S E M I-W E E K L, Y nanBCBssc xmm W1' ' W f WTTTTMI I 'I BTl [VOf. 1.] fayi:tti:vijjj:, n. c., Tuesday morning, septembeu j), isoi [NO. ‘20.] riUXTKD BV .1- 1?. XKWHV. i:i)\V \l{l) J. IIALK it sox, IU)lTnHS ANI> I’KlH’UIKT>RS. >’i ioo f. 1 tho Soiui-Woekly ('ii>irnvF.n i *0 if • .■ i ill :i:lv;(nce: !*t ')•> if jial'l ihirin" the . ;i- sul''.'ripti..n: or cl'tor the year has ' ''»t Wins inatorially bcnofited. particulurly fo- . ■-.■.I. (’OMrorND TONir tills. For fh> cnro of jx-rsuM-* of jmlt' nu>l cailavor- 01!'; hatiits. iro|»iic!tl swel!in;rs of tlu- fort iiinl 1)TS. tor)'i(l li.iwels, palpitatimi of the heart, su}>|ircs‘iioiis. \c. The iiio'le of usiiij; these is. to take one three times a ihiy re;iuhirly. They eoiit.iin no inerciiry. nor will they injure any one. I’y their use ulone I have often cured every disease of this class: and no one will use a sinjile hox with- \-1 U'o>‘kly (h’.'Fi;vF.K per anmnn, if !M :;:lvan«‘e: •'>> if paid duriii'z the - il.s ■; i-nion: nr tio after the year \; ired. iiTISl!MKNT. inserted fur si\ty cents ; . ''"r the tirst. ami thirty cents for each pul'ii.viYearly adverti'vniiiits ■ niract'. at reasnnable rate**. ,\d- Mfe i-.-.;ue>ft-.l to state the ntniilier of • ' ! 'ire 1. i>r they will he continued till , . ! t I: >rLied aci''.rdlnirly. I T'T' t." the Kdit"rsiuust he ]" .'t-]'aid. nlclu's and .l(‘\vrlrv. 'A 'I'ho Subscrilx'r rejiectfu'ily inl'nrni'i the }>ul>- li«'. that he lias jii*t ri-'iirn- ed tVi>ni the N'-rth. with a fine assortment "f t;..].} Miid ' ' j - Silver \V A T r II F. S ; (inld Fiih. (iuard i\ Vc>t t'hains; v!'. Steel and tiilt Ke_\ >: Breast I’ins: • II . Finirer llinirs: ('ii.lil, .Silver, .''teel ; 1,. " Si.oftac’.i C.i.ld and Silver 1’en an'l a ,.'; ti "', I Mild Si’vi-;- Thiml m-s: bracelets; (i..'1 and Silver I‘>«-lt liuckles: Sleeve ^ i;f '11': "irisi's; Silver i'iij.s ; M usic r->x-s. Sil- • r Fni';! :,t;d liiitter Knivi.-^; l’.>rt-ni"ne\>; I’ur- a tine assMrrmeiit "f 'Vatkini: '«»••• I'lated A’- I’askets and ('a^t'irs: a larvre as''rtment ; Miiii Aci-nrilv.in; X'i-li'.s: F’mtes: , >l:rv^•^ ..^^■ t ■ inpa>M's: i iiain>: .Mathema- ln'';rmiLfnt.'; !.:idi'-.' Wurk I’xixes; tine .■iiiw :i l";il''e a a I sinj^le harrcl (Juns: ri>t-)ls • v;ir>'ty: (laiiie I’ap-;: Shot 1’onehes; r l'’:.sks; I’eviMi-i,':''n t'aits; I'o;^ t'ollars >: tine 1’ . la't ami I’en Knivc.s: Si ir: \ 'h(>'’.iien and Hoar ’ Hair. 4. \ l.:ii!ier :ind Flesh l‘>rnsh>: Notf . 1!:.-.. V ; ;in i a _i;r'at variety •'!' F.incy , fLO('KS. 1' ;■ V- S‘ L'i"e UlC !l c;i!!. rlr. -k'. W atclics and Jow- • n-d. W. IT.Iui!. Ilav ^fie. t. i>:vj:5iorrooly |H* l*orlrail«. l Artist, havinc: • ' 11 «'nt> ;if the l.-irirest and ' • Nc'v V .rk, an 1 by one \i'w Vi.fk o|- :niy where r.': ly iiit'orni the citizens of ■' I ]'• ’ ' 1; i:‘^ n**ar. that he . J" ,yftt»-vi';li* Hotel tift'^l up ' . i> iT. t't-v. a’sl w.r.i! 1 be V4'ry 'V:::T n tl.">'- wh " may wish to taken. He ha the hest ■ f::ij !«■ -iou^lit uny where wiih- ' • u. Ilf intends 't ipping'- here I' yo\i wi>h a rorrect and irooil i;,. I'foK fli-it 111- (•;ni satisty thoso ‘ ' >11 a call, if a correct and jr 1 d' ir. Time of takinir. tVoni IV M. 't f' r takiri'i; white T. !1 IS ir. T till' rifl;v i.e u-i. ith'T^ ' '■>. :i liliinder fri*e iis. — A;.-)- r Suh- ri'..T S. >.dec'-d st... k w :,.-n y 'I w.: ;- i-t k' UiV'> y u'll have, !l o|;’y “iit still. :in :i'l :.thei th‘' best suloc' ts for . tlioii;!!! the most ii.hi-tilt t > please. S> '-lire the 'Vi oTi'v l.r*' t.'ii’ 'U^'tarii'e fade.— ; ■ K I'.'l. IStf ; w iM. 1JI-: SOU). •'.t ; fhe r.ranch of tiie I’.ank of the t' N'orHi f'arolina. in this town, "H ' in.'tant. at ll! o'clock. .M.. ' ' :!■« of thi* •'.■j,;t;il or Joiut St"ck , ■ .• M Sr‘aii.' -it Coiiirianv. ' ■- 1’. .MALLiiir Att’v. • V i'M. ITts ii iivij. I i'/n/(fferiltr Fitmsdrff. i:vi;i:v DiisrHii’TioN Ti> i *■ \ ' it of r.alihct Met.il for sale. | ■V !-i ft. .''ept. 1, I''-';]. ]Sy NOl'KE. ! !!,L l\il WWM are now receiving a well : ••d sti.' k I'f .'^taple and Fancy 1»1’.V I " di.'--. Anioiiu their stock will be found the | •■• I et vles if Ladies’ and lentlemen'.s l»l’iK,SS i • !'S. toi/etlicr with :i jrodil jissortmenl of 1’ rlv-iii:ii]f ('liitliiiiir; rinhn llas; Hats, aii'l IJ niiut.-; all kiii'Js of and ; r:irjiftiiig; Sa'li!lo., I5ridlf., \Vliij>s ; ' "Mars; Hardware and CuHcrj; L'a- : : II illow-uarc and ('rockcry-warc; Loaf, S. ip. !’ni-licd, Clarified and JJrown Su- - ; T: Jiio, Lagiiini and Java (’oft'rr; . M 'l;i?-.--i‘s, Irun and Xails. ":'h many other Ucjocls, whicii will be soM ■vi -y i:hi-ap P r (’asii, or on time to those wlio pay }niii T .y. Wo %vould be jrlad if our friends and til" ,,iii)lic generally would "ive us :i call. J. T.' OjUInXTL vV ('AIN. Sept. 1, IS-1. ]St,- for saij:, ^NL bit of L.