SBMl-WEEKIiY. [VOI-. l.J FAYETTEVILT.E, N. C., TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1851 [NO. 3-4.] rl'.INl'KI' H'" NK'VliV. I’DWAIU) j. hale & sox, ANI> i'HOrUIKTORS. j’.'. c i'.ir tin' Sotni-\N *‘oklv OBSKUvK.n !ji4 00 if j of November next, l in Ji-Ivrtiicc; ^4 ;'>0 if paid during the j vi' ir ol >ul'?*criptinn; or •'?.> after the vcar has V ,1- liio V- ooUl\ Ohsv.un KU $2 iK) pci annum, if Mi 1 in :i'lv!(iicc: -1^- '»0 if p»id during the . r >t' s'.il'S'Tiptixn: or 00 after the year BANK OF CAPE FEAR, \ October 13, 1851. ) IHKND.-—The Hoard of Directors liave this day declared a Semi-Annual Divi dend of Four per cent., payable to the Stock holders! or their lepitl repfeHctitatives, at the I’rincii'iil Hank and 15rani-lu'.s, on and after the R. SAVAGE. r. KM'S inserted for.«i,xty oent.s pel - jiiare t\ v the first, and thirty cents for each f. . liii ' puhru atioii. Yearly Hdvertlsement.« -cM'i’ial i'intract.. at reasonable rates. Ad- \ir!i>H ' are requested to .state the number of i i,. rt •'II,' ilo.'iro l. or they will be continued till , ■ •:! ■! (•!iiir2'''i ai'cordin^ly. ; l.etii i's to the 1-Mitors must be ]>o.St-p:tid. jrTTn VLL, OK IIO.MK, S'irrr.tS'ir of 1!‘>IK Surh'i'fl t(- ('o., f> • \v receivinjr hi? Fall ST>’K of !(»(tDS. ■ .i;>i>tiiip; of a j;ener:il a^sortiiieut of ])r\ (Joods, Sadtllorv, 1 luts, rips, Hardware, Grocerii'S. \ i;vu h larsrer and more ;j:eneral stock th«n . V ,d on the r.ast side of the ('ape Fear >. ii he is j.repared and determined to sell ■ : .m tual i-uslumiTb, either at wht.le.-;ale or , at jrreatly reduced prices. 1— lie would call j>articular attention to his . . it I'lOi >TS ,\N D Silt >KS. The assortment - ... ;>.i;i!!y lai'jrc. and of every quality and - ••ui'l having Iteeii bought for Cash, he can sell tlu'in very low. V u tli:it wish n-.irgaius will find it to your r.T‘ t t>; givelhe Slock uu examination before Imviii;; ci.'cwliere. oil hand, a general stock of CiKOCE- Kii.S. ‘ D.\III.I.\S jire now in full bloom. Persons wi.vhing to select fine varieties should call and see them before frost. Strawberries and llaspberries may now be planted. Strawberries "iO cts. to per lunnlred. do 1> to ")0 cts. per dozen. IVonies '20 to ")0 cts. each. 1‘lant now. Raspberries :*i‘J to per dozen. Rhubarb for tarts '2~i to .'>0 cts. each. Plant now. C. LUTTERLOIl, Rownn street. Oct. 21. .".^-nw P. S.—FOR SALE, tho l.est C’OW in the county. Farmers wishing to improve their stock, should call and look at her. vorv snj)erior Xorlh \U> Carolina l?.\('t>N—Hams. Siilcs. and Shoulders —just received and for sale bv 15. ‘ROSK \ SOX. Oct. -Jl, 18.M. .'5-J-:’.t IN S'roHE, l.Ol'tillS and I’lough Castings, ('orn Slicll- ers. ('ultivators. .traw t’utters. anil Sjiin- I* ii’.ng U heel Oct. IS. E. r. n.VLL, of Rome. :;:itf M. :v.'tf Biittrr find ('ranhfrrics. # a\ riRKlNS fine Mor.nt.lin lU'TTER. -1;^" ■ I ^shels (' R A N HER RIES, .lust received and for sale by COOIC T.Wl.oR. A iAILV ;.m;i;al i:xi*EcrEi), ;iss'>rtment of C • O I’ K 1! S ’ ■f the best manufacturers' E. r. HALL of Rome. ::2tf and St:ili4»iiary. K an- now I’ccoiving our Fall supply of r.iilvS AND ST.VTION.VRV, embrac- rliiii" usuallv kept in that line. E. J. HALE it SON. , , -1. yA. ' \rcy, Slic'iiiwoll & t'o. ! \\ i; -lie piece e\tra line 7-4 black French i ^Tll. to which ■ I tii‘ public, l-'l. thev would call the ;:;tf Watc he?^ and Jrwrlry. 'I'iu' SuhscrihtM- repectfully informs the pub lic. that he has just return ed from tl'.e North, with a fine assortment of (lold and .'^ilver \V .VTt'll ES; (Jold I'ob. (Inard Vest Chains; (ioid. Sliver. Steel and (iilt Keys: Rrcast I’ins: Ear Rings; Finger Rings; (iold. .'Silver, .''teel and Shell Sjicctacles: (lold and .‘'ilver Pens aTlil Pencils; Gold and Silver Tliimbies; Rracelets; Lockets; (loM and Silver Helt liucklcs; Sleeve Huttons; ('lasps; Silver Cups ; Music Hoxes, Sil ver Fi'uit and Mutter Knives; P*rt-nioneys; Pur ges; :i tine assortment of Walking t'ancs: Plated Cake r>askets and C:istors; a large assortment of and common Accorde«>ns; Violins; Flutes; Fifes: Siirveyois' Ci'Uipasscs; Chains: Mathema tical Instruments; Ladies' Work I’.uxes: fine and ciinnniin double ;ind single barrel iuns: Plsti!s '•f every variety; (ianie l’>ags; .''hut Pouches; Ponder Fbisks; Percussion Cajis; D«g Coll-irs ami Calls: tine Pocket and I’en Knives; Scissnrs; ILizors; N'ee lies: ('hes.