SEMI-WEEKLY [\OI,. 1.] ■■ KAViri'TKVll.I.K, X. C„ THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 2, IS.'.I, [XO. .«.] rillXTKD IJV j. n. NKWHV. I’DWAIII) J. IIALK & Sd.v \NI' riK)IMvlKT(»r»S. I’rlcp fnr tlif Somi-W.‘ck1y (>i:sK.nvKn J 00 it ill illI^alu•t‘: -si .‘>(> it' f>iii'l durin;; tlu- \car ot ^ut'-'i-rii’iii'n; nr ^') alter the \oar lia^ K r the \Vi'i'vl\ Oh^kux ru (M) jht innMiin. if ]. i i in ;iil'aiK'o: oO it’ p;ii»l (hiring tliv VI-:.r i>t' sul"'cr;{itioM; or *•"> (>‘J .il'ti'r tin.' vciir I: . 0 I'irtnl. PAID for V(*l’NU NK HIOKS. Applv to .S: T. WADDli.L. Sl'pt. ’Jotl .\l()l NTAIN l!t T'l'KR. KIltKlNS Miiiiiitniit J’.utter, smm' wry FALL, 1851. fine. K'lr sitlc bv • TAvr-on. Sopt. W. 18-M. WAS IT ('OXSr.Ml-TKl.N? This w;is !i very n‘ui;irkahU> ^•a^e tliiit liinl treatfcl l\v scvcriil jiliy>i«'ians. in wliifli I'.ILL ,l\!) \Vi.\Ti;il liOODS. M'j. Mj. a* J. .1. M^vmhvrtott ■"JTAVK juit rccvivi'd from New York ainl ■ M. l’liil:nlci|iiii:i a coni|iU-te Stook of SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Anionj; wlsic-li may )>c‘ foiinil an extrn.sive lot of LAliir.S' ItUKfi'S (iOObS, vi/.; I’hiin, 'ttntfreil an'l ti;z’il Silkji: Neeillc-worked ('a.sUnieres; l>ro- InMnorrli.'itro of the liiiijf*! 1i:kI octMirreil :(*ver!il ; wiitereil I’oiiliii.s; t’hameleon i,oui.s;an- tiines. followed hy diarrha-ii, ni^ht sweats, (.'hene Plaid Lustres; ri.-h .Saxony Dc- I»r. Little—Dear Sir: For a year or two, I ««'• ii lu'jivu Mo\ ot’inino, twontv vciirsoM. hashcoii 1 Muuruinj: I ^utlius: Ulack lUtui- Wadiv atHicted «ith a eonsuni|.tive diseajo, at-! ’"'""‘""i I’-v^'Min- l>res.-~cs; jdnk. tended with the usual >ym|.t..n.s of a deep, hoi- ! straw colored Tarltans. \c. hiw eouiih. J'ain in the ehest, once in a while' Ham and w atered lautillas: Lay State, jtlaid hem-rrhape of the lun-s. tojreth.-r ^ith diar-i VV‘. T ‘‘‘V' rha-!i. dehility and emaciation. Ilis ease hud ; ****'^ .'lack asbmere ditto, hoen treated by several physicians without be-j E.Ml{llOll)Kl%Ih.S.—Frencli orked L:iee inz nmeh benefited lonu: at a time. Last Fall, ! *-a[>o.s anil (\>l!:ir>; worked Ciitrs: a Uc.-iutitid lot \1>\ 1'.11TISK.\1 KNT.'' inserted for .■sixty cents p,T - ,uare l'"r the tiist. and thirty cents fur each liii|jr iniblicati'iii. Yearly advertisements I ■ ■ il vontracts, :it reasonable rates. Atl- . ’ti'tTS «re reiiiiested to state the number of • , i. i i i- i i i • , . , , .,, , .^... whilst verv luuch pn'stnited, wo iniitiicd th«‘ Lcrtha l.ace (. apes: I iider-sh-cves and ( heiiii ■ ilcslri'll, I'l' tnev will l*0 COlltllllU’d till ,, I '• l 1 1 i 1 tm.f l-w.Iloin Lursnndv lai'ket. and {rave liim vour Anmlvne sent s, r'wis.-? ami .i.iconet liimunnirs. lieni i: 1.. . . . ■ ' .. . • •- .■11 1 »• II . . I • .. 1 ■ f ■ i, ai’.'l i harired accordingly. l'ou;jh Iirops, as you prescribed: he soon found I'-.--Letter.-^ t.i the Kdit>>rs must be jiost-paid. much i-elici truin the conph and jiain, :ind ciwi- - tinned to ini]>rove daily t'mni the use of the mo- dicines. At the end of six weeks, he had «-n- 1 dorfully iniprnv«'d. h.ivili^ u:iiiied MUicIi strenirtli. ci'uld rest well at night, iind with only a slight Cough. l>uring the winter he took the medi- | s.nin l ine occasion.illy, and has continued to mend so 1 Twe» nnich as to have gained at least thirty p.iunds by the first «if .\pril. 1 ;nn surprised at tiie r«- and splendid assortment ot' suit, ami t;ikc great pleasure in ^^ating the ^ R the LATl'..s r F il l i\. facts. Vour.s. .Vc. \Vk :ire ri'cciviiij: our F.ill anil \Vinter supply of ICoot'i niKl S|io‘s 'oiisi.'ting of a very large and splendid assortment ot' the LATF.ST FASHKi.NS, :ind embracing a vi ry gre:it of ,-t_\U-s for La'!ie^', (.ientlemcu's, Mi.-s- . l‘".y'\ and ("hildren's wear: with a large as- ifiiiciit of Men's and Itoy's Kip and t'oar.-e Mi ans. \ 'Upcrior article of t lent’.emenV and Ladies' iia-ruhhi-T .''hoes. —.\L.';o_ T; iii’k'". 'ar|ief iiags. and Window Shailcs; \I..r.>cco, ( |,iiiiii;r. r.indiiig. and Pad ■ ■ >o!e Leather. I,arts, .''hoe, .“'par- • \c. p. !!> \\ ';shing to purchase >ty Wholesale or • ■ ■ :,':v ic.juestecl to e\amine our .''t -ck. We ii tcni.iiicd to »e!l very lou fuj- {'a«h. or on ■ I . I'UiH-tual cii>tomers. S. T. ii.\wli:y \ s(»N. IS.'il. ‘J'i-iiw 1- » I'nII Hiui ll*ititer SforL'. ^ 1 s .") I . a ,^■11 1. ' . ' ..’Icrs for sale one of the .M -f i '• a-s.>oi tments of (.;(Il lli.v ; o?F' ;vd in this pl;icc. lie is • k‘ ' ' I- (!.■'wry p.itrouage that L . ' ■ I ^ ’icit' a coiitiini.-mce of thi- a iii-; lieen >e!ected \» ith care. ^1 ' -i> luarly every variety and >iyle. A '■ ii.amit'acturers. ’ .111 1 and oilers low for Cn'h. at ■ tne c.i-'-. latest tyles (ii'Htlemen's N'lnirt. .\loli -'Kin. Silk, r.rn>!i and .\n- .\lo. .leiiny Lind, K' >.'Nnth. Ar il and Keady. :ind stifleried Fur anil . ■■r M«-a, V,,ath and lioys—in abun- ..!