S B M 1-W B E K L, Y. [VOL. 1.] FAYKTTEMLLi:, N. C.. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 21, 1851. [NO. 1,VJ I'KINTKI) BY .1. H. XKWHV. ! i:i)WAlN) J. HALE & SOX, . ! ri i. ■ ti" S.'r;ii-\\ t'ckly L>i:si;kvj;ii I (H) il ;>ai i ill ;l I' iiu-f: } .'>0 if thiriiig the \ . :ir siil'M i ii'liwu; vv jiftv'i’ the vc.ir li;is ■ ; -ro 1. i' r :ht‘ Wfokly (>r.si:uvr.r> ^2 ('0 per anmini, if 'ill :ul\aiu'i': nJ .'>U il' jiail during tlie cii'siilisn iiitiMii: >r ^;> (H> alter the year ■ ^ eNi.iivil. MA'l'l'iTlSl'MKN rs inM-rie*! lor-^ixty cents ' , v t‘>r the first, aiei thirty eeiits f.tr oa-h ' V lit;j Yearly a'iverti'-'inents 'iitrai’ts, at reasnntiMc ratrs. A.l- >1' ,ir>‘ i-i'nue't'.-'l t‘ >t,ite the luuiitttT >l' i U 'iroil. or they will l>e coutiuue'l till ;i;i I i !i;>v ;i‘i! aci'iir'linjrly. I I.i'tteis t' the l]'!itcrs nni.'t be ji i^t-jiaiil. \i:\v (;o()i)s. . . ' \ui lv'rs;p:ne'l have rocemly rftnrnel _s:_ i! v.i ihi' North, havinir jiiin hased a larp:i‘ Sfork of 0>iOOI^S, . _ .1' .fvt a \;irii‘iy of >iueh articU-' ;is ’■ ,r;'_\ W.IUl'l as is t" I'O tol’.lul 111 thi A i j'r.rtii'ii ..f flu* (Jor,’..-; ;.re iim'v ' '■ re tlie •••■h-u;rc daily cxpe-'teil. vi.’: I ■/ii ij f ('iiih ry, /•'!((•/( (’>/(- Ji , i ' }i! !,t iirl {'ru'-kt rj/, Ac. I'n-liiiod Sii^-ir I'i.i li;, . .):iva ;iu i I..i_;uira i’i't’\e. ! ' 1' : i:' ;i aii l I’l ;: ■ Su^ais. ] Ivt >: -'s, Oil-,. ,Vi-. Ai ’I t- J s .• \M I V., TiLl,L\(ii'I \ST CO. \ i- ]:;tf For Rent oii Favorable Terms, A t i ' • I'u (■!,ill;.: i lor.'e‘III .*1 tiiiii'ir 1 , :. i;;i !.-r t'le ('a;.s. v.i:!i a 1 \;ew ’ ; ' ; • .s rk- i ll ll;i_\ \lmiit. and 'f thi' .'t' ..:ii'-d ;ii'’ !> ill iVi'iit. Al>”. a . ■ . ' r .1 i I'' Ni'i.irj cr (iriic,‘i-y .''ti'r-'. %.e Yard iiiuldin.::^. ,\ • - • ;• r’-'' ^ '^i-e i'-'i.iii- l>r. K. IJ d>- • r.: t .e IV-t (irtir.-. .loliN MACII VK. ' N .. 1 • - M. . - T \; 1- ..V I. ' i!crru:_-. >!.: kend. . ■ . > k ;iiiii iri»-(‘ri*s ;.ri‘n- »• r - a: !iie l iwvst luarki t >>rii-»s. hv 1». N\ Il.'ld AMS.‘ ' - I. I'M. ];;if w i:i;> j i.U's QUAK'i'o du - riONAliV; A i. ^ 'v )nt rr. I'ivid. . 1 k.' .1. hali: .V sdX. MODI) Ainrs 1{i:a1)Y liK('KOM:i^ 0 '*NTAlMN'i I'.iiili's .d 'rinilier and l.iini>)er y-'- T !. i -; lit' Iliti'Vf't ar i and 7 jn r \ i iiii r i-ahniiaii'in.'. I’rico ^1, I'l ■ ; ■ ■ r '-I'l' hv i;. .j.' HAi.r. .V SON. A' .. riJiN'riNi; ink. d and fi'r A 1 ' vV I'.d'/, Kiii-. iust - U ' • K.' .1. HAid-: \ SON. ^ ]•;. ’ l*lnnl' /*' •'/ lji///ificr n a/if( !!!! rBUli; Sii^.-riilxT'- ..re aiithm i'id t" (''ntr.Kt M 1'->r ti.i- 'i'l vt ry at thf l.aiiditi^. at "r 'Ji. i- -in thf line nf tlie I'ayi-tti'ville and N I fii> rii l’;.in . Ki'ad. ■ ri tlie I^i't .'ide ff the : |'i-;iv l!i\i‘r. 'd' .■»>(> Th'»isaiid Feet d' I'i ll '.id I,iuiil>‘r. Thi-v wiil alsu ‘niitract t. ■ ’ 1- 1 )!!N(;i:i:S f.,r three niil. s ..f l!..ad. . ' ' ■ di-iivrt'd a'l'i!" the line at i ' • .'M .•'land, thi'tii’e Ncirtii. ! !y ;i]i' lii .iti'in is invited, as it is tlif in- I, * .f the P.i.ard d’ I •ir«-ct'r> t'l ei'lllllU'llCC ■ ■!;. irui'tii'li "f said Kiw.d furthwitli. 1). C. .MA»' l!.\ K. ,\. A. M. Kl.THAN. ; JOHN 1). \\HddAMS. . t 14 ^ laiu)!{i:rs \VAN'ri:i). ^ oil :;i( t;n( )j) lahiii cr> art-iinniediate- Iv \v;iiitcd (III the I'W'i I. r I l'.\ lldd. M i; i Iiri;N 1M,.\NK T.oAI*. The hi^diest va- u ! >.!• J • I, aiid j-iynieiits in.ide tn suit the . .1 I !.'v "f those enndoyed. A1 i.licatioii to lie made iminediat(dv to JOKL Wil.idAMS.' •lOIlN WAltldld.. Tijos. K. rNi>i;i:\vof)i>. DAVID .MeMdLL. .\u;i. is. ll-;;w (■:,ri.!iiiiaii ^ weeks. 'I'lir Mauislr;»f*s of (’miilxT- ■ : iititv arc iiotifn'd to niei’t at the ('unit 1' • -V in |- a \i rteville. ;in Tiio.sday of Seiiteniher i -iin m xt of i'ir ('•lUiity t'nurt, at 12 fi'cdock '•I I'lr tlie traiisai’il'-n of jmhlie hiisines.s. J;J;.N.J N J!()1!1NS(»N, Cli'ii. An^. IS. I."'.!. ii \(;(;iN(; am) uoim:. g\\ i’ :o'J'ToN l’.A';I!N(; and I‘.(»l’Khavc . r.'id Oiir friends can send in tlieir : r- aiid tln-v sLiall be supplied. (OOlv & TAYl.OU. \ii-i:-t IS. 1-itf !‘. fv .miL\s)\ AS ,Ii ,'T r.!> Ki\’Ki> ;i,jid otferH for .“ale, f!i aji,— '•'» ba^is sui.i'rim- I'/iu ('i)VyEK, ’.■> ban’l l - • 'ifti c Sii'^nr, *1 harrel.s Marki i’el. Nos. 1, 2 itul •'», , jaf and iraiin!.i!" I Su^ar. —AL.-'O— NOTICE. ! HA\ IN’d u'^'^oeiiitod with me Mr. A. J. 0'- Ilanliin, tlie (ift>eei'y, (’oniniir'ion and Koi wardin.ir bii>incxs will hereafter be conduct ed nndei- the Firm of \Vil!kiii;is \ i.’o. i:. w. A\i!d.KiN;s. Fayetk'viiio. N. ’., .\ugust, 1 l-hn SOU rilERN JlAimONY. JUST 1\K(’FdVKD, ii^iew supply of this popiilur I’xiak. Au;. 