r neeeirw*«BBeeB**ii " , """“"""I " ' ' -III I II ..111 ''ir I -ifji.ijjini! I SEMI-W BEK IL Y [V(H„ I,] I'.VYETTFA’IM.K, N. C., THtUSDAY Al'TERNOON, JULY 31, 1801. [XO. 9.] PltlNTKl' liV .1 H Nl'.WIiV, EfWAliM) J. IIALt: & SOX, ANi> riiiHMiiin'ous. i!n- Si'ini-Wci'klv ()usKUvv.u ^4 W if 3[| in i.lv.uu'r: >4 ‘>0 if p:iil dining tlie jjft ' or ■>'> jif'tiT the ^ear liiis u I't'M V ''nsKi! v'’.:n $'2 Oil per ani’um, if in ii ivaiioe; pwitl ihiriii^ the : t'?ii’iscription; or '*0 nt’tor tlic yi-:ir has exj in a. ,41)^ I’-'i iitserU 'l fur sixty ocnts p«raqi>:ii'e fi’r the tir.-t, and thirty cents for e:it.-h jiuliruMtiou. Yc;irly ailviTiisouKMits bj contrui'f.'i, ;it ro:u>' n;ll»le r:ite.«. Ati- :ire rctjiu‘>iel to siMie the muuher ot .iosii'ed. tliey will be continued till forUl. mill ('li:irvri'il jn’iMiv liugly. l.ott' the Iviitor? nui«t be poi-t-paid. IM'ORM VVIOS WANTED. r' the heirs oflU LI.A HD M.VSSKV will ap ply t ' the r.istniaster at J'ayetteviile. N. G.^^'y may If.-irii sutnethhic: to their ailviiiitapie. 8^B Si "■ y died ill the Soiuh in the Kail of 16(RF: • 1 hi' 'vji t'ri lu Ni rth rarolina; spc>ke of l...f.y, -.rfha ilottc; and vt' his having b«aBiii th" 1'!' r\d:i xvar. IS'il, 8-tf LAiuii: s\i.i: vT \rc'riox. 1', vill -I'll oiir entire Stock of (ilKH'l!- | WW nil's at Ai'ctoii, eoiunieneir.!; mi fftt \lth i1 • inf/ttst, •«4 *^0' ■ frori ilay f'- iUy nutil :t>1 :*re 1 tftspii' • • i.‘—I'.m-si'tii'.p nf sr«:Al>. t’Ol-'FKK, ! MOLASsKS. iron. S\I,T. NAll.S. \c. Mer- ckou>t~ 'f t!K‘ inttriur would lio well to atteml the #ide. the Stock is larfTe. 'I’ernts lilK'ral. ■ Att4 ' ' known nil lay of !^ah‘. I IBe «i!l al.-^'i olRr for sale the following I'ro- ! per^. vi7 MOLASSES. -fl HHDS. prime MHLAl^-'^KS, for sale by H. BRANSON & SON. ' July 0, $300 lieward. IWILI, givi' one hnndre*! dtdlar?! for the ap- prehentiion and confinenient of ANDKH.->ON and JI'KUV in any jail so that I can get them again, or fifty dollars for either, I will also givi‘ .'?UU)for privijf of any responsible person's havboving said iu'y:roes. They ranaway from l\ll I I’ s a I Feb y last, and are thought to be lurking about Itior 17 miles above ('avthagc Deep Hiver. through the ed.ge of Moore and corners of Ciiat- hain and li.indolph counties. Aink rsou is about ■JS years old. a bright mulatto, about •'> feet 7 or S inches liigli. well projiortioiied; h:is an o]>en countenance, anl is unite plau^i^lle it is be- lievt'd that he will endeavor to jiass for a free mail and escape to a free State, as lu“ hal a brotlier who played the same game, .krry is abont 'J I years old. (i feet or 4 inches high, stout built: has a down look, pai'tieularly when stiol’en to. iinil is rather im))iident. ,aid ne groes formerly belonged to Joim H. Hitter, ia the upper end of .Moore county. Any information must l>e aiidre«5sed to the subscriber at I’oeket 1*. O.. Moore eountv. N. I'. .1. L. i'.uVan. April I J, IS.'il. i;7tf \VAX'n:i), GOOD n.XND.s. at 7'> cts. per d:>y. "H the Southern J’lank Hoad. Steady employment and eash 2'iynient weekly, if re- ijuiied. Aj'ply to D. M. Ill'IK. At the Steam Mill, or to A. A. McKKTHAN. •June 2'.1, [77-tf] Fayetteville. w \N'n:i). ft. Ashe Lumber for ^Vagon.•■, li to '•! inches thick. ;?(«>♦ ft. Seasonecl O.nk 1.,'umber. 1^ to inche«;. 1(MW) ft. White (H)k and Hickory, for .\\1etrei*s. l(M)l) ft. V hite Oak f»>r Tongues, Holsters and Shafts. lOit Post Oak Hubs, for ('arts .and Wa'roiis. ■JtMni ,Sj>okes. II piol by 1 T ;.t I'.U ut ill Hik-k I’mw, oeoiipiod 1>V IL D. McXvIil. 1 I» ll 'iiso ill rear, with kitrln'ii AuU BUI kc-i:"U'r. HALL v\: 11 \1.1.. \. M. ’ VMl’lIKl.L, Au i!oneor. JiiV. ■■'.1. S-ts VALl flu-. moiuit. ^ (men '' V,’ Ni’Fi;^- l*K" •■rv i'-'Nl'D vill s-ll nt Au‘tion, ^ ’ Au:;ust, tile following I’KKTV. \iz; r.rick liurSH at Ha_v- . i'l 'jpied by .Mr-. Kiam. J, T. COUxNC I*. CAIX A RI] now receiving a Inrge stock of Sl’KINO /HI .\ND SL’.MMLll CiUOL'S, consijiting in part of— Striped Civo-de-Varis; bbu-k and ci-Vd Silks; embroidered, printed and b!.icl, Harege and lla- rege-de-l,aine: l‘aris-de-( 'hine; Crape-de-Paris; my plantation in Moore conn tv on the lUth of' t'mbd T..,rltans; printed Freucii Lawns: eni- l-roidered 'uid printed Swiss Muslins; lloylc's Slid printeil Orgjindie; .Mourning, jn inteil; Polka anvt fancy L iwn; Mourning an«l other (linghani^; •lacoiiet and Swiss Muslins; Silk and l.inen Pop lins; solid co]\l Lawns: liishop and Swiss litto; Orass .and tither Skirts; Linen Cambric Hand-I keri-hiefs, m'edle-worked: ('ollnrs a>id Ciifrs; Lace I’ll lersleeves; Frenidi neeille-worked ('heni- iscttes; fancy Mitts aitd Kid loves of all kin!s; splendid lioiinet and other Hibbon.s: IMging and Inserting: French an 1 I'nglish Prints: together with a liirge supply of other articles suital>le for Liidie.s' wear. French ('a'ssinures: plain Linen and Linen lirill; I'liecked Linen: Silk, Marseilles and fithpr Vestinjis; ('.•tshnieret; Dr.