SEMI-WEEK t, Y. u [VOL. I.] FAYETTE\ ILLE, X. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER If,, 1851. [NO. 31.] I'UINTKI) BY XKWHY KDWARI) .!. HALi: k SOX, Kl'IIOKS AM» I’ltOl'lIll'TonS. >. •'tlif S.'iiii-Wfi'kly (>i;sKi:vr.u 00 if . ,;.l in ->1 if (hiriiij^ tlio • >'! ir iiftvr tlio vcav lias • till* H'l'ckly Oii«iKU\ Ku per aninini. if ] Mi l ill :i'hiiiiro: ’>0 if paiil lnrinp the "I'•^ulisi rijition; or >}>:' O^.t al'tor the voar !i I'vj'iri*'!. \!>\ I'I;TIS1!.MKNTS inserted for sixty cents fi. r' ju;ire I'lT the first, and thirty cents for each . !, )»ul>lioation. Yearly advertisements I - j' i'Kil 'ntr:u ts. at reasonalile rates. Ad- ;ire re«ni‘'st‘'d to state the number of desired. .>r they will l>e ctmtinned till f, ;!'- 1. :iiid i lMr"i*d :iecorIin^ly. l.ftt»‘i-s ti* tiio Editui-s must be post-paid. o II. ItUANSON & SO.X ri'.ll for sale, l '»0 ijoz. Knives and Forks. tVi.p! .‘lO «.-ts. to *!.") (Ml set: 10*'do. I’licket a!! unalities. Him. Stock .ii»d Pad k'. runjrht ar.d fast Hiitti!, Screws, Hinjres. ■,ai ’ Hand Saws, l>rawinp Knives. Steel- i-. S.Ill Iruns, Cast and (Jerniau Six-ket « ' . Il.'imiiiers, Hatchets, S'luares, furry )!"T'si‘ l>ni.she.«. Shovels and 'I'oiifrs, SI.'kVcI.s and .Spudes. ('ross t'nt . Ti-.'ce and !?rvast Chains; and slmll have lew dayy :• full ‘-tau‘nt of I'lane.s. (.'all ex.iiuiiic. i. I t Oii-tf HLA('fvSMITIl TOOl.S. Kl 1.1. as.sorrnjent of the best |uality. for i ' ;!♦• by II. BlI.VNSON .V SON. :!i»-tf Dr. I). (;ILCIIR1JST, Snr'i»i>n D) Hti-it, '^11.1. visit Fnyetteville on the :’d of No- 1 ■•.'tilx-r iK'M. .iiitl reninin s 'ine ten or .l:>ys. I’iTS'ins wishin" liis jirufcs.siuiial 1 i;! ple.isc call s.ion, as his engage- ! c .'l»i>rt st.ty. i>rcoii(l Oi'i II ilitia. \\ vcti-u for .Maji»r (itiioral »f tlu* a »..'l Ik- held on the loth of Novem- il : ' ’ '''UN WlNSl.i )W tif Cumberland. ■M' • ' : 1 t. r (iftice. [:'.ntK FRESH TE.AS.; f te snb.«-rib*-r h.-is in«t re- I. ceived and offers for .sale. .1 s'lpj'Iy of (irr( /t and lihick 'I'ras, ■ >I' very supcriiir ijualify, cou- . do is wvre ••Hy-.n." ••liii]>erial.‘’ •■Voiinir llysun. selected bv a 'laiiieinlcd us 1. ‘first rate. S. J. IILNSKAI.K. :!ltf \l.TO.N has .just returned from ihe N Mil with a new iin 1 bt-aufiful ass>rt- 1 :.ll a;id Winter Mll.LlNKKV, consist- -i k. and velvet Pwiin* t.-. nf vari>u.' t’bimes. I'ibliuns and Fbiwev-^; ' :ind :ips; Straw r>iimets if difi'ereiit :ind price; Inside t'apes; t'ollar.s and -■eves: very be-t nin1ity of Kid (•Invi s: ii.'i rtinjr. long anil .-iliKi’t; a new .m l ele- ;\ie Ilf I>rc,'.s Triiiiminir^. '1’ tlie most i .' l" kind, and .i f- '.v h.-ui I>res.' iviM red ;tnd [tlain “i!k .M.-intill:i“: vel- ;ind ('loak.s; a new st ^le ut l’«in- and Trimming''-. I'f all i :i-^M..rtniviit i.f I'lower.s iliiis; and an I iie.'i .-es ma.le in the t> aud t Uiakb. -:.i. latest vtvlo: like- .1 liy \;o\ .^1 \vv^'ri:i>. ! li' jib.-^criber wishes t» eiii|il'iy tme or iMt-- \Vi,eelw ri^rlianil \V;i;.:‘ n maker.-'. .. the lii;.:hi-st wjijies anil conitant cm- | ill ! i- jrivcn. .\pplv sonii tu I Kl.I.IAH ri l.I.KR. i- ••■■viii.. (t,-t. i::, IS.'.I. rsir«Mi||M‘ oll .\oriii Mal«*. A ;kv. >11 kmwkli. iV {’o. liuve just r‘-| ■1 'i'li'n'lid assortment of S‘il>'in i ■ ' ::::1 ^'Tcv. to w liich they would call j I " fp| the jiiiblie. These p'ldil..: will j ’ !'• in '[uality and durability with tiie best ^ [1- \ r;i-,ii,nTes. and arc much clieajtcr, ' I ■- I: 'III I'l:.'^ cent> tu •'};1 2o per yard. ' i ' ill'. S. Oct. I t, ]s')i. Jititf ! lU.AXK I500KS, I I''*K :ir' irtment of every leseription. t.i' itiLT Meiiiiirn, I*erni. and Caii l!e- | .I'liirn.-r' :ind I'ny T-'ioks; Half, ■' :iiid f^n:ii to ISIanks of every variety: j i iiii I’.d.iks Ilf all kinds, just received. ; K. J. II.VLK vS: S(».V. j ROSE WOOD WRITING DESKS7 | K 'l- " 1 Work I’xi.iies; l'apieI•-.^lache '■ ' iiii.'. I’urt I'lilins, ;ind Ink Stands. I-:. ,1. 11 \1,K vS; SON. W i:i{STER\S ~ \KTo Dictionary; flitto Octavo: W'ulk- r-i (li-t:ivo; Worcester's, Walker's and i.stei- Si hool l)i(:tii.nai ies, Kc,. re.eived by K. .1. IIALK & SON. " •t. l’»\.\KEirs W AlJJ'/i’S; ~ jS'OITK F.ilii.s: Wiitin^r I .Just received by ,J. il.\LK it SOX. s\\ ALM S .ILS riC'E; ^'d;ili ('nrolina Form Hook; Civil Practice * ^ Niirtli Curoliij.l. r:. J. iTALi: & sox. I'iv«‘ llollarM KcwarcL '''\ AV from the sub.scriber, on 1). I.VMAX III RIL\XK, Sitri f st-or to Ifntrh «l- lUtrhiink', W holesale and Retail Dealer in T»l»a(*c»^ and Siiiiff', Kl-'l’l’.S constantly on hand the above named articles, of tlie most jiopular brands, ami warraiiteil cijual to any in tlie couiitry. Hav ing made arran.irenieiits w ith an e.\tensivc house in Maltinmre. lie will sell .at Italtimore prices, and respectt'ully invites the citizens of Fayette ville and surroundinji coitntrv to :iive him a call. |'i-,,nt Street. ne\t ibior to Mes.