[VOL. I.] l’,VYI'.TT!;\ll.I,E, N. C., TlIESn.VY MOItXIXG, SEPTIvMniiU 2, IS.II. [.\(>. 18.] cfaaageeoJH liUNTKO I’.V J. 15. .NKWin*. j6)\v\iu) J. iiam: & sox, i:i>rr«»i:s am> ruoi’iUKTOi’S. (■ r tlio Sfini-Wooklv (>aM;i;vKn .'?!l f>(t iJ' i ill a h:\iuT>; St .’>0 if i'ni«l (luriiij the V ft snl'-fcriiui 'u: or al'tcr tho yciir has ilTl. Weekly OiisKHVK’: (X) per aUTniin. if ( 1 ill a.lvuiice; r)0 if paid durinjj tlie iT nf suhsiTiptlKii; or (M* after tlu* yi>ar . ox]iirvI. i\ r.lVnSKMKN rs insertcl for sixty ccjits f l"r tlu- tirt. and tliirty cent? for ivich . II;,- puliru'utim.. Yearly iiilverti^enieiits ■t;;l cmtracts. nt roasouali'.e rates. ,\il- .. r-: :;ri' rc'niestcil to state tlie mini’Kr of f- . .Icsire.l. or they will >>c ooiitimied till i. :'r. 1 . harircit accordingly. ■ l,v’::ors to tlic Editors must be jtost-piiitl. •Vfir JTirtn. 'riu' iuul('rsi!/nc(l have entered into copartnorMhip, nnder the naino and style of ll.M.I. \ S.\(’lvKT'r. for the purpose of d)in‘r a Pry (!oods and Hardware Hnsiiiess, and have taken the iStcre •') tloorH Ivist of tiie Favetteville Hotel. 11. A. i:. ll.VLL. T. M. SACKF.TT. Au^rnsl‘J*'!, 1S.'»1. HENRIETTA LINE OF H. & 13. J. LILLY 7 K are now receivinjr a larjre ami well se lected Stock of ('onipri.'^inj; every article u.siially kept in that line, together with !»')() Cases Boots and Shoes. Ilat5>i niifi —also— A well selected Stock of H.ininto.iiip.. To all of wliifh we invite the attention i.f .Mer- ch.ints of the interior, wiio will find it to tlieir iiiterc.-it to examine our Stock before niakinjr their j)nrchase:r. We will not he undersold by any one doinj; iiusiness in tliis place. HALL X S Vl'KKTT. Aujrust ‘J.'). l.'^.')l. lf(tf e. THOMSON i« now receivin^i a «i)lenilid ass.rtnient of M I'.Il H .\'1'S for (!en- tlenien, Ymilhs. Uoys. anil Infants, to-wit: — I’anain.i, .Maricaibo, I’edale :ind Leghorn, with I general assortment of I’alni-leaf. —.vi>(»— I .\ variety of (ieiitlemcn's Dress H.-its, to-wit: j l>ea\rr. Nutria. .Moleskin, Silk and .Vnjrola, of I till' lati'st styles; with an ass> rtinent ol' other j styles usually found in this niarki-t. ,\lsi>, IWI’S ' in abundance, of diH'erent styles :inil jn-icea.—all j of which will be sold fi.rty'CiiK.xr for ('.\sn.-’^a , —Al.SO— I .\n !'.s..ortnient of lentlenien's, l.adie,'". Misses', j Youth-i', r>oy>'and ( hihlren's liOOl'S kS: .'^HOi'..''. I wjiicli will be ofiired on libi'ral terni.s for tlie ' Heady ^ ! trrj- I'b'ase call and s.atisfv yourselves before purch.i.siii;; elsewhere. .1. THOMSON. I South-w(‘st Corner Market .''ipnire. I Marcli IL’, 1S.‘>1. t>:!-tf Strain aiifl l'r‘i;;lit lloafM, A Kl' all in excellent order for bupine.s.'^. Oiir * » Tow Moat.s have been recently repaired and laade jof»d as new. We have also added a Flat for low water, and well adapteii to the service. She will carry 7>(» bl)ls. merchandize, and thaw only 20 incites water. Those favoriiifr us witti their pntronacre, may expect :is ]irunpt and cheap senice in every ]>articular as any other Line can f)rt'er. C. DK.MINO. Pres't. K. M. OilHKLL, Ajrent. A. T). (’AZAl'X, .\irent at Wilminj;;ton. Fayetteville, |lec. 21. ;')()-tf lA L *1. . 111 tf. r >v reccivinp their #\//f X ll*iu- • fa;fOis. coiiiprisinjr niucii the l.-ir^- thcv h.ive ever .>tl’crcd^ In their stock rriiM.K A.ND F.WfY T)KY ('.OODS, Silk and Fur Hats: ditto; Caps; n. iinet.s; Yarns: Sliectiu'rs.—-and in kt iicaily evi.'ry article usually kept by us. M ^ —.VLSo— 'Uit li\000 p:iir IHHVrS SllOKS. rr.rcti.'isers will please call and e\aiuiin\ lAiiuust l:-, 18o1. l'i-2iii I'OK sAu:. ril't.’I','' l.'i incn l>u:i'lce lla;r,:iiu;r. l)a’.t .s (iunny do. 7-*i c >ils liale |{npe, .'i! bMs No. ;? Mackerel. .'",sr received and for sale bv HAY .V rkAlU'K. . I'.'.. 1S-‘>1. ‘ I'-lt iii'.in: IS \ (’iiAXc’i:, ■ i; Tihibcr an 1 Turpentini* men. As w'> . ri‘Hi >ve S(iuth-we.>.t, we ofTer for i tren or Fourteen Hundred Acres ri-d i.\M’—nine hundrcl at'rc' fur’M'ikr r'.ad, t'roin three to five K ■ Itr' T' NOrU'K. HI' ••Uiclummil >Lannractnrin;r ('oni]iany‘‘ h to proeure the services of a .Maclii- uist to superintend their (\itt>n .Mills. To such as can come well reeomnu'::.led. fair waLfes may be obtained, .and a he.altiiful and piTiJi.iiient location secureil. Address the subscriber. V.. F. LKAK, Pres t U. M. Co. Hockingliani, Hiclunond county, N. Aujru'i 1!S, iS.'il. I !. ar-'Ut tl.r ;ii!Vro\e:ut'V.T \vi:l i»e .'"M i' I f part’cu’:irs. ; ravctteville. live hnndied on the ■irime dista:ice fre.i.i on both places. The w. a].p’y either to S. S. •jr -Mcl’lierson, on tnie?. Vi:\\ HOOKS. ■ I’FK'.'' 