-ili d'F.te; York Nankins; Silk H;indker»’hiefs :iud ('ravats: brown and bleached Sheetings and Shirtings; a good assort- ■ nuiit of embroidered Window (’urtains, ^^some very tiiip.) | ('o;its: Pants; Satin. Silk. M.iiseilles and other Vests; ii l::rge sujiply of each. | A large lot d' rmbrellas, ami fine Silk luid ; .Satin Par.isols. assorted kinds. ^ Heaver. Fur. Silk. Leghorn and other Straw j Hats: ji1so a goinl supply of Hoys' Hats. I White i'hip. French Ilair-I.aee. .and other I’onnels; rhiblreu's tine Pearl ILits, Ibmnets all 1 Flats: W rc.-iths .and Flowers. ; Fine Calf si wed Hoots: Patent Leather P»ro- gans: (.'loth and Huck 1'ongri‘ss (iaiters: 0\f":d 'I'ies: Patent Le.-Jther ditto; Ladies' black :ind ; eol'il .''ilk (iaitcrs, .1 tine articlc; ilill'erent kind' of Misses' Shoes and (laite'rs; Lailies’ Slippers ; and Walkinsr .''boos; with a large supply of heavy Shoes, for servant>. ! Saddles. Hridles. Collars, I’added Harness, ’ and Wagon .and Uuggy Whipri. Crofkiry. Hardware, (itlli’ry, llollow-Wurr. Hio .‘ind Logliira CotTee; Crushed: Clarified. l,o:»f and Hrown .'^ugars: Sul', .^l"l^ls.■'cs. Iron and Niiils; Piiiicije Cigars: Frencii Hrandy: (iin; Port. Maileira, Sweet, and Scui'pcrn. n;.' ' Wini's. Toirether with a great v.iricty of (looils of nearly every description. .Ml ot which they are ^Icteruiiiied to seli \»,ry ]iw fur t n.^h, ’r o;j very ai;i‘omni >datin:r tcniis to jonictnal cn^tonicrs. wonbl be jrlad tliut luiyers gi'iicrall% w. u'd I'.iP a!;d ex:;m'.ue our .''tock. \o-l L is.-.l. f,.-.tf which the hlirliest cash price will be paid. The S'l( Ti aii'l AliLllOl IK-CU- I Al'idy sn,n to ^ K. FI LLF.H. May 1", IS-’Vl. -tf \\ A.\'i'i:i). (i>OI) p.ody Maki'r at the Cjirriage busi ness. Cood wa-jre-* and steady ein]iloy- ment given. .May I'tl. A. A. McKKTHAN. 7o-tf K > 1-: V 1' ^hc ' dlAKK.-- ■t the >rse'l .M recei%e and W\ -tern Plank Hoa . Co. 1 Notes, pay.-ible at Ha:ik at ' Ht July in iiavmeiit. T. S. Ll Tn'KLOH, Agent for Owners. 7-ts SOT lb : dciic ; 1 Jvi'iy ^ ' 8to ..f M'.W H(»()KS, HAPi?d('NV: ;ilk‘spieon R.iads, ' M:;i•ti'> Astrosiotiiy, - ■ ■ Pl.;y; Taylor's Medical .lurispru Lit’' ' Hi'iwu’s Kn;:li."'h lleports. \ ols. ; L'‘:"!;'ig t';;ses'n K i’iity: C inb(;'s Piii- Sa;:;'; - Aritl.metic, tVc. \c. .I'.i', r -ceivcd by K. j. HALK i Sf>N. \'A}[ rrv SWA], ILT. be sold at tlie ("'run t House d'" r ill the Town of I'.iyt tteville. on Moinlny the t;rsf day of Septomoer. at 1- o'cb'vok 'I., bv Decrees of the t'oiirt of K.'|uitv, the followir.g Valuable IIKAL LSTATK; — #> * •> A' "t’ '"1 tl)*» X‘vr!i K ' 1 . ..1 ( .a.. I aoi- b( rl.'Uid (’•in;!»'c;. joining Hra/.ier. I'lirt. .'^te- 'len-- a>! I '’.t j -. k.i' v. n ::s tl ■ •Pi ’.’1 -i l. in" Th; ■..;i.d li. ' i iii.' 1’•' ly ^ n Hni-k- hora I'al:*-'. aiw! \.ibinl'e for w .ter {’ri' dcL'i s. .kls", tlu- i'lfi ri'sf - f tin W'lliati. C 'lville in and to F>ur I.OTS in tiie Town of verasboroufih. upon a credit of six months, the purchaser giving bm.l with a;>provel ,se- curity. Al.so. OHO v:u;int LOT in the Town nf F’ayetteville will be sold, upon a crrdit of six months, ujioii b.-nd ami ^0.1 I '‘e-Mrity, at the M \(!KKT H»I'SK in tin- ’J'ow n of F.iyi-ttevi'.lo, on Wednesday th»- ^-Ittth September, .it I'J o'eW-k M.. t'l-wif: on the SoMih W'c>t cornci' of the .\Iai':ct .S quare, known as the ••HI.ike Lot. " AUCII'D A. T. SMITH. Clerk \ M.istef. .Tulv -J-J, is.'.l. 1(d).w(m; .U tcs \ alu:il)lt‘ 'r I M n K li A X I) s FoK SAi.K. ' ill' S' -riber h;.-^ jnirciia-'i- I all I e Lan Is ;..g to the Lstate of .Vbram ('iiboi.s. principailv in Ib'bcson .-011111'. an.I b bi 11 il I ■ lec d. lyih, ■ •n lioth si'les ot' Luiuiier l.iver, the dilleienl sur vfvs cont.-iiuing F'lDS. July l>ol. t . ' ‘ Ry«'" .-WKKT MOI,ASSi:S. lOOO ■■..■ri'- d S.VLT, with oiir usual i;ii:s. .>c T. WADDlLL. ♦itf '■•.ply i f Wi'.liiinis s liectilied .L X T. W. \\ UAriMX; EI)\VL\ GLOVEU. ‘A. '!*■ — • J li-IVIaker and Jeweler \T THK OI.D STAND. //: Llll'll'' W^’irh, £ r-i - (■•■010 tb ‘ Nortli with a larcre 1 •: niiK'iT .if '.VATCHKS, CLX'K.S AND ' d. ■ . be hir'the public to e\- f. .. _ •',’! b:* fo'ir.l.—- W.iti'lir;: Ml' jjll kind.s and j PAPKIi. • liun si/e, ti-'i •• Hiue. fori'i'tion V.-^iiis. J'roin 'I.-uiteo l’a|>er Mill--'. Haleiirli. For sale low Ir.- ii. LilANSON .V St'N. .Jid'yD^'I. otf [From th-? .I.iurn.-'l ami .'lessen-er.] AN LlUluIt t r TDK A(iK, In every t*iwn, \illa;j-t‘. or neigiilxjrhooii, ;ndi- j viduals may Ik found, wlio, it is helii-ved. are I afflicted with Lver complMint: but wlio really ) labor under a very dift'erent dis‘as>. Tlie-..m- ! luo’i symptoni« of liver alfeciions are - pain ;Hid ' f-nderness in the right side, rough -ikin. with a I yellow or l>ili"U i hue, j.iaius in the shoulders j anil freq';entl-i in the C'-llar bones, t'.gether ! with more or IC'S disorder of tlie di-re't':ve '.'r- . gans. Out of this nun'licr. i:ot n; -re tli;>n one I tenth have any of thes' disturb.incrs. except ' tho.J.' of indi.nestion, whiidi may and does exist ' with a healthy state d' the liver. T!io ei-n.r of I the a'je thcti is. that it is ilysp(‘psia, or indiges- ! rioii that constitiit 'S this nunieroiis class; luid .''.!\er \ .It" Ji !! "1 -j.