>P('M T!IK X\riOXVI. INTKI.I.KJKNl'KH. AX ATl’KAliTO inSTOUY.—Xo. III. Voiii. c: Veiiioo.' when thy ni:ul)le walls Are lovol with the wiitcrs, tliiMP sluill be A or' of N.".tii'iis >'or tliy sunken halls, loll.I !:tinoiit the swooiiiiijr seal If 1. n Morthoni uiiii'li'ror, wt'cp lV>r thcc, \\ h;it sliruhl tliv s"ns lio? Any thing l>nt wi'cp. SwitrorlTind, “the first Cru?adir^ army set j jmirnHl has out, oonij)iiscd t)t volunteers, m jireat part t'roiu 1’raiu‘o; in lOlH) they made themselves masters of Jerusuleiii and the neijrlihorin^^conutry.” “At different times, after tsltorter or longer intervals, during the i course of the hvo followinjr centuries, em- j perors, kinirs, hishops, dukes, and counts announced the hucccss of the Whig party, in the Congressional elections of North (’arolina, as the success of the “ruion ticket.” lie has not only fallen into a mistiike, hut he has done us grie"\- ous injustice in supposing and .seeming to intimate, that we look upon the Whig par ty as the I’nioii party t.f the South, and LAMARTINE’S OPINION OF NArOLEON. In li.iniartine’s new work on the ilesto- nition he portrays the Emperor Napoleon as perhaps never Frenchman before has depicted that extraordinary man, at one time so eniphatically siiid literally the it/o/ of the whole people of Franco. We are soniewliat curious to know how siu h si“n- a SI.,.j I""" ■.i.e . „.T xAr,„,K..N I.n; n,K KK.VNCK .N,. lie waxc."; fhi' i ‘ xi •, *: i ’> time, hut twcTity tim»'s tlu^ t\\ ejitic.h, that , . i St of ages, have not j ‘ -ind it was from they only are unionists who seek ti» pre-1 lie h-ft freedom chained, equally com- (icictv was hri'ken np; and this spcll-hound mis- iiniizy, that real .‘JCK-ial •>s were t»> he restored. A'iMii(‘(> stdl exist i.' n.it Iniri'.'d under tlio (if tlie (h'si'Vt, the !n.- covcreil her niius: n«>r nee.l th exclaim, “Wht're on« c stood \ ciuci.' tiavi'llerl Voii'lcr is dimly „ on t)i(> silent hon>s of the Adriatic. \\ lure | Y,,*' h/'tl,c' ll.-ivetian reces.^es that law arehersl.ips.^ {Icr c..niM.rr.v. Her throng-| ing population.' \\ hcrv. _ j, Were a cum].-tent pen cmplovi-d, and ■ ;i,re foundation was that fora l.m- lil.;, on a historical c.iapai-, remarkable fall things i>un lu.tu. cu tj.e lulancy »i^.fure age, and , ^ i;,.public- that ever ex^ste.l in decr.T''‘'l'‘-‘'/ mdividual niru and nations, ^-ontinut flu* rrsult ni >iuh a traveller | - I this chaos, anu from ’ ' taken n ligious p they only are unionists who seek to pre-1 lie lelt Iree.iom cnameu, cpiai.y com- serve the ("onstitutioii unimpaired, and : promised by posthumous institutions, feu thev only disunionists who disregard and ' dalism parodied, without ])ower to exist, trample upon its limitations of Federal an-; human consciencr rC'S(dd, philosop,iy pre- thority. i scribcd, prejudices encouragel, the human “It is a luirles(iue to c:ill the W'hig par-j niiud diminislied, instruction materialized wvuiUl culliiute a rellev'tor, ni.(.cssary to all v.ho have hinaan comhict to .-tnily, to ciircft, or to t-niiliol. it rciiiiiii'.-' but a i'Ursoi \' reading ot lii.-'tory todi.'-co\er that tlie very same virtues an.i vices, the same wis\ioui and tolly, which laa.ke or uuir in jirivate life, ojterate to produce like eflccts in affairs of (iovcranii lit, with an enormous diil’creacc in aiaount of evil in the latter t-.ie. as reaching t>a greater or less extent the whole couiniunity. In pr 'cc'S of analogy it would be found that ii') f'llv ever committed, through in dividual vii e or inipro\ idence, but could be more t!ian ]>;ira!leKd in coninianities, and in nations too. Hela'ld the rei kless course ot tlu* Heir I.fa fortune, aniassetl by industry, hones- tv. c;ire, and long years of life and toil I JJehoM him contemning all tht* thrift and the forecast ^lf hi> ancestors; travelling \\ ith heeilless h:\>te headlong to ruia; e- inpelled in the end to abandon to straiigt'is his al ready dismanth'il mansion, and the lin>ad lands by which it is siirrounileii! I^xtend the view t.: the conduct and action of Na tions. and a p.iralh 1 to this ] irture may be found in ‘'Vcry page ttf lii^ti ry. If such a work as we have suggested Were eompiled, ."lid aeecssible to every lioi'.cst iiKiniror after truth, tlic cxperie\;:e bcijueatlu'd i.y one generation to its snc- ce.>^s.>rs would nut be wholly lo>t, even t;io:i_h f-r t;ie pie>t‘nt disivganied. The ] i;.- ' ef-I!. !i a v,oi k '.V "il ! .ilfiand in ’.\- ;.u i'l..‘S of tl;e III ,.~t liuuiii’ailver.-ity. j'Twaucetl i'\ file ih ter;'r:!tinj- liitoxieatiuU uf •'Ucccss. 'l lie nio-T c\a\tj.‘d interi >ts of Nations W'Mild I'e .-hiiwn to dejn nd on the vt ry .anu jirinci]>le a> tlu' •^ucce-i' or th'* f.,ilure in life > f the nio-* hum’ le in>li\id- n.il. In ."'i-cietie.', tiie family in which liarni' iiy and p'T'evering iiaioii of action ] 'vvail, sel l'ini falls, and alwa\' d '^*-rves fu prosper. S > in I ii'.iu 'tit'. in unitv t!‘,t'i-e is >trenuth: in di.'Uait n tL. i\ canii.'t tad t > be Weak..!•>. . di>"ider, and eventual iiii-ery. I‘r"dii!-e the c'-nditi>n.'. and c iU'c and ctl'e, t will b'llow. \\'e haVL ah''ady fiintlv shown what It aly v:as. and wliat Italy is—and whit IVance was. and what-Frainv is; aU'I why the cue country has become covered with lirokeii fragnii nts of u nm-c glurioas pr">- ]>erity. and the other has >tniLr_'!ed tri- \unphantly. and thr'Uirh ccntnrie>, ti> over come b.irharisin; to reu;;ite in-r ud ■ f dis locating tlie I’rovinci? of a iii"t .'jiletulitl part el tiic earth s >uif.ice; t > give ti a people >pc;tkin_f a coiiiiiinM l;;iiL'ii;;ire the kin«!ri-vl ailvaiitage of a eenmi'-n (iovern- 111.lit. V»’e now leav rl: ■ >. :1 e-f Fraiiec to vi>it aii''tluT theatre of human vici."ltude, in wliieh similar can-"-j have produce,i hke i fleets. iJetwe -n I'niuce an.l (li’riaanv 1>r i]ier. and iji th" liiL'h cr'iwn i.f 'fn*r;d We^tenl Kur. p pine vail, y- fV' the eh 'Vat> tie ioiiiitaili> '1 iiie 1 and tile l^anniie oil;' h!:u :’i'ei| .111.1 1. iig:!i. h.'t’.V: ..'11 til- I,:ik( '■‘ii.'t.ince, wall a widii 1 Al ii i-her the l;h iiie. the lii.ine. •Mvad.' a eoiuitrv of an 1 11 whi. h ti'.w = ! -■•■\- n'v ni;i- in of (Iciieva and if sevelltv miles. i-oiiipnsing all are;i of aoout thirteen th.Mi- >,iiid si|iiar(! mile'. '1 his coniparativelv c miine I mountain and lake reirion, ren dered sublime l>y the Alpine ci-,'t'. was til',- HcK'- tia of aueicnt, ;in>l is the .''wit- '/ •rlaiid of mod- rn a_fe>: a laud wherein Natun- h.i' a-'iiiiied in r lie -t .