SEMI-WEEKLY. messaosssm [\ OL. 1.] rAVETri:viijj:, n. c., Tuesday .mouxing, September ig, is5i. [NO. 2-2.] rillNTKD IJV j. \i XHWIiV. KDWAIil) J. HALK & SOX, i;i>lT'»i:s AND niorUlKTOUS. I'rioo for tlif Somi-Wccklv (*»im:kvkr *4 (K> if p.ilj ill a.lvuiico: !?) oO it' piiid during the M*;ir v'f su'ieci ijitioii: or .“j;.') alter the year lias F'T the Wookly Ohskuver $2 00 per anmnn, if I in a lvaiii'c; .*>0 if paid during the vivir of suliscriptioii; or Y-5 IH) after tlie year luis oxjiired. Al'VKiITlSEMKNTS itiscrtoil fur sixty cents t I- S'juiiro for the first, and thirty cents for iMch v;;, i-i>ediiiji publicat: n. Yearly advertisements ^■v 'pecial coiitrai-ts, at reasonable rates. Ad- vfr:isor« are requested to state the number of .;.', rtii>us desired, or they \\ill be continued till t,.;' id. and char;;ed accordingly. Li'ftci'.'* to tlic K liti rs must be po.'t-]iaid. ICE HOUSE. O ,S’traivbvt'vff Plants. fll A\ K six vuriities of STHA\\ r.KHHIKS ; t :iily i' r d*liviTy, .all line, and seme the \f'v he.'t ill cii’.tiviition. nie;isniinj; from :! to n; !i,'s in circnniference, umler the j^rojier treat- I’rici'S t’lvin .'i^l to per hundred, and ! ill 1" to 'J-') c'-nts per ilozen. N 'W i.-i the lifst time to plant, if the bed tire t: livd iui'hes or 1 feet deep, and well en- I .'lied. The I’hints should be shaded 1‘^ir :i tew d. ■ \\;!h bi'ai'N leaned on the South side: if they i-:.nnot be shaded, plant at any time during \\ inter ''r .''urin'.r. C. Ll TTi;ilU»H, Rowan st. Sept. t'>, 1"M. 'J'llf II. JUi WSON .SOX FKKH for .''ale.— ]!.•! I'ieoes Hairt;in;r. (■'lils Hale I!'>pe. :;iHl I,l>s. l>:iH- Twine, l( ;i and HmH'bhis. \n. ;> Mackerel, 2'* Half bbi~. No. - Mj* -kcrol. i'* tjuarier !d''s. No. 1 .^IackereI, I'J'' l.hs. I'riliie L.-ird. 1‘ :»i Lb.-- Uac n llains. ;.■« i’.arrt'i.' ' I' I’vrk left. !>t. I'-'-l. ‘Jf'tf MAX (;0()l>S! I K F or ;OOD*^ \v ■■• ;>r inspection, comprising an ' (.IJOCl'JMKS. 1,' t ; '-' '- I. I’l'wdi-roi’i. Claritied and cotii- > _ T'; l.a'juiia. .M'lcha. .lava utid ' I ;■ !'• Madeira, t.'hampaign and •; .lid iniitatiiin Frencdi l’>ran- ’• II " 1 II'ider: No. 1 .M.-iek- ' • ■ : ' "i II an i .''. I’ keii Herrings: I’oxes Fan- iy ;i:i 1 Siiiiar I'iunis; Starch; Saieratus; ; • 1 i't; i'iuii;>; >> >trh Snutl: Hazard I’o's ■ ' l’''v, S 'Up Ilf all kinds; .spi-nu, • :iiid Ta’:li)W ('and'.es.* I’epjier: ."^pice: . • N’ltiueg.'; Clove.'.: ('innauinn and = !iO( K!:i:v, CHIN A A.M) (ii.Ass-w\in:. :i--..rtnu*nt of AVliite tiranitc, tlov^pil -• ■ r'ne ;ind Mulberry are: coninuin ' W .re. a assi.rtnient; plain and- • ■ ' and Wliite i'hitia Tea Sets: one white ' !■-.iier Set: white and gilt Howls: I'otfee ' I ..r |,i. ,1 jdaiii Tumblers: Wine and liecanters: lUivl-: Di.-h- ■' ‘1': .'■ait-cellars. \c. l i • : .M Ware: Tea and C' tfee I’uts atid 1 M.'. I’w.wls: Cream .Jugs: Cjuidlestieks: ' r> >p ■ i.s:’.es: Mugs, \c. 1 ruMsiiiNc; (jooDs. V eeji'iii’j: Utensils of all kind-: r>rnwii ! lianiask Tab'c ('lotl s aU'l Nnp- :ii! Cloth 'I’able Cnvei>: Tovn-ling. a varie- *■: p: I Linen anil C.itt.,n Sheeting: ('nrtain Is: Wall and indow I’.-iper: Fluid :ind I.;ird nij's: Waiters: IJronnis and Hnishes of all Kill Hrass and I'omnmn .\udirons: Shovels and T '!igx: Fei dei s; l.ia s and Iroii-bounil i’ails: ‘ t 'I'able Ciitlei-y, and iii.-iny other useful ar- ■ :■ too numerous to mention. (Ain‘]rj'i\(;. yarils Carpeting—Urussel-', sujterfme If Int’rain patterns, to suit a variety nf ■ ■ lluirs and I'loiir Oil Cloth; Wi. ol-mixed : .Wii'- I'oor Mats. ('LO^rilIX(r. \ st'ck of lU'ady-nnide (’F.OTFIINf!. »\ereo;its. l)K-ss and Froek Cuats. ' !' i ts and \ ests, including an assortment i’. ( ';..:ti;ii;_r: Mu“!iii Sliirts: Wool. Merino " r ( II ler--!iiiis: Collars: StockH: Siispen- = ■• vVc. t.ieijtlemeu will find a cini- —ALSO— Itiankft^: Tieks: (Jeorgia IMains: blcached I 'ii* wn Shirtings: llnsiery: Linseys: Cassi- : o : ■ : nil (Jlotli.«: India Uub'ber Cloth; i|) ;;nd Wrajiping I’aper: I’ortfolios: \'ritin_f Desks: Note r.oiks: Fancy l’o\e': [,o..kii!g Cilasses: Snutt' lloxes, &c. lo c.viii's assorted Jionnets. 1" •• •• Shoes. I'l Ixixes Coffee Mills. I ease assorted I’mbrellas. -•* I’aekages Dni^'.s and Dye.s. {(oxe- Window (jlass. • -I'! k(';:Cut Nails. I'l •• Wrought ditto, and Spikes. 