IPA'a'IlTOWIIlLliIE SEMI-WEEKLY. [VOL. I.] FAYiyr i'EVlLLl’, N. C'., TtJESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 5, 1851. [NO. !().] INTICll liV .1 It. NEWBY. AVAIM) J. HALE & SON, }.1>1T('RS AND I’HOPRIETOKS. >r the t?eiui-\Vffkly Observer $4 00 if in lulvance; !j!4 50 if paid tlurinj: (he if ^uhscrijitiou; or $5 after th year lias Wfokly OnrsEKVER $2 00 per annum, if in advance: oO if paid during tlic ja»r of snb?>iTiption; or 00 after the year ki^ expired. A©\'EllTlSl'MK.\Tr> inserted for si\fy cent.« pcr^uure for the first, and thirty cent? for each ■BBOKdinp publication. \ eiirly advertisen\ents ipecini contracts, at reasonable rates. Ad- V0tMei'S are reme.'Sted to state the number of inawtions ilctiired, or they will be continued till ^d. and I’hnrsied accordinyjly. Letters to the Ivlitors must be post-paid. ry —■.II.—..r.. ■■■■■. In 1'() 1 nia'I'k)x \vanti:d. S' the heirs of lU’LLARD MASSKV vill ap ply 10 the l'o.xtmnstcr at Fayetteville. N. lev niav learn .soniethinp to their advantage. mm Si ■•i.'i.-i.'v dit-d in the South in the Fall of s.iid he fr- iu North t’aro’.ina: spoke of j MOLASSKS. ^ iniDS. prime MOL.VSSE!^, for sale bv II. BKANSON & SON. " July 0, IS,')!. 3tf $200 Hewanl. 1WILL give one hundred dollars for the ap prehension and confinement of ANDKKSON and .IFIIKV in any jail so that 1 can get them again, or fifty dollars for either. 1 will also give for proof of any responsible person s harboring said negroes. Tliey ranaway from my plantation in Moore county on the 10th of Feb'y last, and are thought to bo lurking about 1() or 17 nnles above Carthage on Deep River, through the edge of .Moore and corners of (’hat- ham .and nnndoljih eotinties. Anderson is about •J8 years old, a bright mulatto, aboutfeet 7 or 8 inches high, well proportioned; h.-is an open oonntenance. and is quite plausible. It is be lieved that he will endeavor to jiass for a free man and escape to a free State, as he had a brother who played the same game. Jerry is about 24 ye.-irs old, ti feet o or 4 inches high, | stout built; has a down look, particularly when i spoken to. and is rather imp\ulent. Siiid ne- j groes formerly belonged to .Icdni II. Hitter, in the upper end of Moore county. Any information must be addressed to tiie subscriber at Pocket P. O., Moore countv. N. J. 1,. IIUV.VN. April 12. 1851. (17 tf WANT HI), liANl»S. at 7o cts. per day. on the S()uthern I'lank lioad. Steadv • ii«tT l.^'tty. or ('harloite: and of bishaving ^•Miu the Florida war. jitfy 2'-.. IN.I. 8-If LAiuji: s\Li: AT Ai J K will sell our entire Stock of GIUH'E- W RIKS at Aucton, commencing on JfEotnlatf the Ilf/* of waA c(>ntinuing from day to da.v until all are iiroo.'~vd of—t-onsisting of SL't'i.VR, CU'FEK. MOLAS.'^F.S. IRON. SALT, NAILS, \c. Mer- ebmts of the interior would do well to attend tktsale, as the Stock is larg*'. Terms liberal, and'niade known on day of saie. | We will aUu ollVr lor sale tiie following Pro- | viz: I Tbc STORl^ nn.l WAKKllorSK occu- )m^by i.urscives. I 1 Ti ii ni-. iit in Brick Kuw, oeciil'ieO bv ■ B. D. McNeill. 1 Dw.-lliui: H.iuse in ivar, wit'u kitiboii ; «ni siuokc-houso. I n.VLL C'i HALL. j \. .VJ, t'A.\IPHF,LL, Auctinneer. | Ju1v i!^. 8-ts j Ni:\V IUH)KS. Jl^rTIIl'lIN H ARMONY: (iidcspie on Roads, ! for IMi-ioi' i>t'Nlattis. ii's Astronomy, Bolwor's new I’l.iv: TMvIor ^ .Medical .Jurispru- j daiice: Littie \ Kri'wn's Knglish Reports, Vols. i 1 anti Lcadln^r •'ascs in Kiiuity: t’onibc's Phi- ! Biology Smith ' .\ritiimetic, &c. I'ic. ! .lu.'t received by Ju’.v E. j. HALF i SON. employment and cash payment weekly, if re quired. .Vpp’v to I). M. RUIE. At the Steant Mill, or to A. A. McKFTHAN, June 2;?, 1 [77-tf] Fayetieville. WA.N'rHl)’ :?O0O ft. Ashe Lumber for AVagons. li t> :> inches thick. ;iOOO ft. Seasoned (lak I.umlK*r. I ^ to :> inches. KXKt ft. Wliite Oak and Hickory, for .Vxletrees. luOO ft. AVliiie Oak for Tongues, Roisters and Shafts. tO(> Post Oak Hvibs, for Cai-ts nnd Wag ns. 2000 Spokes. For which the highest cash price will 'le naid. Ap,>i V Sfin to t. I L LLhR. Mav 10. 72-tf W A.N’l'KI). A OOOI) P.iidy Maker at the Carriage bnsi- .1 « ne.ss. t.iood wages and steady employ ment given. A. A. .McKFTII.VN. May 2(). 73-tf HMDS. SWKET Mt»LASSKS. lOOO .''ai-ks Liverpool SALT, with our usual Stack oi' (I >C FIIIF.; July 21, l^.’.l. Jjaf” A giioil suj'ply Kjtt Whiskey. J. 5: T. WADTHLL. litf of Williams's Rectified J. & T. V. EI)\VI.\ GLOVEU. Watch-Waker and Jeweler AT THF OLD STAND, ,S'/'y« >>/' thf' Lnnjp H V.K returned from th** North with a large ! a'-sortnient of \V.\TC11F]S, ('L(>CKS A.\D i JB\VFL1>V. whicli he invites the public to e.\-| mtnine. .Vm-'iig his stock can be found,— j Cold and .''liver Watch'.’s t>f all kin Is and * prices: ;.dd and .''ilver Fob, (lUard. and Vest j fifcwiiK- ioId. Silver, .''tone, and .'