Ti Ksiiiv, m riiiiEii II. I'ii. >1;-. 11 (^. IjVTAs, at ])roscnt •1,1 otVu" r I>f t!i(' l»r;!iuli of the Ixink of tlio — I Anniiiu-atixg Time axi> Space.— The tliousaml.s of people uhn pass daily bftween New York aud Albany, have not been fiatlsfietl to do the 150 miles in 7 or S hours, without fatigue, in the large and splendid boats, on one of the noblest riv ers and througli some of the finest scencry in the world; but liave demanded more j'speed, and accordingly a rail road has just vt;itr in X. wbcrn. has been appointed, by , tiuished along the margin of the riv- tlit I’n sidciit and directors ot the I’riTiei-j of millions of dollars. It.s j,;il l>.iuk, Cashier ot the l>raneli in this | f,jn>iiing last week was celebrated by the | to succeed Mr. ctmore, whose | pjroctors and many invited guestsj on :‘;ith we iiit'utioned last week. | ^vhich occasion a train of seven passenger I “ The Ixaleigh Register entered it.s Tj.'ld year on Wednesday last. Orn “NATrnAL Ai.t^Ks.”—We eom- rOR THE OBSERVER. ' AVe learn from Washington that the Sampson ('o., N. C., Oct. 11. I I’resident has determined to dimiss Consul Mrnfrs. Concernin'f the Fay- Owen nf Havana, and Col. James I>. Wal- etteville and Warsaw I’lank IJoad, please , ‘>f New Orleans, is spoken of as his mend to the earnest attention of the il- permit me to submit a few facts to the ■ probable successor. niitigton Journal, and those otiier papers ])ublic tiirough your excellent paper. i The V. 8. Marshal of Tlorida Las lib- which pretend that tlie Northern Lo- cofoeos are more sound than the Xorthern 1st. As to the location of the lload. ! crated the steamer Pampero. Of course every person wants the road by his df)nr. The direction from Fajette- Whigs on the slavery question, the follow- ‘ nrecnon nom rayet e- ,. , ! vilie to >\ arsaw IS .learly due cast. I make ing pioe» euiuga nch took place on ed-, assertion in advance of an actual sur- nesday night last at a regular Count}' {’oa-' vey, having often been at a point between vention of the party in Tammany Hall;— ■ the two jilaces, anl heard the rejtort of ruoM THE N. y. KXI-KKSS. i Fay^ttcville, .lirectly west, and ,, ,, , . ' the smoke from burninir rosin at Tamu.anv Hall was a n.ost un-harnion,- ^ A new candidate for the Fresidential Chair appears in governor 3Iarcy, who has been nameil fnr that oflice by some of the NeAV York politicians, on tlie ground that his political creed is not only sound, but that his services as Secretar}' of War, \uider Mr. I'olk, will bear the test of public examination. ' .W f, 7, TT, 1-f, 17, ‘2\, 2.",, 2M. .I.ify -X iO, MARRIED, 114. Au^-Uift 4, G, 14, 18, '^2, 2"), fcei.t. At the residence of Mmj. C. L. Hinton, in 11. 1,2V jJ, J,*. V.’uke county, on the 2-ith ult., by the Kev. Dr. loHowin;' tlir..n}rh trips m:..le by the Mason, LAWKLNCE HINTUN to .Mi.‘«s JANK ‘j"'- C. MILLER. , -2. Sept. 1. 0, I'.'. in all, by On tlic 8tll inft., bv fbc Tet. Dr. Mason, ED- i L>uring most of tlic time WIN a. 81*KIGHT, *Esq. of Alrtlmma, to Miss MA15V 8HEPAHD, eldest daughter of llou. J. j ' ■ ' — II. nrvan, of lialeigh. I’OIIT OF VV I B..TI From the Artoiiisaif Whig. AllUIVALS. Oct 7—Galliot Vrow Maria from rhil.idcplnH; Died, in Lewisville. L.nfii.votte county, on tlic Schrs Alaric from New York, K .s Powell froii* veninjr of the loth inst., JOHN HECK UOK- ,s,jn.ty Honk. 8—liri^zs Kn l.ai.fn-ts from St, >LN, «red 1~ 3'cars. l iMjn-tini*. Ilettv fVnH I’hiiuiloluhia. '.)—I5ris tb' ompli'te triumph of Tiik rMo.\, | three stojtjtages, the running times was ;} | tiie following llcsolutions, telling a good r South Carolina Nullilication, Scccs-! iiours and minutes—about 4:> niih s to ut the , . . i .1 I 4 I 1 f *. • i >> heeler di ii. or Disunion, in tlu‘ late ilcction in ; the hour. A person may breakt-st in j .r«ria. We iiad anticipated the defeat New York, pass three hours in Albany, I j}^. evening DEN Seldom 1ms it fallen to our lot to record a * .|„iiette from St. .Martins I more nielaneholv event. To us the deceased Snvi^Dih. I was loiijr tind intimately known, and none among , I the lar^e circle of his Incnds and acquaintances :ivement tribute to the Iphia 10—Schr Forest ir. liKAXSOX SOX FFEll for sale, lof) doz. Knive.s and Forks, from oO ets. tos^lo (0 m-i: loodo. Pocket „ - a II.OM Wednesday evenin--, when \ • ■ '—■.t v,.,... , ^^ I the lai-e circle of his tncnds and acquainta 1- 'Pii ¥ I • A * t * /'-I t l.'i 1*1' cars maile the *'un in 3 hours and niin- ^ *i *.* * * ^ * mile, oi peiuaps one mile sf*utii ot tins 1 —lliis gentleman : fi*cl more d‘eT»lv tlie ifiinl'ul bereaver I MoN —l>Kt>m;iA -1I m- .1111 111 j uuoi.uiu-t ^ iiiiu ( ountv (Ouventious were in iession. i-, , i> . i * \ -iii- i i i -n t • i ""'o*''' • me iiimiui ..tn i>in , . , I ’ . n.-r tinw. l.wf , VT A\M i f *1 i'*i 1 , luu'. I>ut HO pcrsoil wouhi Wlsil to OUlld ! )H Ivui" daii;:erou.«lv ill at hls rosideiice Hi than the one who iiow i>ens thiK trail tribut N .-It gives ns great pleasure to record , nte>, or dulacting tune lost in making , Mr. heeler o the l :.th \\ aid pro,.osed j ,„...„..ry. Ti.e friend,.i.i,. of years, and solutions, 51 good . Hence this Miiy i ed his seat in the T. S. Senate, and also ! tau-ht ns to | Knives all .,uahius. Him. Stock an l I'ad he .Syracuse nominees j , , re-cn.idered his acceptance of I'l"; l=^".vcr by ,,rofe>^ion, he Locks, \ rou^ht ..