1N')1. K. J. IIAIJ'.. I'C SON. Bledical College of the State cf Soutii Carolina. Annual ('oiirse of Lectures in this lii- B. stitution will eonimeiice tni the tiist Mon day in >i'oveinbfr next, tin the following braucii- es: Anatomy—by rrof. .1. F',. lIOTdlHoOK, M. D. Stn;j:( ry—by I’rof. ]•;. (:KDDl^'t;s. M. D. Institutes ai.d I’ractice of .\ledieine—by I’rtd'. S. lIKNltV DICKSON, M. D. rhvsiolo"v—hv I’rot'. .(AMliS .MOT [,TUI I!, ,M. D. Materia Meliea—by Professor HF.NllV II. FKOST, M. D. Obstetrics—by I’rof. 'I'ilO.S. (i. rUlOid! \l , M. D. Chemisfiy—by r#f. C. V. SIII'PAIID, M. D. ('oinparative .\na?onr,'—by I’rofessur Lol IS ACASSIZ. M. D. Demonstrator of Anatomy—bv ST. .U'I.IAN m. d. Dr. D. (WIN. I'hysiiiaii to the Marine lb ^-pit-il and I'iinieal In.'trueti'r. I.eetnres t\\ ire a eek on the diseases of that instituli' li. Dr. F.. ni;i,i:.' rh^si ian to ;he Ahiis liouse. l.ectnres twice a w eek on diseases. Demonstrative instniction in Medicine and S-ii'^ery. at the i'olle-e !!..siiii.il. Ill addition to tiie Ivefrular l.t'itures of tlie oJlejie, an.aiij;'nu nis h.ive been niaiie between i:nii\idii.il meiiibcrs of the Faculty and citizens I't t liarlesti'ii. with I'lotVs.^. r l.ouis Afras-i/, to deliver at the Ciillciie, dnrin- the rei;tilar term, a (iltA i I IT,U S cV,'FK>K tiF l.FCTl liKS, ,.n si.> i; I arts of t iiiiij ai-;ii\e .\i;atomy as may be >e’,i'i':r i by him. ill advismen! with a Comtiiit- te-- ;:i>p..iiUed liy the I'acultv of the Meilical CoiU-e. iiFN IV i:. i'ito.« r. M. D., ikan vit the Facultv. Ai.,,;;--t S. l.s.-,]. n-i,w‘ w iiou:sA(j: Waft'll and .ft*ivt‘Iry L. II. MlLfj:U \ ('()., Mtiniif'tii fiii-t r. mill rs i )' 11 >!' V'f ll'l/\ It ml h II Ill'll ^5^ Have le.M'i'd the ( >ld .Sj:ii, 1 toriiierly oci i!|.ie l b\ Me'--r>. t’antield. Hr ther Co.. S^’ifh /•.’..■v' r,,r,,, r ,./■ niiil lln': sT’t'f. '.No. il'JT.! which they . re j u-tiiiLr in coniph te order for th.e \V H'»ld:^ A Id! WATCH AND Fldl'i' ill .'^I.NKS.>. to be i'[i;*ned abiait the 1’' nil ot'.I Illy. lii ealliii-: the attentimi of the trad- to the new I ' lieerii. e n;vn:ioii the tact that w e .are . ;.ite.; " llh . i.e "f the ni- 't i-xteii'ive .Tev.- ehy Maiiutaeturiu*; Fstablishments in thec>un- t: y. w hich nui't }:ive a deeiiF-d adv.nii i^^e over ;i'' . tl.ei ' in tiii' ni.arket for siipp!_\ i’;;r dealer> with .lewt ,ry at m;ur.ifartnrei'’ j ricc'. a fe: ture ill th^' i'ral,' h I*' trade h ;i;; i re nee led be- t'veeii I’l.iltiniore aiid the Soi;te.ern and V. e''.-;.,, Meri h.int-i. We de.'ire to call particular attention to the W'ateh department, wl.ich wi'd at all times be .'Uppiied witii a ^reat ;i.'> irtment troin the most celebrated maiiiit'a tnrer, and kept in perft'i't nmnini: ordiT. so that purchasers tnay at oie-c take them, with a written jiuarai.tee tliat they will peiform oireet’.y. Thi.> br.iiich of the bii'-ini" wir receive ti; esii'i ial attention of one of tlii firm, wn .^e ex tensive and praetie.al kiK'wl.-i- - . ? tbe iin‘ine~ w'n. we hope, give u» a pl.-n e in tin i-oiifideiue of buyers. We n St ei'tfully invite ii to all u]"ti ms when vou next visit onr elty. contidently be- lie^in,;r th.it an examlT'ation of our (io.'ds w.'l ]irove to yo i that they are better styles j»nd i lieaper th.-in vi ii h.iv" e\ers‘‘e!i in this niar’;et. and a>>iire you th.it ;;■> I 'lort s.i.all be v.-.i.tin;: on onr part t i make the .•a'liiiaintance one of i.'iutual benefit. L. If. Mild i;i: CO. t >M s'and. formerly oceupied by • ai.field. F.ro, X Co.. K. cor ner I f ( harles tV F..iltiiiiore sts. I’altiinore. .hitie Is.'i]. 1 1-Vu r.FFKKKNCKS; ; .Messr.s. Wyeth, ill.aeklock .'C Co. ; (iwyn. Iteid \ Taxlor. ; .l.ames Hodires \ Urother. Hurt \ Herry. .Miirdmdi. Du(*i’ \ F.vaiis, Stellmanii .v Ilinriehs. Saiiuston \ (’ii. '■ r.arthlow. (Jwyn i.^ ('o, iliely 1.S: I’eiidieton. ( iishinjr.s .V Il.iiley. .lohii .Murphy >s: (.'o. -Moore iS: (Jriflin. Il.'H- , i ' .lilt A .. All .iv;.;o assortment of Iron and Naihs, Shov- j'ades, Traeo Chain.s, SliHvel.s and Tongs, 'iiiitlih’ UelhiWK, -\iivils. \ ises, lianimerH, ,\ugers aud Chistds, Files, (!oHins'« •V i;. -list ]>, 114tr r() C( )TTON PL A N'ii: RS.~ l’l!;‘i;s COTTOV liAGGINO, coils lloj,e, -ltd Ibri. Twine, Just reeeived and for sale chetip. by l'JiTi:il P. JOHNSON'. iJiCT’ro.ws SHIRT RST.lliLlSinil‘.\T. 170 Muh t Sincl, HAi/msois e:. larjrest ami only ■- Mannfaetnrinjr W hole- sale F’.stabli.shment in the City, 'i'he eajiital and force eniiasrcd enables me at all times to oifer to Coimtrv .Merchant.^ and Deal- .■rs ill smUTS. C()1,!..\US. IdNF.N and COT TON Dl!.\W FI5S. irrcaf i'lditi-ements—more than usual elforts ha\inp: been made to retider the assortment of these iirtieles full ami com plete. The Stock on hand is l.argo and well as.orted for Men and I’oys. All orders from the (’ountry attended to witli jiuiictuality and despatch. Ueiiieniber the Name, and 179 .7iarKcl T. W . rd'TToN. .