SS E M 1-W E E It t, Y. [Vol.. I.] 1 AYl'.TTEVILLK, X. C„ TIIURSD.VY .VFTERNOON, AL'Gt ST -.>8, 1851 [.NO. irj. I'lll.NTKI'. I!V -r If. .NKWlfV. I'DW.Mil) J. II.VLK & SOX, i;i*rnii!s ami I’Koi’itiKTint.'^. |]’i ice t'..r tlii-SiMiii-U I'vkly Ohskuvkk nI if ill ii'lvmu'c; t •'»(* if puiil diiriiii: the M'.'T if ur .iftur tin.' yi'tir h:l^ I' .r tlie \N\‘okI_v Kii (Ht j>er niiniim. if 1' ill ill julviiiiCf: •'iiJ •3i> if |>niJ during the i':ir of si>li^v.Tiiitioii: >r a*'^er the year a I' '•\i>ir>' l. \ 1>\'niTl.'^KM KNTS in.ertcil forsiNtv cents :: '.11.1 re li>r the tiist. aii'l ttiirty eeiits for e.'ieh .-e iiiiL: I'ulilieatinii. Yearly aherti.oenieiit;* fi lilt met.s. at reaniialile rate.-*. A'l- are rnjuesteil t> state the nuniVier of jhn-' rti'i!:' 'loiri'il. nr they will lie colitiiiiieil till lit il. :iii'i I'liarireil aeeortlinjrly. l.etters to the IMitors iiinst bo |iost-j>aiil. H. & E. J. LILLY ^ r, r M'lw reeciviiii their F.(lf S if *l#»- tf ’ tm '.iiii|iri.'iiiji imieh the l:irir- ( ■.' 't i-k they have ever ort'ereil. In their stoek i: . \ ' i‘ li .iiikI s!'\ri.K AND F\N(’Y DKY (lOODS. ’ I. Si'k an 1 Fnr Hat.-;; \Vool ilitto; Tai'S; I ■■ ' v> - r>. iiiiet.; V.-irn': Sheetiiifrs.—anl in ■ ii't lu- lil; every artiele visually kept l>y us. — Al.S(t— ■X’.iiiit ji;iir 1{0( >TS ik SllOKS. t*.;- I’urt ii'M v> N\ill jileuso call ainl exaiiiine. .\ii,un't 1’.:. I,Itl-’Jm '^riu' iiiulorsigiK'd linvo oiitorrd into copartnership, under the natne !in>l stvlc of H.VLl. \ ^J.VCKKTT. for the luirpose uf (k>injr il Dry (iooilfi .•111'! llarihvare IJusiness. ;inil h;ive t.-ikeii the More o ilours l-.ast of the Fayetteville Hulel. J. li. ||.\1,'l. A. K. IIAI.I.. T. M. S.V( KKTT. August 20, 18-51. It'itf ^ F. are now receiving a l.-irge and well se lected .'Stock of DSiV ('oinprisiiig every .article usually kei>t in that line, together with ir)0 IJoots and SIkx's. and Capw. —Ai.SO- .V well selected S'tock of To all ot which we invite the attention of Mi-r- of tlie interior, who will tind it to their interest to examine vvur f«.t«n-k before nniking their purchases. W e will not he under-;old hy any one doing liusiiiess in this place. HALL \ .>A('KF,TT. August l!-'). 1S->1. xoruK. ‘'I'ichniond Manufacturing (.'onipanv" I’Olf >\LK. 9^ riK'i;s }■> inch iMindee I'.agging. ^^3 t'l li;iii s (iunny ilo. 7-'> et>i!s Knle 15o])o. • ill l)llls .\o. .’I ,M ;icicrol. ■ 'ust received ;:lid s;ile I'V H.VV \ I’kAUrK. . l'i-4t : is \ c’liAXcK, ";,u' r -.nd Turpi'ntiiie nii ii. .\>i we ■ ■ t> iriij 've .'^•lUth wi'st. \ve nfl'er for ‘ .'' rn or l-’i.urteeii Hundrot Aitcs ’ • d I.\N1>- -nine liunlr*'d acres i'ur's’.Kf r'lad. from three to five 1' , -,ti \;”c; tive hundred on tin* ■ ■ I. .i!v-:it tl.p .'>.iine di'taiice from : . iM.'.ir 'Vfnieiits nn h'lth places. Tin* I I' vsi'il he S'.'.d low. ; - r partirtila: s. a)ijdy either to S. . in KayetievV I-. oi‘McPherson, on ■'.1- I'itf nist to sni>erintcnd their ('oit.m .Mills. To such as lan come well reconinirnded, f.tir Wages ni.iy he olitained, and a liealthtnl and permaneiil location secv\red. Address the snlix rilier. W . K.^K. Tiv^ t 15. M. t o. HockiiiglKini. Uiclniiond conntv, N. i .\iigust 1{. is.-.i. ■ , !ir;r TONS JiiliRT INTIBLIMI.MLM'. 1 (!* Mirl,-rt Sfri f, KAi/nnoKi:. g'llK hnjc"^t and only S \lanutacturiiiir " hole- •:i!e l>tahli>hiiient i:i the ity. The :ind e iigaged en.ihlc'; me at all tii.ivs I.. o..«.i . focnirv .Mi-r. liants an>l I'eul- ers in ,ilii:T.'^. fuLL.\i;.-. Ll.NL.N and ( oT- TnN 1 »|{.\W F.II.''. j;ieat iiidiiri’nicnt'—molt’ nsu:'l ctfi.rt' h:i\ing ln-cn iii::.lo to ren Icr the .-i.'s. rtment of these .trticles *>1:! and cnin- jilcte. The .tiM-k nil hand is large and v^ell a"oited f(.'r .Men :ind Ihiys. ' .Vll orders trom the Ccnnilry attended to with punctu.-ility and ch-^patch. ' lleiiicmher the Name, :ind 179 .?lai*k*l T. W. lU’TTo.V. Augu't I 'l. IS-jl. 1 l-\op 1 I vi:\\ liooKs. ! Id.’ S i j-i.dne f.,r .\ugiist; Interiia- li ; \lcfinti'vv's lUvnh-r-;: llark- n:_I;iui: .''■mlhern tirst t'la." IJook: il ..i.’; .''heridan's Dr.-imatic Works; ... nii-nt'' t'l'ritirisni: .''iuith'.'» tirt I’lO-k ' : .I'liies' ri']diV. .lu't rec'd. J'. .1. il.VLi: \ s»N. .\j>ri i:. ♦ 11. ; :>•.l)^ in .irlil to the l:itc firm of iil- . .» ■ A W ri;rlit are 'isfi-nned th.-it their .t .II I"'.!:.!' . re in iny hands tor coHcc- ^ 1 II. :.;i I t’lat unh s- ]i:iynn-nt is ma.h’ hy the “ 'i .'