^teel Keys and , 8w1s; I’.rvast T’ins and Kar-Rings of »iU kinds 1 U)d prii-es; F inger Rings: trold. Silver and Steel | Spectacles: .''ilver and (Jold Thimbles; tine Br;icclets: (iold and Silver I’ens and Pencils; €l»ld I.ockcts: Gold and Silver Relt Ruckles; Qjj-d ' oral I'.eads: .^lofve Huttons: fine rdeons; .Music Roxc.s; fine and common W^lki.-.g ( .'anos; tine and eonnnon Pistols; Silver CA]'s; Silver .''pootis: Port-.^loneys: Purses; Clocks, from .>2 to .'jilO; Plated Cake I’askets. Cfcstoisand I'andlc.stickfi: Rrassdo.: I'»ack-(!am- laon IJoards: .Vr. .MILITARY GOODS. Swords. Saslies. Lace, Buttons, Rugles, Stars, Humes. Cajis, iVc.. Acc. l*arti iilar attention paid to the p.ep:iiring of Watches and Jewelry. F:ivcttcville, N. C., .hilv 21. 0-.‘?m ; A'lrnifti^trntnr's Sale. ILL be s(dd at the Market House in the i:^>n rv salk. nr ILL be sold at the Court House door in the Town of Fayetteville, on Mon«lay the first ilay of September, at 12 o’clock .NL. I>y Decrees of the Court of ivjuitv, the following Valuable RFAL E.^TATF;— O I Acres of mi tlio North Ka^f I side of Cape Fear River, in Chatham and 'uin- j lierland Counties, joining Rrazier, P>urt. Ste- ; phens and others, known as the ‘•lUickhorn Lauds." This land lies immediately on Buck- horn Falls, and is valuable for water jirivilegcs. j Also, the interest of the lato William Colville in and to Four L)T.'' in the To-,vu of I .Vverasborough. upon .a cre'Iit of six months, the purchaser giving bond with approved se- , curity. ! Al.so, one vacant I/>T in the Town of I Fayetteville will be sold, upon a credit of six ' months, upon bonil and I security, at the 1 .M.\RKKT HOL>F in the Town of Fayetteville, I on Wednesday the :>Oth September, at 12 o'clock I M., to-wit: on the South West corner of the j Market S juure, known as the ••P>lak>. Lot.” ARCH'D A. T. S.MITM, (,’lerk vV .Master. Julv 22. f.-ts \\ RAinMN(; PAl»i:ii. RFAMS .Medium size. •* lilue. fi r Cotton Varn= ^'rlm .Manteo Paper Mills. Ralfigh. For s low bv .Fnfv (t, H. RRANSON S(»N. otf LAWKKNTJ: & COMPANY'S Pateul IniproNod l'It*sh CJloves jiiul Straps, For i)roducing a healthy state of the system by Friction. ; TBIHK great value of the HORi^K-H.MR RF- ‘ JL NOV.\TOR as a therapeuti‘ agent, when : applied to the hunuin body, is well knovvn to i every one who has ptiid the least attention to ! the importance of a healthy action of the Skin, i For sale by S. J. HlNSD.\Lh. | Oct. 1, M'.ttf ^ I ~ 6c AIKDJC'JXKS, Oif.'f, Windovc G/usk, Vann’jili^Af. Sami KL .1. I IiNsnALr- oti'ers for sale an extensive assortment of (jO«)DS, among which are the fol lowing: I Opium. (,'am])iior. Castor Oil, Alcoliol, Siil- ]>hur. Aloes, Magnesia, Rhuti.-irb, Morphine, Quinine. Cream Tartar, Sal Soda, Castile Soap, .Super cart). Soda, Fpsom Salts, Sponge. Ipecac, SPRI.\C A\D SIMMER (iOOBS, 1 8 I . J. T. COIJNC II. A: CAIX A HE now receiving a large stock of SPRING .»*m AND SUM.MFR GOOD8, consisting in part of— Striped Gro-de-Paris; black and col’d Silks; embroidered, printed and black Rarege and IJa- rege-de-Laine; Pai-is-de-Chine: Crape-de-Paris; rich emb'd Tarltans: printed French Lawns; em- f>roidered and printed Swiss .Muslins; Hoyle's and ]>rintcd Organdie: Mourning, printed; Polka and f.-incy F.awn; Mourning ami ether Ginghams: .Jaconet and Swiss Muslins; Silk and Linen T’oji- lins; solid col’d Lawns; Bishop and Swiss ditto; Grass and other Skirts; Linen Cambric Hand kerchiefs. needle-worked; Collars and Cutis: I.ace Undersleeves; French needle-worked Chem isettes; fancy Mitts and Kid Gloves of all kinds; splendid Bonnet :nid other Ribbons; Fdging and Inserting; French ami Fnglish Prints; together with a large supplj' of other articles suitable t'or Ladies' wear. French Cassimercs; plain Linen and Linen Drill: Checkeil Linen; Silk, .Marseilles anti other Vestings; t'ashmeret; Drabd’Kte; York Nankins; Silk Hauilkerchiefs .and Cravats; brown ami bleached Sheetings and Shiriings; a good assort ment of embroidered Window Curtains, (some very fine.) Kmdj'-mado f'lotliiiiu. Coats: Pants: Satin, Silk. Marseilles and t)ther Vests; a large supply of each. A large lot of I'mbrellas. and fine Silk and Satin Parasols, .assorted kimls. Beaver. Fur, Silk. Leghorn and other Sti'aw Hats; .also a good supply of Boys' Hats. i White Chip, French Hair-Lace, and other ■ l?oiuiets: Children's tine Pearl Hats, Bonnets i and Flats; ^Vreaths and Flowers. ! Fine Calf sewed Bo )ts: Patent Leather P>ro- gans; ('loth and Bui-k Congress !a tts: Oxford Ties; I’atent Leather ditto; Ladies’ bl.-ick and col'd Silk Gaiters, a .‘ine article; ditl'erent kimls of Misses' Shoes and Gaiters: I.adies’ Slipj'ers and Walking .''hoes; uith a large supply tf he.ivy .'^hoes, for servants. j Sa'idles, Bridles, Collars. Padded Ilarnets. and Wagon ami Buggy Whips. Crorkn’y, llanhvarc. riilliTj, ilollow-Wiire. ■ Rio .and Laguira Cofl'ee; Crushed; 'laritieil. Loaf and l?ro\\n Sugars; .