'ii bags Shot. Bar Lead, lu I igars. I'l b. x«!« Imperial Tea. ~ i-hi fine Hvson Tea. 1 •• “ I’.iack •• llalf-'ioxes I'reiih llaisiDs /// .-/(//• srroti>/ lifon/ iriU hp f'lMUitf— A he;,vy -toek of IIAHDWAHE AND CI T- —Knives and Forks; Ten I'ocket Kni\er- Dniitii,. j,nd single fJtins: File.s; T;mntrs’ Knives: Hand Saws: I’lancs; Hammers; Hatch ets; Axes, a good assortment, &c. i^c. &'tf" * oinitry Merchiints and others are in vited to exainiii.* h Stock which, for variety and e'tecllenc.e, eluillenjrets competition. 1 he (lOods will be sold lor Cash, or on ’inie for good paper. S. W. TILLIN(;hAST & CO. Sctif. X. ]}. STAKIU ( Troy, .Vrif* II:nX FOrXDKR AM) .MAf’llI.N'lST, 'I ' n H f'artdn r of -V/7/.s (tnil JioUrm^ Mm (iini lnij iff all^ciiuh^ J*lou^hs, d:c. ^S^HF, under.->igned, as the A^cnt of tiie above “ Kstablishment. will order any articles "hi'h may be wanted, on aj)plication to him. I tie Steam Mills manufactured by Mr. Star- ‘ k have been tested, and are liighly a[>j>rovcd 'II the I’lank I^nids about Fayetteville. I'.DW’D LKK WINSLOAV. I'lyottevillt*, Sei.t. IH'il. 20tf lilauks o f all It inda, t 'ii' ;u!c at tliis Oftke L.-tt Pt •Vetv ISpriiiff anil Saminer IT is proposed to eonstruet an U'H HtM'SlI by su1)scription. on Old t?trect. for the prcat- er convenience of the citizens. Those who de sire to aid in the ciitorprize, and who wish to secure a supply of ice thiou^h the season, will find a List at the Ihsok iStore, where they can register their names. It is desirable to be done during this month. Sept. !•, ISol. ‘iO-2t DOXALDSOX ACADEMY. next Session in this Institution will M. commence on the 1st day of October next. TFliM.S. — For Tuition, .^S and ?ilU jier i^hi.arter, according to the advancenu'iit of the student. Hoard with tlu“ I’rineipal, including washing, I’uel and ligl'.ts, >j!S per month. .lOlINl^ON, I’riniripal. Sept. ‘>. is.'tl. 'Jo-tw !?30(> AllD! I^SC.M'F.D from the .Jaii of Kershaw l>istrict, J on Monday the 1 Ith day of .luly last, SAMl'KL .1. L(iVF.. who was cmivicted for the inunler of Robert .1. Lester, at Spring Term of Court. 1S-")1. Said Love is al«.'Ut'JO or "J1 years of ago. six feet two inches high. \not certain as regards his height, but supposed to be therea bouts.) has ilark hair, and of .i sallow complex- i.'U. vyjth a downcast look; sonie of his front teeth a little dt'cayed, and follows the occupa tion of a ( ariicnter. 1 '\ill give the above reward to any person who will apprehend tiie saiil S. J. I.o\e and lodge him in any .Jail in this State, or One Hun dred and Fil'ty [Jollars for his'e confinoment in any .lail in the I'nited States, si> I can ! get him. i .loiiN ini:ham. shcriir. ' t'amden. S. C.. Aug. 1S'>1. llti-bm Celling Ts. FALL STVL1:S, l^jL | TI UM51 I.S. A: CO., 24:.’ K.m.ti.mouk Stkkkt, | A KK now receiving and opeiiinir liieir FALL I I.MFOIITATIONS of I Tififvstries. ISras- sels f'arpcts^ And are prepared to exhibit the nr st complete : a^'•ortn^ent of new patterns ami styles ever e\- , hiViitcd in this country, vsliicli will be otVered at lower rates than usual. TURKE-ri.Y ASl> :s!'I'rilFlSK (\\U- /‘/■.'TS.—We are now receiving our Fall styles of the above, inchi'liiig many p.ittei-ns manufac- turcil expres.'ly for i;->, and which c inrot be oli- t.iined elsewhere. /j>n- riti('i:i> r.iA’/’/rr/.Vf/v—we have a large assortment ot good styles oi' hiw pri^-ed Carpets. whiidiVan be otlVred at prices so low ;is to defy coTupetition. ESC, 1.ISll ,\- .I Vi:u[r.\y on. rj.t,T!{S. —.V larg-? and complete a.'Sortment. Irom J to •J4 feet wide. L'ruggc:^. tV'ni 1 to 4 yards wide; I'rumb Cloths, a ni. w and f". autifiil article: Ciieiiille and Tufted I’ug'. .^lafs. I’ialio at; 1 Table Cov ers: Stair Rods. >'^c.: tegcther with every arti cle iippertaining to tlie Carpet busine.'S. Tl ilNF.CLI, \ CO., ■J rj Haltiniore street. Fir.'t (,'arpet Sioi e almve Cliarles. Sept. 1. 1S:,1. If-l't lor )('. THOMSON is now receiving a splendid • iissortnieiit of Sl ALMLll ILVTS for (Jen- tlemen. Youths, Hoys, and Infant.s. to-wit: — ranam;i, Maricaibo, I’edale and Leghorn, with a general iissortmeiit of I’alm-leaf. _ALS(>~ .\ varic^of Centlemen's Dross Hats, to-vvit: Heaver, ^jhia. Moleskin. Silk and .