csGEsrseon [V(M. I.] \‘AWVri i:\ WAA\ ?>. C., TI KSDAY MORMXC;, AUCI ST 2G, 1S51 ■r^bradBaBB [NO. KJ.l lM\lN'l'i:i> iiV -I. ]}. NKWiJV. llDWAIil) .i. IIA!-i: it S{).\, Kill iMi:> ANi* i*n()i*i:ii:TOi;s. I’l.i-v' ' T till' Sciiii-\\CokIy (,)usKi:vKit -j; 1 00 if ’■:i; 1 ill :i'lv;UK'': ^1 •">(' it' ]'!\iil (hiniij; tin* ' ..MI' i f I'l- tlu- ; far has .•.;.:ro.l. 1 ■' '■ \\ •■I'klv thi'V iivr.ii N'J On {.cr luimun. if ■ i in ailvaiu'c: if jiaiil 'luviiifr tlio ' • r i.r O'* nftor tin- vo.'.r ' .1, ■ lA Kl’iTISi;\! l'>. rs iusiM tiil for sixty cents ' • , V • iro i',,i- till- tii -ir. aii'l tti'.! ty rents for eadi . '.''iii::: ]>ii’'r.i-at'..m. Vcarl.v a Ivorti'^iMiiciits -• i:.’. . .'iitrai ts. at reasi'i!i-it-"'-. .\>\- av"' re-inesteii t«i state t^ie uuinlu;' uf ; - . - 'i'irv' l. ; i- ihov ^vill be contit i'e'! ti]! ! I’l r;M ^ a^ V-..V ; ... l-i t':v‘ !! liti'is must be i'ns;-jijiiil f?'; .L. m:\v (.oods. .!: n'-.i’u-:-; ;' ■ 1 i .ivf reeeiitly r-tTirne'l :. I lie :i. i.:;\ in^ i.un-liasO't a Ifivpv S f (> r /.• of O O G Si Si, : : -r - I',':;! a v ! ;''ty •!' aT'’ie!i'~ a'~ . V I is \ - I'e !• \l^\vi in -h'-' I >n/ ^ I ’s ir/ r;, ;ii :i '• .- ( ' ....r, f til*:- line!; vxi'eitel. ■•:h are im'v run ish- i; , \.;- •t a t \ tr.-o. i‘i .• ?lter. X liJ-lM.llAST \ ('). ^'or Rent cn Favorable TennSj .4 ‘ l>v I IJ. : \iu!P.: T'] : ■.■ M;.- ‘ I i I; a - I \ lew I :i II 'I ant. a .1 .■}' tl.i' - ; V:l' ! t- ' i’l l! -'I-t. A!s- . •• 1 ; •• i>; II r (ir. . ' rv StfTo. H V i ;i >■1' i (criee. l;: ■ 1 ij. i; l\\] NOTIC i:. A \ 'NO :'.ssucintetl with ni(> Mr. .V. .1. ()'- ilauiiMi, the tiriii-cry. ( i.iiimis^ion ami I-nr;variliii;.X tiusiiioss will hcroarter he omluet- : e.l iiiidi'r the I'irui yf Willkinirs vV. (’(>. K. W. \V1I.!.K1N(JS. rayi'tteviih', N. (^.. Ih-’)1. 14-lia sorrnKKx iiAinioNv. Jl’sr HKt'KlVKD. n new s;tii>ply of th's jpo(>ul;ir r>ook. Auir. KS51. E. J. IIAI.I'. .S: .OX. IVIedical College of the State cf South Carolina. 111' Annual (' nurse of Loctiircs iu this lii- Ji. stituti(^ti will eomuie'.ice on the tirst .M.-u- 'lay in Novemt'ev ricxt. on tlio followiiij^ Kraiich- •\natoniy—hy I’rof. J. I!nT,ili;( (Of.;, >!. ]». Surirery—i>v I’rof. Iv (iI’.l>!>lN(iS. M. I). Ili'ititnil's .-iiiil 1‘raetire of .Medicine—li\ I’rof. S. IILM'.V l>H'KSr..\, M. Ji. l*h\siolo.:v—hv I’u.f. .lAMl'.S M(U LTilll'. M. 1). Mateiia Meliva—l.v I'rofi.-sor lillNHV II. ri!cj'l\ M. l». (t!.,su ir;e-—l.v I’rof. THOS. (J. I’lllt'l.K.VI'. M. 1*. Chomistry—l>v I'r >f. I'. SiH'.l’.Ml!), M. 1>. ('opi])arativf .Viiatoinv—hv I’rofcssvr l.Ol IS .\;.‘v>SlZ. 1*. heinoiivtrator of .\natoinv—1.\ .^T. .H'I,1.\N i:.\vi;m:i,. ,m. i». l>r. I*. •!. ( ,\1.\. riiy-iei.in to the .\!;uine ' 1. •suit :il a I! ! t 'liiiieal I asrnu-ti.r, I.evt ur. s t w ii-e a wcv-k .’U the ot that iv.StitUl.oii. l>r. |-^ r>I'.l,IN l'l.\(i(i, I‘h_\ siciiiii to rht- liouvc, l.>'i-tiires twice 11 wrt k i.ii ilisc.-.ti--;, lieiiu:!i--trati\e iiisiruetiou in ,\ii.ili ine am! Siu-jTi'i'x. :it tin- Ci.ru-'je Hosjiiial. la a l.iit:oil to the lle^ttiar l-eettires of the ('• riOj;e. arr.i!i;:rnu'nt-^ have ^ccn made hciwvcn ii, 'ividual niemt.i!-,'- i.f tlu' I'aeuity a'lil ciii/.eiis ■ •t ('liarU-sloii. with I’r r l.ouis A::as :•> d> li\i-r ;;t thv C..!lf;e. duiiilir tl:e leiiii'.ar ti'llil. a I i l'tii s col i;si; iu i.i.r i i kks. ou •-I!.-;! j .irts ot' ('.'in’^.arativ e .my as may he !ij. li’Mi. ill ai!\i,- meat \\;;h a t'omiiiit- tev a;-pointi-d hy the raiv.lty of tlie Medical I ' lii.’Miv i:. n:o>r. m. i>.. l>>ai) .1 llu‘ I'j.c.ihy, .\u_:u: 1 s.',]. ] wnoLr.sALi: Wa?t'!s ;;:«! S(oi*t‘. L. II. 'viiLU.Ji V.V ('()., / ..J r., fl;../ ./, ',/„/•. !,( I.''' J-I'-i Irj/. mill I ■•,111 (?' liavo lea- •! t^.- ( I'.l Si 'ii.i i!::Trox-s ,'llintT R};T.lBLl!ilDiE\T. IT'.* Miirkct Siltif, ?IOS? 8:. larjrcst and only IL Mjimifaetnrinj’, Wlm'e- sale l'!slat»lishnient in the City. The fiipital and force ennaiied enaliles me nl all tiim s to otfer to Conntry Merchants and lleal- ers ill .'^1!1I!T.. ('(>!.l-.Vr>.', I.INKN .-m.l C >'i'- 1'()\ 1)H.\\VI’HS, fii'eat indiiecments—niire than nsmil i-fl'orts havinj!; hecii mmie to rend‘r the assortment of these articles fiiil and cim- ph-te. 'I'lie Stock on liand is larjie and well as,«orte>l for Men ami 15ov. # .\11 ord'Ts Croiu tlie Country altend^d to with i.nii(.ti;arity and ilesjiatch. ■“ lleiiiemhcr the Name, ami 171) .^EarLfl >»6lrfrl. T. w. nr.TTo.v. .\;;-ust 1.'., IS.'.l. n-vo l'.\lVi;RSITY OF M.\I!YLA.\D. railJl' next Session will liepin on Wcdne.nihiy, S_ the loth day of October, and close 1st .March, 18-V_'. Nath.