SEMI-WEEKLY [VOL. L] FAYETTEVILI.E, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 11, 1851. [NO, riUNTED BV .1. H. NKWliV. IDWAHI) J. HALE & SOX, ■ EltlTOUS AND I’KOl'lUETOUS. for till* Semi-Woekly Obseuvkk $4 W if |iI in ii'Ivance; 4 AO if paid during: tlie jtar of suViscription; yr !i;'i aftfr the your has ll'irf'!. ‘the AVeekIv •'♦bskuvku iS'2 fMl per annum, if '1 in :i«l\ance; '>(• if paid during the ;tr of svihscrijition; or Mt after tlie year ■%ns expirfd. -'ADVF.HTtSKMKNTS inserted for sixty cents |^8tiu:u f for the fii-st, jind thirty eents for each •t*ceedin;r puhlieation. Yearly advertisements contracts, at reasonable rates. Ad- wi^tisers are reque.-^ted to state the nuiiiber of Itaertions desired, or they will be continue)! till ftl^id. and charired accordingly. ,efti-rs to tlie K litors must he post-paid. Une of 4 horse Post Coaches froin Fayetteville to Warsaw—Daily. Ijto^nK Snhscrihers havin;i sectired the mail I .tcvn; T ..n the iit'ove l.irc, '" ill commence MAY, running a Line of Four iU'rse I’ost ■^i^ehos, Uailv. l.eavinu: Favetleville at h past M., anil arriviuji at U'arsaw at i past T A. in time for the (,'ars North and South. I>e- AairAiu^. leave AVarsnw on the nrrival of the Cars, s:iyal>>ut 1 or 1*. M.. and arrive at Fay- •ttcville iJJ ten hours. Kvery care will l.>e taken t*«vn>lcr the line pleasant, convenient, and safe, tut Traveller-'. A I.ine ot Stajres will W est.Mlilished a.s soon si f«•>.•!Me. hv the I’lank I!oad, from rnvctre- ^e via t’arthai'e aihl Ashehori'Ujrh, to Lexinir- iM, Salem, and Salishitrv. McKinnon .'t McNf>ii.i.. Fa\i^ttcville, N. t'., Aug. S, 1^')1. ll-tf CYPliKSS l.OiiS WAM'EH. IWol 1,1) runtract for J’)(' or :10> thousand feel v(.ro6.s 'I’imher, in t.' K* deliv- wed as early ;t.s the water in the rivers will al low. I’ei-soiis who c:m furnisli such Timber in any uiH plca.^e forr‘spt>nd with the snb- ecribiT in W ilniinstou, and learn partioulai-s hs 4Mt1v .-I' Kracticahle dui'iiiir tlie jiresent month. ' " ‘ 11. W. (Jir.lSS. ilmin^itou. .Vu::. Ij'-'il. 11—'!w UxNR ERSITY OF MARYLAND. next Session will begin on Wednesday, Jl the loth day i»f October, 1851, and close 1st March, 18o2. Nathan R. Snnth, M, D. .Surpery. Wm. E. A. .\iken, .M. D. Chemistry and Phar macy. Samuel Chew, M. D. Therapeutics, Materia Medica and Hygiene. Joseph Uoby, .M. P. .Vnatomy and rhy.«»iolog:y. Wm. Power, M. D. Theory and Practice of Medicine. Richard H. Thoma.s, M. D. Midwifery and diseases of Women and Children. George W. Miltenhcrger, M. 1>. Pa-thological •\natomy. The most ample opportunities for the prose cution of Practicjil Anatomy at a moderate ex pense. Clinical Lectures four times a week, by Pro- fessor.s Smith and Power, in the Baltimore In- hrmary; with the privilege to daily visits to its wards, without charge to the student for the ticket. Fees for the Lectures to Practical Anatomy .'j^lO; Matriculation (iraduatiou ^liO. WILLIAM E. A. AIKEN, Dean. Baltimore, ,Tuly 1, lH-31. 12-t>t On the River and hourly expected, 10.0(K> 1000 lbs. piimc Lard, barrels Mess I’ork. 10 “ Prime do. i> *• Mess Iteef. ‘2 dozen Porcelain Kettles, a.'Sorted si zes. for Preserving. JL BRANSON .S; SON. An-:. 7, 18-M. lltf EDWIN CLOVER,! ^ . ■ ■ \ V t,kL'c»rk on rtn llav Has taken au Office on Hay Street, West of the Hotel Biuldings. .July 14, 1851. 4-tf a Watch-Maker and Jeweler, AT THE OLD STAND, Siyn of the Lunji.' Wntrh, n.\S returned from the North with a large assortment of WATt'UKS, C1..0('KS AND JEWELRY, which he invite.s the public to ex amine. Among his stock can be founil,— (Sold and Silver Watches of all kinds ami prices; (iold and Silver Fob, (luard. anil Vest Chains: Oohl, Silver, Stone, anil Steel Keys and Seals; Breast Pins and Ear-Rings of all kinds and prices; Finger Rings; (Jold, Silvi-r iind Steel Spectacles: Silver and (iold Thimbles; tine Bracelets: (Jold and Silver Pens and Pencils; (.•old Lockets: Gold and Silver Belt lUiekles; ('ard Cases; Conil 15eads; Sleeve Buttons: tine .vccordeons; Music Boxes: tine and common Walking Canes; tine and common Pistols: Silver Cups; Silver Spoons; Port-.Moneys; I’urses: Clocks, from $2 to ^10; Plated Cake Baskets, Castors and t'andlesticks; Brass do.; Back-Gam- mun Boards; i"tc., i*i;c. MILITARY (JOODS. Swords, Sashes. Lace, Buttons, Bugles, Stars, Plumes, Caps, iS:c., iScc. I’articnlar attouti>m paiil to the Bi’pairing of Watches and Jewelry. Fa vet teviile, N. July 21. •'())! ' fmri s S.\LE, M'(i Ml Horsr, sviifp. NE Illi l. Sng.Hr II -use Syrup, a line arti cle. for making PreS'Tvi-s. Ju!v IJ. l.M.'il. COOK .V TAYLOR. iL'tf Watchos and Jo\v(‘lry, At Wholesale and Ketnil. .1” .M. 1sT^LE\^ ^>CLI> re.spe-tf iilly inform the public W * gei)4-nilly. that he has returned recent- ^'fr 'HI Now York, with decidedly a large as- ^H’tmeiit "f IWtfrhfs attd ,Meirctrif. Hfcny of ther-e Watches wore boujrlit for BY T(ll^ l'.