iijiii—fifw gfiityrr fVOI.. I.] 3WWE?arj=>amMjauQ«aai ; xuAvcB7uuL«i^«iQr.%»r; l'AVKTTi;VII,l,i;, X. C., TltUKSDAY AITEIIXOOX, JUl-Y 10, IS.jI. [NO. ;s.j jBi .--j J'RlNTKn in •' H, M>\VHV EDWAKI) .1. IIAI-i; & SOX, KDlTt'HS AND I'UOl'UIKroJ’vS. tnr llio •’(■kiv 1 M) it ' jKii.l in :i'lviinci': I i*‘ J'Hi'l ilnrinn tlu' v‘Mi' 't '■•iili'«crii'ti''!i: t>r >»'• ul'ter tlu' yonr liiis I^»r tin- WroUlv no pt-i- nin\uiii. if ]>:ii>.l in n'lMU'.co; S'J .’(» if |.iu,l ihiriii;: tlio vciir Ilf ^iilisiM'ii'tidii: or (m) nl'ti-r tin' yc.'sf }.:i' A 1>\‘1 r.TlSKM liN'I'S lii 'i\t_v rents pcv t'lV the tivst. :n>il thivtv t' f I'nch FUi'i'ic lin^ j>nhii»-;itii>u. Vc:irl\ iiiiwrtl'i'niciits liy i-iijitr.irts, :it rt.‘n>''nal>k‘ r.-itos. ,Vd- VCTIi^^■rs !irc ro'jiifstvil t'’ sriitc the nimibor 't UMcrtici:' 'l»‘>iro'i. ''T tlii‘v vi!l l>o cuiitinui'il till .-iini oIi:irj;>'I ;nT>)rilil\j:l_v. Jt / l.i ttor- t" til.,' Ivlit.Ts iiui.'t be j-cst-i>:ii>I. llILLSDOUOnJlI aiAdemy. f |fe 11M .•lofiii'j: 'rrustccs tif tliis lon-j; o>''tnl'- li"-ln‘ I t.ike "rcat j'ivrtsuro in »niii'nni-in;z to tlu> |>n)>li»'. jIk-v t'is;r:i- gC'i tiic MTvii-fs Ilf Mr. I’ll'N.] N H. Ill SKI’,, wls :■ "ill InTCiittiT I'cniliu t the Aoiflcniv n.' l’ritii-i(i:il. Mr. lliir-keis:t of tlii." Stnto. ami a Ora.; of oiir rnivt'i>it_v. ;ni'l has 1 com rn- J5»lp.‘i! I'i'r '•iMf tinio vrry s'lrcossfully in tcr’ch- inp: in tlu‘ t’vn >f Kaycttcvillo. lli.s li'ariiiii^. ■fino tt in]'vr ami chri^tian character i:ivc !l^^v.r- nnco t'> t'avciits, tl.;it h’s duty t'-> cbiMren cii- trusii-'l t-: hi"! >•!...i.e v'.ll I'O ably aivl fou.>ci>.n- cioii>!_\ j'tTi'Tincil. Thi* -.f tlu“ )H'\t Si'ssion will ineii.-e m M.'ii'iay. ihc iii.-tani. ai;'l ,i.-' t'lv co»ii’'t'"f iit»-;n4 tiiiii is ry i-- iIm- I'hi- trr^iiy. t!!!’ sO'si-ii;.- in fiirnro \>ill i r wirh t); >i > haix-! Hill. I'- i-iiis i.f Ti;;t; n. inciutliii^ (■•nitin;j:iMu-ic.. 5521. alvia_\s iu -nlvalii’v'. N'l inaile ini'u's-; i:j case ol ] i-'itr;i't- eJ i.iiii '-S. ;iv ot'h r of tin- l'":ir'l. i;. A. m;.\KTT. sc-'v. :.Th, is:.!. :: ■,t^^ ;■( life.--: i’rosi'ii'iit aiii.! Fu'-ulty of the rni\er.s';ty of N. &rolii 'I. C. T. li.ii-lt. IN.j. j ll"n. Ho>.r. Stninjr''. ravi-ttevil!e. i:. .1. 1>.,. ) Book» and Stationery. M AHK H. NKWMAN CO, Wholesale l)00ksellers ami Stationers, llMI l>nOAI»WAY, Nkw Vouk, "M'Wr or 1,1* call the attention of Co\intry ileal- ▼ w ers to their .''•ock of HOOKS \X0 STATIO\i:in. Wliich i.s o!io of the most KXTKN.''TVK ,VNI> r()MlM,K'rK as.'ortnients in New York, ami is otfcre'l to hnyers at the very LOWl'ST IMUt'KS. 'I'Im'V are the l‘u>ilishei-s of the followinf: val- ti.'iMe iunl ]>o]iitlar School liooks. which hiive .1 iniich ’llt'ri.ATl!>y than any other Work of n similar character: ,'^at>i1f>rs' I’riin.'U’v I’rimer. Sanilcrs' Pictorial I’rimer. ■''aii'Iors' .''|iellin;i l*ook. Sanilei's" School Header, First l>ook. Samlcrs' School lleailer, .Secoinl IJook. Saii'lcrs' School Ueadcr, Third Ucok. S.'inders' .School ISe.-ider, Kotirth Hook. .'';',nders' Scho >l Ucader. l-'ifth l>(>ok. — I'juvards of—■ ^\llir nt Sn nth ra l\i‘>nh rii liave I'Ci'n j.nhlislicd. an 1 their circulation and I sale is ste.-idily increasinir. I roK l Ki;’.'' KII KTOllK'AI. IlKADKK. JiACON HAMS. I-HS. Wayne county, very superior, for Pale Itv .lulv 1. 1U5ANSON & SON. liino to lialoifi'li. Siiliscribcrs, Mail Contractors from Jl F:iyt‘tte\ille to Ualciiih. will commence operations this il.ay. Axith new auil comfortable Coache.s, jrood horses, iiiid e:ireful Privers.— They have reduced the Fai'e from !s.'»to!^t. The St.-ipe Uoiuses are, in Fayetteville, the Fay etteville Hotel, in ltalei}ih, tlu' ^'arborontrh Hou.sc; lint I’.as.senpers will be conveyed to su( li othi-r Mouse-' as they umy select. 'I’he hours of di-)iarture will be. uutil further ntitice, at lialf- past It I*. ^!. from Fayetteville, aud at 1’ 1’. M. from Haleijrh, daily. The subsi’i'ibers hope, by unremitted iittenti ii, to secure a liberal share of the tr.Hvel. Ml'l’vDOfK M.KINNON. i)\vii> Fayetteville, .luly 1. ],'^-'>l. 7S-tf North ('.-iroliiiian iind Raleigh liejrister coj>y till forbi,|. 1*1 'l'houi>oirs Thi'msun’.' 'i'h,nns"n'.^ Mental -Vritluuetic. I’l-.ictical .\rithm'tic lli}rher .\rithmetic. .lulv 1. l.li.s, 1>AC()N on consijrnment, and tor sale by n. I’.UANSON \ SON. Tstf Tl I () M.-( >X'S A VAT 11 .M KTK 'S have I'ceii adojited by ISeuninirtun and Itutland conntirs. \'t.; I'V the I’liblic .'co'.Is of tlf'city of N. V.. liroiiki.xn. New lla\cii :ind I!:irt:'oril. '>nii.. .''I'l;ii>r:icM. M.iss.. .''v i-.Mcu-^e. .\uliurn, Otncva. Hutl.ilo, ("icvi'l:ii;d. (•eir"'t, iV>'.. ,S;c.. l.v the .''tate Normal .''cl;o,il. ’’ui.. esttiehl Ni.riiial School, .M.iss.. an 1 by otiicr .\cade:nies aud Hi;.;h Schoidb too niuiicroc.s lu nu-ntiou. V' ill.s,\u's .luvi'uiie .VnuTic.in History. ill'iiii's lli^t,,ry nf the I niti'd States. 'ViUsoii's .\merican llist,,ry. for .''chools. Newm.ti.’s I’racli,':.! System of lllictolic. (ira\'s Flomenis i.t 'hemistry. Hit,';.,-,. ’;'s Kl. m 'ut6 ..f Cc •Ih-v. Smith's Natural i’bil''S")ihy. ciu-' t's F.ii!.’'li>li (Grammar. we ki-e]> i-i'U- ady t" >upply Julv t'ow f!:as. r.rsni:i ( "W im.as. f t'tU)K \- 1- r S ;l(' 1 ' l.W l.ui l-.