SEMI-WBEKL, Y. jgaBSSBCtlBfWKM rAVKi'TKvii.i.i;, X. c'., Tuesday .morning;, October i85i. [NO. -S.] ■fiMMSSOi HlNTHD^iY .T. V*. NKWliV. DWAlil) .1 IIALK & SOX, K.UITOK- AM> rUorUIllTOKS. f..r tiu' Scmi-"cfkly )h.-kk\ku ^4 00 it' , ; ill ■'>'* >*' iliiring the . -^uhii-i ii'tittn; or $.') after the yc:ir has \ , .IV'l. - ■:; > Wock’.v (>i!K.i!VF.n 00 per annum, if V, i i:i •;nK‘o: ">0 if paiil durinp the , . .7 '>-ripti'U; or $•"* 00 after the year ViVrr.TlSKMr.NTS inserted for sixty cents jr., r f'r the, and tliirty cents for each f, . ■ :;:i ' Yearly advortisenients , at re:i>\'nabk‘ rates. Ad- r: > arc reiiuested to state the number of I, : •: doircil. if they \sill be contiu'icd till .1 1, ,t: I cliMrued accordhifily. l.ctrori t" tlic Ivlitors must ho post-paid. H>7nFs & SHOES Wk ;iro rocriviiiir otir Fail and Winter supi'ly of ICoot» aiid ^Iio‘s, . ’i)nsitinir of a very liirixe and splend:d ji.>^.'ortnicjit of ^ > the I.ATK.'^T FAS!ll(>N>, and embracing a very f:reat • •■•■-!t\1es ft>r I.adic.', (ientlcmen’». Mis^- and i'hildrcn's wear; ith a lavjrc ;v!»- "f .Men'. aii'l lioy's Kip and Coarse ^.■'•i.VNS. V i\ 'Uperiiir artule of tientlemen s and Ladies' i-rub'jcr .''iioes. ALSt'>— ■ ittks. I'arpet l>:i^s. and \Yindo\v Shades; \l ‘roic.«, (loat. l.inin^, I>imlin>^. and I'ad • ■'..Ic I.callier, l.a.'tii, Shoo Thread, ."r^par- .VC. ,;,s wisbin^ to purciinse by AVhole>alo or :irr rv'i'ier^t^'d to examine our St'vk. We riiiiiied to sell very lou’ Ibr l'a,-;h. or Oil ■ ■ ,:,. rua; cnstomcrs. t;. T. HAWLKY \ St)N. • -Jli-f.W ms. I irs. iiiioTs s. sum:!;. 1- * S rail and W^inter Stork. I I . rAll) for VOl’NO NFAiUOl’S. .Vp].U to .1. \ T. WAl)l»li,I,. Sept. ISol. •Jotf MOl N'PAIN Hl 'lM'KR. ■ir f'crs for sale one f>f the :id V>. : :iss> rtnieiits of •r 'tT' ied in this jil.-ice. lie is •' MTV lilteral pafronaj^e tiiat i' i:> a e«ntinii;inc‘ of the ■ "k ..IS boetJ selected with care. H ,i!' ii";i-'y e\*ry ‘variety and style. ; inaiai!a«;5nrcrs. I! ii.Hiid and otiVr.s low t\r Ca-'-h. at ■ i MSc, latest styles (ientienuii s ■ i.i. MoiesWin. Silk. l!ru>h an'l ,\n- .V!'". .leiiny l.ind. Ki'ssutli. ,\r- ,!i 1 Iteady, and stiffened Fur and : r NIen, Y^iutU uud Hoys—in abun- iA‘. ujzcii or CAse. -^-AI.SO— 'np])ly i>f (’Inth. rinh. Velvet \i’^. ot all ijualitii-s. styles and pii- . • .':n;ile r by the dozen. —Al-SO— lionts Shof'S. 'if tl.o fo’liiwinj; varieties, %i/,: Fine W.-itcr-i'roof. fine (,'alf. tine Kip and heavy int«!r illODTS. ,\lsr>. Boys' and \ nuths' t'alf and Kip In.i.ts. lientli.'im-n'n l»re.>-s Shoe«. ot ,r„i1 tie^. Tocetln-r with an as'^* rtmeiit Missi's' and t'hiiiren's l?()i *'1 > and .l*-nny l/ind. F.xcclMurc. «laiter-^. Malf. r.ukins. Slip})er^and Morocv-o l>o>>ts. (ientlemc). ' and La-Iie.-,' Iliibbors. With "1 Youths', I«iy.-'. ('hildren.s'and lUtt;' lu avy ShO''». • I nhii li he I'trers low fnr or on time *ua' I II.'I'iiieis. l’ieas(‘ call and .satisfy -- lM-fiT‘ piiri'hasinjr e!seuh('r‘. JofIN TiloMSoN. Market St|iuue. • j>:i. FIHKINS Mountain Hutter, some very tine. For sale bv r-OOK T.VYLOU. Sept. ;50, 18.’>1, 20-11 WAS IT CONSVMrTIO.N".’ j This was a very remarkable case that had ; been treated by several physieians. in wliich ; heniorrlinuc of the lunirs had occurred several i times, followed by diarrhiea. nijiht sweats. l>r. l.ittlc—Dear Sir: For ii year or two past, a ncj:ro boy of niine. twenty years old, has been badly at^licted with a conaumpUvc disease, at tended with the usual sympton-s id'a deep, hol low cou«rh. pain in the chest, once in a while bemorrha>ie of the lungs, together with diar- rluva. debility and emaciation, lli.s case lia.i been treated by phy.sicians without be- ' ine much bencfiiyl lont: at a tim;*. Last Fall, whilst very mucn ])n>Btrato»l» wc .applied the Fiursiundy jacket, and fjave him your Anodyne ' Couttli Drops, as yon prescribed; he soou founil much relief from the cou;j;h :ind pain, and con tinued to improve daily from the use of the me dicines. At the end of six weeks, he had wun- ilerfully improved, havin': ;.rained much strenirth, c'uld rest well at ni^ht. and with i>nly a slijiht coujfh.; the winter he t«iok the medi cine occasioiii'.'dy. and has continued to mend so much as to h.-ivc {gained at least tliirty p.iiinds by the tii-t of .\pril. I am surpri.sed at the re sult. and t.ike jrreat pleasure in statinjr the facts. Yours, I'cc. (Si-nedi .IKUI'MIAII Talbotton. Oct. 2‘,'. Dear Sir; Having used your .\nodyne i'ou^h Drops in my own case, alter all t>ther remedies had failed to pive me perm.-inent relief. 1 find mvself entirely cun’d of a severe coujib of Ion" standin;:. 1 therefore take* pleasure in sMvin;.: that I believe it is one of the best medicines 1 ever used. Verv respcctl'ullv. w. u. sin(_:i.i:t(1N. • To Dr. Little. Dr. Little—De tr Sir: 1 tnki- I’lea'^iirc in stat in" th;:t I have »>ecn in the IiaMt of j'rcscribin- viiui- .