^d r.st hutts, .vcrcws, Hinges, Cin:nilel a VOiO UlK>n lilS 1 1 r' V ! lyt-u ^ 1 tl^erishCMl « *:eiu‘ruus aml.Uioii to aehifve :in , Mnl un«I liuii l Pruwinir Mcul- I . . ^ roj/rct tllO irvout ajKith\j at prt'XMit, (»i | tijo nnjuiiiatioil for (iUVi*ril'>rj aiul now uc- Ii(»n(>i*:tble l‘;nn«‘: a ij'aluns ainl true liearriul \arl?i, Sa*I Iron?, ’a?t aiil Itriuaii Sf>eket c. le nonun,I ions ],(ir prosjierous mercliants, but I know | clines. j Whi^r. by Jtrim iple and eomiction he was devo- i’hisels, Hamnicrs. Ilatche'.s, Squ.Tcs, Curry , , J 1 , I , 1. t , , ^ 1 i •, V V iL- '1 theie would be no de-| ),g „i(>n, whose itatriotism will! t the ilisuiiioii party, but lU't o\ so o\er- | aim be Uiiclv to an eaii\ t«'a in .Ne.\ l oik. . laying, no evasion, no laving upon the ta- ■ - . . * . . . > ■Imini a majority as the returns indi-j AnoTIIKK.—T!ie Steamer Asia arrivt’d : i;. . ‘ at New York »>n I'liday morning last at 0 Maton, Oct. 10. j o’flock. Her news svent immediately to l,;^dify-ti\e couiitirs ha\e been heard i 15(iO miles, and under fp.iii aii'l Cobb's net maioritv is ir>,t):>-2. ; . , , »• ,. i i '' • . * , , , I it .>,)0U bales ot cotton were soid at i to 1 counties to be heard ; , , . . is supiMVed, increase ! «>'e news oj those sales and ot ^ Jc.m . non Cnion majority • ’ l-'- l' "b..,1.*b.. I I'c shouM ble. 'J lie resolutions were read and caused . pronijit them lo aid in the work, and when th('y rctleet a little long(‘r, will with heart are 1.- 'Ill it t' ■ .'id tew more I'l; will, it IMMI, The L'!' ^*ir^inia and North Carolina nionev is to be bean. , , , , d, increase ' dccline, and tiie newr on ■ the decline was baek in (’haile>ton the '■ allot in the l/‘i:islature, will be oiu' , same ev(>ning. for jmbliiation in the next ■1 and torry-live. Miiorning’s ('ourier, aloiiix with the Asia's 'I ' ! ougre-', t) 1 nion men, 1 Loc('foeo, uccounts. They all came here togetlu'r— ; i lit ••Mates Kiglit> man, or Hisii- ^ the Asia’s news and its I’ffect on the New 1; n;-t. are elected. | Vt>rk, New Orleans, and (Miarleston mar- Tiu Whigs of ('leoriiia have acted with j kets. Such are the wonders of the Tele- ' ■ lisintere'tediios on this occasion.— . jfraph. Ti; V 'li-1 not want the offices and honors: 'I ’l.'V 1 to preserve the rnion. ir'iiiiily they nouiriiated Howell (.^obb, I ! ;■'II IVnioerat, for (Jovernor, and ir.it’ 1 lii'artily in liis support. ’I'hey also > ?.j v:t :| four l uion Penioerat.' for Con- only riM'rvitig to themselves two, >i -'1'. T 'ouibs atui vStephens. >' I TH Cau;1,ina.—The election for i:, ml, of a Southern (’oiigre>s takes : ' ve'tenlay and lo-(l;iy. Tht're ha-^ • n a tien e onf ^t in ^ome d’ tlie Dis- ( ts be tween the Immediate Seecs.-ioii : :iy and the wait-for-eo-ojieratioij party, i ;■ latter will show more stn utrtli than ,1 have bet'll «“xpe-ted some month' ^ • ; !ir.t We presume will be in a minority i 'M the State. !‘'or ourselvt's we have' ^^I'* "‘H known Sta- mor va. a.W t„ fl.,-... I.«t „ „i|| ,|.« (rual h.lor.sl ,Wy h„vc I Tu«,,l.„..a (AI.O .M.»ul..r of r 2 I. u,n|.ly rot,....,l t„ ,lo s.. II,- »a,,l Ik. i, „.i|, l„ t„ ; Ki,|,v, a,, „].| an.l .-.■spoc, 1 n' • • 1 1 i attucheil to the }rb>ry and honer of his ^ (.'Dnib.s, Horse ilrushos, Shovels ami Toiifrs, { OinniOilore arriilgton is d.angCTOn.-ly | i-oimtry: a jiatriot !>y inslitu t and by iiatori*. lie I Loiiji-liandle Shi'vels mid Sjiados, Cross Cut ill in Washington, and not expected to live, -w.-s fver rea«ly to oi.ey the call of th.it oi.iMtiy. I Saws. Trace and Hrenst Chrdu.'; an 1 shall ha\e In tiie walks of social life, he ei-mmaiidcil tiie j in a few dHy.* a full ai'sui inieut oi 1 luues. Call 'f.—I’ll*' I re.^pect and esteem of .-ill who knew iiim. In ] ami examine. 1 , his bii.'iiirss anil public rel;itions. ho was promjif, i ■''S]K*ct- faitliful ;md zt'alou.s. I'c served with ^a'bmtrv" j laid before the meeting for adoption or If they were laid on the l.ible ook upon such action, as a re jection of them and tli" sentiii.eiits they eohtained; and he woulil iMiiiediately a]i- 1”' tiie 111; the S Tlu and ^lr. Wlieiler indiirnaiitiy left the ami lioiior in the Mexieati returned iionie | . • • -11 1 .1 I •• ' . . , , , and resumed tlie iiraciicc of law with a proiiiise I l.re.^^ent in.jUiiy wul be t.ie .ocation trom thereon the .‘lOfh September. Kirby h:id ■ „f him. Hut in! i'ayetteville (o Clinton. 1 indieted Freleriek 1*. H.'ill for Avminding j tlie midst of lib* we are in tjeath! lie has been 1 I he 1‘avutte\ 11 le and No^th(*rn Flank , Ijun in .\ord, and durin**’ the j>roe(.*ediiiirs j *'ut down in thi* llowt‘r of his years, wiih all his ■ lload runs *,isf from the market house, (luarrel’ensued. Kirbv drew a i.istol, '"‘I”''=‘'“‘Hehasleftj I I ■ 1 1 1 ■ 1 -iiM II numerous rela.ivcs to weep over his iintimelv j it'e ■ wliieli a hvst.-inder nam(*d \\ liitneM at-;., i i i- „ .■ ari'l many incnds to eiiensli his memory irtiies. "I'is nfit for us to pour >n ufion the bruised spirit —t') wij>e auay the tears t»f j)en‘tr;ited W lilt- ^..wa. and soothe the ]>an}rs of irly north «>r east of north, running u]i ' field’s le'f, but not seriouslv. Oct. 14. ^0-tf in7.\cKsMi'rii tocm.s. A FI LL assortment of the nest quality, Inf sale by U. CHANSON SON. Oct. 13. ':!0-tf •rossinir the Cape*Fe;ir some two or tlir ii’tim tlu* neeision ot this mei.diip*’ to i ii *i ii>*i ' i' t#. .^*a\e, and manv (riei ,1 I, . r . hundreil yai'iis iibove the ( laieiidon l>ridge, : tempted to take fn>ni him, and in the , .,u.l esteem his virtue iiasscs (>t the Deuiocraev throuirliout ti,„ v«-.,nnw of (’nw% ..,w1 : * i * n- • .i i t^- ' i i i .. f , *• V . 1. ' ''"‘'’'gli tlie su.uii]>s ot V ape i e.ir ,inl . strngob* it went oil, jiassing through Kir-: the balm of consolatn 1.1 > oi ' ' " 1 I .11 i 1 urkev IV'rch Crei k, to the saiulhills at ■ liy's thi:^h, atnl causinir almost instant ! "1 maternal n-/('—to le re.so utions were laid tal. e, : .„„i tlicn turns off j ,i;.;,tl,. 