-’.w nalb: «r vai.i Aisa.i: H53AL I3STATE. 1Ji\ virtr.c- of a I'ei ree i«f the Ibn. tl ■ ('itirt j3 , ! l',;uity iu arid l’'*r tne Cnuiity nl Mnu'- goii'ci '., i will, on the Ifth lay of .\u;jvi-t ue\t, exj' >'.• I" I’ublic Sale, to the hi;:hest i.id'ler on tile i.r' iiii.'i'S. the rc-i len'-e of the- latv t '■■1. .Inhu Cri ’::! . tio- very V.\Ll Ai;i.i: UK.VL KSTA'i F. kno .V '1 the m^'iirroirs of the on the M"!it-"mcry side of the Kivi r, cimsist- ing ot several Tracts, cunt.-iininn 1 3 or I .»)() acre^ iu ;,il. The baud iu'dndiu'j the l>uil lin^.'. imjir-'Vti;.' i;:'. aud the .N.iri’ows. will l,e ."'iM in the place, aird the several sunoumliu;j Tract' aftcrwiir'ls. separately. Ti i Land i' v;i!uat,le n only .11 acri.'nit i.f tbe !■ riil'ty and pi' lii. tivcnes' c.f the s'lil. bi-- inj; a-.la],ted l,i the culture of Cni-n. V. hi-.it. Cott 'li. 'I'i b.ii-i-o. ,'vc.. Imt .i’',! i.n :ic, ,uut it tlo- exc' . ell! i l.''HFUV att.M’. hed t'> it at tiic Nar- I^' . wli»Ti* a >rreat number of .''h.-id m.-iy In- Hiinu '!y c.ui-hi. .ind the Water r, «,-r at'-rb .l by tio- ;-i’’ in the Uiv, r at this p^i-». which '".i- t€rprise liiid rajiital -uuld make esi-fu! and pr >- fitiible bv the erection "f Mills aii ! .'1 achiii'Tv of evciy d''"'cr:pti,,n. t'l any ext'^nt tli.-it mi;iht }>C !!,•»;,Ics tlK .-^e capi^;l a I\;i:itau‘S. the -itiiatii.n is lie.ritifiil. r'anantic and h* ;lthy: in short, desirali!" in evory ji ’iut of view. T'X'-lve niontlis credit will be fiiven. the pur- cl) ''i rs piviiiL boiiil ;ind ajiuroved sureties. •IAS. 1.. (.AIM.S. •. \|. i:. •lillie ■J''. lS*)l. 1 -t.' lU-'i les oor ■•wu rubli':iiiun ?l:uil’.y on I'.aud, uu I are alwa_\' all the diil'er. Hi kinds of ^ SCHOOL r. i*M)KS r.'cd in liirl'ereiii ii.,)is id tin- ( — r I f S/. V ■:) Ji I ” h', I!i! / I»:;y r>oiiks. .biurn.'ils. Ledger-:. Cash r.iss Hool;--. and .V i: (> i: A s n r y, non k s U' -\11 Kinds. . I NoriCK. 'I tLi II(K c] ■artnersliip heretuforo exi.s'in^ un- diT the n.ame of.). ,\. Itowhiud \ Co.. is i.iv di^solved bv mutu:il ci'liscut. ‘ .loHN A. KOWLANI*. ;iLr.Ki:T w. .m, kav. .lOlIN C. .MOOili:. 'rii(‘ uTul«*rsi^i!‘(l Will coiitimio til'' bu'.iiiess I'f the lat‘- firm, at th' ir fuiiaer h' .iid iu Liimbeitoii, under the style nf ItnW- 1.\N1' ,V McK.W. where floods of eveiy de- ■ ripiiwu can be I'oii^ljt ,,n the most reasonable term'-. .luIlN A. IIOULANI). (ilLl-.F-HT W. McKAV. Lumberton. .iuly 1, Itf li:t j'r in: know x, 'I'liat A. i\r.nwi\ lia.s liioated him''lf iu Troy, for tlie pur|>iise of carrviiiL'’ oil the lU'tOT .Wl> .“'ilok busine.^sinits v.'iri-iusbraiieh- e.->. Tliankfiil fur past favors, ho liopetj to merit a coutinu- .'iiice of the same. .1 une .’Ut. 1 S.')l. A. I’vF.DWlN. 1 -(jw I’. S. All those in arrears to I’.cilwin .S: Mc- ILte will please call au'l .settl*^ ji.s soon as j)ossi- >,b-. A. rA1 liNs*s sl:{{M()Xs. \l’ASTOl’ S Flea for Kvaupelical Catholic TmtL. !J) Six Sernum'-', delivered iu Triti- ily I" ,rch. Columbn-, iieo.. by the Rev. W. 1>. C';i!ru‘. l->rnuTly of North (.'.arolina. I’riee Tjlt cent'--. Also. Scenes in our T’arisli, by a Coiuitry Par- .‘-ou's l>auirhtiT. XI. '!'hiinkfulne-s. l)y liev. H. Tay’or, 7-') ceuts. The ,\n;.''ers Snu^', by do., 7-j tents. Karnest- Jiess, by do., ~o cents. FoVsalcby i;. HAI.i; SoN. A\SOA llOTI VL, Sonth Ilr.s/ Corti'tr j'roni t}n‘ Court %Vade!horoii;?li, V, 3 a The .Subrtcribcr resjioctfully iu- flV* ' J forms the inhiibitaiits of thU eominu- ■ ii iw travelling ptiblic in j;en- eral, that lie lias beo,>uie Proprietor of the .VN.SON H>TKL, formorl}' owned 1)V Mr. "i'-vt. where he will be happy to accomiiiodate hi- ;ruests in a style that cannot fail to please. -MARTIN SIC.MAN. FOOl.Sl'Al* TAl’V:!'., I V.ITI'.l: 1-\I'K!5. nil.I. I'M-KU. N,iTK I'MTIt. \C. SI.ATF.S \M> FLNCII.S. I’cU' and l[,,'.lcr:. Liivcli pcs. Ink. ,vc.. .Vi'. Vartii-ubir atteiilii i v.ill be tn all m ders fr Tu 'o'i:it; v Men hant? aud j-riv.i tr- ir.dix i'bi-il-i, sent by maiL or I'therw i'". f,>r M eilic.il. .Mi eell.iiM- .us. .".n i .''ch' iil r.iii'l.s. arid nu | ain- will lie -p.ire 1 t,i C'lilplete ;iU Sllc'l oril> i> to the t n- tire : iti'-f.i. !: -u .,t •■■irn sjn,!; ieiit'. .MARK H. NL'.V.'d.W \ Co. 1. ' I‘ri':;dW;iy. Ni w ^ l■lk. .1 iii:“ •. 1 '''>1. 7>^- It NOl'Ki:. rgTIir- Sii’,s-i-il.. j- havinc-,;r,ilif..-d a-. Fxe-u- R- tor til t!ie I'.s!. te iM .^l^s. ilcar'j-tt.i Camp- '1'. t M .11 ii Tvi i;.. ot tiie ('.''irt nf I’.t ,' a:. l (j;i;irt, i- S ■,f Caui': i l;iii l , hereliv i!,itii'il-> .I’.l pcr.- 'Ilr iin-elite l t‘i said I is- t ite t,i !i;alve i;i,;neu:.ite p lyment: aud all h.iviu'j, el;iiiiis a.::ii!.'t the v-mn'. t‘> j .••sc.i’ iheiii «itiiin the t'i!i,' pre.-i 1 it I'd by la'.v. i.r tli;,- iii'tice v. ill be p!' ";de,i i>i ii.ir nt tiieir ll'iiiVeI \'. ,'.i. .JONl..''. |--..e,-utT. Malch (>;!f NO'i'K’l'.,—All .\cc(»utifs (iiio the Men li.-nit^' Steambiiat C‘.m)iany. f. r Fi’ei;:hts \ip In the l-'itU iust., uuu--t be pr, luptly paid t-« ' the under''':.:ued. ns much time c.-innot be ri\ n i to the ciillection of the .^ame. .L ,v T. U \!)1'! LL. late Au'eiitp. I ]’,i\t'ttevillc. .Ian. i;7. L''.')l. .'e'.ti' Kncntn'nirc \or//i ('(irolnni. rBlHI'. uu'le! si|riied is lll.!uuf.lctul•ill!.