i.;!t.i,N-KOKor(iH, •July 1:J. M i,; N‘. or sn>rK-;ioi.i>v:ns. Tht' of tin' N. Railroad (’.vir.i.nw iKiviuLT n-siMultltMl in tho Tres- 1\i*i: n'‘’.1 1'!'• o\-liH.k on Tliurs- , lii.^ lOi.i. rlh' iiii'i'tiiiir riillcd t> i iii.-v l'\ I';. !•'. I. lit'l. of l{vnnssvi(.k, nii'l >. !ii' !'i ■' 'II. -It-' ll'>n. in (Jr.tvos, of ( w.is ( ili.il {■» o\0i' t'u' ‘>i ill ' r',\:iir. Mr. I..-ii a iV'’ 'iii'iit r“in;i'K>, r.iI-uI;;io4 i > ] .■•xinrc .1 sjiirit of Ip.nii 'iiy i:i tJit' iin- y nit ii (.•'''iiiii Ui'iii'r. (V,i m.'ti >n 'f Mr. .i;!iu i'r. v,.k. (ii‘ lli'l>;-n>ii;u!t, ;iH'' K. K-j. (.f J^.ilciii. wen- aj'I'-'iiiir'l Sc'. it'U riiw ff 'li ■ tu.. . i:i_ A (’ I’.I' M ''"Kv ,\. , I . -I ilii), :iih1 \Viii. »v> Tiifi a; ]’ Ti'i i ’ii- ■ f fliO k a!! I j ’.'ti 'n't w.'v ' ’.ifi I i i !r.i‘ j':'.'' ’;f r.'-' ■ ’■ pnf*’1v PIT was ncTcr bofnro in our, Adi'rvf of Woommxm t« HuhrnntK?. town’for nuuilx'rs. It was utif ui(irrt\al Ycst. nlav iift(^rnoon an uilvniturout; icmale Ji>m Ilf I ,vt vf ina.le lu-v appvaranw n|»ou tlu> htretts ri^- Having the- lui.-^fortuiio to Ik* anion]f the ouffii'tfi rs, our Hfuatif'u was of couix' un ^'C1 t>ut in tile new model costunie. ho .-he was or where she came from, we are t; (I. 'I : I y j'T . ; - ^ i:- -i Mi 'U ■r \ : .'t.', -'.■lit.'- — K . n 1 ^ 71 -M favorable for hoarinj:, ami seeing was im- j unaMe to say. Having, however, enjoyed i.,.>.sil.le. V>iit we .iid hear nearly every * the tylieity of l.eing plaeed >n respeetahle vu^r.l of Cuv. 31orthead’> dear x.iinrons proximity to hear, we an- onahled to state vt.ii-e a- he infn.duced the lion. ' for the rratili. ati(.n of the mrious, that (Jit.vVKS to the va>t a>--( iiihlage. lletlid ^^he was yoniiir, pas>ahly g.od looking, thi> in terms ehxin.-nt and >ingnh.rly a]>- with a n.-atly turned ankle, and hy no l'rot.i i;ae to tke o , ;i>i«n. .After alluditig I mean,-nngraeeful in torm. ller selt-pos- t.) tW' ne( t ,"-itv so long felt hy i»ur peojili-, session was most almirahle. J hoJigh lol- for an on;!, t to the n niMU'n ial world—to lowt'd hy as respet tahle a tail as ever llie Inception of the irr, at schemes the eom- Maneed attendame nj.on the veriest dema- nuu. I ment of wiiiih we had nu t to day to gognc in cxistom *', she wa> altogether free th,. \ ici>,-i{ndt > of tiu' e'har- from emharrassment, and hore tin- eompli- t. r iii .^oro tiic two houses of tlie (Jeneral meiitary attentions tif her admirers with V, ?ih1 the fnet that it at last huoL' graceful cnmposun-. She scemetl tv> think tin*- iiecisitui of the Speaker of the tiiat though it wa>^ composed ot raggeil .'■\*'n;i('-. and that it- lafe was (h'eidc'd in little urchins and strei't loaitTs. it was the .(!lirm,tlive liv the unfaltering **.1///' hetter to have such an escort, than remain ..fth:it Sj‘‘::l;er. ' t’;d\in t'.raves,—hi* said forever in utter oh.scnrity. We are not -utHcii'ntly v»'r,M'd in the intricacies «'f female die-"' to describe ac- curatelv her co.'Miiiu', At the tirst glanet* it looktil verv lit'rv, and altnixeiher nn- j Planlr Roads.—The construction and I TTIE KAtlTH’8 MOTTOX. use of plank rouds liaviiig Kiieeotrded so I "We have been much interested in the well in the State of New \oik, where thej ; fallowing account, given by the Cliiirleston were first introduced, they are finding ta- Pendulum Experiment, made vitr HI other sections and seem likely to,. . /. ’ come into very general use. Of all the that city by l\. C. Gikhnst, Ksq;— instaneoH in which they have been tried THE PENDri.rM KXT’KUlMr.NT AT TIU- we have not httard of one (^says the l^alti- (’nUTf^.VH ('IH.TK’II. mere American) in which the result dil Mueh interest h:is been excited In the not give satisfaction. The jtlank i(*ad is ; scientific world by Foucault’s ::pplication characteristically a neighborhood road, of » well known jirincijile t)f the jiendulum, adapted to interior districts through which by which the diurnal revolution of tlu- railroads do not pass. “Jlaihvays, with earth upon its axis is clcijrly demonstrated all their value, jiikI they are of jtriceless to our percc ption. 'Phe exj^eriment h.is wortli to man,” says Hunt’s Magazine, been rc]>''ated in various ]>,irts of Kurojie “are vc t the thoroughfare of the citizen anil our country, und each trial has been away fVoin his home—for the journey, the i attt inled u itii the same n'snlt. If is int travel, the tour; but the plank road is for the object of the )ire,sent communication to the home Uhe—for the travel which is be- explain the theory or princifiles of th • ex- c- -hi' said .•I no .-tli-r citiz'U of North C.irolina nl'i s' .;pjiiO|iriatelv p-rform the i rrenio- S;;m I o l pi'"Ny.— of . I!:- li u: Ir 't «. k-li,-! !ers in p. i,-. iii,il ;i t n Yh,' I':'’ 1 I'’ ’' ' t' :): ■ ''Miil'-uiv. •) , I,,.. !, v;.- i:- ;i v;.M. .1 t’p lo- Iv jH-: ;, V. ;ie -uii;!!!:': ,i in Wi re- I f t' s Hei'Ssive sti i" 'f j ro- s in "i ■ w ik, r.'iorring t . f' i- it -t. t ■■nont' >h "V ' Ml ' eNjiiJi 'i t';: ; ’ '.iv Ml; f' ' d. t.' le] s ■'f the , . 'k. of the jini lunr of w.>;k fl- : I ,in be d"n'' c; ‘ r. ’\ v'th N ': t'i a- vol,;'-;i ntalt'vi;;!. a i'-'t .,f i n' in ■, A , 1' MV’ji^'ars that f!,. r.- l;:-,s !•. vU so {',ir e\p' i\.|; I th • 'f :i l;“’n . > , i’.'r > i..o !• . sui'v V v. •'I 'lj: I’.'C •'!> till' r .’I'l'.—’ 1 . ■ii;n . ot o,;-: ^Jj.o' ■ !l! I’l: . . i; ■ 'i -ul'V UU- ! T''! ■ lit i.oit ,-i ■ i • ‘•iiiii.inv - cei\- d a-,! •■!. .•■i'toir v\ rcn; \ ;nL' the !/;-.'t »»irth in tlie I'oiii- r.i; iiceinoni I f thi.- work, on which tlu- _ _ _ 1; ]i of the State S') vitall\ depend, as the >easonable. A elost'r inspection did not i'l .1, ulio j..onounced (hat deci-ive “.Vye." v.iry the iniprcs'ion. She was dressed in 1: v, .is iii.'oossibie for us to catch tht' full a red frock, fitting tieht to tin' body, and Sh ht t own several incln on ii-xio’.; of Mr. !r.i\e>‘s speceh. Sonn- I'oining "v’Ut. rifc' wv heard, .xiowinu with that ]»a- knees. Ib'r trow.-ers were ot wiiit- tiuis- triotie feelis!:: which has 1 onif disiin- iin. |uite voluminous, and f.istciied at the L-'i-hed htiii ,,t .>'i l North oiie ill' tin Carol ilia. lirst and best sons Wo loiild onlv I'Xji [i lei. ; i fhi- i;ii I . ^ .... i .da : -I u - r: . I'-.j i \ Mr. i , ' nd I • id ;i' foil. v.s; ■' T'- it 1.0 p ' >n wh-' ''V O” . ,1 :i i-oii! \"!. t -t! V or !V. in li’■: iii'li- 1 •, ,11- ■ .'Mon. I - .o'y lull;'. '■*' ' • ■ t \ ■ aiiim.irod aud ^ i ^ liate . ro^ ■ r.