> nn f * not liver atreetions .-is thev are r-ommoidv term- . . I v.ive,- 1 . b. .i,.i;-d. an 1 \ e. ; ’ ^1,- ^ sio’.'in of (‘Xpc‘i*i0iK’0 well, niul he .-L find that n-t more than ..ne in every do/cu 1--; Fiii^.-r Uiuprt; tiold. Silver !ind Sti-vl ■ ••■r nad j'.ld Thindde': liue S'*-; (i'u'J dvev )’«!•■ .•»nd PeDcil*-; :ind .“''ilver Pvlt I’n-kie*!: ■?: ‘' .rHl IL'-.Mh; .Slre-.-v- P««tt'iDf: fitl'* i--^ !i-•. .Mii' i - li-ixe.'; tine jm»] .-ominon ■ r ( 'aitet; tin? ju d Common I’istols: Siher .■^il'er Sjioom-; ]’. >! t-M aunP’.ir(-t»: I- -JfoS-trj; Pln-(e.! ''&!«• . i \ a;> JlvM-licki; l>ruHS flo.; H.-tck-Ciam- •d-: fc- .. •II. ‘VARY r,f>ODS. : 1-. S i>1n-s. l.--(ce. Buttons. Bngle.'', .Stars, . i Ovt*., tSic. l’:irti»-nlar att(>nti(m j.aid to the of Wateiies and ./eweL»y. ■ rteville, N. C., ./uly 2L h(>r KMMHX) Acres; A lar'jre ]>a’'t finely Tiinbere-I and convenient to Lunilier lliver. where a large i|iiantity of Tini- lier now ralteil to tlie (leoigetow 11 iiiiii-ket. T!o''‘ L.-:nds are v.-jy v.-.iuable Ixi.h li r the T'odter Mild Tiirpentiiie. for which p'irj".se a I.-ir_e I'.-irt is well suited, ln'ing in a i-e^^ii 11 vh-'rethe 'furpentine yields more nbiuehii.tlv th;!:i any otiier se tion of the St.-ite. The Lands will be sol 1 at a low j uce. Jind in iiiutitiiies to suit piirciia.--ers. Inf"vniation respecting the tit'e c:>!i lie ob- t.iiMC’i by .-ij-j 1; ing to the Ib’ii. Piotier: Strange. II.III. .l!;.":. DoMjin, or .V. T. .'-'initii, Ls j.. , ,'v > ■ .rne\ s .11 I .-iw . I I understand there nr.- t,i..ny tiespassers on tl.eso Lann--:. to all of uii.;n n’itiic i.-' he-. c!i. gi-. c!i. *h-it tli«‘ law will be nferee.l agair.'t all such ot!'"i'der-;. .\pplie:>tion for iiny jiart of the Lands e:in be nnide to m;. H-li. or to .iohn W inslow, F,s.|.. w-lio is di.ilv authorised to make sale of the same. THOS. .1. CjlTlS. F.-iy-iiwille, N. C., Sept. 1. ISI.'). 7Ctf \V \.\ I K!) TO !!(>!!KOW, rr^Xr.';;: t . re- t annually- or seini-a!;i!iiaHy. Ad'irc.':i let:er to A. H.. and leave at this of- tice. .Iiin‘ oiX 7^^ tt l^^at/r/trrillr ilftfcL r v\ r/r rEvujj:, x. c\ l>r. T. 1>. II \Mi>i ti, ■\S tiiken an Olfice oti H113' Street, W'est of the Hotel Huihlinirs. Jidy 14, 1801. ' 4-tf FOK SAT.K,~ 1 ^ ROWLAND’S Kxlra thick Mill -M- and ('voss-cut S.\WS, ♦> and »ij feet. D. & W'. .McLAf'RIN. Nov. 1'.), ISoO. -ICtf sai.Ivm’ “ ^HlHK subscriber has taken charge of this old M. and w-ell ktiown list«blishment, and is pre pared to attend to all oi-ilers for I’rintiilij l*;ipoT. Moicliaiit!^* Jiiul I‘';ictory \\'ra|>{)ing, The .Mill has recently been fhoi-oughly refitted w ith new- machinery, and the suKscriber belii-v's ho can furnish Pajier oi' as goi.d quality and at as cheap prices as can be purchased any where, Noi th or South, ClIARLKS K. SnoHKR. Salem, .lune7. IS.'il. 77tf Ivjicui/r(trc (\/r()li/ta. raillK undersigned is manufacturing, in Fay- JL etteville. Boot and Shoe Polish, far superior to the Pdaokinir pnrcha-sed in the Northern cities. He intends devotitig his whole time to naniifaeturing .-ind vendit^g this very su perior PoH>--h, and c.-ills ujton all who think it to the interest of tin* Southern jieoplc to become imiejii’tident of Northern ni.-inufaetnres, to give j him their aid and patronage. He is prepared to show-, by ahsolutv trinl. to i any one w ho will call upon him, the rn.tt xuj>i‘- | ri(iriti/ of his ov(>r all other poUxhcx or hhii'l. li-ri I now sohl in .North Card na. ('.-ill and have your } Loot.s atiil shoes once completely bl.n-ked and i jHilished, and be ati'lied. ; '1 his article i' .'ueieil ;it a jirii'C not higher | than is usn.-i'ly c!l:ll;^^•d for other :nid inf'-rior ! ipi:ilitie-«. and a tri:d all that is jisked ti se- ' cure the )>atronagt- o|' tne public generally. The undersigned expei l.s ti visit every j> r- ; tion of the .St.’ite to introduce his Po;i^h. anil | asks now in advance tli.-it .^IerchHnts iiml oiln rs , visiting Favctteville will give him a call. A. w«M)i)w.\iin. .lune'Jl. IS'l. 77-('.m lU)OK' lilXDKlJV. • HARDII'3 has resumed the l>(>ok • Hindii.g Ibisiness at the new- .'^tore lu-xt do.,1- to Mr. Pca-iley. .leweller. where h" w-ill re- c‘ive .-uid ('\ccute liinding in any style desired. August 1. J7tf Gunn’s Domestic Medicine. k Fl'U'lHKR supplv. )usl receivol. .U i:. .1. H.VLK \ SON .lune D’l. iS-’il. S !i O (' (' 0 S IMM X s, ."V. r tS'i H I deli”! I fill Si:mm-r reir*-;it i> noA>- own 3 for the reception oi c"mivniy. the reme- ’'n' - rt^ ^ tile 'V.it, ;i::d i-e;'' -■ jdiere, otl'cring grc it ir.il'n '-i-t'-iits to Invalid':, well as those 'Oeki: 'j; oleare uild th • pre- s;-v>.(iion of he.-iltli. .Vniong tiie nmny improve i.;cuts. are two newly titteil up Hatiiing ILmses. The P.oi.nis anil (,'abins are ne.-it .-iud well fur nished. A gooil Hand of Music :ilwnys in at tendance; a plentiful “iupply d' Ice. ati l the best ell'orts to plc.-is'". at nioderate rates of H .ard. :is follows: — F.iinilies per month, each jierson, 00 .''iii.ie persi.iis. - ll- I”* Per week, “ 7 •'() Per dtiV. •• 1 -■"» Children u:idr 11!. ard Serr ar.ts, half juice. SAMCKL 'AI.Vi:!’T. .Iiine .'i, |S-*)1. 