\njiust 1'». IS’>1. 1 l-yo (M.OVlvU. Watch-IVIaker and Jeweler, AT Till-; OLD STAND. Sli/Il nf thr JiHriji Ut/'7/, H B returned fii-m the North with a larp* S 9 assortment of W'.VTCH LS. CLOCKS ,\ND .i F.'\ FLi!^', wiiiidi he invites the pul>lie to ex amine. .\nion;^ his stock can be found.— (iold !nid Siher \V.itehi -j of all kinds and jirices; ib.hl and Sifii rF 'b. (iuard. and \’est t’hains; (iold. .Silver. St lie. and .St»'cl Keys aud .Seals: llrea't Pins and Lar-KiiiL'of all kinds and jiiiees; Fiiijfer Kiiiiis: (b id. .^i’.vi-r aud .''teel .Spectaeies: Silvi r and (iold Thitubles: tine Hraceh't-: Cold and .''ilver Pens and IN'iicils; (Iold Lockets: (.Iold and .'^ilver I5el'. Kinkles; Card Casi's: ('or.-il Deads: Sl*-eve Huttons: tine Aceordeon- .>luic P>o\.‘s: tine and common '\’alkin;r Cane.-; tine aud l omnu n I’istols: .''ilver Cups: .Sil\,i- .po,,ns; port-Moiie\s; Pur.'cs: ( locks, ii'o.n S;_’ to Npi; Plated Cake Pa>kets. ('.i.'tors and t':iiidle>tieks: P,ras I'o.: Dack-dam- Illoll 15 i:.rds; \e . ,VC. MILITARY COOl.,'. Sw. rd''. Saslie^. L.-ice. P.iit^'ii-^. P.ujrles. Stars. Pinnies. ('ap', vVc.. iVc. t-:.'?"* I‘artlciilar attriition jiaiil t> tlu- Keiiairiair of \Vatclies and .leweiry. Fa \ et t-virie. N. ( '., .luh 'Jl. ''i-hu \Vatc!i'> and J('\v('lrv. \Vliol‘>^al‘ aiKl ISrfaiS. .). M. lU'.ASLi:^ W*^(»I LD 11rif’idly inform the public W V i;euera'.!y. li .il h- ha' returni-d ii'ceiit- Iv fi'oiii N'-w \ ovk, Wilh ilv'. i'h-dlv a lar 'e as- ■ rt:i 't Ikf iilfuiUs o f all khida, i’jr :>a’.c u* tbia Ullice Spring and SmiinKT BVM .w • ('OS'j l\ME HALE, ('oDui' 1^,'ntt atrnf ami Cinirr Miirkf Sjiiirr, jiAi/riMoin:. fB'^lfi: larirc.ct and best stock of Pi:.\DV- -B- .MADF CL(>'rHINi ever offered in I5:dfi- niorp. Dress. Fr' ck and Sack ri.\TS, all co lor‘d. iiualities anti sizes, from -S-' •’>** to -S') ’>•► and upwards. P.\NT.\ LOO.NS at $1 to >'• •’») .and iijiwarils. enibracin;r all styles d' fancy, jilain and jilaid Cassimeres. 'N'FSTS of every variety at eorrespon«lin;r prioe.s. Ahso, a large assortment of Hoys' Clothing. Imjiorting our own Cloths direct iVoin Fhiropp. and manufacturing tin the most extensive .scale, enables ns to otTer inducernent.s to purchasers not to be surjiassed by any Clothing Fstablish- nient in tlie I'liited States. The jiroprietors :ire determined ti> tiiake the Wholesale Koonis the point of great attraction, and h.avi now made up more than .'>((,(MK) (JAK.MFNTS, from the finest .|iiality to the lowest in )>rice. In tlie Custofn Dejiartment will always be found th(* choicest .selection id' CLO'FIIS, ('.\S- SI.MKlll',.S and VK.ST1N(JS, whi(di will be made up at the fchorfi’st notice, and in the latest stylo, and :i lit a.ways guarantied. P^r 'l’he one price system .strictly adhered to. IJemember the nam? ami ]ilace, Corner Pratt St. aud Centre Market Space. n. H. COLK .'t CO. Augn.st 1 •”), IS.'il. I l-yo I\\1NTS. LHS. I’lirc and No. 1 AVIIITK LKAD, in Oil. Imperial and Paris (ireen. Spanish fSrown, Spanish Whiting. Winter Green, Chronic Yellow. Litharge and otl)cr varieties of Paints. COOK & JOHNSON. March 10, 18.')1. ;iitf { fii(rniiir Fluid (uxl Gamjihnw. »CUNlNCi FLUID iit 8t) cents per givUon. Camphiiie at oO •• “ I IJotfi of the best (piality, oonstantlj' oil Laud I and for sale by I S. J. iiinsdalf:. , ! A,It-. 7, 1851. lltf l^NiVEUSlTY OF MAKYLANl). fH'^HH next Session will begin on Wednesday, the loth day of October, 1^51, and close 1st .March, 18”>l!. N’:ithan H. .Smith, M. I). Surgery. Wm. F], Aiken, M. D. Chemistry and Phar macy. Siiiiniel ('hew, M. 1>. Therapeutics, Materia Mi-dica and Hfngiene. Jos»‘]ih Koby, ,M. It. Anntotnyand IMiysiology. W 111. Pow’er, M. I). Theory aud I’ractiee of Medicine. Itich.Trd II. Thoinn.s. M. 1). Midwifery and I'ise.-ises of Women and Children. Cicorge W. Miltenberger, .M. I). Pathological .\natomy. The most atnple opportunities for the prose cution of Practiipil Auiitoniy at a moderate ex pense. Clinical Lectures four times a week, by Pro fessors Smith und Power, in the Haltimore In firmary: with the jirivilege to d.-iily visits to its w.irds, without charge to the student for the ticket. I'ees Ibr the Lectures to -SH”): Practic:il An.itomv Matriculation Ciradiiation >liO. WILLIAM K. A. AIKKN, Dean. r.altimore. .lulv 1. 12-it EQUITY SALE. WILL be sold nt the Court lIoii'’e door in the Town of F'ayetteville, on Monday tlie first day ^>f September, at I'J o’clock M.. by Decrees of tlie (,'ourt of Ihjuitv, tl:e i'ollowing Valuable Kl’A L LSTATi::— G I •> Aercs (d’ fiaiid on tlm Xorth Ivist siile of Capo I’ear liivcr. in Ciiatiiam ninl Cttm- t^erland Counties, joining ISrnzier, l>ut^, Ste- )>hens nnd tithers. known ns the “Ihndihorn Lands.” This land lies immediately on Ibick- horn Falls, and is valuable for water privilege's. AL^o, the iuton*.