'I 'ffa/ine for ,\ujrn'*t: Interna- '.I.i.: \i.-(tutFev's Headers; .^L•lrk■- ! 1: nuhcni first ('las-; I’.oi.k; 'i!- ■ li ir; .''lieridau's l)r:iniatic Works: ■ ■ 1 I t riticisjn; .''niith’s first l!"“k " ' : .! ‘Ui'.s' I’hilosophv. .lust rec'd. K. .1. n U.K X ,ON. No ric!:. ;''-ns in debt to the late firm of til- . 't W rijrht are infornjed tliat their i‘l .n-C'.unt' aif in my Irinds for collec- i that unli->; paymeuT i- m.-ide by the Irty ill Si-pte;;;' their uotcs and ae- v j'l !if p'.!ii-e 1 ill the hands of :in otHccr ISI.Tl'ON'S JiiliilT i:,STlliLlUi!Mi;\T. 17i> Sfrnf, isAi/ri^Boi: i:. 'glHK l!iri;e>it find oi^\ M. .Mxnut'actnrinjr Wiiole- s.ile Kstablijijiuient in the 'ity. Theca]iital and Ibrce • ■lijraircil in.iMe-i me at all times to otter to ('’o'lntrv Mereli;int>i and Ueal- •>rs in SHIHTS, COLl.AUS, LINFN and CoT- TO.N 1>HAW Lll.S, fireat inducement-i—more than usual'efforts ha\iu}r been n»ade ti> render the jissortnjent ol these articles full :ind cm- plcfe. The .‘^tiiek on h.-ind is larjre and well asj^rted for .^len and IJnys. R-jV'" All irders t'c n. tlie t'ountry attended t « with puiietuaHty and despatch. Hemember th‘ N.ime. and .\o. 171) Tlarkot sirrel. T. W . lil-TTt'N. Au;.rust 1*1, 1S.")1. 1 l-yopd Stao(‘ Jiiiio to Sufiscribers, Mail ('ontractors from B- Fay‘tteville to IJalei^h, will eomir.ence ojieriiti'in'i this day, with new and comfortable t'ouciics. "ood ii.irses, and c.areful lirivers.— Tliey liaie i-educcd tin* Fare from !^'.‘)toSl. The .“^ta^e llou-^es are, iu Fayetteville, the Fay etteville Hotel, in Hale:;:!!, the ^ artior"U;.;h House; but I’a-scnirei s w ill be conveyed to sneh other Houses a - they may select. The hours of departure will he, until further notice, at h.ilf- past I’. M. from Fayetteville, and at 2 i’. M. fV.'iii italei',:li. daily. 'I'lie sul'scrilieis li>'l'C. by unrcmif:ed attention, to secure a lilieral sh.are of the travel. Mri'.DOi'K McKlNNoN, DAVID McNKlLL. F'avtteville. .Tulv 1. IS.M. 7''-tf w iioli:salk Walcli and Slorr . MILLKK ( ()., it tl ftll/ll !'• I' mill l-l IIml I'mil'll (n \.. II Imjuti'fi'r*, Wnfjirs rornfr A. M. «'\MI’1'.F.LL, Hay ■Ii.. r We^t Ilf F.. filover'-! .lewi \'i.'iKt 21, Is.'.l, tret, ■Iry .■'tore. l>r. I'IT I.IU'Tl l«l> f’inisis, /Vi rrtifafiri , miil f'iin' »/ i ’iiiisin)!mil. SfcAHKNTS. "ct this work: read it—teach I your children its preci-pts. It i a per- ct li!e preserver to ciiildren and yi-ntii-'. (iet le ; k. read it. practice it. and live lonjr. 1 ■ -ay, tViim iiiy own experieiwe, it i.s worth - " Ldit -11 e-old to inatiy itivalila'. Paper ■ ill',:. ’ I cents: .^lllslin. cents. FI. Alexand-r. nc.-tr Wilniinfrtoii: • l>rnjr;:ist .iiid CluMnist, M.irket street, ■ ■■ - -t-'ii, N. and .S. Fitch, 7U7 JJroad- ■ . .New V'.irk. r. II, ALF.XANDKH, A-jent. 22, 1«-'.L I Al.l- ,\.M) Wl.NTKK ;oo i>s. .''iib.aeriber'; h.'ive received in part, and e\fie-t to have entire Stock of in Store in ii tew tliiv.i. Sift ■/{ find I'ftiini Dry (iood.s. -n;: this Sto-k will be found all the late va- I ' - cs i,t L.idies' and (i(!ntlemef»'s Dress (ioods, ’lii‘‘^^er jiortion of tlieir .'tock has been laid i’. 'or the Wholesale Trade, in wliich line the iii^di-rsiiineil do not intend to be undersold. ('onntry .Merchants will find it to tlieir inter- e-t to exatiiine this .''tock before niakint; their purchases. STAlUl kt WILLIAMS, .\ii'.rust 20, 18.>1. l.'.tf liACON AXI) IM)UK. r T| A ' I T V K !•: otTers for s.alc • 1m hhils. Bacon Sides, L; hhds. liacon Shouhierp, 1 hhd. do. Hams, lo bbls. New Mess Pork. —ALSO— 1 tierce Clean lUce, half bbl.«. No. 1 Mackerel, 1'i half boxes I’aisins. Liberty Point. Anjxust 2>, ]()-tf WAX TED r^^ilF. Siibseriber wishes to purchase ."O0,0)0 h, Ha\e leased the «»M Stand formerly tn'cupied by Mesr. CantieM, jlrother \ Co.. Smi'lt i f ('Imr/i.i iiiifi liiilfnil'll'' ."iriif*. 1~. ' which they are puttiii;; in complete ,rier for tin* Hol F.'> \ i.K W.vl'Cjl .