. .,:i' ill S' pter.i^cr. tln'^r not.'s and ac- , •' -..I'i >..• pLii-i'-l iu t!i- of an otli.’cr ■ ; .r i-.i If. ij..;], ■ • V. .M. t'il’lIF.LL, ll.iy -trei-t. ] 11-V I.I..I- '■! L. •ilovrr':-.lewelr;. .''.•'irt‘. ! \ -U't'f _'l. i "■■»]. i‘'.-:;t i 1 l>r. 3’S rc is ;^ T5 f h' ('iniS'.-. }'ii r> nfdti n , ilinf ‘f 1 ( 'III ■•'H m j>! Km . I ►! 7^ KNT.''. }:rt this work: it—teach; .ft voiir fliiMren its pr.-c>-|.ts. It i- a ]n-r- j 1‘’iti' preserver to (diildieii and youths, (ter . tlie ' k; r' li.j it. pi;i-tice it. and live long. I ' o .'.:y. iroiii my own e.\pT'.. ii. e. il i,.~ wortli ; •- in M t.i liia.'iy i;ivalid>. I’aper ■ !'•' : iiiiLr, oil cent.': Xlu.slin. 7’> ce;:rs. j ' I ii\ 11. Alexander, near Wilmington: | !' . 'i l'. ilmiigi.'t ;nid t 'hemist. Market ■ .’rcet. 1 ' _toii. N. an.I Fitch, 7it7 Hiijad- j . New V'.rk. 11. ALr.XA.NDKH. Agent. j .\'1. i-r JJ. IS.',]. lt;-:;t I i \I,L \ >i) WIM'llU 00 i>r4. *’f!''!i!. .''ii'i'iii'iers have received in part, and - 1 ' ] i-e! t.i h.ive in .''tore in .-i fcvvdavs. ’ r eiilir.' St. ck of *'/a It ami i'c/irij Drij (torxls. .Viiiung thir- St.'ek will hi- found ;ill the late va- r;eii( « of l.adies' and leiitlenien's llre.s.s (Jood.s. 1 he l.-irg*‘f portion of their Stock hecn laid ill ! .r tlie Wholesale 'I'ri^k'. in wiii(di line the Mi.|er-i;.i!ied 'hi not intend to he und-rsoid. • '..nntry .Merch.ints will tind it to iheir inter est to e\;iniine tliis .''took liefore making their lu-.-h---. t^TAUU .S: WILLI.VMS. .\llgust ‘JO, iS’il. I'ltf li \( ON AXI) I'OIiK'. n I .\T1 Ki: otters for sale I 1‘‘ hhds. liacon Sides, 1:; hh.Is. IJricon Shoulders, I hhd. do. Hams, IH hhis. New .^ I’ork. —A LS( )— 1 tiercc Clean lUce, ') half hhl.s. No. 1 .Mackerel, l'» half ho.xei liaisiiicj. Lil.e'ty Point, August ’ifi, IHol. ICi-tf WANTED. fBlilL Snhseriher wishes to .3^>0.*00 ■ Ihs. ll.\(;.'. tor which the highest cash prices will he pai.l on delivery in Favett'jvillc. j>.\v!D .\ii r.:*iiv. IJocktisli, (’iiniherlaiid. ,\u''. 'JO, l.>-i;ni .Mt'dinil of Yulo rolle*;^ m:w n.vVFN, roNNi-cTK'rT. ^■^11 L course of Lcctures conmieiue.s aunual- ■ !v on the last Thurslay of Scptenilii'r, and mil - sixteen weeks. I'Mi.N Si v.\, M. 1). LL. I>. oiiChemis- .II I l’li:irm.icy. I i.i Ivi s, M. L). on the Theory ani] I’ractice ■lo\\iii\N Kmcmt, M. 1). on the I’rinciples •■"’ I I’r.e riee of ,Siirgt‘rv. Ii'ioinv I’. I’lKKUs, !m. I), on Ohstctrics. ^ ‘ iiMiiKs ilooKKu, M. 1). on .Vnatomy and lli.NKV rtitoxso.N, M. I), oil Materia Medica 111 1 'I'lieiMpeuticS. Lecture fees, .">(1; Ma.triculution, >i.3: (iridtiation, .'jil.5. ’l>M!Li;.S llOOKtll. Dean. -New lluvuu, An-ubt J, Ifciol. KJ-Otpd •^'etv Spring' tmd Sinitmer or I I. ?(’. TlloM.'(iN i.i iKiw receiving a splendid • assortment of .'^L .MMFI! Il.\'l'.'' forden- tleini'n Vouths. ISoys. jmil infants, to-wit: — I’anama, M.-iricaiho, I’edale and Leghorn, with a general .issortinent of I’alni-leaf. —also— .\ variety of (ientlemen's Dress IL-its. to-wit: lIiMver. Nutria, .Moleskin, Silk ami .\ngol.-i. of the late.'t styh's; with an assortment of otlii'r stvles usually found in this niai ket. .\!>o, C.M’.'' in ahiindance. of diltcrent styles am! pi ices.—all of wiin-li will Ilf Sold j>, -:-r' Chk vi’ lor (’ vsii. —also— .\n assortment «d' lenth'men's. I.adics’, Misses’. Youths'. !!oys" anil (’hildrnirs 11(M)T.S iV SH()L.S, which will lie otfcred on lihcral terms for the lien ly ’asli. {JVf' riease call ;;iid satisfy yourselve.s ^lefore piiii-liabiiig elsi'where. •L (’. THO.MSON. South-west corner .Market .Siiuiire. March 11’, l.'''»l. t;;!-tf W I!(>Li:sALi: Walfli and Jewrlry ^torr. L. II. vV ('().. liiijt'irit rs, .\InIII!t'lirfiir> I'.'- mul ,///A/« /-s (it li'»/i,///•(/, y, »//// I'II III ij (iuikI^^ ll.’ive lea'.'l thellld .'■’tan.l 1 riil.'r’.v oe. n).ied liy \te'>rs. • riiiliel.}, l'.r..tliei- .v; 'o.. East loriirr cj ^ i:inl iN'i. '1-1. which tliev are l uttnig in r(.|nplete order for the W UtiLKS.XI.K U .\T« H AND .IKWFI.II^ l>r.''IN l'..S.''. to he opene'l about the i"th ‘.f .luly. In calling the attenti.iii of the tra.h- to the n‘w eoiKi'in. we mention the f.tet that we are as'ociatcd with om* of the most extensive .lev - 1 elrv Nlaii'.i'.'.ictnr.ii'j. i'>li>hmeiit> in the i'.iun- trv. whieli niu>t ;rive a 'iecid* .1 a lvantage .iver 1 :i’l ..ther- ia thi- market for sc.pplving deah is vv ith .lev. elry :i! iiL'iinf.'ctnrers' pt ^ ' -. a fe.itiii e in this br in'di of tr.idc sirue nec.Icd he- i tweoii JSaltiniorc and the Sonthern and W estern I .Merchant'. We de.