SEMI-WBEKL, Y mas^mm I.UINTKI' HV j. R NEWJiY KDWAIII) J. hale & SOX, FI>IToI!S AM) PUOrHlKTOHS. FAYETTFAILLE, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 30, 1851. Mrs. BE\ IL has opened that large niul convenient houne, near the foot of llaviHomit, on liny sti-c-ft, known as tlu* Farmers’ anl l*lanters’ Hotel, where she wouUl Jk> jrlal to acconiniodate pentlenien with Itoanl hy the wevk or month. Families can he sujijtlieil with j'lcusunt roonifi. She is also ]>repare»l to acconiniolatv Travel lers and their horses. Her Stahles are attend ed to hy otic well acijuainted with the manage ment of hors(>!». Those who are so kiml as to patronir.e her, hhall find that her prcatcst care will be to please. l»ct. l‘7, 18t>l. ;i}tf iTIajor fMt'iic'ral I'lectioii. ^'lOL. J. (i. Mcl)r(JALl>, of Uladen comity, X y is a candidate for the 'tfice of Major t«en- r '■ Sctni-'^ cckly Obskrvku $4 00 if in ftnvT^nce; ^4 '>0 if p«id dnring thf ixr f'i Mih.'oription; or after the year has o\pirc'l. J , t;,i Wiikly OnsKiivKR per annum, if i in .oh.ini e; ;‘>0 if paid during the ■il 'iription; or 0) after the year l, ,s . xiiiroii. oral in this Division, to fill the vacancy (H’cu- \l•^ !'.i; ^l^'l•^tF^'TS inserted for sixty cents j sioned by the resignation of (5e«ieral James J. for the tii-st. and thjrty cents ft^r each I ^^cKay. [;:;’>-tK ., (■ iini; I'lihlication. Yearly advi-rtisements mtracts. at reasonable rates. .\d- i‘ rcipu'Sted to state the nninher of I . ;i^ d->irod, or they will bf continued till I., J. t'i'l >li:iri;i'd accordinjrlv. ' l' .i .• i i .1 ror the purpose ot doing a geiuTiil .Mercantile r.,. i t.. the Kditors must be post-paid. i,„,i, AVe have t:.ken the Store. p—■ No, 1(MIKK1’,N S’I’UKKT, formerlv occupied bv r\Vi:TTi:\ ILLE rOXFEd'IONEHY. ^ NEW riKM. 111V' undersigned have entered into copart- . nership. uuder the name and style of l^awrrure A: Trov, CHARLES BANKS, | i'onferiiottvr^ ! \r’i;MS the jniblic, that he has refitted his | -;.iMNlmient on Cirern Street, and has on ■ , 'Upply of IWNDIF.S. luanufartured I ii out I'f the lK'>t l.oaf Su;.rar. and war- 1 *r. • tr"m st.-irch. flour, jiasti-. and perni- 1 int.". lliswliolo time and attentiou is 1 ■\’itrd to makingCandy, and he is }ire-! t. suj.ply :ill orders with t.’andifs cipial ; nia k- in the L iiited States. Th*‘*if ( :iu- I • vv.wr.ints to kei-p in any climate; iiud 1 ■•ell t'l Town or ('ountry niTcliant>, as , I- - i>i>d an'J pure ('anily can ho j)urchastHi 1 IV ^ lirk or elsewher**. } .•rcMilc, Oft. ■J)', IS'd. o4-tf NEW CiOODS. ~ I >1' n'l ci'.cd. mv Fall .sup)*lv of Cl.oTHS. i ••'.'IMKUKS ‘.\M» VKSTIN(;S, TltlM- i.s. ilu‘ best iuality, from New 1 t!ic Litcst Ke]»ort of the New York j l-AS. f I 'till cnntinue to carry on the i'KI.N'i lll'SlNKS.''. at my Stand 011 Hay ; 1 tiii’sc who may favor me wiih their i. \ ii-Iy oil having their work done iji •:i>iuoi;ahle style, and on the most (JF.O. W. LAWUKM'K. JOHN J!. TllOV. Jr. a;'.tf -m:w goods. !,AAVUKN( r. & I'UdY 4KF, now receiving, and expect to recei\e soon, a large and well selected ST(K’K. consisting of (Jroceries and Frovisions, Hardware and Cutlery, Crockery and (Jlassxsare, |{oot.« and Shot's, T»eather, C'astinxs, 6jc‘. AVe h:i\e now in Ston‘. Just received. j Mackerel. Cheese, (loshen liutter. Canvassed ; Htinis, Snii»ked Meef, Sole Leather, ISruoms. | Huckets, \c. \c. These (loods have been jiurchaseil for ('ASH. and we m*e di'termined to sell very low for Cash, or oil time to jiunctual customers, or in exchange tor all kinds ot Cuuntrv I’roUuce. ci;o. W. I.AUIIKNCK. JOHN U. Titov. Jr. Oct. 21!. IS.-.l. ;j:Uf .'1 .Mtcmr.Al-l) CHAHAM. ::4tf Just Ii( ‘(•(Irrd, on ('u/tsl^r/tnirnf^ ^200 Kln^lsii^aiKl CmIiei I’oW liKlt. and for sale low. Rl'MOVAI.. •I.' ITS have removed to the new ; I'. iloors West of the Cajie are recei\in-j their Fall K. M. Oct. 2;!. OHlU’.l.L Aot t ulii'n' the_^ (iyi s, 11nrihrnr*" ‘ ‘ ’ / y. ‘tul ('r>" h'vr}j. —ALSO— :,1 ShiHs, iiinl n>l,, nf ilijTi n nt ■ •■t v thing usually e:illel for in the • to which thev invite an cxami- hKKTK .t JOHNSON. 1>'1. ;:4-tf M r.riaur.ii a w‘il s ! is leceiving :ind offers “cteil stock of im V OC e t* i€ Sn . .'' la, r.uttcr, and Water Crackers, '•-id. ' I ■'! I’ri-serves. K lisiiis :tnij I’runes, ;:id igar.». '■ ii.' -t i casonaJile terms or on , !:ic [ custouiei-s. CHS. HANKS, No. 8 Green st. -. ^ilh-. Oct. 2-S :’.l-tf lii. llraiiMMi A: r«ioii OFFKlt Foil S.'l.K. IHin*. prime St. Croi.v SI'(\\K, 2 hhd.s. N‘w Orleans ditto. 