S E M I-W K E Jk. L V. r*rrra5sar'rivwnaBnr3aBB=3iR»BE*BE«BCB32rsi Hseeeeflme* l\OL. I.] rAYirrrKviijj:, n. c., ti esday morning, august lo, i85i [NO.. M.] I’lllNTKl) nv r>. XHWBV. !;i)\VAin) J. iiAi.i: & sox, rii; ;.’iis AM' I'lidriamiKS. iy ('n.-KKVKn t? i 00 if •'(0 if paid tluriiij: tho :■ the vi';'.r llu^ . I. '' '■ok’v Ou) i!VKU (*0 ]H'i- iinuiun, if i ’ ;i-l\N'J '>i> if jniM hirinj;: tlie , • -;’i’"i-vipt;.'r; ''V tt() aftt'i’ tho yi'ur X! ' . Ovl, '•I'MrNT'' iti-;crt(*i1 for sixty cents :• i!u- fir>t. tl.irtv cents f'rt nch I.' Ill :.i> i\. Voarlv .'.'Ivcrti-enuMit'^ :\t ro;is"n;tl>le rates. Ad- i\ jui'.'Tito t!;e mnnlier of rNIVKKSlTY OF MAIiYI.AXD. next Session will begin on WeduesJiiy, -M. the lotli clay of October, IS.jl, and close l^t March, lb')2. Nathan H. Smith, M. It. Surfrory. ^^ln. K. A. Aiken, M. L>. (’hcniiati'v and rimr- inn'y, JSaninel (’lic.v, M, 1). Tliera}ientics, Materia Medico t«nd Ilyjriene. .loMeph I’lidiy, M. 1). Vnatoniy nnd Physiolopy. I’oAver. M. I). Tlieory and I’raclice of Medicine. Uichard II. Thonia.s. M. I). Miilwifory and l>isease? of Women ami ('hihh-cn. (Jcor}re \\. Mihenbcrger, M. D. rathcdogical Anat'imv. lODWIN (iLOVER. I>r. T. 1>. il nAS taken an Office on Hay Street, AVest of the Hotel Unildings. •Inly 14, 18ol. J-tf Watch-Maker and Jeweler, AT THK 01,1) STAND, aS’A/h o/' (he Lmyr W(frh, AS rctnmed from the North vith a larire assortment of AV.\T('H [iS, CI.OCKS ,\Nl> .IKW I!I,1{V. which he invites the imMic to ex amine. Amonfr his stock cun be found.— (Iidd anil Silvi FOR SAU:, WM. HOWLAND'S Kxtra thick I^Iill ajid (■'rtiss-cut S.VAVS, « and tU feet. 1>. vS; W. Mcl.Al'HIN. Nov. 10, 1S.')(». 4(;tf SATJvM rAT’Kli-MlLI.. ^H^llK siiliscriber luis taken char;re of tliis old H- and \v(dl known Kstablishment, and is pre- l)ai-ed to attend to all orders fur ir Watches (d‘ all kimis and Printing i^u)('r. Mrrcliiuits’ and 1 he most amph* oppoi'tnnitios for tlie jirosc-i JTices; >old ;md Silver Fob. iii:ird. and \'c.t I'. * \\' ‘ « ctition of I’ractical .\jintomy nt n tnoderate ex-K'hains; tiold. Silver, Stone, and Steel Keys and * \\ rU|)j)in^, ponse.^ I Seals; IJi-east Tins and Kar-llinjis «>f all kind.s The Mill has rt'cenlly been thoronphly refitted ( liniral I.e«’turi's f>nr times a week, by Pro- ’ and prices: Finirer Uin^s; (told. Silver atid Steel witli new maehinei'v, and tiie snbscrilier believes lessors ■•niilh ;i!id I’l.wcr. in the r.allinii.re In- : Spcctaelcs: Silver ami Cold ThimMes; tine he can fnrnisli I’.ipi-r of as pond iinalitv and at tirmury: with the ]>rivih‘fre to daily visits to its ; I’li'acelcts; (i(>ld and. Silver Tens aiel I’enciis; as cheaji ]>riccs a.s can be jiurcha'^ed nil'’ where, I wanls, without cliarp-c to the student for the ' (iold bock.'ts: Ool I and Silver I’clt lUickli s; N->rth or South. tlCKCt. Fee^ f.. ' ii-sirc 1. •■■■ they will bo >' i v ii.'irj;' I :icc.irdii'gly. I. ■ '! ? t • ;!ic I’ Jiti rs nui't be post-paitl. the Le'-ture.s to ^9"); I’ractical Craduatiou Liiis of 4 liorso Post Coaclies from' Fayetteville to Warsaw—Daily. | Mil iTs havin;^ secured tlie mail ! ■ n tbe above bine, will cotnmcnce i Ills UAY. ri;niiin^ a ].inci>f Four Horse I’ost | I'.cily. l.t i-.iitL' I'ayefeviilc at p:ist ‘ 1*. '■ . ..iid arrivii.ir :it Warsaw at ji ist 7 A. I , in t'nic 'i >■ t’ e ('ai' N"rth and Suiuh. l!e- K '.I!; . ii :!\c W.tr.'cn tiw :!"ri\al of the r', svy lit 1 or '2 P. M.. aud arrive at Fay- ia t' hours. r,veiy c- *;e will be taken ; r: ?i i- the !iiu- pleasant, convenient, ;iud s;ife. 'i I.in' of St.iu''' wi'd I-c .‘t I'slifd ris s ion by t’u riauk l!oad. from l-'ayelie- uo and sh.‘! orin;!,U. to '■ ' .... an 1 ’’’'iirv. .\bh[.NN'iN .V M.NF.II.!.^ : ev- ie. N. An-. S, 1 :•!. 11-?: ontinued tiil i .Vnatoiny >r;lO; >iatri-uhition .S'): i •■M'U. AVlbLlAM F,. A. AIKKN, Pean. Paltimore, July 1, 1S'>1. PJ-tit On tlie River and hourly expected, I.l’.S. Western 15A'ON, ho;f round. 10(H) 1!'S. prime Lard. 20 b.irrels .Mess Pork. 10 Prime do. t) •• -Mess Heef. ■J dozen Pcncelain Kettles, assorted si- “•i. for Pre-^erviu'.r. 11. IMIANSON .V SON. Aufr. 7, IS.'.l. 11 tf t'ard ('ase.s; I'oral Pcads; Sleeve Inittons; fine •Vecordeons; Music P>oxes: tine and coTuni.iii Walkinjr i'anos: tin*’ and common Pistols: .'^ilver Cups: Silver Spoon-^: Port-.Aloneys: I’lirses; ( locks, trom .'i'li to -^lO; Plated Cake IJaskets. ('astors and Candle.-ticks: P>rass do.: Pack-Ciam- mon Poards: iVcc.. i;c. MILIT.VHV (idODS. Sworils. Sash(“s. L.u e, Muttons. Pngles. Stars, Plumes. Caps. ,VC.. v'v.C. 1’artiiil:ir attention juiid to the IJepairinj: of Walche.' :md .Fewelr_\. FasettcNille. N. I'.. .Itilv III. *'i-:!m Salem. .1 luie 7. E8»(rliE^E^w’ ClUilLKS K. S11015i:il. l^'ol. 77tf Staf^o liiiie to llaloigb. S'nb.'scribers, Mail Contrnctors from JL Fayetteville to Hal*igh, will commence operations this day, A>ith new and comfortable C'ache8. pood horses, ami c.aretul Drivers.