SEMI-WEEK LiY, M juFMjgix— aearasBCTMm as3mae»a*t36aa y I !■ II* T** ■ » IH'UI l'AYI”rii:VIM.K, N. C., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER C, 18.jl. [XO. aT.] |.|;|NTi:n l!V .1. li. NK'VliV. i:i)\v\i!i) J. ham; & sox, 1 ■ T. r.> AM' riiolMUKTOUS. .. .. . , s, I;!--\V,'ck1_v I >i:'K.!;v>;l! I (Ml it’ ■: ;> .'i.'o; :s 1 :>n ii j.aul iiur'yi}: the ’ ■ . i .j.;'!! n: "f >;■’> ulUTtlie ,VOar , , ■ I • V. Oi; , inri; 00 jk't amnnn. if . .ill,-.-: "'O it’ (hniiip tin* ^ ;■ rrii'tii'ii; i>r i>0 aJ’tor tlip vcar ■ ■ .vl • . ' iusortt*'! tor "ivty i-fiits , ■ ! tlio fii 't. iiiitl tliirty ci'iits fm- each iiul-'v Ye.-U’ly lulvi'rti-iciiifiits ■■ vrivK t'. lit r«'a.'"ti:ihlo r:itc!«. ,\1- :i'0 ri'iiui'stoil to tho luuiihor t>t' - ' -ii -' 1. thi'V will he erntimu'il till ■ , !i :ii'f>riiiiv-ily. 1 t ilu' mut he p..«t-|>ui'l. ;5:''ond Fall aud Winter Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hats, Cap.i, Slioes, Boots, Umbrellas, Bonnets, &c., for 1851. , ■ ll.I.l \M'' ’ivivo t' .iiini'Uiii'e .-% • r anil ail th —c vi-iliiiji ■ t \ tl ' 'Is either at wh>'f'iaU* or ■ t ; are now reeeiviii^ th»'ir ,e''"ii'l ' I .'1 ai'.'l \\ ii!t' r >'"1,'. whieh \v:'.! tte ; '...west j>v' t'>'V v:i>h, or ..u the usii- ■ ■ ""1 !' i y iir-ite the attoi;:i>'ii of ('‘' Uii- • Ii -r-, f.t i.iir lu-'v St"- k of fis we 1! ■■•1 we "tTi'r in.liit-eiueiit. UH- ! 1)V auv tt liolesale lioii-ie in this lowii. .V V, . •• ’'-M. ;’t;tf TUI sr satj:. Fnisi’ANT to the jTovisions i>f r l>cei! of rnit:t execiiteil to me hy I'.oh't ('oeliran. 1 will cxpoMO to sale iit puhlie Auetion. on Sa- Hinlay, the llth uf I>eoeiMher next, at the Mar ket llouNe in the town of l-'ayetu-ville. the iute- re.-t of the saiil I'oh't ('oehran in ami to :i Lot and iuiiu’ovcnients on the West side of (in>en Stn-et. near I'.ri les’s I’riilpe. nnd adjoining the resilience of Dr. Benj’n W. liohinson. Ti-nus niJiile known at sale. W. .). AM)i;r>St)X, Trustee. Fnyetteville. Oct. oO. 1S.")1. :?.")-ts m:\v MrsK\ /a’^HK I'ah. .\1tn AValt?, hy 1,. 11. -Whital^cr M. f>l' I'ayettcville; tlie Mary I’olkn, l>y do. I’x'th new jiiecos. Tor sale hv K. .1. llAl.i: & S(»N. HCt’TIh' Orticcr.^ of llio IMth llesrinient will svi]»]>ort. and respectfnlly veeoni- mend to the otlier Oflit i i-s of the l)ivisii>n. Co!. A. n. Mcl.i;.V.\ a.s ,T candidate tii till the ofJice of .Major (ieneral. made vacant hy tin' resi:na- tion ot (ien. McKay. Oct. -J'.'. IS.'.). ‘ oNK 'niorsAM) u.\rrs. \\'1N(! located ni_\si\f in Wilniin'^ton for the j'lirpose »if (haiip !>n Ajrcni-y Hnsi- ness. ]'ersi-ns w'lshin" to s;t\e time and money. V. ill tinil it to their intiT''St to send their pro- dnce ti the care of 1!. .''haw. and the rettirns ■will he forwarded forthwith. K(>im;i:h k .^h.\w. Wilminjrton. Oct. L’s. l.s-^l. "..'>-:!m nC7^ I ni: uii(lorsii:n*l w ill ip.akc* ';!>h ndv.anct”' on all I’roihicc for Shij'me'.it to New York, I II delivery "n hoar-1 an_\ li ^at at tin* wharf, or :i,t niv W.irchonscs at tl'.i' !aiidin;r. T. S. !.i T ! t:i:i.(>n. Oeti lier '2'-K ISol. E. €. IIAI.L, OF lui.Nu:, Swrrsisfir of ]ldfl, S n i ('• Co., 8S now receivin>r hi.s Kail STOCK of iOOl>S, consisting of a {general assortment of Hrv (ioods, Sjuidlerx. I lal.':, C’;ij)s. Shot's, 1 lartUvart', (Jroc('ri('s. -V much larger ami more fieneral stock than ever opened on tiie llast side of the Ca)>e I’ear — which he i.« jirejtareil an'l dctermineil to sell ' to piinctn.-d enstomers. cither :it wholesale or ; retail. :it ;rreatly redui-eil ]>rices. j (i-^V^llc would call jiarticnlar attention to his ; stuck of r>( )OTS .\Nl* The .-issortinent ' is nnnsnally larjre. and of »“very nn.ility :!iid ' style: and iiavinj; h»“en hmiirht for (.’asli, he can ; and will sell them Nery low. I Yon tiiat wish Ihirjiains will find it to yotir ■ interest to (rive the Stock an examination hefore i hnyinjr elseuhere. { .\Iwavs on hand, a general stock of iUOCl]- i I'.IKS. ■ I Oct. i;^. 1S.-.1. 1).\II>V (il'NI'.KAl, T O i) L S , make, hv A Oct. IS. 18-->1. :i2tf s.iortment of (' O O I’ 1'. II ' 1' till' he.>t mannfactnrers’ K. (’. IlAl.h, of 11.