«'t of tlio late William Colville in :t;id to F'oiir LOTS in the Town of Averasborough, ujion a credit of six months, the ]iurchaser giving Vioud with approved se curity. Also, otic vacant JiOT in the Town of Fiiyetteville will be .sohl, u]ion a credit of six months, upon liond ami good security, at the ■MAKKFT HOL\s|-; in the Town of F’ayetteville. on Wednesday the I’nl September, at 11! o'clock M.. to-wit: on the South \\Cst corner of the -Market Square, known as the “Pdake i it. ’ AKCH b A. T. SMITH, Clerk vS: .Master. July 22, l^^ol. t;-t.«pd l\*atrhfs tttui Jcirflrtf. M.iiiv .■; !!; ■ • Wa'elies wire bmj.l[{ t..r ( .\.''H 15V I HL P.\CIL\(IF, .and cati tllerefTe I..- -oid ver_;. I 'W. He ha- W'at hi s of all kind-: ('h.iiii:'. Ke'.' !iud ;i’.~ • !' all kir. N and of tiie I.itis' s’'!--: 1 iiij;'r-i;iii.;s. li.ir-llio.g'^. .Mci.iil.ons. of ;iil ' / s. id' ^;i,-h^h a: d .\nieiic,in make: La- dii"-' C!;:;tel:,'rii -: (iitf l’in>: t olir'r and .''lee\.‘ I’liittoii^: .iiirt .■'tiids: (b.ld .^peetarle'. li;_i;t and lieav'-: (; lid Peti'i and Pencils: (iold aod Silvi-i- TiiinibK--: Draeelet': Silver Fruit :iad loitti r Kiiive-: S:lv r Sp' ons of all si/e-i; l.itge lot of p. r’r.et ( iitl. i v: .''eissor'i. bi '~t ipiality: Ibitton- lio';e Si i -■■r-. .'^nrvevoi-'s ('omjia-'e.-. .ind (‘hains: .Ma'.heniatical In-ti utiieiits: large ipiai.tdy of tine and comm i; Pi'tol--: tine ai.d • 'innioi. ...in- gie and d'luble-barrel (Inn,': Caine Pi;i:;: .‘•'hot lit Its ;;nd powder Fl.isks: Miiitary (ii. N. in cluding the H.iss Drum aud the ^malle'-t Dutton: \ iori,.-; and extra l>o\\ s: Flnte-. (".a rii net . 11.i- L.eoI.-:,,, .\coi>rdeons. (if .all kinds and si/.es; Mu- sir l!o\e-: 1’ei‘iimery; Sojip: |„:fl!er Prn-hes: ll;i/or' a’d Strops; Dressing and Pocket ('ombs: Piated .aiiil Kiitaniiia W'.ire; ;md various other thini:s too tedious to enunier.ite. iirjr" Ca':! and give me a fri.al. Cash iiaid for old (iold and Silver. * I Watchi:s aiiil .Jlw kli:v iu';if]y Pie)'.aired. Vniji tti i illi, A, ('>n')t r Ilf M'trl.'if tSijiiiii'i. iL'-f,m] J. M, i;r.\sLi;v. WAN ri:i>. dO()l> ft. .\slie Lnmber for Wagons, 1.] to d inches thick. ilOOO ft. .Si.asoned Oak Lumber. 1 ; to "> inches. Dt'X) ft. White (bik and Hiekory. lor .\xletrees. D'dO ft. W hite Oak for Tongues, Holsters and Sh:itts. 10(» P.:.--t Oak Hubs, for ('arts and N\’agons. •J(‘"l Spokes. For which the highest cash price w ill bo paid, pjily soon to K. FI LLlMt. .May I'.'. 18-')1. 72-tf w anti:i)T ~ A (iOOD liody .Maker at the Carriage busi- .iTm ness, (iooil wages and steady enijdoy- meiit given. A. A. McKKTH.VN’. May 2>. 7:’>-tf I'liESII TEAS. a^^XTlIA FINK HYSON, A Do do Imperial, Do do (iiinpowder. Do do )ohmg, and Youiig Hyson 'I’KA.S. cd’sujierior (jualit^'. —ALS( »— Cliiicolate, I’arley. S.alad Oil, Mustard, Yeast Powders, &c. For sale by SAM’I. J. IIINSDALK. Ajiril 21. (>8tf ~NOrK’E. KT.MJII WILLI.\MS have removed to the Store recently occupied by Mr. John D. .Starr, one door west of Messrs. H. P.ransoii .S: Son, where they have.just received additions to the .Spring iiurcluises of Stajile and Fnncy DHV GOODS, (.'ouutry uierehants are rc'iuested to examine our stock, J. 15. STAIIH. J. M. WILLIAMS, j .June 7, Ife'-'jl. 70-tf 1HAVK i ist received from New York, my FALL AND WINTICR i Stock of Goods, ! Consisting of a general a.ssortnicnt of Dry (ioods, Croferies, llunlwarf, Ciillcry, &,e. jgfejF' I wiU barter fyv TUiU’ENTlNE, 4»r any kiud of Produce. ^ N. KING, 10 miles North of Fayettcvillo. I Oct. IgaO. i3tf MFDICAL DI-.PAltTMP.NT OF II.\Ml>l)i:x\ SIDNEY I’DIJ.EGE, till la V \. f |THi: /-II, ternth annual course of Letdures M. will commence on Mond.-iy. the loth of (•ctol.er, Is.'d, luid continue until the tirst of Marcii cf.suing. 'I'he eommeneeiiient for con ferring degrees will be ludd about the middle of .\laridi. 1!. L. P.uHAX.\.\X, M. D., Professor of Ob stetrics, \c. L. W. ( ft vMiimi.AVSK, M. I).. Professor of .Maleria Medica. iVc. S. .M.'.i i'IN. M. D.. Prot’essor of Chemistry. Ciis. l!i;t.i. (iiiisii.x, .M. D., Professor of Sur gery. .Vc. C. P. .1 iiNsoN. M. Professor of Anatomy and Pliysiohigy. , I). II. TfckKit, M. D., Professor of Theory ; and Practice of Medicine. A. I'. Pktu OI..VS. M. D.. Denionstrntor of .\n- ;itomy. i The facilities for .\nit1ninii',il nnd ('lit ' "' iii- striietioii ill this institution and unsuriiasseil. I'i.X PK.NSil.S. — Matriculation fee N') — Profes- ■ >ovs' tees a'lgregate ^lo'>—Demonstrator's fee j jj^lO—(ir.aduation lee I The price of Hoard, im liniing fuel, light-; and se. vants' attendance, is usmdly ^-'l or per ^ week. The ('atalonriic, \c.. containing fuller informa tion Concerning the Sidiool. w ill be forv.arded to th;i»(':;ppl_\ iiig tor it. or speciti>- emiuivies will be aii.