Frcm the Washirtaton Lvion. A niSTOIUCAL anecdote of 17Pt. i comes ii uicsst'iijior truni llic cuc* i luv, oitizcii rrpi‘o>oiitHt]vo, wlio looks U8 it ^ lu' was sinl to invito ms t> roplenisU our » xh;ius^’'l stores from tlie dejiot of his lin- poriitl >lajo.'^fy, the KinjuM-or of Ativ'^tria,” ‘•From tht* dopot of tlio Austrian t\ rant, j \du should say, ” iiitorrupttHl rudrly a ; \i>uiig man, whos* ti»'rco and doaiint'orinw di'portnient contrasted strangely with his deiieatc and efl'i ininate ai>pearanre. The last speaker was the n']>resentiitive 8t. Just, who ado]it(‘d this mode ot jiivinji a lesson iji repul>li‘au manners to (Jeneral (Miarl)onnier, an old soldier—a hrave hut easy and good-humored man—who had I'oen raised hj’ tlie strange vicissitudis ot tho times from the ranks to the ei’Uimand i«f (he armv of the 3loss('!I(‘, and who was tlien ocTU])ied in besieging the fortress ot ('harleroi. “('itizen (cciu'ral, ” eontiiuic! the arro- jiant I’nKonsul. “if you are ignorant of the language of repuhlieanisui. you ought at least to underst.ind your d'.it.v a'^ a soldiiT. '1 hi? rt'puiiiic e.\p(‘( fs- you to receive the t'Uemv with powdor and hall. Ix't that Hatr of trnee l>e fired upon at uneel" ('harl'otiiiier was fur a ujonu nt thundi r- >truek; iie hesitated, hut only for ati in- srant. The powers of the Proconsul were unlimited; his orders were peremptory: the (icueral had lcaruel o!;e!:«, :iee in the ranks. “I have no diseretion," said he to himself; ‘ it is front face.' forward mareh!” And he |ire]virt‘d to oViey a ei'mmnnd wliieh ^et at (lifiaiue every prineij>le >f civilized war- fire, when u simultaneous har.'t of disap- jtrohutiou, mingled with threats ami eu- treatios, arose from the otliccr' and trooj's who had witnes.'cd thisextraurdinary seene. •*St:iv a monuMit, (u'ueral,” s;iid the un moved ,''t. fJiist; tiien easting a sinister and malignant look upon the ofiieers w ho hatl (hued to disapprove of his -ondnct, “ This is not the tii>t titne 1 have h id occ:*s!ou to sus’.HH t vuur p:itriotisu\, unwurthy >eivants of a free naliuu," he ex'-hume 1. “n >r >hall yoti cscajio the )'t>nalty ymi liave incurred; Imt siui e you ure willin'^ to see the eamp- grotuid of a repuhlican army soiled hy the f'Ot of a .slave of dc'i'oti."m. hring the Aus- tiiau before me. and I will show you how the re presen ^itive of a frt‘* people recciMs the euv >y of a tyr;u>t." A superi-T otiicer of the .\nsirian army w IS then introduced with the usual for malities observed on such oeeasimis. He was the bearer oi'proposals for the surren der ..f Cliarleroi—a most unhoped-for piece i f good fortune for the French army, which the reckles- Proconsul had f >rced to cross the Samber, and take up its j)resent jiosition in a state of entire inetliciency, either as to luiudx'rs tir material for the achievement of the pur}M)s.* he haii in view . 'J’he moment, however, that the Au.'frian preseutod to tue tu ueral (In* paper> i ou tlining the eouilitions upon which it wa )>roposed that the fortre-s .liouid capitii- h>te, St. Jnsf snntclied them brutally from his hand, t'>re them to pieces, aud traui- j'leil them under hi.' feet; then, waving his hiavd with ;ui insolent «re>t»ire towards the city, he said to the envoy; ••Si.ivcl go back to your m:;.'ter, and t-11 him 1 want neith er papers or mesuges from him; I am here to take p(.>sse>siun of ('harleroi, and hemiisr surrcu.Ier it a* once w:tli"Ut » oiiditi'Mis, or his bhtod. and the l.hnM.1 uf all w ho dwell therein, bv‘ on hi.' iiead.” i'.i vain w:(' ail ri'Ui 'U-trance; in vaiu did C’harlxinnier and his oflicers r*'[ire.-ent t .1 the infuriated ]*riK-on.-*ul that thev were with"Ut the neces.sary material to «arrv on the siege with etHcieiicy; that the soldier> ■vcre without jny. ill clad, and almost with out provisions; th;it, for lack 'f j-P p-'r amp e|u;p:'.ge, the armv c.\p'>'.-ci to the iucleiiu-ncy of the w. ather in a daiDj* and unhealthy marsh, and that si. kiie-i' was j-lready thinning the rank.- af a ft.trfni I'ate. Til vain did they .i>-t!ire him tliat if the Patch and (u r’iU -n f .n-c'. which Wcr>' *n their m ircii to relieve Ch.wleroi -iioiil l urrive liet(.r.! the city wa> ta!;i n. n.4 iulv woidd its capture l)c im]x)S'i/)le. but the very exi'Tcnce .•{'ihe Fieiieh div:si. a {, . jeojiarded by tiie liHuicrieal sup li.iri- ty of the enejiiv. .N » • ii.-id'-iatien c‘'iil 1 move tile wilful Mb'tinacy of .t. du'-; lie ordered the Austrian away fi.,m thecamp. and,a'iihc only aii.'Wei' tie- rem"n'trau- ces of the geii ral gave d;rt.eti,,n.>; fh:it a bat:. :y of ijeavy i-rirfars h- ;iM be iitii.;- - Uia:.;iy piaut. M o-iiinu tiie tor' iii-xt trem h- e-. It thi' not in pc'-itii u and vjhIv to l.oniliard the city by break ifdiv..:i tlie m. rrow, he'W .‘re U* w-ul'i li.n 'the C'iljim.; n. !(i-; _ fh:- i^clK,ai ofal'till*- jy, and the chief ..f til,- eii_ineeis, ,'h-t be fore the eyes of tli-' armv. 1 h' ft-i’O'-ious ciiaracter of St. .fn»t was too w(-ii kiiown to a'imit of .-iiv doubt tliat h' \W)uld ci'ii v iijto- eX' t'Ution hi» ''.'nijnin- ary tliP at if his onjer' w- i-e not obeved to ttie b tf-r; and incre.iible efforts were'niade t ' ciinijii^ w:tli !i!«‘riijiiisitiou. liuiunier- able artila.c! -; were .'et to work to place the uaiaag-(i and wayv,nm jiark of ;ii'tilb;ry in the highest stale of erlieiencv of whicii it was ca}»able. 