-in 1\. Smith. M. T>. Hurfiery. Wm. H. A. Aiken, .M. 1>. ( hemist ry and I’liar- iiii’.cy. Samuel Chow, M. D. Therapeutics, .Miiteria •Medica and Hyirieiie. .Iiiseph Hchy. .M. I). Anatoniynnd I’hysloUijry. M ill. I’ower, M. I>. Theory and I’ructice of Medicine. Itiehard H. Thomas. AI. I). Midwifery iind l>:s‘asi's of Women and Children. (icoriie \V. .Miltenbcrjrcr, M. 1). I’athological .Viiatomy. The most arnitle opportunities for the prose- eiition ,d' I'l.ictical Anatoiiiv at a moderate ex- t'liuical Lectures four times a week, by I’ro- fessors Smith aii.l I’ower. in the nahimore In- tirmary: with tlie jirivilejre to daily visits to its w:id . without chaige to the student Ibr the t M'ket. I’ees for the Lectures to I’ractical .\natomv Nld; .Matricuhition -S"); (iuiiduation WlLldA.M K. \. AIKKX, Dean. ICJ>WJ A' a I A) VICU. '• MKDICAL l»F,rAKTMF.NT OF IIAMPDKN SIDXKY (’OLLEGE, l53’fB ViO^ B>, V ftiiirl'‘iith :iniuial cour-^e of Leitures jfi- will coiiimcnce on Monday, the l:!thof Octobcr, l.'^ol, and continue until the tii'st of .Marcii ciisuiii;:. 'I'he commeiicemeut for con ferring dcjiM'Cb will be held aiiout the niid'lleof .M.ireli. K. L. 1!()iian\\x, M. D.. I’rofesHor of Ob- stetiii s, \c. L. \\. Cm.xmi!k.iii..\vnk, .NL i>.. I’rofessor ot Materia .^ledica. \e. .'l.M IMS. M. I>.. I’rofcssiir of Chemi'try. Ciis. !’.;;t.i. M. I).. I’rofes-^or of ."^iir- KQriTV 8.M.K. II.L be sold lit the Cmirt House floor in the Town of Fayetteville, on .M(>nday the tirst day of Septem>»er, :it ll! o'clock ,M.. by Uccrees of the Court of F([uitv, the fol'oW!nr Valuable IIKA L KSTaTF,: — «l.> Af-ro.s of Lainl ni the Xorth Kast side of Cnpe Fear Kiver. in Chatham and Ciini- berland Counties, joinin”; llrazier, l’>nrt, Ste phens lUiil others, known as the ••lliickhorn Lamls.” This huid lies immediately on l>nck- horn Falls, and is vaUinble for water privilejres. Al.so. the iiiten'st, of tho late William Ctilville in and t>) Four LOTS in the Town of .\vei'asb( roufih, upfin a credit of six months, the pure'iaser giving bim.i with approved se curity. Also, one vacant LOT in the Town d Fayette'ille will be sold, upon a credit of six nioiilhs, ujion bond and rood serurity. at the -M.MtKFT HorSE in the Town of Fayetteville, on Wednesday the :>d September, at llio’cloek .M., to-wit: on the South West corner of the .Market Square, knov.n as the -‘I’dake Lot."’ AKCil I) A. T. S.MITII, (,'leik iV .Master, .fuly i!2. is.'d, ti-tspd r .i N.>. .•k.-: • rl. ; .. !■ V. ll.'l.l AM.-^.' I’ITS fn Mrro dic- 'riON AUY; :u fr ir.'A V.ist I-r.-v. .;. iLvLi-: oN. IvON Iv 1' J > ADV ’id Ll’IIib T 1 ri. lI.vI.F. \ ,n,i/ I!:.VO lea- .I ^ t 'rmi'i iv : i o\ .\K'.-is. (':ili;icl.l. I'l . iV ('o.. .V /, A ■ ' ,■ r ■ . .-N ■■ '111. wli'.ch tiii v :;re puttiiii; in i .mj’letc ■ r: r !. r ti..- Ull-'-I.LS.V LM VTCll .\Mt .M;\^ i’.I.iCi INl'.SS. to t,e l iJ».ut tlse _ !h o. .luly. In ca’!i:;;_' thf> attcnfi .n of tin- tr.o’f to the n>w c'.'L'-.-rn. v.e men:i..n the fact that \.e :ui i.'i .f a. >'t c\t- ..'ivc .!fw- 1 '1 . : 1-Mi' i' J F't .i lNhiiient> iu the Cl u’l- try, which mil'- ;;ivc a dcci.;.-l ovi r ; ^'liic;' ia tl is t i- 1' - \ ..\5 ueaici •' l.-u r;-; ;'T Iliair' 1 a.'tHI c 1 |.ric'-. a tV.i; ; a t'. ' i.'li "t' ira.lc a- ■•ie.I ' t'.vtca li il/iaiorc .’u;.! th.c .''"Uth. r;; ;:n I We.'tc.n .M-r. tirni'^. \\v -ire t;. Call partifu!;:" attention to tlie V’atfh ilei ^irtmeiit, whi'di will at all timi ' be >nj p'ied witii a "rcat a.-.^'irtiiient fr.. ii tiieiio.st c'!el.r ''e 1 m:'.nufac''!i‘-rs. aii l k. jit in j' -rli i t ri’.Miiii^i of.ier. '•> i!i;;t jiiirchasi rs m:iy at oin c t ;f ti;'-lil. v i!'; a writt-.-li i. ; 'r:iP'"• tli if tln'V Watch-I/Iakcr and Jeweler, AT Tin; ol.li STANh, Sii/it nf thr Lihj> g 3 \S ri tnriifd iVom the .North with a IarT>‘ fi S a.'soitalent of W.VTi'llF.S, CLOCk.s ,\Mi .1 L\\ l!!.i; which he iIl^ ite-; the I'ul.lic to e.\- :;iiiiiie. .ViuoiijT his .S'lck can b‘ t'oniu!.— • ..■I'l aii't Sil\cr Waichr-; .t' all kiii'N and ].ric:"^: (i -Mand Silvc’- I' .'’. (Jnard. at’. l \ ' -t Chains: (i.il.l, ,'^il\cr, Sr..ii •. aii.l Sti'ol Ki V'.-iiid Sc l^■'; lireast I’iiis aiel liar-Kiii;_s of ail kimi'' and plii'c'; Fin^'T Kiiijis; (iold. Siht r aici .''tc( 1 Sjicciael. S'U^ r an.l CoM Tiiimbles; fno* Ibacelet-;- (ioM an.l .^ilver i’l-iis iiiicl l’ei;eils; tiol 1 I.... I»ets: Cii.M iiii.l .''ii'er l’>elt lliickhv: Card Ca'o: Ciiial Meails: Sleeve Kutton.': line .\ccoj "b ons; .Mu.'ie lloxi-s: tine and coiMiion U a'.kiii^' t'r'ia s; tine and ct.ninioii I’i.'tol.': Silve r : I’ort-Nb IK \ .v; I’m I’lati-l C.iki' Iki'l.etS. la.I ('ai'db rt-cks: I’n:-' llaek-Cam- ril-; .\r,. ,\c. .Mll.nWUV COOliS. s. S.i.'Uf', l.acc, r)i;tti.n>. l>ii;.:h’s. St.