SEMI-WEEKL, Y. [Vol.. ].] I'AYETTEVILI.E, N. C., THURSDAY AITEUNOON, AUGUST 7, 1851. [NO, II.] FlUN’l’KI' BV J. 1!. NKW^iY. ^W \l!l) J. HAIK & SOX, ij iiiTiius anh I'lioriiiKTOus. for file fl'kJy ()itsKi:\ KR I N) if ill iulvance: if I'uid during the j^ipr of suliseriptiou; or after the yciir has «|gfe|ro.]. 10 Wocklv (^nsmvER ^2 (W per annum, if ill uilvancc; yO if jmid during tlic jgiMir of .subscription: or W after the voar 1ms L-xpirod. j||0VF.HTlSl’.MKNTS inserted for si\ty cent.s pap-^uare for the tirst, and thirty cent.s for eai h ' Baooeedinjf publication. Yearly advertisciiientti by 8peri;d eontrufts. at reasonable rate.s. .\d- •*«rtt»t“rs are requested to state the number of iii|iiSoiis •lesirt'tl, or tliey will l>c continued till :inil c’lririred ;u‘ii>rdinjrly. I. rtUTs to the Kditoi-s must be post-paid. 40 FOR SALE, ,1? thr htct'sf Market rn'r,;, lUIUS. New Cro]> MOl..\SSKf:'. 1200 flicks SAbT. budhels .Vhnn tSalt. 1K)(MI llig. Cotton Yarn. Osnaburgs and llrown Slieetitigs. With, a general stock of articles in the (irocerv line. .INO. D. WlLIdAMS. * Fayetteville. Feb. 15, 18oU. ill.WE just received from New York, my FALL AND WlNTKil Stock of Goods, Consistiii" of a "eneral assortment of Dry (ioods. liroccrirs, Ilartlware, (’utli'ry, &.c. 1 will barter for TUHl’KNTiNE, or any kind of Produce. N. KIXO, 10 miles North of Favetteville. I>r. T. 1>. Has tiiken an Ofli;e on Hay Street, West of tlie Hotel liuilJings. •luly 14, 1S.',1. 4-tf 'n UNll^ SKED. Nt^l.l.'^ll White Ihitch. larjre Eiiitlish Nor folk, Uuta r>aj:a T'jniip .'feed, received tu- fejhlind for sale bv W ‘ S. J. HINSDALE. I 4. j Settlements. who are irilebtcl to us will con fer :in obligation if they will settle durinfr | ‘ii-nt month. All persons to whom we nic I d will please render their bills for pay- 1 .irST Ul'.CKlVKI). r>.\(»S llio and l-ajruira COFFEE. ■J hlil.s. Cuba SrUAll. 10 bbls. Criishel and Kefiued .‘^ujrar. l'> bbls. :inil half-bbls. lUUter Oaekers. (> boxes Collins (\rs Hartford .Vxes. 20 boxes .''team Kefitieil Candy. With a variety of other (.ioods to ccmjilete our as.-?ortmcnt. AV. TILLINCHAST .S: CO. Feb’v 10. is.-.i. FOR SALE, AV.\L HOWLAND’S Extra thick Mill and Cross-cut S.\WS, G and feet. D. & W. McLACKIN. Nov. 10, 18.',0. 4(‘.tf SALEM PAPER-MILL. ^■^HE subscriber has taken ehar!;e of this old ■ and well known F'stabli.shment, and is pre- I'ared to attend to .ill orders for I’rinting I’ajx'r, Mcrcliants’ and Factory rapping, 6^c. The Mill has recently been thorou^^hly refitted w ith new machinery, and the sub.scriber lielieves he can furnish I’aper of as pood (|u:dity and at as clie.'ip prices as can be purcliased any where. North or South. ('HAHLES E. SIIOr.EIl. Salem, June 7, It^'il. 77tf Stage Ijiiie tolialeigli. ^M^HI'. Subscribers, JLail (’ontractors from JH- Fayetteville to Ilalcigh, will commence operations this day, with new atid comfortable 'o;iches, good horsed, «nd careful Drivers.— They have reduced tlic Fare from iji') to $4. The Stage Houses are. in Fayetteville, the Fay- ettevilU* Hotel, in llaleigh. the Varboroujrh House; but I’assengei’s will be conveycd to such other Houses as they may select. The hours of dejiarture will be, tuitil further notice, at half- ]iast '.t 1*. .M. from Fayetteville, and at 2 P. M. from Haleigh, laily. The subscribers hope, by unremitted attention, to secure a liberal share ol the travel. MCHDOCK McKTNNON, 1>\VID .McNElLL. Fayetteville, July 1, IS.'il. 78-tf North Carolinian Mid Haleigh Hegister copy till forbid. 1. E. J. H.\T,E & SON. \n.l)ir\L DEl'Ar.TMr.NT of \MV\)\:S SIDNEY (M)LU:r.E, It f 4 II T|0'^ l>. V The r"' .uinual course of I-cctures wiil commence on Monday, tlie loth of iN'l. and continue until the tirst of gh eiisiiiiig. Tlif comiiii-nci-nieiit for c ii- ■'Cii'cs will be held about the middle of i floU*liki.SM'« Vrrliral Watrr j WlMOl. I fMllilCI’iE are several hundred of these Wlu'els j I Jt in ojieration in different counties in North ' 1 Carolina. For prtof of their great advant.-iges j over the common tlutter wheel, or any otlier wheels now in use for saw iiiills. we contiik-ntly refer to those w'lo have ap[>lied them to tlieii- mills. Vie can recommend them particularly for their sii)>eriority iii eases of a low head of water, or b.ick water. I NVe still keep a supply of Wheels, suitible for LI>. . 1 ure and N(». 1 WHllL : (Jiffeiu-nt lieads of water, at Wilmington, New- bern, Wiisliiiijrtoii, l-.deiiton and Fayetteville. 'I'lie wheels may also )>e had of E. Di-evard, Liiieolnton. and I'riah Wells. I'etersburg, V:i. Persons wishing to olit.-iin tlif riirht to use the wheels, will be servi’d on application to D. .^lcNeill \ Co.. Favetteville, N. J>. .McNEILL. PALNTS. LEAD, in ()il. Imperial and Paris (ireen. Spanish i*>rown. .‘Spanish Wiiiting. AN inter (.ireen. Chroiiie Yellow. Litliarjie and otlier varieties of Paints. C(»OK vV JOHN.