*'alt. .Molasses. Iron and .Nails: Principe Cigai’s: French Brandy; tiin: Port. .Madeira, ^weet, and Scuppernong Wines. Togetlier witli a great variety of Goods of nearly every description. ,\ll cf which they are determined to S'dl very low for C.-ish. or on very acconiniodating terms to puiictnal customers. We wonlil be glad that buyers generally wi.uld call iiud e.\aniine our .''^ti'ck. ■\pril 4. If-')1. ti'itf lOO.OIX) Acrcs \*aluiil)l(‘ T 1 M n 1-: K I. A N I) s FOR SALF. f HIHK .'subscriber has juirchased all the f-.andi B. belonpii!^ to th>‘ F.-tate of .Vbram I'ubois, dec'll, Iving prin> ipally in Robeson eotinty. and on lioth sides of Lumber River, the ditl'ereiU sur- I veys containing Ac* res; A large part finely Timberel. and convenient to Lumber River, where .a large qtiantity of Tim ber is now rafted to the (Jcorgeton t’ market. Tliese Land's ure very v.aluabie both for the Timlier and Turpentiii*', t'or which purpose a larje j'art is veil suited, being in :i r^ion where the Turpentine yields more aliundantly than any other sectiou of the .'^tate. The Lands will be sold .It .a low jirice. and in ijuantities to suit purchasers. Int'orm.ation respecting the title c:in be olt- tained by applying to the Hon. Robert Strange, lloii. Jas. l.'obbiii. or -V. 1'. .''liiith. Fsq.. , .\tiorne\ s at I.aw.) I underst.and therr« are many tiefassers on these Lands, to nil of whom notii e is hereby given, th.at the law will be entorceil against all such otlenders. .\pplication fi-r any part of the L.ands can be nin'le to my'clf. or to .lohn Winslow, F.s(|., wlio is dulv authorised to make sale of the same. THUS. J. Cl iriMS. Fayetteville. N. C., Sept. 1, lS4.j. 7tltf \V AN'n:i) TO ik)1{R()\v7 for a term of five years. •jJI Good security given. In terest annually or semi-annnally. Address letter to ,\. B., and leave at this of fice. .June MO. 1K.')L 7S-tf Ur. T. 1>. IIAIGII, Has taken an Office on Hay Street, West of the Hotel Buildings. July 14, 18r>l. 4-tf FOR SALE, WM. ROWLAND’S Extra thick Mill and Cross-cut SAW’S, 6 and feet. 1). & W. McLAURlN. Nov. 19, 1850. 40tf SALKM papi:r-mjll. rglHE subscriber has taken cnarge of this old M. and well known Fstablishi^ieut, and is pre pared to attend to all onlers for Printing I’aper, Merchants’ {uitl I'actory Wrapping, Tlie Mill has recently been thoroughly refitted with new macliinery, and the subscriber believes he can furnish Pajier of as good quality and at as cheap jirices as can be purchased any where, North or South. CHARLES E. SHORER. .'^aleni, June 7, ls."»l. 77tf Kncourane . Sorth C \irolino. rn’IHF undersigned is manufacturing, in Fay- A etteville, Boot and Shoe Polish, far suY'erior to the Blacking purchase«l in the Northern cities. He intends devoting his whole time to manufacturing and vending this very su perior Polish, and calls upon 8*1 wlio think it to tiie interest of the Southern people to become indejiendent of Northern manufactures, to give him their aid and patron.age. He is prepareil to show, by absolutt trki!, to any one who will call upon him. the vaxt xuj'f- rinriti! of his over all other po/i.ifie.t or /‘larkinr/ now Sold in North Carolina, (.’all and have your boots and shoes once Completely blacked and polished, and be satisfied. This article is offered .at ft price not higher than is usvtally charged for other nnd inferior qualities, and a trial is all that is asked to se cure the ]>.atronage of the public generally. The undersigned expects to visit every por tion of the State to introduce his Polish, and ii'^ks now in adv:ince that Merchants and others visiting F.-ivetteville will give him a call. A. J. WOODW ARD. June 21, IS.'il. ((-6ni NOTICE. CJTARR & W'lLLlAMS have removed to the Store recently occupied by Mr. John D. Starr, one door west of Messrs. H. Branson & Son, where they have just received additions to the Spring purchases of Staple and Fancy DRV Goods, country merchants are requested to examine our stock. J. B. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. June 7, 1851. 75-tf LIFE INSFRANCE. rWl HR Undersigned has been ajipointed .\gent JL of the North Ciii-olina Mutual Life Insu rance (’ompan3'. F^very meriber for life partic- ip.ites in the profits of the C impany; and the annual j>i-emium for life membership, where it amounts to or more, may be paid one-half in cash, anl the other half in a note at 12 months. Debtors’ lives may be insured by creilitors. A man may insure his own life for the exclusive benefit of his family. The lives of slaves may be insured. This system is rapidl.v growing into favor, all over the civilized world. It is one by which a family, for a small sum annually, may be pro vided for, after the death of its beail, on whose exertions they may have been dependent for a support. It is a good investment of money, even if one should live long after taking out a Life Policy. Fxplan.atory pamphlets, atnl the nece.ssarv lilanks, furnished on application. K. J. HALF. Fayetteville. June IS.'iO, 72 IMPORTANT INVENTION. Jenny Lind at J?orhrx(Pi\—A party of rBlUB Subscriber having bought the right for ■ i » M. this county, of Waitni.an Davis's P.