20 bbls. Ivcfined ditto, 'i “• tlraiiulated iitt». o) bafiS green I’.io Coffee, ’v't Jav;i ditto. 7-j kegs .Vails. :id. to ♦> inch .spikes, 1 dozen F.u;;!ish cross-cut Saw .s. •’1 casks Cheese, 2t boxes ditto. l*t boxes fine Ciiewing Tobacco. Kxtra Wool Hats. Negro Shoes lil.-inkcts. Oct. 22. isol. ::;:tf T()P.ACC’0.~ RIMF. North Carolina and \’irginia Cliew- ing Tobacco, by the l?ox :ind retail. I K tolier 2’>. 1 •''•M . J. .V T. WADIHLL. ol-tf NOriCE. -sibseriber is now recei'ving his Fall d Winter Stock of F.\NCY and STAl'LK DKY ^OODS; ' .III-, ami ]}i»rinet>; IJout. :nil ,iv :uil ('iitlcTv; IJlacksmiths’, '. aijii ("arpcnt^'r.s’ Tool.j »Straw ('>ni Shfllers, ]*lotiglis, . . ll'.ii>>\v-war(‘; lltavy g«Mxls It Xe;_'roc», t'co. : '1' U' ’d' will be sold at wliolesalp f>r 11:! ' Ustomi'is. We “:i\ nothing a- • ■ " iv iil.oM- liooil.s were bought, or how J ■■ ■ - !d, hut we do K.iy romc aud .see, 9 '■■- ^ii'Min^s. (irc«*n Street. ]’. TAVI-OH. * ' ' -- Ctirolinian 2m :i4-2m MISIC. A Nl-'W supply of Ml'SlC, for the I’iano ^ P'orte. received. E. J. IIAI.H & SON. Octobcr 27. IS^ol. rsi:n [. iu)oks. H;> ANI.KTT S AI: Hl'"f-;cT: American Car- penters' New (ivil.b-. Carpenters’ Assist- :int and liural .Vrchitect. Shaw's Uural .\rchi- tocture; Alinifee's .NU'chiii.'ical J)rawing l>ook; .Mahan s Civil Kngi;ieering: iillespie 011 Hoads. 4th Iviition: .Nlechani-s' 'I’ext Hook: Mechanic.'^’ Own Hook: Huilder's Companion; .Miller and Millwright's Assi.stant: Cabinet Maker and I |>- hol?(terer's •.'omp:inion: Dyer and I'olor Maker's Comjianion. and other works of similar charac ter and utility. For s:ile by ]•:. .r. HALF & SON. Octol)cr 28, 1^'>1. A DUTY OFTEN XEGI,1X:TKI). Many f!imilie.s are already in the hahit of keeping a vermifuge on hand, and when any of the usual disturbances occur among children, of giving it to them. The result is. that the eflect is not only astonishing, but often incred ible, in causing the expulsion of worms, whilst, at other times, few or none a^e discluirged. No vermifuge.'perhaps, ever before introduced, has done so much good, or been so highly spokvn of by those who have used it. .as tiiat j)re))ared by Hr. Little. Another peculiarity of this med icine is, that it never fails to improve quickly all feeble :ind drooping children, whether they have worms or not. To give calomel, pink root. &e. is to be behind the age of imiirovcment. when n remedy like l..ittle's Vermifuge is to }»e had; which is not surpassed, if efiualled, by an\thing; besides, re- • luiring nothing .-ifterwards. VFHMIFI'GK FOH PLANTATION T’SK. The l’ropriet(>r has j>ut it uji iii Hollar bot tles. which are oiie-t!iir'l cheai>er. and also in vials which are about double the size id' Fahne stock’s, and at the same price. Whose is best? Ke;id tlie proof at home; Talbot County. Hr. Little—Dear Sir: I liave prescribed your Vermifuge in several cases, and feel no hesi tancy in jironouncing it superior to Fahne stock's, Perry's “Head Shot,'’ or any other 1 have ever used. (Signed) .H>HN S. Sl'AnCV, M. H. Hr. Little—Sir; 1 have vised Fahnestock's :uiil Comstock's Vej inifuge. as well as your pre paration. in my family. 1 have found yours much sujierior to either of tlu-m in the several c.ases 1 have given it. In fact, it fully answeis the jiurpose without anything else; besides, it is not for children to take. (Signed! J.\MLS S. SANHF.KS. Talbotton, .M:iy IS'iO. Hr. Little—Hi ar Sir: I cheerfully state, that I h.Hve used in iny family your \'ermif'uge in several cases with entire satisraction; in fact have never known it ec|iuilled. 1 have given Fahnestock’s. I’orry's •*l>ead .''hot.” :inii Hr. .layne's, but with no such lesults ,is yours: be sides, you fuinish nearly double as much for tlie same price. (Signed) ol!l!F.N H. (’OX. .^lacon cninty. .\la.. .\j ril lh')H. I The follow iiig order, am «ng many, has been I received: j Fort (iaines. March 14. 1.^4‘.i. I Hr. W. (i. Little— Sir: W e will thank ! _\ou to send us. by the first opportunity, twidve ' dozen of your Vermifuge, and four dozen .Viio- dyiM' Cough Hrops. We are entindy cuit of^the ; Veriuit'uge. and our »-ustomeis say they c:iniiot , do without tiiem. Kes)>e»-tfuily. j HILL vV Ai.LXANHF.ll. The fac-simlle of the .■'i Little will be t'ound upon of each of his Mi-dicines. i Sold wholesale and retail, by the I’roprieti'r. at his .^Lltlufacturing Hcpot. .No. 2>'-4 .M;irket : stret't. I’hiladelphia, and .Macon, (leorgia. ; Scir'’ To be had also of James (’.