S B MI-W E E It L, Y. [vol.. 1.] I’AYETTi;VILI.i;, N. C., TUESDAY MOR.NING, OCTOBER U, I8.'>1. [NO. 30.] PIU.NTKII T)Y .T. 1!. XKWHY. EDW.VIM) jT hale & sox, K1HT0H8 .VNP I’HiM'KIKTOUS. Priie for fUo Sonii-Weckly OHSKnvER !t!4 00 if jiiiiil ill nilvnncc: Jj'4 uO if j)ftid liiiriii}! the vonr of suliscriptioii; (>r after the yenr lias pxjiirciJ. i* .r t!ie Wookly Oii-^kuvkh $2 00 per annum, if jiaiil ill iulvancf; oO if paid duriiip the yoar of 8uVtf>crij>tion; i>r $3 0) ufter the year has piipirod. \I>VKKT1SKMICNTS in.scrted for sixty cents ror .“i^iiare for tlio first, and thirty rent.s for each f'U'ceedinj: publication. Yearly «dvortisonient.« hv special contracts, at rea.sonable rates. Ad vertiser? are requested to state the number of insertions desired, or they will bo continued till f .rbM. and cbargeil accurdinply. .etters to the F.ditor? must be pojt-paid. J). iS* TJ* •llcljauriu A nr now receiving a large and general ns- :-ortment of STAPLE AND FANCY i>sii i;ooi>§, llAliDWAUK vV CrrLKRY, BOOTS ^iioi:s. —ALSO— 7-'> b.v^s r.io. Lfiv:uira and .Jav.'i Cuffce, lO hhds. .■'U”-Hr. TT) pi‘re. ''.itti.ii I'laggin;^. .’>0 coilfi llalc Hope, llM) kegs Nail.-', assorted. f tons .‘'weics and F.ngli.sh Iron, .'(Ml snck« I.iver[vo»>l Salt, ^\ith L'l.ut. Cnislied, I’uwderod and (^riin'ilated .\;g;tis: tireen Tea: I’eppcr; Spicc; iinger: p. w.ier; Shot; l»ar Lend: T.ible S.iU; Uar and rancy .''oaps. With a >:reat variety of other articles, t.i v^hich we invite the attention of piir- l ii .>;ers ;U wholesale or retail, a.s h>w as any other h-'U.e in tlie place. 1». i W. McLAl'RIN. t'ot. *'t. I'^Ol. L'.'^tf I'AIJi 1851. .lAMI'.S KVI.E rs ii' ri>-civing a very l:irgv and as- 1 ■ -.neiiT "f DilV CwM>l)S, ■;r. i:..S'' l I'V the I’acksige for PA.*'!!. Those | :i t ■ j '.iri-h.'ise (ioods at reduced ]irice.“. i I ■ -!i'il a*i-l ex.-imine, as IJargains may ' ; rLOTII.^, Ankor r.niml, j ■ ■m No. 1 to Itt, iiiicomnionlV chctvp. j i :. i\hk:.p s lUHvrs 'and stioks. I ■ ,T r!-. n fver wtTe fur i^nlc in this n\arket. • t. i. \sr,\. listf Mr.s. LKY will resume her SCHOOL on Monday the Gth of October. (>ct. ‘J, 18o1. 27-3w lO^ SciiooT,.—Miss Catlinriiie Dunti will open n School about the ‘20th of Oc- tobvr, in the house used oy the M. I*, ('hurch. where will be taught the utsuul Knglish branches of r.ducation. Needle-work, plain and orniimen- tal. with l)rawing. Tainting, Ac. • October 4. 18-51. 28-:’>t i^URK \\ Hm*r7Vi:Ai). 3000 lbs. I’ure ami N i. 1 White Lead, in oil. Chrome and imperial (Jreen. Uo(e Pink: I'russian Ulue. ('hrome Yellow; Spanish I^rown. Spanish Wliiting: Putty and Ul.-tss. Ju.st received ajiil for sale bv COOK \ JOHNSON. Oct. 0, 18.')1. 2«-3w IlOrt IlOP.SE, M AGONS, AND RAROUCllPj.—The siibscriber wishes to sell the running (iear of a strong four-horse Wagon, in good repair, with salt body and har ness all complete. Also, a new two-horse Wng- on, of the be.“t make and tini.-h. Also, a second hand falling top Barouche, equal in value to a new one,—harness with it. Also, one Bay Horse.—young, handsome and well broke to harness. Applv soon, as bargains can be liad. WII.LIA.M S. LATTA. Oct. 18')1. 28-1]w M,U Aix'lior lioltimj Ch^th, J//// /. Fi 'urJi Burr, K.otjinit oiiil ('iiIiHjiip , .1/ 7 Sr ii>s. at .M’l/iu/at farrra' t i ^S^iiK subs ribers having made very favora-j " • '• arr.ingcjnents for obt.uining fmm one tlf III''i extensive importing and manufac- ' »■: iiiir s in this conntiy, French Burr. Co- ; 1' v'lK' and l^s"pus Mill Stones, and the real An- ir r I! i!ting Cloth, are now enaliled to offer any lit ilii sc artic'es to Millers of the best (pi.-ility. !ii; ! :it ! i\ver prices than they have been here- ; Ivf r-- liiniished at in this pl;ice. A supply of best -\uchor Bolting ("loth con- ■ iiitly kfjit on hand. ; The jUalitv of every article is warrant*d. j .INO. IL .N: .T. MAUTINK.- ! •>, IS-'il. 2^'-lmeWjuieo\v \ Tiair of 4 It. 2 inch ('ologne Mill Stones on riii.i: iukI .hiiiy exp-cted. pair of 3 feet »> inch j K-'ipus Mill Stones.—sind would invite an ex- Nniinatiou of thenj, as they will be lound supe rior for Corn. i a Head |iiar1erM, :^>d PiKGIMKNT NoilTII ('.