lov I*'lt m "'« r the ■I S E M I-W B E K ! Y. [VOL. I.] I .VV1:TTK\ ll.LK, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEl’TEMBEU 4, 1851. [.NO. i'J.] •.n-tf . lv-,1. >'\V iiiiil. '• tiint j”, l,th.,v. •*V; S-.»w I 00.) !). IJMUXTKD BY ,1. 1?. XKWHY. DWARl) J. ham: & sox, i;iilTt»HS AM> rUOl’RlKTOUS. for the ^^•lui-^\ eokly OnsKUVKU (H> if 1 ill .-idxaiii-i*: Nl oil if jiaiil iluriiig tin* ar uf Mil c\. [t'l.o Wi i'klv OifEHVKK Ci’l jior :innuiu, if j; 1 ill ;iil\aiico: oO if jtaiil (hiriiijr the ,r ,if S'i'iSvTii>tIon; nr t.H) aftiT tin- yoar o\('iroil. rOMl'OrNI) TONK' TILLS. For tlic curt' of porsoiis of paU* anl ojulavcr- on.'; haliits, ilni]isical swelling'- of the feet atul l«‘^s, torjiid liowels, palpitiition of the heart, pupprebsiotis. \c. Tlu* inode of usiiijr these pill> is. to take one three times a day regularly. They contain no mercury, nor will they injure any one. l>y their I use alone I have often cured e'ery disease of this class; and no one will use a single box with- lil'tion; or after the vear has ’ out beiti}! materially benefited, particularly fe- I males \vlu>se health is not well established, but i is suppressed or otherwise der.-inped. There are many painful cases of this kind. wluTe a b(>x or twii of the jiills will not only relieve, but t'stablish gomi health upon correct ]>rinciples. I>r. J. 15. Itorman and other eminent ph_\ sici.-ins h.ive proscribed this medicine with admirable success. l>r. Little—Sir: For six or eight ye:irs p.ist. my w ife has been alHicted with ;i swelling of the feet and legs, tngether with !i wretched st.ite of health. Without much benctit. she ha.i taken a great deal of me«licine. being attended by s‘ve- ral d'iCtiU's. aul by one a whole year. Whilst still in this condition, t-he began taking your C'omjiouiid Toiiic I’iiisand Tonic r>ittcrs: pn-tty soon the sweliing of the feet and legs disap- ]>eared. ap]>etite became good, and much im provement ot!u•rw i^^• After using two or three i ixittles of the liitters, the I’ills were taken a- | lone, and by the end of three luouths she had j gained thirty pounds, skin becoming ckar ;ind : whit‘. and looking like a n»‘w being in health i and appe.-irance. l‘»espi'i-tt'ullv, j (•■^igiu-d' Wm! AM'LKSoN. I Talbot County. | 'I'he fac-simile of the signaturv' of l>r. \V. (I. I Little will be found upon the r it.'ile wrapper | of each of his .^ledicines. I .''old wholes i'e anil retail, by the I’rojirictor, at his Manufacturing Hepot. No. ‘Ji'il .M.irket street. l’hilad!.-!]’liia. and Macon, ('teorgia. tlrjy" To be had :i1mi of .l.-iines Cain. Itocktish: .\. Watsou. Floral Ci.liege; Townsend iV I>oug- l.-iss. IJenuett'.villc: Lr. I’. M. ('olieii. Charles ton; i’. C. IJarl'Ce, Baiclaysville: 1’. F. l‘e>cud. Haleigh. S. .1. IllN.''lCM-l',. .\;^ent for Favettc\i!le. 1A 1 11T1>LMKN TS inserted tor sixty cents iMVc f'T the tir?t. and thirty cents for each !i;m jmblication. Yearly adverti.'cmcnts ;. ' il . outracts. at reasi'uable rates. Ad- ,T' nvt' reiiuested to state the nuniV'cr of desired, or they will be continued till , ail 1 L-l'.arLied accorilingly. l,!‘t;. rs to the Kditors must be post-paid. iiiclu's uul .l(‘U ('lry. 'I'Ik' Sul'scrilx'r repectfully informs the pub lic. that he has just return ed from the North, with a line assortment of tioM ;md SiKer WATCIIF, S; Ciold Fob. (iuard \’est Chains; Steel and (lilt Key^; I’rea^t I’ii's; Finger llings: (.loM. Siher, Steel poctacle.«: (lold and .''ilver I’ens :inil Id :nKl Silver ThimViles; Hracelet^; d and Silver I’.idt lluckles: Sleevt> Jttoiis: Cla>ps; Silver ('ups ;N1 usic F>oxes, .''il- Fruir .-iimI IJutter Knives: l’>rt-nioneys: I’ur- a fuie assortment of Walking C;ii’es; I’lated ’;i>kei.-- and t'asti rs; a l.ir.re .i?.'' rtment • iiid c-omiiion .\ccortle'>i!': \'io’;iii~: Flute': Si.rM X 'r>' ('oinpassi-.-: ('hains: Matliema- ~ ruiMcnt': Ladies' W'ork l!o\es: tine ■ :i d ':'.!''e :iii 1 single barrel lluns; I’isfols \ v .riet\; C>.ime H.ig': .''hot l‘ouciies: : I ", 'li': rer> T.»ion '' i;'': I’*-;.; Collai's ■ : liTic Poi-ker and Ten Knives: S. isors: : Chessmen and l>o:irds: ILiir, Lather and Flesh r>ru>hos; N >te ■ and a gre:it variety of Fancy (/ hli-ihllf ( K. s. •US’- give me a la’.l. W atcht's and .k*\v- TAuy to Subscribers. Mail Contractors from fl- Fayetteville to Haleigh. will Cfmimen *e operations this day, with new and comfortable Coaches, good horses, and cftretul Drivers.— Tlu‘v have reduced the Fare from !i>5 to Ji'L The Stage Houses are. in Fayette\ille. the Fay etteville Hotel, in Kaleigh. the Varbirough House; but Pa.'sengers will be conveyed to such other Houses as they may select. The hours of ilep:irture will be. until further notice, at half- p.