\THNT i AtocliGStcrians assembled in front of the SELF-SFTTFR for Saw Mills, gives notice that ' Eagle Hotel in that city, on Thursdav he is now prepared to mannfacture and put in : night, after Jenny Lind’s concert anil sticcessful operation this machine , would not be satisfied until t^he ap^are.l He claims the following advantages over the i i i i i old mode of Sawing: "F*" ‘he balcony, and bowed her aoknow- First—One hand can teml the mill and saw as Itdgement.s, Her benevolent distribution.' much lumber in one day as two hands can ae- in that city were aS follows:— complish. Rochester Female Charitable Society. Rochester Ophan Asj'him. Rochester Catholic (.*rphan Asylum. Home for the Friendless. Oerni'.in Lutlieran Church. Rochester Cartwen’s Benevolent As^ioci- Htiory. Firemen's Benevolent Association S800 r>00 OO .•?00 00 ;^uo 00 200 Oo 200 00- 201 41 HOOK BINDERY. KW. H.VRDIF has resumed tl’.e Rook • Bindii.g Business at the new Store next do« r to Mr. Beasley, Jeweller, where he will re ceive and execute binding in any style desired. .Vugust 1. 2 tf Gunn’s Domestic Medicine. tFL'RTHFR sujiplv, just received. i-:. J. HALE & SON June 1*'>, IS'il. SIIOC('0 S1MUN(;S, \V;irr«‘ii C'oiliilVt C.’. FRESH TEAS. I^^XTRA FINE IIVSON. Do do Imperial. l>o do Gunpowiler, Do do Oolong, and Young Hyion TIC.VS, of sujierior qnnlity. —ALSO— Chocolate, Bailey, Salad t*il. Mustard, Yeast Powders, &c. For sale bv SAM’L J. IIINSDALF. April 21. *i8tf ~ NOrU'E. HK Subscriber having qualifiel :is Execu tor to the F.'tate of Mrs. Henrietta Camp bell, at .March Term, IS-'d. of the ('ourt of Pleas and (.Quarter Sessions of Cumberland conuty. hereby notifies all persons indebted to said 11s- tate to make immediate ji iyment; and all having claims against the s.ame. to present them within the time prescrilied by law. or this notice will be ])leaded in bar of their recovery. M. V. J(.)NES, Eiectitor. March 10. 18.'>1. ‘I'itf Socond—By a pectdiar arrangement of the tlogs, it will saw one-fifth more lumber from the same stock. Third—The ^lill is not stopped until the log is sawed tip. After the log is once dogged, the dogs are not moved, anl the lumber is of one tiniform thickness. One of thew machines can be seen in oper.ation at Mr. McLauehrm’s Mill in this town, who gives it the following recom mendation. H. G. HALL. Fayetteville Foundry. A Model can be seen at the Fayetteville Foundry. _ 1 >nit Exfrnnnlinar}/.—A deputation of March 15, 1851. 68-tf , the ()jibway Indians, from Minnesota, on Fayetteville, March 11, 18->1. theiv way to Washington, hearins that the 1 hereby certify that 1 have one of W^Da^s’s , s^^.lish nightingale, who warbles sweeter improvements on .'':iw Mills in use on my miU, ■, , x !• mi i ami so well convinced am 1 of its utility, that in i songsters ot the Wild W’wds, w:i!^ my opinion it requires only to be introduced to ' ill Kochestcr, stopped 0Ver01>e train of car^^, be put in general use by mill owners. I there- in order to attend a concert or obtain an fore cheerfully recommend its use to all Saw interview with her whose fame has pone- Mill owners who wouhl regard their own inte- j rest. ?:2,501 41 e copy the following from the Ro- che.^ter I>fcii*ocat:— AlU’H’D McLAL'CHLIN. 11 VVE just reoeiveil from New \ ork, mv FALL -\ND WINTER Htock ot* Coods, C'onsisting of a general .assortment of trated even into the haunts of the native tribes of America. The}' failed to get in to her concert, and at her request met her at her rooms ye.sterday morning. Decked in their bravest attire, as for the war dance, with the ornamented robes and im plements of war, their faces painted after T' Over 100.000 rijUnS delightful .■Summer retreat is now open ■_ for the reception of company, the renie- j di.il properties of tiie water, and pure atinos- ; phere. offering great inducements to lnvalils, ; as well as those seeking pleasure and the pro- ' servation of health. Among the many iniprove- ment^, are two newly fitted up Bathing Houses, i The Rooms ami Cabins are ueat and well fur- ; nished. .\ good Band of ^lusic always in at- teiidance: a plentiful supply of Ice. and the best j etl'orts to please, at moderate rates of P>ourd, as ! follows:— j F.'iinilies per month, each person, !*-‘20 00 Single per.^ons. •• •• 2-'> oO Per week, “ 7 Per day, 1 25 j ( hildreu under 12, and Servants, half price. SA.Ml'EL CALVFRT. June 5, 185]. 75-tl5.V lloIcliki!!