'J iic- conntrv for h-ague.s aiouud was ransacked for pick-a.xes, shov- cl.s and other t'jfils for th',* comph-ti*'*!! of the tren(-hf-s aii(l tiie -onstruetion of the batteries. The suporiiit(udcncc of the works was- committt il to Captain de Mcras, an old artillery ofhccr of great merit and , experience, wiio, it was not doubted, ! vvould eariy out Ids instructions, if it : it\ tho range of possibilities to do so. | Mora.s Wa.s an ancient chevalier ot the j>io- Scribed order of St. L.nis, ardeut . love of country had recJiUed litm to her banners, although the dyna.'ty which he had served with so much devotion in hin youth had crumbled before the rude at taint of rcpubliefoisin, and he, with num bers of hisfrieud' and compatriots in anus, hp.dbeen driven into poverty and exile degraded from their rnr.k and despoiled of their wealth and honors. Joining the re- i.ublican army as soon a.s the first hostile foot had preesod the poil of tranc*', tiie jrallant c.ld chevalier had been awarded a grade which, however infi-rior to that which he formerly lillcd, or to liiat which liis proficiency in the military art entitled him to, soon enable;! him, by the exhibi tion of courage nnsurpass(>d and skill un- f(jualled in iis ranks, to command the confidence of his superiors and to acquire tlie respf'Ct and alKcfion of hi« men. It wus uighitall before a suflicient quan tity of mining utensils had been collected; and while these were being tranppoited in wagons to the advanced worke where I)e Mt-ras and his detachment were already jiosted, they were intercepted by a recon- noitoringiiarty from tlu* fortress, and taken. f'!-ti:r.r!y duniif ih- idglit did the old chevalier and hia gallant, band pcrsovcre, with their few tools and inefficient force, in the prosccutiou of their work, and ea gerly and anxiously did they look for the additional supply of xitensils and men which were to enable them to complete their undertaking. Morning dawned, and neither relief nor assistance came; but in their place appeared the fierce I’nH'onsul, who had arisen before the break ot day. and came to be assured that his onhirs been obeved, or to exact the tearful penal- tv he htid threatened. in vain was tho mi.sfortune which had bcfalh n the relief jcirty exidained to him in vain was tho iiupossiblity of c.xccut- in>'- the work without adlitional men and utensils rcpreseutctl io him. St dust was inexorable; his snpi^ro.ssod fury seemed to have ctuicentrated itself into a L'ood-thirs(y and cruel of revenge against the gallant old ofhcer who cmimamled (he de- t.K-hment. lie ordered IV Meras to be 'hot upim the sjiot. and, as if tii ;'ggr.-ivat(* the severity of his sentence, he called up on a ])latoon of his t wn artillerymen to ex- ecuti* his bhiotiv s*'ntaiue upon their c:ip- tai’i. The men appeared to wa\er fora moment; for one instant the rein of disci pline restrained them. I'Ut in the next a hundiH'd muskets were levi'lled at tlu'heart uf the Prucunsul. The tyrant trembled aud tunu'd pale—a wa'id. a h>uk, a moti(«n from the clievalier, :>nd the s;uiguinary wretch would have been swejU into cterni- tv bv a hail storm of iea.l and fire; but Pe Meras thnw himself before him; at the word of commaml his men broi-.ght tlu ir pic( i-s to (he .'h.'Uider, and St. Just, taking advantaire of the fleetiu'ss of his horse, pbu-eil iiimM‘H’ out of gun.'hot as (juickly as possible. Scarcely had the Pnvimsul reacheil the c.ini]t beforv' an order di’spat«-hed for De Men \s to appear befort' him. Ills men (-onjured him t(' Hy, or at least to refuse obedience to tho summons, pledging their lives to p-orish before tiuy suni-uderc^l him; but the chevalier, pointing to the Hag ('f his country, exclainu'd, “Think y u .«o ill of me as to suppose that tiie fear t>f death in anv form will induce me todt-.sert th >.e colors, or, wor'C. arr:?v my.'clf again't tlu nr' ” Thev wculd have accompanied him. >wearin>r to make a ramj>art about him w'th their bodies; but he ap]>e;*led to their ,ense i>f duty and of dis«-ipline, and left tii“iii. diit'cfing his se«-on,| in com mand to keep them in position till relieved bv i-rders from the cam].. liut a short time clap.'cd after IV .^Iera.' hal arriveil ai head*piarters before a \ol- Icv of mu.'ketry w.vs lit-ani. 'I’he faithful artillery men couhl '.lo leiiger be restrain ed; they rushed in m t.' to the tent of (he rej'resentative. but only in time to s--*“ rip' bodv of tlieir brave oi l captain, pierced by a dozen balls, still wrifhiiig in the agonic- of death, Tian>p“rtcd with lage, utteriiiir cries of vengeance, they overthrew ew-ry obstacle aii'l 'onght .''t Just throughout tile eatiip; it w-is too lale; tljc moilste. .'■'( aped in time, and nothing w.i' socn of him i.ut hi> f'.rm on hor.>i. b.u k. tli.'apjfar- iu,I on the mari;in of a plain of great ex tent. The vene-eaTici' f tli -'V bravO', h >w.-vcr. w >uld only have been deterred, n >t h»t, had not he.i\en liccrct-.l a death ni'.re in- famoU' fliaii tli.-y conremjilated a> ;i |.en;iltv tor .•'Ueli deeil' of infaiuv. .V' nuLdit have b.'-n f .rc'cen, howe\er. the armv of the Mo'clh-. ;i victim to the ra.'hnes> atid in capacity f ."^f. .lii't. v,a' .>bli-ed t«i rai,-.' the sic:::!'of ( 'harleroi by the atlvanet* of th.' united f-.rci,' if Kaunitz and the Pr.iice of ( )r,iiigi'. (', rpow. red bv num ber.-, the Ficiieli recr S'.-d the Sombre, leavinir p.irt of their artilb-ry ami a great number of pri'-i.. in tin- han-is (.f the enemy. I'niting wiih tin- corp- wliit-h d..urdan led to their .I'-i-taiice, rl-.ev firm ed th“ army of th- and th“ .