^rs. Pol icy \ Hart, (at the si;rn of TllK Tl llK.) iimin}rtiin, Oct. ‘.t, is'il. JJutf v:.\pi:Pvn:N(’K is thf p.fst. Many n poor wretch writliinji under tlie ef fects tif llyspejKsia. iti some form, has become exhausted or we.atiier beaten for the want iif proper medicines judiciously taken. Not, how ever, any (d' tiiose «|uack nostrums that pretend to cure consumption, liver afl'ections, or rheuma tism, by one remedy, but such convbinationfi as are aiiapted to the nature and character of the disease. If proviu" invaluable by experience, a reme- tly is to be cin1idcd in, here is otie that will not fail to materially beuelit or cure any case of in- dijfestion or dyspepsia. The Rev. .James Perryman, a I?aj>tist clergy man, who is extensi\ely known in (Jeorjria, states thus: Talbot county, .June 184S. Dr. Little—Dear Sir; Haviiifr Jieen so nnu'h benefited by your medicines, I will cheerfully' state the case. For years past 1 have been bad- ly ilyspejitic. such :is tifihtness iind oppression after tneals, ai-idity of the stomach, debility, want of dijre.'tiun, vVc. In this state many ar- tii’es offdiiil were otilijjcl to be avoided, to say in'thinj; of the languor and wj-eteiiedness often cxiicricnce'l :!t:y way. It was about under these cireumstii iici's. I bc:au u^iIlJr ^ our .\ntacid Ve- ;j:et.ilile Pills ami Tunic P»itters: very soon 1 fiiund miu h relief, with quite an improvemetit • >f iie.iUii. The medicines 1 ci>ntinuel with the jrre.-itest advaiit.iire. partieularly the Antacid, fmdinjr it always ti> jrive |uick relief, and to pfiimnte dijrestioti. T liad tiot takt'U them loiij;. I>efi>re I could use any kind of food I chose with impunity, even c.iliba^e. and other things here tofore inadmissible. For many months past (since taking the medicine) 1 have enjnyedgood healtli. which has not bef*n tlie ease for years before. Those of my friends and aciuaintan- ces similarly atflicied, 1 would advise to try I these D\spcpt:c medicines. Voui-.-». tnilv. 1 tSignedi .lAMF.S PFHUV.MAV. j I’e id the ful]o»ittg well m irkcd cases that h:;d I'llig b.iffli'd all ot'icr rem'dies; ; P.:ildwin ciiuiity. .\pril 1SP>. l>r. I.ittle—Dear .''ir: Fur the last -iix vn- se ven years. my wile ii.i* been liadly aHlicted w ith i d\ spcpsia. so much si> as to becojiie nearly help- | i \ s-', .ilthough ha\ing bc/n attended by two or ' ' three | ii_\sii ians. ibiring the last year .'he I j t'li'k. wliilst ill this situatinn. your .\ntacid .in ! | i Vegetable Pills, wiiieh soon helped her much : j t'rom that .-^inking or o]ipre.'.-ion after eating. I besides g.iining strength. She continued to iui- i priive fast, jiarticul.irly wheii we uscil the Tonic ' liittei' with tiie nther medicint-s. and is now . eti.i"ying pretty fair health, and feels like a new lieing. \ (lurs. respectfully. ;.'signed' HKZHKI.V UOtiKllS. Sen. The f:i--simile id' the signature of Dr. W. fl. I.ittle will be found upnu the outside wrapper (if each :if hi.' Mediciiii-s. Snld whiilesiile and ri'tail. >iy the Proprietor, at his Manufacturing l)ep..t. No. ijc.t .Market str‘et, Philaibd]ihia. and Maci>n. (ienrgia. gr.f' To be had also of .lames Cnin. I’.ocktish; ,\. Watsnii. Fhiml ('n'lege: Townsend iV Doug lass. IJennettsvi’.le; Dr. P. M. Cnhen. Charles- t‘in: C. C. IJarbee P.arclavsvillc: P. F. Pe.~'cud, Kalcigh. S. .1. HINSl'ALF,, Agent for Fi»yette\ille. • ilfitnit isfretfor^s •'%'otire. Cl MIJKRL\Nt> CoVNTV. N. C., > Sept. 'J2, Ix'jl. I rMlHH S>tbsrriber h.iving. mi the second day M. lit .‘^••pteiiiber Court ff Ple.i' .uid (Quarter ,'sessinns for s.iid County, Is-M. taken Letters of Administratiiiii according to N.-iw on the Kstate ■f Dr. Hiram Ilobinson, d‘ceascd. hereby gives notici' to all creditors of said Fst.ate. to iii-esent their claims, duly anthentic itcd. within the time liiiiiied liy law f..r that purpuse. olh'‘r- w ise thi' notice will be iibMded in bar of recovery. 1 K btors to said l'>tate w i'i .also ji'.easc to make p.i\ i;;i.’nt imme liately. Pi >!’,1NS( )N. .\'liiiiMi;tra‘tor. M-'ttriUcr •'%'otire. [ril-l. be .sold on t!ie loth d.ty of October next, .'t tli- Market in Fayette- on a credit of six m"ntiis, :i man by the name of 1511.1.. wi-ll kiiown as a t>oat h;:nd, be longing to the ;il>ove Fstate. J4-fjw] l’i;‘'.M'.N Koi'.l'.'SON, A Im’r. BOOTS & SHOES. Wk are rccoivin^ our Fall and W inter supply of ISi>oti4 and ^Ikh's Consisting of a very large anu splcti'iid assortment of the l-ATKST FASHIONS, ami embr.iciiig ii very ;rrcat variety of styles for Ladies', (ientb-men s, .Miss es , Boys’, and Children's wear; with a large as sortment ol .Men's ami P>ov s Kip and Coarse 1?1!0(;,\NS. superior article d'(.lentlemen's and Ladies’ India-ruliber Shoes. —ALSO— 1 rnnks, ('arprt llags, and Window Shades: Calf, .