jROM Tfrr. r«lt..\Dst.rmA vonrn a^ckfican. INMA8KIN0 THE ENEMY. The IVnnsylvanian laborod yesterday llirongb txv-o niid a half columns, tn extri- :it»* itsolf from the unfortunate dilenuiia into which precipitate zeal had thrown it, •‘.nu'orniug the Domocratic nominees, and »bv a rtliuflling attempt to screen r.»l. HiuiiM- from the rv's^wnsibility of his j'.inlir arts aiiJ reconh'il vot^sj. We pro- ]• .«> fi> rcpiv, not hv sp«‘ei(m« e(|iiiv(.K*ation, ’ifiit, ;•.» >vv liave always done, with manly ihnr}i;t>s, (hie of the UvU very ovedituMc expedi ent,' (.if (nir cutt‘iu}i'>rary, is ei)M?tantly to Jni-roprt-f' -Tit the pusition of this pa)n*r in rt'^j.trd t'> t!ie measures >f eonipromiss, jis th. v are eninnnuily known, and to aeense Vis of hostility to the S ivith. We thiiik, H' lio jnany eminent Southern stati'sinen of hotii parties, wlio want .substantial and not loiilitt‘iil rop-ise, that ]>arts ot‘ th»' adjust- iiiei'.f. not atlcetijig any atlirniativi' riirlit or ]>vinvij*]e. niiirht have beon s»> improved as to h.iv‘ silenced all rlain-T auil opp.'sition. l>nt sliii-e they were passed in the \visd(tni of (’oniirr^s, and anor.iin^ to the best Ii::l(ts b. t'ire if. we have n-Kiniuien led full aeipiiesi ence tm all o ( asions. and are o]«- po('d to anv ujov nieiits by which the scc- liotial (•oiitn>versy may be reopened. If the Suiitli e.in be dcit iv»‘d by the ex ec.-,'ive protestation.^ of those who have tlieir own object." to .-ierve in makinjithem, Avc are ii’.iite willing' that political Maw- w.iiiiia should reap the prolit^ and enjoy the honor." t‘ tlnir hypocrisN. Hut we know sonii thinjr >f southern chanu ter and ot‘ southern feidiuirs. and we know well, that ainoii;: that chivalric and full-hearted people, no jiiilitieians. or public men. are " > nuK h or so justly tUs]»i.'e«i as tho-e who. by ntenenary eilorts. have cnde.ivored to propitiate th‘ir fivor. And wt> leirani as the wi r^t eii('jui.‘s ot' the jmblit- peai e th'ise presses which are kee]>inir up airita- tiou. by {'roehuniiuir their hostility to ajxi- t itioTi. Who i." it that disturbs tr.iuijuili- tv but th- se ;i'_'it;(tor-^, for their own sc!li>h j'tirposcs'/ it the eotnitry wert' allowed to settle down, a' it would do but for clamo- rou> chauipiou^ who have more lu\i^ than "■ui crity, tlu‘ insane efforts of ;ibolitioni.'t.- ou the .'i.e "ide and of disunionists on the otlier wiiulij pas" l>y :i> the idit' wind. Hut there is a cl;i"S of ji>urn:'Is. wliieh we could oex-iibe. tliat has turned this bvisiness into aprotitable speeulation. and seize'! upon it a- an ea-y nieth id of replenishin:: im- poveri.'hed pur-cs. It will be a melancho ly tlay wh.-n th* .safety of this ilnriou,' I iiion, or the i'bligation> enji>iued by the ('ou'tituri.-u. shall depend uj>'in .'Uch .'cl- li'h and t;tue-st.rvin:x adv H'ates. The l*enusylvani:iu excepts to our state- nieiit. that the Wiiir ('i>n\ei*fioii ;it liin- caster went a^^ far ou the (’ >niproini.s* as the nemneratie Convention at lleadinir. or •'larthcr. as we thought pr"jier tu .-av. while it stultifies it>elt' by pr-.'.-utiui: the respeeti\e resolutions ."ide bv side. \\’e shall rt produce tlu'ui fiU' j'ublie I'.iiliejitiou. 1'rMiicKATn r.|i:r,f;i! i!i;- .Ioiixston 11i:s"- .''iMTIO.\.-i. I.ITIOVS. /i’,Tlirit tlic Dv- That th"’ a'l- iM’ i-rjitic jiai ty (if I’ciiii iiiciistiri's of s'.lviiuia ;trt- true to tlie tlio l:i.'=t ('i.ti;ir(“-^ sfuill I iiiiiii. tlio t'linstitutidii rv**.l .la'I tie* I:nv. jui'l will .ini r -sjifctci i.y the t.iitlit'iilly (.iliserve aii'l Whiirs. c\c('utc. .'• tar us in That :in uti- thciii lies, all tht? iiu-.i- .iltcTiible 'k-tcruun;Uion lit t oiiu^iritniisv a- t>'niaiiitaiii thesuprem- 1>. th • latr (’ :i- ;i-y .if' the (.'"ll.^ituti'Ti ;rriS'. t"i' t:.e jmr]' aii l laws, lias aii'l ’t si'ttlinir th> i^iicstii’ii is jium-. i.no of e’lr car- jiiisiii^r "lit I'! domestic i.liiial liuctriiics. an.I th.it .'.avcry, .ui l tliis ii-it while others h:ive lil- mIv t'r.irn a "'as- nf tcrol. the li'sl.-rvthe iu:y a." citi/Ciis U'h i jr jiai-t y dem'iii- iit tills reiiuliiic. hut al- -tratfs tiiiit, in the " I ti'i>in the kiii'I aii'l st"rni f't' a'ivovsitv or trieiiilly f.TlinL's w hi' h the siuishiuc df j ni- tliey cherish tiiwar ls |>erity. .xui'Hnjr "tar t.ieir •■rcthrfu if' tin- .t' our ciiiiitry's h'ljio 1'. i.-h'ji'liap' States. lias never heeri ■iiitune l i'v li.s ai-ti'iii (,r ci'aiicil. I lie.s,- w( re the o/t/y resolutiou-i .lu eith er 'iile afTi-et iuir couipr iuiise, and w‘.'!iouM I'ke to know iiow’ it was possible to iiiak'- tlio.'e adopTecl bv the \\ iiiojs strojl'jer. Uiolr compreh'-n"i\e, or tuore positive. Ill our 1 i.'t article, w,.".tid tliat the move- niiMit o* Mr. S.-ott was supertluons, because lii' ].rop..sitiou wa- fully uiid distinctly eiu- 1-raeed iu tiie fore^foiuir resolutions; .nn l we then a-ked the I’eiinsylvanian wh -n it h id O' liounc'd the Lane;istcr ('oijvciitiou b'r not adoptiuir liis aiueii'iment, whv tie- l{'aditi^r 'ouveiifii-ri !iad parsed ni su>-li rciilutii>ii/ 'j'lio an-wer wiiich we (rpt is sdeiicf. I’iie in(|uiry is avoivlc'l. " And th;.' i." the prcei,e lu inner in whieh tlie op- j'ositi'Mi "hirk all inij.Mtfaiit i.-sues. Iti the 11 irrisbttr'i I >i tu >er itu" (’oiivt'n- t i''n., ( ontiiMi"s the \orth A ineriean. :• when Air. !>rew'. r undertook to ijuestioii Wil- ne>! orth"do,\v. the foil,,wiu;r scene .-u.-,l:— But v«il our cot«npjrary um, siooo it fciaelv claims that thsse cloe- tions to which we have referred were re- GiAH*! TERCLIVE THE DIFFEEILSCE. [ The imsundcpjtiuding thu Coxa- A corresppndent of the North Carolina i mandant and the Meehai\ics of the Gosport tions to whicn we nave reienx-u v»c.r SUtndurd, in noticing a discusaiou between , Navy \ ard ha.^, v. e are glad to learn, been ’ D^'awd b thr-.Sado...-.! Pomocnil, of -Messrs. Dnoker.v and CaM>fell ... li.ch-;/ecoi.c.leJ, and the ,ueu .on.a.ej to w„,k ^ e«rv otber siate in ti.e V..ion,” Uow it n.o..d county, «Vito, thus: ; yostcrda.v. M,-. -!