-nien and Ho.ards: Hair. Ttioth. Nail. Lather :ind Flesh P>rushes; Note Paper; Eii\el"pfs; and a great variety of Fancy (ioo.Itf. Alarn), K''jht (tiuJ CLOCKS. Purchasers will jdease give me a i a',1. □CT^C'iocks, Watches and Jew elrv neatlv Repaired. W'. PRIOR, Hay street. Sept. '2, IS-oin NEGRO SHOES. 1000 pair ofNcirro Shoes just received, and for sale verv low, l»v S. T.'HA\M,KV SON. I Octjber 7, l!S-lw />. Sr IJ' McLaia *ht A RE now receiving a large anl general as- sortment of .staplp: and fancy BSIY OOODS, HARDW ARE cV CUTLERY, llOOT^i A U ^EIOI:S. —also— 7.') bags Rio, Laguira ami .Java Cofl'ee, ]•> hlids. Sugar. 7') pieces Cotton H.'iggiiiii, ”>0 coils Hale Rojie. 1(M> kegs Nails, assorted. 8 tons Swedes and English Iron, oOd sacks Suit, V.'ith I.o:if, (Jrushed Powdered and Granulated .'sugars; tJreen Te: : Pepper; Spice; (Jingcr; Powiler; Shot; P>:ir Lend; 'i'able Salt; I5ar and Fancy Soaps. Uitli a groat variety of other articles, to whi'di we invite the attention of pur chasers at wholesale or retail, as low as any other house in the pl.ace. D. & W. McLArRlN. Oct. (i. LSol. l>8tf FALL, 7aMKS KYI.i-r IS now receiving a very large and general as sortment of 'J IlMIA’ I’.Xl’lXTI'.I). Tuns ,,f ll'X.ip IRON, suitiible for Spirit bv E. C. HALL, of Rome. ■t. is. ;j2tf Priiiripe Az ilavaiia Ci$;;ar«. PRINCIPE and Hav.-ina ^CIG.\RS, superior flavor, in (juarter boxes, for sale bv C«H)K i JOHNSON. 32-8w FAYETTEVILLE WATER WOHKS. The Subscriber oli’crs for sale his interest, being one fourtli of the stock in the above company. W. W 11 ITIiHL.\l>. Oct. ti, 1S'»1. * ‘JS-2m "-■f. IS. IS.M. .irsr RECEivi:i). MEN'S and Hoys' .‘^.VDDLES, of every ijuality and style, some very fine. Al- ridles, Co!I;irs, Whip.^* and VVagoii Harness. E. C. HALL, of Rome, f. :}-2tf A GOOD lNVi:STMEN'r. f ■ ^ H E Subscriber wishes to sell one-half of i the Fayettevill-i Water Works. Neither of the jjresent projirietors h.iviiig time to give their personal attention to the propei'ty, the pu’.cha.ser can have the mau:igenieiit of it, ma- ki ig it a valuable investment. E. J. HALE. Oct. 1, 18-31. \i;r>ther lot of that celehrat*d I IIVK WIIlSlvEV, just received of "Nick by G. S. DEMING. r I'l, IS'.l. :]l-4t R $1()() lieAvard. ANAW.W from the Subscril>er, on the ‘JMth inst., JOHN, sometimes called John Carwile, a mulatto, showing Indian'ltlood. The said J«)hn has very lark hair, inclined to curl, but when combeil lies in waves. He is about ') feet 10 or 11 inches high—about ‘2X years old. ' P.eing a house serv.-uit his manner is easy: but !r Jiir, ii ij })ij thf. first I'inc in the when spoken to, lie has a down-cast look, but Ik irer, TnNs nt'.sWKDES IR^JN. »)V E. C. HALL, Is. of Rome. :rjtf Noric’E. \NT to an oriler of the last Court of ■ l’I'-:i> and «,|u:irter Sessions of f'umber- i ' ui.ty. the undersigned will sell at the I;irlv' t ll.iu>;e in Fayetteville, on Monday of t SiipiTi'ir Court we‘k, being the Kith day ' ' " iii'inth, :i .NEiiRO MAN named Dick, be- ' ■' the i-state of Mrs. Margaret Ray, dc- ■ 'i. T iiiis niadi’ kniiwn at s.-ile. M. C, L.\.\loNT, Commissioner. ■' ' 'I- >. 1 s.',I. :>'J-ts replic.s with a smile. 1 will give a Reward of Fifty Doll.-irs if taken np within the SUite. or One Hundred Dollars if caught out of the State and lodged in Jail. H. HOY KIN. Camden. S. Sept. ;i«. 18')1. 28-tiwpd FOR 'I'HE FARMERS^ .JTRAW CUTi'ERS, Corn SheRers, Harrows, Ploughs and Plough fixtures of ditferent patterns, &c. &c. For sale by J. & T. WADDILL. Oct. 1, 18j1. ‘-J7tf O-M*: MORE LEFT. I'Oit KKAT, # kM' ' I'liiiiiMilifius .'store-liouse, cellar extra: “ ' tr;r” l)w Iling above, consisting of halls. ' ' I'iuitrius, —:ill ffir rent. C.-ill, see ' ‘ ' iiiiine. Daii'l J. McUac is authorised to ■" I' in’ :it)ijve for one ve:ir. W. A. HANCOCK. " ' i-.. is/ii. :n-;]t IIAIK I'OR IM.ASTEltl.NG, flOR sale by ' J. & T. Oct. 1, 18.