-.is, '.i; -. iVe.. ^\.c. I II! Ir. Ik C. 1*. .)(iiiN'i(i>. M. !>., I’rofes-Jor of .Viiatomy an.I I’iiysiohi^y. D. II. TicKK.i:, M. I>., I’rofessor «.>f Theory and l’ra*'tii'c of .Mt 'Iicine. 1',. I’ki h'olas. .\L I)., l>einonstr;;tor of ,\n- atomy. The fin'iiitics t’or A ■ utom'r,il and '//((>(//in struction in this in>titntion and nn.-nrpasseil. 1!X I’L.'. S i;S. --Matriciilatloa I'ce — I’rofcs- ;...Vs' let'' ia”jrve”atv. —1'cn;oustr;itor's fee sslO—(iraluali"!! te»' Till- price ol lliiard. iiii-lnd.iiiir fnt-k li;rht' and -ervants' attcii.l.-uice. i.-i usually or per Etivoiiritij[c yortli Carolitin. TH'^Ill' umlersijrned is niunufactnrinjr, in Fay- etieville. Boot and Shoe Polish, far superior to the ISlarkintr ]uireliasi-il in tlie .Northern cities. 11c intends devotiiiLT his whole time to manufiictiirin;: iinil veiidinir this very su- i perior I’olish. ami culls upon all w ho think it to i the interest of the Southern peojde to become ill' le, lendeiit of Northern manufactures, to give him their aid and patroiiafie. lie is ]>reparecl to show, by oh.iohiff trtnl. to any m,- who will call upon him. the r/./ xd/ic- rh'fi:;/ of his ovi-r all oiin-r jiiili,’lirs or hli:rkw;i now sidd in North Carolina. Call and have your boots and shoes once conijiletely blacked and polished, and be satisfied. This article is offered at a jirice not hijrhor than is usnally charjred for other .iiid inferioi- iualities, and a trial i.- all th.it is asked to .se cure the patroiiajre of tiiO public ;reneially. The ut.'iersifrneil c.xpects to v i.sit every p>r- tion of ti;e .■'tate to introduce his Polish, and a-ks now iii alvanee that .Merchants and others visitinj; Favcttcville will irive him a call. .). WdOUWArvI*. .)un»- 'Jl. I ^ol. 1 -i>m s*2()0 il'\var(l. DRTCiS MKDK’IXHS, Wiiiifi'ir (j/iis!s^ ii:c. 8.\>iri:L .1. lliNSDALi: Mfers for !*ale an extensive assortment of (lOODS, among which arc the fol- lowing: 0[iiuni. Cani)»hor, Castor Oil. .\lcohol. Sul phur, .Vloes, .Slagiiesia, ilhubarb, Morjihine. • iuinine. Cream Tartar, Sal Soda, (.'nstile Soup, Super carb. Sod-.i. Fpsom Salts, S]ion}re, Ijiecac, Sarsa]iMi-ilhi. Kreosote, l>orax, .\rrowroot. Isin glass. tium .Vrabii-, (iiim .Myrrh. Cajisiciim, Lo belia. I'laster*. I.iijuorice, Chloroform, .Jujub I’aste, Copperas, Wliite Lead, Linseed Oil, Train Oil, Whale Oil. Sperm Oil, .Sweet Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Copal Varnish, lA-ather Varnish, .lapaii Varii’ di, Winlo\v (ilass, I’uttv, I’umice Stone, Chrome (ireen. Chrome Yellow. Lampblack, I’atent I’lack, Terra de Sienna, I'mber, Ulaek Lead, Litharge, lleil Lead, I’atent Dryer. Whi ting, French Yellow, Yellow Oehre, Venetian lied. Spanish I’.rown, I’riissian lilue, Sand-pa- ]vev. Starch, Sal F.v-.vtus, Mustard, Spice. Nut megs. I’epper, Hops, Imligo, .Madder, Saltpetre, (linger, (ilue, .Vnnato, Cloven, .Mace. Huniing Fluiil, .\liim. Oxalic Acid, White IJrick. Tripdi. W a^ll llrushes, I’aint l!rusiies. Varnish I’rushes, Scrubbing ditto. Shoe ilo.. Tooth do., Ilair do.. Logw ood, lied Wood, Black Ink, ((poileldoc. ltc., with a general assortment of Medicines: Chemi- eals of all kinds; French ami ICnglish I’ei-fume- ry and Soaps; with a full assortment of all the leadiii;r Patent Medicines now in use. Or.lers from the eountry promptly attended t.i, and goods carefully pac-ked. The Subscriber feels assuretl that he e;iu meet the wishes of the ]>urchaser in regard to quality and price, •I. 111NS1>ALK, Drii.cr^i.st, S. >ctob>r 1 ‘J, 1 S’>i I. Sw. .r- hinics. .rli. til.ir ;itt( iitinu I'.ii'l I.f W'.itclii-s an.l .Ie>'.crry. iiie. N. C.. .111;\ 'J.]. TI. ti 111 . ' c-it.ih'L'ii''. iVi-.. eont;.inin;i fuller inf.irma- I'lK-eriiiiif; the .“'cliool, will l>e fi.rw aideii to ti) the tli..'C i ’_\ ing for it. or ^oecihi eiiiiiiiries will be ;.!:'Wc;i l '’V U tter. .\.i.ln-'S .bn ' S. .M.Vi PiN. M. I'.. lican of the I'M iilty. • hi';, -22. V-st , yimm:ss L(x;s wan ri:i). eWoi l.li ci.ntrai t loi- L'.'id or ;!iri thou-and leet Cypro'S Timber, in to be deliv- Ai and .1. M. iii:\sL!:v .1 as i;irl\- li the w;,ter in the livers will al- >[ Lli rc>- .-i-lfull\ infiiiiii tiie i>i;! li.- ■,;ll.v. tii.it he h i- ictiirn.-d rcc-iit- V' rU. with deeide'llv a lal'.:e a--- wi;i p rm ci.irer? \-ti, h I.f tl t.- U.' tf'^M' iinito \i’u tl A j-, .. i ;. i ll P l\c; |VK, ■. ' I't 1 !M I-,.' .). iiAi.;; prove t all upon ".s T 't I’ur cuy. c ar; Ii ii'ly 1..‘- n i-\.i'.aaia:i .11 of i ur Co.n's ill i.’.at fi:'-y are In ;rer styles i.nd ■ '.a'.e ever eii in tl:i- loar'a-r. liiat n-> '.li irt siv ! be v.at.ring ii..:k«- the :o (U. .iit.iuce uii> ol p. l;.:.,d 1 auii IN'.l I'cl a' : -.d. t : I ...