>!!(Vortical Water WImoI. rBIIlFRE are several hunlred of these Wheels JL in operation in different counties in North Carolina. For proof of their gre.at advantages over the common flutter wheel, ur any other wheels now in use for saw mills, we confidevitly • refer to tho.se V'ho h.ave applit'd them to t'leir mills. We can recommend them j)articul trly ' for their superiority in cases of a low head ot water, or back water. We still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable for diflerent heatls of water, at Wilmington, New- berii. Washington. Fdenton ani Fayetteville. The wheels may also be had if F. A. Itrevard. Lincolnton. and L'riali Wells. Petersburg. Va. I’ersons wishing to obt.-iin the rijrht to use the wheels, will be served on application to D. McNeill i!i: Co., F.ivetteville. N. C. 1). McNEILL. A. A. McKFTHAN. D. J. McALlSTFH. Feb v 22. 18 Ht. 5U-tf Dry Goodsi, firocfrips, liardware. ( iitlcry, kf. the most approved fashion, and with lofty head dres.ses of feathers, &c., the}"^ waited upon M’lle. Liiwl,^ and w^ere received at her rooms, where they .«pciit some time iit conversation kc. At Md’lle Lind’s reqiTCPt tlte Indian.^ sung S(?veral of their war songs, and per formed their daucep; and their fair enter tainer sung tlie Bird aud Echo .songs in return for the compliment. The generou.s lady expressed herself highly gratified with the visit, and g;ivo them a souvenir at parting. The Indians W'ere probably one of the most novel and picturoscjue sights that the fair stranger has seen in this country. Thej”^ •were not withtnit interest in the eyes of our own citizen,s, who now seldom see the “poor Indiaw’'^ arrayed in his old time bravery. This band, consist ing of six f>jibway chiefs, from far above the Falls of St. Anthony^ will give an ex- . hibition at the Museuoi on this and Mon day evenings. 1 will barter for TL’RPENTINE, or any kind of Produce. N. KING, 10 miles North of Fayetteville. Oct. 28, 18.50. ‘ 4:!tf .JFS'I' TU’.CEfVEa B.VGS Rio aud Laguira COFFEE. 2 hhd.s. Cuba SUGAR. lU bills. Crushed and Betined Sugar. 15 bVtls. and half-bVils. Butter Crackers. (i boxes Collins \ Co’s Hartford Axes. 20 boxes Steam Refineil (,'andy. With a variety of other Goods to complete our assortment. S. W. TILLING HAST & CO. Feb’y 10, 1851. «8tf Jub Julv 1. LBS. RA(JS WANTED, by H. BRANSON .S: SON. 7xtf K1N(J and .\. .Mc.MILL.VN have ent«‘r.ed into copartnership in the Distillery of Turj>entine, and have ere‘ted :i Still on the West side of the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road, 8 miles from Fayetteville. N. KING. MavO.—71tf A. McMILLAN. %%'antvd, E wish to huy 2(*.0(K1 barrels Turpentine. KIN({ & McMILLAN. w IIKSl>i:i!l\N 1I.\KI>, tn tr Siiii/iiii/ linoJt’, jf'xf rrrt irPrif. tLSO, Bishop Bascom’s .Sermons: The Week, comprising the Last Day of the Week, tlie Fiist D.;y of the Week, the Week Completed. The Lrnds of the Moslem, a Narrative of Orien- t.al Tmve’ The Path of Life, by Rev. Henry Rowl.imi. Tom Racquet, ami his three Maiden Aunts. Etiquette for Ladies. Do. for Gentle men. The Psalmist .aud Supj lement. Butler's Iludibras. Plut.arch's Lives. Madam Roland, by .\bbott. Dictionary of ('notations, Latin. Fren« h, iS;c. Fnion Bible Dictionary. Burns’ Works. Piietryof Flowers. Flora's Interpreter. Book Keeping. School Books, I'^c. E. J. HALE SON. .May 5. 1851. ^r. I Town of Fayetteville, on Thursday the ^Jth d:iy t)f August next, TFN .''H.VRFS OF i Sarsaparilla, Kreosote, Borax, .\rrowroot, Isin *TOCK in the Henrietta Steam Boat (.’o., FI\'E | glass. Gum .\rabic, Gum Mj'rrh, Capsicum, Lo- CH-VRF.'' OF ST>CK in the F.ayetteville and belia, Pla.sters, Liquorice, Chloroform, Jtijiibr '^’e^tern Plank Road Co.. and ONE .''H.VRE OF ! Paste, (’opper.as. White Lead, Lin.seed Oil, Train 8TOCK in the Washington and New Orleans j Oil, 'Whale Oil, Sperm Oil, Sweet Oil, Neatsfoot >1:. gnetic Telegrajih Co. .\lso, at the Store ofOil. Cojial Varnish, Leather Varnish, Japan Jones A: Deming. some OtJice Furniture, and | Varnish, Window Glass, Putty, T’umice Stone, Ftore utensils, kc. the remnant of the Personal | f'hrome (Jreen, Chrome Yellow, L.impblack, tstiite of Daniel Johnson, dec’d. Si.x moiitlis credit on all sums over ten dollars. Notes with apjiroved serurity will be required before the Property is transferred. G. DEMlNfl, Adm'r Dan'l Johnson, dec’d. Julv 17. 5-ts Hotel, FAVE r rEVIf.LE, N. C. II IS large and splendid F>uilding has now F'ire Insurance. TM^HF ,ETN.\ Insurance Company of H.art- JL ford, having paid the tax imposed by the Revenue Law of the late Legislature, will con tinue it.i .\gency in Fayetteville, ujider the inan.-igemeut of tlie iindersiguod, who is pre pared to issue Policies of Insurance on P.tiild- ings or (Joods, either in this Town or in any j>art of the State, on proper application, de scription of the Pro]iert\ . Xc. The ,1]TN.