• doien or case. — also— ■ '•.ri- supply of (’loth, l’luh. Velvet \r>. or all i|ualities. stvles and j>ri- 'in_'Ic I’aji or by the dozen. —AL>n— lioois and Slioos, of the followiuir v.'irieties. viz; Fine Watcr-i'roof. fine t'alf. tine Ki]> and heavy Winter r.ouT."'. Al.'o. Hoys’ and Vouths' t’alf and Kip lloots. (lentlemcn' Dre-' .''hoes, of Togeth»'r with an as'oi tment 'and t'hi'dreM's 15 X )T.S and vi/.; .lenny Lind. F.xcel.'iors. (laiter-*. ila.f, I’lUskins, .''lipl'crs and .Morocco Hoots. «leiitlenien's and L.Tdie-' I'.ubliers. M ith 1 su]'ply of Youths', hildrens':ind ■itits heavy Shoes. . .1 ul-.ich ho offers low for /'./.»A. or on time ■ nial custoiuer>. Please call and -alisfy M'., tiejoie purch.ising elsewhere. .IdllN TIIoMSttN'. .Market Snuare. U'.. is'I. •J'ltf ^Signcdj .IKIIKMIAH MILLKi:. TaUiottoii. Oct. ’J'.', ISli’i. I'ear Sir; Having used yo\ir .\nodyne t'oiigh lifojis in my own case, after all otlur remedies tailed to give me perm.-inent relief. 1 find ni\self entirely cured of a severe ci'Ugh of h>ng standing. 1 therefore take pleasure in saying that I iielieve it is one of the best medicines 1 e\er \'er\ res].cctriill\, W. U. SlNAil.LTttN. To l»r. Little. Dr. Little—Dear .''ir; 1 f.nke pleasure in stat ing that I have been in the h:ibit of ]ax>cribing \v\\v .'.nodyne Cough Props in my ]>ractice t'or si^jiie time past, ami have found them adniira- lily adapted to the disi-:ises of the chest aiul lungs. 1 h:ive no hesitancy .n saying thev are tl.e nio't cfhu'tual retiiedy 1 ever einj>!oyed: in no in>!;ince have 1 known them used without matefial >>em fit. .and nio»t frc*,uently by an im- inedi.ite cure. HeSpeclful'v Voiirs. ,Vc. L. C. '.MoVLU. .M. I). Talbot toll. .''^opt. 'Js. I Si''. I'e''.n;ary. l^ls. l>r. Little — Sir; 11 a\ing bei n ar:’.ictcd w ith a cougli for M>uie time i>at. 1 h:ive con>;eiinently tried several prcparaIiMn-: for it. and .‘imonir them the Kals.iiu of Wild (’herry, but 1 find vour .\nod\ne ('ough Props niiudi Mi]ierior t'> that or any other medi- itu-1 everii'cd. P>esidi . 1 have used them in my family in c:i-:.--‘ of I'roup, and find them ji most e\'i'l!ent renicdv tor it. J. J. .lA.MlX'N. Talbot (’ounty, (ieorgia. f-;- To be had also of .Lames f'.ain. Ilfickti'h: .V. \\ :itSoii. Fiornl ('ollfgc; Tounseiid Pou:^- la-«. 15enuett\i!le; Pr. P. M. Cohen. Chnrlev- stitched .aiid Needle-worketl Linen (.'auiliric Handkerchiefs; black, blue ainl white L.-ice Veils, tVe. __ALS(>_ Pihick. brown and green French and Fnglioli Cloths; bL.ick a\ui fancy V';^s^imercs; jilain and Vesting>; Valencia and Cashmere Is; Sattiin-ts; Kentucky .le.-ins; .’'ilk and Worsted .Serges; jdaiil Linseys; red. Idiie .•Hid white Flatuiels; Frencli and Silk w:irp ilitto; browti ;iiul bleached Canton ditto; l>ruggets; o.^iaburg.-: French and F.nglish Prints; Ir'sli Linens; To veling; 'I’ablo Pi.ipers; Ladies’ atifl (ientlemen's Kid (tloves, of ;i. very superior C(ii:’.l- itv; .Silk aU'J ('ottoii ^o^iery; L;iiiib’s Woo’. ;p.d Merino litto; l.;iilies' and ientlemen's Ca>hii': re ilov.>. \c. \c. .1 /(/;•(/(■ lilt Ilf lint) m MdIi^I,' I u oml .1/)- 'j'jlii Mill mill llnf/s Iliif (till/ lli'lt liililiiiim. .\ snp»^riorlot of tientlonien's ('alf i’n>ots and .’•'hoes: L:idie>' (iaiters :ind othei' styles of .'•hoes; Traxelling Trunk.'; Carpet P>ags, vVc. I'he above (ioods w eri' selected more particu- I^DWIN GLOVER, Watch-Maker and Jeweler, AT Tin: Ol,I> STAND, Siijii nf till' Lai'ifi' Wntrh, VS returned front the North with a large assoi tnient of WATCHK.S, CLOCKS AND .1 FWI-;i.,I! V, wliich he invites the public to ex amine. Among his stock cau*be found,— (lold and Silver Watches of all kinds and )>rices; (lold and Silver Fob, Guard, and Vest ('h:iins; (!old, .Silver, Stone, and Steel Ke_\sand Seals; P«reast Pius and K;ir-I!ing.s of all kinds and ]>rices; Finger Kings; (iold, Silver and Steel Spect.-ieh's; Silver and Gold Thimbles; fine Piraeelets: CJold*nnd Silver Pens .ijid Pencils; iohl Lockets: (Jold juid Sliver ISclt ISuekles; ('ard Conil P>eiids: Sleeve Huttons; fine .\cc>rdeons; .Music Itoxes; tine and (.oininon Walking (.’anes: tine and common Pistols: Silver Cups: Silver Spoons; Port-.Moneys; Purses: (.'locks, from •i2 to ?j!4(i; I’lated ('ake lar^U*-ts. (’.-I'tors and (’andlesticks: l’>rass do.: liack-dam- moii Hoards; »Ve., iS;c. .MILITAIIV (l(IOI)S. Sworils. .Sashes. Lace. Buttons, IJtigles, .Stars, Plumes, Caps, \c., \e. l';irtietil:ir uttfiitioii |»ait.l to tlie llepairing of Watches anl .lewelrv. Fayetteville, N. C., .July -1. ♦i-^’.iu l>r. T. 1>. I1A14>}II, AS t.-iken un Ollice on Ilay Street, West 1-tf of the Hotel l>iiihlings. July 14, 18ol. I{\G(iJNG AND U01*K. OUR COTTON 15A(^C.1N(; AND KOPE have arrived. Our friends c:in send in their or'lers, and they shall be supplied. IS, IS.'.l. CUOK vS: T.tVLOPi. 