-tviii and iiiip'-'niu' i‘':itiires. and wie r^’m .\Ian has acte.i > .111.- of in.- il roic .>i eues. ( in thi-ir i:ioiuit tin tl,,. (i ;ll..-('elts, or lii 't known iiih.datant'of 11 Ivi iia. emerge.l in: . h;>r.iric:d li_dit by 'I*' ini^ru tlifir casi:;:! c tnii' xittTi wirh 'Icutijiies. or i nils. Thi'i w:l> jKit. h. w- ever, until within the lir.-t ceuim v l>ef>re the 'hn-'tian ei.i, and in (.in', .pteiicc o|’ tile military opeiati..n> of .iuiiu ( ;o^ar, !'V wh'.iii they were partially sui.jeete.i. II - I'lee ] to a K 111.111 piuviiice l.v 'I'ii.erins, luo!.; or le^' ngiilly -u'oj cted to lli.nie un til tli.-extinetioa of that ;n\>t, rioii.> ^iii- J'ire, H dvetia partook in the v.:rioii> vici>- sifudes ot its history. ('hri'iiaiii*y wi-; one ellect ot lloiuaii domination, iiut the country of Helvetia, ol.scare, only conr-.s into view caMially, and during the iir.-t live hiindrcd y-ars of the Cliristiun ora its iiis- tory is almost a blank. Involveil in the ■pu Kurojn ; an 1, more strange ' to c\i.'>t. Li t not the reader hastily mis- t take iiiehoate eh'meiit> tor .■structure. J he idea of ti /hiJill/,/,c was not even exeited; it folh'Wi'd as a coiiseiii'“iU‘e in tlu* course ot events. Ibit, defeetive as was the ducal lorui of iXovi'raaieiit under the lioii.si'ot /aringen, when eoniparcd with modem ideas, it was iiod' ubt th-bi'st which existed in Kiirojie, when in I r\ S, fnr,'t~, ami ( ntn- ini^ili n firmed with Znrir/i the first mu tual di fensive Kague which eventuat 'il in that public .''O renowned iii alter ages under the naiiu' of .'Switzerland, trum tlu‘ canton of Sehwitz. It ought to i'-e carefully observed that it wa.s fioin the s:inie ehaiii of events came the lust lbd\etie leanie, and that rose als.t to imperial power Kodo Ipli. (’ou'it of 1 lajisl'iirg. th(‘anee.'tor ot the yet e\i.'ting Imperial 11 'Use ..f Austria, the inhabi- t;.nts of (he imp-rial ttiw n>. and free lands of H-. ivetia sought the protection ot Uo- tioljih ar:iiiit till' ii'diility. and gave t(' his ••«ran.l-iri!s the best iufaalry then in the world. H.irni 'Uy d.i.l n >t long endure between IbMhvlph and his Swi> allies; war and peace foUcwe.I until the death of Iv'dolph in l‘il>l, and the atteiiij't of his son ainl succ' r.'' r, Albert, t • seiiin-o the Hnrghers of I ri. Sehw itz and I’iit‘rwa!den toehange their dfpendeiiee on tlu' Fnipire. and come under tnedirict authoritv of the lunjieror. Tiii jii-oduci 'l s 111!.- years of ;lis.-.>iit.'iit.— 'i’h ■ .''wi.-';, .-I-, we 111 IV now «-all them, re- fu.'.'d. ;iiiil on.* fal.'i- luea.-are al'UT aiiolher widened the I reaeh through lotiT. Im- pi .'i.il pride blinded the Impi rial ('ouncil, ;iiii! inii:."tie.‘, einl'itteri d bv coiiN'iiipt, in- dii' ed t!ie tVi-e .''\vi>' to llv to open I'esi.'t- aaee, wiiieli ofeoin-e led to in h pend. nee. Th-'ie is U" d ‘u’'t of the g ni val faet. but ( \ ideii.lv niueh of f iblc in the leeord of inei.leiit^ whieli 1-d to till- formati'’ii of the ll'dv. lie union. In one re-peet. whieh we caniii't pa." iiniiofie.-l, t!ie pliilo- 'phy of hi.'toiy wa' remark.ibly 'n'tain. 1 in both tile at epoch.I f Ilel\. t;c hi'tory. Fr.'in rile iin a-ion of tli.' countrv bv •> n- blis ('av'-ir to the ('olif'ederacv ^ I.■■!(»'' : thirte. II and a !; df eclituries h:id jias'cd a- way, and fi'.ai th.- rci-n of (";iarh nl.:::ne Ii\ t- e.-ni ur;. > lla.l -iap'e.l. No ade.pl.Ue belli-lit be ^'ailie-i hy hi.'toric:d 'tlldv. with..ut the 'cale of time. e are n.nv t.» p. n the :_d.>ri>>n- a;/e of Swi.'s bi'^oiy. and t . ...e, , th.'Ugh faintly, how in,my ( cnturie.' it io>t t.» reach inde- lieiideii.-e. and h"\v much of ?d 1 and tiiue ha> been t-\i»-nded to maintuin that iiidi-iH-nd -nee. KKiiM TH.-: Hli llMft.M) Wl'Ki. Till-: niSTNloN TK’KKT. (Ireat i,» the a^'oiiy. ].rof..nn.l th.- oii- >f,-rii:ir;oTi ..f a fnild.p-d Lo.-,.f when, instead "f flr.t ->!f-!.a] ti-e.l a].pellatinii of Heia.'i-rat—'.vha h ha.- 1 e,-n worih anv m »- m-y t > h;ni—he .-.ud lcnly find' th-- public g;vin_' him. of his own a-cor.l, wli.it hi' '"111 iii'-st .-li'ii.-r-^. an unp *pu!ar iiami-; tli.it of n:.'iniioni>t. fbr in>f.inc.*. Sm h i- the ili.'tre.'S e.xhihite I I y one of our e. .temno- r.iriiin tui- 'ubj iiiieil j.ar.iL'raph: e (ilrve tliat th‘- W a.'hiiii.''ff'n I - nion. tie- Ua hm-.iid l'.n|uirer. an i t>;her Deiiioera'ie i rint- North of thi>. h ive aii- n-iunei-.l tli,’ •■1';.; ,n t'l k'-t" i iri-n. rallv .'U;-i-'-S'{iil l->r «- in tiii .'^late. Now, wil l. Wi' ha\e to j-( pe.it lo]- I'l,. t\Veu;i.-f]i tlllie 1>, tiltlt f/tl -'l tit'f ftif f /1 SH ;t 11 tft I tit / nft/1tm; and we inii't expre-s oiir suriT!'' - that we are compelled to make thi'« assurance to fr;en 1-, nieniber'i of oar own jMi fy. '1 he l*(-moerats eh-cti d to (’ongr‘ s iVoMi this State, are h'thr rnioii men tli.in tin; higs who have been (dei-t- id; they are so tor the simple reason that th'-y .- -ek to pre>erve the I niou (iv-(irilittf h) t/n- 'iiii^tiiiit.'nii—the I'nion which our lath'-rs estalili'lied, and th‘ iiih/ Fnion worth 111 lintainiiiir or preserving. h’i/i‘ii//i I A'. ^) Sill)nldrtl. Tho sorrows of that l.ocofoco moralist, Werther—the atflictions of .Job when tor- nieiitcd by hi> friends ami .