>(»N. March 10, Oiltf w M«l«ri lloUANNAS, M. D., Pl'lfcS-:or of Ob- ; tl\MHK1U.AYKK. M. D.. ProfesS' T of Mediea, .\e. $■ M ai i-iN. M. D., Professor of Chemistry. Ofe'. CiiisoN, M. D., Professor of Sur- , \c. P. .loHN.'O.v. M. D., Professor of Anatomy iPhy'i.’.'Ly. H. I i K.' it. M. D.. Professor of Theory Pr.u liee of .Medicine. pF.ririii.AS, .M. D., I>emmstrator of An- le f.u iliiies for Atuifowical and Clinicul in- ftioti ic tliis insiitutioa and unsurpassed. ^ .:^XPKN>K.''.—M;.ti-icidation fee !*!•'>—Profes- fci > ,iu,:regate( —Demonstrator's fee ^1|D—I'l'a lii.sii'iii lee 'The pCee of Board, including fuel, lights an>l Wyants attend.ince, is usually •‘js-'J or •‘So.’, per ^k. Hhe I at.ilogiie. ic.. containing fuller informa- fiieeriiing the School, will be forwarded to tiwiK! for it. or apecific enquiries will swcied by letter, .\ldress S. M,\rPlN. M. 1)., 5* Dean of the Faculty. Wv ■2± '.•-M AN'KEl). M!S. OLD (VVST 1H0N. for which the hiy:hest ! market price in Cash will lie j>aid,— Delivered at H \LL \ HALL’S. F.i\ettevi;ie. Aug. 17, 1S.'>0. .‘".Otf ^I'Ol^AC C*(>. A GOOD STOCK on hand; ;\nd 1 shall re-' ccive regularly, from Messrs. .1. .loni-s \ ' t'o's Factory, ipnilities assorted tmm common to very tine, which 1 wi’.l sell at lowot manui'ac- turijig price.s. J. FT LEV. Fayetteville. ,\pril ;t. IS.'tl, C.t'.tf XO riCl'.—All Accounts ]ik' the Merchants' Company, for Freiirhts up to the l’"th iiist.. must be promptly ]>aid to the undersigned, as much time cannot be given to the coileciion of the same. J. vV T. W ADDILL, late Ag-nts. Favetteville, Jan. 27. ISM. o '-tf .McKETHAN. I. McALlSTEIL 5G-tf ,)i s r in:cEi\'EO. IHF. Su!iscribcr, .\gent of J. AVoltering. has ^ just received 10 of Piuck’s Patent Cook- ' LS, s.iil by judges to be the be.'t StMe imw in u-e. A. M. CAMPDF.LL. i July U'', IS.'d. 9-Om j ANODYNE ('('I'C.H DllOPS. ' is a plesant medicine to take, producing. Heist e.iM-.'. inimciiatc relief, and in nine «l9es out of ten a promj t cure. It exercises tfae He t coiitr.oliitiu' iiiHuence over coughs and I irrilJitioii . f the lunas. of .“uiy remc«ly I ever ka»w; often stivppiufi' the most violent in a few ! hours, and at ni"St in a day or two, l.y causing ■ % ftce and e.-isy expe-toration. To do this it is on^r i.!'ee'^>;iry to t.-ike the medicim' in accord- mB0t wirli tlie directions, and to increase ihe '' -r --I;:i!f or iloitbh- as mu-h v.inv f»r ii few tiaKs in violent This is always safe t« for even in double ilos'-s it only Wiuse.ites t^sioucicii 1’or a little while, au effect always •i:il in this whole class of dis&ises. le weai'ing of Little's .trengthening Plaster «the het • \«?r llie pain, and the using of the .ffltedyne Cniii;)i I>rops freely, will aiTest the Hsease in many eases tliou;rht to be coiisumj>- | .\iid even ii> coiisiitiipti«ni, this course j will atf. ii'ij more relief than any anil all the ' r»“d;es I ever knew or heard of. a highly respecfable farmer residing in I ^0b :t county. Head the following: | Litrle—S>r: After sufi'ering four or five ; witii a niost painful and violent cough, notwithstanding I was under the care of a : j^y.'ician witiiout finding much relief, I sent off in haste for \oiir Anolyne Cough Drops. The j fcvt dose or two relieved me very much, and by , continuing, a free expeetonitif>n was soon estab- | Hshe.1, wlien the cougii was no longer troii)>le- Mno‘. (»ne bottle fr»-ely u.seil, cured me entirely, ife soon as 1 could ride, 1 visiteil a neighlair •#ho wa.s also uuler the advice of a physician, iflni had been prostrated with a severe cough, ^vr-r. iS:c.. for «ome time. Your medicine was ml once sent for and used freely, and, as in uny prn case, completely cured him. - In July last, I visited a relation in Marion #&uiitv. (ieorgia, who was badly ufllicted for •onrlis with a cough, pronounced by several Ut •e Consumption. I advised your ('ough Drops ^ Ik; used, which were immetliately sent for, 4UkI as usual gave ipiick relief, and he gradually recovered, A^' iin. one fif m3' neighbor's children vrasex~ ^cted to die from the whooping-cough, and in that condition began taking this medicine, fol lowed l>y the happiest eftect, and was soon re- •treil. I have known other cages in which your re- lise'ly was given with entire success; indeed, I Ittve heanl of nd failure >»y it. In my family I , have given your Vermifujre with entire satisfac- *4^011, and have heard it well spoken of as a suc cessful remedy. Trusting that so valuable medi cines may .soon Vie generall known, CHAULTON Y. PHKUY, The fac-simile of the signature of Dr. W. (i. Little will be fottiid uj>on the outside wrapper «f each of his .Medicines, .''old wholesale and l etail, by the I’roprietor, •t his Manufacturing Depfit, No. 204 Market •treet, Philadelphia, and Maeon, (Ieorgia. . To be had also of James Cain, Ilockfish; Watson, Floral College; Townsend & Doug- »(s. Jiennettsville; Dr. P. M. Cohen, Charles- jpn: ('. (J. Barbee, IJarclaysville; P. F. Pescud, l^wik'igh. ; s! J. HIN’SDALT:, Agent for Fayetteville. WANTED, flElHE Law part of No. 1 Dev. & Battle’s Re- JL ports, and the List of Cases in 1st Dev's 'I’he subscrilier.i will pay a reasonable price for aiiv odd .Vos. of Reports jirevious to Iredell’s «th Law and 81 E'piitv. *£. J. iialjl; & SON. NOriC’E. , ^i'^llE uivlersigneil. having iletcrmined to con- M. tinue hi.'J business in Wadesborouirli. takes , this method of informing the public that he may still be found />t his oiii stand. South ot the .