BOOTS & SHOES. Wk arc rcccivinpr our f'ull ami AViuter supply of ISoolii >ili4>«‘S I ('’misistinp: of n very large ;in) splemlid assortiiiont of tho LATKST F.NSlllON.S, anl cmlimcinjr a very };roat v.irii-ty of stylos f'»t l.adies', (K'ntloincn's, Miss es', Hoys', aii'l ('hililrcii'j! woar; with n lurjre a.«!- 8irtniout >f -Men's and Jiov's Kiji ainl I't'arse r.UOCANS. A siiiierii>r nrficle of (fentlemen's and Lsdies lii'.liu ruViber Sliooji. —ALSO— ^ Trunks, C.-n'iict I’nijr.s. and Window Shades: r;\’f, M..i-ui'1-o. I.iiiinc. liiudiiip, and I’ad Skins: Sole Leatin r, l.:ists. Shoe Thread, Spar ables, \’e. 1‘ersons wisliiiiir to pnrchuse by Vliolesale or lletail, are r'i|uestel to examine our Stoek. We are detrrniinod to sell very low for Cash, or on time to piiiu'tual enstoiners. S. T. UAWl.KV SOX. Sept. .’.O, 1S'»I. HITS. (IPJiJHKITX k XilOIX FALL, I8SI. EDWIN GLOVER, 1' isiTi!>er otTeis lVn' saU- one of the .CL laru^est and best iissortments of (iOOI*S in his line ever otIVred iu this jilaee. lie is very thankful for tiie very liberal;;e th:it he has had. ;ind solieits a continnanee of the s.iine. His stock h.-is been sob-cteil witli care, :iud eiinsists ot^fcioarly every variety and style, from tlie best manufacturers. He has on hand and otf'ers lo'v for Ca.yfi. at retail or by the ease, latest •styles Jentlenien's Heaver. Nutria. Moleskin, .''ilk, IJru.'h and An- fTola HAT.''. Also, .leuny l.ind, Kossuth. .\r- tist. liouirh and Ke.-idy. ami stit?'ened Fur and Wool Hats, for Men, Youth and Hoys—in abun dance by the dozen or ease. —ALSO— A very lar'.'e supply of (’lotli, I'lnsh. Vvlvet nnd Fur CATS, of all (qualities, styles and pri ces.—I'y the sinick- ('aji or by the do^cn. —AI.SO— l^oots Mild Shot's, of the following varieties. %i/.: Fine W ater-proof, tine Calf, tine Kill :ind he.n v ^\ inter 1’>(M»T.'^. Also, Hoys' and ^Unths' (’a!f iind Kip Hoots, t•entlcnicn’s Hress Shoos, of TopctJifr >' itli an ass.irtnient ,ind (’hildn-M S HooTS .and SHCMiS. vir: .lenny l.ind. K.M'cIsiors, (Jaitcrs, ditto Ilnlf. I’luskins. Sii|>]HTs .ii;d Morocco Hoots. Also, tientlemcn's ;ind Ladies' i'ulibcrs. \\ ith a good sujiply of Vonti's', L5o\.''. t'luhlrens'and Servants' heavy Slioos. All of which he ollVrs low for or on time to custonier.s. I’lease eal! and s.itisty Yourselves before ['Urchasing: elsewhere. John THOMSON. Mmkct Si|Vinre. Sept. 2»’i, Is:.]. L’l'.tf F.1LL m \Vli\Tlill GOODS. JR. Ij. a* J- Pemberton UAVK .just received from New York and I’hiladelphiii a complete Stock of , SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, I .\monp wliicii may be found an extensive lot of I LAUILS’ HKF.S.'i (it>Ol)S. vi/.: I’biin, watered, j and tig'll Silks: Needle-worketl (’.‘ishnieres: Hro- eade and wat‘red Poplins; t'b.imeleon Louisian- , i as: Chene lU'ps; I’laid I.uslre.s: rich Saxony De- j I Lains; plain, watered and fi.-rured Silk warp j Alp.ocas: Seci>i*d .Mourtiini^ 1 oplins, bl-aek Honi- j ; bazines; a few superior Kveninix l> pink, } I blue, white ;ind shmw coloreil Tarltans, IMain and wiitered Mantillas: Hay State, plaid and iMiibroidered Thibet and ('asUinere Shawla: i lirab and black t’ashmere ditto. j K.M15I501 I>Kllll'^S.—French Worked T.aee i t'ajies !ind t'ollars; worked t'utls; ii beautiful lot Hcrtha Lace (.’apes; Tnder-sb'eve.s and Chemi- • settes: Swiss and .liiconet Trlmniinjrs; Hem- ' stitcheil and Needle-worked Linen (\-imbric Handkerchiefs; black, blue and white Lace Veils. iSic. \o. —ALSO— Hlack. brown and jireen I’rcnch and Knjrlish (.'lotll^; black and fancy Cassimeres; plain and ■ tijr'd Satin Vestinijs; Valencia and I’ashmere ; ditt4>; Tweeds: Sattinet.s; Kcntncky ..Icjins; Silk and Worstecl Serjres; plaid Linseys; red, blue and white Flannels: Frencii .and Silk warp ditto: iu'own and ble.iched t’anton ditto; I)rug}',ets: Osnaburns: Freni-h and Knjrlish I’rints: Irish Linens: Toweliujr: 'I’able Hi.-ipers; I.adies’ and J (.ieiitlemen's Kivl (Jloves, of a very sujierior tpial- ify: .''ilk and Cotton Hosiery: Lam)>'s Woid .and ■ . Merino ditto: Ladies' nnd Cicntlenien's Cashmere (ilovcs, &c. \c. htriji h>t of MuJnikin oinJ •jul'i Jftifs; J//»’.'■ rni(/ Ciip.y Hut tiit'f J\ i ' A superior lot of (ientlemen's Calf F>oots luul .'^hoes; l.adics' Oaiters ami other styles of Shoes: Tr.iveiling Trunks; (.';iri>et Haj;s. \c. The .above (loods wore selecteil more j)artic»i- l.irly for the llli'l'AIL 'l'lt.\l>K. and will be sold iin verv acconimod.-itinjr terms. i:. L. a: .1. A. I’F.MHKHTON. Se[.t. 11. IS.'.l. 21 tf AEiE:v, A: ro. NKW KALI. AND WINTKK Watch-Maker and Jeweler, AT THI-: OLD STAND, Si;/n of fliC Lnnjt' AS returned from the North wit'i :t lariro assortment of W.VTCHK.S, (M0( KS ANl* j .IFWKLKV, which he invites the pubfie to o-k-j umino. Anionj' hi.s stock can be found,— i (Jold and Silver Watches of all kinds and ; prices; (told and i'^ilvev Fob, (Juard. and \ j (’bains; (Jold, Silver, Stone, aJid Steel Keys and | .Se.ils: Hre:ist I’in.H and Kar-I!inps of .‘ill kinds and ju-ices: Finjfer liinjis; (.lold. Silver and Steel , SpectJicles; Silver and (Jold ThimbleH; fine j Hracelets; (u>ld and .'^ilver Pens and Pencils; (Itdil l.ockets; (Jidd and Silver Helt liuekles; , (':ird t'ases; Cor.