i >e:i-c"al tires, atid tiur Wi ll-elI', d doors and >:;.-heh. hv, we have 111 're re;,! comi'nrf in our three-jiair- b»e\ ti;.m their ni.>>t .-jdeudid .-ali o.i^. ■With ail ‘he mirrors, and [‘.linted walls, and t;;id ■-f 1 st ves e.iu olfer. ,J-]u_i..'hnu n • ;rrv their on>t; n>' with th.f'ia. H ir f'.i'.r i-euvivi ' Were drinkiu;:. nut ill. u.;.,.- lif 'unnv l*'r.inee, lait 'ouie- lioiiiidy ;irt fully A( liiih', the ! dian, the l.ite .^Ir. Liston. 'I hero Was tin I saint' s(|iiait' ferm of the eouiitt'nanee, t!n I small iioM'. tlu' loutr nj'jier li]», the mirth priivokinir iiravity, ;iinl tin' same rieh hu.''- j b : ky ehueklt'. 'I'his t nri'ai' likein'ss w.l'^ at ' ! om o .aekuowlodL^ed by all ]ire.--t'nr. and an | , i'lnuiishman took the l.liorty of inti rrujit- . iiiir tht' i^ravi' fuiu tioiiarv with the ini'or- I m.itioa that he was the '^rv ini.;i^o of A j jili/riitiiJ t'lI'i'i !• r i. ’i> m us // ^\ii- | .//-A/•/•», a jKtfo of informatinn whieii the i I'romh >t ion of the ilou>o of j\eteh it-! oeived. aiter tiu' manner I'f !•, iiehmen. :t I a iii-Ii eiiiuj.Knieiit. in in^ niuved to I iw | aii'i ehneklo mut !i thert'at. I I’y this time the h.innnerinir haii rous -1 | the dui'llers in the |ilaee, ami li^dits were : eeu r;i|iiill\ niovn'ij abmit tli(’ wiiulow'. i A eatt kt .']'''r had opened his salo‘>n, ;ir-j ranired his litth' tabl >, and w :-! lin-tlitur about with his ujiitt T' atiendiii;r to the ^ want- Ilf tht' irue^ts already a-'einbli'd. ! .\n oxeeution i- a godsend t'l tlu' !‘l:!-e St. • laijUi sat any time; lait tht' execution of | tliii-e M-reat .''•.ate criminals sutdi a~ th(''^i' ‘ would iTo far to pay the Vt'ar’s rout id’ the i h'ir.se-. cab- and fi'frrr. }ie.ran to ar- ' nf walls, and iho ri ''.P- of hon.-A's; w’lile th^- infant- i.iviiiL^ piled arm>, walt/.ed :uid tl.iuee'l i to keep them.-elves Warm. ! Soon after dayiiiiht the hainnierinir I ee;ised, and tilt' preparations appeart'd to ■lujiletod; ynd shortly afterwards stronir biidies (>f e.ivalry benan to take up their ]io>ititins in all the stret ts loadiiijr into tht' liact'. 'i'ho tirst care of the oHit i r tmu- UK'.ndintr these was to (dear the sipiaro en tirely oi all the people who h;i 1 collet tel in rear of the infantry, and to drive tht in out hIou:: th(' ailjaeeiit streets; an order wa> also :^ivon to dislodL'o the jieoph' out nioreiful, but cert.iinly tht' mo$t terrible of tlu'tree. anil fioui the walls and lani’i- to witness, ot any torm of execntioii in pi',--:.'. and tlii." t ai;>e(.i iiHicii irrnmidinijr and civilized i\iirope. 'I'lio fatal ehoj» the r.iw sWeariuLT 'd' all eouv ernedvj Soiiu'iuei ri- lu'i k, the spontiiiir tilood, art; very >hock- nient. however, was excited by tin' diseov- iiiir to the feeling's, and tlenmrali/.in^; as I'ly of some woiiK n in the t:ee', ami tlu ir sut h t'xhibitions cannot fail to jrt'iierate a iK set lit, >npt'rinten !ed by t’.io drau'iions bi'- >pirit of ferocity and a love of bloodslu'd low. o ot t-asion for the exen is; t'f mm h aniouj: tlm^c who witness them. It wa.- . . nil- lejiartiire will lie. until further notiie, at half- threo. J he executioner, liavinir rolled his , '.t 1’. M. fnmi I’ayetteville, an.rat ‘J I*. .\1. Iiody into tlie Iar;rt'r baski't with the oflu!r.‘>’, j tVi'Hi Haleifrh, li.-iily. 'Fhe siili.scritiers Jidjie, Ity took up that containing the three heads, |;‘^*'^'"tiou, to secure a liberal siiare whitdi haviutr empiied upon the bodies, he irave the bottom of tin' basket a jocular taji, whit h bt'in^f aceom])anied with a lift- iiijr of his foot (»('hind. and probably some funny and st'asoiiabh' observation, created ;i jfootl (leal of merriment anmn^fst llu' ^)lt't•tators. 'I'Ik' ttnillotine is a).iparentlv the most (if the travel. McKINXOX, D.VVIl) -McXKlLL. Fayetteville, .Inly 1. IHol. 7S-tf Xorth Caroliuian ami l»aleiih l!erlster till forlii'i. copy •Julv 1. J.II.''. r>.\('OX fin coiisi^ruaent, nnil fur s;ile Ijv II. lUl.VXSOX S(»X. TStf «Ol TH i.ou mam: AC ADKMV A Valnable Farm for Sale. t^lIK .''uhsoriiier offer.s his FA^IM for situiiteil on the cast .(itk' of Biff Coliarie. T rouxTV, c. , , IllK sixth St's..ion of this 1nstituti.n, will 'V ^ i T' eim.nience on Ttie.^.lay .July I-',, and cot,- tinnc lor five mouths. TIm; Scli.'.ul .^till conti- ‘l’*" V,"'""' uues uu.lcr the n.nna-eu.eut of Rev. .lames A. ' ^out-hou.es are all lu very tine Dean. M. A., who l,as lia.l eharfre of it frou, it«. the arenter part ol then, liavn.g boeu conni.eucenient. ami has jriven it a liifrl. rej.utH- '0» the farm there ,s a .saw .nml tiouforthorou^M.uessautimoralitv. lie wMll he u han st.me n.t on.e; a,ssiste.l l.v Mr. .lohu liaik'V. late I’rindpiil of ♦'•'-‘‘e is alway.s a rea.ly sale tor the lumher. au-l Loaslunr Acatl.'n.v, who conie.s with hijlh re- pnee: corn sell.s readily at the ho-hest thin_' nie,eh m.ae —a c;p -iii-ly fio, coJUjioundcd inti waiter. M lien t ht' eloeJc -f ruek i i^' : 'I r‘ 1 ‘ ;':onpio tiuMv au'l ^in. parr four hiini ;iU.! juiir. i hor-- \ wa- 1 ‘•r-1! •• 1/-; HIM' ;,e der • la\ —. kil ’ tOT'l - i>iii .. . 