-scolded by his sji'iu.se— h id’s 7'i isfin—tht‘ Flegiac poets geiu’rallv ^’ouiiL'S ^\ii//if Thniif/its— Hlair’s a fit It—llervey's Miliuititii\>i rr- i)i'nii till' 'I'l^iiilm—l)o(ldriilge on Ih'iitli— the lamentations of the pious Hoyt and long distracted i rank .'doiiarchy, it was the LroIly Ibitler over the want of stated nor indeed until in the n igii of Charle- niairne that Helvetia a.'.'Umt-d a. distinct 1-rovincial po.sitioii. (,’ivilization advaii(-el, ai. l, shielded by luouutain walls, the peo- Jih; have ever since maintained a li.-tinct ii.«ti.»uali;y. 1,1 the division of the Carlo- viiigian eiiifiirc Helvetia fell into the (!cr- nian part, and sh.-ire.] its forluiii:.s through four or live ccntuiii's of ch-mge. -\s time adva.iiccd, so new -aiises of ac tion arose and made themselves \isible. \ ino.-it active and in.diioiis agency rose iniperceptibly, and, until (he preticnt time lias not cea-^.-d to opeiaUi with varying power on the de,-tinies of .''ontheni Knrope. T!ie mi.ldle of the eleventh century ar rived—an age not .«o rude as is generally .-iippo-ed, but \i ilcnt; warlike without mil itary discipline; tyrannical without order, and*conseiuently neither the Imperial nor }‘a[i:>l power (hdined. in the midst of this slate of political (haos two men ro.sc up, each ill his way calcul.ited to augment the turbulence and fan the ilamt-s of war.— i^f)pe Gregory V'll, or Hildebrand, elected I’ojie in li>73, and tlio German Emperor, Henry IV, con temporary, were the expo nents of their age, as far Italy and Ger many was coiKernel. lleurv was, strange ...any ...,y I i./ti.,I,,;Hcf ,‘.7.'.:;^;,^,:: jireachiiig at Sandy Hill; nay, all the trib- vdations of the nio.'t woeful saints atid nioiinifal martyrs, down to that man of gri f, tiie jiathctie Martin Van Diiren, when he wrote, in his party distress, tho.>ic affecting wor-ls, “our sufferings t\s intolera- bh;”—never exceeded this burst from an overehargeil heart I He t-omfoited, unhajipy brother! This world is all a fleeting .show. Hon’t let it go too hard with you. 'J'his is but a vale of tears, at best; and the righfems have a sad time of it. Man was made to mourn. Ah to thinking yon Hisunionists, 'ti.s a ve ry natural mistake. Voii see that your own friends ot “the Washington (’nioti and other 1> with “all ty the I’nion party. “What .sort of I'nion party is that which has to mount the back of I'reesoilism eve rywhere at the North to get along at ;ill; and which is almt'st everywhen-* repulnit- ed at tlu' South; which aids free.soilism in cessantly in its war uj>oii thi> ('on.'tituiimi, and pours out unceasing detrai tion and obltMjiiv upi'ii the Southern tlefenders of that instrument; which is impotent as well to eurli the North in its war uji.'n the 1’- iiioii, as to rally the South to its support.’* I’d'.'lit I nioii-s;iviours indeed are they, w lui art.' iinabh’ tii*stand upon their own le^s anvwherc; and who scru]>le n-'t to call to th ir siip]iort all the incendiary lactions and destrmtive :igencies which the lan.l cont:uus. The notion (.f the big party s .saving the Fiiion, is as pn’posteroiis as the means they adopt for accomjilishing the work. It h:is got to be like tlu'ir Nation al H.ink b.intling—“an obsolete idea. 1 he pn ft’Usion which tln'V e.vhiliit on this Score is bt'come a subject ot joke and deri sion. “'I’hey are rnioii-s:n iours in the .s.ime si'iise in which the Knight of Li .M ancha was w rong-reilri s.'-er, clun'sing the modes of itVeetiug their object with as much sro^acitv, and a- unerringly dama- giie.: and abusing what they pretend to assi>t; the difl'crcnce being, only that It- was more tool th.-iii kiiavf.” 'i'o this polite intim.ition that tlieW hig." ai'' more knaves than f-'ii's, w>- might 1 i- pardone.i for n jilying that the other side are -,i ha] jiv eombinati''U ot both. Hut will s.-iv nothing o illiberal :ind so Wh-il h-ive y.iu done with your ni;itiner'. iiei.hbor':' Keep a (i\il tongue in y.nir he.nl, at lea.'t, if you keep nothing li-e there. Hut the Kiii|uir. r denies the “s -ft ini- jie;u hiin-nt " of tlu* Staii.lai.b It says it has ii'-'er stated tli:it th.- ticket which ha> sut-( C(-de.) in .V'-rth ’;‘r"l n.i was .-i iii n” tieket; that it do» not look on the Whig party a' the rid.-ii p.;itv of the S.'Uth; nor upon the d. fe ,t--.l (h ill 'clatic cainlidates ( t N >rtli Carolina a» di-uni .ni.'t.-. W»-ll: '.i be it. Hut the Kuijuiier''' pinion .in'lu li a jioint can have no wi iLdit. alter the tact h;*.' been ih nioli't -atcl J ll.vr it .-'.W't KiU! rr~ i.iKK rt l.I, i iir, iii t h Kia\ei la iwt.i.N rMiiM-T AM» I'l'IMuM'l; it call ■M-t iio (ii'iiinion in ,'lr. Seiidon’.' F.;r. W(ll .\ i ires-;, th -ai:h a- fidl of it a> an t-_'g •' of meat ; soliH-tinie,' a.I.lied. i if the Sr.-m.iard and Ki!.|uir r .in’t I's- tin-j'ui'li betw- -n -^ueh, their .'^tat.-s can. And. imh-ed, what i> the u-e of b. in:r a 1 iiioii III in, if one e.-m't tdl a rnioni-r fr an a I»i>aiiioni''!' H w can the Kinpn- rer 1 e 'lire of it- own or any I dy 11'- I /(.’ n ' ;;!. when it 1.- .-o totally in the dark as f.i what that i.-’.' In the LTo'!*!, stea.lfa>-f. oM-fi-hione.j N .rtli State, th. y don’t dt fim- rnioni'in. as the ."^taiidard and {h- l-';ejUT'-r .ilid .^ir. S. .Idon do, wiili a Calhonn ijuirk. ’I'hev don’t jil.it aLT iin'f tin- rni.’ii. dcn'iiinee the r .iii].r 'iiii'e, side with .''ece«.'i..n, and .-fill l-"'k "11 tin III.'* l\ — a> I nil Tii't'; nor }>re- tell.l a gre;it Ze.-d f.r till ('oll.'titutioli. like SoiitlH’arolin.i, when thi-y want to n\er- thr.iw tie- conteih-rac\ . 'I ht-V L'o. there, /"/- //(/• / n Its it i., ;ind intend to ^talld b\ it. 'I'hey Went f>r the (’..ni] romi'e, ;i' tli*‘ gre.lt means of re.'t.iriliL' a irelieial ^oo.l under't.indin^ and of -.eeuring the observ ance of Southern rigiit.-: they think it has already ac-eoiiijili.