-il lie.acls; SU'eve Huttons: fine j .Vocordeons; Mtisic Hoxes; fine and con\mon \' alkiiiir Ciines; fine and common Pistols; Silver i Cujis; Silver Sj.oons; I’ort-Moneys: Purses; . Cliicks. from to NJO; Plated Cake Haskets. ' Castoisand ('andlesticks: Hrassdo.; Hack-(iam- niou Ho.irds; iVc.. \c. MILITAHV G(*()DS. Swords. S,ashes. L.ace, P'Uttrns. Hu;':’es, Stars. Plumes, ('aj's. \c.. ^e. I*;irticular ;ittcnticii ikikI to flu- P»C)i:iirinp of Watches and .lewelry. Favetteville. N. (’., .July lil. } Or. T. B. HAIOn, AS taken an (Mlice on Ha^- Street, West of the Hotel Buildings. July I t, IHol. 4-tf HA(iGiX(; AND iu)Pi:r cotton HAOGING and rope have \W arrived. Our friends can .-»end in their orders, and tliev .'*ball be supplied. COUK & TAYLOn. Au-ns-t 18, 1S.')1. I4tf Cij S -a 9 B dTl varton of /.,■ cfualities. Misses FILL .}.\[) (.'flODS. K have recciviNj and are now receiving onr .''tock of STAPLi: .V FANCY CiOODS, t'onsistinp of nearly every article ujmally kept iu the Pry (I-ods line. —Also— A FINK A>St>UTMK.\T oF r:isliioi\al>le lioniU'ts, Hats. Cap.-^. Hoots, Shoes, S:c. The ;ib.ivc .•'tock we would inviie onr custi'in- ers. I'r’.cmis, an'l the i«nblie frener.illy, to call and exa.iiine befire purchasin;^. .-iS uo are de- terniiued tt> sell (ioinis to suit thf times. ALK.\'l! .Ii»ll\SON \ CO. Fayetteville. Sej't. •_'■!, ij-'.tf wuri’iNi; i»APi:i{. PKVMS as,..,.rte i French. En-lish aii l American C.ip. l.etter. P.;ith Post. Folio l’..~;. ;ii)d Note I'a; '.rs—a well se lected '!' ck. eiiiliraeiii- a preat variety of ijual- ity and prioc. .\!so. llr'i'’"l Hoards. Perlbrated l>itt". Tissue ;ind Hraniti;^ P;ip>T. and .'Station ary of all kinds. Ju;t receiving:, F. .J. HA i.i: SO.V. Sept. K.!. rjBiiii; Sul iscribers .are now reccivin;: ilirect .fcL t'roi'.i New York and Philadelphia, the lar- >rcst and hanils.imest .''tock of I Stuple mill Dri/ (loods Th:it tlie'y h.ave ever e\liil»ifid in this nnirket. eiiibracin;: e\ery v.ariety of l.adics' and (ieiitle- nu-n s Di!i]S.'J (JOOl).. amiina’ whiidi may be I I'ouud; Hlack and falU'V watered and plain liress Silks: black ;iiid fanc_\ ('otiurvrs; Lania Tw ills; fiiinred and p'ain fancy and black M.di.air Lus tres: .''ilk War]* and Crape Hroiaik-s: Swiss, ' Scotfh and Ciiene iin;.'hams; .''.t\ony 1*0-L:iins: Frcneh.'h and American Prints; F.nibM ■ Ca.'hmcres; plain ditto; ch.inir''able De-La'ins: Watered and neeillc-work ('.islinieres; chan>:ea- I ble Voneses; Hroc.i le Lustres: .KoHans; b'.ack Honibazincs; second-niournin;j Poplins; [•lain and w.-itered .''i!k Mantillas: coloreil and li!;ic-k \’elvet M.tntillas; Hroe.ade Poplins: and a I.irjre a.'sortnient of I'rcss 'i’rininiin^rs; French and Fn'.rlish Merinos: Velvet Neck itibbons and Cutfs. iVc. Frf*iiih woi’kel t'oHars and Cape«; Freni’h woike l I'ufls: Fiencli worked Chemi.'ctte-*: I'n- ■ d>'r-.''!eeves; i-> ;nid .Jueonet Trimming': In- . f .nts' aists and Cap'; II-in-stitched alid nee- ^ ■ile-worked Linen Camliric llandken'hieis, tV"ni I'l cts. to ^.’i; and a beautiful ass'irtment of ■ Veils; every variety of .'^ha’\ Is, embroidered and I i>'.ain; 'i'hread. Cntton and Linen Kd;:inj:s and Laces: black .'^ilk Laces ;ind IMiriuj's. ; —also— I Hlack. blue. br"Wu and irreen French .nnd ] Lnjjlisli 'loths; Mack .and fancy C;i siniere-: I C'lt Velvet, fi-ured and b)a.-k S.-itin and V.ilen- I ci.-i ^'estin>;s, >,.nie > ery hand->me: S.ittinef j Kentticky .Je.ins; Tw,eeds:‘ys: Flannels. I Wool ;■•,.! eottoii; Ojiiabur'Ts: I)iu;^^ets: Damask ; Table ('oths: ditto Napkin'; i'entre-Table Cov ers. very tiue; Piano C.ivei's: lri>h Linens; Lin en L.iwns: Thread ('aintii ic-: T"W ellin;;s; (len- tien^eti's Meriiiii Shirts and Drawers; .'.ilk Nt'ck and pocket Han ikerchiefV; i.adic'’ Merii^ ; Vc't': Cashmere .and Silk H.ditto Halt-Ho'c: j the celel'i-ated .'^alem .Ie.u:s. Iilack a:id ^rev. j' s', rirnilemeii's .an ! Childri'n'.-j Hoo'/'.'' ! an-1 S!! iLS. Watclics aiul Jowc lrv, At WCiolrwaic :ind llc'lail. | .1. M. jii:ANLi:v I *7" 011,1) respe. tfully inform the j)ul«lic V W nener.ill.v. that he has returned recent ly from New York, with tlecidedly a lar^e as- . .sortment of llVffr/ir.s and •fftrelrif. ! M.inv of these Watches wi're bouirht for ('A.''H P.V TllF. P.VClv.Vt! F., and can therefore be sold j verv low. He has Watciies of all kinds; Ch.iins, Kevs and Seals of all kinds and of the latest stvb's; Fin;_'er-lvinjrs,'s. Medallions, of •ill si/es, of Fiijjlish and .\merican make: L.a- dies' ('hatelaines; (’ntV I’ins; ('ollarand Sleeve Huttons: Shirt .''t\ids; ■■■11 .'>peetac!es, li^rht .and heavv; (iold Pens and Pencils: Cold .and .'■ilver 'I'himl'Ies; Itracelets; ,'i!ver Fruit and Huttcr Kniver; SiUer Sj'oons of all si/e-; lar"e b t oi Poeket Cntli-ry: Scissors. 1,,-st (|\ialit.\; P>utt"u- lioli' Seis-ors. Surveyor's i’oni)>asses and t'h.ains: M.atiiemati-:il Instrument.'; larjre (|uantity of fine and eoninion Pistols: tine and coiumoii sin- ;.de :!iid doiible-barrel (.inns; (iame Ha^s; .''liot Helts and Powiler Flasks; MiIit,•^r^■ (ioods, in- Ciudinjr the H.iss Drnni and the smallest liuttou: \’iolins and extra l’>ows; Fiutes. Clarii net-, F!.i- ueolets. .\eeordeons. of all kitids ;ind si/c'; \lu- sic lioses: Perfnmory; L.ither P>rnsii-s; llazoi's and .''trop^; Dres-in"and Poeki't Cdinbs; Plated and Hr'.t.annia Ware; atnl various ther things too tedious to enumerate. i-'iV C:iH and iiive me .a C.ish paid for idd (b’^an i .''ilver. ^V.\TC1IK*'. :iiul .Ilwilhv iu;itly liep.i ired. f — !\n th-l.Hst ft, PJ-'.ni] //A , nf' M rk' ('oni' /• .1. M. HF.