aap*a)>ww 'imiw wmjjBt;;.f8iBigr>**~grsaMw»ga—g3gTr; IW [voi,. I.] I'AYKTTICVJI.I.K, X. C., Tl’K.SDAV MOUXiXC JI I.V IS.'il. [NO. li.] weaiKs :.avrirc‘-38Ey#-L^ j» ^-a i riilNTKII l!V .1. ti. .Nl'.WIiV. :\l!l) J. HAM': & SOX, i:|.|T»)r,S AND lMU)ri;iF.T(tl!S. 'Idu for tilt' ■'>> ini-'Veokly (Misk.isvku >^4 •() il iw ivlviiiK-c: ■''• if paiil (Uitiiijr the' 1 ■ ,,i' m- n’> al'lor the vetir has -fPl.ne'l. j S!|thlie NVei'klv Onsv.nvKU ^2 per iuniuin. if: :>;s|Mi'i in ■•I'lvnnee: ’>•* if p.-iiil diiriiijr the ■ *year >r :iii1i“erii'ti(iii: i>r (H) jit'tei- the ve:n- . Ins ex]iiretl. j iSl*\ I'.l’TlSKMI'.N’I'S iiisertetl lir>i\t_v i ^.|^l:u•e tor tlie tirst. :m«l thirty cents tur e.-icli sacc' i’diiijr ]>iililiejition. ^ early advertiseiiieiils Wj|,*l>eci;il OMiitraets, at reasi>iial>h‘ rates. Ad- V^arti'er- are rei|ueste'l t" state the mitiiber nt ; in'* ile'^iieil. i>r they «iU l>e ciitiiiueil till i fbirlit'l. ainl i’har;:e'l aeeunlinjrly. il r I.etter to t!ie IMitors must l>e !*» ‘ W K \PPL\(i l>APi:ii. ^ HKAMS Meliiiiii si/e. t -‘i IViiie. t'T I'ottnii N anis. Maiiteii rajier Mills, l’>nl«'i;fh. K'^r -iali' ■ Ij^l v II. I’.UAN?:oN’ \ S)N. ■^iiV ’.i. I-"-'.!. ;:tf rou sM.i:. ^ V,\H .\1UA-: mtl SK and 1.«>T »n th- I’hUI'k' Si|ii!ire. for e.-ish. notes mi ileniaiicl, I . rc-lit. .\l'l'ly «>• H, M.NMU’., rtlia-jo, ^lo^lre 0(«iity, .Inly KiLLSBOKinr.ii .\('.\i)i:my. rJ^III' art'iiif Trnsti'es of this l«>ti" e-*ta'>- jL lishe'l .'^••tiiinary, fike ^M-eat j>le:tsme in Mtoiiunciii'Z t" the jiiiHlie. that tliev liave eii'jfu- fgfi th- svrviees of Mr. HKNJ N‘h. IIC.'^KI;. will h'ieatter (-"niliiet tlie .Vea'ieiiiy as Sr. Ilii'krisa native of this St.-Ue, atel a CtmI Mate ot''I'.ir I'liiversity. and h.is lu'eii en- t'T '■me tiiiii’ very siieeessl'it!ly in tearh- in tliL' town ot r.ivfttevilh‘. His Ifainiiiir. Slic temper and eioistiaii eh.ir.ioter jrive as^nr- mim^1o I'ai-onts. that tiis iluiy to eliildren eii- tniiti* I to lii.s ch.ii'.re will he al'lv and eun'i ;i'n- ly |x-rforiued. The Kxercises ot' the ni-\t Session will ei.m- VdMllee on N!ond;ty. tlie l^lst instant, and a.« thi* of i.’istrui tloll i.s pr ‘p:ir;itory r. the I’lii- vdtoits. t'n’ sessions in Itittue will eorresn..ud those ,.tCliapcl Hill. TtT;.’-' "t Tiiii:"!!. im-hidlnj: eontiii^ri'in ies. j|S, in adv.-inee. Ifii deduction made uules.' in case i t protr.iet- tffl iiliif.'.'. l’\ order of the Uo.-inl. i:. A. IILAKTT. S.e’y. •Vi!;. 'ta. 1''’>1. -Me>;t :md Fa. idtv of t!ie Tiiiversitv of \. A T. M. !5AI!JI3, I H ,\S taken an (llliee on 11 vy Street, West L B- of the Hotel r.uihlili;^.^'. •Inly 1 1, 1S.-,1. " 1-tf C«co i\ II E. r. c’orN( iL vV c'Aix KK now rceffvin^j a larire stock of \NI* SI'MMKK (!()(>1>S. consistinir in part of— Strijied (Jro-do-l’aris: Maok and col'd .'>ilks; eniliroiilered. jii'inted ittii] Muck i’ai e}:e and P.a- refre-di'-l.aine; l’ai is-«le- 'hilie; ('rai>e-iU‘-l‘ari.-: rich eiiili'd rarlt;ins: printeil Krench I,awns: ein- t'Toidered ami printel Swiss Miisiins; Ho_\le's and printed Organdie; .^Io^n•niIl;_^ printed; I’olka and fancy I.awn; MourniiiT and otlier (iinjihains; .laconet and .''wi.^s .Muslins; Silk and Linen I’oji- lins; soliil col d l,:iwns; Uisliop :ind Swiss ditto; lirass and other Skirts; l.ini'ti Camlirii- liaml kercliit'fs. in't dle-w >rked; Collars and ('nil's; I.ace rndi'rsleeves; Frencl n»’edle-w orked ('hcMii- i'^ette.-; fancy Mitls and Ki) (Iloves of all kinds; splendid lionnet and otiu'r lliM>''n>!; IM^rinu ;ind Insertinir; Krench ami Kiigiisli i’rinis: toj;ciher with a larjre supply of other articles siiit;:lile tor l.ai’iie.-' w\'ar. I'ri'iich t'assimeres; pl.-iin i.iiien ;ind l.iiien Hiill; hecked I.ineii; .'ilk, .\lars' iJlc« and ot!;er X'estinjrs; ( '.ishmeret; 1 >rali d'Kie; York N.inkiiis; Silk Handkerchiefs .-ind ('ra\ats; brown and I'ieiiched .'^heetin^s aii'l .''hirtiii;;s; a irood .iss irt- ineiit of eniliroiilereil W indow 'iutains, ^>.iine very tine. ' ('lutliitic- Coats: l“:y.ts: .''atin, .'silk, Marseilles and other X’ests: :i l.itire siij ply of e.ich, j \ lar-(‘ of I'ni'uellas, and !ii^' ."ilk ai: 1 I S.itin I’ara'ols, assortdi kinds, i Heaver, I'ur, ."'ilk, l.t'iihoin atid otiier .'straw I Hats; .also a ;rood supply o| iio^,-.' H.its. j \\liite Chi)>. I'rench Ha’: I..ice. :ind o(1)»t lloiinets; Children s fine 1‘e.ul iiats, lloiinel': and M.ils; Wreaths and I'lov.ef'. F'n\e Calf seweil lioois; I’atvMit Le;\ther I’ivo- j ;_’'ans: (''.otli and liiick Ccn^'ress llaiters; ()\lort 'i'ics; Patent i.eallier ditto; i.adiis" ti!;ick and : eol il ,’'iik .iaiters, .i tine .-irtie’e; ilitN lent kini!.- ■ of .Misst-s' .'^hofs and t;aitei>; I,a lies' .'^lij'pers and W.-iikini: .''hoes; with a lar;.re siii>pi_\ of, heavy .“^liocs. f'or S'Tv.int'. Saddli’s, i'lridlcs, ('(dial'. I’.i'ldcd Harness, and Wa;z>'n and l!n.:'j.y W !iip'. (rorkrry, Ilaiilwiirc. Ciilltr). lliillow-Wiirr. 4ii I’lio and I,;i;,;nira ('oflee; Ci iishc'I; ('la ri lie 1, Leaf and I'lown .n_^:r.'; S.tli. Mola'scs. Iren .ind N.iiN; I’riiicipe Ci;_';irs; I’l-eiuh r.iand\; (iln;*rort. Madeir.i. Swecl. and .''lappernoii.. ines. To^^etlier with a ":reat v.-iriety ol 1» of neftriv every ticscrii'tion. ,\ll of whicli tliev jipe detcrinilieil to sell vit_\ low for ('asli. or oil vci acciiiiimodatiii^r terms to pinietii.al cnstom'M'. We wonld lie iilad tli.it Imyeis L:enerall,> Would call and e.