\i: son Hotel, where he will keep constantly on • hand « full H.isortiiicnt of th** ivo-t cheif" I Liijuors, Wines, t'ordials. Cigars, and other re- ’ freshments usually found in this section of I country. He hopes by strict aiteniion to his I business, rigid jireservation of good order, and ; iiiiceaing care for tlie couifort ainl enjoyment ' of his customers, to merit and receive a liberal share of the public i>atron:i;rc. W.M. W. S.\M>EKS. Wadesborouirli, .lulv 1'). l^-’>l. 7tf Feb’y 22, 1«10. LUES 11 'PEAS. S^'IXTllA FINE in SON, ^ Do do Imperial, Do do (iuiipowder, D'l do Oeloiig, and Young Hyson TE.\S, of superior fpiality. _ AI.SO— Cliocohite. 1'arli y. Salad Oil, Mustanl, Yeast Powdi-rs. »vc. For s:de bv SA.Ni’L .1. HINSDALE, April 21. G8tf ~ NOriCE. fclT.Mlll WILLIAMS have removed to the .^tore recently occtipied by Mr. John D. Starr, one door west of Messrs. H. Hranson iS: ."'on. where they have just received alditions to the .‘^)>riiig of Sta]de and Faut-y DKV (iOODS. Country merchants are reijucstcil to eiaiiiine our stock. J. P. STAUn. J. .M. WILLIAMS. June 7. IJ'-'il. 7*j-tf .IEST i’LM^En," 1;^ICHT NEW pr(i(ilES. Also, two second J han !. For lio\varl. IWILI. give one lnnilred dollars for the ap prehension ami confinement of ANDEESON and .lEUEY in any jail so that 1 can get them again, or fifty dollars for either. 1 will also give !*>lOOfor priiof of anj' responsible person's liarboring .said negroes. They ranaway from my |«lantation in .Moore county on the lOth id' Feb'y last, and are thought to be lurking about Dior 17 miles above Carthage on Deep lliver, through the edge of .Moore and ctirners of Chat ham and l\andoI]di counties. .Anderson is al»mt 2X years old. a bright mulatto, alxjut u feet 7 or S inches iiigl». well ju'oportioued; has an open countenance, and is iputc plausjibl(?. H is be lieved thiit he will endeavor to pass for a free man and escape to a free State, as he had a brother v ho played th«* same game. Jerrv is about 21 years old. ) feet ‘lor 4 inches high, stout built; has a down look, particularly when spoken to. anil is rather impudent. Said ne- ^rroes formerly belonged to .b hn 11. Hitter, in the iipjier end of .Moore county. Any information must be addre.ssed to t!ie sub.'ciiber at Pocket P. O., Moore countv, N. C. J. L. lUtVAN. ,\pril 1*2, is'il. 07tf \VAN~rl:i), :iOO(.) ft. ,\slie Lumber for Wagons. 1 to 8 inches thick. ft, .s^c.-isoned f>ak Lumber, 1^ to fl inches, l(h»0 ft. White O.ik :ind Hickorv, for .\xletrees. UiOO ft. White Oak tor Tongues. I’olsters and Shafts. TOO Post Oak Hubs, for ('arts and Wagons. 2"Mt Spokes. For wliich the highest cash piice will be paid. .Vjij'lv Soon to E. FCLLEll. ,M:iv 10, 72-tf FaifetfcrAllc Hotel, FAYETTEVILLE, C. rWlHlS large and splendid Duilding has now’ JL been in successful operation since Maj- 1840. The Redding anl Furniture of all kind.s is new, ami the rooms convenient anl jdeasant. The Table is always furnished with the best the market affords, aided l>y a fine vegetable gartlen. Iiiarlers, I.oIgers. and Travellers will find de- sirabb* accommodations and attentive servants. No jiains will be s]iared to give entire satisfac tion. Families can be furnished with large, airy, front double rooms, conveniently and hand somely furnished. An experience of 20 years will enable the les see, she hopes, to give general satisfaction. ANN I5U0WN. Juno 1, 18*)0. 2H-tf LAND FOR SALE. ^■^HE Subscriber offers at private sale, about M. Nine Hundred Acres of Land, lying on the East side of Cum-Swamp, in Richmond county, N. (.'., four miles Scmth of Laurel Hill. The land lies on and over the stage road leading from Fayetteville to Cheraw, joining the lands of D. ^IcLaurin, Mrs. (iibson. and otiiers. JOHN McLAl'IUN. .July 25. ISol. 8-w2m W ANTi:i) 'PO P>()RR()\V ,“ for a term of five years. •3^M * * F * F (lood security given. In terest annually or semi-annually. Address letter to A. P>., and leave at this of fice. .hine .^O, 18.jl. 78-tf I DOMEsriCS. 1TTTLE lliver Osiiabergs; 7-S and 4-4 A Sheetings always 011 hand, and for sale at Factory prices, bv I ' ‘ STAllK & WILLIAMS. ' June 7. 7')-tf \\ ANTl.D. C(!Ol) l!«dy .Maker at the ('arri.