-ist '.I 1*. M. from Fayetteville, and at 'J 1*. M. from K.ileigh. cl.aily. The sul>scribers hope, by unreiiiitted attention, to secure a liberal share of the tni\el. .\H !ll)(M'K >bKlNN(»N. DAVID McNLILL. Favettevillc. .hilv 1, 1S.">1. 7S-tf I’illnR, Hav 1> ■ treet. --m ■n. 11 .Vrt'st. h.-iving in :u‘ v>f the largest and N-v Volk. Ml; 1 by one '• V y..vk ov nuy v.hi-re :n''T.i the citi’cns of ■; s ’.r.ing near, th.'it he Ue\il;>- ll 'tel fitted ti]> ^ '. ntsd wiiu’id ’.0 very >1 tl ''I- w ho limy V i.'li to ::iAeii. Me has the b.'t lH'U;rht any whme with- e intends stoppiiig here l']iic()nr(ii![c ?\nrlli ('(iro/ina. 'jr^lll' undersigned is manufacturing, in 1 fi eiteville. Boot and Shoe Polish, ; far >uperior to the I’ll.acking puri liased in tin- No;-thern cities. He in’eii'l.'di voting hi' whole i tin;e to n;:i!iiifacturinj an ! vonding tlii' very -;u- pi ri'T I’o'i'h. -mil cal’s iipoii ;ill who think it to the interi 't of the .''•■uthern ]ieoj ie to beconie ! il. lejH'ii lent .if Northern m:iniuacture.'. tt.i give , him their aid .and patri'i;:ii:e. He is prep.lied to >how. b\ t ' ;iiiy one who will call upon him, the 'v/.*' - n r of hi' over all other or lihu-Kn,.) now soM in North Car-dina. Call.and h:ive _\our : boots and shoi-s once coinjdetely blacked and | p.ili>hed, :in I be satisfievl. Till' artiile i.' ofiVi'ed :it a price not higher th.-in i' usu.ally char'.:«-d for other :ind inferior iiualities. and a trial is all that is .asked to sc- | cure tlie ].atrouM;_e i*f the public geneially. Tiie Il'|.b t-'cne 1 expect' to visit I'MTV por- ' t- 11 o!' i',-.- Si'.-- : ■ !|| r !,' i’; '1^!.. -.r.. ' :i-. > now in ad\and \ ijitir.g I'ayetteviile June ::i. 1^-M. Line of 4 horse Post Coaches from Fayetteville to Warsaw—Daily. .'subscribers having secured the mail M. contract on tin' above l.inr, will 'oninieiice THIS D.W . running a Line of Four Horse 1‘ost Coat lies. Daily, Leaving Fayetteville at •'• I’. M.. and arj'iving :it \V;ii'iw,at .1 pa.'t (i A. M., in time tor the C;.is North and .'^■lutii. Ile- tnrnii;'.r. have \>,msiw on the arrival of the Cars, say al>out 1 or "J 1’. .M., and arrive at Fay- I'tteville in ten L.'Urs, Lvery car; w ill be taken to render the line pleasant, cenveiiieiit. and >al'i‘, for Travellers. ■V Line of Stage' will lie established as soi.n as pos.'itde. by the I’liink lload, from Fa >elti-- ville via ('artliage and .\>h'‘lioroug’i. to Lexing ton. Salem, and .'^.ilislmrv, McKlNNON \ McNLILL. Fayettevilb', N. .\ug. h, l^-M. 11-tt Tin; ii:u;i:!nTK!i iiuk COOKL\C; STO\K. NEW GOODS. rBllIE undersigned h.ave recently returned -S- fmm the North, having purchased a large sfock of iioons^ t’oiupri.siiig as great a vnriety of such nrtii les as are usually wanted as is to be found i.\ this niaiket. consitlerable portion of the (Joods are now in store—the balance daily expccted, viz: (irorfriiKj /),if (liiijila, Cmhry, Furnt^h- titij Ii’o(k/s, Wiufir ('/othiiKj, (Jfams- Ih/zv, Chinn and Croi hcri/, Ac. ')() I’bls. iletined Sugar. 1(M( 15ags Kio, .lava and Lnguira Coffee. 10 Ilhds. t'uba and I’orto Ilico Sugars. ll.'W Kegs Nails, &c., iS:e. More jiarticulars hereafter. S\M L W. TILLINGHAST .'t CO. August LI, 1S')1. i;itf For Rent on Favorable Terms, A Ctimfortable Dwelling House on .Mumford .I* Street, un>ler the Oaks, with a good view of the public %vor';s on Hay Mount, and of the extensive cultiv .ted fields in front. Also, a gooil stand for a ri'ovision or (.irocery Stoie, W est end (»f the Wagon Yard Hiiildings. A ]>lea'aiit summer residence joining Dr. IL Uub- iiison. Apjdv at the I’ost Otiice. JOHN .MAP UAH. August IL EDWIN GLOVER. a T'l r>bls. No. 1 Herring. •J.') •• *• ;! Mackerel. li>() r.ales Hay. 1(M» I’ieces Cotton I’agging. .'lO Coils Kope. Lbs. Twine. :iii Ilhds. .Molasses. .■> Ilhds. I'air .''ugars. .’>• I’.-igs llio (’oilee, W ith .Mum and .'ack .'^alt, and t^iroceries gen- erallv, for sale at the lowest market prices, by .INt). D. WILLIAMS, Au.Mist U, IH'.l. lotf I for sale by the .''iibs-.-riber in llaleigh a.*d Favi tioxill.-; ill i’.iilei^h at Lis .•'hoji on I’ay- etteville Street, :md in Fayetteviile at .'Vlr. .^L t 'ampln ri's. The .''ub'cribt r heieby forcw.irns all person' from purclia'lii; any of thes" Stoves I'l-oni any jit'rsoii cither in ''r out of N^rlli C;iro',ina, ex cept frcin: liiin'elf or his ilul\ a’.:ihori/.ed \ .^cnt'. He has pr.rcha'cil the excbi'ivf risrht to \eiid thi'.'^t..\e 'V itliin the State, .-inilw ill I'roscenlo any ]icrr-on infringing hi' ritrlit, either by )iur- cha'iiig, 'elling, or u?ing, any e\ce;it th' 'C i>b- taiiiod from hiiii'clf. .KiSFlMl WOI.TLLIN':. Fkalei::h, .