'j'he ball also i.enetratel Whit- ^\ e iuoti tlu lv(sil\i. . I ln.fwc^.n th(i Cape I'Y'ar and Hlack Iviver?. j supposiiiir t!iat Ibill shot liis father, tire llcsolved, '1 hat we ajiprove ot themeas- 'Phe l'’ayetteville friends of our road wish i ;,t him, but missed and hit a juryman i Dr. J). (;iLCUR]ST, Sunjrtm Di tifiaf, 7" ILL visit I'aycttevil’ic oil tlie Hd of No vember nest, and reia;mi sime ten or tvveive days. Persons wishinj: iiis professional Ki -1 v’‘ sol *"'">’‘■^inJr hearts. He who ^rivetli and taketh ' services, will please call soon, as his engagc- ' s ■■'O I .,„ay will eomfort the .-itllirted. aud make even meiits demand a sifl'rt Stav. the bitterness of ileath sweet with tlie hopes of j Oct. 10, CO-Jit , in lle.iveii. I ■ ■■ ■- * ■ ■■ nres, ado]»ted by ('oiiiiri'.'S in relation to the (mrs to start from this jioiul at ."\i r. Ilolines’s i the h'^f. 'J'he Judire ordered tlie sherifl' to ■ Little llock, Sept. 17, IH.'il. , stated to be selling at ‘Ji to H per cent, j settK inent of the slavery (piestion, and on their road, and then go the most diiect ! .-.rrest^llall, when he surrendered aud de-: — J" I discount in ]?altinn*re. | known as the Compromise measun's; and and practicable route to (Minton,—.s.ivino; i livered uj» hi,-^ ]>istol loaded. | FAYETTEVILLE MAKRET—Oer. 1-4. that the deinocraey ot this city teel Ixuind j in the outset, say ?’JO,0(XJ for tlie erection ■ ^ ' I’.ramlv, ji'ch, .'>0 a o.') jl.ard. PJ a l.'i to sustain those measures, carried in the ! ,,f a HriiL^e and building a road within Ji Vohir f a Lny>' Ijihnny/.—The aj t Ditto,' apple! 17 a .')0 I.i-.uher. sole, lio :i 2i 'I'he Steamer Fayetteville, which was built at this place by the Henrietta Com pany, has, we learn from the Wilmington Hi'rald, been purchased and refitted for lightering and towing vessels to sea. She can tow a large vessel to sea, and at the same time carry most id' here.-irgo o\fr the il.its and bar. She is owned bv ''b ssrs. MeKossetiV Hrown, das. Cassidev and S. 1>. Friee, wlio have expended u[>- on her. It is expected tliat she v.ill great ly promote the eomineree of Wilminotoii. ' “TliK WAV I'F TIIK Tl«ANStillKSS(»H.” he Votes ot deiuoer.its; (ot wlnnn i ^vill )i;rss over a level, ojien, well timbereil ivere Iroiii the Northern States,) twenfv- pin,>y country, to Hlack River, somewhere House ot KeprescTitatives, as tiiev were l>v mile of t'.ieirs for some.’) miles. This route the were four Soutliern whites, and three Nortliern i.elow Maxwell’s IJridge, .-^ay a mile or \\ higs—airainst the voti's ot Nortlu'rn j two, thence again over a very level and ^\ hiirs aiiil trec-soilers, and sevt'iiteen \v\ il timbered country, (with the exception of some two miles of dead timlier, now in Southern democrat: ;iml sustained by th democratic Seii.ite. , prime on hr for sawing lumber for the Ue.'olved, '1 h.it we fi el bound to sustain l oad,) ]>crh:ips a half mile north of I'^t- re]'ly of a dist inonished s; holar to a bene factor of the institution of learninir witli faithi'iilly, and in th' tuiion, the I'liLMtive 'p:rit oi the coiisti- ch.iUL'e I’lace to Little Coharie, at or near lave law, believing. Hair’s Hridixe; thence over the s:ime sort I’eeswax, a Lead, bar, fi.J a bacon, 1-1 a l-'i Molasses, 2'> a 1!7 Nails, cut, 4 a Oats, A~> o 50 I til. Linseed. 00 Powder, 5 OO a ’> tKl Shot, 1 i a 2 Sugar, bro-wn, (> a t( whv, have von read throuLdi all that von f. F. hV a lb Piuo, loaf, II a 12} , • /X * . Flour, -t.la ;.i Salt. sack. 1 .‘?0 a I 40 .already i.o>,s,..s.^ -O no, 1 never expect t!-'a .v, l.o. alum. bu. a 40 2.1 which he was connected, when an increase of the liljrary was the subject of discussion, ^ ‘ ’ deserves per|it!tual reniemlirance. “We need nnire books,” said the I’rofessor— “More books,” exclaimed the merchant, (’opperas. orn, Cotree, Cheese, 14 a 1.'. 121 a IK 7* n S 1*0 a^l 10 a 1 I a 11 2 A soncK. Steward's H.-iII ut Floral College will [ JL be leaned for one year from the 1st Janu ary I8'»2. Sealed jirojiogals (post j»aid) ad- ilnssed to A. L). McLean, President I’oard of j Trustees, will meet with attention. The elec- tii'n will take ]>lace tlio third Tliursilay in No- . vember. (let. 1851. ;;o-wtt 1 Carolinian three times. it to be the same in sj^irit ;isthat sanction- id’country, but more fertile, jcissing near e«l by the name of (loonre W a>hiiiL'ton. J,,!in Cndcrwood's mills, or at them, to to re.ul them all.” “W hy then do you piaxseed, I 0,') a 1 I') Shingles, want more]'” “Fray sir, did you ever read Hides, green, 4 Tallow, Ditto, dry. all Whent. Iron. .Swedes. 5 ri (i Whiskev, your dictionary through?” “Certainly not.” “Wi‘11, a library is ni}' dictionary.” ind in aecordanee with tiie provisions of the constitution of the l"iii;*'d St.stes; ;iiii] that we npud.iate the idea that there are . Iv a I Iioiee between tlu »i. ■ .r di'uuiou U"W. 'I'he othei '! ' ' >"11 as . ;-n Stat. s till 111—and The one for ■me or all of the other an be induced t i uniti- we ferventlv pr.iy that tioner in New \ ork, whost^ frauds upon two kiinls nf democracy—one in favor of, lliir Coharie, at or near the stage road; ; thence direct to Clinton. The wliole id ; this route is over a well timberel h'Vel V II! neV;T come MI I . -It i" 'tati il ;is an evideu(-e ; ' 'iiii’ii' ss ol the Ib’V (foiuls houses N rtli. that only fourteen of that ' t' M ri iiants have failed since tin* (' .Cr.y. Aiii‘>ntr th"s'* in New York •1 _ of Se;im ;ll it Mu’r, I a ‘'i '...l of St ’wart, '! ."Nlessrs. F.arl \ , : : I 1’ rkins. 1)1-!''k' ('o. 