\ND I .n;\\ Fi.kY IU SINLSS, to l,e oj.ene.l about the 1 20th of .inly. I , In callin;,! the attemii.n of the trade to t!ie j new ‘oticern. we nientii'ii the t.ict tiiat w- are i :issfici;ited with one of the no -t « \f 'ii'ive .lew- ! elrv Manufacturin'j' F'tablishmcnt.' ,n tin i trv. which nrt't cri'C a decided adva !ta;.re over * all «.thi-rs ill tbi^ market for iipj.l_\ iii;r tle;iU-rs i with .lewelry at manufacturers' prices, a feature I in tliis branch ot' Irailc Ion;; siiue needeil be- i tween IJaltimore and the Soiitiicrn and \\estern I .Merch.ants. ^ I We desire to call jt.-irficnlar attention to the I Watch dep il’tnient, w hi-h w ill at all timei Vie I supplieij with a ;:reat ass'irtment fmni the most celebrated mauulatrtiirers. and kep' in perfect riinninir order, so that purchasers may at once take them, with a written they will |terfbrm correctly. This l)ranch of the busines.s will ri'ceive th cspi'cial attention of one of tJic linn, wliose ex tensive and pi-actical knowIe«l>ic of the Imsine.-^s will, we hoiie, ;rive US a place in the c.iniiiiem «' of buyers. W* respectfully invite you to c.all upon us when yoti nest visit our city, eontiilently bc- hevin^t that an examination of our (ioods will prove to yf>u that they are better styles i.nd cheaper tliai) yu have ever seen in this inar':et, and .•is'^ui'o vi'U that no etf rt sl’.aH b • '.vai f::i;r on fiur to make the acpiaintance one of mutual benefit. L. H. MlLLF.ll CO. (•Id stand, formerly occupied by C.anfiehl, P>ro. ,'v Co., F,. cnr- ner of Charles \ Ihiltimore sts. P.altiniore, .tune IM.'il. 1 1-Yo i:i;ff.i;f,nci:s: Messrs. Wyeth. IMacklock iS: (,'o. (iwyn. Keid I'c Taylor. .lames ilodjres .'v IJrother. Hurst \ i’lerry. Murdoeh, Duer Ot I'vans. Stellm.inn Hinrichs. San;:ston \ Co. Rartlilow, (Iwyn & Co, Hiely vS: Pendleton. ('usliin}rs Ibiiley. •lohn NIurphy iS: Co. Moore iS: (irifhn. and Siiiiiiiirr n M’lli.M; ,l.\I)M.UMl,H(i001)!i. SIIK.MW .V to. A KF ii"W receivin^r direct from New York ^ i* and Phil.-olelphia, their F.inbracin;,! e\* ry article wiiichi-; kejit Ml .1 Dry (iomls .''ti'ie. Tiie\ w.iuM call tlie at tention of ihe L.vuii ' Ml pariicular to their m i;. h.ind-onie stock ot' Dress (i.miN, which have been "-elected with the LM'eatcst care by one of the tirm, ;i!id w liiidi w ill coni]>are, in iiu.ality. styles and price-, with any in the m.ii ket. They will not er.umeraic, .is they h.ivi- such a vari* t_\; and Would s iy t" the ' fl;:.r they ha\c‘ n i .leniiy Lind' eoo.i.;. Imt would respectfully so licit a call to s‘c the trools* and their names. To the •ientlemeli they wouid - ly. that they ha\e the haii sT >Ioi lv of ('Ioth>, C;,s- -;uicrc and \('tin;.'> tiiat e\er iicen ex- liil'itcd ill thi' III irket. (i've ii a c.ill. A'-o. a lar;^e assortment of L;id: Cicntle- meu s. ;iiid t hildren s lioots.ind .''hoes, and .i beaiitil'ul lot ol' Para^ois and L'm'irellii'; to._'eth- erwith a general a>'Oi.tnieiit "f t'lnton Cr.ipe .'■'haw!-, white .and col d: Siiinmer \'i/ite- and M:inti'!a; an'l >!t;s::n ('aiies. ('ollais and Cut's: >Iourninir ••md second-nioiirnin;i diito. Sii;:ar. ( otlee. Tea .inif Spices, \c. F.i\eitcvilU-, N. ('., ^l.lrcll 2'», L'-'il. j: c t () r V T.IVI-:iiV STAHLKS. rgiHi: citizen.s of Fayetteville, and the jmblie H- frenerally, can be accouiuiodated ou rea sonable teiins with IlO|{S|.;s, lU'(i(ilFS, and other Vehicles, at sin-li times as they may wish to hire, by ajiplyin;: to the subscriber, as he is now well jirepared for the business, lie will be much obliged to those wishing to hire to jrive him a call. •L V. . POWKUS. Apent. Fayetteville. .Ian. 27, IS.'il. oti-Ypd If TO. V L I V i: H V S T A W \. K S. H J. PHILLIPSaml Ko|$T WOOTFN arc • ]n‘epared to fiirni-h the jmblic with !lors(‘s, (’arriaiies, and l>iiL^i!;i('S, t'OK lURt:. They .are .I’so prepared to serei p i-eii;rers to .iiiy of the neighboring town-;, oii reasonalile t(Mti;s. Their stock may be found at their .''^t.a- bles ■ppo>ite the .Methodist Fpiscopal Chun i). { Hay street. j They al'N.iys have in atteiid.ince a "ooil Ostler ■ and Itein-man. They will take horses on livery at i-easonable terms. .V two-bof-e carriaire will bo in readines«, at short notice, to convey pa'^senjrers to or front tiie steamboats. PI -.ase ;.rive u« a call, anil if s.itisfaction is not piv-n. no pay will be rc'piired. F.ayettevil'.e. \larch S. I S-M , f'.:5-t‘iin ' S). W . Mclianrin y AVI’.just ree, It' (i o O D Jiam-: .iaci'Uet. .'-w Printed Linen Lawn-: Col d Lisle: .'ilk enib. and -up’i- Kiil (iloves: lb >iery: ditto for Mi.