« »f i came t(» TWM that the CVitve.itioii at Hnr- J “Mr. 0.idweU affiin.ed that the States Oe ' ^ risbnrg did not repudiate >lr. David AVil-^ which formed this (Tovernment were sove- ^ I'^r-'inilation of the n-ivv 1 mot, tfie author of the Provino and the fo- reign and had never parted with their T ' Oftirers an ointed ' Tnter of all thi.aeetional discord? Why «o4eigntv; that all sovereignty > i^l'^ly | to be ve.teu ut he w., it. when Mr. Brewer assailed hi« po- underiw wa. in the people-lhat litieal faith, that he was “rebuked by the had created and th.y could .le«troy. lie , Convention amid a storm of hiswoM and admitted that for the jmrposey tor which > c on n, " ,„.r,',)prtv'^ h id erie.s of ‘shame’r' Whv wa. it, that the the trust powers were confided, that it was | prote. t.on of the publ c l»npeifA , h.ul head and front of the war upon the 'South to all intents and purposes a gov>rnment ; ‘ , f’V'-VlT^T was received into Huch lordial connuunion, and obligatory upoj* the people; that even t »i^ !id\u-e, it .seems, «.is ^ ‘*1’ • dunrrfinn.—^\’e are informed that the (\'dar Falls Mantifacfuring ('luupany was not tlu' purchaser of tlu‘ jiroperty bidong- ing to the Kaixloljih .Manutiu turing Com- pauv. 31e.ssrs. John H. ^I’roy and II. J5. Kllioff were the j'un liasers, and they liave in view tin' manufacture of woojeu as well as cotton goods.—A.lilioyiinjIi lhrill. I illn ! n If un n Ijin'ifr S>'nh\—Tht* Sliaw- iM-etown Advocate of the lith contaiiis a eii- "■I’eiiding tie- di.'cU'sioii iip .ii the iiioib* of b.dlotiii;/ t’or caudi.kites. ;\Ir. Hrewcr, of 1 ruikliii. made an a-sault u].o)i the jiolifi- cil faith of the lloii. ])avi(l W iliuut, which w reimk'd by the; (’oiiveiition, auiid a s’l'nji '} his«;t‘ erics of ‘.-^liame.’ “.^Ir. W iliuot rose, on h ave giv(‘u, ami !ii i!e a dignified and effective exi.huuitioii ot hi." cour.-ie of cf.tiduet iu the Cou M-ess of iv;s- >1 th“ (',,11 V' litioii supported .^Ir. Wil- v.li'iiii It Was neee""ary to eoiiciliale lor tie' vote rif t!ie Aboiitionists, aud '•liooteil iluwu"—to U"c tl»e favorite phrase of tli.‘ Pi'riii.'vlvanian—the National Dem ocrat, Mr. Hrewer. Sill irtiiig under the expn.snrc of the eo- aiiti'i!! between *4ie 1 >emo-rats and Al)oli- tio:ii>t- all over the Ntirtheru States, wlien* the prize of ullice was to b(> seeured by coiiii.liiati.iu, till! Peiiii'ylviini.m b.is the c.iiiplacency ti ask us, if Suiiiner, ('hase atid Kantonl weri' not repudiated by the .Nat'iiual U(;moeraeyWe answ(‘r that .Mr. f'haso rec(‘ived th“ I k uioeratie vote in tiif Legislature of Ohio, which, unitt.l v.itji tliat of the h'l'ce Soilers, sent him to ij;‘ t'eiia^t(! of the l iiited States, and that t}i(- i-ousideratit'ii lor this support was a division of the State ofiiees amon;r the Dt'- ni H-rats. If the l^•^mylvaniau^" lojr’n- 1„. d, then there is no National Deuioera- I ; it) (Miio. We answer that there were luit s iiie few huiidreil vote.s east agaiu.st Mr. Uaiitoul, ill t!»e district from which he UMS eleetei to Couiri'e*.-', by th)se, who ca[l I lu iDseiv es Natiouai {)i laoerat.s; the rank :ji«d ti)‘ 'if the ]Mrty voted for him. We a»i>Mer th.'t .Mr. Suiaiier was elected by the rK/'ly il the Deiiioejatic party, and un- d'T [K-rsiiasiou?! which they thought suiH- l ieiit. All I w - might say'that ]\fr Whit comb, ^}r. Siiiehls and others were ahso eho.'Cti by Kree-So;i pledges, which they c.uvcTiieiitly repu iiated after eleetion.-l I. the j eijii-ylvauiuu meet these elj:;rrre>i il i' I. -n. jijx'J i-onfV'.'it, n.-‘ if it be able if that (’onvention was eompo.sed «'f Na- the li«'gislature of a State, “by no enact- ‘ iingiam tional IVmocratsy llowevt'r tlu> I'enn.syl- un'iit,'’ eould render a law of (\uigress null; vanian mav attempt to throw dust in the all owf'd it olK'dienec ami that olu'diencc* eves of the Sotith, the fat t that it and its t-ould be enforced. party wtoe caught affiliating together with “At this point he was asked by (Jeneral the Abolitionistij for a political purpo.s**, l)(Kkery, whether, if elected to Congress, will stand to tin* utter condemnation of all he would vote tin* I’resiih nt men and the cheap eant'that mav be employed for money to carry out the fugitive sl;ive law evfeni;;ding an ofTence which they have in A’ermiuit and Khode is land!'' liiibituallv denonni't'd as treasi>nable, when cs. .said .^Ir. Caldwell, 1 will give them it cost nothing for the denunciation. both men and money to whip them, and To our interrogatory, asking wiu'ther to whip thetn b.ldly. (Vd. Hiirler was in favor of the Tugitive “Where then, I againa.sk, do you get long article detailing the }iurtieulars ot the Slave law a.s it .utands (>n the statute book, this power, and vet deny that the (lovern- dis(.’o\'ery aud ai r« >t of a gang of \ illain>, the 1 Vnnsvlvanian replies with its aceus- inent ea!» eoiMi'c a State into obedience,:' who have carried on for \eais j.a.'t a regu- “Sir, said ."Mr. Caldwell, i-anuot you per-, lar sy>t. ni id’ kidnapping slaves, forgery, ceive that there is an essential difl'erence!'' thii-ving. and perli.-iji." mur(.ler. Their head- 1 cannot, said the (Jeneral, ]vereeive any tjuarters were on Wolfe's Island, K*ntucky, difVereiici'.” • Now we are like (It'n. |)o( kery, we can’t see the diflerenee. We think .Mr. ('ald- in one ijUarti r to be repudiated in aimtluT. well wa.>» eojuplefeiy (ornered by tlie (!en- lle has met the issues pre.sented without eral. in as handsome a manner, to >, as we t|ui\erinr, without hesitating, without fal- h.ne seen the like done in many a day. tering in a double sen.s«>, and it is in vain 'I'here is no difrerenc(“, and nothing Init the i »• i for theNoith Atuerican to go ba«k to show tiikle fanev of a distempered imauinatiou erproiuiiient ukmu lei o, tiiegang. In .la\, ike anv man imadne a rational dif- Iright gave Abe Thomas, a man of dc")>erate character, ^l;>t) to kill I >r. S. .\eeordin‘jly, Thomas, piefeudiug to wisli the d'H lnr to visit his sick f.ith- r, enticed tonu^l evasion: “•.'^o far as (^olonel Higler is concerned, let the Ntuth American rest entirely ea.sy.” Again: ••lie is with his party on the great i[Ui'stion o! the day; he is with it thorough- Iv and ardeutlv; luddinir no one sentiment iK'ar the corner of the St.ites of Kentiick\. 'I'ennes-see. llliiioi.-*, ainl .^lissouri. 'I’lie band was discovered not long since through the failure id’ an a!t’ iiipt by 'iie (>f the rinirh*aders to mur«i r a l> icte.r .'^w.iyne. who had reeo\e;el a jiid^tiient f>r some .$|t>.