\ CO.Ml’.VNV has been in operation about ."O years. Its capital is !§i300,i^00. The Hon. Thos. K. Brace was its first President, MEC'II\NICAT. ROOKS. tPPLETON'.'> Mechanics’ Magazine: Bor den's Fi>rmuhv for constructing Rail Roails: Wightwick's Hints to Architect.s. by Downing; Minifie’s Mechanical l>rawing Book; Mahan's Civil Engineering; P>ournc's C.atechism of the Steam Engine: .Mill-Wright's Guide: American House Carpenter, by Hatfield; Mechanic's Own Book: Mechanic’s Text P«ook; Cabinet Maker and I'ph «lsterer's Companion; Builder's Com panion; l>ver and Color Maker's Comp.anion; Painter, fiildcr and Variiisher’s ("ompanion. E. J. HALE \ SON. I>AJ\TS. LB.''. Pure and No. 1 WHITE LE.\D, in Oil. Imperial and Paris Green. Spanish I’rown, Spanish Whiting. VVinter Green, Chrome Yellow. Litharire and other varieties of Paints. CtiOK & JOHNSON. March 10, 1851. fi2tf AN ANTI-SECESSIC»NIST LADY. We received a letter by the la>t maif from the daughter of an old friend in the Co s Factory, qualities assorted from common to very fine, which I will sell at lowest manufac turing prices. J. UTLEY. •ititf wanted. 4'k^kJk RR^- f"AST IRON. for which the highest neighborhood of the llock Mills, Ander- market price in (ash \vill be paid, s,m, (S. C.) stilting that we are not nii.s- Debvere- at . - • ! taken in supposing the ladics to be gener- l-avetteville, Aug. 1 I8 >0. odtt • • t- • .'ti • • i ally m tavor oi the Lnion. t?he likew’i.«e l'OR.\C'CO. thJit ”1 her section of the country the A GOOD STOf’K on hand; and 1 shall re- fire-eating politicians are no great favorites reivr regularly, frrvm Messrs. J. Jones & with the ladies, and that they would be very loth to commit their happiness to the hands of such men. We do not kuow, from the expression of our fair correspond ent, whether her allusion is to political or domestic hapiiiness, but perhaps both. A mnn who is so Avilling fo secede from his Gori rnnu'ut for evert/ offenre, might be e- qually disp-ised to uc de from his xrife. ecen/t'rne xhe garc him a cross Jook, or got into a pouting miX'Kl. Tt is well know’n that the ladies are all amiable, and ever dispo.sed to .smile on their husbands; but sometimes it so hajipens that the Lords of cr«5itii/n are so cros.sed and crabbed, and such fire-eaters, that tears are prcxluced instead of smilc.-^. Then to speak of se cession is certainly adding insult to injury. Southern Patriot. FayetteTille, .\pril •?. 1851. NO'TK’E.—All Acconrits duo the Merchants'.'SteamboatCompany, for Freights up tc the 15th inst.. must 1m> promptly paid to the unilersigned. as much time cannot be given to the collection of the same. J. T. WADDILL. lateAg nts. Fayetteville. Jan. 27, 1851. 5t'tf ART TNION OF PHILAPKLPFIIA. For the Promotion of the Arts cf Design in the United States. I^VEFY Member, for the year 1851, will re- A ceive for each Stibscription of Five Dol lars. a print of Huntington's “Christiana and her Children.’’ engraved by Joseph Amli-cws. Boston and the companion, a print of Hunting- ~ ~ I T ton's ‘-.Mercy's Dream,” engraved by A. 11. Hit- AUohtion IWnerolenee.—it IS notoriou.s chie. New York: or the choice of any two of the that the Abolitimiii^R give nothing, or next DRV GOODS A'r COS'J\ ITH a view of making a change in our business, we now offer our entire stock of DRY GOODS at cost, for cash or country w iiecM ri I)cr Steamer and for sale, BBLS. Crushed and Refined SUGAR, 1 chest fine Hyson Tea, casks best London Porter, pintbot'l.s, 4 cases superior old Port Wine, I ( ask Madeira Wine, 5 hli'is. Cuba .Molas.ses. SAM L W. TILLINGHAST & CO. June 20, lb51. 77tf WAN'l'FA), fBlHREE House Servants, good seamstresses JL aud li'ashers. Liberal prices will be; paid. May 2tJ. J. & T. WADDILL. 73tf Il'Works oh Pree-Masonry. FW .Masonic Trestle-Board, adapted to the Work .and Lectures, as practised in the ■^Xodges. Chapters, Councils, and Encampments \of Knight Templars in the United States, by ^has. W. .Moore. The Free-.Mason’s Manual, a companion for the initiati'd through all the degrees of Maaonrj by Rev. K. I. Stewart. The True Masonic Chart or Hieroglyphic Jloidtor, l>y .1. L. Cross. The Free-.Mason’s Monitor, containing a do lineatiou of the fuudumeatal principles of Free- Ma.vmry, riperative and speciUntive, as well in a religious as a moral view, by Z. A. Davis. For sale by E. J. HALE & SON. 32. 7i Patent Plack, Terra de Sienna, Umber, Black Lead, Litharge, Rel Lead, Patent Dryer, Whi ting, French Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, Prussian Blue, Sand-pa- per. Starch, Sal Eratns, Mu.stard. Spice. Nut.