--e« and Pmys; I.i:ien ('am- bric Ilaridkeri-hief-: Taylor's ."-pool ('otten: bl'k and fancy i'a-imere-: ('loth-;; ci'l'd aiol white Linen Dnllin--: tine I'rench double width plain and rib'd Drab 1 I'te: .'-heetin.!!'^ ami .''li!rtiii!;:s; rni>irella and Par.i-ols; lloot> and .'>h: ■ Hard ware and ('iitler^: with ;i "reat \aricty which w e otli-r .at the h wi ,-t price-. — .\LSO 2') li->\es Toba''co. ve-y low per the box. lu bills, piime P'lrk. ;’.n lia;,:s Kio .and L.a;ruira ('otl'ee. ' r> hloN. Sut!ai-. inbbN, Uet’iied ami (ir.iniilated Sii;,rar. I.' if ;ind Crus led ditto. P>ar and Fancy ,''oaps. .''upci'ior Ni'rthern Flour. ,vc. D. .V W, .McL.\rUl\ l'''il. bi'.tf Tit! A' Sheet-iron If V»rc MAiMJl'ACTOKY. At Wholesale and Retail. r. T. n*ay\vs OLD KSTAHLISIFFD Tl^ AND SHKFT-IllON WAllF .\L\NUF \CTOHV IS 11 F.MOYI’,!) to the Soiith-F,ast ('nnier of ^larket Siptare, ready with the necessary machinery and ni.aterials fur makinjc FA( I'OIiV J)UrMS cV CANS, And to do all kind of work f>f F.ictorie.'^. Also. UOOFINCr. (iFTTFlllNC, and all kinds of .JOHIUNO, done on short notice, and by ex- perii'uced workmen. constant supjily of TIN kept on hand, .at Wholes.ale .and Uctail. Country Merch.ants and Pedlars can be suji)ilied .at the very lowest prices. ('. AV. .VNDIUCWS. Sept. 28. IS-'.O. V Cooking* k^tov('s. Tin: E.MPIRF.STOVK is of the latest and most ajiproved pattern. It is better, and ani be sold cheaper, than any other kind of ('oiiking Stove. For sale by C. W. ANDIIKWS. Apiil 22, 1. b'-'tf i'orn^ M*ettSj ami Mias/. rjlHK Snbsci'iber has on hand and i.'i Con- II staiitly receivitrjr. on e('ns';,^ment. a sup- plj- of the above articles, which may be jnir- cha-ed at the lowest market prices at the Ollice of the Henrietta ('oiiipanv. 11. ,M. OKP.FLL. ciiakij:s hanks, Cottferiioner^ I;REE\' STKl'KT. FA\LTTi;i!H.i:. r. Fresh, pnrp, Candies, consUinlly .supjilieiL June l!^-')0. 2‘1-tf JOHN I), williams, i'otnmission t'ortrarding • fSerrisaat^ Fayetteville, N. C. F'eb. 1.’). 1 S-'iO, K. M. OKRKLL^ F!i!nv.\Ki)i,\(; roii^iissiox iii:Rcii\M n l-'aycllcviilo, ."V. r.AW XOTICK. r.i^IFD .V. T. SMITH has taken nn OtVicc on .Anderson street, nearly opposite the I Fayeftevillc Hotel. He will attend to the col lection of claims and law business frenernlly,- and e-'ipecially to the taking; of accounts of ex ■ ectitors, administrators, auardian.s and partner.-^,. either in suit or'. Jan'y 11, 1 . •> 1-lf \iiT^:i> ATKi.v.— lli.OOO feet oT Wliite Oak Scantlinjr, 2^ o|, for Plou;'h Beams. Addre-s H. (L HALL, Favctteville Fotindiy. March X, I8.>1. * 'ltf M.irch lit, is.-.l. -tf April 1 l!f rd a ' assortment ■■•;i'i-tin'_'' of Priiit-i; (iin;r- ard Tai'lt.aii Mii.-lins: rich l.ace (■.ape-:: w hite and Fiacoiiraji;‘ ^*o«il!ic‘rn .llt*- V haiiii’N. rH^IIl' Subscriber-! re«pect''ully at'TtouTico to JB. the citi/.ens of Fayetteville and the siir- ronudin;r coiintvy, that they have commenced the .\t the ohl Stand formerly oceniiied by Siniiison .V McLauchlin, (one door below ,\. .\. McKe- than's,) w here they arc now prepared to manu facture to order all kinds of HlDlNd \ F.III- CLF.S, trom a Sulkey or P.up-'.ry to a nine-]>as- seii',rer 'oach, which, for style and d.urability, sh.all not be surpa-.-ed by any establishment in the Thev hoj.e. by a strict attention to business, and a desire t'- j lea-e all who may favor them with a call, to nui it a share of public patn iiaj;e. 11F. PA III1 ,N'! neatly executed .at short notice, .and l.oW Kll than any other estalilish- ment iti the place. THOMAS V. AVIHTF.. ,11 NILS P.. HAP.OTLAr. Favett‘‘vi!le, Keb, li, Ji'.'tt T. C. WORTH, C031.MISSill.\ .W!) MlKWlRDi.M; ni'il l.\T. w iiAiiNci rox, X. (\ Feb. 1, l^.'il. o7tf SAVA(Ji: mi:ari:s,~ Commission and Forwarding Mer- cliants, .V, V \\'i!.mi.n(;tox, ,V. V. sco'r i’ iSj n.\Li)\\ i\, I'o Smtt, K'Cn V f''!.) I\rfiIilonau/c Mr reliant Tdilorsy ANii l>KAI.!:i:.S IN {ienllom:^n’.s Keady-imide, (tF Till' Fii;ST 'n'.MiTY. Also, a comp’.-'te assortme-it of Centi" DllI'.SS (iooDS. \Vil!iiini:loii. X. r. •V'yi'-l I*. lILdfiMI.ll. ' i:A i:n \ 3. i’o ts ,ti i s?5i a AND FORWARDING LTERCIIANT, Protnpt personal attention "iven to all ('onsiirt'.meiit';, and Cash aihances male on Mer- cli.indise to lie shijji'ed or s^'i 1 in this market, F-b. 1. P'S.-,!. .'