-ire to call attention to the W .Itch dep.a rtiiient, which wiU at all times he supplied vvitli :i as">rtnient fr'.ni the most celelivate 1 iiianuf:ii-turer. and kept in perfect running: or.h-r. so that ].MrcIi:isei in:iy at once t.ike tlieiii. with a written guarantee that they will perfoini corre, tly. I’liis hr.inch of the business will receive th e>peeia! attention .if oiu' of tlie tirm. whose e.\- teU'ive and kliowK-dge of the business will, we lioi>e. give us a place in t!ie confi.tciice of buyers. 'Ve resiie. tfully invite you to call upon ’is when you next vi.-it our city, conlidently I.e- lieving that an e\:iminatioii of our (loods will prove to _v on that they are bett‘i‘ styles i.n.l cheaper tiiali _\oii have ever seen in this niai ';et, and .I'sure voii that no effort shall be wai-(ing on our to make the .-iciiUaint.aiice one of mutual benefit. L. 11. milli:k .V ro, old stand, formerly nccupiel by t'antield, IJro. \ Co.. S. cor ner of Charles \ iialtiniore sts. I’laltiniore, .lune 1K”)1. ll-\o r.LFLIIKNCKS: Mcs.-rs. NVycth, lilacklock \ I'o. (iv. vn. I'eid \ Taylor. .Limes lloiiges & 15rother. Ilurst \ Merry. .Murdoch, Duer \ F,v!tns. .Stellniann it llinrich.s. t'angston \ Co. I>arthl(»w. (Ivvvn & Co. iliely X I’endletoii. Cushings I’.ailey. .lolin .M iirphy A; «'o. .Moore (iriflin. HENRIETTA LINE OF .*«»a4‘asai and n>al!>«, A III! all in excellent order for business. Onr Tow lioat.'j have been rcceiith’ rcpnireil and made good a.s new. AVe have also added a iiiH- Flat for low water, Jind woll adapted to the serviee. She will carry 700 bbls. nierchnndize, and draw only 20 inches water. Those favoring us with their patronage, may expect ;i.s prompt and cheap sc-rvice in every I articular as any other Line can otter. (i. !>K.\]l.\Ci, I’l-e.s't. K. M. OllUFLL, Agent. ■\. D. C.\/.\l'X, .\gent ,at Wilmington. F'ayetteville. Dec. lM, IS-'iO. .')0-tf ■ mill Ml mil Tin $• Sheet’-lroti K MAiMJFAClOllY, At Wholesale and Retail. f\ T. n^aiurs OLD FSTAliLlsni: 1) TIN AND SHHFT-II’vON WAHt: .MANUKACTOUV I.“3 UKMOVLD to the South-Fast Corner of .^Ia!■ket .'^(piare, reacly with the necessary machinery ariil materials for making I'AC'IOUV DIM MS iSj CANS, .VnJ to do all kind of work of Factories. Also, IIOOFINC, OCT I'FISIN*;. an-l all kimls of .IOl5IilN I, tlone 111 short notice, and tiy ex- pericncid workmen. ft'-'i-y' -V cinslant su]>p1v of 'I'lN ke'it on hand, at WholesaU' and lleiail. Country .Mendiants mill I’edlars can bo supplied at the v'-r^- lowest prices. C. V. ANDI’.FWS. •''cpt. 2S, IS-'iO. CHAKLKS liANKS, f'OHfcrlioHrr^ i;kci:.\ strkkt. f.ivettkville, r. Frt'sh pnrt\ C'cmdies, consttiii/ly .supplied. .June 18')0. •J:>-tf JOHN i). Wii.l.lAMS, tom mission A* M'orirarding Fayetteville, W. C. Feb. 1.-), l.s.-,(i. K. .M. ()URi:iJ., I'llIIW.l 111)1 Mi rOMMISSlON 1:1:( HAM .\T l‘'ayt‘IU‘vil8e, 7H. .March 10, ]>.')]. ’'g’^Ili: Snbs.-riber.s. M.-iil Coiitraetors from Faycttevilli- to Kalel^h, will commence oper.itioiis this day. with new am! comfort.-iblc C.ladle's, good hi.r-^es. and carctul Drivers.— ’I’hey have reduced the i'are froni •'S’ltoNL 'i’he •'tage l!oi:-e'; are. in Fayetteville, thi' Fay etteville Hotel, in llaleigh. the \ arliorough ll'Uise; luit l‘asseng(‘i s v. ill lie conveyed to such otiier Houses ;.s they may select. Tlie lioin> ot' departuie will be. until fnrtlier notice, at half- ]>ast IV M. from Fav ettev ille. and at I’. M. from llalei..zh. d.iily. The suti.^eribers Impe. by unreiiiitte.l attention, to secure a libtra! tfhaie ot the travel. MI ltDOCK McKINNoN. DAVID MiNKILI.. Favetti'ville, .Inly 1. is'il. 7S-tf i Livi:i{v s'rAB[j:s. | ^P^IIl'! cit!/.ens of Fayetteville, .-uid the j.iiblic ' B generally, can be accommodated on rea sonable terms with li >|t.SI-',S, I! I'(JCi I F.S, and, i other \ ehicles. at sucb times as fhe\ may wish 1 to hire, by ajiplying to the sutisci-iber, as he is now well prepared tor tlie business. He will be nm h ofiliged to those wisliing to Iiire to give him a call. .7. M'. I’OWF!!.'^. .\:ent. Fayctteville. .Ian. 27, LSol. uti-Viid !. 1 \ 1: \l V S 'l' A W L K S. Umpire State Cookmii ^'tovi's. iioi •L IMIII.Lll'S ;in.| i;oiJ T WOOTFN prepared to furnish the jmblic with s('s, (’;irri:iLr('s, mihI roii ntitt: Th"V are also ]ire)iarc 1 to sen.l .li ngers to any of the iieighlioriir.r towns, on reas.iimble terms. Their stock m.iy be fotiiid at t'leir .Sta bles o|i]iosite the -Methodist Fpiseopal ('linrch. 