\( K.\* I E. and can therefore be sold fi(r\ low. He has W.uche.'^ of all kinds; Chains, Ke\s and Sf'als of all k;nds and d’ the latest ^jlo; Kiinror-Riiigs,,’.lions, of afi raizes, of English aud .\merii-an m.ike; La- diej- halelaiiie.-; I'lifT riii>; Collar and .''leevr Ihittons: Shirt Stiiils; (Inld Spect.icies. light and heavy; Gold Pens and Poncils: Gold and Silver Thimbles: Bracelets; Silver Fruit and Butter Knivf.'; Silvor Sj'oons of Jill sizes; l.-irge lot of Peck' t Ciitli rv; Si 'ssofs, bc.«t ijualiiy; I’lUtton- hole S. i-or Surveyor's and Chaiii'^; l^thoinatical Instrnnients; large (piantity of and I '.niniou Pistols; tine and common sin- and d"uble-barrel Guns; Game Bags; Shot jfelt.' and I’owder Flasks; Military Goods, in- ®Bdiiiu III'' lias.*! l)nini and the smjillest Ibitton: ■^Bolins and extr.i Bows; Flutes, Clariinets. Fla- ^BDh'U^, .Vccordcon-;. of all kinds and size>: ,Mu- iSk I’ *x's; rorfutinTy: .Soaj); Lather Brushes: Ifez 'T' -ii: ! .'•tr' j s; bn-.' .;;::airl I’l rk' t Combs; Mat.-d and Brit.-innia Ware; and variotis other flSinirs too tedious to iMuimenite. £•. Call and give me a trial. Cash jiaid for old G'ld and Silvt r. \V.vT» HKs and .1 i:\vr.LiiY neatly Bepaii'od. t'dtt:> lUt'^ X. C.—JVorfh-Kiist Corner !tf M'li'lif’t /'r. 12-''.m] J. M. BEASLEY. ^ COPARTNERSHIP. /f^'^HE Subscribers have formed a copartner- ship, under the name and style of ,|For the purpose of transacting a general P»arter Business. They may be foiuid m jirrffiii at the old stand of Thos. J. .Johnson .S: Co.. with a sea- Bttnabli' jiiid v.iried stock of Goods. CHAS. E. leetf:. Tn(;«. J. JOHNSON. NOTICE. ' al.L persons ii\debted to the firm of Thos. J. Johnson Co. are re((uested to cull im- ’#nediately aud settle their dues, as it becomes ' ^ecessur^- to settle the old concern forthwith. The subscribers, thankful for the very fupjiort of their patrons to the old firm, bespeak #, like liberality to the new. THOS. J. JOHNSON & CO. Fayetteville, Aug. 9, 1851. 12-3w ^ WHO WAx rs money? IH-WE un order for fifteen or twenty likely yoiijig .Negroes, for which I will pay cash. If application it> nnile soon. T. WADDILL. . J, August 8, 18-M, 12tf MACKi:i{EL EISII. CARTER Bbls. No. 1, Half bbls. No. 2. BV>1s. and H.ilf bbls. No. 8. Hourly ex pected by H. BRANSON .-t SON. Aug. 7, 1851. lltf Kopr and Twine. 4LJ. qualities for sale by H. BRANSON SON. Aug. 7, 18.')1. lltf WILKINSON ESLER, DEALERS IN , ('uiifi ctiinui r)/, Foi'fiiju Fruits, A'//>, T>>- /)(>TO, (llllf AND IMPOHTERS OF ' !k| PI:KI4>K liii.ll&s, AT \VI10LKS.\l,K. AND UKTAIL. Market St., Wilmington, Iff. C. Aug. 7. 1851. lltf I medical DEPARTMENT oF I IlVMrDEN SIDNKY ('OLLEGE, I l£l( II TIOM), V A. rWlIlE f->urit,-nlh annual course of Lecturcs J- will i-ouinicnce on .Monday, the l-'Jthof Ot'tober, 1s^'>l, and continue until the fir'll oi March ensuinfi. The i ouinienc(.-m«-nt for co'.i- feiTing degrees will be held about the middle of j March. j R. L. Btii.v.v.v\.v. M. D., Professor of Ob-' stetrics. I'Scc. L. W. CmAMHEHiwNK. M. D., Professor of Materia Medica. .Vc. j S. M \rrix. M. D., Profi-s> Ciis. Bei-i. Giusu.v. M. D., gery, &c. ('. P. .Toii.vsov, M. l>., Pr^'fe aud Physiology. D. li. Ti ckkk. M. D., ProtVs'or anil Practice of .Medicine. A. E. Pltk'OLas, M. D.. Demonstrator of atomy. The facilities for A "ilojni‘itl jind f’liiiiriil in struction in this in-^titutioii ;ind unsurpas-od. EXPENSKS.—-Matriculation lee -So—I’rofes sors' tees (aggregate) ^j;l>.'>—Demonstrator s fee j JSlO—Graduation foe *2'>. i The price of Board, incluiling fuel, lights and servants’ atteudance. is usually or per week. The (I'.it.'ilogiie. ,vc.. confainin;r fnlii i- informa tion conccrning the Scliool, will be lorw.arded to j th ise applying for it. or s|ie>-ilic cnnniries will | be .inswcred by letter. Address S. M\riMN, M. I)., Dean of the Fai-ultv. ! July '.'-^t ‘ I 40 .1/ th) HHDS. New Croji MOL.\SSES. I JtKI sacks S.\LT. 5(MI0 Imshels .\bim Salt. ‘.•000 lbs. ('otton ^ arn. Osnaburgs .and Brown .''lieetin^s. With a general stock of aiticb-s in the Cirofci line. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. Fayetteville. Feb. l’>, IS.'iH. FOR SALE, AVM. ROWLAND’S Extra thick Mill and Cross-cut S.VWS, (! and •;,% feet. D. & W. McLAURlN. Nov. 10, 1850. 4otf i^VLEM PAPER-MILL. " TBllIE subscriber has taken charge of this old an«l well known Establishment, and is pre pared to attend to all orders for PiHitin^ Paper, Mt'rcliants’ aiul Factory Wraj)ping, cVc. The Mill has recently been thoroughly refitted with new machinery, and the sub.scriber believes he can furnish Paper of as gooil quality anil at as cheajt prices as can be purchased any where, North or South. CHARLES E. SHOBER. Salem. .Fune 7, 1K51. 