— T1iC3' have reduced the Fare from fj-'i to .X L The Stage Honse.s are. in Fa\etteville. th»> Fay etteville Hotel, in llaleijrh, the Var'ioronjih House: but I’assengers will be ci;nveyed to such other Houses as they may .select. The hours of dejiartnre will be, until further notice, at half past S) P. >L friim Fayetteville, and at 2 P. .M. from P>aleigh. daily. The sidiscribers hope, by unremiited attention, to secure a liberal share of the travel. Ml'PDOCK McKlXNON. DAVID McNLlLL. Fayetteville. July 1, 78-tf Nortli ('arolinian and lialeigli llegister copy till foriiid. ligjs iSiISS ; The inoiat tUstrcrfsed journal in this i Utiioii jujst no\r seems to be the Washing- I ton Union, which i.s flctiially agonized be- I raiise we ‘“I'illnioro ^Vhigs of New York i have gone over horse and foot,” to ‘‘the I Allburn Demagogues,” and because we I “lie down in harmony with the Seward i Wliigs.’’ The Cnion Editor i.s not at all I ]>articiihir about his own bedfellows in . Now York, and he can sleep most eoni- t'ortal)ly with Jolin A'an TJuron, or Preston King; but if we poor Whigs st(»p at the FatfeUevillc IlolrJ^ FAYirr ri:virjj:, n. c. Tuns large nnd sjdendid Jinilding has now I been in successful operation since >L‘iy | IS IO. The I?elding jind Furnitiu-e of all kind.-> ! is new, and the rooms convenii'iit jind [lieasant. The 'i'able is always furnished with the liest the maiket atfords. aiildl l:y a tine vegetatile garden. Hoarders. Lodgers, and Travellers will tind de sirable acconniiodations ami attentive servants, j same tavern with 3Ir. Seward, or eat at No pains will ).e spared t.. give entire satl.ifac- ^^0 horrible fel- low.-!, wliile he continues to l*e the sweet- tion. Families can be fnmiplied with large, airy, i i j. front liouble rofims, conveniently and hand- j little fellow upon caii^h. Uut upon, someiy furnished. [ .'-■Ucb bypocrisyl Vn experience of 20 years will enable the les-I 'Wc, in our'uav, luiVC had oocasion tO see, she hojies. to give :ent‘i .d .“ati^faclii'U. ANN P.POWN. 2S-tf ra^HLKF ar. in ' jiei-alion in dilferent 1 I’ S \\ ,\\ i i:!>. ■;iti ‘,'t .'-r '-I'd i r ”'O0 thousau'l i iiub;-!'. in I,”;..--, t ’ -c tleii\- the v-:;i r in tl.e rivers will al- V. fnmisii such Timber in any r'- r’1 ith the sub- learn part^ nlars iiirin'jr t: ioi si: ■ l[o!l-i» S', ij; Pres -rve' Cv*' 'n present >'.i nth. . V,. 1,1P,P>. s\ urr. rup. a tine arti- .S: TAVl.Oll. 12tf M \C'Ki:UKJ. I'ISIl. VAUTKli P.I.’s. No. 1. Half bbls. No. J. Pbls. and Half bbls. No. ■>. Hourly ex- ]iccted bv H. HR ANSON »v SON. Aug. 7, P'S.-,!. lltf Kopo aiil T%viiit'. A LL (jualitiis I'.ir sale bv . » II. Pd'i.VNSOX ,v SON. -\m-. 7. l^‘l. lltf W ll.Ki.NSON vV DF.VLFUS IV f ■III'ri, . I'll-Ih/Ii F, 'if::. T>- hrirro, IIlltf AND IMPoUTF.r.S oF !>i:ESioie I8AV.\:%A AT Wlit'I.KSALE .VNP ItKlWIl.. Market St., Wilmiugton, N. C. Aug. 7, 1>''1. lltf Mi:i'l'’AI Hi'.CAUT.MlAT oF iei II tio\i>. v.v. 40 I'OR SAU:, .1/ th) fmrrsf M(trk> t I'rlrrf, HHDS. New Croj) M(>L.\SSI'.S. 1200 sacks SALT. bushels Alum Salt. '.MKiO Ills, i'otfon Yarn. Osnaburg-: and P>r -wn Shectii!;:-'. Willi a eencr.-i! .-t >i k of artif’ies in the (ir ccr\ line. ‘ .)NO. I'. WlLl.lAMS. Fayetteville. Feb. 1*>, l^-’)0. BHAA'K iust received from New V r’, i.i'-' FALL .\nd \MNri:u Slo ck of (aoods. ('i .. >:i:!g of a ;ei;er J a ■r^.;ient "f Dry litfOi!.. Ilrocrritv lliinhMin'. ( nllrrv. 1 vvil' ba rier t' r TP U P!'^”I'I N K. ^r any kind of I’r' luc’,'. ^’rrlioal Waloi Wlucl. several Innidred of these Wheel.- ! 'Unties in North Carolina. For pi’oof ot'their great advantages over the common tliitti‘r wlieel. or any other whee’s n >w in use fi r saw mills, we confidently refer to tho.'e wlio have applied them to their mills. W(* can recommend them jiartienbirly for liieir su[>eiiority in cas s >d' a low licad of watei'. or lia. k water. We still keep a snpjdy of Wht'els. snit.ible for difli'rent heait.-> of water, at Wihnington. New- berii. Wasliington. ljK‘nton and Tlie wIk'cIs may also In* hail of F. A. Urevard. Lincointon. and I’riah Wells. Petersburg. \'a. Pei>oi;> wi.-hing to .litain tlie riglit to use the \vheel'. wiU be served on atiplicallon to D. F,i vi'tteville. N. »’. D. .McNLILT,. tewarL I M. Neill \ C Feb v 22. iNpt. I'ln-.sii 'r ,^XTF. \ FINK H\SoN, iis: 1(> miles N' V O.-t, 2'-. l^Vl. N. KINC. ill "t 1' ■■ vett' \ llle }.--f ■-'late. P.arb rv ,\e. l ei Ini'.erial. (i ;\i;;io\\ d-. r. ' ■' ng. and TF.A.'^. of ,-npe! i..i - \l.SO — dail Oil “ bv ANI L .1 WILL 'give one hundred Ooliars for the aj'- prelu'tision and continement id‘ .VNDFl'iSON and JFllllV in any j.iil so that 1 can get them again, or tifty dollars for either. 