\ngola, of the latest styles: with an assiirtnient of other styles usually found in this market. .Also, ('.VI’.S in abundance, of ditVerent styles and prices,—all ol whicli will he sold ]Ki:^“'('iii:\i' for C,\sn.‘’\'j^ —also— .An assorinient of Centlemen's, Ladies', Misses’, Vo«ths', Hoys'and Children's HO(>T.S \ SilOKS, which will be offered on liberal terms for the Ready Cash. I’lease call and satisfy yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. .1. C. THONLSON, Siiuth-west Corner Market S'juare. March I'J, IS'jI. b.S-tf Alii:V, SlIlvMWELL vS: CO. VRL now reci-iving direct from \*.w York and l’hilaiel]ilda, their and iiioocls, Fmliracing every article which is usually kept ill a Dry (ioods Store. They woiilil c;ill tlie at tention of the I.M'iKs in particular to their very handsome stock of Dress (Ioods. which have been s(dected with the greatest care l)v one ot the firm, and whii ii will compare, in ipiality. styles :ind prices, with .•my in tin- market. They V ill not enumerate, as they liuve such a varii ty: and Would say to the Lailies. that they have no i.Jenny Lindi g Is. but would respectfully so licit a call to see the floods ami he.-ir their names. To the (ientlemen they would say. that they have the haiul.someb't stock of (Moths. (':is- sinieivs and W stings that has ever been ex hibited in this market. (ii\e us a call. .\l>o, ;t large assoi tment of I adies'. Gentle men's. and Cliililii'ii s Hoot.s and Shoes, and a beautiful lot ol ^a^’,^ an 1; togeth er \iith a u:cneril assortment ol’ t'aiiton Crape .''!s. white and co-'d: Snnnncr Vi/ites arid ^L■intillas: Lace aiei Mu.slin Caj'cs. ('oHars.nid Cull'; .\'ioun'iing and sc-oiid-monrning dilto. .■ t'otlee. Tt-a and Spices. .Xc. I'a'. etli v iilc. N. V '., .Nlarcii 1^>-">1. ‘l Ul 'The Boston .\c;i(l(‘m\ s v oi- lection of CHl'RCH .NICSJC. n further stip].!y just received. Sejlt. iN-'il. m B r (■.1- sup].; K. HALF \ SON, H. & K J. LILLY A Rl', now ri>eiving thwr full S ^ % ffi* (litntfls, comprising much the larg est .^tock they have ever olFcrcd. In their stock mav be found STAPi.I-: .\M) I'W.M'V DKY GOODS, .\ngola. Silk and Fur Hats: Woid tlitt.i; C.i]i.s: I inbrcilas: Honnets; Yarns; Sheetings.—and in fad nearly ewry article usually kt pt by us. —A LSC— About pair HOOTS A: SHOKS. get,* I’urchasers v\ill please call and examine. -♦gU.'t L’o, 1>')1. D'.-L’iu ~ I'AI.L AXl) W LN'I'KR OOODS. miF. Sul iscrit»ers have received in j art. :md ex]iect to have in Store in a few iiays. their mtire Stock I'f , Stojilr and I'ancij Drij (inodf^. Among this Stock will Le foun i all the l.-ite va rieties of Ladies' and (ientlemen's Dre.'S (ioods. 'I'lie larr‘r )>oi tii>n of their Stock lias bt>en laid in for the Wholes.ik* 'I'rad-. in which line tlie uiidersignel do nit intend to be undersold. Country .Merchants will find it to their inter est to examine this Stock belore making their iiurchases. STARR .■'c WILLIAMS. August 20. l >tf .V*#r i'irm. The imdt;i'si^iK‘(l ciilcMH'd into coj)artiiershii>. uuder the n;ime and style of H.\LL .V S.VCKLTT, for the purpose of doing II Dry Cood.s and Hardware Rusiness, and have taken the .Store o tloors Kast of the Favetteville Hotel. J. H. HALL. A. K. HALL. T. M. .SACKLTT. .\ugust 2t>, IS'il. Djtf UJ V. arc iiovr rccciving ti large and well se lected Stock of 1>IIY C;OODS, Conii>rising every article usually kept in that line, together with 1 j() C’asos 13o()ls and Sliocs. :iiid Caps. —ALSt)— A well selected .Stock of ji.iRO To all of which we invite the attention of .'ler- ■ chants of the interior, who will find it to their interest to examine our Stock before making ’ their purchases. We will not be undersold by any one doing business in this [>lace. ; HALL ^ .S.VCKKTT. August 2.‘), ICtf ,\i:w i.OODS! I fB^H'; 's'lil'scril't'i- i.s ni w rccei\ing a ’ar.:e ad- ' M. diticii to his .tcu-k. consi>ting of ■ l)ry (Minds. (Jroccru's. ( rockt'TA’,' 1 lai'du arc. Hals, ('aps, l»(x>t.^ and Shoes. — AI.Si,)— llMlflt\v-\V;iri . Lo;it!icr, Wind.ivv l!a>s, W liitc ]>t ;i(i, (’lit fsc, Ahicki ixd. . C-ltisli. Ac. \c. I Which he off* rs on ri-.isonaMe terms. He oilers for sale a large stock of Foreign and Domestic LIQUORSj vii; KMIM.N. \M,isk.-y. 