7-”>-tl-’).V NO I rcj:. ^^TARll & AVir.LI.\MS have removed to the Store recently occupied by Mr. .Iohn D. Starr, one door west of Messrs. H. Hianson .Son, w here they Inive just received additions tii the Spring j)ur(diases of Stajile and Faiicy DRV OOODS. (jountry mercharits are requesteil to c.xamine onr stock. .1. I?. ST.\RR. .1. M. WILLIAMS. .Tune 7, IS."*!. 7-')-tf Lii^riNsnjAXc i:. rg’^HK I'ndersigiK'd has been appointed .\gent ffl- of the North C:\rolin;i .\Intnal liife Insu- r:i!icc ’ompany. Kvery member for life partic ipates in the pi'ofit.s if the Comj'any: and the annual premium for lil'o nnnd>ei-ship. where it amounts to .“ii;'.!* u’ more, niiiy be paid one-half in cash, and the other hah in ;i note :it 1 2 mcnths. Debtors' lives may he insured by creditors. \ man may insure his iwn life for the exclusive benefit of his family. The lives of slaves may be insured. This system is rajiiilly growing into favor, ail over the civilized world. It is one by which a family, foi- a small sum annually, may be pro vided for. after the death of its bead. o\i whose exertions they may have been dependent for a Supjiort. It is a good investment of money, even if one should li\e long after taking out a Life Policy. Kxphinatory [i.-imphlets, and the n('cessary Hlaiiks. furnislud on .-iiiplic.-ition. K. .1. HALK. Fayette\ille. .lune 1 80U. 7li I K1:MI I'KAS. S^XTRA FINK HYSON, J Do do Iniperi.-d. Do do (Jiinjiowder, Do do Oolong, anil Young ll\son TI'AS, o) superior (lu.dity. —A LSI)— Chocolate. Har'ey. .‘•^jil.id (>il. .Nlu.stard, Yeast Powders, \c. For sale by SA>i L .J. HTNSDALK. ApiilL’l. C.Stf xoric’i:. ^H'^llF Subscriber having ni:ili1ied as F,\i-a- B. toi- to the Kstate of Mrs. Henrietta ('aiiiji- bell. at M;!rch Tei in. ISol, of the ('..nrt of Pleas and iu.-irter .Sessions of Cumberhind county, hereliy notifies all )'«'rsons indetited to said Ks- tate to make itr.me-liate p-iyment; and all having claims a;cainst the s.-inw, to present them within the time prc.-i-ribed by l.iw. or this notice will be ("leaded in l>ar of their recovery. ■M. V. .lONK.s, Kxecntor. March l*i. l.s.'il. iliitf KSotcSsU'ix^N 'I'orliral Walor IVhvvf. TIIKRI' are several 'nuiii’ired of these Wheels operation in difl'in nt coiinties in North C:ii-ol‘ii:i. I'lO- pi ... f of their L''re:it adv.-sMtr!'_'es over ;l;e eoi;inion lintter wheel, or any 1 iher -.-lu-e'.s ii'iw in ii'-^e for saw iiiiils. wo .-.iiiii.ii ntly ri fi 1- to ih-wli.i have a|i|'ied them to their ini-'s. W.- -r.n i-( conin..'i;d theiu p-irticul.-irly ;'irth-ii -i:j' ty in cas^ot a, iiead w a’l OI' li.o k w .-i; T. W e still keep a supply • f Whevls. svitable ic.. h ,i is I f r, ,-il V A..i.;i._;t,'r,, N'".- - i.Mi’ou'FAX r ixvi-.x'nox. rjBllIK Subscriber having bonj^ht the ngl’.t for H this county, of 'Vaitpi-'n Davis's P.VTKNT SKLF-SKTFKl! for Saw Mills, gives notiec that he is now firejiared to m.inufacture and put in successful oper.-ition this machine. He -laims the follow-jiig :idvantages over tJic old mode of Sawing; First—One hand can tend the mill ,‘ind saw as mneli lumber in one day as two hands can nc- couijilish, Sucoiid—Hy a pei-uliar arr.nigenient of the dogs, it will saw oue-fitth mure Ittniber from the s-inie stock. Third—The .Mill is not stoppoi] until the log is sawed uji. .\fter the log is once dogcred. the (h^gs arc not moved, and tiie lumber is of one o.niform thickness. One of these niachines can be seen in ojieration at .Mr. McLauehlin's Mill in this town, who gives it the following recom mendation. H. C,. HALL. Fayetteville Foundry. A Moiicl can be seen at the Fayetteville Foundry. March I-'). ISol, c.n-tf l-'ayettcvilb'. March 11, IH-ll. 1 hcn'by certify that 1 li.-ive one of W. Davis's improvements on .SaV .Mills in use on mj mill, and so w-ell convinced .-im I of its utility, that in my o].inion it reipiires only to be introduced to tililC with her hnir-brush on the ])uhii be put in ge;:er:il use by mill owners. I there- thfit Uoust' there ar.’ fore cheei'liilly recommend its use to all Saw Mill owners who would reg.ird their own inte rest. AKCH'D .McLAL'CHldN. A MODEL HUSr.AND. “T (lc» beiiero*,” .“says the im.sband, taking his .«poon out of liis jilass am] topjsing it on tho table, ‘‘that of all the nb.stin.Tte, wrong- headed (-rcatiiros that evcii' wore born, you are the mo.'^t so, Charlotte.” “Certainly, certainly; have yor.r own way, |ir:iy. Von see how much I contra dicted you,” rejoined the hidy. “Of cour.se 3'on did’t contradir t me at the dinner table; oh no, not you,” says the gentleman, “Ve.^. I did,” saj's the lady “OhI you did.I” cries the gentleman} “you admit that!'” “If you call that contradiction, I do,” the lady answcri^; “and I say again, Ed ward, that when I know you are wrong T will contradict yon. I am not your t-lave.” “Not my plavel” rej)cats the gentleluan* bitterly; “and you still mean to say in Blackburn’s new house there are no moro than fourteen doors, including the wine celhir?” “I mean to say,” retorts the lady, boat- T fllAv’K just received from New Y'ork, niy FALL AND WINTKR Stock of Coods, ('onsisting of a gcner.