• i.;.a .•f t!;i- 1-: • ■n the La .'M> Thi.i'..- 1 !iey wiil . til!'-'" IM the lia.‘ - .N..rt!l. ii.\;i;-d. .1.Tract I iiiip- i!e ::i I . I tti-v: -r si.a- of ti. - -:il. 1 Feet ol' a!'o contract ; . -■ of I! a.i. beginning :;t •s it is tl'.e in- ■toi> !i. 'I \( ■ i: \K. M.KLTllAX. J'>!iX I). WILLI VMS. ■:,ni't I."'. I'-'-l . 1 L \!U)K!:iJS \\ AN'r!:{). /'>' (»'; . I (;> M >!> labi.i er' :!i e iniiin‘di; te- :V \ ,:.re.l on tlie l'.V\ 1.1 i lA 11.1.1. h;>:ht■^t V. a- c to suit the 11!: • I tie p: -•..•e --I > •;;ilon t' \NK 1U»\1). Tl.i alKl i a \ l;..i be maih- imnie.liateiv to JOLL Wl'.Ll \MS,' .loIlN UAId'lLL. Tiios. II. rNia:iiwiioi». LA\ II) .MeNi.lLL. \ iu. IS, n-;;w .•il-' ’'-lian weeks. 'I'lic .M:i2!s1 rates ol’ Cmnlx’r- . ( iiiinty are notifi- ! to meet at the ’onrt ■ ill l-'a'.etteville. on Tin' lay of September .1:; ne-.f i.f ' Ur C 'liiity Court, ut lli o’clock . :-'V tlii- traiisactoiii i.f puldie bi.siness. c'os'ri .Ml*: rBiiiK a .M I‘,I-.N.rX P.OUIXSOX, Ch’ll, is.'l. 1I--JW o i!\;C!.N(; .\-NI» KOIM',. ri’ coTToN J’.ACdii.NC A.Nlt llOPK have anivc l. Our friends can send in their IS. iiid they shall be supplied. COOK i TAVLOi;. 1 Itf • ir.Cl’JVIiU iind offers for ,-ialc. 7‘> b.igs superior Kin COFFLl], ‘J't barri'ls Codec Sugar, I barrels .Maekercl, Nos. 1, 2 and I..;af and (Iramihited Sugar. —A LSO— A hu-gi- ;i'"iortment of Iron and Nails, Shov- Spa’h-s, ’!’|-ace Chains, Shovels and Tongs, ;>.^ndtlis’ liellows, .Vnvils, \ ises, iluminers, ii.e;, .\ii"ers iiiid Chi.icls, 1'iles, Collins s i rii-t H;, 1 Itf i'O CO r'I'ON PLAN'ri'.KS. PIKCKS COTTOX I5AGGIXO, -oils llop.‘, :_'ii(l lbs. Twine, •lu-.t reccivi-il and for sale i-heap, by I’F.ILR 1*. .JOllNSOX. \t lb, l!tf Jilaitlis ofdH Uliids^ L. II. ^:f!.i.r.;‘v X Ci). s’ rid. t >i!i-ri • . v; '1 iiv Caiilieid. I’.ro. t'li.. !•;, c. r- n- r ‘.f Ch.ii-’i-s I.S; I'altihi.in- st' iinore. •! u:a- I >''i 1. 1 1-^ o i:KFKiii;Ni:s: Wyeth. Lli.i-klo.-k ■■ Co. iiv, \ 11. lleid \ T;..N;i.r. • lanes llodg'-s.s: I'.ri tli.-r, Hurst \ I’erry. ’’iiiidoeh, Iluer ,V !i\ans. .'^tellmaiin .V l!inri-.hs. S.i!i;;>!en iV I ... P.anhlow, Owyn \ Co. Piely Peniii' T. n. ( iisliings X I’lailey. •b.hii .Mui|i!i'.' ' .I. M.iore \ tiritha. :iie3 Sssssibiiit £2 ^ c» ^ n " m m a m A AIJ>, I'l’i'ft ifiif/ (’> ii/i'f Marh'it Sj,llALTIMOlii:. ■ la'-'X“st and bi . t stock of l’L.\I*\- \l»i; I ■ l. >T 111 .N; ev(-r oll'i re.l in Haiti- more. I)re.-. I'r-.ck and Sack CO.V fS, all c-o- lors, nualitic-s and si/.es, from o‘l to n; > .ii» and Ujiv.iirds. P.\.NT.\ LO( >N.S at 1 to -it) and ujiwards. (-mbracing all st\h-s of laiiey, jilain -and plaid Cassimeres. \'KSTS of every variety at corres|ionding jirices. Also, a large assortment >f lioys' ('h.thiiig. Importing our own Cbitlis dii ect from l^urojie. and ni.".nufactiiriiig on the most extensive seale, enables us to offer inducements to jiiirchasers not to tie s'lrpassed iiy any Clothing li.'tabli.-.h- mi nt in the l uited St;;tes. The propi ictors are determined to make the holesale Koouis the point of great attraction, and have now made u[i more than •)I,(MI(( (I.VP.M l,.N 1'.^, from the fiii'-st ipiality to the hiwest in jiriee. In the Custom Deiiartment will always be found the eboieest selection of ’1J>’1'MS, C.\S- Sl.Ml'iPl'iS an.I VFSTlN(iS. which will be made up at the shortest notice, an*] in the latest style, anil a tit always guarantied. j(jLi-';>^-The one price system strictly adhered to. liemember the naiiH! and jilace, Corner Pratt St. and (Jeutrc Market Sp-.u-e. II. 11. COLK .'t C(b August !•>, ISol. I 4 yo ~ PAINTS. LHS, Pure and Xo. 1 W HlTi: LFAD, in Oil. Iniperiul and Paris Green. Spanish Hrown, Siiaiiish Whitinp;. ^Vinter (ii-ci-n, Cliroiiie ^ ellow. Litharze and other varieties of Paints. COOK & JOHNSON. :h 10. Ih-'.l. bUtf ... ly :ri la N s 'rtnieiit ol ll\ttrhes fiitft Jctvvli'n. M'H!'" i f ;li--'e :iT he.-i \ii-;e boiighf I'.r C \Sil l!\ THK P.VC K i I',, and can thcrel .rebe >i.M verv i iw. He has Wati-lio o, .-I'.l kin l>; Cliaiii-;. I\i \ - .i.id i.t ail k'.n.l- ali l ol t|o- hiie.-t , - i iii.’i r-u.ii_'. l.ai-’il.n;_^. Me l.iiii .ns. ot ail ' I'S, I't ill;:.’ il ::: 1 Americ in ni.ihe: L.-i- liii-' CI ; i :,iCuff Pin,': Cnllar and .'-Iccvc P. ;tti :.s; Sliirt Sfel': Ci.M .-Sj i.et:ic’ev. li-lr -.n.l he.i\\; Ooiij I’eti' and I’cneiL'; (ioid aiiil Sii\i-r 'I'liiai'ale': liiaceh’'; .'^ilver I'riiit .-iii 1 P.iitt'-r i^,iv,■^: Silver S. .,f all si.:es; large ’..t of i'l rl^i-t CiitU r;.: .''cis>o: '. ). '>t »ju.ibr\: Pi;tton- liob .