'ii •• Apple I’raiidy. i lu •• choice ••old Nash.' -‘i years oM. i IH •• old Ryt Wniskcy. His st,,, k of r*ii;i;i(tN LDjI ('RS were se- le;-:ed \\ith care i:;.! : f siij'cli'r iiiia’.ity. They cons'.st of - ••ijoilaril " Hraiiily. ••Otard" di . •‘Heiinescy" d.i. ••( I’ll Loii.|..i! D ck " ditto. Holland (iin. .I.Mii.iica Klim. Irisl, Whisk, y. .Madeira N\ine. superior. * Sl.iTi-y do. ;io. I’ort do. choice, very fui\ ' Sicily M:i'ieiia d >. j — IN CLASS— I Cha:ii|iaign Vi ii,e, i>f “Heldfick ' and otlier | favorile Krands. I Sparkling IlMi k. in jiints and ipiarts. siiH Hock. .lo. do. ; iioiidon I’oiter. All kiiols of I’roducc ])oiight at tlic ; Market jiiice in exchaiiL'e f'T Coods. I \\. DRAIT.HON. Se])t. 1. iSol. Is-’m I II. G. HALL, I'\itfettci‘ille Foiindry, CASTINCS OF K\ KRV DKSCRll'TlO.N MAU|: TO ORDKR. .V lot of Rabbet .Metal for sale. Winslow street, Sept. 1, IS-'*!. 18Y' CHARLES iJAXKS, Vonfedioner^ GKEE.\ STKEhT, F.WI'TTEVILLE, ('. Fresh, pure, Catulies, conshmlly .supiilied. .lune IS.'iO. 2'5-tf ” .jOlIX 1). willlaTms, Commission *V M'orivardin!;- tJierrhanl^ Fayetteville, N. C. I’l'b. L”), iS.'iO. R. M. ORRELL, FIIKW.\RII1\C riDDliSSlll.N )II'RlII.WT :\T FayetleYillc*, March 1(1. (1‘2-tf T. C. WORTH^ ~ {'01M11SSII)\ ,\M) FIIRWAlJniM; MERfHAM, w ii.Mixo rox, X. c. Feb. 1. 1S.’>1. r>7tf SAVAOE MIOARES, Commission and Forwarding Mer chants, V W’n.MINCTOX, X. ('. sco r r iV rai.dw ix, [ Siirc> !>.()r/! to Si-ot/. K^en .V Fdshio/uihlr Mrrrhunt 'Dtilors, .\M> i>K\t.i :;s IN (Inilh'meirs (’lolliin?. K*‘ady-nia(le, OF Till-: FIRST (JCAI.ITV. .\lso. a complete assortment ot (i'lits' DltFS.S (ii KIDS. mflar/nt Strrtt, o' s'n.r.'.Hws ( WiliiiiiiK^ton, N. C. .lau. l.'i. Is.M. .-..-.ypd JIIM;PI1 W. IILDSMni. ii i:\ i:kA I. i onnissioM AM> FORWARDING MERCHANT, il*ihuinit;toii, i\ To Cotton A* Woollen •llann^ faclitrers. rjl^HE Sub.scrihers Iiavc lor sale a f;(?neral a.s- sortnient of FlNDl.N'G.s, to which they would re.spectfully call attention. A constuul supphj of the follotrin^ Arliclca always on hamh. J. & L. Woodcock’s superior Machine Cards. SHKARINC :MACH1NF.^.—I’arson’.s How ard's, Curtis’s. Davidson Park’s. Daniel’s. V.VRIOCS M.\('HINKS.—I’arkhurst’s Patent Hurring Machines, Spooling .Machines, Xappiug -Machines. Hrushing .Machines, Kellogg’s I’atent Wo(d Rickers, Cotton ^Vliippers, or Willows, W:iter Wheel Regulators, ('loth Winders, Flock Cutters, Hobbin .SLudiines. Quadrants and Reels, Ihicon's I’atent Cotton Rickers, Hardwaste Tick ers, Waste Cleaners. SUN DRY A RTK'LFS.—Holbrook’s Patent Riveteil Pickers. Revolving Temjiles. .law anl Wooden Temples, Superior Picker I.eather. do. Lace do., do. Hridle do.. Stretched Leather Helt- ing. Leather lielting. Ro||(‘0(’loth, AVasher do.. Sheej) Roller Skins, Calf do. do.. Spindle Hand ing, Loom Cord, Hailing Twine, Packing Ro|K‘, Tape, all colors. Shuttles, all kinds and sizes, Tenter Hoi>ks, Tack Hammers, Wooil Screws, Roving Ciiides, Mule Sjiindh's, Steel Pumdics, Skewers. Cutting Nippers, Ring Travellers. Dust Hrushes. Flocking do., 'ard Tacks and Pliers. Comb Plate, Card Cleaners. Shuttle Ryes, Nuts and Washers, P.ivets and Hurs, Screw Drivers, Roller Ruckles, tilass ('reel Steps, Spindle Stejis, Fuller's .lacks. Factory Lamps, Worsted Har ness. Cotton do.. Steel and ('ane Heeds, Wool len Robbins. Speeiler Robbins, Spools, all ki:ids. Hooks o:i Dyeing, Teasels, Heddle Males, Mule Handing. Hclt Awls. Finery. A'at Netts, Cloth Hooks. Press Papers and Plates. Paiier Femlcrs, | Ring Travellers. French Te;ise!s. .American do. I TogetluT with Second-haiKl .M.achinery i in ureat varietv. i Tin A' Sheet‘iron l\*are MANUFACTORY. At Wholesale and Retail. F. T. IfVirrf’s OLD F.STAHLISHKD TIN AND SHKKT-IRON \VAHI-: MANUFACTORY I.S RKMOVRD to the South-I'ast Corner of Market S«piare, ready with the necessary machinery ami materials for making l'ACTO!iV DRIMS iSc CAXS, And to do ;dl kind of v-'ork of Factories. Also. ROOFINCi, (JL’TrHRINC. and all kinds of-lOHHINti. done on short notice, and by ex perienced workmen. {prtr" .V const:int supjily d' TIN kept on hand, at \\’holesale and Retail. Country .Merchants anil Pedlars can be supplied at the very lowest prices. C. AV. ANDRFWS. Sept. 2S, 1SV>. o'.'-V Mumpirc State Stovos. LIFE IX8UUAXCE. R L'niler?>ignod has been appointed Agent jL of tlie North CarolinH Mutual I-il'e Insu rance Company. Every for lite partic ipates in tiie profit.