^h-U'e. M hich. tiie ». mmand cf mar.-lial. pi rt'TiiKd .'Uch ^ •:!' feat' ..f arni'. .\ft' r a ee.n>ideraith- length of time, St. du-t made hi' appear.uic- in hi.' 'id «-a- ] ai-ity of c mmi.'.'ioner at the In-ad.piartcr- ef tiiis army. App.ivntly, he had no appr- hen'ioii of ni'".-tiii/ the >ld artillerv- liieii of the unfortunate l>e .M.-r ‘s but th-*v had not f .rgorr. n him. One d.iy when vi,'itinr th outp ....t-, .lurrounded bv a nu- m> r 'US esii.rt. fr. in a -r.ppice near at band a>-o'.- a ttuious ( ry of “Peath to the as.'.-i.- .•';ii. aecoinp.tnied bv a shower of balls whi h .'trev,fd the gr.>u:id with numbtrs of inn ht vii t.m. bur left the ti rrified Pri - con^ul unh.irnu-d. lie fled to I’aris. e>- caping tr>m the inU'ketry of the artiib-ry- nieii oiilv to losi; lii>- hea'l with K.>be>piorro and h;.' conijMiii'.ns ujioii the .-eall'old. 7') Iirrn iif Jfors> X firill;/ />// Fli's. — r.ike two or tlir^-e small handstul of wal nut leaves, uji'.n wh;ch pour two or three fpiarts of cobl water; i -t it infu-e one iii^^ht, and then pour the wliolc next moru'.ng in to a teu ketths let it boil for a .juarter of an hour; wln-n cold it will be lit for u.-^e. No more is rc-iuircl than to nuusten a sponge, ami befon; the hor.-.o gets out uf the .'^tuble, let tlu)s>* parts whicli are most irritable be smeared over with the liquor namely, between and upon the cars, t!ie neck, the flmk, &e. Nut only the lady or gentleman who rides out for j.b-asure will d-rive bem-fit frotn the walnut leaves thus prejian-d, but the coachman, the wagoner, and all others who use during tho hot mouths. AMF.RTCAI^S in PARIS. The correspondent of the New 1 ork Tribune writes as follows, under date of Paris, July 3 /Vom th£ T,ovi»vilU AdvocaU. A VISIT TO THE SLAVES’ QUARTER. It is a subject of comnion remark, that FROM THK NATIONAl INTELtM*MCEll. TkEASCBT DEPART.MKNT, COMrTB.OLLBE’8 OmCE, JuljT 23, 1851. I acknowledge to have received a con- FROM the RALEIGH RKGfSTER. HON*. WILLIAM A. GRAHAM. This cllstinguiahed gentleman arrived in . —, _ - in a general w'ay, there is much more ^rjbution of one hundred dollar.s from a (3|ty qi,"' J'riday last^ m rotife for Marvellous is the number of Americans joyment of religion among e ^ ^ ^i^rk in this office tow^ards the erection ot ^Washington, from his residence in Ilills- in hie preat with which ■, trodden the path of duty, in regarrl statutCj w'ithout usurpation, ostoTitatv. evasion, without Vanity, four or ropr Such concurrent action on the *Tiarvciiuua II? I J' V ^ ^ ft ciijili jo imr? uiucfT uit^ w asuiiu^'Luii, uic *cv’cry dcpartriiefit of the Icdcral (j now in Paris. It gives the shopkeeper.s our country thau Wa.shington National Monumerif. I borough° He received, on Saturday, the ment not only ^ves to u.s the protn.r ideas of the greatness of our country to find Though we are not prdparet o a mi la money was enclosed and sent to him | v‘23it.s of many of his numerous friends, aud a public authority, but cannot but [, such (jiuintities of the natives abroad—e.s- this is always the, in very many ^ through the Office, anony- on Monday morning for the seat of salutary effect in bringing back t!, pecially American ladies, who are devoted instances it wovild seem ; mously signed, as a small compensation (Jnvernmcnt. The subjoined Correspond-, pie of the non-slaveholding St i-,., . to the* fashions, and pay like martyrs, j often have we been “to - Tfl'T for services rciulered out of office hours. ; cuce has been handed us for publication. • senw, of their obligations umb r tl„. The momy spi-nt in tlii.s way, |»ut into t(» a colored charge is common s j crontleman who received the money, ; admirable letter of Gov, Graham will : stitution, and convince those whi arr. bushels oi wheat sent from the lutenor, participate in the powci o ! j„ ^ letter to me, .says: “Heing pjiid by (.^„„ncnd itself to every true-hearted man ! cere, that in.stead of con.-cience roo. would make a frightful figure, and should ! religious enjoyments. 1 his is not confined, , . . «... . us to }>aus»> in the career ot spemling caus abroad. There is among our ladies away from home a kind of suppo.sed wager wdiich .'hall lay out the most money in dress, so as to cut the tim'st figure on her return. The French fashion-mongers are not sbiw to avail themselves ot thi:- amiiiblo weakness; and acc«»rdingly, our fair pcri- })atetics “don’t find French fhinp cheap. The cArmc /«■ nuf>toin' is a tv (hat has no parallel out ot Paris. It sin* marrv. it is a fair bnsiiies.s trausatfion —so much additional custom; if she love, the le.-js that is said (he better. For ex- ample, an .\mericau lady of my aequaiu- (ame, who iji'ts her fine things at a cer tain shoji. w as informed by tho lu-ad of the e.'tablisbmeut of her (^(h ' oui 01 onice Jiourt* p./)ra, S>r: On behalf of your numerous ana surrcnucr. .>ucu 1 ano, that ^ I corrupting, and dang( r^ 1 do not tecl at 5,, arrival part o*" the press, the pulpit an-1 nr ! to appropriate '.^j^oney to m^ own .,„,oniT us with sincere pleasure. ; '*icn of the North, at the hearl (,f the hospitable tune to the , of this county mansion of Mr. I the morning, previous to starting 011 our distant jo the lions*. 1 therefore sppropriate it to the iinong us with sincere pleasur« Having resided here for four years as ^ stands the great expounder of tlie I- . * • *1.,. 1 iiK' of „ . , Having resiaea here tor tour y i.