valiial-le aiul aj/roeablc periodical saw the liirlit (Ml the l.-t of eluiie, 1S5U, \vliuii twciity-fivo tliousaiwl enpic.s wcio Kold in (hi'ii clfi/ (ifonr in two iliiys. Its ijistauta- iK'ou.s jiToat .success astoiii-'lieil tlic fiini, I fancy, as mii h as the trade at hirge; for it - , , was iininv'Cedoiiled in the liist(>ry of the nfhnian deciding the fate ot i ]H-riodicaI hiisines.s in any ijnaitei of tiic nuMlii-al niannsi rijit? or foreign books; a irh>) ‘". 'I ht'V have sul'SLt|Uently heen cuni- iiian cf i xtensive scientific knowlcd^-e and pcllol to issue another edituni ot tweiity- iii^rl, icj.ut;;ti(.n iu!-inuM.f scientific books; tive thousand coi>ies of tliat number to and acconii.lish'ed ^(iu ratairs of literary meet the poj.ular call for the work for ]>re- effortb of the dav. scrvation. The second numl»er (for duly, Tlie result of' this “readinir” is the ro- ■ ran up to an immediate sale of thii-- o}')hrrrl' ...l of I-'N .'.r Iho w..,Ih ty nf .l,;nl .I.,v .V «/«•■.,,-v thus v«ul, l.ut s, v.„.v l»«.ks l.avmp |,n«l tl,.msa„.l ...|.K|s;, ,.l llu- iraM.U, , ‘j • „ , /,/ ,.,1 their lu'i-cssariv severe ordeal duriiiL' tor *Novemlu'r ilu'V sohl lil'y thousand co- istnhlisliuirilf, iilKf (iroiiint t.r iJn- . i .• . I- • .*1. sJ ... ,, /•■ •, / ill the nrc'cnt vear. Iheopinumof the , pu's; an.l ot tliat tor tins niontli. >eptcm- irnr/,s t/t>//Kvutt/'rc( oirr l/ie L iiifaf iuinc|n m i , ,1 1..-1 , ,1 . 1 , • “reader »>u cneli work is duly recorded ber, I S.) 1, seventv-live t iiou>and, tlius oi.t- ‘ riM . - • •.,•1 1 1:.. ward to tlioni early copie? of every thing liooK IN AMKniCA.! litomry seeinjr the light in l>urope that by A vorrespondent of tlu. National Intel* ’"^'V American ...Ill 1 ' » * market I’non the oninion or some one ot acll,.,,,™ tlic ..ilntlon of Inir aceonnt ot the operati.*ns ot the liar- ^ «|ncstion of puldishing every book pers, tiie leading l>ook publishers of the j ^v|ii, b deenu tl worthy of examination; a I’nited >^tates. It is ton h'Ug for pnbliea- niedical tioii entire, but by omitting here and there file Jess inipt'rtant parts, we give below The sub't ince of the v.hule, which is well witrth*]>eru'^al;—- v.ooK prBLisnixd ix amkiuca. Tin X'kW VoTtlv, Si pt. 1 take pen in hand this morning to coui- nxMife a jieeuliarlv agreealde ta'k—to add t ) the series »if letters I ha\t‘ recently written for your journal on tlie progress ot the industrial arts among us, as cxeinpli- tied in the nietlmds of leading business houses in X’ew Vork, a ehapfei' on that ot for reference in the estaldishmcnt. These stripping every other similar pu^wbcation ri'ah’rs ;nH' of coursi? paid handsonu' sala- known to the literaluit* ot tlie iMiglislt lan- ries, for they are wi>e I'liouuli to jiay widl guage. 'I he ]>ric whi( h it is sohl— or tweuty-iiw )ut:iining a.' scripts on all conceivable subjects, reject- much reading matter as is found in a vol iiig manv intiinsicallv well worth perpetu- nnie o| AlcCauIay I'.ugl;:iid, “ridiculously atioii in print, thonuh written on matter thus to be kept out (if investments in books three ddlars per annr.m, (U’ which will not sell. 'I'hev leceivc•luann- c. nts pi r single numuer, c tlu' Hrutiu'rs llaiju'r. the urcat k jiub- li-hers of Anii'ric i, a trentleiuan in their in which l!;o publie at large do not tak >ufilcient interest to warrant the IIari»ers 1 . 1 •. IK. ...» .... 4i, , ill iroiim tu the expense of luiblishiui: them, employment liavnig kindlx p’lt me ni the • ‘ * wav of getting at the neces.'aiy data, af-' ['I'he writer hero describes the process t'onling me an opjiorfunity, in describing of settinir the tvpe, sterotv}iing. j>rinring the rise, progress, and condition i.f a pub-, .,,^,1 the books. Thev have 4n licatiou, to illustrate the tact tliat 1 * . • n- • 1 . compositors, tliree luoot-re.ider'- l->stcreo- jH'ooity, economy. nUclligcnce, industry, * . ' energy, and jiublic sjiirit, when brought to l’>'‘‘ss nu 11. !* copper-plate press bear in busiiu->s in -Vmeric.-i, lu'ver fail to men, ’1 nun constantly ini]>!oyed in wi't- lead to pre-enunciit success. Or, in other tiuir jiaper for the press, lOtl female toM- \\ord, that there i.s uo .such thing as j[,,. pvlnted .-heets, (at wages aver- ing (ill journeymen, :2t) aj'prentices, am fi'inal's. besides clerks, poi ters. Ae. iVc.— an ! Ill 'le, are employed itlu's be>ides manv i Ise- ••luck”—every num in the long run, making his i>wn, whether that 1 e good or bad. Never w;.s the eternal truth ot the industrial adages of IJcnjamin Franklin better exemplitied than in the jiH'st'ut cundition of this house ot Harper All of the aboviv iV l>rothers, ^vhich. commencing a few tlieir buil vears since with but two old Ilamairt' , , , , ■ wiicri'. Ilu v stereotviie cvcrv Work tln v jTcsses and a halt a dozen well-w irn touts *. • ‘ _ of type, lets come to jk.svcss stock in trade 1''“ ’'I'h, m.iking an a\eiag.' of ,c(l .-H'lco- Wirt!i more a million and a half of typ.> ]ilates. or j'.iges, ]m i- u\‘ck. con.--uming money, to furni-h full employment di- Oii.OOO lbs. of type-metal per aftiuim.— rectly for aln.ut four hundie-l and fifty They employ I'o'Adams and two c_\ linder hands, and iudiivctlv for twelve hundred .,1* : ,1 . , f , ,1. , . * . . nre.'Si's, and ciiiiit i'r'’.'ses ti>r jiriUiiiiir u- luore, and to exercise :;reatcr inliuence in . ,,,, " , , , ' tl... .... ...11:. *• I ,* ” *! -MI irravniLTS. Jlicv are al’out to at d ^ more tlie ••ie]iufitic et letters than is wielded • ■ • by any other similar establisiuneiit in the hims presses. I iie ]»resscs, aiul man_\ woi'li; no Huropean public,if ion Iiou.m' be- ofhcr things ;ib"Ut the i stablishiueiit. are iug so iuiincasurably ahiad I't its contem- driven bv a l.'ti-horse power ste.iiu e!