SBMI-WEEKLiY. [VOL. I.] I'AYl/rTEVlLLE, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 11, 185L [\0. 21.] rillNTKO BY ,h NKWIJY. •i;d\vaim) j. iialk & sox, r,I>lT(iKS AM> I’KoriUKTOllS. Prioc ti.r tin' Soiiii-Wcckly OitsKUVKn $1 00 if I'.ii.i in ;ulv;ince: >?4 oO if paid during the vi';ir of subscription; or •"}!•'» aftir the year has fxj'irt'il. F '1- tlie Weekly Oh.skrvek 00 per annum, if j I in!K*e; oO if paid diiring the ir I’f sul'scriptii'u; or 00 after the year )i!' oxj'ired. \!‘VKr>TlSI'MKNTS insertel for sixty cents : -.jU.-ii’e f'T the first, and thirty cents for each ■;, .•(•I’diiMr puhlicatimi. Yearly advertisements I'lintracts. at reasonable rates. Ad- ' . I 'l-rs are requested to state the number of r: ■■II.' desired. «,ir they will be coutinued till l' : .i. and char_^ed aecordinj:Iy. frr; Lffters lo the P.ilitors must be pust-paid. Sfrfurbrrrif Plants. ?HI' six v;irii-tiis of STIl.VWUKURlKS ; ,.1, ! 'rd»-li\ery. all tine, anil some the ^,r^ 'fin cultivation, measurin;.; from tn ') I'in iunl'ercnce. undt-r the i>roj>er treat- i. 'it I 1:. . s t'l win ■'r^l to .'jij per hundred, and 'm li' ti. "Jo cent.' per dozfu. \ ’U is tile l•e^t time to plant, if the bcls are !• : hi i i'' ini-lics .'r - I'cet deep, and well en- ; iii i. 'I lie riants should be shaded t'^r a few ■ V'ith boards le.-ned u the 8011111 side: if • . . . be 'h:i led. plant at any time during \\ niter "r >primr. ‘ C. LI TTKULO!!, I'.owan st. .'^ept. ti. l^.M. 20tf li. !’>K \XS()N vS. SON Ol'FKl! for Sale.— II"I Ficcvs liaprsrin-, 0 ( oji:. Haie Kopi", •Jim 1,1 >j. Jt.ile T«ine, l ii IDils and h.ilf bbis. .Vo. Mackerel, ■J' 1! ;!t bi-s. ,\o. 1’ Mackerel. )'* ijnartci- I'b!s. N >. 1 .\Iackere!, ]'rinie I,:ird, ’ "I' 11,-ic")! I!::ms. A H‘«- riarr'‘'s ot I’ork lel't. 2Utf S\:\\ (iOODS! k' w 1 11 K ICE HOUSE. IT is proposed ’o construct an K’E IlOL’SK by subscriptioK. on ()ld Street, for the great er convenience of the citizens. who ile- sire to aid in the enterjtrizc, and who wish to seeurc a sujiply of Ice through the season, will tind a List at the Book Store, wliere they can rcjiistcr their names. It is desirable to be doii'j during this month. Sept. 1S.31. 20-2t DOXALDSON ACAI)I:MY. next Session in this Institution will I. commence on the 1st day of October next. TKlvMS,—For I’uition, .i;8 and !^IU per Quarter, according to the advancement of the student. r.oard w ith the Principal, including washing, fuel and lights, per month. 1>.VNIKL Johnson, rrincipal. Sept. t), I80I. L’0-4w ^300 U i:\VAUD! "B’^SCAl’l'I) from the .Tail of Kershaw District. J\'cw Spritif;^ and Sttmmer For I I. J ('. THOMSON is now ]-(“ceivinga splendid •J? • assortment of SL'.M.MKK ll.VTS for (Jen- tlenien. ^ ouths. l?oys, and lut'ant.s. to-wit: — Panamii, Maricailni. I’edale and l.eghorn, with a genei-al assortment of Palm-leaf. — ALSO— ■\ variety of (lentlcmen's Dress Hats, to-wit; I’eaver. .Nutria, .Moleskin, Silk and .\ngola. of the latest styles: with an assortment of other styles usually found in this m.irket. ,\lso, (Wl’S ill abund;ince. of dilVcrent styles and juices.—all of which will be sold for —A LS )— ,\n assortment of ('•entleiaen’s, r.adie.s’, blisses’, \outlis', 15oys'and I'hihh en's HOO TS \ SHOI'.S. which will be ollereil on liberal tei'iiis for the Heady (’ash. riease c:ill and satisfy yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. •T. (’. THOMSON. South-west corner Market#«piare. March I'J, iSol. (»;j-tf Jl J on Mond.-iy the 1 1th day of July last. S.\Ml’KI. .1. Lo'VK, who w!>s ci'iivicted for the nuiriler of Kobert J. Lester, at Spring Term of Court, ISol. Said Love is about L'Oor'JI years of age. .six feet two inches high, ^not certain as regards his height, but supposed to be therea bouts.' has ilark hair. aU'l of a sallow c>mp!ex- JIB^ ion. with :i downcast look; some of his front | ■ 11* 1 1 • , I »' n I’! IMJI'I'S teeth a little decay cd. and lollous theoccupa l\| |( | \ (, \\]j ^[ UUUIiN. tiou ot a ( arjienter. | 1 will give the above reward to any jierson wlio will apprehend tlie said S. .1. Love and Indge him in any .lail in this .State, or (.hn* Hun dred and Fiftv Htdl.trs f>r his'e ci'nfiiu-ment in any Jail iu the I'nitod States, so that I can get him. JOHN lNni.VM. Sheriff. I'amden. .s. .Vu,:. IS-’>1. lio-i'.ni II. G. HALL, Fayetteville Foandry. CASTINGS OF EVKUY DFSCHIPTION MADE TO OUDEK. A lot of Kabbet .Metal for sale. Winslow street, Sei>t. 1, 18-')1. 