-> an jouim , | e«tim-ible and noble puidic pui of aiding the (’},j(.f ^lagistrate of our State, we can tution, are also on our side of this .‘S'-, Society in erecting a monument to cum- tr.,ti,nonv t morate the distinguished services and ira ’ter of the Father d' his Country.” riic j.ublic will commend the gentlcnum, 11- I i.-'-v .♦ M.otnbprnf'ourcbureb bear hiixh and faithful testimony to your . audhighl) s ee ’ uicmorate the distinguished services e,„inent social worth, as well as to your '^n our behalf in the non-siav, While these go.xl influences an •1*' " iiW ..1 I 1-,^.. not vwit mil- '''.VT eminent sof’ial worm, as well as to vour *^n said to u.^, \\oud>oun)t *>t the lather d his Country, i exalted nolitical virtues. ' . States, and the Government thn.,\. vant;. before you leaxe. we always in\i e , the irentlemaii. important and the .=hicld of its protection. i„ ; interesting department of the National iffr the, it is with uni' , Government, we feel gratified by the abili- regret that 1 jK-rccive in our own ’ f pir * . .. • . 1__ ! aI_ -1 M head’s) iutcii- ' more, and it seems such a co 1 am makiiur great to have the ministers call and see such ministers of the gospel as visit us to j worthy of their contidencc visit them; for we are as anxious tor tlieir ^ J^ILI.'-HA WIHTTLKSEY, A'^ent, ■spiritual welfare as we are for our own.— ' I L ^ ^ , 1 . Beside-^ we hav.- one who is old and bed- /Vrry /Vr;K/y.'—Some things are quite ty and impartiality with which it has been oi the country, some who. while [a-., ridden-’-he cannot .^ct out to meeting anv us w. (l s-iid inverse as in j.rose; a fact administered by yon. And, c.specially, do a wiflingness to abide by it, di^p, ’ ^ ■ mfort to heV which will be uu.leuiablc, aimmg the poets we admire the unflinching zeal, and the m such terms as to persuade a.! otl„ tion to get niMrrit'd, i>reparations fbr the event; it will extend I feel in duty bound never to inv busin."is.” One day the American portuuity pass of procuring for her this put as any thing of la«*lv foun 1 s>me (arri.ige.-at her door, aii.l rratification. Siie lias been a faithful ser- relate.-^ to the new post office law, and the out* got the bride, leaving her husbaml. vant. and tho least w'c can do now is to necessity of accommodating ourselves? to it The bride walked u[i stairs. “Madame, make (he days of her hcl[)lessness as com- with all po.ssiblc dispatch: I’ve just been married—am returning from fortable and hajipy as we can. Her wlioh' ‘•I'rcccj.t .n procopt, line upon liiip, church; tlo bx'k at mv dress—examine mind seems to centered ujvou the h >]>e l’i-ej.«v//o>;r po.Majr**. nml I'll jnej.Hv these l.ices; this is the style we th* things of speedily finding her way to hcavi-n.”— The importance of this advice will be in. Shimld any American ladies want “I( is a privilege,” we replied, “which we better umb.-rstfMKl when we remind the tre>us.seaux at our —this is the new highly prize, t.> be jH-iniittcil, as a mes- reader that by the w^ jrlaw we .'♦;tve tuyt mode now—charming (or a bh>iidt‘ as well si’iigcr of Jesus riirisf, t.j \ isit the cabiii cfiifs on rr> ri/ h:th r thr of icJti' fi ‘C her, that at h-a.-t. The following imi.romptu, from officient l.ibor, and the enlightened talent, do .«o; others who regard if a, ,,f let an .p- one of our subscribers, is decidedly as well «’ith which you have defended the great feet and are ready to re-agiraf- (i„., r her this „u( as any tliiu)/of our own couhl be. It aii.l noble cause of the Co.N.sTITLTIOX and subject of slavery, ai/ . the r.NJO.v. We liave the honor to invito yon to pnr- others denounce if, a.s a uioi-t int. :- grievance, niaking a real /^//; take of a Pi .lie Dinner, at such time as ju.^tifying a Kovolut;on of the (J as a >>runette. A very tryng cer«-mony- getting married; but this diess is .0 much admired—the church service so nice —our new stock will be o]>ened in-xt .Mon day—1 am quite agitateil. I assure you— />’.■ A In( :i are as amiabb'as be.-iutiful; ami may we count on th*' c.uuplai>anee of Madame .••ml In r trii-nd'.' i*tc. uf the >lav»; as well as the mansiun of the jun'tf /y thf ff-rttft r. )ur corre“T>oD»l('T)t.>* arc ]>articularly entreated, therefore,, for our.selves aii'l the .s-ike of tiie fuiblic gener ally, t«> pay thn t' rt nht in advance on their letters, that w(* may b«- sjvived the ueccs^i- ty of paying. “A p> nny .-;a\ed,” says Franklin, “is a p--nny gained.” Aecord- iiii: to this rule, twofn-ti'-, Mimf i>* ftro ^irnr/> master. This privilege, with your aj.]>ro- bation and your comj>any. will l>e twice bb-s.'cd.” “Come then,” said she, “.ind let us visit the quarter.” In one of the cabins, or rather eo(tage.s—for they were more like the latter tlian the former—in a cuinfort iblv'ed and well furnished 'I’he f. llowiiiLT paragraphs in rctcrcnce apartiiitMit, we tuund this aged and help- //»»’>//•//; and jMitting the and to the politeness id tin- 1‘rench htid in the editorial t-orrespon.h-ncc of the AHmnif Kriinni .lullnull: -‘We had not been in France twenty minutes In'fore our ideas of l-rench polite ness reccive-l a shock. 1-reiichim-n per- mi(ted la.lics to clamber into the ‘liili- ilein-i*’ una.''i.'t d, and -om}n.-Iled them to (M-eupy the poorest > -.tts w iu-n in the cumbi-r-ome vehit le. I have ncv.-r yet met with an .\merican—not e\eii In the wilds of the \\f>l—who would not ofler a lady a best in a stage coa«h.— Hnt a I'renchmaii doe-^ n t carry his jh.- liteiics' so far as to .munKle hiiu'elf for a lady, either in a cikk h. e;ir, or omni- bii.'