^ of the (^!lIlpa^ly; and the annual ))reniium for life meinbei ship, wdiere it amounts to $oO or more, may he paid one-half in, and the other half in a uote at 12 mouths.- Debtors’ lives may he insured by creditors. A man may insure liis own life for tiie exclusive benefit (f his family. Tiie lives of slaves may be insured. Tliis system is rajiidly growing into favor, nil over the civilized world. It i.s one by 'which Ji family, lor a small sum annually, may be pro vided for. after the death of its head, ou whosef exertions they may have been dependent for it support. It is a good investment tf money, even if one should live long alter taking out a 1-ife Policy. Expliinatory pamphlets, aiul thcf necessarv Hlauks, I'uriiishcd on jipplicatiou. E. J. JIALE. Fayetteville, .lune 1S^>I. 7- Cooking THE K.MPIRESTOVi: is of the latest and most approved pattern. It is better, and can be sold cheaper, than any other kind of Cooking Stove. For sale by C. W. ANDREWS. Ajiril 'I'l, (■(‘.•tf HE rrox-s SillRT l'fiTU5L!!iii.ME.\T, 170 Marl.rt Sfrrrf, II Al/miOKB^ SHIRTS T Refer for iu-.ility of Canls and articles gene- j erally, to F. \ H. Fries, Salem, N. L. D. ' ‘ Childs \ Co.. Lincolntoii. N. ('.; .V. .leliks. Esq., Piuilder of .Niatdiinerv, Itridesbiirg. P:i.; and to Manufacturers generally in Phil.-idelphia and its vicinity. THI'Rl.o Hl'iiHFS & CO.. 11 North oth St.. Philafieljihia. Sept. lS-'»0. .'I'.t-lypd Corn^ i*eas^ and Jiat/. 1H I’ Subscriber has on hand and is con- st:intly receivin.i;'. on consignment, a suji- Avhich may be jiiir- ' chased at tin* lowest market prices at the OHice j of the Henrietta Steaiubi at Conipmiy. | R. M. ORRELL. ! Ajiril S, IS.'.O. Mtf I II W:if Cabinet Furniture, Chairs, &c. IHF, Subscrilier is receiving a large as-ortmeiit in his line, selei’ted by himself in Pliilade'phia, New York, and l!oston. >>hicli, to gether with his o>vn manufactnre, makes his Stock vei-y coiii]ilete, con.sisting of 0hairs, 'l'al)lcs, SolUs, Bedsteads, W'asli Stunds, liiireaus, Look- (Jlasses, Side Hoards, Secr'taries, Slc. ,\11 of which will be sold on the lowest terms for Cash, or cii short time to punctual custonuTs. JOHN W. 15AKFR. Sept. •■;>, 1H18. :'>otf x^larble Factory. XOTICE. , TB^HK Stenmer Chatham will leave this place ® every .Monday and Thursday at 7 o'cIo»;k, A. M., (insteail of 0 o’clock as at present,) coiu- nienciiig at 7 o'clock MoihLiv lOtli inst. Time I ot leaving W ilmin;'ton, every Tuesday und Fri- at 2 o’clock P. ,M. day JNO. D. WIUdA.MS, .\gent ^ Cape Fear Steamboat Co. I’liyettevillc, March :{. By ;K(). LAUDER. TWII WIORS 1I1IIHJ ll.lllill 4 SII.VS STdliH, Fayellei ille, IV. .lan’y 20, 18.jL 55-1 Vpd LAW XCmCE. ARCH’D A. T. S.MITH has taken an Office on .Vnderson street, nearly opposite the Fayetteville Hotel. He will attend to the col lection of claims and law business generally, and especially to the taking of accounts ol ex- ecutirs, administrators, guardians and partners, either in suit or otherwise. Jan’y 11, 1^51 54-tl Jfr-.V" Prompt iici.soiial attention given to all ('oiis'eDiiicnts. and I'asli ailvances made on .^Ier- chaiidl'e to lie shipped or sold in this marki-t. I'eh 1. 1>..1. .'.Ty .). 1-:. ']'oomi:r, f'ommission and i'onrard- inf;: •yierehant^ W II.MINC I'O.N, Refer to H, Hranson \ Son, i ,, ... .. , , 1 a vettev die, N. t . A. ,\. McKetliun. ( Fell. 1. is-.l. t'ly \\ ILKIXSOX i:SLER, DF.ALLPvS IN ('nil h'tt’ttutrj/, I'i>ici(/,i J’'ruif., ^\ (((., '1>>- (itnl Siiiiff, AND IMl’ORTFRS (,iF .SI l>i:ilK>S£ IIAV.WA ,\r \Viltl,K.s.\LK .\NU tlKTAlL. Blarket St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7. is'.l. lltf M V'll’il lU’Rli.XXK. n li'ilf'iaU’. Jifiih r.s ill 'J'oIkicco, ( 'i^ars tiiiil Siinff. rHlHR .'siibs'-ribers. l.ite of Haltimore, havv O- opened a Store in this town, and having made luiaiigenieiits with an extensive House in Haltimo!-!', they can furnish the atmve namt d articles at such joices cannot fail to jilease. Dealers and Counlrv .Nleicliants wiil find it to their adv.intaj:e to give us a c:ill before piir- c!la^ing elsewhere. Front street, under Mo/,art Hall, next door to Nle.ssrs. Policy \ Hart. Wilmiugtoii, Dec. D>, IS-'iU. P.