()0() aL'ainst Newton I']. W’riirlit, anotli- ';tion IS insincere or in- can m.i that his present | con."isti‘nt. " Now we do not iutetid t i I’ollow the ad vice of our eotempomry, and rest “entirtdy ea."y." '. >u the contrary, we intend tf» coiitiniu' our exposuro of the frauiluh-nt coalition with the Abolitionists, wdiich the (Ijipositioti are now attemptii\g to pr:ictice iiere. as they have done elsewhere, tintil Colonel Higler jilace." himself franklv be fore the people of Pennsylvania, whose votes he is now solic^tiriLr under unworthy ilisgu;>es. Wheti the 1 Vnnsvlvanian says he is with his party on the ::reat |Ue."ti'ins of the day. (b>es if Kie.in with the Harn- bi:rtuM- of New York, who are in tlu‘ ma- j irity in th.it State; with the I'emoeratsin the 1 jeixislatuie of a"S.n husott." who (>- leett'd SuniUer; with tile MeiuiKTats who e- le ted H.ititoiil; v.ith the neiiiocrats in the Legi.'latinv el Oiiio who elected (’hase; an I wi*h heni 'crar," like 1‘avi.l Wilmot and his folhnvers in the Northern counties, of this .'statt : or does it mean th it th - (' 'loucl is all things to all nu ti. and \sith thi- natiouiil 1 •einocr.it'' in riiiladtdjhia, and the a.urination il 1 >e;tioerat." in otlu r pa'ts e.f the State!:' •'Hut. saV" our ne;i.rub"r. ‘‘('ol. Hiirler h;i" be,'11 nation.il. and riiriit in hi" \ ieW" of the cou'tliution." When ('of. Higler voted in 1^17 f'orthe ai t denying our jails, he was th- n fiillilliu!,' hi" dutic". a" a ••national 1 •. nioeiat." t> the ('onsrituti' ti'r And w!.. n he voted for tht* \\ ilniot provi* >. In' wa-^ ;» observing: his obligation," to the (’oiistitiifi -n;' If he WM". perhaps the 1‘cnusylvanian will re- [•rrUelje IUe0U...i.te!ieie>i w! ference. — Asli/n>ii>iii//i Ih raltl. Not lonirsim-e I’rentic''of the Lonisvilh .lournal was ver\ >e\crc upon !\1 r. ihiiiham, |,jn, fVom houie and atiemjitcil to niurdi r a nn-mber of Congress from Indiana, be- |,i,„. }„;f ,l„. ,|,,(-tor. after l.-in:r ,.i,ot in the cau,"c he had made a litth' too free with the franking privilege. .^Ir. Ihinliam tlicre- npon compliiined that I’reiitiee had al^u.sod him. which the latter denied, but at the s.inu' time asked if le,- h id not as good a ri::ht to abuse Mr. ihinliam as Mr. Ihinham had to abuse the franking privilege!'' ai III. gave the ;ilarm. aiie e.scapi’d. .\(>( wilh>taiidint the i!e"iierado every ex.ition vill.iiii, so deeji- (leii. (’iimpbejj. tile W liiir candi l;ite for e. iTiior of Tennessee, i" Ivinir danger..u-- Iv ill. .... . V.,, . . ,o.cy ..aiii.oi le- f:,re onlv t • speak of h:m"' if cone.le :neon."i,tencie,. wh:c4i appear to u." .,,,iron and ne-.t devoted frie uaeriy Hi. xpuecd !e. urdc."S the ('olonel eluded by pr..;.. ,"ing to f.-rni ; hart ."••'01! Uew light. ,Vt all ('Veuts. w, think the l‘eiiii'ylva:iian will b'-* eonteiit to with'ir.iw that unf..:runa’e >;■ e'.aration. that lit' ha.s been i: itioual an I right in his views of tie- ''onsrincioii. or to concede that it and it- catul; laie have V'TV different views. S;in;e we have n"t be, u able in tie- tir-^t atteni’.t to extort a (!.;•(ct a.n.SM’’ r from the renn'vlvani.in reirardiuL’’ (’"I. Hi:r!cr’s po- ?itiou t.n what; it pr'’fes.'i's tor“;,-;> i :>.s the most delicate subjects conn'-ctel with the eativa-is. We prop.ist* to kc p the lollowin^r (jiiesiions before tlie public until we it> ceive satisf’.ictorv replies: IsC l. liigl.-r in faMT of tie'' l-’uiiitive Sl.iv ■ law as it ii 'W ,-farids. without niodi- lieati"U or am ■ndni nt!' Is ('ol. Hij^j.T prepared t) repu.iiate hi" vote on till- act of I17. deii\in^f tiie j.iil- ot this .''t;i*-' to I'u^itive .'•'I.ave,-/ I- Co], i:i;;Ier ready to dis.ivow lii" vote in tiie St itf S--n,ite in favor of :he Wilm >t pr(-vi"o'' We l*e^ oui-.Soiith‘'i-n friend," t . reni* ni- ber til,it not a siii'jh- one r>f tliese inter- rogat'iries !'a" been .'inswered bv the Im- oeratie caiididiite or his organ.s; and. for the ]iurp i;-e of enlighteniiiL' them a.-* to the diflereiHt* between I>eniocnitie sentiiu uit in the c?‘y and -ountrv, we invite atten tion to (he followiiii: arti( le from an in fluential paper, tin- Hlair.sville (^Indiana county I .\jni fiicli tn It: ‘‘rile WhiiT" will, without doubt, re- nomiti ife (lovernor dohnston, ;md althouch tin; contest m iv be a warm one, we liave iiodoiilit oft’ojouel Higler’s election by a large m.ijoritv. \udess his ldeat shiuild be broiii^ht about bv the u.ovemeiit which is beiii^ m.ide to jilaee the jiarty in a truck ling attitiiih* towar'Is the South, lor the jMirpose of’ forw.irding the di'si^ns of oth ers who are anxious to reeidve the southern aid aud influence. /I'here art; thousandsof honrst, thinking voters in onr State, who, when a -ontest i.s narrow’#‘d down to a elK>iee bi-tween a candid:ite ])ledge«l to the distinctive nniasures of the “Democratic ” party, or one of the oj.posite, will unhesi tatingly and cordially suj)]iort the fonuf'r, but who will never do so if it cannot be done without shouting pjeans to slaverv ami smothering their natural feeliujrs iu favor of liberty. 'J'he re.solution of th(> Convention iu o]>].osition to the anti-kid- nappinir law of 1S17, wdiile it may advance the interests of those it was intended to ai 1. can neither prove a credit to the ].artv .11 MIN .ltiNi;.v I'.VHTV. .\t the tini(» of the first election of i. n. W ashiiiirton to the l*ri'."iileticv there w i" a piirty iu \ irL'ini.i called ••///e Now. the said doiui done." was a mill of talent, and a pI 'ttiiiLr shrewd ft 1- low, ]>o,x-*e.'."ing all the rcijuisit. > i f a poli- tai.iii except p'r- :n:il jn pularity. ’I'o over- com • this defieieiicv in a coiiti ,"t with a more popular candidate t'o;-C >n_n'e,"'. dolm early ;n >w d iiiiii"* !f a" the peculiar and de\otcd tVieiid of Wa>hiiiL'ton. and upon this jioiut endeavored to |.i;e e hi> rival in e >po"ition. 'I'o c.trry out hi" obj i t. h>- call.’d a nicetiliir -f the pcple of county frii ndly to the • lection i f (ieii. W.i."liin::t.in. ( »ii 'he day ;ij>pointed. .^Ir. doiie> aj'j'.eared. and wa", > n ne'tiou > f :i friend, iiuide ehairmtin. He oj.em'd the proceeding" by a hi;rh eulo.rium upon the life and " r\ ice" of \\ .i diiniitou. but taki!.