\HOT.INA MiI.ITIA, ■» I F.iyetteville, Otli Oct., 1S.')1. | I Tlic Officer^ of the .'i-Id Pioginiciit are l:Prv>iy ordered to appear at the Court House in '■li-i pl.ice. on Friday the 17th instant, at in . ■ k .V.. AL, armed and equipped as the law ^ f)r inspection and diill. And to have thfii- ri'X’.ective Companies .‘it the same yilace, 'n Sdtuiday the 1^'th inst.. at 10 o'clock A. M., ; t 'P ltv;^iiuentiil P.irade. Bv order. j -t’ KLI.JAH Fl'LLEn, Lieut. CoL j 10,000 J»iPOUTSlIE.\ wanted. I 'riio Sui)scriber hn.s now one: ■■'f the nmst extensive and b^st assorted stocks ! Du'kiile and Single SHOT (xtJ.N'S. I'lSTOf^Sof' t'.p nvist siipei'ior iuality,—(,'olt's Beiieating .Mien's devolving, of every quality,—I’ovr- j ■h-r Fi;isk«. ,'Iiot anl G.ame llags. Percussion | aps of KnglisU and French make. Also, the nii.«i I n|))],ietc a.'-sortment of G\in fixtures that has ('VO)- Im-oh ofl'cred in this section of country. ANo, Shot (inns, Piifles and Pistols made to '■riicr ,,r repairfd. Hifl("^ made to order, and warranted to shoot 111) one to five liundred y:irds. .\ir (inns made to order at sliort notice, i • all nf which the attention of Sport.«men iiii'l others is n spectfullv invited. 'yi. A. BAKKP., Siqn of the Gun, 'treet, nearly opposite the Marble Yard. FOR SAU:. ^Ol’Pi hundred acres of l.AND in the coun- of llobescm. known as the Ltimbcr liridgc Plantation, situated at the termination of the .Southern Plank Boad leading from P':iy- etteville. There ure about DHJ acres cleared and undT good cultivation; besides there arc a good Grist Mill and ('otton (lin. The (!rist Mill and iin h.-ive licen rei'cntly repaired, and tliev are now in >iplendid order. Tlie I'l-intation is a very desirable one, and is .-\isreptible of greiit improvement The Land is well timbered, and is within thre' »niles of good navigation. Also, will lie sold. Jlousehold :ind Kitchen Furniture, Farming I'tensils of all kinds, one set of P>lacksmith's and (,'ooper's Tools, stock of all kinds, viz: Horses, Cows, Hogs. Sheep, it I.’. Also, ('orn. Fodder, and various other ar ticles not mentioneil. The above Sale will take place on THUHS- DAV. 2od October, Persons wishing to purchase would do wi-li to call and examine for themselves previotis to the lay of Sale, or address the subscriber at Lumber Bridge P. O. JOHN B. McNATT. Oct. 1. 18-'.l. -2s.:\t VKSTliE IM.ANK ROAD, 'riie Presideiit of the Rojul, to gether with sonie other gentlemen, jiropose to hold Plank Boail Meetings—at Blue's Bridie, 2'1fh Oct.: at Bockingham. 2Ist Oct.; .^lineral Spring. 22d; Little’s M’llls. 23d; McCnllums Store. 24th; Centre. 2-’>th;—to whicn they re- siK-ctfully request the attendance and co-opera tion of the citi/.ens of Jlichmond. Stanly, .ind Montgomery counties. (»ct. G. riank Road I.miiher Wanted. SEALED Propo.sals will be received until the 1st day of November, for Lumber to con struct the 1st Division of the Fayettkvii.i.e and Ckvtkf. Pi.ANK Bdap. extending from Fayette ville to Puppy Creek.—the proposer to state the points of delivery, tin- amoimts to be delivered, and the price. The Lumber to be of the usual kind. The proposals cjin be h:inded to John M. Hose, Secretary of the Companv, m- to the sub scriber. ' JNO. A.‘ WILLIAMS. October I'l, 1S-">1. 28-tt Ni:(;ii() siior.s. 1(M)0 pair ot Neirro Shoc'! just received, and for s^ile verv low. bv S. T. 11AM LEV iV SON. October 7, 28-4w FAVETTKVILLE WATER \V(tl!KS. '^I'he Sul'scriher oilers lor sale his intere-it. being one fourth of the stock in the above comjiany. \\. WHFfKHE.\D. Oct. ti, ISol. 2S-2m (;()()]) iNVi:s rMi'NT. rn 11JE Subsi-ribcr wishes to si-11 (iiie-half of B. the Fa.vettevillc Water Works. Neither of the presi-nt {'roi-rietirs having time to give tlieir personal :ittcntioii t(.i the property, the purchaser i.an have the mnuagcmcnt of it. ma king it a valuable investment. E. J. HALE. Oct. 1, 11.1 F svetteville, N. C., Oct. 0, 18.')!. 28tf Sl'HAM .MIfJ.S. ^SlUF, undersiprned is authorized to receive B. orders for Page's celebrated improved Pa tent f ircular Saw .