18Y CHARLES liAMvJS, CoHferliotter^ GREE.X STJIELT, FlVtTl LVILLE, r. Fresh, pin t', Canrlies, constanUy supfilied. .lune -S')U. . 2:$-tf 1: ^TO K >r - 1, .w ready f.r inspection, coiujTising an " '(iUO('KR!i:S. . 1. Pl'wdcred. t'larifiod and cm- ' I'.i'i. I.tiiruii'.i, Moch.i. .iava and •:i ■: I Tt. Mrideira. Champaign and ; u'.-c Hid iniitatii'U French I'-ran- ! 5=11: ‘ h ii:'t'ai.;n Ciijer; No. 1 Mack- • ri ..ii'l 1 Herring'; lioxes Fan- i/i - .'-.j.u- I :ini'; Starcli; Saier.itus; i’ii'I'liMg': .■'■Mtch .''iiutl; ILuard (,'o's :it > I'' A'i« r; ...ap :'f all kiuil'; Sperm. ■ :iii 1 Tal'^'w Caiidlc': PepjHT; Spice: Nu:n;eg'^; ('I' vcs; 'innamon au'd .Mace. rii){_ . ( IlLVA AM) (.1. \SS-\V \UE. \ . ■ 'rtment of White Cranite, flowed . • !• -le and Miilberry Ware; cenini'in I ; ■ ■ \\ :cre. a g 1 ass.irtment; jdain and ■ ' ’ .'iiid White fhina Tea .''ct.s; one white I 'T .''> t; white ani gilt IJowls; Coffee ■ 1 and jilain Tumblers: Wine and I: - (uibb-ts; Decanter‘s; I'uvl-; Dish- ' ■ !-: S i!t-cellars. ,Vc. 1' ■ W :)■»•; Tea and (^I'fTcf* Pi'ts and ' Cream Jugs: t’andlesticks: ■ I-: li'; L.idies; .Mugs. \c. 1 rKMSllL\(i (iOODS. H ■ ‘pin;:: I'tt nsils of nil kinds; Urown ' 1' : !i'-d I'amask Table C’Mtlis and Nap- - ' 'i •'■■‘th Table Covers; Toweling, a varie- ■ ''’-I Linen and Cotton .'^heeting: ('urtain Wall aiol Winil,,w Paper; Fluid and Lard ^ :i s W aiter-^; liri>.iin;« and P.rushes of all I'; llrass aiil c ommon Andirons; .''hovels and ■ _r-; renilcis: ilrass and Irun-hound I’;iiis; Table (’ntlery. and many other useful ar- ■ I S t'.o numeri'us to mention. ( .A(nM:'i'L\(;. ynr is Carja'ting — Prussel.s. superfine ; ln^-a;n patterns, to suit a variety of ' ' Ki;;rs and F'loor Oil Cloth; W’ool-uiiied ■' i •it;te floor Mats. ( LO rHL\(i. ' • • I ' stock of Heady-madc f'LOTHINti, ' ' ‘ivcreoats. Dress anfj Frock (,'oafs. I’niif' ,Tn} W'st,*:. including an assortment ■ : n • - Muslin Shirts: W’ool, Merino - ' : 1 n lci shirt'-; Collar.s; Stocks; Suspen- ' •' ^c. (ientlemeu will fitid a con;- ! '■ ’llTtit. _al.«o— r> I'e.1 Ticks; Oeorgia Plain.s; bleached ' t'.r'.wM >liirt:n;r«: Hosiery; Linseys; Cassi- Twcxj,..; (hi Cloths; India Itubber Cloth; ( ap anil \Vrappiiifr Pajier; I’ortfolios; 1’ rtahie Writing D'-sks; .Note Hofiks: Fancy ■ B'.xes: Lookinir (iias'^es; .''nuft IJoxe.s, &c. in ca>-c a.^Sl,rted Ponnets. D' ■■ “ Shoes. 1 •» liiixes CofTee Mills. 1 case a:^sort«-il Cmbrellas. L'li packages I)rugs and Dyes. Jl) !.">xes Window (ilass. (IX) Cut .\ail«. l'» '* Wrought ditto, nnd S'pikeg. ‘.(I Shot, J'ar J,e!il. • . vjHr*. 1 ■' bo xes I m jM'ri til T•';*. '2 chests tine Hvson Tea. 1 •• •• I’.lack •• Ha’t'-boxes Fresh Raisins. /./ oih- Hi'ciiinl ti'iff he fnuvf7— A l ^-Hvy .«tK.-k of HAHDWAKE AND CUT- ’ 1 I'”' Knives anl Forks; Pen and Pocket . 1-onbh* and .(ingk‘tJuns; Files; Tanners’ Kii vt>; II.iii-1 Sawn; Planer; Hammers; Hatch- .\\ih. a goful aiiiiijrtment, iScc. lie. B.-f.v • i/iintry Merchants *ni others are in vited to examine a Stock which, for variety and . '(i-.dlence. lialieuges conjpetition. 1Ooods will be «oM for Caith, or on ■im- Uif pajier. S. W, TILI.lNfJH.\8T & CO. .*cpt. 18-51. 20tf N. ]{. Sl\\Rlir('K^ Troy, .Vcir I’orfc, II AND machinist, ■ ii/m fiin’)- of Steam iH* ami liolh ri^, M ill (j'riifitii/ of all Plomjlin^ (t'c. ^l^ilK uiider.signed, as tlie Agent of the above ■ L’^tabliHliinent, will order any articles " lii( h may be wanted, on upplioatioii him. I tie Steam Mil!» niitnufactured by Mr. Star- have been tested, and are highly approved ‘ ihy I'luuk lloadM about Fayetlovillt). KDW’D LEE WINHLOW. 1. yetieville. Sept, 4, IH-'d. :>f»tf Ittanka of oil kinds, i’or sale aV this Ollice. C.lHi^r.TS. FALI. ST^ Ll-:s, TVUMirH. A: \ O., *242 liAl.TIMOHK StHKKT, A P.E now receiving and openinsi their FALL I.MPOllTATIONS of l*eti et,s, Tapestries^ *V I»riis~ se!s t'arpets,, -\nd are prepared to exhibit the most complete assortment of now patterns and styles ever ex hibited in this country, which will be oil :red at lower rates than usual. THRKE-l’LV AM> srri'.llFfXE CAR- I'FTS.