\nodyne ('oii;j:h Drops in my pra-tice for .•ioine time past, and have t'ound them admira bly adapted to the tliseases of the and liiu'^-!. I have no hesitancy in -(aylnjr they are the most effectual remedy 1 ever employed; in no inst.ince have I known tium used without material benetit. and niost frc-iucntly by an im- mciiiatc cure. l’cs])cctful! v vonr'. \c. K. MUYLK. NL D. T«’botti.>n. Sept. February. l'is. T'r. Little—Sir: Mavii;^ 1«ci ii at1!iet* il w:th a i-ou;:h for some time l asr, I have i-onse.|nent'y tried several prep.-irations fo|- it. and aia'in;i them the i'.alsam of 'N ild ( herry. but 1 tind ' v.oir .\nodMie I‘oujjh Droj.s niu, h sujicrior to )r av.v otln-r medicine I ever used. I’e.-;des, I h:^ve u'sed tbem in my family in c;is-s of I’roup. and fuul them a most ej:cellej;t r**mcdy tor it. .T. .lAMKSON. Talbot t'oiiiity, (Irorfria. To be had .iNo of .laifes 'nin. Fiorkti^h: A. Wat-^on. t'lor.-il t'olle^e: To.wu'^end .V Dou-^- lap.®. Uennettsvi'.’e; Dr. D. ^L t ohen, ( liarl«‘«- t iii; r. Darboc. Ilai ciay.-jviV.e; I’. 1'. Dc.'cud. l!.ilei"h. S. .1. IIINSDALI'. .\)Z.-nT f..r Fayett« vi’le. The fac-simi!e of thi' signature of Dr. W. C. Little will be found upon the out.side wrapper of e:o'h of his Medicines. Sold wholesale aii'l retail, by the Projoietor. at liis Mannfacturinj: Depot. No. 'Jti-l NLirket street. riiiladelph;«, and Mk-COU, Ge«,)rj:ia, l\l) \Vl.\Ti:il (iOODS. fv. Ij. A' J. •#. M* i’m her ton UAVK just received froni New York and Fhiladelphia a complete Stock of SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, : .\monjr wliich may be found an extensive lot of ; 1,AD11',S’ DIIK8S GOODS, viz: Plain, watered ; :ind fi^'d Silks; Needle-worked Casumercs; 15ro- ! cade and watered Poplins; Cliameleon Louisian- as; t'hene Ivcps: l*laid Lustres: riidi Saxony De- Lains; plain, watered and fiijnred Silk warp Alpacas: Second .NIonrninj; Poplins; black ISoni- ba/ines; a few superior F.veninp: i>i-esse.s; pink, blue, white and straw coioied Tarltans. \c. Plain and watered .NL-tnfillas: Piav State, plaid . -1 . 1 , , 1 • 1 i:dwin glover, NKW FALL A.Nl) WlN’l'Kll OO 1>S. ■m SK ^ a • ^H'^HF. Sub.-. riVx rs are now n'. t-ivin^ diie.-t fl t'rom New York and I'hiladelpiiia. the lar- 't and hand.'-'mi'.-,t .■'tock of Staph (tud I'd/ici/ (ioods ill i.\ii \n.\Ti:ii (iooiiN. ' .., ri iM'ivcd and are now recei\in>f :r usu.i! .''tock of 1 \V\A\ vv I'AX'V COODS, ■ . ' ''nc:ir:v evTy :irticle usually kept I'. '' - line. —ALSO— A 'r INK *A-soKTMKNT Of i'iiion;iI»lr Hats. Caj)s. l>)Ots. SIkx'S, ’ ' : .f Sti r]c WC Would invite our cusfom- 1'. :mi 1 the public generally, to call • rt'ore puvi hasinj.''. as we are de- . ! t- .-r'l to suit the times. ALKX K .lOlLNSON .V TO. ■ 'li.', Sf]it. ’J;'., l>*ol. -”'ff rou saij:. To b’)l? If'.'.l. Ll’.S. P.A oN SIDKS, 1I)S. .''houlders. No. o Mackeiel. T. S. LL’TTKP.LOIL ‘Jt)-‘Jw wurriNG HI'^\ ^LS assorted French, Knglish and .American Caii, Letter, P>ath Folio I’ost, and Note Papers—a well se- J;| cii;!,racing a trrcaf variety of ijual- || i'v Mild )n-ic-. .M«o. Hristol Uo.ards. I’crforuted |i: bitto, Tissm- and Drawing I’aper, and Station- ft; ;iiv of !ill kinds. .hi>t receiving. |i ‘ K. .). HALE & SON. Lj Kopt. lit, IHol. |v Vri' lMJHlUil.l- WOllKr f '''iviUT of Norlli Hiul Monmnenl SihtIs, ■ t J Wl-StiN \ i;.\ilU) Laving completed theirex- Y '' ii'ive works, (wliicli is now one of the S ■ ' I establishments of the kind in this conn- ' o.- prcjiareil to fill all .rders in tlieir line, ^ ^ ' Marble .Mantels, Moiiiinieiits, Tumba, ^ **rave'•tones, i able Tops, Tiles, (for floor,-;,; J Marble I.ettern, «fcc., at as reasonable rates as ^ 1 -‘N ' i- h:id in thi.s or any other city in the I nion. I f r he iity of execution and originality »f de- ,-J - their >tc>cV; cannot be surpassed. 'I'hey | p;Si '1 n-spictt'iilly invite Arrliiftr/f, Uuil'Urf, j , I ■ ' ' M..■!.., and others to cull and examine | I g ‘ ■ 'oi-.. piircha.sing. Tliey are also jireparetl to | !'ini:-li ihe trade with Sl'ab'i, P.loi-ks, itc. to or- i tr-y All orders Ity mail punctually attended | Th.'.t they have ever exhiVnied in ibis market. embr:n‘ing evciy variety of L.iMie.' and (ientle- nu'ns I>1!K.''S (i'>Ol>S. among which may be found; Hlai'k :ind fancy w a’.ered and plain Dre>s Silks; b!ack :ind fancy Cobiirg>: l.ania Twill.-,: figure.1 and plain lain y ami black Moh.-iir Ln>- tr‘s: Siik Wr*rp and Crape llrocades: Swi.'>. 't ot''h and Chciu- iinghani‘^; Saxony l*e-Laiu“; French. I!nglish and .