'I'he lia- ’ ' f the latter are .?.'ii)(l.OO(')^ Lnt it ; ; -1 they will pay in full, and have di^U- ’■eveiiiie have just lieeii detected, swears, in an allidavit ma le sitiec his detection, I that he is worth six hun;Ired and fifty thoU'an 1 dollarsi—enough, one would sup pose, to s.it;sty h;s destfc', without swear ing to talsi’ invo:c» » to iin-n ase his wealth. It is jirobable, howtver, that it h.is bi'eii by means of sui h frauds that his great wt dth has been aeeumulateil, and that, oiu e l egnn, he f land no convenient stoji- tution and pii'.g ]*lace for his dish niesty. He has fb,. deliaii'/e In ret of. ire iM'rne a L^ood character, was in t!ie tirst social sranding, :i m-'iiiber of a Cliurdi, I'cc. What a melau'holy falll— 11' has U''W assigned his aff.iirs to his Chief Clerk. It is said that the gi'ods em braced in all frandub nt invoie.-,-, are con- I liseati-d, and th;it worth have V'Ceii di'teeted and Seized. His practice was to : copy invoices reducing the iiuantity, and Why w ill next year be the .«:inie as last':' i l»eeausc last year was eighteen hunilred , i :ind tiftv, and the next will be eijrhteen i.am.rv, tl.c lulls to ll„. s«ai,i),l v, ,y Imv, | and consei|Ueiitly with iiut triiung grading, | • and the swamps not vt ry wide. I 1;.m.timo!:f„ (letober 10. 'I'his I conceive to be the projic'r route*, . .1 l]n,l>u Hmk F.jriirnuiit.—There is great or near it, and will varv but VIM’V litt le ! e\.-it'ment in the vieinit# of Cumberland, about trom a sur\ev when made. 'I'he propi.'r | the failure of the M.irylaiid Mining Company, route, because of the greatest a'lvaiitage to ; The labonrs blocked up the ro.i'l, ;iiid woiiM the public, and hence the nii'st pndit.ible not allow the loaded c.-ii s of the Company to be l»e ri’si.'ted,—h;is h-d to the deplorable re- to the stockholders. The greatest advan- | brought to l.altimore. There is a Eank Panic all a > Do. English, -T a 4 Wool. |iidigo, 1 H lA White Lead, Lime. none 4-4 P>rown Sheethigs, b.J rents Cott.in Yarns, o to 10. 15 “ T..\M) FOR SAI.F.. f HIHE snb.scriber offers for sale 7*jO acres of -S. LAND, lying on Campbell's Creek, near Northingtim's Ferry, in the iipjier jiart of Cuin- bi'rland county, of which alwiut tiO acres are un der cultivation,—enough to produce WX) bush els f»f grain. The above Land is covered with dog wood, red oak, hick»>r5'. while oak. and long-leaf pine, embracing a coiisiilerable iuantity of steam-mill 2 H 2J I Timber. Terms liberal, luul made ktunvn on application. DANIEL CAMERON. Oct. 11, 1851. ao-8tpd :: a H II 10 afO 45 a 47 >i 20 .and the oth.'r o|iposcd to, the s.ii'I law. ll' sohed, th.it the doetriu''ailvaiiced by William II. Si ward, S nator frofti this .'•'t.iti', that there is l.iw hiirher than the constitution, and bv didin Van Ibrren ir. his sp M'ch in ^^■^mont, that the Fimitive .''l.ive law is e.nconstitiitioiial, and .'houl 1 suits we have witiu'ssed, in the munh'r in Fi iinsylvania, of one of the citi/.eiis id'onr Fnion, whil't acting umlcr the consti- aws of the Fnion; and to if tlie constitiition and laws, in t!i'/ r-siue uf a fii_dtive from service or labor, bv parti's in Svr,n n-e,'in this State, and that we ib nouiue SU' h doc trines MS treasonable, :i. subvi-rsive of thi^ constitution aiul calculated t I nion. tage, for Were the road to run on or near , the Warsaw Stage road, it would fall some I three or four miles .'>outh of this line, and ' within some live to si veii miles of Cape : Fear river for some ten to fourteen miles K.i.'t'td' Fayette\ille. Frodiiee, naval stoics esjieeially, wouM h ave the road and go the most direi t route to the river. 'I'hose liv- inir on or near l?l;i k river. North of the Virtue road, would iro to tin' road, and inste.id id’ ; taking it. Would cross to tlu' river. if the in this city. St‘CM>nd Divi-^ioa A\ Kh'ction for .^Iajor General of the 2d Dixisioii will be he’d f.n the l.'th of Novem ber. and Col. .JOHN WINSLOW of Cumberland, will be siipporte.l for that othce. . [oOtE X]» ^ ET'Vi;i'.N the half-way P.ridge ai.il Mr. .Mi-Ki-than's shoji. a La>lv's ■()!,I> PEN- . P.KVIEW OF THE MARKET. D.vcon.—Very little variation frim last week. Cotton.—Coiisiilerable quantity coming in: ].rinci]’.al sales .at S cts. Coiix.—Old at !*0 to 1 00; new .^0 fo 00. Fkatiii:i!s.—In demand at ;50 to 8:J. Wax.—Quick s;ilcs at -0 to 2o. Wool,—Commands readily 20 cts. Ti inT.xri.NK.—Virgin and Yellow Dip, I ^’5. D. lAMAN Bl Ur.AXK, Siu'rniittn' tu Ih’tdi f' Bnrh((vh'j >VhoIesale and Retail Dealer in Cis'Jif!*? Tobacco, and KEP.S efinstantlj’ on h.md the above nainefl Jirticles, of the most popular brands, ami warranted equal to any in the country. Hav ing made arrangements with an extensive house in Baltimore, he will sell at Baltimore prices, and respe’tfully invites the citizens of Fayette- - ’••i- r C l., anion._' the birgest ;rnL'’'jists iu New York, have r half a niilliou of dollars, iiii .re, M, '-Is. IvieU i'c 1 endle- ^ J^. j,a.^.->cd •''*)(• />///A , upon "Is merchants, have failed. r .n, the followin- fiilures are ^ The Locof^ico party of IVni.sylvania has 1: P. xt. r, Ilarrit,i:tou.^ (’o. and up :is its eandi late tor Cov-rnor, a man who, no loiii/t r ago than 1''1 i , voted for the Wilmot Froviso, and for a law to for bid the I’.se of tin jails td' F. nii'ylvania for the conlineiiient of fugitive slaves wdio might b»' arre.-tcd in that .''t:ite. lb 'live.1. '1 hat we re;:rct the action td ■ roa'I went fartlur North than above pro- the dclei^atcs at the late Svracuse (,’oinen- po>i .l, it would run too ne.ir the Northern tiou, inasiii'.ieh as th -v pr. 'eute.l neither ] road, s > that thev would contliet with each our ]>rinciiiles nor our men; that the con-| uther, and either the stair* vention. bv a dei i-'ive vote, r, tu--ed to a- I farther north road would bi ,,,, • 1 .1 • 1 M i ■ •. Ti «: 1 one r:itt. inspection. Io. one measurement. SI.. ( IL. with the initi.ils ( . .M. I . on it. I lie hiidcr , - , i i * i ... , 1 11 1 ■ .wix; Staves in demand. 