-hcd, to a great ext«'!it, th' -e iiol le. iu^t, w'.'e and jiatriotie ]>ur- jioM s, and th,.t ail the ri 't will be spee.iily and la,'t:n;_dy ace 'mpli'lu'd. if we meet, with a m.iiilv contidi-nee and good w ill, tlu- r.'tiirnin;i eood will ot our ort-thren. They think that, at any ivent, tbi ir faith anil tin ir duty are pledged t.» tho.>ie bnthri'ii and to the I iiioii ot our f.ithers, to earrv out that ('ompromi.^e, in all its parts and in all it' principles; and that if it i> to be violati'd, the North shall have no excuse for that violation, such as .^Ir. Seddon and his party here, the .'Standard and it frii nd.' there, are const.intly su]i- plyiiig, by ileiuiuiieiiig the N' rth and tin- (’om]iroinisc. In .North Carolina, when they see candidates doing these thing.s— candidates espet-ially who did in ('ornrress their utmost to defeat the Coni]iromi.H— and tho.se candidates, though trying to make the Comproini.se odiou.-' liy treating it as oppressive ami degrading to the South, come forward to them in a cainass and .solemnly as.-ure them that they are nothing like Disunionist.s—nay, are rather tlu* be.'t I’nion men in the wurld—why, old North Carolina, you .>^ee—a v,>ry simple-hearted, [(lain, unpretending, ipiiet dame, too old-• fashioned to couijindieml the subtle South (’arcdina logic by which it is made clear that the best of all Fnionists is a Disu- nionist—the old dame, we .siy, looks sharp- ly, with a single glatici', into the face of such a candi.late, and, coollv performing '■ that expri'.ssive gesticulation by which a lad is desired to inform one whether his mother knows or not that he is out, sets him down, mentally, for still worse than she had taken him to be. All (iiis, now, i.s very jirimitive, stupid, wronr-headed; and must greatly puzzle aiid concentrated iii the pure scii*nces alone, sehool.s (-(inverted into barracks, literature degraded by censorship, or humbled by baseness, national representation perverted, eleetion abolished, the arts enslaved, coiii- nierei' (hstroved, credit annihihited, n.ivi- gation siijipresseil, international liatri'd r‘- vived, the peopk- oppre.'-.'cd, or enroHi-il in the army, jiayiiig in blood or taxes flu* ambition of an une«iualled soldier, but covering with the great name of I'lance the (-ontrailictions of the age, the mi'^erie-' and dt-gradaiion ot the lountry. 1 his is the louii-di'il This is the iiiaiil—;i num the s«'a, 'and of the battle liolfl—out of liis ( Icment in his own palace, and a stranger even in hi.s own empire. Such was at this period the profile, the bust, and the external physiognomy ot Napoleou, A I'AINFUL CASE. An accoutif of a recent trial at the Old Hailey, in London, liord, Chief Justice 'I’indal, jiresiding: (Jeorge Hammond, a ])ortrait painter, was placed at the bar, to lu; tried on an indii-tmcnt found against him by the grand jury for wilful murder, with malice afore thought, of (icorge IJaldwin, a rope dancer and a mountebank. 'J’he })risoncr was a man of middle height, but slender fortn. His eyes were blue and mild. His whole bearing gave cvidt*ncc of suhduel salm*ss and melaiK-holy resignation. He was foi- ANf KbT^CTTONl^lTTS'ft CFAf.' One of the greatest electioneerers of the age is a !Mr. Daniel R, Russell, a candi date for Auditor, in 31issis.ippi. Ilis mode of electioneering i.s to deal with the “sov ereigns” with the most blunt frankness— discarding every particle of blarneying humbug. The following sketch of a late sjieech delivered by him, must have jmz- zlei] his o[iponent to reply: CStikUt’Tin'M: I rise—but there’s no use of telling you that, you know aii'd conseom-nce^^^ wl 'S I am up, as well as I do. I am a modest ' FATT and Fanty On last Saturday evcninj; ti,^. ^ bound for the several plac^..; shore were crowded by huiifir/' suit of pleasure and ]iuro air p went to see their wives, } a ' daughters, and lovers fl,(.ir and several unfortunate l.ii.nb neith(,-r wives, daughters, n,,,. went with tlie foriorn hoji.; ,,j the first point in that h,ip|,v 'lU: once in a lifetime, to bh-.'S ev.- man—very—but I have never lo.st a pic- ^dam, with the po.ssesM.j,, • ayune by it in my life—being scarce com- ’We have only to do, how, vjr modify among candidates, f thought I I oiie anioiig the crowd--a w.-U { would nu*ntion it, for fear if I didn’t, you J ^ons of New Orlaans—a jn,,,, ’ never would iit'ar it. i jigination and ardent tempi r-,m,' Camlidates are generally considered ns to r.a- 1 r .V • 1 \ • » fnsf/ftres, Ijiit tlirv are nut, tlu»v are the ! • ^ ag,-, l.a.1 ;. s..lt V...C,. .,..1 1' » , v,„. l.y ap,cc a,.d ..,a„„r.- I,.„e tost t., y„„r fa.,.ily,'what's flu* jirospect fur crops, and 1 am the his being a man of distinruishi*d educa tion in spite of the jioverty of his dn politest man there is in the State. Davy ()n beinr called on t^i iiTejid, flu* I'li.-'.Mj- /I 1 *i I*. I , . ^ , (,iockett says, the politest man he ever er admitted that he did kill Haldwin, ami , ,* , * i • i * , , , , , ... , I , .saw, when lie asked a man to arink, turn- lie dell ored the aet, addiiii.f, however, tliat , . • i i * u -1*1-1 , . • , ,• I . 1 *‘d his balk so that he niielit drink as on las .soul and c'»n.scieiice he dnt not he-; , , , i t 1 ^ .^1 * n 1 1 . I much as he idea.sed. 1 beat that all hol- 1 hereupon, a )urv . , . * , * 1 • i * • low 1 give a man a chance to drniK twice lieve himself guilty, J liereupon, a jur> was I'lupannelh'd to try the jirisoin r.— The indictment was then read to the jury, and the aet of killing Ik ing admitted, the vernuiciif rested their case, and the pris- iii'tead of a revolution!—a man instead of ; yner was i-alled upon for iiis delciice. an ep.H-liI—a man inste;id ol a nation. | 'i'he jirisoiier thi-n addicsscd himself to lit.' .'M’ce a(-!!i,-(\ ( (’u'-.-r :a hi 'tyle .