From tht Phliailflj'hia Xorlh Aittericaii. ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE. Our read«J> may remember that on the 8th of this mouth, [July,] \ve charjred that a doubh'-tai-ed traine wns plnying in this State by »Iu- pnrty calling itself De- iiuKratic, f'T (he purpose of promoting C'ol. 13i^lcr's olectiun; aiul while the Penn- tij/Intnidii here was loudly professinjr him to be a chauipittii of the Adjustment meas ures, the (irj;:iu ut the .sivme party in Pot ter county and the organs elsewhere were nViiinsi the “democratic Free SoiK vs to rally against (Jovernor Johnston, because he and the hig ]>arty were pleilged to the Ouinprouiise. Our coteniporar}' adojtt- ed the expedient which it habitually does on snch occusions. and wilfully asserted what it knew to l>e false, in ileelarin^ that wt“ reterred to the opinions of an Abolition j>rint, and not tu the recoijuisi'd organ ot its party, althimgh we h.'d s» asserted in the most unejuivocal terms, and witliout the possibility of ai;}' otiior inference of the chance ef misconstnicti»u. Tliere was liut one reply t> such a tabriiatiou; and that was matle l>y re-prixlncing our own W''rds and thereby convicting the I i nmiari ofa cuuteni}>tible framl ''lie which h;:d not even tiie appearatice (>f e«|uiv(K‘a- tii>n iu language or meaning, tojustity the l>clif'f that it was other than wili'ally con trived. In commenting upon the cliarac- ter of the p:i])»‘r from whit h we Iiad cited, the I* i‘nst//riuiiii n.>eil the tulU>wing coinmendatii'u: “The l*ettcr I utt-n, tl:c able nation il journal there,” (in I'ott»'r (dunty) “edited liy -ludge JiVnian, which is souTidly in favor of the compromise measures. The IVtter Journal has been |;inf('d against the l)emi>critie p;iVty as a I )ciiii>cratic paper, n peatedly, while the I'll ion has always upluld the right in that r- gion, and has e.Kposed, witli signal sue- ci.'S, the cniiJuct Ilf the Jaiirnu/. ’ It is i\o part of our business to an'jwer for others; but we uiuh’rtakt' to say that tills paper never cited tlie .Jniirnal in any >uch manner as is described bv the s>,/ni,iiai>; and when it attempts to lay tiiat charge at onr doors, it di a!s with a calujiiny made out of who!i>, as we h ive already proven, an ’ as wedifythe J’^^uns^/raiiinn to denv with anv iijipear- ame of plansibility. Having iu(*t that ]ioiut, there an* some oth»*r m.-iTf»>rs fo be dispt scd f't‘. As the c’]iy ’f the I'uiou from which wo originally (jm'tid became nii>laitl, the trouble was t.iken to s-ud for aii'itiier copy i>f the t2Tth it‘ June, whi« h i> now m onr table. In an editorial head ed “The Tampaign of passji- ges fKcur, whii h arc worthy of remark for tlieir bearing upon the pre.-^ent contrmersy. “The Whig »‘'tate Convention met in liuncaster on Tuesday last; and in all j>n> i'ahility will nuiniuate Wni. F. Johnston f >r re-electi»n, wiio is leagued with Millard Fillmore, Ihiniel ^^^'bster, and John J. (’rittenden, and all the great champions of the Fugitive Slave Law.” *» * * * * ^‘Fven the Hon. David Wilniot, of Pro viso noti»riety, has a^mn faft'm hts piace IK th> JJ t niM-ratic and is irivinj; its entire ticket an active and huuorabio suiv jMirt.” * » * * c * “Ihe l>radti>rd Hf-jmrfi r i Mr. Wihnfit'g «-r!ran'i has fell (’f) back into tlie arms of th o>e JJiin/tirsi it use.l to denouee so roundly.” ^ ^•^\ ill the nonKVTatic Frr*^ toilers of this coinjty permit thern.sdve.s to boniid hand and foot, anil soM out to Whiggerv, like cattle ia the Tuarket?—If they have hoiu a't olijcction.s to the ('oinproniise me;is- ures, let thetn look cahuly at this iues- tiou, and see it they wonl'l Ik’ gainers bv ].oing transferred to the Whig ptrr\\ Need we point to Henry Clay^Millanl Fillmore and [►aniel Webster. Are thev not flu- fathers, friends and tuppurters c'f tile Fuiritivo Slave I..a\v?”’ \'c. Such are the seutituenLs of a press which tile i‘i nnsi/hiniian h;iS endor.'if], with all i’-s real or ^UJlpose■l influence, as an “able II ttional journal,” “sotindly in favor of th'^ ’ouipromise nn a.'ures!" And this eii- uor.seiiient is uiade, too, in the face of tiie fu t that the paper in (jue^tion apiM'ai- di- r* etly to the “l>emocratie Free Soiiers” to -upport CuloiuJ Bigler, because (’lav, and I'iilmuie, and Webster are ‘-the fathers, friendsand supporter> ..f th? Fu;riiive Slav.- law;” and beciu>e l>avid Wilni*>t ha> been agaui accepted inti> fidl eomiuiinioti with his party, ani his Abolition or;;an has alcuidoned its foriiiL-r pioition. The fiei>- ]'le can si-e in tlie diselo>ure of tlicse facts what the “natiMUalify" of the JV„ns, ^■iun means, .uid may lind the evideuce of liiat Corrupt auil niereenarv coalition, to which we lia\c rejieafodly invoked tbeir se rious attention. It is ••jiutional,” in the view of our a Iver-ary, to supj.ort the (’oni- piomi.^e n.e;i,sure here, and to pnuc about nie obligations )f tite (’(institution Ih*« aus* )i pavs; whde it is erjually “national,” in the view ot the .same adversary, to rtppo^e tlie Fugitive Slave law in J'otter and the nurthern couiuies, for the sanjo candidate, 1" I aiise Abolition Vf.tes must be conciiiat- ed in order to ensure Col. IJigh r’s success, : ud his suee.;!