- megs, Pep}ter, Hops, Indigo, Madder, Saltpetre, Ginger. Glue, Annato, Clove.s, .Mace, Burning Fluid. Alum. Oxalic Acid, White Brick, Tripoli. Wash I5rushes, Paint Brushes, Varnish Brushes, Scrubbing ditto. Shoe do.. Tooth do.. Hair do.. Logwood, Red wood. Black Ink, Opodeldoc, &c., with a general assortment of Medicines; Chemi cals of all kinds; French and English Perfume- rjr and Soaps; with a full assortment of all the leading Patent Medicines now in use. Orders from the country j>romptly attendel to, and goods carefully packeil. The Subscriber feels assureil that he can meet the wishes of the purchaser in regard to quality ami price. S. J. HINSDALE, Druggi.st. October 12, 1850. 42tf 1H4'.*. The Beiiding and Furniture of all kinds is new. and the rooms convenient and pleasant. : the highest character for the prudence of its The Table is always furnished with the best ' management, and for the liberality with which the market affords, aided by a fine vegetable i it has ever adjusted its losse.s. garden. | R- ilALE, Agent. Boarders. Lodgers, and Travelb'rs will fiuil de-j March 10, 1851. t>2-tf sirable aecommodations and attentive servants. ; ,,,.~™77rr3 7, ZTi it j No pains will be spared to give entire satisfac- ; ^TRA^^ I TTFR. , orn . hellers, and a va- tion. Families can be furnished with large, airy. and he still bolds that ofl'ice; and several of its , , . ^ i. , first Directors are still active and efficient mem- I 'J* bers of the Board. It has at all times sustained The stock is worthy the attention ot those wish- front double rooms, conveniently and hand somely furnished. An experience of 20 years will enable the le.s- see, she hopes, to give general satisfaction. ANN BROWN. June 1, 18.50. -S-tf NEW BOOKS. fW^HE Worke of Alexander Hamilton, 4 vols.; ■ The Female Jesuit, or the Spy in the Family; The Nightingale, or Jenny Lind Song ster; The Complete Angler, by Walton & Cotton; The Course of Creation, by Jno. Anderson, D D.; Tales from Shakspeare; The f rystal Fount, r choice collection of Temperance Songs; Pictorial Shakspeare: A Pastor’s Sketches, by Spencer; Tom Racquet and his three Maiden Aunts; Mar shall’s Book of Oratory, &c. &o. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. June 7, 1851. SOUTHERN HARMONY. JUST RECEIVED, a new supply of this popular Book. Julj ISjl, r. J. UALE SON. Stage Line to lialeigli. rW^IIE Subscribers, Mail Contractors from M. Fayetteville to Raleigh, will comr.ience operations this tlay, with new and comfortable Coaches, good horses, and careful Drivers.— They have reduced the Fare from Sjio to 4. The .Stage Houses are, in Fayetteville, the Fay etteville Hotel, in Raleigh, the \ arborough House; but Passengers will be conveyed to such other llouses as they may select. The hours of departtire will be, until further notice, at half past y P. M. from Fayetteville, and at 2 P. M. from Raleigh, daily. The subscribers hope, by unremitted attention, to secure a liberal share of tho travel, MURDOCK McKINNON, DAVID McNElLL. Fayetteville, July 1, 1851. 78-tt North Carolinian and Raleigh Register copy till forbid. riety of Ploughs and Ploagh fixtures, for | sale bv J. iSi T. W’ADDILL. Jan' 4. -V.tf ing to buv- May l;J.—Titf COOK & TAYLOR. I NE(;R0ES WANTED. C'^ASII paid for likely young Negroes, if ap- y plication is ma'le soon. i J. & T. WADDILL. Sept. 10, 78.'/0. 37tf following four splendid engravings, viz; 1. John Knox's Interview with Mary (jueen of Scots, p.iinted by Leutze, engraved by Sartain. 2. Ruth anl Boaz, paintel by Rothermel, engnived by Sartain. 8. Morey’s I'ream. painted by Huntington, engi-aved by Ritchie. 4. Christi ana and her Childreti, painted by Huntington, engraved bv .\ndrews: and a copy of the Phila- An lai™ l!oi.ori», „ My ^ Smilh, (who lias reallv a large let, co’itainiiijr a roporl ot the trans:»rtn'us ot i • i- i* i • • v i \ the Institution, and information on the subject soul witbiii him, only it is bottom upwardfi,) of the Fine Arts throughout the wl.oic world. a.sk to to be excused. We have tried hard The .Art Union of Philadelphia awards ]>rizes goad them to liberality—to shame them in its own Certificates, with which original A- even—but they are venceance-prtMif. to nothing, to aid the emancipation of .slaves; but we had suppo.=ed that when an object \v:is presented which they could not but approve, and in the direct line of grand larceny, they would .'ihell out with some degree of liberalily. Eut, alas for poc»r human nature, they with one consent, ex- .lUST FI.MSHKI), .■^IGHT NEW BUGC.IES. Also, two second hand. For sale by A. A. McKETHAN. June 2, 1851. 74-tf E I).\VIS'S PAI.N-lvll.I.I'.U, [J^OR sale by SAM’L J. HINSDALE, r April 21. 08tf ooous. r|Tl HE Snbscribers are now receiving a por- Jl tion of their SECOND IMPORTATION of GOODS this Season,—DRY GOODS, CUTLE RY, CROCKFUY, GLASS, &c. —ALSO— 3000 yds. a»«oi*ted C'arpeliiig:. s. W'. TILLINGHAST & CO. October 28. 