. '1 iiey m.iv be polite in a ball room, but they are not politi- in that for which Americans are im.'t i eh brat .1, and Avhich. in m\ I upini..n. atbud- the ui**.-t con- clu'i\ e t-\ idciice ii.*t only of true p.iliteiu s', but of ;iH.dnes- .f heart. A ii.iti'.n whi« h has an iu'tiuetive veneration f.vr mI hI's hi't, bet gift f.i m..:i.’ ami which mani- fot' \eii. ration l y the iii '-t deliea(e atteiiti.-ii' oil all iKca'iou.-. (anuxt be from tin- v. ri.e of i i\iiization. “1 took paiticular if.tice of thi- ch.irae- teri'tic of w hat I ha 1 I t en taught to con sider the m i.'t p .lit.- i,at; .n in the w«.rhl. 1 hav-j s ell a w.uiian stand ten luinuti.' at a ofl;.-e. (j ..'ticd 0:1 .ill snb-' by mustaidiiocd gentlemen,; endea\oring to priM'Ure a t’.ck' t. No one Seemel to feel c.illcl uj.oii t . mak>- r. -.i;i f r her, or to aid her in any wav to i;. t out ofthecrow I. 1 ha\e sc n an-'ther >tiuggliiu' to get int.* a c.;r. w ith a chiM aii.l '.;tclit 1 in hcrarni'. surri.iui.h-.l bv a rc.»re uT I’n-nchim-n. win. eoollv w.itched her t > itle.'S etforts, lii.t ma.le n • pn fb r « f a.'.'i.-iaiice. I have .-ecu other' r>.uglily pu.'he.l ba k that a polite l’ri-i;chmau miglit Hr.'t m ike his i-xit out of an "innibu'. I>ut I di-l not ,'ce any one otb r tu a.--ist a ladV, «-ithi-r in her'cnt to ur d.-'cent from any jmblic ..nv. yance. I havt* .'•eiMi ladies rou:/hly jo.'dcd fri'iii the ■^i'le-walk.' on the IJoulevar Is—w lu-rc, if anv where, vou might h>ok for politeness —and in cro."ing from Pov r to ()>(t-ml, and fVoni Houh.gne to I-olkestoiie, i have .. en Frenchmen stn-tched out at full length less fcm-.'.le .-crvant, whu fur two years had not bet-n able to le.ivc her room, and sean ely her bel. riie re.-t of the family s«-rvaut> Were als.) .i,«Mmlded there. It was on her account, espi'cially however, that Mrs. r hail invited our \isit t.» this qnar(er. Thruuirh a long cour>c of vi-ars this ag' 1 Ind been a faithfti! .-ervant. bo'll to her c.iithly ni.istcr and mi'itre.-s and t - her Heavenly Father and (mmI.— N"W, in turn, .-he was remeinberc»i by l»uth, and in her afllicti.m, suflered no want, eith'-r 'piritunl or t-mj>on»l. ‘•Oh. sir,” said she, lifting lu relf a lit tle i:p.iii her elbow, “I am .0 glal to .-ee y01:. I h' ar the chiMren >aV y ai u[» at the h"U'C, ami I gin ! • be ’f’rai'l mis.'U' would f'.rget to a'k you to come and j.rav t'..r p.M.r >dd .^l ; but mi'.'U.' \ervg"-d, and ne\er forgets. (). I bl.-s,« (hm{ for h»*r. and old ma.'tcr t»u, thoui;h h* ban t got m. reliL'ion \i-t; 1 prays for him nightly, ami 1 be*ie\c.- ( i kJ will C'll\ert llilll VCt, alid we shall all meet in Heaven at l;i't." “V 'U harilly exj.ei t lo leave your r.iom au'ain fill you g - ther> , h. you!'” we re marked. “() no. sir. I long 'ime guv up all hope of that; when I goi> now. I giH.,' riirht .-traight home to Heaven. I i-wait ing for that dav, ” .'i.d.l she, with emphasis. “V« u are not afraid t> die, th-n,”said we. —“Afraid!! afraid to die ami g> t«. desii'!—N>. .-IK. (Iloi v to hi- uaun 1 he's my ln->t fVeml. “p.> von know 'ir. he c.>mes to me every d,»v. and l.ring- me s>>mi ffiin)/ »/•/«/. He fell me not to bt- imjiatieiit, and he'll ci>m - b.r me arti r a while. I is waiting for tluit hour. II»*’s a trend, sure. ” “ po v.)uiiot s..metimt- wish,” .-ail we, “that the Lonl wi.uld rai>e you up ag.iin, so that you could get out ani’.i'g your frieu'ls ouce inM-v r" , “No indeed, -ir,” s.iid she, “that's the backward way of the j.uiriiev, 1 is trav- ellinir to the totln r end on it; I is ;one too far now to want to turn back. )nce, when I heard you had come bai k to the neighborhood. I thought if I ( ould j. st jrit out once to hear you preai h again, I should be so, but Ji-sus told me that want waiidn to make me h:ipj»y, and I believed together in such ci.-^i-s, w* are /mtr nufa /■■« (by all logic) at the clusf of the trails.iction.— 'tnrh Mmt “ A> »r,s.” will suit your convenience. With sentiments of high esteem, your ob’t serv’ts, W. I). HAVAVOOI), RirH’l> HINIi.S IKrJ>KI.L. MAM.V, J, il. UHVAN, L. HlNT(tN% H. W. MILF.FR. K. B. FUKEM.XN, If. W. Iir.T!:i>. SKATON CHA.. K. 15. n. MOOHK. J. F. T.\VI,oj{. fj, lUMiT. Ut;c». LITTl.K. under the name of scccssIon. I cannot now discu.>is these vaii.m.,, tions.—But it cannot esca^xj that the advocates of all three ef d,... m*st anxious to obtain a rt*c--gniti"R d(H;trine that a .s-fatc m.iy at pl-avrjrl. cede from th.* Cuion, and that uff. r - declaiatiuii ui R-cos'sion, fivers is lo.V-v, any power, in (he (Jovemiiient ni ri,,. j ted Stat(-s, to cnforce the J.«nv-t.f(h 1 ted States, within our limits. T!i ir ety and Z“al f(>r (his in tL places the two cla.sscs of persons fi;.- Verted to in the .same categoi v w;t:. practical se e.ssioiiit. If the fa‘-t lx deniable, that one is for iM!mc']>;4ri^ . f^Ion, aud a»**tUer Ct rigbf recopdzcd to do .0 witli ir.-,-.u-s,'v givt' them a hand grenad*' (>r boinb.-hcll. A'*/' }"/•/• (.'(onjti'rci'i/. KAr.irrnir, July •2*>tb. (Jkn'TLKMKN: I deeply regret, that the necessity of pursuing my journey, on my is difficult to perceive how he c in i 1, 77/* j> nf.t f’f t 'iinfftlilift.—A gcutleuian return to Washington, with all convenient effectually aid and cncoura;re l.iiu t in Brooklyn ha.» kept a re. ord of all fhe de.spatch, deni*s m*‘ the pleasure of :icce]»t- fatal n'snlt, accidents by camphiii'*, whi.-h have oceiirr- ing your very kind and obliging invitation, Nor can T dwell on the do Trir>*' • e«l in this N.cinity, ami have b.