^ iu I'ay- B. ettcvilb". Boot ?.nd Shoe Polish, I far siiperioi- tn the r>1ackiii,cr purch.ised in the i Northern cities. He intends lievotiujj his whole . , time to maiiufai-tiiriu^ anl vendinethis very su- ]ierii>r Polish, aud c.-ills iipnu .-ill who think ,t to the interest nf t!;“ S'.uthern pe^pb- f >iecniiie ' inde[iendeiit of N'rthe7-n ui:inuf;ictures. to (rive him tlieir .-tid and jiatroiiafre. ! He is ]ire]>ared to show, by iiK.tflni, hi'tl, to I any one who will call upon hinu the rnai \ i ri- rii'i of liis nver all other fn!ixh'x or hhi''’. in;/ | i now sold in North Carolina. Call and have your i boots ami shoes ouce completely blacked and i polished, and be satisfied. I This jirticle is ofiered ;it a ]>rice unt hifrher than is usu;i!ly charged for otlier and inb-rior ' ipialities. .-nid a trial is all that is askmi to we- ■ ; euro the ]>atronaire of the public generally. I I The undersi^rned exj>ects to visit e\ery por- ' tiou of the State to introduce his Polish, and | a'^ks now iu advance that .Merciiants aud others vibitiu'j Fayetteville will irive him a call. A. woonwARi). .luiie -Jl. . 77-''ilil SlIOC CM) fKIHbS ilelifflitful Summer retre.a is uow ojieu JL for the rccei.tioii ut conii>aiiy, the reiiie- lial propei’tie.s of the W'lter, and ]>urc atmos- ]>here. otrTin;.r {i;re:it iudufciiieuts to Invalids, as weil as tho'^e heekiiiir pleasui'C and the pre- servaiinii of iiealth. Among the many imiirove- ments, are two newly fitted up JJathiuij llou.ses. The, ILioiii^ aud Caliiiis arc iient and well tur- nish?d. A j:ood Rai.d of Mul.ic alwayn in at tendance: a plenliful siip)>ly of lee, aud the best etro.iti-; to please, at niotleratc rates of lioard, as follows:— Families per month, each jierson, 00 .Single person.w, •• “ 00 Per week, 7 00 Per day, “ 1 lio Cliitdroa under 12, and Scrvatits, half price. SAMI EL CAr.VKRT. Juno 18”)1. 7'>-tl’>A w.wri'j) 'ro !u)ui{()\v. for a term ei tive years, (iond security jriveii. In terest annually or seMi-nnniially. Ad'lre.'S letter to ,\. P., ami leave at this id- j tice. 1 .tune IS.'il. 7,S-tf | COPPER WORK. ~ ' ■rriiiM.NTi.Ni', srii.i.s. rH^lIl’ Sul sviibers li.ive located themselves iu H.. Fa\ct;- \il!e on ILiy street, ne.irly oppo- , site the Mctli,.,lisf F.piscnpnl 'hurch. fir the! purpose of prnsecuting their business in all its braTiches. , Turpentine or other .'^till.'-' made to order .ind ' «:irr.-inted to work \'ell: .iiid .ill kind." ot wnrk : promptly dniie iu Ci|'Pi;i{, P>RA.''.''. .''Tl-^LL, IRON. Lock'' K!;i le or r>';>ai; .-d. I'lell hatic:in;r. mak- iu" nr repairintr of I’umps. aud i ep:iir of ;iH kiii'ls ill this branch tluinkfully received aud prnm]itl_v executed. Oii|ei> ;ire c.:riie.--tly snlicite l. with an assu- r:iuce that il'a tlmroucli kuowlc Il'c nf their l u- sine-s au l aii ear;;est de-:re to please will ifive 'a!i'‘:ict-nii, Ie>uc -h.ill In' di-^ :r;'fie,]. M '.HLHi; \ ."^ liw \i;tz. .lune 'js 1 v!.', I _ 7'’'-1 m },\\\A: cV Fj’MALi: SC HOOL. fHlHL .'ch'nl of ilie subscriber. :issi>tei| by fi NI'.-- Cecilia .\. Potter, of ,M i,|dl> !iury. \ I 1 ".un'.t. will be rt ssuued ou Tuesday, 1st nf .luly l;e';T. l‘,,.ird fnr any nuuibei- ot' studi'uts. ea:i be trci, ill the viila'.'e. at x7 ]icr i;iniith. Tuiiii'u as ! ■: i-totni e. \ i/,: ine'deuta’is im-!udo.l. l-’,.r tbe 1!U'Svmeuts, p-i-.-^es-i.-n. Xi'. .",ii M ithi :.i;.;its. l!i.;rli.'h ftrammar. lli.'t.*- A Valuable Farm for Sale. rMlHl’ Subscriber offers his FARM for s:ilo, JL situated ou the east side of IJig Coharie, ktiown ns the M.njortHlin .Mobley place, eon- taininjr Acres. The land is in fine condi tion for tilling, aud brings the very best of corn. 'I’lie dwelling and out-liouses are all in very fine ( onditioii, the greater part of them having )>een lately repaired. On the farm there is a saw aud grist mill, which a (lords a haudsome income; there is always a rca«ly sale for the lumber, and at a good jirice: corn sells readily jit the highest market price, without removing it. 1 w ill sell the above at a bargain, ns T am de sirous of m.-ikiug new arrangements in niv busi ness. OWF.N I1ARC.R)VK. Sanijisfiu Co., .lune 1 I, IS.'il. 7tl-Mni R(’c'(! |)('r Stoaiiu'r and for sale, 15l!L,S. ('rushed aud Refined SUGAR, 1 chest fine Hyson 'fea. 0 casks best London Porter, jiint bot'ls, •I cases sii]>erior old Port Wine, 1 cask Madeira Wine, hhds. Cuba Molasses. SA.M L W. TlLLlNOiLAST CO. .lune 20, 1S.')1. 77tf WAN'rED. ^'lA-SlI for all accounts and notes duo the ’C ^ Subscriber, previous to 1 st .(anuary. IS-M Persons indebted to the subscrilier, as above, will much oblige him l y settling the same as e:irlv as I'lth .)ulv. SAM L .1. HlNSltALF,. .lune 2:;. IS.". 1. 77-tlo.) I-OR SALK. A VAH AP.LK HtH SH ANi> LOT on the i « Public .'^ipiare. fnr cash, notes on demand, or on a credit. A]*pl' to R. McNAP.R. Carthage. Moon* county. .Iuly IS'iI. 7s-lw SC'11()(>L XOTK’i:. H" Wl.''H to establi>h in thisjilacea permanent i PRKP.\RATOi:V SCHOOL b.r a limited numb.er of P.oys. The .Schnol will lie o|i-ned :is s 'I'ti ,-i,s a cnHvcnient locatioti can be obtaiuel, of w hich, and ot other particulars, farther no tice will be given. ,T. C. HOOPKIL .lune 2''. I'S.'il, 7Htf Oxford I'fUKilc ('oHrrf. rBlHF First .'''essinii if this liistitutinji will Jl coiiitnence on .