^ tk of h:m"-If a." his earl\ lid. and con- i /mrfi/ to be c alled " Th' /,••) ' n,-.! > Illy s n r'th' /’/- iiit r "j Ins . frj/," and f'r th u t.bjev t lie .'UbllKtted to fh>- I oil "i. b rat ion of the m -etiiig the follow iiiir r' -i ibitiou: Ji’i.>)/(■'if. Th.lt We arc the iVit iels i f i;.-.T,Lr'‘ W a"!iiiiL'ton. I!sj.. and wi||."U"tain him ia th ■ c- n.^UL' election t',,r l*re."ident ag..iust ;;!! oth* r « atldld.ltc". •• icntl-'uieii." s.iid -Mr. done-, ••tht ('ha:r i'‘ le'W a! to put ihe ijUi >ti. it.— 1 ;ie ('liair iiopc." that one will de- ciavo h;s ."cutnn lit." f'r or ;i;:.iin"f. ,\11 those iu t.ivor i>:' the resolution will sa\ w;is niade to ferret out th Iv was the plot laid that he was i j.iv at ci- dent.iiiy di’-coverod a -liort time aj_'o. and his di.'coverv led to tlie di"c|o'ure i f the w lii'h' afl.iir" of i le“ comp my. TIu'V nt t t ha\e made a rcgul ir hu"iiie."> i.f ."realinir "lavi'" in one .^tatc. running them ofT to ;inofh-r. and th*Te ."cHinpf tlu-m. Tle v c.irried on .-inothcr ."pecies of "V. iiidl ii.Mip- • 11 an e>cten"ive S'-de I'V means of tictiiiou.- idainis ag;iitisf est.ites ot deceased persons, li.iviug foijre l not. s for large .•uii"uii'" ;i- ::aiii,'f "U> h « "tat*'^. they wmiM pio\e the \.i!;dity of the (I.dm by "..me ot' th.eir ^aiiif. in some ca"c^ they ha I g >ne fV.r a> to t.ike |. jKi.sition.'; .and were ]>rovided w ith cotinty "cals and every thing rcfjui'ite to ^ivc their proof" the seinblaucc of legal ity', L.:,ns. ;H. Ah Hu)!'t I y-sf.iiider "tatc"— a la.iy -tcppiiiir "fl tlic car,- tiii" mirnin:r droj p. ij a pur.-e conta tiiiiir I iiil f v-fi\e dol- l.ir.". boy alionl lit or II.’ Veai" of' .i^e. by the name I'd Kudiard .‘'iia\, p-i k- d ujt the ].nr."e. W'iiilc ,sc. king f. r the lad\ . he w,is f.'lil ).\ a number of h.M kineii to klip it tor "he W 'uld ne\er give him a (cut. Ihe h.iio 't lo\ piie.f, ••h»-did not CiUe. he di'l not w.iut a I-. lit f.>i tlie mom V wa" II .t his.” Ill' 'OU._dit out the l;idv and r "tored her the pi:i"i 1 am informed he is the .lde"' .-.on of ■ widow w.^niut:. who t;oi " .ait t I \Mirk t.> 'ii|'ipoir le r f.tmilv ..| ,"i\ eliilili. n. and ii\i - at .No. Hj-oa !- w.iy. — AUntm/ Atli’ii Hieh ird t!ie s.lkt >'f w u! I h.i\ -■ crime.—A'. h IV- pa^" hi" n :!r;e r " in.i. for “lie iioldc aii"wer t'. til '.vlio • t iined hi" voiiiii: hc.ii t with i. ''-in I.':'n nii. the ,h'>Ul of riu' r. "P'.;;" i.y v..i. es. •■ .V' .w f >r the • "iti i:. " ."..id M r d .nes; ‘•all of tiie c Mitrarv mind s.iy •no.' Not a \oice w.i" bear.l. 'Ihe de.u] "i- h tic- ,ecined t'> coiitli"'' Mr. .b'llt s ;i lit tle. and he ".I'!. •■( I, ntleinen /" ' "/■. The ('hi!r can't deci.ic a di,'jiut 'd ipie.-ti.^n wie il n 'lio'lv \ot,-.' t otUi-r sid**, s.> that the countrv ni.iy kii 'W who arc the true tVicii.i" of Washinirtoii.' I poll till." appeal oiii' of the audieiiei* ro"C and said tluit lie perceived the dilem ma in which tin' Chair was jdaced. and in ordi-r to relieve Inui from such a ijuaiidary he prop'ifi.d to amend his resolution by ad ding after the name Washington ^unti/ .Jijjni /'>r f’'uii/i-i s.. ' ••! acei pt the aniendiiieiit." ."aiti .^!r. diuies. •'and the Chair will now put rheipiestion as amend ed' “.Ml wh.i aje in favor of (Icn. Washinir- ti'U for I’rcsifh iit and dohii dones for (’(In gres," will [dease sty aye." ‘•Aye, aye,” said done." and his brother Sam. 'j’he ( h.tir he.sitate-l like—“put tlie eoiitrary,” said a hundred voices. “-\11 o]t—op—opjiosed say “no." “.No.' ’ thunden'd the congregate titlldl. “C.ntl eiuen," said .''Ir. Jones. Chair.p'jrceives that there are folks in this meeting what don t beloni^ to nur jiarlv; they have conn* here to iiifitiih’. [ tliere- fore adjourn this meeting.’’ I'pou which he hft the chair amidst shouts and huzzas for W ashingtoiij and curses for dohn dones. (tI'llrfin Kiiifiiirt r. -I (Innf Tlie eooij pc'ople of -Melxeesport (I’.i.) have waked iiji a sea ser]>ent on dry lan.l. 'I'he ,"tory goes that a snake has been tr.iversing the neighbor hood, and was seen by se\cral rcjuilable, good, and true citizens of the bailiw ick, as niul- “the puld;"h the followiiiL'’ opjiT f ir ;i bill , ,,t : J - _ i I ) 1,111 i III ' t I it> rut tin . I he "ehool- m:i't r w I" un.loiiliteilly ••.d>r.*.id when the wiitir rei eivi .1 hi" ••cdicafi *n. ’ ••(’...It line ehi ek sh'H's nuui!>er t.'elve coj. jile I.\ «hlirt" ole- ov Hard lioiispiin aiid other I b rcii iiar.i houspun a'ei a dofli.-n ^•hurt beteii." aud .1 pare ov troa"er- "Uinmer ti'oas* r.-i. '--- H f:n 'n i'‘It .Iminiil. .1/. Sirifih ht\ 'III f'iiti rrn f !’,na.—d'he following reiii.irk by this lady are advi,sa ble and Well-time I, and indicate strong sense amid unfeminine peculiarities: ‘•'i’he Jihy.'ic.al right to be taken care of is one of W oman's riirhts’ that we will nev er yield. (>ur phy."ieal weakncs." will be our stronge,"t argunit nt for chiiminir all legal and monil yow er- of defence, hi an inti-Hectu;d or moral vv.ir, we ask no ijuar- ter on aceoiitit of woni.iiihood; hut of everv m.iii we meet we ( laiiii p]iysical protection just because he i> a man and we a woman. As to lu'etinu iti eonvcntion to discuss Woman s rie)it to en^aire in anv oceuj.;i- tion for wdiii'h she has a capacitv. it is sheer non.'ieii."c. 'I’liere IS no law to ju’c- va-nt w inien f.>l|owinjf alim^st anv busiucs.". and why do tiny not take their right to Work at any thing tin \ pleasei'' .^Irs. (’oe urged that w .men ha\c a right to be -ap- tains of ."hip'I W( II, wh\ are they not caplaiii"/ 'I'here is no law to prevent it. If we bidicved it right and thought we had the c.,]>aeity, wc w.iul i soou command a ve.".s( I, aud no doiilit tiie world would a-- kiiowledgt' onr right. It would have ta ken a de:d of talk to coin iiice the world th.it doan of ,\re and dagcllo had a right to be soldiers, but .without anv argufving ou the subject tin y proved their ri^ht to a niche iu the warrior's teiiijile of fame. ‘A man of words and not of deeds, i.s like a garden lull of weeds.’ and a woman of that kind is very nuicli like him. There is no ii.se elaimin;.: rights for those who dt* not want to use them, and tho.se who fh>, siiould just take them." St ill n ( 'mnl iunh' .. ♦ *1. • • n* ,-■""‘,•010 II lie COi/.eiis Ol me oaiiiw icK, as umiI'lnu .—.V mMmeman cat ^he nomine**, espeeiallv *1:1,. 