\Iorocco. (Joat, Lining, liindiiig. and Pad Skins; .Sole l.eather. Lasts, Shoe Thread, Spar ables, .'ie. Persons wishing to purchase by or Retail, arc reijuested to examine imr Stock. We are deterniined to sell very low for Cash, or on time to juinctual customers, S. T. HAWLFV & SON. Sept. oO, 1S>1. I'ft-Ow HITS. f.lPfi, IIOOTS & SilOI-:S. Slock, FALL, FILL .\S p'SjOllfiS. J>. Mj. A' J. •§. I*emh€rlon •VVF' just receiveil from New York and Philadelphia a complete Stock of SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, .Vmong which may be found an extensive lot of LADIKS’ DUI’SS (JOODS, viz; Plain, watered and tig d Silks: Needle-worked Cashmeres; l!ro- cade and watered Poplins; ('hame'eon Louisian- EDWIN GLOVEll, W.\TC]I-.MAKi:il AND .JKWKM.EI!, AT THE OLD STAND, Si(fih of the Lur(j>‘ Watrh, TH returned from the North vith a large Jb 1 assortment of W.\TC 11 HS. CLOCKS .VND JK W J'lLPi'f, whiih he invites the public to ex- as: Cheue i»eps; Plaid Lustres: rich Saxonv De- amine, .\jiiong his stock can be tound, Laiiis: plain, watered and tigured Silk warp ^'old and Silver Watches of all kii .\lpacas; Second Mourning Poiilins; black l!om- Gold and Silver I'ob, (iuanl, a H K Siiliscrilicr ofl'ers for sale one of the ■- largest and best assortments of (,!(> )1(S in his line ever oH'ered in this jilace. He is very thankful t'or the very lil>eral patronage that he has had, and solicits a continuance of the same. His stuck has been selected with care, and consists of nearly every variety aud style, from the )>cst m inufacturers. ' He has ou hand and otl'ers low for ('r’x/,, at retail or by the c ase, latest styb's (ientlemen’s i IJcavcr, Nturia, .\bilc-kiii. Silk. P>rush and .\n- ' gola H.\TS. .VKi . .Jenny Lind, Kossuth, .Ar tist. Hough and Keady, and stitfened Fur and i U Col IL'its. tor Men. ^outh audl>o\s—in abuu- damc by the dozen or case. | —ALSO— A very large upply of Cloth, Plush, Velvet and Fur C.VPS, of all (pialities. styles aud pri ces,—b\ the tingle Cap or by the dozen. —ALSO— I’oots Hi'id Shoes, of the following varieties, viz: Fine W.Mit-r-pruof. tine Calf, , fine Kip and he.avy Winter POO'I'S, ,\lso. Pmivs' an 1 ^'ouths' Calt and Kip '’mots, tientlemi'ii ■; Dress .''lio-s, of v.-irious ‘jualities. Together witli an assortment of .Misses’ and 'hildreM s IJOOTS and SHOl'.S. viz; .Jenny Lind, l'\cel>iors, Caiters. ditto Half. Piuskiri '. Slippers and Morocco Pmots. ■Mso. (ientlemen's and Ladies’ l>ubl>ers. With a good supply of Youths', Uoys', Childrens' and Servants heavy .''hoes. All of wiiieh he oilers low for or on time to ]iuiii-tual customers. Pli‘:tse call au'l satisfy Yourselves bet'ure p irchasing elsewdu're. JOHN C. THOMSON. Market .Sijuare. Sept. "Ji'i, IS.^1. liotf F ILL m (iOODS. '^'■7’ K havt‘ ri'ceived and are now receiving W W our usii.-il ,''tic'K of SI'AIMJ: vV LAXCV (iOODS, Cotisisting of nearly every article usually kept in the Dry (ioods line. — AI.SO— A KINK inT.MKNT oF F;'.s!!ioiia!)lc lioniu'ts, 1 lats, C’aps. Iioots, Sli(»c-.^, cVc. The aliove .''toek v. e would invite our custom ers. friends, :ind the j>u!i';i generally, to call and examine liefore pui‘c!>u,"ing. as we are de termined to sell (ioods to suit the times. AI.KX P. .JoilNSoN \ CO. Fayetteville. Sept. Is;', 1. L’otf Alpacas; Second Mourning Poplin: I)aziiies; a few sujierior lOveniiig Dresses; pink, lilue, wiiite and straw colored Tarltans, i'i:c. Plain and watered .Mantillas: l!ay St.ate, jilaid and embroidered Thibet and (.'ashmere Shawls; dra)» aud black (.'ashmere ditto. I'MUl’OlDKUlF.S.—Frencli AVorked Lace Capes and Collars; worked Cuffs; a beautiful lot Uertha Lace Capes; I’nder-sleevcs and Cliemi- .settes; Swiss and Jaconet Trimmings; Hem- i stitched am! Needle-worked Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs; black, blue ami white Laco Veils, &c. &c. —AI.SO— TJlnck, brown and green F'rench and English Cloths; black and fancy (’a.ssimeres: jilaiii ami fig'd Satin Vestings; Valencia and Cashmere ditto; Tweeds: Sattincts: Kentucky .Jeans; Silk and Worsted .‘'erges; plaid Liuseys; red, blue and white Flannels: French and Silk warp ditto: Jirown and bleached Canton ditto; Druggets; Osnaburgs; Frencli and Flnglish Prints; Irish Linens; 'I’oweling; Tal)le Diapers; Ladies’ and (ientlemen’s Kid (iloves, of a very sujierior (pnil- itv: Silk and ('otton Hosiery: Lamb's Wotd ami M erino ditto; Ladies' ami (ientlemen's Ca.sLniere (iloves. iVC. iVC. .1 hinji /of of Dminifs^', Mfl>\kh} cvfl ..i/?- [/o/ti J[ ii's tintf Jioi/s' t'njmj Jlnt nntf !>*'/( Rihh'nis. A superior lot of Gentlemen's Calf I’oots and Shoes; Ladies’ traiters and other styles of Shoes; Travelling Trunks; t'arpet Mags, \c. 