\pril l^ol. tli'tf i5\(;(;iN(; .and uoim:. ri: COTTON 1'.A;(;1NC. .VND IKtl’H have arrived. Onr friends can seiul in their orders, and they shall be .'upplicd. ( imiK ,v TAVI.OK. 1 itf Watch-Maker ard Jeweler, AT TIIE OLD STAND, Sn/n df tlu ,\S returned from the North with a larfre assortment of W'ATt'HFiS, CLO(M\S AND JEW'EI.,K^'. which he invites the public to ex amine. Among his stock-cati be found,— (iold :ind Silver Watches of all kinds anil prices; (iold and Silver Fob. (itiard, and Vest Chains: (ioM, Silver. Stone, and Steel Keys and Seals; 15reast I'ins and Knr-Kings cif all kinds and prices; Finger Ring?; (i' ld. Silver and Steel S]>ectacles; Silver and IJold Thimbles; tine Bracelet.^: Gold and Silver I’eiis and I’encils; Gold I.ockets; Gold anl Silver Helt l^uekles: (’ard ('ases; (,’onil Heads; Sleeve Huttons; tine .\ccordeons; Music Hoxes; tine and cotnmon W alking (.'anes; fine and common I’istols; Silver Cups; Silver Spoons; I’ort-.Moneys; I’urses; ('locks, from to I’lated Cake Haskcts, Castors and ('aiidlesticks; lirass tlo.; Back-(iam- nion Hoards; ki'.. \c. MILITAHY GOODS. Swords. Sashes, Lace, Hutti>ns, lUigles, Stars, riumes, (_'a].s, ^c., \c. J’articiilar atteiitiiin to the r>ei>airiiig of' Watches and .Tewelry, Fayi tteville, N, I'., duly l!l. t'.-:-!m FOR SALi:. WM. ROWLAND S Extra thi.-k >H11 and Cross-cut S.WVS, > and tl.i feet. D. \ W, .McLAi RIN. Nov. 1!), ]S.',0. }(itf ^D’^HE subscriber h;is taken charge .f this old 3. and well known Est.iblisliiiieni, and is jire- jiared to attend to all onlcrs for Printinir Pjijxm-, M(‘rcliants* and I’aclorv W raj)[)ing, The .Mill has recently been thoroughly refitted w ith new m.tchinery, and t!ie “uli-^criber believes he can furni.'h l’a]>er of as g.>od (lUality and at as cheap prices as can be purchased any where, Noi'th or South. CHARLES E. SHoHER. Salem. June 7 isH. 77tf H'sr I'lMSllHI), .^KiHT NEW HLGtilES, Al.so, two second hand. For sale bv 'a, ,\. .McKETHAN, J one ;2, 1 S-'il, 7 !-tf •DOMI.sriCS. ■" ITTL!' liiver Osn.ibergs; 7-S and 4-4 Slieetings aDvays on hand, and f(U' sale at Factory jiricts, by June 7. 1S.-)1. STARR WILL! VMS. 7'.-tf fe WatclH's and Jrwrlrv, \t \Vliol(v«:ilc niid I'Al.L \\lN ri:il (JOODS. T E are uow receiving our F .V I. L .\ N D W I N T li R (i (Ml eoiisistinj general aiel well selectc'I St>'ck. >1 that Meri-!i;;nt and othe) will trive him a i-all. A. J. W()«»1»V. \RD. 77-t'>m l\ k W hich vve are otVcring oil our u.'ual term'. .Ml ^■■rts of I’l-. lu''e piircha' d: and (I. v.iu w>li a correct and c"od '■ th.it he can s.-iti'fv t’loM- • ::i;ii a call, if n correct and good do i;. Time of takini:. from !* 1*. M. o k > 1.1-,-t t'-r takiiii'-; white .•r w 1 Tv.. t > Ten Do’lars. ]. or t!ie ;^iu:e gi» ;is. I' ;is ilhei' s* e us, .niiy :t '.lull ler free i,'. '11 — ul, iiki‘11 n v u w:li, \ oil'll have. >•*' :iU otbei> tlie ;!i I he n; 't di lit I. 1. I- w -l.'.dow f I Ie. i>tf ii: soLi>. the lirin. h of tho Hank of t!ie North Caro'iina. in this town, on • ■ 'J.'itli in.'tai.t. at I'J o'cb’ck, .M.. i-i-' of the Ca| it:il or Joint Stock -.Is' Stea;nboat ('nmp inv, C, I’, .MALLETT. Att’v. 17ts v(‘\var SWILL give oiif huinlrid dollars for the ap- prolii iisioti and couniii'mcut of ,\N DEH.''* IN . and .lEliRV in :tn.\ j.iil 'o that 1 can get them ag.iin, ir titty dollar,' tor either, 1 will also Live -Si'"' for jo'or.t of any responsible jierson’s ; h.irboriug said i.e-n.es. They raiiaway from mv plantation in .Moore county on the li'th ot I Feb y last, and are thought to he lurking about ! D'l or 17 iiiiles above Carth:ige on lU'ep Rivi’r, ! through the edge of .Moore and c"rn''rs of Chat- ’ ham and R.aidol]di coiinti- s. .\nd*T> .n is ;ibuut i ve.ir- old. ;i bright uiiilatto, al'out •'> feet 7 or ' ■' i'.iehi s high, well proportioned: h;i' an ojien . e ►uiiti’iialiee, ;.nd is «[Uite ]>iausioU‘. it i.- l>e- ; lieved tii.it lie uid eii'ieavor to paS' lor ;i tree I man and t-'i*:iiie to a ti'i*** State, a.s he had a I broth‘r who piaved the .■>aiiic ganu‘. Jerry is ai'oiit I ye.II ' old. Ij feet o or 4 inrhe> liiirh. I st'-iit liiiilt: ha' a down look, i>articulariy when I spoken to, and i' rathiT i;apr.di-nt. Said ne- i groi's fornu rly belonged to .ltd.n R. Ritter, in • tie- iijiper end of .\ioore oiinty. j .\nv infonnation must be addrc"ed to th" ! sul-sei iber at I’oi'kct 1’. >., Moore co'.iiitv. N. ( . i J. i„ HR Van. i Aj.ril 12, l"ol. b7tf RE.V.MS .Medium si/e. attelel as usual t' NLSS. J. Fa\ftteville, N \ W(' Fii;w akdinc r.Lsi- T. w \DD1LL, Hay St. o. is'o. 47if s t. It, u t: i: i t. o Ttt t. ^ '€i. • E h.ive reei ivfd our new Stork of SI M- V V .\iER t Ltrr H 1 N (i—Coats, Sacks, I’alltS, ;ind \ C'ls. —.\ LSI»— l’’> bags Rl(i ( (tFFl'iE. 1" bo\es I'.inev C.Midie', i; hh'l'. * ii'ia .''iigar. Nails, Hoilow-W :ire, r^rc'-liiin Kettles. I’aint and \ arnish I’rH'hi's, ,ve. S.