-wered b\ h tter. .\ddre“s i S. MAI PIN. M. D.. Dean of the Faculty. .hi’.y 22. ‘.‘-St j ( YiMn:ss LO(;s \VA\'ri:i). g'.'i or I.D contract for 2'»(> or odd thou-iand feet Cyjiress Timber, in Logs, to be deliv ered :is early as the water in the livers will al io v . Persons who can furnish su> h Timber in atiy 'lUantitv will ple.ise ei.rre..p iid with the sub- s -r'’>triu W ilmington, and le.iru ji.arlM ular-; as earlv a^- j'ra ticable during the present mouth. n. w. (iip.Hs. ^ Wi'niiniitoii. ■’>, I'^’l. 11-:’.w i On the River and hourly expected, LI'S. Western P».\CON, ho;.z round. lotM) lii>. j.rime Lard. j 20 barrels Mess Pork. ' D* *• i'rime dt. .1 •• .Me> Heef. 2 hr/eii Pore«da;ii Kettle-;, assorted si 's, for Pi e'-. rvinix. II. P.P.ANSON .V SON. .\ii;r. 7. 1 Itf I'j/irourarc SSorth ('arolina. rHTIIF. undersigued is manufacturing, in Fiiy- JL etteville. Boot and Shoe Polish, far superior to the Hl.-ieking purchased in the Northeiai cities. He intends devoting his whole time to manufacturing and vending this very su- ]ierior Polish, and calls upon all who think it to the interest of the Southern ]>eripl(‘ to become independent of Northern m.iiiufactures, to give him their aid ami jiatronage. He is pi’epared to show, by tifixofufi trial, to any one who will call u])on him, the viifl siifn- rinriti/ of his over all other ji'-lixlnx or hlnrl.iii^/ now sold in North C:irolina. C.-illand have your lioots .and slioes cnce completidy bl.acked and jiolished, :ind be satisfied. This article is offered at a i>rice not higher than is usually charged foi" other and inferior iinalities. and a trial is all th.at is asked to se cure thi' patroTiiige of the jmblic gener:illy. The undersigned exjiects to visit every por tion of the State to introihiee his Polish, and iisks now ill advance that .Merchants and others visiting Favetteville will irive him a c.all. A. J. WOODW AKD. June 21. is'il. 77-tini s20() Howard. rWlLL give one hundred doll.ars for the aji- prchen^ion .•iml aintinement of ANDLI!.S()N and .IF.llPiY in any jail so th.at I can get them :igain. or tifty doll.ars lor either. 1 will also give for f*roof of any lespoiisible person's harboring said neirrot'S. They ranaway from my plantation in .Moore county on the I'Hh of Feb'y hast. :ind .are thinvjht to be lurking :diout Dl or 17 miles above Carth:i'.re on iiei-p Itiver. through the edge of .^|oore and corners if ('hat- ham and liandolph counties. Anderson is about 2S ye.ars old. a bright mul.atto. about •') 1'eet 7 or S inches high, w ell pro]..)i tiii?ied: h.is an open counten.ince, and is (|iiite ]'l;iusible. It is be lieved th.it he will endeavor to pa-^s for a free man .and escape to a free State, as he had .a brother who played the same g.atiie. .lerry is aboil' 21 years tdd. *i fet t ■! or I iiiidies high, stout built: has a down look. ]'articiil,irly wluai spoken to. and is rather impudent. .'■'.aid ne- groe-i formerly belonged to John II. llitter. in the ujiper cm' '>f .Moore county. .\ny information must bo addressed to the subscriber at Pocket P. O.. Moore countv, N. C. J. L. PdlYAN. April 12. is'.l. (i7tf DRUGS (S: MEDICINES, Oihy II iilihnr T//?■;/.//, »It. S v>n i:i, .1. JIi.vsDALE Offers for fale an extensive as'-'ortinent of (i(»(iDS) tiMioiig which are the fol lowing: (>pium. Camphor, C;i.“tor Oil, Alcohol, Sul- jihur. Aloe". M.agnesia, Khnbai-t), Morjdiine, Qniuinr'. CreMin Tart:ir, Sal Soda, (,'astile Soap. Super earb. Soda, F.jisom Salts, Sjionge. Ipec.ae, Sarsaparilla, Kreosote, Horax, .\rrowroot, Isiii- glass, (!um Arabic, (ium Myrrh, Capsicum, Lo belia, Phisters. Li)Uorice, Chloroform. Jujnbi Paste. Copjier.as, White Lead, Linseed (>il. 'I’r.ain Oil, \Vhale Oil, Sperm Oil, .Sweet Oil, Ne.atsfoot Oil, Co]ial Varnish. Leather Varnish, J.ajian V.'irnish, Window fihiss. Putty, Pumice Stone, Chrome (Ireen. Chrome Veilow, Lanqiblack, Patent Plaek, Terra de Sienna, Cmber, I’lnck Lead, Litharge, Ked Lead, Patent Dryer, Whi ting, French bellow, ^'ellow ()chre, Venetian Ued. .Spanish Hrown, Prussian Hlue. Siind-]ia- pei-. Startdi, .Sal Fratus. Mii>tard. .Spice, Nut megs, Pe})per, Hojis, Indigo, .Madder, .'-^alipetre, (iinger. Glue, Annato. Cloves. Mace, Huriiiug Fluid, Alum. Oxalic Acid. White Hi-ick. Tripoli, Wash Hrushes. P.iiiit Hrushes. Varnish Hrushes, Serulibing ditto. .hoC do., 'i’ootli do., H.ail- do.. Logwood, Iteil woo«l. Hlack 1 nk, Opodeldoe. I'cc., with a general .assortment of Medicines: Chemi- e.als of all kinds: I'reneh ami llnglish Perfume ry jiiid Soaps: uitli a full as.sortment of all the leading P:itent ^ledicines now in use. Orders from the country promptly' attended to, and !j:oods carefully packed. , ., . _ The Snliscrdier f'oels .assured that he can ! ' * l-'Olt SAi.Ki jif tin- loiri'sf jMiwl'f'f •fr-ra, ii lIHD.s. New Crop MOL-\S.SFP. 12tw) sacks SALT. .ot|'»() buslnds Alum Salt. .