14tf ilalitie-;. Par' i\'vi!le; P. F. Pc-cud. \gent for Fayetteville, •signature of Dr. W. (!. utside wrapper t-n; I . ( llaleigh. S. .1. HINSDALF.. The fae-simile of th Little will tie fouiiil upon the of each if his .Medicines. Sold wholesale and retail. >>y the Piiiju'ictor, at his Manufacturing Depot, No. NLirket street. PhiladelphiH. and ,'lacon, (ieorgiu. Al«i:v, N|Ilv11\Vi:i.L A: VO. NKW FALL AN!* WlNTKll ;oo i>fs. lari'- tor the IIFT.MI. Tlt.VDF, ainl will be sold oil very ;iccommodating terms. i: L. v'. J. A. l*K.Ml!FP.TON. Sei>t. 11, IS.M. -Jltf FILL l\l) \ll\Ti;!{ ^ ^ li F. .’''lib', l ibers ;ire now receiving a well I. selected stock of .''taple and Fancy DllV (iOODS. .\nioicj their >tock will be found the iatc't styles of L.idie.'' :iiid (ientlemen's DKF.SS (iOODS, togetlur with a good as'ortment of I!“;iilv-lii:iilc ('liitliitij:; rtilluelliis; 11.its, ('all'. ;;iiil 15'iiiiicf■•; ;ill kiiiil-^ nt Biti>t :iiiil ."'hK s; (';irj>;-f iiiL'; SatliiU-.'. llriilli s. ^\ liiji.' ami ('I'llars; ILuihvart* :uiil ('utltTv; Lci- tlicr; IIiiili\v-\v;irc;iiul ('lockciy-'v;irc; Licif, Luiiit', ('rti.'luMl. Chirific'il ai;tl IJinwu Sti- irars; 'lea-': lli'i. L:iiruir;i ami .Ja\;i ('nrtfc; J'alt, Mtda.'so. hull ami Xails. With many other (Joods. which will ).c -ol,| very che;ip for ( a>li, or on time to those w ho p:iy punctu.'illy. We’.vould be gl.-id if our Jriends and the public ireiicrallv Would give us a call. J. T.' Col NCIL (’AIN. .''ept. 1, 1S.'»1. IStf 1> II W. >!( I iuu rill r I p a 4 er IHF. Sob-rribei'^ are now receiving direct from New ^’ork and Phil:iilcljdii;i. the l:ir- gest anil liaiid.'omi■^t Stock of Stujth iinti idncij Di'jl (lOods they have e\er i xhibited in this market. I'liibr.'icing every v;iriety of L;idie.' and (ientle- men's DKFS.'J (i()(lDS. among which may be found; l!I:ick and f'.ancv watered and plain Dre'S .''ilk; black and fancy Coburgs; I.aiiKi Twills; figured and plain fancy and blaek .Njohair Liis- tre;-: ."'ilk Warj) and Crape P>rocades; .Swiss. Si'otch and Chene (iingh;iiiis; S;ixony De-Lain>: French, Fnglisl; ami .\nierit'an Print.'; Mml> d Cashmerc': plain ditto; ch:ingejible De-Lains; Watt red and lu edie-work Cashmeres; eh:ingea- ble Voncscs; P>rncade Lustres; Dani:i.'k .11oli;iii>; black l>omb:i/ines; second-mourning Popliii>; plain and watered .''ilk Mantillas; colored and black Velvet .Mantillas; P.rocade Poplins; and a l.iige ;issortniciit of jircss Trimmings; French and l'lngli.*?h Mi‘rinos; \ elvet Neck 4iibbons and Cn fl's. i5lC. H.Mr>i{(>ii)Ki;ii-:.'. French worked Coll.ars and (’apes; Frencii Worked Cufls; French worked ('hemisettes; I n- der-.''leevcs: .Swiss .-ind .Jaconet Trimniii'{.s: In fants' Waists and Caps; Hem-'^titched and nee dle-worked Linen Cambric ILindkerchiefs, from llolialllc Honiirts, I Ints, C;i|)S, 1(» cts. to •’»«•>; and a beautiful assortniei.t of I loots. Shoes, ^Sjc. - e Stoek we would iiivife our cu.stotn- Ljiecs; hlaek tiilk L:iccs and Edgings. Jill iMi \ii.\Ti;ii (;()iiii:\. is received :iud ai’C ii-^w receiving > w W ..IU- .fock of I (.V I'AM’V (;0()I)S, irtiele ujually kept *' ne.-irly e^ ery " " Is line. —ALSO— KINK .V-MiHTMK-VT ()K .\\ K just received a sc;i,'onable assortment ol' (iOOD."“. coii.-«isting of Prints; (ling- hams; .Lacoiiet. Swi.'> and l .iiltan .Mu'lins: rii ii • Plinted Liiii'ii l.awii'; Laee ('apes; white and j c->i'd Lisle; Silk em''. and sup'r l\id (ib.'ves; Ho-| sierv; ditto for .Misses anl I’.ovs; Linen C:im-| brie Handkerchiclr; Ta\lor^ .''pool ('ottoii; bl k ;ind fancy ( as'im* res; ('hiths; cold and vshite Linen Drilliii;:': tii e Frencii double width plain and rib'd Dr.ib d'Kte; .''lieetings and Shirting-*; | Fmlirellas ami P:irasoIs: Loot'and .Shot Hard- i warc:ind ( utlerv; with a great variet} which, we ofler at tlie lowt st priccs. —.\LSO— ! •Jti boxes Tobacco. vci\\ low per the box. ; 1 (t bbN. prime Pork. | Imu' llio and Lagnira Coli'ce. i ■| hhds. .Su'.Mr. ]i| bills. Ke!ined :ind (iranulated .Sug:ir. I.o.-if and (’rushed ditto, liar :ind F:i;ic_\ .''oaps. .''iiperior Nortiiern Flour. vVO. D. W. Me LA n: IN ,\pril 7, 1 S-'il. (ititi “ D. M. MCDONALD W^OLICIT.'^ the attention of buyeis to his va- ricd assortnieiit of (Hiiss, (i/iil Croci'cni H ^//t, I Siii/iir iini/ (''>j'fi‘*\ Ilii/s IIml ^V/y/s, /*i>jn- I II,II/ III/, I'I'-iir/l Ill'll mi If ililil i Jliilliinil (//«, I‘urt nm! Miiili’ini I II t/(^'li/ill\'‘ nf (Ilr hist 1 ijmililif, Ih >i (,'iii/ifs mil/ j ('mii//i',, II fl ic Jitic ! ( V'w/ s, tPr'. «lv. ' .\nd every .-irticle usually kept for the jM'Coni- ik A\ at(’hos and J(‘welrv,l At \Vliolt‘Malf‘ an«l Ketnil. | J. M. liKASLi:Y I nT'Ol LI* respectfully inform the public | generally, he has returned recent ly from .New York, with tlecidedly a large :is- surliiient of IWttrhvs a lift Jetretry. Manv of the.'C Watches were bought tor (’ASH P.Y 'I'iiM PA(’K.i('>M, and can therefore be sold verv low. He ha.' Watches of jill kind.'; ('hains. Kevs and .''e:ils of :ill kinds and of the latest stv.e.'; Finger-llings,, Medallions, of all si/.es, of F.nglish :ind Aineric:in make; L;i- die.