>irine. to use the words of a recent crilii isiii of the hondon 'I iiiies on the work—has dene its share in making it a favorite with itur countiymcn ut large, so prone to pa- ticnize the : he::]i shop. I>ut it i> ip.chditeil to its capit;'.l earlii'st tran-hitions, and other i xtr.icts from foreign jieriodicals and new bo. ks, (manv of which, though not suita ble for republication here, cinbi'aced pas sages nii'sf entertaining or instnietive to the Anieiiean to its liberal eiu- ]iloymuit of the pi'iis of the ln'st American niagazini' writers, a’ld to the numerous capital eiidrav ings with wiiii h e.u li suc- ciediii;j: nnml r is ^r.iceil, lor its (as lie- Blblical and Theological Literature, Tlis- tory, i'ssays, Belles l..cttres, Classical Jjit- eraturi*, Voyages, Travels, Medicinc, &e.; their ««vn far-iamcd Family ('his.sical and Disti ii t School Jiibrarie.s and New Jliscel- laiiy of I’opnlar Sterling l.iteratnre kc., —to the enormous extent ot 2,0tl0,00> of voluniv.' a year—all Irom the jiens of au thors on both sides of the Atlantic, iuclud- iiii£ those ol’ Addison, Burki', Johnson, Abercrombie, 31ill, rioldsmith, Scott, IJul- wer, 'Miilielet, (iuizot, Hannah iMore, W’e.slev, Miss Hdgeworth, Mrs. Sherwuod, Sparks, Dana, aiul a host of others besides those before named, who have exhibited the greatest exeelh nce in their .several de- partim iits. I can give the reader no clear er idea of th(> extent to Avhieh tliey are disseminating throughout tlu; land works of this high" order than by summing up from tlieir catalogue of book.s now on .sale which lies by my side, a* follows, viz: I.'J''.’) works, comprised in 1,vidumcs; ;’i 1() originals, and T4-) re-jn ints. ( H' 11 istory and IJiograpliy, books, !>'•> volumes, ll!7 (,>rigiiuils and loi) re prints. 'I’ravi Is ;in 1 Adventure, 11”) books, 10-> volumes; (>(’» originals and 111 re-prints. N heoh»::y anl Ib'ligion,, l(*o books in 1 ll! volumes; ijriginals, and 01 re prints. ivlucation, (’ollcge and School, li!4 books in lli'' \(>lui'ies; oi'iginals, re print pRKDirriON AND FULFli.r.-MKNT.-^thc National Intelligcucer makes quotatiou.s from a book “on (/oniuiercc of tuo Ameri can States," published in England in 178o, by the Karl of SliefTield, a v.tll in formed statesman of that la}’, and an able and enlightened economist. Tlii.s book contains niifny most remarkable, and as time has shown, ridieuhnis^ predictions of I'he Administration 6r~Pr(^siiTent Fill-j more i.s eminently pojiular with the every where throughout the Union. The indications upon this point are of the most eoDclusive character. The present incum bent of the Executive ehair has realized the wannest expectations of his friends COM M UNICA'I'K F(>R THK OI!S[.;[>Yj.|, Mrs!rs. IJnlc f’ S'tn: I Jm lave >(. little wish to puVdish my oun[. 1 their results, but I should like (j,' He has manifested fi- i have paid but little attention t >‘>N il'ISi- ami the country. .^... ......v. ru m;,.[ delity as well as, and ha.s shown ! ters to know the »|uantity .,f him.self true to the (’onstitution and the J>e produced on a small nuintitV Union. His Adnunistration thu.-^ far has, ! It might suggest .some prolitai,!* the incapacity of America to increase in j„ ;i gn-at niea.snre, been faultless, and has those intcrestel in such mattci>; {ij‘ pojtulation, commerce, or agriculture. As extorted praise from many of the leader.'? f 4I.. to manufactures, the subject is )iot .so j of the fippo.sition. The national honor has sun»ers, 1 mean, of that article. T have just had a piece of l;,i„| (iO,, much as named. The tbllowing extracts j ^>een sustained, the national character has . by 40 yards making 24)0 sfp^ire 5' 1*1 been vindicated, and the pros- —less than halt an acre,—niow. ,1 "" will thu gi->.crul sr..,.o and t.nJcuj | ’„r..n,..ud. .Mr. I'iHmor. j I, -■ " ' ‘ of the book:— , — , I >':iy add, has shown himself President not ot the ! cts. per 1I0 lbs. 'I be Huy North, or of the South, of the i'^ast, or , lbs. It wa.-i entirely what \\^- ' of the West, but of tln^ whole Union. We i (irass, and etjual in tjuality to ai,v**[ ’ Arts, .‘'cienccs, and ^!ellicin(“, 'jO book in lU;; voluau.s; -H print (leneral iiiteratun “It is remarkable Innv few good h:rl)ors there are for large ships ot war in the A- ^ , mcrican States; South of (’ajH; (.'od, at ! cannot be surj>ri.sed, theretVire, at tlie live- .«aw. Ihe land was new sw;nit[,j’tjjj .least, we have found none, cxcc[it lihode i ly demonstrations (»f approval that are .■*econd crop made on it, ha-( m vt r i Island.” “'I'o the .southward of the ]i;iy ! every where made in n lation to his policy a pound of manure in any forin. j ■ of Fundy there is not flow of tiile sufli- j ;ind his principles. Jn Pennsylvania his any seed sown on it: and morr . I ,j :,. i eient to enable the Anu'ricans to h;',ve a ■ course has been endc»rsed ut almost every least lOO sfjuare ^ards was lo.^t . dry-dock tor ships of the line.” “The I public m‘Cting that has been in Id by and .stumjis. As a.stonisj,i;,g ■ : want of durability in their timber would ; the Wiiigs since the commencement ot duet is, s.iy lbs. jier acrf,—! ' ' alone make a navy mo,.^t expensive to , the present campaign. He is lor the rate almost any fjuantity ot lainl I them.” “’J'here is not a possibi’ity of .\- | I nioii as it is, for the Coniproniise us it found in the immediate vieiujfy merica maintaining a navy.” “1’h:it coiin- ^ is, and so are the ]»eople ut larg*, by an place, t)f similar (piality, uiiipc(Hj,:| j trv, concerning v.hich writers of livi ly im- ; overwhelming majority. uncultivated. 31any will ask wliy ti, hujvin’f. the case when we uunuallv iint,.’;. - -- — ijuintities from the Nortliern ,'t:,t,. ' tu rii.