\M L W . TlLLlNtUI AST \ I'n, April 1. l.'s'.l- '-''tf ; HALL, G r, r I '. ' Fiojii Manteo i’ low l,v Julv IS.'.I. Hlue, for ('otton Varns, Mil!', Raleigh. For s.ile H. HR.VNSON .V S(iN, :'.tf I'Oli At th h.ii'i 1 s.\u:, MOL ASSE HIIDS. New Crop I'JIMI >;ik.' S.M.T. .^Ull(l bii'he!> A'lim .'s.-ilt. '.tuMd It.v. ('..ttoii \ ,rii. (I'liaburgs and ili-own Sheetings. With a '.reiieral .-r.n k ot' a,-tirle' in the (iroct- line. JNO. !>. W1L!>1.\.MS. Favetteville, Feb, 1-'i, ISoU. II IT ifffUcrinr iS'.xn- EVEHV DLSCIUI’TION M.\DE Til ORDER. ; \ lot of H.ibbet Nletal f u’ sale. .' •■’V .'Trrt, .'^e['t. 1. l''ol. l^V xo'i'K'i:. Ill l\!) \ll\Ti:il ilflODSi. ^ II l' .''ulisi-riKi’rs tire m w receiving a well -fleeted stock I'f Sta]de and Fancy DRV ’!’S, mong their stock will Vie found the t 'tyles ol' Lailies’ and Gentlemeu s DRESS ®‘-li>'. together with a good assortment of II ’y-iii:i'le ('Intliiiiir; Fiiihn'lhis; Mats, C q- . .’id l)t»inicts; ;ill kiii'ls nf JJnots and ■ ; (' II |M tiiig; SaiMlo.s, IJridlfs, Wliijis %ii i ' oil.irs; Hanhvare ami Cutlery; L'm- ili' r; 11 illnw-waroaiul ('mckery-wair; L>af, p. !ii)i, ('ru'lifd, (’larificil aiiflHrowii Su- % Te.i-.; Rid, La;_'uira and Java Cofffc; ■c' Mr, M'llasses, Imn and Xails. With many other fioods, which will be sold ' ry ohea(i for ('ash. or on time to those who pay Ml! '-le.: lly. Wc Would be glad if our friends Hid the public generally would give us a call. J. T. COUNCIL v\; CALN. ejit. 1. 1".',1. 18tf I’oil SAIJ# kN'E lof of l.iMid cotitaiuiiip 2 acres, with a * romtojf:ill- fiwelliii^r House and Kitchen till re. n. The above )-roj„., ty is in half a liiilc »!' 1! ■I..JS.1I1 Institute, Jtoliejiin countv. Four Shares of the Cajiiial Stock iu 1 1'; titiite. 1 'f f'lriiier particulars, iinpiire r,f ALFRED J.\ckhoN. ' iiberlaii'l couiity, Sept. 1, ]S.>1. ],stf t» f.'oiitrart for^ 1 111 Siib.'Sfrilx'r wishes to cou- ^ trot f..i .INK MI],|J()\ (>F HKD (JAK HHD. ► "t the following dimeiisioiiB. viz:— ^ 11 iiirlies Ion;;, inch thick on the tliiti t.i a\ei;ig- 1 inches iu width- none to be til III oL 'J'hey must be got out of good, *■ ' a.j tiuioer. .•ii|(| not to tihow much sap. 'i'iiey iioi^t lie rorgi) shave.l with the drawing kiiife. I r wlii.-li |ii:ility of St;ivex, 1 JvlU vrillillg to I' ly ."^L' [,(_-r thoUKanL E. D. HALL. • Aug. 20, l»ol. ii;- tf F'or pr.iducinp 1 .Nin'K I'.. .\VIN('i associatO'l with me Mr. .\. J. 0‘- Hanlou, the Ciocet-y, Commission aii'l Forwar.ling business will hereafter be eondui-t- ed under the Firm of Willkin',is \ Co, E, W. W1LLK1N(;S, Fayetteville. N. ('.. .\iigust, IS.'il. H-1m Il»(rlil4Vorlical \Valt*r IVlKOl. ^■lIir.RE are st'veral hundred of these Whetds fl. in operation in ditl'erent countii-s in North Cai-olina. For proof'of their irreat aov.-mtages over the common flutter wheel, or any other wheels now in use for s;»w mills, we conti.lently refer to those w ho have ajiplied them to their mills. ^\‘e can recoil.meii'l them partieiilarly for their superiority in cases of a low head of water, or back water. W't‘ still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable tor ilifli-rent heads of water, at Wilmington, New- bern. W'.-ishington, Edenton an.l Fayetteville. Tlu’ wheels may als.i be h;id of E. .\, liri'v.ird, Lincolnton. and I'riah Wells, I’etersbnrg. Va. I’ersoiis wi>hing to obtain tin* ri',rht to use the wheels, will be served on application to D, .^lcNeill Co., Favetteville. N. C. D. .McNEILL. A. A, .McKETHAN, D. J. McALISTElL Feb'y-J:2. IHRI. ">i-tf I()(),()()(> Acrc'S Valiiahio T I M H K R L A N D S FOR SALE. fBlHE Subscriber has purchased all the lijinds JL belonging to the Est.ite of Abram Dubois, dec’ll, lying jirincipally in Robeson county, and on both sides of Lumber River, the different sur veys containing Over 10(>,0()() Acres; A large part finely Timbered, and convenient to Lumber River, where a large ((Uantity of Tim ber is now rafted to the (ieorgetown market. Thcjc Lands are very valuable both for the Timber and Turfientine, for which purpose a hirge part is widl suited, being in a region w here the Turpentine yields more abmidantly than any other section of the State. The Lands will be sold at a low price, and in nuaiitities to suit purchasers. Information respecting the title can be ib- taineil liy apjilying to the H(m. Robert Strange, Hon, Jas, (’, Dobbin, or A. A. T, Smith, Lsij., (.Vttorneys at Law.) I tinderstand there arc many trespassers on these Lands, to all of whom notice is hereViy ♦ hf SouHieru IMttuk Road. St4*ady ^ gi>en. that the law will be enforced against all emjdoynient and cash payment weekly, if re- i such olieiiders. quirciL Apply to L.Wv'HKNCK ('(>.>IPANY S atciii iiii}»i’()\(‘(i I'lcsli (ilovcs and Straps. . healthy state of the system by I'rictiiui. IHEgr-at v:ilueofthe HORSE HAIR RE- N'OV.VTOR .