^ is neces.sary to secure the numiuHtion of Mr. liuehanan in the Va- lioal ('onvention. Thr-y will stop at\o means and hesitate at no bargain l>v which , tlicse objects way be attained; and" hence i His, notwithst.iiiding the ]>rot stations of . alta. hment to tlie Fnion and desire for' )K*nee which hive been daily mouthed ! thiongh the P iiu.i/h nnian,—an e.vtent of l‘_) pocrisy which slitmld bli.sfej- its lips—■; Uiat We .st*c that (ire.^s and its h ader now eotispiring with the flagrant foe.s of both, I'lid t ndorsin-f opinions wbieli are ciilcula- ted to ,s(jw the seeds of destruction far atid vide. e do not look ut these movements in any politiial aspect, or with any regard to their effiHt upon iov. Johnston’s election. They affect /reatcr and more momentous iulercsls. They threaten most Keriously to disturb that repose which is now' begin ning to dawn again ujmui the Republic, and to revive that seetiouai strife which has too much already inteiTupted the be-st feel ings of iVaternity and sympathy between the North and South. The election of Col. Higler would be prwlaimed all over the South as tiie triumph of I)avii Wil- mot; and a victory like that wotild be a disaflt^r tio :-teriou8 to c.outi'm|date. Penn sylvania stands now upon high, modenite and eon.stitutional ground, extending her arms to the \orth and the South, discon- neeted with the pvejnlicP8 of cither, and demanding justice for both. Remove her from this attitude of honorable neutrality, and what Tfill be her roiitioo’ Vv’ho then i can mediate? Wl\o can the ex- I cited passions of the two sections, au equitable judge, determine the 1 and duties which may become mvolved. I We pause for a reply- Come what may, ' let us keep Pennsylvania right, and save her from the contamination of demagogues ' i^nd traitws, who would sacriiice her honor : for party and for place. I II VHMONY OF THK HKJLEU FOUCKf^'- We extract the following account ot the . auspicious opening of a l?igler Club from the Pittsburg Gazette of Tuesday last, the i‘.»th;— I A meeting of the Pcmoc-rat.s vva.« called in Wilkins Hall, on Saturday^evening, for the purpose of forming a “l>igler Club, and the persons wiio made the arrange- ' ments rented the room in the third story, in which to hold the meeting, from a l.rothcr Pcniorat. rufortunately for the iinaniniity of the unterrified, they are di- I ^ided into two parties in this city, which move along as harmoniuisly together as doijs in couples usually do. One (>{ these parties is in favt>r of supporting Uiu'iianan for the Presiden-y—the opposing faction advtK-ating the claims ot (’ass. The gen- th'inen wlio rented the tiiird story were liuehanan men, and as tln^ time of holding the nu'cting (eight o'chnk'' drew near, mustered in consiih'rable fon'e at the door. The hour arrived, and admittance was de manded, but they were coolly informed by .some of the rival faction that thf k>\t/ of the irns Of course, in a village so sin;dl as Pitt.>-'»urg, it was impossible to prtHUve a huktmith to ojven the door, and after some di.scussion, the Cass men ad- j(»urued to a more »-»ngetiial atiuosphen*, in au apartment behind tVc bar n)om in Wilkins Hall. The Huehanan men en- ' tered their protest ag lin.-t this proeeeding, but the (’ass men sent detachments ti> beat up for recruits, in all directi(>ns, and their opponents Avere at lat overjv>wered. Theti (-ommeticed a .seen«! of bbu-kguardism :*.nd juofanity, which mav have been etpiallevl in Tammany Hall, under the aus]>ices of llynders, or some of the other I)emix'r:itie kaders there, but which certainly fortnel a iK'W ej>oeh, even in tin* lii.'tory of that ]»artv here, marked -s it has been by di.s- i;rai '*ful oeeurrenees. The epithets of “liar, sconntlrel, villain, eheat, tiiief, ” A'l ., v\cie freely used, min- gieii with th«* uio.-,t frightful miths, and with terms of repn»;uh tH» disgusting to U‘ mentioiK'd in our paper. The confusion w;\s wholly nnparall' h'd in thi.s city, nml the of the broih'i-s within was not si- lenei-d by the howliuir "f the stonn and era'll of the tliunder without. The mem bers of the m^etinir shook their fis»s at eai h other, but did not eome to bl >ws. e(>ntenting thrm.sidves with a display uf their oratory in the Ililling.sgate .'tyh*. At last victory perched on the banii''rs of the ('ass nu u. a id the I>al*el of vi>ices silenced for a time, when the Higler Club was ann-tunced to be compo.‘M‘d of jft'r.'ou.s, a majority of whom, of course, were iu favor of again running for the Presidential heat their dd nag, who was so s;idly distanceil once before, and will be again, if he has sufheieiit mettle h ft again to enter for the stake.s. Intfii'ticeoJ J't'inii/f ('Jmrartrr.—('om- ]>:»re the condition and pnrsnit.s of the luas.^ ot men with lho^*.■ of women, and tell me on which side lies the iuferioritv. While the grea'er j'art fd‘our are engaged in turning up the chxls of the earth, fashion ing the materials which an' to supj>lv the physical wants of our race, exchanging the prohicts of industry of different countries, toilin^r amidst i|„. jA>rils of war and the tu mults of politics—to you is coniuiitt«*ij th* nobler ta^k ot moulding the infant mind; it is for you to i.'ive their ehara-tir to suc ceeding ages; it is y,.U!s to col.t.ol ihc stormy pas>ions of tnan; to inspire him with .s»ritinients wiiieh .sulHlue hi.** ferocity, and make his heart gentle and sott; it is yf»ui> to ofien t> him the trut*st and jiurest souri-esof happiness, and prompt him to the love of virtue and religion. }nff.