'I to »' fmV. I d^'S. a «a full i^li ! t 1 ';n w hile he tli'cU''i d one ii . p"rh;i]i' w ould join liiri. mt>. thrt'i' of the ’ a sh'iw (if r''iriuir; I'Ut the . iiy '.'('ntl ;ii;;n from Wolver- ntreati d that the re.-t would not __da.- I>rf ■!e V, - im. x -raMe. 'rii'.' ma'ter >. :m- 1 h„ 1 tak. n the k^ ys. >m usi. thou; r"ii>t him out!" you Would not di-turb . . )//(.' M.iihime -o t r*-d—-o ' r: - d with the r .>e all • .Mid -e.-i'i.;- th-' f;iverali]t I. ai'eietl a climax of .-il. nt ]'an- lo'jU.ne.'. U Mn_' hi> IT'. 'pr.'adin-.r hi- ii.oiii- !;■ ■■■', and wrinl;!;!::! hi> faee into a V. li.eh -i.iiil, knew V lU Wert.' too ' ;or ih,.t. ’ lie bov.t l him. -!f out. i 'U:’ r^it'ud' havi' taken their oan- !r h'. , ami HI' liim if* t. a p. bee; ' mo\,:i_r {1,0 )-o,ini. uht'u rap'.'iiv t > tile d " i‘; tln'H' i- ;i t tJi'’ i.e!!. rnd ;i nil- man. in d'-i ..U'l e::\ ■•!: ped i'l a SjM?'- ’. v I iiri ?he r > n;. ■ I ^ r • s. . Ki, . hr . I ^ ; 1 t >1 r;.np r, i;nf ■! Mn;.: 'I'lv ex: t uli 'li rive, W(' thouLdit it neec'^.sary to make ar- raniremeiit for secnriiiira rooni from wdieiii-e to >1 f tiic ev.’cution: and tdiauta' eoiitluctod u - to t!(0 corner hons''. ont' side of w hit h looked up'iu tht' (oi 'rt> iHri'ctlv opjaisitt' the ;;iii!lotine. from which it wa seareidv lifty yard.- d;.-t;iiiee. and the otht'r side tionted the mad by wiiit h the pri>oiiers W're to be conveyed fr.'Ui tlu'ir pri-on to the seatfold. Attt'r the manm r (>f Kn.dishmen—wlio do abroad what tln'V Wi>nld never think of :!t iiojiie—onr p.irty w.-ilked up .-t.iirs. on tlio door I'fiui: opened, and eomnieneed a -'can h ah't!^ the passairt'. knockiuir at tin' door- "f -ue!i r nis a.- were tliouiiht would afiord a u'ood view of thi' scene. lu this we lurf With other partie- f Kn-dish and other t’oH iu"!’.' r>, wandi rin,: about in the m'"t autho) itv.tive manner, ur.iiiL'' the peo- ].le to p-T drc'i‘d aii'l iri\o uji their room. and. in thi- ca>i' of unbolted door.-, intrnd- iiej into SC-, .-ral little si i ii-'s ot' douicstie ]>ri\a( y. *a' Lft ntleman—the people -^aid I, ■ V..I- eithi ]• Ji'ussi.in or ready enseonced; in* h;n roo!!i to him.-i If. paid for u]> in it. and fortilied th- i:: not o\er decent wit ,;nionir-t iiit' troopers, not uncommon at this period in Paris to, It strm k me that in tlieir manner .f deal- exe( utt' siieep and calves with tho L'liiUo- inlr^'itb ti:e cit.w'd there was r.iucli un- tine; and fathers of families would ]iay a m‘ee--ary har.-hness on the part of the small >um to tditain sm h .a uratifyintr show troopfe. am! il rital'ilii V ami frerfulues-often tor their t liildrv-n. In sm h a taste may exhibited by persons doubtful of thoii' own we not tract' tht' old leaxfii ot tho iirst re authority, and \ery unlike the calm, trood- \oliition. tho ixi rm of fiitnro onesy hnniort'il 'Superiority with widt h oe.r own ’I'hc late of poor l)r. (1 uillotiilt' was a men ;in' Wont to handh' the nias-e.'. ' sin^-ular one. 1 le livi'd to see the matdiim* I’re^ently cati'.e two treiieral onicers with w liitdi he had inveiitt'tl, from ft'clinrs (>f their staff, and t'aidi folhnved by a mount- jiurt' philanthropv, made the instruimMit of ed “jiH-kit',” lads dres-^*-!! as KiiLrlish the most liorrilde iuittdieries. the aptness jLO-ooiiis, of whom one. as wa ll by his fair coUiploxion a!id (tone't round faei'. tho whitoii'-.'s of hi.' tops and leathers, and thi' u' tieral siiiicriority of hi.- tiirn- »ut. as bv hi'; fuin ;.nd easy st'at on hori‘b;;ck. was e\ ideiitly a iiativi' of our own eountrv. .\bout an hour after sunri-e three (a- leches came rajiidly down the r >;id. piss- in:^'’ our window-, c.o h eai’ria^'e eontainini.' tintf ]' isoii.-. tiio eonticmned and two po- elheer-. ’I’ho troops opem'ii out. and men were landed at tht' foot of the the lice tht' !■;■ ';;i the e] : • i'laci' at dayii;i!R; kuo pn. and ,l:.o #h’ an : to ■ C'.ll ’ eii lit ■ ••\\ie'r'-:r” (' .;r inf'i ni ii!v t ’ tno i !i.' _''lidi It from in-.- iia- n r :i ( !; Ml it • t'. Iv; 1. ‘will ie-r ■m.' .1; 1 tro.ii-. t.i'-ro w.i- an a] :i>it at a reseu. ..nL^ sJi—was al- takeii a wdiole it. -lint him-elf door with sm h .abh' fiirniture as coeM be niale avail- :,:i! '. in addition to th'- di or fa-teninu-.— 'i!eai_iiT ■■ pr..pneti.r of tip- apartment had iio don'.r r*-i i'i\i -l an ain]ile ri-nt for t!. oc( ep, ;i' V. Vi t he a'teni]'*!-.!, on the streiiL'ih of a -ooil otli 1-, to in'rodm e nn re ti-n i'i'-. p:dpalil_\ tryiiiL'. by his own .-how- '■ '5. I I f.d'ifv the ori;:in.:l eontraet; but lj ,o'( nipt- w, I ' without success, .\fti r sevi-ra! f.iiluros. throuirh tlu' bad fiith and t-;-.!ort;oM of the ditle'i-nt roomli-.|d-rs. w iio n tht WIV to ' !>'• ei.’h r at flle I’l.iei- St. rrie!'' dll 'l’r"ne; the lir-t :- !rv liiat to i'i-;^Mi with. plenty of tiuii t" 'ji> Oil rw.ir-!,-; but v. • me.