-.1. sortment ot Purchased by the Package t'or (’ASH. Those wishing to purch;ise Goods :it reduced prices, will please call and examine, as Hargains m.ay be expected. BOl/nXi; ('LOTUS, Aukcr Eratul, from No. 1 to 1*>. nncnmm>nly cheap. lt:> Tackaoos liOOTS A.M» SHOES, chea|>er tlnin ever were for sale in this market. Oct. 4. 18.M. liStf .h'l/f AVf/zjcs, Aiiclihr lihiuj Cloth, .)/?//; Iro/is, r'ri in li Jiurr, IJ.oj>u. aluf Cofoifur Jli f! Sfoiii‘s^ {if M.m ii fii' turr r» jtriros. ^■IHE subscribers having made very favora- \ H- ble ;irrangements for olitainintr from oJie ■ of the most extensive importing and mamifac- i turing houses in this country. Fieiich l>nrr. Co- . logne and I'snpiis .Mill .''tones, •ind the rt'al .\n- i chor Hiiitin'j I 'liith. are now ei’.ab'ed to ort'er any i of tln'se .-irticles to Millers of the best 4U:ility. Mini at lo«er ]irices thiin ihcy ha\e been here- tofiire i'liriiished at in tiiis place. ■\ supjily of best Vnclu'r Halting Cloth c-ii'- st.'intiy ki'pt on hand. The iiualitv of everv article is w.-irranted, ] JNO. H. \ J. M ARTINK. j Oct. *>. iJ'ol. L‘H-1 nu*wi^meow A pair of 4 ft. ‘2 inch Cologne .Mill Stones on • h:ind: !ind d:iily expectcd. jmir of feet t> incli ' Lsopus \li!l .‘'tunes.—:md would invite nn e\- ;iminatiiu of them, as they will be foun 1 supe- . l ior f.>r Corn. 10,000 wanted. 'Fhe Suhscriher has now one i of the most extensive and best assorted sttick.s ' D..ub!e an 1 Single SHOT GCNS. PISTOI.Sof^ the most sujierior quality,—Colt's PiCpeating and .Ulen's Revolvinc. of every (juality.—Pow-j der Flasks. Shut and !ame l»ags. Percussion Caps of and French make. Also, the most com]ilete assortment of tiun fixtures that . h;is ever been oB'cred in this section of country. .\lso. .'shot (iiins, Hiiies and Pistol* made to , order or rej>aired. ] Rities ina'ie to onler. and warranted to shoot | from one to five hundreii ^:irds. j Air (iuiis made to order at short notice. To Jill of whii h the attention of Sportsmen ^ and others is lesj •ctfullv invited. j M. A. P.AKER. j .''■(//;i o f ifir a )ni, I Hav street. ne;irlv o]>posite the Marble Vanl. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. t,, IS-'jl. JStf i S'l'EA.M MIIJ.S. I raiHE undersigned is authorized to receive JHL orders for Page's celebrated improved Pa tent Circular .'s.-iw \lills and Steam Engines, manufactured in Haltiriior»-. which have been ; pronouni'ed by competent judges superior to all i other Mills. The builders assert that a mill of this kind with D» horse engine, will saw more plank than any two up :ind down saws ever oj>e- ^ r.-ited with, and do it better. j Call on the subscriber, at the F. it W. Plank Road OHice, who will give any information re- (luired. JOHN M. ROSE. Fayetteville. Oct. 4, 1801. 2H-tf The C'lifniffc has been mad el f||^HE Subscribers having sold out their old JL Sti»ck of Goods, have the pleasure now of saying to their friends, that they are now open ing an entire NEW STO(Jlv of DRY HARDWARE ^ CUTI.ERY, HATS AND SHOES, fm rareries of all kittds^ .\11 of w hich we w ill seH low for Cash, or ex change for any kind of Cotintry Produce, or to imnctual customers on time. COOK & TAYLOR. Sept. '22, l^^ol. *J»tf TALL AND WIXTr:R GOODS. Stibscribers have received in part, and JIL expect to have in Store in a few days, their entire Stock of Staple and Fancjf Dry Goods. Among this Stock will be found all the late va- j rieties of l>adies’ and Gentlemen’s Dress Goods, j Tlie larger portion of their Stock lias been laid in for the Wholesale Triule, in which Hue the j undersigned do not intend to be undersold. Country Merchants will find it to their inter- ] est to examine this Stock before making their purchases. STARR & WILLIAMS. August 20, 18')I. lotf j j\i:u I R IWf.ff. STOCK OF G001>S is now ready for insi>ection, comprising nn ; endless variety. GliOCERH'.S. i Loaf, CrusheL Powdered, Cia»;ified and com mon Sugars: Rio, Laguira, .Mocha, Java and Miiricabo (’offee; Port, .Madeira, Champaign and ('ooking W ines: pure .anl imitation French dy: Holland Gin: Chnmpaign Cider: No. 1 Mack erel; Salmon and Smoked Herrings; Hoxes Fan cy Candy and Sugar Plums; Starch; Saleratus; Farin.i for Pudiiings; Scotch Snutl; Hazard Co's and Dupont's Powiler; Soap of nil kiiuls; Sjierm, •Vdamantine and Tallow Candles; Pejiper; Spice: Ginger: Nutmesrs; Cloves; Cinnamon and ^lace. CROCKERY, CHINA AND GI.ASS-W ARE. large assortment of White Granite, flowed ancl light Hlue and Mulberry Ware; common Livcrj'ool W are, a gooil ass' i tment: jilain and f:in.