— Hon. Ilor.ue Mann (the ^vill le avc yon to answer sucli notorious free.soiler) and Hon. JMerre Soule you i to do so, as I ouiv iiitd,' (the Louisiana ultr.iist) don’t like l‘resi- deiit Fillmore. On the 17th, Hon. J’ierre giuatious have lately said so much, is a weakness it.s(df. Fxclusive of its jMiverty and want of re.sources, having lost all cred it; its independent governments, iliscord- aiit intcri'sts, amJ th! great imjuidtability ( re iiials and 4;» re-! of acting again tog(‘ther, the circumstance , ^ , • „ , , , ii> ^ : alone of siu h a vast ctaintry, with a third ; ^oule, in iTunklin, Lou., denounced J le- Lcttres, less of people than that small spot in Ku-i ^idont Fillmore as an, and u- iicw. aging-i? I per week,) ,'>l* more temale: stitching the voluiiK's, Mi binders, includ- tore remarked') uiipreeedented snceess. j j i; Thus, 1 count thirty-six eiigrax i:i;„s in the niim'ier f ir -July la.'t, :iud thirty-fi ur in ■ that for the current m mtli, many of them iuisurp;!ss, d l'\ any thing in the way of j ■ 'mlielli'lnneiits oriiamentiug tin* most cost ly annuals d' the present vear, an 1 the rest at ha-t eciual t-i those which were (on- si leii'd aliiio.-t (III /' /'» iirrrs for the p.irior- iaide work ten vear> ago. 'I'heir literary iiotiees. reviews oi'iiew books. aUoadd uot a little t-> the iii' rcas'ii;: cehbrity of thi- greati ,'t ;iehievem. nt in jn 1 i.’iie:il litera ture. The eonst:;iit of two assist.aiit edit.irs are devoted to (he work. I'ue ol w'. 'iii sj nd' all his t'; • in c.irefii!iy pr. - I'. riuii til ' i-ouei.',- \,'t tidl and sa!’..-taetorv (leneral i.iterature ami IMles Lcttres, : Icss ot people than that small spot ,n Lu-! =Hieni riiimo.c as au .u. .V.H books in Ctl.'. volumes; 1 C.-J originals iojm' inhabited by the Dutch, i.s incompat-I 'out the same time, pndjabi} the .same lUtl ro ])rinfs ' il»lc witli It’ the iiiliabitaiits | hour, Hon. Horace 3lann, m Woicestei, AlftlKir wiblii-iliui... -.m- c.'Uy- ' colic, l,.l n„ oii.-t. nth |.;"t I,,.,- j -M»ss., Jcnmniccd the Pic:.i.U.ut a, sol.1 to ri'ditfj. • . territory, she would be inlinitely more j slavery. i hey are a prcttv pan ti.ivel st.ite u fact, instead of writiu^ article. Yours, THO. J. Cn;yj, Fayetteville, Oct. S, In.'jI. I'^.'iO till y printed utf lb l^-l.'JlMl .'!iccts, makiiiir about \obimes. '1 lu v have aceiimulati 1 more than p irancs. James, the elder brother, ami funider of the house, strayed oft’one day, (in Isld,) when about fifteen yi'ars of agi‘, from the (juiet farm on Long Island on which thev were :dl reared, and wenling his wav to this city, apprenticed himself to Paul iS: worth of »tereofvj>e plat Thomas, leading printers uf that day, with subterraueau chambers ivhom he served fairhfullv six vears. Ilis ,1 * , . - , , 1 .1 r , the most extensive uiidi rL'round ai>art- orottier John .soon followed, and became . , the apprentice of Jonathan .eyiiionr. the Am^n-a. lb re they are care- v.ell-kiiowii printer in John street, with tuliy j'aeked and stored, note.- aic ■record of current i veiits,” wlii. h s Ihey print up i.) reams of paper daily, t’lr ft>rnied a \.iluabl,-teature of e:ich iit'.m coii'Uiiiin;: -?1.'»•.*!(.! worth aaiiuallv. In stored, aw. y in der the street. \vl ber. 1 cannot part with bn.i.eli of mv theme reeoicling the di-elara- tiou, that in n or e. nniry has .-o i:i;u !i of l:t r,ir\’ and artistic \ alu ■ coin'oiiii il been :;f;i rd. d to the p ublic at any price ap- l,;!;^ tile T C 111 a I kb Iv lo'.V tel Ills at wnuh •■ll::vper>’ N \v M' l.tlilv M-.iga/ine ' is seatt r-d broadeast tiii"Mghout the 1- aiti d .''t.:t'-s. Amon^r t!ie po’.nl.'ir I’lr irs cxi. tin_' the whom, emulatinir the iniu"try and correet d> p(irtmeiit of Jame.^, he faitlifully .sitvuI tiie full term nf the jirinfer's apprentice ship. In l''I7, with but the slender .a- viiiL's of their ye.ars of hard labor for little more than "victuals and clothes.” and a meagre l*au from their C'timablc father, who.-c family of yonngi r children re|uired him to dole out his suV'staucc spariiiulv in- ileed to hi.- he.ys arrived at man's c.-'tate, th’V opi nod a small book and j bprintiinr f’lliee in D 'Ver street. 'J lien, ;is llo'.v, it was Very hard for new bci:inncr' without j.iddishing hou capital to work themselves into the busi- IJiilwcr'' novel- ness here; but I'v laboring some sixteen hours a day, doing any and ever3* thing, from pIayin:T the “devil” up to correcting authors’ Works, they did manaire to get fairly "on their legs,” to use a forcible if ;;i'de_'’ant e.xpression. Their lirst job cnuie from Mr. llvert Duyekiuk. then an emi nent ]tublis!ier I icat. d in Water street.— In 1^1 I thi-y got ouf their lir-t book print ed oil their ownaecount—an edition of one thoasiiid copi.-,- of . ke on the Human 1 nderstandiioj', ’ whieh was imniediatelv taken off thi'ir hands bv four book-'cllinir -oncerns. From that late to the ].re-ent hour their business has been principallv conlincd to book publi-hing uu their own account. ' . ' . a:‘"ua i 11.- 1.- :ne 1 . I,ef .'.iii'-ri. ot the ex.ict jio.'ition ot the pl:ite-foi , tail t>i be apj.rei i.ited at h' tne. '.iiii-ri.itii caidi Work being taken, so as to cnaMe tin jiroprietiirs to disv-iitomb them at anv mo ment another edition of tl^• b->ok may be retjuired.] Sonic eight or ten vears a'^ro th ir [Ti 11- i-es wa re .'t t on lire in th.- binderv. >u that occa-ioii their !■-s w,t- ijuite >1'i ,- ;,n iu.'ii;-«i;e ' for sIn.ciHt. 'WL, u th^s ini.'fortUiic befell Tl trary m pheii«. th lifty tlioi. Work-, a: k' 'f tlii- .!ieern pro\.' riie cu- -t I h ai Iv. '1 iieV h.i\-.' ]>:iid .''le- .Vuierii iin trav Ih r, more than el (i .ii i;.' I'or ro[.\rigiit' of h.- I’re'cott alieadv ni l>ut enough of details of their business. Till; li.I.l .'TIU(»rs in:.\i). 