-IS a 'herapeutic a;;ent, when applied to the human body, is well known to every one wli'i has pai>l the least attention t*i the importance il a healthy action of the Skin. For sale bv S. J. liINSD.\LE. Oct. 1. is-V). o'.'tf WAN'i KD, ~ STIOCR 1 arge sized good MULES, well broke to the wagon, ami not exceeding seven years of ai:e. Apply to D, W'. McLauriii, 1-ayetteville, or to the subscriber at Slicksville, LJ miles above Fayetteville, on the east side of (.'ape Fear river, N, K, McDUFFIE. July LS isr,l. t;-tf rBlHLS LINE OF HO.ATS is still in success- fill ofieration on the Cajie Fear River, and continue to offer many facilities to the shipping public, I’ersoiis patronir^ing this Line, may rest as sured that their Goods will be brought up with dispatch, !in«l at the verv lowest rates of freight, A. STEEL, President, T, S. LETTERLOH, Agent at Fayetteville. Feb. 1'), IS'.l, _ 5t»-tf 'I'lJUND* ski:d. ~ ]1NGLISII White Dutch. large English Nor folk, I'lUta Haga Turnip Seed, received to- ly and for Male by r!. J. .\ugiiKt 4. HINSDALE, lU-tf 50 w AN’n:i), !OOI) II .\NDS, «t 75 ct«. per day, on .•\ugiist IS. L'^'il, 1* I*. JOll.XSO.N ,\S Jl'S l' RECEI\'EI> and ofTers for sal cheap,— 7-> b:ius sup»“>ior itid C(jFFEE, ■J'l liarrels I'offee Sug,-ir. .*>•1 liairel^ .Mackerel, N.'S, 1. '1 and •>, I, ;.f aiel (M-anulate.l Sugar. —ALSd— .\ large assortment of Iron .-tiel Nails. Shov- I.', .s^iia.lc'. Trace Ch.iiiis. Shovel.' aiel Tongs. Hlacl'-'iiiilhs’ liellows. .\nvils. Vises, Hammers, I’laiies, .Vugers and t'hisels. Files. Collius's .\xes, \c. .\ugiist 1>, 14tf Medical College of the State of South Carolina. rn^Iir. .\nnual Cours.- of Le- lur' ~ in thi' In- Ja. stitutiou will commei.ce on the first .Mon- .i.iy in November n>..\t, on the lolhiwing branch es: A;.:it..!-;y t y Ri-of. J E IK H.HRt)«iK. M. D. .''ur-.rer\ by I’rof. E. (iEDDlN(iS, .M. D. lustitut>s aii'l I’raetice of .Medicine—bv I’rof. S. HENRV DICKSON. ,M. D. I’hvsiiiiogv—bv I’r.if. .I.\^lES MOlLTRIE. M. 1>. Materia Me.lica—bv I’rofessor HENR^ R. FHdST. M. D. (I' stetrics—bv I’ri’f. I'lD*.'', (i, l’RI(.)LE.\I . M. D. ( hemistry—by I’rof. C. U, SHEP.\RD, M. D. C.inijiarative .\natoinv—bv Rr.'fesser L(>IIS .\G \ssr/, M. D, I'emonstr.-itor of .\natoniv—bv ST. JULI.\N RAVEN EL. .M. D, Dr. D. .1. (WIN. I’hysician to the M.-iriii(‘ Ilo-pital an.l Clinical Instructor, Lectures twice a week on the diseases of that Institution. Dr. 1'. HELIN Fl-.VCCt, I’hysician to tin-! : Alms House. Lectures tw i-e a week oii dis'-ases. ] Demoii.'trative instruciioii in Mclicine aiel .■surgery, at the ('oHcge Hospital, In a.I.litioii t.i the Itegular Lectures i f the College, arrangements have been made between indivi.lual memliers of the Faculty and citizens of ('harlest.iii, with I’rof'essor Louis .\gassiz, to .leliver at the ('olleire, iluring the regular term, a (W: \Tl ITOUS col RSE OF LECTl'RES. on such parts of ('(.mparative .\natomy as may be selected by him. in adviscnieut with a ('ommit- tee appointed by the Faculty of the Medical CiJlege. HENRV R. FROST, M. I>., Dean if the Faculty. August S, IS-'iI. 14-tiw MEDK'AL DEPARTMENT OF IIA.MPDE.N SID.VKY (’i)LLElJE, leicil v.\. f'U'yWV. fouritnith annual course of Lectures B will commence on Moii.hiy, the Eithof October, IH.'d. an.l continue until the first of .March ensuing. The commencement for con ferring degrees will be held about the middle of .March, R. L. Hon.xNN.vN, ,M. I)., Professor of Ob stetrics, \c. L, W, Cm\MitK.iM,WNK, M, D., Professor of Materia .Medica. vNc. S. M.vri’ix. M. D.. Professor of Chemistry, Ciis, Hf.1,1. (iiitsd.s. ,M, 1),, Professor of Sur gery, ^cc, P, Jiinxsu.N, M. D,, Professor of Anatomy and Physiology. D. IL Tn-KKii, M. T>,, Professor of Theory and Practice of .Medicine. A. E. Pkticolas, .M, D., Demonstrator of An atomy, The facilities t’or Amt/omn'al and Clinioit in struction in this institution and unsurpae.seiL EXPENSES.—.Matriculation fee >:!')—Profes sors’ fees (aggregate) S>Dl->—Denionstr:itor’s tee >!l()—Graduation fee The price of Hoard, including fuel, lights and servants’ attendance, is usually •'S-'l or per week. The Catalogue. Sic., containing fuller informa tion concerning the School, will be foi warded to those apjdyiug for it, or s|>ecific emiuiries will be answered by letter. .-XiMn-s.i S. M. HIvASI.KV ^OULD resi'.ectfully inform the juiblic generally, that he has returneil recent ly from New Vork, with deci.leilly a large as- siTtment of il'fftrhrs and •fctrdri;. Many of thoe Watehes were bought for C.\.''II r>V Tin; P.\('K.\(i F.. aii'l an then-fore be sold very low. He has Watches of .