—a nt'ifh'-,! How .sacred and v*»ne- rable the>e names. \\ hat nobler fibject.i* can the most a.'pirinir ambition j>ro|>.>so to it.>ieit, than to fulfil the duties whieh thc.M,' relations imply.' Instead of murmuring that vour field of infliienee is so narrriw, my friend.-., should you not rather tremble at the ma«rtiitude and .-acredness of your responsibility.'' \\ hen you demand of man a higher education tinn h-vs v^t been given you, and cl-iim to drink from the same Wells of kiiowh-ijrt. us himself, should il not be that you may be thus enabled, not to ru^h into that .-j'here which nature ha.s niarkeil for him, but to juove more worthi ly and gra( etully within your own? ^ rossiIII/ thr Atlantu' ut o lioir-Hont.— The first man who has accomplished this feat arrived liere this morning, having made the from hiverpixd in little more than thirty days. He had no -Jail on board, blit was protected from the sun liy a tarp.'ulin awning. On arriving at piar- antim;, he exhibited no signs of fatigue cn* exhaustion, and indeed di“clarel hiuiself better able to undertake the voyage again, than when h»* had been only two or tliree days out at sea. Probably the man’s story Wfiuhl be di.Hbelieved, but that it happ( ns to Vie attested by (’apt. llovi-y, of the Pevon.shire, and the offn-ers and passengers of that ship, who repeatedly saw him and his small craft during their j»as.sag(!. W'e b'-lievc tbre(‘ of our jiilot boats have cross ed tlu! .Atlantic, at somt! peril, but this man found his way to the land of his hopes in a small boat not larger than sin h a one ; sis tiie |)evon>hire, or any .ship of her size, would earry at her stern. lie.ider, your faith is tried. Let u.s ex plain. Wlien the noble packet ship I)evon- . shire was one day out at sea, (’apt. Hovev } detecteil .--ymiitoms of .small pox in one of liis steerage pas.sctigers. Jle immediately . had Ihe st^-rn boat, hanging from the da- I vits, mad«! pei-fectly secure and comforta- I ble, removed the man into it, erected over I him a tarpaulin, and in that boat , the man erossed the Atlantic, jiot leaving I it until he reached (|Uarantine. He wa.s fed from the captain’s fable, recovered eom- , ]iletely from the disease, was well and I hearty when landed this morning, perhaps I more so than his fellow passengers, and as I the result of Capt. Hovey’s ]ireeaution, no I other case of small j»ox occurred on board ' the Devonshire.—IV. Y. ('omnu-nlul. I The Postmaster (leneral acknowledges, in the W^ashington papers, having received, I under cover of a letter signel “Komulus,” one hundred dollars, in two notes of tlie P»ank of Washington, part or all of which I Hum, the writer saya, is due to the Post ^ (Office r>( partment AMERICAN SELF-OOTERNMENT. Mr. Stansbnry, for many years a repor ter in the House of Representatives km- the National InteUigemer, and draughtsman of the General Land tJHice, has been writing a very interesting series of papers for Arthur’s Home Gazette, en titled “Recollections and Anecdotes of the Presidi^nfs of the Ignited States. He writes with €|ual force and eleganue and draws with the facility ■ In a late number of the gives a very graphic and of the hall'of the House of ReprescnUitives on the eventful and exciting occasion of the election by that body of a President of the United States. After describing the intense and absorbing interest evinced bv every human being in Washington, ! Chamber and Hall of Representatives wil -ifl-ito .ibont two thou.saiui The Evrtenston of tke Capitoi.—We have been informed that etich of the wings of the Capitol now in the progress of erec tion are in dimensions two, hundred and forty-eight feet, with a width of one hun> dred and forty-two feet—^that they will be forty-four feet from the present building, amr will be eonnccted with it by enclosed corriders. The dimensions of the cmifeniplated A Band of Oypfnes lately landed at New York, among the immigrants brought from Europe by an emigrant ship. They are now encamped, with their covered wagons, in the neighborhood of Hoboken, and report themselves from the vicinity of Durhnm and New Castle, England. The w’omen and (diildren are said to possess the strange Fri)fn tA(! WtBtmimter Review. THE FROZEN SHIP. At this period, when so mm-h anxiety CENTRAL ROAD. The contractors have comm^nocf] in good earnest on some .sections prevails respecting the fate of Sir John 1 Nixon & Co. are at work in this vicinj^^ Franklin, everythiflg relating to the polar | Salisb^j Watchman of ol.stj^j^ regions is of interest. The following skelck i says: * is one of the most tbrilling extant: “* IcssrSv^Siia'ver & k imonton haveum^^ nicn uoii eiiiiureii art: oniu i-o “On a serene evening in the middle of a gap in a hill near this place, that 3 peculiar physical features of their ! August, 1775, Captain Warrens, the mas-1 jet in daylight to a pretty large ange race, having slender fieures and j ter of a Greenland whaleship, found him-^ or v lam or Rinrc abundance of blaek haiir. ‘The men j self becalmed ammg an immense nnmber | at P^ughing, spading, cuvtnig, ^ cn hundred s«]nare teet The dimensions of the Senate Chamber will lie seventy feet by ninety-eight teet six inches. The galleries in the Senate each accommodate about two thousand persons, and besides there will be ample accoiumodatious for privileged per.sons. Wai^hin'jton I nioii. ay.