>lills and Steam f',ngines, nianufactured in Baltimore, which h.ave been pronounccl >jy ompetent judges superior to all other Mills. The builders assert that a mill of thi.s kind with K) horse engine, will saw more plank than any two up and down saws ever ope rated with, and do it l)etter. Call on the subscriber, j,t the F. & W'. Plank Load Officc, who will give any information re quired. •*OHN M. ROSE. 1 .lyetteville. Oct. 4, 18.'il. 28-tf .NOTICE. W1LI be gold to the highest bidiler on Tuesday, 21st Oct., if not previously •IisfKwed of, my plantation on which I now rc- containing two hundred and fifty acres of l iiid lying on the south side of the Little Marsh, ill l^obeson county, and on the west side of the Ltuuberton road. The land is well timbered, •‘ii'i h:is oil it about 7(MX) Turpentine boxes, and .1 (iri>it Mill and f’otfon Gin. -Mso, hou.sehold and kitchen furniture, farm ing utensils, bhu-ksniitii ttiolK, corn and fodder, ■ tii(,k of various kinds, viz: horses, cattle, hogs, fc“'-e|., A^c. . . & . Icrias made known on dav of sale. , PKTF.ll Mci'i: \CHV. 21., $100 R(‘ward. R.\N.\W.\Y from the Subscriber, on the 2‘.Hh inst., .fOllN. sometimes called Ji-Im Carwile. a mulatto, showing Imlian blood. Tlie said John has very dark hair, inclined to curl, but when combed lies in waves. He is ubout o feet 10 or 11 inches high—about 28 \-ears oM Being a house servant his manner is easy: but when si>oken to, he has a down-cast look, but replies with a smile. I will giv»‘ a Ilew.-ird f>f Fifty Dollars if taken up within the St.^e, or One Hundred Dollars if caught out of the State and lodged in Jail. B. BOYKIN. Camden, S. C., Sept. 30, 1851. 28-;wpl ~ FOR~TllK KARMI^RS. ~ (^TR.\W’ Cl'TTEHS, f'orn Shellers, Harrows, Ploughs and Plough fixtures of different patterns, &c. &c. F"or sale bv J. & T. WADDII.L. Oct. 1, 1801. 27tf FAMILY BlIJLES. ~ 4L.VHGE and beautiful assortment of plain, fine and superfine QU.MITO BIBLFIS, at wholesale and retail. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 1, 18.")1. TO DISTIIJ.ERS. EMPTY SPIUIT CASKS, just re- ” ceivcd and for sale bv W'lLLKINGS & CO. Oct. 1, 18.')1. 27-2w llAJR FOR lOK sale by ¥ I'LASTEKING, J. & T. Oct. 1, 1S,-}1. W'ADDILI.. 27tf RYE WHISKEY. Another V)t of Williams’s OUl Rectified RYE WHISKEY, just received. J. & T. WADDILL, Oct. 1, 1851. 27 tf BACON AND PORK. W 'TI AC ■I'VTYRE offers for sale • 13 hhds. 13aeon Sides, 13 hhds. Bacon ShouMers, 1 hhd. do. Hatnp, 10 Ul)ls. New Mess Pork. —AJ.SO— 1 tierce (’le.'i-n Rice, .) hiilf bt>ls. No. 1 Mackercl, 15 half boxes Raisins. Liberty Point, iVuguat 20, li51. 10-tf The Chnnge has been nkade! f Bill E Subscribers having sold out their old JL Stock of (iioods, have the pleasure now of saying to their friends, that they arc now open- ■■'g an entire NEW STOCK of l>il¥ IlAin)W\RE ^ CUTLERY, KATS AND SHOES, Gvoctries of all .Ml of which we will sell low for Cash, or ex change for any kind of Country Produce, or to piinctual customers on time. COOK v't TAYLOR. Sept. 22, 18.-.1. 24tf CO.MI'E I ITION DEFIED! CtotFiiiiff: Clotlkinffl l^'OW receiving, direct from New York, a s\i- }>crb lot of CL(>THlN(i, m:»de up in the most f^iishionable stv le and of the best materials, consisting of black and brown Frock and Dress Coats; Cloth ('vercoats; Cassinu're Pants, seve ral varieties: fancy (Jrenadine ^Ik, Satin and Twilled Silk Vests. All of whiffi will he sohl lower than :iny concern of the kind in town, and if not as rejiresented, the money Avill be refutid- ed. ('all anl .^'e. further addition to the Stock is daily expected, and lue notice will be given. One door East of Cook A: Taylor's. .1. sMini CO. Sept. 22. l.s.-.l, liltf nil iM) wwm (iO()ii!i". WE are now receiving otir Fall ami Winter Stock, consisting of u very gener:il se lection f)f ilardware and Cutlery, Saddk'rv, Leather, Hats and C’aps, !>oois cind Shot's. Iron. Steel and Nails, and Staple Dry Coods, W ith a largi‘ Stock of GROCERIES, BAGGING, ROPE, &c. Persons visitinir this maiket to j'urchase jit Wholesale or Retail, would do well to };ive us :i call. J. k'c T. W \ dim LI.. Hav street. Sept. 22. 1S51. '2 Iff n ■ • H. & B. J. LILLY A PiE n iw receiving their A" * » tft' fjliPOttn, comprising much the larg est stock they have c\er ofl'cred. In their stock m.Tv be f.'Und si'APLK AM) FAX('Y DRY COODS, Angola. .''i!k and Fur H.-tts: Wmil ditto; Caps; rnibrella.-;: |li nncts; Yarns; .''heetings,—:ind in fai-t nenrlv every ar'icle usually kept by us. —also— Alicut 1D,(KI0 pair H()()'1'S iS; SHOHS. Pnrcl,.i'iers will please c.