1 • 1 1 » «• .i .1 1 1 I 1 1 .1 * .1 1 • *hiek as a stove-iupe and iiearlv thirtvfeet "ito oui ofhee the other lav,» who savs wlieu it is rememl)(!reil tliat that aw was 1 ri.. • . ‘ 11 . .1 • ‘ f,„. 1 ,, 1 IV 1 I • 1 i' 1 his IS trulv something of a snake, vears old jiast. lie wa.s married , 1 • 1 ' " a...l it i. .ai.l !„■ 1^1 a.,)! vvi.l, l,is „ile :iO vcar^-. ,"7." "f ll.e I.. I, a th..,.- I.ad 111 , l.ihllv,, ,|i,.,l. -A gentleman came he at -she mocnicy iteliirhted to honor. ..1 ftOi'i' ^ Imiii'c—U hn infl nraif tJioti- ./ ///—‘“One hundred able-bodiei| lawyers are wanted in 3linne.sota, to break prairie* Ian.I, s])Iit raii.s aud cord wood.— wor.se on a* lady than darned stiH kinirs.’’ lOa.-fern and Southern jiajiers please copy.” Allow us to say that stockings which ii>nl Sf. Pit/iii’rr, ,/inn; i). ilai nltnf look nim h worse than 'darned sand dollars has been offered for his seal]), lie then remained single 10 months and and two thousand dollars for his sn.ikeship niarried again. Hy his last wife he had > - •*! I- . cliildren. lived with her ;>:> voais, .she ha.s been dead S year.s, ami h(^ h still a ciindidate for nuitriniony. J'^verv one »f hi.s children lived to the years of niciturity, .‘irid niiu teen are .still alive. lie can see to shoot a rifle nearly as well as ever—can thread a needle Avithout alive and kicking, with his scalp on. \ female writer .says: “Nothinir look RaUroad TAvuivtiii.—The Pet^i'sturg i and Roar\okc lluilroad Company have dc- I clared a dividend of 3J per cent, upon j tlieir operations for the last six months. ! Po!(-0(fire Di.y)atch.—A gentleman in ' this city had a letter containing $1,500 I returned to him yo.‘?terday from the Ik-ail ! Letter Ofiiee. The letter was written and j mailed in the }*ear 18481 Verily, letters cast upon the troubled waters of the Post Ottieo will come back again after many day.s.—JV. y. Tribune. ! Cut fun roniiiiif d»vn the \orih lUvf'r.— j I’he Roehe^iter Aniericati of Saturday says; I —A eaii.i! boat lo.ided with raw cotton ! from the Mississij>pi, ]iass*d this city east i on Thur.sday evening, bound for New j York. 'J’he fact i.s pregnant with inf*rest. { .1 Man uf Wi hjltf.—A eorre.spondent d’ the New l.ondoii .'•^tar writes, that there is I a man in Ivist Iladd.'ini—a Mr. Kuinions —who woielis ///-e Jiiiutln-il (tnl ihirhi-niiif yyo///;»/,■••, w hich is about oiH* hundred p.-uiids !lie;ivier than tin* Hon. Dixon II. licwi." : was. 'J’he w riter adds, “lie is of line per- .'onal :ippear;aice, of eh*gant proportion,-«, and .".lid to be one of the best jii.lges of ' hor,s*s in sevi'iileen counties, besi'U'S Indng a gre.it fa\orite of the ladies.’’ .Miirtnfihf- til St. Lhi'is.—'I'he number of interments at St. lioui.s for the week eiidinir dune was l_7d, .f wliicli 1 Jit wi re by i hoh ra. 'Plie week previous jo tliis tlie t-'tiil niortalily was "2-\, and the ihallis by cholera iLd, .showing an in crease ot oil the whole iiuniber, and on the deallis by i hoIer;i. Lord All'ciiiarle was tlur lover of .^^lle Crraui h*r. As tliey were w.ilking t.igether one e\ cuing, he jiercei\ed her eves l:\ed on a j-t:T, ;ii:d said ro jjer. “Do not look at if. my ilear; I eannot give ir f.> you."— ‘•Never," s:ivs Marmoiilel, “liid lo\e ex- pres.; it."clf more delicately." \’/heii '.M'are ;i]one we li:n e onr tlioii:.diIs to wateli; in our f.iniilic". our temper.-; and in soeietv. our tongue.'. Settlements. 8SKr>.'‘()N.s wl:.. are inilelitct! tu i!" v. i!i ceii- iVr an i,l.'i"atii.n it' tliey v^ i!l sr'ttle diiriii:/ t’lc la-eM-nt lai'iiMi. ,\!! | ejs.tus tu wlimn we :iro iii'li 'it''! v.ill }..lcase i>ii.‘er their l>ii!." I'ori'ay- laeiit. •Inly 1. K. .1. ii.\i.;; .V \ ()’!'!(• I I. 'aki- :• : j.'aii r i aliiimile'e t,o tl'f" J tl'i- that il ,'Iale .'". ie. il \vj!l in' i.j.:i-iie'l nt th." nil .^l•■ll.Ia\ tl.e 7tli ' t .lilly lu \t. iiii'lir the care .>t Mr. Thunui" F. blleriie. l.atP Ir.'Di Ala)..I III.I. .\|r. IMi-r^*' ci.inis t'. iiis well re. iiia'.K'ii.ic.j. l.i.th i:« t’. hi" i,e,a!i;ii nii"n:« aiel iii. i-m!': (iii.i I'n-iii his c\}.crience in teaehiri". ali i !;i" h;i\inj’ I'eon li tely a ne-mlier ef a (’"l- lfj:e in Ma'.aaia. we I'eel wari inte.l to say. tleit »c '..I'.e’Ve hiai I'ully ca;.)i'i'.e t.i t-; !i all the l.niiiehe« i.f a e-.imii' :i l!ii;.'i,"li c.|iK',i’i' M. ;■■■ ‘■ also I : iiisTiiiet "'a.icat" iu the luLihiT ilej.art lucni" ■ l.n^li"h mi l 'l.:Si«i.‘:il fiiui-atiuii. an ' t i.re|.!ire \. .in;r laen t . .•i.ter th»- tirst f.as.'"" . t loiy I'l.lle..:.- in thi-' State. " I' ; II'.ti.-'-. tliv.t 1 ;;ny wish ti> J...;:- :.i.ar .'"i-Ihh.I w|... H\r ;if (ust:iiice. they will tii>.l ilii.inl here iu - .1 I'aniilie." a" ch.-.ij. u> tfiey wiil tile! it i.i:y wh'-ro el"('. .m,' there :i;-c "cveial Imi.".-" j.ri-pare.l ari'l willili;: t.> take t. 11' ral (.lane is.'.l. Ts-’Jw ('iij)r I'rnr i t/f ('nu'tpunif. BJl il.sr\.\'r I') 11 1 "Ii’iltii’ll ct the stoek- M li- I'itT" .'I till- . }^c i'ear .X a'ipv ti.'li ( ..iii- paii^ . at tiii ir jreni’iai liiei-tiilj.'. .M.iy.'lo, 1 S.'i 1. (I'.Mi'f i." h'-iotiy civen. that Ir.'iii iiii'l .it'ter th> 1"! . i \n;;ii"i ni-\t. ;iil Mi ti.-Ies, ei.nini.ulitie". ]r.i'it:ie. 1.", wares .-ill.I iiM'rehiui.lise, con- M-', ci iij.iiii the t'.ii.e I’e.ir iliM-r te or fri.in Fii\ette% ill»- I., i.r li ..ni :‘ny p-.int interine.liiitc l.ci'.Neeii r«yrtt'"'ille .'in.I W i!iiiin;rtni. iiiel to • ■r lr..ni 'N ilniiiijrten tu er t'rnin any p..inf be tween the ni.aith i.f’ lllack Itiver aiiij Fiivetto- \illi-, .ihaM lie siit'ieet t.> t"!!s. at tiie r.ite of tuelve an.I ..tie-half j'cr centiini i.ii the .••ininint I.f Ireijrlit el.arireil, cveei t ttrtieles ei.nveyed ii].- i.n ia;t,'. u.icl tljit.", an ! craft tiii.ler thc t.iirtlieii ."t ti’ii t'li)."; and «lien tlie fiu.at owner is the "hij.piT or ..Wiier of the j.ri.perty shi|.i>efi. the l:ke toll "!i:iU !>• eii:ir;reil. to-wit: twelve and I'lie-hulf |.i r eentiini ii|i..n the enstunuirv ratei.f tre:>>]it ili.-ufied iip. n Muh l^rlicie^ as mav he shipi.e.l. From nn.l after the 1st ..f .Vnjrust th‘ Owners. ('aptjiin.s nr .V^ents of .•ill l».;its not iin.Jtr ten t.ins Inirthcii. n;i\i>i;itin^ th.. Itiver l.etween tlie iin.iith of Uhuk Kivcr and Fayetteville, are required to fiirnisli the I oil ('ulleeter at W ilinin;rtiin w ith a list, on oath. :is I'rescrjhed hy law. >1 the niiiount of fVeipht eharjre.j. i r i*t the estiinatefl iiinoant. wlien .