-,' Chatelaines; Cuff Pins; (’ollaraiid Sleeve Huttons; Shirt Studs; (lold .''pectacle'. light .and heavv; (iold Pens and Pencils; (lold and .''iUer I'hiiubles; I’lracelets; Silver Fruit and Putter Knives; .Silver Spoons of all large lot ot Pocket Cutlery; .’'ci>>ors, bi^st unality; P.uttoii- hole .Scis-iors, Siirvi-yor's ('oinpas.'c.' and ('hains; Mathematical Instrument'; large (juantity of line and common Pi'tols; tine and common sin gle and dont)le-b:irrel (inns: (i.;;.ie P.igs; Shot Pielt' and I’owder Fia'ks;\ (ioo«ls. in- cludiii'.! the P.a'S Drum .-ind the .'malle>t lJutton; X'iolins and extra ]5ows; Flute>, ('larioiiets. Fla geolet', Accordcoiis, of all kinds and sizes; .Mn- ,'ic lloxes; Perfumery: .Soaji; l.ather l5rusln->; Kazor' and .''trop.'; Drc"ing and Pocket Comb.'; Plated .ind Piritaiinia Ware: and various other things too tedious to enumerate. 5*0.?" C:dl ;ilid give me a tri.iL Ca>h paid for dd Gold and Silver. Watch US aiul Jkw klky neatly Picjiaired. J-'ii/it(t rilh , A. ('.—y,iiitli-hiist nf Mnrkit Sijiinri . pj-f.m] ' .1. -M. P.KASLKY. P. P JOIIASOA Has .irsT KECKIVKU ami offers for .sale, eheiip,— h.igs superior Hio r(jFFMF, b:irrels Coffee .Sug:ir, i*)() Icirrels .\L‘ickerel. Nos. 1, '2 and o, i..uaf and (Jranulatetl .Sugar. _ A !,.'()— A lai'gc as.sorfnu‘nt of Iron and Nails. Shov els, Spades, Trace Chain.*?, Shovels and Tongs, Hlaeksinitlis’ Bellows, Anvils, Vises, Hammers, I’lakcs. .\ugeis and Clii.sels, Files, (.’olliiis's Axes, \c. August It’i. ls.:il. 14tf FUKSM TEAS. 1;^XTIIA FIMl HYSON, -J l)o do Imperial. Do do (iiinpowder. Do do ((olong. and Young Hyson TH.\.''J, of superior juali»v . —A LS( I— Clioeolate. Harley, .''ahid Oil, Mustard, Yeast Powders, \c. For s:ile by SA.^i■L .1. HINSDALK. April -Jl. f.Htf S tratvherry I^laats. IHAVi: six varietie.s* of STUAWP.lllUllKS ready for delivery, all fine, and some the very best in cultivation, measuring from •> to inches in circumference, under the pro|>er tre;it- ment. Prices from •'i^l to per hundred, and from 1(1 to cents per dozen. Now is the best time to plant, if the beds ;ire tremhed IS inches or - fi-et deep, and well ‘ii- I riched. The Plants should be shaded lor a tew days with bo.-inls leaned on the .South siile; it' they cannot be shaded, pl;int at any time during W inter or .''pring. C. Ll TTIim.OH, P.owan 't. Sept. fi, is.'il. -Otf Sta«e liiiie tollaloi^li. rBllIE Siibscrihers, Mail Contractors from -M. F.-iyetteville to lialeigli, will comiiienc«‘ Operations this day, with new and comfortnble Coaches, good horses. :ind careful Driver.*.— The Fai’e is F'lVK LM.)LL.\Il.S—s;iiue as before. The .Stage Houses are. in Fayetteville, the F;iy- etfeville Hotel, in llaleigh, the Yarborough House: but I’assengers will be conveyed to such other Houses as they may select. The hours of departure will be, until further notice, at half- past ‘,t P. M. from Fayetteville, aiil at '2 P. .M. from U:ileigh, daily. The suliscribers Imjie. by unremined attention, to secure a liberal share of the travel. .M i; l{ 1XX ’ K .Me KINN( >N, DAVID McNElLL. Fayetteville, .July 1, IS.'il. 7S-tf Line of 4 horse Post Coaches from Fayetteville to V/arsaw—Daily. ^■IHi', Suliscribers haviirg secured the mail -B. contr.act on the .-ibove Line, will i-onimence Till.S DAV. running a Line of Four Post ('ojiches. Daily. Leaving Fayetteville at (i P. .M.. and arriving :it Warsaw at p.-ist *i A. M., in time for the Car.s North and i'onth. lie- turning, le:ive Warsaw on the arrival of the Cars, say about 1 or 'J. P. M., and arrive at Fay etteville in ten hours. Kvery c:ire will be taken to render the line jdeas.’int, convenient, :ind safe, for Travellers. A Line of St:igi>s will he established as sfmii as possible, by the Pl:ink llojid, front F.-iyette- ville via Cartlnige :ind .\sheborotigh. to Le.xing- ton, .Salem, and .''.•tlisbiirv. .McKINNON .V McMlILL. Fayetteville, N. (.'.. .\ng. S, 1>>*»1. 11-tf Till- rELEI!IilTi;il lil l K r\TE.\T COOIvIAG STOVJ., Is for s:ile by the .Sidiscrilier in l’:ilei;ih .‘tnd F.-iyetteville; in Italeigh at his .''hop on F.iy- etteviile .Street, and in Fayetteville at .Mr. A. .M. Canii>l;eU's. NO I'KM:.—All A( ■counts (lu(* The .''ubscriber hereby forewarn' all jiersons the Merchants'Steamboat Comp.aiiy. for Freights ! from imrch.i.'ing .-iny of the.^e Stoves from any up to the l-'.th inst.. must be promptly paid to j per^w'n either in or out of North Carolin.i, ex- the under'igned. ;is much time cannot'be given | cept from himself or his duly autiiori/ed .\gents. I He lias pint li.ised tlie exclu.'ixe right to vend j this .''tove within the .''tate. and will pro.«ecnH’ I any )icrson infringing his right, either by jmr- i chasing, selling, or u.-ing, any except those ob- ! tained from himself. I .loSllPH WOLTIIKING. I It.ileigh, .