-ige busi- Ciood ment given. Mmv -if,. wages and A. A. • teadv eniplov- .McKETHAN.' 7:l-tf le by A. A. .McKETHAN. 74-tf LMi'oiri'AN'r LN\ i:N'noN. TB'^llE Subscriber having bought the riirht for M. this comity, of Waitmaii Davi.-'> i’.\TENT SELF-.'^ET I'EU for Saw Mills, gives notice that he is now preparel to manufacture and put in successful Operation this maehine. He claims the following adv.intages over the old mode of Sawing: First—One hand can tend the mill and s.iw as much lumber in one day as two hands cm ac- coniplisli. .''ucond—I5y n arrangement of the dogs, it will saw one-fifth more lumber from the same stock. Thirtl—The Mill is not stopped until the log is sawed up. After the log is once dogged, the dogs are not moved, and the lumber i of (me uniform thickness. One of these machines can )e seen in operation at Mr. .MeL.auchlin's .Mill in tliis town, Avho gives it the following recom mendation. II. n. HALL. Fayetteville Foundry. A .Model can be .seen at the Fayetteville I’oundry. .March I-'), IS-'il. 0"-tf Fayetteville, March 11. 18.')1. I hereby certify that I have one of W. Davis's improvements on Saw Mills in use on my mill, and so well convinced am I of its utility, that in my opinion it require.s only to be introduced to be put in general use by i.iill owners. 1 there fore cheerfully recommend its use to all Saw Mill owners who wouhl regard their own inte- AUCII’D McLAI CHLIN. FAIJ. ^ WLNTER (iOODS. F are now receiving our F L L N D w * WIN T E 11 GOODS, consisting of a very general and well selected Stock, i\ ALL LL\ES, Which we are offering on our usual terms. All sorts of Produce ])urchased; and we attend as usual to the FOUW'.MIDING 111 SI- NESS. J. & T. WADDILL, Hay st. Fayetteville, Nov. 2-'>, 1850. 47tf NEW (;0(>I2S.~ OITv F.UL AM) Wl.NTEHlfoCR OF Dry Goods, (lroceric.=5, Hardw are, &c. &c.. is now come to hand, ami is ready for sale. Our stock is large and well worthy the attention of those wishing to 8^’ We will barter for any kind of Country Pnxluce. CO(JK & TAYLOK. Sept. 2, 1850. '6ott DRY GOODS AT COST. WITH a view of making a change in *ur business, we now offer our entire stock of DllY CiOODiS at cost, for cash or country produce, taken in payment at its cash value. The stock is worthy the attention of those wish ing to buy. May 13.—71tf COOK & TAYLOR. S HOC'CO SPRIN(;S, \Varr*ii f'oniily, f H IS deli;rhtfill Summer retreat is now 1 pen fl. f'T the rceeptimi ot -i'in;>atiy. the reme dial propert'es of fli(> w.-iter. and jiure atiaos- liherc, olfcrin^r great inducements to Invalids, 1 as well as tlio.-.c .'‘eking and the pre- ^ serv.'uiou of health. .\moi:;r tlic many inipio\e- iiients. arc two newly fitted up II:ithin>r ll' uscs. The Itooiiis arid Caliins are neat and wcil fur- . nishei). good 1-and of Music aUva;t«« in at- teiul.iiice: a ]>lentiful supply of Ice. and the best efforts to ple.ise, at motlerate r.ites of Board, as Families per month, each ]ierson, ^20 00 Single persons, •* " 2'> Per week, •• 7 00 | Per day. 1 25 Chiidi'cn nnler 12, and .'^ei \ants, half price. SA.MLEi. ('ALVEllT. June 5, 1^51. 75-tl5.\ KINd and ,\. McMILL.\N have mtered into copartnership in the Distillery of Turpentine, and have erected a Still on the West side of the Fayettevilie and Western Plank Honl, 8 miles froni Favetteville. N. KIN(i. M.iy'J.-71 tf A. .McMILLAN. E wish to buy 20,000 barrels Turpentine. KINO vt McMILLAN. Enronrnirp. \orfh (\iroHnn. fBlHE uudeisigtied is manufacturing, in Fay- B. etteville. Boot and Shoe Polish, far superior to the Blacking jiurchascd in the NortlK-rn cities. He intend.^ dev.>ting his whole time to manufacturing and vending this very su- I'crior Polish, and calls upon all who think it to tlie interest of the Southern jieojile to bectuiie independent of Northern manufactures, to give him their aid and patronage. He is prejiared to show, by nhxuliitc /rint, to any one who will call upon him, the Kupr- riorili/»i' his over all other pnli.tluf w;/ now sold in North Carolina. Call and have your l)oots and shoes once completely blacked and jiolished, and be satisfied. This article is offered at .a price not higher I than is tisually charged for other and inferior nualities, and a trial is all that is asked to se cure the jiatronage of the public generally. The undersigned expects to visit every por tion of the State to introluce his Polish, .-uid a^ks now in advance that Merchants and others visiting Favetteville will give him a call. A. J. WO(»l>WAKD. June 21, 1851. 77-Om NEC;ROi:S WA N PED. ^^.■\SH paid for likely young Negroes, if ap- EQFPrV SALi:. "QW^ILL be soM it the C.mrt House door in ▼ w the Town of Fayetteville, on Monday the tirst day of Sejitember, :it 12 o'clock ,M.. by Decrees of the ('ourt of E'juitv, the following Valu.iM - HEAL F^TATE; — O I «i Acre.s hnnd on thr Xi rtli Hii.'