11 ay street. Tliey .:i'.v:iys h::vc in aften.Iant e .-i goinl Ostler TIIK FMI'IRKSTOVI-: is of the latest and lno^t iiptimved pattern. It is better, and can be soPl chea]ier. than any other kind /f (’ooking ."^tovc. For sale by w. \\Di;i;ws. April 22. iS')I. aiKi ISatf. Illili Subscriber on hanil and is con- st.intly receiving, on consignment, a su]>- j»ly of the above articles, which may lie piir- ciiased at tlie lowest market prices at the OHice of the Henrietta .Steamboat Comp.tnv. 1:. .M. OlMlHf.L. .\).ril S, Isi.'id. 1 }tf i'orn^ B*eas. Subscriber AKi;V. Mli;.MV. 1:1,1. ^ CO. A UI-; now ii-eeivii;'.r direct fr.iiii New York ..;m and I’hiladelphi.i. tiieir Fmbi-.iein,'' vv. i v .irtiele whi.'h i> usually kept in :i Dr;, tioods .''tore. They w .nld call the iit- tentioii i.f the Lviiik-; in p.ii ti- iilar to their verv han.Isonie stoek of Dre.>' which have been selecte.l with the irre.-itest care by one of the tirm. and which will compare, in ipialitv "t.v les aihl price', withaiiv in I he 111:1 rki-t. They will not eniinierate. :is they have such a varietv; and V. n!il '.ly t" tli‘ L:i.He'. thev have l\'i leiiii;. I.iiid. I-. but w.iiii.I re-peetfiill_\ so licit a call to see the goods aiel liear their names. 'I'o the (lentlemen tliey woiii.l v ly. th it th"_v have the h;ind>oinesI sl..ek .■!' ( l.'ths. 'a'- .'imeiH'S an.I \ eatings that h: > ever been ex hibited in this market, (iive us a c.ill. .Ms.i, a large assortment of La.lio . (ientle- men'. an! 1 hiMrcii s Hoot' an.I .''hoes, and a bcaiitiiul lot of 1‘ara".'..' an.l I iiibieilas; togeth er v\ith a .i" ;:meiit of ('.-tnti.:! Crape .''liaw!>. wliite ;in'i ci.rd: Summer \ i/.itc' an.l .Xlaiitiil:!'; Lacp ali'l Mi;.^.in Cnpi s. C,,l|.irs and Cn;!': Mourniii” an.l recoii.l-m iiirninu 'iitto. .^Ii;:ar. t otter. I\ i ;in i .''[i. e^.. ,XC. I'av ettev ille. .N . C., M.nih IS.l. and l!einman. Thi !it rei'Si.naMe terni-i. two-horse carria..;i sh..rt notice, to con\.- the >tc'iniboats. r!ease.;rive u>; a call. :n: I if "■iveTi. no pav will be lei|iiiicd F.iycttevil'le. March .". l.''ol ;li t.ike h.irses .111 livery will be in readiness, nt p.isseiigers to or from 11: I if sati.'faction is not i T. C. WORTH, (:(I.1!!IISS!().\ .\>U FdinWHDl.Mi HFJidllM. wif.Mixcri'ox, X. (’. Feb. 1, is.'il. .-,7tf SAVACJ: MKAIii:S, Commission and Forwarding Mer chants, V \VlI,MlN(iTON. .V. SC’OT'I' cV liALDW IN, (.^'/rrv.v..-o/-.v to Sriilt. l\i rn ,y ) i\isln()n(thlc M rc'iKtiil 'Diilurs, AM» IiK\I.Ki:s IN (it.'iiilcmcii's ('loiliiiii!;. Kt'ady-rii-.ide, OF T!'F FlltST (II'ALITV. -\1ko. a conii.l..-tc ;iss..rtiiient of (lent-' DltF.'^.''- C( X IDS. .ffarktf Sfi’f/fi, V/ihiiiii^itoii. N. (’. ^oypd ■In ir OTT ) 11, .-s. I! vi.iiw IS. \ • Ian. lo, l.''-'.l. Jlf M a r 1 1'^ j: c t or . li. Si \V. .>l I janrin Q H \ \ L re.-eivcd a seasonable assortment ■ C of (.(M)DS. consisting of I’rint-.i; (iiiig- h.-inis: .Lie.met. Swiss aiel Tarltan Mu.'liii'i: rich I’rinted Linen Lawns: l.act* C.-ipes: whiti-an.i col'd I.i'le: Silk einb. and slip r Kid (iloves: Ho siery; ditt.i for Mi"C'i ;iii.l jiiivs: Linen bric Ha;.iiker. hie'-: Ta\lor s Spool ( otton: bl'k and fancy I’ isini.'re': Cl.iths; c.lM aii.l white Linen Drilliii;rs; tine French double wi.lth p'aiii aU'! I'ib'.l lirabd'Fte: .''heeting and .'^hirtings: I nibrellas am! I’arasoN: I’mot'-and .Shoe«: Hard ware an.l ( iit'u'rv; vxith a j;re;it variety which we otter at the lowest price«. —.\LSO — l2l'i b.ixes T.ibacco. ver\ h.W per the box. 1*1 ibl'. jirime I’oik. :!o b:iL- l!io an.l Laguir.i CotlVe. •'1 hlid.'. Si|.j::ir. 10 bb'is. Itefined an.l Cr.inulated SiiL'ar. I.o.if ami l'ru>hc.i diti .. liar ;in.| I'aiicv .''• ■a j s. .Slip! .Northern Fl'.ur. \c. D. vV W. .McL.M'iilN l'.iic*»iii'a;L;'' .Ht*- cliaiiio^. fB'^HK .Subscribers respectfully announce to I the citi/.(Mis of I'ayetteville and the stir- roumlincr country, that they ha ve coinmcn.-ed the ':irriac:‘ i^Iakiiia ,\t the old .Stand fonuerly occupied by Sinipsoti A: .McLauidilin. (one door below ,\. .\. Mclxe- than's. i where they are now pre]iared to manu facture to ..rder all kinds i.f F.IDINO \FHI- CLF..''. 11 .''iilkey or I’lUggy to a nine-jias- senger Coach, w hich. for style and di-rability. shall not be surpassed by any establislmieiit in the place. They hojie, by a >trict attention to busitiess. and a desire to ple.ase .all who may tavor them with a call, to merit a sh.ire of pulilic 'patronage. r,FI’.