1 will also I give SiDKI for proof of any resnonsibb' per.son's j harlioring said negroes. They rantiway from I my jilant.ition in .Moore coiinty on th* loth of ! Feb’y I 'vf. and are tliought to be lurking abor^t I lO or 17 miles above Cat thage on Deej> liiver. j through tlie edge of .Moore and corners of Cliat- ' ham and Patnlolph C'lunties. Amlerson is :vbo\U Favetteville. ! 2S years old. a bright muhitK'. about •') feet 7 or S inches high, well proportioned: has an ojkmi couiitena.ice. and is (piite ]'’ansible. It is be lieved ti; It he will endeavor to )>ass for a free man and esca]>e to a free St.-ite. as lie had a brother who jiiayed the s.-ime fame. Jerry is about 21 years (ild. ti feet ii or I inidics hijih, Nb'KFI’H AN. sto\it b-.r.lt; has a down look, particularly wl,en -Me.\ Ids ri;U. spoki-n to. anil is rati.er inij iident. .''ai l ne- •'iii-tf groes foi nierly belonged to .biliii K. Hitter, in i ihe upper en«i of Mo'TC county. ^ I .\ny information nui't be a'ldres.-ed to the subscril'er at i’ocket P. O.. .M 'ore counfv. N. C. i J. L. PitS.VN. Aj.ril 12. 1X-M. 'i7tt Jtme 1, 1?^')0. |(iO.()(/() .Vcrcs \":ilual)lt' 'r J M P> K R L A N 1) S FOU SALi:. Subscriber has purchased all the Lands .say a gofid many hard things of 3Ir. Sew- iiivl, and we do not intend to unsa}’ any of them, until ho mends bis constitutional princijiU'is, or manner of expressing them; i'lit if lie is to l>e made, a Southern hnja- h»>, to friirhten Southern Whigs, we in tend fortliwith to m;d;e a scarecrow of •lohn A'an Ibiren and Preston King, to tritrhten Southern J)emocrats also. It they ilec'd. Iving principal!v in Itobeson countv. ami ; • • i • i i i ii on i.otb sides of Lumber Ki\er, tlie ditfeien: sur- Cfn’t l.e nnnle frighttul enough, we shall veys c niaining j hfiVG dre.ssed up Si'iiators ('base and fcuin- ner. and phint them in tlie Southern corn - a \ I tii lds to s are Southern criiws; and betwi'en A large part tinely 'I'iiiibered, and convenient to ' the fright WhlgS and Democi'ats both will Lumber Piver. wiiere a large .piantity .if Tim- i >ihaking feVCr and ague may i.eor;retown marKt t. ' whole South.—X. }' Kxpress. Over 100,0(K) Acres; ber i.' now rafted to the These Lands are very v.abiaMe b>th for the Timb' r and Tnrjientine. for w hich pnrpfisi* a \ large |'.!rt is well snited. being in a resrion D\c>l hi JIarnf.-s.—Mr. m. T?;imsey,. where t!ie Tui-pentiiu- yields more abundantly , pi Opl ii tor ot the >_idn€A , than aiiv oilier section of tlie Sl.ite. The Lamls ; Mlio} } rdUliil), drop]>ed dead on the loth^ v.i!l be -old at a low piice, and it* (juantities to ' ult., while Seated at his table, in the act ot suit purcliasers. writing cdit«U'ial. inl 'rmation respecting tfic title C;in be ob- pndity. Me.jt:ird, Veast ■I **’ ->• HINS1>AM'.. I'.stf ■ar—^ *”1' t •■•tober. .March 1 i:. I. -tetrie' • eniiual ci iir-e oi’ Lectiire- c iinmence ( ii Monday, the Pitl. ef l''M. an 1 coniiinse until the lirst of : 'ii’ti,-. The coianici.cement f i con- .irsr ui:( i:i\i:i). P..\C,S I’,;,, ;,l;d La^Ml'va t'OFl'i'.L. 2 hh 1-. I ii'm SCt. \ P.. lo ('rii-lii'il and P'-tiie ! S . r. 1 •’> I'bls. and !• I'f ■ oN. ioitt'-f t'f.i r • ; I'oves • I'Vii';- Cv C,,'. H lH")''! ' i ' 2o boxes .■'team llefin-d (':.ndy. With a variety of other (iood-, to a'i'=ortnient. S. W. TILLINdliAST \ C is.M. •■■‘•If No rii i:. i 'l wa: \ w ii.i.i n. th.^ llo- ''j l lllg iO! I! 'S e\;,min> ' uniti y ^ti^ci;. >;s hav, ilpild 1 o- .Mes-^r in-t I ■ I'Staple and Fancy Dl.V eiclK.Mfs ;.re re-iuested to removed t" ttie 'ir. .!ohn 1'. 11. I’.r.inson A; :\ed additions to W W'TKi). oOtK) ;i. Ashe Lnnd>er fi-r Wagons. 1.] to ii ineiu ? tlii'-k. i’lOlKi ft. .Seasoned (>ak LundxT. 1^ to inches. 1(M‘0 ft. White (Vik and !lick"ry. tor .\xletrees. loot) ft. White t'akfor Tongue-, Piol.-ters and Sli.ifts. loo I’osi (tak Hubs, lor C.irts and Wagons. lit a It I J M iki's. For which tlie liighesi cash ])riee w dl 'le paid. Sion t > L. FPL Lid;. ‘mJv p.*. is.'.l. 72-tf taitwd l>y applyine to tbe Hon. lUtbert Stx-ange, lion. .la.'. C. Dobbin, oi- A. T. .''inilii. I^so., i i -rneys a> L:i iv. ■ I nnder>V't. i th; re are many tiespassers on tbi'-e L:i;eS to all of w ;>o,ii notice i' ’iM-'-eby ^'iven. tiiat the law will l>e enforced aguin.'t all smdi otl.'nilet ;. Ai,p’i. a'-i.n lor any part of the I.aads can iic iiiade io niv-!^'ll, or to .lolin V\inslow, Lsij., who is dn’i\ uiulioriseil to make s.ile of t’.ie same. THoS. .1. Cl IITIS. I'avetlevilb'. N. C., Se]>l. 1, T*'tf I sTAP.i;. W ILI I A:\!S. 7 'i tf ii\'S\.v. M. T>.. P.-ot'es.-’>r of O’ 1 il! I M. IV 't'css r of itciies ae.d J(‘w‘lry. \V!iolr)»;sli‘ aiiiS 5It‘!ai!. .). .M. hiTasli:v . d ,.