-t i-;‘ in.II a_i'' i»t!( riiple of 111' its. an-1 rai inv.Us e.UMf'. one livu’iin. throio.di t' Id L' nth man and non. to b“ reccivoi •reakiu'i tlir'iiiLdi iii: tht'ir pric'as fresh of onr party mad le ch'sed door, 'wifh an hi.- younj: wil'e, Faii- at a a thi ti- »p; cii , 18 ; U!_' £ul ' wh I lie !. tri ! ' :ir.' n-it I f tho.-e wiio make a pro - ot at! ': ! ;n'_r i'\. , at ion > w ith a nioi bid ‘i;.’ t Ii' '::' h liorioi s. I ’ntler any i-ir- . i-r th.- di.lib.-r it - cultinir oil a lif-' iiieiam [edy sp: i tacle. 'i'ho mortal iV. i;o'-..l:c', .-d i.y i-xciit i.ient, i- p.:in- iu thr ex'ri'me (o wiine--, out wor-^e Iro- ■aid ir a'parfment ;is I—the whoh' of own at om-i', unon ajioleon eai 1; S'lOll as tlieV Wert tht' nioi'ev to bt till platform. It may be well to dt";erib ireiieral ;ippi*ar.ineo of tho 'icafbihl. *11 a pl.itform about twelve feet ijuaro ainl .e\i-n feet above the L'round arc crect- t'd the two upriLdit po.ts. bctwi-eii whit h i- su.-peiidod the axe. 'I’hev >omewhat rt'- >emble a narrow gallows. -earei-Iv more than a fo.»t between the p >.-ts. 'J'he .-ixo. which is m>t unlike a h,;v-knite, th iiii:h mu( h hea\ ii r and 1 inader. is drawn up to the top ot the posts, between whii h it runs in uroovt's. .and ;s held snspemlod bv a loop in the liah.ird'-. p.i'^s.-d over a button ;(t till- bc.ffoiii. The tdife of the .-l.'.c. ;l- it haiii::' -u>pt-ndt-d, i not hori-/:ontal. or at a riiriit an^le with the p-'>t. but di.iironal. uiviuir the iusTiinient a fearful jmwcr. in (■onjunetion with its wi-i;:lit and loutr fill, of .-!ieariii;r through a .••(-.‘-^istiuir snb.-fanee ( f many t'.nn - more opposiui.r tort-e than a human net-k. *n tlu- centre of thi' plat- toriii >tand.- .i tVaiiU'. or l.irixo bo\, nmch 1 -'cmidin;r .i -ohlicr'.- arm-i he>t, about .-i.\ feet IoUlT I‘V two and a half will -, and pro- b:;bly a niueli in In'iirht. ( Mu'end of thi> a abut- upon the npri^dit po.-ts, ;it the other n eml is a .-mall frame, like a trin-k, conueet- t-d aiiout It.- ceiitri- w itli the ( lie.-t 1 \ hiuiies, :ind with a strap and buckle, to make it fast to the man's bodv. 'I'ho prisout-rs, havin^r tlisiuounted. wore the most horrible iuitclu-rit-s. the of tho invention notoriou-ly inort'asiiiL' the number of tin' \i(-tim- who fell by it; and ho (iit'd in extreuie ohi a;ro with tin' bitter rctlectiou that his namt' would b«' handt-d down to postcritv in connexion with the nio.-t letc-table ft-ro( ities which have e\fr sr.'iiiied the atin.il- of mankind. Books and Stationery. MAliK II. M:\VMAN\v (’().. Wli(jli'.'';il(‘ InickM'Ilcrs and Slalioii(*rs, ]!•!* r>i:nAl)\V.\ V, Nkw VultK, )l'I.l> e.-iil tht' attt'Dtiou of ( initry ileal- ▼ V ers tu their .'-lut-k uf BOOKS WO STATIOXKHV, liifh is utu' ot' the most • iM p|,i-;'ri-; .-i.^.-.irtou-ut.- ii ulVi-rt'd tu liuvt-is at tin- vcri 'I’hev are he rul.li'^iiers K.XTKN.^lVi: AX I) New Vork. and is low\:> Y I'ltlCK.'^. f the t'lilluwiii;r val- iiaMe and pupular Sehuul I'.f.'k-. which have a much I. A li 1 I-.’/’ ' i It >'! ' I. .\'n > X than any nther wiii-k of a similar i har:;i-tcr; .‘''aiidci-'i' 1’riiuarv rriini-r. Satid*-!-- I’i tcrial I’riuier. .'-'.oiiIci-n' .''pelliiej lluuk. .'-■■oidi-r-' .'-chiiul lli'ader. I'ii-t l^-uk. ^.iiidi is' .--1-ln’i'l Iteadcr, .'-ec-nid llii-k. ,'S.-o,di-i-.-^- H.-a.t.-r. Tliiid r.-.uk. .'S;oi'i,-i-.-'i-liii.il l.'i-a ler. Fi’urtli I’Miuk. .'-^ai'.dcis' Schuul Iti'ader. I'itth Ho.ik. — I ptvards of— .\ /o- Milhniis >>t tSirmfir^ h.-ivf liei-i) ].n'.li-!it''(. aii'l their eirciil.itii'n aJid s.ile is stendily iiH'reasiii^r. I'dllTKIt’s lUIKTilUKWI. ItK.VKKi;. Tlnaiisuii's Mrtit.-il .Vrithim'tif. Tlidiiisiurs 1‘iru-tieal .\rithuietii-. 'I’humsiin's lli^jrher .\rithinetit-. W A.X l'I'J) TO liOliKOW, t‘''- .vears. X y * ® N ® (iuud s('(-urity jiiv -n. In terest annually or seiiii-aiiniially. Address letter tti A. 15., ani.1 leave at this of- fit-e. .lune ;'.n, IS.M. T^-tf COPPER WORK. 'l I'ltl'K.N TLXK .s l'H.I.S. ^'iiliseriliers have hu-atej themselves in M I ayt-tteviUe uu Huy street, nearly opjn>- site till' .Methodist F,]iisco]>al Chiin-h, for the Iiiir|iuse of prn.'.eoutiiijr their business in a'.l its tiraiicln's. lurpi'Utine fir other Stills made to oriU-r and warranted to wurk wi-U; aud all kinds of work )ir.iniptlv done in Cori’KH. IIIIASS. STKKL, lltON. \e. I.iicks made or repaired, I!e’il-lianj:iie.r, inak- in;r or n-pairin;! of l’iirii(>s. and repairs ol all kinds in this Iiranch thankfully received and pruniiitly execiilt'd. (>rdei'.- ;(re e.-iriiestly sdlicitcd. w ith ;oi .•i-su- r,in>-e that if a thui-ouirh knowledire uf their Im- '^ilK'-s and an earne-t desire to please will irive satist.-K tiun, ikuk- .-h;ill lie di.-satis*i-l. .MAiiLi:i; \ si'iiwAr.TZ. .lune ;2>^. IS.'il. 7S-1 111 T\\'\\S'\'\-V\\ \: DOI.LAIiS I ^i>®,^II.L lie jriven fur the a)>prelu-n-ion and W W pruuf to oonvi(-t any nenro who ha> de- ‘ coved otl' fruiii my poss(.'ssion a mulatlu woman naiaed M.MIV .