\SLKV. \VAN'n:i). Ashe Lumber for W.i^. n,>. 1, toinchc.' ft, thi it. Sfi'.>ne \ Onk Lumber. 1 j t ^ intdies, liUMi tt. NViiite (lak and Hick"r.v. for Axletreos. D'uu tt. ^^hite.o.•^k for Ton*ues. Hol.-tcrs anil t'. ]iMi p,.vt Oak HnJi'. f"r C.irts and Wa.trons. ,'ip.,k. s. For wliii’h the hijrhcrt ea: h j ri'-e will ’■*' paid. A]']>lv s.H.u to F. FI l.LFll. .NL-Iy ]:•. l."'.l. Tl-’-tf 'ro wiNi: M \k'i-:ks. W F lhn- a f'l W b.ii rels of fine ,,M .\pplo T* P.r.indy for s sueh as th- sc \^ho want t" make jro.,d wine should ;;et. COOK X PA V Loll. Si-|.t. Di. i>:.i. i3--tf ru's. fflTTLL Hivi-r o>n;ilieri:'; 7-'' .and 4-f A SI. •> tinf.'-- always on ii;ind. ,ai. i for s.ile at J ;* -tory j'rii . s, by P. P .50ll.\S0x\ AS .irST UECEIVKD :»nd offers for .sitle, cheiip,— 75 baj;s snj)erior I5io COFFliE, 2~> barrels (,’olTee .Su^ar, r>t) b.irrels Mackerel, No.s. 1, 2 and o, Loaf and Granvilated Stigur. —AI,SO— ,\ larf'e assortment of Iron and Nails, Shov els, Spades, Trace (.'hnins, Slmvels and T«in:'s, Hlacksmiths’ Hcliows, .\nvils, Vise.s, Hammer.s, Plane;), ..Vu^^ers and Chisels, Files, Collins’s Axes, i.'ie. .\ujrust D», 1S.">1. TItf i’in:sn vkas. ?;;^^XTKA F1M-: HVSON. ii i Do do, Do do Gunpowder. Do do Oolonp. .Mild Young Hyson TEA.''. (>f superior (UHlity. —AI.SO— Cjioeolate. Harley, .''alad Oil, Mustard, Yeast Powders, \c. For sale >iv • SA.\i'L .). HiNSD.VLH. April-21. t>Stf S trairberrff IHAVF. six varieties of STP«AWHKItHIFS read.v for delivery, all line, and some tiie verv l>est in cuUivntioii, meas\irin}; troni ;> to .» inclies in circumf«-rence. under tlie jiroper tre.-.t- ment. Prices from ->1 to per hundred, nnd iVoni Di to l-'‘> cents jier dozen. Now is the best time to plant, if the beds are trenched iN inches or feet deep, .and well en riched. The Plants shouhl be shaded for a few da\s with lioar(.ls leaned on the South side; if they cannot be siiaded, plant at any time during \S inter or .'Spring. C. LITTFKLOH, Howan st. Sept. i, IS.'.l. liUtf NO'rU'l'.— .All Accoiiiil» lii(' the .Men hants' ('ompany. for Freights up to tiic I ’lth inst., must be jronipfly paid to the undersigned, .as much time cannot be given to the Collection of the same. .1. \ T. WADDIL!., late Ag nts. Favetteville, .(an. ‘J7. IS-M. o'itf IIVf*#/’/# to ('oiitract for^ 'I'Id* Suhscrilx r wislu's to con- tiaet for oNi: MILLION OF HFD OAKJUID. .'S'!'A \ r.'«. of the following dimension.s, \i/.: — Full llimdieslong, J inch tlnck on the thin edL'e; to a\erag** 4 inclics in width; none to be U'S th in -l.L They must lie g^t out ot' good, s' Und tiinlier. and iifit to shou mm h sap. They mast l>e iiiiigh shaved with the knife. For \»hrch i|ii.ality of .'»taM s. 1 am willing to ji.iv r>ls per tlKiUsand. F. D. HALL. ! Wilmington, Aug. -Jf. 1S.-,1. IH-tf j .s:}0(> iii:\VAi{i)! .''C.vpr.p fi'i.m the .Jail of Kershaw District. A on Monday the 14th d.iy of .)nl.v last, j AMI FL .1. Lf'\ F. ^vho was convicted for the ; murder of Hiif.ert .1. Lester, at .■'pring T*-rm of ('oiirt, 1.'*-'>1. .'S;iii| I.ove is iibeut !'• or J1 years , of aire. si,\ feet two inelies iii^li. ■ n.t certain as regards his hei^'ht. but -iq.p. sed to be tberi a- bouts ■ has d.sik hail, .and o| a salb.w conipiex- ion. vith a downcast bmk; s'.me of his front t«'cth a little d'ca_\ed. and follows the iM'Cupji- li'in of ('.irj enter. I will give the a> i\e rew;ird to any jers in V ho will .1] prehi nd the - .d .V Love nnd lod;re in anv .iail iu tlii >t ite, it One Han dle 1 .■m l I itf. iio!’-.r.i f,,r his ';ife confinement in any .iail in the l i.ilcd Stales, so th;it 1 can get him. ! .loHN INOHAM. Sheriff. i ' .‘linden. .'S. c,. ,\ng. 1>.M. L’h-i m | $;200 ReAvard. I I WILL give one hundi*e'l dollars for the np- | prehension iiui confinenient ot ANDEIjSON j and JERRY in afh- jail so Unit I cun get them again, or fifty dollars for either. ^ I will also give for pnK)f of any responsible pcrnon s harboring said negroes. They ranaway froni^ niy plantation in .Moore county on the l4th of Feb’y last, and are thought tt> be lurking about It) or 17 miles above Carthage on Deeji River, thnmgh the cflge of .Moore and corners of (^hnt- hani tind Randolph countie.s. Anderson is about 28 yt*ars old, a bright mulatto, about o feet 7 or 8 inches high, well proporticmed; has an open countenance, and is (piite plausible. It i.s be lieved that he will endeavor to pass for a free man and e.scajie to a free State, iis he had .a brother who pbvyed the same game, .lerry is about 21 years old, (i feet :> or 4 inches high, stout built; liiis a down look, p.articularly when spoken to. and i.s ratlicr impudent. Said ne groes formerly belonged to .lohn R. Ritter, in the upper end of .Moore county. Any information must be addressed to tlie subscriber at Pocket P. O., Moore county, N. C. J. L. I’.RVAN. April 12, 18.')1. 07 tf LESSONS IN .Ml SiC. III. WIirrAKI-R would rc.spectfully in- !• form the citizens of Fa.vetteville inil vi- I cinity, that he has again commenceil giving Les- I .sons on the Piano Forte. He returns Jiis thanks j for the libt-ral jiatronage heretofore re -eived, j and humbly stdicits a continn.anee of tl.« same. ' .Vll jiains sliall be taken for the advnncerneiit of I his pupils. I Instruction also given on the Guitar. I Piano.-i tuned and rep.-iired in the best manner. L. H. WJJITAKKH. August 21, lK.