•'ci'S I '. Siirvevi.r .' C..mp.i'M-' and Ch iMi': .Math--mat;cal Instruments: large piantity if fi:ie and coiiiiiioii Pi'to','; line and e.imtiion .'in gle and d.iub!i‘-li,irre! liu-i': iam- P-ag': Siiot T'.cii'j.inl Poh-r r’a.'k^; .Military (iomls, in- cliciia..: th'- l!a'> llrum aivi llie snialb-'t Piiitti ii: \ ii.jii. .".ad extra !>. I'iiit -s. Cl.-.rii net-. Fla- j.-eiib-t'^. .\ci-iir.|i-i’iis. of all kinds and sizes: .Mu- ^ii- i;..y.e>: Peri'iimery: .''oap: Lather llrushes: 11 ./Ol ' an 1 S:r,ip-.: l)n ssin^ and Pocket I ombs; Plate.1 aid I'liitaaiiia Ware: and varioi;.- othi-r thiii-. ' t ill tc to enuiiH-rati-. In': Call and give m,- a trial. Cash Jiaid for old (!oM and .'-^ilver. fi-ji"-* W'atciiks anil .Il'WKLKV nt-afly 1’,1-j .liri d. l'\i I/I !li r illr. A. ^— .\ I ii'fli-f Ill'll'!' of MarL'i t SijiKin . PJ-.;m] .1. M. l!i;\SLLV. \V.\N'I'i:!). oiMM) ft. Ashe Li’iiiber foi- Wagons, lA to ;J inehes thii-k. ;’,ti'i‘i ft. Seas.iiieii O ik Lumber. 1 j to inches. lUOlt ft. White Oak and Hickory, for .\\!etrees. liUMift. While Oak for Tongues. Holsters and Shafts. Itlil Post O.ik Hub..;, for Carts am ■JiMli. Si.okes. For whii-h the highest cash pric .\ji]ilv soon to " K. :vL-lv I'.i. I Sol. IW ILL give one hiindrid dollars for the .-ip- | pn heii'^ion tiiid i-onfinement of ,\N HI'.ILSON j and .ir.lIilV in any j.iil so th.it 1 eun get them ' .ig.-iin, oi- titty dollars |oi- eitln-r. 1 will uImi | ;rive .'Sl'l'i for jirmif of any respon.'iMe person's j harboring said ne;^rocs. They ranaway trom j my jilantatioii iu INloi.re eounty on tin- lIHh of j Feb y la.'t. and are tliou;:ht to be lurking about i Iti or 17 miles abov‘ Cartha;.:e on liee\> Uiver. through the edge of .Moore and coiners ot Chat- ; ham and Kaiidoipli counties, .\uih-i .-on is about : llS \cai j old. a I'right mulatto, about •’> feet 7 or | S inche>‘ high, well proportiotu-d: lia ;mi open counTeirtiii-'-, ai^l i.' ijii-.Te ].!aii'il le. It ;s I'e- lieved tliat he will endeavor to pass fora free | man an-1 escape to a tree State, as he had a bri'tiier wliojilaye.l the same game, .lerry is al. lilt Lit yeais old, f> feet :! or 1 inehi's hi:^h. : stout liiiilt: has a ilmvii look, ])..i ticularly wlc-n spoken to, and is rather impudent. Said ne- ^ _ , . , *:roes fornierlv beloii'j:ed to .lohn 11. Hitter, in ' On the River and hourly expected, ,i,e upper en.rof Moore county. | Lll.s, Western I’.U'IJ.N. | .\iiy iufoi-niation must be addressed to the su'xi-iiber at Pocket P. O., Moore countv, N. C. .1. L. i;i:V \N. .\j.ril I'J, l»'’l. *i7tf w \{\vv\yC; i*APi:K. J ^ Kll.VM-'' .^ledilln^ si/e, B ? •;.■> Pdiie, tor Cotton Yarns. Frotn M.’.nteii Paper ^^il!s. llab-ij:h. F"r 'ale h.u . l ei'on.' who can liirnish ■•ucli 1 :inb»-r in any nua.iitltv will iib-r.-ie ci.rre']>on.l with the siib- '1-.r'tl Wilmington, anl h-:irn part^ as carl\ a.' practicalilc diirinir the prefen. i.o.nth. H. w. o;i:;‘.s. A\ iiii.iii;; ti'ii. -Viiir. •'>. l^il. ll-.i.v hog joiin.l. iMMI lb>;. pi inie Lard. ■Jii barrel' Mi-'s Pork. In -- Pl’iliie do. r. -• .Me.'S lici'l. ■J dii/en Porcel.iin Kettles, a-*' .rti-.l ■ r I'rc'crviiiLr. II. i:i:.\NsoN SON 1. iitf .Xu- M \c’Ki:ki:l i isii. r AllTF.H p.bls. No. 1. Half b'.ls. \.i. J lili’s. and Half bills. No. ;J. Hoiirly ex pected l>v H. P.UANSON i\ SON. An-. 7. l.^-M. lltf hiW bv .luh 11. P.P.ANSON .V .SON. ;:tf iv.‘cM p(M* Stfsimor and for snio, Pd’>LS. ('rushed and liefined .Sl’GAIl. I chest tine Hyson Te.-i, casks best London Porter, ].int bot'ls. -I cases .xiiperior old Port Wine, 1 Cask .Madeira Wine. A hlids. Cuba Mol.'isses. SAM L W. TILLINGHAST .V (’(). .1 line 1^0, 1 S')l. II tt ,11 sr in:ci:iVKi). P>.\(i.S Piio and Laiiiira COFI-’l'r.. -1 hhds. Cuba srcAi;. 10 bb'.s. Crushed and Iletined Sugav. l.> bills, and half-bbls. IJutter Crackers. • lioxes Collins \ Cu':s Hartford .Vxes. L’O boxes Ste:im Pietined Candy. With a vfiriety of other (looi's to eoiiijdete our assorlmciit. S. W. TILLlNtillAST \ CO. Feb'y 111, 1S.-,1. .'..'stf 4(i!()I) STtICK on hand; and I shall re ceive regularly, from .Messrs. .L .loiu-s \ ('.I S Factorv. qualities assorted t rom common to verv fun-, vbich 1 will sell ut lowest manufae- tui in-.: prices. .7. UTLKV. Fayetteville. Apiil ISol. biitf NO'TK’!".—All Accounts duo the Merchants’ Steamboat C..iupaiiy, fi.r Freii;hts up to tl.e l-'.t!i i:;st., must be promptly jiaid to the undersigned, a' mu.'h time eannot be given to ihe coITcctioii of the same. .1. ..X T. W.VHlilLL, Iat*,‘ Agents. Fayetteville. .Jan. ‘J7, ISol. .a'itf W AN ri:i) 'VO !U)UR()\V, ^ y jo S F tioi.d security given. In terest annually or semi-annually. .\ Ivirt's.' letter to .\. ]>., iind leave at t;i;s t- lice, •IIIlie •)••. l.