'I'lu' ‘‘.''tanilard” makes the following extract from a letter from a fiit nd, dated i’hilad Iphia, S' jiteiiiber l^•>l: "1 was invited, a few days since, by .lohn !'anii;iig Wat-'di, authoi’of .Vnnals (d’ Philadelphia and many other works, to visit with him the battle groutid of (b r- mantowii, v. liiidi, on the 4th of >ctober, 1777. was literaliv watered with the bc'st Ido. id i d’N. ('.iroliiia. (Jell, l-’raiicis Nash, of haui^o, ('id. Ileiiry Irvin, of lvl;.:e- eonibe, (pf. Jai ol Turner, and others, fell hi ll' iioblv fighting in tlie cause of liberty. .^lr. \\ .its'u h:is, with }«ious patriotism, -.itli : 1 the remains of (leu. Nash, and • •reeted over them a I'eautiful moinimi’Ut. 1 s.;w til. gravi' of' (’ol. Irvin and ('apt. riuiier It bra Is this inseri}iti'.in: 1 \ IIoMU! or Tin; Itii k! I[i -J. ut ill I'lii'i. '>■1. Hi'.NUV ll’i\ IN. Ill' N'lrth I'an'Hiii, ('.ij.t. 'I I KNidl. ,\ir|. 1 ' ' \S, .niel six s'ddicrs ki’li 1 ill till- Ilati.e I'l’(ii niiiiiilii'Mi. i.N f; ■ \i - Tilt ir bodi' s w I getitlemin. Mr. L ti.rii d in 1777; .;ii for piilturi- in 1 '■ ni.aiil s f 'Mil I>t the kiiov. n aiiiid the jioweiful, and might be mi>re eonimercial. | in the satue w.igon, pull togethei, and of- Her po|uilation is not likely to ;is ; for a nice coincidence. Scnatoi (, it has done, at least on her’eoast. On the i (he ab.ditionist) is in the same category, contrarv, the pre.-eiit inhabitants are like-i He does not like the Whigs, lie finds his ly to fa'll back to the interior country, to i atlinitics with the denim-ratie party of that get better land, and to avoid taxes; and ■'^tate to be so strong that he .sees norea- there tliev mav, in some ages, bef' iue as sm for standing on a separate abolition numerous as a country of farmers, without platform when iie can bettir prom;te his markets, can be expeeted; but the .settlers 'loctrines and by mingling with beyond the Alleghany Mountains cannot beeonie i (iimui'rcial.” ( Im; (Ji! w 1! ’ reeoLMiisi d bv ail au'ed s'T, maiiM V If. :] r- tiii v ■ f a Cl uti -t with a ri\.il in g. tting out one ( f '1 heir a lvcrt;-i iiieiir- t • h.ave the book out oil the d.iv -iii ; e. diiiL"^ the fire w«.Te all over the »-oHiifrv. .-ti! 1 the i-dirioii wa- all but ready f.r deliverv to tlu ir custoim rs. I’ut, being thu- wholiy ih 'troye i by tire and water, they had the ‘•copy placed in other hand.' actually while the tir«' was raging, and it w.i- print ed. b .und i!p, and ! .•n_ .-ent oj]' by m;ii- dowii of th-Iie.\t d;iy, their .ijipoint’ d tim.- for it- pn! .-'..1. ly i!.e n a.!, r \> il! re«|iiire no greati r proof >f the erit- : [ i !-.■ and eii'-rgy wliicii charaeteriz' - the bu-i- n— their li lUse. 1 he lallLTe i t ofHee- covers the ^rouii 1- fiooi s et all tlieir 1 ftlding- on tlic c a-t .-t.|.' of ( liir-trcet—N >.n. sj^ N'i, and of \vhi( 1: -oine are anitroi.riat'. d to th-- nur- lul ■'120 the third brother. Jo-eph e- po., - of couiitinL'-r'.oms, others for ;!ie j.y Harper, was admittid into th.' firm, sanctums ;'.,r tin ir editor.-. f..r p.akiio^- after rviiig a reu-ular appreiitie. -hip with r.Mnu.-. .-.nd for lini.-hed book-, tuem. and m l'-:: thi-ir fouitii broth, r, A,-. (Mi.-. hainb, r .'ii tiii- floor is J'iet. In r Harp -r, .also . nt.-r.'.l ;is a i..irtner with fo],i, . ,,f o!; |, inm d Ivi-li-h in the h''ii-e, h.ivnie' l:kiwise pr''viou-lv that i.-, witli !"i i]> fiftv-live th'tu-aiii Th. y ar- imw p:. .phtc tjv.' tii Ill-Ml' till- li.iVii. .f ; k- air", w rit' r ■i\ writ’. oV 1 k oH.iis f r tlio-e of iii-. iiL' 1‘rofis-or Antlioii ■loiiar- J' ;• .■’.m f ’i’ 'i-hir.g .i'.d '■■lliiig hi- II. :i!.d -I ,1 ' I- ,\1 'tt, ' 1' r jir. nil.- r. iiiiL'’ A I ri'ii'f of Ills coat, 'till nii'i -troved. jiriiicip.dlV. at lea-f tw Th. y p: 1 I I . f f. r the p:i\ i of t!iir;v-ti\t of .'sp.iiii.-h p:,i'l th.. h i riirlit- an.l lli 'U-ai. l dollar.-. 1. ill;- r fiv.- t h' 'U-a!i.l ;i typ ■ I ;i tl.e w irk, 'ur an .liti.ui •! e pi. - . f IIi.-’my Literat'.U'-. ’J'ln-v ha\;- also ; - of No.ih W I i f. r’- "pv- iiindr. 1> . 1' otli. r .\:n. r.. w ho saw them iu- I on their .lisiuternieiit l!'». bv Mr. at'on, the br.ivc 'rurticr wa- still I.caving reli.-s of hu- of the cl.'tli from the with tile butf.'lis, was 'i'bi^ he JMc-cUted to -if th*' s.u red momeiifo i. »;• - I if our I ni v.Tsit v 1. iil.iti-'l to iiispiii' iur a.' ;i Id'' patri.iti.'iii w hieli ’n-f. -'I r r ti. kin 1 ^ I I. . anil ! -h.ill.ji 1 V. l;h .lire d' th-' —an I'! -t well e: _\ 'ung III. n with tl aiiim.iti 1 hill!. *• VII I l._v Iii- S'- ■’ ( - ut '.iiiitli with 111 ! >r ii|. \c, I.. .1. faithf'iiliy .- rv '.l .iiit his time in the‘. stab- li-!iiin ut. A- I'arly as l^l!.’’) thev ha.l the lariT' -t I'livate pnntili;r iii'New- York, when with thirty han>ls t!i- y were :i!)le to turn out but half tlie ni'.mber of .hi'xieeimo ^o!)l^lll,- pi-r Week which sub-e.|iient IIil- jTov.nicuts in the art enable the .same iniiii!t'r .'f Workmen to produi-c in Is*.')], J !i' \ eoiumeiic.'d stereofvpin..’ th.* publica- ti ■ .Il 'i liio!!' -lUii', w. II a li ill'l-. .Ill'- p!. - mium- t ' I'.iiilish s. Iluluer. Tlia> 1; - r_\. .'I^ .liii. aii'l 'itlr r l.iir j .'aii v> iiti | - t'T e.iily pr-iof !i . J- ,,f till ir \v..ik-.— '1'h-ir r ptiblieai II'. by th.' 1 v, ar.- al- iiei't :dw ry- pri -.-nt- 1 in th- eh; p. -t P’.'.-ibli' torm, in a style far infi lior ti; that in whi. li thi-y i:'t "i;r tlie c'.1 bo.'k-ot Anieru-an .i'. ’I’hi- i> oe- ea'i'iel by the fn'iu.nt I fb.-1- of oth. r publi'h. I - to presi-ni i' jxi.-ifMi u iih th. ir .'diti '!i', t-o-tiii^r th. m fioiii ii\i. hi:nlre.| ’o oi;r t!i..;; ,ih.l iloliai' f -r I' proot- slr"1 p;, of the >:une w ek j'rint. d from till' !ir-t i foreign i-'Ue- wi'h the V iew to \ii,.b r'i II ih« 111. Wh. n thu.- atta-. ked. .IS it w. re. tli.'\ never fail to put iloWn liie priei' .il the lio.ik at le.l't at its actual co.'t. In estimating above the amount .if their payments to em- 1 I a' ll 't el.i'. . .\pn"iii_ my ; of M r. \\ at .'-ili, and our p. ■ pi.-, reverei.ei' (In In an.l maikv.,._r th- thi- letter without .again dmirati.Hi of tli' conduct a '*r.iiig r t'l .lur .'