«hip|.>e(l I.y thf Boa? (hvncr. .'Siilice is also ^iveii. that Tho.". Wi.rtli has been app -inte.l 'I'dH t ■i.'lcet..r at ihuiiij:l..u. aii'l {.ayinents of tells upon articles oonveyi'.I Ml.Ill any point below Fayetteville t> or fri.ai iiminirti.n. an- to l»e iiiarfe to him: and tlie atfiresaiii lists of t'reiiiht t’tirnished to him. .Ml other paynu-nt.i t.> lie made. h.> heretofore, to • ieoriic .NicNoill. Jeneral .\rcnt. •IOH.N II. il.VLI.. I’resiileiit. .1 mil* "*. 1 s.'il. 7>>-tl V I ^ 1. .1. T. 11, ' KK now receiving; a larjre stock of .S’>i. AND WLWl.MKU (iOOHS. conaininJ part of- Striped Oro de I'liris: black and m embrijidered. printed and black l.mp.r,. ,, J, refre-de-].iuiie: I’luis-de-t hintr: rttpc-,j^ i! rich eiali'd Tarltiins; printed Frein h 1 ■ bri.ideied and printed Sw i.ss .Vluslin>.'''((’'“ ;ra.*!S and other .'"kirt nee FOR TEXAS!! - mu Subscriber ofT'crs for Bale, his entire JL interest (being one half) in the MILLS formerly owned by Col. Murchison, but more recently by himself and E. N. McKeihan. The above Mill» are situated upon Lower Little Kiv- er, und have been lon^ and most favorably known f(>r their speed in saiwiiip, (one saw ac tually cut Li40 feet in one dny,) with an al most inexbaustable vater power. Convenient to this Jiroperty in a large and rouifortuble liwellini; house, and all necensary out-houscB iu jrood repair. Also, ACKKS of Land, fifty acres of which i.s under cultivation. A more perfect and printed Urj!-an.lie; Miuiniiic".„!j" ' description is deemed unnecessary', as it is well and fancy Lawn; ^I*>urnitl: and otlier ^ ' known, and has never clianired liand.'j without •Jaconet and !wi,ss .Muslins; silk .mri j h.-Lvinjr coiiimanded high prices. 'I'erms fa\or- liiis: solid col'd Lawns; Li.sliop ./„fj able, but reserved for private arrangement. . . ‘ •'^"i Also, I^OOO ACKKS, situated in the ’ounty of ItiipHn, immiliately upon the iiail Kuad. o miles above Warsaw, -loO Mcrcs of which are umliT euUivntion, the balance linely set Tnrjieiitiiie laud, with o.OOd boxes already cut. Ap])rK:ation may tie made to NVni. M. V> right at Wars.i'v. or to the subscriber through River side 1’. )., rmiiberlaud countv. N. •I.‘ .M. WltinHT. riicckcd Linen; Silk. .\Iar«eili..r;L'''^ .huH* 7, 7i»-lvvp(J ^ V'asJinierct; I>rab Viu'k '. ’ — .'•^ilk Handkerchiefs and «'ra\ats- hr \ lil'.\ BLl’^ ivl'^.AL WfHt'hed Sheetinf^s and .hirtinp,s: AT Al.CTlON. ^ S.\Trf{I»AV the l2'.th of .July next, tiie X >■ .Subseriiiei- will sell at .Aiictii.n the lar;re. Coiiit’i.rtable. and pleasantly situated HOC.""!']. I'll the corner of .MumtV.rd and (iillesi>ie streets, kil.jw n iis tie.- (i.raicr rcsalence of .Mrs. M. Smith. The Lot is lar^e, the liuildin^ in irood repair. aii.J tiie necessary out houses unusually conve nient. .\ll persons .lcsij‘iii: iiit'orni.-ition relative to this piopcrtv, will jijiplv to Win. I!. Wri^rht. F.s*;. JL..SI'; p. .\IITII. .lutli.' ‘Jl , IS-M. 7li-ts er .^kirts, I i,,,.n r. ■ •' kerchiefs, needle-workel; (■o'l.,rs*"*"'i **" Luce rndcrslecves; French needle-xw.rke i n' i.seltes: fancy .Mitts and Kill of l splendid I’.oiinet and other lUV,b.„„. i‘ i • Inserting; French and Fn^rii.Mi l‘ri,',t with a larpce supply of other arlK-b-s I.; Lndiea’ wear. ■ nt.ihlp French «'as.-,imerrs: plain Linen J/riii: riicckcd Linen; Silk. .Marseilli.r.i, WAS'Vl'A). I^lIIiLF. Iioii.m* ."Jorvaiits. ^oo.l seani.'^tresse.s aud w.i.shers. Liberal price." will 'oe paid. .L vV T. \VA1>I»ILL. .May -Jt;. TStf ^ liiail) 'arria;_'e I'.MN'TFl! will fiinl ,-te;i.ly & eiiiployiiieiit and w.i;,o-s. I'y apj.iy inj; iiiinif-.|iaU\ X 1' Fa vette\ il’i .\. A. .McKFTIIA.N. Api-il I J. iS.'.l. i,:;tf Blount’s Creek Factory. f-l .■"he.-tin;:". 7-'' .'"hirtincrs, l l;i\ aii'l ( ottoii I'loth, 7-''aud l-l. ! lllaiie of sl.-.e tiil-ead.) I ..tt.iii •siiabtir^rs. ('.•tt.iii ^'arn. 'all N'os. ."'t>.. !inir Varii atel Carjict Warj.. l or sale by the b:ile or pici'c. b\' nient of embroidered Window Curtuiu, VI-ry tine.) ' fC«>ar1y>inaU> C'loliiin;;, r.iats: Pants: Satin. .‘.Jilk. Marseilles Vests: a larjie supply ef eacii. A hirjre lot of I mbrellas. and fa>' s ■' !"«tiii i'arasols. assorted kin.Is. I’.eaver. Fur. Silk. Le^dn.rn an-l Hats: also a pood supply of 15.s '' \\hite (’hip. Freneh Hair-Laee. uii.l bonnets: (’iiildren s tine I'earl Ihits, .‘iinl i lats; W reaths aud Flowers. ISooIh aiad Fine Calf sewed )Wi..t.>: J’atent gans: Cloth and Hu k ’mi^riTss (iaiters; Ties; Patent Leather ditto; J.adii-.V col d .'"ilk (Jaiter.s. a tine article; ditlercii- of .Misses' Shoes and (iaiters; L:».iic^ :ind Walking Shoe.s; with a large sur.pf heavy Shoes, for servants. .'^a.Idles. Mridles. Collars. I’adde.J and Wagon and ISuggy Whips. ' ' (’rofktry, ilardwiirr, Ciillrry. llolloiidhrt 4m ro*orios. Kill and Laguira ('oflee; Crushe.J; ('lariS^' aiel Lrown Sugars; Salt, .Molassm. iV. Principe 'iga.-s; Fren.-li iirundv -Madeira, eot. and .'^ciii.jArn.-.i- Loaf aiid Nails; din; Port. Wines. Ti.jrether with .lui!- I L IS.'il. (iF.o. .McNKll.L Tb-lw nCPOwinu to tli* (lentil of llic t'o-nier ,\gi,ut of the llcnrii-tta Steae.i i’,.>:;t the Ho..ks an.I eoe.iiints p!-evi..ns to 1st .Ljnu.ir\. l^-.l. have been phieed ill i:iy hands for "etlle- i.iciit. All per"oii" having un-:ett!e j r.cconnt.". are rciui-sted to come forwar.l and settle, a," it beconies necess.ary to clo."0 np the old b.x^.ks soi.ii as J.."^'.'oiv.■. ItoFt r. .loFINSi ».\. I ayctte\i!N>, .lujte 1;’.. L''-”)l. 7*'i-*‘w rtdfrttvvHU' *V i'fHlt'V tZoad. is ].iir''iauce ..f the re.iue,"t of niiiii1>.-r of ^ iIi/•tl^ .til the line f.f tli's j r"pi.."ed lo.ad. :: Pe.Klic Meeting will be he!.I at .Mc^Jrog. r's .Mili". ill I'iiniberlaiel '..iinty. on .'•'aturd;iy the ll.’th .Inly next, which ;ill persons inti-restcd .are invi'ed t.i alien I; aii.l where IJooks ul .Subi: ri’>- ti n a ill be opened. P.y or.ler f the 'oniinis'ion'T". II. i.lld.V. ('I’airiiKui. .lane 11*. 7'i-Iw i'lSH. P.P.L.>. (.IHMFI) MKIiniXr,: 30 bbls. a great varu tv ,.f (;„.„U • i:ear!y e\ cry des.-riptir,n. ,i;j ; dcterinine.l to sell very i .\r ;'..r ('a"U. ov aceouimodatiiig terriij t-. paTu-tUi-.l en^t.llnf'ls. ' e w ould I..' ^hel that buyers ^eucral!