\merican Prints; I.mb d ('ashmi'res: plain ilitto; changeable I)e-La:ns; watcre-1 and needle-work ('a^hniexes; changea ble Yo!:cscs; lb Lu.atres: L>amask .I'.oliaiis: black P.oniba/ines: second-mourning I’ojilins: j>'uin and W'riter**d Silk Mantiil*‘*.s; I'olorcd and Mack Velvet >L'intillas: P.rocade I’oplins: and a larg- :i>‘>ortment of Dress Trimmings: Fren. Ii nnd F.nglish .Merinos; Velvet Neck Kibbons and Cull's. \c. K.MiniOIDKiaiv'^. French worked Collars and Capes: French worked ('ufis; Frcncb worked Chemisettes: Fn- der-Sleevefi; Swiss and .Jaconet Trimmings: Di- fants’ Waists and Caps: liem-stitche! ani dlc-workcd Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs. Ironi 10 ts. to .S'>; and a beautiful a>sortniont of Veils; evcrv \arietvd .‘'hawls. embroidered and plain; Thread, Cotton and Linen Ldgings and I,aces; black Silk Laces and Edgings. —AL.SO— IJlack. blue, brown and green French and F.nglish Cloths; black and fancy ('assimeres; CiU Velvet, figured and black Satin and Valen- ria Vestings, isome very handsome;) .''attinets; Kentucky .leans; Tweeds; i.inseys; h l.anucls. wool :ind cotton; ()sn:ibnrgs; l)ruggeis; L)amask Table Coths; iHtto Napkins; Centre-Tal)le Cov ers, vcrv fine; Piano (.'over.-?; Irish Linens; Lin- | en 1^,‘iwns; Thre:id Cambrics; Tow'ellings: (ten- | tlemen's .Merino Shirts and Drawers; .“^ilk Neck ^ and Pocket llandkeirhiefs: Ladies’ .Merino i Vests; Cashmere and .-•ilk Hose: ditto Half-llosc: , the celebrated Salem Jean.s, black and grey. | Ladies’, Gentlemen’s and Children s I500TS an'l SID M'S. ^ I Men’s, Hoys' anl Infants’ Hatd au'I Caps. j Velvet, Satin, Straw and Florence Donnets. l»itto ditto ilitto for .^^lsses. An'l every article usually kept in a Dry Goods Store,. ■ We invite the public to call and exam ine our large and h;indsome Stock, asAvc are al ways anxious to show our Goods. Bfcay“ \Vr/:>iSiii/i(r, Tra mid C-ujjv.c. AKEY, SHE.MWKLL & CO. return thanks to the citizens of Fayetteville, and the public generally, for the vciy liberal j)atronage here tofore bestowed on them, and intend, by strict attention to business, to merit a continnance. S. S. AllKY. P. SHEMWELL. J. K. MCDONALD. Fayetteville, Sept. !•'>, 18->1. -Iff !ind emViroidered Thibet ;^d Cashmere^hawls; drab and black Ca.^llmere iHtto. E.MIUIOIDERIFS —French Worked Lace Capes and Collars; worked Cutl's; a V)eautiful lot Dertha Lace Capes; I'nder-sleevcs and Chemi settes; Swiss and .laconet Trimmings; Hem- .stitched and Needle-worked Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; black, blue and white L:ice Veils, Xc. \c. —ALSO — P>lack, brown and green French and F^nglish Cloths: black ami fancy Ca.«simeres; plain and fig'd Satin Nestings; \'alenc;a and Ca.shmere ditto: Tweeds: S.ittinets; Kentucky Jeans; Silk and Worste'l Serges; plaid Lin.seys; red, blue an'l w hite F!:inn*‘!s: l'reni-!i and -Siik warp ditto; bi'own and bleache'l Cant'm ditto; Druggets; t'siiaburgs: French and English Prints; lri>h Linens; Toweling; Tabic Diapers; Ladies :in'l (fcntlemen s Kid (Jloves. of a ver\ superior |ual- ity: Silk and Colton Hosiei-y; Lamb s Wool and .Merino ilitto: Ladies’ and Gentlemen's Cashmere ti loves. vVc. \c. .1 tniifi' lot of r>oH>h f.; Mo/> ■ifi'iii innl ,h(- Mm s />oi/. (’itjts; lliit tntif llrh Ii A superior'.ot of (Jentlenien's t'alf Boot.>. aU'l Shoes; Ladies' tiaitvrs and other .•'t_\les of Shoes; TravelI'.ng friink.s; 'arpet Hags, \c. 1 he above Ooods were seicctcd more p;irt;cu- larl\ for the HKTAIL TK.\D1,, and will be soM on vcrv acc' tnmoilating ternie. E. L. \ .1. A* PEMIIEIITON. Sept. H. iJ^ol, .NOTH'K. I I'iLL l\!i WWm (iOllDS. raj'^ ill'. Svib« riber? are uotv ve.'eiving a well M. selected stock of St ij'le and I';incy DK\ .\niong their slm k wiil be I'ound the latest styles of Ladles' and Gi ulb'uicn'- DUl'.SS GiMiIiS, togethci- with a good assortment .-f j U a'lv-iiirulf (’i"tliiiio'; rmbrdla'; li.ils, (au'l l>"inu't: all kiii.l- »d’ Hoots ;liui Sliiic.s; (';ti j". tiiig; S.i'lillcs. l>ri«lK'S, liip.s and ILtrihv.irf ainl Cutlery; Lm- tlu r; 1u'‘ aiil ('rorkt ry-warc; i>nat. Limi{>, Crushed. Chirilicd aii-l Hrowii Su- ;r:us; Tt'as; IJio, Lainiir.i ami .lava C'ldTce; M'da.-^es. Iioii and Nail;. With many other tioods. wliich will >ie soM vcrv cheap fiir C^ish. or on time to those who pay puuctuully. WcwouM be glad if our frii-nds and the piit)lic '.renerallv wiiubl give us a call. .1. T.' COCNCIL .M CAIN. Sept. 1,1N>1. 1>. A: . McJianrifi nAVL just received a seasonable :is"^oi-tmcnt oftiiMiDS. con-^i'ting'f Prints: (iing- hanis: .laconet. .''wiss and i'arltan .^Illslin^: rich I’rinted Linen Lawny; Lac*- ('>^J>e^; white ami col d Lis'.i; Silk eiid' sai.'r K '1 Glo\ s; Ho siery; ditto for ^;i^s■'•:^l^l i’>oy^; l.iiieli I'am- bric ilandkerchieis; ’i'a\for,-> Spool Cottoi.: bl k an'l tancv ('«s>inierc': Cioth->: cid il and white Linen Drilliiig-: tine Fiem h dioible width plain and rib'd Dra'i d'LCtc: ."heetiiigs and Shiniir_"s: Cnibrellas ;iud l^lra^o!s; Hoots ;ind .'