^-'l. I ■'^-tt IN1'()mi A'ri(> N \\ A N'l'\\D. aF the heirs of P.I LLAUD M ASSKY will ap- ]ilv to ilie Postiiiastei' at Fayctieville. X- they may learn someihiiig to their advantage, .'■^aid Massey .lied iu the S.iutii in the Fall of 1SI7: said he was from N’.irili Carolina; sjioke of a sister I.otty, or Charlotte; and of his having bci-ii in the Florida war. •Inlv Ji;, I'^-M. S-tf FOR SAlJw Af fill inirt'stf Mil/’kit I’i'iCisif HHDS. New Crop .MOLASSlk'^. I JOU sucks S.M/i’, r»(iliO )>ui?hels Alum Salt. iKMiO lb?. Cotton Yarn. t>snn^'urgs and IJrown S'i'-etings. With a general stock of artii-les in the (imcery line. .»X(b l>. WlLLVAMif. Fayetteville. Feb. I 'l. m:\v liooKs. F, TOCi^il'KV ILLK S .Vmerican In.'titution.-i with notes by the Hon. J. C. Sj)encer, {■ublished for the use of .Schoids, &c. 1/Ord Hol land's F(>reign lleminiscence.''. .Jane tJouverie, or Prosjierity and .\dver.'^ity, by Miss Sinclair, author of Modern .\ccoinplisliment.-«, vS;c. K. .1. HALE SOX, April 1. ~ WAN'rKI), fJO()l) n.\Nl)S, ut 7-') ets. per day, on the Southern Plank lioad. .Steady enijdoynient and cash payment weekly, if I’t— ipiired. Apply *'./ I). M. I’.ni:. At the Steam Mill, nr tif A, A. McKllTHAN. Jiiiio •J.'J. 1S-')1. Fayetteville. WAN J’i:i), rg'lin-: I.aw part of Xo. 1 Jiev. P.attle’s R'’- -H- ports, and the l.ist of Cases in 1st Dev Kiiuity, 'I’he subscribers will ]>ay n reasonable yirlef; for any odd Nos, of Iicjiorts previous to Iredell r* bth Law and od Fi(uitv. ■ K. .1. HALI-: SON,^ H)l{ S.\1,K, U.\l. UIIWL.VNI.'.,^ Dtlrii Ilii«-k :\li!l .■^0 and Cross-cut .SA\^ .'-'. • and *1^ feet, 1). W. McL.vf uiN. Xov. I'J, LS.')0. -tr.tf 8AI J:M FAPKU-MILF.. rf'iHK subseriber has taken charge of this oM J- and well known Establishineut, and is pre- I i>areil to attend to all (irders for 1 I’rintin^ I^ipor. Morcluints' and I Factory \Viaj)[)in^, &:r. ! The Mill has recently been thoroughly refitteil I with new tuachinery, and the subscriber believed I he eaii fin-nish Paper of as go.ad quality and at j as eheap prices a.s can be purchased any where, Xorth or South. CHAHLES K. SHOUFR. .Salem. .June 7, 18C>1. 77tf ■U'sr Fl.MSIIKI), KJIIT Ni:w ]u ;:u:s. Also, two secoml lA hand. F(ir sale bv ‘a. a. McKETTfAX. 74-tf .Tune ‘J, 1 S.'il. DAVIS'S 5"! I >11 sale bv Aiiril :.'1. PAIN-KILFFU. SAM L .J. HINSDALE. bstf T)()Mi:s'riC’s. flT’l'Ln lliv-.-r Osnaberg.«, 7-S and 4-t J .Sliectings .*'ways oh hand, ,ind for sale at; Faetorv jiriccs, bv • STARII ..t WILLIA>dS. .Juno 7, 1S.')1. 75-tf J KING and A. Mc.MILl^.VX have entore l ESopo and Tvviiir. LL iiual'tic' for >.ile Iiv 11. P.UAN.SON \ SON. r. is.-.i. iitt d \\'agons. w ill be paid. FI LLEi:. 7J-tf w AN'ri:i), A GOOD Pody .M.iker at the Carriage biisi- ness. (i.oil wages and steady -iiiploy- mcnt given. Mav I'tl. A. A. .McKETH.VN. 7;’.-tf l'Ki:sH 'FFAS. .-^XTliA FINE HY.SON. Do do Imperial, Do d.i (iiinpowder. Do do ((olong, and Young Hyson TE.X.S, of siipi rior (p.iality. _A LS( »— An- ~ I FKNIP si:fi). B^'^N'ILL''H White Duti-h, l.irge English Xor- , Is J tolk, P.uta P.aga Turnip Seed, received tu- , dav an l for sale by S. .T. HIXSDALE. .\ugust L lll-tf JFS'[' KKCi:i\Fl). fH'^HF, Subscriber, .\gcnt of .1. Woltering. has iL just received J> of P.uck's Patent Cook ing .S To V E . saWl by judges to be the best Conking Stove now in use. .V. M. C.\MP1?ELL. .luly ISol. '.i-(jm FAI.L cV WLN ri:u (iOODS. ■H E are now receiving our F' .\ L L .V N D V¥ W 1 N T E 11 GOODS, consisting of a verv general and well selected Stock, l\ AM. jJAKS, ^Vhich we are oti’eriiig on onr usual terms. All sorts of Produc(‘ purehased; and we attend as usual to the FOU W'.\ It D1 NG !’>• Sl- XESS. .1. \ T. W ADDILL, Hay st. Fayetteville, Xov. 47tf JAlPOin'AN'r IXVFNTIOX. Subscriber having bought the i-ight for M_ this county, of Waitiuau Davis's P.A'I’ENT SELF-.SET'i'EU for Saw .Mills, gives notiei- that he is now prepiii-ed to manufacture and put iu siu-eessful operation this machine. He claims the following advantages over the old moifc of .Saw ing; First—(ine hand i-aii teinl the mill and saw as much liimbv-r iu one dav as two hands can ae- 1S.')1. vV: COMrANVS Patciii liu|)n)V(‘d I'lcsli (Cloves and Striips. For producing a healthy state of the sy-tem b I'rictii'ii. |1 II E great value of the HOllSE-!I1 Iv It E- | VVV* I M H ^ S N'(>\ .VToK as a theraiK-utic agent, when i ^ ‘ ^ . apiilied to the human bodv. is well known to; IIII.LN H.\L.MoNA; (lillespie on l.oaii.s, cverv one who has pahl tile least attention to ^ P.eligion of Geolugy: .Matt:.-on s Astr .nomy. the importance of a hcalthv action of the Skin. , Ibdwi-r s new Play; '1 aylor s Medical .Inn.spru- For sale bv S. .1. HINSD.