^tati- gitlii'riiig with patri->tii‘ ,Ill’s of h'-r g.illaiit 'oiis. hallow 1 1 spot that h'd>is th.'ir iiiutiiate.l reiii.iiii'. ll '.|''. r\ r.-iMril of . \erv N.'i th ('aroliniaii." s th, 'i'b.' r. iiiaiii' of tbe .aiii i -tor- of \\ ash- in::to!i r-in W -;lU'ir. 1 ud ('ountv, \ irgiitia, wluri' th.' bather of hi- ('oiintry was b.irii. riie birth-place of (I -orgL' \\’a'hi!ii'’tr.n i' on ;i jdaiif.ifioii known as ••W’ak' ti. Id F.'",” owne.l a.ii'l - nj.iyed bv J.'hn 1C. ^\’i!son. aiul in the midst ef a two hnn-lred luic corn fi-'M. marked onlv We .lo believe, (says th.' Intclligen- ct“r, I that any other man « ver ma.le s.. ni.inv bas. l.'S a.s.'crli.jns ami unfiilfilh.l progno.'tications in a f.-w .sln.rt .M'lit.'iices. 'I’hi ie are plenty more behin.l, but we will not tax too .'cvercly the jiatience of our readers. 'I’hey will, in the rml con.iition of our c.iiintrv. tiii'l .(bundaut rea.-tju t.» be thankful that the bK'.s~iui:s of Provi.lence, crowning their own, have thus set at "n.inght the wis.lom of men;’’ ami, in the laiiiru.igo of the Lon.Ion Times, "proiliieed a social and c.unuiereial phe- for which it woiiM b«' in vain to si-ek a in th.- j.ast history .d' the huuiau laee.” A - a 'triking to Lor.l SliefFi' id’s pro-nostic.itii'us cone.'rinng what I'unhl be • We will a.1.1 the ob>» rvatioiis .if the Loii.i iii Tim* s r. spi'cting what Ims been done: ••In an interval of little more half a Century, it aj'pears that this extraonli- n.iry peoj.le hav.- ali.ive .')i>0 per c ut. in number-^; their nati.inal revenue augnii nt. d le arly 7^'l |>ir cetit.; while tin ir piibiie exjien iiture has increa.'cd lit tle ni-ire than per cent. 'I'lie jinwli- gi-iu- exteii'.'in of their c.>mmerce is indi- cited by an im rc.isi «.f marly .’»•>• j>er eetif. in their imp'll. and c.\por?s. and j„ r ci'iit. in their shipping. 'I'hi' in- cr. as (I activity of th. ir int. riial c.iiumu- nii'ations is exp.iunded by the nunilu'r of their post olVices. wiiieh has b. eii increased more than a'.l-fold; the » \t* nt of th.'ir po-t roa.l-, whi. h ha^ been increased thirtv-six fold; and tin* c ist of their p.»st- oiliii,', v\ has lu'cn augmi'iited in a seventy-two f.d.l r.itio. The autrni. ntati.Mi d'th. ir machinery .'f public in-truction is'd by tbe extent .d' their publie li- brarii's, which have in. leased in ;i thirtv the democratic ranks. He accordingly uu- ii.iunces his intenti.m to siipp irt the ti« ket of that party as jiut forth by the State De mocratic ('.invention. .^Ir. Cha.s(> con- si.lers his own doctriiU'S cn.lorsed by the action of the ('.invention. “It is true," he .says in his nianife.sto, ‘-that tlie ('.in vention ad.tpted no listinet resdution eon- ccrning th.‘ I'ugitive Slave Act: but the ji.isition of the Deiii.icracy of ( >hio, in re- lati.ui to that oilious enactment, is suffi- eieutly ajip.ireiit, uot only by the ( ensure passed ujion it by the ('onvention, in the uiniuiiuous re-noi!iiiiati.>n of (lov. Wood, aii'l the a]iproval of the counsels of his In augural, but fnmi the comments of the Deiii.viatic pros of Ohio u)ion it.” A. I luff'tin. ^1 \ illiiInnn.^ l‘r' is an t lub.idiuient of the nients an.l ]irinei]>lcs of -'liii'j.—The fi illowing infamous s.'iiti- the men who at, an.l uf their dtfiid the law abet t.irs: At the meeting of the Alnilition ('on- the d.iy after the re-escape of th.- fugitive, (b rrit Smith otl'ere.l a .-cries of ri solntions. two of which we copv, which Imhan Trvntirs in Or»iyni.—-])f j| tiie Superinteiulcnt of In.lian Affa'^ ()regon, has, us wc learn fioiu ],t^. received that c.iuntrv, ci. Treaties of with ten triiii. i, dians about tlie nmuth of the river, by whii h the title if th.- iiu!,',, about three million acres of ],iiiil 1;.. extinguished for the sum .if fUl.’J ' able in ten annual inst.ilineuts .if n, ' ' flour, gr'Hcries, clothing, iVc. Tii,. thus ac.piireil extends over a luiii.lrcil u, on the I’acilic coast, and .-oiue sixt\ ^ lip the (.'olumbia river. ^(iliijiiiil liitifliij' iifr TllK 111!K«'TI()N' ]V \iiiiTuyi'- The Southern mail of last niLdit fi;;;. in jMis.session of the de^iils ..f the pmj. • revolutionary movement in the N -rl.- Priviuc"s of M'Xi‘o, c.iuceriiing wiii.!, have lately had several TeU'irraph:.- ^ ports. it apjicars that the citi/,. n- (iiierrero and in the vicinitv uf i. niargo h:ive pr.mounced against tlir \| . can (lovernmeiit; that a liattio hast, fought between the lievolntionists aii'l • (l.iVerniiK nt tro-.p' at (.'amar'^o. in the former were victorious; an«l t!i;:r • had taken po.ssession of the place, auii-.v threatening Keviio.-.i and MataUi.’ra.'. j..\Ti:.sT—i:v TKid;(ii:.\i ir. A desjiatch date.l at New (►ikni- 3Iouday, mentions the arrival . ftli er I'aiiny from Ti xas, with dat. - i • 1st instant. The revoluti.'n on t'u" i, (!ramle was then at a stand. (.lea. i',-. j.d still rLniaine.l at (’aniar:;.•. Tl. ■ pie of that jdace ha.l held a iiii ' . ■r.' sustained by S. K. Ward and others, and re.solv.-d to sustain the re ami pas.-ed uiianiiiiousiv: h. reas Daniel Webster, the and infatnons enemy of the Iniman race, did, in a spi-ei h whi. h he delivercl himself in Syra. u.'t' list spring, exultingly an.l iiisiil- tiuL'ly predii't that fugitive skives would Mexicau The 1|. pronunciamenti>. The there were allowed t^> the hoi' of War. ists were determined to .Jefeii'l tl A reii'Ort having reached Matauiuia.' the invaders witio preparing to iiau'.lj lit h;:; .Inti'. V- them, the inhabitants, including Vet be taken aw.iy from Syracuse^ even from Anti-.''laverv Conventions in women and children, had fled, Icavni^ .''yraeiiM-; and whereas the ;iffempt ti fnl- - uien lichuiJ.