|t r ; I ••f'.tl’.y inform the public . . . t • lia;- rcf.n ned recont- N- \\ilii '''l ide^llv a huge ;>«- !■ o! .\natoiny •r of Tiicory :r ;for f .\n- niNl Jvtvclrt/. .■ W ■■ e.,~ ‘ bonvrht for CASH I )?;■, I'i\ '.'tK. :in 1 ran tln'refori-- 'Id lie 1: it'he- ot alt kin i>: Ci)ain^. : : : s. - ..f k:..'N :.n.l of the lat(^' ! ;■ - r-!l'r.L[S, F,ar-Pi>!_'=, Mc.ia'll 'lis. of !/e>. “I l'nt:i "-!» ali'l .\:aiiiian make: La- ('bsit' ' ' ■ : 'uif Pi!;s: t'ollar and .'^b-eve s!,in S::i l ! f 'li. ;n- '.. ,'l .'-p'/ctac:, light and : (i..!.I !’• :i- I’e;;.!;.': (lold and .'^ilvir Pr■'• Silver Fruit ;:n'l Putter > • -; Sii\'-I- of : sizes: larg^ lot ef j ; ! ,c! ' rs. be-t (piaiity: linttun- I . .'-urvi \ i t s 'ompa.'-^c.' r.id ('h.iiu - ; I-,-rnioients: l.irg“ piantity of . ; (' ;;iii,"i; Pi.'tols: tin- aii'l c mmon sin- . ! ;il''edi :rr.d iii:i-^: (ian,e Pags: Siiot ' ■ ■ -.a ' !•'. b'!- Fi i'- s: -Mi!it:iry is. in-, . : _ the - Drum :.n‘l the sm.'ilb'st PiUlion; - and I \lra ll>.*v>f; 1 lutcr'. !ari"neio. Fla- ; A' 'IIS, 'f all k;nd> and sizca: .Mu- ; i P( riV.i'i* rv; J'oap; J.at.'ier Ilrurhcs: 1 •■^ 1 .'■'tn.pst Lrcs.sing aiul Pocket Combs; ! ■■ ; ;,i' I I'ritaiuii t Ware: an 1 various other t' o te'iious to enumerate. ; C.'l! and give me a trial. ' pai l for "hi (i 'Id and Silvt r. I ■ \\ at( in:s :ind Jiavkluv neatly ;■ .C'L I' 'fi ril/i'j X. —X/rfh-h\tf Corn I f (■/' SlfHlll'i'. 1 •: ] ' .1. M. i;k.\sli:v. rOPAllTM.USlllP. rnTIIF. Sub^,-riber.s l:avc farmed a copartiier- S. sliip. under the nano- aii'l style of ff.aciCTa: .losa.Vso.x, 1 r the purpose of trans:icting a general i?arter lii.sl’iess. Tliov nniy be fouii'l // jurxntt at the I I -t.'ind of Thos. .1. Johnson iV Co., withiisea- : ^!e and varied stock of floods. CH.\S\ E. LI-KTE. THOS. J. JOHNSON. NOTICK. A LL per.sons indebted to tho firm of Thos. J. - » Johnson t'o. arc requested to call im- II • I’iatc’y and .‘-ettlo thcir dues, as it becomes ii>- --:uy to settle tho old concern forthwith. Tlic subscribers, thankful for the very liberal Mi|.j.ort of their patrons to the old firm, bespeak :• like liberality to the new. THOS. J. JOHNSON & CO. Fayetteville, -Vug. I*, IMol. 12-3w WHO A N'l^ AK )N V\ ? IH.AVE an order for til'teen or twenty likely ^xning .\t?i£roeH, for which I will pay cash, if application is made soon. T. WADDILL. Atigust 8, 1851. I Jtf M i:ti K)i m v 11v.mns^ and discumjnks. JPST received, a new supjdy, u.11 sizes, plain and gilt. August :>. L. \\. Cn\>:i:Kr.i.\i NK, ^L•lteria .Medica. iVc. S. .M\i i i.s. M. D.. Professor of Chemistry. Chs. llti.i. iiiitso.N. M. D., Profess'-r of Sur gery, iVC. C. P. .Jof>vsii\. 'I, D.. ProtV > and Ph\,'iol..gv. 1). H'. Tt . kkk. M. D.. Pr 'b nnd Practice of .\Ieili«'ine. A. I'.. Petk ui.as, >>tD.. D'. ::; i, tonty. Tiic facilities for strnction in this institution .and nnsuri>as.',-1. EXPHN.'iES.— Matriculation fee Ss'>—Profes sors' fees faggregatei NlO-’—Licm ’iistralor s tee •VlO—(ira luatioi. fee >2"i. The price of I’oard. includincr fuel, liglits ai; 1 .-.■rvaiits' .,tten lance, is u- i.illy >^-I r ^ M Ju r u I elx. The I'.italogne. •'cc.. coiitai;ung fuller inlorii'.-i- lion ciiuct. riling the .''cliool. win be b>rv.ar K'd to th"-e apply ing tor it. or spe -itie ciinuiries ill be ans\\«re 1 bv letter, .\ddres,- j ■ S. M.VI PIN. M. D.. 1 Dc.-iii (:f the Facultv. ' Ju'y :I2. f^'^NtiLlSH 1 ite Dutch. lar.;e English Nor- A folk. Iliita ; laga Te.rnip Seed, received to- , da V and t"i- s:i!e 'V ; ■ 's. J. HINSDALE. August }. lO-tf .H S'i' i:i>. ^■^IIF. Subscrilier, Agent of .1. Woltering. has BL just received 10 of P.m-k's Patent Cook- ‘ in-.: S T * \' I'S . s:iid by judges t'l be the lie.-t ' Cooking Stove now in use. A. M. C\MPliELL. Julv 2'.'. l,''.'il. '.t-'lnt M'S. Puri' and I.j-.Al'. in >q. lii;}iei;al and Paii^ llreeii. .'^I'anish P.i 'Wn, .'^i!;-.:''h W liiting. V-int .'V C reen. ’hr"nie ^ el!o^\v. l.ith.ir-e au'l oth^r v.r.ieti. - of P-.-n!';. C n »l^ .b lUN.-^O.N. March 10. IS.M. tiUtf .! i > , '^PiHT NF.W i iei- 1. i "I . i 11 h. P’t titilLS. .\lsO. t W O .-■■CO s.;c bv 'a. a. M.KLT!I\N. 7 1-tf \V.\N l Lliv. , ,Id) C '.ST IPOV. Ilf V ^ii-h the h L'l '■ ' mark, t price in C .-^h will l.e j-dd. Dei;- •.■r' l 't II \I.L H A i.i S. I':iyette\die. Aug. 17. IS-.O, 'i'()l’>A('('0. A COOD .'^TOCK (II tiali'’: :ii. l I sha'l re /u -ci\e ic;.:ularl.v. fr"m M'-^'si's. .1. .bines .v F;. ’I'ry. .:urditie« a^^Mrtl•d fioiji e.-n;■'II t > very tine, whieh I N\i'.! >■.•.! lo\\e-t - turing price.-. F.iyettcvillc. .\pc; 1 I TLI.' I '.tf .\v — .\ii .\ccnlili1s (im- the Merchants'Steamboat inpany.ti'r !';-eig'"' up to the loth inst., n.irst be iiromptly [ ai 1 t- tiic undersigned, as mmdi time canni't be ;.d\»“n to the coHcetion of the sann-. .1. \ T. W.MddLL. bito Ag n*^. F.iyctteville. .Lia. 27. 