77tf Vertical Water Wheel. r® H EB E ai-e several hundred of these Wheels JL in operation in difl'erent counties in Nortli Carolina. For jiroof of their great advantages over the common fintter wheel, ir any otlier wheels now in use for saw mills, we confidently refe)- to those who have applied them to their mills. We can recommend theni j)articularly for their superiority in cases of a low head of water, or back water. We still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable for dilb'rent heads of water, at Wilmington. New- bt-rn, Wiir-liington. Edcnton and Fayetteville. The wheels may also be had of E. .\. lirevard, Lincolnton. and I'riah Wtdls, I'etersburg, Va. I’er.'ons wishing to obtain the right to use the wheels, will b»- served on apjilication to D. .NlcNeill vV Co., Fayetteville, N. C. D. .McNKfLL. Stage Line to lialeigh. rj^HE Subscribers, Mail Contractors from Fayetteville to Raleigh, will commence operations thi.s day, with new and comfortable Coaches, good lior-ses, and careful Drivers.— They have reduced the Fare from !*!5 to .i>4. The Stjige Houses are, in Fayetteville, the Fay etteville Hotel, in Raleigh, the Yarborough House; but Passengers will be conveyed to such other lionises as they may selei-t. The hours of departure will be, until f'nrtber notice, at half past 0 P. M. from Fayetteville, and at 2 P. M. from Raleigh, daily. The subscribers hope, by unremitted attention, to secure a liberal share of the travel. MCRDO(’K McKlNNON, DAVID McNElLL. Faj’etteville, .Ttily 1, 1851. 78-tf North Carolinian aud Raleigh Register copy till forbid. Faifcttcr)illc Hotels FAYETT^ ILLE, N. C. Tims large ami splendid Buihiing has now been in successful operation since May 1849. The Bedding and Furniture of all kinds is new, and the rooms convenient and pleasant. The Table is .always furnished with the best the market affords, aided by a fine vegetable garden. Boarders, Lodgers, and Travellers will find de sirable accommodations and attentive servants. No pains will be sp:ired to give entire satisfac tion. Families can be furnished with large, airy, front double I’oonis, conveniently and hand somely furnished. An experience of 20 years will enable the les see, she hopes, to give general satisfaction. ANN BR(>WN. June 1, 1850. 28-tf .McKETHAN. J. .McAlister. 5(i-tf HAVE just received from FALL .\ND W NTER New Vork, my or of (’hemistry. Profe:«sor of Sur- of An.ttoinv d’ Theory An- Stock of Cioods, (.'onsisting of a giMieral assortment of Dry (I'odds. nrorcrii's. Ilarihviirj*. riillcry. «\r. 1 " '11 barter for Tl Rl'ENTlNE, or any kind of Produce. N. KING. 10 miles North of Fayetteville. Oct. -1^. ' lotf .irs'i' Ri:cEivi:i). 4 K r>.\GS Bio and Laguira COFFI'.I^ 2 hhds. Cuba SCG.Vi:. ID bb!s. Ciiish(‘d ;ind llefincd Sugar. 1.') bbls. and half-bbls. Butter (’rarkcrs. ti boxes ('ollins ('o's Hartford ,\xcs. I’O t'.'ixes Ste.-im Betined ('andv. With a v.nic’ty i.f other (ioods to conijilete our assortment. S. W. TILLING HAST .S: C>. Feb'y 10. IS.M. PAIN'PS. L1’>S. Pure and No. 1 WIHTI. LEAD, in Oil. Imperi.d and Paris Green. Spanish i>rown. ,'']ianish Whiting. Wiiitrr lireen. Chrouu- Yellow. Litliar^re and other varieties of I’iiinis. COOK vV JOHNSON. March D*. 1851. t.2tf WAN rED. LBS. OLD CAST 1B*N. " r r * ► * * for w!ii> h tiie highest mai ket price iu Ca>h will lie ]>.-iid.— Deliver'd at H.\LL .V HALLS. F:‘%etteville. .\u;r. 17. ls'»0. ;’)-'.tf I Feb y 22, 1810. FliESlI 'PEAS. ,'^XTBA FINE HYSON, Jl Do do Imperial, Do do (iunpowder, 1 »o do loloiig, and Young Hyson T^^\S, d' superior quality. _ \LS )— Chocolate. Barley, Sahui Oil, Mustard, Yeast Powders, \c. For sale by SA.Ni'L J. HINSDALE. -\pril 21. fiStf S'.:, .VOl'ICK. J'l'MlI’i ,V. Vi II.LI.VM.'' have removed to the •eeeiitly oeriipied liy Mr. .lohn D. .'•t irr. on‘ door west d' .Messi's. II. Bninson iV Sun. where they have just reeeived additiojis to the ,|.iing pureha'c ol ,'t:i]ile and Fancy DliY (innlt.'S. ( lunti v nn i\hants are requesteil to e.\aniine our stock. J. B. STAR!’,. J. M. \MLI.IAMS. .1 une 7. 1 s^'>1. 7 '>-tf $200 lie ward. fWILL give one hundred dollars for the ap prehension and confinement of ANDERSON and JERRY in any jail so that 1 can get them again, or fifty dollars for either. 1 will also give Jj'lOU for proof of au}- responsiVsle person's harboring said negroes. They ranaway from my plantation in Moore county on the 10th of Feb'y last, nud are thought to bo luri/ing .about IH or 17 miles above Carthage on Deej) River, through the edge of Moore and corners of Chat ham and Bauijolph counties, .