-ind containiii" "J acres, with a comf.rtable Dwelling: House and Kitchen I here.,11. The above pr> ju rty is in half a mile r i; .>,cson Institute, county. ■Ws .. Four Sihares of the Capital Stock in - . i lii-;titute. K"i' further particulars, inquire nf .\LKRL1) .lACKSON*. «' uiubcrl tnd county, Sept. 1, IH.'jl. ]stf \\*atitl’d to Contract for^ 'I'Ik* Sul)scrilM“r wislies to con- ' ' forO.NK ,MH,LIO.V»F KKD OAK Hllb. H Wl'.S, t.f the lullowiiip; iliiueuKioiiti, viz:— I 'll’ U inclies Ion;:. ^ iiicli thick on the thin ■ to averaf'e I inclies in widtli; none to be ti' .11 They niuKt be ^ot out of pood, iind tinibt^r. and not to show ruuch nap. ’I'hey ■'Mt lie rou{rh (-haved with the drawinft knife. ^ which ijuality of ,Stave.s, 1 am willing to i - .• per thou ,:;nd. K. D. HALL. ..-iin-toa, Aug. 29, IboL Ib-tf males whose health is not well established. I*ut is supprc.'sed i>r otherwise deranjred. There are many jiainful cases of thi- kin.,1, where a ho^ or two of the pills will not only relieve, hut c''ah':ish >;ood health ujtoii correct ] liti.-iplcs. T>r. ,1. U. (lornian and (>ther eminent ph; .-ici.-iiis have prescriiied this medicine with adiiiirable success. l>r. Little—.Sjr: For six or eicrht year-* past, my wit'e has been atliicted wiih a swellinjr of the teet and ]e^>;. toeether with a Mretched st:it* of health. Without much lienetit. she has t.akena jrn'at de,-il of medicine, heiiijr attended by -seve- r:d doctors, .and by one a whole year. Whilst still in this condition, siie be;;an takin;.r y-.Mir t'omi>ound Tonic Fills and Tonic Hitters; prcttv Soon the sweliin;: of the feet and Icl's dis:tp- I'Cared. appetite bec-inie pooil. and much im- I'rovcmcnt otherwise. .After usinir two m-three bottles ot the Ibtters. the Fit’s were taken :i- loiie. and l>y the end of three r.iomli:; slie had •r.-iiited thirty pounds, skin becomiiej cle.ir and white, and lookinjr like a new beinjr in health and nppearaiu’c. lle.'-peetfullv, iSi-ned Wm! ANIiKllSOX. Talbot (\>unty. The t'ac-simi'.e of the siftnature ..f I'r. W. (I. Little \u!l be found upoii the out-i.le w i a, ] er tif each of his Mediv'iiie-;. Sold whole^.ile and ret.iil, hy the Froprii-tor. at his Manut’actiirin:: l»epot. No. 'jr.; .Market street. Fhihidelpliia, and .NIacon. fieorizia. To be had als'i of .Limes ("a'li. Fiocktish; A. Watson. Floral ('o!le;:e; Tov. nst'iid l>oup- lass. Iiennett-ivillc: I'r. 1*. M. Colien. Cliarb'^- toiK r. Hari.'ce. liarclavsvillo; I’. F. Fescud, Ra’ei-h. S. H1NS1*.\LF. .\"ent for Fa_\ett"'i'.'e. l./ic'ii/rfriic ^nrth ( t/rolt//a. n^HK unde;-.«’pned is m.uiufacturiny, in F;iv- E ettevillc. Boot and Shoe Polish, far sii[»*“ri' r to t!ie Ulackiii^ purclui^e.l iu the N rtht rn citi.'s. He intend> di-vot n;i hi-; whole time to inanufacturinpr and ven liii" thi' very su- peri' r F' li.^ii, and caii upon all wlr. tliink it to the intei i-t >if the ."'outhern ; p’e t" hec.ime iudepei. ieiit a' Noi tiiern maiiuiacliu> s, to j:ive l;im tiieir ai l and iiatroiiafre. He i prepared t- --liow, by t. 'iK t any one who will call upon him. the / r/'// of l)i» iiver all other y- ■/,. ur n. w -■lid in North '.irolina. »’a!! and ha\e your !)■ "ts ;ind s’:, es once coinp'.eti'.y blacked and po!i..ihed, :uid be >.iti.'f;ed. This .article i> oti'eted at a price iV't h''_hcr than is usually charp:ed iV.r othei and inf* r: r 'f.ialities. aiiil a trial is .ill that is a.-ked t*> se cure the ]>;.*ro;i,iof the j'ub’.ic fienerally. The >nder.-i"ued exi'ects to visit every por tion of the State to introduce iiis Polish, and a'ks ii"W in advarce th.at .Merchant' :ind other- vi.'itincr Favetteville will >:ive hitn a call. A. ,1. WtionU.VFJ). .Jni:'21. 77-t'iUi S’i(M) R‘\v;i!’(I. fV. ILL pive oii hundred doll.-ir.- f >r the ;'p- ; preheiisii-n and c ntinement of ,\.Slir.RSn\ and .IF.RltV in any jail S'> that I can jret them .main, or titty dollars for either. I will also .:rive .'Sl'KM’or pro..f .if any n 'ip.msilib' jn r-on’' . li.ir’iintr s.ii l ne^iroes. 'I'hey rali.away t'r'Hii my plantation in Moore county on tin- I'Hh of I'eb y hi't. and .ife thoii.lit t- V>c Ivrkii:,: :'bout l>'i - r 17 11,1 cs al.o\e ( artiiaL'c on Leep River, throuirh the e.);'e i.f M .ore and of Chat ham .and Itnndolpb comiti"-... Andi-r'' U is .itifiut ^ ■J'' vear oM. a hri;_ht niuiatto, a' out •• t'e.'t i or i s inches hiirli. well prop.ii-ti"iu'd; h.is an op- n coiU'.tenance. :.iid is juite ]>iausio!e. It is be- lievcl that h“ w i'.l • nde: ■ ■ t i|a'.. tor a fr‘-e ’ man au.l c'l-aj.e to a fl' C .''t.ate. a- he had a hrother who pl.iyed the .same i; iiiie. .U rry is a’oDut Jl ye.;rs oM. i'. feet '■> or 4 iiii'he- lii_di, stout built: l;;i, M iliiwn look, iiartii-alarly as hen i •ijioken to. and is rather imi)udeiit. S,ii.| ne- ! ;rr.ies formerly I'ehm^ed to .John R. Ritter, in ; the up]'er onil of .Moore county. .