1-'' >1. .citt \v wn.i) TO iJounow . ^1? tere-t ainumlly or semi-ai.nually. .\ddre?s letter t> 1’*., and leave at this of- »I c c*. June .in, I^.■.l. 7S tf •lune 2. 1-'' 1. SIMMN(;S. r I! I.'^ d'diirhtful .'^umnn-r r. tr- at is now oiicn a !i-r the f- cj-.ti. n ot the lue- 'iial propertii "i ilie Water, and j'Ure atmos phere. 'fl’erinir Cleat induceiaet.ts to Invalids, a> \vell a thn-(‘ s-eking ])!c:isnre and the pre- ■ ■rv.itl.'ii of heaUh. .\moiig the m:iny improve- fiieiit-. ail' two iie'.v i.v titt»'d up Pathing ILmses. i'iie P.i.oiii' ind (’aliin- are neat and willfiir- n';?'iied. .\ good Ibind of Music always in at- t' I! I .’i c; a plentitid -in plv "f lee. aii'l the etbir!' t.> }iicase. at modevat‘ rates of I’.i.ard, as 11»11 (• : — Families ]>er ii:"i.th, cach person. S^2'> Sin 'le persons. “ 2-.) Ot* Per v eek. •• 7 00 Pir day. *• 1 2.> Cl.iMreti und> r 12. and .'Servants, half price. SAMCEL CAIA I:PT. 7-VtloA E. J. HALE Ik SON. W AN'l'Kn TO lUIY, ^ 20 LIKELY YOUNG NEOROES; apply at tlie Fayetteville Hotel. •■Vugiifit H. 11-tl liltrntns^ t'hiid and (.'n'mphine- I •ING FLUID at 80 cents per gallon. ■ Camphine nt '»0 “ “ “ piality, constantly tm h;iinj FAl.L VV NV1.N'I J:K (iOOD^. E are now receiving our F L L N IJ T ▼ W I N T E U (; O o I) S, eonsi.-ting of a verv general and well selected Stock, . IX ALIi J.IiMOS, 1 i Whicli we fire olfering on our ttsual terms. i All sorts fif Proibiee purchased: and we : att(‘iid as usual to the FOIHN I!DlNti P>1 SI-‘ NESS. J. k.r. W.VDDlLi., Hay St. | F.ayetteville, Nov. 2'), 187jO. 17tf 7>llH)in\\NT INVKNTI()N. fB^llE Subscriber having bought the right for this county, of Waitm:in Davis’s P.VTENT .*5ELf'-SETTEll for Saw Mills, gives notice that he is now prepared to manufacture and put in successful operation this machine. He claims the follo'iving advantages over the old n'i'"le of Sawin,g: First—One Iniml can tend the mill and sav/ as innch lumber in one day as two hands can ac complish. Sucond—I?y a peetiliar arrangement of the dogs, it will saw one-fiftli more lumber from the same stock. Tliini—The Mill is not stopped until the log is sawed up. At'ter th«; log is onco do.trged, the dogs are not nu>ved, uufl the lumber is ot one unifoi'tn thickness. One of these machines can be «e«;n in o])eration at Mr. .McLanchlin's .Mill in this town, who gives it the following recom mendation. H. O. HALL, Fayetteville Foundry. A Model can be seen at the Fayetteville Foundry. March 1-"), 1851. (Jil-tf Fayetteville, March 11, 1851. I hereby ccrtify that I have one of W. Davis’s inipi-ovenients on Saw Mills in use on my mill, anl Bio well convinced am I of its utility, that in my opinion it refjuiros only to be introduced to be put in general use by mill owners. I there fore cheerfully rpcommend its use to all Saw Mill cwnera ■'.vho 'wonld regard their own inte rest. ■ AIlfMPl) McLAUCHLIN. I’ lt!. of the >)cst ■ 'I tor .sale by -■'ig. 7, 1801. S J. HINSDALE. lltf 1 \ 1'() 11M A'rI().\ \\ N r 1:1). fF the heirs of liPLL.M’.D M \SSEV will ap ply to the Postmasu r at Fayetteville. N. t.iiev may learn somcthiiig lo ihcir ad > antage. Said Massey died in the South in tin- Fa'.l of 18!7; H.iid he was trom North Carolina: spoke ot :i sister Lotty, or Charlotte; am! ot l.:s having been in th“ Floridii war. .luly 2'i, 18M. 8--f M'AV lU'OKS. ^oCTHLllN H.Ul.MONV; (!illcs|iie on Poads, Keligion of (icology; Matlison s Astronomy. P.idwei's new Play; Taylor’s .Medical .liirispru- dence; Little iS: P.rown's English Ueports, \ ols. 1 and 2; Leading ('ases in Eipiity; Combe's Phi- siology; Smith's Arithmetic, &c. &C. Just received bv July 28. E. J. HALE \ .‘^>N. ih >11II»S. SWEET MOLASSES, 1‘()« S.icks Liverjiool S.VL'f, withotir usual Stock of (IHtiCElllES. J. X T. WADDILL. July 21, 18.-,1. t'tf A good supply of Williams's Picctiticd Hye Whiskey. J- 1. . Gunn’s Domestic Medicine. 4FUKTHEII sujiply, just received. k. J. HALE \ S('N June D‘i, 18.">1. •P.Kie ! KiNC, and \. Mv-M1LL.\N have cnlt red ! • into copartiH'rship in th'j Distillery of furpeutine. and li.ive erected a Still (Hi tin* West side of tlie Fayettevilic an l cstern Plank lload, S miles from Favctte\ille. N. KINC.. ^p,y ‘.t.—71tf A. McMlLLAN. U'jitifcff. T E w l>h to buv 20.(MHt barrels.Tnrpentine. KINC \ Mc.MlLLAN. i'.iirovrni^r i\iroli/i(i. 'PT’filL undersigned is manufacturing, in Fay- SL ctte\ille. Boot and Shoe Polish, far -tttierior to the Phicking pnn hased in the Northern cities. He intemis devoting his wlnde tian! to manufacturing and vending this very su- )ii‘ri( r Polish, and calls upon all who think it to I the interest of tlie Sontiiern people to become ^ indejiendeiit d' Nortliern manufactuics, to give !;im their aid and jiatronage. He is jircpared to show, liy nbfohilc trml, to .