\nderson is about 2S ye.ars old. a bright mulatto, about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, well pro|ioi tioneil: has an ojteii countei ance, and is |iiite plausible. It is be lieved that he will endeavor to pass for a free man and escape to a free St.-ite. as he had a brother who played the same gan\e. .lerry is about 21 years old, »i feet •'{ or 4 inches liigh. stout liuilt; has a down look. ]iarticularly when spoken to, and is rather impudent. Said ne groes fornu'rly behinged to .lohn R. Ritter, in the np]U‘r end of Moore county. .\ny inl'orniation must be addressed to the subscriber at Pocket P. O., Moore county. N. C. J. L. BUYAN. .\pril 12, 1851. G7tf WAN'IEl), .■’.(>0(( ft. .\slie Lumber for Wagons, H to 3 inches thiek. ft, .'Reasoned Oak Lumber, 1 i} to .3 inches. KMHI ft. White Oak and Hickory, for .\xletrees. DKKI ft. White Oak for Titngues, Bolsters and Shafts. lOi) Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. •JtMM) Spokes. For which the highest cash price will be ]iaid. .\j>ply soon to E. FI LLER. .May I! . 1851. 72-tf POETRY I()0,()0() Acres Valuable T I .M B P: R I . A N 1) S FOR SALE. riTlIIE Subscriber has purchasetl all the Lamls JL belonging to the Estate (d' Abram Dubois, dec'd, lying principally in Robeson county, and on both sides of Lumber River, the different sur veys containing Over 100,000 Acres; ,\ large part finely Timbered, .nnd convenient to Lumber River, where a large quantity of Tim ber is now rafted to the Georgetown market. These Lamls are very valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, for which a large i>ait is well suited, being in a region wilt re the Turjientine yields more abundantly than any other st'ction of the State. The Lands will be sold at a low i>rice, and in quantities to suit purchasers. Information respecting the title can be ob tained by ap)ilyi!ig to the Hon. Robert Strange, Hon. .(as. C. Dobbin, or A. A. T. Smith, Esq., (.\ttorneys ;it Law.) 1 understiind there arc many trespassers on these La ids. to all of whom notice is heri'by given, that the law will be enforced against all such olfeuders. | -Ajifdicatioii for any part of the Lands can be 1 made to myself, or to .lohn Winslow, Esq.. who j is duly authorised to make s;ile of the same. i THOS. J. CCRTIS. 7'>tf ADVICE OF rOLONlUS? TO HIS SON. (rire thj' tlioughts no tongne. Nor any unproportion’d thought Hi* act. Be thou familiar, but by no niean» vulgar. Tfc« friends tbeu hast, and their MPoptisu tried. Grapple them to thy sohI witl^ of steel; do not dull thy palm wftFr entertainment (>f each new-lMitched uttflelg^d comrade. Be ware Of entrance into quaiTcK Init, being in. Bear it, that the oppj3vr may beware of th«e. Give ercvy man thine ear, bat few thy voice; Take each man's censore, but reserve tby judg- inent. Costly thy habit as tky piirsc can buy, But not express’d in fancy; rich, not gaudy: For the apparel oft proclaims the nMm. Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses T>oth itself awl friend-. And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. This above »11—thine own self be true. And it must follow as th« night the day. Thou canst not then be false to anv man. i: .irsr i i.Msiii'.i). :^1GHT NEW lU titilES., two second hand. Fur sale by ‘a. a. -McKETH \N. .1 unc 2. 1 S.'il. 74-tf S HOC'CO SPRlN(iS, Wari-«>ii i'. WANTi:i), A GOOD P.ody .Maker at the ("arriage busi- .Jm ncf'-. Good wages and ste.idy I'nijjloy- m*nt given. A. A. McKETH.VN. .May 2f,. 7;’.-tf I TOIt.UCO. GOOD STOCK on hand; and 1 ccive regularly, from Messrs. -I Co'> Faetorv. qualities assorted from c very fine, which 1 will sell turing priccs. .4 shall re- . .(ones ,V 'iiimon to it lowest manufac- J. F.'iyottcville, .Vpril o. IS.'il. CTLEY. • '■‘■.tf I-T ■I'l li.NlI* SKKI). T^NGLISH White Dutch. Ijirge English Nor folk. Rut.-i Baga Turnip Seed, received to day and for sale by S. J. HINSDALE. AuCTist 4. lO-tf “ .H’^sr RECEIVED. fB^HE Subscriber, Agent of-f. ^^■oIteriIlg. has j I. just rf'ccived |0 (>f Buck's Patent C,,ok- 1 ing STO V ES. said by jmlges to be the best ! Cooking Stove now in use. I A. M. CAMPBELL. July 20, 1851. O-Om \v A; Wl.NTKU GOODS. E ar‘ now receiving our F .\ L L .V N D W I .N TER G f) O D S, consisting of a very general and well selected .Stock, 1\ AI.L LIAES, Which we are ffering on our usual terms. .Vll sorts of Produce purchased; and we attend as usual to the EORW,\RDING BUSI NESS. J. & T. WADDILL, Hay st. Fayetteville, Nov. 25, 1850. 