-lin. Itockfish: : A. Watsoii, Floral t'ollege: 'I'ownsend iV l>oug- l:iss, licunett.'Ville: Hr. 1*. M. Cohen. Ch;irles- ton; C. (', Harbee. H.irclavsville; I’. F. I’e.scud. ; Kaleigh. I S. J. HINSHALF,. ,\gent for Fayetteville. ! NTivlM Ji.liniu: WOllhS,' I'orni'r of North anil .Monument Sirccls, RaitiiiiorN ?1I. , ^JL''SON \ H.\ 1UH having (•ompletcd their ex- ' tensive works, ^whi' h is now one of the i largest cstahiishments of the kind in this coun try. 1 are prej ared to fill all orders in their line, viz: .M.irble .'M.'intols, .Munnments, Tombs, Gi aie Xtoiies, Table Tops, THes, ,for floors. • •Marble I..etters, «&c., at as reasonable rates as can be liad in this or :i.:y other city in the I'nion. : For heaiity o| e\e ufion and originality of de- I sign, their stock cannot be sui-passed. They , woul'l respectfully invite Aichtltcif, lluiUUrf. 'ohii:rt M'lhtrx alid otiiers to call and examine before purchasing. They ale also prepareil to furni>h the trade with .'slal Hlocks. \c. to or der. All orders by mail punctually .ittended to. 2'i-4ni mature of Hr. W. ti. the outside wra]>pcr I ALL, 18.11. FILL m mm\ liooDS. Mj, a* t#. .f. Pemberton AVK just received from New York and Philadelphia a complete Stock of SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Among which may be fouinl an extensive lot of l..\HIF.S’ HllF.S.S (!0()l»S. viz: Plain, watered and fig’d Silks; Needle-worked Cashmeres: Hro- cade and watered Popliim; ('hameleon l.,ouisi)in- as; Chene Heps; Plaid Lu.'^tres; rich S.-ixony He- Lains; plain, watered and figuretl Silk warp .\lpacas; Second Mourning Poj>Hns; black Hom- ba/.ines; a few superior l''vening Dresses; pink, blue, white and straw cidored Tarlt:ins, v'cc. Plain and watered .Manuihis: l>ay State, )>laid and emhroidered Thibet and (,'ashmere Shawls; dr.ib and black Cashmere ilitto. K.MHIIOIHKUIF.S.—French AVorked Lace Capes and Collars; worked ('ufl's; a beautiful lot Hertlia I.ace t'a[>es; Cnder-sleeves and Chemi- j settes; Swiss aud Jaconet Trimmings; Hem- i stitched and Needle-worked Linen (’ambric _ Handkerchiefs: black, blue aiiil white Lace P. P JOIL\SOA Has JUST RECEIVED and ofTers for sale, cheap,— 7') bags superior Kio C(JFFER, 2o barnds (Joffee Sugar, oO barrels Mackerel, Nos. 1, - and I), Loaf ami (iranulated Sugar. —ALSO— A large as.sortment of Iron and Nails, Shov els, Spades, Trace (’hains. Shovids and Tongs, Hlacksmitlis’ Hellows, .\nvils, Vi.'?es, Hamint-rs, Planes, Augers and t.'hisels, Files, ('olliiis's -Vses, Jcc. August 10, ISO I. 14tf •Vew Firm. The undersiirned liave entered into coj>artnershi|), under the name and style of H.\LL vt S.VCKETT. for the jiui'pose of doing )i Hry (Joods and Hardware Husiness, and have taken the Store doors East of the Fayetteville Hotel. J. H. 11 VL'L. A. E. HALL. T. M. SACKETT. August 20, H;tf E are now receiving ii large and well .se- 'VV lected St.K:k of Hlack. brown and green F'rench and English I>IiY Cloths; black ami fancy t'assimeres; )-lain and (\,nipri.siug every article iisuuliy kept in that fig d Satin \ estiiigs; \ alencia and ('ashnu're lim.^ to"-ether with l.>l) C'as(.‘s Boots and Shoes. Ilat« aiisl €a]»>>. —ALSO— A well .selected .“stock of To :ill of which we invite the attention id' Mer chants «d' the interior, who will tind it to their interest to examine our Stock before making their juirchases. We will not be undersold by any one iloing business in this ]i!ace. JIALL .V SA(’KI;TT. August 2'>, ]S'>1. H'ltf im's. fips, BOOTS alils. -1- T T(>a] Tea! Tin I! i;>T Voi N(; IIVSON, (;uiip'i'vd« r, ' liii)M iial, I r 'iN' by CHS. HANKS. -- l^'l. ::i-tf STOVES!! ' Vi'd.l', Ini' Chur-hes. Parlors, Factories. • ' For sale hv c. w. .\.nhim:ws. Market Siuare. l"'.l. .‘54tf ' Ui»P I’.AISIN.^, in whole, half, and : '‘T >'OXeS. f 1. Figs. I ' . '' ;uid Prunes. ‘‘ll .Viinonds. l:ilrt~. Walnuts. Nuts. ' ChiK'olate. I • -crved (Jinger. "‘hen Ibittcr, in 121b. kegs. .''lie.keil !’,eef and TongUCS. ■' i'>'ived aud for sale bv V'H.VS. r.AN'KS. 1 •>1- 84-Im ■'prisals for Plank Road Contracts. Al.I.Ii PI{OPOS.\LS will 1,0 received by • undersigned. President of the Cheraw I'lank Koad Comi)any, for contracts '•aring, grading and planking said ’ ' ir tlie ueces.sary lumber and timlxir ■ .■• • I'l-il on the road. •-'i n ts will be let out, in se.'tims of a " Ti- each, or for the whole road. 'vishing further information on the ' ’ ill .ihtain the same by applying to the tur ]i copy f)f the Engineer’s Report. ' I' ' "'n be received until the 20th day '■•'iHivr next. .Address, (post-paid,) TH(^S. E. PUWE, I’res’t. ’ * - > c., ao, iH.',i. ;54-tt Watches andJewolrv, At lVholr.