\ll!lNI neatly executed at slnrt notice, and i.OW Lil than any other establish ment in the pl.ii '-. TIlnM \S V. WillTF.. .IIMI S 1;. UALOTI.Al’. Favetteville. Feb. 17. l^M. o'-'tf .!ii;v!:!*ll H. HliOmi'il. u e:S-:fiss. t'oi AND F0RV7ARDING BI!:RCIIANT, Prompt personal attention given to all (’onsignmeiit.'. and Cash advances made on .Mer- ch.andise to lie .■'hipjied or soM in this ma:kct. Feb. 1. iN.'il. .'.7y .1. 1:. 'I'OO.Ml'JJ, iUfiiimissi(pn atuf rorirard^ ittin' W nAllNC’i'O.N, X. c. Refer to H. Hran'^oti \ Son, 1 ^ /• , , .1 1 aveiteville, N. . .\. .\. Mclxethan, | Feb. ], IS')I. oTy WlLKiXSOX Di;.\Li;!’.s iN ('fill f'ci ti'jiixr>/, Fiu-i ii/ii A T')- Itiiri o, a 1x1 Sul'tYy AND I.Mroin'KF.S OF £8iVA\A BCi VICS, .\: v. iini.KsALi; .WD i;i;t.\il. Market St., Wiimingtcn, N. C. T.AW NOTJCE. 4T5CIFD .\. T. .SMITH ha.s taken an Oflien on .\nde;-son street, nearly (ipposite the Fayetteville Hotel. He will attend to the col lection of claims aiid Imv bnsiiicps generally, and e.'^pecially to tiic takiiig of accounts of e.\- ecutor.s, iidminisitriitorp, ginirdians and partners, tither in suit or otherwise. Jau’y 11, Ibol. 5l-tf W.\ \T1:i> I.^a Ti a:i)i \ti:i.v.- 10,000 feet of Wiiite Oak .Scantling, 2; by :!|. for I’lough lieanis. .\ddres H. (J. H.VLL, FayeUeviile Foundry, .March 1 S')l. til tf C()PARTM-:USmP. ’S'lHF .Sub.scriher,* have formed 11 coi'irtucr-- i ship, under the name and style of I.IOKTS: Si i-'or the luirpose of transacting:! general I’artei •>usini“ss. They may be found «//pii^'i'l at the lid .=iantl of Thos. .1. .Tohnson v'c Co., ■yrilli a sc;i -tollable and varied stoik of Gooii.^. (’HAS. K. LKKTE. TIIOS. .1. .UHlNSnN. ’ xoTici:. A LL jier.sons itnlcbted to the tiiiit of Thos. K .Jolinson \ Co. :;re iCjue'ted to call ini iiediately and settle their dues, as it bccoji;en iiecessarv' to s.;tt!e the oM conc ein forlhwiili. The subsi-ribeis, thanklid tor t!ic very libe):il siipjiort of their jiatrons to the old tirm, b-s]te;ik like liberality to tlie new. Tilos. .1. .loiiNSON M t u. Fayetteville. .\i;g. ',1, is.jl. 12-!.v IJI'K INSURAXl K. I'- Fndersigned. has been .'ijijioiuted t I jL of the North C;iroliii:i Mutual Life Insn- I ranee Company. Kvcrv member for life jiartic- ipate.s in the profits of t!io C.iTiipauy: and the animal ))reinimn for life ineinber.shij). Tvhere il amounts to >^;;o or iiiore. may be ]iai>l oiiedialf in c:;sh. and the other half in a iioti- at 1 - niontiis. Debtors' lives may be insured by cieditor-. .\ man may insure his own life for Ihe exclusive benelit of his family. 1’he lives of slave.s in:iy be insured. 'I'hi'i .'V steni is rapidly growing into t'avor. nil over the civili/.ed world. It is one by which :i family, lor a small sum annually, may he pr.i- vided for. alter the death of its head, on wbo?c* exertions they may have been dependent for a stippfirt. It is a good inycstineiit of money, even if one bhoiild live long after taking out ;i Life I’oliey. lixjjlanatory pam]dilets, and thij nece.'sarv lilanks. furni.-hcd i.n ; piilication. 1:. .1. HALF. I'ayetteville, .hine ls.'»0. 71! Gunn’s Domestic Medicine. A Fl siipjilv. just received. i:. '.I. HALt: .S: .SON. .1 line 1 li, 1 Sol. jira. K'l: h^o A .Sl'l’i'LN' ot Fresh (Irouu'l CollN .MF.Vfj kept for s.ile at th.e .Mill, late .Xiidei'on's, Ciriniiing of Honiiny and Mc;.l done pronqitly. Fayetteville, March l.'^-'il. 12if in rawniifl i’rop, Aut 11 tf rxr^j*Qy«rr V. .McSvi/r li.\'r('lL vV HI kr»AXK\ Wli^ih'soJc DtnUrs ill 'I'vhucco, Cigars (i.i.f Snutf. IF OjICllC I il .''t u ma le arr.-iiigt nn n‘s llaltimore. •fibers. L'.ie of I’.altimore. have I land, and can ‘ in tiiis t'lwn, ;nid h.iviiig with an exti,'i'.sive llou.'C in the', furii'sli the abnve nanud .il'by Ll l' I'C lUiOW.V, f..)- jiubll>h- bv sub-^.-ription a New .*erie.-! of LA\V AND i;«,U ITV RFPor.TS. want of some xvstem by which the ilc isions and judicial opinions' ilie several I Courts of Law and K.piity in Ln^land can bt.* I more promi.tly an'l clieaply fiirnished to tic* I legal profession in this countiy, has long bet u I seriously felt an ! acknowledge L revnbli'h tlie?i* afipear in Kn.t;- i}y ;!:). THU iiiMMis iiiiivi; iniiiii \ SON'S sTiiiii:.’y ‘Jo. l''.')l. i.VlVpd :iBk • I cos'iiMi-: ('ormr Fratt stmt nif C>utri: Maih(t SjKK'r^ J)A Ij 7 rpilIF. larjrest :ind best stoi’k of I’lI'.ADV- ■- .M.\DK CLOTlil.'