■•hoes; Haci- waie and «'utlery; ' ith a great variety which we offer at the lowest prii:es. —ALSO— ■J'i boxes Tobacco, vci> low per tho box. D) bills, (irinic Pf>rk. ;;o ).ags i;io ..a'l Laguira CoHee. hhds. Sngjr. iU bbls. I’etined and Granulatcl Sugar. Loaf aii'l ’rushed vlitto. and I'aiicy Soaps. .Superior Northern I'ionr. Xc. D. \ W. Mcl.-M KIN Watch-Maker and Jeweler, AT THE OLD STAND, Si(/n of fJtv Lmye AS returned from the North with a large _ assortment of W.\TCHES. CLOCKS AND JFAVELKY, which he invites the public to ex amine. .\mong his stock can be found,— Gold nnd Silver Watches of all kinds and ]>rii-es; Gold and Silver Fob, (tuard, and Vest Chains; Gidd, Silver, Stone. an>l Steel Keys and Seals; P.reast Pins :iml Ear-Kings of all kinds and prices; Finger Hitigs; tiold. Silver and Steel Spectacles; Silver and (Johl Thimbles; fine Unxcelets; Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils; , (iold Lockets; Cbdd and Silver Helt Huckles; I Card Cases; Coral Deads; Sleeve Ibittons; tine •Vecordeons; Music Hoxes; fine an'l common Wjilking (.’anes: fine au'i common Pistols: Silver {’ups; Silver Spoons; Port-Moneys; Purses; Clocks, from to Plated Cake Haskcts, Castors and Canillesticks; I?rass do.; P>ack-Gani- mon Hoards; I've.. &c. MILITAUY GOODS. Swords, .'sashes, L.ace, Huttons. Hngles, .Stars, Plumes, Caps, &c., I'cc. I’articular attention paid to the j I’epairing of Watches and .Jewelry. | Fayetteville. N. July III. >-'bu j i Dr. T. D. n\tun, Has taken an Office (.n Hay Street, West of the Hotel Huildings. July 14, DS'.l. ' 4-tf r.A(i(;ING AXrMU)IM::. «UPt COTTON HAGGINt; AND lUM’E have arrived. Our friends can send in their orders, and they shall be sujii'lied. COOK & TAYI.OH. August 18, IS.')]. 14tf Watchos and J(‘\v('lry, At ^VIiolr!«:ile and Ui'tail. .1. M. bi:asi.i:v ■a wT'ttrLD respectfully inform the public » V generally, that he has returned recent ly fn-m New York, with decidedly a large as- S'.'rinient of l9V//r/ir.s tiiul Jeirelrt/. .Manv of these Wati hes were bought for C.\SH I’.V THE PAi'KAGE, aii'l can therefore be sold verv low. He has V>'at(dies ot all kin'ls: Chains, Kevs anl Seals of all kinds and of the latest styles: Finger-l’.ings. Ear-Hings. Medallions, of all si/.es. fit English ainl .\nierican make: La- dic.s' Chatelaines; Cull Pins; Collar and Sleeve Huttons; Shirt Stml.'’; OipM Specta>-les. light and heavv: G'M Pens ami Pencils; tioM and .''ilver ThiudiU'; Hracelets; Silver Fniit and Hutter Knives; .'^ilver Spoons of all sizes; large lot ot t'oi ket Cutlery; Scissors, best i|Ualit,\; Hutton- bole Scissvirs. Surveyor’s Compasses and Chains: Mathematical Instruments; large oiiantity ot fine and Common Pistols; fine and common sin- cli^an.l double-barrel (Wins; (lame P.ags; Shot P.elts and Powder Flasks: Military (ioods. in- \ clu'ling the Ha>=s Drum ami the smallest Hutton; Violins and extra Ijows; 1 Uiles, larion?ts, V la- ' gc'>lets, Acci'nleons, of all kiu'ls au'l sizes: Mu- ! si,- Hoxes; Perfumery; Soa]>; L.-ither Hrushes: ’ Ka/.ors and Strops: Dressing aii'l Pocket Combs; : Platc'l and Hritannia Ware; and varioi# other thinr's too tt-'lioiis to enumerate, j ’all and give m* a trial. ’ Cash pai'l for old GoM an'l Silver. ' WatchKs an-1 Jkwklky m-atly llep.-iired. ‘ I'ai/fthiiU', X. ('■ — Xorth.Ea:^t Cono',- of Miir/tit rr. ' 1J-,■ J. M. HEASLEY. P. 1» J()!I\SOi\ AS Jl'ST RECEIVED and offers for sale, cheap,— 7;”) liags superior Rio C(JFFEE, '2'i iiarrels Coffee .''ugar, nO barrels NLickerel, N'is. 1, ‘2 and Loaf :ind (Jrunulatel Sugar. —A LS )— A large assortment (d' Iron and Nails. Shov els, .Spades. Trace ('hains. Shovels ami Tongs, Hlacksmiths’ Hollows. ,\nvils. Vises, Hammers, Planes, .Vugers and Chisels, Files, ('ollins s Axes, I'tc. August 10, IS-'il. 1 Df TKKSH TEAS. B^'^XTRA fine hyson, 1 J Do do Imperial. I Do do (innpowder, j Do b) )oU>ng, and | Young Hyson TE.\S, of supei ior rpiality. —also— Chocolate, P>;irley, Salad Oil, ^Dlstard, Yeast Powders, \c. F'»r sale V)v SA.M L J. HINSD.M.E. April--M. Stnnvbevry I*tauts. SHAVE six varieties of STRAW HEHRIES really for delivery, all fine, and some the very best in cultivation, measuring from to ;> inclies in circumference, under the proj'cr treat ment. I’riccs front Nl to S'- per hundred, and from Dl to -'i cents per ilozeii. Now is the best time to plant, if the beds are trenche'l 1^ inches or ‘J Icet deep, iind well en riched. The Plants shouM be sii;oted tor a tew days with Itoards leaned on the South siiie; it thev ('a:inot be shaded, plant at any time during I N\ inter or .'Spring. ! C. LCTTERLOH, Rowan st. Sept. C, ISol. '-'*tf Stafj^ci 1/mc tolial(‘i^h. fHlHE Sn})scribers, .NL-iil Contractors from JL F.