1 i;ri'ei!tine—market Imre; will be rewarded l.v leaviiej: it at this Othce. , .• i i i . .. v. . xi -Jii sale of some tew bbls. at _ _•>; I'pirits Ja to ou. coiisci|neiitly. he evaded the duty. ■I S 'i.tliw i. k ’o., b ather dealers^ J. ■I '1. iron doab r; John Karle, Jr. i^.; . t .rs; ;ind I)avid Filigree, of Salem. ...tter for h:df a million. • Ilaitfor'I, W. H. Imlay, oneof the '-t Mill! most resp«‘ctable merchants, has i I f. ir .?.')(»(1,01 It I. It is supposed he .1 pay all. 11.\v. ikf.—niebo ly has said, that '• u!i 1 makes two blades of gr.iss to ■ w wh-re but oiii- grew before, is a piib- '"■!! t'letor.” We do not think that ■■ • •.Mi-man. who>c communication will ■ 1 in another column, aspires to so ; '!• at a ilistinction; but we do think, ■ :;) Miy others in tiiis State, and es- . in this jiart of the State, would !o]it a ies..liitioii pledging th,‘ deiiioeracy ai'aiiist the further agitatimi of .-lavt ly; and we al'O r.-L'iet th.it it has nomni.iti d for .In l_"e of the Court of Appeals, .\lex. S. .johnsen, :iii active su;'porter of \'an HMn n and .\d;nii'. in oji].o,--itii>n to Iv.'wi,- (’,iss and \\’illiam (), 1> itler, the re:^u!.irly nominated caiididate.s of the ib'iuoeracy of l''4>^; for the oliice of Treasurer, lieiij’n or till some two or this.'^tati Vet Southern lioeof'ici) papers tell us of \\'|icaton the s. undness of their party in Feiin'-ylva- with the \\'eh 11, .Ir.. e.litor of an abolition paper in yi-ar. for (’anal Commissioner, Horace who has alw.ivs been iiiciitilie.i slaverv agitation, and through nn re miles farther to Clinton. !idly. Word aliout tolls. The West ern Fl.iiik Koad, w hieh charges '2. t ents per mile for a 4 li.irse wagon, and is about to reduce this, for M.,' last six months ha' paid a divid. nd of 2 jier cint. on the tsti- mated c'.st of the whole road, or some ]>er cent, on the actual outlay already made, which will be 111 pi r ciMit. f-r this IV we have tu m.ike the toll o TEAS. HIE subsi-ribiT has just re ceived and offeri> for sale, I 'iifil'ly td' (irccn and Illaric 'FiaK. (!f very superior 4uality, ceu- ^litiiig of Very fii:C ‘ ll^son." !»o d.i ••liiiperial." 1 )o do •■'1 . ling ! s.in.” 1 lo ill) • ■ lidollg. Tln se T,':is were selected by a good judge, ind are rec"iiimeii led as •■first rate.’' S. .). HINSDALE. (»ct. 14, 1851. oltf Hard ;1. No. o Kosin 05. i^pirits Turpentine ville and siurrounding country to give him a call. P'roTit Street, next door to Messrs. Pol icy Hart, (at the sign of THE TL’UK.) Wilniington. Oct. 1851. itOtf liLANlv UOOlvS, A L.VlUiP, assortment of every description, embracing Medium, Demi, find Caji Ue- cords, L«-dgers, Jotirnals and Iiay Pooks; Half bound ('.iji and Quarto Hlanks if every variety; Memoniudum IJooks of all kinds, just received. Oct. \). E. .J. HALE & SON. IiOSE'WOOD WRITIKG DESK^ OSE W ood Work iSoxes: Papier-.Macho Albums, Port Folios, aud Ink Stands. Oct. E. J. HALE .S: SOX. has .‘idvanced; sales in lots at 2*5 to 2tiA. W1L .M i Nf: T )N M A It K ET. P.acon dull: hams helil at lo to 14: shoulders j 11 to 11^; si.li-9 12*to IJ^—no sales etl'ecteil. Corn from ve.-pel 75: Meal s5 to ‘.*0. PaUiniore Flour in small lots at >95; plenty in market; no Fayettcvirie brands. Lard dull: hehl at 11. ! Lime 1 25 to 1 50. P.iit little Timber arriving: : ni.i, aud call upon us to {fay for its stic- cC'S, as a means of perpidnating the FnionI i*reser\e us from .-ii/ A friends of tin- South and of the FnionI FIloM El lIOPE. The ste amer Humboldt h.is :irrived at N'w York with London dates to the "24th ultimo. Cottiui was dull and unchanircd in price. 'I he iiitelliLTenee of the overthrow of the (’uban i-xpedition w;is reeeivid in Ibirope exani]ile, we should soon wipe with much satisfaction. liCtters from ^la- drid state that Spain is about to send to Havana S^IKIH additional troops. -L'ra'-e which has .so long attach- c". iitiallv an :iLrricultura1 State, whose iiu'tlieiency as i^biyor of .'^yrai Use, the .'l.irshal of the Fiiited .''tatcs has been maimed by an :irnied moli, in nsisting the exi-cution of the l.jws of the Fnited St;ites; for .Vttoniey (leneral, Levi S. Chatti,‘ld, who, at the last election of State oHicers, wrote a letter endorsing the doctrines of the slavery agitation; and last, not least, bv the nomin.ttion for St:it- I'rison Inspec tor, of Henrv .''tonus, w ho is a member of the perseeiitiiir Native .\meriean ()rder of I nited ,\merieans, and was the (Irand Marshal of tiieir parades in thi-'-ity: :>nd tliat such a ticket does not deserve the support of the democracy of tliis ciiy. ,^lr. heeler protested. If tin DIVIDEND No. 2. A idX IDF.NH of two |ier«^ent. on the whole -:ij>ital stock of tl:c Fa\citeville and West- i ern Plank lomd Co.. has been declared bv the pints Common Itosiii ‘.'5.—Hkiim.ii. .\t New York, the Asia's nows unsettled the cotton market, and ]>rices nvere drooping. At New Or'eans, ;^5(!0 ba’.es sold at a decline of J to t. Mi.Mling 7 cents. Fair S.*,. ^Veek’s receijits ;t0.ono bales, aiid s.ilcs '25,000. Total receipts at New Orleans 10'.',OUO biiles, against 4t‘i.OO() l;i..;t year. At (.'oliimbia, cotton dull at O’j to SJ. a fall of 4 K- -\t Charleston, prices reccdeil full J. Sales at 'U to ;t. Tot.-il ri'ceipts of cotton 110.57‘* bales, against S!0.5;JS bist vear. Increase ••'.