-y Gilt and White China Tea Sets; one white China Dinner Set: white and gilt Howls; Cofl'ee Cups. \c. Cut, jiressed .-nid jihiin Tumblers; Wine and •Icily (ilasses; Goblets; Decanters: Howls; Dish es: Pitchers; .'^alt-cellars, I'te. P>ritannia Ware; Tea and Cofl'ee Pots and I rns; Sugar P.owls: Cream .lugs; t'andlcsticks; (.'astors; .'spoons; Ladles; Mugs, \c. Fl liMSHINc; (;0()DS. Housekeeping I'tensiis of all kinds: Hrown and Hleached Damask Table Cloths and Nap kins: ()ii Cloth Table Co\ers: Toweling, a varie ty: Kl-4 Linen and Cotton Sheeting; Curt.-iin Goods; Wall and Winilow I’aper: Fluid and Lard Lamps: Waiters; Hroonis and I’rushes of all kinds: Hrassand t-ommon ,\ndirons; Shovels and Tongs: Fenders: Hruss and Iron-bouiid P.ails; .‘>efs 'I’alile Cutlery, .-ind many otiier useful ar ticles too numerous to mention. cAurF/riN(;. :;tMt0 yards Carjicting—lirussels, superfine and fine Ingrain patterns, to suit a variety of t.-istcs; Rugs an l Floor Oil (.'loth; Wool-niixed anil Jute Door ^Llts. (LOTHING. \ general stock of Ready-made CLOTHING, —Cloaks, Overcoats, lircss and Frock Coats. Sacks, P;ints and Vests, including an assortment of Pkivs' Clothing: Muslin Shirts; Wool, Merino and Silk Undershirts; Colbirs: Stoeks: Suspen ders; Gloves, \c. (ientlemen will find a com plete outfit. __also_ P.lankets: Hed Ticks: Georgia Plain.s; bleachetl and brown .'sliirtings; Hosiery; I.inseys; Cassi- nieres; Tweeds: Oil Cloths: India Rubber Cloth; Letter, ('ap and Wrapjilng Pa|:er; Portfolios; Portable Writing Desks; Note Hooks: Fancy Work Hoxes; Looking (ilasses; Snufl Hoxes, itc. ID cases assorted I’onnets. D) “ “ Shoes. Itt boxes CoflTee Mills. 1 case assorted Cndirellas. ‘Jo packages Drugs and Dyes. l’f» boxes Window GIjiss. DM» kegs ('ut Nails. 10 “ Wrought ditto, and .''‘pikes. .'>(• >>ags Shot. Har Lead. 5(MMI Cigars. Id boxes Imperial Tea. ‘2 chests fine Hvson Tea. 1 " •• Hi:ick •• Half-boxes Fresh R.".isins. hi our aecoiitf stori/ )'•/// hr Jtnnid— A heavy stock of HARDWARE .\.ND CCT- LERV—Knives and Forks; Pen and Pocket Knives; Double and single Guns: Files; T.-inners' Knives; Hand Saw^; IManes; H:immers; Hutch- ets; .\xes, a good assortment, I'ic. kc. Jfejfy'- Country Merchants and others are in vited to examine a Stwk which, for variety and excellence, challenges compctitifm. jgirfs" The (5oo(ls will be sold for Cash, or on time for good i>aper. S. W. TILLING HAST CO. Sept. ."), 18ol. ‘20tf TO THE PUBLIC. rj tllE subscriber has leased for a term of Jl years, of R. W. Hrow ii, E.sq., his fire-proof Store, with his AVharves, and is now in a condi- ! tion to take es]>ecial care of Spirits Turpentine * and other Naval Stores conimitteil to his care. ! The Warehouse is well known to be the best and j safest phice in town for the storage of Hacon, j Lard, Corn, Pens, &c. 1’he lower wharves have j on them four large new slieds, where Sj>irits can ' be safely kept from the rain and sun. He is prepared to receive and ship, or sell, all kinds I of produce sent to his care. He will also make i adv.inces wlien refjuired. I He begs to rel'er to the following gentlemen; : R. W. Hrown, John Dawson, O. (J. Parsley and Thos. H. Wright, Esijs. i MILES COSTIN, j Hrown's wharf, Wilmington, N. C. Sept. VJ, 18.