•inv one who will call u]ion him, the I'itft sn/x- riariiii of his over all other or hlailiu;] now sold in North Carolina. Call and have your ; boots and shoes once completely blacked and ' polished, and be satisfied. j This article is ottered at a price not higher ' than is usually charged for other and inferior j (pialities, anil a trial is all that is asked to 60- ' cure the jiatronage of the I'ublic generally. The undersigned evpects to visit every por tion of the State to introduce his I'olish, and a.sks m>w in advance tinit Alerchiints :ind other.s visiting Fuyctlevi'de will give him a call. A. J. WO:)DWAUD. June‘21, 18'il. 77-*'in w AN'ri:i). A (iOODPody Maker at the (’.■•rriage btisi- ni-ss. (!o"d wages aiel steady emi>ioy- mciit given. A. A. McKLTH.\N. M:i.\ 2'i. 7:-i-tf l\(^{ i i \ S A Li:. ^£^11.1. be ; Id at the C'.urt H- ,,-c d'or in » » the Town of Fav-ttc^v illc. on .Monday the lirst 'i.iy of SeT t.-inbcr. at 12 o'clock .\L, b\ pecrces uf the C..art of E [Uity, the lo’dowing \a!ua!.b PEAL EST.VTE; — 0> I ti Acn s of liind on the North H;i.st .-Me . i Cape Fear llivcr. in ('hathaia and Cum- b«'rla:. 1 t'ountie, joining Pra/ier. P>urt. .'-te- ]dii !i- and oti'crs. known as the Land.s," Tliis bind lies immediately :i Pnek- j horn Frdls, ainl is valuable for water privileges. Als", tho iiitrresf of the l;ite Willitini ('ol\ille in and to Four LOTS in the Town of . ! A\erasborough. upon a credit of six months, i the purchaser giving boml with :ij>proved se curity. . I ,Vlso, one vacant >’!' in the Town of r'aycttcville will be sold, upon a credit of six ' nn nt'iis. upon bond and goocl security. :it the .^1.\1^KET ilOt'.^'E in the Town of Fayetteville. ; on U t-lncMlay the iid Sejiteniber. at 12 o clock M.. to-wit: on the .'^outh West corner of the . -Market S pnire, known as the ••Plake Lot.’’ I Al'.CH D A. T. S.MITH. i Clerk iV: Minster. | I Julv 22, IS.'.l. b-tspd STHAW Cl TTEPS, Corn Sheller.s, and a va riety of Plouti.hs and Flou^h fixtures, tor riety of Plongi sale by Jan. I. _ July 1. SOUTHKUN riAUMONY. JPKT RF/'KIVED, popular IJook. July IHjl. E. J. HALE & SON. J. & T. WADDILL. o8tf JdiS. KAOS WANTED, hy II. BRANSON SON. 78tf NK\V liOOKS. f HIHE \Vork.s of Alexander Hamilton, 4 vola.; I. The Female Jesuit, or the Spy in the Family; The Nightingtile, or Jenny Lind Song ster; The Complete .Angler, hjr Walton & Colton: The Course of Creation, by Jno. Ander-sou, D D.; TiUes from Shukspeare; The Crystal Fount,^ r choice collection of Temperance Songfi; i*iptorial Shakspeare: Pastor’s Sketches, by SpeBCcr; Tom Rac«]uet and his three Maiden Anntt*; Mar- .Inst received. Nl'AlUOKS W AN ri:i), C l ASH paid for likely young Ncgvoc.s, if iip- nlicjition is made soon. J. ci T. WADDILL. Sept. 10, 18.-.0. ^ _ :;7tf _ Iredell’s Law Reports, Vol. 11. fl’ST published, for sab; by E. J. MAL>; i June 0, 18.-.1, _ iiooifs. r A PI', now receiving a birge stock ot' SPlllNO ,\ND SU.MM Ell (H)Oj)S. consisting in part of— .''iriped iro-lc-Paris: bl.-ick an'l col'd Silks; ciiibroi.lereiJ. printed anl bl;tck Parege and P>a- -I .jiTj... (■ ,-a 1 ic-'le-P;nv s: ri.-l: .-liib':- :• r: an : -.VI.:-. •M., broidci'cd an'l prinied .''wiss .Muslins: lloxles :uid ;'rint'‘ii Or;;andic; .Mourning, piinted: Polka i and l;incy Lawn; Mourning and other (iinghanis; 1 .lacoiu't and ."^wi.-s .Mu.'lins: Silk and Linen Pop- ' lins: .soliil col d L.-iwns: Pishop an«l Swi.ss ditto; (ir.ts-i and oti'.er .'"kirts: Linen ( ainbrie Hand kerchiefs, necdle-worke'l; Collars and Culls; : L.-ice I tm-'irslceves; I'rencii needlc-v. i .rked ('hem- iseltes: tancy .Mitts and Kid Cdoves of all kinds; •Uuckliorn .“pb'miid Ibmnct and other lliblions: Edging and Inserting: French and English Prints: together witli a large sujijily of other articles suitable for ' Ladies' wear. j Freneh ('as.-imeres; ]dain Linen and Linen | Drill: t 'heeked Linen; Silk. Marseilles :ind other | Vestings: ('.-islimcret: Dr.-tbd'Ete; York Nankins; | Silk IJandkerchiels :ind Cravats; brown and' bleached Sheetings and Shirtings: a good assort ment of embroidered Wiu'low V'urtains. (some very line.) IC‘:idy-tiia«l4‘ C'loSliiii;;. Coats: P:ints; Satin. Si'.k. MarseilUs and other Vests: a large sup]>ly of each. .V large lot of rmbrellas. and t:nc Silk and S.