-iloii ; i^ hi- I . ;ind Cl ■ i- th Nothing around him but his shadow, making ,'tt lile flu* eighteenth ct-ntury, :ib- sorbed and conceiitratcd in himself alone. l\‘isonal glory will be always s]>"keu ol a> characterizing tlu* age of N.ipoleon; but it will m'ver merit the praise bestow»‘d iijion that of Augustus, of Charh inagne, and of_ jjouis NI\. 'I'liere is no agt*; tlii-re is on ly a n.iiiie; and this name signilies nothing to humanity but himself. F.il^e in institutions, for he retrograded; false in policy, l.ir he dehaM-t.1; talx* in inoiaN. tor lu“ (-orriiptt-d; false in ei\iliza- tioii lor he oppn-s.-'t-d; fal.'i* in diploiii.icV, f r he i>'il:!te I—he was only trm* in war; f ir la .'bed t.a r.-iits of human blood. Hut wh.it can we then allosv him':' His indi- \iiiiial L'oiiius was L'reat". but it was the i:ctiiu> of materi.di-III. Hi- inteiligi-iice was vast and i-h ar. but it w.is the inti lli- lie.* of c.llelll ltion. He c..Hilled, he wi.jhe.1. he Jiiea.'ur‘d; but he !• It not; he I y.- 1 ti t; he sviiiji.ithised with none; he A.,..' a 't itr.e r;;t!i. r th in a man. 'I'l. -re-, in lav hi' inf* riority t.i Alexauih r and to ('a*'.ir; he n -embhd more the 11 iiiuil.al I f the Ari.'toer:i-v. I'ew men h.ivi- thus belli moulded, and niotihle.l cold. All was '. lid. III thing gii'lu d fath, ii; th it miud uothiuiX wa> move.I. lIis uietallie nature wa~ t. lt i veii in his style. He wa', jierhap-;. the greatest writer of human '!a(-hi,-(V(-l. M uch snfiei ior to .•lei-oUnt of his c.;mp:ligll'. i.' n>'t the w..tt-n exiues-ion i.' the ai-ti.iii. K'l-ry '.eiit* nee in 1'. I to 'pe.ik, the eounftrp.it ' r iiiipi ■-"! ‘ii ot'thi f;.i t. 'l ie ri ll- ith. r a h tt. r, a s-.un.l, or a ( ol..r wa'te.i bt :\\-. n the I'ai-t al.d tl.i- Wold, ; Jld the W'lrd i- hiiii'cU. Hi' phra'- 'i-fini-i'.*, but 'trie k I tf with ornament, recall th .'C t nil ' when Haja/.i : and Ch irh ma-_'Ui-. not knowing h"W t.>w; tc their n inn ' at the boft III *.f th«;r iiiiji. ri.d a« t'. dipp- d t::eir h.-ind' in ink aii.l bloo.l. ;ind ;ipp!i.-d t'lcni w ith .-ill th> ir arlieul.iti' iis iiiipres-eil ujd.n tin ] ari limeiit. It wa> not the 'ign.-itiire: it wflu* h.-iiid it'* If of th'-lu-ro thus fix- t-d «-aii!e>tly b-f .r«* the e_\ .and .'e., h Wen- tl . pages of li!' campii^ns dictated bv .\.ip:-leon—the \ery soul of movement, of ai-tiou ami of c.-nibiit. This fame, widt h lon'fituted hi' monil- itv. his coii'i-iriu-e, and hir> priiieijile, he III- rifetl. by his nature and hi' talent', tl 'in war ainl from glory; and In- h.-i' cov en 1 with it the name of France. France, oblit;e.i t.i aeei-pt the odium of his f_\ranny ami hi' rniies, sli.iuhl also accept his trlo- rv with a st rious gratitude, .''he (-aniiot .St jiarate In r name from liis, with uit les- .'eiiing it; bir it is ( i|ually im rnstt'il with hi' gieafiuss a“ with his fault. Slu wi.'h- k1 tor reiiiiWii, and he has given it to her; but what she priuciji.dly owes to him is the cell 1 rity 'he h.is t:;iiiu-d in flit* world. II1. I'OilTbAlT l.N b"!!. ’I he I'.uipire had luadi- h;m oM bi'l’on* his t.mc. Gratilietl ambition, s.itiatei! priile, the th liirhts of a palace, a luxurious falde, a voluptuous -oueh, vouthl’iil wives, comjilai.'ant mi>frt s.s(-s, long vijfils, sleeji- Ic'.' nights, divid(-d ln-twcv-n labor and festive pleasure, the habit of constant riil- fhe (ourt ami lury:— “.My Ijoni, ’ :>aiil he, “my justifii-atien is to b(* buiiiil in a rvxital td flie fa-ts.— 'i hree years ago 1 lost a daughft r, tlu 11 four yi-ars if agi*, tin* sob* ineinori.il left of my beloved wife w hom it had ph-.ised (iod to recall to himself. I lo^t her, but I did not see her die, as I had seen her mother die. She tli.'ajipeare.l—'he was stolen from me. She was r charming i-hihl, ami but for her 1 had nobotly in the w-ald to love UK*. Geiilieuien, what 1 have salter ed cannot be dc.'cribcd—you canm t com- pn heiul if. I have ex|n-ii.i(-d in aiiverti'- 111'j: aiitl fruitle.'S si-aiches every thing I pos.'ess(-t|—furnitun*. iiietiires, even to my elotiies. .\ll ha\e been .old. I’or three ye.irs. and on biot. 1 have s u.ght for my ( hil'i, in all the ( iiie.' ;ind all the villag .' in the three kiniid. ii;s. A' 'oon as by jain'iug porti’ait-- 1 had suceeetU-tl in gaining a little nionev. I returned to Lon don to rt-e. ninieiice niy ad\i-rtis. nieiit' in the new,'p ip.-r. At length on the 1 Itli of Apiil last, 1 el'os.sed the .''ill;tliiicM cat- tii* iuaiki’t. In the leiifn- "1 the m.uki-t a troupe of nioiin'ebank' w t-re p-'i t'orming their f--at'. .\niong tliein a t hihl wa' turning on it' lu-ad, it' ]■ g.' in the air, and its head .'Upjiorted by a haibenl. A r.iy fr.'in the .'.'111 of it' nitifher niu-;t at fh.-it ni 'inent h,i\e pelletr.,t. il my own, for me to ha\(* rt-t-.>..fuize.| niv ehihl in fh.it eon.ji- fioii. If w.is my p.i'r chdd. 11-i'niotiier w. iiel jieib.ips h.tVo j n-i'pitat' 1 her-t It ft Wart!.' her. ami loeke.l herst-lf in ht-r arni'. A'^f 'r me, a veil j».i.''e.l o\er niv eyes. 1 threw ui_\'-il' upoli tin chit f >if the rojt -daiit-ei'. I kliow not h>iw if wa;s I habitually tr.-ntle, evt n to Wi-;iklies'. s. izcil him by hi.- el 'tlu 1 raised him in flu- air. then da'ln-d him to the ground— then air.iin. IL wa- (h-.al. .\tterward.' —••These are I \V e.'li \ ou look w ith fa- •I Ji.inloi; y.iu. I n-p' iifeil what I hail done. .\t fir- nio- nit-iit I regr. tted that I was laily aMe t.i kill but one.” Lord (’liief Jii.'tit-e I’lmial. iitif Chri'ti.-in '.-ntinieiit'. I cxpet-f tlu* court aiitl jury to vor on your d. feiiee. or (iod t if yon (-annof f.>ri:i\i r' 1‘risom r.—••! know, my h.rd, wlnt will be vour jnib_'inent, aii'l th.if of the jury, but God h.i> already j.ardnmd; I f.-el it in my heart. ^’ou know not—I knew not tilt n—the wh lie extent of evil that ni.*n h.iti d.iiie me. ht'ii s..me eoinp,i''ion.