'I'he above (ioods were selected more particu larly tor the iiK’f.MI. TU.\D1>, uud will be sold on verv accommodating terms. F,. !.. v»c .J. A. PKMUF.RTON. Sept. 11, IS.-.l. *_>ltf AKEV, .miEvTi€0. NFAV FALL AND INTER C^OM>!S. kinds and ind Vest ('hains; (iold. Silver, .Stone, and Steel Keys and Seals; 15ri‘ast Pins and Far-Rings of all kinds and prices; Finger Rings; Gold, Silver and Steel Sjicctacles; Silver jind (iold Thiml.des; tine Rracelets: Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils; Gold Lockets; Gold and Silver l>elt P>uckles; Card ('; Coral Beads; Sleeve Ibittons; fine Accordeons; .Music Ho.xes; fine and comuion Walking (’anes; fine and common Pistols: Silver ('ups; Silver Spoons; Port-.Moneys; Purses; Clocks, from S?’- to Plated Cake P>askets, Castors and Candlesticks; Brass do.; Back-Gani- nion Boarils; iltc.. \c. MILITARY GOODS. Swonis, Saslu‘s, Lace, Buttoiis, Bugles, Stars, Plumes. Caps, «!i,c., &c. ]':irticnlar attcMitioii ]»aid to the Rep.-iiring of Watches and .Jewelry. Fayetteville, N. (’., .July l!l. t'>-:im Watches and Jewolry, At WIioleMalc aiil Kelail. J. M. REASLEY .D resi ectfullv infornt the jiublic JS 9C •r'm. ■ • T Post. led.' I ilie. h'licofirai^c ^orlh ('nrnhna. rBC^HK iiiid'r.'igiiC‘i is m.inufacturing. in Fay- JE- etleviile. Boot and Shoe Polish, far siperi(>r to tJie Pdacking purchased in the Northern cities. He intends d*'Voting his whole time to nrmiifacturing and v-nding this very su perior Pfilish, and calls uj>on all who think it to the interest of the Southern j>eople to liecomc inde]iendent of Nortliern m.anufactnrcs, to give him their aid and patronage. He is prejiared to show, by ithfohiif Irinl. to any one who will call upon him, the (•;.»/ \VRrnx(; i‘api:r. RF.\M.'' assorted Fr*'ucli, aiid .\mericau Cap, Letter, JVith Folio J’o-^t. and Note P.-ipers—a well se- stock. embracing a great variety of nu:il- itc and prif’e. ,\lso. Bristol ISoards. Perforat(*d Ditto. 'J'is.-'Uc and Drawing Paper, and Station- arv - fall kinds. .Jusr reireivin::. K. .J. HALE vV SON. Sept. l^.'-l. vn;o! ]\mu wmC (Jornor of North and .Monnnient Stm-is, K:i!fiiiior‘, ll.SSON \ B M RD hit ving cftmpleted their ex- tensive works, (whiidi is now one of the largest establishments of the kind in this coun try, > are prepared to rtll all orders in their line, viz: .Marble .>Iantels, Monuments, Tombs, (.'rave Stones, Table Tops, Tiles, (for floors.) •Marble I..etters, t'kc., at as reasonable rates as C!in be had in this or any other city in the I'nion. For beauty of exeution and originalit}’ of de- tock cannot be surpassed. They wiMild resp.-ctfiillv invite .Irc/ii/i'rlii, lluihli-TK, lioots and shoes once c..mpletely blacked anl and others to call .and e.xamine polished, and be satisfied. before iiureliasing. They are also prepareil to This article is olfered at a price n^.t higher I trade with Slabs, IMocks, &c. to or- " ' ' ■ ’ “ ler. rioril^l of his over all other polixhf^ or hhirkniy | their now sold in North Caroliim. (’all and iiave your i > 5 the I ' ' . in'-t.. a negro girl by the name of j >aid ”irl is proljaJdy lui-king aJiout -igiii '. I hir*M| her from him. J will .bovo lew.ird tor lier deli\ery to me, or ii I'lit ill our jail. Said (’aroline is about age unite tall for that age. •JOHN STEWART. ;i’e. 0( t. 1 cin:('Ks, TUI'; r. ^\KS IV F\VF fTLVDJ.E, ■' I ntiti d ;iiid for Sale :it thi' Olfice. than is usually chnrgetl for otl\er anl inferior ijualities. and a trial is e.ll that is askeil to se cure the patronage of the public generally. The undersigned expects to visit every jior- tion of the .'^tate to introduce his Polish, and asks now in advance that Merchants and others visiting Kavetteville will give him a call. A. .J. WOODWARD. June 21, 7(-im W AXTEi), (iOOD H.\NDS, at 7'> cts. per lay, on the Southern T’lank Road. Steady employment and cash payment weekly, if re- •juired. Apply to 1). M. iiriE, At th^ Steam .Mill, or to A. A. McKKTHAN, .Titne 2:?, Fayetteville. HENRIETTA LINE OF -if"* r Fy'!— Ntoani and Frei^flit Roatx, A all in excellent order for Imsiness. Our Tow I’lOats have been recently repaired ami in.nlo good as new. We have also alded a IK If I'lat for lo'.v water, and w«dl alaj)ted to the service. She will carry 7(M) libls. merchandize, and draw only inches water. Th ose favoring tis with tiieir patronage, may expect as prompt and cheap service in every partii-ulur as any other J.,ine cati ofl'iT. G. DE.MLN’G, Pre.s’t. R, M. ORRELL, Agent. ,\. I*. C.\/i.\L'X, .\gent at W ihuiugton. Fayetteville, Dec. l-’i, lK;)(i. ."jO-tf j lUnnl, Wnrrnifs fi)r sole hrrr. .\11 orders by mail ]iunctually attended to. L’ti-4m XO I'K E. FILL \W) \1I\TI:R (IOODS. Sub.scritiers are now' recei'ing a well H. selected stock of .'^tajde and I'aucy DR\' (iOODS. .