—We are now receiving our Fall styK's of the above, including many patterns manufac- tureil expressly for U::-, and which cannot be ob tained elsewhere. LOW I'RK'ED r.l/.’/VvT/.Vf/.N'.—We have a large assortment f>f g 1 styles of low priced Carpets, which can be I'lfcred at prices so low as to defy competition. Ky('rl.LlI ,\ .t.l/AV.’/r'.LV OIL rLoTIl. —.\ large and complete afaorttiient, fi 'iii 1 to Hi feet wide. Druggets, from 1 to 4 yards wide; ('rumb Cloths, a new and beautiful article; Chenille and Tvifted Rugs. Mats, Piai^. un I T:.blo Cov- er: Stair Hoils. \c.; together with e^ery arti cle appertaining to the Carpet busincs-j. TCKNiiCLL .V CO.. l24li P.;iltimore street. First ("arpet Store above Charles. .Sept. 1. 1H.">1. l‘.'-'.*t 'I'llC Ijoslon Acadt'lllV's Col lection of CHL'RCll .MCSJC, a further supi>Iy just received. E. J. HALE >v SON. Sejit. o, i^r>i. U ^TSk a8Cd."5»fl* H. & E. J. LILLY A RE now receiving their t-'ull IS * m tft' G00is^ comprising much the larg est stock they have everolfeied. In their stock mav be found siwPl.K AM) FA.Ni'V DRY GOODS, Anpola. Silk and Fur Hats; Wool ditto; Cajis; rmbrellas: Eoiinets; ^'arns; Sheetings.—ai d in fact nearly every article usually kept by us. —ALSO— Aljout 1H,000 p;iir IJUOTS & ii'IK^KS. Purchasers will please call and examine. August lid, 1N')1. 1*;-Jin I'AIJ, A.XI) \VIN'l'i;i{ CiOOWS. Subscribers have rec«-iveil in part, and n. expect to have in Store in a few days, their entire !?tock of Staple and Fancy ^ioods. .\mong this Stock will be found all the late va rieties of Ladies’ anil Centlemen's [>ress (iofnis. The larger j)ortion of their Stock has been laid in for tiie Wholesale Trade, in which line the undersigned do not intend to be undersold. Country Merchants will find it to their inter est to cxaniino this .Stock before making their purchases. .STARR & WILLIAMS. August 20, 1J^.")1. lotf •>V#r M'irm. Tht' im(i»‘rsi"iu'(i luivt; ontort'd into copartnership, under the name and style of HALL .S: S.\CKETT, for the purpose of doing a Dry Cioods and Hardware Ilnsiness, and have taken the .Store •’> doors East of the Fayetteville HoteL J. H. HA!,L. 1 A. E. HALL. T. M. SACKETT. August ‘JO, I8oI. D'tf AU!:V, Slll’:.M\\ EI.L 6.’ CO. A HE now i-eceiving direct from New York ^■jlL and Philadelphia, their and €!om1s, I-^nbracing eviTv article which is usually kept in a Dry (looils .'^tore. They would c.ail the at tention i>f the l.\i>ii;s in I'arlicu'ar to tlicirvrry haiidsonic stock !>1 Dri’ss (Iiiods. which have be-n selected wiiii the greatest care b_\ (.nc of till'firm. aiid«liiih wili comjiarc. in iiuality. styles and prii es. with any in tlie market. They will not enumerate, :is they have such a variety: and Would say to th' Ladies, that tlu'v have no i.leiiny Lind goods, but w.m.d rcspectfuily so licit a call to see the goods ainl hear their names. To tlie tientleincii tlu'V would say. that they have the handsonos-t stock of Cloths, 'iniere.s and \ estings that has ever been ex hibited in this market. ii\e us ;i call. Also, a iarge a.'Sortment »>t' Ladies', (ientle- i:ieir':, and I'hildren’s Hoots and .^hoes. and a be.'iutil'ul lot of !'.ir;isol.s and to;:eth- er with a assortment of t aiiton Crape .''h iwls. wliite and col'.1; .'Summer Vi/.ites and Mantillas; Lace and Muslin I'apes, ('ollars and CtitV'; ^|l■u^ning and second-niourning ditto. ' iflcc. Tea and .''I'ices. .Vc. F;i_\ citc% ille, N. C.. March 1'''>1. fi Jtl' .\i:\V (iOODS! THA HI'. .''ubscriJ.( r is now rcceivii.g a large ad- ditiou to hi. .''t- rk. Consisting ot Dry ( nxxls. (Jrocci M's, ( rockci \ . i I irdwart'. flats, Caj)s, Hoots and Shoes. —A LSI»— II illi'W-Warc. Lr;ithor, Wiiidnw (JLi.'s, ^\ hitc Ii0;i 1, (’hct'st', .^hicktTcl, Cn Iti'li, Ac. iV'. i*tc. Which he offers on rea-onable terms. He offers for sale a large stock of Foreign and Domestic LIQUORS, viz: Itio I.bis. W hiskcy. ’>•> •• .