4Iitt DOM[:STICS. ITTLE River Osnat)eppji; 7-8 and 4-4 Shefetings always on hand, aad for sale at Factory prices, by STARR & WILLIAMS. Justi 7, 7j-a' Dissolution of Copartnership. r||lHE firm of Blocker Bullard was this day JL dissolved by muttial consent. J. C. Block er alone is authorized to settle the affairs of the same. J- C. BLOCKER,. G. W. BUuLARD. Harrisonburg, June 2. 1851. 74-tt P. S.—G. W. Bullard also withdraws from the firm of B. (]ulbreth & Co. J. C. Blocker and B. Culbreth will continue the firm under the name aud style of li. Culbreth & Co., at Cedar Creek. mm A SUPPLY of Fresh Ground CORN MEAL kept for sale at the Mill, late .Vnderson’s. Grintling of Hominy and Meal done promptly. Fayetteville, March 1851. 12tt WANTED, rWlIIE Law part of No. 1 Der. & Battle’s Re- ■ ports, and the List of Cases in 1st Dev's Equity. The subscribers will pay a reasonable price for any odd Nos. of Reports previous to Iredell’s 6th Law ar I 3d Equity. i:. J. HALS & SON. F.VI.L & WI.N'PKIt GOODS. WF' are now re'eiving our F A L L AND W INTER GOOD S, consisting of a verj’ general and well selected Stock, li\ ALL LINES, Which we are offering on our usual terms. All sorts of Produce purchased; and we attend as usual to the FORW ARDING BUSI NESS. J. & T. W’ADDILL, Hay st. Fayetteville, Nov. 25, 1850. 47tf ' NlI\^(K)^S^ OUR F.^iI 7n¥ wi\TlR STOCK OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, &c. &c., is now come to hand, and is ready for sale. Our stock is large and well worthy the attention of those wishing to purchase. fSig^ We will barter for any kind of Country Produce. COOK & TAYLOR. Sept. 2, 1850. 35tf Iredell’s Law Reports, VoL 11. JUST published, for sale by E. J. HALE & SON. Juac 3, 1061. 75 mcric.TU works of .\rt mav be iiurchasod in any . o -.i • - , , - - i- part of the United States,-at the option and se- >crret Smith, in order 0 s«ve Chaplm, lection of the jterson who may obtain a )>rize at the under-ground railroad conductor, from the annual Distribution, which takes jdace on the punishment due to his crimes, shelled the evening of the last week-day in every jear. out some 81^i,2H8,l5 towards the twenty The hxecutivc ( oininittee of the Art l nion, odd thousand dollars neces.sary to enable when 60 requested, select works ot Art, Without i- . j. «■ -..i i i i.- charge or compensation, from their Free (Gallery, *0 get off With a whole skin Our Abo- 210 Chestnut Street, for those persons in the litlou trends have been appealed to again, countrA', who may live remote from Galleries, or and again, and agtiin; they have been public exhibitions of the Fine Arts. begged, and bullied, and entreated, for Subscriptions of membership, reimbur.se Gcrrit for a ; i-t of his wavj. „„.ia« b,.t ai. j^b„t has which will be forwarded upon the receipt ol the ( yet^been collected Iiom all the Abolltion- money to any part of the conntry. ists in the country for tbia highly honora- Tbe Honorary Secretaries will give receipts j j.y object is 82,722,02, leaving him still forsubscriptions, orreinittancesmaj-beinadcto gg 501 ^ If of this he can get GEORGE W. DEWEY. Corresponding Sec’y, 210 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Honorary Sec'y for Fayetteville, j.*. C., E. J. HALR. Jane G, 1851. 76- LESSONS IX MUSIC. LH. WHITAKER would respectfully iii- • form the citizens of Fayetteville and vi cinity, that he has agaiu commenced giving Les- the change, he had better be tiankful, and set down §9,000 to profit and lo&s—unless, indeed, be con.-»iderj the lesftdn he has so dearly learned worth the money, viz, nev er trust men who advocate thievery of any .sort.—Journal of Commerce. \ ^‘What under the snn can cause that ! bell to ring to-day?” Raid one man to an- sons on the Piano Forte. He returns his thanks ■ Other as they were approaching a country for the liberal patronage heretofore received, : village. and humbly solicits a continuance of the same. : J express TOy candid, unbias- All pains shall be taken for the advancement of ■ opinion,” was the reply, “I should say In^sSi^t'ion also given on the Guitar. ; t^^t some one was pulling the rope.” Pianos tuned and repaired in the best i —: :—^ . T“ ^ manner. L. H. WHITAKER. 1 A late writer Hi the Culuvator saya that August 24, 1850. 34tf j whether scythes hold the edge well, de- ! pends altogether whether the m:an works ^ ... I by the day or the acre. While tbe former published for the use of Schools, &c. Lord Hoi- every five minutes, the latter, he says, will land’s Foreign Reminiscences. Jane liouverie, | slash away all day 'without thinking ol a or Prosperity and Adversity, by Miss Sinclair, j grindstone, author of Modern Accomplishments, &c. { E. J. HALE t EON. j * i v Apriii. I tOR SALE. CHECKS, ! ON ALL THE BANKS IN FAYI riJJILLE, Ju3t P;i&tC!d i-i for Salts at tiie C*ct». NE SET SAWMILL GEARING, including Or >L V. o an txcftllemt L03 ChuiB and Crank. Apply to Apri' 4, 186' JONEB.