->0. :’,4tf TO COTTON PLAN ri*:US. PIF.CFS COTTON RAGGING, 7>) coils Rope, 2>> lbs. Twine, .lust received and for sale chea)-. by PLTFR P. .JOH.NS(»N, lf>, 1S')1. 14tf \VIiAl»PlN(; PAPKR. J RK.YMS Medium size, B t'l.^ Hlue. for Cotton Y’arns. From Manteo Pajier Mills. Pialeigh. For s.ile low by II. HR AN.SON .S: SON. .Julv \K 18.')I. .‘Iff s Tf!AW CCTTFR.''. Corn .''hellers, and a va rietv of Ph sale by .Ian. 4. and Plfiiigh fixtur«-s. for .1. a: T. WADDILL. '>;-(tf ..\)'f!( i;. iTAHR \ WlI.Ll.VM.'' have removed to the Starr, om* door west of .^les.srs. H. Hr.inson \ Son, where they have just received additions to the .''pring fiurch.ises of .'^taple and Fancy 1*RV ;(»01),'!. Country merchants are rei|Ue&ted to e.xnmine our ►tock. .7, H. STAHi^. •I. M. WILLIAMS. .1 line 7, 1 ''•*>1. 7.'(-tf FALL STYLES, 185L 24'2 Baltimore Sthkkt, Ark now rccciving and opening their FALL IMJ’ORTATIONS of I'^clvets^ Tapestries^ A' MSras- sels Carpets^ And arc prep.-ircd to exhibit tho most conijdete assortment of new patterns anl styles ever ex hibited in this countr3’, which will be otlered at lower rates than usual. TIIUEE-l‘LY A SI) SrPE/.’F/XF C.\R- PH'/'S.—We arc now receiving our Fall styles of the above, including ni.iiiy patterns manurac tured expres.sly for us, anl which catmot be ob tained e’sev.herc, LOW I'kirED rVi/.’/’i^;r/AV;>'.—We have a large assortment of good styles of low jirieed Carpet.s, whiidi can be ottered at jiriccs so low as to defy competition. KXdLIt^n .y AMERHWX OTf. CIJtTffS. —A large and conijdete assortment, from 2 to 24 feet wide. Druggets, from 1 lo 4 yards wide; f’r»nib (Moths, a iirw and beiiutii'ul article: Chenille and Tufted Rugs, Mats, Piano and Table C(>v- ers; .''t.iir Rods, 6.C.: together with every arti cle ajipertaining to tlie Car]>et business. TFRNHi LL CO., 242 Haltimore street. First Carpet Stoie above Cli.irles. Sept. 1, 18,jl, I'.M't filnRT-llSTlilLIMllir.NT, 171> Mnrht Strut, K.iE/rMIOKS:. argest nnd only JS- .^lanll^aeturing U hole- sale F'st.alilishment in the City, 'I'lie c.apifal and force eiipraged eiiabb's me at all tinie.s to otler to Country Merchants fii;d ers in SH1 RT.’>, COLL.VRS, LINEN and (,'OT- 'I'ON DP>.\WEH.S, great indiicemeiits—more than usual efforts h:iving .leen made to render the assortment of these articles full and com plete. The .'^toek on haii‘1 is large and well assorted for .Mi'ii and Hoys. f'iy .\11 orders from the f'ountry attended to with punctualit.v and des]'atch. Remember the Name, ;iiid I71> lEai hrl T. W. P,ETT(»N. August l-'i. 1S')1. 14-yo])d acid .^iiiirESicr mi:z B M IB cr^• II WE ju't leeeived from FALL ANi» WINTF.K New ^’ork, niv Stock of* (ilooils. Ci>nsist',i'.g of a gener.'il ass.irtment >f Dry lioodv. (I-orcrics. II;inl\v;irc. Ciitii ry. \f. barter f ir Tl'RPENTI.NL, or my kind of Produce. N. KING, D* miles North if Favetteville. Oct, 28, l>^.■.l». ■ 4;:tf ('os'i'iMi: iiALr., ('orn>r Prutt strrif miJ ('mtrc yinrh't Sjx.r,, JlALTIMUh'!-:. [Tin I largest and ln-»t stock of RKAD^- M.\DF CI.OT(!I\t; ( vrr C'fTeied in P.alti- niore. Dre«s. Froek :;nd .''aek (»Al.'', all co lors, ijualities and si/es, from ^'1 '>(1 to on and upwards. PANTAl.OttNS at >^1 to o'* and ii|(wards. etnbr.-ieing .‘ill styles of f.incy. plain and ]il:iid t'assimeres. VESTS of every \ariefy at corresponding prices. Also, a l;irge assortment of Hoys' Cluth.iig. Importing onr own Cloths diroi t frum Furope. and laaiMif-icturii g on the nio.>.t extensive sc;ile. enables ns t.> «.f!\ r iiidueenienis to ]iur'li:i.sers not to be snii.assed by any C|, thing Est;ibiisii- 100,000 Acres T 1 M B E U L A X t l-'OR SALF., rglllE Subscriber has piirehusc.D.i! . JL belonging to the F.stato of At,i- dec'd, lying principally in Itobi-sonV"!'^ on both Hides of Lumber River, tla d^"’^ veys containing Ov(!r 100,(100 A(|(, A large pnrt finely Timbered, ami cr ' Lumber Itiver, where a large fiu.n ber i.s now rafted to the (ie^rcetV*'' ' These J.ands are very vnhnihi, Timber and Turpentine, for \vbi. [|* ‘ • large l>art is well suited, beii,J ! *"n- where the Turpentine yields nK,rp !';“'‘ than :iny otiier section of the State 'r ' will lie .'mid at a low price, .iikI ■ suit purchaser.'. Information respecting the fu](. taineil by appl.ving to the lb,„. Hon. .las. C. Dobbin, «;r A. T s (Attorneys at Law.) ‘ i. I unler.stand there .nre tre^ these Lands, to all of wfinm given, that the law will be oiinrcol such ofI'ender.«. .\]iplicati(ii for any part of tl,„ , made to niv self, or to -John ''inj.' is duly authorised to miske s;ile ,,j .t ‘ Till IS. .J. Fayetteville. N. C., Sept. ], iNj- ' V ' Pi-opos.ils by LITTLF \ HlloU.V f,„. ing bv subscri|iiion a New AND i-uriTV REPdlns. " rg^HE want of some system hv w),- : 3- 1‘isions and judicial opinii iii.. Coui ts of Law ;ind ivinity in Kie'l,-,,,^ ' ti.ore firomjitly and ciieaply furrii^i,(.,i ' l.-gal profession in this coiinfrv, seriously felt and ackjiowlcdgcd. ' Tlio snb.scribers jirojiose to rofuVj rejmrts in lull, as fast as tliey “ land, and can be received here. TIipv*^ ' tain reports of cases decided in t),f jj. Lords, the Privy Council, the sevcr-.ii« * Fijuify, the Court of yueen’s tj,/ of Common Pleas, the (’ourt "f Hill’,.,,. ' Excheijuer Clianiber, the Ecclesi:,>ti. a'■ uiirahy (,’ourts, the Court of lliinlirur- eluding also tho Election Cape«. flic i f, ’ ses Reserved, and the\ aiul i These Reports will be pubiisla-.