\]'1’1‘ ilral; iy. ill •' cliojee ••ojil N;;'li," ') vcars oM. m •• ol.j live Whiskey. His stock of FoRKKJN I.H^l’oll.s were sc- lecteil with caie and arc of ,upeii >r iiualit_\. They cou^iri ot'— ••Oodard " Itrandy. ••Otard" do. ■•Heniie«ey ’ do. lid Loii.j.ii; Dock" ditto. Holland t lin. •Luni.iica Hum. Iri.'h Whi-^key. .Madeira Wine, superior. .''herry do. .lo, port do. choii e. vety fine.) .''icily M^ideir.a do. j — INtil.ASS— I Champaign Wine, of ••Heiilsick’’ and other . favorite bran is. ' Sparkling Hofk. in ]>ints and ijuarts. | Still Hock. do. do. i.otidon Po’ter. | kinds of I’roiltict* bouL'ht at the I .Market I'l-ice in exchange t'or (loofls. I W. DKACOHON. 1 Sept. 1. L‘ol. lS-’>ni i JOHN 1). W lIJJA.MS, €"o»iimission *%• M'orivardiii^ ^fierchatit, Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. 1',, 1H')0. \Cm. ORUELLr FIIKW WKDIMI (’(l>nilSSIII.\ MI'RCIIA.M .\T Fayi*Ht‘viIl€*, X. C’. .March 10. IS.'.I. (ii>-tf ~ T. C. WORTH, I’OMIIISSION ,\M) FIIKWAKDIM; MEUril.WT, W IL.MLNC; roN, N. C’. Feb. 1, 1S51. r>7tf SA\ A(;i: mi:akes, • Commission and Forwarding Mer chants, ..,, Y \\ IL.MlNtlTON, N. C\ scori' IJALDW 1x7 to Sriilt, Kfcii .V (’o.) | Fdfifiionahlc rrJtanl 'rallur^\ ' .\M> l>K\l,Ki:S IN ; (a'liiIciiHMi's (’lodiiiisr, Kt'ady-niade, OF THE FI USX gl'ALlTY. .Mso, a complete assortment of Cicnts' DUE.s.S i( lODS. .V «!’/.•« t Sircf #, o'I \Viliniii;i;lon, N. P. •Ian. lo, I So I. r>.'i\pil .KiM'iMi II. mmi iii]\i:u A I. t'oia.Ti .\ND FORWARDING MERCHANT, ll*i!ittiiis^toii^ p.-.’i” Prompt jieisoii.d attention given to all I'oiisiirnments, .iii'i C.ish advaiicvs in.nie on Mcr- chan lise to t>c shi[.ped or s.ild in this market. Fel,. 1. r.Ty .i.T:. rooMKu, f'oinntissioN antf i'orirard- tlierchant, U IIAIINd’iON. .\. r. Picl'er to H. P.ranson \ Son. i To €'otton 4* M^ooUen *JIanu^ facturers. rilHE Sub.scriber.s have for sale a genci'al as- JL sortment of FINDINtiS, to which they would respectfully call attention. .4 constant supply of the fuHowiuf^ Articles always on huml'. J. k L. Woodcock’s superior Machine Cards. SHEARINC, M AC HI NE.S.—Parson’s, How ard's, Curtis’s, D.avidson & Park’s, Daniel’s. V.\RI(>US .M.\CII1NES.—Parkhurst's Patent Burring .Machines, Spooling .>!;ichines, Najiping Machines. Rrushing Machines, Kellogg’s Patent W()(d Pickers, Cottoji Whippers. or Willows. Water Wheel Hegulators, Cloth Winders, Flock ('utters, IJobbin Machines, Quadrants and Reels, Piacon's Patent Cotton Pickers, Hardwaste Pick ers, W'jiste Cleaners. Sl’NDPV ARTICLES.—Holbrook’s Patent Riveted Pickers, Revolving Temples, Jaw and Wooden Temples. Superior Picker Leather, do. Lace do., do. Rridle do.. .Stretched Leather Relt- ing, Leather Ik'lting, Roller Cloth, W'asher do.. Sheep Roller .Skins, Calf do. do., .Spiudle Rand- ing. l>ooni Coril, Railing Twine, Packing Rope, Tape, all odors. Shuttles, all kinds and siies. Tenter Hooks, Tack Hammers, Wood Screws, Roving Cuides. Mule Spindles. .Steel Punches. Skewers. Cutting Ni]ipers, Ring Travellers, Dust Rrushes. Flocking do., (,'ard Tacks and Pliers, t'omlj Plate, Card Cleaners. .Shuttle Eyes, Nuts iind Washers, Rivets and Rurs, .Screw Drivers, Roller Ruckles. Ulass Creel Stejis. Sj.indle Ste]>s. Fuller's Jacks, Factory Lamps, W orstcil Har ness. ('otton ib>.. Steel ami (‘aiie Reeds, Wool len Piobbins. .Speeder Robbins. .Spools, nil kinds. Rooks on Dyeing. Teasels, Heddle Males, Mule Randing. Relt .Awls, Emery, Vat Nctts, Cloth Hooks. Press Papers and Plates, Paper Fenders, Ring Travellers, French Teasels, American do. 5 y-f-Together with .Second-hand Machinery in great variety. Refer for iiuality of Canls and articles gene- erallv. to F. \ H. Fries. Salem, N. L. 1). Chillis i'll Co., Lincolnton, N. C.; A. Jenks. Es'|., Ruilder of .Machinery, Uridesburg, Pa.; and to Manut'acturers generally in Philadeli.liia and its vicinity. Tin KLO HCC.HES .'v CO.. 11 North, oth St., Philadelphia. Sept. -Ji:. IS.'.O. ;!0-lypd Spriitf*' (jro(Kh, 1851. Tin A* Sheet-Mr on \l''are MAN UF ACTOIIY. At Wholesale and Retail. 'IT. OLD ESTABLISH El) TL\ AND SHEET-IllON W'A RE M AN U FACTO U V IS RE.MOVED to the South-East Corner of Market Square, ready with the neces.sary machinery and materials for making FACTORY DRUMS CANS, And to do all kind of work of Factories. ROOFING. GL’TTERlNO.'aml all kimls of JOl51ilN(!, done on short notice, and by ex- jierienced workmen. *iSE5“ A constant supply of TIN kept on hand, lit Wholesale and Retail, (’ountry Merchants and Pedlars can be supplied at the very lowest prices. ('. AY. ANDREWS. Sept. 28, 18.:o. ;5'.'