-^ the successful opposition of Mr. McDuffie to an attempt to exclude the people irom wntues.sing the acts of their representatives —that gentleman jdedging himself for their orderly deportment while looking on such a .wpectach—the writer thus proceeds: At length the Speaker’s hammer fell. A dead silence instantly prevailed, ainl the respecti\e delegations ass^'iublctl and took their seats around the tables prepared for them. It was my privilege, iVom an elevated position on the right hand tf the ciiair, to enjoy a full view ot all tin; g.'“ups; and I have pre.serveii a rude and liasty sketch which 1 caught of their positions while the , ^ first ballot was pnH-eedin-. Kaeh dcdeg:.- ,„„thers should k.iow tlu tion appointed one of tlieir number to aet as chairman, collcct their v>tes, and report the result. The delegates vot(-d by j.ln- ralities. ^Vh^tt‘ver in each received the most votes was reportevi as the choiee of that delegation. There were twenty-four of these group.s; and wh(*n the votes had ! b ICteiiteu 1U" mis OflU impoiiaLUMl oi mi- ; lo^ieiiiei, i-.-5.iion i '-'-'•o i -.janity to the inercJisel facilities for immi- ' peaks appeared behind each other as far as i work along the whole line. We gration aflbrded by steam navigation; and the eye could reach, showing that the ; then to march up and down the roail, should this small nucleus of a new race of, ocean was completely blocked up in that | end to end, just to hurrah all the w;ty pe«iple which we have acquired in these quarter, and that it had probably been so the Old North State and the authors of I by acces- i for a long period of time. j magnificent enterprise!—ItuleiyU Gypsy emigrants be enlarged . , sions hereafter, it may be reserved to the ! “About midnirht the wind to a Eminent Humjarian ExHrsi.— United States to solve the iiroblem whe-' gale, accomi>anied by thick showers of; t4 n. . * ir ther it is possible, under any form of so-! snow, while a succession of tremend(»ii.s, ! cial and iiolitical institutions, to amalga- i thundering, grinding, and crashing noises - ! . . » ' X* _ /• X ! !i *1. *1.^ There is much debate in the papers j ^.jth other races a strange order of gave fearful evidence that the ice w'as in about the propriety of the practice of me- j ^osiDypfilites, who have, imniemorially, motion. The vessel received violent s-h'wks dicine by ladies. *Mrs. 8arah J. Hale, in ; ;i„j iutolerant of every moment; for the haziness of the at- (Jodcy’s Lady’s IJook for August, has tak- ^ udmixture w'ith a flilferent people. en up the subject, and writ s earnestly in ' — favor of the measure. “There are,” she j Ann* fnr >^uth Car^4lna —\\^^ Q■A^^^ ^^ few self-i'vidcnf prop.isitions, and . on for the would be Simthern Republic are being niaile by Me.ssrs. Ames, ot (!abot- ville, Mass. 'fhe order was first sent to a \'irginia company, but it failed, ;ind the secessionists were compelled to get the tnosfihere prevented those on bojird from discovering in what direction the oj>en wa ter la\, or if there actually was any at all on either side of them. The ni^ht was thirty-two Hungarian oflicers of ^ _ tinction, intimately associated \ntii suth during the Hungarian stni(rf,i^ ' Among them are Lieu1enant-(''ol, nel Fi^ ner, (accompanied by his lady) who L office nn ler the provi.sional g >veninif*i]. and .■'lajor Biro and Mr. Almadv, wh-. names have often appe ared in tiie recor it would be *|uestioning the common s« iiso of matikind to doubt tlie general belief on these piiiiits.—(Jne is, that woniiMi are by nature Ix'tter |nalified than men to take spent in tacking as often as any cause of Hungttriaii p.itnotisin One ofi,., danger hajifiened to pre.sent it.self, and in ' ^^om an infonnant desenbes as the morning the storm abated, and Cap-; injt vet t*venty-one v’cars of a;;c, tain Warrens found, to his great joy, that ! eighteen engagements. ,y^ iiig; a .st'cotid, , ord-i‘filled m'rtli of Mason A; Hixon s Line, i ship had not sustained anv' serious in- j 3' morning, while tiie I>ivuri-;li;. lie best means v. hieh they ha«l avowed th-y would not do. j jyrv. He r‘inarked, with surprisi, that i \ itrit •! and in.'-pected l)y the vi^il-^^ hc'ir ciiildren; ^ Ihe statement whi-h we recently made, to accumulated icebergs which had on the b^al.h officei, the corps chauiit'Ml .sevofL fi'tnale phvni- I wit, th it (he small arms for South (>ari)li-, «,r('(»(idin(T evcninir formed an impenetrable Hungarian h\mns with most touchinjrp of jireserving the health of their and a third point is, that female physi-I wit, th it (he small anus f^r >''‘uitti t>ari)Ji-, ciaiis are the ]>roper attendatits f»r their na, wore being made at .dilbiiry, we are },;jrrier, luul been separated and di.sarrang- d them own sex in the hours of sorrow.” j again ii.ssured IM correct, iiofw itliMtanding , wind; and in one place a can In sp«‘aking of the exclusion of females i the di.sjivow'al of the ( harleston Mercur\. , of open sen woutnl its amonti thc the profession, she savs; “To this I '\\K>nxoikil (If.J.) Putrutt. piece hat (K legation. mere we.e pp.fession, she says; “To this I ■ r"'''"'"’ '■""’•■'I'" "''.'' I T„ in ,.,ndle», Ink,- a |,k..-- ~ 1 . 1 « ‘i- » • iuiKi lu‘lt>iossiiC5*s (>i \N>int*n iis n - i i n \ i * pon to rep rt, which they did in sin-ces i ~ i ,1.,.:- ,.i.;i ' of gol 1 coin or a gold collar or slee^e out- r • V diseases ami their dal- , , . , „ feet. These patriots will no doubt bebcfittjn.’