-,...}:.-; m; 'VV :>1. ; - Iv 1 iii s!i[']' l>. L. !>. F. '.tli^;>ell . -in ! d ! ]■ e I'liis. (’i -ii. •, h :,n ! n T, M. in opj.oJ- n, llio r, - : n f .M',1 witli a ■ ,'V l' an til • v>!iirh ni'ikc' i - lii'.s I. lilt'^r tor :ittv i"ni- .V t>:i WO! ' ■ hi'ciii ■ .1 '!iti'.H'■'r f!i’-r;' ‘ii; ;i!i I v.iir, sf If' ; t’i it 111- u.i' ji.fpire i with , •,:h'>ritit ' >’i.,w ih:r;i e-o'fai t m id" , i I’i- ,!., .1 ;i,-i t • tii" law i- th-Tobv vi- 1. Ir in-Uvd ■.:> 'h ‘ ot!i -r hand ;1. .t ti;o .'t-.ckhol (,t t'le K i. i’l'-lu'l- ..V I-.';;;-';’ tu " • wh' .;iM b.-,oUi • «ii- rM t >r', 'tiN'.-ril' 'I th t'u' uudor'f rilinj rl: I' t!i y sh,,;iJ,l iiavo tin- privih je ot’ W irkai-- ‘iaC tii.ir 'li.ire^. ,ui i tii it the ni- r V' IP ' ,'ti Oi ■ I ■ ‘ t')o‘ iiiL' - '• 'w-r -k'' >1'!--V' t' .'u- ‘ ■Ur: i ‘.’—.id il : ilii» 1 ■ ’I.',' T .' Jjut .1 rltl, 1 opiii- ion .ij'ains' the :.op]i,',i*i.>n of rh- l;iw. 'M’lteiiiplat- I fy the rt'i'hui.'!'. va-ox- ]'r -""'i; n!i I tile ii',:'.iiit;oii !,iiij I'l; the ra'=.I • until to.nj,i;-r ,w m irniuL'. in ■'r hr t.i ._rivo rli- -'.,. kh.>': I ts t>.no t'^ omti- 'i'ler I/fit iiior" d' libenitolv. I 'r. \\ illiaiii'on, ')f f';'V.i-l!. b;-,,;;;.lit t • t]',- - >f:i'o of r}i-- Ti'^ r|; ■ prtliini' pvorc'iliriL''-' t r f i-in irf.w r!," 1 Itii .|i " ■■'."U of ••livoaJc n-.f vt iid” '.n tiie :: 1. ^Ir. 31. ban". ■ .f ».• ,• . move.! -h It ( ’, ! . ;i! ( :ra’,e- 1,.- ■; Ml! '.I t , reiMiiv,' tic- -p-..i,.fnH t.f .Hill pUttU'- tin- it WMS car ried I'illli.VV -M'iUMNi;. •iii.l::e Uii,' ;iiii| (i n. J.,.-.icli. ni i;'rai-e- •n! r '’ill- v.'rl; on the part of ihoni- 1-. . and thi'ir triend". their op]).>.-itiii|i r > til.- resoiuti in of ye^tcnlay in i. jr;,,-.! i,. diicf.ors 1.c..ming coiifrai-t -r.'. and th.- ;e~ lilti..!! \v,.» u!l.llviui''u'lv ,]. • V. ."'.s.aiu I* ad a i.i interi stiug I- rti-r ti'.iiii tho lion. William ,\. liraliMtn. \\h;' h uas r-'oon."I witii niin li appl.iU'C, an l ..n i,i iilon of \Ir. 11. (d(jn« s or- dei’. 1 to bi e; ti-ri.ti up.Ill tin; j .mu;ds. 1 :V. .''Wiui call' d f u' ni'Te (>arficnlar r -''11.1 .1: ,n 'n r-!ation t » tin* l.-fting of i h" .''i'’ in r. latioM td tlio c,>rt\ing ir -4 !t;,- iti'truction- of (h! last Annr.al yi ■ ' Ii_ t.i ob.'ervc tin fe>oI u (i( ,n s ifji,. -■s li -bury. (i rei-nsl)(>ro aiel 11 dl-ltoro 'o;i- \ '.’I >ns ;i' to ].ri f'Tenee-; in -ontr.'ieis, iVc. reujion I’r.''i'icut M .■•.■head ai'o-'- ail I iiKj'lo a clear sf.ifenient, ;f!\inj d 'tail- oii ini >Mji iiioii (if the progress of iIic Ict- )0!/s aiiil lin' ]*rincipie> wiiich governed tht;m. V. herei.y it apjpoaroil th :t the in-^t that be r!. to s.i»i.-fV • V. ry int'n -t ;.nd nnih r'tmdiiig iii. ■ ,i\e !. II- >tateiiii.!.t wa-, !ni])or1i.nt, ami ue pro- I'l i-e to >rive the >nbsi;.ni at i. ii'jrh 1,'t..- aftor. lor the inform.ition of ,-to( nli.i|dei - uho were not pre^.-tit. .^ll. ;ilmer ami Cov. Svva'i, \.-rt i to the iroi-nriiiir of tin- uhs,.rij,- »;on^ t., the an I tli- ,„,„tr b\ the Hr,eral convention, ij, fivorofthe llandn-d and of ti„,M who a's.,,ni .| tl„. ;..-t.-r!().MM.(,arrheIii!M,.,I'.' ii.-th -i».aKcr, pr.-'iaiiii.-d t:,o of -,o I'vinii oiif ,,,. I ,,, , oiitn. and -,si . i, i, iiili-'hlL', ■N. Ill l.lt'; f, • ■ ! i. ■ at t Ijl^ ( I .1; I . , , ill;.: ■ ; , j_ V.i re I.-.j' .1 o, I iUi; til .f 'I. !/,. 7 I ■ he i'h ■•'11; ;r,\ ,■!•:■■ :. --'h f the ' \ that iiuni!^ : M • r I !r' ;; I c spot wji. , liii- inter MI I, I'-'it. a loin li } 1 1,1, n.'irh -r. ' tie' p. i.>d, : ■ on •i rl.:' h,ilt' of it, and 1-ok' ■ ;!_•• i*:it fh, I inkle. I’lC'l slipjiers, apparently made oJ cloth, eiua.'ed feet of iio inconsiderable ilimensions. Sh«- wtue uj»on her head a broad brim hat. matie of red silk, and c.\- tt'UsivcU embellished with ribbons ot tin* sa5iie hue, and otlu-r aj-propriati- tmbe- lo\vs. Her lioddiet' was juite open in front, but the irap was closed w ithanabuii- d.int supj'lv of lace aiiil l:i\I'lidt'r. ,\lfo- ''tiiiiX 111 a b'i.\ prepar- iiether, sjie piesi'tited a \ cry pci iiiiar ap- few -oa'lesfnl of ( arth, pearanee, but manageil to give general sat- isfarMon. We r«‘irret i nr inability to trace with aec’.ir.e v tlr‘ p ith of her triinnphaiit pro- i^re-s, ,.iu' c'Til'l ]">int out to i;- the precis' -p^>t where she eincrired from oi»- 'i iuitv. If ■•• Iiied. Iiowcvcr. t" !>e gell- eialU airreed, th.it >he lii.ide her lil''t ap pearance . n .Main '•rert. \t'ler tr.^Ncr^- in^ it t. i s.line ilisiaiiee. 'he tiirinil up .')th, and \. ueh' .ted tin' 'obcr-'ided r'i- d-n*' ot .''iioi l,:oc Hill ,1 trlinip.'e i f' In r in Lo '.'••".n r.d.lv of i*^ etb-ct l>y the waving ot p irasi Is and han.lk rehii'fs among the I, :-,', ,'i.I t!u' fVi'-inen! and hearty ap- ’.l.iiise th,:t aiosi' fVoiii the inner ranks ot the citi^/,»'\i', ,\ t t he eoiieiusiori otM r. (iravt's’s spceeh he ‘•t;,.kt‘ ;i >111111” on the Kailroad, bv r’i:'_i:i:'' np -nid I ‘i f'r t ' ; purjv (! . 'd- r> iie i.! reii!.;rk.'.| tli;.f thi'earth w ,' d'I"' ’i'i in ihe fox. t.> remain a hun- 1 ■. ,1'. a;! 1 til 'll re-.,p‘lied for '-nr i'l- - ;-ti >n! 'l ii ■ lauuhe.' at tho luili- >n>n ■" oi .’ne cie,'. and '.niid we. Ih^t ;,r,r,ei llloU:.!.!. !>"■ iitnr\ sh.ill pa", w • ot' th.is" ]iri 'ent V. -ftlv tra\- isiii:r gmi and ended in a day, or its fraction— w iiich giv«‘.s to iiim who uses a double val ue of occnpaf ion for the hours of (he day —which incrt'ases the happines> and e..ni- fort, and profit of the farm, that founda tion of all the institutions of ,soi-iety.” We had indulged the lieliif that “file (’luircli.” Iiiiving, a,s we thought, wearied itself w ith jireacliing the Higher Law , and I'lii'aging in strifes better beeominir the politiial arena than the suciedilesk, uo.iild ^i\e Us some little respite from the thr ad- bare (h'nunciations of the Fugitive .''I.ive Law. lint Wi ;ire disiijipointe.l; for we now hear that at a late nu'ctin^r of the (iem ral A'soei.-itioii of ('oiieriegiitional .Ministers in (’onneciiciif — !•)• clergymen being pri'seiif—the folhnving resolutions were atiopted nearly uuanimoU''!y: 'fltlL' I v- ' 11 \ ■r,.