\ny information must he ad'lressed to the sub.'criber at i’ocket F. ).. .Moore coiintv. .N. ( .1. L. i;i:S .\N. ! April TJ. I"'.!. b7tf ' \VR \ppiN(; pai'i:r. J RF.\^lS MiMliurn si/.e. B * * fi.', Fdue. tor I'..tt..n Yarns. Fr"in Manteo Paper .Nlill-'. Rabirii. K.ir sale low ov H. F.KAN.SuN S(tN. j .July',t, ]s.-)1. ■■^tf ! I I.AWHKNCK ^ roMl'ANV’S I Improved l-'l«*sh (iljv(‘s and Straj)s. i For produciiijT a healthy st.ate of the .system by 1 Friction, rg'^ IIP -reat value of the IIORSH-HAIR RK- M. N(A'.\TOIl as a therapeutic a;j;cnt, when ^ ajijilied to the human bo.ly, is well ktiown t i everv one %vho h.is jiaid the least attention . . the importance of a liealtliy acti)ii of the Skin. For s.ale by S. .1. IIINSH.VLL. j Oct. 1, o'.'tf I* wanI'ED, ~ t^loFR lar^e sized good .MFLKS, well broke to the wap. n. and not exceedinjr .seven ; years ot ape. -Al'pb' • ^I'-'l-aurin, i Fayetteville, or to the subscriber at Slicks.ville, LS miles iibove Fayetteville, on the east side of ( ape Fc.ar river. N. K. McDUFFli:. July IS, f,-tf .um:n€ it.i.vTs'> m:7 Sta^(' I/me to ^H^HF, Subscrihers. Mail Contr.actors from HL Ftiyetteville to Raleigh, will commence ojjerations this d:iy, with new and comfortable I'oaidics, ^ood iiorses, and c.arefiil Ihivers.— They have reduce.1 the Fare from •'j;.'') t(.> S! I, The Staee Houses are. in F.iyetteville. the Fay etteville Hotel, in R.'dei^h. the ^'arbc■ronch House: hut Pa''i'n-.ri‘rs will he conveyed to such other ilousi's .as thev niav select. The hours ot lei.arture v^ill lie. until fuither notice, at h.alf- p.'ist '.I I’. M. IVi.m Fayetteville, atid .at ‘J P. .M. tVoiu ILileiii-h. daily. The suhscriher- hiipe. hy unremittcd attention, to secure a liberal share of the travel. .MFRIKm'K McKlNNoN, H.U ll) .McNKll.L. Favvt'evil’e, .lulv I, 1S.')1. 7S-tf Line of 4 horse Post Coaches from j Fayetteville to Warsaw—Daily. .Subscribers havinir secnrci] the mail I B contract on the above Line, will conunence I Till.'' . runninjr a Line of Four Horse i’ost , I Coachi s, I'aily. Leaviii'.r Fayeileviile at •'> P. : 1 M.. .and arrivin;.' :.t Wars.iw at past I’l M.. i:i t'.Me tor tiie (Ms North ;i::d S.iuth. Re- turni' Lr. le.iv.' Wai-iaw i.n the arrival of tiie • '■irs. say ahout 1 or L’ P. M.. and arrive .at Fay- ; etteville in ten hours. I'.veiy care will be taken to ren b-r thi‘ line pleasant, c. liveiiicnt. and sate, j tor Travelb'rs. ! ,\ Line of Sta;:e.; will be est.ili’i'hed :>• oou as p .•i'iili'e, hy til.- I’ii.nk Ro:id. fr ‘in Fayett.'- ! ville via 'arttia ;^e . 1 .\.'hehorou;.:h. to l.c.xino-- toi;, .''alcm. atid Sali't i’.rv. McKlNN>!N \ .McNF.lI.L. ; Favettcville, N. .\u:r. s. l"''il. 11-tt NEW GOODS. raiHK tindersipned have recently returned -H- from the North, liavisijr purch.iaed a large Storh of uoons^ ('onij.risinp: a.s gi eat a v.ariety of such articles as are usually wanted as is to V)c found in this marl;et. A consider:!hlo portion of the (Jooil.s arc now in store—the balance daily expected, viz: f • rarerII s, J>ri/ (lomh, Fiirniiih- III;/ (ioni/s, Wiiifir CfotllilK/, f/fllSS- ]\ir>‘, ( ' h I iifi t! ikI CVo'/lV ry, tT. o(> l>bls. Retined Siv^.ar. ItMi li.ip.s; p,i,,_ ,)axa ;uni i.aguira Coffee, i 111 Hiids. Cuba and Porto Rico Sugars, i llMl Ivegs Nails, i^c., vVC. I ^L'le particulars lu reafter. I S\M L W. TILLINGHAST (’O. I August i'l, Fitf For Rent on Favorable Terms, A Coml’.irtable iKvelling House (in .Mumt'ord » Stn « t. under the Oaks, with a good view ; of the puli'ic works on Hay Mount, and of the extensive cultivate.1 fields in I'ront. Also, a g.iod staml for a Provision or (irocery .Store. V* est (11.1 of the Wagon Yard iJuildings. .A plcasa!:t siimm. r ri'si'let.ci! joining Dr. Pj. Piob- ;i,.-on. .Vpplv at the I’ost (itlice. JOHN .MAC RAF. August 1 L L^^ol. lo-ii\v 7-'> Pibls. No. 1 Herring. “ ;■{ Mai kerel. lOll l':iles Hay. l(»(l Pieces ('ottou Ihigging. •Ml t 'nils Rope. lIlMi Lbs. Twine. :;ii Hhds. Mol.isses. Hh.ls. Fair Sugar.s. .'ill Ibigs Rio Cotfee. With .Mum and .Sack Salt, and dr.n'cries goti- •railv. fi.r sale at the lov\e?t market prices, hy JNt>. 1>. W1LLL\MS.‘ August 1 L is.')i. ir.tf i:dwi\ glover. Watch-Maker and Jeweler, AT THE OLD STAND, X/Vy/j of t}n‘ Ijoryi Witfdi, A.S returned from the North with a lar.ire assortment of W.ATCH KS, ('LOCKS .VND .IFAVLLRY, which he invites the puVdic to e.x- amine. .\nionir hi.s stock can he fnuiid.