\mtng their stock will be found the latest styles of l.adies' and (ientlemen's DlilOSS (iOODS, togetiier with a good a.ssortment of Kcaly-tii:ult‘ (’Idtliiii"; T'in})rellaf>; Hat'!, (’aps, ainl lioiiiiets; all kinds (tf IJoots and ('ar]»eting; Saiidlt*.s, IJridle.s, AV liips and Collars; Hardware :ind Cutlery; Ijoa- th(.-r; lliillnw-wareaixl (Votkory-ware; Jiiiiuji, (’rtisht'd, ClaritiiMl and lirown Sii- g.irw; Teas; lli», Ijaguira and Java ('ofi'ee; kSalt, Molasses, iron ami Nails. With many otiier Goods, which will be sold very cheap for Ci'sh, or on time to those who paj- puDCtniilly. We \rouhl be glail if our friciuls and the public gem rail}- would give ns a call. J. T. COUNCIL & (’AIN. Sept. 1. IHtf foITsaTJ:, ONE lot of Land containing - acres, with a C(>mfortablp Dwelling House and Ivitchen thereon. The above jn-operty is iR lialf a mile of Robe.son Institute, Robeson county. Also, Four Shares of the f’apital Stock in said lustitute. For further particulars, infpiire of ALFRED .JACKiSOX. Cumberland county. Sept. 1. IM.'d. !>tf from New York and Philadelphia, the lar gest and h.indsomest Stock of Sltijilr (ind Fanc^ Drij (ioods That tliey have ever exhibited in this market, *MubracIiig every variety of Ladict anl Gentle men s DI’I'.S.S (i()()D.s, a;ni'!ig wliich ‘suiy be found: J’lack and fancy watered and pl.iiu Dress .'silks: l>bick and fancy CoJiurg-:; I.ania Twills; figured and plain fancy and black Mohair Lus tres: Silk Warp nii'l Crape Rrocades; Swi.«s, .''cotch atid Chene fiinghams: Saxony De Lains; Fr!‘jich, Fngli'h and .Vmerican l‘rints; Emlj’d C:i“hniere': pbiiti ditto; chnngi-able !>e-l.ains; watered and neetlle-work Cashmeres; changea ble Yoneses; Pirocade Ltistrcs: Danmsk .Kolians; t>!aek P>ombaziues; second-iin>\irniiig PopUns; plain and watered Silk .Mantillas: colored ami i)lack \'elvet Mantillas: Brocade Po{>lins: and a large assortment of Dress Trimmings: French and Kngli'h .Merinos: Velvet Neck Ribbons and t'urt's, \c. KMBUoii>i:iirK5!. French worked Coll.-irs and (’apes: French w orked Cnff“- Frem h w orki-d ’heiiiisi-ttes; I 'li- der-.‘'b eves: .''w i.>s and .lacon.'t Trimmings; In fants' Waists .ind ’aps; Ilom-stitched arnl nee dle-worked l.ineii ('ambric llandkerciiicts, troui 10 cts. to •'T'j; and u iKViutiful assortment of Veil.-: eviM’v v.iriety of Shawls, embroidered and plain: Thread, ('otron and Linen Edgings and L.accs: black Silk l.aces and Edgings. —A LS' >— I'lack, blue, brown and green Frcnch and Fnglisli Cloth"^; lilack and fancy ('.•issimeres; Cut Velvet, figured and black Satin and Yalen- ci.i Vestings, tsome very handsome:) Sattincts; Kentucky' .Jeans: Tweeds; Lin.seys; Fiauncis, wool ;ind Cotton; Osuuhurgs; T)ruggi‘ts; Damas’iv Tfible Coths: ditt ) Napkins: ntre-Tf;l>le Cov ers. very fine: Piano Co\ers; Irish l-inens; en L.'iwns: 'I'Jirciid Catn>>ric3; Towe!ling.s: (ieu- tlemen's .Merino Shirts ami Drawers; Silk Neck and Pocket Handkerehie^'^; Ladies’ Merino \'ests; (’a'hmere and Silk Hose; ditto Half-Hose; the celebrated S;ilem .Je.iiis. black and grey. Ladles', (ientlemen's and Children's BO(>TS and SIK)LS. Men's. Roys' :ind Infants’ Hats an»l (’tijts. Velvet, S.itin, Str.-iw atnl F'iorence Bonnets. J^itto ilitto ditto for Misses. .\nd e\ory article usually kept in a Dry (Joods Store. We invite the public to call and exam ine our large aud handsome .Stock, as we are al ways anxious to show our (ioods. IfV /.vY'y> Ten (twl Coffer. AREY, SH EM WELL & CO. return thanks to tiie citizens of Fayetteville, and the public generally, for the very liberal patronage here tofore bestowed on them, and intend, by strict ittentioii to business, to merit a continuance. S. S. AREY. P. SHEMWELL. .1. R. McDONAl.D. Faj'ctteville, Sept. 13, 1801. 21tf P. P .IOIL\SOx\“ .\S .7UST RECEIVED and offers for sale, cheaj),— 7.”) bags sujierior Rio COf’l'EE, ‘Jo liarrels ('ofl'ee Sugar, ')0 barrels Mackerel, Nos. 1, ’J and 3, Loaf and (iianulated Sugar. —ALSO— A large assortment of Iron and Nails, Shov els, S]>ailes, 'I'race Chains, Shnxels and Tongs, Rlacksmiths’ Bellows, .\nvils, Vises, Hammers, Planes, Augers and (,’hisels, Files, (’ollins’s .\xes, tS:c. August H>, 18')1. 14tf '•'S/'Ol'i.D respect W w generally, th.-it he has returned recent ly from New York, with decideilly a large as sortment of II’«fr/if.s and ,Weir€lry>. Many of these Watches were bought for (".VSH BY TH!' !’.\(’K.\(II', and cat', therefore >)o s dd very low He lias Watciies of all kinds; Chains, Keys aud Seals of all kinds and of the latest styles: Fingir-Rings, Ear-Rings. Med.allions, of ••ill .■'izes, of English aud .\liierican make; La dies' Chatelaines: (’utt Pins: (’ollar and .''leevc Buttons: Shirt .'