- .1 mon\ N '.t ■ who b;i« ■ *K •,ir ot' pi'riment, as that lias already bet !i done by many abler hati'ls; and the rt ader, if he has any i urio.-ity in the maffei, i,' n - ferred to :i very Ineid article I v 1 >r. lil>- bes. in the F.vt-ning Novvs iif the T'h idt., tiid also ;inofher in the Jiim> nui.il»''r of Harper's .Monthl.v, where l'\ nr‘;ins of a diagram, it is broii;;ht within tin. re.u h of the youngest min>l; but it is di .-igned to give file praetieal le'idt of the e.xp- r’inenf made i.i.-t week in the t'ircnlar 'hiire|>. 1‘efore ( nfering, how. ver, into a deserip- tion of tite aj'jiaratus, and the eiVecfs pro- din ed by if, it would perhaps be well to nofii-ea dillic^ilfy which i.s sii;ii:e.sti d tfith*' niimis of many, but whii h is ens'lv ovcr- c.iiiie by a simple mechanical dom nisrra- lioii. As till' ■'koji'ics th'-nisidve-' oxjirt'ss it. ‘’if is hi!!'.! to understand wlr/, when the p'lhlnlum siispendoil fr.man obicet 1. That to (J.mI, as th.‘ Supicuie Law- atta. hed to tin- ..aiih, aiel whi.-h is fh'ore- ti.n- eonipo’.lod t • ro'.;te or turn with it. the p n'lninm d. cs m.f partake of thi same iii''tion." W i'h^.nt t ncliiii^ thv i.hil,-i jilii'- c.vplaiMtion of tin peiuiuliun. wh; h ol tho s line pi 111", or it rl sion be chaiiL''''I af " |iiaues ji ij-I jl.,1 f>, ,, tir-l. We e.lii p!-..\e til" i’: ti n I \ s i'i I ling ,1 "i'di^ i silk to .! b'lok, and W hi].' t! "\\in_i.i;: tnin the bonk r^nui 1.e.od tl,.;‘ I .-v: r th" p' ini ■ bt i ha!i_>ed. the Wci}..ht will rnoM tut: rrrAiiT.TPTnv rorrrrTi. FOFRTH OF .iULV OllATlON OF CO'.IMO- DOKE STOCKTON, KLCKNTLV EbKCTKD SKNATOil FKO.M NEW .Ii:a.si:v. ]\Ik.'s»s. Kuitors: I was deeply iin- jiressed witli the soleiun and mournful manner in wdiieli ytm expre,syed yourself, * on the morning of the 4th, as to the pro.— jicets of the llejniblic. V(m dar d .scarcely to hojie for tho longer contiii'iMice of the Tnion. He who is tiu; most devoted to it, must admit, however nnwiHin;.rly and p.iinfully, that the country of WasIHNC- T'\, ll.i.\C(»CK and Jti rLi:i)(;r, is i>i im minent ]>eril, and is yi t an It is now on trial—and it is to be deter mined, and verv speedily—vhedier th • ('on.,tilulion, the veiy heart and life of the Nat-en, can perform its fum tions hcaitii- fully. and senil its whohsntm', vivi‘\iiig -• rciUii:' fo ''•»/•// ji'ji tinit of the IJcpnl'lic. There is c.-iuse jor j.rofoiind an.xietvj there is ^ri-,,up.d foi' forebodings—yet, W(‘ ;ire n'>t left to .ibsolutc despair. I trust that we do not deci*jvo ourselves when we think we d' 'cry (h.wning.s of a licttor day. .V- mong tiic.'.' cheering sigiis, J won! 1 bring t'l your no’/u-e. and invi'e the aitcntion of ' 'Mir r. ,idei .. to the sk 'tcli of’ an t >>,’ati >u i e,.|iil\ (iciivercd on fii'‘4th >f Julv, in .N.w .'e.s, y. The folhiwiim' utter is I'r^ ni one of our own citizens. *• Fi-r/Ai-.l.Tl! T«.','. n. J'ily L “I Was ii'it a little i.Tiitilivd to I'jarn, on niv arrn .'il hej’", fh it (‘’'inniodore SNu-k- l. n. le w .'''■n,;to]- troin New ,!ci-.~ev. w:.' to !•• th- ii.itor for the dthe.f duiv- aijti 1 W"iif to h'‘;ir him, feeliii'i no iii tie sfda ita ii In asi-ortai’di.u what his seotinienos \v, r". m.i- I i; V - -jv.' w: ar ‘ioo(,_ii tnKcts t’ •.•e 11I-- lini|.|re i.ir I' l 'U iff .m l noi' 1( -- ■i_ tie .■,;i ' i f ihi- r;;il- ;il' pas'. lijLi T' with .\nd long, h'li;: b"- •ar- b.. Hast, 'hail tl,:- v.i't a"eml'i->'i.', n-nv in't-:i"t with life, an.i h'Cj ■, and p.i'>.-,;i, :n! I !1 t!;,, attribiit.- of h:;m ;n n;.fi::c. hi* tairi. ■! away f.i that gro.it ilepot ;it the terniinii' i>oni>tfnl. fri'-ii,i'. cxtr' iuelv dotibffnl. w hi th.-r w .^I..reh.■ad til" ] 'rt'\ 1'. 1. _;1 neer, fliell'!'. I'l- e 'iei'.l ii":ir tht' \oic, s .>fi 'V. aiel .'Ir. Ir:;vc', or l>. k np. n f .•;a ;:nd clK' -rfiil ] !;i/ .f t!ie or eXi liaiiL'e gret titi;:s w ith our I ' k' ^»ith the ladie,', at th op'Iii 11 of ' lid box .ifti r r-niaining i 1 •1 tho di'-Tiij, ! p- r' -,|. Hut till' rl w ! L'.'i' ' e\i.Ifiiee of their in tention to iive a- 1.;.'.: thev e, d'l. bv k '"jiin;^ in the U'. of fli.> ordinarv iin aii', N't!ce w;is eivi'ii fh,it dii.rier was r*-;idv, ■Ui'l a iri'iii r.t! invit iti..ji . xt. tided to all to ri.;iii;_’ Lari'. .'I.iin 'Mi'i't w I.' ag tiiijo lie [iiiblie ni'ii 1 \i It- i. .ind I ii.u.l' "I -V ii a' I. ■ ' np. n .''111 tlli d.lV wii. li ni'. 1,1 -:,it. l;. p- ' tloll .11:1 n-_ th,- P'.ji witne."il. Kviiv e\!\ wil.iI'W WU' o( ;_'a/.' r'. A |oIi_' Voaths .Tnd irrinniiiLr I rce ainl J ■'. ■ h in.i b ,r.' h r li iioi' w itii i|. i.iif ( xpi-rii n I .1 a' a' ever warne-d t he I • r til • ',.i\' I!- ! latii.n.— A". A 1 ]>on le r Ml t.iV Oi ed. h.ld b« ( i nie f I: roll Lfcd f. \lr .'11. 1 _ I' oilie li 'U"ll .1 return. Fv thi' iii:..h:,\ stHiof . .1 . pa--, I •' i •ai .- Iia' e .t I ii Wa' deMirr.l, d with auxiou' . f applaieling irivcr, our uiieoinlirii.nal obedience i.' due, .and thiif no hiw contrary to His will is bind’n;: u) in n>. •J. 'I hat human govornmeiit is orl;iin"d • f ! -d. and is d ''i'j^iicd to l>e the expres sion of Hi,-, w ill. and therefore. ;is a geneiiil rule, ^'inds till' c''n'ci"in-o of the i ;!;/• n to ol'-dii'Iie". .'5, That in tho-'C cas. ' wle “i. thr. io,;h human i'_"n"':ineo or wieki-die s', t!i ■ l.iw of m.in contiiefs vvith tin- l.i'v ..f (lo-l, jbe latter is t . hr oboveil; and th.it i ai h ii!'li- viiluiil n.u f decide t'or hiii.'clf w In tin r or ii'if there is 'tn h a coi.ilici. hi' .'Wii con- '.•ii i',i .• b- ir^ the siiorem..' .-md final a;l'it. r. 'I'in' I« n"ial .\svoi aion >f M,, '-i bu s' trs, at \\ ren'lrim, last week. :idot,*od (he '.iiiii' re,--o!uiioii'. witii.i ,'ul ''I'li’iTai, it; the i: '' . • ; biti :i. f.'r t!i- w or ' . ••i;i' •■^\ii ’ cni > b in;' th. -iij -iiii ' an.i ..It, ^ •rl-.-r, f!i', wi'ii. ., ••nil Hi, o\, n !•• s|. ■ ' 0;|ify t" (iod aiel to jiutn,=n l'o\ ;n- m n:, ’i h ( oimecticut t [>._nt i.,iiioii.il i'',s ar" far ah>-: 1 of th ir .'das'..!! IjU'i'tt^ on the ui'eat I pies, loll tin- connirv. ••Well. I ha\e ho.ird him '•hieh n .w' ill.'. principle of the it to OM'iilate 111 ' p nnt ot' -n'poii- !i vibration' in ■ilior and to »||,^ !,ie_\ I f th ' ! j. c- a j'iet e "f w i-ht i- if W ill l.e -af^b t !ia • .Mr. Iliiott a sfrori;;er ;iit ■. !ll,= n di. He to,.i not ha\e 111.Hi ol ,'^i.il! ii 1 ii 1 -• .''eliulor. W'l’m t I V .vdi IW. .I part of tii;' diist!; ii; ii.u. V. ho ( nto: !"i! for tii!' i'.nu i In.