.t side of (.'ajie Fear Itiver, in Chatham and ('um- berlauil Counties, joining Ria/.ier, Hurt, Ste phens :ind other', known as the ••Ibii'khorn LaiiiN.” This l.ind lies immediately on liiick- horn Falls, and is valuable for w.-iter I'l-iviieges. A! «», tin' iiitiTepf of tho l:itt“ illiaiii ('olviile in and to Four LOT."; in the Town of .\\er;isiiorou^l:, upon a credit ot' six nioiitiis. the [lurchuMer giving lamd vith ap]>roved se curity. Also, Olio va(*ant Ti( >T in tli»'Tmvn of I’ayetteville will be sold, upon a creilit of six months, upon bouil atid good sccunty. at the M.\|{KET H(M'SE in the Town of Fayetteville. ■ in Wednesday thi^ :’.d Septeml>er, at I'J o’clock .M., to-wit; on the South West corner of the Market S'piare, known as the •■Blake Lot." ARCH D A. T. SMITH. Clerk & Master. July 22. 1‘51, ti-ts 100,000 Acres Valuable T 1 M li 1: R I. A N D S FOP. SALE, r J^HE Subscriber has jiurchased all the Lands JL belonging to the Estate .f .\bram Dultois, dec'd, lying princijially in Itobcson county. aul ofi both sides of Lumber liiver, the different sur veys containing Over 100,000 Arrcs; A Large part finely Timbered, and convenient to Lumber Uiver, wliere a large piantity of Tim ber is now rafted to the (leorgetown market. These Lands are very valuable both for the Timber and Tuqientine, for which jmrpose a large jiart is well suited, l»eing in a re^rion where the Turpentine yields more abund.-intly than any other section of the State. The l.ands will be sold at a low price, and in quantities to suit jiurcliasers. Information respecting the title can be ob- taineil by applying to the Hon, Itobert .''trange. Hon. .las. C. l>obbin, or A. T. Smith, Esj., {.\ttorneys at Law.) I understand there are many trespassers on these Lands, to all of wluua notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforcel against all such oHcnders. .Vpiilieation for any part of the I.amls can be maile to myself, fir to .lolm Winslow. Esq.. who is dulv atithorised to make sale of the same. THO?-. J. cntTis. Fayetteville, N. f'.. Sept. 1, IMo. 7^itf L\FOIC\[A PION wanted. 8F the heirs of nULLAED M.\S.EY will ap ply to the Postmaster at Fayetteville, N. C. they may learn something to their advant.-ige. Said Ma«sey died in tin* South it» the Fall of lS-17; said lie was from North ('arolina; spoke of a sister Lotty, or (,'harlotte; and of his having bein in t)ie I’iorida war. I July 2fi, 1851. 8-tf I.A UGI: S A LE ' A l^C'P[ON. Mr E will sell finr entire Stock of GIKM’E- * W UIES at Aucton, commencing on .Wo#ir/rri/ ffye llf/i 0/ ami Continuing fnmi day to day until all are disposed of—consistiiitr rd' SU(1.\U, (.’(JFFEE, MoLA.'^SJ:.'^, ikon, SALT, N.MLS, ,S:c. Mer chants (d‘ tin' interior would do well to attend the sale, as the Stock is l.-irge. Terms liberal, a’.id made known on day of sale. We will also offer for sale the following Pro perty, viz; Tho STOTIE and WAllKlIOrSE occu pied by ourselves. 1 Tenoiuiiil ill Ijiiek Jlow, oeeupieJ l»y H. D. .McNeill. 1 Dwelling in rear, with kitclien . and smoke-house. HALL HALL. .\. .M. CAMPllELT,, .Auctioneer. .Tulv 28, 1H.')1. 8-ts 1 S .1 I WRAPPIN(; paiu:r. HE.V.M."' .Medium size, ♦ (5 •' lilue, tor Cotton Yarns. From .NIanteo Paper Mills. Kaleicrh. For sale low l.y H. BU\NSON & SON. July 1851. -'tf 150 NEW BOOKS. DE T(X!QUEVILLE’S Am.’rican Institutions with notes by the Hon. J. C. Spencer, published for the use of Schools, &c. Lord Hol land’s Foreign Reminiscences. Jane Bonverie, or Prosperity and .Adversity, by Miss Sinclair, author of .Modern Accomplishments, &c. 15. J. HALE & SUN. April 1. CHECKS, ON ALL THE BANKS IN FAYETTEVILLE, Just I’riuted and for SaJe at this Officc. lawi;i:n(’H roMi’ANVs Patent lnii>rove(i I'lesh CJloves and Straps, For producing a healfhy state (d‘ the system by Friction. H E great value of the H01>SE-H,\IH RE- A No\ \T0l5 as a therajteutic agent, when ap[ili('d to the human body, is well known to every one who has jtaid the least attention to the iiiifiortance of a healthy action of the Skin. For sale by S. J. HINSD.ALE. ()t 1, i8.50. o'.ttf \\AN'rED, 1^’>0rR large sized good MULE.S, well broke to the wagon, au'l not exceeding seven years of nge. -Vpply to D. S W. McLaurin. Fayetteville, or to the subscriijer «t Slicksville. D! miles above Fayetteville, on the east side of Cape Fear river. N. K. McDUFFIE. July 18, 1851. 0-tf ('.-iro’Jtiian tf. w plication is made soon. J. & T. WADDILL. Sept. 10, 1850. 37tf Iredell’s Law Reports, Vol. 11. JUST published, for sale by E. J. HALE SON. June 0, 1851. 75 j\'jR If ooiis. rHE Subscribers are now receiving a por- X tion of their SECOND LMPORTATION of GOODS this Season,—DRY GOODS, CUTLE RY, CROCKERY, GLASS, &c. —ALSO— 3000 yds. CaB’petiiig-. S. W. TILLING HAST & CO. October 28. 