*tf .A. .1. ;HAIIV.] [•>. .'I. MONK. A: ('oiiimls.sjoii ^lercliaiils, :uul DoaltT.s in l)n (iodiis, (ji'oci'rii's, &.C., lE:iir> Wjilor NI., Wilmington, N. C. Prompt attention will b(“ givt'ii lo the sale ot all kinds of Country Produce which may be sent to their care. * April 4, ]h")l. (iG-Giu M 7 fertile Hotel, FA\M: r I'EVIIJ.E, X. c. fDlHIS large and splendid Huilding has now fl- been in successful c]ieration since May IS I'.'. The Redding and Furniture of all kinds is new, and the rooms convenient and jilea.saiit. j The Ta'ile is always furnished with the best the market affords, aided by a line vegetable garden. Hoarders, Lodgers, and Travelh rs will t’nil ile- sirable accommodations ai'«l attentive servants. No pains will be spared to give entire satislac- tion. Families can be furnishcl with large, airy, front double rooms, conveniently and hand- I soniely furnished. ^ An (experience of ye;irs will enable I^l* les see, she hopes, to give general satisfaction. ANN RROWX. .Tune 1, 18-'.0. _ -’-S-lf 4 SUPPLY' of Fresh (iround (’ORN MEAL kept for sale at the NHll, late Anderson’s. Grindiiif: of Hiiminy and Meal done promptly. Fayetteville. .March IS'il. I'Jtf Mt'dical Insiilulioii of Yale College, NEW' HAVEN, CONNE(^TICCT. rHIHE course of Lectures commences annual- j[. ly on the last Thursday of .September, aud continues sixteen weeks. 15i;nmamin, M. D- LL. I), on Chemis try and Pharmacy. *Eli IvKS, ,M. D. on the Theory and Practice of Phvsic. # .10N^\TH.\N Kmciit, M. D. OH the rrinciples and Practice of Surgerv. Ti.MOTiiy ]\ Rkkus, M. D. on Obstetrics. Cn.MSLES IIooKEB, M. D. 011 Anatomy and I’livsiology. i'Ik;;..kv Hronson, M. D. on Materia Medica and Therajieutics. Lecture fees, $(>8 50; Matriculation, S5: Craduatiou, J>15. CHARLES HOOKER, Dean. Kcv.’ Haven, Augubt 4, 1851. lG*t)t|)‘i .L\Mi:s KYLE ,\S .irST RECLIN ED ;i large and general assortment of miY .\\uong which are: 1 •_*(»(( pirt es new style Calico-s. lI'O •• “ (iingham. •• Printed and Eiiib'd Lawns. Rrocade :ind other ''ilks. and other Muslins. Irish Linens, L.iwns and Diapers. P.obinet Lace and Edgings. Silk. Linen, and Cotton liaiidkerciiicfs. I’mlireilas and Par.-isols. Superfine Cloths and ('assimeres. Twec'N and .\leriiio (’assimere. Honiiets. uncoiiimoiily cheap. Hoiting Cloths, .\iiker brand. With Jiiaiiy other (ioods: all of which h:ive been purchased by the package for C.\.''H. Those wishing to purchase by wholesale or retail, will call lieforc purchasing elsewhere, as good barjrains ni.iv be expected this season. .March i:;,'IS.'.l. f.ntf li.vroN .\.\i> roKK. tl.K' l\TVKK offers for sale 1 o hhds. Hacoti Sides, lo hhils. Hacon .Sli nilders, 1 hhd. do. Hams, H) libls. New Mess Pork. —A L>i )— 1 tierce Clean Rice, 5 half bbls. No. 1 .Mackerel, I 'l halt boxes Raisins. Libi-rty Point, .\ugust 2'i. 1S51. li'-lf WAXI'I'J) 'I'O PrR('lL\SE, OR .‘I NEdRO HO V.S, bet ween the ages of ^0 11 ai;d '2'2 years. Eor Hoys well r,;ised and ^if good * haracter, the highest prices w ill be I'aid in Cash. Apply soon to THOS. R. I'NDERWOOD. Fayetteville, Si'pt. 2. 1S51. lS-;5w LOS r ou MISLAID. a note on Robeit Hughes, for Four Hundred Dollars, m.-tde payable to the undersigned. It bears date the 7th of .lanuarv IS.'d, and is due on the 1st of March of the same year. The note is satisfied, and is therefore null and void. ALKX'R .McKAV. Oillopolis. Robeson CO.. .Vug. 15, ISM. 17-ltw .XOTK'K. TllUST SAI.E. FrRSI'.\NT to the provisions of a Deed (d' Trust, executed to me by Robert Cochran, I will expose to sale at Public Auction, on Sa- turdiiy the 117th September next, at the Market ! House in the Town of I’ayetteville, the interest I of the said Robert Cochran in ami to the Lot i and Improvements (>n the West side of Creen street, near Eccles's P.ridge, and adjoining the ! l esideiice of Dr. H. W. Robinson. Terms made known at sale. W. .L ANDFRSON, Trustee. Fayetteville, Aug. liO, 1S51. 15-wts WAXTEI>. rjf^IlF, .Subscriber wishes to ]uirchase JtOO.OOO i lbs. R.\(i.S, for which the highest cash prices will be paid on delivery in Favetteville. DAVID mVRPHV. Rocktish, (Nimberland, -0, 1851. 15-tini Kni*oiu*a^f‘ ^oiilliorii .'Tlt?- I'liaiiicK. fMlHR Subscribers respectfully an’iounce to .M. the citiz.ens of Fayetteville and the sur rounding country, that they have commenced the 4':irri:iu‘ ISii^iiie^M, .