\pril P.'. lS-"il. (iStf to the collection of the .s;une. .L .V T. W,\DD1LL. late Ag-nts. Favetteville. .Liii. '_*7. IS-M. ;jt>tf MINKUAI. M A iVAl. HIN.siiALH is ))rep:irtHl to I'uriiisli hi» ^5* customers with .SODA or .MINKHAL WA- TKIl, with II variety i>f Syrups, all lA a nuality iinsurjiassed. April iil. fJStf DRl GS^d. .MJ^nit’JNES, ' Sa^h i:l .1. Ili.\si>Af,K Otl'ers for !*ale an exteuMTe assortment of (;o()DS, among Avhich arc the foN lowing: 0]iium, ('amjihor, ’astor OiL ..Meohol, .Sul-' phnr. Aloes, .A!agnesi:i, Uhnb:irb, Morphine, (Juinine, Cream T:irtar, Sal .Soda. Castile Soap, .Super c.'irb. .Soda. Kpsom Salts, Sponge. Ijiecac, Sarsaparilla, Kreo.«ote, liorax, .\rrowroot. Isin glass. Gum Arabic, Gum .Myrrh, Capsicum, Lo- belin. Plasters, Liijiiorice, Chlorofortii, .lujulu Paste, Cojiperas, Wliite Lead. I,inseed Oil, Train Oil. Whiile Oil, Sperm (RL Sweet Oil, Noatsfoot Oil. ‘t^'ojial Varnish, lA-ather Varnish, .L-ijmii V:iriiisli, Window (Jlass, I’ntty, Pumice Stone, Chrome (ireen, Chrome Yellow, Lampbl.-ick, Patent Plack, Terr:i de Sienna, Umber, lihick Lead, ]/ith;irge, l»ed Lead, Patent l»ryer, Whi ting, French Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Venetian lied, .''panish llrown, I’riissian Hliie, Sand-ji.'i- ]>er, St;irch, Sal Fr.itns. Mustard, .Sjiice, Nut megs. Pejiper, Hops. Indigo, .Madder. .Saltpetre, Ginger, (ilne. Ann:ito, ('loves. .Mace, Piiirning Fluid, .Mum, Oxalic .Vcid, White Hrick. Tripoli, Wash P.rushes. Paint IJrushe'^, Varnish Hrushes, .Scrubbing ditto. .Shoe do.. Tooth do.. Hair do., Logwdod. Ue«l W ood. Illack Ink. (Ipodeldoc, »Vc., with a general assortment of Medv»-ines; Chemi cals if all kinds: Frem h and Mnglish Perftime- ly :ind .Soaps; with a full assortment of all the leaiiing Patent .Xledicines now in use. Orders from the ciuiitry promptly attcnde*! to, •■ind goods carefully packed. The .Siili.'criber feels as'Ured fh:it he can meet the wishes of the purciiaser in regard tu quality and j>rice. S. .1. IIIN.SD.M.F, Druggist. October PJ, IS.VI. 4Jtf_ 7-'> lilils. No. 1 Herring. L’-'i •• “• o .Mackerel. 1(MI liales H:ty. 1(MI Pieces Cottii}! IJagging, .‘id ('oils Hope. •JiM) Lbs. ’I'wino, :i(i Hhds. .Mola.'*ses. .’> Hhds. Fair Sugars. •'>(1 Hags Hio (’ofiee. With .\luni ;ind .Sack .Salt, ;»nd (Jrocen'es gen- erallv, for s:ile at the lowest market prices, by ,»Nr. I). WILLI A.MS. .\ngust 14, IS.'d. I'ltf 1%'aHletl to Contract /or, 'riio Snhsci ii»'r islics to con- ' tract foroNK .MILLION (»F IlFD (»AK HHD. I .''T.VVIl.S, of the following ilimensions, viz;—j Full 4 I inches long. J inch thick on the thin I edge; to ;i\erage 4 inches in width; none to be . less than ;■•). They must got out of good. | souikI timber, and not to show much sap. 'I’hey j must be rough shaved with the drawing knife. For which quality of .St.ives, 1 am willing to pay •'i^l.'' per thous:iml. FOR SALi:, ^1/ t/ii- /oirisf ^[itr/,'if I'rn‘ ('u \\ AN'n:i), ::ii(i(i ft. .V.'he Lumber for Wagons. 1 to inches thick. ;;M(l(t ft. Sea.'oi'.ed Lumber. 1'J to :l in-hes. IttOd ft. W hite (*ak and Hickmw tor Axletre«^s. pMMI ft. White (lak for Tongues, Holsters and .Shu Its. l(Mi Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. J(MMI Spokes. For whii'h the highest c:ish prii'e will ’le jiaid. .\pplv Soon to FI. FI LLF.It. May 1'.', Ib'.l. 7'J-tf '['{) WIN!-: M.\Ki:US. 7 n have a few barrels of tine old .\jijde lirandv for sale; such as those who w:int to make good wine .'hould get. CO(Mv .V TAYLOIl. Sei.t. I*;, IS'il. -'--tf nO.MKS'I'K’S. ITTLIl Uiver Osnabergs; 7-S anl 4-4 .''hcetings alwavs ou hand, and for sale ;it Factory jirices, by STAUll WILLIAMS. .June 7, IS.-,I. 7^Vtf K. D. HALL. is-tf Wilmington, .\ug. ll'.i, TSol. 11I:w7vR1>! .('.\PF.D from the .Jail of Kershaw District. day the 1 Ith day of .Inly last, LOVF., who was convicted for the E SA.Ml F.L .1 40 IJtMl '.icks SALT. ^(MMI >iusliels .Vlnm .''.•ilt. IKMM) lbs. Cotton Y:irn. (Isnabiirg'' and Hrow ii .''hectings. With :i general .stock of articles in the (!r«ieerv line. .INO. D. WILLIA.MS. ‘ F'avetteville. Feb. l.’i, 1S.'»(I. Vt'riicai \Val€‘i* WUvvl. rm^]\K\\K are several hundred of the.«e Wheels . . JL in oiier.-itiou in diflerent counties in North murder of Iluli.-rt .L Lester, at Spring lerm ot ,heir great advant.iges Court, lS-”iI. Saiil Love is :ibout l!(l or l!l ye.'irs of age. six feet two in^he.' high, (not certain as regard,' his height. t>ut Mi]iposed to be therea- bout'i. ■ h;i> dark h.iir. and of a sallow complex ion, with a downcast look; some of hi.' tront teeth :i little decayed, and follows the occupa tion of a t ar)ienter. 1 will give the above reward to any person who will aiiprehend the said ,S. .L Love and lodge him in :iny .lail in this St.-ite. or One Hun dred and Fifty Dollars for his .safe continement in .'in\ .Liil in the I nited States, so that 1 can get him. .lOHN INGHAM. Sheriff. Camden. ('.. .