-me. :;-_'tf Art'V, ‘ll A: 4'o. fl AVI’ one piece extra tine 7 -I hlack I'rench ■ M Cl.ii'i’ti. to which they wi'uld call the ittention oi tt'.e piililic. Oct. lo, IS'.l. :'i!tf ])\ii>v i-:xi‘!u'rr:i). ToN. of li(«H* lli(>N. snitahle for Spirit harreis, liv K. C. ll.M.h FA1J>, 1851. .I.\Mi;S KYI.K fS now ree‘ivin^ a very large and general as sortment of mi\ Tnrchased h_v the Vackaire for C.\,‘>H. Those wishinjr to jinrch.-ise (Jooils at reduced ]irice.s, «ill (ile.ise c.all and exandne, as Ihir^ains may he expected. HOI/nXC ('l.OTIIS, Aiikcr l^raiid, from No. 1 to 10, nneommonly cheap. It:. l‘;ukai:-s BOUTS AND SHOES, eheajier than ever were for sale in this market. Oct. 1, IS.-.l. 28tf j I 0,0«0 SFOKTMI ~ \V.\NT!;i>. SuhsrriU('r has now one of the most extensive jind best assorted stocks i)oul)le and Sinirle SlloT (Jl NS. I’lSTOl.S of the most snpi'rior |Haiity,—('olt's liepi’atinfr and .Mien's l!evol\in;r, of every iinality.— Pow der Flasks. Shot and O.ime Hairs. Percussion ('a]>s of I'n^rlisli and I’rench m.ike. .Also, the most complete :issorti:!ent of (!nn tixtnre.s th.-it iias ever heen otl'ered in this .section of country. ■Vlso, Shot (inns, llilies and Pistols made to or'ler or repaired. liitles made to order. ;ind wai raiited to shoot from one to live hnndred _\:\nls. Air (Jun.-i made to order at short notice. To all of which the .‘ittention of Sportsmen and otlKis is ii-spectfuSlv inviteil ‘.M. A. i AKKil, Sii/ii "t the (!in>. Hay street, nearly o]’posite the .Marhle Yard, i'avetteville. N. C.. Oct. h, Is'il. 2Stf I'nniltf/rr, iSt. , -'I,, r is rei-.-iv in;j tin* hir_'est as- ' ':i I'ne ev,-r '.ef. re purt-liased -h. t" with his own m:in- . 1;..' .''t -i k vcr\ Complete. ci*n- A!.MANA('S. rB T I liN I'll S Noi th Carolina, and Klnm's » Farmer.-,' .-md Planters' .\ l.M ,\N AC.. just rvct iveil and for sale. whi>le>alc and retail. h\ K. .1. llALi: vX SON.' O- t. 1S’>1. roi{ saij:. *25,000''. l>ry uv»-rn;i.e "lO IIis. each. •• •• ]•_’ T. S. i.rn'iMM.oii. ()>'t"b»'r’)0, l.'^'il. ^ I,i>riiS. Ca-ssimeres. and Vestin'is. fcrs.nle %. I.y l.l’KTl-: .V JOHNSON. ■J Wot of C. F. Hank. Oct. IS. ISM. PriIll'SI»i* A: if liome. ;i2tf Oct. 1: Havana 'i;;aa*^. PKlNi lPK and Havana C1 (i A K.''. siiperinr t!a\ or. in ijnarter hoxi s. sale hy COOK iV .loilNSoN. . ISM. :’._’--w S I'ivWI rg’^iii; under.'i'.;iieil is Gl ordej> for Pa;:'''sci tent Circular Saw Mi!h MII.I.S. authorized to receive ■lelirated imjiroved Pa- and .''team Fn^ines. M s'v MFN'.'^ and lio_\s SA1>1)1.FS. oi'i very ipialitv and st\h'. s.'me very tine. Al- >, llridle-;. I'ojhirs. ^Vllips an 1 \\ a'jon li.irness. v K. t’. 11 A 1J-. of Koine. Oct. 18. 1>->1. "'-tf 75 K 1’. Il.''l!Y.''. ttinets. and P.Iankets. fir sale Uy l.I.KTF V .IMIINSON. ■J doMr." \Vest of C. K. Hank. I -iii - 1 ?.,■ s^.;d lime t- 1 >i-.]>T. :nl>, W a.'h "kilio t i t t.iries, \c. I the lowest term.s for pn(ictu;il cu.sT'inuTs. ir/// l/> /(*.■(//■(/ hi/ l!i= prsf /‘/SI III tin I'l" r, TONS of SWr.iil.S IltoN. hv F,. f. HA 1.1.. of I’.me. Oct. 1!. ••■•-'tf .lollN W. llAKFll. ■>tf .;rsr ii!:('i:iV!:i). 'Srw 1-all and IViiiIrr iiood«. '9^ ' N \ P.r i;t llle.-ndietl and FiihleJiched Sheetiii'j:'', for snh‘ hv i.Fi’.ri: .loiiNsoN. •J doors W e-t of C. F. Hunk. ^'T0l.l0.. Travellinjr and Packing Trunks for sale hv l.FFTF .V JOHNSON, ■J doors West of C. F. Ihink. 1 eceivin^r his Fall nir in ]i:irt o[‘ ,t.i- T ill (h'.f: 9 4-. F '' A - , -noiT IS now : 111 .ids. c.>n>ts ■. I'l v li II ds. selec'cd hv himself . nipi isiIIJ' .ill the tashinual'.e , t .r la ’’I '■ faj and winter wear. -. I assiiiieres. Twi-e'ls and .ieiins. ■ n ' \'ear. : ot' l’,....t .tn.l Shoes of »‘vc- H.t:-. C.ip. l>oniict>. and I m- •. P.ed and ,\. ;rro Pd.iiikets, Ker- . ' .•S. .ind a '.rrea! variety of other ■M.-h '• i'Mie - 111 very cheap. C.iM ! \ iiirstdve'-. it shall cost nothin/ W. S. I.VTTA.' f>r S(tf(. unl SIntjt for III III. T “ l.s r flMltlv llsoil .-Hl'l Slin]) nc- •.icil 1)V Mes.'vs. Mahler .X; Schwart/.. on lit. .are t. r sale and rent. Iininedi.ite !! _i\en. It presents a rare h.anee for Ulacksaiilh. ■i-lleut .■^tili Worm for sale, ad.ipted to .''f!i An earlv a]>plic!ition will se- ■ r'.ra in. COOK v't Jon.NSON. ■, l''ol. oti-.'jw Orni»;H'sl Oranf£i'sl S\\ KF.T oll,\N(iFS. new crop, •lust recl'ived and tor sale Kv CIJAS. KVNK.'i.' ;{i’.-lm IS OOT. .