\ain;ne oiir .''toek. April 1. l-''-')l. •'•'•tf W \ S'['\'A). t(l(M>l» Car;-i:;jre I’AlNTl'i; will find 'ti a'i_\ e’ji; ''.ymenr anil p 1 wa_ue«;. hy a] ].lyin^ M. I/^(( ffrf fv r Uiv Hoi r/, FAvivr rKViMj:, x. c. II l. lar^e and splendid liuildinvr has now Rl. lieiMi in siicecsslnl (iper.ifion since May l^^r.i. 'I'he IJeddin^i and i'uriiinnc of all kimls is i;ew. and tiie con\eiiieiit and ]‘U'a.s.iiit. The 'I'alile i.s always fin nisiicd wiih the 'icst the market atVords, aided Ity a line \e;j,c;aole ;j:.ir h-n. lio.irdciLod;_'-eis. and Tr.i vellcrs will find i!i‘- s'r.ili.e accoiiiinodatioiis and ;ittenliv>‘ scrvaiits. No )>ains will Ue spared to ;.iive viitlr* satislae- tioii, l'a;iiilics can he furnished wi:h .-liry. trout donl'le rooms, coiivenieritly and haiid- sonielv furnished. .\n cxperiince of 'Jd ye.irs will eiiaMe the les see. siie hopes, to i;ive general s.il'sfaction. .\NN ri;>>vN. .Inne 1, 1S'>(\ :J.'^-!f r \VA.\'l'i:i>, A (:(|(»D l;.idy Maker at the Carriai;e Inisi- i .'tt ness, (iood wa^is and steady cniploy- i nient uiveii, I .Mav -.’I-.. Bookf3 and Stationery. MAlJIv II. M:\VMAN iSj CO., Wlidlt'snle l)()()kse!k‘rs and Stalioncrs, r.>!) I’r.ciAiiWAV, Xk.w Vouk, '^‘KT’Ol'Ll) call the .-ittentiou of Cvmntry detil- V V ers to tlieii- St'^'k of HOOKS AX!) STATI0XE1IY. W'hicii is otic of the most KX'ril.N.''n K .\NH COM I’LL'I'K assiirtnicnts ill New \ ork, and is otVered to luiyers at the very LOW'llS T I’KIC!'..'^. They are the I’lihlisheis id' the foHowinir v;il- ualile an'l po]uil;ir .'^chool Hooks, whiidi have a niiuh /.. 1/iV,'/•,'/' ' I li I' I'i. A T1 >.X than any other work of a siniihir eharaciur; Sanders’ I’viiiiary 1‘iinier. Sanders' I’ii'torial I’riiiier. Sanders' .'^pellin^r Ihi'ik. S.'iinleis' School Header, First I’onk. .''chool lieaih'r. Second Kook. Sciioiil Header, 'I'hird Ihiok. .'(diool 15ead* r. I'ourtli Hook. School I'vcfider. Filth Hook. — I'pwiirds of— A//"' nf Sniiifti'S lirtii/i fs havt' l.ecn pMlilishel, .and their circulation .and 'ale is steadily incre;'sinr. lUlK'foitK Al, ur..M)I'.r., .'Zanders S.inders Sandei-s Sanders I'.ttcourdirc ('aro/i,ia. 11 K nndersi”^ned is iiiaiinractiirinir. in F.-iy- Jm- cttevillc, Boot and Shoe Polish, far sujierior to the HlacKiiiL^ ]nn‘di;ised in the Northern cities. He intends ilevotinjr his wlioie time to niannfactnrintr and vendinir this vei-\ su perior I’olisii, and cali.s upon ali who tiiink it to the interest of the .'southern peojde to licconif iude]>eiidc!it of .Northern maniiracturcs, to give l;ini tlieir aid and ]i.itrona"e. He is prep.ired to show. Iiy ulxohi''- Ir’ir/. to any one who will call upon him. the ri'xf yni„- n"T(';i ot' his over all other new Sold in North ('.ii orina. (":d! .inij l.avc your tioofs and shoes once coinpletely lil.tcked and ]ii)li.vhed. and he satisfied. This article is offeii d .at a jirice not hiirher than is usii.ally eh.iriied for other and inferior i(iia!ities. and a trial is .ail tii.it is asl^ed to se cure the patronajre oi the ]iul>lie ;_renerally. The iinder.'i;_rned c.xpeets to \isit every jioi-- tion of the .'state to intri.iliicc his I’oHsli. ami • isks now in advance th.at .\ieridiants .and others \isiiiuji Favetteville will liive iiiui a call. A. .J. WOODU'.Mtl). .Iiine Is'd, 77-iini ishis or hltirLiiii/ I filst Liieeters .are I S of the Hoard A. A. MciF.T AN. ;-(f fiiuc' to TnTllIl Snliseril'ei^. %!;il Co.irraetoi': *rim .3. I'.iycttex ille to l!;i!eii;h. "ill coniMience oi'er.ition thi' day. with new a !id conif'i';A>le ( oaches. "iiod liorsi's. :ind careiul I'rivei^. - They ha\e reduc«-d tlie I'.are Iri'lii ^-'ito^L I’he St.i^e 11.HIM ' are. in I'.lyetteviile, thi' Fav- etti‘\i!le il itf!, in Halci rh, the ^■.■u•^."r iii;_'!i ' Ilousi-: liiu I’a''eii;rers will tie convi'\c>I to .'uch I other Houses as tiiev mav select. The Iioni'of ' dei.ai'fiire wil! lie, until further n'^tice, at halt- |.ast '.t 1‘. .M. from l'ayet;e\iilc. .and at 'J 1’. .M. fiom Haleieii, liaily. 'I'he sii'^ 'cri^iT.' le j.e, Ly unii ’ I’ffed .attention, to .'ceure :i li1>t-ral share i of the tr.av el. I MCHDOCK McKINNoN, b.WlH McNLii.L. F.iye!fe\ille, .Ii;’\ 1. l''-')l. 7S-tf North I'.u'olinian and H.ilci.h i’.e^-'ti r copy till f. i'l'id. IMltTId! ! Tliomson's Mental .\r'.thinctic. '1 iiomsoii's I’ractical .\rithmetic. Thomson's Hijihcr .\itthmetic. \ TIIO.'ISOX'S Ai:iTiI.'\!i:T]:'S lune lieeii adoj'ted l)v llemiin-ton an-l Hiitl.ind counties. \’t.: hy the I’nhlic .Spools i>f the city of ; .'\. V.. HiooUlvn. New Haven i.nd Hartl'otd. ; ( oiiii.. ;'pi’n.“lield. .M.ass.. .Syr.icitse. .\uliiirii, i Cenex a. Hutlahi, ( 'leveland. lietroit, \e,, \c., ] l.y the .'^tate .Noj-lua! .''cliooj, Conn.. Westfield Norm.il .^eho.il, Mass.. and l>y other .\cademies ■ind lli^ih ."1 iiiMils too niiinerous to mention. ^Vill'oti's .luvcnile .\meric:iii llistoiy. \\ il!s.'n's lli>tory of the I nited St.ites. \Vill> iu's .\ineriean History, for .'schools. Newman's rractical System of HI.^ti>ric. (Iiav 's Llements • a'('hentistiy. Iliti heock's lileiiielits of (,Jeolojj:y. .''iii'ti; s Nalnr.il I’iiil' s.ipliy. .