\NX. ab"Ut'J'J year old. Mary Ann i-i-ituut tutiit. h.-t«-i short thick fui.t. lir-iwn eoniiilt-\iuii. teeth rather had. wears e.-tr-rinus. and is ipiitt' plea.s;tnt when spoken tu. 'I'eu d-ll;irs reward will l>e jiiven fi.r her tielivery t" me t'r her .•untlneinent in any jail ia the .''tati so that 1 e.-in ;iet her. 'I'his trirl was furini'rly the jiruperfy of Mr-J. INtes ■ ! 11 illsliiiriiiiirh. .'-he may try tu iri t there, as her niuther and lelatioiis are there. A.ldre.-- .lAMi;.^ 1»()DI>. ra'.ette\ille. X. .Itine "js. 7S-tf sriij.s I'ou SAIJ-:. 'uji]ier Siills. Wuniis. ,Xc. all (-oni- 2 j letl', ft till- ejpaeity Ilf ill ;i;id -lo iiatreis respectively. Iiu'.h ill ami neariy as jruud a> new. Apply t-i •I. II. 111,1 iS.'-i IM. Wi'minjrti-n. .liini‘‘J4. Is.",]. 7s-l’w eoiimiendations as ji teacher and a jreiitleiimn. The discipline of the .\eadeiiiy i« «ueh that no student can continut* a (-ourse of iiiuiniraiiiy or even of itlleness. .'outh Lowell Aeadeniy is sit uated in a reniarkahly healthy .Section uf euiin- try, thii« f'lirnishinrr (I de.niral-le rt'tre.it for those who Avish to esCHpc the tmhealtliiTic-s of the liiwer coiiutry. Uoard in the ln->i faiiiilies, ij'ti') per Session. Tuition; Knglish .^l:^ (,'lassi- eal Jj;l'. nil. Circulars. ;iivinr fuller infurniation, may he had by applying at the Oftice of the •'( )h.«ervei 1*. I’AlUll.'^H, Sec. K\. t'oni. South Lowell, June 1'.*, lv')l. 77-^lw I^ev. l*rnf(ssor ^for^^an'.s I'cnialc S( minari/, SALISIU KV. X. /■IIII.S (’olle;riate Fal/iily IJoardili" Seliool fuj- 'J-'i yoiiii^ Ladies will open lur the year on the 7th of .lu’y. a term In munths. The entire expenses are froni 1‘J0 fu L'nn dolls.. •'> ]'aid in advance. It is lielieved that no Seminn- ly ill \ a.. X. or S. t’tiroliiia has coiuliined equal f:ieilities fur the j;reatest iiiijirovenient of so lim ited a numtier. [77-4wp STOi'U. ILL lie sold on Wcdr.epday. the oHth day of.I Illy ne.xt. at the l!aiik in (ireeiislioro', l-'iii Shares I!ank oUthc Stati', 1-I-) .'h.of.- ll.iiik of ( apt- Fear. •IKli. II. LIXI'.AV. ) .IIISSF, II. l.lXIiSAV. i:.Ms. i:. (i. LiXHSAV. I •-jn. |s-'il. 77-4w i SA1J:M TAIM'/ti-MiLI.. I III- siiL.-'i-iil.er h.-i'i tak--n c''.ir;xe of this uld I .B and well known l’>-r.’lili.--!inieiit. and. is pi-e- ! pared tu atseii-l tu all urdeis fur I i\'iiitiiii: M('rcli;ints’ jirui j l‘'act(trv NN'ntj'pinLT, \c. I The Mill h.-!S recently l.eeii thurouphly refitted I witli new macMiU'ry, and the suLscriiier believes I he can turni-h I’ajcr >it a ”uod (pi.-ility and at ' as cht-;ip pri>-es as can be parcha-ed liny where, : ?Mirth or South. I t HAKLHS E. SIK»i;i:U. I Saieiii. .lune 7. L-'-'ii. 77tf I WAS'VkI), ft. .\she Lv.ir.ber for \Va;.ions. l.l to '•) inelies thick. .■;nno ft. .'''Casoned Oak Lumber. 1 i,* to u inches. ' looo ft. White Oak and lliekurv. fur A.\letrees. market j^rice. witluitit reJiioviiir it. I will sell the aboTc at ii bargain, as T ion de sirous of Miikinp new arranpeinents in inv busi- ne.ss. OWLX UAiUi 1!A'F. Sampson Co., .Tune I t, Ib-jl. Tii-Sm LUS. R.VGS WAXTKii. bv 11. .bllAXfiOX SON', •filly 1. 7Stf FAYETTEVILLE AND WORTHE^ PLANK ROAD. I^L^IiLH’ notice is hereby j:iven. that the Hooks of this Cmiii'.iny arc now open to receive subscriptions of stock; arid will reinaiii open until further notice is piveii. Ity ordci of tlie IJoard of Directors. •June .‘1(1. 1H.')1. 78-4’,V t'aroliniaii c6py 1 month. t^)R SALi:. tVAI.UAV.LK HorSF, AXl) LOT on the I'ublic Snunre. tor cash, notes on demand, or on a credit. Applv to II. McNAIill. ’arthage. Moore coujify. .luly 78-4w s(’jrooi. NOTici:. IVi’L^^Il to establi.'h in this place a iiernianetit. lM;Fl’A!tATi)Ry SCHOOL for a limited number of I’oys. Thi? S' htiol will be opened as somi as a convenient location cun be obtained, of which, atid of otlit-r particulars, farther no tice will lie irive'i. .1. r. lIOdPKi:. .Tune'Jti, I^ol. 78tf ) j'ford J'tnin/e (\>llrrr. fff^IlE First l^i'.‘«sien of this In.^titntion will XL cnniiiienco on .Monday the 21st of .JL'LV. ensuiii". It is vet-y desirable th.-it I'lijiils who expect to enter the Collofte sliouki be present at the opeii- inii ot the Session. J}y order of the Executive (’onnnittee. 0.\ford. X'. C., .June li?), 18ol. 78-4w 77/^' *)(ost Ejfuacirni.-i K.ilnit('. AXUDVXE ( OlTiil DltoPS. The success of thi« remedy outstri]!"* the ust; of anythin" of the kind. From pcr.‘-on3 bf the first resiiectability resitlinp in (Hti'erent part.s of the country. I have receivi-il flattering accoutits, and among them the follow injr: AMi-nicrs. (iv., .Tune 1. 1848. T>r. Yomij:;—Dear Sir; Having had a severe couj^b for some twenty years, durinie which Innu ft. White l>ak I'er Tonjrues, IJoistcrs and time I have taken many preparations, put np .*-'hafts. lOo I’l St Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wap-on^. •Jiiiio spok.