| : numVicrs or p.irts, ccunmenciiiu: nit; . sioiis of Miehaehiias (NovcuiKer Ter, anil will be carefully edited l.\ m i:Kn,!„l Har, with notes rnid refereni-es i., American i|eci.-ions. I'.ich nundier will c/jji.sist of OMrtJ,,., Ired pages clos«dy printe.j oetavn, ,,,, jiaper, and in cle;ir. fair t;. pe. aiui wi’; , . a table of cases, aiul a lull t:il)':(- (,j thus forming a conipli-te volume by well as a ]>-irt of an entire series. The ) ijce (.f this public.'ition. f.ri ■ Volumes oct.avo. will be a ve.'ir, p:iv. .idvaiice. or the si.v volumes, Ji:imlsoiii(, • unif'oriniy liound in l.-iw sheep. !*'12. LITTLF vV PdUiW'; 112 W.-ishirgton street, 1' U-t?' The .'Subscribers are aiithori?!-• i f'ive ~;il,s ■'•iiiti-pns fur the above work, tLv v.dume (d whicii is alj'caJv i.'siied. E. '.1. HALF 0^ Mav 18'j1. ■Work.s cn Free-Ma.scnr EV» .Nlasoiiie Trestle-Hoard, aihn.i,-; • V.'ork and Le« tnre'. as pi.n ti'i i Lodges. Ch.-ipters, Councils. !i;id of Kniaht Temnl.'irs in the I''.'.l VOW s\i,i:. -■ WM. RoWL.\M>'S Lxtra and Cross-cut .''A\'.'', D. .V W Not. p.*, is.-,It. thick Mill and '/A feet. McLAT RIN. 4.itf 1 Herring. 2*> •• •• Nlackerel. DMl Hales I!:i\. ItMi I'ie. t s Cntton Rnpging. .‘>11 ('oils Hope. 2Mi Ll»s. Tv‘ino. Hhds. .^|ohlSscs, r. Hhds. Fair .''Ug irs. ■'>*1 Haps Rill \>ffee. With Mum :ind .'«aek .''alt. .and Groceries gen erally. for s.-ile at the lowe.«t market prices, bv JNO. D. ^\ II.LIAMS.' August 14. lotf nieiit in the Fnited .''t.ates. The proprietor determin''d to m.-ike the Wh'*!es ile Rooms tlie point ot' attraction, and have in.w made up nn re than -Mi.diiii (i.MIMEN 1'.''. from the finest i|ualit.v to the lowest in price. In tl’.e Custom Departmeiit vill aSvays found tlic cIioice-t '•election of Cl.O'l H.''. C,\.'^- i M l.K I..'' :inii V KS'i'l N( i.''. whicli w ill be made nil ;it the sh ■. tc't notice. .and in the lattei style, .•ind a fit :ilwa.\s gnarantied. The one j>rice system strictly ndhorert to. Renii'iiib.-i the name and place. Corner Pratt St. aiul Centre .Nlarket .'-pace. H. H. COLE \ CO. August ]18.'I. 14-yoj>d are ] ('has. W. .Moore. }!iR|iL!; MOIlhJi. ('"i'.'i' r of Xurth and .Moniiiiu-iU Sircet.N, (^IS>oN H.\ 1 il !• having completed their e\- tensive woj-lvs. . is iiuw (me of the lar-i-st establi>hments f tiie kind in this coiin- tr^\.) are prej.ared tu fill all orders in ihfir line, viz: .^larble .'lantels, .Moiiunients. Tombs. Jrave >toiics^Table Tops, Tiles, for Hoors. i 3farble Letters, »vc., at .is rea'onable rates ns can be had in tliis i r .-.ny other city in the I'nion. lor lie-iiity of execution Jiiid ori;;inalitv of de sign. til. ir sto k cannot be surpas.-ed. Thev winiid i-i 'i ■ctfudy in', ite .I/••/,Ihdhhr't. I :} 1/ :-:, rr ii'id otbeis to call and exjiniine lietore [lurch isiiig. They are. also prejiared to Juriiish the trade v.itii .''I«bs, Hlocks. .vc. to or- lier. f-'tf .Ml op|. r.~ by m.nil punctuallv nttended 2(;-4m NO'J'K'i:. FII.L l.\ll \ll.\Ti:il (iOODS. ^"bscnbers are now receiving a well “i-leeted stoitk of St.iple and Fancy DRV GOODS. Among their stock will Ikj found the styles of Ladies' and Gentlemen’s DI{KSS (iooDS, togi-ther with a good ii.s.sortment of , l{e:uly-)iia.lo riothin^r; ('i„liroJIa«; Ifat.s ( a]i~, ;iii«l 15'iiinets; all kiiils nf i>i>iits ai)l Sli.H-.'; ( arpefiiig; Sa.Mles, Hri.ilcs, Wliijw :i!i(i ( filiar.'; Ilai’ilw;ire :iiiil (.'utlerv; tlier; 111ill iw-ware am] Cnickerv-warc; Jjoaf, JiU!ii]i, ( ni'lied, ('laritiijd and Hrown Sii- ;:ars; 'rc;is; Kin, Lagitira ami Java CMffc**'; Salt, Mi)l;j.s>e.s, Jroij and Xail.s. ^\ith many other Gjxjds, whi» b will be sold veiy cheap fnr Cash. or (in lime to those who pay l''Uictually. We Would be glad if our friends aii'l tue public generally would give us a call. .J. T. COLNCIL CAIN. Sept. 1. 18.-.1. IHtf D. M. MCDONALD* ^OLl( ITS the attention of buyers to liis va- ric'l assortment of ('liitifi. (ilass\ and ('rorkcrij a;r, iiml J IltitK tnul liojtc nnl ii'i, Fi't-iti'li. Ilrmit/i/ tmd Hiilliiml t/iii, l*nrf mill Mnt/iuni IIV/I/.-!, C'i>/ni‘S >/ tin' ifiiaiiliij Ih j (jituih uml ('nviHf^., o J If fin>: rVor/i.s, (t'c. (t »-. .\iid every wrticle usuiilly kejit for the accoiii- ni'iiliition of pnr‘h(isers: all of whiidi 1 will sell b'W tor ('ash, or exciiange for country Pioduee. 11: y street, Sept. I,'., |8')1. 22-lm n. uuanson SON® FFLK f„r • ItHI PieeeK Haggiiig, oO Coils Hub; Hope^ J(M) Lbs. Pxile Twine. HMI and Indf bbN. \., ;; >1 „-Vevel 2.-. Half bbls. N,. o Maekerel'. ’ 41) (^larter libls. ) .Mackerel 12.'»(( Lbs. prime l.ard, ’ loot) I.lis. Itacon llamw. A f^v liarrelii of Poik left. «S'pt. >'), !>'j1. iMi'f Men's. Hoys' and Iiifii ts' Hats and C.ips. Velvet, .'■■•itin. .'"tr.iw .iiid Florcii' c Honiiets. Ditto di;fo ditto f..r Mi>-es. .\n I every article usiialiy kcj r in a Dr\ ti. nj' Store. e invite the public to c.-ill and exam ine our larue and handsome .''tock, as we are ai- w;ivs anxiiiiis to show our (ion ]..j. M' Liiji Si'i/iir, T> n mill -M'lL^. .''HKMWKLL >v (’O. return to the citi/ens of F.iyetfeville, .nnd the generally, for the very liberal paironage here fofore lic'towed on them, and ii.teii'l. bv stri-'t attention to business, to ini*rit a continuance. S. S. A HEY. P. SHF.MWFLL. .1. n. McDoNALD. Fayetteville. Sept. 1 .'>, Ih.'j], I'Jtf DAG-UBRREOTYPE POIITUAITS. tC. .s^MITH, Daguerrean .Vrtist, having • been instructed in one of the largest aiul best Lstablishnients in New Y’ork, and by one of tlie best .