‘'Renter's l-.n^’ish ''rammar. r.esidcs our own l’i:hli'ations, we ’Keep i-o>i- st.intly on h.and, and aiealw.iys icm I;. to .supply all the d.tli ient kinds of S ( I! ( H I I, H () (I K S I'st. ! in 'iill'creiit Seeti(.ns of the (,'ounfrv: iu)OK r.ix!)i:in. W. H.\HI>li: has r.-.-ui.ied tie !!.,ol; • HitiditiL'- Hil'ine>s at the new Store next door to Mr. Hea'lev, .lewtdler. v! ere jo- wdl re ceive anl exe-ute hiiidin-/ in any style h-s’reL :.7;f Au;_lisl 1. sor*'''' (. : : s c '!' Hr.cr.ivLK. pnlar r.ook. i.XRMOXV. new' supply of tl.lr li.VLll Si )N, Sejit. 2';. 1; Drinii'S Domestic ly/edicine. A I'l iirilllH Slljtilv. ;u>t •ecciv; ^ i;. '.I. ii.\LF. .V sc .1 line 1 li, 1 >'’)1. liistfraisee* -11TN.\ InsuraiK-v Com]);my -''f ILnrt- -Ja. ford, h.-iviii^r paiil the {;i.\ imjiosed >iy the llevenne Law of the late Lejrislature. will eoii- liiiue its .\)ieney in I'?i_\ etteville, under the iii-.sia-emcnt of t!ie nndcrsi;:iied, who jire- |iared to issue Policies of In^'uranco on l*>uild- inus or (loods, either' in tlii.'^ Town or in any j'ait of the St.ite, on proper application, de scription of' the Property. ,'i;c. The .]-; i'.N.\ ('O.MP.VNV has lieen in operation ahi lit ;;n ve.irs. Its c.ipit.il is )iii:t00,>00. 'i'he lloii. Thofi, K. Hrace was its first President, atid lie stili iiolds fiiat oHice; and several ot' its ill active and etHcient meni- It h.is iit all times siist.iine.I ti.e highest (diar.actei' foi- the pnidi'iu-e of its m-ina^eiiient. and for ihe lilierality with whicli it has ever .idiusted its losses. i;. .i. H,\LF, .\irent. -March lit, l.'^-'ii. oi;-tf ^T!!.'\W CCTTI'H.'^, Corn Shdlers. and a va- rietv of PloiiLihs and Ploii;ih fiMures, for sale t.y ‘ " .J. \ T. W AHDILL. •Ian. 4. •'iotf ^ SrPPL'\ of Fresh Ci-oiind (OHX MK.M, . kept for .'.ale at the .Mill, l.-ite .Vnderson's. Criu'iijiir of lloniiuy .niid .Me.il done )irom)itly, l';iyet:evi;ie, .M.irch l.'^')l. IJtf NOl’Ki:. •^.ri'\Hi: \ nil.I.l.VM-^ have removed to the .'■'toie recently oc( iij.ied liy Mr. .lohn I), .''t.'ir, oni- iloor west i t .Me-srs. II. Hr.nisoii .■'on. where the\ h;i\e just received addiiiniis to tI.e ."'prini: pun ha'cs of .'^t.aple and F.-iiicy 1>H^ (i(!(ll)S. Countiy increhants .are icpie.sted to exaiaiiie our .'ink. .1. H. ST\Hi:. .1. .M, WMA.IAMS, •Isnie 7, 1.^ .1. 7’>-(f Works on Pree-Masoury F.W' M.a.'^onic Tro.''tle-i‘>ojird, ad:i]iicd to tlie Work and I.oetnres, as? pnietis'ed in the Lod^e.«. Ciiapfers. ronneils. and Kniainpnients of Kniirht Templars in the L'nited States, hy ('has. A\'. Moore, The Free-.MaSon's Mfliru.nT, a eoiiii>rtiio:i for the* initiateil t?irou}rh all the degrees of .Mii?onr\. hy Rev. K. f. Stewart, The True .Mnsofiic f’h.irt or Hieroglyphic Mtiiiitor, l>3‘ .J, ij. Cro,s.'?, Tiie Kfee-.Mason's .Monitor, contjiinin" :v ilc- lineatiun of the fundanieiital prinriples of Free- M.asonry, operative :ind speenliitive. fts well in ;i rtdi;:iou.^ as ;i moral \i(‘w, liv Z, M^vis, For .‘^.ile Iiv F.. .1. HALF i SON .Mav ;:i ‘ 7* -I I'll ,\? M.-J;. K'-i. ) ^ Hit.r. .tr.iiiije. • F ,i vet teviile. li.ile, L' I sma: «r v.iiii AKi.i: REAL ESTATE. lii.medlatclV ti r.ivettev i! A. A. McKl'TllAN, Ajiril I 1, '' '.tf B onrf Mont- 1 wHl. oil tlie 1 1th day of AiejrU't ne\T. . Pnhiie S.ale. to the iiij:iie>t hidder on the residence of the hit" • ol. .lohn the VC! v VALL AHi.i: iu:al K>T.n i; \irtue of a Itecri'c of tlu' Hon. th* l'l‘ju;tv in .lud l"r the Couur\' of ■ tlMf'pr • ’’.e ,'%’ifmnrs of thr the Moct joinery 'ide of the Hiver. coiis st- in^ of >r\eial 'i'i'.'.ct', coiitainiii'j 1 I or 1500 acr' > in all. 1 lie i.aiid iueliidiii” the tmildin^s. ftiij'i i\eniei.ts. and the .N.irroW'. will he sold in lltf ■': ■ i' .1-, ! ti; ■ 'V. i ’ > ; ri i i|. • • ■. l I- a' e'v. a/1', •^epai'ately, 1 Vi- I..ind is va'uali'e not only on aec"unt ol the f' l' I'tv and productiveness ot the soil, lie- ill^ W' .i ad.ilited to the cuitul'e of ('oni. Wlie.it. I'..’ ICC", .'cc.. hut also on .•K C'Hii'.r of the exce.l''! ' FlSlil'.r.V att.-iched to it at the Nar- ^vilel'= a -jvc.it nuintxr of Shad nia_\ lie aiinuailv c nv^ht. and the ater Power aflorded liv t.ili the IliMT at this place, which en ter] aod c;i].iv.il could make useful and \«ro- itelil- the cteetion of Mills and M:ichinery I -. iii'tioii, to ,Miy 'Xfi'iit th.at mi;.;ht I'.I 'ides these c.ljiital adV.!IIt.1 v"e>. n tieautiful. roiii.aiitie and healthy; er ll.llile ill e\e,y )- aiit of view, le credit will t'c “ivcii. the pur- ill lioiid all ! ;i]itirove.| 'Iireties. .IAS. L. (.‘a1 NFS, C, .M. I-:. I-'il. 1-ts lon.coo Acres \ iiluiililc '1' I M li i: \i K A N 1) S FOI! SALF. ^B^HF .''ul'^criher has jmrchased all the Lairls 8. heloniriiej to the F.state of .\'.»rum Hutioj', dec'd, lyiir.1 prineip.ally in Holn"on county, and ■ ■n hoth sides ..t l.uiiihei Hivcr, ti.e .lifK rcnt siir- ve\s cont.'iiniii;^ ii)(K0()0 Aci \ l;ir'.:e piirt tincly Tindii'red, Luniher Hiver. where a lar^^c tier is iiow raltt'd to the ('■ ri.e-” L:ui.ls are verv vale ■s; and convenient to iiuantity of Tim- oijietown market, itile Viotli for the 'i'inilii r ill.’ lar;:e ]i.:rt of e ; v d. ' re the ■ iu Hlo.rt, Tv l-.e chn .1 !■;.« ril.er haviie^ fitted U)i an 1 eii- ( [Tin: s L hiru' d the almvi prepare 1 t' Comf..rt. • '.II tha^e. •ntertain traveller; Housi-. is , with Turpehiine, for wl.;ei. ]iiujio'.