^IoIld^ly the 21st fd' .11 LV. e:!suin;r. It is very desirable that I’upils who exjieet to enter the Cnllei^e should be present at the nj.eu- ing of the Session. P>y erder of the Kvecutive Committee. 1 Oxfnrd, N. C., .Inne I'^.M. 7''-4w TIXXKU WAX'FED. A (lOOI) .lob AVu-knian will find steady cni- jiloyment l>v apiilviui immedintelv to C. W. ANItlil’AVS. .Tune 2.'’., 7itf i>I{()l>()SAi. 1^01? jmbli-atiou of a Volume of SliRMONP. by the Rev. .I.irvis j’arry Ibixton. l.-ite Rector of St. -lohn's Church. Fayetteville, N. C. —to be edited by his sou, the Rev. .larvis I5ux- ton, and accompanieil with a Portrait, and Notice of his Life. 'J'he juojiosed volume will be i>rinted in lar-ie clear ty]K-. and cout.iin over r>nO ]iages. sub stantially bound in le.-ither. Terms, 'I'wo i»ol- liirs. jiayable on deVivery. The net jiroeeeds, if any. derived froni the sale, will be iriven to the [termanent Fund for .Missionary juirposes iu the iiiocese of North Carolina. It is desl-ed. (as few if nny coj'ies I'ot [ re- viously ordere,’ will be ]iublishcd,) that ]iers'ns wishing to subscribe would immediately notify the Kditor himself, or their own .Minister, whom he resjiectfully rei|Uests to i-eceive Sub.scribers' names, and to forward them to his Aildre-^s at .■\sheville, N. C. .luiu', 1S.')1. 7'i I'OU SWA). ONI-: SKT SAWMll.L (iF.\RlN(i, including an excellent Li A].ply to .\)>ril 4. is.'il, i)oMi:s'i'K’s. frrTLF, Piiver Osnabergs; 7-S and 4-1 J .Shectiii^-i !iU\a\.s on hain!. and for sale it: Factory ] rices, by Zflar SPillAfi m) (iOODS. 1 5^ 8 . 'hain aud Cr.-iiik. M. V. .loNKS. c.litf •luue 7. l^s.'il. STAl’.R .V AVILLI \MS. 7.'.-tf DC/^()\\iii!I to the (K'atli ol {he former Ag‘iit of the Heiiriett.i Steam lloat 'n.. the P.ooks aud accounts ).n'\inu-; to 1st .Lim.iry. 1>-')1. have been jd.-ieod in my h.-tnds fi,;- setrle- ment. ,\11 ]iersons h.iving nii'-eJtled .-ici-nunts. are reiiuested to come forw;'rd aud s-'ttle. as it bt*eniiu‘s uf'cessary to clnse up the old bnoks as Soon as jiossible. ROP.T. .JOHNSON. Fayetteville, .lune Li, is.'il. 7ii-t'iw KINO aud A. McMlLl-.VN have «utered • into copartnershiii in the Uistillery of rurjientMie. :iud have erccti-d a ."'till iii the We.>t ^•ide of the I’ayettcvilb' and Wostci’U i’l.ink Road. S miles from FavetteviP.e. N. KINC. May‘.*.—7Itf A. .M.MILLAN. r\'. I..tin and iIt lo .‘.u L;iu_’’ua;_' LXl’RA. Music nil tlu' Pialln, C^e nt liistruinent. French L.-mguage. llra\'inj;. N ccdle-w , fk. \i‘.. A. I>. McLFAN. Pr;uci|'al. .''umniervi’.le. N. .lune 1. 1''’>1. 7-’i-: >>‘iiiii3:try. G-reensborougli, W. C. rr'^HF. M Il'Nt .■'e^ enuiiio'Uce n] .■ip;';ic:ilinU t th lie t,,l w.u- le i. ul' 11 , I e-' ci tiliu t!.e .''c!:o,iI. it tiiis lii.- ;;i\. .!i;:y ■ Princip.il. I ill lie.esS.'iiv L'. 0(1 2 ■)(• It) (Ml (Ml tituti'iii will I I ' ll 1.1 I S w 1.1 int'oMiiati’i'i i:i i!.\Ki» sii;i:i,)Ni. I'riiu'ip il. Oiiv. .1. M. M'!:i.I!!;.\1', Pi iii'riet'.i-. .1 iiiiC 17. 7i'-1 'i vvjii] 'J'i:as. Till tii'isf J'’j}:riirifin. A'/;/!'/// K.itmit! A.Nol'VNi; ( (»r(ill DROPS. The success nf this remedy outstrijis the use nf :iu_\ thing of the kind. I’rnui per'^ntis of the fil■^t respci tability residing iu ditl'erent [larts of .'^tarr. one door west tin' country. 1 have ret-eived fluttering accounts, .-uid aliinu|x them the Inllowirig: Ami.hii is. (I*., .lune 1. L^IS. Hr. Yoiiug- Hear Sir; H;iviiig had a severe cniiL'li for snine t\\eiity years, during wiiicli liiai 1 )i:ive taken many pri-paratious. put up liy different jihy-ici.ins. Wist.ir's c‘lebrated lials iui nf Wild Cherry, «Vc. ,Vc.. to but little adv:.ntage. frniu yniir i-t'conimendation I w:isi»- tluce.l tn tr_v I'r. Little s Aui,d_\ ue Cough Hrops. aud 1 t.'ike pleasure iu st.iting that I found tli,'i)i to be the very best prep.itlitinii that I e\er used. Respectfully \oiirs. ‘ap.ram colson. Ihiriii'i nf I iiijiii.if iiiti, ini'l nrniil flu /.'. nf' Snli>tif ilfi s. The f'lc '-Imilc nf the siviiiature of I>r. . H. Little will be fniiiid upnii tl’.e outside wra]ip('r nt each nt his ,\It dic;ues. !d « hnlesale and M tnil. 1>y the Pr 'prietor. ::f M i I lu 1 « t u I i 11 AlinKc’t street. Philadelphia, aud Mac ti. tb(irgia. To be had alsM of .bimes Cain. Roykfish: A. \';itsnti. Flnfal ('ollege: Tiiwiisend \ Houg- ias'-. I’,i-uueits\ ille; Hr. P. M. Cnhen. ('h:irles- toii; ('. ('. liarbee, R.n claysville; 1’. F. Peseud. !’,alei”h. .1. i!IN''ll.\LF. .\!i('iit for I'avcfteville. ll'uHteft. K wi>h to lii!\ iIO.(MHl b.-irrels Turpentine. KIN-i -V M-M1LL.\N. .1. T. c'orxcil. iS: CA!X 4lir, now receiving n large stf.ck of SPI’1Nj ANl) Sl’.MMIvR (iOOL'.S, cniisisting iu P'irt of— Striped (ii'o-dc-l’aris; b’e.cl: aud colM .iiks: (.'mbroidercd. j.riutcd and black Rarege and P>a- re;re-de-!,ainc: Paris-de Chino: Ci-aj)C-i.b.-Paris; rich etiib'd T;irltans: ]irintcd I’rem-li Lav. ns; em- Kroid“red :;nd j.rintoil .Swiss Muslins: Hoyle's and printed Organdie; .Mi iirning, printed; Polka ami fancy L,;wn; otiriiii'g a lid ot iul'(■ ingh.i ms: •l.-iconet and ,Svi.;..j Muslin^; .'^ilk ,ind Linen Poj>- lins: solid eol'd Lawu«; P,i-;hop aud .'