-ill and exanune. .\ugust 2;’>. l.^-'il. lt>-2m l AI.I, AM) W IN I'Elt ” ;oo I> w. ^H'^HE Subscribers have receivel in part, and M. expect to have in Store in a few days, their entire StK'k «f Sfdft/c (tnd I'anri^ Drtf (ioods. Among this S'oek will oe found all thi late «'a- rieties of Ladie.-'' and Gentlemen's Drt-ss tiood-s. The larger jH'i tion of their .''tock ha-j been bud in for the Wlin'esale Trade, in whie'. line the undersigned d'■ not intend to be undersi ’d. C'ountry >'.erc!i:ints will find it to their inter est to examine this Stock before makinc: their ljurchases. STARR WILLIAMS. August 20. l.^^-'il. l-'itf Watches and Jowolry. 'I'he Subscriber repectfully informs the pub- lie. that lie has just return- the North, with a tT \ tine assortment of (Jold and V 9' Silver W A T«' 11 ES ; (lold Fob. Guar.l .Sc Vest Chains; (Jor!. .■':;v.'r. .-tcel and (iilt Keys; Brc;i.«t Pins; Ear Ring?: Finger Rings; (lold. .'^ilver, .''teel nnd .''ln'il Sjiei t.i.-les: Gohl ami Silver Pens and I’cnciis: 'Jo^l - i.d Silver Thimbles; Brneelets; Li^-keis; Gold and .Silver Belt P>uckles; Sleeve i'.uti'-ns: ( lasj^s: Silver Cujis :Music Boxes, Sil ver I'l iiit ard lUittc Knives: Port-moneys; Pur ses: a lini- .■ ‘^'ioriment of Walking Canes; Platel Cake Baskets anvl Castors: u large assortment o'' f;r.i ar.d common Aci’ordeons; Violins; Flutes; Fifi s: S:!rv*-yois' Compasses; Charns; Mathem.a- tic.-d Instruments; Ladies’ Work Boxes; fine and common double and single b.-irrel (5uns: Pistfds of eveiy variety: Game Bairs; Shot Pouches: Powder Flasks; Percussion ^np-": Dog Collars .-iinl Calls; fini- Pocket Jind Pen Knives: Scissors; R.'tzors; Needli's: Chessmen and Boards: H:iir. Tooth, Nail, Li'thcr and Flea’ll l!rushes: Note P.-iper: Enveloj)es; and a great variety of F'ancy Ah'rm^ K 'ufht nul (hir~(]n)/ ('IjOi'K S. Pun h.-isers will please give me ii Cfdl. lO^C.’lock.-=:, Watches and Jew elry neatly RepaireI. W. PRIOR, Hav street. Sept. 2. 1?-'.1. ‘is-::m J-UiHtire Slate Stoves. Cooking IVEW GOODS! Fall & V^inter for 1851!! THE EMPIRE STOVE is of the latest and most approved pattern. It is better, and can be sold cheaper, than any other kind of Cooking Stove. For sale by C. W. ANDREWS. April 22, 1851. »)Otf Tin Shcet-Mron II Vrre • MAi\ UFACTOliY. At Wholesale and Retail. iP. Tm fW*ar€l^s OLD ESTABLISHED TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE MANUFACTORY IS HEMOVKl) to the South-East Corner of Market Square, ready with the necessiiry machinery ami materials for making FACTORY DKU.VIS & CANS, And to do all kind of work of Factories. Also, ROOFING, GUTTERING, uni all kind.s of .HHiBING, done on short notice, and by ex- perienceil workmen. A constant supply of TIN kept on hand, at Whole^jale and Retail. Country Merchants .nnd Pedlars can be .supplied at the very lowest prices. C. W'. ANDPiEWS. Sept. 28, ItfoO. aU-Y Orie F stock OFOOODj^ is now ready for in.^pection, comprising an endless variety. GROCERIES. Loaf, Crushed, Powdered, ('larified and com mon Sugars; l{io, ].,aguira. Mocha. Java and Maricabo Coffee; I’ort, .Madeira, Champjiign and Cooking Wines; pure and imitation French Bran dy; Hollaml Gin; Champaign Cider; No. 1 Mack erel; Salmon ami Smoked Herrings: Boxes I’an- cy Candy and Sugar Plums; Starch; Saleratus: Farina for Puddings: Scotch Simff; Hazjird Co’s and Dupont’s Powder; Soap of all kinds; Sjierm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles; Pepper; Spice; Ginger; Nutmegs; Cloves; (Mnnamon anil >Iace. CROlKERY, china AND O LASS-WARE. A large assortment of Vhite Granite, flowcil and light Blue and Mulberry Ware; common Liverj)ool Ware, a good assortment; ]dain and fancy (iilt and White (Miina Tea Sets; one white Ciiimi Dinner Set; white nnd gilt Bowls; (!'offee Cujis. i^c. Cut, pressed and plain Tumblers; Wine and Jelly Glasses; Goblets; Decanters; Bowls; Dish es; Pitchers; Salt-cellars, &c. Britanniii Ware; Tea and CofTee Pots nnd Crus; Sugar Bowls; Cream Jugs; Candlcbticks; Castors: Spoons; Ladles: Mugs, &c. FFRNISIIING (iOODS. Housekeeping I'trnsils cf all kinds: Brown and Pdeached Damask T.iblo Cloths and Nap kins: Oil (^loth Table Covers; Toweling, a varie ty; 10-4 Linen find ('otton