- a is well suited. Iieiii;^ in a )'ej:iou wh« re the Tur].ei.tine yiel is nn.re a'iundantl> ill III .any ..rher seetion of the .'■^t.ate. 'I'he I..and' will he Sold at .1 low prita-. a;id in iiuanti'ies to suit purchaser.'. liitormatiou respectiie/ the t.tle can lic oh- t.iined li_\ applying: to the Ilon. Kohert .'^tran;.re. Hon. .las. C. I»olitiin. or T. .''mith. Fs [.. ■ Viiorneys at Law. i I underst.and there ai'e manv ti e [i.i'sei s on these L.'tnds. to all of whom notice is herehy ;riven. tli.at the law will he enforced ajr::inst all s'ich I'fl'enders. Application for any part of the Land.s can he nia.h- to ni.\ elf. or t.i .lohn W'in.-,li.w. F.^.).. who i.- diilv authorised to make sale o‘ the sanu'. T1!(»S. I. CFHTIS. Fayettevill,.. ('.. Sept. I. ISTi. 7'itf if.Mir, Ilrtr Siin/Iit'/ /list I I'll. tl.SO, liishop Piaseou) s S(*rnions; Tlie \\et'k. eomprisiii'.r the Last H.iy of the 'Aeek. (he I'ou W \L i:oWl,\M''S Mvtra thie\ Mil] all'l Cro'.'-cut S \w .'', li ;ilid fe. t. 1». .V W. Me LA CHIN, No\. l'.», l.s.'ill. P tf L\.\!) I'OIi SAL!:. r H^lIF su1.seril.er .rt'ei' his F.VP.M for 'rile, B containiiiL' 71‘* acre' of fine fariiiini: land, i;iK;r ' l; the K:;'’ side ot Little l’.i,er, in .\|ont- ;:oniei-y coiitify, N. ('., joitiin'.' llev. W. N. Pea cock .and W illi.tni Hal iwin. ,\ )iait i f the Farm is in I fai tniiiu' condition, and produ ces ;^o.i.l ( otton all'l the l.e-t of orii. Tlie dwellin;! and outdi.iiisc' are in toleratily ',roo.l condit'oii, atl’t..rdinLr r'.m 1 r sever.il han,l' tiinl small white fatiiilv. In sli' it, it i' a v.iluahle Farm, .and as I an: determined t" \\ cst, 1 will >ell low for c.asii or months' time. HFN.I WilN T. I'.rsH. .^lc('allum'' Store, .lulv 1. l''.'»l, o '.t i)()Mi:.''i'i(’s. Ijr ITTI.r. Hi er Osna'T-'; 7 and t-1 S J Sheetilej' i!wav> on Inind, and f. r sale :it I'act. r\ ] rices, te, .'fVi'.H \ WIl.I.INMS, .1 inn‘ 7, 1 >'’.1. 7-'i-tt' (ow im: \s. HCSIIFI.S COW Pi; \S. For cde I.y ( ooK kV T WLoH. •liilv I'i.'.i, i-;:w 7 /.• . i />'(- '.-fx, P.IM.ks. ., I-I, .III,. . !I i luri‘s, ,V'-., .V-. l-.s, .loiirnals, I.ed;j;ers, Cash Piiss Hooks, and i: Mnj; A X n l M non k I If All Ivinds. I’ArKl’v, I 1 TTKit iMTi:. Kil l 1'vi'rn, Ni'i't: evi’Kt;, ,^c. sl.\t::s Wil pkm ii.s. Pell' ;ind ill Mel', Ilnvci'.Jies, Ink, I've.. A'e. Partieiihir attehti..!! V, ill he paid to ell "i-.lers t rom ( oui;trV .Mei > nis a ii.l pi. v ,i te :ndi vidc.als, '.■lit hy ln:li!, or ii.ervv i'C. for Medical, .Mis- ceiiaiie , '. and .''t le oi .and iio j.ailis will tie r'.aie.l to ci.mptete all sin h .'id.-rs to tlie eu- tire s.ili't.ietioi, .,t I I C'tioiidents. M\I:k il, NHUMAN \ C(1. I'.i.' Hio.idway, .Nc'v Vot'.i. .1 line 1 s.*.I. rHlii!; Cop:,rtners!,ip of i:.all ,v iL li will ex si. iiire on the 1st of .\iiiriist ne';t, .-in ! in .'r- der to close the r .n.eni, we oi\r our (.iM'ii,'' ■it HHliCl'i.ll PH|('H.''. Th •':e wishio- t.. iiia'.^e purchases i n very t.iv-.ratile t'fms, v\iil d.i well to ;:ive us a call, a> we an- iK-tei niinc'l t i .-ell off our entire .'■^tock. W p will a''!! sell t!i(‘ .'store and Lot oecllj !ci] liV oiii 'elv c-i. -\!so, the livvellinjrand W :iridi. usi' in tlic rear. Also, one Teiie;jient in the Hrick How, now occupied hy H. I*. McNeill, Ml or any part oi'the .'.ho'c I’roperty \' ill he (.fl'ered at ] rivate .'ile nniii the 1st .\ii :i;.'t. and if not soM then, will he iHere 1 a! Ar.e!;e!i, and due ni.rice iriven, Peis. It' desii-.iiis of jairch.-is'ui'r, e::n pet Har- ■ja;..' tiv calliim lij.on tlic uleler.'i•_:ie.'. i;.'.:.:, \ ii Ma-. I". 1>"‘1. 7!tf ’I Dissoliiticii of Gopartnertliip. '^ilM tina of liiocl-.er \ iicd'ar l vv;■.^ tl.isdav ■ lie IS :;Ktl;.irizC' -anil li: •I nsetit. .1. C. Hlo. k- ttle th'- ;.H.-.irs of t!ie I. ( . P.LoCKi;!!. i. W. i;l LL.VHl). s'.i. 7 1-tf I’so withdr.ivvs froui ol.hri'u', line ’J, 1 i’. —(i. ^V. I’lirai 1 the fnaii of H. ('ullireth \ o. •I. C. I’docker and H. ( i.'lhre’U will cantinne li;e firiii unde’- th.e na’ae and style of 15. ('ulhreth .V Co., al ('ed:’ r ('reck. .li's'r i'!Msiu:i), H"MC!!T .M:W P.rcciFS, Al.so, two sec h..nd. F'lr s.ilc I'V ‘a. McKllTHAN. .1 mie 'J. 1 .'S.'il. 7 1-tf i> \ \ nd \..ril -I, S !' \ IN-MI LU:!I, S.V.M L .1. HINSDALF, I'lStf Tax Lists—Save I Arouble! pri. cents, he Li't re- oileiirii, of avis, rcadv ! the o.it:, Sl’h- I]feHlNTi;i) A'f I'll IS OFFICII, a Ta'iiihir List, co]>ied fj. i ci'ivc'l fi'ie.ii the Treasury oHici everv thin;.r t.-i.xed iiii'l' T ll e .''t:i I'M- f/!'ii;: up, 1 o which is ,a 1 h wliicli every j.erson t ixed is re.;itii .'••riti.i. All a j.jilicalile t i other couir.i.s v. v as thi'. .tr.Iy I I. ’^'1. siioc'i'o siMnx(;s. V»'am*n Ti. rw-^fiF r JB- ofthe (\ Fi (ir sjaniscANT t.i Q le.hler- .f t!i. V (in^nl I'll 1 a ies..!ii;ioii ).e I'ear N' ••.•ei|;;ni!i.;,.. Cl'll- ■r to or from •>00 llOP.'T .McNAr.15, .-re Co., N. C., I .May l>'il. > 7t*-tf M\LC c‘v ri:.)i\Li: school. rglllF Seh.i.il of th'- su’i.serilier. as.',istcd tiy .a .'li.'-^ Cecilia A. Potter, of Mi.ldlet.ury. A ermoiit. will tie rc'ume.l on Tiies l.iy. Kt ot J.iiv III t. Hoard for any iiuniher of student.s, can ''_'. !!en in the vili:i*re, at >S7 p>-r iii'.nth. Tu:t:"i; Ix-retoforc, vi/.; (liicidental.s included. i Fir: t Day 'i'he Lands tal Tr avel. Howland. of the Week, the Week Comph-ted. of the .Moslem, a .N.