-en reported in behalf of frit-nds in llaleigh, ro a cession farther than to .s.ty, that ■> i iu tUc nvw^papc^^ since the od of duly, pul.lie dinm-r. 1 however l)cg by iucon-isti-nt with and ref>ii::ii.uif and they ijuiiilK-r ftfry-nijie. Many wlnun it is tendered, t^> be a.-sured that I constitution of the I tiited Stato; -.ii per.'on.' have b»*cn fatally injured, arnl received it as a new manifestation of their it wa fullv di.sciis.scd and in ii;v ■]. much \;*luable j rojM-rty Iwisbcen destroyed friemlfy rccrard, and of ti'ie h"S}>itality nf a refutt »1 abini: with nulliticatiou iii tla by this explosive ami combustible fluid, community towanis which I shall ever ter of 1 It is fully as dangcmus an article as gnn- cherish grateful recollection, not merely on I cout'.-«l no ahafenx-nt of viirilar: powder, ;ind when we con'»ider the num- account of (!'.• kind offices of good neigh- the true rights of the South, and >i: b'-r of chcaj>, infe rior lan>j»-i tliaf arc u“eil, borhof«l exfx:-. ienced during my re-:*dence the last to .-»iirrendcr the rieht of 1!' it is a'toiiishi’ig that accidents are not among thi-m. but of a .srx ial intercourse, ti(Ui, should ag-gre..'ion afj*J m Te fr.-pient. I a camphiue lamp which date.'baci ftlmos* to ttj- hoyliofKl, arise to justifv it. 1 trust, ho^sr' i, i- made pei f'eetly air tight, and constantly and enroU among the citizens of Knh igh if sflch a ^^a^^.'' of flting* shiil? e-- k. i*t -o w li. n ignited, an explo.>ion may cn- m;iny of my most e.-4ecmed and trusted we-hall make an out aud out II • sue i.; any moment, and it is about a.-t ra- friends. To retain their good opinion will which .-hall leave no roun f>v e u t, .’ ti.uial to put sm h a torjn-do into }he W to inr, alwray.'*, aroong the comforts of entraj* no man’s eonseience, I i . -m. of children and >ervant'. as it would lie to life, sis well as an assurance that what; ver time, by faithfully adheriji^r to rl;.- re; my fortane iway bestow, W.-eiv obJalrv-d of um?iu ag’r.tcd oui\i('.h . .(.p;- ;)),. br r.o derFgafory r/r nntrorthy merMi.^. acts l>y the- c.\( rriow.i a’l-d ~ t ion hnTc been pleased. Gentlemen, to triots of both flu-great parr> * V. V. refer, in tnnnff complimentary than divided the e.inTitrv. we sli.ill • ?ii:r ■ deserved, to lUT humble M-rTicCs in fl.-o ad- selves to have them in tlu.* iike 1 niiniiJtration of a dep;>Ttmenf of the Got- ser-ed and kej-t on the i.f or*r > ernnient, and in the c-au?** *4’ the Constitu- ern luetKreu, yml iu the^trcut of a la ■ tion and fhe T’l/ion, Called -uddenly aiel peal aft-r a f!tiUive iM o-jr just nxpevta unexpectedly from the fctircTftieut of }>ri- we w>>uid ^tant^ jusfi&.-l i-j i.iir-i.*H» vate life, to an inijH>rtunl arnl responf»ilde 1 eforo the ju.lgment of mankind. I ■ trust, at a time of much exci(e»ften^ na- ly hr>j>e, however, that theie i« y. r !■ tional affairs. I did not hesitate to accept otism enough in all sections to ] r - a distinction which 1 conceived to be ten- our Cnion io fts trne sj.irit, and ti.u.- dered in niy person to the steadfast and the bb'ssings of the constitution to ih, loyal ch.iiiicter of my native State, rather (tst po.stcrity. than to the qualifications (>f the individual. •\nd if then* has Wen any thing in the manner of discharging the duties of my post which is ;it all worthy of the eoni- memlatiou iu which you iudulue. it is at tributable mainly to the h*sons learned in h. r .schools. and\some little exiK-rience in ; dismal'civil war . the conduct ot her afiiur^. ^ | ^olatcd the fieWs of r’arolina. and lU: .My h^sure will not a .ow sur-li a prescn-: the tears and 11. t.-ition of my view.- on the pre.^cnt state of ohiMren. Th,- ties of nature, ef the country :is would agreeable to me, ^ w.-re It in my power to mecn you as pro- trampled. Friendship and fellow J. po.sed I V your invitation. ' - .... M["-n sot.IS. while ladies could f.nd no pla- him, .-iiid, s.> got hajipv without it. T’se 1-.^ t.)'it dow n. But 1 m vcr.-^awa I reiieh- long since guv that up too; and now vou man di-coinnio le himself tu oblige a l.idy. .Ml this may st-em apoi-ryphal—am.l s) 1 would have deemed it but for thecviileiiee have ^1 .1//V»/• )'// L'n >.—'I'lie New ( )i lean Pelta states that in the jirivate library of (he la(e eccentric New Orleans millionaire, McPonough, was f.uind a cojiv of Dryden s traiislati-.iu of Ovid’s Art of l>ove, which bore evidences (.f having been constantly and ipiite recently read, with lead marks imliiating iib-as and ,-entimeuts which wen‘ {tarticul.irly hajtpy and striking.— (>ne of tbi-se idea i- a .>;evcre and sneering allusion to the fully uf the miser, who de votes himself to the dry, dull and uusati.s- factory ]>leasure of accni-iulating wealth, whilst the whole animal world is engaged iu the more delightful ami exhilarating oc cupation of love. The amorous poet jiro- ci-eds to recommend that all such persons shoubl be served as Midas was, who.-e avarice puni.-hed by turning cverv thing he touched into gold. 'I'he Del(a prx-eeds to tell us that Mr. M( Ponough was, singularl}- enough, in love, and that the remembrance of his dis- ap]n)intmeiit in* don (it jtronipted his fre- pu-nt re.-idiuix of ( )vid. !^Iany y.-ars ago, when Mcponoiigh had reached a mature age, and liad accumulated larire landed possessions, with a project in vit'w of sur- rouiidiiiL' the city with his j.roj'crty, he I am, gentlemen, with sincere ri,[ your ob’t .M'rv’t, ?.M. .L r.RAH\’>; Jlessrs. JI.