-iyettevllle to Raleigh, will commenee operations this day. with new and conit'ortahle Coaches, gi.»od horse.'*, ftud careful Drivers.— The Fare is Fl\ E DOLL.Ml.S—same as before. The Stage Houses are. in Fayetteville, the 1'ay- ettoville Hotel, in Raleigh, the Yarborough House; but Passengers will be conveyed to such other Houses a.s they may selcct. The hours of departure will be, until further nuice. at halt- past !• P. M. from Fiiyetteville, aii'l^at 2 P. NL from Raleigh. d,-iily. The subscribers l^ipe, by nnreniiiteil altcnti'm, to secure a liberal« id' the travel. MCRDOCK McKlNNON, DAVID McNElLL. Fayetteville, .Tuly 1. DS'd. 7H-tf Line of 4 horse Post Coaches from Fayetteville to Warsaw—Daily. fHlllE Subscribers having secured the mail JL contract on the above Line, will commence THIS D.\Y. running a Line of Fiuir Horse I’ost Coaches. Daily. Leaving Fayetti'ville at > P. M.. and arriving at Warsaw at i past li .V. M., in time for the Cars North anil .‘'outh. Re turning, leave Warsaw on the arrival of the ’ars. say about 1 or li P. NL, and arrive at Fay etteville in ten hours. Every care will be t:tkcn toren'ler the line j)leasant, convenient, iind sate, for Travellers. l.ine of .Stages will be established as soon as possible, by the IMaiik Road, from Fayette ville via Carthage and .\sheborough, to Lexing ton, .Salem, and ."salisliurv. McKlNNON McNEILL. Fayette\illp. N. .\ug. S. ].''.>1. 11-tf MIXEilAf. W ATKK. J. HlNSlJ-M.E i^ prepuvsd to furnish hi* • ^isto!Ji»rs with SODA f .MiNKR.VL A— TER, with a variety of Syrups, all of a quality unsHirpassed. April 21. _ DUrGS cV MEDICINES, OUs, ^yin^lo1C Vaniisfi, i(r. S.\Ml’EL HiNSR.\1-K Offers for sale an exten.-*ive assortment of (JO()DS, amoUj; which are the tol- Diwing: Ojiium, ('amp>hor,. Castor Oil, .\looliol, Stu- phiir. Aloes, Magnesia, Rfiubarb. Morphine^ Quinine, (’reani Tartar, Sal Soda, Castile Soaj*,. Super carb. Soda, E)isoiu .Salts, Sponge, Ipecac,. SarsapariUa, Kreosote. Horax, Arrowroot, tsin- glass, (iiini Arabic, Gum Myrrh, ('afisicum, Lo- beli.A. Plasters, Li.juorice, Chloroform, .lujulx Paste, Copperas, White Lead, Lins'ed Oil, Train- Oil, Whale Oil, Sperm Oil, Sweet Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Copal Varnish, Leather Varnish. Japaa Varnisb, Window tilass. I’utty. Pumice Stoue^ Chrome tirccn, (’lirome Yellow, L.-impblack,. Patent Plack, Terra de .Sienna. Cniber, Rlack Lead, latharge. Red, I’atent Dryer. W bi ting, French \ellow, bellow Oehre, \enetian> Red. Spanish I’rown, Prussian Hlue, Sand-{>a- per. Starch, Sa^Eratus, Mustard, Spice, Nut megs, Pepjier, Hojis. Indigo, Madder, Saltpetre^ Ginger, Glue, .\nnato. Cloves, Mace, Hurning Flubl, Alnm, Oxalic Acid, White V5rick. Tripoli,. Wash Hrushcs, Paint P.mshes, Varnish Hru.-^hes, .Scrubbing ditto. Shoe d.>.. Tooth do.. Hair h).. Logwood! Rc'l wood. Rlack Ink. UjiodeldiK-, \c., with u general assortment of Medicines; ( henii- eals of all kinds; French and English Perfume- rv ami Soaps; with a full a.ssortment of all the- leading Patent .Medicines now in Orilers from the country promptly uttemled to, and goods carefully packed. £.*'*¥'■ The Sub.scriber feels assured that lie cai> meet the wi.shes of the purchaser in regard ti> (lualitv and jirice. .S. J. HINSDALE, Druggist. October 12. * 4‘Jtf NO'l'K'l''..—All Accounts (Iik; tlie Merchants' Steamboat ’omi>,-iny. for Freights up to the loth inst., must be promptly pai'l to the umtersigne i. -s much time canioit be given to the collcctiim of the same. J. T. WADDILL. late .\ginti!. Favotfevil'.e. .Ian. 27. IS il. o'itt *J'itf .Vpril 7, 1>^ >1. D, M. MCDONALD SOLICIT.'' the attention of ’'uyers to his va- ricU ol (ihtss, and CrocLrrt/ U r//r, Sin/(ir uml f'od-i , I!nt^ mill Iio/K (till/ lUiiinli/ anil, JIoll.itHil (ihi. Port mill Minh Irn ('iifitrs of /In: l/r.i( ijiinlifil. fioods mill Cnuilli^^ (I /I'tr jlni. ('(l/l'uSj it'c'. .Knd every ;irticle usually kejit for the .-o-com- mo'haion of purchasers: all of which I will sell low for Cash, or c>change for country Produce, Hay street, Sej.t. l '». 1S.')1. 22-1 m NOrU'E. ^TARR Jc WILL*I.\.MS h.Tve removed to the ^ Store recently occujdcd by .Mr. John D. Starr, fuie door west ot Messrs. II. Lranson X S'ui, w hei-c they have just received additions to the Spring purchases of St;ip!e and J-ancy DRY GOOD.S. Country merchant.^ arc reiiuested to examine our stock. J. H. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. June 7, IS.'tl. fj-tt illWE just receiveil from New \ ork, my FAl.L AND WINTER Stock of* €!oo(ls, Consisting of a general assortment of Dry lioods. (irortTies, llnrdwiirp. riiticry, lU. I will barter for TURPENTINE, or any kind of Produce. N. KIN(}, 10 miles North of Fayetteville. Oct. 2.'^, 18.')0. * 4atf \\'AN'l'i:i>. lltMKI ft. .