-imitive of Orien- The Path of l.if-, hy Hev. Mi-nry \. Tom Hacijuet. and his three Maiden F- 1 tie.- IVi-.diiiient.'. per .-'ession. .lii' niatic'. Fiiiilish (oainmar. ilisti.1- I . .v- .. r,i) t I ll (Ireck Laiign:iges, lo FXTliA. >1 *11 the Piano, ]r, no ) \ ': instriiiiieiit. - .',0 I r ' I; 'i l,:il!gliage, JO 0(1 I. ng, Ni-eille-vvork, \c.. •* IM» A. D. Me LEAN , Principal Siihiinervilh-. N*. .June 1, 1 ■'i •”»1, 7o- 2 m .(iilv MOl.ASSlvS. 11UI»S, jirinie Mtl..\S.''F.S, for i:ile hy IL 1!UANSON iS: SON. . I"".!. off LAUD. J-HS. I.,.\ |;i», for sale hv 11. HP.ANSON ‘..S: SON'. •Inly IL 1-tf S.-, Iii:\VAiiTr ^^TH.111) fioiii the SiibiScriher’rf I’lantation, on the Fast hide of ('npe Fear P.iver, 11 liiile: helow Favettt*vi!!e, on the‘J'.tth •liiiie liist, »1 -aiall i:.\> .\i.\HE, ,i.hout H! years old, with u star in the forehead, hhick inane and lar;rt; ^I'- ivy tail, witliout shoe.s; some white i-jiots ou hack, )ii-oduced hy the s:iddle. A reward l ive Iiiilhir.s will he p:iid for the delivery ot iiie M ;re t'l me, or Two l)olhirs and. Fifty ('entJi for any information tlmt will lead to tl)« re covery. J. p., L.VN'i:;. .Inly 10. -t-otvvpd I* OK S AU:. ONF SF'r S.\WMli_i, (iK.\HIN'(i, includiiij£ .'in exeelk'ut Lo;; Cliiiin and ('rank. Apply to 1. M. V. .lONF.H, (U'.tf .\itilts, FtiijUefte for l.;idies. |lo. forOentle- iiieii. The I’saliiiisf ami .'-iiii.plenient, P.iifler's Iludihras, Plutarch's Lives, .Madam P»; hmd. liv Al'liott, l»ieiioii!irv' of Quot.-itions, l.atin. I'rench. \c. I'nioii Hit.le Hictionarv. i’.urns' Wiilks. Poetiyof riowers. Fhua s Interpreter. Hook K(-epin^. School P.ooks. \c. K. .L HAI K .V SON. .May o, IS.'-,]. Mi:('U.\N!(’AL IU)()KS. A PPLFTON'S .Mechaiiie.s’ .Ma^'a/.ine; P..T- /m den's Foi'iiiula-foreonstriictin^r Hail Hoad.s; Wijrhfwick’s Hints to .\rchit-ets. liy Hi.wninjr; Minifie'.s Mechanical Ilravviii" Hook; .Nlah.iii's (’ivil Fn;rineerin.:r; Hourne s ('atechism of tlu- Ste:im Fn;iiiu‘; .Mill-W'rijrht's nii.h-; .\merican House Carpenter, hy llatli'.-l l: .Mecli.'Uiic's Own Hook; .Mechanics Text Hook; Catiinet M:iker and I'pholsterer's Compji’iion; P.uilder's Com panion: J)v er and ('oh.r Mak(-r .s ( oiupanion: Painter, (JihJer und Varnislier’s Cotnpaiiion. il, .1. HALF \ S(»N. Greensborough, N. C. rH^HF ne.\t Session of this Institution vyill coiiiiiieiice on .Monday, .Inly i. On application to the Prini-ijial. circular!: will he forvvardeil. pivinir all neee.'sary inlorinatiili reKpecting the School. UlCllAIU) STK1:LIN(!. .\. .M.. Priuoipal. (iiiv. .1. ?>I, MuIIK}*kai>, Pi-opiietor. .Iitne 17, 7(i-10\Vi,'l AASO.X IIOTI^L, South. U ' Conn r froin th: Court Houa^', The Hiil)>eril*or resitectfully iu. forms the inhabltiiiitii of this conunu- uity, und the travelling puhlic in pcn- ^eral, that he has liecoine Proprietor of the AN'S(>N HoTKL, formerly tiwned l»y .Mr. West, wliere he will hi; happy to acconiniodate his guests iu ii style that eai.not I'a'il to plca.se. MAHTLN hld.MAW. WailcsborougL, July 1, 1“-31 2-jjt sali:m rAiM:u-MiLi.. ^H'^ilF. siil,.’nt>er has taken char;ie ot this old H and well known r.'fahli.'iimcnt, ah'l is ) rc- parcd t.i :ittei;d to all orders for PrinliMu' l’:i|)(*r, McrcliMHts' and i';icl(ti’V \\ rii)»|»iiiLr. iVc. TIh- Mill has re-ently tieeii th"rou"hly refitte.l with new machinery, and the sut.x-riher helieves he can tiiri:ti>h P;iper of as -^oo.l .juaFuy and at as cheaji prieei. a» can lie piircli.isi'd any where. N’oi th or South. clIAHLFS F. SIIOHFH. .''alem. .tune 7. !.'*‘il. 77tf WAN'l'i:!), ;’>(i(i(i ft. .\s!ie Lunilier for Wajrons. 1.'. to ;; im-hes thick. :;iii'0 ft. .'-^ernii.ned Oak Lumlier. 1 { to im-hes. 1(1(111 ft. W hite Oak and Hickory, tor .\\letre(-s. ](Hi(i ft. Wliite Oak for Tonjiucs. P.olsters and ha ft s. llMi I’ost O.ik llutis. for Carts and Wagons. •_'(»(i) Spokes. For which the hiirhi-Ht cash price will he paid. ,\l>plv soon to F. FI F.LFH. .May P.t, 1S.')1. 7li-tf NO'l'K'i:. rB^HF eoi i.-irtnership heretofore existiie.r un- 8 ih-r the nanu- of.). A. Howland \ i.x this dav dissolved hv mutual consent. ' .lolIN A. HOWLANI*. CILHFHT W. McKAV. .lolIN C. ,M(»oHF. 'I'lit' UM(I»M'siu;iictl Will continue the tiiisiness of the late firiii, at their fornicr Stand in Lumtierron, under tlo- style of K(iW- L.\NI) \ .McK.NV, when- floods of every ile- sci-iption (-an he hoii;.dit on tin most rea.sonahle terms. .loHN' A. It(»WL.KNl). (ilLliFHT W. .McK.W. Liinihcrtoii, .Iiily 1, is.'il. itf 7s- It ( illiljKlinf. of the 'toe'k- vi'_Mti":i ('oin- I'aiiy. at their ecneral meetinir. .M:iy;;n. IS.'I, notice i> !n'reli_v iiivi-n. tli.it ;r. i.i ;i:el alt'-i th? I't ,\i;;:i:'' next, .id :ir:li.e>. c.milao.l tie-, pri'iiiii-e. ;tooi1>. w.irc' an l niel'' veye-1 upon the ('a).(- Fe.ir I'av cTteviile to o|- f rom .-iiiy ]".’nt iiitci iiiC'iiate I'Ctweeu 1'a V t-t:ev ioi- and l!niili,L.:oii. ali'l ('i If ti'oiii 'v\ ilmiii;:toii ■ to or fr"Ui :.n_v |'"int he- tuccil till- mouth if Hlae! Kiver anl Fi.vitte- ville. 'h.-ill he sul.jei t to tolK. at the rate of twelve ali'l one |i:ilt pet- centillii on tiic :imoiint ot lrei:^hl ciiiir:ied. ex' cpt ;irticles conveyed ii].