\iig. od. IS-M. '-’d-Cim .Ui'.UVil.l.VTS' MjM.VK. i; m l tlie jiiitilie generally, to call i.I fore jiurchasing, as we are de- i ll (ioods to suit the 111110*;. ALll.X i; ,K>HNSoN \ CO. ■. .''epf. IS-")!. L’-'itf \ eils; everv variety ot Shawls, enibroideied and n . i • i i -n n , . • 1 1 I - . I.'I .....1 niodation of purchasers; all ot which I will sell ;dain: 1 hread, ( otton and Lim n L'igings and . i. i ' . .... . ..... I low for ( ash. or exchange for country Produce. I Hay stre‘t, .''e|it. I •'», IS-'1. J'J-lm roK saij:. LP.S. IIACON Sn>KS, .''i.dtld lbs. .''houlders, 7.-J bills. No. ;{ Mackeiel. T. S. LUTTFKLOH. is-'il. ::(i-'Jw WltrriNC I'.M'KR. KK.\ MS assorted French, Fnglish and .\merican Cap, Letter, Hath h'liiM Po>t. and Note Papers—a well se- 1 'to' k. embracing :i gre;it variety of f(u:il- iiid \.rice. .\lsii, I'.ristol Hoards, Perforated ito, li''ueaud Drawing Paper, iiiid .Statioii- of all kinds, .lust receiving. K. .1. HALK v*;: HON. ' ]>t. is.ii. ni;i)i ]iii!i!i:i: wom, ■'riitT ')(■ Xorlli and Moiiumonl Sinrt.s, —.\LSO— Hlaek, blue, brown and green French and Fnglish ('lotlis; black ami fancy Cassiincres; (’ut Velvet, figured and bl:ick .''.•itin and \ ;den- cia Vestings, {some very hatidsfiine:) .■'.ittinets; Kentucky •leans: Tweeds; Linseys; FlaiineN, wool ami cotton; Osnabttrgs; Druggets; Damask Table ( oths: ditto N.ipkins; Centre-Table Cov ers. verv tine: Piani Covers; Irish Linens; Lin en Lawns: Thread Cambrics: Towellings; Geii- tleinen's .Merino .''hirts and Dr.iwcrs; .''ilk Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs; Ladies’ .Merino Vests; Cashmereand ."'ilk Hose; ditto Half-Hose; the celebrated Salenj .le.ins, black and grey. Ladies', tientlemeii s and Children's H(>(.)TS and SIMMl.s. ■Men's, Hoys’ and Infants’ Haf.s .•iiid Caps:. Velvet, .’'atin, .Str.iw and Florence Honnets. Jiitto ditto ditto for , .\nd every .article usually kept in a Dry Goods .''tore. JCvy We invit(* the ]>ublic to c.nll and exam ine our l.'irge and haii'lsoiiie .''tock, as we are al ways :inxioiis to show oiir (Joods. II'' />•'•'/> Ti ll mu/ .\KKV, SHF.\1WKLL & CO. return thanks to the citizens of F:iyetteville, and the juiblic generally, for the very patronage here tofore bestowed on them, and intend, by strict .Norici;. S'- ; H.\ I I’D li.iviiig completed their ex- wjorks. (Which is now one of the ; •'ttentioii to business, to merit a continuance. '■ ‘ 'tablishment.s of the kind in this coun- I’l-ejiared to till all orders in tlndr line, '*trl>ie IVfantels, .Muiiuments, Tumbu, rate »tones. Table Tops, TileN (for floors. i ‘»rf)le l,etter>, at :is reasonalile rates as ”■ id 111 ihis or any other city in the I'nion. of eveeution and originality of de- " ir .tock cannot be sur));issed. ’I’hey ! . peett nily invite A ri'liih'cl-, lluililn.*, \l,il, IS and otiici '•'le i ur. liasing. The\ Favetteville, .S S. S. AKilY. P. SHIl.MWFLL. 11. MCDONALD, ept. l-'>, IS.*>I. :21tf .''tore recently occu]iied by Mr. .lohn D. .Starr, one iloor west of .Messrs. II. Hr.-insou \ .''on. where they have just received a«liiitions to the .spring ]iurch:ises of Staj)le and Fancy DRV GOODS. Country merchants arc reiiuesled to examine our stock. .r. H. STAP.H. .J. M. WILLIAMS. .June 7, iS-'il. 75-tf IIIAX'F inst receiveil from New York, my FALL .\ND WINTFK Stock of Goods, Consisting of a assortment of IJrj (Ioods, (Iron rifs, lliinlware, riillcry, jgtr7?“ I will barter for Tl’KPKNTINM, or ;iny kind of Produce. N. KING, miles North of i’ayetteville. Oct. -JS, IS-V>. ' 4;Jtf KlN(i and .\. .McMILL.VN have entered J. ^ • into copartnership in the Distillery of Tiiriicntine, and have ercctcd a Still on the West side of tin' Fayett‘ville and Western l*lank Road, s miles from Favetteville. N. KING. M.nv7ltf A. Mc.MlLLAN. w L. n\iiiti’ft. F wish to buy 20.KMt barrels Turpentine. KING \ .Mc.MlLLAN. 1*^ I'Ou lot of l^inl ciintaining 'J acres, with Comfortable Dwelling House and Kitchen thereon. 'I he above propert.y is in Inilf a mile to call ;«n«l examine I of ilobeson Institute, Robeson county, re :ils-i jirepared to I Also, Four Share.'! of the Capital Stock in tin: trade with .Slabs, Rlocks, \c. to or- said Institute. I For further particulars, inquire of Ail nder- by mail puuctuully nttendcd j ALFRED .lACKSON. I'OU SALE, WM. ROWLAND’S Extra thick Mill and (,’ross-cut S.VWS, (3 and (».l feet. D. ic W. McLAl RIN. Nov. p.t, 1S.50. 4(itf Spanish Smoking Tobacco, SPANISH CIGAR.S, for sale OIF If low by II. HR ANSON .S; .SON. Sept. n, IS.'.I. I'ltf roiuixd: ttJOOD STOCK on hand; ami 1 shall re ceive regularly, from .Me.s.srs. .J. .Jones ,'i: Co’s F’actory, ((inilities assorted t'roin common to ver^’ fin(!, which I v-’ill sell at lowest manufac turing prices. J. UTLfc’V. , 1 . , A . I J t r I y ^ J s. * ^ f ^ j/ >m V ^ Li:ss()\s IN Airsic'. H. WHIT.VKER would respectfully in form the citizens of Fayetteville and vi cinity, that h»- has .