- received by the Hungarian conllliitfc^ ai'. tive among whom is our neighbor .^ime,- Draper, Ksqr., whose deep svnipatliie' • li( half of the defenders of ITuT!firMri;iii j;L gams uieir own u.sea... a.... - , wa. lik.. '..fa ,.q. .1, I,:... i . II . ’ measure, to im* attnluiiea tiu* inoie.i>ing ^ i ..i » i ..,i • . , Men s breath was .-u.MKMidod as Mate aft. r ; j,, ,„f, ^f the American i i ‘IV , Tr ‘ f-l fV >tate uttered its Ao.ce; and oh, . an I e\er : „ ,entirely dis-^ '"‘‘f foi-iret the moment when the Speaker . • • , ; , a few minute.s, cool and rub the piec.-, anti .standing up in his place, .h-cIarJ, in a | 1’ -.s In^ .sublimated arsenic will be found de- clenr, .son ntnis voice that s'«'nieil to pierce ; ‘ ^ h • : *, ,, 1 tm. p'sitel on the polished surface of the gold. , ,, , , , , , I done, and women retain tiu-ir just ami true ' ... , , . , . i t 1 Mi'di bone and marrow, that “John (.). ; , • • .-n i *i . .. 1“ will b«* amalgamated with it, and ex- III iiv , I iihue in It, there is still inin-h that may l*e , . n- i * > i • r • .\dams, havinsr receivtHl a matoritv ot the ‘ - i • r *• • ,i . li’l'if a white metallic histre uke inu rior II 1 1 -‘i I- said in favor of oi>enin;_' tlie sccrt't oi tJiis ,, , , \otes cast, was tin V elei ted I resident of ' • . • i ' *-,• silver plate. It is well known that aisei , , •. , profcs.sion to female pra titioners, w ho w ill the I niti'd State.-> for four years from the ' ii i i « ..n l t . eertaiiily be quite as wt 11 aide to atteiul to female disea.'^es and to (ifii/iate as nuia'."^ to the sick as the other s*-x. llart/'onl Coinant. Ith of March next ensuing?” 'I’hen such a shout from the galle ries as .-ei lued to lift the very dome of the hall. Mr. f^utru* (wh'ise candidate had been defeated, and whose {»t‘rsonal pledge for the g(M*d order of the as.vmbly was re- memlM re| by all) sprang u]> in much ex- A corresjMdiilent of the Louisville Jimr- Ual tells a pretty story of a negro rafale which came of! some where iti M issi.^sippi. citt'nient from thi* floor, atid, in a voice ; owner of a bla k boy named Bill put that rang above all the tumultuous plan- i,j,Q ;,p to be raffled for. A bystander dits of the sjfi-tators, cried, “.Nlr. Sj,M‘ak»T, j bought a ehanee and gave it to the negro, 1 move the gallery Ik* cleared.” ' ’ ’ ' ’ i ■ •/. t . question j>ut and »-arTied. .said a foreign minist»‘r to another wiio threw hi*di but Rill tied him and itithrow- plate. It IS well known that arsenic is Used very exteusixely in the manufac ture of all or most of the various sorts of hiiiil roiHfMjtiitioii candles, whatever iianie they aMsume. The ci'mmunity iught to have some protection agaiii.'t this ukkIc ol di.s.seminating Jioihou.—randrin (ia-.. of opf as far as the eye could discern. “It was two miles beyond the entrance of this eanal tliat a ship made its ajipear- ^ . . . . ^ an-e about noon. The sun shone bright-| receive a fresh stimulus fii)in i}.;. ly at the time, and a gentle breeze blew i u.s hope that before Ion;: 4 from the north. At first sonKMiitervening ( "’*^1 he called U[iori to re(. icebergs prevented ('a[»tain Warrens from honois tiie illustrious K distinctly seeing anything but her niast.s; ! If. \ptc lork but he was stru; k with the strange man- i l5P;M.Uli\.\P.LE I T>ENCF ner in which her s:iils were disposed, and . Most of onr readers wi'l recollci t t' • with the di.^mantled asfiect of her v’ards a .short time sinco we announced the dt-"t and rigging. She continued to go before of the liev. Dr. Huncan, a gciit] the wind for a furlong, and then, ground ing upon the low iceberg.s, remained mo tionless. “Captain ^^*ar^cns’ curiosity wa.s snmnch excited that he immediately leaped into i loved and esteemed by a la.»-;re circle acquaintance. A corresji' ivh-nt of ti. IJaltiinore Sun, alluding to I>r. ]>u!ican ileatli, .says:— The recent decease of Rev. J. M. Iiuf. .1 I^Mj Stori/. his boat with several .scanuu, and rowed j can, in y(>ur city, revives tlie iil..;: towanis her. On apj-roaching he ob.-e.sved j .,n intere.sti?;g im ident in his carlv i;f - that her hull was miserably wejither-beat- ‘ (),j her pas.sage fr 'm Ireland, the 'v. - !■- “i’at” i.> just *ne of the cn, and not a siui apjK'anHl on the deck, j which yonnir John and Lis f.iiiih wer- greatst dogs out; .strong as a lion, but gentle as a lamb. He h-avcs nothing alive ujion which lie l> fairly “.-et, ’ but he wouhl not rufile the fe.ithtrs of the ."malhsf Tlw. ^ I ..I I - 1 . 1- ‘'“^t rume tlie le.ithtrs oi ttie .-mailt s? t ; who threw hnihest, won bimsflf, and pnt i • « i ^ i • ■ i * ,, 11* ‘ • ^ . cpjui 11- II.. » t uuken unbidden lor his n^rht j-aw. lie himself up au'ain iit ?no I. U is old ma.ster i i ' - • will drag the children in a cart as |on;r as w iiit h was covered witli snow to a c'‘*n.sid- erable dejith. He hailed her several tinifs. but ini aii'wer was returned. Previously tt) stepping tin board, an oji'-n yiort-h«de near the mam chains caught his eye, aud tin jotiking intti it he perceived a man re clining t>n a chair, with writing material' .tiMwl by his side; “but how are yon going ini of!'l(ill lost, ami went home quite eon- can drag IiitimdL and never utfir a to do it!'”—a natimil tjuestitm for a Kuit>- t-nted, with in his p'K-ket. The comjdainf; nut wo betide the t'C- oil a table before him, but the teeblenes-; su( h a horn 1 reindly, the ship’s couij passenger.