*alc and Kelail. .1. M. I5EASEEV W( >1'LH r»*spef'tfully inform the public generally, that he has returned recent ly from New York, with decidedly a large as sortment of and •Fcirelrt/. .Many of these Watches were-bought for C.VSII HY THE P.\('K.\(!E. anl can therefore be sold ver\' low. He has W atches of all kinds; Chains, Keys and Seals of all kinds and of the latest styles: Finger-Kings, Ear-Rings, Medallifuis. of all sizes, of English and American make; l.a- dies’ (^hatelaines; ('lift' Pins: (’ollar and Sleeve ISuttons; Shirt Studs; Gold Sj>ectacles, light and heavy; (Jold Pens and Pencils: CJold and Silver Thinililes: Hracelets; Silver Fruit and Hutter Knives; Silver Sp>ons of all sizes: large bit of Pocket (’utlery; Scissors, best i|uality; Hutton- hole Scissors, Surveyor's I’ompasses and ('hains; .Alatliematical Instruments; large iuantity of fine anil common Pistohs; fine and common sin- )ile and double-barrel (Juns; Game Hags; Shot Belts and I’owder Flasks; Military Gools, in cluding the Hass Drum and the smallest Hutton; A’iolins and extra Hows; FluUis, Clarionets, Fla geolets, Accorileoiis. of all kinds and sizes; Mu sic Hoxes: Perfumery; Soap; Lather Hrushes; Razors ajid Strops; Dressing and Pocket (’ombs; IMated and Hritannia Ware; and various other things too tedious to enumerate. ('all and give me a triiil. Cash paid for old Gold and Silver. AVatciij:b and Jkavklry Repaire*! Fiiyi UcrHlr^ X. C.—Xorth-Eust 0/ Market Sqnttre. 12-Om] J. M. RKASLEY. EOK SAEE, Nl-' lot of Land containing 2 acres, with a comfortable Dwelling House and Kitcln'U thereon. The above projierty is in h.alf :i mile of Robeson lnstit;:te, Robeson county. Als'i, Four .'shares of the Capital Stock in said Institute. For further particulars. inpiire of ALFRED JACKSON. Cumlierland countj", Sept. 1, 1H.>I. Istf D. EYMAN HI RHANK, t>> Ihtfi'h f' IliD'IxmIt ^ W holesale and Retail Healer in C’is^ars, Tobacco, and EEP.'s constantly on han«l the above n.-mied articles, of the most ]>opular brands, and warranted equal to nny in the country. Hav ing made arrangements with, an extensive house in Haltimore. he will sell at l>altimore j.rices. and resjiectlully invites the citizens of Fayette ville and surrounding country to give him a call. Front Street, next door to Messi-s. Pol icy Hart, (at the sign of THE Tl'RK.) Wilmington, Oct. IH.'.I. otitf Five Dollars Kcward. .\NAW.\A' fron'. the subscriber, on the E a H»th inst., a negro girl by the name of ('aroline. Said girl is probably lurking about (.’. Montague’s, as 1 hired her from him. 1 will pay the above reward for her delivery to me, or confinement in our jail. Said Caroline is about 20 years of age—quite tall for that age. JOHN STEWART. Fiiyetteville. Oct. H?, 18'»1. lidtf ditto; Twec'ls: Sattinets; Kentucky .leans: Silk and ^\ orsted Serges; jdaid Linseys; red, blue and w hite Flannels; French and Silk warp ditto; brown and bleached Canton ditto; Druggets: Osnabiirgs: French and l'nglish Prints; Irish Linens; Toweling; Table Hiapers: L.-idies' ainl Gentlemen's Kid Gloves, of a very su]ierior ipial- ity: Silk and Cotton Hosiery; Lamb's Wool and .Merino ditto; Lailies' and (Jentlemcn's Cashmere • iioves, \c. iS:c. .1 Idi ijf lot of Moll sh ill II 11(1 An- lliit!; Ml h'!> tm! ('iij)sj Unt mill lit It Itihhona. superior lot of Oentleuien's ('alf Hoots and .'slio‘s: Ladies’ iaiters ami ither styles of Shoes; Travelling Trunks: Carpet Hags, I'l^c. The above (ioo>ls were selected more particu- l irly for the It 1^1.VI L TR \HE, and w ill be sold on very accommodating terms. F. L. J. A. PE.MHERTON. Se]>t. 11. iN'il. 2Iff AUEV, co. m:w fall and wim'kii n SK JTm a • 'I H IC Siibscrihers are now rereiving direct fn ni .New York and Phil:idclphia, the lar gest aud h:nidsomest ."stock of Stdj)l( ind Fiuicy Dry (toods That they have ever exliibiteil in this market, embracing every variety of Ladies’ and (icntle- men’s HIlK.'s.'s (i()()DS. amon;.r which may be found: Hlai-k and fancy watered and plain Hrcss .''ilks: black and fancy Coburgs; Lama Twills: figureil and plain fancy and black Mohair Lus tre.': .''ilk Warp .Mid Cr:i]>e !!rocades; ."swiss. .'S(-.,tch and Chene iin;ih:!ms; Sa.vony De-Laitis; French, I'nglish anil .\meric;m Piints: Einb'il Ca.'-hmeres: jdain ditto; chaiiger.ble He-[,ains; watered and needle-work Cnshmeres; changea ble J oneses: Hrocade Lustres; Damask .l-^dians: black Houibazines; secoiid-moiirning Poplins: plain .and watered Silk .Mantillas; colored and black A'elvet .M.