- 11’ .' -i; !i al, in fav'. di.j liii,- N 'W .ji'i roii!ii! a'i sir, -t th i coMMUxiCA;nox. j FOR THt: oBsi:i?vKi:. I I^OBKSON Cot NTV, Jn’v Is.-i ; K. ./. llnh ti- Sou: Tiie sf.\.| j fifvn Aii!iiver;-ny of American eiiC'- was celebrated by an ii.iiucii-, ■ course of tho citi/etis of f.nni!,or p,r' and viinit.v. witii extreme doli-j,) ' mirablc bh'iidod with ati nuhih'.., evideiieo (;f an unusual spirit ( f and timfurcd with exalt,..! ,..,1!,,,',;. The Independent (’onij.any of I’rulgc havin'.: formed a j-rocos.-ii,.,, moving in view, dis{..l,'yt.,i ", ceJit ,-i.ect;iclo, J[,iving mardi'-d t!|./.. the ]irim ijial aM iiue.s, they j'r,;,-oei]i i ' w-srds the edifi-.' set a]-:;r'r f,,r f]ip ' sion. in wliieh the :-.scniMa._r,. -\tter ail able and eleoiu nt I'rivor c.ible to the O'-ca'sion, by .Mr. vis. the Nuiioniii T^Cfdaration was ] a distinct, exj'ressive :md tlelil; , by .Mr. X. McKinnon. T! Oi-itor of the day. Mr. J, C. Ni,.yV who ;iddn'r-'ed tlie audi'-m-e vif], queiit nr..t;on. rep]-,‘tc w;ih th :>'. p-uv and j.itro'tie .S 'ntiments, wlii.-h’'.^ ever bo w.irinly cln rslicl by cvcrv r h 'arted Atue;ican pre.^'vnt, of wliv,},- ei',ti;-.' audicnc'', aj.]iarcn‘l',, sciaflt,,' c •mp 0,1. li',. r-miiid '‘i th 'la i;, 1 , stirnnir ;ipp,.‘als, of the un' 'jrt^)|;ov , f . iiiii'.', ‘h:;t --in time i.f peace thov r-'* i"''‘ f'>i‘ w.ir"—that altle.n._'!i* tl,,. no n Oi «]'sf ruciii n is at worj.;, fh'ii>::li the mnrmui'iniis of tli1,,. • (loU'!- of iaTi;irici'i)i and ludl'tic tir.n, v,};',' d.ark"!! and confuse or.r Nortiicnj .^on?h 'rn horizon^, niav be.'Tinio li»-i- , and h"avier—yet be wariieij tii'.'Ui to,!, !sh :• *tr..r«L;'r atfachin' iif to. ;ni I I , ' the 1 riioii ai.,I t}:r)t State whicli sh, '• f-ViTTi- f’.n TDt;? t- ’’n otir ‘d’ l'..t 1: ■■.! ti:.; 11' ri; i i'T te in 11' ■t.-it"d. Thi' hr I: ti'Mijjil'l I w - • f :/i •i • mh prim ’; ! ■ m'-n. 1 .1 m ; he I .1 lit.* " I me 'illiple I ‘ lo th ; ami Hi- II V. 'mi I.f dulv ’ ;/' I.OUT ' le; e. Th" fl';- I • pdet ", 'O. n-iii a ,".iti ;.>,i't of,,. liverv oJ III' ■u'/ Uin. bn tIireii. it !rik' ' n- {■■rw !i 1 dich.niti,.ii of Ccriied. 'I'hcv ' i!UHier;:f 'o f. ; a- a 'tn.i ••prim ip’. " i.' . fIn ii ,i:ii. r , 'ilol; i ipiei,' al: I n.> ■ faeti '11 . nrlitul • •^r 4th J ■ fh I Wit ti\e iicuiiil.’ i t: i'Ia";ii liU'i ft' « !- w!i"ll it ' ]:■ in.n -rnK t'l ; 'i . • Ui : ny sLieli 1' that M r ■■* - t.) •‘I 1: i;i irM ( 1 ,ii._ « ti'.’ h , ni,^ n th - ni[ h' eolitl-o, w lid'- i!,;i' iv" *1 :||ti m ot wi>'.. f;» . Wh.'ol, hi. If W.i- o; V t!.e dilee!;,iii P"';;:e i III.I'-;;! !i ■ph .ie 1 i oieh l!i.' ill* (':r nli , -tWo f , t ;in oiihti ( i-i I.Me •■f , si-.'p.'li I. II n'iiiuc (o a' win II it w id reii- 1 IM th" ■ I",'I th" xpianafi.ii r liurch h lig W:;^ n poiiiel ;i e;rei;.;il (•ilclMule'.^i nee ot w hich a te e vs I' so arr I th:if tin I’ivi ;-.>-ine" .f tho I'oii- r 1:11,’?'. i!'':v t’ \ I i ^!t> r biiem Mj.oii an :;r - -ra'I-iar,,,! hlfo d. orccs. f ;.!'! ell 11 1".I th* expi i:i.i> nt' r, 1>\ m- a s >! it' ii i.!i. ' ' _>l't', r.i .,)i^, iV" •!. l.-;;'t ...r;..', ti ot th" piiiiii-I't o.'i illation, (ire;;* j. ift.ik'' i'iuiia.r.o i-rt't-.ir.d f>r t few. th-it id Would tran- very :igreo.di!\ anl harniinv. i f the ■ ■■ ■ (' n. o h ;t tin ni LiitheiiH',' th> V I II pi c]:.! .cl cre-itnri- i.imf'.rt' f’.-. ;n tin- e\t.!.' \i, t.if'iC' v»itii I l.iiirt:n'" i. I -line the .'cear-i.tn—and r- tiri fl our'- ’ivo' to s. Tiiv. i thi' e.a-ry :iii I im[" r''i'i f a i onnt "I pr*i •ee.iiiiL;'. t'..r wliieli oiir jiro" is in waiting. Ihe .Mv'tin'i ch'soil 11't eVi-ninir. N 'lli- iii:r "t imporraiK e w:.> ,|.>ne ihirinir tie- af- t' riioon .'ittiiiL'. .\ 'i>it v 'hdiiitf oi curied on a plop .'iti. ii to ehan::e the s.iLirie-; but U" i iliiie.:e VV;i- ncide. 'I’h ■ approheii.^ioii {'fit I ' 'Iiie'ii'ii/ fatal t > tie IP.a I'ire :it till' meetin;r. W IS ilis-ipatel. 'om iii 1!ii)ii an.i ;i dispo'itioii to pro'oi i;''- the etit- r- prise vvi^li all powi r to.i -^ueces-ful t' riiiin- atioii, niiiik' il the wli"le pro.-|.oil;i)^r.,. 'I'he p’.• '• e.lili'j-s oi' t!n‘ wi ek Wi-rei-li.' d hu'l ni;.dit by a h'Vei- of the Ma'.m,' aiel (•M l-'ell'U'in I-Mg'-woi t h (IroM-, v j),.,-,, the nienibi 1 s i.f thi fv\o ( >r I 1' ;ipi 'iui .| in tiril ri';,:iili;i, ami m> t a larue coneinir'e of Loic'ts, of both ''’X' s. enjoviii'j: toocth'-r :i few hours of deliirhtl’iil intercourse. Tin- (iroVi' -iV.i' tasteliilly illniiiitiiifed a>i'! d"- corated with traiisj.iir;-m ies iij.jir.iiiriiite to the oi i-a'ioM, and the ;i'>ein!>l,im‘ w. re eii- tt riiiiiie.i by a sjih'iidi'l show of firework'. nf SriiitiiH'i,—( kii .''iKidaV l;i't, -;iy- the N. wark Haily Advcrti'i r. tin- jireru her of the (i ‘rinan .'b-thodist ('hiiri li in .Market >treet l>e^ran hi-.',-rui'n '•> bo.ui- tifnlly and s'll. ninly that it is worth n - m-lnl.l•rin^^ .\fter lav in;: down his first-; ly. s! i-c.mily, and thir.lly, heiitfcrol ;i long seiiti nci‘ ill his own nativi' (1 'itniin, which nii:\ be shortfiii'd tl us; h:ive now pliiceil i t'forc you tli“ oiitlin. s ,,f mv dis- c nil '*', .'iti.l niiiy I be so aidi il in sp iikini:, iitid vou in attending and underst.m'iing, tiiiit iii inic we ^.i fiDiu till.' house Wij shall 1'el thilf i')i\ine j‘re,sonce is lu're.” * ^hl l>.iinlnio L'^"'' of the iMifeh hiireh. ech'brated for his :ooiln(‘ss ami li!' homely oi'i:inality, on an excessive ly hot '.(imnier .'s.ibbath. when atiiiouneing his text, read off four Vi r.se«, and lid; Th :s is the toundati'm of the first h-ad of my discouisi ; after n ading four imire. Im ■said. This is the gronud of the secoufl lu-ad of my di'eour-e: and reailiiig aii'ith'-r four, he continm'd. 'I’his is the, {ouuihiti.m of the thii'.l li'-ii'l of mv discourse. 'I'hen .-iti'i.l'ini: b.ii'k :ind pnlling off his warm elotii coat, he hini'j it on the slti,. ,,f fhe I.-,' 1 11' w ti: U ir,'_ _ I 1 // Hi • - 1 f 1 ih,-;v h i' b. n ■j.' : :i!y T! 1. ii I! ; . ill I. - ■ nr a 111 >i e t iin i'iiij or (1. '] u nt eul", _iuni up , r- i 'ii it'. V. ^ 1 N • ' . o,;.- » n- t!i" 1 li:ii 111' of !ioma’ id it' ilr ' 1' 't t;o,c.- in ' ;i' t t'lio n.’'. 