\vwoo7>'jrad otlicr.*-. rnrtui.i:. , Ciril War.—“No language can ’ \ tice to and visit with proper cxo rat'>ir of my ow n .senses. ‘•Amerieans m ly be igiiuraiit of many uf the higher branches uf politciie.-s; but if une of the ‘I'niversul N itiou’ .-hould treat women as (avali«-rly as Frt-nchnieii treat tlu-m, there is not a backwoodsman ea.'t of the Rotky .^lountains who would not v.duntecr to pitch him into the !'li.-s- issipj.i. “Nor is this inattention induced by any want of ap]>re»-iation *n the part r>f the la dies. I never saw gratitude more gener ally expre.sscd than w h-n a venerable J*hil- * ci'iiie to se«* me, and I hope to nrav r 1.1. i 1 ■ * 1 1 • 1 . . . I 1 I , ,* ‘ • found that ,«uue lauds int.-rvened, which it>i me, too, 1 .ion f kiu.w that 1 v.ant anv 11 1 * m 1 -i .1;, 1 ” II I . , * b ■loii'rcd to a very wealthv and cav widow ttiin*: cls.'^. llappv soul, thoudit we, 1 1 \i m i\ \ ' 13 * lady. Mr. 3lcl> onouLMi • cudcavon-d to i lady. .Mr. .Mci> .nouLdi- endeavor i'e’T ", , fi'"r many the »i tu(“ I loif-sam-tineif j.erson ot an idiscurc • . 1 . • i 1 I>erson and helpless sl.-ive. 1 uder a sense of the divine y'reseiice, and with the (.liviue apj.rc.val, we knelt down by ber bcdsi.le in hnmbh* adoration of that being, “who is no respecter of per sons.” While w c prayed, good old 31 forgot all else but desus and her hope of Heaven, and shoHtd ahmil. We left her lying ujMin her bed, and jtraising (.H>d with all her strength. When we meet In-r great widow a very large j.riei' for her j>roj>.-rtv. but she would not 11,—!ie, in the meantime rt-- niaining secret, not allowing it to be known that ho was the )>erson in i>ursuit of this projx-rty. All his eff«.rts j.roved abortive. At last he undertook a different jilan. lie paiI court to the lady, jiroposed marriage, and w.-is rejected in .such a maimer as to cau.-e his indignation, and ex-cite a vow of revenge, which he lived to execute. ■ ^ siiniloi-fil with the-■iU-.n-d. I-’iiiU. r n.. • >.v,.r, f,.rl.e;,r to «,v. in iny op,,.,on, | j, . the solti. m.-nt ..f the vc.xe.1 .|U.>n,.n.« ans-1 2,,pp|e.| : lUf: ut of the acnuisitiou ot territory troni ■ .1 , , ,x-*i ' , . I 1 • 1 ‘ I t»’nal embrace of the savage,-roadc'! t ■ .'lexico, and tho relation.^ between the 1.,. ,i.„ * i , 1111- ) staiit stiite o\ the shouts and rew, ' .slavelioj'iing and non-slavcholdmr States, ^i,,. i)..;,: 1 * , , „ t- > .1 • * , ’ tlie lintisii conqueror. Lmurtheirt commonly ca ed the coniproni'.se acts ot ; • , , ‘ , 1 .1 1 •, , , , • • I in:r couutenan.-c p -ojde of tlie worst i: iSiiO, ouirlit to be regarded in all si*ctions ^ i +■ *i 1 • i- r J. :icter emerged trom thoir uuline pht-'' ,s a hnul „.Ij„i.t,nci,l; as upon Its la.tht,,! i oh.«erv,mn.t mainlv ''.ei'oiuitlio iwaco n,i>,-,Wivr,-. l:!o:,d.pai«, : an.l.|U,et o the ecntntry. W h..»t it l>»s , j,,lj„,vs.|,r„,KlecMv,etd,es, «h., ..e-.M.,: ....t^eneete. every tl,,,,- ™r owu ! s,., t,o,, ni.ght l>ave „,s,s,e,l 0,1. nr desired, . „ I,^ It still. ,11 iiiy ju. j:me,it, plaee.s enr peeu-, fro,,; their : .,,r es,s uniler » «’v»rer piot. etion . than they have e.,joyed t..r the last twe.ity , ,t vear.a. Not to mention the reiection ot .1 , *1 - 1 1 1 *, ^ rn • • 1 ^omcn, slew their children, an.l .div'r the \\ ilmot proviso trom the lerntoriar .1,_ „ .ru • • . I-Ti I-.L I 1 X’ Aj • 1 1 • I ttie ,-w*eetest homes ot hapiJines-inf 'p!;' - bills ot I tall and New Mexico, by a deci-; ./> ^ i 1 I 1 , Kli.vii i.v 10 e.vcciue. • * Ti r i> t * soirow Or the most sa\age soli til'll". 1 ; , , , . . , . , ” ‘“'n we meet In-r v c* 1 • 11 sive vote of the House 01 llepre.sentatives, i: , • * ^ o- 1 v adelphiaii, w ith 'Genuine ^ ankee i.romnt- i.r-iin u-o ev..,.-f 1 • « eais afterwards this s;imo widow, hav-: . »i 1 * * 1 ♦ * ~ . the single district of Niuety-K'MX tlu n-vu I I ’ r- ■' i .oiMi. j.ionipi ag.iin. we expect s!ie will f»e engaged in «■ i . ■ ■ ! alter the long i»rotracted contcct, vear at-' , J 1 • > ’ ■ I * 1 been uttered a lar^e price h>r a piece * ^ than lOHrteen hundred wiu. '"t nut in , r f., \ ^ ^ ^ , ter year, upon Abolition wtitious, it was , , ... , , , of eit\ ]»ruperty, f.uind that two lots at the * ■ e » • 1 j. \ ni{>nans made bv th s .savaire w rfau-, extncate.l a lady, with a j.retty little , the s;;iue gh.riuus employment, but responsiinlity,’ from a crowd at a railroad the ,s; f'(‘ctly int lligible. the kind-hearted old gentleman .said, ‘It’s’ :ts Ainsworth has it, thus;— 1 f^urprise, on .sending a broker to him, to V.. . « , 1 j all right, my girl; and just what any gen- ! king of Thrace had planted a vine- , informed that he might take $50,000, nj*a|,y v^-,v- leinaii wouhl have done.’ ‘Anirlais?’ in- ' when one of his slaves, whom he had ^‘^t nothing less. The widow determined , *1/ ^ /i *- * Tfic Korl/i WiOKif.—Pt v. Mr. 'Jnir, of Aberdeen, Scotland, madi an e.x- perimeiit in his own church lateh', to de monstrate the rotation of the earth. Tu ^ qnired the little French wemtin. ^ ‘Nut bv *' the great confusion uf the as.semblcd rh- nnis, the machine imlicati'd that the earth was turning the wrong wav. •eyes. They were per- >ts origin from one of Penelope’s wooers In'reply tu her thanks , as he was going to drink. Put t’ew hundred dollars. Wh-it w-'s 1 ' of our rights and the provision of a ' present sea.son will fully jusiify tlum a »cr ; for their observance, such as I i entertaining the most gloomy furcboiliri.' not have been procured for; We have just returned from a visi: pretx‘diiig. j Raleigh, and, in either going or c"iiiii- that he. Irish Jjnijtr.