-)l. -Jl-Y M Faiirtferinc Ifotel, FAVi'-'rri:vit,i,K, x. c. rfl^HlS large and splendid Piuihling has now -H- been in successful operation since May lH4'.t. The Hediling and Furniture of all kinds is new, and the n>onis convenient and pleasant. The Table is always furnished with the ]>est the juarket affords, aided by a fine vegetable garden. Hoarders. Lodgers, :i’i 1 Travellers will find de sirable aeconmiodations and attentive servants. No pains will be spared to give entire satisfac tion. Families can be furnished with large, niry, front double rooms, conveniently .and hand somely furnished. An ex]ierience of *J0 years will enable the les see, she hopes, to give general s;i*isfaction. ANN HROWN. June 1, 1850. -J8-tf Fall Sc "Winter for 1851!! Fashionable »llrrchant TalloHng AND READV-.II.^DE CLOTlllXG ESTABLISllilE.NT. SCOTT & JiALDWIN, '\Viliiiiii;;toii, IV. C.y Are opening direct from tlieir Manufactory, and from newest importations, a large as sortment of Geiilli'men’s Wearing Apparel. comprising every variety of Husiness and Dress (.’oats,—Pants beautifully cut. newest style and best workmanship,—Vests, a nundierless variety of patterns, finest and luedium qualities. .Vlso, every style of I'nder (Jarmei't worn by (Jentle- men. of th(^ best (jnalities and most approved cut;—and we would ca.'.l jiarticubir attention to our I’ii/i'iil ) iil:c Scd.'ii Sliii’t, the best fitting gar- nieiit worn: .‘lud also tiie new :md l)cautiful style of Drawers, sold only by ourselves. JX THE PRESS (}noj)S L/XK we are j>rej>.ired to show ui> a most s]ilendid assortment of Cravats, Scarfs, (ihives. Suspenders, Night Cafis, ^ic. iVc., in all a conii)lcte variety, latest style. (fCn M KUCHA XT TAIhOETXG DE- P.iliMEXT \s conducted by ('utters of eminent skill, and all our work got up in the best style jtossible. (Jrciit attention paid to the newest and most approved fasliion.s, as we put ourselves ill possession of the monthly RepfMrts, direct from P.-iris and New York. (ientlemen visiting Wilmington will find it ipiite to their advantage to call and examine our .“stock. Terms Cash, and nil GiM>ds sold at fair prices. SCO'i'T iS: H.VLDWIN. .Market st., WilmingtoTi, N. C. September '2'2, 18ol. l!l-tf A. A. 3IcKF/l’lIAi\ S' iJTILL continues to carry on the CARRl.VGE Hl'SINLSS, in all its branches, at the OLD ST.\ND. He returns thanks I'or the liberal pat- ron.-ige he has heretofore received, anl hopes, by strict attention to business and a desire to give entire .satisfaction, to merit a continuance of tlie same. Having recently increased his business, he has on hand a very fine assortment of Carriajres, liarouches, HiiLjgics, Rockawrivs, and Sulkeys, Finished, and a very large assortment of Work I>artlv finished, whi» h, for elegance of shape and finish, will compare with any other work. Persons wishing to Viuy, would do well to call and examine the work, as lie is determined to sell LOW for cash, or notes on .short time. -Ml W’rrk waiTanted for twelve months, and repaired free of charge, should it fail by batl workmanship or material. DC?^ raithruiiy execu ted !it short notice, on very re.-.son.-ible terms. rAVKTTKVIld.K, SkPT. 22, II. jJ. HALL, Fay et ter i He Foun (try, CASTINGS OF EVERY f»ESCRIPT10N MADE TO ORDEIL -V lot of H.ibbet .Metal for sale. \\ street, Sept. 1, 18'>1. ISY CHAirLlfs HAMvS, Coitfeclioner^ GREEN STREET. F.\VETTEV1I.LE, N. C. Fresh, pure, Candit»s, constantly supplied. i!;5-tf W'ADDILL. 27tf RYE WHISKEY. NOTHER lot of Williams's Old Rectified . RYE ^\ IIISKEY, just received. J. & T. daily EXITCCl'ED. i GKNlMl \L ASSORTMENT of HOLLOW- ■ W.viu:, by E. C. HALL, of Rome. ''It. IK. iK.'jl. ;jotf Rork tslaml fJttssimeres, WL have on hand a fine stock of splendid ( assimeres. manufactureil at Rock Is- • 'I. -Meekleubui'g county, N. C. Persftns wish- to buy at wholes.ile or retjiil, wiR please “1 ami examine these goods; they arc worth •" >k,ng ,it. t. 18, isr)!. COOK & TAYLOR. o-2-lw ALUM SALT. sooo HUSHELS received on con- '2i, 1801. signment. For sale by WILLKLNGS & CO. 2t IWNNEKS’ OIL. 1 HULS. just landefl, in good order, for M WILLKINGS A CO. "' t. lio, 32-4t 18:>1. ISiitt‘r stiKi C'riiiibcrriew. FIRKINS Prime Mount.-iiu HUTTEil, A few bushels CRANHLRRIES, 1 'T !iv ilLVk GEO. Me NEILL. o2 Hw Oct. 1, IHol. ^ l!AC).