43tf BOOK BLNDERY. W. IIAUDIE has resumed the Book Binding Business at the new Store next cloor to Mr. Beasley, .Teweller, where he will re ceive and execute binding in any style desired. August 1. 21 Xi S I , milEil VL, O TMti.Vin. E have received our new Stock of SL’M- .MEK (' L O T H I N G—('oats. Sacks, Pants, and Vests. —ALSO— 25 bags RIO (’oFFEE, 10 boxes Fancy Candies, 2 hhds. Cuba Sugar, Nails, Hollow-Ware, Pop-ehiin Kettles, Paint and Varnish Brushes. iS:c. SAM L W. TILl.INGHAST & CO. April 1, 1S51. (j5tf Ysaltimorc Steam Soap and Candtc H^frks, HE Subscribers are now manufacturing and have now on hanl Belmont Sperm Candles; .\damantine ditto; Mould Tallow ditto, w arranted to ptand any cli mate; Lard ((il; Yellow, Brown, and Black Soaps; Variegated Bar do; White Bar do; Ful lers’ Soap; Fancy Soaps of new styles and su perior quality; to which they invite the atten tion of Southern merchants in making their Fall purchases, with a conviction that they can offer inducements as regards quality and price equal to uny. SMITH & CURLETT, Corner Holliday and Pleasant Streets, [7-fttw] Baltimore. T' R W.VXTED, rjlHREE House Servants, good seamstresses and washers. May 26. Li beral prices will be paid. J. & T. WADDILL. 73tf .1. T. COl N( IL Ok: CALV A RE now receiviu}: a large stock of J'PRlNti - » .AND Sl'.M.MER (.JOODS, consisting in ]>art of— Striped (!ro-de-Paris; blaek and col’d Silks; embroidereil. printed and black I’uirege and Ba- rere-de-Laine: i’aris-de-Chine; Cra]>e-le-Paris; rich emb'd Tarltans: printed French Lawns; em- broiilcrcd and printed Swiss Muslins; Hoyle's and jirinted Organdie: Mourning, printed; Polka and fancy Lawn; Mourning and other (iinghams; .laconet and .'^wiss Muslins; Silk and l.inen Po]»- lins; solid col'd Lawns; Itishop and Swiss ditto; (ir.ass and other .'^kii ts; Linen Cambric Hand- kcrchiel's, needle-worked; Collais and Cuffs; Lace Cjidei sleevct; French nei-dU—uoiked Cher.i- i-^ettes; fancy .Mitts and Kid Ciloves of :;1! kinds; s]>lendid l.oiinet and other Itibbons; Eilging and Insertinjr; I reiicli and llnirlish Prints; together with a f.irtic sui'['ly of other articles suitable for Ladies' wear. French C.-is.'imeres; pl.iin Linen and Linen Drill; Clii-ekei! Linen; .''ilk. .NLirseil’es and other \'.stin;,rs: Ca~liineret; Dralid'Ete: York Nankins; Silk Handkerchiefs .and Cravats; brown and bleachel Sheetiiejs and .Shirtings; a jiimuI assort- iiicnl of ('nibroidered Window ('urtains, (^f>ome very fine.) Coats; Pants: Satin, Silk. Marseilles and other Vests; a large supply of c:'.ch. A large lot of Cnibrellas. and fine Silk and Satin Parasols, assiu-ted kinds. Beaver. Fur. Silk. Leghorn and other Straw Hats: also a good supply of Boys' Hats. White ('iii]', French Hair-I ace. and other Bonnets; Children's tine Pearl Hats, Bonnets and Flats; W reaths and Flowers. Fine C.-ilf sewed Boots; Patent Leathi'r Bro- ;rans; Cloth and Buck Congress (Jaiters; Oxforil Ties; Patent Leather ilitto; Lailies’ black and col'd Silk (iaiters, a fine article; dirt'er«'iit kinds of Misses' Shoes and (iaiters; L.adies’ .''Uppers and \'.alking Shoes; with a lar/re supply of heavy .'''hoes, for servants. Saddles, Bridle.s. ('ollar.s, Padled Harness, and Wagon and Buggy Whips. Crorkpry, lliinlwnrt*. riitlrry, liollow-Warc. Cili'oroi'io**. Rio and Laguira (’’ofj'ee; Crushed; Clarified, Loaf and Brown Sugars; Sal , Molasses, Ii-iui and Nails; Principe ('igars; Frencii Brandy; (iin; Port, .Madeira, Sweet, and Scuppernoiig Wines. Together with a great variety of GfMxIs of jiearly every description. .VII of which they are determineil to sell very low for ('asb. or on very .•iccoiiimodating terms to punctual customers. pk-'jr‘ We would be glad that buyers generally wouM call and examine our Stock. .\pril 4, 1851. O'ltf DREGS MEDICLnTi^ST^ Painfa, Oih, Winifoic G', Voniish, dr. SaMUKL j. lllNSDAl.E Ofl'ers for .sale an extensive assortment of GOODS, among which are the fol lowing; Opium, Camphor, Castor Oil, .Mcohol. Sul- lihur, .\loes, Slagnesia, Rhubar>>, Morphine, (juinine, (’ream Tartar, Sal Seda, ('astile Soap, Super carb. Soda, Epsom Salts, Sponge, Ipecac, Sarsaparilla, Kreosote, Bora.x, Arrowroot, Isin glass, Gum Arabic, Ginn Myrrh, ('’apsicum. Lo belia. Plasters. Liquorice, Chloroform. Jujub( Paste, Copperas, White Leal, Linseed Oil, Train Oil, Whale Oil. Sperm Oil, Sweet Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Copal, Leatlier, Japan Varnish, Window (ilass. Putty, Pumice Stone, Chrome Green. Chrome Yellow, Lampblack, Patent Plack, Terra de Sienna. Umber, Black Lead. Litharge. Red Lead. Patetit Dryer, Whi ting, French Yellow, Yellow 0 hre, Venetian Red, Spanish Brown, Prussian Blue, Sand-pa- pt'r, Starch, Sal Eratus, Mustard, Spice, Ntit- megs. Pepper, Hops, Indigo, Madder, Saltpetre, Ginger, (ilue, .Vnnato, (’loves, Mace, Burning Fluid, Alum, Oxalic .