—‘‘'I'hat’s a fine .stream for trout, friend,” observed a pi.scatorial ac- (juintance the other day to a genuine spri.f from the Emerald fsle, who was vvhippiiii; away with great vigor at a well-known and favorite pool. ‘‘1‘aith, and it must be that same, sure enough.” returned l*at, “for deuce a one of ’cm’ll s,tir out of it.’' I A cotemporary states that an American , ship lately picked up a dog swimmin>' in i the middle of the Atlantic. He was^vi- ! dently not mad, judging from his partiali- j ty to water, but a caninc P3'ron, whose j “bark was on the sea." ! Pavid Crockett u.sed to say of the late 1 Philip Hone, with whom he was in Con- ; gress, that he was the fter/itesf mvin he ever knew—“'cause why!'” said the Colonel, “he allcrs puts his bottle on the sideboard before he asks you to drink, and then turns his back so as not to see how' much you take! This,” adds the Colonel, “is what I ctiU real's!” I long shot. I’m Vankee’^jdl over. i Little A'/W//c.s-.s-,~SmaIl act7of kindness ^ ^ i 1 , ed his prophecv, ana wncu atan I huw plea.sant and de.-sirable do they make . he held the cup full uf his life, hvery dark object is made light by . . . . i , them, and every tear of sorrow' is brushed sultin I , f-;*~ i- . .1. t he hehl the cup full uf his own wine ' at his dreary old at McDonouM,- e everyvvuere met ^ tooacco or corn look more unpn.iiii'Hi- ont fur this slave, and a.sked him in! villo. He was buried in musty " f‘^/espimsibihties im];>os^^ tobacco hardly looks like fob . ngly what he thought of his prophecy surrounded by his negro clerks, c!mying l J’ -'7' I ^iT d..,lev sits -it tl. t f '1 slave only answered ‘There’s A single empty chair sat in the worthy of the disciples | hills instead ot untoldin- and spiv:Kb d. ncv sits at the entrance of the soul, a ,^^.tween ‘the cup and the lip ’ room. The widow fo,;k thi.s, and im- John Marshall. I hey .nit their leaves, seem to be turning tl. Scarcely had he .spoken when news medMy commenced the obiect of her !»=^ve not only mamtained it in execution, inwards, and prcsont more the appear ; the juries, which they have caused to be The corn fcrsb'g Inti'llij coast, and Irom other sources, mil swcn fiJi Tl' At last, having exhausted all other arts, r"‘ . i- the whole ainoiint to near 000,(10(1 : rilrl' 1 ^ k. 1 .‘1 ■'"'y thofglit slio would try the elfcct *“ vitiated |.ul,lic op,n,on „ ; of ohl reniinisocnees a, at the North, than all tho',irguiuents of , !u /7..«V/„.-Aen.u,i:- . from Florida Sta Ifope.—The only peojile that hope are i J should be looked to. the poor. The rich live iu fear. Keduce a out o’nights and sipping man to one pair of breeches, and his view "'^“‘^key jmnch. of futurity is as buoyant as cork. Make — V-.., and associations; so i * * * i- ■ • from Florida -tate that catcrnillar.- !'■ sb»^ libisbiiifrlv aii.l cnftu-1*‘«tatesmen or politicians on the floor of I , ouua.iaic uiai caKijii . m, btusliinpfy and feoiti^ nujuuvd Oi the made their appearance in girat nuud' stern old millionaire how it was that he' ^ i.- ,i i - should have once offered her his hand and “ The executive of the ' ^iff^'rent counties of the State, ami tlm ' ten amost entire destruction to tho eou- uuwilling U, graut her : f "‘!r i" «verv ease „ ‘•That,” responded « •’.”“8 M'.I'tery 1 p,„;, \i power to the aid of the civil officer, in th« i N * ^ 7 heart, and was now ajriena \}(i)ttinq a *i • n • m j tins small privileire Rerom mendath lVevi(ms to their appca’aiico on to him a millionaire and he will worry frmn \ u / i * year end to year end. _ Kvery gale oi wind ' prospcct was very encouraging; but H' e.vilo«eer,i„.he!|i;"--‘,;i censorious few, from doing an act of jus i Blank Warra?its for sale here •*‘'1 Magistrate of a nation, ^ pVpuiar'ii^Vk: 1 uirurn.'f sai€ ficrc. , boarm^ iny testimony to the “clearue^j ] Ju^ l«il OJ TA tr/to desir jtlease yit Rain. with fine tended th; and put which has is cool, by 4 degr this .sea.son in) to 106, N. C. letter from that the lu vergity wa by the Sta and that n Sale oi IJondji, (sa on the t:()ti tie more tl Tre.sid Ijocofocos ! ingtou Uni the Presidt and faithlc Locofocos charge hiu m-aintenan bility,’’ an Slave law. mont St iti The fae" fill to th( to maiutai! Laws. Tt true one States, him iu it, and disnni ally worki thiit of tlu A.noth Lo-OF»C>i the impm (and they jtreteiicc t friendly tv tutioiis, is founded, i tion after the abolit party oi») FUch coai; furnished «tf which other coh North Ai the I'eni froui its 1 If any is this j.i with the deed, for Ami ind suit. It coalitions now 1 aW:.P' the imj litionist.« creased, will he 1 »tountry l.y dan;'' »e Cl anl of the rich man with fear and trembling tor the, 3to-k he owui in soroe ini’urruce. and pi‘0test.s thnt he’ll do so to-morrow. He’s a capital book-keeper, ’faith! to mv sor row! UST REt'EIVED, a new .sui.ply ef t**' ,T iLnr e"-'*’ MEssr are zccn “slanderl them of I J ournal init” to to show] l.oth thi| How ^•'submii jiorting party oj How nieasujvi dare arj the Soul such m(| iu fjvoa det-laviij tion is j time pv already Mesj all thcij tempts in fa I misc. ly will they 1 tin just the Sol peculi:] of gettl The New il any ta scarcitj worse Joi CoxvJ the nJ plainii iials f. state, volum place days J tion. learnc lay oe mingt Ncusq week.

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