\ AXl) w. WADDILL. Ii7tf T' I’OKK. :»! AC I.TV III': oftcrs for sale 13 hhds. Hacon Sides, 18 hhds. Hacon Shoulders, 1 hhd. do. Hams, lU bbls. New .Mess Pork. —ALSO— 1 tierce Clean Rice, ■) half bbls. No. 1 Mackerel, I-') half boxes Raisins. Liberty Point, August '20, 1851. 10-tf Fire Insti,ranc€m The *K'i'NA Insurance ('ompany of Hart ford, having paid the tax imposed by the Revenue Law of the late Legislature, will con tinue its Agency in Fayetteville, nmler the uianagement of the nndersignel, who is jire- pared to issue Policies of Insurance on Huild- ings or Goods, either in tliis Town or in any I>art of the Stat«, on proper application, de scription of the Property, &c. The -ETNA COMPANY has been in operation about oO years. Its capitivl is 1^300,000. The Hon. Thos. K. Hrace was its first President, and he still holds that office; and several of its first Directors are still active and efficient mem bers of the Hoard. It has at all times sustained the highest charjicter for (he prudence of its management, and for the liberality with which it bus ever adjusteil its hisses. F-. J. HALE, .\gent. March 10, 185J. o2-tf COMPETITION DEFIED! Clothing: Clothing: I'^OW' receiving, direct from New York, a su- ]>erb lot of CLOTHING, made up in the most fashionable st\le find of the best materials, consisting of black and brown I’rock and Dress Coats; Cloth Overcoats; Cassimere Pants, seve ral varieties: fancy (irenadine Silk, Satin ami Twilled Silk Vests. All of which will be sold lower than any concern of the kind in town, and if not as repre.sented, the money rtill be refunl- ed. Call and see. X further addition to the Stock is dail^’ expected, and due notice will be given. One door East of Cook & Tavlor's. J. SMITH & CO. Sept. 22, IBol. 24tf fIll wivnilooi)!^ WE are now receiving our Fall ami W inter Stock, consisting of a very general se lection of Hurdwiirc and Cutlery, Saddlery, Leather, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Iron, Steel and Nails, and Staple Dry Goods, "With a large Stock of GROCERIES, BAGGING, ROPE, &c. Persons visiting this market to purchase at W holesale or Ret4iil, would do well to give us a calL J. & T. WADDILL, Hay street. Sept. 2-2, 1851. 24tf ASCPPLY of Fresh Ground CORN MF^AL kci)t for sale at the Mill, late .Xndcrson’s. Grinding of Hominy and Meal done promptly. I’avcttcvillc, March 1851. 12U' J\\w fwOOtJs. HE .'subscritter is now receiving a large ad- lition to his Stock, consisting of Drv (Joods, (Jroc('ries, ( rockery, Hardware, Hats, Caps, lk)Ols and Shoes. —ALSO— Ilollow-Ware, lA‘atli»T, Wimlow Glass, White Lead, CMieeso, Mackerel, (\ullish, kc. iNco. kc. Which he ofl'crs on reasonable terms. He ofl'crs for sale a large stock of Foreign and Domestic LIQUORS, viz; 1(XJ bbls. W’hiskej’. ;')0 “ Apjilc Hrandy. 1(1 '• choice “old .Nash.” o years ohL 10 “ old Rv’e Whiskey. His stock of FOREKiN LKiU^>LS were se lected with care anl are of superior quality. They consist of— “Godard"’ Hrandy. “Otard” do. “Hennesey” do. “Old London Dock” ditto. Holland (iin. Jamaica Rum. Irish W hiskey. Madeira Wine, superior. Sherry do, do. Port do, choice, (very fine.) Sicily Madeira do. —IN GLASS— (’hampaign 'Wine, of “Heidsick favorite brands. ^*onllierii ]?lc- f||1HE Su>)scribcrs respectfully announce to H the citizens of F.iyetteville aiul the sur rounding country, that they have commenced the €':irria;:o .^lakiiiu .\t the old Stand formerly occupied by Simjtson McLauchlin, (one door below A. A. MeKe- than’s.) where they are now luejtared to mat’.u- facture to order all kinds of RIDING ^ EIll- CLES, from a Sulkey or P>uggy to a nine-i).is- senger (’oach, which, for style and diir:tbilit3', shall not be surpassed by any establishment in the place. They hope, by a strict attention to business, and a desire to ]>1ease all who tiiay favor them with a call, to merit a share of public j>atronage. RI-PAIRING neatly executed at short notice, ;tnd LOWER than any other establish ment in the place. THOMAS V. WHITE. JCNU’S H. RAHOTEAIT. Fayetteville, Feb. 17, 18->1. u'.ltf Carriage' M aiuifactory. JOHN 1). WILLIAMS, Commission Forivanting •ISerehant, Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. I.'), 1H >0. R. AL ~(7rRELL, FnRWARDING (IDr.llSSION MERCll.VM AT Fayeilfvill**, March Dl, 18.jl. t’i2-tf T. C. WORTH, fO.ll.H/XSIO.V' A.