\LE. d.-nce; Little .'ic nrowii s Lnglish Leiiorts. \ ols. Oct 1 is.'iO. :’i'.itf I 1 and LeaiHng Cases in Enuity; Combe's Phi- r ('hocolate. Harley, .'^alad Oil, Mustard, Yeast , complish. Powders, ilc. April 21. For sale tiv SAM E .1. HINSDALE. t'.8tf SmcoiuI—l?y a peoiiliar an-angoinent of the j dogs, it will saw oiie-fifth more lumber from the I same stock. j Third—The Mill is not stopped until the log I is .sawed up. .Vfter the log is once dogged, the I dogs are not moved, and the lumber is ot one One of' these machines can Starr, one door west of Messrs'! u'. Hrans m .V: i be seen in oper.-itiou at Mr McLauehlin’s -Mill Son. where tlu'y have just received additions to j in this town, who j^ives it the toUowiug lectuu- .no’|'k:k. ^TAKPv it WILLI.\.MS have removed to the .Store reeeiitly occupied by Mr. .John D. I nnitoi-in thickness. the .spring piin-liases of .Stajde and Fancy Dll^ (iOOD.S, Country merchants are reijuested to examine our st>ck. J. 15. STAKK. J. M. WILLIAM.-^. .June 7, 18-)1. 7o-tf .\Ia H II.WI'^ jnst received from Xew York, my a FALL .\nD W I XT Ell Stock of (iioods, ' Consisting of a general assortment of Dry Hoods, tlroceries. Hiinhvare. ( iillcry, *Vf. ' I will barter for TUllPEX'iTXE, or any Itoth of fhe I>esl i(Uarity, constantly on baud , kind of Produce. lii(iiihtr rinid and (Utiujtliinc. IJBL'HNINC, FLUID at 80 cents j'cr gallon. MM C-unphiii.e at HO *• “ “ inendation. II. G. H.VLL, Fayetteville Foundry. titr'tT" A Mode! can l>c seen at the F'uyctteville Fi'undrv. Mai\-h 18-'.l. Fayetteville, .March 11, 18-»1. 1 hcri'by certify that 1 have une of W. i>avis s imjiroveiiients on Saw -Mills in use on my mill, and so well convinced am I of its utility, that ini i.j duly authorised to make sale of the same, niv ojiinioii it rei[uires only to l>c introduced to ■ TIlOS. .1. CLllTLS be pul in gtmeral use by mill ovMiers. I there- j }.'nvetteville, X. Sept. 1, 184 ). 70ti' fore cheerfiillv rccomniond its use to all Saw \v.\N'n:i), B'^Ol'U large sized good .Ml LE.s, wtdl br.ike to the wagon, and not exeeedins seven years of age. .\]’i>ly to D. .V W. Mcl.anrin, Fayetteville, or to the siili.'eriber at Slicksville. 1 ;’> miles aliove F.iyetteville, on the east side of ajie I'ear river. X. K. McDl FFIE. .July 18, 1.s.'. 1. )-tf st\u.ns:BS vMjoTstM.v^iT E have received our new .stuck ot .si .M- .MEH C L O I'11 1 N G—Coats, Sacks, Pants, and Vests. _ 2’) liag.s llIO COFFEE, 111 boxes Fancy Candie.-^, •J hhds. Cuba Sugar, Xails. Hollinv-NVare, Porcelain Keltle.*. I’aint and Garnish I'rushes, »^e. SAM L W. TILLIXGIIAST \ CO. .\pril 1. 18'.1. ‘i-jtf 1(M),(KU) Acrc's X'aluahlo T 1 M l’> K U I. A X 1) S FOIl SALE. rniHE SHbsoriber lia- yurehased all the Lands .fl. beliiiiging to the Estate of .Vbraiii Didviis. dee’d, l.ving priiu-ip?illy in l!obe>.in eouuly. nad on both sides of Lumber Kiver, different sur- ; veys cont;ti!iing ; Over 100,000 Acres; A lar-'C ]>art finely Timbered, and eonvenii-nt to I Lumber Uiver, wiieie a large iuantity of Tim- : b(-r is now rafted to the Georgetown market. ; Tkeiie Lsnds are very valuuble both for the i Timber and Turpenthie, for which purpo.sc a ! lar"-e i>art is well suited, >ieing in a regio»i I where the Turpentine yields more aliundautly I than any other section of the Stiite. The Lands will be sold at a low price, and in (luaiitiiit's to suit purchasers. Information resjiocting the title can be tained J»y ap]>lyiug to the Hon. Ivobert Strange, Hon. .las. C. liobbin, or A. A. T, Smith, E.mj,, (Attorneys at Lav\',) I understand there arc many trespassers on these Lands, to .‘ill of wluuu notice is hereby given, that the law will be erd'orceil aguinst all such offend'rs. Apjilication for any pa't of the Tiands can be ade to mvielf. or to .John Winslow, Esq., who iology; Smith's .\iithmctii-, t'i:c. Xc. Just received bv .Julv 12.'^. E. .'j. HALE \ SON. hhds. sweet .Moi,A.'-;SES. £>>) Sacks Liverpool SALT, \>ith our usual Stock of H >CElw E.S. .1. .V T. WADIMLL. .July :^1, IS.'.l. f.tf , V" good sujiply of Williams's Ileelified Itye Whiskey . ••• I'. • Ni:i;ii()i':s WAN^n:!). ^ .\SH paid for likely young Xo^roos, if ap- V ' plic.iti.iu is made so.ui. J. \ T. W.VDDILL. Sept. Db ls.")i). -Iitt Iredell’s Law Reports, Vol. 11. E I .S r published, for sale bv q9 i:. •). HALE :ON. •lune'•>. U:.'.l. _ 7 j TE’S II E Subseribers are now receiving h pov- Sl tion of their SECOXD IMPORTATION of (J(K)Ii.S this .'■'Casoii,—-DH^ G)(.