-^, was cast away. For .sor.iC I’n all on lioanl were threatened with efvri. by famine. At length hits were ca-t f- a human victim to a]ipea.-«c the jiaii^'- huiigcr. The lot fell upon tht> vt-nrru!.’ gr.indniother of that noble boy—Mr*. .M--. garet Huncan. T^nwilling to res .rt pean, ignorant of the country and the p^ Tribune eopics the storv; .«o w«* suppose it pie. Here wen* no gn;inl.s—u„ ;;en>fartnrs ; -iH right. The faet that Rill, af'er winn ing his freedom, put himst-lf up to bo raflh'd for a .second time, is a forcible illus- trati(in of “the horrt>rs of slavtTV. ’ —not t'veii a const^ible; how was the or der to be enfort.etl)' lie .S04I1I .saw. and, while he seem ed jK‘iietnited with sji^'tH-hless wtinder. No soimer liad the Sjn akcr given the or- tler, “The sergeant-at-Arni' will t lear the galleries,” than an active. sU.tiJ^>r younu man. of grat-eful form, anil with a brilliant blai k eye, start* d from his j lace, and mounting (1 did not see how> to the broad "ater, when, dry a.' the atmosphere stone cornice which runs all hall in front of and below the ing who conies witUin his reach when duty of the liirht made everything in listinct. chills him to a sterner rooHl. A very use- The party went upon deck, and hiving re- ful dog is “Pat,” tot). He will “t arry * niov-d the hatchway, wliii h they found anti fetch” any thing entrusted to him, closed, they tlcscended to the cabin. 'Ihey ami make himself very genenilly nj?eful in first came tti the apartment which Captain the wav >f crnind-r'ing. He tiivides his Warn ns viewt-d through the }Mirt-hde. Formtition >/ /> ir.—The sir contains time between one of our tn iglibors nnl a at all tinii s more or less of moisture, thouirh farm a mile off, and s;i\es many a journey in a state so rttrifi**l as to be inijH-ret'pti- back and ftirth of tho>»* who wduld make ble. To prove this it is t»nlv ncce.ssary in more fuss about it. "ihe other day he a summt r s day to hll a glass with c dd was sent to the farm w itli a ba.-ket for may *ggs. It was tibs rvcd that he diil not resolved to postpone the awful dcjith for few hours. The hopeless \»eriiHl ag.iin ar rived, when lijts w'ere again cast f>ras - crifice of hfj—again the lot fell on the same lady. Ry crmmon cdnseiit anotLtr respite was granted, ond by pcrfuf iigrcr- nient a third time the same mhil h./s m A tremor soiz‘d him ashecntered it. its inmate ret.iined his former position, and 1 be j»4issed. Str. nge to tell, tlie third I'uue seemed to be insensible to strangers. He that aged lady was d'jt'med to uie. was found to be a corpse, and green damp A brief space of time being allnwi il f..; mould had covered his cheeks and fore- , ]>re]>aration, the pious w inaii, prrivf.h heatl, ami veilefi his opened evt-balls. ! resigned to her fate, made one vow xwiV around the j-cfni, its uioi>ture will be con*lenseL and i-ouic l a; k so prouiptly as usual, but the He had a |»en in his hantl, and a log-bi>ok * the Lord, that if He would avert the ;e breastwork math* \isible, in the form of small p ilucitJ eircumstance excitccl ::c .'■p~c:ui' • i;iy l«*tor** hou. the ] Nt-ntt-iue in whose i*«>nijiii^ blow, ^Jle would ct»ns»^crate In of the gallerii'.'^. motioncil with his arm tt» ‘lr'’P’*’'P”** the outside of the glass l»-i''r,* came in at last, IiMiking as tliough unfini.-hetl page ran thus: 1 self more fully to His service—would. ■ the dark, dcTi.s«*, and almost suffiH-ated th.* surrounding afnnn»phcre. On nothing at all hal hajijx-ucd. He was “‘Ntiv. 14, 17)2.—M’e have now Iieen I their arrival at any port, erect a tem]Ji mass of human bein-.'s before him. exclaim- [ this p.iiieiple distillation is contlnetetl; and glad to .-it-e the f ilks, and ajipeart'd very enclosed in the ice si venteon days. T he j honor of His name, and tducate and rpia ing, “C»^io«-n, the Spt'aker orders the the same manner tlew is formed. No much at his ease and pLrfeetly .siitisfied fire wt-nt out yt'sterday. and our master ' jfy, so far as in her power, her graml'• gallerio to be clearetl; yt>n must retire- '^'X'Her dH*s the sun sink toward the hori- with himself, with no goadings of eon- has been try-ng ever since to kindle it J(ihn M. Duncan, for the ministry. XL t-lear the galleries.” And at this word, ’'-'’‘n ^ban the blades t>f grass w hieh clothe scicm e to mar his haj i.iness. In the midst again without success. His wife died this prayer wa.s probably lieard; for as thi l:; like a floek t>f (juiet sheep, when the "lite the t‘arth’s surface give out the heat they of his apjiarent happiness. howe\« i, he was niorning. 'J here is no reh'ef.'— aj.peared on deck to render up her lif of their jicn is thrown opi-n. out went''tlu“ have been nn'eiving during the tlav. and interrupttsl with the inquiry, **i’at, w here ! •■(’aptain W arrt-ns and his men hurrie*l voice aloft announced the weletiine tiiiin.- eiitire crowd, without a word of compl iint t onseqiiently they iH-eoiue so much eoltier are your egg'?” His t.iil fell a!*oiit sixty | from the sj-ot without uttering a word, j “Sail 01” A vessel liove in tight—ciit or reintuistranee, and in an incretiiblv :‘**"‘*‘'pl’^*‘c that they in tlegices in^t.lIitIy, and w ith a look jk i f\-ctly hi entering the principal cabin the f.rst | to their relief, and in safety t!uy short time iiot a .soui wa.s left beiiinif. 