\t the old Stand formerly occujiied by Simjison \ McLauchlin. (one door below A. A. .^!cKe- thaii's.) where they are now jireiiared to iiianu- f.icture to order all kiniis of RIDINC VEHI CLE.’', from a .Sulkey or P>uggy to a nine-j'as- senger Coach, which, for style and durability, shall not be surpassed by any establishment in the pl.-ice. They ho]ie. by a strict attention to Iiusiness. and a desire to please all who may favor them with a call, to merit a share of i>ublic })atrona.ire. RLP.\lRlN(i neatly executed at short notice, and LoWEPv tlian any other estaVdish- ment in the jilace. THOMAS V. AVHITE. .UNIPS H. RAHOTKAI’. Favetteville, Feb. 17, 1S51. .)‘,*tf McKi:TlIAi\ NTILL continues to carrv on the C.\RR1.\(5R HCSINESS, in all its branches, at the Old) ST.\ND. He returns thanks for the liberal jiat- nuiage he has heretofore leceived, and hopes, by strict attention to business and a desire to give entire satisfaction, to merit a continuance i of the same. He has on hand a very fine as.sortnient fd‘ Carria^ros, Harouclies, liuii'gies, Rockawavs, and Sulk'ys, Finished, and a very large assortment of Work partly linished, w hich, tor elegance ol shape and iiiiish, will compare with any iither work. PersoTis wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine the work, as he is determined to sell Low for cash, or notes on shoi't time. firs}-"' .Ml Wi rk warranted for twelve months, and repaired free of chargi', should it fail liy bad workuianship or material. nCr'R^'l>‘iij'iiV- liiitlduliy cxeru- ted at short notice, oi: very reasonable terms. Fuf/t ttfi tUt ., Ajtrtl 1, 1S,)1. C a rr i a >*e M a 11 iifa c t or v. rB^Hl' largest and only Jt Manvifiicturing Whole- s.ile Estabiishiiient in the City. The capital and force engaged enables me at all times to oiler to (.'ountrv .Mcrdi.-iiits and Deal- i-rs in .sH I RTS, COLL.V RS. LINFN and t’(._)T- 'I'oN DRAWRILS, great indiiceineiit.s—more' than usual efforts having been made to render' the assortiiient of these articles full aud com plete. The .Stock on h.ind is huge and v\ell assorte(i fir .Men and Roys. All orders from the Country attended ti^ with punctuality aiul despatch. Remember the Name, and Ao. I7» .narla t Street. T. w. p.i:tt()N'. .\ugiist 15. 1851. l-l-yoj)d \\ll()l,lT;lALio Watcli ami Jewelry Store# L. IL MiLLER cS: CO., ItHjiortrr.i, Munitfnrftirrr^ nnl Johhf rs of Wtitch>s, .Jt'Vilrif, aitil Fnivij dooth^ Have lea“"ed the Old Stamt lornierly occupied by Messrs.- Canfield. Hrother iS: ’o., Soidk Chdrhx iimi /Jaltimoje (No. '2-1.') which they are iiuttiiiL' in couiplete ..rder for the WH(’)LES.\LE WATCH ANLT .lEWELRV HrsI.NKSS, to be opened about the l^oth of .luly. In calling the attention of tlie trade to the new concern, we niention the fact that we arc associated with one of the nmst extensive .Jew elry Manufacturing l>tabli'^hme»its in the coun try. which must give a lecided advantage over all others in this market for supjilying dealers with .levvelry at mamil'acturcrs’ prices, a feature in this branch of trade lotig since needel be tween lialtiuvore and the S(.>utheni uiid Wcsteru Meichaiits. ^\o desire to call particular attention lo the Watch dcpnrtment, which will at all limes be supplied with a great assortment from the most celebrated manufacturers, and kej)t in jierfect running order, so th;it purchasers may at once take them, with :i written guaisntec that they will jierform correctly. This branch id' the business will receive the especial attention of one of the lirm, whose ex tensive atid practical knowledge of the business will, we hope, give us ii place in the conlident^e' (if buyers. We respectfully invite y^n to call upon >i» when you next visit our city, confidently be lieving tliat an exaiiiiiiation of our Gooils 'vvill jirove to you that they are better styles sniif cheajier tlian you have ever seen in this mar-et,- and assure you th:it no effort shall be wai.tinjj on our jitii't to make the aci[U.iintance one i'f iiiutual benelit. L. If, MILLER CO. old st.irid. for»!ier1y ofcnpied by (.'.•infield, Hro. ,Sc ('o.. S. Iv cor ner of Charles Haltimore sti»- IJaltimore, .lune 1851. 1 1-Vo RFFRRENCKS: Messrs. Wyeth. Hhicklock .v Co. (Iwyn, Reid Tavlor. .lames Hoilges" .S. Brother. Hurst K P.erry. Muidoch, I^i*r it Evans, istcllmaiir! iS: Hinrichs. .Sangston \ Harthlow. tJwyn ii Co. Rii-ly vS; Pendleton. CnsiiingH iS: Hailey. •lohn .