-'!. For w hitdi the highest casli prici' will be paid. .\pulv suua tu E. FI LLEU. .M,-'.v r.‘, IS.-.]. 7l^-tf \>iE70K0i ;n PEMALB COLLEGE. MWA] A I rjBin!; .riiuui. 3 .'li.-^s (,'t‘ci! N’erniuiit. w ill be school. a' the siiti.-i'l iber. a--i-ted l>y .a A. I’littci', lit' Middlebury, ri->ume-l on 'I'ue-idav. 1-^t uf III (It rstamnn be ailmitte to j_dv(' up di niure-li.1 apiieiirin-' - ri-ckh - brav.ulo; rarest of all is it '■ the it vit.lble f'lte met with oaliu 'y. II -I',-, hov.ever, was a miscreant, fi' lii’ai i!apolitical fi.lin-—ili_'ui- 'pinion, wirli th«' name of pa- r.itt-Iy iii-e-1 tie.' cor.tt.nt.- of 1.' into a ni.-.:-.' of in- of whom ir wa> ijuite ■d, I-'r the chance id hi.- • that no more person-^ wert' to ' I. 'i he old mall wa- .-oon rt'adv tin' premise-; but niadamo, a ! cUl'' _L:riette, hail no notion of i j.p'-.iioi^ in )/> slmliilff b(-fort' so manv -tram.'-i-r-', .-md kej.t u- ^v.iitinir sumo time, notw ith.-taniiin_' tho intt rior murmurs of J\l .‘itii,,, trill and th(' “Now, old L'irl, hurry with tho rotuii, nev er iiiin'l ytif.r stays,” td' some of the ex- tiet-t.'in^'^ ont-ide. -tinet nn- plai t d in a liiu' on the lm’ouikI facing- tho —ileli a b i t -ry of irunb.i'r. no.-ent p'ro!H. nian',- -i . iain woiiM lie kill tno fci 1;:nJ.' d'iwn one man, and jirobal ly smie ot h s t iinily. That thi.-I’amily, with their illii.-rrions latln-r, ."ihould lirivt' oseaju-l al- toi_o.th. r. i-; an inst.:nc(' of iroo(| fbrtune as r Miarkable as the attempt was f!a_L'ition-. }>iit the magnitude of the orinn* iiuostctl th" j.eriietrators with a terrible interest, 1 I' iouiit our purp into the ma'ie to (-ommaml a view which wa.-". ui-arlv in a lim ituafion well iS(-; tlloULdl oiilv one willow •ipiare, tin' two others wen i/uillotiut', their arm- jiinioned. 'I'hev wen very tlitleri'iit in apjiearanct'. l-'iesthi had a most >ini.-ter and ft-rocioiis i \pn .— siou of face, I't ntlcred luoroMt by the scars, searct ly heah'd appar- nilv, intlicte.l liv th«* bur!»tiii;ir o} his ;fun-barre]s, lie wa.' plain ly dres-t-d, and appealed like a workman of th»' better class; his ajro was about thirr ty-iive. Morey was a man advam-etl in life, ]iorhap- .-. vciity; his bald In-ad was partly covered liy a black (-aji re\ealiii;r '1' n (> M SO X • S A K11' 11 .M KT I ('S hav lieeii adoptc'l liy lienninjrtuu and Itiitland counties. \ t.; liv the rublie .''^uul.-i uf the city of .N. V., i’rooklyn. Xe»v ll.-iven .-md Hartford. C iiiii.. .Sprin^rfield. .\lass.. Syr.-icuse. .\uburn, (Iciieva. Uiitlalo. Cleveland. l»etruit, \c.. ,V(-.. t-■ w - i'tl" v -PU iMMitii- v-1> i iTx- \ ii A' by the .''t(te .Nuriii:il School, Ctinn., Wt-.-tfield ()J» J II Nj'y.M I.N AK\, Xurm-il .''chool, Ma-^s.. and by other .\c;ideuiies and lli;rh Schuuls tou numertius to mention. .Inly next, lit.avi tor .-iny n'ainber ot' stiideats. can be ;_otten in the vill.-iiri-. at •'S7 ].i-r niuntli. Tiiitiuii as lu-retut'iire. viz; ; incideiitalN iiieluded.) Fur the Uuiliiiients. (a-r Si-s-:i..ii. •'^li .’lU .Mathematics. Eiiirlish (Jraiiuiiur. ilibtii- ry. \c.. ' 8 .".a Latin and (Ireek Laie.rioi,L''-5:. lit .'iW LXTi: \. Musie c;i the I’ir'lio. I'se ot In.-trunu-nt. Freiu h I.aiijriiaire. Urawiiitr. Xectlle-wurk. .\. U. McLEAX. Frineii SuTiimevville. .N. ('.. .Iniie 1, IS-'il. 7 l -'i oo ■J. -VI 1(1 on :> no 1 -::in l.ipt-'d for I tht' white hair.- behind and at the siih Mike asily t the siaflohi, with that .-ide V hieli overcame any linL^erin-.r .''oruplos, i honn Jill 1 tlie wh'.h' jcirry (h '-ided nnm setting ; dccl;! t.-at f rr'iwith. We m nh' for tho nearest ♦'!i-ii .-taml. wliich w is that upon tlieipmy l»e ;• ;li.- I'.int Neuf. V* iiat terrible reeolleetions is this old cry ot i’,ii-is invi-.-tinl with! Seareelv a fiir'-'-t, -T a p!;i(-e, ora pt^j(- buildinir, that li.i-i n-it >one- drt-adful story. Xoitlier is tliere any at !■ a.-t iii I'hin^pe—wlioro tho ni;dni;£ht ram’’ler nmi-e appareiitlv ex- ]■ ' -d to maltreatiii-nt. In Ijondoii, even ;:t tiio latest hour, there is a sense tif .sceu- i:ty in the broad "lare of -ras, anl the oc- o-isional p dieeman; but lu-itiier of tho.se, o\cep! in a Very fV'w favored spots, were to be found in Paris, in iSoo. When fhe shops ejo.'-^o, your only reliance is upon the ]i;_dit of other 'lays, dan^iing from ropo.s acro,-s thi; street. JVo ptdiccujuii i. to be Kt't-n, and fhe seowliiig vagabonds—call th-ni or what Vuii will—arc frotiuentors of executions, she had arriv(-d at eonsiderablo kiiowlodgt' of tht,' national ta.-tes, ()ur am-ieiit host, bi-intr aoeoinnio- (iated \yilli a cio^ar, narratcl the ]».irticn- l;;rrf of the many beheadinirs wdiich hat] fallen iilidof lii.s ob.scrvation sinee hi.s oe- cnj.am-y of the Inuist'. One m.