>()( 10 lbs. Cotton Y'iirn. Osnabnrgs and I'rown Sheetings. With n general stock of artiolt'S in the Grocery lin». JN(». 1). WILLIAMS, ravcttoville. Fob. 1*>. ISoO. NEW nooivs. 1'^ T('C(^H EVlLLE'.s .\nieric!in Institutions with notes by the lion. J. C. Spencer, published for the use of .School?. See. Lord Hol- l.arid's Foreign Hemini.scences. Jane* Bouverie, or Pros]ierity iinil Adversity, by Miss Sinclair^ author of .Modern Acconi]ilishments. &c. j:. J. HALE & SON. .V])i-il 1. WAN'rED, GOOD HANDS, ut 7-3 ct^. jior day. on tlic Southern Plank Itoad. Steady employment and cash iiavment weekly, if re- ••juiied. Ajiplv to D. M. lU'lE. At the Steam Mill, or to A. A. McKKTHAN. [7i-tf] Fayetteville. June 2;"!. 1 s,'1. WANTED, IIIF’ liMW part tif No. I Dev. & Bnttle's I’e- ports, find the List of (,'ases in 1st Dev'.s meet the wishes of' the ]iurchaser in regard to HuaHty and j’rice. S. J. IIINSDALC, Druggist. (),-toiler 12, -42tf RccM })(M* Stoniner and for snle, PdU.S. (''rushed and lletined SCGAH. 1 chest tine Hyson Tea. casks b(‘st Londfin Porter, j.intbofls. d cases superior old Port \’v ine, 1 c.'isk .Madeira Wine, liiids. Cuba Mol.-isses. SAM'L W, TILLlN(iHAST CO. Juno 20, IH.',I. 77tf .lusr inx'EiVED. P>.\(iS P.io and Laguira ('(iFFl’l'. 2 Idi'ls. ('tib.i SC(i.’\I!. 1(1 bills. Ctushed aud llefnied Sugar. l'» bills, and haif-V>bl-j. Pmtter ( rackers. • i boxes ('ollins \ ('o‘s Hariford Axes. 20 boxes .Steam P.(dined Candy. With a variety of other Goods to complete our assoi tment. Fcb'y 10. S. 'W, 1S.-,1. TILLINGIIAST ( O. -■.Stf 'ror.ACX’o. A (JOOD .STOCK on hand: and I shall re- ccive regularly, fianu Messrs. .1. Jones \ Co's Factory, ipialities assorted from common to very tine, wbieh I will sell at lowest manufac turing prices. 'I’he subscril)crs will pay a reasonable pricf? for any odd Nos. of P.epm ts previous to Iredell s 0th Law iind :hl F^ijuitv. ■ K. J. HALE A- SON._ “ FOR SALE, WM. ROWLAND'S Extra thick Milt and Cruss-cut .s.W' S. (I and *'4 feet. D. W. McLAf PilN. dtitf I'Al’J'.H-Mll.T.. •r has taken charge of this old and is pre- Nov. lit, IsOO. ~ SAr>IvM ra^iii; sob-. rii. JL an 1 well known Esfablishiiieni, pared to attend to all orders for Paper. Ah'rcluints* and Eactorv W'ra})|)iii^, 6cc, The .Mill has recently been thoroughly refitted with new machinery, und the subscriber believes he can furnisli 1‘aper td' as good quality and .it ns cheap prices as can be purchased any whese, North or South. CHAnLE.=? E. SIIOHER. .Salem. .June 7. IS-al. 77tf .lUSr FINISHED,. f;^](;iIT NEW HI'CGIES. Also, two secon.t ^ hand. For sale bv ‘a. a. McKETITAN. 74-tf F'.iyettev ille. .\piil L^-'il. J. I TLEV. Or.tf NO'TK.’'I''.—All Accounts duo the Merchants'.'■^teambo.it C .mpany,for Freight-- up to the I 'lth inst.. must be promj‘tiy paid to the undersigned, as much time camuit be given to the collection of the s.ame. J. .'c T. W ADDILL. late Ag-.-nts. Favetteville, Jan. 27, IS.’il. otltf June 2, 1 s.')I. DAVIS'S 1^( H! sale bv April 21. PAIN-KIEEEU, SAM'L J. HINSDALE. bstf DO.Mi:s'l'iCS. flTTLI^ lliver Osnabergs: 7-!S .‘iiid 4-4 ^ Sheetings always t>ii hand, anil I'or sale at F'actorv prices, bv STAHU .V WILLIAMS. .Tune 7, IP-'l. 7;')-tf M M Kl'Ki'.i, I'ISII. FMITLK l.bls. No. 1. Half bbls. No. 2. I'bls. and Half bbls. No. Hourly ex pected bv II. HP.ANSON .'s: SON. Aug. 7. isol. lltf Ba^-^^iii^. eCopr and Twiiio. A l.L tiu.i'ities for sale l>v II. HUANSON .S: SON. Aug. 7. IS..-,1. lltf i’uir\ii> sEi:i>. f^lNdl.ISH White Dutch, large Fhiglish N'or- i folk, llnta P.aga Turnip Seed, received to- da ■ and for sale by Aujiust 1. J. HINSDALE lo-tf .lus r iii-:c'i:i\ i:d. rHlllV' Subscriber, .\gent of J. Woltering, has B. just received of I’uck's Patent Cook ing S!'r O V ES, said by judges to be the best (’ooking Stove now in use. A. M. (WMPHELL. July 2't, I8ol. It-Gm FALL cV WlN'rEK CJOODS. FI iire now receiving otir I’ A L L A N D W I N T E II G o O D .s, consisting of a very general and well selected Stock, i\ AIJ- l>li\ES, Which we are offering on our usual terms. All sorts of Produce }uirchased; and vve att(‘iid iis usual to the l’0|{\\'.\ H DlNG Ill Sl- NLSS. J. i'l- T. WWDDILL, Hay st. Fayetteville, Nov. 2'>, IS.'iO. •17tf J Al PO irr A N'f JNVEN^K )n7 ^■1111' .Subscriber having bought the right for ,JL this county, of W'aitman Davis's P.V'I’E.NT SFU.F'-.'