1 fjrm of th-w part of the nirified moist- intvlligibU* he turned and was («fl. (itimg ol.jeet that attracted their attention was ^reached Philadelphia. In that city, t The foreign minister liftetl up his hands ■ '>re inimctliately .surrounding them. iKw, to u pile .f timlK-r not far away he found the IcaiI IxkIv of a ft male, reclining on a venerat(d grandmother promptly pcrfoir. in amazement, and exi-lainn' !, ^ , being thus formed, is, of'. more a- his bavsket tit egjrs. and. bringing them betl in an attitude of th»ep interest ami at-i her vow. She became a more dev..’'* govcrninent! What a people!” : bundant bt-fore and after rains, w hen the home, ma«le tht* best a|Miligv a tlog could tention. Her countenance retained the | Christian; she cjccfetl the handsome diiip - - i atini»phcre is imustest. ('aim a»ni t lear make, and gave them into the hand« of freshness of life, ami a contraction of the j edifice which there bears lu r iiaiiie to t!- rrnuf of thf J\,sf (fjllrr Department, nights are essential for the eopitms tie- ■ his mistres.'. ( bi inqiiii \, it was ascertain- Mndis showed that her form was inanimate, i day—and her grands’ll!, cihicated and t^ua- -We are trratitied to learn that the at- position tif dew; for then the irlassv blades i etl that on his wa\ houio he met Poiue > Seati-tl on the floor was the ctupse of an j jfied for the sacred t>ffice, spent a hn:.'lit -- * - 1 .. 1.., — I . 1 • I . ... ' r ^ We believe this is tiie first amtinnt to Ff>r the corrf'spoielinp (|unr- tt-r of 1800 tlie (tiuouul «n.s ?l,7ii-i,si!H 4:{ clomls. bv abstracting the heat from the j eggs ah>ng. atm-'Sphere, contribute, in some ncgriM*, to kt‘ej> its temperature t>n a levtd with thnt ti • • -ri of the irlassv blades, and thus so nearly Sho^ui;r an inoreiiKC ft -Ul.Oti'J .9, i..*^ i - , , ,• i - it or of ahi.ut 17] per t-ent. ^ et|ualize the two that but little dew i.s di- Shonld the receipts of the hist quarter of ' JJ'' i|* ‘ ‘ the fi.-t-al year (the accounts for which will "’‘I in.-tance in which a dog has been shown to htivc j'ori/ottrii any thing At’Jf Ifawjisliii c Teh'graph. Pottii' 7>rtW/A>».-^“You remember Dr. Potts, tlon’t you?” said Jones to me yes- tenla}' over otir totldy. ♦ r ti Vl 1 • i for then the temi*eraturc of the H over our lot.a). not tullv m.t.l 0, l.,l.,.r) sl,..w » .,f, “T« W I do; lie .«ue,l me for a d.c ..nmlar M.c r-ns,., 1W revoime fnr |,,iT,jrh,s a .arilKT c«,-. t»r * Ml. l>u y.m think the year will exhii'it the gratifj ing in-i . ciease of IS per ct'nt. nearly.—Xat. Jutd. 'inmafti/.—Two daughters of .^Ir. fJohn Libeiigood, rt'sident about four miles from this place, were struck Viy lightning dur ing the thunder storm tin Tuestl.-iy, whilst standing at the fire ]dacc. One, agetl alitint HI years, was instantly killetl; the rent to succeed the cohler current by whit h , e®* it is snrrounth*d night wind.' ly reduce the it below’ that of the gr As substanct's differ in their power of losing their heat, .st> tlo thev tliffer in their attraction ft>r dew. On grass, swan’s- the vessel s-iilors were found lying dead in their berths, ami the body of a boy was criisheil at the bottom tjf the jran"-wav . 1 • • C C“ J stairs. Neither provisions nor fuel cmild be di.scovered anywhere, but Captain War rens was prevented by the superstitious pivjutlic^es of bis seamen from examining the vessel as minutely as he ivlshed to have done. He therefore carried away I can ever tor- log-book already mentioned, and re- ♦\'E OF THE WIT.XESSFS. The lute J. S., a nian of infinite w it a: humor, an» who had probably .seen a- much tif life in Amcrica as any one. U'C'i' ' tell the following story, which is t-xi g to be lost, though prt^babh- no one i ut W could do such full justice to it. If w in not. it ran somehow' thus: What railroad stock is in the e:>‘ turned to his own ship, and immediately | steamboat shares are in the west, ait*! “Rut ih» ytm know for what? No; I sujipose he was jealous “On returning to England, he made va- '’cry frequent, aud give rise to sou; rious inquiries respecting vessels that had ; s(f»nge contretemps. other, although .severely stunnel, revived 1 other filanienttms substam-es, iu a short time.—/Vr.s.^■. 1 realily part with their heat, tlew “Nt>t a bit of It. It was all about his di.sijiiK^ared in an unknown way, and by ' Not long since, it Si>ems, a stearnl- a I 1. 1 r., . I comparing the results of those with infor-i“Old Kentnck,” blew up, nw ‘\\ hat. siie wore them then.'' s-aid I. 1 mation whieh was afforded by the written Trinit)-, at the mouth of the John Hoijrr's Chihh'rn.—Aiiionj many vexetl questions which have ticenpi- t“l the attention tif the sages tif onr times, has been that tif the number of the | positetl on meathnv grounds thai'i on of my acquaintance, e.specially when years previously to the tiluc of his discov- i busband and her trunk, for btith of ''Lid jirogeny of the faithful martyr, John ploughed lands; and cultivated soils arc'**« was called upon to jiay anything; and m.r her amon«r\he ice.” an action was brought. Rogers.—Some fix the number at nine, refre.shed with abundance of dew, while j nothing of going without his’ ' | There was, strange to say, f'rcr.t while tithers earnestly conteml that there barren nicks anti saiitly deserts, not need- i iliuner or his gloves. He was a very stin- i Sh-rpivj Flowers.—Wmo&\ all flowers cnlt\ ;u proving that Mr. Jtme.s'^had Ifis were ten. The accounts in the nevcr-tti- ing, tb> imt receive the genial moisture.