- "11 1 :.Us. Wo..,', liats. ali'l el af! uiidi r the liurtheii of t,'ii tolls; and whin Ihe I,oat owner i> tln- shijiper or ovvii(-r of the ].ro|ier(y shippcl. the Fike t'lll shall he (har:re 1. to-wit; twi-jve and one half I'l-r centum upon tlie custoni.iry rate of f'reiiiiit c!iaii:cd upon such artichs as may he shij'].ed. I'roiii aial after tiie 1st i^if Anjriist I'S.'il, the (>w iii'rs, ( apiaiii' or .\^clits of all tioats not lui'h r ten t- ns t.in then, mi\ijraiinv: the Hiver hctweeii the mouth of P.lac'K Hiver :iiid Fayetteville, are reiuired to furnish the Toll ('ol'ector at W ilniiii^itoii with a li>t. oii oath, as prt-'criht-d hy law. of the .-imouiit of ficiuht charged, or of the est’.m.ited shipped tiy till- Pm.at (Inner. ISotii-e is also “iven. that l lio heen appointe.I Toll ( ollector at ilniington. and jiaymeiits of tolls U|.'.n :ir'.icles conveyed from aiiv point tiehiw F,i v etteville to or fr.nii Wilmington, are to t.e nia.h- to him; and the aforesaid lists of freight f iiriiislu'd to him. .\11 otln r payments to he made, as heretofore, to (ieorge .McNeill, (icneral .\gent, .lolIN 11. H.VLL, I’resident, .June ;’i(t, l^-’il. jS-t1.V admimsruA'i'oir.s saij:. r ■II F, Suhsci-iher, hav ing fak(-n out Special JL Letters of .\dniiniy(ralioii on the Fstateof Ur. Thos. N. Canierou. deceased, will sell, on .''aturdav 2d of .\u'.riist. all the H( >1 .'-'FIH )l.l) .\N1) Ki rcIIFN 1-i HNITI HF, Terms, ('. months credit. .I .\S, (i, COI >K, .\dmf, .luly IJ. I.'^'.l. »-oi tin- re';: pi't'e aTllli rB'Sl'I."' 'ieli^lit;'ai Suianii i-:• treat U. for the re c) tioll ot co;i'.-,;!liy. dial !'ioj.,Tt'es ..f' tiie vv:i'er, aiai phere, ,.i!'eiiiiT gre.it iniluceiiicnts to lnv.ii;d.- a' Well a' tlfo'C se.-king ple:is:il e and tin- I I e S'TVati'.n o! Ill';,'Mil. lueliu: 1 he U;anv inil.V-.\e li.eiil>. ;;re I v. , neuly fittcl ii,- iialld:,^ IhiiiM^;. Tin- n.i-.ni' ;li I (' ,' i: ' ••ire Tie.-.t .■•ii.l v.e!l fi;;- n!sl'cd. .\ .d r.;i.i of Mu.'ii- in t tendance; a plentiful -'Ipi.lv 'f !ee. ihe ! .■.' ef..it.' t.) ple.ise, ;it ni^"le|-ate l.iti’.'"f a I'i*: INS; K.VN( !•:. ii'ii-rsigiied ini' heen ap.iointed .\gent Nortii C:irolina .Muiual Life lii'ii- r.inee t ■iiiiij,:,ny. Fve; y mem'.ier f or lil' partic- ^ i^ ;itc.' in the protits of the ('omp.-.ny; and the ' aiiiiUr.l jil'L !!.;i;i;i t r b'e no ird.ei'.'hi j.. v, c ;t i ai:ie!;i.!.' to n;:ii or i;ii i'c, niay la paid onedi.-ili i ill c .'h. a'.iil the I ’’c.ev h;,lf in a lu t,- CJ months. I lieliti 1'" lives m.iy i.e iiisuri i l>y ci editors, j \ i.::;ii iiTiv ii;.'ii:e iiis own life fi.r the exclusive 1 .ne;it 'f iil.^ f.iinilv. 'i'he ii\es of slaves m:iy | I.e iusiii'cd. ! This system i r.:] 1 lly gT-owin-r into favor, .-ill j over till' '.-ivili/i d v.url.!. it is one hy wliicli a | f-imily. for i sma’l sum ai'iiuallv, nia.y I.e ] vii’ied tor. :;!!• r the d.'ath ot its head, on win exeriioiis il’ y i:.;; . h ive l eeti dependcr.t fo| />// Hoolc or hj/ (^rotilt.—tlf-tr(ie- timi cansoil hv th^* Hre in l/iinlcn A. J ►. 1 (it)(), (.liu'irijr whii-h sniiie linusis, I'^e. were* luinit ti»»vrn, in very iiuiiiy ca.^es (ililitenited all tlic liumnlary marks rW|iii- site til (iL-toniiiiie tlio i‘.\tv-iit of Ijind, ami t-M-ii tlie very sites iiceu|iii-il liy ImiMiiiusi ]irevi(Hi.s td this terrible visit;itiun. ^\'he^^ till! rnliliish w;is rcmuveil, ninl the hiinl clrareil, the (lisjiute.s ttinl ciitan^le'l tlaiuis Ilf tiiu.se wlin.si; hoiise.s liail been destroyed, hnth jis to the jio.sitioii atnl extent of tin ir jiri.jiei'ty, jminiiseil not (Uilv intenninahlt* iieciip;itiiin of tlu'conits of law, })ut luudi- the- far niiire si-riniis evil of dclayiug the nbaildiiio; i.f tlie city iintil these di^pute.s Weie settled, ifievittihle. itnpelled hy the ni-eessity of cdiniiiiT to :i more sj.ecdy set- fli-iiiriit of ihcir resjieetive laims than could he hoped for IVoin leptl j-rdoe.s.s, it was (l(-ti nniiK-d tli;^t the elaims and infer- e.-t of nil pi-rsons eoneenu-d should he re ferred to rli(‘ jttdoiin tit and deeision of two of the most (‘xj ci ietiecd land stirvevors of that (l;iv—men who had heen thoroiifrhlv ai |Uainted with Loniioii jirevimisly to the t’.rt—iiiid, in older t> e.seape from the nu- iiieroiis ;ind v;i.st evils whieh more dehiy nm.st oce;ision, that the deei.sion of these two ar- Li:r;itois sli'iuld he uiid hiiidin^. 'J'lie surveyor:; appointed to determine the rights of tlie'. arioiiselaimaiits wi-re Air Hook and Mr. ( ;oi k, who, hy tlie jiistieo of iheir de- eisi'in.s, -ave genci'al .''jifisfactinn to the in terested p.iities, and hy (licir Sjieidy de- tcniiiiiation of the d.iierent claims ](Crniit- ti-d tile !i'l>ni!uinr of (he eity to juoeeed without the le.ist delay, ILonee arose the s;iyiiio- ahove ji;oti‘d, iistitilly applied to the eAti ieation of jierson.sor things from a dilii- I eiilty. The above tmeedotu was told the otlii r i-veiiino- liy an old eitizen itpward:> of li-h'y, by no mean of an imaoinative tem- ]K'r;;uicnt.—omf Qiierirs. The of' J*/(!■(s in Amcrlto.— ()!t looking over tlie lu \v Ofiieial list of I’ost ()tii(-e.-5 in the l’nited Sf;tte.s, .'ays the Trlhonr, We find most remarkable instaiices of rejietirion in tin' ii:iiiiing of |ilace.'