•igain coinmenceil giving Les- sciii.^ on the Pi.iiio F«>rte. He returns his thanks for the liber.'il patronage heretofore received, and humbly solicits a continuance of the same. •Ml p.'iins shall be t.iken for the advancement of his [lupils. Instruction also given on the Guitar. £ri3 Pianos tuned and repaired in the best manner. L. H. WHITAKER. August 21, IS.')!). .‘Utf TO COTTON IM.ANTKUS. PIECES COTTON HAGGINC.. coils Rope, lidd lbs. Twine, .lust received and for sale cheaji, by PETER P. .lOHNSON. August l(i, 1H.')1. 14tf ~UUE K A SW ARE. .N W. HENNETT, .Manufacturers of fan- cy Rockingham and Yellow Iron STONE WARE, would invite the attention of Southern merch.'ints to their large stock of Fnncji Crockcry- Ware, Of their own manufacture, corner of (’anal st. and t-'anton .\venue, two squares Last ol the Philadelphia and Wilmington Rail Road Depot, HALTI.MORE. Sept. 12, 1S51. 22-4tw J REAMS Medium size, ft t.^lr Ci'i “ lUue, for Cotton Yarns. From -Manteo Paper Mills, Raleigh. For sale low by II. HR ANSON .Si SON. Jul'y Ih.jl. ^TR.\W CUTTERS, (lorn Shellers, and a ta- riety of riourhs and Plough fixtures, for by “ J. i T. hVJDlLL. fB'^HIS LI.NE OF HO.VT.S is still in sm cess- M- f'ul operation on the C:ipe Fear River, and continue to otler m;ii>y facilities to the shijiping pulilie. Persons pjitronising this Line, may rest as sured that their (ioods will be brought up with disjiatcii, and at tiie very lowest rates of freight. .V. W*. STEEL. I’resident. T. S. LI TTERLOH, Agent at Fayett'ville. Feb. 1.'., 1S.'>1. ‘ -V.'-tf WANl'Kn'r GOOD H ANDS, at 7-'i cts. per day. on #.^1* the .Southern Plank Road. Ste.-idy employ-iiieiit and cash payment weekly, il re- i|uirel. .\l>ply to D. M. HFIE. At the Steam .Mill, or to - A. A. McKETll.VN. .lune 2;*., IS'>1. [77-tf] Fayetteville. HENRIETTA LINE OF r r- NU'aiii nii«l Frt'i^iif 4 RE all in excellent onler for business. I )iir Tow Hoats have been recently repaired 4iind made good as new. We liave also added a itiir Flat for low water, and well adapted to the service. .She will carry 7(KJ bbls. merchandize, and draw only 2d inches water. Those favoring us with their ]i!itron:tge. may expect as jiroinpt and cheaji .service in every particular as any other Line can otler. G. DE.MING. Prest. R. M. ORRELL, Agent. .\. D. C.\Z.VrN, Al^'iiI at W ilniingttm. FayettevUle, Dec. 21, 18-')d. ‘ .jd-tf SALEM PAPErTmiiJ . f ftlHE subscriber has taken charge of this old B and well known Establishment, and is pre- jiared to attend to all orders for I*riiit’mg Paper, Mcrcluint.s’ ami Factory Wru{)})inr, S:c. The -Mill has recently Jieen thoroughly refitted with new macliinery, and the subscriber believes he can I'urnish Paper of as go«)d ((iiality and at iirt cheap prices as can be purchased any where, Noi tli or South. CHARLES E. SHOHEll. Salem, .June 7, ISil. 77tf over the common tlntter wheel, «ir any other wheels iiow in use for saw mills, we confidently refer to those who h;ive ajiplied them to their mills. We can recommend them )>:irticularly for their superiority in c;iscs of a low heaii of water, or back water. We still keep a sujiply of Wheels, suitabh* for different heads of water, at Wilmington. New- bern. W:ishingtoi\. Edentou and Fayetteville. The wheels may also be h:id of E. Hrev;ird, Liiioilnton. and L'riah Wells. Petersburg. Va. Persons wishing to obtain the right to use the wheels, will be .'Served on application to D. .McNeill \ Co., Fa\ettc\ille. N. C. D. .McNEILL. ,\. A. .MeKETHAN. D. .1. Mc.\LLSTER. Feb’y '22. ISP.I. .'Xi-tf DAGUERREOTYPE PORTUAITS. A C. S.mI^H. Daguerrean Artist, having • been instructed in one of theljirgest and best Estalilishments in New York, and by tuie ! of the best .\rtists in New '^'ork or any when' ■ else. Would respectfully inform the citizens of i Fayetteville, and per.sons living near, that he ! has a Room ii. the Fayetteville Hotel fitted nj» I tor taking Daguerreot.vpc^, and wotild be very much ]ile;ised to wait on those who ni:iy wish to ; have tlieir Likenesses t.ikeii. He has the best materials that can be bought an.v where with- otU any exception. He intends stopping here only a few wec'ks. Call soon, if you wish !i corrt'ct and good Likeness. lie feels that he can s:itisfy who may give him a call, if :i correct and good Likeness will do it. Time of taking, from A. M. until P. M. Diirk or black dresses best for taking; white will not answer well. Prices from Two to Ten Dollars. ' Children one ye:ir old and upwards ta- ki'ii, if they c:in be kept still ].'> or 2d seconds. Time for taking Children, from lU A. M. until 2 P. M. Instructions given in the .\rt. tiO?" Persons taken in gro»i]is if they wish it. Daguerreotypes and .Miniature Paintings co pied for those who may wish it. Oh. wad some power the giftie ;ij|||^is, 'I’o see ourselves as itlu'i's see iis. It Would from many a blunder free'us. And foolish notion.