-ite peopjt* brought iiie my child, .'he was no longer pun ami angtlieas firmerlv. she was corrupfetl. ^lot-ly aial s.lul—her nian- iier, her l.ii!-_'iiage. infimou*; like tho.'c of the jieople with whom she ha.l been liv ing. She tliil not recognize me, an.l I no longer rei-opiixt'tl her my>elf. l>o yon comprehend now!' 'I'li.it iii.iii hatl r'lblietl me of the 1 ivi* and soiil of my t-biltl. An I 1—1 have kille l him but oiiee. ’ Fon 111:111—“.^ly Lord, we ha\e ;igreid in our vi-rilict. ” (’hii-f dU'tice.—“1 umh rst.-iml yon. gt'u- tlemeii, but the l.iw nnist t.-ike it' (-oiirse. I must suia up the case, and then you will refin* to deliberate.” The chief justice having summed up the ca.se, the jury retired, and in an instant ing which made liim corjaileiit—all t«'n- after ri-turned in the court with the ver- led to dc.uleu his limbs and enervate his ilict, ‘•Not (Juiltv.” faculties. An early obesitv overloade.l him with flesh. Iiis cheeks, fornu'rlv .'freak.-d with niusv les, iind liollowt-il bv the wtirking of genius, were broad, full, and overhunging, like tlio.se of Othoin the Itom.-in medals of the empire. .Vn ‘.\cess of bile mingling with the bloiKl, gave a yellow tint to tliO .'kin, which at a ilistance looked like a varni.'h of pah* gidd on his countenance. His lips still preservevi th«*ir (Jri'cian outline and sfeatlv ;jrace, passiiiir On the (list barge of Hammond, tlu* she- rifV was obligivl to surrouiul him with an escort. The cnwd of women and men wMs immense. 'The women were deter mined to carry him oft in triumph. The crowd followftl him all the way to his lodgings \vith deafening shoutsand huzzas. The Albany Knickerbocker givt's us an account of a wonderful dog belonginir to one cd’ its carriers. The carrier f’i*ll sick. if he wishes, for 1 not only turn around, //Ilf li/mt 1111/ ri/ia. I am not only the j»o- litest man but the best electiom*ercr—you ought to ,'ee me shaking hand with the variations, the pump handle, ami jietidu- liiin, the (ro.'S-cut, and wiggle-waggle; I understand tli^' .science perfectly, and if any of the county candidates wish iiistruc- tiiais, thty mu>t call on me. Fellow-i'itizens, i was born—if I hadn’t be-n 1 wtaihln’c have been a candidate, but 1 am going to tell you wlu-re—’twas not in ."Missi.'sijipi, but ’tw.-is on the right sith* of the m*gro line; yet that’s no com pliment, as the negroi.> are mostly born on the same side. I startid in the world as poor as a church-iiiou.se. yet I caiue honestly by my poverty, for I inherited it; ami if 1 ilitl start j.oor, no man can t s-iy but that 1 h ive held my own remarkably w(dl. Camliilates g(*nerallv tell you—if vnu think they an* (|iialitied, \'c. Now I don’t a.'k your thoughts, I ask vourvott-s. \\ hv tlieii-’s nothing to thiiik of, except to watcli ;ind .see that Swan’s name is not on \our tit-kef, if so, f/iiii/,- to seratt h it off • aid jnit mine on. I am certain that I am coui].(*- tent, b>r who h id laight to know be’ti-r tl.aii 1 do/—nobody. I will allow that Swan i> flu- lust Amlit'>r in the Statt-; that is, till 1 am elei-tcd—then jH-rliajt.s it's not ]>ii {K-r for me to say any thing more. Vet an hoiu.'t Uian, 1 am bound to .'uv, that 1 b» lieve it’> a grievous sin ttj hitJe anv thing from my flllow-citizeii'’, therefore, .'IV tli.it it’s my jirivate c.jiinion, jiubliclv expn sscd, that I 11 make tin' best Auditor eVt r in the I uited States. ’Ti' n- t fir hon.ir I wi^h to be Auditor, for ;n my own c> iinty I was of^'ored an of- liee which wa'all honor—(’oroner—which I rv'pi cttiilly ileeliiietl. The *\uditor's of- iiee is w rth some S.>,UUd a year, and I am in for it like a thousand of brick. To show my gtiodn'*s of heart, I’JJ make this ofler to my (ompt-tifor. 1 am sure of being ( lei-ted. and he will lose somethiiiir bv the caina' therefore I am willing to divi le i-ijually with him. and make these two ot ters. 1 II take the salary, and he may h.-ive tile honi r: or he may liave the honor, aiul I 11 take th*' salary. In the Way of honors 1 have r.-ceived emaigli to .satisfy mt* for lift*. I went out to Mexico, (.at pork and be.-ms—slept in the r:iin and inutl, and swallowed every thing exee]>t live M. xicaiis. V. bm I was ordered to “go,” I went. “Charge,” 1 chargrd. “And break for the chajiarull,” ytai bad bettt-r believe 1 beat a (juarter nag m tloiiig nil/ tiufy. My ct'inpctitor, Sw.-in, is a bird of gol.len jiliiiiiage, who h:!S been swimming f.ir the la.'t f.'iir ve.-irs in the Auditor's pon'l, at a ytar. I am for rot.ition. I want to rotate him ut, and to rotate myself in. llieres jileiity of room for him to twiiu outside of that pond—therefore jn'p in your voft*s for me—1 11 jk-ji him out, and jKiji r.iysi'lf in. I am for a division of labor. Swan savs he has to work all tin* tiiiu' with liis iiose thiwn ujioii flu* public grindstone. Four years nm.'t have grouml it to a jn'nf.— Foor fellow, the jmblie ought not to insist on having the h.indle of his mug grouml r/i ini ojr. I have a large, fnll-gr^wn and well-blown nosse, red as a beet anl tousxh as Sole-leather. I rush to the post of duty. I ofier it up as a sacrifice. I clap it on the grindstone. l-\ llow-eitizcns, grind away —griml till 1 /to/hr run^\ ami that'll be some time first, for I’ll hang like griiu death to a dead African. I'ime’s is mo.'t out. V\'ell 1 like to for got to tell you my name. Its Daniel, for short I)an. Not a haiid.'^omo name, for my parents were poor people, who lived where the ipiality appnipriated all the nice names, therefore they had to take what was h-ft and divide around amu\g us— but it’s as handsome as I am 1{. Rus- st*l. ilemciuber every one of you that it’s not Swan. 1 am sure to be elected, so one and all. visit to a wife and soni'* luil}': dren, at Riloxi. A latly on ceived from him that polii„ , which every gentleman i.' htmi,,!. one of the sex when unpr .f.,: other words, when her iiK.fli^.