^tuds: (iold .''pcctacles, light and he.avy; (iold Pens and Pencils: GoM and Silver Thimtiles; Bracelets: Silver Fruit ami Butter Knives; Silver Spoons of all sizes; large lot of I’ockct ('utlerv; .Scissors, best iiuality: Button hole Scissors, .'Purveyor's ('omi»asses and Chains; Mathematical Instruments; large (piantity of fine and common Pistols: fine and common sin gle and double-barrel (!uns: (iame P>ags; Shot Belts and Powder Flasks; .Military Goods, in cluding the Jiass Drum and the smallest Buttou; Violins aud extra Itow.-; Flutes, C'ariouets, Fla geolets, .\ccordt‘oiis. of all kinds and sizes: Mu sic Boxes: Perfumery; Soap; Lather Brushes; Razors and .'>tro]>s; Dressing and Pocket Combs; Platdi aiul Britanni;> Ware; aud various other things too tedious to ejiiunerrite. Call and give me a trial. Cash paid for old Gold and Silver. WAirnKs and Jfavei.hy neatly Rejiaired. Fii^' fti riHe, A". — Xorth-Koaf Con'cr of Mnrhft Sijiinrr. 12-f.m] ’ .T. M. BEASLEY. \\ .\x ri:i), :’)(»00 ft. .Vshe I.umbcr for W:!gons. 1 to .■> i’lches thi-k. It. Seasoned (>ak Lumber. 1 | to 8 inches. Inon ft. White o.ik and Hickory, i'or Axlctrecs. 1UI(> ft. White Oak for Tonirucs, Pmlsters and Shafts. Him post (tak Hul s. for (.’arts atid Wagons. Spokes. For which the highest cash i>rice will be paid. .\p]'l'' soi'ii to E. FFLLl’l!. M.iy I'.t. IS-il. 72-tf TO \VL\E~MAKERS. ‘■7’E have n few' barrelB of fine ohl Apple \ W Bntndy for sale; such as those who want to make good wine shotild get. COOK \ TAYLOR. Sept. 1*;, I’-J-tf DO.MESTICS. ~ flTTLE River Osnabeigs: 7-8 and 4-4 ^ Sheetings always on hand, and for sale at Factory prices, bv STARR WILLIAMS, .lunc 7, IS.'^l. 75-tf I>r. T. D. IIAIOH, Has tAkcn an Office on Hay Street, West of the Hotel Buildings. July 14, 18')1. 4-tf " DAGUERREOTyPB “ PORTR.AITS. 4r. SAIITH, Daguerrean Artist, having • been instructed in one of thelargest and best Establishments in New Y«irk, and by one of the best Artists in New York or any where else, would respectfully infortn the citizens of Fayetteville, and persons living near, that he has a Room in the Fayetteville Hotel fitted np tor taking Daguerreotypes, and would be very much pleased to w:iit on those who may wisli to have their Likenesses taken. He has the best materials that can be bought any where with- otit any excei>tion. He intends stopping here only a few weeks. Call soon, if you a correct and good Likeness. He feels that lie can satisfy those who may give him a call, if a correct iiud gt>od Likeness will do it. Time of taking, from 9 A. >L until o P. AL Dark or black dresses best for taking; white will not answer well. Prices from Two to Ten Dollars. Children one j’ear old and ujiwanls ta ken, if they can be kept still l."> or :*0 seconds. Time for taking Children, from 10 A. M. iiutil •2 P. .M. Instructions given in the .Art. Persons taken in groujis if they wish It. Daguerreotypes and Miniattire I'aintings co- {lied for those who nniy wish it. Oh. wad some power the giftie gie us. To see ourselves as itJiers see ns. It would front manj' a Jiliinder free ns. And foolish notion.—/iunm. But come when you will. A perfect likeness you’ll have, If you onh- sit still. Lovers are of all others the best sulijects for sitting, though the difficult to please. Secure the sltadow Ere th(‘ sub.stance i’:\\f:.-^S/inlc.*pfure. Sept. 1, 1S*>1. IHtf ~ SALEM RVPi:il-MlLI..~ rH’^H!\ subscrilicr has taken charge (rf' this old -■L and well known F.stuJilishment, and is jire- paretl to attend to all orders for Printing Pa}>or, Merchants’ and Fiictorv \\ raj)|)ing, (S^c. The Mill has recently been thoroughly refitted with new imndiinery. and the suliscrilier believes he can furnish Pa}>er (>f as good (|iiality iind at as cheap prices as can be purcii.ised any where, $200 Re^varcl. SWILL give one hundred dollars for the ap- jirehension and confincmetit of .VNDEK.SON and .lERHY in any ,ja?1 so that I can get tliem again, or fifty dollars for either. 1 will also give !j>liM)fbr proof any responsible person’^ harboring said negroes. They rauaway from my plantation in Moore county on tlie lOtli of Feb'y last, and are thought to be lurking about Dior 17 miles above Carthage on Deep Kiver, through the edge of Moore aud corners of (,'hat- ham and Randolph counties. Amlerson is about 1^8 years old, a bright mulatto, about -> feet 7 or 8 inches high, well proportioniHl; lias an open countenance, and is tiuite i>lausible. It is be lieved that he will endeavor to pa.«s for a free man and escape to a free State, as he had n brother who played the .same game, Jerry i» aliout 24 years old, t feet o or 4 inches high, stout built; lias a down look, particularly w hen spoken to, and is rather impudent. Said ne groes formerly belonged to Johu R. Ritter, in the upper end of Moore county. Any information must be addre.ssed to tha subscriber at Pocket P. O., Moore countv, N. Cj J. L. P.R'YAN. .April 12, 18.