\cid. White Brick, Tripoli. Wash Brushes, Paint Brushes, Varnish Brushes, Scrubbing ditto, Shoe do.. Tooth do., Hair do., Logwood, Red wood, Black Ink, Opodeldoc, &c., with a general assortment of Medicines; Chemi cals of all kinds; French and English Pei-fume- ry' and Soaps; with a full assortment of all the leading Patent Medicines now in use. Orders from the eountry promptly attended to, and goods carefully packed. The Subscriber feels »vssiired that he can meet the wishes of the pui'chaser in regard to quality and price. S. J". HINSDALE, Druggist. October 12, I860 NEW liOOKS. ^OUTHERN HARMONY; Gillespie on Roads. Religion of (nology; Mattison's .\stronomy, Bulwer's new Play; Taylor's .Medical .lurispru- dence; Little \ P.rown's English Reports, Vols. ' 1 and 2; I.eading Cases in Equity; Combe’s Phi- siology; Smith's .\rithmetic, See. kv. Just receive!I by Julv 28. E. j. HALE 5: SON. HHDS. SWEET .MOL.VSSES, lOOO Sacks Liverpool S.\LT, with our usual Stock of (iRoCERIES. J. .S: T. WADDILL. July 21, 1851. good supi'lv of Williams's Rectified Rye Wi.isk,‘v. ' J. & T. W. EDWIN G17o\ ER, A LtCTtUE (.NOT BEHIND THE Ct'R- TAlx) TO Or.D B.^rnKi.ORs.— \ correspon dent of the New York E.xpress gives tho followiii^ij; t-ccTio: The Stute Nonniil School ( lu?ed its sum mer session today. There was an im- men.sq, audience present, in tho great room of the School IJuildings; two-tliirds present wore ladies, and nuiuy of those, teachers prepared at tlie .Scluiol, Kx Governor liriggs c.f Mass. delivered an address full of humor, anecdote, happy illu.strations, and sound arguiiicnt in f;i\or of free edu cation. Such a scoring “Old Bachelors'* never before received in the presence of one, or a thousand ladies, but it was ad dressed to tiiat class of them, who grum ble at being taxed for educating other peo ple’s chililren. ‘‘Am 1 to be taxed to support children not lU}" own?” grumbles the Old Bachelor, “rertainly.” “But I h:ive no children of my own.” ‘‘So much the wor&e, you ought to have them.” ‘•But 1 have no wife.” “JJad again, you ought to have a wife, and chilflien into the bargain!” ((jreat Laughter.”) And not having a wife, which no good man ought to be without, and no children, which are also nece.s.sary, you deserved to be doubly taxed. “(lO, said the Gover nor, and present your case to some good lady, as one fit for her sympathy, aud it you nre deserving of it, you will certainly iind it.” There was rounds of applause for this want of commiseration for the case of poor old bachelors, more than one of whom wa.^? unfortunately present, to be stared at,—it he was known, by a thousand or two of bright eyes, and destined to find no sym pathy,—short of being taxed for the edu cation of other peoi»le’s children,—from the great crowd who were present. A young lady aj)peared at the 0-shkosh' ball, on the 4th inst., in a white dres.s with short skirt and pants. The geatlemcii admired her much, but several of the ladie>? said that it was immodest. She turwd la snme of them whose dresses were tinitcli/ low iu the neck,’’ and quietly re marked that if they would p’lU up their dres.sos about their ueck.'s, tlreir skirt.-i w'ould be as short as her own. They turned away. FOR RENT, fJ^IIE New Store, on the Avenue, recently JL occupied by J. C. Medlin, at Floral Col lege, N. C. For terms, apply to A. M. McKlNNON. .July 25, 1851. 8-:lw LIEE INSURANCE. Tl HE Undersigned has been appointed Agent of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insu rance Company. F'very member for life partic- Watch-Waker and Jeweler, .VT THE OLD STAND. nf the Larij) Wntrh^ H .\S returned from the North w ith a large assortment of W.VT(’H F..'^. CLO('KS -VND .1 ^]^^’EIJ\Y, which he invites the public to e.v- aniine. .Vniong his stock can be found,— (Job! and Silver Watches of all kinds and jirices; (lold ami Silver Fob, CJuaril. ami Vest Chain.-- (Jold. Silver. .Stone, and Steel Keys and Seals; Breast Pins and Ear-Hiiigs of all kinds and prices; Finger Uiiigs; Gold. Silver and .Steel Spect.-icles: Silver and (iold Thimbles; tine Bracelets; Gold and .Silver Pens and Pencils: ' (iold Lockets; (joM ami Silver Belt Buckles; Card C:ises; Coral P.cads; .Sleeve Buttons: tine .\ccordeoiis; .Music B>ixes; tine and common Walking I'anes; fine and common Pistols; .Silver Cups; Silver Spoons; Port-Moneys; Purses; C'locks, from •'S2 to >!^4(); Plated ('ake I’askets. Castors and Candlesticks; Brass do.; Back-(«am- mon Boarils; icc,. I'ic. MILITARY GOODS. Swords. Sashes. Lace, Buttons, Bugles, Stars, Plumes, Caj'S, iCc.. \c. Jptri?* Particular attention paid to the Repairing of Watches and .Jeweli-y. Fayetteville, N. C.. July 21. (i-oin RocM i^('r Slcanicr nnd lor s:iIo, 6^ BBLS. Crushed and Refined .SUG.VB, Jl. 1 chest fine Hyson Tea. 8 casks best London Porter, pint bot’ls. 4 cases superior old Port Wine, 1 cask Madeira Wine. 5 hhds. ('uba Molasses. SAM E W. TILLINGHAST Co. June 20. 