••51. (This does not include the late large receipts at New Or leans, which are only heard of through the Telegraph.) WKUSTl'Al'S ;T0 Dictionary: ditto Octavo: Walk- Oetavo: Worcester's, Walker’s and WeTTsicr’s ScIkkiI Dictionaries, iS;c. •lust received by E. J. HALE SOX. Oct. !t. r Ain't tr^s CO.MMKUCIAT. UFCORl). HANKKirS WAFJ.KTS; OIITE Folios: Writing Pads: ,S:c. .Just received by E. J. HALE & t>OX. Oct. K. cents per mile on onr ro;nl, the distanci* will be :\'2 miles, the toll to Fayetteville from Clinton will be !•(> cenfs—only 4*> cents more tlian present f. rriage. Now j ; AnitIVAL> , ;ilMltt liis. is a lo.id, then S(M, It I to p,.l»iii.itors pavable on appliea- i Oct. 8.—Steamer liver'jreeii. with Henrietta i ]>roper medicines judiciously taken. N( t. how- will be a load. FlMU”h at jireM'iit. .^^lre j tion to the pmper ofii.-ers. at the Company's Li.iihteis, with goods for .1 Kyle, Fayette- , ever, any of thiw ipiack nostrums that pretend anon. *•('( )ll .V11 IlC. ’ EXPFUIENTE IS THE BEST. Many a poor wretch writhing under the ef fects of Dyspepsia, in some form, has l.ecomc* exhausted or weather beat» n for the want of iflice in Fa'ette\ille. after the lOtii insi. EH. LEE Wl.NSi.OW. Pres't. ('oftun i'll Anxo/i.—J'lmnle Oit. s. 1,'s.il. A,/,.—From a letter from a gentleman in | MAMlA-.M.\KL\(i ^ MIIJ.INKRY. Aiisoii we give the following extr.icts: “(Mir Cotton crop will be at le:ist a third short in thi.s county. The Kev. '1’. II. Walsh, at jircseiit a ]ire- si ling Mider in the C. Annual (’■in ference, has recently bei n cu'cti il to the I’re.'idcKcy of the "Carolina Female (.’ol- legt;” in place of Ilev. A. H. Smith, who rcsigiiid on account of his health. 31r. F Moore. C P .Mallctt. (i W I’r.iwu. .'^tith Ci I W i; Tl'.oinpson, S F Phillips, J {' Hioeker, F ^3 I!S. WALTON has just retiirne 1 from tin ^7 3 North with a new ;niil beaiitilul as.'.irt- ment ..f Fall and W inter ing ot jiiicis: I’liiiiies. Kibbor.s .and Flowers: Head j \ ogier A. t’o. Heaver Creek Co. .T W Saiidiord, I>resses aiul Caps: Straw r.oinu'ts of diti'creiit j Kev W \ an l^aton. Leete X .lohnsou, .1 \ \ J iiuality and price: hiside Capis: Collars and j Martine. C Montague, A .McKethan. .) Lyon, vil'.e Mill, .1 I'i T Wa l.jiM. .1 iS: F (.lairet, I'uioii ‘ to cure consumption, liver affections, orrheum.n- Maiit'Co, C 1! Mallctt, C ?dc.Millaii. S IJuoii, ; tism. by one remedy, but such c^iibinations 11“ Co.ik Taylor. C',.ok iV .l .htison, ."s .) Hinsdale. ' are adapteil to the tiature and character of tke E .1 ILilc vK .’•'uii. .S T Il.iv.Iey vV Son. D Clark. . dise:ise. J C Thomson. Willkingi? Co, Uockfish t’o, 1! | If proving inv.nluable by experi'-t'ce, a remc- .lones, .bii.es iV Hcmiiig. C l> .Nixon. D .MeNeill. ■ dy is to be eoiitided in, her^‘ is one tliat will not Hall .V Sackett, F X W I’l.-.rk Hoad. V.' Fultoi!, j fail to materially benefit or ev.re any case if in- D M .MeU-'ii.ild. II i'lraiison >'i .'Son, F Fries, W j digi-stion or dyspepsi.a. ilLLI.NEllV. consist- j H Fries. Px'iier \ Crist, 1! (Iray, A I! Creer. T satin and velvet P>oniH‘ts. of various | Nornui.t, T IHake, A (!ainev, P ‘I'avlor, E .V The Kev. .lames Perryman, n Pajdist clergy man, who is extcu.sively Luo\mi in fii'orgia, states thus: T.’iibot county. .June l.''I.'^. Dr. Little—Dear Sir: Having been so much beiiefite'l by A'our medicines, I will cheet fully state the case. For years past 1 have been bad- ’pq. rting aniiu;dl\' from New York, • - ef.cnt, .'biine, i\;e. a largo jiortion fif i5uniors prevailed :it Faris of a change n,,„,,„.vit:c in the l!ev,,ln-' W’alsh is a line .scholar, a frditleiiiaii of, i-illet Inserting, long ami short: a new and ele-{ Pfohl, C. Demiug, ('S Van VIeck, P F Pescnd, in the FrenVl. Ministrv, but thev had been ‘t iV. ,i I \^,h Ir t ‘rcl 1..' mrtuncrs, commanding dignity, ; style of Dress Trimming, of tho n.ost j m-owu. Fraley iX C H A.lendou iV J Mc- n- • 11 I • 1 1 .1 • ‘ . tion-, ne w.uwu witieii.iw si.tn pon.oi. 01 1 > * 1 fashionable kind, and a few handsome Dress Hone, W Murphy X ( o, .1 M (.reen, I \ W C olheially denied by the (.uvernment. . rcg.-irded. 1 fe w.ts an- tayorably known ami respecte.l p x,,,U‘vv\ ami plain silk Mantillas; vel- P.ostick, .1 Mc.Neill, A Hunt, J H Hawlcv, Lash . I 1 .. !*! * I 1 1 . *1 ....... ,^1..... 4- ♦l..» I I ‘ ... • • another a]i]ieal to withdraw, | , vet 'Mantillas and Cloaks: anew style of I?on- dei iiiied. d. Sliernmn Brow- Ihstrii'ts ot South Carolina. 'J he lrus-in(.t Linings and Trimmings, of all colors: and a tees could, liof htive nnide a I'ctter se4cctioii. i handsome .'issortment of Flowers and Head iiell thought such llesolntion.-i inexpedient. , _ _ .... 'I'l.ov «-,oi!d ,l..str,>v tln> I'liioii of the Irir- Tile Cclicgei.': ill ti ilotinsliiug coiid.tioii, l>resses , . , , , lilt} w I uul ill strov tlic I iiioii I till 1,11 1 ]• ■ ♦ +1 1 >,:i 1;.. , Hrcsses made in the latest style: hUe- tv. .Mr. Wheeh-r thouLdit the unii.n of fi>d in addiiion to tne _ main building , ;iO-.Sm ' ■•'i.ig" With which our horses and cat-: 'p),,. i^onJi.n I-]xhibition :ijipearcd to be- i ] },y t-d. Two or three years age. the come more attractive as the time for dos- ■ -• ficM which iMr. Curtis now eulti-1 ing it approiichcd, and it continued to be ' ui.hin our town limits, was almost , :‘tt’'idcd by large number.s of visiters. I .■ hi' tive - f au^dit but pestilential Ij.vtkk.— I he Asia arrived at New ^ ork -;n:i. it is a model farm, teem- f'l Friday, with Liverpool dates to the -• .i-k l»«nir»nt «»p> .4 «l», >m4 j 27tll. , , , ‘ ..-ail.'-t layi,,.' tl.™, ll,e lalM.-, al.,1 . ,i . . , -tl"- intiiral result ot cultiv.-iting trt/f 1 lu; (.otton maikct was uncliaiigeil, the | .