1 m k,. “C . !. -ci( t. ,i* un-— 1 iiii ;n--1li.in 1' (‘ 'i : ■i in tio' :h'' .'ii; .r i;ie ' an.i t.ii ' a|0 --, r ! ‘ ' f’.v- • -n till- 1 ll-'win g extrai t from tilf' ( hr isti.-'ii Fii- liiW t 1. 0.1 a: i i t’l • l.iWs 0 1 (. ' 1,— i|-,in-i \\ i It 1. 1' l;"t bvcn .inr - -,'i f '1 tune fi.i H -■ .' tj. ;' 1 r, tb n. !-■ ■•:'' me t ■ t • 'lio' d 1 1 •! i.I t.. . . 1 -0 il '1 p ’■ r •i'l i.( s- di i; i' ' ■ ■r 1 1 i ■ ■■ .; ■ !' u " 1 ■ . ,\ 1 ., :i N i l •1 ! blit t llv V i in o ' \ II! i 1 . : V , . oil \ ! • .it ■ . ' i 11 • , • ’>* P ; 1 \ r t \ V I II o '.| .5 r «■ •If 1 ,, 'ir i->’.:i ' In. ;;ti',ii id J lol' '«• V» v— n' "I V ■ iir .^Iu't \\ 1 not tr.no ;i!l » * J • 1- i : .' -iiiL:' • ' I ! ^ it 1 .;i .. - -(' ■ r wi t' !' tl 1- ■ of civil lif- ■ t ' the door of our J nv i!t l. \ il- *.i\! n S U' f.r t ’!ie: '■\ ti: ■ I , 1 11- \ ot in O',' n. f o',i.- Il .1 »*» II • 'i - oMiin! '! - , IV ; ! 1 , n', , win II e \ery niiin ' i- . »T; -'i ■n ;e e bv I ,ly t' •nils ..f ...iii'tr. :.d. !i iiiiii. i"io p:it ; . ’1 i' ' . .\ n ovei i n-r i'li'l :_o\.t;iv '"•It '' >ui;. 'V . , till' '-oilier 'toll" of i I lUlill a','l .V- ' / ,rt- lit;, n po-'ii'l t,i>n \' ■;n of ; hi 1‘oinf tn to in whal '\i m:i h ; .un i":;i_' ;i li.'r.h-ne'l t! m].oi-d p’lint. piii'lulum, tho f I I... t "!i oi,e si'l 1 "ide ,'1 f . ' ■ \ th" I, t. . h..; ■!. r tho '''ite. Ill or,' no, "'-,.ry tliiin b'th.'' L-t oui tl niiih s erni’il.l.*, .•m l onr .•icadeiiiic' ih-cav. h t our j'lil'iie edif:'-' «, our halls of jn'ti'' ■. iili'l i'Uv -a]> ':o' .'State bo h V' II- i w;;h th'- .;ii I nt ; ,ii'.' '..ir h nie.-! I, » ic lai.'t 111', -.ii- t:i'-;.i with hi vi'd p’i.n- of c,im;m'nity. Miiii 'lid tiot in .' Ht, ami h • i-anieit ’.mpi'ivi' or ;i!>r'>;::iii- tin n:. •• A piiviOo -llelter t'l eover U|. ! W.i hci.V.' ilear . :o o:u h othi'r t ii.m ;ill flm World — ini^h vv.dls to . ■« imi.,' the prof,me 1 ves .4 evi iy he,111 o; I -iiiL'—iir,.i th*' pl.ic tor chiMren to fi i ] th:it inorhi'r i- ;i le.lv an I h.iv t '• ■i; V I'l.r oun'- t .i| U' cities iri'lil .fe \,l-i on.il 1 ’ 1 1' il II' ill I I ;i._ i ’ ■;» th 1 t f;V 'I lie p' U'lubini llii r roi'o|ilii|e!;ili'. vv is i.t'.d hed I'V ;i sni ill rl if‘- r i* hii I t n i; t . Iliiilt i V po 0! 1;> r :■ '\ .ii' I'ie-ni, -i i; -I ( ph.'ion I (' ,ibnn i other il.', nti ns W i-rt' e\ei y wii' I'. the will \- til ii'i \ - i , n i i -j. ri:, N. I ■' ill 'U'tI. ii,MIS C'dei,;at i. 'li- ii|! \ I r- I w ,’h 't, 1 •f I .■llt'l ■ th.r fr I I _,i p‘ nli:ir ii:mi ihi' bl, Ml J'liico of ib r th ' (h ai f'lr fin ir orii'-iii ami hoino'! ’I’l'o |i.\,‘ i:ive- our fiirii .-in purity and lii^intere is o ir fin taste an • •ry t!,.. lis i' I: i;ie, aii'l her.' i' ei'.d t!:'.u::lit. at.- mii't i-oi 1,' nipporf. ( )! "paro iio.r I \t'.n, need th. n- ii 'init. I .o.lm-"; tin' ‘i'll t' miei m-'s of lio;m 1 i-M-!iest ..fa 1" :t;-r «'oi!.|. I;; rolafi .|i' tie r*' o'Otnli>l| .,| and fo'ff! -d, d.o we find thr .ulMi lif'>- the chief solaoe and joy ofoxi.'t -ori-. What friend' i' 'i-rve a naiiie cotiij -ireil with tho'o w hom a birth ri::lit '_f.-ive iis'/ ()ne mother i' Wi'ith :i thoii- i'iil fiii'ii'Is: one si'i 'r tnur than t'.s.'i'tv intimate coni;>.iiiion-'. N\ e wh " !i n !■ I'liived on tlie s.ime he.'irtii - under tin date bacl, innoci m^v light of tin to the satiH' ' and h! in same '■I'.e ;; wl). .s .'lllih ■. 1 sc. . v.h'l '(ii' ol s n.;. lo we m.t find th:it year.' icrc'l and iiii[ioif;iiif tin* rohlne-.' niiiv spriioj the same blooil— oiiiv niiiki' more tie fhiit binds ii u].; iIiiK r"iit splu res m.iy ilivide, hot lho>;. WHO c,111 love anyfliiiiL’', who eou'iniiet'i lov>* iit all, niu.sf lind th.it ihe fi i>-mis whom io.l liim.'i'lt ;:ave. aii; whollv unlike an', vv.'choo.'r t'or our'olve.s, aid that tlie yi'arn- iiiL' for tiiese is tiiu strong sp.irk in oLir ex piring aftect ion.'’ "1 In.- ) J. r,'*. .•ii:. .’ ,,r;. tiie "idi'i of tl.i 'i,i;.: will el:;ir!y (joni'ip't r:i t o,i_. t h^i'. h-iw- e\i r a lew i;ii-ti.inist' mav i.i\e, tin' gio.it iiiii'Sfs I,f tlui l'eo]'li- art; (.'iitoir '! v.itli fin I r i !•• f ;;nd 111 mt:. 1 t lov I'rn iiuli t, .' lel h;n 1 w ith unstir{..i"i d ph ii'Uie and h.ipp.lu s,' the annual i'tuin of fin- Nat ion'.s •) uiiilce. ,\ l/t'jn' 1/ 1 nt' >!' /" • .1 ^nf f I III .( 11 II' ' I Jr. 1> . of I-'niuk'ni county, \ i riii ml, t- lls a iio'id storv ol :> 1‘asi- ot'•■on.'cii'iue thiit oi-eurre,i in till' eoiirsi' of ids j'liH-tiee, M'xi'pal ye.ir,' ai:o. Thi- wife of.-I IJapti't de:ti'on. (^v\ honi, f.ir the pnrji: "f fhe aiieeilo; •, we .-hiill e.ill Mr, ('ushniiui. I dishiciiteil her iirni bv a f;dl. and tiie doctor was sent for, ami i-ame, witii all convenient ili.'p:it(h. ;iml put the niiitter “to lights." I’rcseiitlv. alter the operiitioii was over, ih*.' I.idv w:is S'-.zed with ;i f'iiil turn, aid lickoiiel to Iier lin-'band for assi'tiince. 'I’ln- de.ic.»n Wiis a man slow of motion, slow of "pc eh, ;.nd r.itlier shnv in jvoint of inteih 11. il" w;is ;i .'tiot ‘‘U-mperiince man, ” and c >n- sei.'nti.ins in this ;in.] (-verv tiling el.'i- to 'I.'- 1 ..-t 'legn e. I» inr never piit(- sure th.it h-.' was “right." he n.itnr;illy feared , to ••^''o-alicad. in the pr si'iit emer;:('ii- ■ ■y, he weiii int'i the ro-mi v, licri- tin- lioo- tor was sift 111”, and add:’e'>,.l him, in a slow ami me is\ir>'il fo.ni-. as lollows; •'l)..c- t. 11 it ■ : ^ i’i the !• ‘-r. atiiiu rl .' fl in v.ii- ne', an^! l.i tin- i ; nrn- fd’ sj; pon- fi'-. fr.m fri.^'i'.n as direction the i.s, iH;i- thi' w;is effect. I bv ''•' I ring u]ion ;i l-'roni the h ngth M'iition from the tiirou di th" i-cn- t •' oilu-r ■ i d nt ■'ix • o; il', aii'l !!• r,;.w;!r.ls ..t e\h'; ;t. 1 tiii- 'CO', tho m.iv- 'i'iie hiil! 1 ' oil'- of me t I a stiif.- I. its own ■ nrs-i" th i'o" .tions. p. ;i liibtoi il,»ti.>ii to. r. i'ptible. ■xp'.tine'Ut ;i number of i 'Us p^'iiii.' in ;!i circ.im- kiU'^ f!.'- iiK in of tin I 'W'.' .iig suivery ffi'in ti;e 'rth-w.-'t II I ntoi i.', w, i " . "l- Mt’y in'orj^'lari:;': ftie ('oii'ti; i,i !"ii. which Wii' I'liii'-.I a. tiie 'i.nie tii,,.., and partly by t';.. 'anie m. n. who p:,> .1 1 t!.'.' >1 ■•lin..m'i ; aid v- t b..d 11" sm h iii'iilting pn.’. isiou iuti''i.bi.