\rtists in New Y’l.rk or any whore else, would respectfull.v inform the citi/ens of Fayetteville, and persons living near, that he has a Hoom iu the F.i.vetteville Hotel fitted nji for t.-iking Daguerreotypes, .and wouhl be very much pleased*to wait on those vsho may wish to have their Likenesses taken. He has the best materials that can be Ixuight any where with out anv exception, lie intends stojiping bore onl.v a few weeks. Call soon, if yon wish a correct anil "ooil Likeness. He feels that he can satisfy those who may give him a call, if a correct and good Likeness will do it. Tinie of taking, from A. .M. until P. .M. Dark or black dresses best for taking; white will not answer well. Prices from T\^o to Ten Dollars. Children on‘ year old and upwards ta ken, if they can be kept still l-'i or 2> seconds. Time for taking Children, from 10 A. M. initil 2 P. >1. gr-j-y ’ Instructions given in the .Art. Pel■.^ons t.iken in groups if tlif'y wish it. Daguerreotypes and Miniature Paintings co pied for those who Jiiay wish it. Oh, wad sfmie power the giftie gie us. To see ourselves as ithers see us. It would from many a blunder free tis, .\nd foolish notion.— /iurtix. Rut come when you will, .\ jierfect likeness you’ll have, If you only sit still. Lovers are of .all others the best subjects for sitting, though the most difficult to please. Secure the sh:‘.dow Fre the substance fade.—Shaksprnre. Sept. J, 1H,")1. iStf •Dine 7. 1 ''■'il. ST \RR .V WILLI VMS. 7‘>-tf •W KINciand \, McMllI.AN have entered ^ M • in'o cop.irtnership in the Di-tillery of I’lirpentiue. ;ind have eiictr I a Stlil on the \V i-st 'o|e , f tiie h .lyettev iiU‘and Western Plan’K Road. ^ miles from Fa . ette\i.U*. N. KINC. .Mav —7ltf A. McMiLLAN. I. w i'll to buv 2**.b:;rreK Turpentine. KINi .V .M.MIL'LAN. Lin‘ to .'^ubscriboi's. Mail ('ontractois trin. I Fayctti-villo to Haleigh. will coiiimeneo o|>erati.'iis this day, with new and comfort iMe Coaches, good horses, and careful Drivers.— The Fare is FIVE D((LI..\K.'' same as before. The .''tage Houses are, in F.iyotteville, the Fay etteville Hotel, in Raleij^h. the Yarborough House: but Passengers will bo conveved to such other Houses as the.v may select. The hours of dei>arture v»ill )i0, until further notice, at half past P. M. from'tteville, and at 2 P. M. from Haleigh, daily. The sufiscribers hope, by unremitted attention, to sccurc n liberal share of the travel. MPRDOCK McKlNNON, DAVID McNElLL. ravetteville, .Tulv 1, IH.'d. 7H-ff rj^III^ I.INF oF HoaTS is still in success- H fill opcnitit.n on the (’ajie Fear Rive'r, and ( ontinui' to (.tier many facilities to the shij'ping public. Pei'iii.s patroni'ing this Line, ma.v rest n:-- s'lred that ti'cir (i....I> will be iiiou_lit up witii disjiatch, and ;it tiie very lowest rates of fri ipht. A. W. .'^TF.FL, President. T. S I.I TTFHLolI, Agent at Favcttevilb-. Feb. l.s.-.l. ■ .V.Mf W AN'I’EI), io(»D H ANDS, at 7'» cts. jior d.iy. on ® ® the Southern Plank Road. .''toady employment ati l c:ish pajinient weekly, if le- ijuirod. -\ppl' to I). M. p.rni. At the Steam Mill, or to A. A. McKETIIAN, .1 .inc 2;i. 1 Sol. [77-lf] Fayetteville. HENRIETTA LINE OF aiBfl Frris'lil Koal^, A HI'! all in excellent order f’or business. Our Jv. 'i'ow Pio.-its have Vioen recently repaired and made good as now. We have also added a unr Flat t'or low water, nnd well .‘idapted to the service. Siie will carry 7(Mt bbls. merchandize, and draw only 20 inches watiT. Those favoring us with their ]>ntronage. may expect as prompt and cheaji service iu every jiarticular as any other Line can offer. (i. DE.^I1.\(^. Pres’t. R. .M. ORRFLL, Agent. A. D. f’.\Z.\l’X, .\gent at Wilmington. Fiiyettevillc, Dec. 21, 18.‘>o. '>0-tf WImmI. ^B^HLRE are several hinidroil of those AVheols ii: ojier.ation in ditferent counties in North ('arolina. For proof .if their great advantages over the common Iliitter wheel. *r an.v otiior wheels now in Use t'or saw miii>. we coutident'v refer to those wlio have .applied them to their mills. We o.’in re»'nuinnnd tiieni ; articularl.v ftir tiieir superiority in cases of a low head of w:itor. or li.ii-k watei'. ^^'e still keep a supply of Wheels, suit.iblc for ditlon-nt he.-ids of v^ater, at W ibiiinj^toii. .New- fiorn. Washington. Fdcnton mid Faycttov ilie. The wheels may also lie h;id of K. A. Hrevard, Liiicolnton. and I'riah Wells, Peteisburg. Va. Person.' wishing to obtain the right to use the wheels, will \>o served on a]>]>lication to D. .NIcNoill X Co., Favetteville, N. C. D. .McNKlLL. A. A. .McKETHAN. D. .1. McALISTFR. Fob’y 22. 18)0. .-,t;-tf \VAN'l'i:i). rC^HE .'siib.scriber wishes to purchase o(*0.(Ml0 -B. lbs. R.VtiS. for which the highest cash prices v^ill be paid on didiverv in Favetteville. DAVID Ml RPHV. Rockfish, Cumberland. Aug. 20. l.'^.jl. ITi-Om w i!OLi:sAfj: Wafcli ami .fowrlrv .^'(ore. L. 11. MILLl'K ( ()., W a((‘r Mnn Hj'urfn r> rs iuiJ ,J,hl„r. >/ Tlie Free-.Mason’s .Manual, .n ceiM]i.u: ' the iniriated through all the decrees o! .\1; > • by Rev. K. I. Stewart. Tl;e True Masonic Chart or llicr'. Monitor, by .1. L. Crciss. The Free-Mason's Mortitor. cont.iii!;; ; lineatioti of the fundaniontai j>riticiplp' • .Niasonr.v. opei-ative ;ind spoculati\e. u?■ religious as a moral view, by /. A. ba- ■> For sale l>v K. •!. IIAI.E May yA. ' 7! :h-c: -Tk A SFPPLV of Fresh (iround ( I'UN MF kept for sale at the Mill, ];;Ic .