^tated also tiiat if they were so smothered, ! * hiy have tin aide laeultv’ and a iiuc .sit ot Wheelwrights and Wagon makers. !'iel which one undertakes to cultivate Npiotations remaining the .sinie as on the j 1,,. would puldish the'm, and show tji tl,o j :M'p:natu.s in ’ ’ " I I!. ; 2)th. Sales of the week J>t>,5U0 bales. Flour firm, (^'offce rather scarce ut full rates. . , II 1 1 , , 1 1 ' The stock of (’otton in Liverpool amount- T .Major .enenil, will be held by the I bales. Kiee was worth 14 I'';- of tiic 4th IJrigade on the ioth ot ; to 1!) shillings. American Common llosin .S: P>ro, W Peaive. Oct. 11.—St'r Chathiim, with Doats Express and Telegraph, with goods for Smith \ Co. .1 D Williams, S Hill i'" .Sons, Smith \ Lunn, Scott Mc.Viloo. .1 H Lee, E (? Hall, E I’cnry, J & F (Jnrrett, .1 S (libson, Wright i'c Dillon. Pdiim & Smith, T D Hocg. (I AV .lohnson, F Chambers ! iS: Co. Weatherly ..'t Dick. D .S: .1 Mcltae, Drower :imi III addiiion to tlie main building the States iniieh more important than the j (which is ot biick, !H) x 40, three stoii ;,i union of tlu' 1 lartv, and a'^•lin iirotisted a- j *7) tlieie will soon be t omjileted a wing 5’fls W \ ’5'E” 1-1 *1 t 1 I 1 of the s iiiie 111 iteri ils •ind height liU X 40 A4i»>li .»8.%li4a-sS w a EiS*. ; MafUt, .1 .1 i,each, W S (iiiiiter, W .1 Parker, gainst laying them ui.on the table, and 1 J,'he. .1111. mai_nals.nl u I.. The subscriiau-wishes toemph.y one i.r : .] ^ •'•'et ot two first rate ' tlie difi’crellt departments, j for whom the highest wages .ind constant em- '!' o\j! 1)IVISK»N NoKTIf CARnlJNA : '111.HI A.—We arc informed, that an elee- | )emocracy of the city tlut they wi re hd't j So you see the people of “(dd Anson’’ are ' ployn.cnt will be gi^cu. ,,,, ere witiiout any democratic platlorm | ^1 F iveftcville Oct 1:? ISol 30-3t ■hatever to >trmf ui.on. | ‘i'"b -'“1 1 t>''ist the day is not tar distant ^j’ IV here whatever to >t:n(l upon. , 1 i i- Amidst intense excitement, bitterne.s.s | when tliey will be as celebrated on this and confusion, they were laid upon the ta-1 ^ulgect as they are now in the production ble, .Mr. Wh(‘eler iigain saying in rej.ly to ! of the great staple ot the South.” .Mr. JJrownell who haI thought other con-| ^orth ( W ' i.'din I 'ir ^ ^ I’lank Ibmd (’onnanv.’’ disturbed. Armed • , n il* -11 forces had left Faris for St. Omar, and nii^s 1 iiinJisiuMI ovrr ji i i i i i /i * rt.jMnisinic scv(‘ral arrests had bcoii made. ( ninnicr- ’ ‘ • ' ^’’I’b :inoiiyiuous, and ot ; ^;Jal aflairs were dull. The jiolitical horizon ' Il a clmracter that we do not feel at, 1 was much di.'-ttirbed. The other news is ' ■ rty to publisli it without authority from I unimportant. 'i' :oitliors to give their names on rcipie.sf. j Ko.^.suth had arrived at Smyrna in the 1 111: vii.vcLsK Oi TiiAtiK.—The Wash-j Kggher & Taylor, Cott«m and Corn 11 correspondent of the N. V. Express j in Livorjtool, have failed. Their that I’residetit Filluiore 'ed orders 1 ^‘‘*^''lioes are said to be heav}". il the ,)th inst. to the District Attorney of ■"'Ithern New York, directing the imme- Mi ST ii.WK Kkvoll'TIo.n.—The pa pers titate that a comfwiny of Cuban vohm- prose, ution of all persons wiio took i teer.s, recently disbanded ut Mustang Ls- I'Tt in, or a-ded and abetted, the recent j laud, (in Texa.s we believe,) have organized '■eason.ible outrage ;it Svracu.se. 1 ■ T of ] roiniucnt citizens an n ideiitilifd as letidcr.'i in the outra"C .\ num» j and are about marching for the neat of the said to have .Mexican revolution, the projected Sierra Madre rie]>ublic ]-:ai-oiir:ii;t llie old IV’orlli Wfafo. Ahkv, Siikmwkll it Co. have just re ceived a splendid assortment of Satnrt Cas.ii- 7tnrr, black and grey, to which they would call the attention of the public. These good.s will compete in quality and durability with the best of Northern Cassimeres. and are much cheaper, ranging from Oli.’, cents to :^1 25 jier yard. Fiiyettcvill'e, N. (’., Oct. 14, leOl. J]Otf I Carolinian copy till forbid, far greater number ! — ,. juce than the good' Dissolutioii of (’opartncrsliip. To alter the language of the \\ ashing- ^ tli.Teountrv re(iuires; and we would sug- ; ff^HE Copartnership heretofore existing nn- ton rnnm to suit this state of things, we 1 ti,^, p,.,.priety of levying a poll tax on ' f ... , , , ,. 1, 1 * ‘ i il r i day dissolved liy luutual consent, (j. S. Dem- ask, How long will Southern Loeotocos co- all who may come to us for the future.— .,i,thorisc‘d to sign the name of the firm -- mhcr next, to supply the vacancy cic-i was .p.oted at 3, ami the best a^^ shillings. 1 to an a>i....cl by the r‘signat,on of .Major Gen- ' i he bulbon in the Bank of hngland on ^ an.l failed, j p,*; he ne ^i.es of In. i i^ rl .I I- ! Mclv IV ' *1'*“ -'•th ult., was over fourt(!en and a halt i ,.,1 ^ • r.-i.-Voil -inil ' tiiat tlu, nc^ioe.s ot Indian.i in- ■ : million of poiinds sterling, and the circula-! ,'!" h i e have received a reply to the ‘‘pro- i tion amounted to .marly nineteen millions. | Thosr'who're'iected tiiem, must take the | mgs of a meeting of the Fresident and -Ml reports trom the country rei)re.>^ent the :i;,,.'..f ibiin.r «o “Already we have a tar greii ctors of the Kayi.ttcvillo and Northern liancst .-is being abundant. _ _ _ _ '}„ , , ’’..f Washing-' IWince tin operate with this [larty: IMPORTS AND EXPOKTS OF NEW YORK, Fur the month of Si-ptembir, 1S51. IMPt*KT.S. Foreign goods subject to duty. Ditto warehoused. Ditto not subject to duty, Such a tax must at jiresent be paid by jj, li(|uidation. .Ml persons having claims emigrants arriving in this country from all gainst the firm are renuested to present them; Total imports, JiXPOKTS. Domestic produce. Foreign goods. }iarts of the British dominions, and we see no just rea.son why we should use negroes better than our own countrymen. AVe ab hor slavery, but patriotism induces us to exchiim against having our country over run by blacks, many of whom are wofully !?8,.'',8t,17*2 SCi4,'.tU; Five Dollars Reward. R.VXAWAY from the subscriber, on the lOlh inst., a negro girl by the name of Total e.