-"d in to it. ii'^ eoiit.':,,ioil tli.it the negr-’ vv,;' .in inf. r; r }■ ■■■■•■. pl.icci !,\ l i •.videiio.' vui- d' T IIor i .iM^e a.ill enii’li.l; al.'l toir;':ik e;. ti i- ,;r .,1 ,iid •.'h ri'.U' (.’onf d.^ r.ie\ o "un; ' ! an a'I-I't 'pia’itv of r'_!;'s. woiihl i.e ;tn ;i't of f.ijv .•i::'! miim-s-, worlliy ol the d:ir!;est agi s i.'t tlic w 1. “Ii.- soi ke of the f iuiiiici.-^ui aid v% id;- 1,'o'ii s' i f tile A'loiitioirsts. in th ' s'l'iii'.:- * t t' ; 1;: ■ ,1 rei.r'biition: ami oi' i'l'.'.'-.'OiI- i'lii. ;is a uv.t'iit Ml' insuit f.i t!,.- South, woi’i 11 ' ■;_^!.t t'l tiiid tei rc'p'iii'O in tiie h' art of ,in Ann rican p atriot. “H*- !id ii'it (Il tend thi- cotnTiy, ii.,"i'iri' s !■ ly on tin groan l of oureoii- sti'u'; .mil compact—;h:,t th'- .North hii'l agr. ■ d to thf* (’on'titntim. and t!;, r.jf'ire w.i' bouini by its provi'ion, but. that t!..-'o ! r.'visi ,ns were, in thems-lv;-. ju-t aud J.ro].' ;; tii.it the p'"-ition of the noLi Wii' a 'iiUor liii.ite otii'^ and if was iilic I" ;i't •mpf to n vcr'',- the fiat of rh,- Almi^il:- ty; th.it his eoii iition liad beon improvcil by the insfituti- n tif 'hiver'-. atid if the Mr.ifor ■•oiiM v."ifure to a:iticipat«- th-' de- r-i(rii' !’i'..\ de!|,-. . w i.I ! '.ly. tln- I 'li'ui.i !•'•. Ii;;,it • n n‘ iin contino.it ..f [: " V I'iibh' . irennist, W >' st;irt"'l ii b\ |-'o'leiHlIf. L li I'l .-r.n'd wUil' IIMII. “ 'omni I'h 're - lit f m . liivi.- h.i.i wiiilc in c nogi 'i carry- tle ul'.ivari- n loii.I.iL'e to tin- Stoektoii Venfiired .il."ll-l 'I'lm ium iriii it t.i .t tli. -f OM IV 'O, It I bout n d.o. tabu- •il.l "I ip rt.'im-d th.it this \ ,u i.uitei i,. , i' in ei'_di* minnt"'. i,r hf't.: tw.i II' o;„; and thus th .iN - (W'l liavs. in this l.itifmh'. to 'h its ,11;.li- revolution. At 1> >s- to.i It W i' found tliat the r it:it|,'n was ae- i :npii-h''.i in t|iiv'V-si.x In'urs. 'i'iiir- j.i^ov.'' the trutli ot Hr. (iibbts' thei>rv bi'- f-a • refcii'cl to. rii;:r.,t flie polos riloii'.-the pliiue of o-.-ill.itioii wi.uM in.ike its revilii- tioii oii'-o in iwI'lily-four hours. ;m«i that tiiis fiiiii- Would iiicreasi* as vv'- a]-])ro;icii the eipiatiir, wdiere the motion wouhl cease Illtogi't h 'V. I]xti'act from a lottor dated — Fnrvnritii. Switz.. .Time '2'2. 1 ‘•I have been ioa.]ing Mr. Wobster's s|>eech :it IbdVal'i ;md those dcliven-'I bv him at the eelebnoion of tlie o]>:-ninLr t'f tin- Lrii- r.iil roa'l. 'I’o appreciate tiiom propi'rly you should be as I .1111, four tlion- s.ind mii.-s away fr 'in tiie land of the "I'l'*'- ! felt every dr'>p of American blooil within me thrill .is I ri-a-l them ami wi^h.-d thill I hid the I 'lwor ■ r rran.sport- in;: here- every f.iiiiitic.il disuiiioiiist— whether aboiitlonisf of tiie North or seci-s- sioni.st liftin'South—that ihey might mark the eontrasr between onr ovsn and other hmib-; and Inivim: ri'ad and re-read the for 1)., you aie iliiibiles,'aw.ire of the prill- jiiitriotic wonls of that mi!:htv m: />o- th. . .0 'il . V- 1.1 t,, I I) .\ J ' . i i ■: \ : - I r.,. . -i,,,, .iiiliN U. 'i ; 1 ’..s, 1,1 i/;, \ j.i--.,!,. ■li'iiN \I. \| > i, K11 \ i>. Ill (fiiili.ii-i .JoliN A. ' \i>. .Mi.Ni„s. ..!• ()iiui;_a‘. N \|. 11 U.'l'. K. M. S •\. 1, .11,i, is i .NiS. (,r I I'avi n. fJ'hl>l,l>li !v J. flilJ., of linui.'v» i( k. Tln^ meetiiiL', on motion, udw to,.k a re- ''s until .> o ejoclc thi.s aftitrnocn, in or- d-r to aiteid the ceremony of I’lJFAKINt; tJUOrNI). 0:i co'iiii,:.. sti-i-et fit.Ill thej htc.,' nf m.,ethig. a crowl .,f j, .lipie app.;are', reaii} ^,jr luc tekh/utiua, a,.., wu may “A'o I)i N // II III' nl'iiiij tJif S,'i')i-.' —A (I ivernim ni triiin of Foftawafomie Jndi.uis Irom Michigan ]'iis,'el through our streets on -Motiilay. 'llu-y are the remnant of the tribt- on their wa.y to iicw hunting L'naiiids at tin- t:ir N'ortiiw -sf. ,'0 thi v |>a,~,-; aw.iy. Tiiere is s.inietiiiii'j' moi!rnf;il i'liljdr, aiiil. coll.-pii'Uoiir- ill his white linen ■ 'd that provi'l and si.-">, h- bi'iMu: •‘Now , bretiireii, do- i'''"'''T>d ract-, broken in spirit, iind ( orrujit j)i ii'f up'iij It \vi- h.ivo j:ot a jo') licfon- us.” ' blood, ])assing Irom shoic to slior,', to- . . - - i w.inls the ia.st reniaiiiiinr ;n-res of tiu-ii A 'r;,:. , piooe ol Jiaper or linen, jui.f i inheritance bv the setting sun. Honn-- ni'.: .fem.,| with tur]ientni(-, and put into j stoad exeiniiti.^n is not for Im- w.U'lrobo or .Ira-.vcr., f.,r a single day 1 IfruH.rrnf. t-.* o or f liree film s a ye.ir, is s;iid to be a | ,, , ,'ufiio;i nf jirc'.er\'ative ai:;iinst mofhs. ! J hi; Sjiringfield J’ost says that there are , ! ^‘''"g ill the town of Liinenburr, (.'^r.iss.') .1 tor.~\\M, Hull (Hug.) All-j at the present time, f,nhj.n,,ht persui.s vr.iser s.iys tl.af a “g,ide man” in I>rd-iwho were living when the Declaration of lio!-l, aUi r hiiVMig spi'iit a year or two in j Independence w;is m:ide. Several of them tin- marned state, had the misfortune to | are f.ver ninetv years ohl. The entire l",sc his wife. Xo sooner was he bereft of 1 pojmhition of the town is but tiio partm-r of his cares th:in he con.soled him,-elf with a review of his worldly cir- eumstances. “I Inul,” said he, “but a ."^hilling in my pocket when I was married, and now that my wife i.s dead 1 huve uinc- pence, .so I have only lost threepence.” The diamonds w'orn }»y the iNLirehiones.s ciplcs w hich Mrs. ('usiiiniin and mvself pro fess in r.'giiril to tin* us*' of int'ixicatiiig drinks in ;iny t'orm whafevt-r. Now, doc tor, 1 wish t'l put it to your conseieni'o as a ( hristiau physician, whether it would be in an.v manner culpable, in ca.se .Mrs. (’ushman were alHicted with faintne.-is, if) should so far deviate from our habitual could ever have s thought aixainst turn to blush that thev i‘ntertainei.1 one tniiton such a cuuntrv. [’riii-re is soim thing in fin' above that throws a ln.sh ulory aroumi .Air. Widister’s patriotism. I .ir.iway f’roni his native land —removed from tin-immedi;ite iidim-m-e of ' .•iny other motive than a vearniii^ lo\e of ...,l .. i I 1 1 1 • I ,r —• .......11(111 a \earioii': lo\ e ot W.W li'il l n (intllf I f nih'jiliftr to Mr.. l>,,im> i\!r W..ht...-'■ ' I .1 , A,,,,,/ , 9" ri-i\ ■ . 1 , ■‘•’‘I- ''etistvi > speeclies must h:ivt- il-- ruslied l„on to the piitriotie writer of the above nifo the hdy s aiiartment and iound liis ■ |ik,. rivers of oil and -ladness. Afff Yurk Votnntrrciiil Ailrriti^>r. piitii'ut had not w;iited the i.sgm^ df the dciicon’s casuistry, but had fiiirly “i:one I o!f’ in a fainting lit. “The devil t.