\;;‘l.:- Grinding of Hi-miny and McjiI dene I'r ;.;' Favetteville, March 1‘>-'>1. 1'-'' WAN'J'ET). G!OV Rody Maker at tlic C:ini:i: ness, (io- d wairos and .stejuh ■ M (itrJii >•, ./( )r //V/, II.-iVO leased the Old Stand f. rmerly occupied by ."'lossrs. Ctintield. Hrother \ Co.. Sontfi 'I. Ill r / Chi rlrt tail! l>,illiinore xtrfr!^, 27,■) which tbev are ] intin" in ci nijdete for the W H(‘H.I:S.\LE W ATCH AND mcnt given. .Mav 2C. A. A. .McKETi; wanted TO i’>oi?/iVnr, for !i term of . .. Good security piv',;.. terest annuallv or semi-annually, •Vdiircss letter to A. R., and leavo nt U- fice. .Tune ?>0, 18.'»1. /:.>■! (No. : order .1F\\ El.RY PI’.''1NFS.S, to be opened iibout the 2(^th of .lu’y. In calling the attention d’ the trade to the iK'w concern, wo mention the fact tliat vvc Hrsoeiati'il with one of tho niosl extensive elrv Manufacte.ring Establishments in the coun try. whicli must give a decided adv.intage over all otliors in this market for supplying dealers with .Icwoiry at mainifactnrer.'?' jTioes, a tV'.iture ill this braiiidi of trade b since needed be- twfon Haltimore and the Southern and Western , WtilJSTElfS Ql Alt'I'Cl I'il Moridi.'ints. Wo desire to call particular attention to the Watch department, which will at all times be sujiidieil with a as.sorfment from the most cololtrated manufacturers, and kejit in perfect running order, so that juirchasers m»3- at once take them, with a written guarantee that they will verform correctly. Tliis branch of the business will receive tl;e especial .ittontion of one of the lirm. ex tensive and j.ractical knowledge of the Im.sincss ;'I'hc Psalmist, v, itli Suppleiiif: A NEW Collection of HYMNS for til. ^ Raptist Churches. A further 'iiji '. received. E. J. HALL x ' Sept. 10, isr>i. TIONARV; A Fl'PiTJIER supjilV just rei’civfil. ^ E. .1, HALV: i Aug. 1:1. 'I'1'I> X''I I> w.'I,'I ■'1 \ hojie, give tis a place in the confidence I L l\ 11 O I I *. i of bnvers. ^l.NGLLSll hite Dutoli, large English Nor- I We ros]iectfuily invite you to call upon ms J folk, Riita I’aga Turnip Seed, received to-i v.hen yoti next visit our citv, confidently be o sai,i:m PAi'iMt-Atfi.f,. rB^HE Bub.seriber has taken ebarge of this old and well knov^'n Establishment, and is pre- )»ared to attend to all orders for Printing l^lj)er, Mcrclianls’ and Factory Wraj)ping, &c. I 1 he .^lill hijs recently been thoroughly refitted w ith new machinery, and the subscriber believes j he can Paper of iis good nuality aiul at j as cheji]i prices as can be purchased any whore North or South. CHARLE.S E. .SHORER, Salem, .fune 7, IH.jl, 77tf Line of 4 horse Post Coaches from Fayetteville to Warsaw—Dally. ^KIHE Subscribers having secured the mail contract on the above Luir, will commence THIS D.W, running a Lino of Four Ilmso Post Coaches, Daily. Leaving Fayetteville at C> P. .M., and arriving at Warsaw at J past li ,M.. in time for the Cars North and .South. Re turning, leave Warsaw on the arrival of the Cars, say about 1 or 2 P. M., and arrive at Fay etteville in ten hoitrs. livery care will be taken to romler tho line jdea.sant, eonvcuient, and safe, for Travellers. •\ Line of Stages will be establi.shed us soon as ]iossible, ny the Plank Hoad, from Favette- viilc vi;i Carthage and .Asheborough, to Lexing ton, Salem, and Salisbury. McKlNNON McNElLL. Fayetteville, N. C., Aug. 8, 1,H-tf TIIE ( KLEBRATED BrCK IMT£.\T COOKIIVG STOVE, tS for sale by the Subscriber in Raleigh and !• ayctteville; in Raleigh at his Shop on Faj'- etteville .Street, and in Fayetteville at .Mr. A. M. Campbell’s. The Sub.?criber hereby forewanis all persons from purchasing any of these Stoves from any person either in or out of North Carolina, ex cept from himself or Jiis duly authorized .\goiits. He has purchased the exclusive right to vend this Stove within the State, and will prosecute liny person infringing his right, either by pur- clmsin.e, polling, or using, a.’iy except those oh- tained from hinigelf. JOSFPII WOLTFRI.N'(J. Raleigh, Ap*il 19, IbOl. Gf'tf day and for gale by Aucust 4. P>OOK lUNDKUV. HARDIE has rosuine*.! tLc Rindir.g l>usiness at the new .'•tiri' door to Mr. Heasley. Jeweller, where lie » ■" ceive and execute binding iu any .sfvle !'..■ AtlgUbt 1. K. s. J. HINSDALE. lU-tf Jilt) liUli* ; ^B^HE Steamer HRUTHERS and Tow l’oat.‘», : B. STi;\ MNSON and DAVID LEW IS are pre- 1 pared to forw.ird with 1)i:si-.\tcii, all goods oon- i signed to the Propi-ietor. I Tho .Steamer Hrothors is of light draft, and j well suited to run iu low water. .She jiogsosses , ]«ower, and speed, and is admirably adapted to j towing, and can accommodate about 20 passen- I ^'T'^ I The proprietor contemplates running the Roat himself, and will give special attention to way freight and naval sti-res; to towing, and will al so attend to the comfort and ciuveiiience of Passengers. From his long experience as .\gent in W ilmingion of the several Steam Roat Com panies, he thinks he can give satisfaction. To Merchants in the interior he would hav, that all (toods shipped bj’ him, will be delivo«'cd to their .