-intillas; Hrocatle Poplins: and a large assortment of Hress Trimmings: French and English Merinos; W‘!vet Neck Ribbons and Cnff, .‘cc. i:.Min{on>i:itTKs. I'rench worked Collars and Capes: French worketi t'nils: Fremdi worked Chemisettes: Cn- der-SIeevcs; .’swis> .m l .lacoiict Trimmings: In fants' Waists and t'aps; llem-stitched and nec- dle-woiked Linen C uiihric Handkerchiefs, from cts. to ."S-'i; and a beautiful assortment of A'eils: evei v va»'iety of Shawls, embroidered and plain: Thi'v.iit. Cotton and Linen IMgings and Laces: M.ick .'^ilk Laces and IMgings. —ALSO— Hlack. blue, blown and gro^n French ami English Cloths; black and fancy t’assimeres; Cut A'elvet. figured and black Satin ami A’alen cia A'estings. 1 some very liandsome:) Sattinets; Kentucky .leans; Tweeds; Linseys: Flannels, wool and cotton: Osnaburgs: Hruggets: Hamask Table Cotlis: ditto Napkins: Centre-Table Cov ers, very tine: Pi.iiio Covers: Irish Linens: Lin en Lawns: Thread Cambrics: I’oweliings: Gen tlemen’s Aierino .'shii-fs aii'l Drawers; .'ilk Neck and Pocket H andkerchiefs: Ladies' .Aierino A’vsfs; ('ashmereand .''ilk Hose; ditto Half'-Hosc; the celelirated Salem .leans, blai k and grey. Ladies’, (ientlemen's aud Children's HOOTS and S H* >E.-'. Alen's. Hoys’ ancl Infants' Hats and Cajis. A'elvet, .'satin. Straw and Florence Ihinnets. Ditto ditto ilitto foi- Alisses DAGUERREOTYPE PORTllxilTS. A r. SAIITII, Dagucrrean .\, having • been instructed in one of the largest and best Establishments in New A'ork, atid by one d'the best .Artists in New York or any where (dse. Would resiiectfully inform the citizens of Fayetteville, and j>ersons living near, th.-it he has a i{ooni in the Fayetteville Hotel fitted nji for taking Daguerreotypes, and would be very much jileaseil to wait on those who may wish to have their l-ikenesses taken. He has the best m.’iterials that can be bought any where with out any exception. He intends stojiping here only a few weeks. Call soon, if yon ■wish a correct and gool Likeness. He feels that he can .sjitisfy those who m.'iy give him a call, if a correct and gooI Likeness will do it. Time of taking, from 0 A. M. iintil p. M. Dark or bl.-ick dresses best for taking; ■white will not answer well. Prices from Two to Ten Dollars. JCrrij*' Children one year old and ujiwards ta ken. if they can be kc]it still 15 or 2( seconds. Time for taking Children, from 10 A. M. until 2 P. .AL Instructions given in the Art. Sirc ' Persons taken in groups if they wish it. Haguevreotypes and .AHniatiire Paintings co pied for those who may wish it. Oh. wad some jiower the giftie gie us, 'I’o see ourselves as ithers see us. It would from mau3- a blunder free \is, And foolisii notion.—lUinm. Hut -ome when you will, A perft'ct likeness you’ll have, H you only sit still. Lovers :ire of all others the best subjects for sitting, though the most diflicult to jdease. Secure the shadow Ere the substance fade.—Shnl.tpfiiri'. Sept. 1, 1?'.1. l«tf TEAS. Fall and Il'inter Stock, 1 8 ') I. rjlHE .Subscriber offers for sale one of the M- largest and best :issortments of (JtlOHS in his line ever olfcred in this pl.-ice. He is vi rv thankful for the very liUer.-il ]>atronage that he has and s'llicits a continuance of the same. His stock has been selected with care. anl consists of ne;j-ly every variety aud style, from the best manuracturers. He has on h.-ind and offers low for Cnxh, at retail u- by the case, l.itest styles (Jentlenien's P>eaver. Nutria, Aloleskin. ."^ilk, I’.nish ami .\n- gola II.CI'S. ,\lso, .lenny Lind, Kossuth, ,\r- tist. Rough and Heady, aud stifl'ened Fur anI Vs ool Hats, for AKii, Youth and Hoys—in abun dance by the dozen or caso. —-ALSO— \ very large supjily of Cloth, Plush. A'elvet and Fur (’.VP."^. of all ijualities. styles and pri ces,—by the single Caji or by the dozen. —AL.'^O— Hoots and Slioes, fif the following varieties, viz; Fine Water-proof, fine Calf, fine Ki]i and heavy Winter HO.(TS. Pmivs' and Youths’ Calf and Kip Hoots. Genflemen's Hress Shoes, of various ijualif’es. Together with an .-issortment of f,nffirx\ Misses' and Children's HOO’I'S and SHOES, viz: .lenny Lind. Excelsiors. Gaiters, ditto Half. Huskins. Slippers and Morocco P>oots. Also, Gentlemen's and Ladies' Rubbers. ANith a gooil su]'ply of A ouths’, Hoys', ('hildrcns’ and Servants' heavy Shoes. All of which he offers low for t^nxh, or on time to ]>unetiial customers. Please call and satisfy yourselves )>efore purchasing elsewhere. 11111V 1' 'I' 111 \ \ I s; /1V • 111 F> subscriber h:\.