1S51. 77tf Gunu’s Domestic Medicine. VFCR'l’HER supplv. iust received. E. J. HALE & SON* June 10, 1S51. S' * rietv of Ploughs and Plough fixtures, for sale by' J. & T. WADDILL. Jan*. 4. 5:itf ipatcs in the profits of the (’ompany; and the annual premitim for life membership, where it amounts to or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the other half in a note at 12 months. Delitors' lives may be insured by creditors. A man may in.sure his own life for the exclusive benefit of his family. The lives of slaves ni.ay be insured. This system is rapidly growing into favor, all over the civilized world. It is one by which a family, for !i small sum annually, may be pro vided for. after the death of its head, on whose exertions they may have been Iependent for a support. It is a good investment of money, even if one shoubi live long after taking out a Life Pt'licy. Explanatory pamphlets, and the arv Blanks, furnished on application. E. J. HALE. Fayetteville, .7tine 1850. ‘ 72 SO.OOO II. BHANSON & SON. 7Stf 7 Julv 1. M0EASSI:S. HHDS. prime MOL.VSSE.S, for sale by H. BllAN.SON & SON. July1S51. NEW ROOKS. fM'^HE Works of .Uexamler Hamilton. 4 vols.: i The Female Jesuit, or the Spy in the Family; The Nightingale, or Jermy Lind Song ster; The Complete .\ngler, by A\ alton'& Cott^jrt: The (’ourse of Creation, by Jno. .\nderson, D D.; Tales from Shakspeare; The Crystal Fount, r choice collection of Temperance Songs: Pictorial Shakspeare: A Pastor's Sketches, by Sjicncer; Tom Racquet and his three Maiden Aunts; Mar shall’s Book of Oratoi*v, kc. &c. Just received, ‘ £. J. HALE & SON. June 7, 1851. SOUTHERN HARMONY. JUST RECEIVED, a new sypply of this popular Book July 1851. E. J. HALE & SON. I WANTED, ■ GOOB HANDS, at 75 cts. per day, on ; it#" * the Southei*n Plank Road. Steady I employment and cash payment weekly, if re quired. Apply to D. M. BtlE. At the Steam Mill, or to A. A. McKETHAK, Jmi« 23,1851 [77-tf] r»yctteviUe. Fire Insurance. fBlHE -ETN.\ Insurance (’’ompany of Hart- JL ford, having paid the tax imposed by the Bevenue Law of the late Legislature, will Con tinue its .Agency in FayetteVrlle, under the management of the undersigned, who is pre- ]iared to issue Policies of Insurance on Build ings or CiM»ds, either in this Town or in any part of the .state, on proper applicatiwi, de scription of the Pro])crty, &c. The ..ETN.V C( >M PAN Y has been in operation aho\»t iiO years. Its capital is 'I'he Hou. Tho.s. K. Br ice its first President, and he still holds that office; and several of its first Directors are still active ami effK^ient mem bers of the Board, it litis at all times sustained the highest character for the prudence of its managetiient, and for the lilierality with which it has ever adjusted its losses. iv J. HALE, .\gent. March 10, 1851. (i2-tf T\HT rXION ()F~FjllLAJ)EL]‘HfZ' For the Promotion of the Arts of Design in the United States. f^VERY Member, for the year 1851, will re- .ji ceive for each Subscription of Five Dol lars, a print of Huntington’s “Christiana and her Children,” engraved V»y Joseph Andrews, Boston; and the companion, n print of Hunting ton’s “Mercy’s Dream,” engnvved by A. H. Rit chie. New York; or the ciioice of any two of the following four splenlid engravings, viz; 1. John Knox's Interview with Mary Ciue-n of Scots, paintel by Lcutze, engravcl br Sartain. ‘1. Ruth and Boi'Z, jiaiuted Viy Rothcrmel, engraved by .Sartain. 8. Mercy’s, painted by Huntington, engraved bj' Ritchie. 4. Christi ana and her Childre?», j>aipted by Huntington, engraved by Andrews; and a copy of th(i Phila delphia Art Union Reporter, a monthly pamph let, containing a report of the transactions of the Institution, and information oft the snbjeit of the Fine Arts throughout the whole world. The .\rt Union of Philadelphia awards prizes in its own Certificates, with which original A- merican works of Art may be purchased in any jiart of the United States, at the option and se lection of the person w ho may obtain a prize at tho alnmal Distribution, which tak(53 plaCC on the evening of the last week-day in every year. The Executive Committee of the Art Union, when so requested, select work? of Art, without chargc or compensation, tVom their Free Gallery, 210 (jhestuut Street, for those persons irJ the country, who may live remote from Galleries, or public exhibitions of the fine Arts. Subscriptions of meitoberekip, $5, should be made as early as practicable, go as to entitle membcl*s to early numbers of the “Reporter, ’ which will be forwarded tipon the rteccipt of the money to any part of the cOtmtiy. The Honofary Secretaries will give receipts {ot subscriptions, Or I'imittanccsmay be made to' GEOftrxE W. DEWEY, Correspoadicg Sec’y, 210 Chcbtnut SKloet. Philadd-pllia.' HnxtdArr Sco’y for FavcttcViDe, N C., ^ E J Jun« d, 1^1. "•'