^w^-J ditto; (irass ainl other .^kirt«; Linen C.imbric Haud- kerchii'l's, needle-v.nrked: Collars aud Culls: Lace I iidersleeves; Frem'h ueedlo-workeii ('heni- isettes; fancy Mi ts :iud Kid (Iloves of all kinds; sjilendid iioiuii t .'inl other Pilbbons; I'.d^iiig and Insei tiiig: French ;nid F.nglish Prints: together with a lar'JTC supply of other articles suit-.tble for Ladies' wear. Fremdi ('.•issiinerf's: j>l;iin Linen and T.inen Hrill; Cheeked l.iuen; .Silk. .Marseilles and other \ estiiigs; Cashmeret; Drabd'Lte; York Nankins; .'•'ilk ILiudkerchiefs and Cravats: brown and lib'ached .''heetings aud Shirting.^: a good assnrt- uieiit of embroiiiL-red Window (’iirtains. (some VI’ry line.) Coats; Pants; .Satin. .Silk. .Marseilles and other \’ests: a large sr.pply of ach. A lai'i'o lot of I labrellas. atid fine Silk anl Satin P;ir.i.-nls, i.ss ii’tcd kinds. He ivr. Fur. .'-‘ilk, I.e^hnrn .ind nther .“^traw l!::;s: :i'So a gnnil supply of Hoys liats. White Cl.'ip. Fl'ii'ii ILiir-Lace. mel other Rniinets; ('Ir' Iren's li:ic Pearl liats. I’onuets aud i'lats: Wreaths aud Flowers. !Soot» :iu«l I I Fine ^'.df seued Roots; Patent l.eather Rro- | i li'aus: ( loth and Rii k ('o!i'_;res.i (biiters: (txfoiil j Ties: p.i|,'lit l eather diH"; b.idies' black audj cn!' i Silk (laiters. a im- ariicie: liiffeicut kinds i . nf Mis-e.*' ,>h,K S niid (laiters; L.-idies' Slippers | I ;in I \\ alkiu‘j- ^ hne>i; v.itii a laige su]>]ily of ' he.'ivv .'-'lints, t'nr ser\.ints. i I .''addle.', l.ridb -i. Coll.-iis. I’addeil Harness, ' aud Wagon .-ii;,! Riig;j.y Wtiips. : Crocki ry. llartlwiirr. I'litlrry. llollow-Warc. I Rio and l.nguira Cntlee; Cruslie'l: 'laril\ed. I I.oaf and P.rown .''U;i.irs: !^:i!t. .Molasses. Irnii ' and Nails: Oin; port, , Wines. A jiiinicrvaph in the lMHl;i(!(*lplua ullddf.s to tlie (‘tiorniotis v.ilin' yiven to cotton ill its various! trnnsi'unnation?, i. .shown in the .‘irtith; of tnct', ofwhieli thoro is at the Ijondon e;\4»il»itioi(, iloiiLfK-s.s, :i l ii her display than the worhl ever saw to- ;^(*thcr ijelbn'. It’dia. Franco, l>rlfriniu and Kng)and an; vioinjr for sni}ircinnv y iii this inannfactnre. A niaimfactunT of M:\iu lu'stor tuvnishcd sani])U'S of >ne }>otiiid of f-otton sjutn into {)HH hanks, of S4> yards each, making a distafieo in all f»f 4‘5i miles, should tlu; .sinjrlo thri'ad (‘.\tend(‘d to it.s utnio.st. Another fn-ni ex- hiLit(‘d 12HH hanks, of the same numlK'r of yards ( aeh, from a sinirlc' ])(nuid of cot- tou. 'J'he lirst thoi> cxhiLitcd one pouml of cotton sjiun into a thread miles long, whi(.-h shows the iK'rfeetion to -which cotton machinery lia.s jirvivi'd. J'ru.s.-^els lace, all made from eotfon, is e.xhiliitedj worth 4.'2H(> sterling (.'^l(M,»n) i«r yard. A lace shawl, m:ide ifi France for flit* Duchess of Sutherland, is exhibited, the cost of which is £1HIU sterlinir. A hri- •lal dress is shown, for Avhich the owner w;utts The srirl who wrought at it tlu' first three ye:ir.s heeame hlind from the heavy task it ]mt u]»on her eyes. Jinffiiiiori' -1/?/' ru n ii. Thr First ('iilifnrtiii'. Inrr)it(>r.—The Wa.shinL^ton Tcleirraph .says th;it one in ventor has alreadv ajipeared in (’alitornia, and his apjilication for a patent is soon to I lie Jirescfited at the I’atent Otfiee. llis I model is all of ];tire solid pildl it is of a I donlde-aeting force j.nmp. The inventor I is a nafiv(' of Washington city, hnt now a ' resident of S;ier;imento. 'i’he o;old of wliich his model is composed was j^-:ithercd iiv liimself. ! 1)111 n n 11 n I'r 11 u il I'/il! tnr III I.— Ft i' fold of sonu- clerj-ymati th:it, while latMn'injr under embarrassment in tiie freattneni «of his suiiject, he jhserved slight pijin.-^ Weariness and dis.satista-tiou on the pa of his audience, wheienp*n. leatting over the desk, and lixing his eye ujxm an indi- Priucipe Cigars: 1-reuch Jtraudy; whose lip was more openly eurh'd .M.-idcira. Sweet, ami .S-upperuong ■ .-if v„u think •an do better than 1 am doiii", you xo'i'ic’i:. STARR >V W11.L1.\M.'' have reinoveH to the ■ Stnre recently neciipied liv Mr. .lohu 1). of Mc'^srs. 11. P>ransnu \ ; Sou. where they have just receivi-,! additiniis to the S]iring jnirchases of St:i]>le ami r.iiicy 1>R\ (WKiH.S. ('niiritry nurcli.-ints are reiiue-^ted to examine our stock. .1. R. STARR. .1. M. WlLl ! \MS. ^ .7uuo 7. 1 ^') 1. 7-j-tl , Dissolution of Copartnership. TH F. tinu of P.lncker A; Rullard was this day dissolved by mutual con-^ent. .!.('. Pdock- er alniie is autliori/.ed to .settle the ailairs of tiie same. .1. ('. RL( H KI.R. C. W. Rl LLARH. Harrisniibnrg. .lune 2. L''-‘>1. 7 f-tf P. —(i. AV. Ibillanl alsn withdraws from the firm of P>. ('iill'reth (’o. .1. C. Rioekcr aud R. Culbreth will e-intiiiue tlu' firm un ier the ii.ime and st_\ le ot R. ( ulbi rtii Co.. .-It ('-d;ir I'reek. Iiedcll’B Law Reports, Vol. 11. frST pulilislied. for sale liy K. .1. HALF ..'s: S(»N. .lune'.'. iS.'d. 7> We wniild be irbid that buyers generally mild call aud examine >ur Stncl April L l,''ol. • it'.tf Tie.'-eiher with a great variety of (ioods of i on (' . , ; . nearly every descrij.tion. Ail of which they are i can just come Up and //•//.’’ .Now if any determiiie.l to sell very lov." b.r Cash, er on very , ,nie thinks that Writing editorials (worth nmiiKHiatiii- t.-tuis tn punctual eiistnmers. i realing) is onlv recreation at any time, ami especially if they think that, in j the ]ires('ut temperature, it is easy to pen — I anvthinir brilli:int or profound, they can i.n-i-: iNsruAXci:. i come ujt to desk and try. Me ven- rKlIlF rndersigne'lh.-is been .api'oitited Agent ; tUl’O to assure them that instC'Ud of cover- JL t the N'nrth Catnbna Mutual Life ln%u- with eman.itions of miinlj ranee Cnmpa.i^ lAeiy meuil.er fbrlitV partic- ^f gOllinSattd-euis of tho tght, ipjitos :n tlu‘ prolits ut the ( omp.-inv: niiu tn • ' ^ ^ c^. jT Hiinual premium fnr life memf-ership. where it they will cover it with evaj.oratioiis troiii amount> to !s:lo or inori'. may bo paid one-half their physit-al organization, tailing in enn- iii cash, and tlie other hall in a unte at 12 months, j ^U-used di'ojis from their linger? r.nd face. Hebtors' lives may be insured by creditors. i j' ('nni. Alr. .1 ni.'iu ni:iy insure his own life for the exclusive j t e‘in*uri-d*''" ' '' ' I JUifnusi^.—On a late ’‘ Tliis‘s’xstem is rapidly growing into favor, all ; Sunday evening, while J)r. Welch, of Al- over the civili/e l world. It is uie by which a bany, was in the midst ^t one ot his mot family, for a small sum anmuilly. may lie j-ro- i iuipassioued charity sermons to a crowded house, an aecidi-nt occurred which put to vided fnr. after the death of its head, on who.«e exertiniis they may h.ivo been ilejieiident for a support. It is a good investment nf luoney. even if one .>liiMiId li\e Inii^ .-ilter t;iking out a Lit*' I’nliey. Fxplanatnry ]iiini]dilets. aud the necessarv i'I.iuks. luiiii.'tieil nii upplicat;nu. i:. .L HAl.F,. I'avetteville. .Iiuie 1 s.',0. 72 5^’TNTP.A FlNi: HYSON ii J |)n lln |)n Yoiiim Che PoW ill i-.late, rs, ,Vc. April 21. do lm]>eria . ijn (iliupnuder. dn ('nlnllj;. ainl ■11 'i'l’..\>. nf superior ip'.ality. also— R.irley, .''alad ( »il. .Mustard, ^'ea^t Fnr --ale by S.wi'L .). HINSHM.F. • >tf 0\{ SALi:, ROWLANH'S K\tra thick Mill -a wm. _S_ and t 1 Ms.s-yiit .''.\V, and Ci' feet. 1). \ W. Ml Nov. I'.I, L.M ItlN. b'.tf Her. Professor Mnrn^fui''s f'cnitifc S( ni iiKU”!, SALlSI'.rin . N. c. /H1IIL'' Collejiiate F.i;;;ily Ro.-irding School for 2’i V..1I1.C L.idies will open for the year on t!ie 7tii of .iuly. a term of H> nmnths. The entice expenses are from 120 to l!00 dolls.. oO paid ill iidv ince. It is believed that no .Semiii.-i- rv iu \ a.. N. or S. Camliu.i has combined -i.(ual t'acilities fnr tlu- greatest improvement of so lim ited a nuiiib-r. [77- I wp ltA.\BC f^TOVU, T ILL be sold on Wediieslay. the :’.otli day of .luly next, at the !)ank iu (Ircensboro'. l.'iO Shares Rank of the State. Llo !^hares Ibink id'C.ipe F'ear. .Ii;n. II. iJNDSAV. ) .IKSSF, H. LINHSAV. ICxr.'*. R. C. LINHSAY, ) .Fune 20, 77-fw SAIJvM PAPEU-MILT.. rg^llF, subscribe;' has taken charge f>f this old .sL and well known I’stablishment, and is jire- jiared to attend to all orders for F.ipcr, Merclinnl.s’ and l''aclory \\'rnj)])ing, cVc. The .Mill has recently been thoroughly refitted v. itii new machinery, and the subscriber holiovoK he cun furnish Pafier of as good i|Uality and at as clieap priccs as can be purchased tiny where, North or South. CH.\RLES f:. sh(»p.f:r. .Salem, .l»>ue 7, 1S.">1. 77tf /’H^HIi 'niiartucrship of Hall \ Hull will ex- n p’:re nil tlie 1st of Auirust next, and in nr- ,Ier to close the concern, we offer our Ci(H)H,S ;*.t RLl>r('l'H PRR'FS. Those wishing to make piircliases I II very favnr.ilMi- terms, will do well tn give us a call, as we are determined to sell off niir entire .'■-t-iek. ^\e will also sell the ."stote .nml Lot occupied by niir- 'Ives. Also, the Hwelliug aad U'.u'ohouse in the rear. ,\lso. o!ie Tcucmeiit in the I'rii k Po>w. no^^■ nccupie-l l>y R. H. .McNeill. ,\11 or auy part of the ah-tve Projierty will bo nfiered at private s.ile until the 1st .\ngust. and if not sold then, will be nflerctl at Aui'tion, and duo tintice giveti. I’er-^niis desirnus purchasing, c.-in get P>ar- gfiins bv c:iUing ii}^n the uadorsigned. HAI.L a; hall. May lo. l.S.M. 7 Itf T\kt rxiox OF I'IiiTadkumiiaT For the Promotion of the Arts of Design in the United States. f^'^VFRV .Member, for the year IS.'l, will re- _J ceivo fnr ea(-h Snliscriptinii ol Five l»ol- I:irs. a print fd' Huntington's “Christiana iinil her Children." engraved by .loseph .\ndrows, Piostou; aud the com])anioTi. a ]irint of Hunting- tnii's •'.Mercy's Hreani." eui^raved by ,\. H. Rit- ( hie. New > i.rk: or th(' choice of any two of the billow ing four sidendid engravings, viz: I. .lohu Knox's Interxiew with Mary (Jueen of Scots, ]:ainted by Leut,?e. euiitaved by Sartain. 2. Ruth and Pioa/., jiainted l>y Rothenuel, engraved li.v .'-Jartain. -■•. Mercy’s I'ream, painted by liuntingtiui, oiigravcd by Ritchie. 4. Christi- .irs'i' 1^"^1CHT NFW P.l (iCllCS. Alsn, two second J hand. For sale by ‘a. a. McKFTH \N. ‘ test lioth his politeness and jU'esenee of mind; ! “,\ ])air were w.-iiting fo ]>e married af- j ter the sermon, in the re.