-Y Umpire State Cooking Stoves. THE EMPIRE.STOVE is of the latest and most ajiproved pattern. It is betti-r, and can be sold cheaper, than any other kind of Cooking Stove. For sale by C. W'. ANDREWS. April 22, 1851. O'.ttf Corn, M^eas, and MMay. TIHE .Subscriber has on hand .and is con stantly receiving, on consignment, a sup ply of the above articles, which may be jmr- ch.ised at the lowest market jirices at the Office of the Henrietta Steamboat Company. R. M. ORRELL. .Vpril 8, 18,-,0. 14tf LIFE INSURANCE. The Unilersignod has been appointed Agent of the North Carolina .Mutual Life Insu rance Company. Every member for life partic ipates in the profit*? of the Company; and the annual premium for life membcrshi'.i. -yrhere it amounts to ?!oO or more, may be pa d one-half in cash, and the other half in a note nt 12 mouths. Debtors’ lives may be insured by creditors. A n;nn may insure his own life for the exclusive benefit of his family. The lives of slaves may be insured. This systetn is rapiilly growing into favor, all over the civili/.ed world. It is one by which a family, for a small sum annually, may be pro vided for, jifter the death of its head, on whose exertions they may have been dependent for a support. It is :i good investment of nione^', even if one should live long after taking out a. Life Policy. F^xjdanatory paiiiphletp, and the neces.sary Rlanks, furnished on application. E. J. HALE. Fayetteville, June 1800. 72 BETTO N ^S SHIRT ESTiBLISllMEXT, 170 Murh t Stn-,‘t, BALTl.llORE. fl ,\. McKethiin, Feb. 1. l.v.l. Favcttevillc. N. C. E are now receiving a large and well se- lectc'l .Stock of w 1>RY 0001>S, Comprising every article usually kept in that line, together with LjO Cases Boots and Shoes. Ilat* and —ALSO— A well selected .Sto(;k of n*lR Oif \lMtE. To all of which we invite the attention of Mer chants of the interior, who will find it t^» their iiit.eresjt to examine our .Stock before making their purchaKes. We will not be undersold by any one doing bubiness in this place. HALL A: SACKETT. August 2.>, 18ol. Dltf Cabinet Furniture, Chairs, &c. rHlHE .Subscriber is receiving a M large assortment in his line, selected by himself in Philadelphia, New York, jind Roslon. which, to gether with his own manufacture, m:ik‘K his .Stock very complete, consisting of CMiairs, 'I'ahlos, Sofas, HcMlsttsuis, W asli .Stands, Hiireaiis, LooU- inii (Jlasses, Side, Hoards, Secretarif's, cVc. .All of which will be sfdd on the lowest ter'i '• Cash, or on short time to pmictual customers. JOHN W. RAKER. Sef-t. ;;o, 1818. ;5.',tf Mar*l)le Factory. NoricE. Steamer Chatham will leave this place i every Monday and Thursday" at 7 o’clock, A. M,, (iuiiietkd of ‘J o’clock as at present,) com- nienciug at 7 o’clock Monday lOth inst. Time ot leaving Wilming^jij^ every Tuesiiay and Fri day ut 2 o’clock P M. JNO. D. WILLIAMS, Agent (’ape Fear Steauibivit Co. F.tyetteville, Muxc^i o. By (JEO. LAUDER. TWO BOOKS ABOVE IIIICII h SOS’fi STORE, Fayelteville, IV. ./an’y 20, 1851. .55-1^ pd LAW NOTICE? ARCH’D A. T. SMITH has taken an Office on .Vntlerson street, nearly opposite the Fayetteville HoteT.- He will attend to the col lection of claims and law business generally, Hinl especially to the taking of accounts of ex ecutors, administrators, guardians and partners, either in suit or otherwise. Jau’y 11, lbi>l 64-tf WII.KIXSON cV i:si.ER, DEALERS IN ('>11 r'ti'tiunnri/, Forti'jtt Fnnts, ^its, Tu- inn/ Siiiij}', AND IMl’or.'lERS OF l>r:iCI»K IIAV.WA ’ICiAKS AT WIIUI.K.S \LK AND HKTAH,. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, is'.l. lltf llA'rt'H V.V RURRANK, \\ hoi (sale, Dralrrx in 'I'olxicco, L'i^ars 011(1 Sniiff. rfjlllE Subscribers, late of R.altimore. have M. oponed ; Store in this town, and having made arr.angcincnts with :in extensive House in R.iltimore, they can furnish the above named articles at such (irices that cannot fail to please. Dealers and Country .\h*rchaiits will tind it to their advant.i^e to give us a call before pur chasing elsewhere. Front street, under Mozart Hall, ne\t door to Messrs. Policy .V; Hart. Wilmington, Dec. 10, IS.'iO. 4‘.Mf A. J. ;KM>V.] [.I. -M. .MO.VK. «.;KA»V A: ('oiunu:'>ion Mt^rclianl.s, and Dealers in Dry nudds, (iroiTTics. ^c., BiiiUliitu, .’