\.-he Lumber for \\ agous, 1; to •« inclii's thiik. ; tt. Se:i.-oiie'l Oak Lumber. 1^ to im hes. ! llltio ft. White Oak'aii'i Hickory, for .\xletrecs. • K.XiO ft. White t>:ik for Tongues, Holsters and , .•shiifts. j D>o Post Oak Hubs, for Carts and Wagons. .pokes. j For which the highest ca.-h price will bo paid. .Vpi'lv soon to L. I- I LI l.L. | I May 1'-', 1S.')1. T2-tf j ro WINE maki:rs. i r E have a few barrels of fine old Apjde J I’lrandv for sale; suHi as those who want t 1 make pood wine should get. I COOK \ TAYLOR, .''ept. D(. iSol. 22-tf ^ i)().M!:s'ri('s. IITTLE River Osnal.ergs; 7-8 an'l 4-4 J Sheetings always on haml, an'l for sale at Factory prices, by STARR i WILLIAMS. June 7, IS.'il. • I’>-tl K1N; ati'l A. McMlLLAN have entered • into copartnership in the Distillery of Turjientine. anil have erectoil a Still on the West si'le of the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road, H miles from Fayetteville. N. KING. _M;iv't.—71tf A. Mc.MlLLAN. WntUrd to i'oittrart for, The Siii)scril)cr an islu's cf)ii-; tract for ONE MILLION OF RED OAKHHD. , ST.VN'LS. «d' the following dimensions, vi/.;-— ! Full 11 inches long. J inch thick on the thin ; eilge; to average 4 inches in width; none to be : less th.-.n ;;A. They must >>e got out of g-.od, soiind timber. aU'l not to show- uiiich sap. I he\ ■ iQUSt be rougii shavc'l with tlw? 'lra>ving knite. j For whi-h ijiiality ot St.ivcs, I am willing to j vav >'1''' I'er thousand. * ‘ E. I). HALL. Wilmington, -Vug. 2'.i. is.'il. IS-tf i llinVARI)! B'ESCAPED from the Jail of Kershaw District, on .Nloii'lav the l*lth day td .July last. S.V.Ml EL ,L I.dVE, who was convicted for thc' ; murder of Robert J. Lester, at Spring Term of ' (’ourt. 1S’)1. Said Love is about 20 or 21 years of agt*. six f'i*et two im-hc.s high, (not certain as rcgirrds his height, but supposed to be therea bout-, i has 'lark hail, and of a s:illow complex ion, with a downcast look; some ot his front . teeth a little decayed, and follows thc occupa- ' tion 1,'f a ('arpenti'r. I will give the above reward to any person who will apiireheiid the said S. .1. Love and lodge him in any Jail in this State, or t>ne Hun- dre.l and Fifty j)ollars for his safe confinement in any Jail in' the Cnited States, so that 1 can get him. _ JOHN INGRAM, Sheriff. Cani'len, S. C.. Aug. ;'.H, IS-'jl. 2U-0m . F/f; SZ I MS* J. ^ * T S’ #.>•/>. i Tiir: cLLi:i!iMri:u mrK imik.m jCOOKiXG STOVK, Is for sale by the Sid)ser\ber in Raleigh ami Fa> ette\ille; in R;ileigli at his Shop on hay- ■ etteville Street, iind in Fayetteville .-it .Mr. A. .M. ! I'amjibeU's. I The Subseriber hereby forewarns all persons i from purehasing any of these Stoves troni any ' person cither in or out of North Carolina, ex- ' cepi from himself or !iis duly autiiorized .\gents. 1 He has purchiised the exclusive right to vend I this .-stoye within tlie ."tate, and will prosecute i ai^’ person infringing his right, cither by jnir- I e!i;i»iing. selling, or Using, any except those ob- ! tiiined from himself. ! J(iSEPH WOLTERING. Raleigh, .Vpi'il IS-")!. OMt 7.' Hbls. No. 1 Herring. J") •• i{ Mackei-eL D>0 Rales Hay. 1I0 Pieces (’otton Ragging. Coils Rojie. 2ili> Lbs. Twine. ::n Hhfls. .Molasses. •') Hhds. Fair Sugars. •')0 Rags Rio Coffee. With Alum and Sack Salt, and Groceries gen erally, for sale at the lowest market prices, by JNO. D. WILLIAMS. Auiriist 14,1H.'}1. t.)tt ful operation on the Cajic Fear River, .-ind continue to oB'i-r many facilities to the .-jhipping public. Persons patronising this Line, may rest :is- Siired tliat their (bjods will be lirought up with dispatch, HU'l at the very lowest r.ites ot freight. A. W. ."^TEEL. i’resident. T. S. LCTTERLOII. Agent at Fayetteville. Feb. 15. 1S51. FOR SALE, 2G-liu FOR SALE, NE lot of Land containinj- 2 acrcs, with a comf(jrtable Dwelling House and Kitchen thereon. The abtive property is in half a mile of Robeson Institute, Robeson county. Also, Four Shares of thc Capital Stock in said IiiKtitut;. For further particulars, inquire of ALFRED JACKSON. Cuuibcriuiiii couaty, Scjit. 1, lb61. l^?tl’ -|i WM. PiOWL.\.N’D’S Extra thick Mill H /%g and ('ro«s-cut .SAW.S, (J and (>o feet. D. & AV. McLAI RIN. Nov. P,», lS,-)0. 40tf Spanish Smokitiff Tobacro. SPAXLSII CIGARS, tor sale lowbv H'. RRANSON ifc SON. Sei>t. 11, l.‘^.')I. 21 tf TOBACCO. A!00D ST0('K on hand; and I Bhall re ceive regularly, from Ales.srs. J. Jones & Co’s Factory, i|ualilies as.sortcd from conunon to very fine, which 1 will sell at lowest manufac turing prices. J. UTLF.V. l';Ayetteviilc, April 3, lyui. 69tf E wish to buy 20,0(M» barrels Turpentine. KING & McMlLLAN. Li:ssoNs IN mesk:. III. WHITAKER would respectfully in- form the citi7.ens of Fayetteville and vi- i cinity, that he h.