\N1> SIIOKS. Sole and I pj'er Lea ther. for s lie hv I'p.r.TK Johnson. J doors West ot C. F. Maiik. d Piii)r;.ry \1M>I.I.S and P>ridles. W.i^oti W hiji.'. for .'ale liv l.KFTF ,V JOHNSON. J doors We»t ot F. Hank. No'l'K'i:. ^rp..''l' WT to :in order if the last ('.mrt of Pleas and i,inarter .''C'sions of Cumher- lan'IcouutN. the undersigned will sell at ihe Markct House in Fayetteville, on .MoTidiy ol next Superior Court week. l.eiu'.r the lnth day ot'the month, a NK'HtO M AN n.amed l)ick. he- lonjrinj; to the estate of Mr-. Mar;raret P^ay. de ceased. Tcnn^ ma.'- known at s.-ile. M. C. l,\^10^'^. Commi'-'ioner. October S. IS.-.l. o'i-t> 1)\!LV r!:i). 4 (.KNFIIAI. AS.oi:TMF.NT of IIOI.I.OW- .\ WAlIl'. hv K. ('. IIAI I., ot P.ome. • •ct. P's. l''‘>l. ;'ijtf m.inut'actnre l in H iltiniore. which h.ive heen pr-inounced hy eonipetent judges superior to all other .Mills. The tiuilders assert a mill id' this kind with lo horse en^rine. will s.iw m. re plank than any two u]' and ilown saws ever ope rated with, and ^o it better. (’all on tlie subsciihcr. at the F. W. I’hink Hoad (iltice, who will jrive any intormation re- ipiired. JOHN M. IMSF. Fayetteville. Oi-t. 1, 1'^'1. i;s.ff 'i'hv has het'Si tiifttfrl rilllF Subscribers h avin^ -^obl out their old .“^tock ot, havt' tlu' plc.isure nou of saviiij' to tluir frien N. that they are now ojien- ini: an enthe Ni'.’t\ S'l'ot'K of l>2IV (4t>01>S, IIAIiDWAKl-: C Tl'Ll'JiV, HATS AND SHOES, rori'rivs of at I .Vll of w'lich e will sell low t.>r 'ash. or ex- chanjre Ibr :iny kind ot (’c.nntr;, or to punctual eust'.mi-rs on time. CooK \ TAYI.OH. •_Mtf .slept. l!J. l^'il riox Clolhnig: Ciofiiinf/: (iW receivii;;^. d'r' i-t from New ^'ork. a su perb lot of (’ 1.1 )'!’H 1 N;. ma'le up in the 1 .\Nl>I.i;.''. — •■P.itent. Pearl, and Fayette ville Mould. ” for sale bv l.Fl’.TK A JOHNSON. •J d'lor- W (-t of C. F. Hank. 1 FT I’At’K.'' and .\m«iiean Hivet*. for sa.e by ] F.F'I F. .V .loHNSON. ‘2 doors W..-t ..f C. F. Hank. Korl>: isltntft 0'ttsshttrrf‘s. [T F h.ive oil hand a line stock ot 'i.’endid a"='inieres. manufactured ;it II- • Ic Is- l.ind. MecklciibnriT county. N. C. Pei’soi.s wish ing; to bu_v at wii or ri't.ail. will plc.-i e call aU'! exaUiine tiicse ‘joodr: thev are worth iinr at. - I-: tlu ( I >o K \ : ( >rt. 1.''. T^.'.l. T,\Yt.oIl. B I. NCKSMITIIS HFI.l.nns. .\nviN. Vises. Sciew Plates, and Hamnier'. I'or .■>alo by l.KFTF .V .11 HINSON. We-f of C. F. Hank. B gjot'i: !in.i IS:.!.'; lilt and H:ii:;:iii;r 1 wine. ja lor sale bv B 1 UOli’ I. b- Mi'ixni’j.i., ■V /*"(/•, (iilhsjili ' I ■> s on hand a supply of n- I, l‘'l'Mir. Suojir, (’i)ffi (', Tea, i|i. «'niillc.', Cnttnii ^ anij ('ntiorv, ('r>!( k; ry, and (ila'ssvaro. —.\ L.'^i)— of!;_Mi and T>om('stic Ll- • ii -r- Western and N. C. Whis- \j.lile and Peach lirandy: .1 anniie.i ..r. Holhin liin; Wines of litlerent !r ve been purchased low for ' '.vi-hinj: t i pui'(hase will do well piireliasiii;.' (dsewhere, d. .■lil-.'lm ih)'i'i:L I'oii s.mj:. ;’ieiicc of ill health, the subscriber ‘ tor >ali- that ijesirable Hotel, sitnnted > .llth Fast corner of th‘ Coni t House '' . ill Fayette% ille. The m.iin huildin^r F'^irloi-. d;niii;:-room. and nine bed- w ,lairs, and three above st.airs. suf- ’ . lar-e to contain eomfortahly three beds 111 tlii: buildiii'jr. there are ei^ht tire- Tie buiMiii'^ on fireen street. :itt.idied iiir:-:i Ibiti ’i. ciiiitaiiiH a b:ir room and three I be’; w' stairs. :ind two iihove. There liv.' t;!'e-pi:ii-r ill Hiis building, and the !' 1 eh.w are hir;_M. eiK)u;;h to contain two I rh. I lure are oii the preniises all the ry onfdmii'-e-. ...ii.l st;,i,|,.^. ,vell id' ■ii’ water. 1 he ^•■.'•di-u and lot contains f all aci-e Hill] a ipiarler of land. proximity of thi.-- Ilotid to the Court • also to the business part of tiie town, pleas.iiitni'SS of the neijrhborhnod. ren in, -t desirable situation to one dis- ' i in the business of kee]iinjt a. l! 'lesircd. the [lurcha.ser can >ie aceom- 1 with ten or fifteen heils and furniture. II }ii\en on the 1 tit .lanu.irv IH'i'J. JOHN STFWAHT. ' 1 K.>1. ;]t>-‘2m w i; arc r«‘(jH‘st‘(l to annomicr •billN M()|{ISO.N, of .Moore county, 1 li'late fur the office of Major fleneriil id' I' . ■ .11 of North Carolin.