\ortlt W;if*r Mt., Wilmington, W. C. Prompt attention will lie given to the sale of all kinds of I'ountry Produce which may be sent to their care. April 4, 1 •''•') 1. 0G-6m !>;ai FiirjcttcriUc Hotel, I'AYK r t'KVIM.K, N. C. fflHIS 1 arge and splendid Puilding has now M. been in successtul operation since .May I8 P.t. The P.edding and Furniture (d‘ all kinds is new, ami the rotuns convenient and pleasant. The 'J'able is always furnished with the best the market aflords, aided by a fme vegetable garden. Roarder.'j, Lodgers, and Travellers will find de sirable accomnio(lati(.ns ami attentive servants. No pains will be siiared to givO entire satisfac tion. Families can be furnished with large, airy, front double rooms, conveniently and hand somely furnished. An c.xjierience of 20 years will enable the les see, she hopes, to give general satisfaction. ANN RltOWN. June 1, 18o0. 28-tf ivac .‘■m, ■ • A SUPPLY of Fresh Ground CORN MEAL kept for sale at the Mill, late Anderson’s. Grinding of Hominy ami Meal done promptly. Fayetteville, NL-irch 18.>I. 12tf Medical Iiistitullon of Yale College, NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT. rjl^HP] course of Lectures commences annual- M ly on the last Thursday of September, and continues sixteen weeks. Ren.i.\.mi.\, .M. 1). LL. D. on Chemis try and Pharmacy. Em Ives, M. D. on the Theory and Practice of Physic. JoN.\Tn.\N Kmoiit, M. D. on the Principles and Practice of Surgery. Timothv p. Reeks, NL D. m Obstetrics. Cii.vuLEs Hooker, M. D. on Anatomy and Physiology. He.vrv Ruoxson, >L D. on Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Lecture fees, uO; Matriculation, $5; Graduation, $15. CHARLES HOOKER, Dean. New ilavcB, August i, I80I. .LAMES KYLE | AS JC.''T REf'EIVEI) a large ami general | assortment of ' mi\ c;i)ODS, I Among which arc: 120() pieces new style ('alicoes. 2')0 •• •• •• (lingham. :ia(0 •' Printei! :ind Emb'd Lawns, r.rocade and other .''ilks. .''wiss and otlier .Muslins. Irish Linens. Lawns and Diapers. Robiiiet Lace and Edgings. Silk. Linen, and Cotton Handkerchiefs. Cmbrellas and Parasols. .Superfine t'loths and Cassimeres. Tweeds and Merioo Cassimvre. Ronnets. uncommonly cheaj). Rolting I’loths. .Vnker brand. With many other (iooils: all of which have been imrchascd by the package for (’.VSH. 'I’hose wishing to purchase by wholesale or retail, will please call liefore purchasing elsewhere, as good bariraii.s mav be e.xpected this season. .March l;!,'l.^ol. '.otf l!AK).N .\,\l) I'OUK. r ’ I ITT'V K !•: offers for sale 1;; hhd.'. Racon Sides. 1;’. hhds. Racon Shoulders, 1 hhd. do. Hams, lo bbls. New Mess Pork. —AL0— 1 tierce Clean Rice. .■> half bbls. No. 1 .Mackerel, !•'> half boxes Raisins. Liberty Point. August 2f), is.'d. lf,-tf WAN'FEl) 'I'O PURCHASE, (*R ;; NEGRO P.OYS. >ietween the ages of 14 atid 22 years. For I’.ovs well raised ami of good character, the highest prices w ill be paid in Cash. .Vpplv soon to THOS. n. UNDERWOOD. Fayetteville, .*^ept. 2, 18.'»1. 18-;Jw LOST OR MlSf..\lD, a note on Piobert Hughes, for Four Hundred Dollars, made payable to the undersigned. ltb«‘arsdate the 7th of' .lanuarv 18-')1, and is due on the 1st of Marcii of the 8;iiue year. The note is satisfieil, and is thercfoie null and void. ALE.X R McKA.Y. Gillopolis. Robeson co., Aug. 15, 1S51. I7-4tw xoTici:. TRUST SALE. 1]pURSU.\NT to the provisions of a Deed of Trust, executed to me by Robert Cochran, I will expose to sale at Public Auction, on Sa turday the 27th September next, at the .Market Ht)use in the Town of Fayetteville, the interest of the said llobert Cochran in and to the Lot and Improvements on the West side of tirecn street, near Eccies’s Rridge, and adjoining the residence of Dr. 1$. W. Robinson. Terms made known at sale. W. J. ANDERSON, Trustee. Fayetteville, Aug. 20, 1851. 15-wts WAATEIX fH^HE .Subscriber wishes to ptirchase 300,000 ■L lbs. RAG.S, for which the highest c:ish prices will be paid on delivery in Favetteville. DAVID Ml RPHY. Rockfish, Cumberland, Aug. 20, 1851. 15-Om w no wants money.