\liirphy Co. .Moore \ (I'rilliii. SpriBi;;' and Siiiiii&icr T I WHO WA.NTS MO.NKY.' H.WE an order for lifleen or twenty likely young Negroes, for which 1 will j'ay cash, if apidication is made soon. T. WADDIEL. August 8, 1851. l-ll lSa$:^$i!^iii;?i, tSo|»e and Twine. 4iA, qualities for sale by H. HR ANSON & SON. Aug. 7, 1851. lltf 1 DAVLS'S l>AI\-Kirj,KI{. .■^OR sale by SAM’L J. HINSDALE. April -1. C8tf 11ESI>ERL\X HARP, tieir SiiKjiiiij Jiouh, ja!t rect iceiL Also, Hishop Rascom’s Sermons; The Week, comprising the Last Day of the Week, the F’irst Day of the Week, the Week Completed. 'I'he Lands of the Moslem, a Narrative of Orien tal Travel. The Path of Life, by liev. Henry A. Rowland. Tom Racquet, and his three Maiden .Aunts. Etiiiuette for Ladies. Po. for Gentle men. The Psalmist ami Supplement. Butler’s Hudiliras. Plutarch's Lives. Madam Roland, V)V Abbott. Dictionary of Quotations, Latin, French, kc. Union P>ible liictionnrv. Iturn.s’ W'ork». Poetry of Flowers. Flora’s Interpreter. Rook Keeping. School Hooks, &c. E. J. HALE & SON. Muy 5. t 851 fBlllE Subscriber having taken the Establish- JL ment of the late A. C. Simi>son. (situated opposite W. McIntyre's Store,) intends carrying on the Carriaire Manuractiirinr lUisiiiess In all its various branches, and would resj>ect- fully solicit a share of the public patronap. Having had consideralile experience in the business, and having been emidoyel in some of the most extensive i^s'.nlilishments in New '\'ork and New .ler.sey. he H*ittftrs himst'lf iHat Ire cnn give general ^uti.''faction.■ He Warrants all his work to be made of the' be.'^t raaterial the surrounding country aft'oi-ds; and by experienced workmen; ami sho»dd any* of it fail, either in material or workmansliip, in twelve months from the time ol its delivery, he will repair it free of charge. REPAIRIN(» done in the neatest and best manner, and at the lowest possible prices. A. H. WillTFIEF-U. F'ayctteville, Feb. 11, 1850. 7tf Linseed Oil and White Lead, non sale by SAM'L J. HINSDALE. April 21. G8tf LHS. KAGS WANTED, by II. RRAN.SON & SON. 78tf so,ooo COsri'Ml', HAU-, I'rott strfi't OIK? f'rnfrr Jlrirktf BALTIMOJU:. Hn-' largest and he.t stock of RE.\I)V- 'M.VDE CLoTHINCi ever offered in Haiti- more. Dress. F'rock :iiid Sack COATS, all co lors, qualities and si/.cs, froiii !j!2 50 to ■'j!5 50^ ainl ujiwards. P.\NT.\L(M»NS at i^l to ^*>.3 :”>C* and upwards, embracing all styles of fancy, )>lain and jdaid C:issimeres. \'FISTS of every vai iely at conespoiiding ]ii iccs. Also, a large' assortment of 15o;v s' Clothing. Importing our own Clotli.s .lirect from Europe,• and manufacturing on the mo.^ extensive scale.- enaldcs us to offer iiiilueemehts to jiurchasers’’ not to be surpassed liv any Clothing E.stablish- nicnt in the I'nited StalcS. 'i’hc j'rojirietors are determined to make the \\ holesale Rooms the' ptiiiit of attraction, and have now made' up move than oO hm) (i.\RMLNlS, from the' finest quality lo the l-;we.«t in price. In the Custom Department will always be found the choicest selection of CLO'l'HS, CAS- SI.MLRES and Vi;STIN(-iS, whkdi wrll be made' u]i at the .'^holiest notice, .nud in the latest ityle, and a tit always guaiantied. |piy'“Thf ont jiricc system strictly Jidhered to. KeToeniber the name and ]ilace, j^i*i^'orner Pratt St. and Centre Market .'^race. H. H.‘ cor.R & 'o. August 15. 1851. 14-yopd Work.s on Pree-Masonry^ "Uto EW Masonic Trestle-Ro;u d, adapted to the' Work and Lecture.^, a.» practised in the' Lodgl?s, Chnpters, Councils, and Encampments of Knigiit Temjilars in the United States, by Chas. W. Moore.- The Fi*ee-Ma.'?ori’? Nlannal, a companion for the initiateil through all th« t.lcgvce? of Masonry by Rev. K. I. Stevvarf. The True Masonic Chart op Ili^roglyphic Monitoi', by .1. L. Crosse. The F'ree-Mason’e Monitor, containing a do lineation of the fundamental principles of Frce- Masonry, operative? arid spcculativi, a.s well in a- I religi('us as a moral view, by Z. A. Davis. For sale by E. J. HALE & SON- May 1>1. 74 fRlhlEIJ/S EWITY, Voir&r JUST published .'ind for fair by L HALE i- soy.

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