■>7y .L i:rTooMi:i?, C(f:i2tnissi{>H aifff i'ortrarff- •llerrlsatii, \viiAiiN(rroN, X. c. Refer to II. Ur:u:son Son, . ^ A. .V. McKethan, i Feb. 1, is.-.l. .')7y .II II! s -'i riTT > ». .s. I! >, i.i.u i\. \ -Jan. i c'opautxI':rsh!i>. I', Siibscriber.s have formed ,a copartner • jL ship, under the name and stvle of Li:r/rK a .foii.\so:\. For the purpose r.f tran.sactiii" a general Parter Piusiness. They mav be found at prc-^t'nf at the old stand of Thus. .1. .lohnsim & Co.. with asea- soiiable and varied stock of (ioods. • ClIAS. K. LKKTi:. TIIOS. .1. .JOHNSON. xoTici:. A LI persons indebted to the firm of Thos. .f. /li .Johnson it Co. .are reoiiestcd to call im mediately and settle their dues, as it becoiiie.-» necess.ary to settle the old concern forthwith. 'I'lie subscribers, tiiankfol for the very liherat si’p]iort of their patrons to the^old firm, besj«ealc a lii^e liber.ililc to the new. * TilOS. .J. .JOHNSON .'c CO. Fayetteville, Aujr. 0, Is.jl. 12-:W r.iFi-: iNsruAXci:. rH' H K I ndersigned been aiipointed -H. of the North Carolina Mutual Life Insu rance Coiiijiany. Fvery member for life imrtic- ij'ate.s in the jirofits of the (’ompnny; arid the premiiii.’i for life membership, wheie it amoiiMts to or more, tiiay be pai'l one-hnlf in c.ish. a’l'l the other hall in a note at 12 monthe. Debtors’ lives muv be insured by creditors. man may insure his own life for the excln.sive benefit 111 his family. 'J’lie lives of slaves may he insured. This system is rapidly jrro’ivinji into favor. nil over the civilized world, it is by which ;i family, for a small sum atinnally. may be [.m- vidc'l for. after the ileaih of it.s head, on whoso exertions they may have been dependent for i\ support. It is a pood inve.itmont of mone\', even if one should live lotij^ after taking otif .i Life I’olic.v. Fxplanatory pamphlets, and the necessary lilauks, furni.^hid on app’ication. !•:. .1. iiALi:. Favctteville, .June 18.">rt. 72 Gunn’s Poniestic Medicine. A Fl'UTllKK sujiplv, just received. E. J. IIALK .'c SON'. .1 line 11>, 1 i^-’il. April WILKIXSOX vTv: I'.SLKK, Dl'ALFPv.S IN Cijii f'l.cti'JhtiVj/, Foi'i'iijii A ('i'.'', 11/- lii'.i'i'n, (iiiif Siiiilf, AM) IMl'OUTKllS OF SI PS:«!OCr EiAVA^A C ffGAUJi, AT WIlol.KSA I.K AND TtKTAM., Market St., V/ilmingtcn, N. C. Au.j. 7. ISol. lltf n.\'rc’!i vS. liiuiiAXK,' WlitiJcsaJc I)(iiUrs in 'I'uhacco, ('igars ami S::\ |lili; '-•'.ibscrihers. late L ojuMiv'ti :i StDVi. By LAI s)j:h TlVll IlllllliS IBIIVi; SUN'S STIIIU:, Fayrllevilie, i\. i\'v 2**, IS.’il, .”).")-l\pd rlfrrillr //o I aL FAvr/n'KviLu:, x. (\ fBl II IS lar;_i' ai.'l ]il(Midid IbtiMine: has now .B been in successful ojieration s.nee ^l,l^ l!^ P'. The Peddin;; and Funiiturc of all kinds is new. .and the rooms convenient and pleasant. The T.ilile is always furnibed with the best the m.arket ati'ords. aided liy a fine ve^et ible jrarden. l!oarder, Lodjrers. and Travellers will find .le- sirable accommodations and attentive ,-ervants. No pains will be spared to give entirr satisl'.ic- tion. Families can be furui.-hed with lar^re, airy, froiit double roonss, lami enicntly and hand somely furnished. .\n Vx|)erience of 20 years w ill enable the les- , see. she hopes, to rive general satisf.action. ANN nP.OWN. ' .June 1, IH.',0. 2S-tf i WIK^ WAXrs MOXFA7 "S' II.WI' an order for fifteen or twenty likely I prices will be paid on deliverv in Fayetteville. DAVID .mVkPHY. I’.ockfish, (.'uniberland, Auj:. 20, 18'>1. In.stitiilion of Yale (’ollp'^e, Ni;W HAVKN, CONNF.CTlCrr. eituriie of Lectures coinnienees annual- 1 ly on the hi«t Thurnday of Se|itember, and ' 'oiitncrj sixteen wet*kK. I*Kij \.\nx Su-i.i« v-v, AL lb LL. 1>. on (.'hejni,s- ti';. .:a'l Pliarinacy, l-i.i IvK»i, .M, D. on the Theory luid I’nictice ^'t l‘h_Miie, ■hisvTHAH K.viciit, M, I), on the PrinciplcB .and Practice of .Snrfrcry, li'iornv P, Mkkkx. Sl D. on Obgtetricg. • iiAiij.KH lIuoKBB, .M, i). on Anatomy and I’liysiolojy. Hkmiy P»uonkok, M, I), on 3lAt«ria Medica ;iiid TherafieuticB. Lecinre fee.s, >ijS oO; Mati'iculatlon, •‘S-’l: (rraduation, OHAHLFS I10(JKKK, Dciin. Nl’a Haven, August 1, 18.31. IG-Gtpd (’OSTIMK IIAI.L, f'onit'r J'nift ^trii-f tool f'liitri' Mitrkrt . Sjiarr, /{J L TI MORE. ' fMUlF, l.arpest and best stock of )1K.\DV- .M. .M.\DK CLOTHING ever otl'ered in Malti- more. Dress. Frock and Sack CO.\T.''v .all eo- ' lors, ipialities and sizes, from !