« just re ceived and offers for sale, a supjily of (ircc/i and Illdclc Fcas:^ Of very superior quality, con- sistin A erv fine Hyson.” Imperi al.” Young Hyson.” ()olong.” These Teas were selected by a good judge, and are recommended as “first rate.” S. J. HINSD.ALE. Oct. 1 t. ::itf [NO. 35.] Dr. T. D. HAlC.;n, AS taken an Office on Hay Street, West of the Hotel Huildiiigs. July 14, 1M.A1. 4-tf NOTICE. rjr^IIE Steamer Chatham will leare this plac» JL every Monday anti Thursday at 7 o’clock^ .Al.. (instead ofo’clock iis at pre.^ent,) com- mencing at 7 o’clock Monday HUh inst. Time of leaving AVilmington, every Tuesday and Fri-» day at 2 o'clock P. Al. JNO. 1). WILLTAAIS, Agent Cape F'ear Steamboat Co. Fi\yetteville, March -i. NOTICE.—All Accounts due the Merchants’ Steambimt Company, for Freights' up to the l')th inst., mu.**! In.* promptly paid to the undersigned, as much time cannot be given to the collection of the same. J. & T. WAHDILL. late Agents. Fayetteville, Jan. 27, I'-;')!. r>*>tf C’or##, Peas, and MMay. IHE Subscriber has on hand and is con- T stantly receiving, on consignment, a sup ply of the above articles, which mar be piir- cha.‘«ed at the lowest market jirices at the Otlico' of the Henrietti Steamboat Companv. R. M. (»RRELL. April 1 Hr,0. 14tf 1}AG(;ING AND ROPH Ifl^rR COTTON RAGGING AND ROPE have arrived. Our friends e'^n send in their orders, and thev sliall be supplied. COOK \ TAYJ-OR. August 18,- ISol. 14tf X1.VJ3. WANTED, olM)0 ft. -Ashe Lumber for AVagons, 1 i to -I inches thick. o(Hi(i ft. Sea ontl Oak Lumber. 1 ij to 8 inches. 1»MM( ft. White Oak and Hickory, for Axlefrees. HJO(» ft. AVhite Oak for Tongues, Holsters and .'Shafts. 1(W( Post (>ak Hubs, for Cart.s and AVagons. 2tMM) Spokes. For which the highest cash price will be paid. .Vp|ilv sHin to E. F'l LLER. >Liv I'.i. ISAI. 72-tf rB'^HLS LINE OF HOATS is still in JL ful ojieration on the ’ape Fear River, and continue to oflcr many facilities to the shipping public. Persons jiatronising this Line, may rest h.s- sured that their (Joods will be brought up with dispatch, uud at tlie very lowest rates of freight. A. AV. STEEL, President. T. S. Ll'TTERLOH, Agent at Fayetteville. Feb. ir>. iKr,i. r>o tf NOTICE. ^TARR & AVILLI.AMS have removed to the- Store recently K-.uipied by Mr. John D. Starr, one door of Messrs. H. Hranson & Son, where they have just received additions to* the Spring of St;iple aud Fancy DRY GOOl>S. Country merchants are req,’iested to* examine our stock, J. R. SfTARR. J. .Al. AV ILL] AMS, Jnno 7, IS”)!. 75-tf SALEM PAPER-MILT.. fBTIHE su)>scrilK*r has taken charge of this old — i JL and well known Establislimeiit, and is pre-- TO WINE MAKERS. | pared to attend to all oirders for TE have a few barrels of fine old Apple! |>ri,itiuor Paper, Merchants’ and Hraiidy for s;ilc: oUch as those who ^ w ant to make good w ine should get. COOK \ TAYLOR. Sejit. 10, 18.->1. 22-tf DO.MESriCS. Little River Osnahergs; 7-8 and 4-4 Sheetings ahvays on hand, .and for sale at Factory ju-ices, by STARR & AVILLIAAIS. June 7, 18."»1. 7')-tf JOHN C THOMSON, M:irket Square. 2i'.tf NO'i'ici:. FILL l\n \11\TF-R (iOODS. H E .'Subscribers are now receiving iv well i selected stock of Staple and Fancy DHA GOODS, .\mong their stock will be found the latest styles of Ladies’ aud Gentlemen's HRESS GO(M)S. together with a good assortment of Itciiilv-niailo (’l')t!iiiio;; I'nibrollns; aiiil JJoiiiH'ts; all kinds of Boots aii'J Shoi's; Carpeting'; SadilU's, IJri'llos, A\ hip.' and ('ollar.s Hanhvarc ami (’'itlcry; hea ther; HoHow-waroand ('rockery-w;iro; Jv>af, .\nd every article usually ke]it in a Hry (ioods [jiniip, (’rushed, Clavitied and lirinvii Su- Store. i "ars; Teas; Kio, Ijairuira and Java ('offec; Wc invite the ]>ublic to call and exam- ! Salt, Molasses, Iron iiiid Nail.'^. iiie our large and handsome Stock, as we are al- ; ways an> lous to show our (.oods. ^ for Cash, or on time to those who pay ]\'f l.-ii'f) Siii/or, Till a ml (oJ}i'e. punctually. We would be glad if our friends AREV, SHEMWELL \ CO. return thanks ' and the piiblic generally \y>uhl give us a c.dl. to the citizens of Fayetteville, and the public I J. T. COUNt IL geueriilly, for the very liberal patronage here- j Sept. 1, IS-il. tofore bestowed on them, and intend, by strict | ~ attention to Imsincss, to merit a continuance. Sta^o liijie tolialeigli. fH'^HI’, !^ubscrihers, Alail Contractors from -fl. Fayetteville to Raleigh, -will commence o]»er:itions this day. with new and comf'ortahle Co.'iches. good horses, and c.areful Drivers.