-L .Militia. l.F.F.TK V JOHNSON. li floors \N i*st i-t t'. F. Ihink. .\('oN, I.ard, and Flour, for s.ile by LKF.TF ,v JoHNSiiN, ■J doors W «-st of c. F. P.ank. Hol.K. h.ilf and 'luartcr Hb's. and w iiole and h.ilf Kits .Mai:'verel: also, hall bbls. .''had, for sale bv I.F.KTF. .y JOHNSON, - doors e^t of C. F. H.-mk. TO riiK prni.ic. sub.'criher has leased for a term of vears. of 1!. W . Hrown. F.sip. hi'tire-proof Store, with his W Inn ves. :ind is now in a condi tion to t.ike especial care of .''pirits Turpentine !ind other Niival .''tores connnitted to his care. The W:irehouse is well known to be the Ix'stand safest place in town for tlie storafre of I?acon, hard. Corn. Peas. \e. The low er wharves ha ve on them four larjre nt'w sheds, w here Spirits chu be safely kept from the rain JUid sun. He is J.repared to receive and ship, >r sell, all kinds of produce sent to his care. He will also make ad\.'inces wlu-n required. He bejrs to refer to the following :entlemen; II. \y. Hrown, .lolin Hawson, (►, (I. Parsley ami 'I'hos. 11. Wright. Fsjs. .MILFS COSTIN. lirown’s wharf, Wilmington, N. Sei>t. lli. 21-V A f'at/rllcrlllt: Jlotel, I’ VVK’ffFA'II.I.E, X. C. fJlHlShir^'e Iind splendid Huihlin;.'has now M. been in sncces-^fnl ojicr.ation since .Ma^’ Idinir and Furniture ot all kinds is new. and the rooms conv«*nient and jileasant. The Table is always furnished witii the hest tho market affords, aided by a fine vegetable frarden. Hoarders, Lodjiers, and Trav(;llers will find de sirable acconimod.'itions and attentive servants. No ]>ains will be spared to j:ivc entire satistac- tion. Families can he furnished with lar^e. airy, front double riKinis, eunveniently and hand somely tnrni.shed. ,\n Cx|)*Tience of *20 yearn will enable the les see, she holies, to give general satisfaction. ANN P.P.OWN. Jiine 1, 28-tt LKSSOXS IN MTSIC. Jll. WHITAKKR would respectfully in- form the citizens of F’avetteville and vi- ji,I.oFcIIS iitid PloU'.'h Castinirs. Corn Shell- (’iihi\ators, Str.iw t'utters, and .'■pin- nitii: U heels. 1'. C. II A I.L, of Home. ol’tf Oc l>i. is.-.l. V\ atcli(‘s 'I'Ik' Siihscrilx'r repectfnlly informs the ]iuh- lic. that he has just return ed from (he North, with a fine assortment of (iold and Silvei W TC I! FS; (b.ld Ftb. Ciiiard X Vest Chains; (ioiii. .'Sliver. .'Steel and (iilt Ke\s; Hreast Pins; Far P.injrs; Finger Hinjis; (iold, .''ilver. .''teel and Shell Spectacles; Oold and Silv«>r i’ens and Pencils; (Jold and ,'^ilver Thimbles; Hracelets; Pockets; tlold and .'silver i’elt Hnckles: Sleeve Hiittous; (’lasps; .'silver Cups ; M usie P.oxes. Sib ,er Fruit and Hutter Knives; Port-nioneys; Pur ses: a tine assortnuMit ot’ N\ alking ('aues: Plated Cake Haskets and Castors; a lai;:''assortment of lino and common ,\**cordv'ons; \ iolins: 1* Intes; Fifes; .''urve\ors’ Compasses; Chains; .Mathema tical I nstrum*‘iits; Ladies’ Work lioxes: tine and cojnnion double and single b.-irrel (lun^; Pi'tols of everv v.iriety; tl.ame Hags; Shot Pouches; j powder Flasks: I’erciission ( ajis; Hog t ollars and Calls; fine Pocket and Pen Knives; Scissors; I'a/.ors: Nei'dles; Chessmen and lioards: H.iir. j Tooth, Nail. Father and Flesh Ihiishcs: .Note I Paper: Knvelojie.s: and a great variety of Fancy Itioods. Ahii'W, I'jH/hf mnf f h S. T’urchasers will give me a call. OCTC'locks. Walchcs and Jew elry neatly Hepaired. \V. PllloP., Hay street. Sept. -J, 1S.',1. ‘lH-:;m most fashionable style and of the best materi.-ils. coiisistiiiL' of black and tirown Frock :ind I>ress Coats; ('loth Overcoat': ('assimere Pants, seve r'd varieties: f.mey 11 en.'i.liiie .'^iM;. Satin .and Twilled Silk \'psts, ,\I1 of whiidi will be sold lower than !in_\ coiieern of the kind in to\vn. and it not as repi-es(‘nted. the money will be r«‘rnnd- ed. (’all and sre. .\ further addition to the Stoek is daiU I'xpecfe l. ;ind due notice will be "■ivv n. (>ne dci.r Last ot ('ook \ l:i\lnrs. J. SMlTl'l \ ( (). Sept. l.'s.'.l. '-’Itf riu. t\i) \ii\ti;r ciioii;;. ^ MT" F are now j'l Stock. COII.^ b,-i-tio;i of ilar(lwar(‘ r.inl (’uth'rv. Saddlery, LeathtM', llats and C'aps. Hoots and Shoes, Iron. Sled and Xails, and Stapit' Drv (Joods, With a large .Stock of GROCERIES, BAGGING, ROPE, &c. Persons visiting this tn.irket to purch.