—A’f//. lut(/fij>iim. til this jiredietion was .lelaye.l until the 1st ; • lay uf (Jctober, l'';*)l, w lien the Liberty party .d' the State .if New V.iik were liold- iiiL' their annual ('oinentidn in .''yraeuse; an.l the attemjit was defeated by the maj.'stie :iud mighty ujn’isiiig of two thousaii.i five humlred br.ive men, before Pnih.VDF.LI'fllA, Oc* 1 rufl of the ChriiitUmn Jiiotf iit. , The I'uited States (.'ircuit Court L.. sued a special venue for 10!^ jumi-. • drawn from ]^.incaster county, v Elijah Ji'wis and thirty-seven utiar' treason airainst the United Stat.s. fi.I.l rati... and by thecreati.iii of .'ch.iol \vliom the halt do/cn kiduajipcrs were but fill.'.i lun. il l->i|..^h';i liooks; -udtled to them 1 y tlieir a:;(nts abroa'l, which their editois have v ^t.-d ii'it likely to pav f-ir n publiea- tioii in th'..'.jiiart.'r .if the Ld.'be. An ith.'r i-^ u.'ed as a sort .d' couv. r.-ational parlor, ploy - of the lioU'C at tw.i iiun In d thou- \\hi'iein the proprietors entertain author', 'aii'l ihdhirs p.-r annum, 1 bv no means in clude the sums thev i-:iv to ;;uthor~, to by an o’.I tree, and i' fli'crii." Id'.-; rieK ilnmmy, fVee-rone -lab in cut lefteis a niiiniuoth fig on w hi. h latter barelv discerni- book'"ll.'r.-, ;ni'l oth.-rs who call .ui them. 1 .pi. 'tion wlnther theri* is aii.ith. r room iti .ViiK-rica habitually fr.'ijUent.d bv as mu.di wit .ir talent and iTU.Iition as mav be nii't there in the i'liurse of tlie year.— \sh* 111 th. ir p.iynieiit.' .ire .'ii.irniou.' in the aggregate, as may b.- drawn from the data 1 here pr. sciit. 'I’li." member of th.' firm wlio'c lilovilicc it is to deal with g. ntlemen must have a terrible lime .d' it; its Aew \ ork without tin ding his w.iy into for, lietweeii y.iu and me there is n.i more this a[iartmi nt, w herein one als.i c.instaiit- , jea'.ous, fretful, aii'l ui-ri'asouable class of ly sce.s m.'iiibers ot the tla.le— mak- p.'ople on the face of the globe where their ing !r breaking by b.iokselling. ()ther ciw ii int. rest or pri.le i> e.iiiecrned. apaitill, nts .III this floor are .lecupie.l bv | 'i'he Ic.lg.^rs of the H.irp. rs show that tlu' difb reiit in. iiiliers of the firm as of- : the real reading public uf America, ap- fices, in which each transacts the dejiart- pearaiices to the c.mtrary notwithstanding, rict an a I comu'cted by vaults, m. nt of their geiuTal business .levoh iug ' do ajijireeiate books ten.ling to the eleva- w IK I (in. r nrit fiiil\ the space nn.ler them, especially himself. James, the el.l-; tion of humanity. Thus, thev have :il- tjUt the htrcef between them, ami est, familiarly t. rnie.l “the” aroiin.l ready s.dd c.ipies of'Prescott’s ic} are enlarging underground ac- the con-ern, is (duirgcd with the generar 11 istory of .Mexico, with a proportionate ( omiiio-.ation.', as w. ll as buil.ling an ad-' supervisi.Hi of the est:'bli>!imenf. .'Ir. ; number of his ‘■Peru” and “i-’er.linaiid itioii.ll Warehouse in i’earl, 4;) by ■ Jolm, the brother, is their | aiul Isabella.” They have scattered 110,- ’ ' feet, an.l fi\c stories high. 'J heir cashi.'r, att. iiiliiig to their bank account, | (lOOc.ipies.if Webster’s Dieti.iuarv through- '■•nl >treet ]in niises connect directly with making the regular payments to the clerk- i out the land within the last ten y. ar.s; and, t lose on the east si.le of Clif} street, op. n- ing and mechanical cmphiyes of the, : mori! receiitlv, 40,(KM) d' the Hible, em- Jiig iiitu each other. • j (^lio rec ive an aggregate of more than ' belli.-hed .«o cdab.n-ately and beautifully bv In the matter of condii.-tint: their busi- per annum,) jiaying authors, | the jiencil and graver of Chapman, the o,..; in l'' d>, the first Lible havin-r b.-en No author .ir lit. rat.jur of rei.iitatioii vis- st. ivotyp.-'l here in 1 S'If) by .Mr. C.illins, ■ ■ - - ' a li'ite.l l ook-. lier .jf that dav. -\t )ire-eut they occupy in CliH’ street Nos.^v-J, sc, and ,„i the east .^i.le, and /.I aij.l .''1 ,,n the .'ide of the way, with tw.Mloiibli; houses, each five stories hi;_fh, in iVari street, 'i heir buildiii'.'S on fv cliir their bu.' ni'ss, they proce.'d mm h as f. llows: On ^ holders, type foumlers, paper i artist. 'I'iiey have s.ild 7.j,(Mt(( uf th^' rf ceipt of a manu.script with a ri'(|nest ^ makers, leather dealers, buying jiaper, A’c. ! the series (d'flacob Abb.itt’s books, an.l for it> imblication, the chance is greatest ; -'D'- Jo.seph \^ es’iey Harper, the thir.l bro- | eight or ten years past have derived an an- that they reject it uuninf, more than half! thcr, flu; niei li.iiiical dcjiai t-| nual profit if S’J-'»,0iO fmm the sale of .sent to them being upon .^ubj..‘cts whi. h ni. nt an.l with auth.irs; that ' their i-ditioiis of “narnes’s N.ites on the th.'V know r» be sm h as never pay the i is, his province i.s to see directly to the de- i Cospels.” Tlic'y havi; als.. sent forth tens ]>ubli,'h*'r. or .ire accompanied w ith cii- tails ot the Im.^niess of the c.iuijmsing, j vd' of .NlcCiilloch’s (leographical • 11. TO. Tlic --d I'.'Iiriiai v. \\ .V'liist;r-is U ;ls liiiril. " The slab is three f.'et h>ng by one foot ami a h.ilt' w ide. :ind is broken in two. A- bout one huii'ln.l vards from the spot is pope’s . reek, an.l ab.nit a mile .listant the Pot.'inae I’liver. The birth-jilace is acc s- sibh- by carriage way thr.iu«.:h the immense, corn field, until within a »iuartcr of a mile, which ilistancc is made by jiathway. Tlie iiegb'cte.I comliti.iii i>f the .-jiot bears re cord of sliaine against liis cotmfrv for lu'g- lectiiig to hit U[i a monuni' nt there, to his memory. One (juarter of u mile from the birth place, .111 the same estate, is an idd-fash- i.Hicil vault, in a dibipidat.'d condition, a tomb-stone af th.‘ sid.' of tlu* d.ior which bears the following inscription: ••Here f.ictll file Imily if J.UIS \\ ,\S1I I XOT.IV, Jd.lest ot' (':i])t. l,\«iiK.\cK \\ \siii\;ro.\, \Vlni (Icjiarte.l tliis life 'Hie loth .if .laiiiiarv, lO’.'O, -X.L'o.l 10 vears .