— The Fare is FIA'E DOLL.AllS—same as before. The St:ige Houses are. in Fayi-ttcville. the Fay etteville Hotel, in R.-ileigh. the Yarborough House: lint Passengers will be con.voved to .such other Houses as they may select. The hours of I deiiarture will be, until i'urtiier notice, jit half- | jiast P. M. from Fayetteville, and at 2 I'. M. 1 from llaleigh. daily. The subscribers hope, by unremitted attention, to secure a liberal share ! of the travel. M UR HOC K Me K1N NON, HAVID AlcNElLL. Fayetteville. .July 1, IS'il. 7S-tf A: (WIN. ISif •NOT I CH. .1. 1*1'.SI. iii,i,.i,^.,i either by note or ‘ ■ "lilt, will please call at the Store of ' •. I I'oy and settle, as I am closing ‘ ■ ■•1'business, aii'l wish a quick settle- JOHN H. TROA', Jr. - '1. u-j-4w .neatly Corner TIIIE Steamer HROTHERS and Tow Hoats, . STEA’ENSON an«l H.AA’^ID LEWIS arc pre pared to forvranl with Hk.sp.vtch, all goods con signed to the Proprietor. The Steamer Jirothers is of light draft, and well suited to run in low^ water. She possesses power, and sjieed, and is iidmirably adapted to fo'wing, and can acconiniodate about 20 passen- ger« The proprietor contemplate." running the Roat himself, and will give special attention to way freight and nnral stores; to towing, and will al- S4) attend to the comfort and convenience of Pa.s.sengers. From his long experience a.« .\gent in AVilmington of the several Steam Hoat Com wurnxd paper. M RE.VAIS assorted French, English i panics, he thinks he can give satisfaction. and -American (’ap. Letter, Hath To Merchants in the interior he would Post, Folio l*j»st, and Note Papers—a well sc- that all Goods shipped by him, will be deliv apers- lected stock, en»bi'aeir»g a great variety of qual ity and price. Also, Hri.stol Hoards, Perforated Ditto, Tissue and Drawing Puper, and Station ary of ull kinds. Just receiving. E. J. ILALE & SON. i?ri.t. 20, 1801, any. will be delive»'ed to their .Agents in Fayetteville. His ageni in AN'ilmington is J(JIIN C. f-ATT.\, to whom all communications may be adilrcsscd, as Ayent of the Steame? lirothers. JOHN BANKS, rroprictor. May 15. 72-y S. S. AREA’. P. SHEMWELL. J. R. .AlcDONALD. Fayetteville, Sept. lo, 18*>1. 21 tf FALL l.M) \H\TFR COODS. W our usual Stock of BOOTS ifc SHOES.,ST.VPLE IWNCY GOODS, Wk are rwoiviij.' our ' "f k'l't in the Ihy (loods line. —ALSO— A FINE ASS»KTMF.NT OF Eashional)le Ronnets, Hats, Caps, Roots, Shoes, cVc. The above Stock wc would invite our custom- or.s, friends, and the public generally, to call and examine before purchasing, as we arc de termined to sell Goods to suit the times. ALEX’R JOHNSON .'t CO. Faj'ettcville, Sept. 2-‘>, 18-51. 2-,)tf ¥aSTUA-3I.\KL\G & KILLLNERY. Fall and Winter supply of ISootH HSKl I (’onsisting of a very large i and splendid assortment of , the LATEST FASHIONS. | and embracing a very great • variety of styles for Ladies’, (Jentlemen's, .Aliss- j es', Roys’, and Children’.^ wear; with a large as- ' so.’tnient of Men’s and Hoy's Kip and Coarse HROGANS. 1 A superior article of Gentlemen’s ami L;idies’ j India-rubber Shoes. —ALSO— Trunks, Carpet Hag^, and Window Shades: (’alf, Morocco, (ioat. Lining, Rinding, and Pad ' Skins; Sole Leather, Lasts, Shoe Thread, Spar ables, itc. I Persons 'wijhing to purchaw by AVholesjiIe or 1 Retail, are repiested to examine our Stock. A\e ■ are determined to sell very low for Cash, or on 1 time to punctual customers. | ». T. HAAVLEY & SON, Sept. SO, 1851. 26-Cw | Jjinf nf fonr-hor:t>- Pog.t Conr}tv^^ from Fm/t tti^iillr to n — Du it If. rw^HE Subsoribeis having secured the mail JL contract on the .above i.ine. will commence THIS DA A', running a Line of Four Horse Post (’oaches, Haily. Le.-iving Fayetteville at (> I’. M., and arriving at War.saw at J past G A. AL, in time for the Car.^ North and South. Re turning. leave Warsaxt on the arrival of the Cars, say about 1 or 2 P. M.. and arrive at Fay etteville in ten hours. Every care will be taken to render the line pleasant, convenient, and safe, for Travellers. .A Line (»f Stage» will be established a.s soon as jiossiblc. by the Plank Road, from Fayette ville via Carthage and .Aslieborough, to Lexing ton. Salem, and .'Salisbury. McKI.NNON & AIcNEILL. Fayetteville, N. C., Aug. 8, IS.M. 11-tf nS RS. AN'ALTON has just retnrned from the ..Ti North ■with a new jind beautiful assort ment of Fall and AVinter MILLINER A', consist ing of silk, antin and velvet lionnets, of various prices; Plumes, Ribbons and Flowers; Head Dresses and Caps; Straw Bonnets of different quality and price; Inside Capess CoWars and IF.VA'E just received from New York^ my i l'nder?