-ill kiinls; Chains, K«'\s an.l .'seals .if all kin.Is and of the latest styles; Finger-Rings, Ear-Rings. .Medallions, of all sizes, of English and .Vnierican make; La dies' t'hatclaines: CiifV Pins: Collar and .s^leevc Huttons; .''^hirt Studs; (IoM Spcctai-les. light an.l heavv: Gold Pens .-iii.I Pencils: (Jold and Silver Thimbles; Hracelets; Silver Fruit and Rutter Knives; Silver Sjioons (if all sizes: large lot 'f Pocket Cutlery; .'scissors, best >|uality; Hiitton- h«de .'scissors. Surveyor's Compasses au'l (’h.-iins; Mathematical Instruments: large i|iiautity of fine and common Pistols; fine and common sin gle and double-barrel (iuns; (Jame P>ag'; Shot Helts and Powder Flasks; Military Goods, in cluding the Hass Drum and the smallesT Ibitton; Violins and cxtr;i P>ows; ITutes. Clarionets. Fla geolets. .\ci-ordeons. of all kinds and sizes: Mu sic Hoxes: Perfumeiy; Soap; Lather Hrushe,--; Razors an.l Strops; Dressing an.l P.n-ket Comlis; Plated and Hrit.-innia Ware; an.I various other things too tedious to enumei-ate. Call an.I jrive me a trial. Cash ]i;ii.l for old tiold and Silver. Watciiks and .Iewki.rv Reiiaire.L I'iiiji ttcI'ifh , A. ('. — \>>rth-l'jt!it of Mm Lrt . 12-*;m] J. -M. P.EASLEV. WAN'l'KD. ft. .\she Lumber for Wagon.-, 1 \ to li im-hes thick. oiXMl ft. .s^eas.iued Oak Lumber. 1^ to o inches, llXMl ft. \Vhite O.ik atel Ilicliory. for .\xletrees, IdiiO ft. White Oak for Tongues, P.olsters and .''hafts. D>ii Post Oak Hubs, for Carts an.l Wagons. *J(l(iii S;>o!\es. For which the highest cash jirice will be ]iaid. .\pplv .sooii to E. FI LLER. Mav r,', L".')!. 7-’-tf KlNd and .\. McMILLAN have entered • into copartnei-sliiji in the Distillery fif Turp*ntine, ami have erecteil a Still oil the West si.le of the Fayetteville and Westerfi Plank Riiad, > miles from Fuvetteville, N. KINC. .May7ltr A. .McMlLLAN. ^ E wish to biiv •Jd.diMl barrels Tnrpe’itine, KING .V .Mi-.MILLAN. Ij:sSO.\S in MI SK’. H. WHIT.\Kl-iR woiiM re'iioctfuriy in form the citizens of Fa;. ett«-vi!le and vi cinity, that he has a;iain loniinenced giving Les sons on the Piano Forte, 11- reluriis his th-,uil;s fo|- the liberal pati-oiiage heretofore re-eived. and humbly .solicits a continuance of the same. ■Ml pains shall be lakeii t.ir the a Ivanceiiient ol his |uuiils. Instriii-tiou also given on the (!uit;ir. Pianos tuned and re]i-iiie.l in the best in.-:’iiii r. L. 11. WHITAKER. August l!I. l^-’>il. 0411 l,ins(‘(*(l Oil a'ld \\'hil(‘ I.cad, B^ORsalebv SA.M'L J. IILN.'-'D.\ LE. I.. April :21. C.Mf W AN'ri:D TO r.OKROW', vi-ars. (iood security given. In terest annually or semi-annually. Ad.h-esS letter to A. H,, aul leave at this of- fu'C. Jmie :;0, IS-M. 7H-tf DRl (iS ?.IEDIC1NES. Ptiintii, (HU, Wiiti’ijK' (Uns, Ut. SVML'KL J. lllNSDALr (Offers for sale an extrusive assortment of (!OODS, among whiidi are the fol- lowing: Opium. Camjdior, (’astor Oil. Alcohol, Siil- jihur, ,\loe'^. Magnesia, Riiubarb, Morphine, (iuinim-. Cream Tartar. Sal So.la. CasCile .Soap, Super carb. Soda, I'psom Salts. Sy-.;nge, Ipecac, Sarsaparilla, Krrosote. Ibuax, .\rrovvroot. Isin glass, (iiini .\rabic. Gum ,M;v rrli, (.'apsicnm. Lo belia. Phi'ters, Li.|U.irice, Chloroform. .Jujubt Paste, Copii.-ras, White Lead Linseed Oil, Train Oil, Whale Oil, S]iei:u Oil. .^'weet (^il. N(‘.Ttsfot>t Oil. ('ojial \'arnish. Leather \'arnish. Japuii Varnish. Win.low (.Hass. Putty. Pumice Stone, (’hrome (Ireen, Chroir.e Yellow. Lan pblac», Patent Pl.-iek, Terra lie .''ienna. Umber, 151 ick Lead. Litharge. Re.l Leitil, Palent Dry‘r, Whi ting. French Yellow, Yellow Ochre. Venetian Red, Siiauish ISrown, Pnissian Pilue, Snnd-pH- pi-r, Sti-.rch, Sal Eratus, Mustard. Spice. Nut megs. Pejqier, Hops, ludigo, .Ma.Mer, Saltpetre, Ginger, (ilue, Aiinato, Cloves. Mace. Bui-ning Fliii.l. .\bini. Oxalic Acid. White l?ri k, Triptdi, Wash Hrushes, Paint Hnishes, \'arn’sh Hrushes. ,s?criibbing ditto. Siioe .lo,. Tooth do,. Hair do.. Logwood, Red wood. i>la(-k Ink. Ojiodeldoc. vSce., with a gejieial assortment ol .\l(>.licines; Chemi cals of all kinds: French an-l English Perfume i-y !ind Soa’is; with a full ass.irtuient of all the k-aiiiiig Patent Medicines now in tise. Ordeis I'rom the country jiromjitly aiieiidi- i to. an.I g.iods carefully I'aek.-.L t The Subseri’-er feel.- assured that he can meet the wishes of the purchaser in regard to nuality and ]irice. S. .1. 11INSD M.E, Drngoist. October 11!. L' i. 4::tf i>AlXTS. LHS, Pure and No. 1 \\’IIITli LE.VD. in (>i!. Iiii]H'ri.-il and Paris Green. Spanish Rrown, Spanish Whiting. W inter Green. Chrome VelUivv. l..ituarge and otl-er varieties of Paints COOK oc JuilNSON. .March in, 1H-'31. (i-if Fln 'ni and ( f J»UIiNING FLUID at .^'0 cf uts.]'er gallon. S (,'aniphi’ie ai 50 •• “ *' Roth (.if the best (piality, constantly on hand a.nd for sale by S. J. HINSDALL. Aug. 7. 