\i h I rts, SI*K IE. i Imported, E.snorted, $'J,01o,^J41 depraved by their previous mode of life. St‘> '03 osr ■ Auditor of the State at Tattle Rock, Arkansas, and the junior editor of the (^'•iroline. Said girl i.s jirobubly lurking about ‘ F>aiiner, with their friends on each .side, C. Montagne’s, as Iliired her from liim. I will s=2 '110,083 had a free fight in that city, on the 18th, P^y the ••.bove reward for her delivery to me, or ' ’ i • 1 • i 1 , 1 * It confinement in our jail. sai j with pistols, clubs, stones, No 1 ves , age—iuiie tall f. hut lots of cuts, gasho?, puuchosJ 3,400,142 bruis'C.s aU'l bumps j;ivcu. | F.iyi;ttcville, Oct. 3 l iidcrslecvcs: very best quality of Kid (iloves: ! A II Whitfield. .V .M Campbell. R M Orrell, TC , ly dy.speptic, such as tightness and o].prission ' ■ ' ’ after nie.als, acidity of the stoirach, debility, w:iut of digestion, v'cc. In this state many ar ticles offo(id were obliged to be avoided, to siiy nothing of the languor and w ret'‘hednes.s often experienced any way. Tt w as about under these eircumstarices, I beg in iising your .\ntacid Ve- p^.ible Pills and Tonic I’itters: very soon I found much relief, with quite an improvement of health. The medicines I continued with the greatest advantage, particularly the Antacid, finding it always to give quick relief, and to jiromote digestion. 1 had not taken them long, before I could use any kind of food 1 chose with impunity, even c;ibbage, and other things here tofore inadmissible. For many months fuist (.since taking the medicine) I have enjoyed good health, which has not been the case for years before. Those of my frieijds and .*(cquaiiitaii- ces similarly afflicted, 1 would ddvise to try these Dvsjieptic medicines. Your^s, truly, (Signc.l) JAMES PEKIiYMAX. Read the following well marked cases that had long baffled all other remedies-: Baldwin county, April 1840. DiW.ittle—Dear Sir: For the L-ist six or se ven vears. my wife has been badly afJlicted with dyspejisia, so much so as to liecome nearly helji- le.*s, although having been atteiideil by two or three physicians. During the last year she took, whilst in this situation, j'our Antacid and Vegetable Pills, which soon helped her much from that .sinking or oppression after eating, besides gaining strength. She continued to im- jirove fast, [mrticniarly when we used the Tonic liitters with the other medicines, anl is now enjoying pretty fair liealth, and feels like a new' being. Yours, respectfnil v. ^Sifjned) HF./.EKIA lioC.EHS, Sen. The fao-simile of the sign.ntnre of Dr. W. G_ Little will be found upon the outbide wrapper of each of fiis Medicines. Sold wh»/lesale and retail, by the ?ro]>rietor, at his^lsBufacturing Depot, Xo. 2t54 Market streeti^hnadelphia, and Macou, Georgia. To had also of J»mc9 rai», Ilockfishr A. Watson, Floral College; Townsend & Doug lass, Bennettsville; I>r. P. M. Cohen, Charle.s- ton; C. C. Bsirb«c, BarclaybviUtr; F. F. Pescud, Raleigh. S. J. niNSD.\LE, .-\pent for Fayetteville. and all persons indelitedf* by note or account, are called upon to settle, as long indulgence cannot be given. 0. S. Dcming niny be found at the old Sfcind. R. .lones has removed to Liberty Point. REUP.EX JONES. G. S. UKMIXG. Fayetteville, Oct. G, 1851. .")0-4tw Said Caroline is about ir that age. JOIIX STEWART ]«jl. llCti’ Hargrove, Eiuiis, Shcmwell iV Co. K T Long, J .J McDonald, King \ He»e, .1 W Faust, ,M L vV H .J Holmes. N Kendall. Smith, Clark & Swaim, Wood \ Harris, i? .V Howell. .M N I.eury, W T Iloriie, Shelly & Field, .lenkins & I’oberts. 1! Hewar, Hankin i'c McLean. .1 Ingold, C Hanks, T Caldwell A' !iuis, (1 I’raiidt, Long & Webb, .1 it 1$ G Worth. W Trelo.-ir, M Brown Son, A .1 Troy, Rose, Crenshaw Co, A M P.iiie, Holmes, Culp iS: Co, Ced.ir Falls Co, Hall is: Sackett, S J I'iggott, Phifer .it York, D Hunt, BoAvman & Donucl, .J Stafl'ord, W W .lohnson, T P Tyson, Council X C.ain, Woollen & Ellifit, R W Thomas. M W.-ill, Rankin, .McLean & Hanna, Coojier iS: Wharton, lUum iX Son, .1 15 McDade, J &. J .'M Worth, D (J McAllister, .1 R Kemp, .1 Butner, .1 .V & \ Baldwin, .) Woltcring, F (jorrell, Cain & Watson, W Murphy, H Gif»y, (’ F Deems, Starr iS: Williams, Summerel, Powo Co, I Long, W M Moore, A .V McKethan, Worth & S.'inders, E Belo, J H Thompson, Ti-ansom & Bro, Gilmer i'c Glenn, J .Mclnnis. ('rowell vS: llix, K Fo.ster, Henderson .iS: Haynes, Murchi.son, Reid & Co, J E Brv-an, .Anderson i'c Ijams, W J McConnel, R T Swaim, Ellis, Kinder & Cf>, .J E .Matthews, P> L Durham, Waggoner & Thoniasson, J Hiatt, .1 X .Andrews, C F Faucet, II I. M^-mver & Co, G .Metidenhall, B C Douthit. Edmonson it Bro, W .1 Sanders. T J Patrick. J W Baker. .1 B Walton, .) S & J Thompson, Ji 1( Yeargin, W S Gilmer, ??tafford, Clark x Dixon, .A. P vt RC Poindexter, W 1 ’eace, .A II Caspar, Jleaden Horne, C G Yates, 11 Branson & Son. J W Scott, E Hearne, J N & J Gilmer, M D & AV R Smith, D Murjihy, Washington Mining Co, J P Covington, .1 .M A Drake, W A Lash, .V J M Carson, J K J Sloan, AVilliams, Haywo.>d & Co. The Steamer Chatham, (coimcc^i-Lng with the Steamer Gov. (Iraliam in the lower part cf the j River) from the tTnh May, the commencement j of low wati r, up to the present time, has mivle 1 tbt I'ollowjug trips :ip, vji: May 21, 24, J7, 'J’>. SW.VIMVS JI STICK; l^JOHTH C.irolimi Form Book; Civil Praeti';« in Nonh C‘uroli:> ». Oct. -i. J. * v N.

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