-’eevc?; verj'best quality of Kj4.l Gloves; FALL AND AVINTEll I Fillet Inserting, long and short: » t»cw and ele gant stj’le o4' Dress XrirMiiin^cJT of the most fashionable kind, and » few h-.uidsome Dress Pattern!?: watei'ed and j>l:un silk Mantillas; vel vet Mantillas and Cloaks; a new style of Bon- Stock of Goods, Consisting of a general assortment c»f Dry Goods, Grocerifs, Hardware, CntJery, kt. I net Linings and Trinunings, of all colors'; and a r will barter for TURPENTINE, or any handsome assortment of Flowers aud Head kiml of Produce. 7') Hbl.^. Nl 2-i “ “ Oct. 28, 1850. N. KING, 10 miles North of Fayetteville. •lau' Dresses Di-esses made in the latest style; like wise Mantillas aud Cloaks. Oct. U, 1851. 30-3m 1 Herring. •\ Mackerel. 1(K) R;iles Hay. 10(> Pi«ce» Cotton Baggvnj;- •')0 (,’oils Rope. 200 Lbs. Twine. oH Hhds. Moliisses. '» Hhds. Fair •’>0 Hags Rio Coffee. With .Alum .and Sack Suit, an«l (fn>ce-ries gcn- erallv, for s;ile at the lowest market prices, by JNO. D. WILLIAMS. August 11, 18-'>l- l.'jtf WANTED. The Sal>»cFfl)eT wi?ttcs to pwrchaw of>0,(¥)0 Ibf*. R.\GH, for which the highest cash prices will l»e pjvitl oa delivery m Fayetteville. DAV5D MVRPIIY. Kockfi.»h, CuTYiberian'd, Aug. 20,18GI, lo-Cim 7^" KING a'nit MrMILLAN ha^ve entered • into copartirership^ in th« Distillery ot Turjientine. anl have erected h Still on the AVest side of the Fayetteville and Western Plank Roud, 8 miles fn.uu Fayetteville. X. KING. May 9.—71tf A. McMlLLAN. F;ictory W rapping, &:c. Tlie Mill has recently been thoroughlj’ refittetr with new machinery, and the subscriber believes he can furnish Paper of as good quality and at as cheap prices as can be purchased any where,^ North or South. CHARLES E. SHOHER. Salem, .Tune 7, l^t')!. 77tf THE ('ELEBRITED BITK PATE.VT COOKING STOVE, S for sale b^- the Subscriber in Raleigh and Fayetteville; in Raleigh at his Shop on Fa} - etteville Stitct. and in Fayetteville at Mr. A. M. Camjibell’s. The Si*bscril>er h«‘reb.y forewarns all persons from juirchasing any of these Stoves from nny person either in or out of North ('arolina, ex cept from himself or his duly authorized Agents, lit has purchased the exclusive rijrht to veml this Stove within the State, and will prosecute any person infringing his right, either by pur chasing. selling, or using, any except those ob tained from hiiusclf. JOSEPH AYOLTERING. Ra-Tergh, April 10. IS-'il, bS^tf Ivftcoifrofre \or(h i'ttrolinn. fJ^llE undersigned is manufacturing, in Fay- -bL etteville. Boot and Shoe Polish, far superior to the Blacking purchased in the Northerw cifies. He intends devoting his whole time to manufacturing and vending this very h«- perior Polish, attd calls upon nil who think it tw the interest of the Southern people to become irdcjvendent of Northern manufactures, to give him their aid aivd patronage. lie is prepared to show, hy nh>nhift frial, tO’ any one who will call upon him. the nrxt Kupe- rioriti/ of his over all other potixhfn or hinfkhig’ now sold in North Carolina. Call and have your boot.' and shoes once completely blacked and polished, and be satisfied. This article is offered at a price m)t higher th.fn i« usually charged for other and inferior qualities, a«d a trial is all that is askeil to se cure the patronage i>f the public generally. The undersigned expects to visit every por tion of the State to introduce his Polish, and asks now in advance that Merchants anl others visiting Fayetteville will trive him a call. A. J. AVO(»DWARD. June 21, I80I, 77-fim WANTED, j GOOD H.ANDS, at 7-') cts. per day, orj the Southcra Plank Road. Steady j emploj'Tnenf and cash payment weekly, if re quired. Appiv t» I ^ D. M. BUIE, j At the Steam Alill, or to j A. A. McKETIIAN, j Jnw 2^, If^of. [”7-tf] Fajetteville. W IfVrMfcrf. E wish to buv 2(t,000 barrels Turpentine ' KING & .AIcMILL.\N. 5^ccontl DiTiiiioii ITIililia. Av Elootion for Major General of the 2d Division will be held on the 15th of Novem-^ ber, and Col. .fOHN WTNS1.0W of Cumberland, will he supported for tfart office. [30tB AVFED TO BOf^OW r for a term of five ycaroF, fp/4r"r"rlr €r#wd »ecuTity given. In- teres-t aatiaaTfy or semi-annually. Addret» letter t» A. B., and le»ve at this of fice. Juiw HO, 1851. 78-tf ASTITLV of Fresh OrouBd CORN 3IEAU kept for sale at the Mill, late Ander«on’»- GrinIing of Hominy and ^lenl dene promptly. Fayetteville, March 1851. 32tf PAID for TOUXG SEGROFS. t» J. & T. WjlDWLL. Sept. 25, 1851,

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