-ifO at In-lcsale or lletail. would do well to give ns a call. J. vS. T. W AliMl.L, Hay street. Se])t. ‘J'J. 1'''”>1. ‘JItf MCW (^OOI)S! I H FAF.r STOCli. OFGOO?>S is i»ow ready for inspection, oonipri>*ing an vaiietv. (;uoci:mi:s. Loaf. rru.“hed. T’owdered, Clarified nnd com mon Sug.ars: Kio. l.aguira. Mocha. Java and .Maricabo t'oflee: I’ort, .Madeira, ( hamjiaign ami ('ooking U'incs; pure and innlation French Hran- d_v; Holland (iin: Chani|..'iign Cider: N'o. 1 .\lack- erel; .Salnmn .•iiid .Smoked Herrings: Hoxes F:in- ey Candy and .Sug:ir Plntn.';; Starch: Saleratus: Farina for Puddings; Scotch .''iiufl: lla'/jird Co’.« and iJnpont’s Powder; Soap td' all kinds: Sperm. Adamantine and Tallow Candles: Pepper; Spice: (iinger; Nutmegs; Cloves; (.'innanion and .Mace. cuoc ki:ky, china and (;lass-\\ AUi:. .\ large assortment of White fJr.-inite. fhcwed atid light Hltie :ind Mulberry W.-ire: common Liverpool W.-ire. a good assortment: plain and fancy llilt and White China Te.a .Sets; one white China l»inncr Set; white and gilt Ihiwls; Coflee Cujis. iScc. ('nt. ju'cssed and ]il:iin Tnndilers; AVine and •lelly (Hasses: Ciob!»‘ts; Ueeantcrs; Howls: l>ish- es: I’itchers; .S.-ilt-cellars. \e. iiritaiinia W.are; 'I'ea and rofi’ee Pots and T'rns: Sugar Howls: Jngs: Candlesticks; Ca.stors; S))oons; Ladles; Mugs. &c. FrUNIsmN(r (JOODS. Hou^ekee]iing Ptensils of all kinds: Hrown and P.le.'ii'lied bamask 'I'able Cloths and .Nap kins: Oil i'loth Table Covers: Toweling, a varie ty: 10-1 Linen anl Cotton Sheeting: Curtain (l.)ods; W.dl and W iniiow P.aper; Fluid and Lard j Lamps 'Vaiters: Hrooias :uid Jirnshes of all ' kinds; Hr.iss .-11111 Common .\mIirons; Shovels and | Tongs: Fenders; P.rass and lr.n-boimd Pail.'; j .Sets Table Cutlery, and m.-iny other useful ar- \ tiele,^ too numerous to mention. (\\uim:tin(;. yards Carjieting—P.russtds, snjierfine ;nid fine Ingr.ain |.atterns. to suit a variety ot tastes; Hugs ;>nd Floor (>il Cloth; Wool-mixed and .)nte I)oor .Mats. (LOrillNd. ■\ general stock of Heady-made CL(>TH1NI. —Clo.'iks. (Ivercoats. l>ress and Frock Coats. Sael-s. i'aiits and \'esls, including an assortment of Hovs Chithing; Miislin Shirts; Wool. Merino and .s'ilk I'ndershirts; Collars; Stocks: Suspen ders; (;!oves, \c. Centlcinen will find a coiu- jilcte outfit. —ALS('>— I’.lankets: Hed Ticks; (Jeorgia Plains: bleached and brown .shirtings; Hosiery: Linseys; Cassi- meres: 1’weeds; Oil (’l.iths; India Hubbcr Cloth: Letter. Cap :ind \''iai>]>ing Paper; Portfolii s: Port.'ib'e W ritiu'Z Uesks: Note Hooks: Fancy W ork Hoxes: Looking Cilasses: Smif^ Pioxes, \c. 1(1 c.ises iissorted Honnets. In •• •• .Shoes. 1(1 boxes ('otVee Mills. 1 c.-ise ;i";s.irteil Cndirrllas. •Jo pad.;agi's prngs and Hyes. ■Jl) boxes W indow (Hass. 1 (i(» kegs ('lit Nails. I 1(» •• Wrought ditto, and Spikes. ; .')(! bags .''hot. Har Le;id. ! OOiM) ('ig.ars. 1(1 boxes Imperial Te;i. 2 chests tine Hvson Tea. 1 •• •• Hlack •• Half-boxes Fresh Haisins. Ill iinr >ii rniii/ !‘fiii'i/ ii'i/f III' IduuiI— A heavy st' v;U of HAPvKW AUF ANl> Cl'T- LF.H^ - I'^nives and Forks: Pen anil Po’ket Knives: I'ouble and single (inns: Files: T.niners' Knives: H.'iml .Saivs; Planes: H.iminer.s; Hatch ets: Axe-;, a gooil assortment. iXc. .“ic. ( ountrv MercliaTits and others are in vite.I t'> cx.'imine a .'■^tick w hich, tor variety and excelhnce. (dialletigcs competition. Tlie Coods will be .sohl for Cash, or on time for good ].aper. S. W. T1LL1N(;IIAST CO. Sept. IS'M. -"tf STIviM muui WORKS. Corner of Norlli and Monument Slroets, rSalliiiioro, .'▼Id. ^ITS.soN N: HA!P.I> Imving completed their ex- tensive work.^. (which is now one «f the largest establishments f>f the kind in this coun try.) !ire ]'re]\nred to till all orders in their line, vi'/: ."Vlartlc .Mantels, lloiinment;:. Tomb.s, Grave stones, 'I'able Tops,Tile»!, (for flooi-s.) Marble I.etters, tCc., at as reason.-ible rates as be had in this or any other city in the I’nion. For iH-'acty of execution and origin.