Sheeting; Curtain (ioods; Wall and Window Paper; Fhiid and Lard Lamps; Waiters; Brooms and Brushes of all kinds; Brass !inl common Andirons; Shovels and Tongs: Fenders; Brass and Iron-bound Pails; Sets Table Ciitlery, and many other useful ar ticles too numerous to mention. CARPETING. ;)000 yards ('arjieting—Brussels, superfine and fine Ingrain patterns, to suit a variety of tastes; Rugs and Floor Oil ('loth; Wool-mixed and Jute Door Mats. (T.OTHlN(i. A general stock d'Ready-m:ide CLOTHINCi, —Cloaks, Overcoats, Dress nnd Frock ('oats. Sacks, Pants and Vests, including an assortment of Boys’ Clothing; Muslin Shirts; Wool. Merino and .‘^ilk rndcrshirts; Collars: Stocks; Suspen ders: (iloves, i^c. (Jentlemen will find u com plete outfit. —also— Blankets; Bed Ticks; (Jeorgia Plains; blenched and brown Shirtings: Hosiery: l.inseys; Cassi- meres; Tweeds; Oil Cloths: Imli.i Rttbber ('loth; Letter. ’ap and Wrapping I’sper: Portfolios: Portable Writing Desks: Note P>ooks: Fancy Work' Boxes: Looking Glasses: Snuff Boxes, I'ic. H> cases assorted Bonnets. lit “ •• Shoes. ](* boxes Coffee Mills. 1 case assorted I'mbrelliis. 20 ]>ackages Drugs and D\es. 20 boxes Window (Jlass. loo kegs Cut Nails. 10 •• Wrought ditto, and Spikes. •>0 bags Shot. I!ar Lead. ('igars. 10 boxes lmpi*r!.-il Tea. 2 cliests fine Hvson Tea. 1 '• •• Black •• Half-boxes Iresh ){aisins. Ill our mnnii/ story iriU hr f'omi'I— A heavy stock of HARDW ARE AND CFT- LERV—Knives and Forks: Pen anl Pocket Ktiives: Dotible and single (inns: Files; T:ini.ers' Knives; Hand.'^aws; Planes: IL-immers; Hutch- Ots; .\xcs. a good assortment, itc. ^tc. K^yConntry Merchants and others are in vited to ex.'unine a .'^tock which, for variety and excellence, challenges competition. The tioods will be sold for Cash, or on time for good paper. S. W. TILLINGHAST .S: (’(). Sept. .'i, 1.''-">1. 2otf FasMonahte ^Iffrchant Tailoring AND RE.\DY-.H.IDE rUITlilMJ ESTABLISII.M.VT, J\\w {wOO(f,. rjlHE Subscriber is now receiving a Large ad- i dition to his Stock, consisting of Dry Goods, (Groceries, ( roekery, Hardware, Hats, Caps, JJoots and Shoes. —also— I If.11 (nv-Wari*, jA‘:itlu*r, Wimlow (ila.s.s, Wliitf ('hooso, Mackert'l, (’odlisli, A:c. i^'c. Which he offers on reasonable terms. He offers for sale a large stock of Foreign and Domestic LIQUORS, viz: 10(t bbls. W hiskey. r>0 •• Apjile Brandy. 10 “ choice “old Nash,” 5 years ohl. 1) “ old Rye Whiskey. His stock of FOREKiN LK^l’ORS were se lected with care and are of superior quality. They consist of— ‘•GodanF’ Brjindy. “Otard” do. “Hennesey” do. “Old Lomlon Dock” ditto. Holland (iin. Jamaica Ituni. Irish Whiskej'. Aladeira Wine, superior. Sherry do, do. Port do, choice, (very fine.) Sicily ^ladeira do. —IN GLASS— ('hnmp.aign Wine, of "Heidsick” and other favorite brands. Sparkling Hock, in j)ints and quarts. Still Hock. do. do. London Porter. ®r:jy”All kinds of PrcMluco bought at tlic Market price in exchange for Gools. W'. DRAI GHON. Sept. 1, IS'jl. 18-;hn Marble Factory. By GEO LAUDER TWO DOORS ABOVE H.4IGH I SON’S STORE, Fayetteville, I¥. r. Jan’y 20, 1851* 65-1 Ypd Corn^ PeaH^ and Mtay, fH^HF' Sub.scriber has on hand and is con- 1. stantly receiving, on consignment, a sup ply of the above articles, which may he pur chased at the lowest market prices at the Office of the Henrietta Steamboat Company. K. .M. ORRELL. Ainril 8, 18^. 1-ltf SCOTT & 15AI.DWIN, Are opening direct from their Manufactory, and from newest importations, a large as sortment of Geiiilomen’s Wearin.j; Apparel. comprising every variet}' of Businc.^s and Dress ('oats,— Pants beautifully out, newest style and best workmanship,—Vests, a numberless variety of ])atterns. finest and medium qualities. Also, every style of Under (iarment worn by Gentle men, of the best qualities anl most approved cut;—nnd we would call pnrtioilar attention to our Piilriit Yoke Stftm Shirt, the best fitting gar ment worn: and also the new and beautiful style of Drawers, sold only by ourselves. IN THE JUiF.SS fJOO/JS LIXE, we are prepared to show up a most splenditl assortment i of Cravats, Scarfs, Gloves, Suspenders, Night (^Hps, &C. &c., in all a complete variety, latest style. OrU MERCHANT TAIL OH TNG DE- I’ARMENThi^ conducted by Cutters of eminent skill, and all our work got uji in the best style jiossible. Ire.at attention paid to the newest and most approved fashions, as we put ourselves in possession of the monthly Reports, direct from Pnris ami New York. t.Jentlemen visiting Wilmington will fnul it quite to their advantage to call nnd exatnine our Stock. Terms ('ash. nnd all Goods sold at fair prices. SCOTT BALDWIN, Market .'