>DS, (,'LTLE- KY, CHOCKEl’A', (;LASS, .S:c. —ALSO— Turj'ontine, and have erected a Still on the West side of the Fayetteville and Western Pl.ink Hoad, 8 miles from Favetieville. X. I^IXG. .Mayi._71tf A. Mel'IlLLAN, ^ L wish to bn v ijti.OlXl barrels Tnnx'ntinp, V # ■ KLNC .V .Mc.MlLLAN. A C! P.E FOP. DYSPEPTICS'. Very few oases of Dyspepsia, it is known, have been cnri-d by the use of one remedy.— Medical men have long ’neen aware of the fact, that it rei|Uires the joint ,'iction of several med icines skilfully co.iiliinrd tu cure it, v^ith atteu- I tion to diet. I In view of these f:'C(=>. and with ni'ach ef.iitl- j ih-nce an.l long experience, 1 Ixddly asi’ert th:it I my reiui-ilies wiil materially benefit any case, ' in any st.i'j'e; and for the or.iiuary state of these aiiections iiuic'Kly eS'ect a eure. ; (Jilf (>t Ih'. s Djt-l'ii£tii(' I Mn'iCiuC, I Cons!>tin;.' of Tonic Hitters, that arc to be t.a- ken two or three tiiues a day. Antacid at meal j tiinei?, and \'eget»b!e Pills at night. ; These nu-dieiiies will tiiaterially relieve any ^ one of dyspepr'la or indigestion, to be found by following the direetioiis; and, if they do not in any ease the propriet..r pre.scrit.es them lor, he I wi'il reliind tlu- ju'li t- paid for a packKge. I .Many of the strange and inystcriou.«i compli . cations of flisc-ase .n-isiiig Irr.m indigestion, in . some form, uili be cured or ;:re.itly improved 1 liy using these remedies for a while. ! 'I'he fac-siniile of tlie sig’iature of T)r. W. G- Little will be f.iund upon the outside wrapper of eac'ii of his Med'iciues. SoM wholesale amVretail, by the Troprietor, at his .M.-inufacturing liepot, Xo. -bI Market street, Pliilailelphia, and .Macon, Georgiiu To be hail also of .James (^uh. Ilockfish; \. W Mt.son. Floral Ct.llege; 'I'ow tisend iV iJoug- la.'S, Heiinett-svillc; Dr. P, M. Cohen, Chtirles- ton; C. C, 15arbcc, P.arclaysville; 1*. F. Pescud, Haleigh. S. .1. IIINSD.MJ-’, .\ger>t for Fayettf*ville. CAUTION!' 1 A Draft Tor .‘•>1000 52, drawn [ .Tune 18, 18.M, l:-v T. Haigli .v Son on A. Ave- rill & Co, Xew York, at one day's sight, paya- :SOOO \ls. aswortcel Cari»i‘iiiS'..: cudorse.1 'I’l T I I viMi KT K- i-n ; bv him specially to Sai kett, Hell her ik Co., haa ‘ V.,r j not reached it.^ de tination. Payment of the Oi'tober . •' same has be-n stojiped, and a dupdicatc IJraf't Gunn’s Domestic Medkine. A FL UTlir.U supply, jiiaf received. ^ E. .1. HALE SOX .June 1'), 18')1. ^TH.\W crTTl'.lvS, Corn Shellers. and a va. riety of Ploughs and Plough fixtures, fo sale >.v JlkK. I. .i. T. WADDILL .j-'ltf Jr.lv 1. LPiS. HAtiS WANTED, liv H. P.UAXSOX .’v; SoX. 78tf and for sale J>y S. J. HINSDALE. 0-. 2i\ ih:j. X. JvlXG, 10 miles Xorth of Fiiyettevllle. Mill owners who would regard their own inte- | ■»] j)J Si' HYMN'S AND | .u»-nD.N..i,.vu,u.LN. - dISCII’I.IMCS.' i I.ilisood ( sale by NFAV HOOKS. fHlllE Tv'orks oi’Alexander Hamilton, 4 vol-.; H. The Female .Jesuft, or the Spy in the Family; The Xightingale, or .Jenny Litid .Song ster; The Complete .\nglei', by alton iSc Cottoir. The Course of ('reation, by .Ino. Anderrwin. T»lb: Tales from Shakspeare; The (,'ry.«it.il Fount, r choice collection of Temperance Songs: Pictorial Shakspeare; A Pastor's Sketches, Ity' -spencer; Toni Kaeiiiiet nnd his three Maiden Aunts: Mar shall's Hook of Oratory, ic. »S:c. .Just received. E. J. HALE i: SOX. June 7, 1851. stopped, ami a dupdicate given, . All ]>ersons n.‘e cautioned a{iainst re ceiving or negotiating the original Draft. NOAH GIUSOX. P.rightsville, Angust 18, l.’^-'il. 14-otpd LKSSONS IN MUSfC. fit. WI11T.\KER H'onld respe'tfiilly in- J • form tTie citizens of Fayetteville and vi- ciiiiiy, that he has again comnienced giving Les son' on the Piano Forte. 3Ie returns his th.-inkii' fi r tiie liberal jiatroiiMge heretofore received, arid hnnihly iHilicits a «T,ntinuance of the same. AH pains .«hall bo taken for the advanceineiit of lli-* pnpil;^. Instruction also gi> en on the Gnita**. Pianos tuncil and repaired in the best manner. L- n. WHITAKER. •Vitgnst 24, 18.")0. o4tf MiNKKAI/ WATER. J. HIXSDALE is prepared to furnish hi.T cii.itonier? with Sf'DA or MIXEHAL WA- rEn, with a variety of Syrup.s. all of ;t ijuality unsiirpaR.;c(L April 21. ftStl' S. I.iiisood Oil and Wiiito Lead, SA.M’L J. illXSDALL. UST received, a new sujiply, all sizes, plain and gilt. E. J. ll.'.LE & feOX. NF.W LAW P,OOK. ! A DAMS’,^ Doctvine of E(|uity, the exc**lleni ~ ~ j work prescribed bv' the .Supreme Court of O I*. ^1' • M » 11 iV I 13 y I Xorth C'.irolina for the course of Legal Study.- jri AS taken an OHice on Jlay Street, West I Price $2 GO, for sale l>y M ■ of the Hotel I'uilding'- j I'ALL oi July 11, IJj... lu

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