-dity of de sign. their sto;*k cannot he surp.issed. They would respectfully invite A id:ih rlx, llniUU rx, Ctil.imt MiikiTK and others to c.'ill and examine befori* purchasing. They are also jirejiared to furnish the trade with Sla')s, IMoeks, iJce. to or- 1 der. All orders hv mail punctually attended 'liH-lm I-iiicotirasc* J^oullicrn .lle- rainF Sul isi-ribers re'spectfnlly announce to the citi/ens of Fa\etteville and the .'»iir- rotinding conntrj'. that they ha ve commenced the 'arriau«* -Makiiix ISn*«i 1 .\t the old .Stand formerly occnjiied hy Simiison \ McLauf'hlin. ^'.ne iloor below ,\. ,\. McKe- than's.) where they are now prepared to maiiu- ^ faetnr(“ to order all kinds of !!II>1N(I \ l ltl- ' Cld'^.S. a Sulkcy or P.nggy to a nine-i>as- ' senirer Coach, which, for style and durability. S shall not be surp.'issei’. )iy :iny esta'oVishment in i the ]iiace. ! 'i'l.ev Itojio. by a stri -t attention to business, and a desire to please all vvh.i mtiy favor them with a c.'ill. to merit a sh.-ire of public }>atronage. I'li' H1!P.\11MN(! neatly executed at short notice, and LOWFH any other establish ment in the jilace. THOMAS V. M'HITF. Jl NIPS H. HAHOTFAl'. F.iyetteville, Fi'b. 17. IS.')!. o'.ttt CaiTia>(‘Manufactory. II. a. HALL, Faffetterilie I'omt tit'ff. CASTIN>i.' OF KVFIIV l>KS(’lUPTloN MADE- TO 015 UKH .V lo*' nf H;«hV>et .Metal for s.ile. Winslow street. Sept. 1. IS-H. 1S\ T)()HN 1). W IL!.IAMS, S'orscartfin^ Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. 1*>, l>'”iO, K. Al. FflRW.VRI)I\(i r()M1IISSIC.\ )1I:R(’II.I\T \t Fayelievitlo, C. March 10, *.2-tf T. C. WORTH, ro.iniissiiix .v\i) fukwakimm; Mi;i»fnA\Tr \V1LMIN(; rON, N. c. F(>b. 1. IS.'.l. .',7tf SAVAGE MI:aREH, Commission and Forwarding Rler' cliants, Y Wh.MIVC'TOX, N. sc:(vrr ualdwin, xsors fo Srnf/^ ]\ntt S' VdsliUmaJne Mrrrfianf l'tiIoi's\ AXD nKM.K.nS IN' Gentlemen's Clotliiii^. KeatiV-niade, OF THE FinsT (^rAf.lTT. -\lso, a comjiletc assortinetit of fients’ HllFS.s C.( >Ol)S. .Tfarlif't Sti'fd, Wilmington, i\\ (’. .'li'iyjxl Jl LM S ScOTT". ^ >. S. H M.PW-.N. \ Jan. 1^), I!-;-'.]. JOMlPi! R. BUISMni. « KU A I. von anh FORWARDING MERCHANT, li*ff/i#iifiS^r»i», .1*. C'. I’rompt jiersonal attention eiven to all Consigniuents. and Cash advanct-s m.-ide on Mer- ch.andlsi* to b»‘ shipped or sold in this jnarket- Feb. 1, 1S-')I. ''Ty ]:. TOOMKU, ^ €'ommisHion €mft Forirard^ iHg tilerehatit, WII.MJNOrON, N. C. P.efer to IT. llnmson & Son, 1 e, \. .\. McKethan, i Fell. 1iH'il. ’y I^HF. Subscriber having taken the F.stablish- ei\ingonr F:ill atel \\'inter ting of a ver\ general se- (jlooih. rB^IlF. .Subscriber is now receiving a large ail- ditioii to his .Stoek. consisting of Dr\ (ioods. (iroccrit's, Crockc'rv, llarduaro. Hats, C’aps, lioots and Shoos. —also— lIollii\v-AV;iit‘, li(\itlit‘r, Wiinliiw Tibiss, Wliiti' Jii'ad. ('lioesc, M;K'k(“n’l, | (’(•ilti.'ii. I'cc. I'v.'c. I'i'c. Which he of^'ers on reason-ible terms. He offers for sale a large stock d' Foreign and Domestic LIQUORS, viz: ojiposite W. .Mclnryrc’s .Store.) intends eanying Oil the Carriage AIanufiiclnrin;.r I’.usinoss In all its various branches, and would respect- | ^ fully sol'icit a share of the public ]>atronage. liavintr had considerable exjierience in the business, and having been employed in some ot’ the most e\tet\s've!ishments in New \ u-k and New Jeix-y. he tl.itters himself that he can give gencr.'tl satisfaction. He warr.ints all his work to he made of the >)i'st m.' the surrounding country .-ifloi-ds. and by ex]ieri«'nced workmen: ami should any ot'it tail, either in material or workmanship, in twelve months from the tinie of its delivery, he will repair it free of ch.'irge. g-r£f'’ItFP.M KIN> done in the neatest and hest nninner. and at the lowest ]iiiss!hle ^trices. A. II. WHITFIFLI). Fayetteville, Feb. 11, 1S.*>((. 7tf Fall & Winter for 1851!! Fushiotnthtc .flrrctiaiit JUilorinij AND KE\i)v-’*niii: niiTinM; EsTAni.isinitM. \\ ii,KiNS()N ksja:u, DF.ALEP.s rx Co)i f'l rtioiiari/, /•'nrriifii Fruits, To^ hnrm, iiitil Siii'Jfy AN1> IMPOIITFP.S OF !Sl I'KKIOR II CIGARS, AT AVITOT.F.SALV. AM» RFT.ML. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, 1 Sol. lltf loo bbls. Whiskey. .'lO •* .\p]ile P.randy. 1(1 •• choice ••old .Nash.' 10 *• old live Whiskey. vears old. SC'OTT iV ]iAIJ)WIN, 'WiliiiiiiStoii, V., A F opening direct troni their Manufactory. :ind from newest importations, a large as- sortnu'nt of (ieiulemen's Wi'arins Apparel. comprising every varii'ty of Husiness and Dress (’„ats,—Pants beantifnlly cut, newest style and best xvorkm;inshi]).