47tf LMPORTAN'P INVENTION. f B^HE Sub.scriber having bought the right for A this county, of Waitman Davis's P.VTENT METHODIST HYMNS AxND DISCIPLINES. ; ■ CST rec«ivel, a new supply, all wzes. plain and gilt. E. J. IlAI.E & SON, August 5. WANTED TO lUJY^ OR 30 l.IKELV YOUNG NlXiROES; apply at the Fayetteville Hotel, ugiist ti. ll-tf iliirmnr Fluid and Camphine. WBCUMNG FLUID at 80 cents per gallon. 9-^ Cuiiiphine at 50 “ “ ;^oth of the best quality, constantly on hand ..^nd for sale by i. Aug. 7, 1851 J, HINSDALE, lltf SELF-SETTER for Saw Mills, gives notice that he is now prepared to manufacture and put in successful operation this machine. He cliiijns the following advantiiges over the oM mode of Sawing: First—One hand can tend the mill and saw as much lumber in one day as two iiands c:ui ac complish. Sucond—By .a pec» .arr/ingeDient of tht> dogs, it will saw one-fifth more lumber from the same stock. Third—The Mill is not stofiped until the log is sawel up. After the log is f»nce dogged, the riogs are not moved, and the lumber is of one uniform thickness. One f>f these nuichlnes can be seen in operation at Mr. .McLauchlin’s Mill in this town, who gives it the following recom mendation. H. G. HALL, Fayetteville Foundry. Model can l>e seen at the Fayetteville Foundry. March 15, 1851. 63-tf Fayetteville, March II, 1851. I hereby certify that I have one of VV. Davis’s impiovoments on Saw Mills in use on my mill, and so wall convincw! am I of itii utility, that in my opinion it requires only to be introducel to be ptit in general use hy mill owners. I there fore cheerfully recommend its use to all Saw Mill owners who would reaiird their own inte rest. ARCHED MoLAUCHLTN. SOUTHEKN HAKMO.NY. JUSX RECEIVED, a »ew supp^ of this popular Book. ! July ISOl E. J. HALE & SON. j NOTK’I'.— .Ml .\cronn1s tiiio j the Merciiaiits'Steamboat Coinp;M)\. for Freiglits I U]> to the loth iust.. must be proinjitlv paid to i the tvndersigned. as mueh time cannot be irivcn I to the collection of the s:ime. I J. \ T. WADKII.L, late Ag- nt-j. j Fayetteville, .fan. 27, 5otf I WAN'ri'.D 'PO liORROW, for a term of five years. . Good security gi\en. In terest ••inniially or svini-unniiuUy. .\dlL■e^s letter to A. B., and leave at this of fice. JuncHO. 1S51. 7s-tf INFOli>L\'PION WAN PEd7 fF the heirs of r.ULL.\i:i> MASSEVwillap- ply tj> the postmaster at Fayetteville. N. C. they may le.-irn something to their advantage. Sa’id .Massey died in the South in the Fall of 1847: said he was from North Carolin.i: sjioke of a sister Lotty, or Charlotte: and of his having been in the Florida war. July 20, 18'.I. 8-tf NEW P»(M)KS. K(')CTHERN HAR.MONY; (;illespiem Roads, Rcligiiu of (ieology: Mattison's Astronomy, I’ldwer's new Play; Taylor’s Medical Jurispru- lence; Little Brown's I'nglish Bept'rts, Vols. 1 and 2; Leading (’ases in Equity; ('ombe's Phi- siology; Smith's .Vrithnietic, &c. iSlc. Just receiveil by July 28. E. j. HALE & SON. 1^11 IS deligbttul .'^ummer retreat is now open for the reception ot company, the reme dial properties of the water. :inil pure atmos phere. offeriinr pfi-eat inducements ti Imalids, as well a> those seeking ple.-isure a!id the pre servation of health, .\mong the many improve ments. are tu>. newly titled nii Bathing Houses. The Booms and I’.iliins are neat and well fur- ni>^hed. .\ good l!:ind of .Music always in at- lenl:niee; a jilentiful supply of U-e. and the best etl'orts to please, at moderate rates of Board, as follows: — I'aniilics per nu nth, caeh j'crson, !f20 (Mt Singl«- jier-ii'iis. •• 2'> ••• Per V eek, *■ 7 m» Per day. *• 1 25 Children under 12. and .''ervants, half price. SAMI KL CALYF.BT. June 5. iS.>l. 7’>-tl5.V KIN! and .\. MeAIlLL.VN ha>’e entered into Copartnership in the Di.-tillcry (»f Turpentine, and have erected a .''till on the We>t side of the I'ayt’ttcNille and Western Plank > miles fr'-iii F.i\cttovi!le. N. K1N('.. MavO.~71tf A. .McMlLL.VN. EQl'lTV SAU:. ILL be sold at the Court House door in the Town (d' Fayetteville, on .Monday the f;r.''t d.iy of .'>e])tember, at 12 o'clock M., by Decrees of the (’ourt of Kquitv, tlie I'ollowiiig Valuatde RKAT- ESTATE: — 61.7 Acres of Ii:inl on tlio Nortli Ea.t si le 'f C.-ijn; Fear Biver, in ('‘h.atham and Cum- beriand Counties, joining P.razier, Burt, Ste phens and othors. known as the ••Buekhoru Lands." Tiiis land lies immediately on Buck- horn F.-ills. and is valuable for water privileges. Alsu, the iiitcnst of the late \\'illiaiu Colville i;i aud to Four L •T.'' in tin* Town of ,\vera-^borouj.di. upon a credit of six months, tlie I'un-haser giving bt>nd with approved se curity. Also. Miie vac:int L >T in tlie Town of Fayetteville will be sold, upon a credit of six months, tijton bond and good .security, at the ■MARKET HOUSE in the Town of Fayetteville, on Wednesday the od Se]itember, at 12 o'clock M., to-wit; on the .