-^E'I’TEPi for .S;iw Mills, gives notice th.at he is now prepared to manufacture and put in successful operation this machine. He claims the following advantages over the old mtide d' .Sawing: J-’irst—One hand can tend the mill f.nd s.avv as nnndi lumber iii one day as two li.ands can ac- I'omplish. Swcond—I5y a peculi.ar arrangement of the dogs, it will saw one-fifth more lumber from the same st^ick. 'I’hird—The Mill is not stopped nntii the h»g is sawed up. After the log is once dogged, the dogs are not moved, aud the lumber is of one uniform thickness. One of these machines can be seen in oper.ition at Mr. .Mc[aiichlin’8 .Mill j in this town, who gives it the following recom mendation. II. G. HALL, Fayetteville Foundry. A ;\Iodel can be seen at the Fayetteville F’oundrv. Mai-ch 15, 1851. F'avetteville, March 11, 18-’>1. 1 hereby certify that I have one of W. Davis’s imjirovements on Saw Mills in use on n»y mill, and .so well co>'.viiiced am I of its utility, that in my opinion it requires only to be iotividucevl to be put in general use by mill owner.s. I there fore cheerfully reconiinc-nd its use to all .Saw Mill owners who would regard their own inte rest. AKCirU MoLArt.'HLlN. [..iuseed Oil and VV liite ficacf, sale by B.VM’L J. lUNSDALE. April iil. w KAPi‘JN(; papi:k. l!F.\M.s .Medium size. I'.--) •• Pdiie. !'or('otton Y:irn«. From .\!aiiteo Paper .Mills, llaleigh. For .-.ale low bv II. H1!N.'-'ON kV: .S()N. July 1^51. ."itf LA\\ i;i:X(’K (’O-Ml’ANV.^ Patent Jiujirovc'd Mcsli (Jloves and Str:ij)s. For iiroilucing a healthy state of the system by Friction. HE great value of the HoHSE-HAlK HE- N( >\'.\'i'OH a a tlieraiieutic Agent, w hen applied to the human body, is well known to every one wlm has p;iid the le:ist attention to the importance of a healthy action of the .Skin. F'or s;dc by S. J. HIN.SD.VLE. Oct. 1, is50. ;;'.'tf WANTi:i), ~ I;^ori; I arge sized good Ml'LE.s. well broke to the wagon, and not exceeding seven years of age. -Vl'pl'’ D. .S: W. Mcl.aurin. F'ayetteville. or to the subscriber at .Slicksville. I'-’i miles above F'.ayetteville, on the east side of t.'ape Fear river. N. K. :McDCFFIE. July 18, 1851. (i-tf cMjoTftt.vur WE have received our new .“-^tock of .SC.M- MKIl C LOT II I N G—Coats, Sacks, Pants, and Vests. __ALS0— 25 bags I’lO COFFEE, 10 boxes Fancy Candies, 2 hhds. Cub:i .Sugar, Nails, Hollow-Ware, Porcelain Kettles. Paint and X'aruish Hrushes, .Vc. SAM'L W’. Tlld-INGHAST .t CO. April 1, 1851. (i5tf .\cros \ aluahle T J M IJR E A N D S FOK SALE. TB^IIF' .Subscriber has purc hased all the Lands ■. belonging to the Estate of Abram Dubois, dec'd, Iving principally in nolieson county, .•iml on both sides (d' Lumber Kiver, the tlifferent sur veys containing Over 100,000 Acres; ! .\ large ]>art finely Timbered, and convenient to ^ Lumber Hivcr, wliere a large ((uantity (>f Tini- I iier i.s now rafted to tlie Georgetown imirket, ' These Lands are very valuable b(>th for the : Timber and TiirpentiiH’, for which purjiose a large jiart is well suited, being in a i*egion where the Tvirpentine yields more abundantly than any other section of the State. The Lands will be .sold at a low price, and in rpuintities to suit pnrchasei‘3. Information respecting the title can be olv tainel by apjdying to the Hon. Robert .^trange. Hon. .las. C. DobViin, or A. .V. T. Smith, Esip. (Attornt^pi at Law.) 1 understand there are many trespassers on these Lands, to all of whom notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforced ^tgainst all siK.h oflTendei*3. Application for anv part of the Lands can be made to my.self, or to .lohn Winslow, F3s^., who id duly authorised to make side of the suine. TIIOS. J. CUllTLS. Fayetteville, N. Sept. 1, l ?^t5. TKtf METHODIST ftYMNS AND D4SCJPLINES, JUST received, a new supply, all sizes, plain und gilt. E. J. HALE it SON. Aa2'.i3t 0. WAN'PED J'O liOKROW, for a term of five years. ™ r ^ r ^ r (!ood security given. In terest annually or semi-annually. Address letter to A. 1?., :ind leave at this of fice. June oO, ls51. 78-tf KIN(; and A. McMILLAN have entered — i -L* • into cojiartnership in the Distillery of Turpentine, and have erected a Still on tlio West side tif the Fayetteville and Western Plank Hoad. 8 miles from Favetteville. N. KING. May'.t.—71tf A. MeMlLl.AN. E wish to buy 2('.(l(>(( barrels Turpentine* INI'OIUMA'PION WANTED. I aF the heirs of HI LL.’HD MASSEY will ap-j .\ CCHE FOI! DVSPEPTI(\««. . jily to the Postmaster at F’ayetteville, N. ; Very f'evv cases of Dyspepsia, it is known, C. they may learn something to their advantage. ; have been cured by the u.‘?e of one remedy.— .''