-ike your ! lh>w,h( I,,'., Own //o,isr.—A gentleman ' conscu-ncc:” j^aid the docton, half angry ; of IJo.ston built a fine hon.s-e at irgreat ex-j and half inclined to‘‘go off” himself in a : jience, a short listance fnmi th.it city. It 1 lit of hiughfer. “Jhe devil t;ike your 1 w;is a splendid residence, but he i:ot tired j doubts, sir-—in a ca,->e like this one scrujde [ ot it, moved back to tlie city, and Went to j of (iii)j)horU worth twenty .scruples of! an auctioneer to h.ive it dispo.^ed if. The ! con.scienee.”—J!i>sf,>n 7W. 1 auctioneer adverti.scd it in such ^hiwing i ze his ore I-II Dijihnlfi/.—eoiintrv-1 man once bnmght a )nece of board to an i artist, with a reipiest that he would pnint upim it, St. Christojiher, as hirge a,s life, i “But,” returned the artist, “that boanl is | much to small for that purpose.” The , ; ■ in.il,;o., countryman looked perplexed at this un-' of Londonderry at the Queens costume ! expectcd discoverv. “That’s a bad job ” 1 »»i'llie;.‘i.u.),wkoe*,.yec;n.l..,l,ii|„L' Lau^ ‘Ijwu over tho cd^o of linj roo,uou; .\ Mis. riiilliixs livin;; no,.r Va.ulalla I‘'"'t‘I"! 'i"l'0 rowguizi'Ins l,».l twi,. cl,il,h,.„ oiihteo,: I I""' ay ,,f «,l. ,..,.,illi» a,„l al„,„t three weol« since ! “/neml to 1,„1 nfl nt any t-ave birth to live more, all alive ami kick-1 ' T in.r. 1 auctioneer s advcrtiseinent enu- | ® j merated. The gentleman is jiow back iu i Five ijootl Rules.—Cold bathing, pure I his old quarters, and, whenever he thinks * water, plain diet, a clear conscience, and a ! of moving, his wife reads him the auction- clean shirt, are indispensable to health and ’ cer’» advertiscm#nt. happiii'e.ss. ! L ^ ' Grtatne.sA of Mntd.—“IliiS Lord.«hipsaid AiiKfern method (.f dying for love.— ' a great mind to commit tho prisoner " Tiiriiin- red haii’ into bkuk.—J From ait. UladmioKc:*' si-iitiim nt. w hii h. though it lo s uot sur- me, wiil doubtless, astonish lu ,st of ill ' .'^•iiitln rn p'ople. vizw That if a ,i;vis- i.'U I'i tiic ruion w.is t.i ta’;.' j'lace. ho w .;:l.i very niudi pnf r fhe ii'.n;>.n iin-l Laki'.. ;;s f!ie ilivi.ling liim. r.-Mier fh;in the 1’ot'iniiie. or .'lasni tV l>f:vn's line. ■ an'l ill- t’U"tid in (iod. that in such an evoi.t. N'V. .fi-rs.'v w'wdd be f.audby 'id;- '.. iih I \-nt|syI\atiiil. ool;te;; ji:i^ wit h th s -•nil. i’gainst f he fiinaticisiii of,\Jassa- ciinsetts .iml Verm in*. ‘•Wotilil V'.a believe it. this sentiment met witii more di'cided appliinso. tiiaii aiiv thin- whi' h w.is s.iid by the spciik^'ri'— Ami as fir ;is ] have I" cti .iblo to k-irn, s;m,-‘- tin- oration vv:is ilelivered, it meets with ir'!ier:il approbation. \\t. I couM p;rc,'iv sot'r- of the positions w.-re so st-ii riin'., so h’,,j! t],. r Sii>itJi r/i. th;it nianv Were t:tk n by surprise, and v.Muld have pii'tcrred the orator to have ;:iven some ari:umeiit in favor of the North. But in truth, till' spt-c'eh was ot such a char;ict, r. th It if it coul'l only be bdieved ti> be the gi-iier il seiifim, lit of thi'Ntirfh. .ill pretext for dissolving the Fnion woul l be at an end. Hut 1 will not pretend t-i .sav that f!ie view> ot ('ommo.lore Stockton are hehl in common with the imi.ssos of the people of N V .ler.'. y. It is not to b(* exj>octed. th;it such strong Soutln rn sentiment, as I lister.c'l to this day, is i>f universal preva- li iici- here; but 1 do not hesitjite to sav, that so far as lies in their pOAVCr, the peo- j'le of New Jersey will f;iirly and Imnestlv carry ont, in their letter and sj,i,-it, ail the couiproinisi-'s of Mi? (’on. Mtufion. ** 1 lu- boldness jind manliiu'ss with v hii h ('ominodore .'^ti’ikton maintain'il fhe rights ot the South, the absence of all irritating expressi'.ins in his l,in;:uage even towards South arolina, and the sc(>rn anl con tempt with which he spoke of those fa natics. Avho would break up this I'nion, on . the fancieil wrongs of the black man, en- 1 tith'd the C’ommoilore to the thanks and ! contiih ncc of every .Southern man. I oiilv , wish his sjK'eidi coiihl havi- be*n heard b3^ ! every citizen of the I’nited States. I “it would have done yiju more gix'id to j h.ive heard this cuation than anything I j know of. It \vi\s i/tn II nil. pnfrinfifiin, and I ha\ e uot been strong emmgh for the 1 truth in cdiaracterising it as a sf rfing South- j (-rn sjieech, freed fmm every of of-j fence to the South. I had an intnHluction to tin- Commodore, and I told him how | much pleasure his sentimenf.s had given i mo. U’hat it was !>(rh .'n-tifiDienf^ as his, ' op(*nly f.rjire.’i.sri/ and acted 'iipoit, wdiich i would mive and perpetuate the I'nion! lie j fold me he had uniformly held such senti- i monts, and shmild maintain them in bi.s official capacity.” The Model Ilushand.—Mrs Smith has company to dinner, and there are not strawberries enough; she looks at Mr Smith with a sweet smile, and offers to help him, (at the .same time kicking him gently with her slipper under the table,) he always replies, “No I thank you, dear, they don’t agnee with me.” A ]VIr. Tarr, in NewjHirt, has married a lady of tlie uimc gi’ i'catlivird. heni' —SoiTtliorn N.'Cth ('arolina; wii’ le./ir.i'i-iis of >}iC‘ coiiiiiH't ot her sisfcr ci; iiifois, slii'u!.! .n'lint'iiii ii still ,stronger tiiclimeur a'l'i l^vc f,.r that h>vely baiiii, uj‘ 'n whe-c an lul itiug foils are'lixet] tl, • flirilliiiL'. all-]'o-.verfr.l word, I'nioii; J:- tin- voice of I'utri'iti.-m sliouM f,;r n m . m. nt . o.ise, aiii the 'jruing vo;■•■. ■•'inl-M'.t f,i.-ti"Us Would -;iUSO the i tion, "M IK-, >i' no Tek'-l rpliarsiii," v,k-,; migh* be in-c.ibfcd up n tic'rauij. ; t., our c iu'.it r\'s ‘/lory. Then, Hftcr the d’: ti'-,i| w'as pron iiitici-d, the pr>c' s'i,’ri in t'oiim !, J the elo> ■! ’ Li iii_' JI •ti 'o: At". tVe. N' V r bofcr, J, tl«- lc.--.r.v.;! .lay i-"U v. itiicsse l her'-■ IriM' pa-v d . tf ^viT’| a m .v■' n,ark.'! f. e): ami deli;:i!t. Si-arii-ly w...s riiCie to ^ !i ( i.e who iinluig .j 1:1 1 i.iiciil iu> t \ '.f .-iJiy kin.I wli '.o 1,;,; pis' i agrcciibly :>-i i beniwifuliv. Tim. may every Anniv • r.