^t! ever offered in Haiti- more. Dress. Frock and Sack CO.\T.S, fill co- hn.s, i|uallties and si/es, fioni Sil! .')0 (o •>•'> -')0 and upvvai'ils. l’.\NT.\ LOONS !it i^l to .'lU and upwards, onibracing all styles of fancy, jih'iin and plaid Cassinieres. VK.ST.S of every vjiriety at correfcpomling jirii-es. .Mso, .a hir^e assortment of IJoys’ Clothing. Importing our own Cloths ilirect from Fnrope, and nianufacfnring on the most ex.teiisive scale, enables us^ oti'er inducenients to purchasers not to be sWjiassed by :iny Clothing Fstablish- ment in the I'nited .States. 'I’lie ]iroprietors are determined to nnike the >Vholesale Koonis the point of great jittraction, and have now made u|i more than oOjlMIO (i.Vl’.MKNT.s, from the tiiiest ijiiality to the lowest in price. In the Custom Dejiartment will alw.-iys be toiind the idioicest selection of CLOTILS, C.\.S- yi.MLl’iKS and VKSTINCLS, which will be made np at the notice, and in tlie latest st^ le, and a fit always guarantied. The one price sy.stein strictly adhered to. Keineniber the name and jilace, ' Co- nor Pratt St. uiid ^)entre .Market Space. JI. H. COLF .t CO. August 1-i yopd II(ifcl, i''\vi: r ri':viLLi:, x. ('. ' Q ^ 11 L*^ Large and splendid r>uil.ling has now B- been in successful operation >nn-e May 1. 'I'he Heddiiig and Furniture of all kinds is new, and tlie rooms convenient and pleasant. The Talile is always furni'.^hed with the best the market .illopis, aided by a line vegetable garden. Ihiar.lers, Lodgi-rs. and Travellers will find de sirable accommoiLitions and attentive servants. No jiains will be spared to give entire sati.slac- tion. Families can be furnished with large, airy, front double rooms, conveniently and hand somely furnished. .\n experience of 20 years will enable the les see, she hopes, to give ‘j:eneral satisfaction. I ' ANN F.KOWN. .lune I, LS.'iO, 28-tf W HO W'AX l'S M()M;Y.' H AVK an order for fifteen or twenty likely young Negroes, for which 1 will pay cash, if application i.s made soon. T. WADDILL. -\ugiist S, 1S.-»1. 12tf yV itii' (jf (Hfds, Cabinet Furniture, Chairs, &c. TB'^llF. .Subscriber is receiving a ■ lar;i»‘ assortment in his line, '^elecfeil by himself in Phihideljihi:!. New York, and lioston. whiili, to gether with his own manufacture, makes his .Stock very comjilete, consisting of ('liMirs. 'I';il)l(“s. Solas, licdsti'iids, \\ :is!i .Staiwls. I’mrt'aus, l.ook- iiiii' («lassi's. Side Hoards, St'crctaric's, \'c. v.Vc. .\ll of which will be sold on the lowest terms for Cash, or on short lime to jiunctnal customers. JOHN W. F.AKFU. Sept. :lo. ISIS. ;:.-)tf To i'ottoH *V tHamt- f'tirfitrers. rBlHl'i .Subsci’iliers have for sale ft as- M. sortnicnt of FI.NDlNiJS, to which they Would respectfully call attention. .-t cintsliiiil siijiplji 0/ ihi' fnllniriiig Arlich s nhriii;s (»• luiilil: J. St L. Woodcock’s superior Machine Cards. SllF.MMNC M.VCHINKS.—Parson’s. How ard's, Curtis's, Davidson \ Park's, Daniel's. V.\ nil lU.S .M .\CH IN LS. — Park hurst's I’atent liurring Machines. Spooling Maidiines, Napping M achines, Uru'hing Machines, Kelhigg's Patent Wool Pickers, ('otton Whippers, or Willows, ; Water Wheel I!egulatu's, Clolh Winders, Flock Cutters. I'obbin .Slachines. (,juadraiits and Ui'cls, Piacon's Patent Cotton Pickers, Hardvvaste Pick- ' ers. Waste Cleaners. .SCNDI’V .MlTli’LI-'.S.—Holbrook's Patent Hiveted Pickers. P.evolving 'rcmples, .Taw and I Wooden 'remples. .Sujiei-ior Picker Leather, do. I Lace do., do. Kridle do., .Stretidied Leather I>elt- I ing. Leather Ilelting, Kollcr Cloth. Washer do., j Sheej) Holler .Skins, ('alf do. do.. Spindle Pmnd- i ing. Loom Cord, Hailing Twine. Packing l!o]ie. Tape, all colors. Shuttles, all kinds and sizes, ' ^JTll.L continues to carry on the ('.Vli I! I .\Ci I' P.l'.'^lNFS.s. in all its iir.mches. at the >LD ST.\ND. He returns thank.'for the liberal pat ronage he has heri’tofore received, and hopes, by strict attention to businos and a desire to give entire satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. ' He has on haii.l a very fine .-issortmeiit of C’urriaLi'cs, IJarouc.iu's, l»U2'Lii(‘S, I l\()ck:nva\s, aiitl Sulkcvs. Finished, and a very large ass u tnient of W oi-k jiartlv tinishe.l, whii h. tor I'legaiice ol shaj’c and i finish, will compare with any other work. Persons wishing to buy. wi iild do well to call ! am! I'xaniine the work, :is he is determineil t'l sell Low for cash, or notes on short time. I .Ml W'( rk warranteil for twelve months, and repaired free i»f charge, should it tail by bad workmanship or material. j IXIr’ lvOj):iiriiiir t'aitlitiilly cxocu- ted at short notice, 011 very reasonalde terms. j April 1, Carriaire ^laniiractory. articles at such prieos that cannot fail to please. De.