^ 111.WE (in order for fifteen or twenty likely young Negroes, for which I will pay cash, if application is made soon. T. W'ADPILL. August 8, 1851. 12tf ISope and Twiiic. tLL (lualities for sale bv H. BRANSON & SON. Eiicoiira^^e SoMllierii .llt*- cliaiiic!^. rjlIIL Subscribers respectfully announce to .M. the citizens of F.-iyetteville and the sur rounding country, that they have commenced the C':irriatf‘ iTIakiiitf ISiiNiiioKS I .\t the old .Stand formerly occui>ie'l ly Simpson .Vc McLauchlin. (one door Vjelow A. McKe- thau’s.) where they .are now prepared to rnanu- i facture to order all kinds of I’lDINti VEHl- I ( LES, from a Sulkey or Ruggy to a nine-pas- senger Coach, which, for style ainl durability. I shall not be surpassed by any establishment in , the place. j They hojie, by a strict attention to bu.^ine.'s, . and a desire to please all who may favor them ' w ith a call, to merit a share of public patronage. RF.P.MRlNCi neatly executed at short notice, and LOWER than any other establish ment in the place. THOMAS V. WHITE. JUNICS R. RAROTEAC. Fj ' tteville, Feb. 17, 18.j1. o'.Hf A. A. .McKETIIAN S‘TILL continues to carry on the CARRI.VGE RUSINE!>.S, in all its iiranches, at the OLD ST.AND. He returns thanks for the liberal pat ronage he has heretofore received, and hopes, by strict attention to business and a desire to give entire satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He has on hand a very fine assortment of Ccuriaii;es, liaroiiches, Bui;gies, Rockaways, and Sulkeys, Finished, and a very large assortment of Work partly finished, which, for elegance of shape and tinish. will compare with any other work. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine the work, as he is determined to sell Low for cash, or notes on short time. .\11 W« rk warranted for twelve months, and repaired free of charge, shouM it fail by bad workmanship or matci ial. DC7^ Repairinof t'aitlitully e.xecn- ted at short notice, on very reasonable terms. Faj/( tteri/lf, Ajiril 1, ll^ol. Carriages Manufactory. Aug. 7, 1851. DAVIS’S |10R sale by L April 21. lltf PAL\-KIT.LER, SA.M’L J. MlNSDAr.E. 68tf HESPERL\N HARP, ^-1 neifJ tSin(/ini/ Hook, Jitat received. Also, Rishop Rascom’s Sermons; TheW'eek, comprising the Last Day of the Week, th€ First Day of the Week, the Week Completed. The Lands of the Moslem, a Narrative of Orien tal Travel. The Path of Life, by Rev. Henry A. Rowland. Tom Ra«.-(juet, and his three Maiden Aunts. Etiquette for Ladies. Do. for Gentle men. The Psalmist and Supplement. Butler’s Hudibras. Plutarch’s Lives. Madam Roland, by Abbott. Dictionary of Quotations, Latin, French, &c. Union Rible Dictionary. Burns’ W’orks. Poetry of Flowers. Flora’s Interpreter. Book Keeping. School Books, &c. E. J. HALE & SON. May 5, £ 851. rj|lHE .Snbscriber having taken the Establish- A merit of the late .\. C. Simii»m. (situated opposite W^ McIntyre’s Store,) intends carrying OH the Carr'ra^c Mainifacturin«T Business In all its various branches, and would rc.’pect- fully solicit a share of the public patronag-. Having had considerable experience ni th^ business, jsnd having been employed iu sonTft of the most e.tlensive EsT.nblishments in New Yorft nnd Sew Jersey, he Hatters hiinseH’ that ht ea» give general s:itisfaction. He wal l ants all his work to b« mnde of fh« bc?t material the surrAundinpt country aflords, and by experienced workmen; and should any of it fail, either in material or yrorkniauship, in twelve months frorti the time of its delivery, will repair it free of cha/ge. REP Aim NO done in th« neatest and best manner, and at the low est possible prices. A. H. WHITFIELD. Fayetteville, Feb. 11, 1850. "tft rijlllF^ largePt and only i 'M.anuf^icturing Whole sale Est:ibli?hment in the City. The capital and force engaged enables me at ail times to otier to Couutrv .Merchants and Deal ers in SH IRTS, COLL.VhS. LINEN and COT TON DK.AWER.S, great inducement.s—more than nsual efforts having been made to render the assortment of these article? full and com- l^ete. The .Stock oti hand is large and well assorted for -Men and Roys. -Ml orders from the Country attended td with punctuality and desi atch. Remember the Na?ne, arid i^'o. 1^9 iflai’ket >^tre€*t. T. W . IiETTt>N. .-\ugust 15. 1851. 