-ir of the audicnce, aud were to be called forward by the sex- ' ton. Hut the latter oilicial luiving become ! absorbed in drowsiness or conteinjilation while the Kev. Jbictor w;is preaeiiing, wa5) iiddenly brought f,i his recollection by .June 2. IS.-.I. 7t-tf \\ AX (lOOH H ANDS, at 7-'. cts. p?r the .'■^oiitheru Phiuk Rnad. empln\meut and cash jiaxment weekly ijuired. Apply to hi:si>i:riax iiaki\ ^1 IInr Siiii/niif linn},', /tmf I'f iiriiJ. A I.SO. Risliop Rascom's .Sermons; The Week. . /a enmprising the Last Hay of the Week, the hearing the Jhietor exciailii, In sjunf I'irst Hay of the Week, the Week Coiujdeted. ' mi'l flw hridf >>i'i/ ('oMF.I’ (>fi he po.sfed 1.1 Orien- . t,i wedding p:irty, who (ot' course) had not understood a word of the sennon, and nf the .Mnsleni. :i Nair.-iti\e 'I'iie Path id' Life, by Rev. He;iry lay. ou .''(ead\ if re- .luiie 2-1. 1 s'd . 1). M. Ri n;. .\t the .''team Mdl. or to A. A. .McKFTHAN. [77-tf] Fayetteville. The b.-imis tal Tr.ive!. Ibiwl.iud. Tom Rac iuet. :nid his three Vlai'len ... , *i .. i i ■ i , . p.- 1, .1 itotihed t iem that the moment Jia«l arrived Annt'^. I'.tiiiuetfe fnr Lames. L>o. foi- (lOiitle- . , . . , men. The Ps.ilmist .-iiid Supiilemcnt. Ibitler's b>v the perlormancc ot the iiu])tiai cercino- Hudibr.is. Plutarch s Lives. Madam Roland, ny. 'j'hey proni]itiy obeyed tlie summons, by Al'bott. Hictionary of t^Uuitations, Latin, juj,] [,i-j,(e ami bridegroom, bride’s maid French. \e. I'niou Ribb' Works. Poetry of Flow ers. M^^lre I»8Sttr€9Bt€'(\ rB^IIK .KTN.\ Insurance Conip:iny of Hsirt- M. ford, having paid the tax imposed by the Revenue I..-iw of the l.-ite Legisbitiire. will con tinue its .\gency in I'.-iyetteville, under the maii.igeiiient of the undt-rsifruel, who is pre- p:ired to issue Policies of insurance ou Riiihl- ings or (Jood.s. either iu this Town or iu any )>art of the Stati'. on jirojier application, d*'- scriptii.'i of the Property. ,\’c. The ,F;TN.\ CO.MIWNY imp been in oper.itiou about MO years, its capital is ijiiltOO^OOO. The Hoti. Tlios. K. Rrace was its first President, auil he still holds that ofVue: aud several of its first Directors arc still active and otiicient niem- beis of the Roard. It has at all times sustained the highest character f r the prudence of its maiiagemeut. aud fnr tin- liberality with which if has ever adjusted its losses. K. .1. HALF.. Agent. March K\ IS.'il. ti2-tf Rook Keeiiing. May IS.-.I. Dictiniiary. Ruin Flora's Interpreter, 'chool Ibjoks. lie. F. .1- HAJ.1-; .V SON. \ Mi’.CII.AMCAI. r.OOKS. PPLiyi’ON'.S Mi'ch.-inics’ M.-iga/ine; P>or- den's Fnrmiila' for constructing Rail Rnads; Wi;j;htwick’s Hiutsto Architects, by Downing; .Minitie's .Moch.-iuic.il Drawins: Rook: Mah.iu's Civil Fngineering: Rouriios .Steam Fnirine; Mill-Wright's I. NKW HOOKS. Poe- EIC.H lU’NT’S AITORIOCRAPIIY try of the Waverly Novels; Harper's zinc, and International ditto, Aj.ri! .Vos.; .\lton House Carpenter, by Hattield: .Mechanic's Own Rook; Mechaiii.-s Text Rnok: C.-ibiiu't Maker :iud I'pholsterer's Companion: Ruildt-r's Com panion; Dyer and ’olor Maker's Companion; Paint.-r. (iilder and Variiisb.er's Cotiijianioii. R. .L H.\LI-: .X SON. Gunn’s Domestic Medicine. A Fl'RTHF.R supply, just received. i:. '.L HALF X S(»N .lune D>, IS.-.l. XI'AV iuToks. .\P>VF,Pv’S Magazine for .huu‘; luteriialion- al do; The Sisters, or the Fatal Marriapos; Pi(-kwick .\bro.nd. or the Tour in France; Ro\e- I and groom’s man, c.mik' marching down the brmid aisle in the tnidst of the dis( (>nrse. I “'I lie J’reacher, seeing at ii glance that I a mistake had been committed, which w:ts ; likely to terminate un]»leasautly, iinished his sentence, (h'.sc. nded from tlic pnlpit with dignify and cjmposur‘, tied the irre- . vocable knot, returned to his pnl[iit, and , finislied his discourse, and the wedding Cateidiism of the 1 party were not at all sensible tluit every tJuiile; American ; thing Avas not :is it shouhl be. 'I'liis is ina and her Children, painted by llunfington, engraved by Andrews; and a copy of the Phila- i,.„.ke: L.ivengro. Putnam's cheap edition: Man? delphia Art rnion Rej.ortor. a I'Uinthlv pamidi- tip],Ps Mexican War. illustrated, cheap am! l.oun let, containing a report .d’ the transactiouh of (jy,],!,... Roads; Complete! the Institution, and information on the tubjoct of the Fine ,\rts thi’iuicrhout the w hole world. The ,\rt I'nion of Phil.'idelphia awards prizes in itH own Certificates, with which original A- iiuu-ican works of ,\rt may l>e j.urcliased in any part of the I'uited States, at the option and se try of the Waverly Novels; Harper's Maca-, i „ • i • i :c . i n.. -• I l ies of a Rachelor; Sheridan s Life and Dra- ; niatie Works. I volume; N'ouug Ladv's Friend; School Rooks, \c. .funo 1(1. IS.'l. .lust received. j;. ,L H.\LF SON. wh:it we fall true politeness uni’.er diliiuv.l- ties.” //")/• to Cure /f Ciild.—Of till other means of curing colds, fasting i.s the most, efleetual. Jjet whoever has a cold eat not'ning whatever for two days, and bi.