—Vests, a numberless variety -■0W:, - His stock of FttKFKiN Ll(»l’Ol5S w(>re .s.- (d pattern.s. finest and medium i|ualities. Al.«o. ected with care and are of superior .jnality. every style of I nder (iarment worn by Ceiitle- I’hev consist of 'lualities and most approve.l cinity, that he has ag.ain cfiinineiiced givinji Lcs- ]). II! .HvIAdin'iu A P>F now receiving a large and general as- sortment of iSTAIM.E AND FANCY I>R1 CiJOODN, HAKDW AKIO ^ CU'FLKRV, nooT?^ a:\d —ALSO— 7-’i hags Kin. Ia};uir!i and Java Coffee, 10 hhds. Sngar, 7o jiieces Cidton P>apging, r.() coils Hale Hojk* 100 kegs Nails, assorted, S tons .Swedes and Iron, ")flO sacks Liverpool Salt, With Loaf. Crushed, Powdered and Granulated Sugars; (ireen Tea; Pej>per; Spice; (linger; Powder; Shot; l>ar Lead; 'I’able Salt; P»!ir and Fancy .SfKijis. With a great variety of other articles, to wliitdi we invite the attention of pur- A. .V. McKf^TirAA fcj^TILL continues to carry on the f'AHRl.M>K j Hl'SlNF.SS, in all its iiranchef*, at the OLD j ST.\ND. He rctuniL't thanks for the i>at-I roiiage be h:is heretotori* received, and hojies, ] by .'Krict attention to business and a desire to , ^ give entire satist.-iction, to merit a continuance | nf the s.ime. _ j H.'iviiig recently increas'd his luisines?', hr i '■ li.'is on hand a very tine as'jortment of | I C.’ari’iaircs, l>arou(‘)i('s, ; ] Kockaways, and Snlkovs, j F’lnished, :ind a very large assortment f>t Work j partly finished, which, for eleg.-ince ot shajie anxl ! I finish, win. compare with any other work. Pcrson.'i wishing to rmy, would tlo well {o c.'iIT I and examine the work, as he is ih'ti'rinined tv I sell L(>W for cash, or notes on short time, j fhir All W'( rk warranted for twelve inonth?. i and repaired free ot charge, should it tail by bad Workmanship or material. j taitlitully execu- I ted at short notice, on'very masf^r.aWe teim.>*. 1'avkttkvillk, Skpt. 'I'l, FOR rili: KAIiMKKS. gJTR.\W CFTTP'KS. Corn SHellers. FTarrows, Ploughs and I’loiigh fixtures ol ditlerent lei The; ••( iod.'ird” Pir.'indy. "Otard” do. ‘•Hennesey" do. ‘Old London liock" ditto. Holland (iin. .lamaica Hum. Irish \\ hiskey. .Madeira Wine, sni'orior. .Sherry do. do. Vort do, choice, (very fine.) Sicily Madeira do. _iNr;r-.\ss— Chamjiaign Wine, d’ “Heidsick' ai»4l otfeer favorite brands. Sparkling Hock, in ]iints and (tnartn. Still llock. do. do. T/ondou Porter. Bri^All kinds of Prodtico liottjrlit at tlio ^Lirket price in exchange for Cioods. W . DKACOHON. 1 S-^hn .ons'o’.i the Piam.‘ F^rte. He returns-his thanks ! whole^«,!e or retail, as low as any for the liberal patronage lu'-etofore receivef,. and hiunlily .solu-its a continuance of the same. .\11 pains shall >>e taken for the adva.iicemeut of 1> I I • II . his pupils. Il‘ i>(i'toH *\CtUl(MnY .S C/OllC'C- 1 Instr(tction also given on the Guitar. ■ 1'hull'll Nliisic. .V new supply, just re- Pianos tuned and repaired in the best ' ‘“'1'"1 de hy ‘ manner. L. II. W’HITAKKU. E. .r. HALF, X .«OX. j Angu'jt 21, 1^50 aitf other Itouae in she place. D. & \V. McLAnilN. Oct. f), IH-'A.. II.MU FOR IM.ASri'’.KLVG, jOOU w*Iu t>.v Oct. 1, 18ol. For sale by J T. V/AT)DTLL. 27 tf patterns, &c. itc. Oct. 1, IS.'.I. HA(:()N~\NI) PORK. T| AC li^’TVRK olfer.9 for sale .Sept. 1. 1S.’>1. Marble Factory. cut:—and we would call particular attention to our riU iil )'"/>■>■ Shirt, the best fitting gar ment worn: and also the new and beautitiil style of Drawers, sohl only bv (Uirsclves. I.y THE l>i!KSS undhs /,/A'/,', xve are prcjiared t-o sho'.\ nj> a most sjilendid assortment of ('ravats. Scart.s, Cloves, Susi>enders, Night Caps. iS:c. iS;c., in all a complete variety, hitest stvle. 'on; .1//,'/.•(7/. 1-vr tmj.ouixc in:- IWHilHST is conducted by Cutters of eminent skill, and all our work got up in the In-st style j.ossihl.;. Cr'at tittcntion paid to the newest and most. a]‘proved fashions, as w e ]>nt ourselves in ])ossession of tho niontWy i’.eports, dipcot from Paris and New \ork. C.entlemen vi.«iting Wihwngtf>» xv'41 fiml it unite to their ailvantage to call and oxaaiine our .Stock. Terms Cash, a'el all (loods soM at fair I'rices. SCOTT v\: HAI.UWIN, Market st., Wili;tington, N. t'. September 2’J. lS-i1. 