^t., Wilmington, N. C. September 22, 1K51. 21-tf I I « . hIll l , Fayette v i lie Fo an dry. CASTINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION MADE TO ORDER, lot of P>abl)et Metal for sale. Winslow street, Sept. 1, 18-')1. 18V ClLVRIJhJsirANKS,' Coitferlioner^ GllEEN %mV.T. F.WETTKVILLE, f. Fresh, purr. Candies, constantly siipjilied. June 18.")*. 2o-tf McKF/niAIN (k^'I'ILL continties to carry on the C.\R11I.\GE BFSINESS. in :dl its i)ranches. at the OLD ST.VND. He returi>s tli.-inks for the liberal pat- ron:ige he has heretofore received, and hopes, by strict attention to business and a de.sire to give entire satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. Having recently increased his business, he has on hand a very fine assortment of Carriap:cs, I’aronches, IJufrgics,: Rockaways, and Sulkcys, , Finished, ami a vei-y large assortment of Work j l>artly finished, which, for eleg:ince of sh:>.pe and finish, will compare with any other work. I’ersons wishing to buy, would do well to call and examine the Wf>rk. as he is determined to sell LOW for cash, or notes on short time. All Wc rk warraiited for twelve months, and repaired free of charge, sliould it fail b}' bad workmanship or materi:il. nO^ Repairinsi ruithhdly e.xecu- ted at short notice, on very reason.'ible terms. Faykttkville, Skpt. '22, l^ol. Faifcttcmllc Hotel, FAYETTEVIT.LE, N. C. This Inrge and pplewlid B»iilding has noT^ bet a in successful opefation since May 1840. The Bedding and I’nrniture of nil kinds is new. nnd the rooms convenient and pleasant.- The Table is always furnished with the best the m.arket affords, aided by s fine vegetable garden. P»oanlers. Lodgers, nnd Trnvellers will find de sirable ai'crimrnodutions and Httentire sei^antg.- .No pains w ill be spared to give entire satisfac tion. Families can >>e furnished with large, airvy front double room.-*, conveniently nnd hand somely furnislie(L An ex]u*rience of 20 years w^l enalile the les^" see, she hopes, to give general sati.sfaction. ANN lUJOWN. June 1, 1850. 28-tf T’ JOHN I). \\1I,L)A.M.S, Commission A* Forirarding • fterrhant^ Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. 15, IS.-)0. R. M. (7rRELL, FORWARDING COinilSSlOX lIKRni.WT ,\T Fayelleville, I\. March 10, 1S51. r.‘J-tf T. C. WORTH, t’0)I.>lIS.S|().>’ ,l\D FORW.IKDJ.VG .)lERriM.\T, WILMINGTON, N. C. Feb. 1, 1S5I. rtf SAVACJE MEARES, Commission and Forwarding Mer chants, -^, v Wilmington, N. C. SCOTT cV BALDWIN, (Surrf.tsor.f to Srntf, Kmi A' Co.) FitsJiwntthlr Merchdnt 'J'ailors,. .wn I>KAI.EUS IN (Icnth'iiieirs Clollilni!:. lleady-niado, OF THE FIRST yCALlTV. Also, n coinplete assortment of (Jeiits' DRES.s GOODS. •ftarket Slrrrt, ; Wilmingion, n. c. Jan. 15, 1851. 55ypd ' JOM'I'II 11. BLOSSOM. ” ^ FUAL con nI AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, lf*ilmington^ .1*. €. jgHir 1’ rompt persomil attenti.in given to all Consignments, and C.-ish advances made on Mer chandise to be shipjied u‘ .sold in t!iis m.-trket. Feb. 1. 1851. 57V F.ayetteville. N. C. ">"y J. I-:. TOO.MER, €'ommission and Foru'ard- ing •lierchant, WILMI.NGTON, N. C. Refer to H. Bransm A: Son. ) A. A. McKeth:in, ) Feb. 1, 1851. WILKINSON & ESLEU, PKAI-Elt.S IN Covfcctionnri/, Foreiijn Frn!t., Xut$, To- ftarrOj a Ilf/ iSniiJf, AND IMPORTERS OF siPERioK iiava:va cig.irs, AT WIIOI.KSALK AND KETAI1>. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, 1851. lltf ~ iTatc iT iSTliu r h a n k, Wholesale Dealers in Tobacco, Cigars and Snnjf- The Subscribers, late of I’altimore, h;iv« opened a Store in this town, and having made arrangements with an extensive Hcmse in Baltimore, they can furnish the above named jirticles at such prices tliat cnnnot fail to please. Dealers and (^luntrj’ Merchants will find it to their advantage to give us a call before pur chasing elsewhere. Front street, under Mozart Hall, next door to Messrs. Polley & liart. Wilmington, Dec. 10. 