\0 FOinVlRDI.M; .MERfniXT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Feb. 1, 18.',I. .')7tf SAVAGE &:~MEARES, Commission and Forwarding Bler- chants, 56 V Wilmington, N. C. SCOT'r BALDWIN, (.'s«rrwor.» to Sruft, Kc^n .j' Co.) Fasliionahlc Mercliatd 'I'ailors, .VXD UEM.KKS I .V (ieiitlemeirs Clothino;, Ready-made, OF THE FIRST (JUAI-ITY. Also, a complete assortment of Cicnts' DRESS (;t>ODS. .IJat'hct Streftj Wilminglon, n. c. Jan. D”), 18ol. o’>ypd “josKi'ii iT. yiosso)!." e;EAt:KAi. € o.nnissio:\ AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, lf*itmiHgton, .V. C. Prompt persfinal attention given to all (’onsignmcnts, and Cash advances made on Mer chandise to be shijipcd or sold in this market. Feb. 1, 18ol. DCT^ Miss RINGIIAM will re sume her School on'Wcdncslay the 1st October'.- Sept. 22, 18')1. 21-6w Fmpire State Cooking Stoves. THE EMPIRE STOV^ is of the latest nnd most approved pattern. It is better, and can be sold chenpcr. than rny othe^ kind fif Cooking Stove.- For sale by C. W’. ANDREWS, ___ April 22, 18.')1. (i'Jt# Tin A* Sheet~iron IlVffc MANUFACTORY, AT WllULH^.VLK AN1)1TeTAIL. F. OLD EST.\HLISHED TIN AND SHEET-IRON^ WARE MANUFACTORY S REMOVED to the South-East Comer of Market Square, ready with the necessary machinery and mateinals for making FACfoKY Dlir.MS &• CAXS, And to do all kind of work of Factories. Also, ROOFING, GUTTERING, and nil kindff of .lOlU’ING, done on short notice, and by ex perienced workmen. \ cojistant Rupplj’ of TIN kept on hnno, at Wholesale and Retail, (’ountry Merchants and Pedlars can be supplied at the very lowest prices. C. W'. ANDREWS. Sept. 28, 18.',n. 89-Y M arble L'actory. I' By GEO. LAUDER, TWO DOORS lliOTE HAIGIII SOJi’S STORE, FayeHeville, IV. Jan'y 20, 18.',L 55-lY’pd New Firm New Livery Slahle»^ Mi f ■'^HE Subscriber having taken the Jl mcnt of the late A. (,’. Simpson, (situated ojiposite W. McIntyre's Store,} intends carrying on the Carriage Maiiufactiiriiig Business In all its various branches, and would respect- . fully solicit a share of the public patnmage. I Having had consiilerable experience in the business, and having been employed in some of I the most extensive Establishments in New York ! and New Jersey, he Hatters himself that he can and other give general satisfaction I He warrants all his work to be made of the best material the surrounding country Htfonls, and by experienced workmen; and should any of it ftiil, either in material or workmanship, in he Sparkling Hock, in pints and quarts. Still Hock, do. do. London 1 orter. ; twelve months from the time of its delivery, S>s^\\\ kinds of Produce bought at the Market price in exchange for Goods. AV. DRAUGIION. Sept. 1, 1851. 18-3m Plank Road Lumber Wanted. ^EALEU Proposals will be received until the 1st day of November, for Lumber to con struct the 1st Division of the Fatettevili.e and Centuk Plank Road, extending from Fayette ville to Puppy Creek,—the proposer to state the points of delivery, the amounts to be delivered, and the jirice. The Lumber to bo of the usual kind. The proposals can be handed to John M. Rose, Secretary of the Company, or to the sub scriber. JNO. A. W ILLl.-VMS. October 6, 1851. REPAIRING done in the neatest and best manner, aud at the lowest possible prices. A. H. WHITFIELD. Fayetteville, Feb. 11, 1850. 7tf tobacco. AG(K3D STCX'K on hand; and I shall re ceive regularly, from Messrs. J. Joues & Co’s Factory, qualities assorted from common to very fine, which I will sell at lowest inanufac turing prices. Fayetteville, April 8, ISol. E. TOOMEK, Commission a2ut Fortvaref- tl^errhant^ WILMlNdTON, N. C. Refer to H. Hn.nson & Son. ) ,-^,,.,.tt,.,nie, N. C. A. .