*'outh West corner of the .\Iarket Square, known as the ‘'Pil.ake Lot.” ARCH'D A. T. S.MITII, Clerk \ Master. .Tuly 22. ]S.')1. ti-tspil TUE i:».VO,'ENT YOfXU MAII> My mother, she tells me: “Nature has given thee Lip'; to npwk -vrith. inr d.nufjhter. my otrnr .Vnd so thou must use them for speaking alone/' But rrtii/ are fhiif rt'f, White lips would have answered for speaking as well, Anl why has she said, then, "■Only for speaking?"’ O, who ciui tell A poor little inm>cent girl like ni« For what, but to speak with, can my mouth be. DRY GOODS AT COST. WITH a view of making a eh»nge in «ur business, we now offer our entire stock of DRY GOODS at cost, for cash or country jtroduce, taken in payment at its cash value- The stock is worthy the attentiom of th»»e wish ing to buy. May];{.—71tf TOOK & T.VYLOR, D Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 1, 1845. mi:: 1 •> 1 . NEW UOOKS, E TOC'QUEVILLE'S American Institutions with notes by the Hon. J, C. Spencer, I published for tJie use of Schools, &c. Lord Hol land's Foreign Reminiscewces. Jane Bewverie, or Prosperity and Adversity, by Mis» SlBclair, author of M^ern Accoinplrshraents, &c, E. J. li.VLE & »0N, April T. J. P. COl N( IL & CAIN A RE now receiving a large stock of SPRIN(J ,iNL> SL.M.MEll GOODS, consisting in pj'.rt of— Striped (iro-de-Paris: black and col’d Silks; embroidered, jiriutcd and black Barege aud Ba- rege-de-Laine: Paris-de-Chine: Crape-le-Paris: i rich emb'd Tarltans: ' ctnployment and cash payment weekly, if re- broidei-cd :.nd printed Swiss .Ma.-l.n..; Hoyles , to MOLASSES. /i IIHDS. prime MOLASSES, for sale f>j H. BRANSON & SON. July 0. 1851. 3tf WA^TCD, GOOD HANDS, at 7fi ets. per day, on the Southeya Pla»k Road. Steady 50 \\ I!AIM’INC I'.M'KU. J I!lv\MS Medium size. B r,.') Blue, for Cotton Yarns. I'rom \lanteo Pajier Mills. RalcieU- For sale low l.y II, BRANSON July 0, 1851. SON. otf \\ IWtnti’il. T I] wish to buy L’ l)arrrls Turpentine. KIN(i vSc .McMlLLAN. LAWKKX('K \ (’OMI’ANV’S Patt’iil Iiii])rovo(l Flesh («lov('S anti Straps. For producing a healthy state of the system by Friction. rjlIIE great value id'the HORSE-H.\IR Rl'- Ji. N’OV.\TOB as a tlicrapeutic agent, when ap[ilicd to the humati body, is well known to every one who has jiaid the le.-ist attention to the imjiortance of a healthy action of the Skin. For sale by S. J. IIINSD.VLE. Oct. 1, i8.50. • oOtf •iO HHDS. SWEET MOLASSES, lOOO Sacks Liverpool SALT, with our usual Stock of (J'l’iOCERlES. J. & T. WADDILL. *itf of Williams's Rectified J. & T. W. July 21, 1851. ftar- A goofi supply Rye Whiskey. Gunn’s Domestic Medicine. A FURTHER supply, just received. E. J. HALE & SON June 10, 1851. JTR.VW CUTTERS, Corn Shellcrs, and a va riety of Ploughs and I’lough fixtures, for sale by J. & T. W.VDDILL. Jan. 4. 5-’Uf " LBsTliAGS WANTED, ’>y 11. BRANSON & SON. 78tf J']ncoiir;a;c Carolina. '■Siin: undersigned is manufacturing, in Fay- Ji. ettcvillc. Boot and Shoe Polish, far superior to the Blacking purchased in the Northern cities. He intends devoting his whole time to nianu'acturing and vending this very su perior Polis' . and calls upon all who think it to the interesi d' the Southern peojtle to become independent of Northern manufactures, to give large sized good Ml LKS, well brol him their aid aud patronage. j to the wagon, and not exceeding sevi lie is prejiared to show, by ahtdlute trial, to ' ‘ ' ■> « 'i .i any one who will call ujion him, the raitf siipc- ri"riht of his over all otiier yntixhr.i or hhti-hii);/ now sold in North Carolina, ('all and have yotir boots and shoes once completely blacked and polished, and be satisfied. This article is ottered at a price imt higher than is usually charged f»u’ other and inferior qualities, and a trial is all that is asked to se cure the patron,age (d' the public generally. The undersigned exjiects to visit every por tion of the State to introduce his Polish, and asks now in advance that Merchants and others visiting Fayetteville will give him a call. A. J. WOODWARD. June 21, 1851. 77-f‘im WANTED, well broke seven years of age. Apply to D. & \V. McLaurin, Fayetteville, or to the subscriber at Slicksville. !;■$ miles above Fayetteville, on the east side of Cape Fear river. N. K. .McDUFFIE. July 18, 18.->1. (i-tf Carolinian tf. w S’ S4>,000 _J«iy 1^ _ INEW HOOKS. rw^HF; Works of Alexander Hamilton, 4 vols.: JL The Femjile Jesuit, or the Spy in the Family; The Nightingale, or .Tenny Lind Song ster; The (’omplete .\ngler, by Walton & Cotton; The Course of Creation, by Jno. Anderson, D D.; Tales from Shakspearc; The Crystal Fount, r choice collection of Temperance Songs: Pictorial Shakspeare: A Pastor's Sketches, by Spencer; Tom Racquet and his three Maiden Aunts; Mar shall’s Book of Oratory, &c. &c. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. June 7, 1851. NECJROES WANTED. C'I.VSll paid for likely young Negroes, if ap J plication is made soon. J. & T. WADDILL. Sept. 10, 1850. _ 37 tf Iredell’s Law Reports, Vol. 11. JUST published, for sale by E. J. HALE & SON. June 0, l.'S51. ^M^lIE Subscribers are now receiving a pojv i JL tion of their SECOND IMPORTATION of GOODS this Season,—DRY €J(:)()DS, CUTLE- i RY, CROCKERY, GL.VSS, &c. _also— 13000 y«ls. a!Wortel Carpcliiiff. I s. W. TtLLINGH.YST & CO. j October 28. 43tl‘ BOOK BlNliElTv\ RW. TIAIvI>TE has resumed the Book • Binding Business at the new Store next door to Mr. Beasley, Jeweller, where he will re ceive and execute binding in any style desired. August 1. 27 tf Sr.n.liER E have received our new l^tock of SUM- MEB C L O T H I N G—Coats, Sacks, Pants, and Vests. _..\LSO— 25 bags RIO COFFEE, 10 boxes Fancy Candies, 2 hhds. Cuba Sugar, Nails. Hollow-Ware, I’orcelain Kettles, Paint and Varnish Brushes, itc. SAM’L W. TILLINGH.YST & CO. April 1,1851. _ 05tf Baltimore Steam Soap atul Can Me IfVrA**. HE Subscribers are now manufacturing and JL have now on hand ]?elniont Sperm Candles; Adamantine ditto; Mould Tallow ditto, warranted to stand any cli mate; Lard (.)il; Yellow, Brown, ami Black Soaps; Vai-iegated Bar do; White Bar do: Ful lers’ Soap; F'ancy Soaps of new styles ami ati- yierior |uality; to whicli they invite the atten tion of Southern. iBuerchants makiug their Fall purchases, with a conviction that they can offer inducements as regards quality and price equal to any. SMTTII & eURLETT, Corner Ilellitlay aad Pl«»8ant Streets, [7-Otw] Bt»ltimore. ~ W VN TEIX T IIKEE House Sc-rvants, good seamstarcsses and printed Organdie: Mourning, printed: Polka and fancy Lawn; Mourning and other (iiughams; Jaconet :ind .'^wiss Muslins: .''ilk and Linen Pop lins: solid col'd Lawns; Bishop and Swiss ditto; (trass and other Skirts: Linen (.'.ambric Hand kerchiefs. needle-worked: Collars and Cntf»; j Lace Undersleeves; French neeille-workcd Chem- I isettes; fancy .Mitts and Ki^l (Jloves of all kinds: j splendid r«onnet and other Ribbons; Edging and i Inserting; French and English Prints; together with a large supply of other articles suitable for j Ladies' wear. j French ('assiineres; jilain Linen and Linen Drill: ('hecked Linen; .''ilk, Marseilles and other I Vestings; ('aslimeret; Drabd'Ete; York Nankins; | •■^ilk ll:unikercliiels and Cravats; brown and bleached Sheetings and .'^hirtings; a good assort- ! ment of embroidered Window Curtains, (some ] very fine.) K(‘U(ly-iiia«U^ C'lotliiii;;. Coats; Pants; Satin, Silk. Marseilles and other ^'ests; a large supply of each. .V large lot of Umbrellas, and fine Silk and Satin Parasols, .assorted kinds. Beaver, Fur, .''ilk. Leghorn and c.ther Straw Hats; also a good supjdy of Boys’ H.its. White Chijt. French Hair-Lacc. and other Bonnets; Cliildrcn's fine Pearl Hats, Bonnets and Flats; \\ reaths and Flowers. ISoot^ iiiid ^lioo»«. Fine ('alf sewed Boots; Patent Leather Bro gans: ('loth and Buck ('ougress Gaiters: Oxford Ties; Patent Leather ditto: Ladies’ black and col'd Silk (iaiters. a fine article: ditferent kinds of Misses'Shoes and Gaiters; LjMlies’Slippers and Walking Shoes; with a large supply of heavy Shoes, for servants. Saddles. Bridles. Collars. Padded Harness, and Wagon and Bugg_y \\ hi|>s. CrofkiTV, llanlwiirf. rnllcry, llollow-Warc. D. M. BFIE, At tW SteasBi Mill, or to A. A. McKETFIAN, [77-tf] Fayetteville. June 28, 1851. FOR SALE, 10,000 Lbs. Western BACON, 2.(K)0 Busbels CORN, i GO Barrels No. 8 .MACKETIEL. 1 T. S, LUTTERLOH. j Angust 11, 1851. 12-lw I ANODl'NE^COUGH I>Rai’S. ^ I Thi.s is a plesant medicine to take, producing, j in mo«t cases, immediate relief, and in nine- cases ont of ten a prompt cure. It exercises ! the most controlling influence over coaghis aiul I irritations of the lungs, of any remeily I ever knew; often stopping the most violent in a few I hours, and at most iu a di*y or two, ?>y cau.sinjr I a free and easy expectoration. To do this it is I onlj’ necessary to t»ke the medicine in accord- I ance with the directions, awl to increase the I dose one-half or douWe as ranch more for a few I times in violent ca.»es. This is always safe to ' do. for even in double doses it only nauseate!* I the stomach for a little while, an effect always j beneficial in this whole class of diseases. I The v. earing »f Little'a Strengthening Plaster j on the cbest over the pain, ami the using of the Anodyne Cough Drops freely, will arrest the I di.sease in many cases thought to be consump- i tion. And even in consumption, this cotirse i will afford more rvlief tlMvs any and all tlie remedies I ever ktiew or heard of, ' From a highly respectable farmer residing in Talb it county. Head the following: L>r. Little—Sir: .