-is again commenced giving Les- ; .sons’on the Piano Forte. He returns hi.s thanks ; for thc liberal i>atronage heretofoie received, and humblv solicits a continu.'tiu'C of the same. I All pains shall be taken for the advancement of his pujiils. histrvietion also given on thc Guitar. Pianos tuncl and repaired in the best m.-tnner. L. H. WHIT.VKER. August 24. IS.iO. J4tt TO COTTON PLANTERS. PIECT:S COTTON liAGGlNC., 7*> coils Rope, 200 lbs. Twine, Just received and for sale cheap, by PETER P. JOHN.'^ON. August Di. 1S.')1. ' UUl^l'^AHWAllE. S'! iS: 'W. DENNETT, Manufacturers of fau- cv Rockingham and Yellow Iron STONE ware, would invite the attenticm of Southern merchants to their large stock ot Fa/icjf C roc he ry-Ware, Of their own nianufHCture, corner ot Canal st. and Canton Avenue, two sqmircs Last ot the Philadelphia and Wilmington Rail Roaxl Depot. RALTIMORE. Sept. 12, 185L 22;4tw WRAPPING PAPER. M 4^ REAMS Medium size, B 0.') “ Blue, for Cotton Yarns. From -Alanteo Paper Mills, Raleigh. For sale low by II. BilANSON & SON. July 9, 1851. _ 3tt^ NTRAW CUTTER.S, Corn Shellers, and a ra- riety of Ploughs and Plough fixtures, for sale by J. ii T. WADDILL. jJi, 53ti- WAN'I'ED, GOOD H ANDS, at 7') cts. per day. on the Southern Plank Road. Steady employment and cash payment weekly, it re- iiuircd. Apply to D. M. RCIE. At thc .'steam Mill, or to A. A. MeKETHAN. June 2:;, !>'>1. [T7-tf] Fayetteville. HENRIETTA LINE OF aia«l rrt*ij?li1 Boats, A R E all in excellent order for business. )ur Tow- Hoatd have been recently repaired and made good !is iicyv. e have added a new Flat for low water, and well adapted to thc service. She will carry 7(M> bbls. merchandize, and draw only 20 inches water. Those favoring us with their patronage, may e.xpcct as prompt and cheap service in every particular as any other Line can oiler. G. DEMING, l‘re.s’t. R. M. ORRELL, .\gcnt. A- T). CAZ.VrX, Agent at Wilmington. | Fayetteville, Dec. 21, 1800. oO-tl j SALEM PAPER-MILL. I rMlHE subscriber has taken eharge of this oM JL ami well known Establishment, and is pre pared to attend to all ordern for l^-iiiting Piiper, Mercluuit.s’ und Eactory Wrapping, 6sLc. The Mill has recently been thoroughly refitted with new luachincry, and thc subscriber believes he can furnish Paper of as good quality and at as cheap prices as can be purchased any whfcre. North or South. CHARLES E. SHORER. Salem, June 7, 1801. ^ii^tt _ LBS. Pure and No. 1 WHITE , LEAD, in Oil. Imperial and Paris Green, Spanish Brown, Spanish Whiting. Winter Grten, Chrome Y’ellow. Litharge and other varieties of Paints. COOK & JOHNSON. EOR SALE, At the loin st Mm hff f'ru if, HHDS, New Cro]> MOLASSES. ' 120t' sai-ks SALT. tiushels .Mum .■'alt. lbs. Cotton Yarii. Osnaburgs ainl P>rown Sheetings. With a "Ciiei-al stock of articles in the (irocery line. .INO. D. WILLIA.MS. Fayetteville, Feb. 1.'), llotcliki^^’M Vt-rtical Water Wlift I. fP'^HEPiE arc several huii'lred of these Wheels B in operation in different counties in North faroVma. For proof of their great advantages over the common fiutter wheel, or any other wheels now in tisc for saw mills, we confi'lently refer to those who have applied them to their niills. We can recommend them particularly for their .su]>criority in cases of a low head ot watfi*. w:iior. We still keep a supply of Wheels, suitnble for ditlereiit heads of w:iter. at Wilmington. New- bern, Washington. Edeiitoii and Fayetteville. The wheels may also be lia'l of L. .\. Hrevard, Lincolntou, and I riah NNells. Petersburg. \ a. Persons wishing to obtain the right to use the wheels, will be served on application to D. McNeill .-'i Co., Favetteviile, N. C. D. McNEILL. A, McKETHAN. 1>. J. McALISTER. Feb'y 22, ISp.t. ‘Ki-tf DAGUERREOTYPE rOKTllAlTS. 4C. S.MlTH, Daguerrean Artist, having • f)een instructed in one of thc largest and bctit Establishments in New York, and by one of thc best Artists in New -York or any where else, would respeetfully inform the citizens vd' Favcttcville, and persons living near, that he has a Room iu the F.-iyetteville Hotel fitted up for taking Daguerreotypes, and would be very miu-h pleasc'l to wait on those who may wish to have their Likenesses taken. He h.-is the best materials that can be bought jiny where with- ovit auv exception. He intends stopping here only :i few wci'ks. t’all soon, if ymi wish a corroct and good Likeness. He feels that he can satisfy those who may give him :i call, it a cori-ect and good Likeness will do it. Time ot taking, from O A. M. until •'» P. M. D.'irk or black dri'sses best for taking; white will not answer well. Prices from Two to Ten Dollars. Children me year old ami upwards t.a- koji. if they can be kept still l.'