2t-tt rSKFl L liOOKS.^ ANLFTT'S AHCHITKCT; .Uierk-on Car penters' New f'luide; Carpenters’ .V.ssist- N. n. STARIU CU% Troff^ ,1'etr l*orh'^ [RON FOrNDKli AND ^lAriflNl.ST, M(i» n f 'K tnn r nj Sttmv M!Ha nnd Ilnlh .Milf (triiri'nJ fif III! l.'inJs, Ploii'jli!^, d’C. f ■'^IIK undersigned, as the ,\gent of the above JL KstaMishiucnt, will order tiny articles vvhich may be wanted, on ;ipp1ication to him. The Steam .Mills mannfactnred hy Mr. Star- buck have t>een tested, and are highly apploved- on the Pliink Hoads ab«uit Fayetteville. F[>W D LFF W INSLOW'. F.iyettoville, S(>pt. 4, !■'.'»I. I’Otf Tin A* Sheet-Iron \l*are MAiVUl ACTORY, AT WiT(TlK.'^A1,H and KKTAIL. r. T. OLD ESTAP.LLSIIFD TIN AND SHFKT-IUOX w \im: .m.vm f.vcT(»kv IS IIF.MOVKD to the South-Fast Corner of .Market Si(U;ire. ready with the nc-cess;iry machinerv and niatei’ials for makitit' I AcfOKV I)[{r.MS & c.\xs, .\nd to do all kind of work nf Factories. Also, UOOFlNCi. or rTF,UlN;. and all kinds of .lOHHlN* ■, done on notK-e, and by ex perienced v.orkmen. A constant supply of TIN keyit on hand, at Whnle>»ale ,•^nd lv(‘i.-sil. Country .Merchants and Pedhirs can t)0 .‘•tijijilicd at the very lov^est prices. f’. W. ANDUFWS. Sept. 2^, 18-',0. V Vertical Water' IVhrtl. HKItTj xw st'veval liundrwl of these Wheels in operation in dift’erent counties in North Candina. For jiroof of their great a.lvantagcs over the common flutter wheel, or any other wheel?'HOW in use for saw mills, we confidently refer to those who have :ipjdied them to their mills. We can recommend them jartictuarlv tor their -tiiK-riority in cases d’ a low head of water, or back water. Wc Still keep.! a snp)ly of ^Vheel.s. .suitable for ditlerent heads of water, at Wilmington. New- bcni. Washington, Kdenton and Fayettvville. The wheels may also 1h> h«id of E. A., Lincolnton. and L’riah Wells, Petersburg. Va. Per'-'ons wishing to olitain the right to nsc the Avheels, will he 'rrved on application to J). .McNeill'\ (‘"o., Favotteville, N. (’. D. McNKILL. A. McKKTH.VN. D. J. Mc.UJSTKH. Fet.’v 22, 1840; r,(,-tf T' ant and HuTal .\rchitect; Sh:iw s Uiiral Archi tecture: Miuifee's .Mechanicul Dr:iwinff Hook; Mahan's Civil Kngineering; Gille.'*pie on Itoads, 4th Kditioii; ^leclninics’ 'I ext l>ook; .Mechanics Own ISook: P.nilder's C-.mpanion: Miller and j Millwright s; Cal.inet Makev and L p- , 1 holsterer's Comp.'inion: D^v er and O.lor .Maker’s f VTOrKS 0X1 Free-MaSOliry. Companioiu and .^tlier works ol sin+ilar w. & T. W,\I)T>TLL. 27 tf 13 hhds. Bacon Sides, lo hhds. Hacon Shoulders, 1 hhd. do. Hams, 10 bbls. New Mess Pork. —ALSO— 1 tierce Clean Hice, .•) half bbls. No. 1 Mai:Ucrcl, I-') half boxes Raibins. Liberty I’oint, August 26, IBal. IG-tf By GEO. LAUDER. TWO DlinRS ABOVE lIAIfill & SON'S STORE, Fayetteville, IV. C, Jan y 20, 18.')1. _ ^-lYpd KYirWHISKEY. NTlTHFH lot of Williams’s Old Rectified IIVE WIllSKEy, just received. ter and utility. For sale by J?. J. IIALt; & -SON. Oct.'>f>er 2G, IS-')!. > A Oct. 1, IHol so,ooo J. & T. WADDTLL. 27tf July 1. LBS. RAGS WANTED, by II. BR.VNSON & SON. 78tf TOBACCO. A GOOD STOCK on hand; and T shall re ceive regularly, from Messrs. J. Jones & Co’s Factory, ijnalities assorted from commnn to very fine, vvhicli 1 will sell at lo -est muuufac- tnring prices. J. UTLEY. Fayetteville, .\pril 3, Ifcol. COtf Burning Fluid and Cnmj)hirtc. Burning fluid at so cents per gallon. Camphine at 50 “ ‘‘ Both of the best quality, coustantly on band ....ltv.r.ak'1... IlIXSllALE. EW Masonic Trestle-Bonrd. adapted to the Work and Lectures, as practised in tha ri*x^rt>s CHnpterr. Conncil.?. and Fncam).mentH of Knijfht Temphirs in the Inited State.s, by Chas. W. Mof're. The Fre»-MHson’s IMannal, a companion for the inhi«ted through all the degrees of .Masonry J)V Her. K. I. Stewart. The True .Masonic Chart or llieroglypLio Monitor, by J. L. €’ros;». The Free-Ma.son’s Monitor, containing a dc lineation of the fundamental pnnci]>Ies of Frec- Masonry, operative and speculative, well in » religious as a moral vi*w, by Z. A. Davis. For sale by E. J. HALE ^ SON. .May 31. 74 Ulanks of all khids^. For Siilo at this Office.