-^ cold will be gone, ]irovi(UMl ho, is not con fined to his bed—becau'(; by faking no carbon into the sy.'tem by food, but con suming that surplus which can.sed hi.s dis ease by broiitli, he soon carries oft" his dis ease by removing the cause. Thi.s v.'il! be found more eftectual if he add.s copiou.a water drinking to ]>rotracted fasting. J’y tlu; time a person has lasted one day and night, h‘ will experience a freedom from jiain, and a clearness of mind, in delight ful contrast \rith that mental .stupf.r anl Farmer and (iardener, by Fessenden; \ouaft & _ Martin on Cattle; New ‘.Masonic Trestle Roard; TXT-„T_e sjnT’rTT Freemason’s Manual; Masonic Chart; Freema- | W OrKS Oil X * GS by colds. Allu Imw L\\ Masonic I restie-I.oard, adajited to tiie ! ^ . • i ■ i i - i Work aud Lectures, as practised in the 1 intni)tel\ sUp'-Tiijr IS fills method ot bfcak- Lodgcs, Chapters. Ount-ils, and Lueariipments 1 ing up colds, than medicines, especially, States, by SO,000 July 1. LRS. UAOS AYANTED, bv II. r.RANSON & SON. 78tf W ade->.orough, .July 1, 18-jl. w axti:i), r|lHRFK lloii.^e .Serv.ints. good seamstresses -M. and washers. Liberal f>rices will be jiaid. J. I'c T. WADDILL. Muj- 2tj. 7jii FAYETTEVILLE AJVD NORTHERN PLANR I.OAD. PURLIC notice is hereby given, that the Rooks of this Company' are now open to receive ijub)icription.s of stock; and will remain open until furtlior lu.fioe is given. R\' order of the Hoard of Directors, .lune ."■((. 18ol. Caroliiuait cyuy i .liiualh. w AX ri:i), vOtlO ft. .•\slie Lumber for Wagons, li to 3 inches thick. ;’»000 ft. Seasoned Oak Liunber, TJ to o inches. 1000 ft. W hite Oak and Hickory, for .\xlotrocs. 1000 ft. AVhite Oak for Tougucs, Rolijtcrs aud Shafts. 100 I’ost Oak Hubs, f’or Curts and Wagons. 2000 Spokes. For which the highest cash price will be paid. Apply Koon to May !!•, IS-jl. DAVIS’S lOR -i-.b' bv E. rULLKR. 72-lf PAIX-KllJ.EK, SAM’L J. IIINSD.VLE. CJlf son'ii .Monitor; (loldsmith’s Works: McLellan on the Interpretation of Scriptures: McCosh on Di vine (loverinuent: Mctiuffy’s Readers, second lection of the person who may obtain a prize at ,„„j j p;,rts; Davies’ Surveying; Gunn’a Do- the annual Distribution, which takes place on ,„estic .Medicine, iS:c. &c. .lust re\-eived by the evening of the la.st week-day in every year. ' .\pril 14. K. .L H.\LK S(»N. The Fxecutive Comnntfoe of the Art Union, ; when so reiue.>itod, select works f.f .\rt, without ; \X'1'1'j1), cliargeorconipcn.sation, from tiioir Free Gtdlery, ■ J .| ]5.,ttlc’s He-! ^ ^Masonic Chart or Hieroglyphic 210 Chestnut Stro't. for those pi.rsous in the | ^ | M,„,itor, hy .1 L. H-oss. of Knight Templars in the L'nitc' (’has. W. .Moore. The Frei'-.Mason’s Manual, a compaui,'iu for the initiated through all the degrees of .M.isonry, l.y Rev. K. 1. .'-^tewait. Suhscripti^ms ot mcn.hersnip, •>:>, wiouu oe ; previous to Ire.lell's | ope made as early as practicable so as to entitle ^ j religious as a inenibers to early numbers of the‘'Reporter, * j j[ j? soN lor sale ly which will be forwarded upon the receipt of the i _ ?»tav ol. The Honorary Secretiiries will give receipts for subscriptions, f.r reniittnncos ma v be made to GFORGK W. DEWEY, ('orresponding Sec'y; 210 Chestnut Street, Pliiladelphia. Honor;iry Sec’y for F'avetteville, N. C., E. J. HALE, .lune 0, ”5- a do- .“ountry, who niny li\e remote from (lalleries, or "* * I '1’1'f^ Frce-M.-ison’s Monitor, containin public'exhibitions ofthe Fine Arts._ , ‘''t,'.,:''siibsci ibers will pay a reasonable price Subscriptions of membership, -V:>, »liould be ; nrevious to Iredell's ! operative and spocu.atiye. as we.l in a moral view, by /. .\. Davis. E. .J. HALE & SON. •ded upon the receipt of the , money to any part of the country. j Wiieelor's ]li^»tory of North Carolina. I^HE undersigned has been appointed Geno- ral Agent for Col. J. H. W heeler in the th ('ongressimial Di.strict, and wishes to ap point sub-.\gents iu each of the counties of Robeson, Columbus, Rladon, lirunswick. New j Hatiover, Sainjison. Duplin and (.)nslow, ami asks that application be made to him imme diately. The \Vork goes to press in August, ind the price will be One Dollar per volume. ^JTRAW CUTTERS, Corn Shellers, and a va- rietv of Ploughs and I’lough fixtures, for , and consisting of tw> volumes, salebv ' J. T. W’ADDILL. j JOHN }t. Tl(*SE. J,i-: L oUtr IGjI. 01-tf IU)()K inXDKRY. KVi. HARDIE has ro.sumed the Book • I’indir.g P>u3\nr.3 at the new Store next door to Mr. P.easley, .leweller, where he will re ceive and execute binding in any stylo desired. 27tf than violent poi«,on.-. August 1. sonxitr.RX ii.vrmo.nv. JL'ST nri'nivED, popular Rook. lit* •■'J, The Sicalloic an'! //'.• U'y-- ait animated setpe o;curred yesterday on Washington street, near Avon phiee. A common barn .swallow had really, or ii* imagination, received an in.stilt trom a little black dog, and began to fly at it.s head with tlu; greate.st fur}', the dog burk ing and endeavoring to defend hiniself the while. The s .valluw continued his attacks flying up iu the air as high as the highest building.-^, ami thc!> descending upon the dog with the greate.-t velocity. J’rcfty soon the dog gave up tlie unerjual conte.st, and ran up. Washington street, the .=waHow purstiing him and flying down up^n him periHlically,' a.s above, un'-l the cir was ‘ . i no more, and she of ti e wing return, jw supply f)f this , about her btisiness, apparently well .satistied with the result of lii'i cvnfe;'- E. S. HALE A, soy.