\gents in Fayettevilie. His agen* .n Wilmin.irtcm is .lOHN C. LATTA. to whom ail comniiniications ma^' bo addros.seil, a.s Agent of the Steamer Brothers. JOHN RANKS, Proprietor. May 1”). “2-y FOR SALR. ONE lot of T.and containing 2 acres, with a comfortable Dwelling House and Kitchen thereon. The above ]iroperty is in half a mile ot Uoboson Institiiie, Robeson county. Also, Fout Shares of tho Capital Slock in aaiil Institute, For furtlicr particulars, inquire of .. ALFRED .TACKSON. Cumberland county, Sopt. 1, 1861. lf»tf NOTICK. rB’^llE Steamer Chatham will leave this plnce every .Monday and Thursday at 7 o'clock, A. M., (instead of 9 o'clock as at pri'seiit,) com mencing at 7 o’clock Monday 10th in.'.f. Time of leaving Wilmington, every Tuesda}- and Fri day at 2 o’clock P. .M. JN(). D. ^^ILLI.VMS, Agent Ca))0 Fear Steamboat Co. FavetteTiile. March -i. •Vc#r Firm, The uiulorsi^riied jia\(' entered into copartnership, under the name and style of H.\LL it S.XCKETT, for the purpose of doing j a Dry Goods and Hardware Rusiness, and have taken the Store o doors East of the Fayetteville ' Having that an examination of our Cioods wlil j.rove to yon that they are better stylos hiul ■ cheaper than yon have over soon in this mar!;et, j and assure you that no efbirt shall be wat-ting | on onr part to make the aciiuaintanoe one ('f i Jiiutual benefit. I L. 11. MILLER CO. | (>ld stand, formerly occv.]»ied by Canfield, Hro. \ Co., S. E. -or- ner of Charles Raltimoro st.- Raltimore, .luno 1S.')1. ] 1-Yo RFFERFNCES; Messrs. AA yeth, RlaokUiek iS; Co. (iwvn, Reid iS: Taylor. .lames Hodges .S: Rrother. Hurst iV ISorry. Murdoch. Duer Evans. Stellmann \ Hinrichs. Sangstoti Co. I’arthlow. (iwyn & (’o. Piioly Pendleton. Cushings vS: Railey. .John ^lurphy Co. Moore \ (iriflin. rnijiir Fluid and ('(nniihw' l'RNIN(» FU'IO at SO cent.s j.trpi ' Camphine at fiO Roth of the best |Utility, oonstatiti.v cn -- and for s:ile by Aug. 7, 18.')1. S. .1. IHN'SI'A^f II:: Hotel. August 2»'», 18r»l. J. H. HALL. A. E. HALL. T. M. kSACKETT. D'.tf 1' are now receiving a large and well .se lected Stock of w DRY GOODS, Comprising every article usually kept In that line, together with 150 Root.s and Shoos, and CapM. —ALSO^ A well selected Stock of To all of wliich we invite tho nitention of Mor^ chanta of the interior, who will find it to their interest to e.xajjjine our Stock before making their purchnsos. We will not be undersold by any oiic doing b(ieiiiic«id tu this place. HALL k SACKKl’T. ^August 2-’), 18.jl. ],jtf Blank ]yuf'ran{s /hr h^rc. I.IFE 1\SI KAN( E. rM'^HE Undersigned has been appointel Agent -I of the North Cfirolinn Mutu.n1 Life Insu rance Company. Every member for life partic ipates in the profits of the Company; and the animal premium tor life membership, wliere it amounts to .SlJO or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the other half in a iiote at 12 months. Debtorti livea may be injured by creditorji. A man may insure his own life tor the exclusive benefit of his family. The lives of slaves mtiy beinsurcil. riiia sygtem Is I'apldl.y growing Into favor, all over the civilized world. It i» one b.v which a tamily, lor a small sum liiinually, may be pi>o- vided for, after the death of its head, on whoiio e.xertions they niay have beo» dependent for u support. U in a gootl investment of money, even if oae ahouhl livo luiig after taking oiit'ii Life Policy Kspb»rt4tory pamphleta, )iu4 tJip tigceiiBftvy iJUttks, fixrnishc4 on application. . IJAEt:. J’ayetitjville, .liine 1850. prlxting lnk. A PEW aolb Kogs, just received nnd for i:. .1 FIALi^ it SUN. , Aug. l:). 'File Uoston AeadeinvV leotion of CliFRCH MFSK’. a fiirtlifr‘ just received. E. J. HAU: \ Stpt. 3, 18.-.1. ^ DRUGS J\mtt.-i, 0(7,, Wiuifoic Ghisf, ] S.\MI’EL (•fi'ers for sale an extensive n.'' of (i()(*DS, among which arc lowing: . ^ Opium. Camphor, Castor Oil. Ali '!‘ •, pliur. Aloes, Magnesia, Rhubarb, Quinine, Cream Tartar, Sal Soda. Ciisti' Snpor oarb. Soda, Epsom Salts. Sp'i;?^- Sarsaparilbi. Kreosote, Ronix. Arre«r' glass, (tuni Arabic, Gum Myrrh, ('iip'i'-'"^''‘ belia, Plasters, Lit^uorice, Chloroturiii. Paste, Coppera.s, AVhite Le;id. LinscciD*"- ‘ , t^il, AVhiilo Oil, Sperm Oil. Sweet 'i'- , CHI, Copal Varnish, Leather V;inii!|I>' Varnish, Window Glass, Pnttv, riiniii’i' ■ , Chrome Green, Chrome Yellow, Patent Plack, Terra de Sienna. I nd'*’’'- . Load, Litharge. Red Lead. Patent . ting, French Yellow, Yellow t)chro, Hod, Spanish Brown, Prussian per, Starch, Sal EratuR, Mustard. megs. Pepper, Hops, Indigo, Madder. Ginger, Glue, .\nuiito. Cloves, .Miu’i*. Fluid, Alum, Oxalic .\cld, White Wash Rrushes, Raint Rrushos, Varninl^ j. Scrubbing ditto, Siioe do., Tooth Eofwood, Red wood, black with a general assortment of .Medloin^||l calji of ali kinds; French and Fu;rl'>'h jK.. ry au»J Koaps; with a full assoituieiit cl • leading Patent Medicines now in u^o. ,^i Oidera from the country proniptl.'" (o, iind goods carefully packcii. The Subscriber foi l meet the wishes of the jiurcliaser in ouality and price. S. J. IlLNSDALi;, I'l October 12, l»jo. „s.surod tliHt IF 1 i. Oct, Di. w flielin'j: of These 'I and lire Oit, 11 M't, BMnt of 1 iu^ of silk pneos-; 1 Dresses a I ^Mlity ; U«doislee Filb-t h.M g»nt si.vli fatliionabli P*tt>Ti\s: vet Manti nct'l.inin, hamls'ime Dre»s s IfcrV Di ■wiiie .Man Oct. 11 W' two first 1 h .ni plojment Fa\«‘tt« 4 LAi JLjm. (Ml)} C2P4.k. I.j. ^oW>d C: Me»ioran ©ct. '• "rose R WeTi'ter' Just re Oct. Puivi .Ju^ Oct. '.I, s oin m . Oct. rt. Fi R;'- Caroline. C. Mont.i J>ay the : Oonfinoiii 20 yeai> Favott ON ALT. J ii't