-ilcrs and I’onntry Mcrciiants will fiiitl it to their advantage 10 give us a call before pur- ciiasiiig el«Mvhere. Front street, under 'lozart Hall, next door to Messrs. Policy li:irt. W i'.niington. Dec. D'. 1;'‘)0. 4!>tf A. I. CliVtlV.] [1. M. Mn.XlC. A' ('()nlln^^^ion .AlrrelKini.s, and Deak'rs in l)i-y (iodtls. (umrru's. 6v(‘.. Wilmington, N. C. Prompt MftenlioM v\ill be given to the sale d'; "'t“ll as a j^iit vl an entii e^.■^erie.'. all kinds of ('ountry Pro.liice which ni.i^'be sent ' pi i^'e 01 this ]>nbiication. lorming to their care. j The siibscriber.s pr.iposc ti : re|(ort.-! in full, as last as the; e received lieie. Tliey will con- ! tain reports of cases decidc 1 in the H^1U^l‘ of ; Lords, the Privy ('oitncil. tiie .several (.'ouns ot‘ ; F..,uity. the Court of t^iu'cn's Hen. li. tl.e Court. of Common Plea'', the Court of FxchV.iuei- and j Kxcheipier Chamber, the Fcclcsiastical ami Vd- I miraliy Courts, the Court of i>aukruptcy, iii- j eluding also the Klccliou Caser, The Crown C;i- j ?es Keserved. and the Kaihv ay and C.-insil Ca^es. i Tiiese Heports will be puijiished in monthly I numbers or parts, comiiienciiiir with the deci- i sions of .Michaelrnis (Novenilior j Tt ini, lS'-50, and will be carefully edited by a tiieinber of the I Bar. with notes and leferences to anala".»U3 I .Vnieiic:in decisions. I Fach number will consi.'t of over three liun- dri'.l pages ci-i-ely printed octavo, on the best paj'cr, and in clear, lair t_v)io. and will contain a table of ca- .-s, a'ld a tidl table of cotiteiits. ' thus fornii'iji tl coinplete Volume b^’ Ilielfj ;is Ap.i; L ik IU)OK !{IXI)I:KV. . ll.VlililF has resumed the I! I'indiiig Liisiness at the new Store next d.oor to .Mr. I’.casley, .Icwellcr, where he will re ceive and execute binding in any si^.e desired. iS. Au-iist 1. 27 tf NOIKK. f S'lHF. .'^te.naer Chathain will leave this place every .Xjomlay and Tliursday at 7 o'clock. .V. .M.. (instead ofOo'clock as at present.) com mencing at 7 o'clock Monday lOth inst. I'lme of leavin.u' Wilmington, every Tiie-^day and Fri- d:iv at 2 o'clock P. .M. .L'^O. D. WILLT.VMS, Agent Cajic Fear .Steamboat Co. Fayetteville. .March II .lA.MI'.S KVI.K AS .ICST KFCKIVI'.D a large, and general assortment of DRY j .Xmoni^vhich arc: 1200 pieces nev^tylo Calicoes. 2-‘iO •• *• “ (iin.irham. I o l(/ •* Printed and Fnib'il Lavvns 1 Hrocade and other .Silks. .Swiss and other .Muslins. Irish Linens, Lawns iind Diapers. Piobinet Lace and Kdgings. I Silk, Linen, and Cotton llandkerchit‘’s. j Cmbrellas and Parasols. .Sujici-fiiie Cloths and ('assiineros. ; Tweeds and Merino Cassiniere. ; Honnels. niiconinionly c!ica|>. i Holting Cloths, .\nker brand. 1 With many other (ioods; all of which have been : purchased by the jiackage for ('.\SII. Those , wishing to jnirchase by wholesale or retail, "'ill j ]»lease call before purchasing elsewhere, as good I biirgains may be expected this aetison. Maroii iJ, IbOl. tJ3tf Tenter Hooks. Tack llaniniers, Wood Si rews. ! Iloving (iuidcs, Mule Spindles, Steel Punches, i Skewers, Cutting Nijipers, King Travellers, Dnst ' Hriishes, t’ do., Cai.1 l.icks and Pliers, i Comb Plate, ('ard Cleaner'. Shuttle i:yes. Nuts I and Washer.s, Uivets aii l loU', Screw Drivers, j Holler Huckles, OlassC.. ■ ' Sm-ms, Spindle Stejis, Fuller’s -lacks, Factor.v I.:.nip.', Worsted Har ries';, Cotton do., Steel an.l C;me Heeds. W’ool- i len Piiibbins, Sjieeder Hobbins. Spools, all kinds. Hooks on Dyeing. 'I’easels. llcddle 'Vl.-iles, Mule Handing, licit Awls, Kmery, V'at Netts, Cloth H .oks. Press I’npers and Plates, P.-iper Fenders, Iting Travellers, Frencii Teasels, .\mericando. Together with Second-hand .Machinery in great variety. itefer for iiuidity of I’nrds ami articles gene- erally. to F. i*;: II. Fries. Salem. N. C.: L. 1). Chillis ^s: Co., Lincolnton. N. .V. -lenks, Huilder of Machinery. Hridesburg, Pa.: and to Manuiacturers gi nen.lly in Philadelphia ami its vicinity. THCHLO lire:HRS CO.. 11 North 0th St., Philadel|)hia. .Sept. 2G, I80O. :i;t-lyp.l rK^HF Subscril'er having taken the Ks^ablish- fi. meiit of the late A. C. Simpson, (.situated opposite W. Mclnlyre's St -re.) inten>ls currying on the C'arriaiit' Manutactin'iiiij l)U^'incss In .all its various branches, and would respect fully solicit a share ot the ])ublic patronage. Having had considerable experience in the business, and been employed in some ot the most extensive Fstablisliuu'nts in New York anil New -h-rscy. he tlaiter.