^1. ()7tf 11LWE just received from New York, mf FALL AND WINTER Stock of Goods, Consisting of a general ass«»rtment of Dry Goods, Crofcries, llardwarp, I'lillcry, &c I will barter for TVllPENTlNE, or any kind of Produce. N. KING, 1(1 miles ^tirth of Favetteyillej Oct. -J8, 18o0. ■ 4;itf T.') Bbls. Xo, 1 Herring. 3 Mackerel. l(Mi Bale.o Hay. 100 Pieces ('otton Bagging. r>() Toils Rope. 2fX) Lbs. Twine. 8(» Hhds. Molasses. » llhds. Fair Sugars. r>(l Bags Rio Crrffee. With Alum and Sack Salt, and Groceries erallVj for sale at the lowest market prices, by JNO. D. WILLIAMS. August 14, 18.'»li l.'ltf North or .South. Salem, June CI'ARLi:.^ E iHol. SHOBER. 77tf TUB lELtBRATtll llllt P.nEM COOKING STOVE, t.s for smIo by the Subscrib«>r in Raleigh and F:iyettevi11e; in Raleigh at his Shop on Fay etteville .'Street, and in Fayetteville at -Mr. A. M. Campbell’s. The Subscriber hereby forewarns all persons from purchasing any of these .Stoves from any jierson either in or out of North (’’arolina, ex cept from himself or his duly fiuthorized .Agents. He has purcfiased the exclusive right to vend thi>; Stove within the State, and will prosecute any ]>orson infringing his riglit. either by piir- cliasing, selling, or using, any except those ob tained from himself. J OS EP H WOLT ERING. Raleigh, .\pril 11*. ISof (Ihtf WAXTEl). f B^HE .Subsct-iber wishes to purchase .'100,000 A lb«. K.VGS. for wliich the highest cusli price.*! will he paid oii deUverv in FHVi'tteville. DAVID MrilPIIY. Bockfi?h, Cnfnberland. Aug. 20, 18-'')1. lo-(’>ro TUUXIP JsEED. " English white Dutch, large English Nor" folk, Rnt.n liaga Turnip Seed, refjeived to* day and for sale by S. J. HINSDALE. .\ngnst 4. 10-tf NOTICE. The steamer Chatham will leave this p1:ic® every Mond.ay and Thursday at 7 o’clock, A. M., (instead (ff U o’clock as at present,) com- meneing at 7 o’clock Monday JOfli inst. Tim0 of leaving AVilniiiigton, every TucSlay and Fri day at 2 o’clock P. M. JNO. 1>. WILLIAMS, Agent C.".j.e F'ear Steamboat Co. Fayetteville, March o. •Vc«r j The undersiirncd have entered I into copartnertihip. under the name and style of ] H.\LL 1.^ S.VCKETT. for the purpose of doing a Diy Goofls and Hardware Business, and have taken the Store Hotel. doors East of the Fayetteville J. II. HALL. A. E. HALL. T. M. S.VCKETT. .\ngust 20, 18.')1. 11'.tf Sta^e I^lne tolialoi^li. Tllll> Subscribers, Mail Contractors from Fayetteville to Raleigh, will commence operations this d.-iy, with new' and comfortable Coaches, good horses, and careful Drivers.— The Fare is F1\'E DOLL.AR.S—same as before. The .st.ige Houses are, in Fayetteville, the Fay etteville Hotel, in Raleigh, the Yarborough House; Imt Passengers will be conveyed to such other Houses as they may sclect. The hours of dejiarture will J>e, until further notice, at half- j)!ist ',1 P. M. from Fayetteville, and at 2 P. ^L from Raleigh, daily. The subscribers hope, by unrcmitted attention, to secure a liberal share of the travel. MURDOCK McKINNON, I D.WID McNElLL. ! Fayetteville, July 1, 18.'il. 78-tf T BIIOTIIERS \M. ^IIE Steamer BROTHERS and Tow Bont.o. TEVENSON and DAA'ID LEWIS are pre- parel to forward with Desp.xtcu, all goods con signed to the Proprietor. The Steamer l$rothers is of light lraft, and well suited to run in low water. She possesscjj power, and speed, and is admirably adapted to towing, and can accommodate .about jiasseii- gers. The projirietor contemiilates mnning the Botit himself, an.I will give special attention to way WE are now receiving a large and well se lected Stock of Compri»»ing everj’ article usuullj' kept in that line, ttigether with 150 Cases Boots and Shoes. Hats and Capni. —ALSO— A well selected Stock of freight and naval stores; to tow ing, and will al- | To all of which we invite the attention of Mer- so attend to the comfort and convenience of i {■jiaiits of the interior, who will find it to their Lsiie of J'our-horatc Post Coor/irs, from FajjettcvUle to 11 —Dai/t/. T^HE Subscribers hiiving secured the mail contract on the above Line, will commence THIS D.VY, running a Line of Four Horse Post Coaches, Daily. Le.-iving Fayetteville at (j P. M., and arriving at W'arsaw at J past 0 A. .M., in time for the Cars North and South. Re turning, leave Warsaw on the arrival of the Cars, say jibout 1 or 2 P. M., aud arrive at Fiiy- i etteville in ten hours. Every care will be taken to rentier the line pleasant, convenient, and safe, Strtttrbcrry J*lants. 1H.WE si.\ varieties of STR.VW BERIIIFIS ready for delivery, all fine, and some the very best in cultivation, measuring from H to ;> inches in circtimf'erence, under the projier treat ment. Prices from to ij>2 per hundred, and from 10 to 25 cents per dozen. Now is the Jiest time to plant, if the bed.'’ are . for Travellers, trenched 18 inches or 2 feet deep, and well en- I A Line of Stages will be establiiheil as soon riched. 