—• going to illnstr.ite tliat poverty of jmagina- tiou with whieh we are souietiiues charged h\ di.sei'imin;itintr foreijfriers. The same I ]ii'oei'>: ■ "aeilie ha.s alie;idv eommeneed on the Cippoit. It ev cn if one s’ l.ife p.•I:. '-, ueccss.ii v l',!;i a good inve'liiiciit of nioni \. !■! I've long .-ifter t..king out a n; lanatorv i-iuu.hhtx. an I the ■1 on apniie.-ition. F.'.I. II.M.F. .liMie '.,m;lie,' ].'-r le.onth. each j.cr 111- I i-r v\ e Per da; CliiMri'ii under .1 UIll .•■sjo oo cn ■k. •• 7 Oil 1 ■J. aii'l Ser' ;iM*s. l-al.' piicc. •".X.MrFL C.\l.' IlHT. 7-‘.-t 1 .lulv 1. LP-." H.\(;s W.'iNTF!'. \ MMl I!VS" . do Imperial. I’.i (illllliowder, do OoloV,.::. a:;^l II\>oii T!l.\,~, i 'M:]e’;oi i - \!.S(> - ('!,■..• H;;i ley, Salad ( HI, Mii- Powo'crs. .Vc. F;ir s..le tie S.V^i'L .1. l!i: .\pril . ■7;’^NTi ^ ^ Po lie Ollllg -nilitv. ■!' \Lil. '■'-tf II. i;k\N"0N -(IN. -tf amount, when s. C. Worth h.is FAYETTEVILLK AND NOR'TIIERn PLANK HOAD. 0 jri'.LIC iii.tice is hereliy given, that tin- S Hooks of ftii-i Coni|iany are now ojien to rv'ccivc su’o^eription' of 'ti ck; :ind will rcnniiii open until further iiotii'' is given, Hy order of the I’.oard of I'-recf..! . .1 line o( t. 1 So 1. 7^-1 '.V C.'irolinian copy 1 nionth. wanD::> to *U)U!M)\V. r. V :i fcrr.i of five yp:iis. J V. V ti S' i; 1 --..c’:rity giv en. In- .11 V Coast, and their i’ortlands, 3iil- j vcmkies, jiiid Xe\v ^ ork^-of-the-l*aeilii; ; Usurp the |il:ice of more ajiproitriato and ■ enj'li(iniotis nann s. The great lack of in- ; voiitioii whieij this eonstaiit rejietition inij'lit'.s. i.s al.so shown hy the avidity with Iv.hivh new n;;mes are a].]irojiriat('d. Foi ' insfanei', there :ire now I) Killmorcs and ! 1 1 J'r ni'lilts, 'J'l'.ere are only 7 I’otigh- , .;;;:!-li. ailys, but j;ad (I’-in r;;i 'J’.i\ lor lived : to the ]iresent tinn-, the mimber -\vould I h;ive been mueh larger. If other uatimral ; uanies, thete Me ^\'ashingtoiis, l24 i I’i-.itiklins, 1.') .Ji-iiersons and 1/1 Lahiyettes. ■ 't iiere are (,\ nf rev illes, ’^.1 S'priiigfields, I 1 7 .^laiielu steis. and o\ei ;.n hundred other names, given lroi,i six to twenty-five times to dillercut I'laees .scattered thro’dgli the Statc.. c ' ♦ r; ri rs ^ - •y -4-'4 ’3 9' ti rc't :i'.inua!lv or s .X'Micss letter to fice, • ilMIC l-'^-’.I , (1 1 iiii-::nnu.i .\. P>., a::d leave at th; >f- '-tf M’AV ! Works of Alex .it 'i'ho I'emale -les; Fatnih; Tin- Ni^rhtinga’f ster; Tlu- Complete .\n;.;ler. tiy V. altoTi i'; Cotton; The Coiirsi-of ('rea lion, hy.liio, Anderson, I> I*,; Tales from .''hakspe;ire; The Cryst:il Fount, a ehoice collection of 'l'eiir,ierMnec Songs; Pictorial Sh.'ikspcare; .\ Pastor s Sketches, 'ny Spencer; I'ayetteville on Hay street, neaily opjio- 'I",,),, liaci(iiot and his thn-e .\laideii .\unts; Mar- ite the .Methodist Fpiscojial Church, for tin.' ,«^c, .hi't received. 1 COPPSR WOP.K. 'ri KPivN'nM: sruj-s. '^IIF Su'.seiihers have ioc.ited t’.H'nisclves An e.veh;nige paper says the following aetitally oeeuired iu the e;!rly part of tiie I'feseiit eentt;ry: A letter e.ime to the Tost Offiee at l!ieh- mond, ^ irginia, direct(-d “To My Mammy, living ii> the City of Jtichmond.” A day or two after, a little lierei' looking oM w*>- m:!ii stuck her he-id iji at the I'ost Office leiiny Lind Song- | window, and eallitig to the yctmg man in till' office, said: “.\!istor, i.s -^'ou irot arr;i letter here, from my .■'on Jonnyy” “Yi-sl” said the ytmg m;;n, handiu',r her the h (- lOOKS. ;ind.-r liamilt'.n, 4 iit, or the .''py i ,1s.; fix' in all its ).iir|iosc of prosecuting their tiii.sines; hranches, | Tur]ientine or other .''tills in-ide to order and ' warranted to work well: ami all kinds of work | proiiiiitlv' done in ('OPPFH, HH,\.''.'', STFM!., IKO.N. >;e. Locks nu'de or i'c]i.iire l. Hell h inging, mak ing or )-(. p;iiring ot' Pnni;'S. and repairs ol ;ill kinds in this hr.ineh th.inkfully received and promptly executed. (irders are earnestly solicited, w ith an assu rance that if a thorough knowledge' of their hu- siness :ind an earnest desire to ple.ise will give satist'action, none shall he dis'.itisfied. MAHLKH .V SCllWAHT/. .him--JS. 1S.-,1. 7>i-lin E, J, HALF .-V SON. .1 vme 7, 1 S') 1. 1W1LL give on*- hundred dollars for the aj.- ].rehetision and -ontimnient of .\NI*EHS(>N and .IFHHV in any jail so that 1 can get them j — - . ^ - again, or fifty dollars for either. 1 will al.so j [C/^Owilli^ tO lllC ticaUl ol t llC give ^100 for proof of any responsible person's j {-..rjin,,, \!,eiif of the Henrietta Steam P.oat Co,, hart.oring said negroes. They raniiway from ^ p,,t .j-inuary, my plantation in Moore county on the lOth of j,),,ped in my hands f -r sottle- Feh'y lust, nnd are thought to h^ lurking ahont \]] j,arsons having iinseffled accounts. 1('» or 17 miles uhovo iirthagc on Deep liiver. ,.e(|uested to come forward and settle, as it thri.ngh the edge of Moore and corners of Chat- | necessary to close nji the old hooks a.s That \. i^KDWIX 1'-'*"' >">'1 Anderson is about ^ooii as pos.sitde. * If in Troy '>l'b (> bright mntatto, about o feet t or 1{(»P.T. .lOIlNSoX. *’ H inches high, well proportioneil; has an (.pen Favetteville. .Ivoie 1;>, l.'s.'il. 7i'i-('ivv coiniteiiaiice, and is ipiile pliiiisihle. It is he- . ... ... lieved that he will endeavor to pass for a free businessiiiits various tiiaiich- , ^ .. * i, i .t man imd csuape to ii tree State, as he had a NO'i'ic i:. rHlIli'i Snl'scri'.er haviTig jualitied as F.xecu- .fi_ tor to the F>tateof .Mis. Henrietta Canip- 1h-II, :it .'dai-eh Teim, I>-.