—| W “‘an, and never had but one .suit t>f | sleep during the night. The mari.rtdd on the boat nt 'the time of the olbp-'. bt3-forg.itten printer, ^ys, “he was follow- Imleetl, every plant possesses, acctirtling tt>, ‘-loflies at the same time. However, meet- goes to bed with the sun and with him that worthy havins^ notoriously been v.rv e.l by |„s weeping wife, with nine small its kind, the jiowcr of conden.sing as much , tailor one day he tn-dered a pair of ^ rises weeping. Many plants are .so sen.>*i- ^ drunk on the whaif-boai^ ^ust as the ^toam- t ew as IS nece.ssary for its jieculiar and in-; breech^, which were sent home unknown ; tive that their leaves chisc during the pas-' er left Trinity. *' tlividual exigencies ^ [ to the Doctt.r s wife. Having to lecture sage of a cloud. * The dandelion opens at | 3Iany witnesses were examined toi'rorf Arthurs Home Gazettr. j hat moining, he put his new tmes on and five or .six in the moming, and shuts at | the fact, until finally a Mr. Dietzniar, s ne Yrru Xti/r.s/.—Wliat is the differ-' Snl ftl’i b ■T^ I cbair.— | nine in the evening. The “goat’s beard” | German, was placed on the styml. Our cnee between the Emperor of Russia and i e,rtb ^ bbr ,rv T V^ - enter- , wakes at three in the morning, and .shuts friend J. S. was atti^rney for the boat, a A. The l^^noTn.r ist": oLe Lm breeches at at five or six in the afternoon. The com- elicit^ from Mr. Dietzinar this festiiuon.^. we conclud H the d^tor bat gone to lee-1 nion daisy shuts up its blossom in the I “Mr. Dictzmar, did you know the >M tur3 mn.i rulottef. Putting the breeches evening and opens its “dsiy’s eve” to meet I Kentuck?” up in a parcel, she—to prevent any mi.s- - ^ take—ti>tik it herself to the lecture room. fJiving the parcel to a porter, .she told him A Wromjht Iron liaHroad Car, said to dtxtor immediately. She children; ami one at the breast.” Rut in the picture accompanying this account, it is impo.s,sibie to count in the group any more than nine children, so that the con clusion has been tjiken that the e.xpressitin tpiottid above, tmght to rtjatl, “nine small children, and one of them at the breast.— The Sah m Observer, however, is not pre pared to yield to this con.stniction, inas much as the etiitor has recently seen an ancient hook, a folio, which gives the his tory of the lives and fate of various niar- tyrs, John Rogers among them. The inlitor s:»ys this botik gives the most pt>si- tive and unequivocal testimony as t^> the number of the children who were rentlered fatherle.s8 by the cruel event in question, in these words: “He was followed to the stake by his loving wife, with nine small children, and a tenth xuckimj at the breast." We rejoice that this long mooted question has at last been settled.—Jour. A German Aafrologer is said to have ascertained that in twenty-two millions of years taia eanh will be destroyed bv a comet! Who care?? tests, w'hile the bi-ggar manifests toc's with out his shoes (is.sues.) The autlu>r of the above, it is understood, has left his coun try for Ins’ country’s gtiotl. be at least t>ne-fourth lighter than the or dinary w'otxlen carriage used upon rail ways, and capable, moreover, (which, if established, wouhl constitute the most im portant feature in its structure) of resist ing, without being crushed, a shock of ten times its own weight, has been invented by some ingenious mechanic of New Yt>rk. A Iftt at Someftod^.—Reggar Waman —Please, sir, give me a penny to keep me from starving. (jlent—Can’t stop—in a great hurry— Pve got to make speech a at the Seeiety 1 for the relief of the de3ti-tuto. herself then went home. The doclor was lecturing to a fashionable assembly on the wonders of chemistry when he received the parcel. As his wife was in the habit of sending diagrams, &c., which he had left behind him, the doctor thought it was something connected with the lecture that he bad forgotten. He therefore opened it before the audience, and to his astonish ment and indignation, his cast-ofi’ inex- the early beams of the morning sim. The crocus, tulip and many others, close their blossoms at different hours towards evening. The ivy leaved lettuce opens at eight iu the morning, and closes forever at four in the afterntx>n. The night-flowering cereus turns night into day. It begins to expand its magni ficent sweet scented blossoms in the twi light, it is full blown at midnight, and closes never to open again, with the dawn of day. In a clover field not a leaf opens until after sunrise! So says a celebrated English author. pressibles were (hem all. j who has tlevoted much time to the study zrj oo.,.pcllod 1,™ „f plan,,, and ofU-n watohcnl thorn during S>tMhin‘. h„ ^ r!i - I "‘'i'- 'I’Jiot slumbers. Those plants whieh Ms ^fla Wing.- “ “ I “Yah, I blowed up mit her." “Were you on board when she coilaj'^'^^ her flue?” “When she bust de bile? yah, I dere.” “Did you know Mr. Jones?” “To be sure—Mr. Jones and I took senger togeder.” “You djd? When did you last see 3Ir Jones on board of the boat?” “Well! I didn’t see Mr. Jones tho>»^' de boat last time.” J. S. fancying his case was safe, w 'th ■> most triumphant glance at the jury, “You did not? Well, Mr. Pictzui;*’'' when last did you see Mr. Jtmes?'” “Well, ich^n de schmo/ce pipe an>l >>'' tca-f tjoiny up, we met Mr. Jtmt doif>ny’

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