^* know she’s out. They sat i ■. the ‘geards,’ and each sj.t>k,. .; ties of nature; but we re--r»t t th(* gentleman did not alhidi- j;,. distant manner, to the fact ifl^;. wife. ‘How this fn*sh brcezi* r-, vered pulse and invigorates th, f, . marked the gentleman, ‘uii] ^v' • of beauty lie al tivi* anti ar.iu;,! bo;it dashes thn ugh the w,,i.r;: mt>onlight nij:ht, cha'in*_r rli.. sim*ss away, ami bnngiiijr sw..t . ing reflections. Sec that ^1. vi lingers in the wesfern ht.r.zi.n, and water seem to meet; iji.,., :. tray to the mind the gh.ri.,;;, , youth, which point to tin* (iim the future and cn-.ite an iu),:.fi; nection befwt-cn earth an.l L.,-: . the track of our prt^gii". H' • biam up- n the suilV.ee of the 1 k- tlie agitated waters .'tili spaik:. .;; a> if the galaxy was tiaiisf. rp ; cool dejiihs. At early m.irui:, • the w hite he,-ith bebm* ;i.' frii,.,, ■ and the sun shining throi|;_rh tji, . ca>ts their shatlows uj.ou tl.c i„'. fancy deims it Naturt '> luiir. r. silver, and w ith her peifiiia.« round it. An.l when at evt-iiii,-. should seek the shad-iws of :] a >weet little deuny Li’ad i' -ii,. . cry bough, you will feel that tij.: notes conie with fn-^her Lla.ii,.-- iieart than the volujituous s\\i-;i ■ • if music.” (>ur hero stoppeil ht-rc f r ; breath; and a sweet sii.ile n .;i .. thanked him for his etfort't.. j., - this moment a fellow of .-ath r se>sing ajipearance, stepped up t • ami desired her to prepare t.. i they were nearing the .'le.r.-, not; but cast a look of .'ileiit 'liiM. . our p'letic gentleman, who w:.- into a jjerfeet fit f>f surprise ;-.ii i seration. The boat reached at Pass Christian, the lady an i v ■ ing]y rough companion weiir . our hero, who had been watefijiiL'i exit, turned away wirh a siuh. ;ii!, mined as the boat left the wiiarf. ■ his seiitinu-nt and sorrow in a bv, lep. It h.id ijuite a coolini: ami a_ efiect; but wlu-11 he souirht his j p.iy the har-kee]ier, it was not t.i I Ho sto.id mute for a moment: memory of all that hud passed ing upi>n him, and slapping 1. breecheS'pock. t, he cried; ••b , by ! I felt her leaniii,: . as 1 spoke of the connection i -1\\ on ami earth.’ The purse contaiiu'd wltliiii a f w of ninety dollars. V\'e leariud ti. fnim the hero of it, and con.'idt r' ■ too good to let it pass nnn. tic.'.!. A'. O. /'■ oiu' in a list of six hundr(*tl. At the door i eome ilown to dackson, after the election of all s\d)scribers who had not paid for , —s^top at the Auditor’s office—the latch their papt*r for a length of time, the dog ; string always hangs out—enter without was lieanl to howll 'I his is a most intel- ' knocking—take off your things and make such ingenious I nionists as our twci in-1 head. Rut it was beginning to yiebl; and jured cotemporaries. Rut, foolish and he im-iined it often on hi.s'biva.*t; while imoeratic }iriuts” encourage “‘‘rrow-miuded us all this is, it is really so. | cro.«sinr his arms like Frederick II -in tlie idea, an-1 in common “ ” ' •■ ’ ' - easily fnmi a smile to a menace. His solid j il‘‘livor the pa- bony chin forrm* 1 an appropriate base for ■ w,-is to ftdlo'v the his *fcatun*s. His nose was but a line, j stopped at the door of each sub- thiii ainl transpan-ut. The paleness of iwagged his tail, never missing ' gre.it and small, short and tall, when you his cheeks g.-ive greater brilliancy to the blue of his «*yes. His biok was searching, unsteady as a wav(*ring flauu*—an emblem of impiietuth*. His fon“ln*atl seemed lo have widem^il, from tlie scantiness of his thin black hair, which was falling from the moisture of continual thought. It might be said that his head, naturally’ small, hail increa.sed in sizi* to give ample '(-ope h(*tween his temph's b>r tlie machin ery and combinations of a mind, every thought of which was an emjiin*. 'I'he map of the worhl .seeuietl to have been em rusted fni the orb of th:it reflective ligent and useful animal. T/ie 1//-Jji»i1,'imj llorm'—Pun that irns nn Jnke.—A Fremlimau, iie:ir the (i'anada lino, in Vermont, sold a horse to his Yankee neighbor, which he recom mended as b(*iiiir a very .Muiiid, serviceable yourself at luMue. [Dan crawfished out of the stand, bobbino- his heail like a tip-up, amitl the cheers for “Dan, “,V Dam Russel,” and “Vttuu”- Daw Cnx-kett.” ° (’ilF.r.sp.-s. Two men were seated at a f;.i ! \ille, drinking ale and eatinir i-.-:i . chec.‘;e. Their eoiiversatitu ut turneil ujion large chee.se. “That was a very bir_'i* eh'. >■ ; * to Andrew Jacksi n,” .'altl oia-. “^es, it Weighed nine hu:; ir- ' ; and upwards,” aU'Wereil the o.i,,; A young gentleni.iu who v,; - • reading a newsji.-ijicr in the .s.iiiir, ^uired— “How much ditl you say. s’ : ' “Nine hundred and upward.'. - the other. “That is about half as large;i-' niy father makes in this couutv. ^ young man’s reply; “his cliec.-t ' . average two tlmusand pound'. ' “Two thtiu.s.ind poundsl ’ exei ' Strangers, in perfect astonishta-iit. how does he manage a dairv c:. making such an enormous cli'i' ijuired both simultaneouslv. “Very easy.” replied the yoii’-' “he has an extensive trough lea'iii;: the side of a large hill on his j'V half down there is an immen.o ' cows are milked in the tr^iugli ■. .same runs int(j thi.s reservoir, almu' die way on the side of the hill.” Leaving the .stranger to diire-1 ■ scription, the \oung mau coollv I.ii'i the papi'rs and walked off. I’roscii'. landlord stepped in. “Do you know that younu iii.ni * the room a few minutes sincei.' iii one of the strangers, j es, sir, ’ said the landlord, •'li' I sou vtf a dairy owner in this cmiiitv i “\\ hat is his chamcter for truth racity?” imjuired the strangers \ W.O.. : • • 1 1 jiiiiuireu me srranL'ers. ' bette exhort tin crca- I *^“1 t”'n see no hope of altering the tM'ii ami the rest of mankind,” persist in dcjilorable as it is, we can do nothing regarding the Whig.s, and the Whigs only, as the rnion party. For our part^we.scc no help f(.r it, uiul think your best way will be, to h(*ar it like a philosopher. 