— (.lold and Silver Watches of till kinds aii.l J.rices; (Jold :ind Silver Fob, (iuard. and Vest Ch.iins: Ciold. .Silver. Slone, and Steel Keys and .Seals; Rreast Pins and Kar-Rings of all kinds and prices: Finger Rings: (lold. Silver .and Steel Spectacles: Silver and (lold Thimbles: tine Bracelets: (Jold and Silver Pens and Pencils; fiold Lockets; (jiild and .Silver licit Ruckles; Card Cases: ('oral Reads; Sleeve liuttons: iinc Accordcons; Music lioxes: tine an.l commoi. '' .alking ('.ines: fine ;ind common Pistols: Silver Cups: Silver Spuons: Port-.Moneys; Purses; Clocks, troni SJJ t.) ^41': Plateil Cake Baskets, Castors and C:indleslicks: iiraas do.; Back-CIaiu- mon Boards; iS:c., \c. .MILITARY GOODS. Swfirds. .Sashes, Lace, Buttons. F>ugles, .Stars, Plumes, Caps, \.c., &c. Particular attcnfiun paid to the PiCjiairing of Watches an.l .Jewelry. Favetteville. N. ('., July 'Jl. b-'^ni FOR SALE. WM. ROWJ.ANDS i:xtra thick Mill an^l (. ross-cut ,''AWS. ij and •>.’) leet. D. K W. Me LA ri: IN. Nov. I'.t, IS.'iO. 4titf S AI.I:\I PA PER-MH.T. ^B>HF suhscribor has taken chartre of thisohl HL and well known Kstablishmeiit, and is j>re- parcd to attend to all orders for Printing Paper, .Morcliants' and j-'actoiy \\ ra[){)iii;i, ».Vc. • The .Mill has recently heen thoroughly refitteil with new machinery, and the .-ubscriber believei he can furni>h Pa]>er of .as .iri>od ijua'iity and at :;s cheap jirices as can be purchasctl any where, North or .South. Salem. Juno CHARLFS F. SHOBKH. isjl. 77tf . .irs'r 'r I NISI! ED, M^'^IC.HT NFW lU GCIKS. .Uso, two second A hand. For s.ile bv "a. a. McKFTH.\N. June-J, IS.-, 1. 7l-tf i)OMi:si'iCs. flTTI.K liiver Osna.bergs; i-8 and 4-1 A Sheetings alw.iys on hand, and for sale at Factory prices, by STARR \ WILLIAMS. June 7, 18-'>1. ->-tf A. McMlLLAN have ontcred DUl'GS tV: .MKlTlCl.NEiS. I\n'ii(., Oi7^, Wi'm/ov: I'dnni^h, d ’'. Sami kt, .1. IIinsi>am: OtTers for sale iin extensive assortment of (iOOU.s, among which are the fol- loving: Opium, Cani]>hoT, (’’astor (>il, .Alcohol, Sul phur, Aloes. .NL'ignesia, Khubarli. Morphine, (Quinine, Cream Tartar. Sal So«l!i, Castile Soap,- Super carb. Soda, Fpsoni Salts, Sponge, Ipocac, .'':iI'apiarilla, Kroosote. Borax. Arrowroot, Lsin- .-his>, (luiii Arabic, (ium .Myrrh. Ca]isicum. Lo- helia. Plasters. Liipi.irice, Chloroform, Jujnbt Paste, ('opperas. W hite Lead, Linsecil Oil, I raiir Oil. halo ()il. .Sjienn Oil. Sweet (hi, Neatstoot Oil, Copal Varnish. I.cather Varnish, Japan Varnish, Win'low (Ihi.ss, Puttv, Pumice .Stone, ('hroine (freon. Chrome bellow, Lan'P'blnc'i', Patent Plack, Terra de Sienna, Fmber. Bhic’it Lead. Litharge, Red Lead. Patent Dryer. Whi ting. French Vellow, Yellow Ochre. \ enetiau Pad, Spanish Brown, Piussian F>lue. Sand-p«- I'cr, Stan h, Sal Fratus. Musta.rd. Spice. Nut- me;_;.j. Pepper, Ho]is. Inuigo. Madder, .'^a’tpetre, (linger, (ilue, AnnaiD, ( loves. Mace, Buniinp; Fluid. -Alum, (')xalic Acid, WhUe Brick, Tripoli, Wash Brushes. Paint Pirushes. Varnish Brushe.'i, .Scrubbing ditto. Shoe do.. Tooth dii.. Hair do., L 'gwood, Red wood, Bhick Inli, Opfxleldoc, \c., j with a general nssortmeiit of .Medicines; I'lu iTii- I c.-ils of all kinds: French and Fiiglish Perfunie- i ry aii'l .Soaps; with a full assortineiit of all th(' I leading Patent Medicines now in use. I Orders from the country promptly atteuiie.{ ^ K1N(. an., .V. .v.c.Ml|.i..A > nave cnu-ren i ,,,i,.ke,l. . into cop; rinerslnp in the Disttllery ot I £.^v-The Subscriber feels assured ih.at he can rurpemine, ami have erected a Still the j,„rchaser in regard to quality and price. West side (>f the Fayetteville and Western Plank Pioad, b miles from Favettcviile. N. KING. M.iv71tf -V. -Mc.MlLLAN. S. J. October 1 1 ■' HINSD.VLK, Drug!ist. IJtf Tin: n:i.;:!;ii\Ti:ii r.riK rni:M c’(>oiv!.\(; sTovs:. ii 8 t'or le I'V the .'^u1i‘',-rit'er in R.-'ei-h and Fa\efte. i'.ie; in P,.)!eigli at his Shop on F.iy- ettcvi’ilc Street. ;,li'l in I'ayeCtcviric at Mr. .\. .'I. ('ampho’"s. Tin* .'«ut". r'!>e;- h'T'-hy f ir. '.anis a’l p. r- 'ti'i from piivi-l: .;n^ any of thee St.i\‘ troi.i any pers.'H eith.er in .,r out • f .North t'aro'.ina. e\- ci-t.t from hiiixeh or h.s .in’’, aotaori/i i .'..'•iit'. He h.is pr.icl•■ '••■i the e\ciH'.\e riglit t.. «‘i: l v\itiiin the .'^tate. ;lii.1 will |'r. ''l u’e ii.;'. ;n_'''” h’ I l;.;lit. eitluT b;. ].rr- ■ Ibng. . r u^iiiu. .•my - ,:--‘pt th . e i h- ;u liiiii^eii. .’'.xi;pii woi.TF.!: 1. ^nr;^ 1. . 1>-.1. ' |{\(;(;iN(; and ropi:. FR CdTFON Il\GiING ,\ND ROPF have arrive.1. Our trlcnds can >en.l iu their iers, an.l they sliall I e s:i|>plic.l. CouK TAYLOR. 1 itf Watcli(‘s aiul J(‘W(*lrv. \Y' At IVIiolo'Ciir add ISetail. M. BEASLEY LD res]iectfully inform the jmblie Bi wi.'li to buv liH.itiiu b;ii rcis Tui i.entine. K1N(J \ .McMlLLAN. Augu>t IS, IS.'il. P. I* .5m.\s>.\ this St'.v. any pe; ' taiiicl tr. i'Wi.L Ov: \\ l\’n:R (iOODS. ” K are now r -i-eivi’i_' -.^.r F .k L 1. A N D ▼ ¥ w I N r K i: «; OO hS. C .!';':in.. of „ vi’rv L''Iieral ,il. i we'l -electeu .tock. I\ ALL LiAI'.S. Whi.-h ■••.c ;.rc . n nir usii il t. r 'n. .\'l ' "It' oi' Pi.i iuce p;ircli;.'■ 1: air] we atl ii I as usual to ti.o i'uK\V.\ R HI: I I'.! .'