-il assortment of Dry riomls. llron’rii's. Hard ware, (’iitlrry. vU. I will barter for TrRl’KNTLNK, or any kind ii Produce. N. KINO, 10 miles Nortli of Fayetteville. Oct. L’S. ' -iotf MS'V lilX'KIVKl). H.\1S Rio .•ind LaLTuira COl'FKK. 2 hhds. Cul.a SCO All. |0 bill'. Crnshi d and Refined Sugar. l-'» lilils. and b;ilf-bb!s. Hotter Cr.-iekers. fi boxes Collins iV Co's lliirtforil Axes. ‘Jll hoxes Steam P..’fined Ciind\. W’.lh :i v.-ii'iety (.if other .1001!^ to complete our assortment. S. \V. TILLINCIIAST CO. Feb V ISol. .iSit IVVlX'l'S. Lll.s. Pure and No. 1 WIilTJ-] l;-:ad. inoiL D:!] eiial and P.iiis (Jri'eii. Spanish P.r ‘-.^n. Spa-iiisli Whiting. Wintev Ove.-r. Ciironi* Yellow. Litliar_e :ii; 1 ■ th'-’- varieties of Paints. COt)K \ .1011NSON. r-e]. 10. IS.'I. r.2tf li--r' , \\;r ■ Tl ' Nvl ! ; l.i>'coltiroii. Pl'l-' ’US w wheels, will .McNeill .V C ,1: I I sliini be F.i F.’.'v :J_, 1S!'.>. .11 V I'di iit"!i .'snd h ayet: i-\;!le. I'e had oC F.. A. Ibevnrd. •i:!h Ui'Hs. Petersburg. Va. to obt.-ii:i t!ie right to use the • TVed on tijij'.icrltiou to 1>. T.e-.ille. N. C. D. McNKILL. A. \. McKFTllXN. D. Ml-ALISTI'R. •V'.-tf De'i', ven- laver' \\'AX'rf:!>. T.rs. OI.D S'f' TPON, for v.-h:ch tio- hi'^he^t n. i;ke* t-r- -e in C:\-ii w'll be paid,— H \LL .V i:.\LL .S. ■ -. .7. ISoO. ootf A II!;sl'i',!;!A.N 1 ;i ir St,ll/I,r/ Iji "n L.-^t ). l'.'.'ilo]« P>;!S -| iu's r rr rir, J, ;>n.\r(\0. A r.O()D ^■T' .'K on hand; and I shall re- ^ ceive reunl.-irl v. from >lessrs. .1. -b-ines ^*5: (’o's Factory. n'.':i’ities assorted from common to very fine, whicii I will sell at lowest manufac turing J' ices. .1. r.-iyetteville. .\]'ril IJ^ol. nr i:v f.t.tf .July 1. K I NCi and LHS, RAt.S \VANTKD. II. HK.\NSON v''; Pii','. 7>'tf .\. Mi-MII.L.VN ha'e ^nuivd • into eop;;i-tni-: ship i:i the Jii.-Mllery of Tnrp"nfinc. and h.-ive elected i .''■till on the We- : side d' the Fay( tteville and Western Plank Road. S mills from F:ivette'ille. N. KINH. >I„yli.—71tf A. McMlLLAN. s St-i-mons; The Week, -on., i-.s.:i-.r the I/ist D.-iy of the '1'eek. the I’-i-i Day of the Week, the W eid-: I' ’.ipletcd. The I.:i;.ds of tlie M"'!eiii. .-i N’n rative . ( (*ri(.n- tal Tr.'.vel. The Path of Life. Itv Rev. Ileiirv A. Ra'vlnn l. Ti’io R.-o-quet, and his tSree M-iideii .\iiuis. Kti.jueite !'or Ladies. Do. for (l.'iitle- meu. The Psalmist .-i!id .Siippleni'. lit. Hutler's llnd''ir:is. Pl>it:!!c'i's Livc'. .'la ^-itu R 'land, Ipv D'i'tioiiary of t'uotati' ;'.s, Laiii:. I !i. V.', I'nioii Piili'e Dii-ri. narv. Ibii-r.s' \fot ks. Poetry o;' liooiv I\oi ping. ■ers. 1 P.oul K. .J. rioi-; hiterjiretcr. lAl.K SON. -Mav V, ^K w ish to 1in V-Jo.OOO >1 irri'ls Tnrpenfinc. A Pi’LK'i'ON V 'ir ‘ KINti \ Mc.MILLAN. dct.'s For \hn')iihlrator's Snir. II.L be , Id K.t ill** Market House in the T"'vn o-f I'ayettevillc. ozt ^'hurf-da\- the m of August flexf., TKN SH.ARKS (Ji CTock ill the II(s-/j‘ietia St**am Ikmt Co., F'VJ-J \I’!.'S l:y r’TOCK in the j'ay-ttteville and Wt’stern i’lanli I'.oad Co., and ONK SHARK OF 8TOC K in tlo> W;is]iington and New Orleans Miignetic Tele.'-rapl) Co. Also, at tiie Store of fcnes l.cmin'.i. some Office Furnittu-e, and ^ore iiteii'ils. ,\c. the remnauf of the l'erj*oiml ite of D.iniel .Johnson, dee d. .''ix months credit ,n all «nni« over ten 4b1I tl '. Notes witii iif.iirovod security will be inquired before the Pr-.pej-ty is transfcired. G. I>K.^^iN(i, .\dm'r Dan'l .li.lintion, dec'd. .111’-.' 17. o-t.s UccM j)(T Stc^ainer find lor sale, HHLS. Crushed ami lleiiued SL’CAR, 1 I’hest tine Hy»on Tea, ■i casks best London Porter, pint bot'ls, 1 (-asi's superior old I’ort Wiuu, I ensk .Madeir.n Wine, •'» hhds. Cubu Molasses. S \\l L W. TILLINOH A.ST A CO. V- 77:f cstses have really my disease of the liver at all. Besides thi.s, nearly every case will at once be giti to improve by the ns(> of tlie proper reme- di‘S. or tliii.se combined nj for the 'nre if indigestion. In contoriuit^- ti these views, and sliietly within the limits of scientific medicine, have the Tonii Hitters, Vegetable Pills, and .Vnfi- acid bee)t prepared, for tii" cure of dyspejisia in all its comjiliciited fornis. The bitters arc quite pl/^asaiit and gently stimulating, :ind are to be takeii two or three times a day: the Anti- | acid at meal times, and the Pills (which jire touic ainl laxative.) at night. Hy thus using the i«ed;elD»s lisiiy, the most wretched case of dyspepsia in all the country will at once begin to improve; not «ml? i>f that tiy;htaess and op- pre.-^ion after eating, of the eructation of fooa’, but the i>i,^eri; of fligetitio.'i will be strengthened, and a regalar :ictiotj rd'tbe !»-)v-els maint.-iined. N''.thwithstanding tlu‘ luiigour atid wretched- ne.ss of feeling during the hours of digestion are r«3wv*^d, yot the uiedicineK minit br continued regularly, with jn'oper at^tculioa to diet, until every vestige of the disease is eradicatest. In- linS large and splendiil P.uildiii^ has now- been in successful operation siiice May in scientific priuciides ! 