-^ himself that he can give geneml .'ati-f;vctioi>. He vv;»rrant' all his work to lie made ot‘ tiie best material the surrounding country atbuds. am! by experienceil workmL.n: and sli.mid any of it fail, either in material or v\ orivmansliip. in tviclve niojiths from the time of its lidivery. lie will repair it free of charge. J[; 'ir^llFP.VIUlN'f! done in the neatest and be.^t manner, and at the lowest possible prices. H. Wllll’FIKLD. F.Mvetteville, Feb. 11. ISoO. 7tf PR!N'ri\(w IXK. FFW ;iOlb Keg.^. just leceived sale by F. .1. H.\LK .Vu^. 13. eiioTnr.iis lixh. r'BlIlK steamer P.ItOTlI Ki:S an.iTov. Hoat-\ jH. .'^TF,VI}N.S0.\ and DAV’iD Ll'^'Vl.s are pre pared to I'.irward with’.VTCit, !vil ‘roi’1- c.. ;- signe.l to the P.oprietor. TIiC Sti’ iicr Hrotiier.j is of light di-.aft. .'iiid well suited to run in h,\v w.-iicr. She jios-iiMses p.>v, er. !'.it'l >]ieed. and ’s adieirao' v aili'pt-’d to tovviiig, and can accoinniodate at.mut 20 pi.c.'Sen- ger-;. I’he proprietor cfintemphites ronniug the P«oat himself, and will give special attention to v\av freight an.l naval stores: to towing, and will :>l- so attend to t!ie comfort and convenieiice of P;is.'engei s. From his long experience us .Vgent in W iliiiington d'the several .Steam Hoat Cuiii- p.inies. lie thinks he can give satisfaction. volnnies octavo, wilt he ^Slo a year, j.ayablc in adv.-ince. ir the six vcibnne.'. hai.dsoUiOly an.l uniloiiiiK bouii.l in law ?hoep, S12. , l.lTTl.i: .V HHOWX. 112 W.ihhlngton street. Hoston. j^.-;J^-The .'sub.'cribers :ire :inthori/ed to re ceive subscriptions for the above work, the first volume vif which is ahendv issneil. !■;.'j, II vli: i .sox. May 1.>.'.I. 70tf .Works on Pree-Masonry. ■ FAV .Masonic T;e-tle-liojird, adajitcd to tiie ' W'ork :i;i.l Li'cTures. as jn-actised in the j Lodges. Chyj'ters. (‘oi;in.i!s. nnd Lncam'pinents j of Kright Templars in the Unite.l St;iic.‘s, by i ('ini':. W. Moore. The Free-M.ison''' .Mnnu'd. a companion l..r the initiate 1 through all the de.vcroes of 3Ia.? niy by Hev. Iv. 1. Stev7ar>. 'I'he True .Masonic liart or lliev.iglvjil.u; ■Monitor, by .1. ].. Cross. Tlie Free-Mason's .Mouitop. . oataiuiiig h dc’ lilK'ation of the fun'lamenial jiriMci]iles ot Free- Masonry, operative and sj> ' ulativ", as well in ;t religious a moral ie>v. by /.. A. DaviS. For sale by F. .1. HALF \ .ON. .May :ii. ' 74 Wheeler's»ry of North Carolina. ■^THF. )i-;'sers!giie 1 haa Lec’i appointed ien«’- r »1 .\gent for Col. J. 11. 'ivhceler in tin' 7ih (,'..D;/rc-.-io;i;d ])ijtrict, n>i(f ■\visbc3 to ;.j.- point sub-\iiciits in each of the C()unties of ' be-;.)!!, t’olumbus, lUaden, l?runsw‘ck, Ne-v ILiiio-er, .SHn>]t-!fni, Diiplin aiid Onslow, ;ind a.'k application Li; male to hii;i immc- dii^ti!/. Tiie Woik g.ies to press in .\upus'., :!tid tiie ]>rice will be 0.;e Dollar per vol'tia'. ui! ■ C'l.ifistiiig 'ivo .olii’ to.-". ! JOHN .>1. Hii.'-F, I -March 21, lk.51, ' ol-tf HESPEUIAX ITAi;i\ A mo: Sii'irir-;; Jiook, jyd I'lceiviiJ. A LS«). Hishop n.iicoiii's .Sermon'j; The Week, /a coniirising tlie fa-I Day cf tlie Week, tin- First Day of t.‘ie Wcik, the '»\'&ek Coiofileteil. The f a !'. of tlie Mo 4e:n. a Narrativ e of Orien tal Travel. The J’lith of Life, by Itev. Hi'nry .A. Uowland. Tom I{, nnd l:is tliree .Mai.leir Etiquette for j..i.Iie«. Do. for wentle- .4 and lor So.N. Blank Warnudx for sale here. 30,000 J'jly 1. LHS. H.V(.S WAN'TKD, bv IL liK-VXSON & .SOX. 78tf 'i’o .'^lerchaiits in th.c interior he would say, i men. 'I'he I’salrnfst and Su)>ple:nent. liiitler'.-? that all (ioods shipped by him. will be delivo*‘cd | Hudibras. Plutarch's Lives. .Madam Koland, to their .\gents in Fayetteville. His agen* tn j by .\bbott. l>ietiynarv of >tiot.uion.r, L.itiii,- Wilmington is .lOHN ('. LATT.V, to whom :itl ! F'reucL, I'cc. L’liion Bible I'ictionary. Hums' conimun:c:itions may be addressed, as .\geut of | Works. Poetry of Flow ers. Flo; a's Inlerpreter the Steamer lirotliei-s. JOliX Proprittor. May 15. 72-y i liook Keeping. ISo] iSchooi Hooks, ^c. i:. J HALL >5.

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