18-'1. lltf > X’O'i 'l'ON iM.A.NTERST PlECi;S COTTdN H.VGGINC., 7-’> coils Rope, 2iH lbs. Twine. Just reeeiveil and tor sale cheap, liv PETER P. JUHN'SoN August D), 1S.31. I Jtf Guru’s Domestic Medicine. A FURTHER suiijdv. just received. i:. J. IIALE SO\. June Dt, IS.'il. llllDS. SWl'.LT MOLASSr.S. lOOO -ks Livcrjiool .s^ALT. with our usual 'tock of GROCERIES. July 21, l.t!.".!. Iriy' \ goo.l supjily live Whiskev. of WADDILL. (itf W'illiatiis's Pn-ctifie.l J. .V T, U’. IMUXTINO l.Nlv. FEW -Sitlli Ke:is. ju.-t rev-eivod an-} for n. sale bv Au.,i'. Id. ‘ E. J. HALE & SON. neatly ('(n'ncr NK(;uoi:s \VAN'ri:D. 1 ASH ] aid foi- likely young Negr-ies, if ap- ].’icatioii is made il-Oll. J. .N T. Sc]it. 10, IS.'O. AVADDILL i>l tt \van'I'i:d, 4 GOOD Roily Maker at the Carriage luisi- ness. (!ood w.iges and steady eni]d'»y- ment giv.-n. A, A, McKETH.\N, .Mav -Ji'.. 7o-tf nji:sii ti:as. 1^"^NTRA FINE HYSON, -A Do do Imperial. Do do Giin]iowder. D«> do Oolong, and Young Hyson TE.VS. of su}»erior iniality. — ,\LSO— Chocolate. I’arley. .'salad (lil. Mustard, ^'east Powders. \C. Fill sale bv SA>i L J. HINSDALE, April *21, i».''tf NoricK. ^JT.\RR ,S: WILLI.\MS have removed to the Store recently occu)tied by Mr, John D. Starr, one door west of Messrs. H. Hrans(.in iV Son, where they have just received additions to the Spi-ing ]iurchases of Staple and Fancy DRV (KKlDS, ('ouritry merch.-ints are reijuested to examine our stock. J, R. STARR. J, M, WILLIAMS. June 7, IS-'il, 7*)-tf II.WE just received from FALL .\ND WINTER New \'ork, mv J ul V Joiie l’3j l&o!. D. M. KUIE, At the Steam Slill, or to A_. A. McKETIlAN, [77-tQ Fa,yc;tcvillo. .-Vpplication for any part of the Lands can be made to mv self, or to John Winslow, E.sq., who is duly HUthorieeil to make sale of the same. TIKJS. J. CURTIS. N. C., Sept. 1, It; 15. 7Gtf SOUrnKKN JUST REC’EIVED, popular Rook. Aug. IS',1. MM'PIN, M. D.. Deau of the Faculty. 9-8w HARMONY. a new .-iiipply of this E. J. HALF, & SON. 'FOBACCO. 4 GOOD STOCK on hand; and I ehall re ceive regularly, from .Alessis. .1. Jones & (’o’s Fjictory, qualities assorted from common to v(‘ry fine, which 1 w^ill sell at lowest mauiifae- turing prices. J. Fayetteville, April 3, 1S51. UTLEY. tifitf NO'l'ICE.—All Accounts due the Alerchant.s’ Steamboat Company, for Freights up to the loth lust., must be promptly paid to the undersigned, as much time cannot be given to the collection of the same. J. & T. WADDILL, late Agents. Fajcttevillti, Jai. I£jI. OOtf Stock of (loods, Consi.'sting of a general a.«sortment of Dry Hoods, Groceries. Hiirdwiire. riitlery. kt. I will barter for TURPENTINE, or any kind of Proiluce. N. KIN(J, 10 miles North of Fayetteville, Oct. ‘iR, l,s.->0. 4:;tf On the River and hourly expected, 10.000 LHS, W'estcrn BAC(_)N, hog rouinL 1(KM) ll>s, prime L:ird, 20 barrels Me.ss Pork. 10 Prime do. (■) “ Mess Reef, 2 dozen Porcehiia Kettle.s, assorted si zes, for Preserving, II, BIIANSON & SON. Aug, 7, ISol. lltf Ji S'l' UKCKIVKD. Ik I'-\(>S lUio and Laguira COFFEE, 2 hh.l.s. Cuba SU(;.\R. j 1| bbls. Crushed an-l R(-fined Sug.ir. I 1.') bbls. an.l h.-ilt'-bbls. Rutter Crackers. | f. b.ixes Collins Co's Hartfor.l Axes, 2(1 boxes Sti-aiu Ri-fiucd Candy, | With a variety of other (.ioo.ls t-j complete our i assortiiu'iit, i S, W’, TILLINGHAST 5c CO. I Feb'y D>, IS.')!, .'iXtf R(>c*d ])cr St(‘:imcr and lor sal*. = tf P.PiLS. Cruslied and Refine.1 SUCJ.VR, 5. 1 i-hest fine llyson Te.-i, j c:!sks best London Porter, j.iui liot'ls, ! 4 c.ises superior old Port Win.-, 1 cask Ma.leira W ine. ■ •y hhds, t'uba Mol:isses, SAM E W, TILLINGHAST .V ((», , June 2u. l!-'.')l. 77tf ^5TR.\W CUTTERS, (^oru Shellevs, and a v.i- rietv of Plouirhs and Plough fixtures, for sale bv ‘ ' J, cN T, WADDILL, .)an‘ L -'):Uf \VKi}s'ri':irs~QrA in dr:- ‘ rioNAin; I tFURTHl\R sujiplV pist r(-c* iveil, E, J, HALE .N SON. i Aug. 1:’., l>r. T. 1>. ~ \S t,-iken an Ofiice on Hay Street, West of the Hotel Huildings, July 14, l.''-')l, 4-tf .MINKlJAi: WATKli. NJ. I11N.''D.\LE is jirepare.l to furnish his • customers with SOD.V or .MINEH.VL W.\- 'I'EH. with a variety of >yruj>s, all of a ijuality unsur]>ass(‘.|. April 21. (l.^tf IIKSPKKIAN HAKl\ ..1 )if)r 7>oo/.‘, /irst I'cci >rrfJ. A L.'sO. Hisho]» Hascom's Sei-inons; The ^Veok, comprising the Last Day of the Week, the First Day of the Week, the Week Coni])leted, The Lauds of the .Moslem, a Narrative of Orien tal Travel, The Path of Life, by Rev, Heiirv A, Rowland, Tom Raciiuet, and his three Maiden Aunts, Etiquette for Ladles, Do, for G(>ntle- luen. The P.salniist and Siijiplement. I’utler's Hudibras. Plutarch's Lives. Ma.lam P.olaiid. by .Ablioft, Dictionary of (ntotations, I ntin, P’rench. I'ic, Union Hible Dictionary. Works. Poetry of Flowers. Flora's Interi'reter. Hook Keeping, Schofd Hooks, i^c, E. J. HALE X SON. 1 May o, [ 8-')l. I*4‘£»orfK ill y. Propo^:als by LITTLE .N RROWN, f.