^'2 .'>0 to oO and upwards. PANTALOON.S at !il to ."iO . and ujiwards. emliracinf!; all styles of fancy, plain and plaid Cassinieres. VKSTS of every variety at corres[tondinjr jtrices. Also, ji lar^ic assortment of lioyfs’ Clothing’. Importing our own Cloths ilirect from Kurope, and manufacturing on the most extensive scale, enables us to offer inducements to punrhasers ' not to be surjiassed Jiy any (?lothin}r Kstablish- ; ment in the I’nited St.ates. The proprietors are ; determined to make the W holesalc Hooms the j point of great attraction, and have now made i up more thati o0,0(M) (J.\I{.MP'NTS, from the j finest rpiality to the lowest in pricc. j In the Custom Department will always be i fouml the choicest selection of LOT MS, ('AS- j SI.MICIIFS and VESTIN(!S, which will Vie made , up at the shortest notice, and in the latest style, .■ind .*v fit always grtarnntied. i The one price .system strictly adhered to. ■ ■. youiifr Nejrroc'i. for w hich if ai>iilieation i.s made soon. T. will pay cash, W.XDDILL. 12tf .\ugust s. 1S.')1. (jrOOfIs, 1851. JAMKS KYLI’: AS .jrST I!F('1:1VI;D u large and general assortment of DRY ii Among which are: 1200 pieces n w style ('alicoes. 2o> “• “ (iingham. ;M0 Printed and Emb’d Lawns, llrocade and other Silks. Swiss .and other .Muslins. Irish liinens. Lawns and Diapers. Iioliinet Lace and Edgings. Silk, Linen, and Cotton Handkerchiefs. Umbrellas and Parasols. Superfine Cloths and Cassinieres. Tweeds and Merino Cassimere. IJonr.ets. uncommonly cheap. Ibilting Cloths, Anker bnmd. With many other (!f»ods; all of which have been purchased J>y the pack.age for (WSH. Those Itejnonber the name :ind jilace. Corner ; wishing to purchase by wholesale or rertiil, will Pratt St. ai»d Centre Market .Space. please call before purchasing elsewhere, as good bartrains may b«^ expeclcd this .•season August 15, IbOl II. H. COLF k CO. 11-yopd .March K5, IbOl. Wtf Cabinet Furniture, Chairs, &c. , fB^IIH .Subscriber is receiving a| large assortment in hi-; line, selected l>v hiliiself in Phil.adel]'h;a. [| V New irk. and P.oston. which, to- , gether with his own manufacture. | makes his .'^tock very complete, consisting of I ('hairs, ’I'ahles, Solas. Hodsteads, W ash Stands. r>ur(‘aus, Look- iiiil (Jlass(‘s, Sitl(' IJoards, S(‘Ci'('tari(^s, vVc. ,\11 of wb'ch will l.e sold fiU the lowest terms for (’ash. or o!i short time to |iiin(iual customers. .JOHN W. I’.AKFK. Sept. :lii. IMS. ;]-atf To t'otton A* M*ooHen •Uatnt- fartiirers. rjH'^HF Subscribers have for sale a general as- B sortment of FlNDlNfJS, to which they would respectfully call attention. A ronslaiit siijip/jf of the f'oUoiring Arlichs ahratfs nn hanil: J. & L. Woodcock’s superior Machine Cards. SHI'AIllNr. MACIIINFS.—T’arson’s. How ard's, Curti's. Davidson .S: Park’s, Daniel's. V.\ H 1 tCS ,M ACH I N !'..S.—Park burst’s Patc'iit ibirring .Machine.s. Spooling .Machines. Napping .Machines, liru-hing Machines. Kellogg's Patent Wool Pickers. Cotton Whippers. or 'Willows. Water XVheel IJepulators. Cloth Winders, Flock Cutters. Ibibbiti .Machines, (^)uadrants and Hi-els, Uacon's Patent Cotton Pickers, ilardwaste Pick ers. Waste ('leaners. SI NDllY .\HTICLES.—Holbrook s ratent Uiveted Pickers. Pevolving Temjiles. .Law and Wooden Temples. Suyieiior Picker Leather, do. Lace do., do. Ilridle do.. Stretched Leather llelt- ing. Leather I’eltitig. Poller Cloth, ^\asher do., Sheep U'llb'r .^'kins. ('alf do. do., .Spindh* P>and- it!g. l.oom Cord, Hailing Twine, Packing Hope. Tape, all colors. Shuttles, .all kinds and sizes. Tenter Hooks, Tack Hammers, Wood Screw.-'. Hoving (luides. .Mule Spindles. Steel Puiudies, Skewers. Cutting Nijipers, King Travellers. Dust Brushes. Flocking do., (,'ard Tacks and Pliers, Comb Plate. Card Cleaners, Shuttle J’.ye.'^, Nuts and V.'ashers, Hivets and P.urs, Screw Drivers. Holler Huckles, CJlass Creel Steps, S[«indle Steps, Fuller's .Jacks, Factory Lamps, W'orsted Har ness. Cotton do.. Steel and C.ane Heeds, Wool len P.obbins, Speeder l5obbins. Spools, all kinds. Hooks on Dyeing, Teasels, Heddle Males, Mule Handing, ifelt .Awl.s, Emery, Vat Netts, Cloth Hooks, Papers and Plates, Paper Fenders, King Travellers, French Teasels, .American do. JfeV" Together with Second-hand Machinery in great.vadety. Hcfer for (|n'ality of Cards and articles gene- erally, to F. & H. Fne^. Salem, N. C.; L. 1). ('hilds Si Co., Lincolnton. N. C.: .Tenks, Esq., Hi^er of .Machinery. P.rideybm g, Pa.; and to Manufacturer.s gencralU' in Philadelphia and its vicinity. THTHLO HFfJHE.S & CO.. 11 North oth St., Philadelphia. Sept. 2l’i, 1H')0. :?0-lypd lllank W'urrunti /or sate here. \. A McKi'/rnAX 5T11.1. continues to carry on the C.