1^4‘.'. I he Hedding and 1-urniture ' is ncAv, and the rooms convenient and pleasant. The Tiilile is always furnished with the best the market affords, aided by a fine vegetalile garden. Ho:ird( t'F, Lodgers, and Travellers -vill find de- sir.-ilile accoinnioilations and attentive servants. No pains will be spared to give entire satisfac- ti- Families can be tuipishcd with large, airy, front double nioms, conveniently ami hand- sonii ly furnished. An experience of 20 yoors will cnnblo the les see, she hopes, to give ireneral satisfaction. ANN HROWN. June 1, 18-")0. J8-tt ^C’illK .KTN.V Insnr.ince Comp:n;y of llart- .3, ford, h.'IV ing paid the t ix imposed by the Revenue Law of the late I egislatiire, will con tinue its .\geney ill Fayettcvil'e. und'-r the man:\gcinent of the midi'rsigneil, who is pre- yi:'red to is-'iic Policies of insurance on Huild- intrs 01 (ioods. either in this Town or in any p.-irt (>f the .Sta'e. on proper application, de- st-ription of the I’l-ojierty, .Slc. The .KTN.\ CO.MIWNY has be^n in operation about •> years. Its eajiital is WItiKKOOO. The Hen. Thos. K. Hr.-ice was its first Presiilent. and he still Imhls that office; and several of its fitst Directors are still ai-tive and ellicieut meni- .MrXIIAXKWf- LKTON'S Me,h,',.;;.-s ormnl.e 'or- inst; \Vi.-l;fv. iek's Hints t'l .\rcliit- i U'»()K s. Magazine; Ror- !i-tiii” Rail R- I'ls; '■•ts. by Di-w-'iing; Miniii.-'s .Nli'ehaiiical I'r.twing l'>ook; .\Ia! Civil K:igiiie('riiig: P" u:-;r-t'a;ef;,i,;i;i o| Steam Kngip.e; Mill-Wr'.glit'--; (iiiide: House 'arpenti-r. by lla^'ield; Mei-!ianii Hook; Meehanic'; Text Hook: CaMnct .Makio- and rpholsterer's Coinpanio;:; Hniidcr's Com panion: Dyer and Color .'biker's Ci nipaiiion; Painter, (iildcr .-in I \':iruisher's Com]>anio!!. K. .1. HALK '.v son. Dl.’V (iOOl)S VV ('OS'i\ riTH !i view of makina: a change in our Imsiness. v. e now otier oir entire stock DRY (iOODS at cost, for cash or eocntry duee. taken in payment at its cash value. f all kinds t''** lloai-d. It has at all times sustained | . pn The stock is worthy the attention of those wi.sh- the hi^ihest (-I1 iracter fm- the j.iudence of its man:igeme:it, and for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted its losses. ];. .1. HALK, Accnt. March 10. IS'.l. oj-tf ^JTRAW' CCTTF.RS. Corn Shellers. and a va- riety of Ploughs and Plough fixtures, for sale bv ■ .J. iS: T. W.UHHLL. .Jan! 4. o:Uf .iVsr I'lxisiiKi), Rl'tK i 1 K.S. Also, two second 1;j^I(:ht nkw J hand. For sale hv in'r to bov. Mav 1;:.—7 Iff ('OOK I'c TAYLOR. XK(;iu)i:s \\’AXM'i:n. 1,\SH ptiid for likely young >>egroes. if up- ■ plication is made soon. i T. Vi’ADDlLT 31 tf iT 1 r M ir . tl ' Stjiffe liiiio to vnli^ls, howirvor teeble or uehrnto. car u>-:e tJiorn | ~ with the utmost ad^.-uitage, as they never nan-! f HIH K Snbsei ibers, Mail (’ontraetors from ii,eate the ♦^toiuacli or disturb the bowcLs more Fayetteville to Raleigh, will ctnnnience .lune l2, I80I. DAVIS'S ,^UR sale by April -J.). A. A. McKKTHAN. 7l-tf .“"AM L J. HINSDALK. t'.Stf * a 00 if s. II K Sub.scribers are now- receiving a por- S. tion of their .SKC()ND I.MPORT.\TION of j (K'OliS this .Season.—l)RV (iOOl).S, Cl TL1>- RV, CROCKKRY, OLAS.S, ,v,;. ^—ALSO— aOOO yds. rarpoliisj?. s. w. TiLLlNCHAST CO. October‘JS. i-'^tf 1 tj.oiu a mild aperient. Onji pu'-ka^e of Dr. Lit/ltiV. medicioes con sisting of Tonif ll'lli'rt, Antutri’l and Vtite.Uihlf J’iUj. Jf’IJ materially relievo any one of dyspep sia or indigestion, to be fotind by following the directions; ami, if they do not. in any case the proprietor prencnbcB them for, he will refund the price paid for a package. Manv of the gtrauge and mysterioim compU- catiojiE of diseaae arising from indigestion, in some form, will l>e cured or greatly improved by iKsing these remedies for a while. The fac iiniile of the signature uf Dr. W. (i. Little will be found upon the outbide wrapjier of each of his .Medicines. Sil(l w-holesale :>nil I’etail, by the Projo'ic'tor, at his Manufacturing Depot, 264 Market | {.ill forbid. b'rt-et. : :..I. ’j,b::>, and "MaCon. Ceorg''. 'l‘o be had al^o of .iHines Caiu. Ilockfishj Wat'Miu, Fb.ial Colb-ge; Tojvngend & Doug- onerations this day, with new and comfortable **o::ches, goid horses, and careful Drivers.— They have reduced the Fare from •‘ji-'i to sji4. The St.Mge Houses are. in Faj’etteville. the Pay- ett-villo Hotel, in Raleigh, the Yarborough Honse; but P.-issengers will be conveyed to such other llotises as they may select. The hours of departure will lie, until further notice, it half- naet P. M. from Fayetteville, and at 2 P. .M. past from Raleiiih, dail3'. The suliscribers hope, by unreiiiitted attention, to secure a liberal share of the travel, MURDOCK McKTNNON, DAVID McNKILL. rayetteville, July 1, 18.51. 