\. McKethan, ) Feb. 1, 1S')1. o7y ~ WIlJvlNS()N i:SLER, DKALERS IN CoiijWtionari/, Fvreijn Frnit.t, ^nts, Tu- fmrro, nui Snuff, AND IMPORTERS OF f^rPFUioit ii.iva:va cigak§, AT WIIOI.KSAI.K AM) KKTAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, 18--.1. N iitf 1). STARHUCK, Troy, .Vcir I’orfc, IKON FOUNDER AND MACHLMST, Minuf(ii turrr of Steum J//7/s ni1 Boihrs, Mid (it‘ttri)i)f of all lk'inh, Pluu>jh», d'c. TBIHE undersigned, as the Agent of the alxive | Ji_ Establisluncnt, ^vill onler any urticlcs i which may be wanted, on application to him. The Steam Mills manufactured by .Mr. Star- buck have heen tested, and are highly approved on the Plank Roads about Fayetteville. EDW’D LEE WINSLOW. Fayetteville, Sept. 4, 18-)1. 20tf LESSONS l.V MVSIC. LII. WHITAKER wouhl respectfully in- • form the citizens of Fayetteville and vi cinity, that he has again commenced giving Les- sons'on the Piano Forte. He returns his thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and humbly solicits a continuance of the same. .Vll pains shall be taken for the advancement of his pu])ils. Instruction also given on the Guitar. Pianos tuned and repaired in the best ma^er. L. H. WHITAKER. August 24, 1850. 34*f fW^HE Under.signed hflving formed a Copar^ Jl nership to carry on the Livery Stable Business, Respectfully infonn the citizens of Fayetteville" an'l the Public generally, that they can be ac- commodateil on reasonable terms with llors;«, cV oilier at such times as they may wish to hire, by ap plying to the subscribers, as they are well pre pared to carry on the Rusiiiess, having refitted and renewed the EstabHsJiment, wiUi the addi tion of some fine Horses and new Vehicles, and are satisfied that they can give satisfaction to* (til who may wish to hire. And therefore call on them to give us a triaT.- J. W. POW ERS. ROREP.T RElilSTER. Sejit. 18, 18r)1. L’.‘5y DRUGS ^ iMi:T)ICrNES~ J\iints, Oils, ]yiiiiloJC fil(tsx, Vnrni!^Ji, d'C.- Sa.mtkl j. Hinsdale Offers for sale an extensive nssoriment of GOODS, among wlii h arc the fol- lowing: Opium, Camjilior, Castor Oil, Alcoliol, Sul- jthur. Aloes, ^lagnesia, Rhul>arb, Morjdiine,- (Juinine. Cream Tartar. Sal S(»da, Castile Soap, Si'per carb. Soda, Epsoi;i Salts, Sj>onge, Ipecac,- Sar.'ift;)arilla, Kreosote, Rorar, .Vrrowroot, Isin glass, Gum Arabic, Ciiiin M_\u'li, fapsicufti. Lo belia, Plasters, Liquorice. hloroform. Jujubt Paste, Copperas, W hite Lead, Linseed (»il, Train? Oil. Whale Oil, Sperm Oil. Sweet Oil. Newtsfoot- Oil, Copal A’'arnish, Leatiier V.-irnish, Japatf Varnish, Window (ilass, Putty, Pumice Stone,- (.'hronie (ireen, ('hronie Yellow, Laiii]iblack,- Patent Plack, Terra de Sienna, Umber, I’lack Lead, Litharge, Red LeaI, Patent Dryer, Whi ting, French Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Venetian Red. Spanish Rrowii, Prussian P>lue, Sand-pa- per. Stan-h, Sal Eratus, Mustr.rd. Spice, Nut megs, Pepper, Hops, Indigo, Madder, Saltpetre, (iiiiger, (ilue, Auiiato, (,'lov('s. Mace, Ibirning Fluid, -Mum, Oxalic .\civi. White Rrick, Trij)oli, Wash I’.ruslies, I’aiiit P.rashes, Varnish Brushes, Scrubbing ditto. Shoe do.. Tooth do.. Hair do., Logwood, Red wood, lUack Ink, Opoleldoc, &c., with a general assortment of Medicines; Cliemi- cals of all kinds; Frc^ich and English I’ci-fume- ry and So.ap.s; with a full assortment of all the' leading Patent Medicines now in u.«e. Orders from the country promptly af.*ended to, nnd good.s carefully jiacked. The Sub.scriber feels a.ssured that he can' meet the \»i.shes of the purchaser in reg-ird to' quality aud price. S. J. HINSDALE, Druggist. October 12, 1850. 42tf Burning Fluid and Camp/mic. Burning FLUII> at so cents per gallon. Camphine at 50 “ “ “ Bc/ih of the best qtialitj', couatjintly on hand* J. UTLEY. (iCtf Blank Warrants for sale here.' PRINTING INK. k FEW 301b Kegs, just received IL sale by ■ i. ». Aug. 13.. E. J. HALE & SON. and for sale by Aug. T, 18-jl. J. HINSDALE, lltf SO,00^ LBS. RAGS WANTED,. by H. BRANSON & SON. 78tf July 1. Spanish Smoking Tohaceo* SPANLSH cigars, for sal4‘ Sept. 11, 1851. low by H. BRANSON & SON. 21 tf PAIN-KILLER, SAM’L J. HINSDALE. 68tf DAVIS’S For sale by April 2l. Linseed Oil and White Lead,- OR sale by SAM’4, J. HINSDALE, April 21. F G8tf PAID for YOUNG NEGROES .^pply t& J. & T. WADIHLL.- Sept. 25, 1851,

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