\HH1 \(iL INl'SS. iu all iis i'lMiic'ie':. at the ()LD ST.\ND. He returns 'banks for the pat- ron.aire he has hcretef'.re na'cive J. .and hope by strict attention to business and a desire to }:ive entire satisfaction, to merit a continuance of ihe s.inie. lie has 1.11 hand a very fine assortment of Cai'i-iaiT('s, liarouclH's, iiiisrixies, liockawa’x S, and Sulkeys. Finished, and a very large assortment of Work partly finished, which, for elegance ol shape and finish, will compare with any other work. Persons wishing to buy. wi.tild do wc’.l to call and examine the work, as he is determined to sell LOW t’or cash, or notes on sli.a t time. .Ml ^^'rrk warranted for twelve months, and ri-paired free of charge, should it fail by bad workm.anship or material. IXIr’ Kepairinu!: raithl’ully (‘.\ecu- ted :it short notice, on verv reasonable terms. Fai/i'tfccille^ Ajiril 1, lS.)l. C a rr i a 3 ! a n u lac t or v. of H.iltimore. hav? • in thi.s town, .and h.iving j madr* arran^rements with an extensive Hoii,-e in I Haliimori*. they can furnish the above named articles .at suvdi ^irices that cannot fail to jdcase. Dealers and Country Merchants will find it to their advauta,;ie lo give us a c.all before pur chasing elsewhere. Ffoi.t str-''et, under Mozart H.ill, next door to Messr-i, PolJey ,v l[; rt, Wilmington, Dee. lo. iS.'iO. P.'if . .F. OmUV.] [-1. >t. >Ii-NK. A: . .Mt'rclujnts, and Dealers in: Dry (Io(id.. (iroeeries. JSaJI's IS'iiUliai;;;. .Xoi lZs aSor St., Wilmington, N. C. Prompt attention will be givt-n to the sale of :i!l kinds of Country Produce which may be sent ; to their c.are. Ajitil 1, IS-'l. ft'i-'lm iu)oK ii!xn’-:RV. ~ . H.MtDII' has re ame l th'* Hoo’k » P.indir.g lln-^in' ss at tiie new Store next iloor to .Mr. Heasley. .Jewelkr. where he will re ceive and execute biniling in any style desired. August 1. 27 tf fW^IIE Subscriber having taken the Establish- SL ment of the late \. (’, .Simpson, (situated opposite W. .McIntyre's Store,) intends carrying on the Carriaire .ManiirartMriii^ I’nsiness In .all its various branches, and wiiuld respect fully solicit a .share of the public patronage. Having had consider.ible experience in the business, and having been emjiloyed in some of th(“ most extensive Establishments in New York iind New .Jersey, he tlufters himself that be can give general satisfaction. He warrants all hi,^ work to he made of the best material the surrounding cotintry alTord.s, and f>y experienced workmen; and should any of it fail, either in material or workmanship, in twelve months from the time of its delivery, he will repair it free of charge. HEPAllUNG done in the neatest and best manner, and at the lowest pos“ible prices. A. H. WHITFIELD. Fayetteville, Feb. 11. IS.'iO. Ttf • PKIXTIXG Tx kT ft FT']W .301b Kegs, just received and for Ibl sale by E. .T. HALFi S(iN. LHS. rags wanted. bv II. DilANSON & f=^ON. ratf xo ri( K. ^C'^Hl' .'>teamer Chatham will leave this jilace .BL every .Monday .and Thursday at 7 o'clock. A. M.. (instead ofo'clo-k ris at yiresent. 1 com- meii'-ing at 7 o'clock Monday lUth inst. Time of leaving Wilmington, every Tuesday and F;-i- day at 2 o'clock P. M. .LNO. D. W1LL1A:\IS, Ageiit Cap«! Fear Steamboat ('o. Fayetteville. March .5. - la. a ^ €» 4 srPPLY of Fresh COHN MF\T, i » kept f(U‘ sale at the Mill, late .Anderson's.- (irinding of Hominy atid Meal done jirfiinptly. Fayetteville. .March iN.'il. 12tf i^ii^li^h Kcporl»« ill l.Aivaii(l Propos.ils by LI I'Tl.E .'t HHoW.N, for jiublish- ing by subscription a New .Series of L.\^V AND EH t'fY liEPoHTS. rH’IHE want of some .system }>y which the de- cisions and .jtt.licial opinions of the si*veral Courts of Law and Liinity in Ihigl.ind can l.o liicre promptly and cheajdy furnished to tlo» leg'll ju-ofession in this country, ha.s long been seriously felt and acknowledged. I The ,-iibscribers )'rop->se to rioiubli>h ihesi"* ■ report:'- in full, as fast as they appear in biiid. and can >ie received here, 'i'hey will con tain i-ejiorts of casi s decided ifl the Ifoi[;-/» of Lords, tlo- Privy (’oun-il. the Sfvi ral CuUrf.