-itin Para.sols. assorted kinds. Heaver. Fur. Silk. f.e,rhrrn and other Straw Hats: also a good supply of Poys’ Hats. NVhite Chi)'. French Hair-Lace, and other Ponnets: Children's tine Pearl Hats, Ponnets and Flats; Wreaths and I'lov.ers. Slioo^. Fine Calf sew(>d Pools; Patent Leather P.ro- gans: t'lolh an.l Puck Congress (Jaiters; Oxford 'i'ies: Patent Leather ditto: Ladies’ black and col d Silk Oaiters. a line article; ditfercnt kinds of .Misses’ Shoes and (laiters; Ladie.s’ Slippers and ^Valking Shoes; with a large supply of heavy Shoes, for servants. Saildles. Pridles. Collar.s. Padded Hanicss, Friction. | >”‘'1 P«;-r.try Whips. THE great value of the HOP.SE-H.UP PE-i {'rorktM’y. liardwiire, riillrry. IlolloM-U tire. NoV.V'l'tHl as a tln'rapeutic agent, « hen | ‘ vocorie!*. P.io aii'l Lagnira Coflec; (Viished; Clarified, Loaf and Jb'own Sugars: Salt. .Molasses. Iron and Nails; Principe 1’igai‘s; French Prandy; iin; Port, Madeira, Sweet, and Scupperuong Wines. Together with ii great variety of Good.- of nearly every description. .\11 of v.hiih they tue determined to sell very low t'or Cash, or oii very accommodating terms to ]Hinctual customers. jfWi? \Vj. vvould be g’ad that buyeriS generally would c;'li and examine our Stock. April 4, 18.31. fifitf DRUCS d: Mi:i)lCINKSr' PainU, Oils, M'indow Clds.^, Varnish, dr. SamI’FL j. lIlNSDAT.i: Offers for sale an extensive assortment of (iOODS, amojig which are the fol lowing; (ron. lleury A. S. rJearborn died iiv I’ortliiint, iiic Oil Tuesday last aged 70* year.«. DUV GOODS AT COST. , ITU n view of nniking a change in «nr ▼ T business, we now offer our entire stock of DUV G(K>DS at cost, for cash or country producc. taken in payment at its cash ■vtilne. j The stock is worthy the attention of those -wish- i in^ to bnv. .MavP'5*. 71 tf COOK & T.VYLf^R NKW iVOOKS. TOCtjPEVILLE’S American Tn.otitutions JLr with notes by the Hon. J. C. Spencer, II A' f ’ V IV ■ published for the use of Scliools. &c. Loiil Hol- ‘ ■' ■ ‘ land s Foreign Keminiscerices. Jaae Bouveric, or Prosperity and Adversity, by Miss SiBclair, author of Modern Accomidishments. &c. E. J. HALF. & SON. April 1. ~ >,IOLASSi:S. HHDS. priuiB MOLASSE.-^, for sal- by 4« July 0, 18.31. H. BRANSON & SON. 3tf \V\i\VV\Sil PAIM'J^ HEAMS Medium size, ti.'> •• Blue, lor t'otton ^ arns. From Mantco Paper Mills, Paieijih. For sal low bv n. BPvANSON SoN. JuK it, IS.-,]. otf L.VWltHNCl-: ('OMPANV’S Piilt'Hl lm[)rovc(l Flesh (.ilovos aiul Str;ij)s, For producing a healthy st.-itc of the system by •apei ajiplicd to the human body, is well known to everv one who h.as j'aid the least attention to the importance of a healthy action of the Skin. For sale bv S. J. HINSD.VLE. Oct. 1, iS.'.O. ii'.'if WAX'ri:i), ~ S'Vol'll large sized good MULE.S, ■wtdl bndcc ^ to the wagon, and lud ex( ceding seven years of age. .Vjiply to D. W. McLaurin, Fayetteville, or to tlie t-nbscriber at Slicks\ille, i:i miles above Fay etteville, on the east side of Cat>e Fear river. N. K. McDl'FFIE. July 18, 18",1. 0-tf Carolinian tf. o TMit.va. have received our new .'-tock td' SUM- -Coats, Sucks, SON. new supply *f this shall 8 BouJi ol Oiatoi\. iVc. ^ June 7, IBOl.. Ill IE Subscribers are now roceiviu^: p^>r- tion of thcir SECOND IMPOKTAIION ot (JOODS thi^ Season,—DRY GOODS, CUTLE- IIV, CllOCKEIlV, GLASS, &c„ —ALSO— »000 yds. axworled €ar|»etiM5* s. W. TILLINGHAST & CO. October 28. BOOK HINDKUY. RW. TI.VHDTE has resnmeil the Book • Binding Bnniness at the new Store next door to .Mr. Beasley, .Icweller, where lie will re ceive iimi ..xocutc ifinOiug in any style desired. August 1. .MEP CLOT II JNO Pant;s, iuhI Vests. _also— '2~> bags Hio Coffee, 10 boxes Fancy Camlies, 2 Uhds. t’uba Sugar, Nails, ]|(dlow-Ware, Porcelain Kettles, Paint and Varnish Brushes, iVc. SAM E W. TILLINCHAST & CO. Aj.ril 1, IS-'.I _ _ _ 'l-’^tf Kaliimore Steftm Soap nml Vatulle IWtrks. rg'THE Subscribers are now manufacturing and JL have now on hami Belmont Sperm Candles; Adamantine ditto; Moubl Tallow ditto, warranted to stand any cli mate; Lard Oil; Yellow, Brown, and Black Soajt.'i; Variegated Bar do; White Bar do; Ful lers’ Soap; Fancy Soapij of new st^des and su perior quality; to which they invite the atten tion of Southern merchants in making their Fall purchases, with a conviction that they can otfer inducements as regards quality and price equal to an}'. SMITH & CUllLETT, Corner Holliday and Pleasant Streets, [7-tUw] Baltimore. May HU- Ojiium, Camphor, Castor f)il. Alcohol, Sul phur, .Aloes, Slagiiesia, Ub.ubarb, Morphine. Quinine. Cre.am Tartar. Sal Sfxla, Castile Soap, Super curb. Soda, Epsom Salts. Sponge, Ipecac, Sarsiipirilla, Kreosote, Borax, .