1850. 40tf N. n. STARBUCK, Troy, JS'ew \'orh, IRON FOUNDER AND MACHINIST, Manuftctiirrr of Strom Milh and Boilerx, Mill Genrimj of all kim/n, Plowjh^, d'C. ri^IIE undersigned,, as the Agent of the above JL Establishment,, will «rder any articles which may be want«L on application to him. The Ste^m .Mills manufactured by Mf. Star- buck have been tested, and .are highly approved on the IMank R.oad» about Fayetteville. EDW’D LEE WINSLOW'. Fayetteville, Sept. 4, 1851. 20tf CHECKS, ON ALL THE BANKS IN FAYETTEVILLE, Just Priutcd and foT Sale at this Office. TO THE PUBLIC. HE subscriber has leased for a term of years, of R. W. Brown, E.sq.. his fire-proof Store, with his Wharves, nnd is now in a condi tion to take especial care of Spirits Turjjfntine' and other Naval Stores committed to his care. The Warehouse is well known to be the best and safest place in town for the storage of lijicon,- Lard. Corn. Pe.is. &c. The lower wharves have on them four large new sheds, where Spirits can be safely kept from the rain and sun. He is prepared to receive and ship, or sell, all kind^ of i>roduce .«ent to bis care. lie will also make advances when required. He be^s to refer to the follotving gentletnen: R. W. Brown. John Dawson, O. (i. Parsley au»4 Thos. IL Wright, Esqs. MILES ('OSTIN, Brown's whnrf, Wilmington. N. C. Sept. 12, 1851. 21-V Eiicous’n^^'e Soiilhcrn ]flo- chniiECix. rWlIIE Subscribers respectfully announce to -iL the citizens of Fayettevilb, and the sur- rotinding country, that they have commcnc^l the Curriaso ITlakiiiu At the old .*>tand fonnerly occupied by Simpson \ Mcl-jiuchlin. i one door below A. A. McKe- than's.) where they are now prej>ared to manu facture to order all kinds »f RIDING VEHl- ('LES, from a .'^ulkey cu’ Buggy to a nine-j)as- sengei- Coach, which, for style and durability, shall not be suiiiassed by any establishment in the mlflniinistrator'^s •^'otiee* Cl MUERLANl) ('OL VTV. N. (^., 1 Sept. 22, 1851. / The Subscriber 1i:iving, on the second day f)f September Court of Pleas and (Quarter .Sessions for said County, 1851, taken Letters of .\dministration according to Law on the Estate of Dr. Hiram Robinson, deceased, hereby gives general notice to all creditors of sail F'state, to ]ire.sent their claims, duly authenticated, withia the time limited by law for that purpose, other wise this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery, j Debtors to said Estate will also please to make ])!iyment immeiliately. I BEN.I’N ROBIN.SON, Administrator. .mil a I'esiro to pi with a call, to merit a share of jmblic patronage. IlEP.MltING neatly executed at short jiotice. ami LOWER than any other establish ment in the place. THOMAS V. WHITE. JCNICS 15. RABOTEAU. Favetfevillc. Feb. 17. ls51. 50tf Farther »^*otire. M ILL be sold on the 15th dny of Octohcr' w W next, nt the Marfcet House in Fayette- Tliev hope, bv'a strict nttcntion to business, ' on h credit of six months, a man by thflf .1 a '.lesiro to Vlease all wbo may favor them ; P*ILL. well known as .‘t bc^t hand, be^ bmging to the above Estste. •J4-tiw] BENJ’N ROBINSON, Adm'f. Kncnurofrc North Carolina* The undersigned is manufncturing, in F.iy> etteville, Boot and Shoe Polish^ C a rri a" e 31 ai i u fac tory.' far superior to the Blngking purchased in thef ^ ^ ; Northern cities. He intends devoting his wholcf time to mnnufnctnring nnd vending this very su- I perior Polish, and calls npon all who think it iff I the interest of the Southern people to become ' indepetident of Northern manufactures, to give , him their aid and patri>nnge. j He is prepared to show, by absolute trial, to : any one who will call upon him. the raft supe- ■ riority of his over all other polifhex or blackipj now sold in North Carolina. Call and have j'our : boots ami shoes once completely blacked and j polished, and be satisfied. This article is ofTered at a price n-ot higher than is usually charged for other and inferior : qualities, and a trial is all that is asked to se cure the patn>nnge of the public generally. The undersigned expects to visit every por tion of the State to introduce his Polish, nnd , asks now in advance that Merchant.