— /litriix. Hut Come when you will. .\ jierfect likeness you'll h.i\e. If you only sit still. Lovers are of all others the best subjects for sitting, though the most difticult to jile.ise. .Secure the shadow Ere the subst.-ince fade,—Sfm/.ajnitr^'. Sejit. 1, 1^>-')1. IStf liKOTIIi;R!i U\L fHlIIE Stejinn’r HRoTHER.s and Tow I>oat5, JL STF:VENSoN and D.WID LEW IS are pre pared to forw:iriI with Dt.-«P.\Tcu, all goods cou- signeil to the Proprietor. The .Steamer Hrothers iji of light dr.-ift, ami well suiteil to run in low water. She pos.sesses iiower, and sjieei?., and is H({iiiir;«bly adapted tir owing, and can accommotlatc abiut 2U j a.iscn- gers. The I'ldprietor contemplates running the Boat hims(‘lf. and will give sjiecial attention to way freight and naval stores: to towing, and will al so attend to the comfort and convenience of Passi'iigers. From his long experience as .\gent in W ilmington of the several .''team I»oat Com panies, he thinks he can give s.itisfaetion. To Merchants in the interior he would .say, that all Is shipped by him, will Ik; delivereil to their .\gents in Fayetteville. His agi-ut iii Wilmington is .JOHN L.\TT.\. to whom all communications may l»e addressed, as Agent of the .Steamer Hrothers. .lOlIN li.VNK.S, I’roprietor. May I-'.. 72-y ^:iOO liewaiil. I WILL give one hundretl iIolhir.» for the ap prehension ami confinement of .\NDER.SON ind .lERR^' in any .jail so that I can get them jigain. or fifty dollars for either. I will alsu give ij^ldOfor ]iroof of any responsible jierson's Inirboring said negroes. They ranaway from my ]iIautation in Moore county on the Idth ot' Feb'y last, and are thought to be lurking about Dior 17 miles .-ibove Carthage on Deep River, through the edge of .Moore aiil corners vf Chat- h.'iiii and U.'indolph counties. Anderson is al)out 2S years old. a bright mulatto, alMiut -j feet 7 or S inchcs high, well iiroportioned; has an open coiinten.ime, iind is ijuitc ]ilau.«iblc. It is 1»('- lieved that he will endeavor to pas.s ior a free man ami escape to a free .State, as he had .a brother whojda.ved the same game. .Jerry i.s :ibout 24 years old, i feet or 4 inches high, stout built; has ji down look, particularly when spoken^), and is rather impudent. S:iid ni?- groes Hhinerly lu'longed to .John R. Kitter, iti the upper end of .Moore county. .\ny information must be addre?s;d to the sulist^riber at Pocket P. O., Moore county. N. C, J. L. HUY AN. April 12, 18.j1. OTtf lTwiVkX(’E &~(’VrMPANY'S " ' Patent Jmprovcd Flesh (jl loves and Straj)S, For producing a healthy state of the .system by Friction. The great value of the IIOP.SE-IIATR RE NOVATOR as a therapeutic agent, when a|iplied to the human body, is well known tv every one who ha-* pail the le.-ist attention to the importance of a healthy action of the Skin., For sale by S. J. HINSDALE. Oct. I, is.'id. H'.itf AVAi\ TED. fft^HE .SabscrilM'r wi.«he.s to j/\ircha.«p :i(Mt.dd(| J_ lbs. R.\(iS, for which the highest easl» prices will be paid on delivery in Favetteville. DAVID MURPHY. Roekfi.-'h, Cum>>erland, An;^. 2*), IXol. TUKNIl>~SEia)” ]^'^NGLf.''H White Dutch, large English N'>r- ^ folk, Ruta Turiiip Seed, received to- PAINTS. M LH.S. Pure and No. 1 WRITE "-ilrlFI" LEAD, in Oil. Imperiiil and Paris Green. Spanish P.rown, Spanish Whiting. Winter Green, (Chrome Yellow. Litharge aucl other varieties of COOK JOiI.NSON. 10, 1^51. O.U' Fire Insurance. T^HE ^K'l'NA Insurance Company of Hart ford, having paid the tax imposed by the Revenue LaV of the late Legislatnre, will con tinue its. Agency in Fayettcviile, under the managciaent of the undersigm d, who is pre pared to issue Policies of Insurance on Build ings or (ioods, fither in this Town or in any jiart of the State, on proper application, de- scriiition of the Property, i!cc. The ^ET.NA CO.MI’ANY has been in operation about :"d yoai-3. Its capital is $>300,000. The Hon. Thos. K. Bi'ace was its first President, and ho still holds that office; and several of its first Directors are still active and efficient inein- bcrs of the Board. It has at all limes sust.iincd the highest character for the prudence of its management, and for the liberality with which 'it has jvcr .idj .istoi i'.d E. J. HALE, Aj'o; r. March 10, l«.n. C'J-i:’ day and for sale by An!i»^t 4. ■T. IflNSDAl.E. Ui-tf NOTICE. fWlIfE Ste.Tmcr Ch.itham will le.avc fhr« ]ila^e i fveiy .Moll la.\ aiid Thur»lay at 7 o’clock, A. M., (instead of o'l-lock as at jiresent,) ciim- meiicii'g at 7 o’clock Monday lOth inst. Tim« of leaving Wilmington, every Tnesilay and Fri-» day at 2 o’clock P. M. JNO. I). AVILLIAMS, Ag(,>nt ’ape Steambo;it Co. Fayettevill**, March 3. Gnnn’s DomeBtic Medicine. tKUP.TilJ-'Jt suiiplv, j!i?t rccci7'‘d. j’-. J. HALE .1 S(\‘i,

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