'I'he Plants should V>e shaded for a few . as possible, Yiy the Vlank lioad, from Fayette- days with boards leaned on the South side; if I ville via Carthage and Aslieborough, to Lexing- thev cannot be shaded, plant at anj’ time during ton, Sulem, and Salisbury. Winter or Spring. ' McKINNON Si AIcNEILI.. i'. Ll.'TTEKLOH, Rowan st. j Fayetteville, N. Aug. 8, IBol. 11-tf Sept. ti, 18^)1. 20tf —‘ — _ - Corn, JPeas, and Miay, XO'nCE.—All Accounls due,fMinK Sub.scrilier has on hand and is con- the Mcrchuur.s’Steamboat ("’onipany, for Fivights ' A stantly receiving, on consignment, a sujc up to tin* l.'ith inst., must l>e i>romptly paid to , ply of tlie above articles, which may be ptir- the undersigned, as much time cannot be given j chased at the lowest market prices at the Office to the collection of the same. | of the Henrietta Steamboat Company. J. i: T. W \DDILL, late Agents. R- M. ORRELL. F:i\e»te\ille, Jan. 27, IB.'O. r*ntf j April lltf Passi'iigers. F'rom his long es]*erience as .\gont in Wilmington of the several Ste.ani Boat (.’oni- panies, I'.e thinks he can give satisfaction. To Merchants in the interior lie would say, that all Good.s shipped by him, will be delivered to their Agents in Fayetteville. His agent m W ilmington is JOHN C. L.\TT.\, to whom all conimunicati«ins may be addressed, as Agent of the Steamer Brcjthers. JOHN BANKS, Proprietor. interest to examiiie our Stock before making their purchases. We will not be undersold by any one doing business in this place. ilALL SACKETT. August 2.'>, 18.')1. l(itf May i; -y TL\C(iL\(^ AXI) ROPE. «VR COTTON BAGGING .\ND ROPE have arrived. Our friends can send in their orders, and they shall be supplietl. COOK & TAYLOR. August 18, l.H.'il. 14tf FAMILY IUI}Li:S. A L.VRGE and beautiful assortment of plain, fine and superfine Ql’.\RTO BIBLES, at wholesale and retail. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 1, 1831. W'antetf to Contract for, 'Die Subscriber wishes lo con tract for one MILLION OF RED OAK HHD. .ST.VVES, of the following dimensiona, viz: — Full 44 inches long, f inch thick on the thin edge: to average 4 inches in width; none to be less than o.]. They must 1x3 got out of good, sound timber, and not to show much sap. They be rough shaved with the drawing knife. For whrch quality of Staves, I am willing to ]>ay i18 tier thousand. E. D. HALL. Wilniitigton, .Vug. 20, 18.")1. I8-tf f|ninS LINE OF BOATS is still in ?ucce«8- ftil opcnitioTi on the (’ape Fear River, and continue to otfer mauy facilitiea to the shii piug pnlilic. Person!' patronising this I.ine. may re«t as sured that their Goods will be luouzht up with dispatch, and at the very lowest rates of freight. A. W. STEEL. Pjevident. I. S. LCTTKRLOH, Agcut at Fayetteville, Feb. 1.'., 18ol. W if ~ XOI'kTe. ^^T.VRR & WILLIAMS have rMnoved to the .Store recently' occupied by 3Ir. John 1). Starr, one door west of Messrs. H. Branson k Son. where thcv have just re‘eived additions to the Spring pur-hases of Staple and Fancy DRY GO(>I)S. Country mercliants are reiacstcd to exuiuiue our st ick. .L B. STARR. J. M. WILLIAMS. .Tune 7, Ift-M “O-tf IS. Carria^059 and HIRTY-EIGIIT Carriages und Buggies now JL finished, nnl on hand—eighteen of which are Btiggies. All at low prices, according to finish. A. A. McKETIL\N. .Sept. 18, 18.51. 2‘!-tf KING and A. McMILLAN have entered into copartnersliip in tlie Distillery of Tni^pentine, and have erected a Still on the West side of the Fayetteville and Western I'laiik Road, B niile.s from f ayctteville. N. KING. May 9.—71tf A. McMILLAN. WVinted. £ wish to buy 20,000 btirrcls Turpentine, KING McMILLAN. w TO COTTON I'I.ANTEKS. PIECES COTTON BAGGING, 7."> coil.! Rope, 2(>(> lbs. Twine, Just received and for sale cheap, >>7 PETER P. JOHNS(XN. Angn.««t 1ft, 1851. 14tf FIFTY DOLL A Its KEWAItD. RAN.\WAY from W. J. Buchanan, of .John ston cownty, on the Sth of January, TWO NEGRO ROYS, i),»n and Sftplien. Dan is about 25 years of age, stont bailt, of dark tomplexion, and weighs about 175 lb«. St.-j ben is about 28 years of age, weighs 170 lbs., of yellow com plexion, speaks very slow when spoken to. Negroes were raised liy F]lizab«tli Mur phy of Cnmberland county, in whose vicinity they are sapposeil to "Ik: lurking. I will give the aborp reward for their appre hension and conSneniCTit in nny jail so that I I get them, or .i>'2A for either: atid an additional i rewanl will be given for proof sufficient lo con- viot any white person of harlvoring ''.•li l Negroes. R. F. MITiPHY. Jan. 24, 1^51. ‘Vitf o f al! Uind^, For ®ale at this Oflice.