-iy be men tioned as exhibiting a rare instanee of ir resistible curiosity. The man had b('on uuilty of an atroeions miir'ler, either of a wife or .some near rolativt', and when his ncclf was placed under (he axe, he con- frivt'd to slue himself pirtly round to see _ , its descent, ami had a p ut of hi« chin ta- Jilfiur tho very la.st kind of people whieh ; ken olV in eonsotjuenee. one woul(l desire to meet by mooijlight a- | About two Inmr.s before daylight a body ' ; fd mounted niunieipal guards arrived, and it over Ldio.sts are jn'ruiittf'd to riilurn to fornied nmiid the scaffold. I'hc object of -enes ot violence and crime, yon might this ajipt'ared to be to hiile the proceed- ^urely exf>eet to nu-et them in Pari.s. In i ing.s as much as javssible from thoie on the short .space between the hotel and the i foot, who could only hope for a very im- iuay, we Jias.sed tht; sjiof where lay, in om' ! perfect view betweeu the bodies I he was a corjiiilent, larire fiu'ure, drt->scil ' completely in black, with a mild intelli- I g(-nt face, ;ind altogi'tiior a very gontle- ! manly air and manner. I’ejiin was a of the lious('. l'’a^i( hon-had al.-o w ith much j suiali, tlnn-faced, insignitie:int man. propiiety m.ide t)ie bed, set tho furniture | Pepin was cho.-eii Jir.-t for execution, tt) riglits, raked uji the ashes of tho wotnl- { Having been tlepri\cd of his coat and iit'ok- tiro, ati'l ].'Ut on am'tht'r block or two; ami I oruhiet, and t!;e cola;’ of his shirt turnod tilt' ta(-t of inoeting with an open fo-f'-phu-i^ ! down, ho was led by fhe oxo-utionor uj» instead of the eternal stove made us feel ,-if j tlu' steps td’ fhe platform. lie ascended at o!i(-o. 'I'lie Vi’olvei hampttui man ; with an air of (-onsiderable bravado, .shook ed that it w is dantrerons to iJritish i himself, and looked rouml with tiiuch coii- lungs to be I'ut in these r.iw mornings in a i lidetu-o, ami spoke some wofils which \vi' fori'iuii country without something warm j could not catch, and which the execution- to (ju ilifv the an-; s i a bottle of braiitlv j 'r .-ijipt :ired dis](o.s('d to cut short, liav- was sent for to tho m'igiiboring and j iuir advaneod with iiis breast against the our hoste.-s had busied her.-^elf in jiroducing | truck, to which his body was rapidly hot water and tumblers, ;is if, through the .-tr.ij»p'd. In' w.-is tht'M tilted down, truck and all, upon hi-' face; and the frut-k mov ing u]ion small v, hei'ls or (-a.stor.s in groove's iijiou tho ehe.st, he was moved rapitlly for» wards, till his neck came dirt'cfly Tinder the chopper, when the rope being unhook- t'd tVoiu fhe button, the axe fc-U with a loud and awiiil ‘'chopl,’ the hoail rolling down upon the bare platform. After the separation of the head, the body nmved with much convulsive energy, and had it not been made fast to what .1 have called tlie truck, and that also connected with tlu! nii.sed phitforiu, would probably have rolled down on the lower .stage. The ex ecutioner then held up the head to yi»-\v for a moment, ami I suspect, from some laughter among the troops, mado a face tious remark. The lid of a large basket ahmgsido the che.st wa.s then raised, und the body rolled into it. Morey w\is the next victim. lie a.sccnd- iid re|uired much d tLc ' ed the ^tops feeb]y, Willsun's .luvcnile .Vmerie,-ui History. Willsun's llistui-y of iht' l iiited Statis. Will.suu's .\nieriean lli>tui-y, fur .ScIhhiI.s. Xcwman's I’raetical Sy.>-tt-in of lUictoric. (!ra_v s Elements of Chemisti-y. 11itt-hi-ot-k's l-’.leiiients of Ctetihiry. Siil'th's Xatiiral I’hilosophy. Sficncer's l’.n;iri»h (iramuiar, F.osides our uwu T’iibli-:iti.>ns, we keep con stantly on hand, and are ahv.-iys rt. ady tu supply all the ditl'ercnt kinds of SCHOOL r. OOKS I'wed in diifereiit .'-ei-tiuns of the ('ountry: SI *11 — J'rimer.t. Sptlli)i;/ Hunkf. Itioilinij linnk.f, Arith- ini'tu'!’, (I i'llniniiiry, lli.ifii/ ii .i, (ii'iiiiritjtliiex, I■‘ifiiniiorii's, ,vr., ,v-. I>ay JJooks, Journals. Ledfrer.s, C:ish liooks. I’ahS lliiuks. and whi wr mxtKs Of .\11 Kinds. FOOLSCAP I’APKU, I.r.VTKU I'.M'KK. nil.I. I'AI'K.It. XOTK I'.M’KI!, vic. .“-LATES AN1> I’EXCILS, I’ens atnh Holders. Envehijies. Ink, vS;c.. ^:e. I’ai-tit-iilar atti ntion w ill be }>aid to all tirders from Coniitr.v Merchants and privateiiidividuals, uent by mail, oi*otherwise. for .Medical. Mis- t-t'llaneous. and Schoil iJooks, anti no pains will bo spared to cuniplete all such tinlers to the en tire natibfiictioii of corres|)oudents. MAUK H. XEWMAX & CO. T.'ll F>roatlway. Xew Vork. Juno SO 18”il. 78-4t Greensboroiigli, K. C. rMlllE next Sessiuii of this liistitutiun will t-onimenct' on Mond.iy. .luly 7. )n applie.-ition tu the I“riiicip;il, cirrulars will be b'rwarded. :ivin;r all le-ecs.-ary infonnatioii re.-pectiiijr the .--cliuul. KICIIAI’.H STEI'.LIXC.. A. M.. I’rincijial. (!ov. .1. M. Moi!kuk\i>. 1‘roj'rietor. .lune 17. 7*i-10wpd Rockingham Academy. ^IIE next Session of this Institution will cummem-e on the 11th .luly. hun ter uf tu'a moiilli/t iimf i li»h': Ci.-issic.il i)ejiartiiioiit, !*i8 Eii;.rlish ** (■> o> I-’.lemeiitary “ 4 (10 I’.-iy.-ilile i^u.-irterly. Competent .