-^arv ever 1 e observ... ; Ki-:i-:i* jt jJKFoHt” Till-: imooi'ij;. Th::t at th'la.''t 'si .n ( f the 1/ rure. tin- minority of the Joint .''dcct C . ni'fto'. .Ill .]-y III i,\. a K"j)--irt ti ll 'n'". ;iei-,,-;i!;,;;:iie 1 b^' two iii s ilu*;.,. tiie sccon^l of which i.s asfoiliiw-: /' ii/r-f d, '] Iiat the peojile of Nor ("■iir as an organized politicid (•■■’ niniiit.v. /'/r. dir ri;/ht to .onth' or >r'.t. drar hum th(‘.^ I nioii, Whenever ir jority of the p'.'oph', in ('.invention a.'s.iii- b!e(|, shall ilec!d- a wiflidniwa 1 ncces'. to { i.:t".-t ti'i -ir ipe'tv or jior^. n- iV iinc.):i'- tiir;. 'lal and opp.-cssive le-i-'-iti' by the (.••i'":-:il (iovernmcnt, or whcncv'-, bv the T'tiitire of tiio (ionei'al (Jovt rnuK-u- to fulfill Inr Constitutional obiigatioi,'. the ]>oople of the State may dci m sucIi st']> Jiivessary, in order to secure th - c; joyiii -nt of tlie riglits, jirivileges and pr tecfi'iii gu;ir;inti.''l to them l.iy the ('. : stituti'in of the I'nited States; .'uid in ,'ti, an cmoig.-ncy a m:ijority of the pvoi': of A'orth ('.irolina. iictiug through tl' orgaiii-Zi-'l authorities of the State, w.i.i' be entitled to the s.ijp and undivided a.- legiance of all h *r citizen,'^. J.>‘ :f hr r>')in)idier> d, that the fpiosi- ■ was tiikeii on the passage of this Ib-.l',- tion, ,;thus aviiwing the doctrine of Slck- PtoN . in til" Scuate, on the Sth of Jaiuii;- ry hi't. and tiie result was as follows, viz: v^Sce Sen. Jour. 2H.) ^ cas—Mi-s-ii-.s. Hunting, (if'-on W. , ('lark, liraki-. lliu-j:nivo, Hrrriiig. Iloko. .I.iiu-. McMillnii. Nixoti. I’cn'ler, Sh?}>uril, SliPir. '. ^I•^■:^:llt, T!ni!ii]>s«in, au'i Wsitson. 14 Ih Utoentts hikI '2 Mossi'.s. Aron'lcll. U.-irtuiril, Jt;irn,'>, r>arrincrcr, lU-rrv, l!o\ver, IhukJ. {{.vniini, T. I' ':ihl wi'il. 'iinu'rDii. t'lijm.-iil.t-. Ciillins, l);i viiisui'.. I'.liuri'.. (lihncr. (irist. Il.-uijrhtnii, llostcr, .l"0 iicr, Kcil.v. l.iiiic. l.illiiiatiiii. Mulli.v, Hich.'ii-..!- soii. l{ii;ri‘r.', .^cs.suiiis. Washington, Willi-.v, \Vili);nn,S'iii, Wiiuill'ui iunl Wooten. 10 D. ))!>/• ritfii atid 21 Winy^t. Ij! t if h> r( )ncmhi'rcd, that although 1. test ipiestiun was taken on this secession Hesoiution in the Hiiuse of (’.immons, vi-t all the leailers ot the Hemocracy in tiiiit body, wiUi but two or three exceptions, siistaineirit with much zeal in long sj.cccli- es, n t (liie dj irJio'/i /tiiis heeu pidil'dh'.f.— I hese leaders were Messrs. Saundcvs. Hoh- bin, Person, Avery, tV'c. T.rt it Im- rnvemlx-i'pd, tliat at the vi^iy time this lle.solution was being pres.scl with so much earnestness, .'^outh Carolina was preparing to cany the doctrine of Sh r-KssKiN into jiractice, and that every move ment in its favor in our Legislature was well calculated to have fhe cfTeet, and 110 doubt did have the efT'.'ct, to encourage that State in her rash determination to di.-- solve the I'nioiil Jj t it he n tuernhered, that the leaders et tho Secessii ji movement in tmr Legislature were warned of the cncourargcment tlicv were giving to South (’arolina, but tin; did not heed the warning, and conseipuiit- ly cannot escape a full share of responsi bility, for the present alarming condifi"i> of things, in reference to the action cf South Carolina I Let it he rememhen d^ That the speechc> wliicii were delivered by Messrs. Samuh-r,-;. Dobbin, Per.'^on, Avery, and other Deiii'- cratic leaders, in favor of the doctrine et Skoks.s’Ion, have been repeatedly called for, but that they have been withheld nr suppre.s.sed. J.>et it be remem}>ered—Why is this so? Arc they unwilling their constituents should read them? Arc they afraid (d’ the doctrine? Have they altered their minds.'' Again: We as^k the Standard, why don’t you procure those Speeches in favor of Skckssiox, aud publish them? On! irith them! The I'eojde are anxious to know^ what was stiid by the leaders of the Democracy on this subject!—RaL The City of New York, under the new Apportionment, will have six representa tives in Congress. T'nder the old she had but four. The State loscb one member luidcr tlic licw bill. TinRsn irho df.*irr i'’-' please yii'‘ FIRK.—Ibis Fire broke out i the rear of tin- ( ing, from tiie lui burnt, in tho 11 wooden wan hi Ii,- as tinder boxes. 1 flagration. Dut ment of the l ii ready, and cfiieic it was confineil t which it oviginat niversal sentinn-i our citizens on h so well managi il. rate order for in; supply of water More property w this day, by the; of all the FiiL'ini Works. ^ et lio ti)i}tveciate au\ 01 Will not this ^ hold'.Ts in that S {de of Mr. y]rK>. reinoviug th ir ’ ing of bri(-k.' it is noi kilo'' It broke out in 1 fonige, (u'-w .'it l>ni)Vi}iT -\i many par!.' of tli corn is ahuo't | This is a criticid NKfsj- IIIV 1,1 to learn from tin can, that the w.. ■over the N ell S'.' 1 tiic one biHii-. b the cars ar>' xi fore the 1 -f "t crgctii-. .Mu. WkissIk. tu'il or infi'u lo'l s‘!'r, ■'»f his s iit ly contradicti'd, on Mr. Wolistor he declaring th ever in th- 'tor Intelligeiieer, a thority. 'f'ho 1 31 r. elI'ter goocl—bett' T th time; but he iiai concern to tlmt he is, and has b ited with a liisti ea.se which is c and in this cou: is periodi'ill, :i ]!c snffoi■■ 1 mu ccssity oi’ 'poiid summer in tin- ; ( harge of th,- D he could not lea Congress hi:d : travel an 1 by c! gate, if not avei come visiter tin his medii-al frie age. and (ifher spring in tli'.- A ginia. Mr. that if he sti'iul the fonm r cour to the nei-o"ity ment. This, w c'i,se in regiird f intention'; and of which ha.s sp iguiition. IiAnnu L"sl' received .’'Ir. A\ tion with iiianif of half a coliini tion as onlv tin known ami jiro] Taking for " of the n jiort — thought ’-—it il as to th',- cau-^e These too, it 1 with tin- s.ilein teristic of ih • nounci-s, flnif for I’rc'ideiif t Filliiiori-, or a^ And Mr. \ndi known all tliis fill f. r si^rht! I’lit wh. t :i I of dist inetion i have been the denial of the r usual sa>:acity were sndih nly ing a seer, it li by attaching : less sp‘,‘cul;ifio: writer. Tiik Itiiiir have found it and liufTin ik-i to secede “at a State can ' cause.” ^ et that the right right never ; (jrovornmcnt. Now how c; code is a sovc be exercised : eignty, but on very singular Califohm. |t their receu the following measures ado* coniial approb (''on fitution : be fuuud

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