\rrowroot. Isin glass, Gum Arabic,. Gum Myrrh, Capsicum, Lo belia, Plasters, l/niuorico. ('hloroform, .lujub( Paste, Copperas, Wliite Lead, Linseed Oii, Tniin Oil, Whale (»‘il. Sperm Oil, Sweet Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Cop.d Viirnisli, Leather Varnish. Japan Varnish, 'Aindww Glas?, Putty, Fumice St' tie, Cl.rame Ci’vei', t hroiue Yellow, Lampl lack. Patent I’lack, Terra de Sienna, iraiber, Klack Lead, Litharge, lied Lead, Patent l)r\cr, Whi ting, French Vellow, VcUow Ochre„ Vetietian Red, Spanish Brown, Prussian Blue, Su'iil-pa- per, St.arch, Sal Eratxis, Mubtard. Spice, Nut megs, Fepper, Hops, Indigo, Madder, Saltpetre, Ginger, Glue, Aunato, ('loves, Mace, Burning Fluid, Alum, Oxalic Acid, White Brick, Tripoli, Wash Brushes, Paint Brushefi, Varnish Brushes, Scrubbing ditto^ Shoe do.. Tooth do.. Hair do.. Logwood, Ued wood. Black, Ink, Opodeldoc. &c., with .a general a.sfiortinent of Medicines; Chemi cals of all kiud.^; French and English Perfume ry and Soaps; with a full assortmf-nt of cll the leading Patent Medicine.s now in use. Orders from the country promptly attended to, .and goods carefully packed.. The Subscriber feels assured that ho can meet the wishes of the purchaser in regard to ;ind washers. Liberal prices will he paid. I quality and price. J. & T. WADDILL. I S. J. HINSDALE, Dciggist. 7ati'. I Octobcr l::, li500.' l^tf w.wri'.n, T HUKE House Servantrf, good scjimstresses WANTED, GOOD HANDS, at cts. per da.v. on the Southern Plank Pioad. Stettdy employment and cash payment weekl}*, if re- ([uired. Aj>plv to D. M. BUIE. ;\t the S. earn Mill, or to A. A. McKETHAN. June 2;;. 1851. [77-tf] Fayetteville. ANODYNE COLT.II DROPS. I This is a plesiint medicine to take, jiroducing, in most cases, immeditite relief, and in nine cases out of ten a promjit cure. It exercise.s the uuist controlling inHucnce over coughs an'l irritations of the lungs, of any remedy I ever ' knew; often stojiping the most violent in a few ; hours, and at most in a day or two, by causing ' a free and easy exptectoration. To do thi.s it is only neces.;ary to take the medicine in accoril- ancc with the directions, and to increase Uie dose one-half or doublie as rancli more for a few I times in violent cases. This is always safe to lo, for ftven in double doses it only nau^seates^ : the stomach for a little while, an cffect always- ! beneficial in this whole class of diseases. I'he wearing of Little's Strengthening Plaster on the chest over the pain, and the using of the .\nodyne Cough Drops freely, will arrest the i disease in many cases thought to be consump- I lion. And even in consumption, this course will affonl more relief than any and all the , remedies I ever knew or heard of. i From a highly respectable fanner residing in i Talbot county. Head the following: ^ Dr. Little—.S/r: .\fter suffering four or five I weeks with a most painful and violent cough, I notwithstanding 1 was nnder the care of a physician without finding much relief, I sent off in baste for your Anodyne Cough Drops. The tirst dose or two relieved me very much, and by continuing, a free exjiectoration was soon estab lished, when tlie eougli -was no longer trouble some. One bottle freely used, cured me entirely. So soon us I could ride, I visited a neighbor who was also umlor the advice of a physician, whc had been prostrated with a severe congh, fever, &c.. I'or some time. Vour medicine was at once sent for and used freely, ajid, as in my own case, completely cured him. In July last, I visited a relation in Marion county, Georgia, who was badly afflicted for months with a coagh, pronounced by several to be consumption. I advised jour Cough Drops to be used, •which were immetliately sent for, and as usual guvc quick relief, and he gradually recovered. Again, one of my neighbor's cliildren was ex pected to die from tite whooping-cough, and in hatt condition began taking this medicine, fol lowed by the hapidost ett'cjt, and was soon re stored. 1 have known other cases in which your re medy Wiis given with entire success; indeed, I have heard of no failure by it. In my family I have given your Vei-mifuge with entire satisfac tion, and have heard it well spoken of as a suc- oossfal rcmed_>. Trusting that so valusible medi cines may soon be generall known. CIIAIILTON Y. PERRY. Tbe fac-simile of the signature of Dr. W’. G. LiiCic will be found upon the outside wrapper of each of his Medicines. Sold wholcBnle and retail, by the Proprietor, at bis Manufacturing Depot. No. 2f)4 Market street, Philadelphia, and Macon, Georgia. To be had also of James Cain, Ilockfish; Watsoiv, Floral College; Townsend & Doug lass, Bennettsville; Dr. P. M. Cohen, Charles ton; C. Barbee, Barclaysville; P. F. Pescud, Raleigh. S. .T. HINSDALE, Agent fur Fayetteville. WANTED, The part of No. 1 Dev. & Battle’s Re ports, and the List of in 1st Dev’a Equity.- The subscribers will pay a reasonable price for any odd Nob. of Reports previous to Iredell'.-j. bth Law and 3d Equitv.. 'e. j. hale .s. son 4-' Einseed Oil and White f.end^ .10*1 s;.bi by SAM’L J'.. MlNSDAtiS Aorii Ji.

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