-iiid 11 in.intlis. .\ls.i Mii.i>i!Kii \V.\siu.\(;t«ix, iil.lest .liiiijrlitcr .if s.iid Wiisliiiiiitun, Wh'i .k‘jiiirf«'d tliis lift* The 1st day of .\iigiist, lODCi, .\'reil o iiKiiitlis. tWi libraries, .•im.uintiiig t'» of v.d umes. 'I’ll, y h.ive comjdeted .system d canal n.ivigati.m, w hich, place.i in a c.m- tiiiums line, w.>ul.l exteml from Lm Ion t.i Calcutta. anl a systeni of railways w hieh continu.iusly extemled, w.uild --trctch from Loinl.iu to \ an Dii'iuan's L.ind, ami have pr.ivided l.ieoniofivi' machinery by which that distance woul.l be travell.-d over in three we.'ks. at the cost of 1 .tl. per mile. 'I’hey have created a .system of in land, the aggn*gale t.mnage of t.lW -v/ th. U r> tor»\ That we rcjoicc that the ity of, the Anti-Slavery city (if Syracuse, the city of Anli-.''Iavery Couventi.'us, our V'clove.l an.l tjlorious citv i*f .'Syracuse, still remains umii.sgraceil bv the fullilment id’ this satanic prediction of the satanic L)aniel Webster.” November next. The Grand Jnry of the Unite.l ' Circuit (\>urt, at IMiila.leljihia, « ii ’ day morning, brought in six adJitl bills of indictment for high : as many of the negr.K*s Tuouglit dnwiit' ('hristiana. 'There arc now I'ouikI ti^:' six true bills in all. Dt hifii rttrif iu Mi( In'i/Hti.—At the State Cuiventi._>n id the iK'mocrats of yiichigan, recently held, at which J.iewis Cass was which is probably not in amount n'nnin.ited as the candidate ot the party to th.'cUeetive inland tonnage .d' all the nt of the United .ither countries in the worl.l, and thev pos- *''tati-s, and juibert .'Ic(_ lelland as its ean- .sess manv hundreds of river sfe:i}ii-rs, didate the oilice of (lovernor id the ^ _ whi( h impart to the r.'ads of water the ^he lollowing Kes.ilutiou was adopt- p.rcHhieed, and by oral testinioiiv. niarvi'lloiis celerity id roads td iron. 'I'hev ^ niou citiiservative sjiirit oi which though there w;is niueh inti'rcst iikhi. have, in line, c.instrueti'd line.s of electric worthy ot praise: court-house was cr-'«il' telegraph w hich,-laid continuously, would Ju su/mf. 'That the recent measures of there was no excitement, and no att' extend over a space h.ngi'r by miles compromi.->e, embracing a settlement of the made to interfere with the regular .; than the distance from the m.rth to the distracting which have disturbed tiou of law. .south jioie, and have jirovitled apparatus of ‘‘ind almost intorrupted the buslnes.' of -4 C'osc ((( ]Uiff'iJ'.—\ fugitive slave was arrested at lh,fl.: ^ Y.) last week, and after a full hcariii:' slave was remanded to his master, tl.'': ' of his having “escaped from ser\;. ^’irjrinia beinir established bv the ro transmission by which a messaire of .‘500 Confess, seriously threatening the inte*»- *^^'(her o nfl the lin ■ ' t'the I'nion it.self, were demanded ify to till ot the crop is open, and f[uite ..iio|: gathered. There will be about twi'-'fi" of au ordinary crop. Corn, it is li'';' wonls di'patched under such circumstances I'ity o . , . . . . . . irom the nortlr jiole might be (h livered in htir e.uisideration of the constitutional cotton in thi? .section t'- at the .south pole in one minutt*, riirhts of the various members of the Con- Nearly, or quite and by whiidi, conse.juently, an answer td' federaey. That the i)emocracy of Michi- c.pial length might be sent back to the P'n, pamlering to no rejecting all north iu an e((ual interval.” alliances with sectional factions, having iu - - Tl,is .-xtiart fi'Ciii tlu- 7V,».,of tho isil, vi.'w ll,,- im.i«,lal,k. ilaims of cad, State- jlian ''■i'' ; of Scjitcmber forms the conclusion of au Pnion, and yielding only to the de- ; J^min nsnffe Jl> m >i, ■>' : elaborate article entith'd “Locomotion bv declare enipha-{ P>atuN Koick La.. Scft. River and Railway ifi the United States,” the Compromise measures! Cotton Crop in Loui,inu i.—'\^‘-'"^\'"'- I which fills five columns of ^e paper, and ju.'stitied in the eyes of every well- eroji in this .section of the S.mtli. I';’’ ; is one continuous strain of cjlRpliment and l‘ij^ country, and sb.imld be sus- coming in, beinjr fully one nioiitli ! praise of the energy, the judgment, ami and executed in all their parts faith- than the uvera.^e of nreviou.- seasell^• 1- the good sense -jf the American people. i i^'id imiiartially. The following is the value of the iron, and the manufacturos of iron and imjHirted into the United States for a I vears: water in tbe upper rivers being •* ‘" stage, causes a large number ot stcaiu' to be _ not higher 11]'I- A’^icksburg, including this and iiiterui' I • I"'., Vi'iirs. Value. I'-poiMli.iice from the author, the style of;, and lircs.s-rooms, the bindery, j Dictionary; JJrande’s Kncyelope.lia of Sci- whii li tlic hnus.- to conclude, iu ai-, Aic., -as well as to conduct the re.piisite eiice. Literature, and Art; Dr. Anthon’s va.Mce, that his work will fail to .s« ll. Hut, ! correspondence with writers and oopy-riirlit ' Classical Dictionary, .-in.l' Dictionary of (reek and Homan Anti.piities; the Kiicyc- lopie.lia of D.iuu'sfie Kcouomv; Harjier’s beautifully Illustrated Shakspeare; Dr. Copland’s Dictionary of Practical Medi cine; Hooper’s 3ledical J)icti.)nary; Coop er's Surgical Dictonary; (Gardners’ Fariu- er.i’ Dictionary; Crabb’s Fnglish Synoiiy- III.; .Allison’s .Mfidern FiUrope; liobcVt.son’s Hi.s.orieal Works; Kussell’s Modern Ku- ,. , . ^ - i’'I'f; Hallam’s 3liddle Ages; Jlistory of wrcer ot their new magazine, “Harpers’ Literature and Constitutional History id' T- i" »he first number j Fngland; .Milman’s revi.sed editi.m of ('jib- .d which wa.s i.s.siied in June, isfdi, with- bon's lloiue; Thirwall’s History of Creece; out a single subscriber, it has iVideaux’s Connecti.m of I’rofiine and Su- achieved a permanent circulation of seven- ere.! History; Moshiem’s J-k-clesiasti. al ty-hve th.iusaml copies monthly. As be-1 History; wit'h uumerou. other valuable fore remarked, the in>t of this ' pr-Kluctipus iu the .several dei.arfm. nts of s and oojiy-right j Classical Dictionary, :in.l Dictionary of it jiidgcl by the member of the hrm thro’: luddersconcerniiig the pnblication of books. | (.Jreek and l\. - - - ''!»