\fter suffering four or five weeks with a most painful and violent cough, uotwitlistau'iing I was under the care of -a jihysician without finding much relief, 1 sent off in haste for youv Anwlyue Cough Drr>ps. The lii-st ilose or tvvo relieved me very much^Mid by , 1 1 .'n 1 continuing, a free expectoration was soon estab- Lio and I.aguira ( oftee; ( rusliel: (nanlied, | when the cough was no longer trouble- Loat and Brosui Sugars: Salt, Iron , (>ne bottle freely used, civred me entii’eh’. and Nails; Principe ( igar»: Fi-ench Brandy; j soon as 1 conld ride, I viKteA a neighbor tiin; Port, .Madeira, S^^eet, and t^cuppernollg j was also under the advice of a physHcian, " ' who had l>een pi-jstrate>J with a severe cough, fever, &c., for some time. Your medicine was at once sent for aud v.sed freely, and, as in my own case, compl«.tely cured hinu I In July last, I visited a relation ih Marion county, GeoTgia, who was badly alllicted for I months with a cough, pronounced by several ta be consumption. 1 ad^^8ed' vow Cough I>rop» Together with a great variety of Goods of nearly every de.seriptiou. .Ml of whii-h they arc determined to .sell verj' low for Cash, ir on vciry accommodating terms to punctual customers. We would be glad that buyers gonerally would call and cx.-imine our Stock. April 4, 1851. GOtf iUKt washers. 5l»y 20 Liberal prices v iTl be paid. J. & T. W XDDILL T3**' DRFCiS MEDICINES, Fiu'nt.'^, Otis, Wuidow Glass, Varuiah, itr. Samtf.l .1. Hinsdale Offers for s.ale an extensive assortment of GOODS, among which are the fol- lowing: Opium. Camphor, Castor Oil, Alcohol, Sul phur, Aloes, Magnesia, Rhubarb, Morphine, iuinine, ('ream Tart.-ir, Sal Soda, Castile Soap, Super carb. Soda, Epsom Salts, .‘'ponge. Ipecac, Sarsaparilla, Krcosote, Borax, Arrowroot, Isin glass, Gum .\rabic. Gum Myrrh, (.'apsicum. Lo belia, Plasters, Li(uorice, Chloroform, Jujnb Paste, (Jopperas, White Lead, Linseed Oil. Train Oil, Whale Oil, Sperm Oil, Sweet f)il,. Neatsfoot Oil, (Jopal V’arnish, Leather Varnish, Japan Varnish, Window (Slass, Putty, Pumice Stone, Chrome (Jreen. Chrome Yellow, LampW.-ick, Patent Plack, Term de Sienna, Umber, Black Leail, Ijtharge. Red Lead, Patent Dryer, Whi ting, French Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Venetian Red. Spanish Brown, Prus.sian Blue, Saud-pa- per, Star-h, Sal Eratus, Mustard, Spice, Nut megs, Pepper, Hops, Indigo, Madder, Sstlcpetre, Ginger, (ilue, Annato, ('loves, Mace, Burning Fltiid, -\luin. Oxalic Acid, White Brick, Tripoli, Wash Brushes, Paint Brushes, Varnish Brushes, Scrubtiing ditto. Shoe do.. Tooth do.. Hair do., Logwood, Red wood. Black Ink, Opodeldoc, &c., with a general assortment of Medicines; Chemi cals of all kinds; French and English Perfume ry and Soaps; with a ftill assortment of all the leading Patent Medicines now in use. Orders from the country promptly attended to, and poods carefully packetl. The Subscriber feels- assured that he can meet the wishes of tlie purchaser in regard to quality and price. S. J. IlINSD.lLl!:, ©ruggist. 0^t?Vr 12^1850. -l:itf to be used, which were immediately sent for, and as usual gave t^uick relief, and he gradually recovered. Again, one of my neighbor’s children was ex pected to die from the whooping-cough, and in fa«,ti cowlition began taking this medicine, fol lowed by the happiest effect, and was soon re- storel. I have known other cases in which your re medy was given with entire succcss; indeed, I have hear*! of no failure by it. In my family I have given your Vermifuge with entire satisfac tion, ami have heanl it well spoken of as a suc cessful remedy. Trusting that so valuable meli- cincs may soon be geuerall known, CHARLTON Y. PERRY. TTtefae-simrie of the signufBre »f Dr. W. G. Litcle will be found upon the outside wrapper of e.ich of bi» Meilioines. Sold wholcfjuTe ai»d i-etsiil, by the Proprietor, at his Maniifncturin^ Depot, No. 2K4 Market street, Philalelphi», and Macon, Georgia. To he hail also of Jiuncs Cain, Rockfishp A. Watson, Floral C»llej?e; Townsend & Doug lass^ ii«unettsville; Dr. P_ M. Coh«n, Charles ton; C. €- Barb«e, Barclay s^ille; P. F. I’esteud, Raleigh-- S. J. HrN9I>ALE, Agent f/.* Fayetteville. WANTED, Tiie Law part of Noi I Dev. & Battle’s Re ports, and the List ©f Cases in 1st Dev's Equity- The subscribers wilT pay a reasonable price for any odd Noa. of Reports previous to liiedciri 0th Livw and 3d Equity. E. J. HALE & SON. Linseed Oil and White flOR sale by SAM’L. J. BLNSBAlJl Aprii 21.

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