•I- Ni:.-. A. \ T. W.VDldl.L. ilay >t. F IV etteville. N"V. l!'i. 1 ^'H. 47tf St ,u,lit:n 4'I.OTiti.Vii. C I L have re.five.1 nur i.-w > t.'.k f SI - Vl .MLR ( L O T 11 I N ll- • o:.;.,. Sacks, Pants, an.I \ e.'t-. A LSI >— •_'o I’.’o ( ■( >KI'1;F. 1.) > I MI!.; '1 hl: !. I IIha Sr.i_,ir. Na.;>, II .re. 1 . r. •' lin Ket: and \’anii>!i P.ru'io -, ,vc. SAM L W. TlLLINiMI.kSI Ap;i! 1. l-'l. § SI ^ RFi'F.l\'l'D and offers for sale. 7'i h.-ig-; su] eri r Rio COFFF.l!, bai;.‘l' ('■.flVe Suirar. .’.'I li.irrds Nhnkciel, N'is. 1. 2 and -i. Loaf .a: 1 (iraniiiated .''Ugar. \L>o— b: l ire a'Sortnieiit of Inui an.l Nails. .Shov- c '!. j i.h-.', I'race I hail.s. Sh«veis ami Tongs. I'.i I..' .'.iii.i;'' I'.el.o'.v'. .\nv;!s. llaninicr':, Plaiic'. .\r_eis aii l ' hise..'. I'iU s. ( ollin.is Ai-gu.'t I'-i. 14tf Medical College of the State of South Carolina. rnillF. .\tiiui:i1 ('••ursc if Lectur-s in this Di ll 'litution will c.mmei-.ce on the first .Mon- V ill .Novem'.er in vt. n the fo’.l iw'r.'; branch- .\ii:.t. ;;iv—by Prof, .T. .''tirg'T'.—h\ Pi'.t. L. j ly from New Yoik, witli decidcilly a large as- j b'.rtment of I W'atchrs ftiul Ji'ivvlrfj. I >Liny of these N\ .itches were bought for C.\SH I BV THI'. P.\Clv-\GI',, and can therefore be sold very low. He has Watches of all kiii'ls; ( bains. Keys and .''ca’s of all kin.Is an'l of the lale."«t styles; Finger-Rings, Far-Rings. Medallions, of • ill sizes. i»f I'.iii^listi and .\meri.-:in make; La dies' t'hatilaines; (’utV Pins: Collar and .''leevc P.uttons; .Shirt Studs: Gold Spectacles, light an.l heavy; Gold i’cf.s ::ti'i Pencils; Gol.l and Silver Thimblf': Bracelet.-^: Silver Fruit an>l Butter Knives: .'^ilver S] of all sizes: large bit of Pocket Cutlery; .'^ri^.'or-;, hot iiUiility: Piutton- hole .''ciss'.r>, .''urvey. r',' C.iiu|i:i'>e-; and • I; liii.': Mathematical Instruments; large iiu.intity ot fine aii'l CMmnK*n Pistols; tine and common ^in- gle and douhle-barrel (iuiis; (I.une Bag'; Shot P>elt“ an.l Powder Flasks; Military Cio.i.ls, in- cludin.c: the I'ass Drum an.l the smallest P.utt..n: Violins and extra Bows; Flutes. Clari-.nets, Fl.-i- geolet;.. .Vccor.leons. of all kinds and si/o; Mil lie P. ixr-; Perfumerv: .''oaji; Lather Brushes: Razor'; and Strops: Dressing .an'l Pocket Combs: Plated and P.ritannia Ware; and variou.^ other thin.rs too tediou-i to enumerate. Call and give me a trial. Cash paid for old I and SiUev. W.xTCiiK.s and .Jkwkliiv I'epaired. ViijiUi'iU>, A. — ?\iirfh-K(i^t dJ Murkcl Squnrr. IJ-r.m] J. M. P.FASLF.Y licatlv Paint to inche.- \ I (I. f'tf I’Oli .1' n,. h HlilS. 'lo[. \ss e-,v ; roll - S M.T. .'ifMIII lii',.;h. ’'' Alum Sa’t. '.Mill.t II,s. C.ittoii \ arii. (>s:;a’.iirg' :tnd I’.r.'Wn .''heerings. With a "cneral 'tock of aiti. b ' in the dr.n'ei line. ‘ JNO. D. WILI.MMS. Favrtt'’v;!h“. Feb. l-'i, Is.'in. El ^■1111.''' LI.NF, OF BO.V'I'S is still in success- Jl till operation on the Cape Fear River, and continue to oflor many facilities to the shipping public. Persons j.atronising this Line, may rest as sured that their (Joods will be brought up with i dispatch, and at the ver3' lowest rates of freight. A. W. STFKL, I'resident. T. S. LUTTFRLOH, Agent at Fayetteville. Feb. 1'., 18oL , r>0-tf NO’i'K i:. WING a.' .. ;afc 1 wi'h me Mr. \. .1. O - llaiilon. the (ir.c.;\. Ciiini:i:"iou and I .-rwar I’ll" llU^ine"^ v'i'ii her>Ml'ter be i’niduct- c I under the l'ir:ii of \\-''kio.s \ C... F. W. WILi.KINCS. Fayetteville. N. C.. .\iigu?-t, 1.''.'>1. 1 f-l.,i ISoU*li!»i^^N Vrrlic’al Water ^JlllFRF are several hundred of these AVhcels ■L in ojievatioii in ditfereiit couiities in North Car.'lina. l or jii'oof of their great advaii'.igc': over tiie common flutter wh'el, i.r any other wheels now in use for saw mills, we contidently refer to those who have applie.l them to their mill'. We can recommend them I'articiilarly for their siii>eii.iriry in c.i.s.-s of .-i low iioad of water, or b:n k w.-iter. \\'e still keep a supjily of Wheels, suitable for dltli ri'iit heads of water, at Wilmington. .New- bern. Wa.-iiingtou. lideiiton and Fayetteville. The wheels may also be had of F. \. Bn vard, Lincointoii, and Friah e!ls. Petersburg. \ a. Persons wishing to ohtain the right to u.se the wheels, will be serve*l on application to D. .McNeill \ Co., F:ivcttevillc. N. C. D. .McNFILL. A. A. McKLTH \N. J). .L McALISl'i.R. Feby i;l'. 184(t. 5b-tf 100,0(111 .\c!X'S Villiiiibic T 1 .\1 I! !■: U I, A N 1) S FOR .SALF. fH^HI’ .'^iibsci’iher has purchased all tlie Lands I. belonging to the F>tate of Abram !)ubois. dec'd, lying principally in Rfibeson county, and on both'si.les of Lumber River, the diHerent sur- j j;;”;;;,;,;;^;;;;;fv:v‘i’et vevs containing F. HOLBROOK. M. D. (.r.DDlN(;s, M. D, li..'