14-yo]>d WIIOLESALIO ~ Watch ami .Ifwelry Store*! L. IL AHl.LER & CO., Imp)>rtern, Manvfirtnri.rK nnd .tohhevA of \V(ttches, Jeicetr//, and Fanri^ Gooih, Have leased the (tld .Stand fonnerly occupied by Messrs. Canfield. Rrotlic** iS: Co., South J-'aat corner of fharlei (nul Jhtltimore street.*, {No. 227.) which tliev are putting in complete onler for the WHOLESALE WATCH AND JEW EUIY BUSINESS, to be opened about the 20th of July. In calling the attf*ntion of the trade to the new concern, we mention the fact that wo are associated with one of the mo?t extensive .Jew elry .Manufacturing Establishments in the coun try. which mu>^ give a decided advantage over all others in this market for supplying dealers with Jewelry at manufacturers’ plices. a feature in this liranch of trade Ionic since needed be tween Raltimore and tJie Southern and W'esteru Merchants. Wo desire to call particulnr attention to the Watch department, which will at all times be supplied with a great assortment from the most celebrated manufacturers, and kfcpt in perfect running order, so that purchasers may at once take them, with a written guarantee that they will perform correctly. This branch of the business will receive the especial attention of (me of the firm, whose ex tensive and practical know ledge of the business will, we hope, give us a plaee in the confidentje of buyers. We respectfully invite you to call upon us when you next visit our city, confidently be lieving that an exauiination of our Goods will prove to you that they are better styles :.nd cheapcr tlian you have ever ^een in this market^ and assure you that no effort shall be wai.ting; on our part to make the acquaintance on*; of mutual benefit. I.. H. MILLER & CO, Old stand, formerly occupied by Canfield. Rro. & Co., S. E. cor ner of Charles & Baltimore sts,- Baltimore, June 1851. 14-Yo REFERENCES: Messrs. Wyeth, Rlacklock & Co. (iwyn, Reid & Taylor. Janies H^idges & Brother. Hurst & Ber'y. Murdoch, Ihier F.vans. Stellmann & Hinrichs. Sangston & Co. P.arthlow, (Jwyn & Co. Ricly & Pendleton. Cushings iS: Bftiley. .Tohn >Iurphy & Co. Moore & Gri'ftin. t>8tf Linseed Oil and White Lead, For Rvle by SAM’L J. HINSDALE. April 21. 80,000 Jtily 1. LBS. R.\GS WANTED, H. BRANSON & SON. 78if Spring^ aiifl COSTUME HALL, Corner }*rnfl direct and Cevtrr Market Sjxiee, HAL TIM ORE. fBIIIE largest and best stock of READY- Ji. M.ADE (JLOTHING ever offeY-ed in Ralti more. I)res.s, Frock and Sack CO.\T?, all co lors. qualities and sizes, from ^'2 50 to .$5 50 and upwards. PANTALOONS at ijil to 50 and upwards, ernVjracing all styles of fanc.v, [ilaiii and jdaid Cassimeres. VESTS of every variety at corresponding prices. Also, large' assortment of Boys’ Clotlsiiig. Importing our own Cloths direct from Eurojte, and manufacturing on the mo.'?t extensive scale, enables us to offer inducements to purchn.5ers not to be surpassed by any Clothing Establish ment in the United States. The proprietors are determined to make the WtK>le'?!ile Rooms the point of great Attraction, anti have now made up more thtm rtdjiMiO G.A K .MENT.S, from the finest fjtiality to tire lowe.n iir pjHce. In the Custom Department will always be found the choicest seleeti-on of CLOTHS, CAS- !^I.MERES anti VfiSTlNGS, which wi'l be made up at the shortest noticc, and in tlie latest style, and a fit always guarantied. g^““The one pfice sy.stera stricfly adhered to. Remember the name anl place, Corner Pr,'.»! St. aJHl Centre .Market Space. H. H. eOLE & CO. ' .August 15, 1851. 14-3'Opd Works on Pree-Masonry* EW Masowic Tre?tl«-Rvard, adapted to the Work and Lectilrci, u3 practised in the Lodge?, Ciiaptcr% Councils. :ind Kncampments of KnijjM Te'siplaTS in the taited Stutc.s, by Chas. W. Tifoore. The FiVe-AIason’H-Miinual, a companion for tlie itnfiated through rJl th** degrees of Masonry by Rev. K. I. Stewart. The True Masonic Cha^t Or Hieroglyphic >fonitoi*, by .T. L. Ci*oss. The Fre«-MafTon’.s .Monitor, containing a de lineation of the fundamental principles of Free- Masonry, operative and specnlatiTft, as well in »' religioiis as r moral view, by Z. A. Davis. For sale by £. J. HALE & SON- May 31. 74 fREDELlTS I^QUffVrV^i. ^ JUiST published and for sale by E. J. HALE & SO!T.