.lid .Massey died in the .South in the F'all of : Medical men have long been aware of {he fact, 1S47; s.aid he was f rom North Cjirolimi: s]ioke of ! that it requires tlie joint action (d' several med- sister 1.4(tty, or Charlotte: and of his having icines skilfidly combiaed to cure it, with atten- been in the F'loiida w;ir. July 2('i, 1S51. S-tf NEW Ii(H)kS. ^OI THEHN II .MlMoNY: «;ille.spie (m Koads, Religion (d'tieology: .Mattisoii's .\stromuny. Hulvver's new Pl.iy; Tayhu-'s .Medical .lurispru- dence: Little A: Hrown's Fhiglish Heports. Vols. 1 and 2: Leading ('ases in lliiuity: ('ombe’s Phi- siology: .Smith's .\rithmetic. tS:c. iScc. .Just received bv July 28. E. .L HALE .'i .so\. HHDS. SWEET IMOLASSF.S. 1«00 Stock of GP.OCEKIES. J. .S. T. '\VADD1LL. J(dy21,lS51. C.tf -V good supply cif W'illi.ams's I!c-tified llye Whiskey. J. iS; T. W . ne(;roes wanted. ' C^.\.S|| ]iaid for likely yontig Negroes, if ap- jdication is made soon. J. cV T. WADDILL. Sept. 10. 18-50. i>7tf Iredell’s Law Reports, Vol. 11. JC.s r published, for s.-ile by E. J. HALE .v SON. .hine f(. I '^'il. 75 aooM^s. rH'\IIE Snb.scribers are now receiving a por- ■ tion of their SECON D I M P( )U’r.\TK *N of GOOD.s this .Season,—DllY GOODS, CUTLE RY, CIlOCKEllY, GLASS, &c. —ALSO— 3000 yds n^!orfe(l i'arpof s. AV. TILLING HAST ('O. C)ctober28. 4:Uf tion to diet. In view of these fucts, and with much confi dence aiul long experience, I boldly assert that my remedies will materi.-dly b-:.ncfit any case, in any stage; .-ind for the ordinary State of these affections ((uickly effect a cure. Onr l\ivLuife of Dr. Little's Consisting of Tonic Hitters, that are to be ta ken two or three times a d:vy. Antacid at meal times, and Vegetable Pills at night. These medicines will nniterially relieve any one of dysfiepsia or indigestion, to >>e found by T' Sacks Liverpool S.VLT, with our usual i following the directions: and, if they do not in ;iny case the proprietor prescribes them tor, h(5 will refinid the ])rice paid for a package. Many of the strange and mysterious rompli- catims of dise.ase arising from indigestion, in some form, will be cured or greatly improA'cJ by using these remedies for a while. The fac simile of the signatnre of Dr. W. G. Little will be found upon tlie outside wrapper of each (if his Medicines. Sold wholesale and retail, by the Proprietor, his Manufacturing Dejiot, No. 204 Market street, Philadelphia, and Macon, Georgia. To be had also of Jainc*J Cain. P.ockfi.sh; -\. Watson. Floral Cidlege; Tuwnsend & Doug lass. ISennett.Svillr: Dr. P. M. Cohen. Charles ton: C. C. P>arbee, Barclaysville; P. F\ Pescud, llaleigh. S. .L HINSDALE, Agent for F.'iyetteville. CAUflO.V A Draft for .‘SlOOO ;V2, drawn June 18. 1851, by C. T. Il.-iigh & Son on A. Ave- rill & Co, New York. h1 on* day's sight, paya ble to the onler of Noah (Jibson, and endfirsed by him specially to .Snckett, Pielcher x Co., has not reached It.^ dertin^tion. Payment of the s.atiio ha- been slopped, nnd a dnplicate Draft given. All person.' are cantioneil against re ceiving or negotiating the oii)iiri:d Draft. NOAH GIBSON, linghtsv'dle. Atigust 18, 18>1. ll-!}tpd LKSSONS i\Music. ^ LII. Will T.VKETl ■Would respefctftill}' in- • form tlie citizens of F.ayetteville and vi cinity, that he has again commenced giving Les sons on the Piano Forte. He rciurns his thanks for the libcrrd patronage heretofore received, and litimhly sol’tcit? :i co»dii>u:inoe of the Siiine. All )taiu3 shall be tnken for Cue advancenieut fil' hi? ))Upil9. liistmetif'n ah^o given on the GniKar. Ji'Tf" Pianos tuned and repaired in the Lest manoer. h. il. WHITAKER. Angnst 24, ^idtf MINl'.R \L"w:\TER: .T. niNSD vLE is prepared to furaiah hi>T cuHomer^ y;ifh Sr>DA ftr MINERAL WA- TEP, T.ith ft vnriety oi' Syrnps, nil of a i|iiality unsurjinsved, April 21- f,8tf nfTw i,.\w book. 4 DAMS’S Doctrine of E«jnity, the exeellcjit work prescribed by the Snprenie Tonrt of North Carolina for the conrijc of Legul St^i^y- Pricc !i>2 50, for uale bv £, J. HAIL /i SO^ >Vpr:] 13 E. .L HALE .SON Gunn’s Domestic Medicine. FCllTHEI! supply, .iust received. June Dl, 1851. S'l riety of Ploughs and Pbuiirh fixtures, for sale by ‘ J. .S; T.‘ WADDILL. .Ian. 4. 5otf SO^OOO II. I’lILVN.SON & Sox. Julvl. 7Stf NEW BOOKS. HE "U'orks of Alexander Hamilton, 4 yol?.; The Female Jesuit, or the Spy in the Family; The Nightingale, or Jenny Lind Song ster: The Complete Ai^gler, by AValton & Cotton: The Course of Creation, by Jno. Anderson, D D.j Tales from Shak.speare; The Cr3 stal Fonnt. r choice collection of Temperance Songa: Pictorial Shakspeare: A Pastor's Sketches, by Spencer; Tom Hacf(uet and his three M .den Aunts; Mnr- shiill s l>ojk of Oratory, &c. &c. .Tust received. E. J. HALE & SON. June 7, 18-51. Dr. T. 1). IIAIOII, HAS ttiken an Oflice on Hay Street, West of the Hotel Buildiiig3. 185! 4-^f

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