“re hands all ofb're.l manuscripts ami * and with bo.jksellers their .sale. 3lr. authors’letters first pass worthy of thorough | ITetcher Harper, th(> fourth br.ither, e.lifs C-X, the manusciipt is placcl in ' their m.igazine, and tran.sacts the “out-of- the h.' of one d‘ the ‘‘rea'lers” if the j iloor” jmsiiiess d‘ the concern. It is his stabli^hm. nt. 'I’hey c-onstautly emphiy province to buy all the materials, excejd two lite rary rentleni. n of fine attainim^it.s, j.aper, rc.pjired in the of their busi ness. \\ithiu the last year his fine busi ness capacities have been jiut t.» ii .severe test l»3' the demands made on them by the ta^t(', .mj.j abiliiie.s to rea'l aii'l juilge of ■•■ 'py, and .itliers occasionally, eaidi of '^hom f-tands high iu the d. purtment of SCI. nee or lit. raf iir.', in w hi. h it is his .lu- t_y to d.c'de on file m-Tits of the works of- fere.l lor publi. afion. it is als.i the duty ot geuth m.'ii to rt;a.l th.; new books fniiii the ofh. r side of the Atlantic, sent out to Harp. ri\: brothers by their ag.-nts ill London, P.iri'--, and L'-ip le, for- bleton stands the identical house in which i Monroe was born. (Concerning this place i there is nothing worthy of mention, save ! that the hous.‘ is an iinti(|uated appearing i .s.juare log-cabin, giving no evidence of its association. W estmoreland county Tioasts of having furnished the country with two JVesidents, th.'Mi whom no (dhers have had a ileeper h(dd upon the affections of the people. It is .said that in the town of Luuen- berg (Mass.) there are forty eight jicr.sons who Were living when the Declaration of Imlependcnce was made, .several of whom are over ninety years of agi;. The popuhu tion of the town is but I ,o09 1844 1H45 1S4C) 1S47 LS18 1H40 18o0 iron, For/,- IFA.^.-Under the Albany „ "^.|k-Znl ! •. -f .steel, hig Platfinin, reafiirmed at Svraeuse, fw'f • i f- ^ ^ s.vor: 1,0 Whig Stuto Tickct i, t„ ac’ '*‘''"8 f ^ .... 1 ♦^111 • J ^ • 1 Vicksburg, includiuc this aim ni'^**"' (luiesce m ati.l to abide bv, lu food faith. • * i r i i \' 11^' tb,. ('..ninr..,,,; .. ' poHits bctwccu liorc uud Ncw (. I tnc (^omprcimise measures, and am.jnc ■ rpi _ • j • m'liit' ‘ • I of eours.-, the r.igilh’c Slavo liilh i S''*"’; '^7'*;!," U .i|,!i(l:l,«W If th.-ro he a„y Whig ou the Tiekot onJ .")'’"’T 48t 1)1 *• i • 1 -.1 whatever intcrfennsr. Ihe i'!-*" h:-.'!ii:«7K .-i ‘'"'“'"’j; ; 1 bcHove. a,e touiato 7.«7,3«-i “ iV", »- diutelv ou its arrival at New .>ih»ii-/“: !'“r„ 1 " '■ Montgomery is j,u.t i,mv Icavii.L- iIk 1®" 12,.)2ti,8.j.> fetrateh him off Irom it, t)ur hand is o^nn i! . v .„,i Fight miles, or thereabout.s, from Cam-' of 184-J, and two first ' of course, the Fugitive Slave IJilf ^ i«^intity is good, lu toiisujui 1 .‘5,8.^ 1,8*2.^ I board. We wuut nobody ever to vote for us that ever exoects us to saeri- !j'71 024 83:: intere>it.s of our own white race to T* Ml 1 • 1 il. X il ' I negro, and we never mean to vote for It will be perceived that the rreat in-' ..i.xr +i. i i i . 1 ... -jT- \ ‘iny man that makes or advises sucU a sa- took jdace soon after the tariff of criUce —V 1S40 wont into oneration. The railro.iJ . * , , i * • ing with lioOO bale.s on board. Con-. Xewtn/: roLiTic.vL excitf.mi:n'|' Nkav Orlk.^.ns, Oct. Considerable excitement has \ iu this city, on accouut of Senator ^ ; of the ^‘avy, , . . . . - ^ aicot/ V,* . rri~ TTi n V ’ ‘ I’emitting millions iior annum in the IJritish competitors. It would be better, on a vi cover whr,|.'\Zl’.U i?" T 'f h.nvcver, if we pi^ssessed a vacht that Uessiiry -..ur-.- ,lo i 1 li ra I ix^’, t' i ’ 'lie Iiioiiej- thus rcmittej wouhU.e lik. K-t.i catch her if it ran after j i« espe U „ , will ,|o ill about si\ weeks. i would be spent at home.—.V. V. Fxju'css. hvY.—J^uiidi. ! weeki. •ciidcrcl ■' visit to North C;irfdina, rci by the of his hrotluf expected to be absent for t"'o or OJS^ Tj A TrESI) jlr. IIk.m>: an officer of tl State in Nf'wl the President pal 13 ink, Ca place, to pu( death VC met X’.MON T TIO.N.—It giv tbe comjilete over South ( gion, or Di.'tr Gtjorgia. W of the disuiii. •wUelining u cate. liighty-fivi from, aii'l ( o There ar* tei from, which it t.) 1 joint il liundrcd aii'l To (’ongr.‘ and one “St, nionist, an* i The Whi. great disinte Tb y lid 1|ol Th. ■V %vautelj aofor ’ingly a T'nioii D united h.'art sujiported fi gn- only ^rs. 'r^ tk'- rti cl incnibors ofj plaeo yisferl bet'n a fier. tricts bifw. party ami thj The latter w| could h,i\c ago; but we 'in the Statj gcan-cly a ell is for .lisuuij nton as >i)on Sonthcrn Stj with them- that .lay m.i| F.xti.t im: of the soumi at the Xortl class of .^loj 1st of dul\| arc the largj sort of ri\a1 Co., and Pij bilities .if tl is SU].]>0Sed I a .siir]i]i'.: Will. 15i yvhoh'sah* faile.l for lit At Paltiil ton, dry Liabilifi(.s In^ aniioiiiu-.'.i: P. 1’. S'liitll S. C.iuld. i| Co., tailor'- The latter tl At Ilartq oldest ami i] failed for will p.iy .ill. Hav. .^1 “he wh.' n| grow w lu re I lie bell. i';i our town.-ml be found in| emin.Mit a that if mail pccially ill I follow his out th.' .1i> ed to this, of imp.irtin Conilecticul the;^.; tie an large fi.'ld vat.'s, with! Unprodiictij naiasma. ing with hi hay—the tl the laii.l wl at all. Sk('oni) Militia. tion for M; officers (d November casione.l b eral .las. ,l| Wc h.'iVi ceedings nt Direct.iis .1 riauk 1 bi:l| ings were name. Tl 8Uch a eh liberty t.» ]i tbe au; Tni: Sv^ ington con says that 1 on the .’)th Northern 2 diate pmse part in, or treasoiial>h ber of pr.Ji been idcnt