!itut.'' and Practice of .Medicine—by Prof. llti.NiiV DU'K.''', M. D. Phvsio; -V—Sv Pr f. JAMFS MorLTRli:, M. D‘. .Materia M-dica—by Professor HFNUY R. 1Ro.':T. M. D. ol.'Htrics—by Prof. THOS. G. PltlOLl^Vr. M. D. ‘ ; • ‘iicmi>try—liy Prof. U. .''HFP.\RD, M. I*. C 111]'. ’at:\e .\liat. Ii;v—! v Profe.--. r LOl'I.S A'.\>.''!/. M. D. ■ ■ 1'eiiioi; trator i t' .\natomy—by .''T. JFLl.V.N l;.\\ KM.L. D. ’ ' j I’r. D. .L C.MN, Phy.'i.,i:in to the M uine ! ll"S].iral .and l"';nir;il Iti- trui t. r. Lectures twii e ' week ’I tli‘ disc.isc-* of tluit Instituti.ui. j Dr. I'. Itl'.l IN KLAtiC., Physician to the' ii m t p,..'r (>ak H iilis, for Carts an.1 Wagons. .Mms HoU'e, Lectures twiec'.i week on diseases. -jO"!* ,p.,kes. Demon.'trativc in.'truction in Medicine aii'l .''iirger; . at the College Hospital. In a'l'lition to the Regular Leetnres of the C..liege. arraii..;emeiits have lieen made lictwecn ii! li'. idiial meinhers of the I'aeulty and citizens ot I'harlf'T. n. with Professor Louis Agassiz, to 'h liver at the CuHege, during the reaular term. ,1 (iRATI i rors COFRSK OF LKCTCRFS. on m;c1i part of ('i uiparativ e Anatomy as may be '•■leeti'd l>y him. in advi>-ment with a Commit tee .appointed bv tiio I'.iculty of the .Mclical College. HLNRV R. I ROST, .M. D.. Dean if the Faculty. Augusts, IS.'jl. ll-*iw U:SS0NS IN M[’S!C’. I fH. WlliT.\Ki:R woiiM re.'pcctfully in-i A* foriii the citizens of Fayetteville and vi cinity. th.it he has again commenced giving Lc'- ^•ll:s on the P;aiio Forte. He returns his thanks f'-r t’ e liberal j.atronage heretofore received, an.l huniljly solicits a c iUtiiunMice of the .'-.une. Ml i>.a:ns >hail be taken for the advancement of hi' jiujiils. Di'tructioii al.-ro given on th.e Guitar. Pianos te.nc-l and r'.-paircd in the best mamur, L. H. WHFIAKFR. August i^L 1 s.'iU. :>ltf j.insccd OH and \\’iiit(‘ f.tad, iloR a!c hy fcA.XFL J. HINSDALF. ' April'ji. i;stf WANl'El) TO P>()1{R()W, ^ G| od security given. In- torot annually or semi-annually. | Address letter to A. B., and leave at this of- I fice. June no, IS-')!. 7S-tf i HHDS. SW'r.LT MoL.\SSLS, 1000 Sacks Liver]iool .SALT, with our usual Stock of GRoCLRIFS. J. .'c T. WAD''ILL. July L’l, l^'.l. btf A t:o(.,.l supply of Williams's Rectified Rve Whiskey. * J. T. W. PALN'l'S. 4 LB.s. Pure and N.i. 1 UHlTf^ LF.\D. in(»il. Im)ieri:il :ind Paris Creen. Spanish Br.iwn, Spanish Whiling. M inter (Ireen. (’hrome A ellow. ]^;tliav.re and other varieties of T’aint'^.- COOK .Ji; JOHNSON. .ALirch 10, 1>-1. h'-tf Buntlnr Fhihl and ('(iniithinct BFRN1N(; FLFID at Ml c»nis jier gallon Cani]diine at '>(.• " “* “ Both of the best nuality, constantly on h.^n'l and tor sale by Aug. 7, IS.jl. ■TC) CO'l 'i ON J. HINSDALF. ntf PI.AN I'ERS, I’lFCFS COTTON BAG(ilN(i, 7-') coils Rojie, lbs. Tw inc. Just received and for sale cheap, bv PFTFR P. JOHNSON. -Vugust D>. Is.->1. ]4tf Gunn’s Domestic Medicine. FL’RTllKll supply, just received. J une 1 f)j 1 .''.',1 . P.. J. HALE 5: SON. oriirr ne(;roi:s w an'I'i:d. C1.\SII paid for likciy young Negroes, if ap- , jilication is made soon. J. T. AVADDILL. u7tf WAN'i'i:i). n')(ifi ft. .V.'he I.umber for Wagons. I thick. ;^H(lO tt. .“^eas-nod Oak Lumher. 1^ to inches. pMHi ft. White (>ak and Hick'iry. for .\xletrees. louM tt. \'\ hite (tak for Tongues, Bolsters and Sli.-ifts. For which the highe^t c.ash jirice will he jiaid. Apply .‘^oon to I-:. FL LLKR. .ALly P.'. l.'-ol. 72-tf WAN^l'ED. tGOOD I’ody ALaker at the Carriage husi- ness. (looil wages and ste.ady emj'loy- ment irivcn. May -Jti. •pt. D>. IS.'iO. .irsr RiX'EivEi). B.\(i.s Piio an'! f.a-iuir.i CoFFFK. hh'ls. Cuba SF(i \R. 1(1 tiol>. Cru.'hcd and Retined .Sugar. !.'» hills, and iiajf-hhls. P.utter Cracker t) bo.xes C l!in.' v\ I’o's Hartford Axes L’ll li..\es Steam Refined Candy. With a variety of other (umm assiirtment. I’RLNTLNG INK. A FFAV Kegs, just received an'l fop .sale by ' F.‘ J. HALF SON. Aug. DL Kcport!> ill I.iawaiid ii4|iiif y. Proposals by I..ITTLF ..V BROW N, for iiublisL- iii'.r bv suhscriptioii a New .Scries of J..IW AND F(^FITY REPORTS. r|lHF want of Some s-ystem by which the de- cisions and judicial opinions of the several Ciiiirts of Law ami Fruity in Knglan.i can )>*' more i>roinptIy and ’cheaply fuinislied ti» th* legal ]iriitession in this country, has long been seriously felt and acknowledged. The subscrihers propose to republish these I'cjiorts in lull, as fast as they :ippc;ir in Fnj;- l.ind, and can be rcceivcl here. They will con- Is t'l complete our tain reports d' cases decided in the House of : Lords, the I’rivy Council, the sever.al Conrts of Feb'y D>, S. W. TILLINGHAST \ CO. 1S.')1. -'.Stf F,i|uity, the Court of Queen’s Bench, the Court of Ciiiiimon Ple.as, the Court of Fxchequer an.l . Kxchei|uer ('haiuber. the Fcclesiastical tiii'l .A'l- ivCC (1 jX'r ^^t(*alllC^ and lor .''alt*, ^ miralty ('ourts. the Court of Bankruptcy. A. A. .AIcKLTll.VN. tf 'iXRNIP SEED. I^NGLLSH White Dutch, large English Nor- ^ folk, Uuta Baga Turnip Seed, received to day and for sale by .