-5 of Ivp'titv. the Court of (^‘uecti's P.eiich. the Coitrf of Common Plea-!, the Court of Excheijuer and l-’xidieijuer Chauiber. tiie l'.cclei;iKtical and .Vd miralty Courts, the Court id' P.ankruptcy, in : eluding the Election Case'^. tbe ('rowii (’’a .ses Heserve-1. and tV.e Hail way and Canal Cnse^ j 'i'liese Hei’i-rts will lie published in nu>iithl.y I numbers or p.-,rt-'. cohiin.-m iii'j: witii the dcci ! sions of .Mich.-ieliiins (No\eml«er) Term.’1.i, : ami will be c:irefully edited by a memlier of thi’ ; T?ar. with noti.--^ and r-Ld'erenccs t-i nn.-dagons .\mcrican decision-;. E.ich nunilicr v.'iM con -ist of ovci- (hren hnti (Iro'l pagk's closely jirinted octavo, on ihe best pajier. and iu clear, fair tv]re. and will Ci'Utaiii a taV'le of ca.scs. and a full ta)i> of n-ntent'^, thus forming .a ecrinplete Voliiiiie by Itsell', :i.-» well a.- a part of ,ui entire series. The price of this publication, t’orniing six volumes octavo, will be ?j;!0 a year. ]>ayable in ailvance. or the six volumes, handsouicly ami 1 uniformly bonn I iu law sheeji. N12. i ‘ J.ITTI.E HHOWN. I 112 V,',-i-;hiiigton street. H.^-ton, I The .Subscribers are autlmri/ed to re- I ceive subscriptions for the .ahove work, the first ■ volume of w iiicli is .-ilieadv i,',-ued. j E.‘.1. HALE & St‘>N. j .May IS.-,I. 70tf Works on Pree-Masonry. EW Masonic Tre.-*tle-P>oard, ada])ted to thf Work and l.ecture.-. a' j>raetised in the Lodges, Chajiter.-:. Councils, and EncHTnpmciit5? of Kni.izht Templars in tiie I nited States, by ('has. W. Moore. Tl'.e Free-,NL>Son's Mf^nn il. .a companion b>r th" itiitiated throMj^h all the de^*-ees of .Mnsoni j by Hev. K. I. .'^tewart. 'I'he True .Ma.soriic Ch.-irt or IIi(T glyphic' Monitor, by .1. L. Cross. . The Free-Mason's .Monitor, containing liueation of tbe fundamental princi]ile'- of r'ree- ,Masonry, oper.ative and speculative, a' well in ;i religious .as a moral view. b\ Z. A. D.avin. For sale bv E. .l'. HALE \ .«5«)N. ! May :‘,I. ■ I Wlioelor'.s Ilislory of Xortli Carolina. j H F. undersigned has lieen »*}ipointed (U-ne- I r.ul .Agent for Col. .J. II. WheHer in the' : 7th Coniiressiotial L>istrict, and wishes to ap- jioint siib-Agent.s in e.tcli of the countie.s ol P.obeson, Colnmbur-., Pdaden. I’runswick, .New I Hanover, .Sampson, Duplin and Onslow, and I a:;ks diat applicatmn be made to him imine- 1 di.at4.dv. Tiie Work goes to pre.>s in Angus:. hr\L. [IHE Steamer IJHO'I’IIEPS and Tow Hoat« STEV I'.NSON .and DAVI 1> LEWLS are jire-: and tiie price will be One Dollar per volume Julyl. p.ared to forw.ard with Df.sivvtcii,- all goods cmi- signed to the Pro]irietor. The Steamer Hrothers is of light draft, and well suited to run in low watcp. She possesses power, and .-'peoil, and is admirabl.y ndiipted to towing, and can accommodate about 20 passen- gers. The proprietor contt'mulates rnnning the T^oat hitnself, and will give speci.'il attention to way freight and naval .«tores; to towing, .and.will al so attend to the comfort and (convenience of Passenger.=!. Frotn his long experience as Agent in Wilmington of the several Steam Boat Com panies. he thinks he ctin give satisfaction. To Merchants in the interior he would sav. that all Goods shipped by liiin, will be delivered to their Agents in Fayetteville. Jlis tigent lu Wihiiington is .TOHN (’. L.\TT.\. to whom ail and consistirij; of two volnme:^. .JOHN M. ROSF. Mi?ch 24,. 18-:il. ^it-if HESFEUIAX ITARP, A iif'tp 7>V/r, Jttsf reentid. A'tSO’, Bishop Ha?coTn’.« Sermons; The Week, comprisinjr tlw La’t i>.'ty ot the Week, tho’ First I)ay of fht' W*ek, flie Week Co'm])letod. The Land.s of ti;o >foslcm. a Narr.'itive of Orien tal Travel. The Path of Lifff, by Rev. Henry A. Rowland, tom Hacciuet, ind his thre** .Maiden .Aunts. Etifiuettc foV L.idies. Bo. for (ientl*-- mcn. The Psalmist and Suppicmertt. ftutler'^T Hudibras. Plutarch’s Live?, ^ladam Hohmd. by Abbott. Dirtionarv of (Quotation?, Latin,- French, kc. Union Bible Dictionary. Hitriis"’ commutiications m.ay be addressed, as Agent of j "Works. Poetry of Flo'wers. Flora's Interpretpi^- t Book Keeping. School P.ooV«. kc I ■ r. .1. HALE .? 1 the Steamer Hrothers. }■ May lo JOHN BANKS, Proprietor "--y

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