«i and others visiting Fayetteville will give him a call. ' ‘ A. J. W’(X)DWARI). June 21, 1851. 77-Cm. HE Subscrib’er h;iving t.-iken the Establish ment of the l;ite A. ('. Simitson. (situated opposite W. Mclntyi'c's .Store,) intends carrying on the Carrin^e Mamifactiirinir r>ui»iness In all its various bran.ch^, nnd would respect fully .solicit !) share of the jmblic patronage. ll:iving h.-)d j'onsiderable experience in the bnsiiu'ss. and having been employed in some of : — the most extensive E.stabli.shnu'nts in New York and New Jersey, he flatters hini.self that he can give genei'ul satisfaction. He wjirrnnts .ill his work to be made of the best material the surrounding country affords, and by experienced workmen; and should any of it fail, «‘ither in material or workmanship, in twelve months from the time of its delivei’y, he will repair it free of charge. R EPAl RIN(i done in the no.-itest and best manner, ami at the lowi-st jiossible prices. A. II. WHITFIELD. F.iyetteville, Feb. 11. 1S50. 7tf T01?ACC0. A GOOD STO(Tv on hand; nml I shall re ceive regularly, from Messrs. J. .lones Si, ('o’s Factory, qualities assorted from common to* very fine, which I will sell at lovest manufac-* turing prices. J. I'TLEV. F.iyetteville, April 3, 18.51. fidff Carriage!*! aiii ! fBlHlRTV-EiGHT ('arriages and Bugjriesnow i J. finished, and on h:ind—eighteen of which i are Buggies. All at low j^rices, according to I finish. A. A. .McKETHAN. Sei)t. 18, 1851. 2:{-tf Xcw Finn ycir Lircri/ Siaf>l(\s. FOR SALE. LBS. BACON SIDES, 5,MM) lbs. Shoulders, 75 bbls. No. 3 M.ackeiel. T. S. LUTTERLOH. Sejit. 20, 1851. 2t>-2w \\ ANTED TO BUY, 20 LTKELV yOTING NEGROES,-: appl,y nt tlie Fayetteville Hotel. August ♦'>. 11-tf 30,000 July 1. LBS. 11A(4S WANTED,. II. BRANSON & SON. 78tf Spanish Smoking Tobacco* SPANISH CIGARS, for sale low by li. BRANSON & SON. 21 tf P.M.V-Klf.LElt, SAM'L J. HINSDALU r.8tf r|nnE Undersigned hnving formed a (^opart- Jl nership to carry on the Livery Stable Bu.siness, Respectfully inform the citizens of Fayetteville anfl the Public generally, that they can be ac commodated on re.'isonable terms w'ith II Ac oilier Vehi'l?s at such times as they may wish to hire, by np- j)lying to the subscribers, iis they are well pre pared to carry on the Business, hnving refltted ami renewed the Establishment, -with the addi- j her School on W^ednesd.ay the IstOctobft. tion of some fine Horses nnd new Vehicle.-^, and ! Sept. 22, 18.)I. 24-6w arc satisfied that the,y can give satisfactioi* to i all who m.MV wish to hire. ■\nd therefore «all on them to give us atrial. Sept. 11, 1851. ~ DAVIS’S F(JR sale bv April 21. Linsoed Oil and White Lead, JpOR sale by SAM L J. HINSDALE. April 21. 68tf DCT Miss J{L\(jHAM will re Sept. 18, 1851.. J. W. POWERS. MOBERT RE(J1STER. 2:y Fire Insurancem The .etna insurance ('ompnn-y Kart- fortl, havintr paid the tjx imposed by the Revenue Law of the late Legi:jlature, w.ll con tinue its Agency in Fayetteville, under the manngement of the undersigned, who is pre pared to issue Policios of Insurance on Ruild- ings or Goods, either in this Town or in any part of the State, on proper application, de scription of the I’roperty, ^c. The vETN.\ COMl’ANY has he.en in operation about ?>0 years. Its capital is ^300,000. The IJon. Thos. K. Brace was its first Pre.sident, and he .still holds that office; and several of its first Directorf* are still active and efficient mem bers of the Board. It has at all times sustained the highest character for the prudence of its maHagemen', and for the liberality with which it has ever aljnsted its losses. K.- J. HALE, Agent. Marci 10, 1S61. DCr 'I'he Earmers’ & I'lanters*' ALM.lNAC for 1852, jtist receivsd. K. J. HALE & SON. \VOC)t7w ANTED. WE want to purcha.^e 20.000 lbs. of Wool.- COOK & TAVLOR. _^Sept._22. 1851. 24-8t Baj^^ini?, Rope and All fl^^alities for Kale by )L BRANSON & SON. Ang. 7, I86I. lltf M m-mc for Y0€N9 NEGKOES. Apply to Jl J. & T. WADDILL. Sept. 2.^, 1851. 25tf " IN BUTT^^ FIRKINS Monntain Batter, some vciy fine. For sale by COOK 4 TAYLOR. _Sept. .'’,0, 1851. 26-4t Gnnn’s Domestic Medicine. AFURTIIEK supply, just received. E. J. HALE- *

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