\u2iist 4. J. HINSDALf:. D)-tf WAN'l’En, GOOD ILVNDS, at 7o cts. per day, on the Southern JMank Road. Steady employment and cash payment weekly, if re- nuired. Apply to D. M. BUIE, At the Steam Alill, or to A. A. McKETHAN, JuuoiW, 1851. favetteville. Over 100,000 Acrcs; .V large ptirt finely Timbered, luid convenient to Lumber River, wliere a large ipiantity of Tim ber is n w rafted to the (ieorgetown imirket. These I ands arc very valuable both for the Timber and Turpentine, for which purpose a large part is well suited, being in a rcgioi where the Turpentine yields more abundantly than any other section of the State. The Lands will be sold at a low price, and in iuantities to suit purchasers. Information respecting the title can be *>b- tained by applying to the Hon. Robert Strange, Hon. .las. ('. Dobbin, or A. A. T. Smith, Lsip, (.Attorneys at Law.) I understand there are many trespassers fin these Lands, to all of whom notice is hereby given, that the law will be e.'iforced iigainst all .such ort'enders. MEDICAL DFl'ART.MKNT OF IIAMPDK.N SIDNKV I’OhLEUE, l£l( 12 V A. ^WlllE '!/'»(.'// annual course f>f Lectures QL will conimeiii'e >n Monday, the LIth of October. L''.’)l. and continue until the first of M.areh ensuing. 'I'he commencement for con ferring dx*gi eos will be hoM about the mid lie of .March. U. L. P.i'U.v.vNAN, M. ])., Professor of Ob stetrics, I'ic. L. W. ('n v.'iuKi!i,\Y.\K, ^L D., Prot'cssor of Materia Medica. \c. .ALvriMN. .Al. D.. Professor of Chemistry. Ciis. Bki.l Giiisits, M. D., Profes.sor of Sur gery. \c. C. P. JoiiNSO.v. ^L D., Professor of .Vnatoniy and Physiology. I). H. Tri'KF.n. AL D., Prot’essor of Theory and Practice of Medicine. \. E. PtTicoL.vs, M. D., Demonstrator of An atomy. The facilities for .liiniomiriil and Clinii'ul in struction in thi^ institution and unsurpassed. E-\1’EN.''ES.—Matriculation fee ¥’)—Profes- .'ors' fees (aggregate) sSD'-')—I>cmonstrator‘s foe SiD)—(iraduatioii f'oe The price of Board, including fuel, lights and servants’ attenlaiice, is usually %:{ or S!''J2 per week. The ('atalogue, &c., containin.g fuller informa tion concerning the .‘'chool, will l>e forwarded to those ajiplyiug for it, or specific encjuirics will .\ddress S. .MACPIN, M. D., Dean of the Faculty. July ‘22. y-yw Si; ^A KlJESll '1'1:aS. .^NTRA FINE HYSoN, Do do Imperial, I'o do CiiinjioW'ler, D.> do (>olong. and Young Hyson TF..VS, of superior quality. —ALSO— r'hocolate. P.arlcy, .''tilad Oil. Mustard, Yeast Powders. iVc. For sale by SAAi L J. HINSDALE. April 21. ti^tf No'i'ic i:. I^T.XRR \ WlI,LI.\M.s have removed to the .Store recently occupied by Air. John D. Starr, one door west of Messrs. H. Branson iS; S(*n, where they have just received additions to the Spring [uirchases of .Staple and Fancy DRV (i(»oD.S. Country merchants are requested to exi.niine our stock. J. B. STARR. J. .AL WILLIAMS. June 7, IH.'d. 7-'>-tf P.BLS. Crusho'l and Refined .''l'(!.VR, 1 chest fine Hyson Tea. casks host L' lidon Porter. ]>irit bot'ls, 4 cases siij'Crior old Port ^^ine, 1 cask Madeira Wine, r> hhd. (.'uba Molasses. SAM'L AV. TlLLlN(iHAST \ Co. L’lt, is.-,l. 77tf ^JTRAW ('FTTF.Pi.''. (.’orn Shelleis. ainl a v.a- rietv of PloU_dis aii'l Plougii fixtures, for .•ale by ' ^ J. \ T. WADDILL. Jan. 4. '»:;tf WERST1:R‘S Ql AR'l’O J)1C- 'riONARV; tFl'RTHER suuidv iust received. “e.‘J. hale .V SON. Aug. ]:]. ~ B>r. T. II. II X I C; II . "H M .\.S taken an Ofhce on Hay .''troet, W M M of the Hotel Buildings. July 14, ls',1. 4-tf eluding also the Election Cases, tin? Crown Ca ses Reserve'l. an I the Railway an'J Canal (Jases. These Rejtorts will be imblislied in monthly numbers oi-^.irts, commencing with, the deci sions of Michaelmas . November) Term, 18-'>(t, and will be carefully clited by a member of the Bar. with notes and leftrcnccs to analagou.'j .\merii-an decisions. Each number will cnsist of oyer three hun dred pages closely printeil octavo, on the best jiaper. and in clear, fair type, and will contain a t.able of cases, aii'l a lull tal.ile of contents, thus forming a complete voluiue by itself, u3 well as a part of an entire series. The price of tliis pubiic.aion, forming sis ; volumes octav.i, will be S'DI ti year, jiayable in : advance, or the six volumes, haii«!..3.jme'iy unj uniformly bound in lav\- sheep, 5S12. ! ■ LlTTl.E cc BJIO^VN, ! ll'J W'ashingtt n street, Bo.ston. ; The Subscribers arc authorized to re- t i coivo siih.scrijitions for the above work, the first I volume of which is already i'sned. F.‘j. IIAI.E i SON M:iV L''.il. 7(.ltl‘ MINERAF. WATER. SJ. H1N.''D.VLE is jirepared to furnish hi.' • customers with SOD.V or MINI',R.