‘)1, ot' the ( oiirt of Pleas and (Jinirter Sessions of Cnniber]:Uid county, liere’ov notifies all jiersoiis indetited to s:i;d Fs- tate to make immediate [.aynn-nt: ;ind all Iniving claims against the same, to jiresent them within the time prescribed by law, or this notice will he ]ileaded ill ti;ir of their recovery. M, V. JoNFS, Fx"cutor. .March 10. IS-'.I, ('..itf T I.KT IT l!K Iv.N’OW.V, h.-is loeateil him.-- on the i;ooT .\NI» SIlOF aiic»- of the same. tpi I... 1 (■ mail aiiu eovjiiiiv: lo ii- iivi > ...... e,s, I.iii u " ^ who plaved the same game. Jerry is he hopes to ment iv uontmu- ; ^ 21 .‘.Id, •'. feet H o,^ -1 incl.es high. A. KKDWIN. l-tiw stout built; has a down look, particularly when 1 spoken to, and id rather impudent. Said ne- init o , ■ '1 . • groes fornierly belonged to Jolm li. Hitter, in P. S. All those in arrears to lledwin ic Me- ^ upper end of Moore county. Hue will please call and settle as soon as jiossi- j information (ourit be mhlresscd to the •>le- : .snb.sc*riber iit I’ockct 1’. O., Moore county, N. C. ,J. L. BRYAN. NO'riClv—All Accounts due the Merohant.-j’ Steamboat (’ompaiiy, t'.r F'reiphts up to the loth inst., must be promptly paid to the luidersigned, as muoh tinic ciinnot be given to the collection of the same. J. .S: T. W’AI>D1LL, late Agents. Fayetteville, .Jan. 27, ISol. 5*itf Jilanks of all For sale at this Olficc t)7tf April 12, IH.jl. Oxford I'ctiidle College. rniHE First Session of thin Institution will Jl commence oil Monday the 21st ot JUIA, eiiHuhig. ■ It is very lesirable that 1‘upils who expect to cuter the College sh'.uhl l»c present at tLo opeu- ing of the Session. order of tl;^ Exf-' ’i*i’'t Committee. (j'il'orJ, X. C., J't’.v -'-'i 78-lw KI.NC nnd .V. McMlLT.AN have entered • into copartnership in the Itistillery of Turpentine, and have erected a Still on the j sirous of makin West side of the Favetteville and Western Plaiik n^s A V«\lual)le Farm for Sale. ^HF .'-'ubscrilii r ofiers his F.VH.M lor sale, ituafcd on the cast side of I'dg Coh.irie. known as th- Majoi-(lUin Moldey jilace. con taining PI'.''.' .\eres. The land is in fine condi tion fer tilling, and brings the vi-ry best of corn. Tlu- dwelling and out-houses an- all in very line condition, the greater part of them iiiiving been lately refKiireil. (^n the farm iln re is a saw and grist mill, which allords a h.indsome income; there is always ii ready sah- for the liiml.er, and at a good ].rice; corn sells readily at the Iiigtiest market price, without removing it. I will .sell the al)ov* at a bargain, -is I am cic- new toy, wiiioh w.i.s tVo\n lu r son Joniiy. A letter from liondon in the Do.^^ton Traveller says there is a register kept in the (ihiss I’alace, in which all our coun trymen who visit tlia Kxhibitioii are re- ijucsted to inscribe their nnnics. 3'hc Iluu. Abbott Jjawrc-uce’s name hcad>j the list. l>y this register there a]ipear to have been tifteen hundred American.-, to the 2sth .June, to visit the i-'air. Chii fjicifirf Jlolt njul t]i“ I^foph' t.— llolf having committed one of the brother hood of ].retep.‘Ied propbot.-, called .lohn .‘vtkin.s, to take hi.^ trial for .seditious Ian gu;ige, another named I/u.-}’ culled at the chief justice’s hou.se in IJedford Ivow, an 1 desired to .see him. S' rrcint. Oly L .rd is unwell toii.iv, andeannot see company.’ ]jn!/, (in a very .solemn: ff.r.c ) ‘Actjuaint your m;ister that 1 must see him, for T biitig a me.'.'agc to him fn-ni th‘,* Lord lod.’ The ( hicf ju'jfiee, li jving ordered Ijsk y ift atid denuinded his business, w:is thu? ad-' dressed; ‘I conu‘ to you :i prophet from tln^' Lord (rod, who has sent mo to thee, ami would have thee grant a nal!'' proxfffv! for Pioad, H miles from Favetteville. N. K1N;. May',1.—71tf A. McMILLAX. Sampson Co,, .hnie 1 I, If'ol. Atkins, his servant, wlio,,. thou has ent to r»ris(»n.’ C.,/. ‘Thou art a false If the L'.rd W K wi.sh to buy 20.0fH> barrels Tiu')ientine. KINO & .McMILLAN. WANTED, GOOD HANDS, at 75 ets. ]>cr d»y. on ^9 * r the Southern l’l»nk Uoad. Steady employment and cash payment weekly, if re- iiuircit, Applv to D. M. BUIE, At the Steam Mill, or io A. A. McKETII.AX, Juu,c :i3, 1851 [77-tf] Fayetteville. RocM per Steamer and for sale, B15LS. Crushed and Uefiried .SL’G.VR, 1 eliest tine Hyson Tea, -S casks best l.oudon Porter. pint^otTi, 4 eases superior old Port Wine, 1 cask .Madeira Wine, r> hhds. Cuba Molasses. SAM'L W. TlLLlNtiilAST CO. June 21), 185i. 77tf jsrophet, and a lyincr kmive. God liad sent tlieti, it 'wouM h;tvc been to the Attorn* V General, f'jr he knows that it beiotigeth not to the chief justice, to grant a nol/f' j>rosripii-^ but I, as chief jus tice, can grant a ^varrant to con'.mit thcf to bear him sompany.’ Thi.^ wa.s imme diately done, and both prophet;- were con victed and pi’idshed-’' “/■'/ca.Si/;v.s ImO''/!yiftfiOH."—I’rofe." \VAN'n:i), TUPvEE House Sei-vants go^l sr-miFtrcsses ' ha=i prononuecl .„d,v.«hcTs. UD o,,i.«nn lk,t hy.lripl,ol.;.|, ^ 3Iay 2-J.

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