> or 20 seconds. Time for taking Children, from 10 A. M. until 2 P. M. Instructions given in tho .\it. Per.sons taken in groups if they wish it. Dacuerreotypes and .Miniature Paintings co pied for those who may' wish it. Oh, wad some power the giftie gie us, To .see ourselves as ithers see us. It wouhl from many a blunder free xis, And foolish notion.—Jlunif. But come when jou yvill. A perfcct likeness you’ll ha^c, If you only sit still. Lovers are of all others thc best svibjccts for sitting, though the most difficult ti> please. Secure the shadow lOre the substancc fade.—Slmlsjieare. Sept. 1, 18G1. 18tf I Fire Insnrance. T'^HE .KTNA Insurance Company of Hnrt- ford, having p:iid the tax imposed by the Revenue Law of the late Legislature, yvill con tinue its Agency in Fayetteville, nnder the management of the undersigned, who is pre pared to issue Policiea of Insurance on Build ings or Goods, either in this Towa or in any part of the State, on proper application,. dj- scriptioi! of the Property. (i.c. The -KTNA COMPANY' has been in operation about GO years. Its capital is 9300,^0. Thc Hon. 'rhos. K. Brace was its first President, and he still holds that office; and severtil of its first Directors are still active and efficient mem bers of the Board. It has at all times sust.iincd thc highest c”harictcr for thc prudence of its management, and for the liberality with -which it has ever adjusted its losses. i.'. J, Azer.t. llzTzh 15, “ BROTHERS mm:. fWlHE Steamer BROTH ERS and Tow Boats, JL STEVENSON and D.VVID LEWIS are pre pared to forwai-'l with Dr.-P.vrun, all goods con signed to thc Proprietor. The Steamer Brothers is of light draft, anil well suited to run in low water. She possesses power, and speed, and is admirably adapteil to* towing, and can accommoiinte about 20 passeu- gers. The proprietor contemplates running the Boat himself, .-md will give special attention to way freight and naval stores; to towing, and will al so attend to the comfort and convenience ot Passengers. From his long experience as .Agent in Wilmington of the .several Steam Boat Com panies, he thinks he can give satisfaction. To Merchants in thc interior he would say, that all (ioods shippetl liy him, yvill be delivm-cl to their .\gents in Fiiyetteville. His agent lu Wilmington is JOHN C. L.\TTA, to whom comniunieations may be aldrcssed, as Agent ot the .Steamer P.rothers. JtMlN BANKS, Proprietor. May I '.. $200 lleward. SWILL give one hundred dollars for the .np- prehensiim and confinement of .\.M)EPu*sON and JERRY in any .j-.iil so that 1 can get theut :ii:ain. or fifty dollars for either. 1 will also give S;DMI for proof of any respousible jierson's harboring sai'l negroes. They ranaway from mv ]ilantation iu .Moore county on thc DUh of Feb'y last, and are thought to be lurking about Dior 17 miles above Carthage Deep River, through the edge of .Moore and corners of Chat ham and Randolph counties. Anders-»n is about 28 years old. a bright inuUitto, aljout ;> feet 7 or 8 inches high, well proportioned; has an open countenance, and is iiiite plausible. It is be lieved that he will endeavor to for a fre«» man and esi-ape to a f ree State, as he had a brother who played the !.ame game. Jerry is about 24 years old. 0 feet or 4 im hes high, stout built; has a dow n look, particularly when spoken to. and is r.ither imi.udent. i^aid ne groes formerly belonged to John R. Ritter, in the up]>er eii'l of .Moore county. ,\ny information must >ie addressed to the* subscriber at Pocket P. O., Moore county, N. C- J. L. BRYAN. April 12, IS.'.l. '^"tf LAWH^XCK roMPANY’S Piitoiit linju'ovcd Elesli Glwvcs 5111(1 Straps, For producing a healthy state of thc system by Friction. fH^HE great value of the IK)R.‘'E-HA11{ RL- A NOVATOR as a therHpeutic ft^fnt, v lieii applied to the hum,•in body, is well known tu- every one'Aho has paid the least attention to- thc imi)ortancc of a healthy- ai;tion ot tin* Skin- For sale bv S. J. HINSDALE. Oct. 1, is.')0. ~ WAM'ED “ TB^IIE Subscriber wishes to purcha.'W .300,000 JL lbs. R.\GS. for which the highest cn,.-lj nrii-es will be paid on delivery in Fayetteville, DAVID MCRPliy. Rocktish, Cumberland, Aug. 20, IHol. rURNIP SEEli. ^ ["ENGLISH White Dutch, large Nor- \1a folk, liuta Baga Turnip Seed, received to day an'l for sale by August 4. S. J. HINSDALE. 10-tf NOTICE. f^KE Steamer Chatlw-im will leave this p1ac«- ■ e^erv .Monfiay and Thursilay at 7 o'clock^ A. M.. i;in8S>;ad of 9 ft'ck«:k as at present,.) com mencing at 7 o’clock Mondri-y 10th inst. Tini«- of leaving W ilminglon, every Tuesday aod Fri day at 2 o’clock P. M. JNO. D. ATILLIAMS, Agent Cape Fear Swamboat Co Faycttevills, March o. Gunn^s Domestic Medicine. rUKTIii^K 3\Jiiply, jv^st received. F --Air L '’f

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