-.r publi-1.- ing bv subsi-i i)ition a New Serie.'s of LAW AND EijUlTY REPORTS, rg^HE want of some system by which the d.-- S- cisions and judicial opinions of the .several (.'ourts of La'.v and I'.iiuity in I'ngland can be more jiromptly .-in 1 cheaply t’urnished to ihe legal ].rofe«sion in tlii.' countiy. Las lonj^ been seriously f»‘lt and aeknowledgc.L The subscribers jiropose to republish tho:si* reports in full, as fi.-?t as they appear in Eng- l.-ind. and can bt- received here. They will con tain reports of cases decided iu the House fif Lor.ls. the Privy Council, the several ('ourts of l^iuity. the C.iiirt -d' t^ueeu's I’.ench, ihc (.'ourr of Common Plea«, the C.iurt of Exchequer aii.I E\elH'i[iier Chamber, the Ecclesiastical an-l Ad- mir.'llty Courts, tlie (Jourt of H.-nikruptcy. in cluding al'o the Ek-i-tion C; .'es, the Crown C:;.- ses Reserve.l, and the Railwnv and Cnnal Cases. These Reports will be })uVilished in monthly numbers or parts, commencing with tlic deci- siiuis of Michaeimas (Novf-mberj Term, 18-'iii, an.l will be cai-efully edited by a inembi-r of the Rar, with notes ami referi-nces to anulagous .\merican decisions. Each nii^;ber vvill consist of three hun- iItcI pages closely jirinted octavo, on the besl ]>aper, and ii. clear, fair tyjje, and will contain a table of cases, and a full table of contents, tims t.irmiiig a complete vtilume bj' itself, as well as a part ot'an entire sei'ies. The prii;i‘ of t'lis jiubJication, forming six volumes oct.ivo. will be ?Sl(-) a year, jiayable iu a.Kance, or the six volumes, handsomely and unitoi'uilv liouii'l in 1,‘iW sheei.. -S12, LITTLE .V RROWN, 112 Washington street, P>oston. The Subscribers are authorized to re ceive subscripti.iiis for the above work, the first volume of whii h is alreadv issued. E.'j. HALE & SON. MavK^.I. 70tf NEW liOOk’S. ARPEP.'.'s Maga-/.ine I'or .\ugust; Interna tional do.; Mi-(iuff'ey‘s Readers; Mark ham's En'iland; Southern l';rst Class Rook; Smith's (!i-amm:ir; Sheridan's Dramatic Works; Kames' Elements d'Criiicism; Sniith'.s first Honk iu (iencrraphv ; Joues’ Philosophy. Just reo'd. Aug'. 28. ‘ E. J. H.-\LE SON. MACKEREL EISH. UARTER Hbls. No. 1, Half bbls. No. 2, Bbl.-». and Half l>bla. No, .T, Hourly ex pected by II. nilANSON (Sc SON. Aug. 7, 1851. lltf Kopo and Twine. 4LL qualities for sale bv II. RRANS(JN •\ug. 7, 18-jl. & SON. lltf "Works on Free-Masonry. I T^r EW Masonic Trestle-Roard, adapted to the ! Work and Lectures, as practised in the ' Lo-lges, Chapters, Councils, and r.neampments i of Knight Ti*nii>1ars iu the l.'nittd States, by i (.'has. W. Moore. The Free-Mason's Manual. i-ompanioii for ' the initiated through all the degrees of Miisourj I by Rev. K. I. Stewart. i The True Masonic Chart or Hieroglyphic j Monitor, by ,1. L. (.'ross, j The Free-Mason’s Monitor, containing a de : lineation of the fundamental principles of Free- I Masonry, operative and speculative, as well in a , religious as h moral view, by Z, Davis. For sale by E, J, HALE SON. ! Mav •'il. 71 F'ire Ssssnrmtee* ^■^111' .ETNA lii urance Coir.jianv of Ilnrt- JEL ford, having jiaid the tax imposed by the Revenue Law of the lute I.egislafure, will co»i- tinue its Agency in Favetteville, under the ni:inagcm'nt of the nnder=igned, who is yire- parcd to issue Policies of Insurance on Build ings or (!ofi>I>'. either in this Town f>r in any part f»f the State, on projier aj'plication, de- Hiirns’ i '^'•■''M’tion of the Property, Acc. I The yETN.X (,'(J.M P.•^N\ hasbceninoperati. il I ab-.n^ 30 jears. Its capital i3 !§;i00,00). i 1 h.' l.'on. Thos. K. P.race was iu first President, and ho still holds that office; and several of its I tii't Director.1 arc still active and efficient lucn:- I ber'- of the Board. It has at ail times sustained I the tij;he*t charactcr for the prudence of it:^ I inai agemeut, and for the liberality with which i :l has ever adjusted its looses. E. J. HALE, Agent. March 10, 1851. 02-tf DAVIS’S For sale by Apxil ih IVAIX-KH.T.EH, SA.M’L J. HINSDALE. W;f SO,000 . July 1. LBS. RAGS WANTED, JL BRANSON & fiON. 7etf PL.A.\M JROAO iA nunn %VAi\TK«. ^riio Trustees ot the Fayette ville and Rttleigb Plank Road (Joinpany invite proposals to fiirni.-'h Jinr.iber for the con.'truc- tion of their Road from Fayetteville to Kings bury. Propositions to be filed with the under signed. or with either Nathan King, C. Wil liams, J. W. Strange, or M. V. Jones, as early as possible, and to state the priccs and points of delivery preferred. A. McLEAN. Ch’ll of the Board of Trustcta' Fo.votte\iIIe, Aug. 2^, 1?51 17-3t 3

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