-, woiiM e.-ill and e.v.iiiiine our .st 'Ck. .\pril L 18oI, iji'.tf Dissolution of Copartnership, rSli/l'.' firm of IJIocker iV Hullard was tli> M. diss..!ve.| by mutual coiiseut. .1.' . I'.l, .. cr tiii.ne it autliorize.l to settle tin; atl'aii> '.ft:, same. .1. P.Li M •. W. bFl.I..\j;D, Harrisnuburg. .Ii'ue •_'. IH-M. 7V-tf P. -(i. W. Ibillai'.I also witlilrnws t;.,- the firm ot I’l. Ciilbreth \ Co. .1. .'. Iilocker aH'l 1!. Ciilbreth jvill c .i.tiM,. the firm uii'ler the name Jiu.l ."tyle >f IJ. it C".. at t edar 'id-k. DAMS’S i\Al-\-ICJLIj;K, sale I>v April :.*■]. .ir.sT ri.Msiitcn, w,''i.aiT ,\i;n isrcai's. .\iso,i«os, M J hand. For sale bv ‘a. a. M.-KKTH.\N, .luue ’J. l.'".'il. 7 l-tv .•^AM L .1. ill.NSli.M.K .^Iackert .luiie 1 .s.'il. For s.'de I v CKO. MoNFILL. 70-Iw KIMi and .V. Mc.^lILL\N have #i:'ered ^ • into copartnership in the I'istillerv of Tiir;H'titine. and have erected a .'"till eii th«* W e."t si.le of the I'ayetteville aud Western Plank Po>;id. .s ni:les from Favettcville. Kl.XO. ■Mayti.—71tf A. .McMILI..L\. ^ F. wi.-h to buy •JO.OOO l.arre!." 1'ui^penfinc. kim: \ .McMillan. .Norici:. ^JTMvIt WILLI.\^L'' have reniovel to the .‘'tore recently occupied by Mr. .lolui I*, .•"t.-irr. ■•lie do.ir west of \Iessrs. IL nraus. u .''on. where they have just received a.l.liti..iis to tiie .'"pniig p'lrehases of .ta])!e and i'an. y 1>11\' Country inerchants are re.jitVsted to coons. examine mir stock .liii.f .■T.\i:i;. WILLLVM.-^. 7'*-tf riNNKK WA-N'I'KI). 4;(>ol) .t(jb \Vnrkman «ill find .«reaily eni- ploymcnt b\ H]>|lving iminediatelv tn W. ANDKFWS. .June •_’.'{. IS.M . 77tf l'.ncourar(' ?^(n'th ('arol'uHt. F>[)W1\ (il.OVEU OIK'S—Darned if they (lon’C Jyoston Post. .speet;icles—hearing hnt very little impair ed and nervoiis svsteni peil’eetly steady. ‘ Sojiie mi.serahle poor devil of a hen- peeked hushand laiist have perjaitrated the tollowintr. lie deserves to run the gaunt let through a regiment of termagants: “John, how I M-i.sh it was as mm h the hishidii ti) trade wn'es as it is to trad«* ' ’‘Aviiyso Tiniothv'^” ' eneuniher press the ; ho over f50, iind i.s a.« straight as an arrow Per week, ; •, ’ ' V •; , . out ot It, then with a feather apply If —anl i^uvs that, exeeid the rhenmaHsTu .. 1 **r day, ^ I d cheat soniehody most s.ioekin’ had to the bedstead in the Led hni/' raiio-e and he feels n'o-nlv -is vonno' ever ’j t^hddren under 12, and .Servant.s, half price a'ore uieht. ’ tbov will ,lo. ‘ ' Ir ! S\MI KL (WLVKUT Jiuic I. 7Vtl.;iA Ijfui' Drn'li.—A pair of .sky-eolored eyes ^ ^and nervoiis .system perfectly steady, illuiniuated with guod natnrt^ j can eiit and split 150 rails a - , - and jiun]. up and strike hi.s heels to- tidlowmg IS an tdd wo-1 gether twice before striking the ground at nian .« r^'f ipo tor the destruetion of bed night. Jn ajipearatjee he docs not look to hng.«: “Jake a ripe eueuniber, press the ho over f>t», and i.s a.« straight as undersigned is inanufacturiiig, in F: v- JL itteville. . Boot and Shoe Polish, far sii]ierior to the lUa.jking jiurchased in the Nortbern cities. He intends devoting his whole time to manufacliiring and ven.liiig this verv su perior polish, and calls upon all who think it to the interest of the .'"outlierii j.eople to becomi* in.le]i«.!ident of Northern manufactures, to give him their ai.l aud |.atronago. He is j'.repared to show. t»v ohn'fil'ti*' fi'iui. to any cue who will e.-ill upon him. the faft ri'-riti/ of his over all other jhii'ifh>. . r hhtcl.iinj now sold in North ('arolin:i. 'nll and have vour boots and shoes once completely blacked'aud poli.^ihe.l, and be satisfied. This article is ofTerod at a price not higher than is usually charged for other and inferior •lualities, and a trial is all that is asked to .se cure the patron.-ige of the public generally. The uiidei signed i vceets t.. visit every por tion of the Stnte to introduce his Polish, jmd asks now iu advance that .Merchants and others visiting Fayetteville w ill give him a call. A. W00UWAKI>. .June •_'!. I Sol. 77-t'.m Xi:w FI.OI K. I^'IXTH.V (/I .\I.1T^', intule of new Wheat, for J sale at Cool .Spring Mills, or hv (U:u. McNFILL. The highest price paid for V. l.eat. •luue It). IS-M. 7'i-4w siiocc’o si*K]X(;s, Warren Comity, 31. V. rMllllS delightful .Summer retreat is now open JH- for the reception ot company, the reme dial properties of the water, and pure atmos phere. ofl'ering great in.lucements lo invalids, as well as those .seeking pleasure and the pre servation of health. Among the many improve ments, are two newly fitted up Hathing ilousos. The Jioonis aud Cabins ai-e neat and well fur- nishod. A good Usml of Mumo always in at tendance; a plentiful supply of lee, and the bc.^t efforts to please, at moderate i\ites of as follows;— Families per month, each j^ersiin. Single persons. .VS received another adi'ition to his Sto-'k of WATCMFS A.Mt .ILWKLKV. consist ing of (rold and Silver Watehe.s, tlnld Cliaiii", Seals and Keys; l''ar Ilings. l^re;istpins and Kinger Hings; (’olt’.s and Allen's rievolving ristols; ^Iu"ic Ho.xos, »!tc. Please call aiul examine. 6:r^y‘ Watches and .lewelrv rejiaired as usual. May 1-J. 1S.M. • 71.-,,, pkoposal I^lop, publication of a Volume of SK11MOX.^'. by the Kev. .7ar\is Parry lUixton. hire Hector of .'^t. .lolin's Church. Fayetteville, X. C, — to be edited by his .son. the llcv. .I:ir\is I>iix- ton, and acconip.anied with a Portrait, aud Noti.-e of his Lite. The proposed volume will be printed iu large clear typo, aud contain over oOO pages, suh- stantially bomid iu leather. Terms, Two l»ol- lais. payable (>n delivery. The net proceeds, if any. derived tVom the sale, will be given to the jiorniancnt Fund for .Mission.-iry purposes in the I)iocc..^e of Ni>rth Carolina. It is desired, (as few if any copies not pre- vi.>usly ordered will be published,) that persons wishing to subscribe would immediately notify the Fditor himself, or their own .Minister, whom he «‘spectfuliy requests to receive .Subscribers' names, and to forward them to his Address at Asheville, X. C. .Iiine, 18.->1. 