78-tt North (.'aroliniau and Raleigh Register copy WAX'PKn, I^Hl’KI'j H iiise S(.i'v;iiits, gooil scamstres.scs I lass, i/Oi.ueitsvilU*; Dr. I*. M. Cohen. Charles- aiid washers. Libej-;il prices will Ji‘ paid, ton; (/. (,.. l>arbee, Harelayaville; P. t. Pescud, Pialeijh. U. J. Tur ra^cttcvliio. prices will p!i J. & T. WADD'LL. 7JW i)OMi:s'rics. ilTTT.P Riser Osuabergr; 7-8 and t-4 J Sheeliii'jTs always on hainJ, and for sale at Factory ju'ices. by Dissolution of Copartnersliip. THK firm of Rlocker Hullard was this day dissolved by mutual consent. J. C. Hlock- er alone is autliorized to settle the afTair.^ of the same. J. C. BLOCKKR. a. W. HL’LL.VRD. ll'irrisonbnrg, .Tune ‘2, 74-tf P. S.—Ci. W'. Hullard also withdraws from the tirm of H. ('tdbreth vN Co. J. ?. Hhicker and H. Culbreth will cr^ntinue the firm tinder the njime and style of U. Culbreth & Co , at Cedar ('reek. A PUPPLY' of Fresh Gi’ouml C(_>I\N IVIEAL kept for sale at the Mill, late Anderson’s. Grinditig of Hominy and Meal done promptly. Fayetteville, .March 1851. 1-tt VA\A. cV W'lX I'Kli (iOOl)S. 37 K are now- receivitig our F L I A N D V W W I N T K R ! O O I) consisting of a very general and well selected Stock, L\ ALL LIAES, Which we are oti'ering on our usual terms. All sf'rts of Produce jnirchased; and we attend as usual to the FORW .VRDING HUSl- NKSS. J. & T. 'SVADDILL, Hay st. Fayetteville, Nov. 2-'>, 185(>. 47tf NEW GOODS. ni II FALL .\.\U~\V1.\IER STOCK OF Dry Goods, Groceries, I Innhvare, i &C. 6ic., is now come to hand, ami is ready for j sale. t)ur stock is large and well worthy the attention of tho.se wi.-ihing to purchase. 8^* We will barter for any kind of Country Produce. TOOK & TAYLOR. 1 Sep't. 1!. 18"iO. oott just fourteen do«irs. and no more.’ “W«‘ll, then,” says the gentleman, ris ing in despair, and ]>aciug: the room with ra])id strides, “this i.s enough to destroy a man’s intellect and drive him ma«i?” 1^}- and by the gentleman come« to a little, and reseats himself in h;. former chair. There is a long silence, and thi.s time the lady begins. “I appeal to jMr. denkin.s, who ,«at next to me on tiie sofa in the drawing-room dur ing tea.” “Morgan jou surely mean,” interruiif^ the getitleman, “I do not nioim any tiling of the kind,'' an.'iAvers the lady. “Now, by all that is aggvavating and iuijio.s.'ible to >>ear,” '-rio'! the gentleman, elcnching his hands and looking up in ago ny, “she is going to insist upon it that Morgan is .Jenkins'” “Hoyou take me for a perfect fool?'* exclaims the lady. “I>o you suppose t don’t know the one from the other'? IM yon sujipose I don’t know that the man in the blue coat was Mr. .lenkins’/” “•lenkijis in a blue cfiatl” cries the gen tleman with a groan. “Jenkins in a blue co:itI A man who would sutter death ratii- er tiian wear any thing but brown! “f>o you dare to ( barge mo ’vith telling ;'.n r.iitruth? domamls the lady, bursting into t-'iirs. ‘1 ch::r;rc you. ma’.'im,” retort.; the gen- tk man, st^irting up, “with ’t>eii:i' a uuui- stev of contradiction—a monster of : ggra- vation—a—a—a—Jenkins in a Vilue coiit! Vi’iiut have I done that I should be doom ed to hear su( !i statement.s?” NEW BOOKS. rS’lIlK Works of .Mexiinder Ilamilton. 4 vols.: IL The Female Jesuit, or the Spy in the Family. The Xightingjile. or Jenny Lind Song- 't(_r; 'i'he Complete Angler, by Walton & Cotton; The ’oiirse if ('reation, l>y Jno. .\nderson, D D.; T lies fi-(>m .shaksjieare; The Cry.«tal F'onnt, (dioi. e collection of Temperance Songs; Pictorial .''hakspeare; .V Pastor's Sketches, by Spencer; Tom Ka-;]uet and hi.s three Maiden Annt.s; Mar- phall's Hook of Oratorv. &c. iScc. Just received. ; ' K. J. HALK SON. 1 June 7, 18.^1. 'W’orks on Pree-Masonry. '^btsonic Trcstle-15o:ird, adapted to the jL^ Work ami Lcctures. as practi.sed in the l.oi'gos, Chapters, Councils, and Kneampment.-i ofbui'.cht Templars in the I'nited States, by Ch.-is. W. Moore. The Free-.Ma.so!i's ^lanunl. a companion for a print of Huntington's ••Christiana ,1,1 >'‘»»'ate.l through all the degrees of Masonry^ Children." eiigr.-ivcd by .losejih .Vndrews, »• Stewart. , The True Masonic Chart or Hieroglyphic Monitor, by .T. L. Cross. The Free-Mn.son's Monitor, containing a de Pneafion of the fundamental principles of Free- .Masonry. operative and speculative, as well in a reliirious as a moral vie'.v, by Z. A. Davis. I or sale by K. J. HALE ic SON. May o5. 7t T( )M PAN Y’S Patent Improved Elesii Gloves iiihI Strap.«, For producing a heaKhy -tate of the system by Friction. HK great value of the Ift^RSK-TT.VlR TIE- _lL NOVATOll «" a therapeutic agent, when a;-)])iied to the human body, is well know-n to every one who has paid the least attention to the importance of a healthy action of the .Skin. For .sale by S. J. H1NSI>ALE. Oct. 1, is.-.O. 8'jtf DRTCiS 5^ MEDICIXI^S, I\ti'ii/i, Oif'i, WimJoio Varnish, d\ . Sami'ki. .T. 1Ii.\si>ale Offers for siile an cvtensive .‘issortinent «if (iOODS, ‘»mong which arc the t'ol- lowing: (Ipiuni, Canijihor, Castor Oil, .\lcoho1. Sul phur, Aloes, Slagnesia, Rliubarb, Morphine, (Juinine, Cresiin Tartar, Sal Soda, Castile Soap, Super carb. Soda, Epsom Salt-?, Sjionge, Ipecac, Sarsajiarilla, Kreosote, Ror:i.\. .