\L W.\- TER. with a variety ^>f Syrups, all of a quality unsurpassed. April 2\. ‘"Mf IIESPEIUAN HARP, j iit ir Siiiijiii.if nciirriJ. A LSO, Bishop P.asconi's .'^ermons; The Week, comprising the Last Day of the Week, the First Day of the Week, the Week Comjiletod. Dry (loods, (irorerifs, llardwarr, ( ullrry. iVr. ' I’he Lands of the Moslem, a Narrative of Orien tal Travel. The Path of Life, by Rev. Henry A. Rowland. 'I’om Itaequet. and 1^ three .Alaidcn .\unts. Eti«|Uette for Ladies. ]>o. for fJentle- Thc Psalmist ami .''upjilement. Butler's IIAA'E just received from New A’ork, mv FALL .\nD W I NT Eli- Stock of (jioods, Consistin': of a general assortment of s o I' n n: R N n a i ^M o n v. JrST RE('EIA'ED, a new supply of this popular P'ook. -Aug. 18oI. E. J. HALE & .SON. TORACCO. A GOOD STOCK on hand; ami I shall re- /» ceive regularl.v, from Messrs. .J. Jones & Co's Factory, qu-ilities assorted from common to very fine, which 1 will sell at lowest manufac turing prices. J. UTLEY. Fayetteville, April 6Gtf Psr" 1 "ill Viartcr for TFPiPENTINF', or any kind of Produce. N. KIN(5, D* miles North of Fayetteville. Oct. 2S, 18')0. 4::tf On the River and hourly expected, 10.000 KKHI lbs. prime Lard. 2i) barrels Mess Pork. 10 “• Prime do. t‘, “ Mess Beef. 2 dozen Porcelain Kettles, assorted si zes, for Preserving. H. BRANSON & SON. Aug. 7, 1851. lltf NO'I'ICE.—All Accounts due the Merchants’ Steamboat Company, for Freights Apjilication for any ]>art of the Lamls can be ! up to the 10th inst., must be pitjmptly paid to made to myself, or to .lohn Winslow, Esq., who j the tmdersigned. as much time cannot be given is duly authorised to make s^ile of the same. j to the collection of* the same. TH(hS. J. CL’llTlS. J. & T. WADDILL, late Agents. rayettiivUlo, N. C., Sipt. 1, 1815. 7Stf ' I’ayetteville, Jan. 27, 1351. 56tf MACKEREL EISIL UAIITER Bbls. No. 1, Half bbls. No. 2, Bbls. and Half bbls. No. 3. Hourly ex pected by H. BRANSON & SON. Aug. 7, 1851. lltf a illicit Ko|»c and Twine. A LL *iualities for sale by Ii. BRANSON & SON. Aug. 7. 1851. lltf DAVIS’S For Gale hy AprU 21. PAIN-KILLER, SAM’L J. HINSDALE. 08tf • men. Hndibrns. Plutarch's Lives. .Aladam Roland, by Abbott. Dictionary of (Quotations, Latin. French, vVc. I'nioii Bible Dictionary. Burns' Works. Poetry of Flowers. Flora's Interpreter, i Book Keeping. School Books, Xc. ■ E. J. HALE & SON. j May .5.1 851. Work-s on Free-Masonry. ; EW Masonic Trestle-Board, adapted to the I Work and Lectures, as practised in the j Lodges, Chapters, Councils, and Encampments ' of Kni.sht Templars in the United States, by Chas. W. Moore, i The Free-Mason’s Manual, a companion for , the initiated through all the degrees of Masonry by Rev. K. I. Stewart. ! The True Masonic Chart or Hieroglyphic 1 Monitor, >iy .T. L. Cross. The F’ree-Mason’s Monitor, containing a de lineation of the fundamental principles of Free- Masonry, operative and speculative, as "well in a religious as a moral view, by Z. A. Davis. For sale by E. J. HALE k SON. May 31. 74 LBS. RAGS AVANTED, t>y H. BRANSON & SON. 78tf 80,000 July 1. NEW HOOKS. ARPER'S Magazine f(,r August; Interna tional do.; Mcdufl'cy's Readers; Mark ham's F.ngland; Southern first Class Book; Smith's (Ii'ammar; .Sheridan’s Dramatic Works, Kamos' Elements of Critieisin; Smith’s first Bo>-k iu (leoirraphv; J».ines' Philosofdiv. Ju!-t ree’d. Aug. 2'.i. ' E. J. HALE .V SON. Fire Insurance. ^B^HE JITN.V insurance Company of Ilart- -IL ford, having paid the tax inqioscd by the Revenue Law of the Into Legi;Iaturc, 'vsill con tinue its .Agency in Fayetteville, under the management of the undersigned, who is jire- pareil to i.t.'Ue Policies of Insurance on Build- in.iT!? or (lood.s, either in this 'i'own or in any part of the State, on j.roper applicKtiun, de- scrijition of the Property. &c. 'J'he ..KTNA C(J.M1*AN i has been in operation about :;0 vears. Its c;«]iitul is ^:t00,000. The Hon. Thos. K. Brace was its first Prcsi leiit, aji'l he still holds that office; and several of its lirst Directors are still active ai^c^eflicient mem bers (.f the Board, it has at all times sustaiiu 'l the highest character for the prudence ;f its management, and for the liberality with whii.ii it has over adjusted its losse.'. £. J. HALE, Agent. March 10, 1801. til'-tf PJLAAK ROAD WAITED. The Trustees of the Fayette ville and Raleigh Plank Koad Company invite proposals to furnish Lumber for the constnic- tion of their R^ad from Fayetteville to Kings bury. Propositions to be filed with the under signed, or with either Nathan King, J. C. Wil liams, J. AV. Strange, or M. V. Jones, as early as possible, and to state tlie prices and poiatrf of delivery preferred. A. McLlSAN, Ch’s of tie Bojird ot Trasttee.- ^ayette^•iIIe, A’^g. 2?, 1851