-;ss;stam-e al ways empluyed. l!u:ird at the Hotel.-:, or in private fiii«iilie.s, S-7 or -iJS jit'r liioiuh. tiEO. 1>. W I'.'t'Mui^ ij. fH'MlE next ziu at '.I ( II' s-lay td’ .lu'.y all the i)U]'ils of roums. and the classification of the scliolars, v.liit-ii will take idat-e at that timt'. 'I’he Collofie will be priivitled v, ith\^a comjje- fcnt i.f te.e-Iit'i-.';, ; iid many inij'l’ovcinents ma-li' ill the duiiiest^' arnoi;rements. The d' partmi'iits of the ordinary l-'n"li-li ■ •u;ir-:e. .M.-iltieii!;!ri(--i, .N.-'tnr.-il Sciences, ,\n- t-ieiit aiid .Muii'-rn biiej.ua^'.-s. are under the im- iiu'ii'r.te iasp'-'.-i’oii uf ibt' l’resileiit, who also lii'.-' insri'itctiuii in some of taesi- branches, lie is ai ii-il l.v a l‘ro!'e--ur a:i'l thrt-e !,a-iies. 'liti' de]i:irtmeiit rf Music is committed to I’rute.-'ur Kern, whe- ' rcputaricii j:ives every jrn:n-.-int( (' tlaU it will lie n’anaaed with ability, lie i.s .-is^isreil liy two e:;i'erii luevl lauie.-i. I’ur the ac'|ui.':.; -11 of the cic;.iant av-1-umjtIi5.I1- ment of Oil-F.iiiUiiitr tlic College at pr' .-^ent af- fui-ils superior advaiita'r s. Tlicre is probably no where in Xorth Carolina a ;_'-»llcry of paint- iiiLis e.jiial ill lieauty uf e.\cculiuu to that pro duced by the pujiiis diiriii;;' the last year, and exhibited at 'uiunien.-enu'nt. 'rill' domc'^tic dej'artment is imdcr the nian- a;_''ement of'l homasC. Hlake. F.si|.. and his Lady, late of Fayetteville, .^lr. an-1 .Mrs. lUake have rt .ired a family of daughters and have thus hu^e riCommendations to the confidence of the cumninnity. 'i'he lluard of Trustees, with a liberality lie- Cfiiiiin^ lliuse who have charjrt' uf su tluurishinir an Iii.-tiiiition, have determined tu .-eh! imnicfli- ately to their firosent noble edltice, liuiidin;i wl;ic!i will j;ivc si!t-!i room th it more iiuieVncs.'- aiid liclter disi-ipline aiel insiructii'u (-;iu be se cured. Tht' jiupils will not lie crowded in the dormitories. 'I'ho 'I'rustct's will proceed :ilso to enlarjre and beautify the jrrounds and introduce siivh a system of t-xercice as will I'luinute the ht'alth of the pupils. 'I'here is periiaps no healthier j-lace iti Xorth ('arolina or Virginia than Oreeii'iburu’. The inhabitants in fhe town arc remarkalile for rcn- by different idiysicians, Wi,■star’s celebrated I'.alsatii of Wild Cherry, &c. to but little atlv.-uitajie, frtim your recommendation I wns in duced to try iJr. Little's Anodyne (’onj;h Drops, anil I txke ]>leasnre i’l statinp; that I fouml them to be the very best jireparatioti that 1 ever used. Respectfullv vourp. 'auuam COI.SOX. Bru'drr oj' aud (ivoid Oie vi.e uf Stil>a(i(u(eg. The fac-simile of the sijrnature of T'r. W. (I, .-d-in of this Institution will be- clui-k. A. M.. (Ill the last W’ed- It is e.\trt-me’y desirable that Little will be foinul tijioii the outside wrap|ier liall tirepent at th* s''lect;on of eai-h ot his .Nledicines. Sold wholesale .nnd retail, by the T‘ro}irietor, at his .Manufacturing I>epot. Xo. I'*i4 Market street, Philadelphia, and .Macon, (.ieorjri.a. To be had al.so of .lames Cain, llockfish; .-\. Uatson, Floral Colletre: Townsend iX l)ou2- lass. In'tineftsville: Hr. 1’. M. Cuhen. Charles ton; C. C. b’lirbcc, llarclavsville; 1’. P. I’cscud llalei-h. S. .1. HTXSD.M.E. .\"ent fur Fayettevilb*. rr^HE Copattnersliip of Hall & Hall will ex- SCL pire on the 1st of Au.nist next, a.nd in er- der to close the concern, we oflcr iur (iOOM.S at UI'.DLi'El) I’KICE.''. 1 lio-^c wi«hin;r to make pureha;;es on very favorable tenns, will do well tu pive u.« a c.-ill, .ts we are detonuiiicd to sell (>fi our entire Stock. ^\ e will also sell tlie Store and Lot occupied by uurselvt s. *\l.so. the iMyellinpr and ^^arehouse in the rear. .Vlso, one 'rencment in the Brick Knw, now occupied by 1{. D. .McXcill. .\ll or any jiart of the above Property will be oflercd nt jirivate .sale until the 1st .Aupist, and if not .suhl then, will be offered .'it .\uction, and due notice "iveii. I’ct-sons desirous of purcliasinjr, can get liar- piins by calling ujion the ttndersijined. HALL HALI.. Miiy 10, T S.'tl. 71 {}• AIJT UXIOX OF J'IlIL.\Di:LriIIA; For the Proniotiou of the Arts of Design in the United States. S7IVEUV -M('tiiber, for the year ISol, will re- -J ceive for each Siib.svriptiun of Five Dol lars, a print of Uuiitiiifrtou s “Christiana aud her Children,’’ engraved by Joseph Andrews, lii'ston: and the comiianion, a print of Iluntinfr- tou’s ••Mercy’s TJreani,” en-raved by A. H. Hit- chie, Xew \ork; or the choice of any two of the eral morality anti indu.stry: the hu'ation of the f“*u>'vin;r four splendid enpravinjrs. viz; 1. .John College suriias-cs that uf any Institution which Iviiox s Intctview with .Mary t^hiceu of Scots, th‘ undersiirned li^is ever visited, anil he has P-'inited by Lcntze, enirravcl liy S'Hi tain. 2. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Huth and Ibiaz. painted In- ISothermel. engraved by Sartain. o. .Mercy's Dream, painted bv Huutintt'in, cii'rra\cd by Jiitchie. 