^trow-root. Isin glass. Gum .Vrabic, (lain .Myrrh, Capsicum, Lo belia, Plast rs. Liquorice. Chloroform, Jujub^ Paste. Copperas, White Le.ad, Linseed Oil, Ti-.iiii Oil, Whale Oil. Sperm Oil. Sweet Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Copal Varni^h, LeatJicr Varnish, Japan Varnish, Window Glass, Putty, Pumice SUjne, Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Lampblack, Patent Pl«ck, Terra de Sienna, Umber, Black Lead, Litharge, Red Lead, Patent Dryer, Whi ting, F'rencii Y'ellow, Y'ellow Ochre, Venetian Red, Spanish Rrown, Pnissinn Blue, Sand-pa- ]icr. Starch, Sal Kr:ttus, Mustard, Sjiice, Nut megs, Pepper, Hops, Indigo, .Mndder, Saltpetre, (Jinger. (iltie, Annato, Cloves, Jlace, Burning Fluid, .-\luni. Oxalic .\cid, V.'hite Brick, Tripoli, \(Vl't(' I'..— .Ali Account;' due the Mereh.-ints' Steandioat ('omjia-.iy. for Freights up to the i-'th iii.-'t.. nr.ist be promptly paid to the undersiguod. ;is much tiiue cannot be gi.en t.i tlie co’.lv ti'in of the sanu‘. ■C \ T. WMiDll.L, l.-itc Agi-nts. J'i;-. ei tevllle, .Ian. ‘J7. -^'itf j MIT I NH>X OF 1 HiLAi»KLrinA. For the Promotion cf the Arts of Design in tlio United States. j H,^\’l'RV 'vlenio'T. for the year i8-'»l, w-ill re- j ceive for eacli Subseriptiiiu of Five Dol- ! lar-' I her I P.i-st lu; and t!ie conip-inion, a print of Hxinting- ' ton's “Mercy's Dream." en_:_raved by ,V. If. Rit- ■ c!i'“. New ^‘orA; or the choiee of any two of the : f-.llow'ing four .‘ pleni'id engravings, viz; 1. John ’‘■'1 Knox's Interview- with .Mary (.jucen of S-jots, t'‘U* I painted by Leut/,e. engrave 1 !iy .'■■artaiti. 'J. \iiierii-au ' Until and lloaz. painted by Rothennel, engr.-ive'i * I i,v .'•^.Trfain. •’!. Mercy's Dream, p:.'ii.ted 1-y ■ IIunti!'.;it.in, engraved by Ritcliie. 4. Chrisfi- i ana and her Children. p;ii?»teil by Huntington. enginved l»y .Vndrevs; and a ei:|->y of th" Phila delphia .\rt I'nion Re]>orter. a monthly painph- I let. contiii:'.i;ig a report of the transaction^ of I th'“ Institution, aii 1 inl'orm:>ti n on the subject j of the Fine .Vrts throughout the whole world. • The :\rt I'nion of Philade’phia awards prizes ' in its own Certificates, with which original .\- mericiMi w-tirks of .\rt m-iy be ]>nrchasel in any part of the L'nitcd .States, at the option ;inil se lection of the person who may obtain a ]iri-/.e at the annual Distribution, which takes place (>n the evening of flu' last week-day in every year. The I'Lxecutive 'omniittee of the Art I nion, wbeii s.) rc(]iu'stcI, select works of .\rt, without charge or coinpensntion, from their Free (iallery, :iiO Ch-istnut Street, fcr those persons in the ciumtry, who m:iy ’iv‘ remote from (lalleries, or pubiic exbihitions of the Fine Arts. Subscriptions of memliership, Sf'*'. should be made as early as pi-actical'le, so as to entitle members to early numbers of the “Reporter," wdiich will be forwardi-d upon the receipt of the money to any part of th^' eonntry. The Honorary Secretaries will give receipts for sul'5»eriptions, or remittances mav lie m;ide to f;K(H^".K w. d'kw kv. Corresponding Sec'v', 'JIO Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. Honorary Seo'v for Fayetteville, N. C., E. J. HALE. June 0, is.'il. 7.">- STARR & WILLIAMS. \V AXTED, ^^^ilK T^aw p.TTt of No, I Dev. Tiattle’s Tle- fel ports, .and the List of Cases in 1st Dev's ^ The subscribers will pay a reasonable price I Ircdoli’S LS.'iSr' IlGpOrtS, Vol. 11. for .any odd Nos. of Reports previous to Iredell's .E U.ST published, for sale by LESSOXS IX Ml'SlC. fll. W HITAKKR wouhl respectfully in- Jm fovni the citizens of Fayetteville and vi cinity. that he h.i.=i ag.ain con>inoncel giving Ik>s- s(ins on the Piano Forte. He retnt-ns his thanks for the liberal patronag? heretofore ref»‘jved, and hum’ily solicits a continuance of the .same. All pain.s shall be taken for the julvancement of Wash BnisheB, Paint Crushes, Varnish Brushes, his piijiils. ; Scnibbing ditto, Shoe do., Tooth do.. Hair do.. Instruction also given on the GuitJir. i L^gwood, Red wood, Black Ink, Opodeldoc, iStc., Pianos tuned and repaired in the best ' -n-ith a general asBOi^ment of Medicines; Chetni- manner. L. H. W HITAKER. i cals of all kinds; Frem-h and Knglish Perfume- August 21, IS-'iO, o4tf 1 rv and .'^onp?; with .‘i full a.-Hortment of all the ~ x-i'-ix'1 leading Patent Medicinei* now in use. X i‘>\V l>^ K IKo. ‘■'kE TClCQCEVII.LE’S American Institutions with notes by the Hon. J. C. Spencer, pnbli.shed for the use of Schools, fee. Lord Hol land’s Foreign Reiainiscences. Jane Bouverie, or I’rosperity and Adversity, by Miss Sinclair, author of Mialern Accomplishineiifs, kc. K. J. HALE & SON. April 1. j Orders from the cotin try promptly attended . to, and goods careftdly packed. ' 34-^ The Subscriber feels assured that he can meet the wi.thes of the purchaser in regard to quality and price. a. J. HINSDALE, Druggist. October 12, 1S50. -l^tf Oih Law and 3d Et^uity. E. J. HALE i SON. 76 FOR SAf.E. ONE SET SAWMILL GRAAINO, indudlng an excclk-iit Log ’bain ami Crank. UN’ ALL THE EAN:;S L\ FAYETTEVILL£, I Apply to :i. V. JOIJIS Just Prlnic-i -ood for Sale at