'I here is still one comfort left you: mis ery loves company; and your yoke-fellow attitude and gesture which he ajipcared to aflcct. Tnable iiny longer to seduce his r for our melancholy fri(*nds than to courtiers and his .‘loldiers bv the charm of rt them to arm their dcfler.sonian bo-1 y„„(l,jt was evident he wished to fa.sei- with at hri.'tian resignati.m, or .-*ek . nate them by the rough, iiensive and tlis- con.solation in another branch of their doc-! dainful character of himself—of his model trn.es and turn Mllibusters. | in his latter days. He mouhled himself, ^ ^ have to be their next | as it were, into the stature of reflection tl '1v * i r North Caro- before hi., droops, who gave him the nick- witlTl ' ‘tness the groan j nor \ irginia that they are friends cf name of Fuf/,,,- riiniuihtfvJ. He as.sumed with which it answers yours, as if to say, 1...1 i,...*— x-... .. I . . J Wt write, olj write me h11! that I nmy jt.in of civil order; Gregory, of the pajiaj power It was an age of prcp;irafion, of violent ex citement. Maukiiitl seemed to have no }*ettled htjine. I his uuset(b*d state of hu- iiitin tlHiu^ht anti aspn-ati..n was no mo mentary condition ol ih’imI. *‘ln lh(*year jOlMi, i..iys l.:irdiiei' in hii lli'tory of lhat di.scoiiHolate paper replies, with the most tragical indignation, as follows, niiieh after (In* manner ot itn old contribu tor Hrutus, when he exclaimed that virtue was }iut H name: “()ur reHi>ectcd contemporary and coad jutor i-i initttakcu iu declaring that thi« tl.i» |-,,io,.: », ,|,eyl,a.U..|levtrj^ '>f Snmct!,ing lou.-h, tneinU ol I ri.flo, anil eavage iu his u.ovoD.cnts reveal- ed his STiuthern and in.sular origin. The man of the Mcditeranean broke out con stantly through the Frenchman. His na ture too great ami powerful for the j»art he had to play, overflowed on all occasions. He boro no rc.semblance to any man a- round him. Superior and altogether dif ferent, he was au offspring of the sun, of Cuba and of Fillibuster freedom: Let flu in go—’twill be so consi.stent and so patriotic an arrangement—for the .scce.s- sion of South Carolina and the annexation of Cuba! Blunlin of «// /;///(/>!, Fwi sole at tiiis Ofiice 1 • *1 r 1 • * • , r - ' J J'M* liv T J Hi: ‘‘I no\-ov animal, in .spite of his unpreposs(*ssing ap- ; he was j.ut into an omnibus with a dozen 1 , 11 1 liearance. lo every ni(|uiry of tlu* buyer persons, of whf.m he did not know a sin- 1‘m • re.specting the iuahties of the horse, the ; crU, one. Turning a corner shortiy after ' -xsk'ng y.Mi, ' frenchman gave a favorable reply—but how*ver, the omnibus wa«. uixct ' “ \nd has been t... - ” .said he, “1 found theni all out ” ! Uxanutactures cIhhm • ‘ '.dairy in this county which av-m-’ ‘ I am exp(*cted to go for slavery, can t. —,/. A*, (iiili/iitijs. Yes, vou (fo always commenced his coimnendation with then the (lepreciatory remark—“He’s not hmk ' ver good.” The Yankee, caring little for the looks of the hoi.'-ie, of which be could judge for himsi-lf, without the fellow's a.ssistance, and bi'ing fully persuaded, after umuite examination, lhat Ihe beast was worfluthe moderate sum asketl for him, made his purchase and took him home. A few days afterwards he returned to the seller, in high dudgeon, and declared that he had been cheated in the (quality of the horse. “Vat is lie nuittaire?’' stiid the French man, '^latter. Haul the \ ankeo, “matter e» nongh—the horse Oan’t see',-^he is as bliml as a hat!” “Ah! ’ said the Frenchman, “Vat I vaa tell you.'* I vas tell you he vas not look ver goinl—he (jar, I (bui’t know if he look at (ill! ’—Jiosfon J*os(, T you do cant; and you have been canting a long time, you old* hypocrite. J*reittU(\ thousand pounds.’ “I don’t know any thing ah’'-' weight of hi^cheese,” answered tb- lord, “but I know that his tiM at the bottom of the hill two ' _ I which are driven the whole year ruu' • -1 1 uzzler.—In taking the census in one i *1*^ w hey whiih runs from thi.' ot the west«.*rn towns, the enumerator found in one the papers, under the head “Occupation (SlC.” the entry “Zooker,” carried out opposite the name of a young child. He inijuired the meaning of the entry, and received the following solution of the enigma from the mother of the child: “Awl that’s my checl! He hath’n h-ft oft’ cooking (sufkmg) oet, zo thut’g e» occypation.” Markiufj Ai'ertlsemeiifs,—The Postmas ter General has decided that a mark drawn orcr an advertisement iy a newspaper, doeg not subject it to letter postage. press. ill you be so kind as tt> orJi; horses,” fjuietly remarked the travn* -.4 Youn^ Avahtnche from th •S-"' The Boston Times says it learii? t'' reliable source that a luni{> of hail " ' ing tu'O hunih-el and aevtuUa^ fell near Dover, N. IL, on the The masH w'ag observed at a con-'iil'’ ' elevation before it descended, uiul i’'-'' no little alarm among a nunibt ri't ]'^. It fortunately fell in a bog, and Ji^l ' ■. er damage than to throw up upon all who were in the vicinify. i LE T serv the wert tlu*i info ban T arc ry (; t Ill'll -supi mak citei that mad pret ter day in a the nicii the ingt liial “rel will arri day of 1 Sjia had wen teiei tuite it a one Chei dent pui'l re I S Jiali cret Vrim pur) revo nine rant in a law '1 to s duc« Tht &tru libe fore arc an* no 1 law righ T a ta had ncs ra r who ing as a> 11 men outl hi't, the till' inoVi Sjiai f)f t b-aU' to I not I 'J pre^i Kdr l*re port in t »f gaii Calh (’id tion tht; ] 1 in (11 >’ stop ]iur ho'' tent ty, to I the to r tt^r\ shal US. li ing the ist, we hel( ed, war the one the HOm ban jiroi stro you pap. the rate chir at I: 1 wi

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