4. Christi ana and her Cliihlren, painted by Iluntinntoii, cnirrayed liy Andrews; and a copy of the I hila- delphia Art I uion Mejiorter, .a nionthly jianiph- let, coutainiiijr a report Of the transactions of NOTICE. rB'^HE Subiicribcr having qualified ;i.s E.vccii- xL tor to the Estate of .Mrs. Henrietta Camp bell, at .March Term, 1>V)1, of the Court of Pleas and (jiiaiter Scsaions of Cumberlniid comity, herebj- notifies all perrions indebted to said Es- tiite to make inimediate ]iayment: anti all having claims against the same, to jiresent them within the time prescribed by law. or this notice will be pleaded in bar ot’ their recovery. .'I. \'. .IffXES, Executor. March 10, IS'i’t, GOtf XO'riCl'].—All Accounts due the Merchants’ StcambiM»t Company, for Freights up to the 15th inst.. nraat be promptly paid to tht' undersigned, us lauch time cannot be given to the collectit„in of th."'. name. .J. fc T. WADDILL, Utc As. F_yctl;v;il-.>, J;;;. J", 12.^1 t/ju" seen all those i>f most note in the country: aud the situatiun in the central jvart of the State ni.-ikes it t'asy of access. .Attention is paid to the; manners of the ]m- yiils. and every accomplishment desirable for a young bitly to at-'piire may be obtained here. , . I While the ornameiital branches are cultivated, loi '111^ i.ou, oe iniuii' o.. 1 they are not made to constitute the staple of Institution, and information on the subject _ •line , S-j . f I the education wiiich we eudenvor to impart to Hie 1-ine Arts tliioughout the whole world. our pupils. A high, intellectual tr-nning,—a '| he Art L nion ot I’hiladclpliia awartls pri/es t'lorougli discipline of the niiiiil is sought to be own Certiticates, with which original ,-\- ubtainetl as of iirst iinjiurtance after the cultivu- niericun worKs of .Art may I'C purchasdl in any tion of moral ainl religious feelings. ^ part of the I nited .States, at the optioJi and se- 'I’he 'I’rustees and F;iculty make every Jiossi- lectiou oi the person who may tibtaiu a jirize at blc eflbrt to prevent extravagance, 'i'he regular annual I>ir;f> ibution, which takes place oil College charges arc moderate, 'i'lie next ses- evei.-ing of the lasrt weelt-iiny |n every year, sion will cunsist of five months. For 15f.ar-J , Executive Committee of thfc Art Union, and 'I'liition in the ortlinary English branches. ■ "’hen so rciiuestcd, select works of .\rt, without and in T.atin or (ireek, if desire-l. the charge is charge or comjx'nsation. from their Free Oallcry, for Music .'jii.’O; fur Oil Painting :.->l-’»; for ‘(.hestnut Street, for th-'-c pCrstins in tlit- Draw ing >>^0; fur French or any other mot.lern | country, who may live renii'ite from (Jallerie.s, 01 langnages taught, n;'). j>ublic exhibitions of the Fine .Arts. CIIAKLES F. DKE.M.S, President. I ^”*>scriptions of membership, .dionld be •Tune I'l, IS-'il. 70-4w ' lu-atle as early as pr.ioticable, so us to »nt;tl- _ . members to early nuruljers of the •■Heportu-,' iiccM per Sleauic-r and (or ^aie, t‘‘c 01 fho -S IICI.S. „„,l RiliaiJ i 1 chest fine Hyson Tea, ;i casks best l.,ondon Porter, pintlwt'ls, ■1 cases s’lperior old Port VVine, 1 ca.-?k .Madeira Wine, ■1 hhds. l.'uba Molasses. SAM L \V. TILLIX;ilAST & CO. .June 20, 1S;>1. 77tf Axn 31 Ks. ];ri:v, ai o o Ij. rg^IIE next .'-Jessiun of .Mr. and ]\lrs. TVar- well's School will coiiinience on Fr;d;iy the 18th of .luly. The nuniber of boarders in our own family being limited, pi-rsuns desiring .situations will jileast- make early .-ipplicatioii. t'irculars containing course of stuily. terms. vS;c., can be had of the Principal, Kev Robert IJiirv.'cll. Hillsburoiigh, X C. .lune 10, 18-')1. 7ti-4w IIHL'.S. Xew Crej) Molasse.s. ju*it rec'd, by 1’. P. JOHXSOX. April 11. 1)7 FUKSII TEAIS. I^XTRA FIXE HVSOX, J Do do Imperial, Do do (iunpowder. Do do Oolong, anti Young Hysou TEAS, of superior quality. —ALSO— Chocolate, Uarley, Salad Oil, Mustard, Yeast Powders, 5co. For sale by SAM’L .T. HIXSDALE. April 21. (i8tf FOR SAI.K, WM. ROWLAND'S Ejtra thick .Mill and Cross-cut SAWS, 6 anti Cil feet. D i W. Mc-LAPKIX. Xov. X*/, ICoO ‘ivti’ •J money to any part of the country. The Honorary Secretaries will give receipts for subscriptions, or remittiinccs may be made to' . GEORGE \V. DEW'EV, Corresponding Sec’y, 210 Chestnut .Street, Philadclj hia. Ilonpr.iry Scc’y for Fayetteville, X'. C., E. J. H.\LE. .Juno 1 Sul. 7.',- WANTED, C i.VSir for all acconnt^ and notes due the ' Subscriber, previous to 1st .lanuary, ISol. Persons indebted to the .subscriber, as a'bove, will iniich oblige him by settling the same as early as 15th July. S.YM'L J. HIXSDALE. 1 W.VXTI-.I), i p«rl of Xo. ] Dev. .t Batt'e’s Rr- ; Jl. ports, and tho List of CaLcs in let Dev's ' Equity. Tht; subscribers will pay n -c-uEormbTe price , tor any odd Xus. of Ileucr*? proviou.? to Irod-dl’e 1 Ctli Lav. ui:-J CJ Ltjuity.