7(j l^lre lasnrttnee. -ETN.A Insurance Company of Hart- ford, having paid the tax imposed by the ' Ivevenue Law of the late Legislature, will con tinue its .Agency in Fayetteville, under the management of the undersigned, who is pre- ■ pared to issue Policies of Insurance on Build ings or iJoods, either in this Town or in any part of the Stjite, on proper ajiplication, de scription of the Property, &e. The -KTXA COMP.AXY has been in operation about 30 years. Its capital is l^itOO^OOO. WAX'rKD. (i(IOI» M.A.Vji.'s. ;(t 7') ,.js. prri’iiv, ■. the S.iutheru Plank K. ad. ."Ua' em]iloyment .•m.i cash payment weekly, if r>- ipiired. Ap}>lv to I*. AL I’.rii:. At the .'‘te;i!ii Miil. or t.. A. A. .McKKTH VN. .lutie'Jo. ii"'il. V'liyettevire, iji'i: ixsruANc j:. TBIHF t nilcrsigned li;is hcen ajipointe.l .\gi": M- of the Ni.rth 'aro!ina .'Iiitnal Life li;.' .- r.-iiicc 'on;p.iuy. Fvery iMeiiiber f.n-life j.ar;! - ipates in the profits of the Company; and !■ ’ .iniiiial priTiiiiim for life membership, where • .•iiiiouuts to XoO or more, may be paid one-! •' ill cash. ;tnd the utlier half in a note ;it 12 nmrti,' liebtors" lives may be insured by cred;: r- ,\ man niiiy insuri^is own life for the e.xcln'i'" In'uefit "f iiis I'aiii||^ The lives of slaves ii.iij be iiisure.1. This system is ra]*i'ily growing into favor. :i evor the eivili/.C'I world. It is one by wlii.’h . family, lor a small sum annually, may b.-- ].r- l i.ie.l t'or. alter the de.-ith .,.f it,s head, on wli. ,'“ exertions tlo-y may have been dependent f..r support. It is :i good investment of inmipy even if one should live long after taking oie ^ I.ile Poliey. L.\pl;inatoiy p;imphlets. and t'. nece,"sary lilanks. turnislicd on application. E. .J. H.M.'K F:iy’ttcville. .tune l.'^-'iO. IlKSi>i:UlAN HA1{P. -1 »'’>/• Stnifiii'j linnh'^ just ri'iiii'i’l. A IS(\ llisliop p.,•tscym’s .Sermons: The V>'eek, comprising the Last Day of the Week, ilic First I>ay of the Week, the Week Ci.mph teii. The Lau'ls of the M(>s’cm. a Xarrativo Urien- t.il Travel. The P;ith ot' Life, by l!ev. Henry ,\. Itowlaiid. Toni H;;ci|uet. and his three .^l;lil■i^'n Aunts. Ftii{uette for Ladies. L>o. for (ieiitlr- nicn. Tlie Psalmist aud .'"upplemcnt. UntliT^ Hudibras. Plutarch’s l.ives. .Madam Koiiinii. by Abbott. Dictionary of Quotations. Lutin. Frcrich. \c. Fnion IJil.le Dictionary. P.urns' W orks, ■i'oetryof Flowers. Flora's Interi'retfr. liook Keepiii'r. .’school Hooks, i’c. K. .1. HALF Sii.V .M.ay o. l,s,-,]. Wheeler's History of Xorili Curoliira. undersigned has been apj'oinfe.J (one- ral .\gent for t'ol. .1. II. heeler in the 7th (,'i.ngressional I.dstrict, an.J vislies to ap- jioint sub-Ageuts iu each of the counties ct llobesoi), Cohimbus, 141alen, Hruns'vick, Ne^' Hanover. Sampson. l>uplin and (hislow. and asks that iipplication be made to him imme diately. The Work gfics to press in .\iig'ist. anrl the pri*-e will lie One Dollar per vi liinc, and consisting of two voluiiios. •IIJII.V .M. ROSF. March lil, L‘^-')l. lil-tf > I'OK S.M.K. Si: SET SAWMILL GKAIUXC. including an excellent Log Chain and (’rank. Apply to ,M. V. .JOXKS. .April L 1861. HHtf I)()A^i:s TICS. flTTLE River' Osnabergs; 7-8 atel I t J Sheetings always ou hand, and for sale at Factorv prices, by STAIUl & WILLIAMS. June 7, IS'il. 70-tf ^TIv.VW’ CFTTFdLS, ('orn .‘'hellers, and a 'Ni nety of Ploughs and Plough fixtures, f^'r sale by •Ian. 4. & T. WADDILL. ."tf NEW BOOKS. J^EIGII IIIWTS AUTOBIOGUAPHV; Po**- ^20 00 25 (K) tH) -5 they will die in^ tuntl' Lctri.-fovii (^ / r*;.) Tele^rap}>. try of the Waverly Novels; Harper’s Maga zine, and International ditto, April Nos.; .Alton Locke; Lavengro, Pntuam’s cheap edition; Mans field’s .Mexican War, illustrated, cheap and bound _. t‘dition.«: Geddes on Plank lloads; Complete The Hon. Thos. K. Brace was its first President, Farmer and Gardener, bv Fessenden; \ouatt and he still holds that oifice; and severtd of its Martin on Cattle; xVew Masonic Trestle Board, first Directors are still active and efficient mem- Freemason’s Matnud; Masonic Chart; Freeina- bers of the Board. It has at all times sustained son’s Monitor; Goldsmith’s Works; McLellan on the highest character tor the priulenee of its the Interpretation of Scriptures; McCosh on Di- inanagenient, and tor the liber.ality with which vine Government; McGuffy’s Readers, .second it has ever ailjusted its losses. and third parts; Davies’ Survej’ing; Gunn s Do" r, .T. IT VLE. Agent. inestic Medicine, &c. &c. .lust received by March 10, lP-31 (j'_‘-tf ! April 11, 17 .t. HALF i'v: SO-V om jay: tie: Fruin thr S'' Seini-” We now is fij«t Scnii-Wt in the ancieni trut^t it will abroad, as a (■ Town as well will be .«(• .sn." we phall he baekw ard.’’ and though a atid iQ other i ]>rcf*i*el a li' their numbei lieve ns d' tli of hvbor and i t*tance« wi- in tt'rcst in the jironiptly and tions. It will he i and Titesdiiy lde that*id\e in.Mortioii. sho 1 1’. M. of TI Some rules be stated as after ait nbset ing of the twi The ] •riee i as heretofon*. ^4 per animi: lnring the vf oxpiration ol ■where a sui'si the weekly pa fcrred as ;i er just h:ilf tin allows tll.lt III 1 St of .1 u! v. i If then- h tiu! haiels of r.hliged i, v at And we w!,’l to whom ihe will call att.'-, The Nat iiu in this town of respect an I’nion. At !•:> o el vie l*riH S"i. Street nnd‘-r Cook, ali'l 1 Hall, wh' i. , liilchvi,';. thi wap well !e;i: and a trul;. ; tion deliv- n' The or:.till of the oLei Festiv:il. ’ ri upon till* ma (’on.stitul:"!i of eivii an (.ipoke of thi the awf’til el follow its d; struetioii of t were (*!o«jtte; the very aj»p I'nion of th balluw'.'1 dor fanatics mi*i the apj*ro|i;il So may if Trayer v. :! I'urify. and the K v. .M: (lispevs d. In tllo evi pla v of li^|'-\^ witm*.ssed b] idose.d the e many more, rolina, and t Tho lb'll. ed as the \> the Xi'wben inally 'ici ■liii ingtoii. IVtt uomiii;iti"ii, that the elei The X w bcl (loldsborou;. pa|H*rs in th confidetice o result most blow to the w hich his 11 that no Di; Venable’s, ; will send a gress. 111 I llepnblieaii Stanly’s eoi of (In ri'jht V/e Icani wards of the Phiiik 1 poet of (d»t in tjii.s towi aging; and ly do as we as it is now See the r ing at Mci object is to aeribed to Centre ('on I\f;voi-f informs ns, Sloeuin, w men of th. that the bi the cr; idle ry mid nigh manhood, died in Wi. venerable i She had a al.-o a mem

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